#this really bugs me though
cannedkopi · 8 months
me, ranting to my husband about how I cannot find any information on the internet about how Gretna Green marriages were proven once the married couple returned to England: There is nothing! I mean, did the blacksmith sign some sort of certificate? Did they need to register the marriage in the parish? Every damn article ends at "and they were married over the anvil"!
my husband: Aweee... You are applying your Prussian legal system to common law. That will never work.
me: *glares*
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soosoosoup · 6 months
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Fluffy rearing
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lilybug-02 · 9 months
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You’re making a lot of promises there Chara…
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I enjoyed doing this little Flashback scene. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled freakout session soon. Having monochrome color is very nice.
Here is a gif of Chara spilling their water because YES. And I spent way too long on it :)
Wow technology is so cool.
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gray-warden · 5 months
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I just realized I never posted photos of this really pretty harvestman i came across a while back. Note the green pedipalps and the dark and light spots on its back.
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dissentersrising · 1 year
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i had a bit too much fun making these
i would also like to go on record to say i love ancients and i do not actually think imperials and skydancers are the best breeds. thank you for your understanding
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oenk-oenk · 2 years
anyone else have their brain chemistry altered by nbc hannibal
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stopper-my-heart · 3 months
Edit: I was wrong! Thank you again, juju1017. They said someone else posted this clip without the music, making it audible that Nick is saying, "I can't believe we're a couple in Paris!" This reconciles the cuddly clip earlier in the montage and means Nick isn't admonishing himself (or Charlie). Although this means less contrast with the next clip of Nick initiating holding hands, that's still another step and an overall beautiful sequence I finally paid attention to what Nick says in this clip (the Notre Dame part of the exploring-Paris montage in S2E6, around 10m40s). Here's what I think the dialogue is:
Charlie: Oh, it's so pretty. Nick: I need a selfie with you here. [They take a selfie] Charlie: Awww. [They stare at each other with their faces close together] Nick: Oh, we're in public. Correction: I can't believe we're a couple in Paris!
To me, the last line seems like Nick stopping himself from potentially kissing Charlie and lightheartedly mocking himself for getting lost in Charlie/the moment and forgetting that they're in public and meant to not be quite so obviously romantically involved.
As seen in the clip, the very next (and last) scene of the montage is Nick and Charlie in the gay district of Paris, where they walk past a (by appearances) gay couple with one man's arm around the other's shoulders. Nick is inspired/empowered by this and initiates holding Charlie's hand, even though they're (still) in public.
I think these scenes being back-to-back was purposeful and meant to highlight the small, yet large, step taken. Noticing this made me find the initiating-a-handhold-in-public scene even sweeter than it already was on its own, and I wanted to share it in case anyone else missed this too
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ratatosk777 · 1 year
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I didn't think I will post it, but it turned out kind of okay. eh, Mothiva's happy for him anyway, but there difenetely will be a lecture about why zasp should tell some things her first :D
imagine these two making jokes about zasp/leif just cuz zasp and probably leif didn't tell them about their relationship
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ups3tti · 6 months
Hey I know it's probably nothing but this has been bugging me since the season came out. The vague similarities between the unexplained armour of azure and. Yeah. I have no fucking clue what the implications of this are it's just something I'm thinking about
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phantasper · 2 years
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bittercappuccinu · 8 days
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tried drawing a wallpaper for myself :)
shadow alone below because i like how he looks more
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ducktracy · 5 months
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i am delighted to report that Shin-chan Movie 15, in which a bomb gets attached to the family dog’s ass and can only be detonated by singing, is maybe the most emotional Shin-chan movie out of the 14 or so i’ve seen. from small children dancing in Broadway style kick lines to Shin’s parents thinking he died in a brutal, fiery explosion and the moment played with utter heart wrenching sincerity, i officially decree this a Good Movie
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the-holy-ghosted · 11 months
itching here because its entirely irrelevant to the overall theme of my blog but if i dont talk about [THAT OLD MAN] in [MOVIE] where he [PERVERTED DESCRIPTION OF SCENE] im going to fucking explode
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
Found this little cocoon on the patio in my backyard.
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It's most likely a Girdler Moth (Dargida procinctus). So i'm gonna see what comes out! Little guy was wriggling! So she's still alive :)
Interesting enough, most of the websites I found say these Moths don't appear in Texas, but it's range probably extends to much more than what we originally thought. (either by human intervention or natural range).
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the-unconquered-queen · 9 months
With Blades 2 coming to an end, I just wanna get it off my chest that I'm really not a fan of how they wrote Nia for a great part of this one, particularly vis-à-vis the way they wrote MC. I know I've been saying some stuff along those lines for ages now, but it hasn't left my mind so now I'm gonna actually get into it.
For starters, I think a lot of the issue with Nia's writing was captured pretty well in the tags of this post, particularly on point 2. Like I've said, Nia unfortunately falls into the category of a Mary Sue in that every "flaw" she's given just serves to elevate her to perfection. Hell, even when corrupted—when a person is supposed to be in their most volatile state—the worst she does is be snarky that first chapter (she is aggressive toward MC at one point before this, but it's neither acknowledged nor repeated later). After that, she is entirely normal, just not as much of a pushover, and while I much preferred shadow!Nia, I do think that this really undermines the whole gravity of corruption and b2's emphasis on shadow-light balance, since shadow!Nia comes off as quite balanced already, especially compared to other corrupted characters we've seen.
But here's the thing, that post that got me thinking is months old, and we have gotten more story since then, and what I have noticed is that Nia does, in fact, have one real flaw in canon, but it's the one flaw she's absolutely not meant to have: Nia in canon can at times come off as self-absorbed. She either makes things about herself or doesn't stop people from doing this, and there are multiple examples of it. There is the instance in Riverbend when MC is taking a moment to finally try to process Kade's capture (which, following their own capture, they never got the chance to process) and Nia derails the conversation and makes it about her own grief and is comforted by MC and Mal. Another example is the moment on Gerhard's ship when she vents about the pressure she's been under and lets MC comfort her without at any point considering that MC might have been under similar pressure.
And don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a character putting themselves first. But when the book doesn't waste a single chance to tell us that Nia's character is the complete opposite and that she is chronically incapable of not being considerate 25/8, it's quite contradictory. I mean, you can even call out Ethan Ramsey, PB's golden boy, on making things about himself at some point in OH, but because, unlike Ethan, Nia is written for you to consider her super sweet and wholesome and perfect, the Blades MC actually contributes to this by performing mental gymnastics to turn something around to be about Nia.
Which brings me to my final point: Blades 2 pushed MC to the side to revolve around Nia, but MC is exactly the person they meant for Nia to be, by virtue of the dissonance between showing and telling. They tell you that Nia is selfless because she always puts everyone else first. Well, I can and did name examples showing the contrary, meanwhile, MC is the one who was been through the most traumatic ordeal and is constantly checking in on everyone else without expecting and without receiving much of the same courtesy in return, even apologizing to Nia because she was "carrying all that weight on her own", never mind that MC always has the weight of the world on their shoulders. They tell you that Nia is the heart of the party, but they both told and showed us that everything fell apart without MC.
Even some of Nia's most defining character traits, MC has in similar measure. Nia sees the best in everyone? MC can be the #1 believer in Aerin's redemption after all the shit he pulled. Nia is trusting to the point of naivete? MC literally trusted Valax while she outright told them at every turn she would turn on them at the first opportunity, and was genuinely hurt by the betrayal. Miss me with MC calling Nia "our better self".
Every trait that they've gone out of their way to tell you Nia has they've shown twofold in MC, which is why it's so exasperating to me that they reduced MC to the conduct through which other characters' (particularly Nia's) stories get told while their own is an afterthought. I am by no means saying that two people can't have similar traits or that two people can't be good people at the same time, but there is something about praising these traits in Nia when, based on these, MC should be held to a similar standard. Instead, they relegated MC (main. character.) to a supporting character in Nia's story, elevating every trait that MC possesses only in Nia while ignoring them in MC to the point that many scenes felt frustrating to play.
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frenzyarts · 3 months
I’m sorry about the shit that happens to your posts. Occasionally I’ll see that you make a post in relation to being a lesbian only for people to reblog/reply with that it would be better if you made it for men. Keep being gay
I’m glad I’m not the only one who notices 😭 dumb shit like that happens on so many of my sapphic posts that get big.
I have an explicitly wlw item in my store and posted it here only to have someone comment they would buy it if it was about mlm instead… I want to give people the benefit of the doubt but when you start saying stuff like “I would like xyz thing more if it was about men instead of women” it doesn’t come across well. Like we live in a patriarchy, I know most people prefer men, and I chose to make it about women anyway. Let’s keep it that way, at least on my posts/art/ect please!
Some things are not about you and that’s okay ❤️
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