#this season just proved to me that they’re better as a friends or fwb
nikkiruncks · 2 months
Had a convo with someone on instagram about Nikki/Nate, and I’m just so anti the idea of them as endgame that it’s not even funny.
To me, the only thing they even have is sex and nostalgia. Nikki and Nate still want different things in life, and they both seem passionate about it. I know Eric and Donna had that kind of disagreement as well, but it seemed like Donna was moreso scared of them ending up like her parents and idea of it not working out rather than being realistic. But Nikki just seemed to want to keep her options open, but she knows not every relationship in high school lasts.
I can see the argument of them finding that common goal, like how Eric and Donna did, but I can’t see that happen with Nikki and Nate at all. It just comes off idealistic to me personally.
Even taking out the fact that Nikki and Nate have different goals in life, their relationship is nowhere near the same as Eric and Donna’s aside from a few things. Nate and Nikki spent a lot of the time arguing, and aside from a few moments, it seemed like sex was all they had.
Eric and Donna's sex life was definitely prevalent, but it wasn’t like the glue to their relationship. They were best friends who fell in love, they enjoyed each other’s company, they had common interests, similar personalities.
Aside from a few cute moments and their relationship the first three episodes, what exactly do Nikki and Nate have aside from sex? Because love is not enough to make a relationship work. It’s like, if I wanted to meet my soulmate right now, but my partner wanted to explore more options. I can always wait sure, but how long would I be able to?
Plus it just seems like Nikki is ready to move forward while Nate is still living in the past. It’s like, they don’t work together as a couple and we’ve seen that. Granted, they could maybe grow as a couple, but also I feel like it’s a matter of time before they go back to status quo. I mean, look at Jackie and Kelso. They were happy for a bit when they got back together, and then fast forward to Bye Bye Basement and they’re back to status quo. And that was only a few episodes after they got back together.
Maybe the T9S writers will prove me wrong about them like they did with Jeia, but I’m not getting my hopes up.
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crazymisscarly · 3 years
on today’s episode of essay-length hot takes nobody asked for:
So I freak out and internally implode whenever ~bughead~ doesn’t let their ship set sail as much as the next person, but I’ve been (over) thinking about it and maybe doing all this weird ‘everyone breaking up and going to the person they dont really work with’ is actually a good thing in the long run.
Not saying I like it, in fact I have approximately seven fanfics that deeply demonstrate HOW MUCH i don’t like it, but this is the canon storyline we’ve got.
Since the writers clearly want to drag it all out for as long as possible because they… want to (their choice, its their work of art, we can only glare at it from afar), perhaps they’re trying to go full circle and prove that couples like bughead, varchie, choni and even kangs are the ones that will work out in the end.
here’s my reasoning:
Yes, I have scrolled as fast as humanly possible through my dashboard to avoid the jughead and tabitha gifs, and earlier today learned that they sang ‘perfect for you’ and my immediate reaction, after I’d finished mourning their platonic friendship, was just *vomit emoji*. But, then I saw the lyrics to perfect for you…. And it sounds like Jughead is trying to change himself into being someone ‘perfect’ so that tabitha will like him. That just doesn’t strike me as either healthy or long lasting. He shouldn’t HAVE to change himself to be in a relationship with Tabitha. Get better, yes, because he’s recovering, but change himself??? They were good friends, they worked well as a team, but in none of those interactions did he try to change himself to make her happy. So why is he now??
And take Fangs and Toni for a moment - they just had a baby together, and they’re apparently in love after one episode (hey if it works for barchie and veggie then why not -.-), but really, aren’t they doing this because they work well as a team and are starting to think ‘maybe we can be a perfect little happy family’???
And Veronica and Archie (won’t lie didn’t watch the musical ep so can’t be sure) broke up because they see themselves doing different things in life (?) and veronica wants to go back to New York. And she wants to work on herself (valid)  and for some reason goes back to Reggie the sister-swapping gigolo next ep (whom she made THIS face at when she found out:
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But I digress.)
With this in mind, I would assume Veronica is fearful that, like she lost herself in her relationship with Chad, she’ll lose herself in her relationship with Archie because he isn’t a big time New York City high roller like Reggie must want to be. So she’s hoping that maybe Reggie, who she works well with in a team, could be the one for her.
Now, Betty and Archie…. My soul shivers with cold despair as I even type this, but let’s humour them for a second. Archie is upset that veronica has left him, betty has been shown to use sex as a coping mechanism to avoid her trauma, makes sense they might start their FWB situation again, right??
Betty is devastated by the loss of her sister and needs to stay in Riverdale, Archie needs to stay in riverdale because he has 673 jobs there, and both of them have shit they want to move on from or be distracted from - they’ve been shown to work well (dare i say it?) as a team, and they’re apparently good friends with each other, so why not give dating a go since their first choices (and make no mistake, Veronica is Archie’s first choice and Jughead was Betty’s first choice) are unavailable and they’re both depressed, traumatised and lonely??
So this should all be just fine and dandy, then right?? Everyone’s happy with their friends-to-lovers relationships, they can frolic blissfully in Pickens park with the loves of their lives shouting “Go teamwork!” Because this is the height of passion! Right??
None of the above mentioned ships have achieved anything more than showing that the characters are SETTLING for the relationships that are ‘second’ best because they’ve come to the conclusion that this is safer than going for the ones they really love. You can’t get burned by your second choice because they don’t hold your heart in their hands - after all, you haven’t truly given it to them.
So if all goes to what I think (hope) is the plan, then by the end of this mysterious 5 episode event, most of these ships should have realised that their relationships are all just relationships of convenience. They aren’t passionate about each other. They are trying to force themselves into a ‘perfect’ relationship that suits what they think they need.
But inevitably: 
Betty will realise that nobody understands her like Jughead. Nobody else lets her feel vulnerable and shows her its okay to open up. Jughead will realise he doesn’t have to change himself to suit a relationship, and he and Tabitha can still be friends - Betty accepted his darkness for what it was, and he loved her even when she showed him hers.
Veronica will realise that she doesn’t have to give up being who she is, even if she chooses to live in Riverdale. And she doesn’t need to be with another Hiram-Lodge wanna be - she loves the small town boy who tries to be good rather than rich. She sees the value in his desire to help others, and HE sees her passionate nature and refusal to give up when she knows something is right!
Toni and Fangs will part amicably as happy little coparents, and i’m sure Kevin and Cheryl will eventually sort their shit out - what’s beautiful about these four though, is that they’ve been working on themselves all season and have actually spoken to each other a fair bit. I’m not even going to pretend to know whats up with Cheryl, but she at least leaves Thornhill occasionally now, and while I don’t know how its going to happen, i’m sure kangs and choni will rise.
On that note, fangs still doesn’t know kevin wanted to win him back, so that can be some actual tension between the characters in the coming episodes.
So where does that leave Tabitha and Reggie?
I can see it going two ways:  1. Tabitha franchises pops diner and moves back to Chicago where she doesn’t need no man, and Reggie keeps being a little philanthropist car salesman (possibly still hooking up with veronica’s sister) 2. #Teggie rising??? 
They’re both very driven people, both business-minded, both excited about the opportunities life has to offer AND they’ve both been shown to be incredibly ambitious. 
They’ve hardly interacted this entire season…. Maybe the writers are Saving a sneaky little surprise for when all the main ships get back together??
We can hope.
Anyway, I wrote this instead of an overdue essay (a real one for my masters degree) so i’m gonna leave my theories in the tumblr void for the time being. Let me know what you think :)
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deanxmikaelson-blog · 6 years
Intro Post/Wanted Connections+tag dump
( DYLAN SPRAYBERRY & male, he/him ) ❝ Dean Mikaelson is the vampire child of Kol and Davina. people have known them to be charismatic, intelligent, but some think that’s just to cover up the -arrogant, hot-headed. i hope they survive. after all, they’re only 18 … ❞
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Hey, dudes, I'm Allison I am 18. I use she/her pronouns. I'm trying to add more pages and stuff and edit my theme so it looks better (While I listen to be more chill for like the fiftieth time.). If you want to plot anything then just message me.  I apologize for the shit show that is Dean (and this post tbh)
Okay, so I am probably gonna put this in a more organized bio page soon.(maybe not probably I’m probably going to keep saying I’m going to get it up and then not getting it us.)
Okay so Dean is 100% Kol’s child I mean there’s some Davina in him as well but like 90% Kol which drove Kol nuts. 
He would just do this stuff to drive them crazy when he was bored
You know that vine with the kid walking funny and the dad putting his hand against his head like what the fuck. Well, that was Dean and Davina.
He was a total daddy’s boy (that’s not an actual thing people say and it sounds creepy but.”
But Davina was the only one who could comfort him when he was upset about something when he was little, and even after he was a teen.
Horrible witch btw like he did not have the patience he always tried to take shortcuts which did not work.
Davina tried really hard to keep him from getting a turned cause she knew how hard it was for Kol.
He got turned after his mom and dad disappeared cause he started being very rebellious after they left. (Think season one Jeremy but a shit ton of drinking instead of pot, and some murder.)
He just got pissed all the time and was at a party, and one of the people at the party saw a chance to turn a Mikaelson and took it.
He was worried about what his mom would think if she found out he was a vampire.
He was also worried that without his parent’s help he would end up hurting people. So you know what he did proved him right.
Very murderous vampire in the early years he was just pissed at everyone
Grade A smartass btw drunk dean is even more of a smart ass
A few years after his parents disappeared he started calming down, he had got better at feeding. Definitely prefers really humans over blood bags still. 
He only drinks out of blood bags when he absolutely has no other choice.
He really misses his mom and dad even though he won’t tell anyone that.
Once he got used to it he started to enjoy being a vampire feeling like he was more fit for it then he was being a witch
Dean has always been impulsive especially when it comes to things that he thinks seem fun. He’ll see something that looks entertainging and he’ll be like that seems like a bad idea, but it also seems fun so who cares, and he did stuff like that even before he was a vampire.
Stuff He Does
He is definitely one of those people who vapes for the taste, and he has definitely said: “I’m a vampire what’s the worse thing that can happen.”
He is still is a big partier if there’s a party Dean will be there
He cusses a lot
I’m totally down if you want to combine things or add your own thing
Based On Songs
Pillow Talking (beginning of video kinda nsfw): Someone that he sleeps with, but they disagree on everything while that’s true they just keep ending up sleeping together again. 0/1
2 Player Game: The person that he is the closest with it is someone that knows more about Dean then anyone else does that he knows will always be there. 1/1
Not Based On Songs
Bloodbag/fwb: Someone who lets him feed off of them whenever he needs some blood they also sleep together. 1/1
Vampire who turned him: The vampire that took it upon there self to change him at the party. It is someone that Dean probably doesn’t get along with. 1/1
Drinking buddy: Someone who’s always down to get drunk with Dean. 0/3
Crush: Someone who has a crush on Dean (I can’t promise this will go anywhere but I love unrequited love plots.) 0/2
I Ship It: Two people that people that are close to them think that they are going to get together. 1/1
Unlikely Friends: One of those people that you look at them and you’re like “how exactly did they become friends?” 2/3
@.aligilbcrt @.empathets
Wing Man/woman:Dean’s wingman the person that he goes to when he needs someone to make him look good.0/2
Exes/First Love: 1/1 @.of-salvatcres
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