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bosesmikas · 7 months ago
One thing I noticed, but it seemed like Nikki was lowkey putting Theo on a pedestal. Like when she had him answer those questions, she was pleased by his answers. But that’s not enough to know about another person.
Nikki was into the idea of Theo: a mature and intelligent man who had a lot in common with her. But when she found him fighting with Nate, Nikki realized that she didn’t know Theo like she thought she did.
It makes think of how in Burning The House Down, Jackie had this fantasy of Kelso being a mature and sophisticated man, but that ideal cracks at the party and he burns her house down.
Whereas with Nate, Nikki knew all of him, good and bad, but still loved him anyways. She knew that he could be immature and that he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed academically and he acts like a man baby sometimes, but that didn't make her love him any less.
It’s like Niknate is Jelso in most of the aspects (fighting, cheating, first love, on and off), but Nikkeo is Jelso in the way that Nikki is more in love with the idea of Theo than Theo himself.
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eohachu · 1 year ago
no but their bickering outside the general's tent is eating me up inside bc it very much shows just how different their backgrounds are, and how differently they view the world AND YET both of them must have understood at some point - sung-rok definitely in that burning house - how much they needed each other to survive
and it was never easy - we often hear sung-rok disagreeing with seon-ho's methods and approaches and vice versa, and yet, AND YET they cling to each other because their life depends on it - and then the necessity becomes some kind of comfort (i know I've said this before 😭) and comfort becomes "stfu I will never leave you behind" and in the end -
or is it? does sung-rok know that it is? - it's "not so bad being at your side (this is the closest to 'i love you' you'll ever fucking get me to say)" and then the confession is written in blood on bang-won's floor and oh. I'm feeling dizzy. it's a hand brushing over the fur of sung-rok's coat, confused tears and a stone grave, a sword - oh god, how the fuck did we end up here
we were just bickering outside the general's tent.
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eohachu · 1 year ago
i remember also going throught that uncanny valley phase of 'which language is this??? not korean for sure but what IS it' but when i googled (this song didn't have lyrics on spotify back then) it gave me the ENGLISH translation of the poem, so i was like 'ah.' and moved on. whatever, i never understand lyrics anyway because of my auditory processing difficulties™, plus this person seems to have a thick accent.
so up until i pressed play just now and listened to the song with the german lyrics i was CONVINCED that surely i must have been listening to an english version of the song all this time whose lyrics i didn't understand bc of the aforementioned reasons. i could NOT believe my ears when I just listened to it with the lyrics and realised, no, it was german all along.
I AM A GERMAN NATIVE SPEAKER. i did not realise that this song was in german. but also now i can't unhear it and am seriously questioning my sanity bc how could i NOT have heard it lmaooo
also so sorry op, but off the top of my head idk either during which scenes this song appears
everyone hold on for a minute i just made a discovery that most likely has been made before but is so out of left field that i have no idea what to do w that info
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amaltheas-garden · 6 months ago
Jon and Sansa will bring the story of Rhaegar and Lyanna full circle:
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We have very few details on the relationship between Rhaegar and Lyanna, but what we do know is Lyanna was in an unwanted betrothal to Robert at the time she disappeared with Rhaegar. Whether she went willingly or not is up to speculation. Aside from Robert, most accounts agree that Rhaegar embodied the fairy tale prince-like character (prior to the war). Lyanna wept at the beauty of his music, and was crowned his queen of love and beauty before leaving her family forever. Her story ends alone in Dorne, dying in her bed of blood, abandoned by the man she thought would save her, begging to go home.
It's easy to see then, the parallels between Lyanna's ill-fated romance and the romantic dreams of her niece, Sansa Stark. Although the two share few similarities in personality and hobbies, both became enamored by princes who hide their darker nature, and lured them away from the safety of their homeland, before going to war with their families. However, Lyanna's story ended far from the North, dying in childbirth, whereas Sansa has escaped that fate (even more interesting considering Lyanna's book storyline is a near one to one of Sansa's in the original outline). And, if we recall the very beginning of A Game of Thrones, Robert proposes to Ned that they wed Joffrey to Sansa, joining their houses as he and Lyanna might have. There is a conscious effort on Robert's part to set the past right through the relationships of their children. So right from the jump Sansa is cast as the Lyanna stand in, though she too escapes her "Baratheon" betrothal, and is on course to run straight into Rhaegar's son (as per the girl in grey theory).
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So where does Jon lie in all this? If we take the girl in grey prophecy to be about Sansa, we know the two will meet sometime in the near future. Sansa has already become disillusioned of her chivalric ideals of love and knighthood (that's not to say she doesn't believe in heroes and honorable knights, just that she's far more skeptical of surface appearance), and yet, it will be her bastard brother who will embody the traits of the hero Sansa has been searching for. Rhaegar appeared as the perfect prince, yet was the one to kill Jon's mother, and Sansa, in a similar situation, is seduced by the charm and beauty of Prince Joffrey, only to be exposed to his vicious cruelty, narrowly escaping his family (even more interesting to consider Lyanna, had she survived, would not have been Queen, as Elia was still his lawful wife, and would be considered a mistress to the King as there was no chance of her escaping Rhaegar now that she carried his child, similar to Joffrey marrying Margaery, while threatening to make Sansa his mistress). Jon on the other hand is the brooding, solemn, plain-featured bastard, sharing no traditional qualities with that of the typical hero. That is to say, he's about as far from Rhaegar as you could get. And yet, it is Jon who commits himself to defending and protecting those who cannot (Sam, the wildlings, Alys Karstark) because that's who he is. No songs are sung for the men of the Nights Watch, he doesn't gain anything by protecting those others might deem weak, unworthy, or exploitable, but he does it anyway. Jon does not look nor act the part, but the strength of his moral character is what distinguishes him as the unconventional hero of the story.
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I would also draw a comparison between the legend of Azor Ahai sacrificing his wife Nissa Nissa and Rhaegar's "sacrifice" of Lyanna, to bring about the third head of the dragon he thought necessary to save the world. After reading @/stormcloudrising's phenomenal metas on Sansa's connection to Nissa Nissa/the Amethyst Empress, I believe the idea of sacrifice will appear again in relation to Jon's character arc. Many in the fandom have speculated that AA/NN and the Bloodstone Emperor/Amethyst Empress are one and the same, the former featuring the sacrifice of a wife, the latter a usurpation of a sister. Sansa already occupies the (false) position as Jon's sister, while Jon has refused to usurp her rights as heir to Winterfell. However, with Jon's parentage reveal, the opportunity of a Jon/Sansa romance becomes possible, potentially elevating her to the status of love interest. And, if we're going with the NN/AE are the same theory, it would mean she occupied the role of both sister and wife. As for Rhaegar, his prophecy obsession is what led to him endangering Lyanna, placing his need for the third dragon above her own safety, ultimately killing her. Jon spends a good chunk of ADwD with Stannis, a claimant to the title of AA/the Prince that was Promised, who similarly struggles with the question of sacrificing one life to save the world, "What is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?” (ASoS) To which we already know the answer, Everything. Stannis, like Rhaegar, will fail the moment he sacrifices Shireen to fulfill his "greater purpose". Daenerys is also a claimant to the title, and we will likely see a contrast between how she and Jon approach being Rhaegar's heirs and inheritors of the prophecy. Stannis will lose everything after Shireen's death, the same as Rhaegar when he left Lyanna to die, condemning House Targaryen to death in the ensuing war. Jon will likely face a similar decision of sacrifice upon discovering he could be the subject of prophecy that consumed his father and once honorable king. And just as he refused to usurp Sansa's claim, he will reject the sacrifice of a loved one (lover perhaps?) as prerequisite to fulfilling his role as AA/TPtwP.
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Jon's character always comes back to his identity as a Stark. Discovering his true parentage will undoubtedly be a source of inner conflict, culminating in his decision between Stark and Targaryen (spoiler: its Stark). It's a classic case of sins of the father, and how Jon asserts himself as an individual outside of his father's tainted legacy. Jon being the hero to Sansa and helping her return home would effectively resolve the generational conflict caused by Rhaegar's "kidnapping" of Lyanna away from the North. Rhaegar caused immense amounts of pain to the Stark family through his one act of selfish cruelty, which Jon will rectify through one of loyalty and selflessness. And narratively, Lyanna's son being the one to save her niece and return her to Winterfell would just be so chef's kiss.
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lulovesizzy · 2 months ago
Me achem estranha ou nojenta, mas desde os 13 tenho uma certa queda por caras mais velhos (nn romantizo isso) e sempre que eu passo por bares, quiosques, feiras, restaurantes, praias, sorveterias, festas e vejo as garotas novas que acompanham eles sempre magrinhas, fininhas me dá vontade de ser elas só queria ser elas, ter um corpo como o delas e poder conquistar o tipo de cara como elas conquistaram.
E isso me resume como pessoa e como meta para continuar na Ana.
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mspopstar · 15 days ago
Kirby have try cheering Meta Knight up, he's probably down...
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KB: "C'mon Meta Knight, you can't just mope around in your pajamas over some mean comment!"
MK: "...But what does that mean for me as a warrior? As a knight, even? If I can't train against one of the most powerful warriors how else will I ever grow and hone my strength? I looked up to him Kirby, he's practically a paragon of power and strength as a knight! For him to abscond from my presence, to actively deny himself the leisure of training with me... What does that speak of on me? Am I as uncouth as the vagabonds he too had to cut down? I understand the folly in my thoughts, and Sir Galacta Knight does deserve time of leisure but to know he has completely forsaken the life of a warrior... It leaves my mood low trodden."
KB: "Come on! So what if yer' idol doesn't want to fight you! There's plenty of other ways to train, ain't there? Can't ya' train with someone else?"
MK: "...Will you train with me?"
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KB: "Well..."
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KB: "....sure...?"
MK: "You could not even try to sound interested?"
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KB: "Awh, geez. It's not that I hate trainin' with you Meta Knight, it's just that..."
MK: "Go on."
KB: "I kinda don't wanna and don't have to. I'm already the strongest so I see no point in needin' to improve my skills anyways. With that in mind, I think ya' should be glad that Galacta doesn't want ta' fight you, right?"
MK: "First off, you being the so-called strongest, so much so that you believe you are above growing, is a gross over-generalization that is tantamount to your ego and immaturity. Secondly there is no positive spi--"
KB: "--Ok, ok, ok, ok! Think about it like this! If you already beat Galacta Knight and you know you can beat him... That technically makes you stronger than him it isn't like yer' going to get any better fighting somethin' weaker than you! So what does it matter, you're better than Galacta an' you don't need to fight he- him! His words? Don't matter! Let it go Meta Knight, it's not that big of a deal y'know?"
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MK: "..."
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KB: "..."
MK: "...You're right. Yes, I suppose you have a point."
KB: "I do?"
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MK: "Yes, you are indeed correct.
KB "...Yay?"
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MK: "Tell me Kirby, do you care of how the common ant pleases itself to live? How it moves, what it does?"
KB: "Nn..No? I can't say I have an' I like to watch bugs. In fact, if it weren't for my house bein' so small I'd start a small insect collection. I hate worms but I like butterflies the most, but beetles are good they're pretty tasty to-"
MK: "Quiet with your sickening past time."
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MK: "To answer. The reason that you do not care about the life of an ant is because the ant is inferior, an inferior being whom you can easily stomp beneath your boot and ignore."
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MK: "It poses no threat, no interference to you because you are stronger than it and are afforded the privilege and indulgence to not care because of that. So, rare as it may be, I will take that indulgence and not care! Why should I? As you have described, and I willfully take on for myself, I shan't give him the time of day and will no longer pester him no longer because I am far superior to him in both strength and intellect.
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MK: "I have become superior to him therefore it of no concern of mine to delude and privy myself to the boyish fantasies of rampant idolism. Instead, I shall idolize a person of upper most importance instead. Myself."
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MK: "While Galacta Knight chose to grow lazy and untrained, distracted by the delights of the land I will busy myself training, strengthening, and improving more and more until my bones are as strong as steel, muscle denser than stone and blood as thick as mud. Galacta Knight will regret his choice because if we are ever to duel once more our disparities in strength will undoubtably result in his demise."
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MK: "That... That is how it should be! The weak should have no right to comment on the ways of a strong warrior such as I! Especially those who used to be strong warriors! Those who improve, and continue to improve are always superior and will supersede the lazy! That's right! That's it!"
"Well a week or so after I left Sailor Dee said Meta Knight's "gotten his mojo back" so I guess he's doin' alright now."
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goddess-of-graphite · 2 years ago
okokok i hear you but...
A Bruce who is Danny. A Bruce who came to Amity Park at eight years old, who takes on an entirely different name because people know Bruce Wayne, if only as the tragically orphaned heir to the Wayne fortune and business. A Bruce who, by the time he's fourteen, has not forgotten Gotham but has at least been convinced to embrace life as "Danny" while he has it, because there was never any doubt that one day Bruce would go back home.
A Bruce who has found a sister, and has become reluctantly fond of the Fentons, who maybe can't think of them as his parents the way Thomas and Martha were but is willing to let them fill the space they left. A Bruce who has found friends, who are arguably as weird as he is. A Bruce who has lived at least somewhat a normal life, for all that he's made dozens of plans for what he's going to do when he makes his return to Gotham.
This is a Danny who has definitely trained with Maddie. This is a Danny who can only just about stomach using an ecto-gun, because they don't look or sound like the thing that killed Bruce's parents. This is a Danny who probably noticed the little tells that spoke of Sam's wealth and figured she didn't want to talk about it so he wouldn't bring it up. This is a Danny who looked at Tucker's prowess with technology and did everything in his power to catch up, to give Tucker a challenge.
(This is still a Danny who is bullied, who can be a complete gremlin, who walks into a dark portal because his friend wants a picture. This is a Danny who doesn't tell Maddie and Jack about his new halfa-ness because... for all that they have spent the past six years loving him, he's not sure that's enough to trump their scientific fervor (this is a Danny who is from Gotham, who knows that human depravity can come from all sorts of places and people and that loving someone is not always a protection from that))
So things go largely somewhat as in canon. Because Danny might be Bruce but he's still fourteen, and kind of an idiot sometimes.
And eventually the problems in Amity Park begin to get resolved.
And eventually, Danny becomes old enough to go off on his own. (To go home).
Cue Batman canon, with Bruce's training world tour and then return to Gotham to become a vigilante.
Only you best not believe Team Phantom isn't going to follow him to the ends of the earth and back.
So you get a Bruce who was Danny, who is now Batman, who has Alfred (who never left), who has Jazz and Jack and Maddie (who loved him more than their research, even when he wasn't blood), who has Sam and Tucker and maybe Valerie-
you've got a Batman who has an extensive support network that goes beyond just the butler.
(and, incidentally, you've got a Bruce who was a child hero. the first child hero.)
And then you give him children. and you watch the chaos unfold.
DP x DC prompt #32
After the death of Bruce's parents, Bruce is sent to stay at his uncle Jack's and aunt Maddie's house in a small town named Amity Park, at least he gets to hang out with his older cousin Jasmine.
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cassie-skinny · 2 months ago
Quer participar de um grupo de Anas e Mias?
É só clicar no link, vocês primeiramente vão passar por esse grupo de triagem para serem aprovadas, caso o link não der certo, me chamem no privado para eu resolver.
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technically-a-kiwi · 8 months ago
Okay here's a bit more of the Cosmic PT cast, introducing Cosmic Pepperman and Cosmic Vigilante.
One small thing before we start ☝️, these are what you can define as "beta" designs, as you can see by the fact it's neither colored or digital, I just want to share those to hear some feedback and possible fresh ideas to make those designs better. Also because I want to share what they do and what is specific about them story wise. Until I say explicitly that I'm done with the design, keep in mind that they might change overtime. With that being said let's get to it!
And here's Cosmic Pepperman,
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currently at the very end of the minor cosmic stage and one of the most experienced cosmic entity of the PT cast who's still around. Phil mostly plays solo and loves to show off when he intervenes in a universe, when he's here you know you're about to see a performance of quality 👌. Although sometimes his attempt at throwing shades and look cool falls flat and he can make a fool out of himself... But no matter what happens he always manages to save the day before disappearing Meta Knight style using his long jacket as a cape.
Meanwhile in the cosmic realm, Phil still is a freelance artist, showing off his art in his own museum in Cosmopolis's center. Before Cosmic Noise appeared, Phil's museum was one of the most popular and visited place of the realm, after NNS took over the public, the museum lost of it's glory and became another building among others with very few visitors. Ever since that, Phil holds a pretty big grudge toward Cosmic Noise, boycotting his show and just being generally annoyed at C Noise's presence.
For Pepperman's design I got inspired by his costume of the Halloween update and slitly exaggerated it to make a long flowy jacket. Also I gave him small star shaped shades because shades and Pepperman are just MEANT to be together, the star shape is just to stay consistent with the Cosmic theme (very thought out eh 👁️👄👁️👍), and finally one of my favorite aspect of his design is his scar across his face of which he wears with style ✨✨✨.
Now beware, here comes Cosmic Vigilante
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Also at the very end of the minor cosmic stage, one the most experienced of the cast and the most efficient at his job. Vigi really puts his heart when doing his tasks, being very serious and making sure that everything goes back to normal, as if nothing happened. He also is the stealthiest entity of the cast with very little people to have ever noticed him in his whole carrier.
In the Cosmic realm, Vigi doesn't really have a job, his only job is to fix any anomalies in the multiverse so he just uses his time in the realm to have a break, take a coffee, going for a stroll or hang out with friends.
For the Vigilante's design, I barely changed anything, his hat is different with the edge going slitly up in flames, the only note worthy detail is his left eye of course, his scar is hidden by a very bright star, a star with the very cool effect of giving it's owner future vision, it only predicts things 10 seconds max before they happen, but it is still a formidable advantage.
Together, Pepperman and The Vigilante are a very efficient cosmic duo, over time they grew a very good relationship and learn how to work with each other. When joined together, they're very professional (in most cases) and really forged a reputation among cosmic entities.
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And now is time for :
Random trivia ✨✨✨
Because I don't know how to write a sentence
Very few people knows about Vigi's future vision, only some members of the PT cast does, if the court comes to know about it, Vigi WILL get in trouble.
Pepperman kept his ability to bring his art to life after becoming a cosmic entity, he might be the only being of the realm capable of breathing life into inanimate objects (assuming that his art are conscious beings with free will and not puppets Pepperman controls somehow)
Both Pepperman and Vigilante's memories degenerated to the point they can't remember the people they once knew, they only remember experiences of their past life but not the people that participated in those experience.
The Vigilante's mode of transport is his hat ! He gets inside of it and morphs it into an UFO (with a gyrophare occasionally when he's on the hunt for an outlaw) , the hat gets transparent and you can see him all squished up inside his hat.
Cosmic Vigilante is aware that he's a cheese slime, which was a huge shock when he figured it out
When disappearing "Meta Knight style" Phill doesn't actually disappears, he just trows his jacket in the air and spins it to get people's attention while he runs as far and fast as possible into the distance, he runs until he reaches the edge of the universe and only after that he gets back to the cosmic realm.
And yeah that's it ! Thank you for reading! As always if you have any questions go ahead and ask, I'll be glad to answer.
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bosesmikas · 8 months ago
Gonna say this again, but if one person (Nate) wants to have a forever relationship at seventeen and the other (Nikki) wants to keep all her options open and take more chances, I don’t think that relationship is meant to be.
And it wouldn’t fair to either of them to do some long game shit, because it’d feel like there is a timeline for them to 'finally' be happy. Nate would have to 'wait' to get his forever love and Nikki would only have a period of time to take chances, and that’s not fair to either of them.
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eohachu · 1 year ago
can we talk for a moment about how it was probably definitely seon-ho who bought/paid for sung-rok's new clothes
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ranahan · 1 year ago
Mando’a masterpost
Most of my Mando’a linguistic nerdery you should be able to find under the hashtags #mando’a linguistics and #ranah talks mando’a. Specific topics like phonology and etymology are tagged on newer posts but not necessarily on older. I also reblog lots of other people’s fantastic #mando’a stuff, which many of these posts are replies to.
I also post about #mandalorian culture, other #meta: mandalorians and #star wars meta topics, #star wars languages, #conlangs, and #linguistics. I like to reblog well-reasoned and/or interesting takes on Star Wars and Mandalorian politics, but I am not pro or contra fictional characters or organisations, only pro good storytelling. You can use the featured tags to navigate most of these topics. Not Star Wars content tag is #not star wars, although if it’s on this blog, likely it’s tangentially related or at least Mandalorian-coded.
Currently working on an expanded dictionary and an analysis of canon Mando’a. Updates under #mando’a project. Here are my thoughts on using my stuff (tldr: please do). My askbox is open & I’d love to hear which words, roots or other features you want to see dissected next.
Mando’a vowels
Murmured sounds in Mando’a
Ven’, ’ne and ’shya—phonology of Mando’a affixes
Mando’a demonyms: -ad or -ii?
Agent nouns in Mando’a
Reduplication in Mando’a
Verbal conjugation in Ancient Mando’a & derivations in Modern Mando’a
Adjectival suffixes (this one is skierunner’s theory, but dang it’s good and it’s on my post, so I’m including it)
e-, i- (prefix) “-ness”
Middle Mando’a creole hypothesis — Relative tenses — Tense, aspect and mood & creole languages — Copula and zero copula in creole languages — More thoughts about Mando’a TAM particles
Mando’a tense/aspect/mood (headcanons)
Mando’a has no passive
Adjectives as passive voice & other strategies
Colloquial Mando’a
Alienable/inalienable possession — more thoughts
Translating wh-words into Mando’a
#Roots, words & etymology
ad ‘child’—but also many other things
adenn, ‘wrath’
akaan & naak: war & peace
an ‘all’ + a collective suffix & plural collectives
ba’ & bah
*bir-, birikad, birgaan & again
cetar ‘kneel’
cinyc & shiny
gai’ka, ka’gaht, la’mun
jagyc, ori’jagyc & misandry
*ka-, kakovidir & cardinal directions
ke’gyce ‘order, command’
*maan-, manda, gai bal manda, kir’manir, ramaan & kar’am & runi: ‘soul’ & ‘spirit’
*nor- & *she- ‘back’ (+ bonus *resh-)
projor ‘next’
riduurok, riduur, kom’rk, shuk’orok
*sak-, sakagal ‘cross’
*sen- ‘fly’
urmankalar ‘believe’
*ver- ‘earn’
*ya-, yai, yaim (& flyby mentions of eyayah, eyaytir, gayiyla, gayiylir, aliit)
Dialectal English & slang in Mando’a
#Non-canon words
Mining vocabulary
Non-canon reduplications
Many words for many Mandalorians
What’s the word for “greater mandalorian space”?
Names of Mandalorian planets
Dral’Han & derived words
besal ‘silver, steel grey’
hukad & hukal, ’sheath, scabbard’
*maan-, manda, kar’am & runi: ‘soul’ & ‘spirit’ & derivations
mara/maru, ‘amber-root’
*sen- ‘fly’ derivations
tarisen ‘swoop bike’
*ver- ‘earn’ derivations
#mando’a proverbs
#mando’a idioms
Pragmatics & ethnolinguistics
Middle Mando’a creole hypothesis
History of Mando’a — Loanwords in Mando’a
Mando’a timeline
Mandalorian languages
#mandalorian sign language
Kinship terms
Politeness in Mando’a: gedet’ye & ba’gedet’ye — vor entye, vor’e, n’entye — vor’e etc. again — n’eparavu takisit, ni ceta
Mandalorians and medicine, baar’ur, triage
#Mandalorian colour theory (#mandalorians and color): cin & purity, colour associations & orange, cin, ge’tal, saviin & besal, gemstone symbolism
#Mandalorian nature, Flora and fauna of Manda’yaim
starry road
Concordian dialogue retcon
A short history of the Mandalorian Empire
Mandalorian clans & government headcanons
Mando’a handwriting guide: part 1, part 2, part 3
What I would have done differently if I had constructed Mando’a
Can you answer a question about combat medicine? May I direct you to my post about Free tactical medicine learning resources.
Can I use your words/headcanons in my own projects? Short answer: yes please.
Do you do translations? If I happen to be in the mood or your translation question is interesting. Feel free to bomb my inbox, but don’t expect quick answers.
What’s your stance on Satine Kryze and the New Mandalorians? They’re fictional and I don’t have one beyond their narrative being interesting & wishing that fandom would have civil conversations about them without calling each other names.
Why do you portray Mandalorians as multi-racial and gender-agnostic when they’re not that diverse in canon? Because that’s the power of transformative works: to create the kind of representation we want to see in a world where it’s lacking.
LGBTQIA? I don’t stand for any shade of discrimination. If I say something insensitive, rest assured it’s because I temporarily misplaced my other brain cell, not because of malice.
NSFW? No. This is a linguistics blog, so cursing and some explicit vocabulary should be expected—slang is one of my interests, and vulgar language comes with the territory—but no porn here. I don’t believe in nudity or sex in themselves being taboo topics and I was a medic for a good chunk of my life, so frank discussions about sex education/medical/anatomical/trauma topics might also happen. I’ll try to tag if these topics come up, but frankly my own explicitness- and gore-meter is kinda broken after a career in emergency medicine, so things might slip by.
Asks under #ranah answers
P.s. Let me know if the links don’t work or something else is wrong (some items don’t have links, they are articles in my draft folder/queue which I’ve listed here so they don’t get lost—sorry for the tease!). Also please tell me if you need me to tag something I haven’t so you can filter it: this blog is for readers—if I was writing just for myself, I wouldn’t bother to edit and publish—so let me know what I can do to make it work better for you. Thanks!
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mariacallous · 9 months ago
In less than a day, prosecutors, police and the government in Serbia reacted to an AI deepfake video of Prime Minister Milos Vucevic allegedly posted on Facebook.
The rapid reaction contrasted with other cases of deepfake content posted in Telegram groups or broadcast on national TV stations about Serbian citizens and opposition politicians.
The Special Prosecution Office for High Tech Crime told the police to collect all “necessary notifications” on the matter, said a prosecutor’s statement on Thursday.
On Wednesday, the government said a Facebook account named Corvus01 had posted the AI-generated video statement in which the PM talked about “non-existent government projects”.
“A criminal complaint has been filed against an NN [anonymous] person and work is being done to establish the identity of the person,” the statement said, adding that police had asked Meta company to send them all data on the account and to remove the fake video.
As the video is not publicly available, it was probably removed after the government’s request.
However, BIRN’s Digital Rights Violations Annual Report 2022-2023 noted numerous other cases of AI-generated videos of politicians being published without sanctions.
In August 2023, Zeljko Mitrovic, owner of pro-government TV Pink, published AI-manipulated footage of Marinika Tepic, vice-president of the opposition Freedom and Justice Party, misrepresenting her remarks.
The same month, Mitrovic did the same with Dragan Djilas, president of the Freedom and Justice Party, airing the video on TV Pink as “satire”. Mitrovic posted the deepfake on X and later showed it on TV Pink without the audience being properly informed that it was fabricated.
Mila Tomanovic, a lawyer handling the Djilas case, told BIRN that Djilas sought a temporary measure that would prohibit the broadcast and re-recording of the video but the Higher Court in Belgrade in November 2023 rejected the call. The Court of Appeal then cancelled the decision of the Higher Court, which is currently considering the temporary measure again.
Tomanovic said Mitrovic defended the edited video as artistic expression. “However, the spread of violence, lies, fraud, deception, misuse of other people’s data, provision of false data and fabrication and presenting a person in a false light cannot possibly be art, or of importance to a democratic society,” Tomanovic said.
Other cases in which Serbian institutions didn’t respond concerned tens of thousands of Telegram users in Serbia who were sharing images of women “undressed” by artificial intelligence, as BIRN reported this week.
Ana Toskic Cvetinovic, executive director at Partners for Democratic Change, an NGO from Serbia and a privacy protection expert, told BIRN that the prosecution in the case of the PM likely reacted to a criminal complaint of the unauthorised publication and display of other people’s files, portraits and video.
“In our country, there is no specifically regulated or sanctioned use of artificial intelligence for the generation of audio and video content, so the use of deepfake can be brought under existing criminal offences, such as unauthorised publication,” she said.
She added that what was specific in the latest case was “the speed of reaction of the prosecution, which is mostly absent in other cases”.
“The prosecution and the police generally state that these crimes are difficult to prove, including collecting evidence from companies that manage social networks,” Toskic Cvetinovic noted.
Nina Nicovic, a lawyer, told BIRN that a direct parallel cannot be drawn between the fake recording of PM Vucevic and the deepfake material circulating on social networks and Telegram groups about “ordinary citizens”.
“If something related to the non-existent projects of the government of any country is really published on a video, then every country … has the right to react urgently because it can lead to consequences for the country,” said Nicovic.
However, she added that her impression is that institutions in Serbia only react fast to rights violations in the digital sphere when politicians are involved.
“If they can react so quickly to everything related to the government and politicians, in certain situations such as the Telegram groups they should have reacted just as urgently,” Nicovic said.
She said one big obstacle is that the courts, prosecutor’s offices and the police do not have enough IT experts to help solve these cases.
thinking about @roycohn's post about AI deepfakes and Ted Cruz...
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mattefit · 11 months ago
eu sei q vcs n ligam mas eu qria desabafar.. eu to me sentindo tão longe de Deus.. vcs podem nn acreditar mas isso muda totalmente a minha vida, eu me sinto mais pesada, mais desanimada até pra seguir minhas metas(no caso perder peso), é horrível dms
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fatbutterflyanaemia · 2 years ago
- caderno de calorias
- Meta: máximo de 500 kcal se nn estiver de dieta
- Perder 92 kilos
- Meta: 45 kg
- Estar sempre de dieta
- Fazer 2 h de exercício
- Dançar a noite
- Caminhar 45mim
- Comprar colágeno
º Dieta Ana Boot Camp (ABC)
Dia 01: 500 calorias
Dia 02: 500 calorias
Dia 03: 300 calorias
Dia 04: 400 calorias
Dia 05: 100 calorias
Dia 06: 200 calorias
Dia 07: 300 calorias
Dia 08: 400 calorias
Dia 09: 500 calorias
Dia 10: NF - 0 calorias
Dia 11: 150 calorias
Dia 12: 200 calorias
Dia 13: 400 calorias
Dia 14: 350 calorias
Dia 15: 250 calorias
Dia 16: 200 calorias
Dia 17: NF - 0 calorias
Dia 18: 200 calorias
Dia 19: 100 calorias
Dia 20: NF - 0 calorias
Dia 21: 300 calorias
Dia 22: 250 calorias
Dia 23: 200 calorias
Dia 24: 150 calorias
Dia 25: 100 calorias
Dia 26: 50 calorias
Dia 27: 100 calorias
Dia 28: 200 calorias
Dia 29: 200 calorias
Dia 30: 300 calorias
Dia 31: 800 calorias
Dia 32: NF - 0 calorias
Dia 33: 250 calorias
Dia 34: 350 calorias
Dia 35: 450 calorias
Dia 36: NF - 0 calorias
Dia 37: 500 calorias
Dia 38: 450 calorias
Dia 39: 400 calorias
Dia 40: 350 calorias
Dia 41: 300 calorias
Dia 42: 250 calorias
Dia 43: 200 calorias
Dia 44: 200 calorias
Dia 45: 250 calorias
Dia 46: 200 calorias
Dia 47: 300 calorias
Dia 48: 200 calorias
Dia 49: 150 calorias
Dia 50: NF - 0 calorias
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tw death and violence
ok so quinn used to be a normal computer assistant and she just chilled.... in cyberspace (MIGHT BE THE OFFICIAL NAME, MIGHT NOT BE..... WHO KNOWS......) with the big guys. so. she was kind of rich and popular. and mostly did interviews and ads aside from helping lightners. but when spamboss took over he wanted full control over the local trends and stuff so all influencers had to do what he wanted...... and quinn didn't want to
so um. he really likes cats. he has a few tasques in his mansion. and they're. not that friendly.
he says he knows her little secret and can make her un-famous in a second and she goes oh shit you know i like women? No Quinn You're Spyware.
then he sends the tasques after her and she says "n... nice kitty 😅😅😅" in the most loser-y way possible. as it turns out she's not great with cats and gets bitten in the head
so whatever maybe she lost a few important organs in that accident but she's fine it's okay except it's not and everyone knows she's spyware now. and also gay
she has to hide in the trash dump and there she meets the addisons that were also forced to hide there and they all start planning a revolution. weeee
then with some intense snooping she finds out that spamboss is NOT hardware like he claims and that there's also a cool robot mecha in the basement. her plan is to get inside the huge body with her addison minions and overthrow spamboss and uncover his secrets. but she needs susie's help
technically she's a computer virus so she can't go through the mansion's antivirus scan even with a disguise and the addisons can't bring the body to her cause its fucking huge man. so susie has to disable it and help her get her body. the NNS QUINN fight happens in the mega metropolis they're trying to build in the basement. she fucking smashes everything
after being defeated she gives out two cool items. the KittenRibbon (just one of her ribbons, if spared) or the TatteredWings (pieces of her dress. if KILLED!!!!!!!)
and she's less scary to susie than spamton is to kris but she Proves that you can't um,,, go against your nature 😈 youre born a virus you stay a virus. she gets more and more corrupted during the fight and stops being Quinn and starts being Give Me Your Passwords. so sad i crode we both crew
the act to spare her is Sanitize and basically the gang tries to get the virus out of her body but erm.. she IS the virus
in the end she's back in her old body and the addisons come over like SHIT SHES FUCKINB DYING and she says "theres nothing we can do to stop the virus. im literally the virus lol xd" and she dies tragically in the addisons' arms. Tragedy
she knows spades king cause she went to a few talkshows with the kings and she hates him a bit. hes evol bleeeehhh
in da snowgrave route (not its name. there is no snow to grave) she just happens to have some items laying around... for no reason in particular... i mean she has to make money somehow okay
after taking over the mansion you have to fight a thousand cardboard addisons and then finally she's at the fountain trying to stop you from getting out but one the virus is getting to her and two... FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also she has meta knowledge cause of the virus that's been taking over her body and um umumumum. gaster..??????? she has a shadow crystal it was made out of thin air and she doesn't remember how she got it
and yeag 🥶 women liker
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