#this post started out making nicer points until I decided I didn’t want to be nice
okay I’ve seen posts from a handful of creators on sjm’s next series and how it’ll get tied into her old ones… (all the screenshots I’m posting here belong to @/emilystheories but I’ve seen other blogs mention it too)
Crucial Side Note: any criticisms I bring up about sjm/her series have nothing to do with emilystheories, I’m just trying to give credit where it’s due and get you the background info on what the hell I’m ranting about this time
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All this to say… why? What purpose is served by making three separate (lengthy) series part of a larger multiverse besides alienating casual enjoyers?
The grishaverse is great because you can read both series or just one or not read anything and only watch the show and you’re not lost. If you read S&B I’m sure the end of CK was even better for you since you recognize Sturmhond, you already know Genya and Zoya — but for someone who didn’t read it, I just got to be pleasantly surprised when the privateer turned out to be a king. Gee, who would’ve seen that coming?!
Little nods to other characters/content isn’t the same thing as a whole complex multiverse, and honestly, I’m not sure sjm has the writing chops to pull something like this off. She’s already had many moments and characterizations in the individual series that felt rushed or retconned (at least acotar & tog, bc I haven’t read cc) that I’m not sure how she plans to seamlessly tie everything together. Her world building is also flawed, incohesive, an amalgamation of different aesthetics from real-world cultures thrown together into a soup with no respect for the source material. She focuses too much attention on certain characters, countries, and courts while she leaves others half-built or barely-there… if Twilight of the Gods is the multiverse culmination of tog, acotar and cc, it’ll be an incoherent mess.
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takingback-thepenguin · 10 months
This isn’t exactly an NPMD AU per se, but it is a concept. I hope you guys like it!
So here, have some thoughts on the NP characters + hypnosis. This idea totally didn’t come from the line in Dirty Girl when Max says “I swear you’ve got me hypnotized” and moves his finger in a circle while Grace follows.
This concept would likely take place in a timeline where Max either chooses not to be a bully or chooses to become a better person post Waylon Place, and as a result, is a bit nicer, but still has that quarterback/leader of the pack mentality. Additionally, I think the characters would be out of high school and in college.
So, starting with Max…if Max was going to be the hypnotist, here’s how I think it’d go.
He’d be firm but he’s sort of gentle. His voice has power to it. There’s a bit of an assertion of a kinda “focus on me” but it’s not loud. He makes people want to focus. He charms and captivates.
He doesn’t use pocketwatches or pendulums or spirals. Because while yeah, they work, he feels it’s easier for people to focus if it’s all coming from one spot (plus…he likes the focus all on him). Because of that he’ll use solely his voice or he’ll use his hand or his eyes as a focal point. If someone wants like a pendulum or spiral kind of induction he’ll try to replicate it with his finger.
There are points where when he’s guiding his subject, he’ll tell them to repeat him.
A lot of the people he encounters are because they’re stressed and want to turn the thoughts down a bit. They need a bit of order and instruction for a little while, and he’s happy to provide that.
A friend of mine also came up with a thought about Max that I agree with: even if he’s not a bully, he still does have that leader/top of the social hierarchy energy about him, and they thought a good way to keep that characterization is that he can get a little…for a lack of a better word…commanding, making induction loops and bringing people up, only to drop them down. To add on to that, induction wise I bet he makes his subject keep their eyes open/keeps them from dropping until he says so. He keeps the induction going for a while, maybe he even makes them count themself down (and maybe makes them start from the top if they miss a number). But they don’t go under until he tells them to sleep.
Now for the flip side, where Max is a subject:
The hardest part is to get him to let go but if he does, he's out. Even if he’s not a bully, giving up control is still hard for him because of his status and school and the pressure of being a quarterback and just general stress. Life isn’t easy and because of where he is in life he feels pressure to strategize and watch his every move. And once you’re in that kind of mindset, it’s hard to get out, even if you want to.
I also think once he’s under all he’d want is to let himself be vulnerable, take a breather, and be himself and not the front he puts up.
Additionally, I once made a joke that he could be the "I can't be hypnotized" *cuts to the character hypnotized* trope…if it didn’t take him so long to actually get there.
Next here are my thoughts on Richie, if he was the hypnotist:
I think Richie definitely went through a wanting to play hypnotist phase as a kid (which is not as common as my childhood led me to believe). He likely saw it in an anime and decided he wanted to try his hand at it.
Richie as a hypnotist would be the opposite of Max in a way. He’s not loud per se, but he likes all the different ways you can put a person under. And since he likes all the things you see in the movies and on tv, he’d have an array of inductions up his sleeve instead of one specific one like Max.
He definitely would say the “you’re getting sleepy” line at some point.
I think he’d post videos about it. They’d range from informative to him being silly.
I think he’d lean into showmanship a lot as a hypnotist.
Now for the flip side:
If Richie goes under as a subject…he goes under really quickly. Part of it is Richie is really creative and imaginative, and the other part is school and life can be stressful so he’d want to not have to deal with that for a bit.
I also don’t think he’d really have an issue with letting go. I don’t think he’d be as in his head about it as say Ruth or Pete would.
Next up is Pete. While Pete would most likely be the subject, I do have thoughts where he could be the hypnotist:
He would only do this if one of his friends asked him to put them under.
Pete likely wouldn’t want to use spirals or watches or anything unless asked. He’d probably solely use his voice and have his friends stare at the ceiling while he reads from a script, because he’d probably feel goofy doing it.
He doesn’t want the focus on him, but Pete would do anything for his friends, and if this helps them get out of their heads and deal with their stress, he’ll gladly help.
On the other hand, Pete is a tricky subject:
Pete (at least NPMD wise…at first) is closer to Max as a subject. He's smart and strategic. He carefully plans things to avoid certain situations happening (even if they don’t always go according to plan). But if someone he trusts pitches the idea, he may just give it a go.
He wants to let go because it'd be nice to not have to worry about what everyone else is thinking for once. But that's also the reason he's afraid to. He knows that he might say or do something he didn't plan on even if he knows he's in control. While he wouldn't do something completely out of character, if someone asked him what he was thinking while under, he might say it without filtering himself and that's scares him. He’s been burned before and he’s afraid if he lets his guard down, it could happen again.
Ruth is more likely to be on the subject side of things, but like Pete, she’s a tricky one too:
Ruth, like Pete, has a tendency to get in her head and let her worries and anxiety win.
I think she might want to go under because it could help her with her anxiety and stress. But I also think it would take a while because she has to get out of her head and push her anxiety away. We’ve seen her do it before, but it’s not an easy task for her. She may want it to work, but I feel that there’s a part of her that would hold back.
If she manages to get over that hurdle though, I think she’d be happy to not have to worry about everything that’s stressing her out.
Grace is also interesting to think about as a subject:
Grace I think would be similar to Max. She’d be the “I can’t be hypnotized.” *cuts to the character hypnotized* trope if she’d let herself let go. She also has issues letting go because GOD FORBID she feels herself slip.
She’s also very strategic in watching her (and everyone else’s) every move, and I think it’d be hard for her to let go of that. Even if she’s told it’s okay. I think she’d be too focused on that and she’d get in her own head.
Like Max though, if she does let go, I think she’s out.
Last but not least, we have Steph:
Steph doesn’t really believe in it. But she’s there for support if her friends want someone there. Maybe if Pete asked her to put him under, she’d do it? If not, she’d be there holding his hand the entire time.
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teaberrii · 2 years
Chapter Four: Hi, Neighbour
Alhaitham has the looks and the smarts. He will also be the stand-in CEO for his grandfather's company for a year.
But, he's been mysteriously cursed to turn into a cat every night since his eighteenth birthday… until he meets you, an employee at his grandfather's company, who rescues him as a cat and changes him back with one kiss.
Cross-posted on AO3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
You're usually the one responsible for your sleepless nights. Like that time when you were nervous about giving your first solo presentation in school. Or, the time you stayed up way too late for your first project early in your career, wanting to perform well as one of the team's youngest members. You rarely lose sleep because of other people. Well, it seems like Alhaitham just loves to surprise you.
It's already midnight, and you can't stop thinking about what happened today.
“Wait… You two know each other?” Kaveh gasped when you and Alhaitham exchanged a look. “Don’t tell me you’re the soulmate!”
“...The what?”
“Don’t bring up that nonsense,” Alhaitham warned.
Kaveh coughed. “Well, soulmate or not, it’s not every day you get to live across from a CEO.”
Alhaitham shot his friend a deadpan look, and Kaveh innocently looked in the other direction.
“You’re… a CEO?”
Alhaitham assumed you haven’t looked at that official welcome email. Otherwise, you would know. While he knew which department you were in, he didn’t go to see you. Though, sometimes, he’d thought of you barging into his office and demanding an explanation of why he was here. It was a ridiculous scenario, but it kept him entertained. Little did he know, it was those moments where he’d subconsciously smile.
He kept to himself that he knew you and left it up to fate to decide whether he’d accidentally bump into you in the hall or somewhere nearby. Turned out fate had other plans.
Alhaitham didn’t get a chance to respond when Kaveh said, “Uh huh! At Sumeru Entertainment! He’s still a newbie, though.”
“Um, are you okay?” It was the voice of your real estate agent that snapped you out of it. “You just turned pale.”
“At… at where did you say?” you asked.
“Sumeru Entertainment.”
Alhaitham’s voice wasn’t helping.
“I… I work there," you finally said.
“You do?” Kaveh gasped. “Oh, my God! That’s… what a small world!”
“I know.”
Alhaitham… knew? Since when? How did he know? Could it be from your conversation with Lumine? But, you never said where—
“I saw you,” Alhaitham continued. “...At the marketing department.”
The marketing…? Oh. It must be from that time.
“Ooh, did something happen?” Kaveh asked.
“I, uh, it’s getting late,” you finally said. “I need to go.”
You scream into your pillow. But then, you look up.
No. Who cares if he’s your CEO? It’s not like you have any direct connection. But the thought of living across from him is…
Your head hits the pillow again. Wait a minute. You look up. Why should Alhaitham influence your decision on whether to buy the place or not? You love the apartment. It's closer to your work. The neighbourhood is nicer. Transportation is also much more convenient. There are too many pros. And the thought of giving that up just because Alhaitham will be your neighbour makes you scoff.
You sit upright.
You made your decision. You’re going to make an offer. You’re going to move in… and it’s not because you also partly want to prove a point.
“Ooh, I got it! What if the guy is actually an alien?”
Later that week, you’re brainstorming with your team on project ideas, writing them all down on the large smart table in the meeting room. But, this idea… it’s interesting and has potential.
"Okay," you say, looking at the many ideas scribbled on the notepad. "We have enough ideas to work with. Let's start narrowing them down."
“How are we going to do that?”
A knock comes at the door. As soon as it opens, you see your manager… and Alhaitham.
"Oh, please don't mind us," your manager says. "I bumped into Alhaitham earlier, and he was interested in learning about the creative process behind our films and dramas." Your manager smiles. "I knew you were having a creative meeting with your team today, so I thought we could listen in."
It's the first time you've seen Alhaitham since that day. Now that you know he's the new CEO, you've been mentally preparing yourself to bump into him in the hallway or at a restaurant nearby. There's no way he's going to catch you off guard. You almost scoff. Again, this man just loves to surprise you.
Still, you need to become accustomed to this; soon, he will be your neighbour. That's right. You closed the deal on the apartment just yesterday.
"I hope we're not interrupting," Alhaitham says. You watch him walk to the opposite side of the table; your team members instantly make room for him. "All of these look like great ideas." His eyes look from the screen to you. "How do you narrow them down?"
You don't want to overthink and say that he's testing you. Regardless, you welcome the challenge. "I like to start with the ending." You put your hands on the table. "Knowing how the story ends will help write scenes to achieve that ending." You smile slightly. "It'll also help with sequencing."
As he listens to you talk, Alhaitham sees the same sparkle in your eyes he saw that day at your house when you looked at him as a cat. It's easy to tell that you love what you do; the passion in your talk says it all. People also glow differently when talking about something they love. Alhaitham has seen it. But, there's something about you that draws him in. He can't take his eyes off you, but what scares him is that he almost doesn't want to.
Looking up, you see Alhaitham staring at you, and your mind almost goes blank. Perhaps it's the way he's looking at you. Attentive. Focused. But there's also something else. Curiosity. Maybe he's taken more of an interest in what you're saying. Regardless, you're suddenly losing the words on your tongue.
“Um, yeah, so… that’s it,” you finish. You almost want to bang your head against the wall for that eloquent ending.
"It was easy to follow your train of thought," Alhaitham says. "It was logical, and I understood why you would do things a certain way." Then, he smiles slightly, and your heart almost skips a beat. "I learned a lot."
You sigh softly once he and your manager leave.
“Were you nervous?” You look at your colleague, who’s smiling. “It’s rare to see you get nervous, boss.”
You hope it doesn’t happen again… around Alhaitham, that is.
You leave a little early to meet your mother at your new place on the same day. It's still empty as you've scheduled your move to be on the weekend to avoid clashing with work. When you told your family you sealed the deal, they were all thrilled. Though, your mother just had to add that it would be even better if you were moving in with a guy. But, you let it slide.
“Hey, mom.”
“This place is beautiful,” she says, walking inside the lobby with you. “It must’ve cost you a pretty penny.”
"Well, I think I got a good deal after I negotiated."
In the elevator, your mother spends a little time catching you up on what's been happening at her café. Opening a café has always been a dream of hers. So, when she retired as an accountant, she took the plunge and opened one in the city's business district.
“You look exhausted,” you say worriedly. “Why don’t you rest for a little bit? I’m sure the part-timers can handle themselves for a day or two.”
"I know they can. They're good kids. One of them is going to graduate from university this year." She looks at you. "It's hard, though. I'm sure you know."
You know. It’s difficult for you to take a day off when it’s not an official holiday. Work is constantly on your mind. But you’re still young. Your mother, on the other hand…
You unlock and open the door to your new place, allowing your mother to step in first. She takes a look around just as you close the door behind you.
“It’s nice, right?” you ask.
You and your mother chat about the place for a while, and then she changes the topic to the one you’re dreading.
“Lumine told me she gave you the pamphlet.”
“...She did. I’m not going.”
“Why not?”
“Mom,” you groan. “Do you even have to ask? I think it’s obvious.”
“The men this time—”
“It’s not about the men!" You sigh. "I’m honestly really happy right now. I’d rather be happy myself than be in an unhappy relationship.”
Your mom gives you a look. “Who said I want you to be in an unhappy relationship? I know you’re happy, dear. But I want you to be happier. Some memories… some feelings can only happen when you have someone around you.”
“I’d rather have it happen naturally,” you mutter.
“But you have to try!”
That's the thing. You don't want to. It's not like you never had suitors after your horrendous breakup. But you turned every single of them down… for years. Your mom never understood why, and you always used the same excuse. You didn't like them. You just weren't interested. When one guy went as far as to treat you like a literal queen, some of your friends called you "incredible" for turning down such a great guy. But you couldn't date him. Not when the demons of your first relationship still haunted you like no tomorrow.
“Mom, please… can we talk—”
"I don't want you with just anyone, so I specifically signed you up for this event. They're worthy of being with a strong woman like you."
You wish you could just disappear.
Your mother opens the door and walks out. “Go to that event.”
“No. I don’t—”
The elevator doors open, and Alhaitham walks out. You instantly stiffen as he makes eye contact with you… and then your mother. When Alhaitham gives you a small smile, your mother slowly turns to you with a raised brow.
“Hey, neighbour," he says.
Is that your new nickname now?
“...Hi, neighbour.”
It’s… strange calling your CEO that, but maybe it's better than Catboy.
Alhaitham smiles at your mother. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you.”
“My… it’s nice to meet you!” Your mother instantly turns to you. “Are you two friends?”
You and Alhaitham look at each other. What is he talking about? You aren’t friends!
“He’s my neighbour,” you say. "If that wasn't obvious already."
Your mother turns to Alhaitham. “How did you two meet? Here?”
How will Alhaitham respond? You’re a little curious.
“She helped me when I got hurt.”
Your eyes almost turn wide. He isn't going to tell her about the cat incident, is he?
“She was very kind to let me stay with her,” Alhaitham continues, and your jaw almost drops.
Your mother instantly turns to you. “He stayed with you?”
“It’snotlikethat,” you say, your words coming out so fast that even you had trouble understanding what you just said.
“But we got into a little fight, and she kicked me out.”
Your mother looks back at him, and you give him a pointed look. He’s asking for it.
“A fight, you say?” she asks.
"It was me in the wrong." This takes you by surprise. "I shouldn't have overstayed my welcome." Then, Alhaitham looks you in the eyes. "But, I'll always be grateful for her kindness during my time of need."
He's making you feel too many emotions at once, and it must stop.
“Mom,” you say, “I’ll walk you down.”
“Oh, but I haven’t gotten his name yet!”
"Alhaitham." You shoot him a deadpan look, which he returns with a ghost of a smile. Then, he says to your mother, "It's a pleasure to meet you, auntie."
You don’t think it can get any worse, but your mother also loves to surprise you.
“Are you single?”
“...I am.”
Well, you have one of your secret questions answered, at least.
“Oh, my daughter is, too! I keep telling her to go to a matchmaking party, but she’s as stubborn as always.”
“Mom,” you say loudly. “I really think you should get going. It’s late.”
Your mother sighs. “Fine, fine.”
You meet Alhaitham’s eyes just as he says, “Goodnight, neighbour.”
This is definitely not how you’re expecting your evening to go.
Over the next few days, your mother’s been asking you more about Alhaitham. So much that even your siblings now knew about him.
"So, you got a sparkly new place and a hot neighbour?" Lumine had asked. "I wish I had your luck, sis."
“What does he look like?” Aether had asked. “I’m so curious.”
That was only one out of the many questions.
What does he do? What's his family background? Morals? Values? You couldn't answer them as you barely knew him. You thought about letting your family know that he's your CEO, but you weren't sure what path that would lead. So maybe it was best to pretend you didn't know anything for now.
You've just finished lunch, and you're talking with your mother in an empty meeting room when she brings up Alhaitham… again.
“Mom, it’s not good to keep talking about other people, you know.”
“But I’ve been thinking… someone that handsome is bad news,” she says. You almost choke on your water. You’re still coughing when you hear your mother say, “But… I didn’t get a bad vibe from him.”
“What kind of vibe did you get from him then?” you deadpan. Then, before you can stop yourself, you ask, “Catty?”
“No, far from it! He was very polite.”
Not the definition of catty you’re going for, but… it’ll do.
“Is… he the reason why you’re not going?”
“To what? That matchmaking party?” You roll your eyes. “It’s not the first time I told you no, mom. It’s not because of him. I just don’t want to go.”
"Well, you have such a great catch living across the hallway from you."
“A great catch?” you ask incredulously. “You barely know him! What if he’s a crazy psychopath?” You really hope that’s not true.
“I trust my gut instinct. He really doesn’t seem like a bad guy.”
“Yeah, well, let me dash your hopes right now. Actually, he’s—”
Knock. Knock.
The door opens, and you see one of your colleagues.
“Hey. We have this room booked.”
“Oh, sorry,” you say, standing. Then, as you walk out, you say into your phone. “I have to get back to work. Let’s talk later.”
Hours later, Alhaitham gets off another call and rubs his tired eyes. Is this the life of an executive? Just meeting after meeting after meeting? Then, just as he's about to return to work, he hears a knock at the door.
“Come in.”
The door opens, and his secretary walks in, holding a black and white suit wrapped nicely in plastic.
Alhaitham is about to ask when his secretary says, “Your grandfather asked me to pick this up for you for the awards night next week.”
“Appreciate it.” Alhaitham gestures to the couch. “You can put it there for now.”
"He… also asked me if you're bringing someone," he says, putting the suit neatly on the couch.
“...To the awards night?”
“I don’t see why I would."
“In that case, he’d like you to take Layla with you.”
There's a name he hasn't heard in a long time. The daughter of one of the wealthiest family-owned companies in Sumeru… and an old family friend. While he and Layla have been friends for a long time, they lost contact when she moved away for university. Is she back?
“She’s coming back to open a subsidiary company under their name,” his secretary continues. “Your grandfather would like the two of you to get back in touch again.”
There’s obviously a motive, and Alhaitham isn’t going to fall for it.
"I'm sure she'll be busy readjusting. The last thing she needs is to attend an award show that has nothing to do with her."
“...I’ll relay the message.”
"You can also tell him to talk to me directly. No need for you to get involved with this." Alhaitham looks at the clock. "...It's late. Let's head back."
In the elevator, Alhaitham isn't expecting it to stop on your floor. When the doors open and you see each other, he holds your stare until you walk inside.
“Oh, hi, Alhaitham.” Alhaitham turns to Childe, who walks in after you with a smile.
Alhaitham stands behind you as he watches you and Childe make some casual conversation.
“I still haven’t thought about what to get Zhongli for his wedding,” Childe sighs. “Any ideas?”
“Aren’t you two supposed to be close?” you ask.
“What did you get him?”
Oh? Are you going to Zhongli’s wedding, too?
“It’s a surprise.”
“Oh, come on,” Childe groans. “Don’t be like that.”
“Yeah, well, deal with it.”
Childe gently nudges you. “I can keep a secret.”
“Let it go, Childe.”
Alhaitham clears his throat. You slowly look over your shoulder and see him staring at Childe. “She already said no.”
“Ah… yeah.”
It's the first time you've seen Childe speechless, and you look back, hiding a small smile.
The doors open, and you step out. As you and Childe walk together, you expect to see Alhaitham walk in another direction or past you, but you never do. Does this mean he's still behind you? You want to look, but you have no idea how to make it look not obvious. Maybe just a—
You gasp when you bump into a large man holding a hot drink that splashes on your clothes. You're still recovering from what happened when the man glares at you.
“Sorry,” you begin, “I—”
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Why are you yelling?” Childe asks.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Me? I’m—”
“Watch your language.” Everyone turns to Alhaitham, who’s walking toward you.
It looks like the man recognizes him as he stiffens.
Alhaitham takes out a napkin from his suit and gives it to you. “...Are you okay?”
You take it. “...I’m fine."
“With all due respect, this woman is the one who bumped into me,” the man huffs.
As you dab the stain on your clothes, Alhaitham removes his jacket and drapes it around you. You stop and look up, catching a glimpse of his worried stare before he glares at the man. Everyone in the lobby is looking at you now, and you just want to disappear into a black hole.
“She already apologized,” Alhaitham says. “There’s no need to yell.”
The man grumbles something and walks away.
“...Thanks for that,” you say. “I’ll clean this and give it ba—”
“We need to get you out of those clothes.”
Alhaitham's voice is so quiet and low that you think you imagined it. But then, you see the warmth in his eyes, and you almost melt.
“We wouldn’t want you getting sick,” he continues.
…Right. Of course. Where is your mind wandering to?
Chapter Five
End notes: I couldn't tag some people, but this story usually updates twice every week. Just so you know. :)
Tag list: @lordbugs @suoshiii @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @sakiimeo @ashtree-and-the-cats @ceylestia @forsh4dow @aalastors-blog @deathkat657 @kalpie @elernity @sentieence
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jaskierx · 10 months
I’m so sorry this is going to be a long one!
I watched season 2 all by myself, without dipping my toes in fandom spaces before I was done. It gets overwhelming, so I only look for fans perception after I’m done watching the whole thing because I don’t want to be swayed in my opinions. Can I say I was a bit shocked by the fan reaction to Izzy?
As someone who was distanced from it, this was my take on him.
I consider myself neutral-positive when it comes to him, I don’t hate him at all but he’s not my fav, and I appreciate him because I’ve always liked the unique energy he brought to the show. He was a fantastic antagonist in season 1, and whilst I like his redemption arc in season 2 as a narrative, I wasn’t 100% sold on it on screen because it felt a little too forced on the writers’ part and frankly felt a little too much like sweeping his past behavior under the rug.
Don’t get me wrong, it made complete sense that Ed’s erratic behavior was more of an immediate concern for the crew, but the lack of acknowledgement from Izzy, after things calmed down, of what he himself did to the crew and to Stede left me a little unsatisfied. He let Ed take the brunt of everything although he played a hand in it. He was aware of how he had facilitated Ed’s spiraling though, which I can appreciate, even if the apology came only at his very last scene. The crew didn’t realize what was happening between Ed and Izzy (Jim saying Izzy was Ed’s friend made me roll my eyes, I get it, but I didn’t like them talking about things they don’t see the whole picture of, but it does illustrate their obliviousness about the situation), and they didn’t know Izzy was pushing Ed’s buttons constantly prior to him snapping. They couldn’t have known at all. I guess Izzy decided to make amends through his actions rather than his words, which is great and commendable (although it felt a little like they glossed over said actions), but the lack of acknowledgment is still there.  
Apart from this main gripe, I still liked his arc this season, he made me laugh, I felt for him at times, and I was bummed that he died. But most of all, I didn’t linger too much on Izzy when watching the season because his presence didn’t feel that big to me. He was nicer, had some great and funny moments but still very much felt like a supporting character popping up here and there.
So, you can imagine how surprised I was when I started seeing so many posts about him, what these were about, and certain things have since then kind of stuck with me.
The one I’ll talk about here is how bizarrely nerfed (as in blander) AND buffed Izzy is in a lot of takes I’ve seen. Like… Izzy is manipulative and twist things around a lot to make himself look better (we’ve seen him do that with Stede so many times). Like when he mentioned Ed cutting his leg off because he said he loved him. I don’t remember those things happening as he told them but go off Izzy. Interesting how Ed pulled the trigger but is considered to have cut Izzy’s leg off himself (when we know Jim and Archie did) but Izzy triggering Ed constantly until he snapped to the point of trying to take his own life multiple times is nothing at all in the mind of some fans, don’t you think?
It’s not a bad thing for Izzy to be manipulative at all, I genuinely think it’s great that he has this trait as a character, but takes after takes willfully ignore that and take his words as face value (but in the same breath ignore when Izzy used the shark metaphor to recognize that he fucked up and deserved to be confronted with just how much he fucked up). It’s such a disservice to Izzy. Let him be manipulative! Stop making him out to be this great guy who does nothing wrong! Is it this much to bear to acknowledge that he does shady things? He’s a pirate! Not a precious angel. That’s one of the best part of his character!
As for the buffing part… I can’t lie, I’m bothered that the show planted the seed that Izzy was the brain behind Blackbeard and taught him everything he knew, especially now that I see fan reactions to it. I don’t think this was what they meant to do at all, but it felt like a way to make Izzy this selfless hero which he never was. I think Stede was trying to butter Izzy up so he would help him, and about Izzy being the brain of the operation, who gives a fuck what Rick thinks? Izzy certainly didn’t take the bait and didn’t give a shit, but some Izzy fans took it very seriously apparently.
If anything, it reeks of racism because in his mind of course a brown man can’t think for himself and needs his white first mate to come up with plans for him. It’s really insulting, and I’m really annoyed when I see that some fans ran with it, rewriting Izzy has this badass pirate when his ego and condescending attitude actually exposed him to be the opposite (being outplayed by Stede in 102, losing the duel on a technicality, but still losing it in 106, being such a terrible captain that he gets mutinied right away in 110). It’s been established very early on that Ed is an amazing sailor and a really competent one at that! His instincts are top notch and he’s a great fighter! I don’t know, this rubs me the wrong way. Seeing his accomplishments brushed aside in favor of making Izzy look better is not it. Let Izzy's ego and rage be an obstacle to his growth!
I don’t know, I feel bad for on-screen Izzy. He’s an interesting character but the way people overinflate his importance in the story and turn him into something he’s not, is sad to see.
I’ll stop there because this ask is way too long already and I’m sorry about that. All this to say, I think the writing on Izzy was a little dissonant in some parts, with some attempts at making him more likeable that were successful, and others that could’ve been less shoehorned. For a supporting character though? I’m happy with what they did with him, just bummed out that his fans don’t really want to see him as he is.
don't apologise for sending long asks. i love getting a lil essay in my askbox have no fear
i agree entirely about s1 izzy vs s2 izzy. in s1 he's a great antagonist. he's in the wrong genre of show, he's incredibly repressed, he gets off on being forcefed his own toe, he has bad middle manager energy, he is the human incarnation of wile e coyote, his entire life goal is to split ed and stede up but he's absolutely incapable of stopping himself from accidentally helping them get together. he fascinates me. terrible person. i hate him. great antagonist
and your perspective as someone who did not spend significant amounts of time reading the worst takes you've ever seen during the hiatus is really interesting! like it confirms stuff that has been brought up before about how for example the season feels incredibly izzy-heavy if you're e.g. me but feels a lot more balanced if you're watching without any kind of fandom-related brainrot.
he's an unreliable narrator. we know this and we've known this from day one. the show makes a point to show us that when he's telling ed that stede didn't want to meet him and he misrepresents what he told stede. and yet the lengths some people in this fandom will go to to insist that everything that comes out of his mouth is gospel. like people just accepting at face value that 'izzy has always managed ed's erratic moods' etc when the only evidence for this is [checks notes] izzy himself making that claim. people will go as far as to handwave and assume that things must have happened off screen in a way that backs up izzy's account.
and your point about how all of izzy's flaws and harmful actions get dialled down while he also gets credit for all of ed's successes is spot on. everything harmful that izzy does is handwaved away as 'oh he was acting in ed's best interests' 'he thought he was doing the right thing' 'it doesn't matter that he threatened ed bc what ed did in response was way worse' etc. and then everything that ed achieves is attributed to izzy having taught him all he knows, having been the brains behind the idea of the blackbeard character. and these are inextricably linked - because in this wild fanon version of the show, izzy is fully responsible for all of blackbeard's intelligence and skill, and he and the crew's ability to earn a living completely relies on ed continuing to be blackbeard, so as long as izzy is supposedly acting with the goal of ed continuing to be blackbeard, he's actually being benevolent and looking out for the crew. even if he's selling them out to the navy. even if he's telling ed that he's better off dead than pining for stede.
btw the way folks go on about the duel in s1e6 is the funniest fucking thing. 'but stede cheated 😤 here's a 20 page essay on why izzy actually won' bestie it's a pirate ship not the supreme court, the winner is whoever the crew decides is the winner. (also stede won based on duel rules so. go off i guess)
but yeah i completely get what you mean. and it's a very common feeling. there are plenty of people who liked canon izzy and really want to be able to enjoy him but that enjoyment gets overshadowed by the amount of shite that comes out of the canyon that completely woobifies him and restructures the entire story to fit around their idea that izzy is the protagonist and a longsuffering victim
anyway. if you agreed with this post please send takes to @canonizzyhours 🌻
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ofjunemoment · 1 year
WORK IT WAS SUCH AN AMAZING STORY YOU DONT GET IT??? the story build up was literally PERFECT it didn’t feel rushed by making the reader fall in love with jaemin quickly but ALSO didn’t feel too long bc them working together would’ve definitely made them grow closer quick so the add unnecessary filler scenes to try and extend their relationship wouldn’t have made sense, but the scenes felt very in place. jaemin is so down bad it’s crazy.
and I WAS HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE reading him being shit at his jobs and getting fired immediately. EVERYTIME HE FUCKED UP AND JAEHYUN WAS ABOUT TO CATCH HIM Y/N WOULD BE THERE TO SAVE HIM LIKE WHAT WOULD HE DO WITHOUT HER 😭 idk how to explain it but he is such a dumbass but like in still some smart way? maybe it’s cos he is attractive WHATEVER
the side characters fit the story so nicely and they really played a huge part on making the story amazing. mark and shotaro being jaemin’s friends and roommate while being there always waiting for his story times about his job with mark nagging him every now and then, jaehyun and kun being the shop owners while jaehyun is more strict and a busy man kun is a bit nicer i liked the contrast in character 😭
i actually didn’t expect jaemin to WILLINGLY want to quit the job i thought he would like it because they didn’t fire him yet but i loved how he decided to stay until he got y/n and then dip. jaehyun telling him that he is fired was so funny i could literally imagine jaemin cheering and walking out SKIPPING even, after he kissed y/n
anyways great story, you did the strangers to lovers-with that one down bad character-trope so much justice this might be one of my fave fics ever. i never expected to enjoy a restaurant au honestly but i was surpringly pleased and actually was laughing so much while reading about his experience while working there, you did AMAZING THANK YOU FOR PUTTING TIME AND EFFORT INTO CREATING THIS WORK!!! idek if you’ll respond to this but i loved this fic so much 😭💔😭💔😭😞😞☹️😭😢💔💔
also this is random but i could’ve sworn i saw you post a snippet once and how it was going to be a chenle fic originally? maybe i’m tripping idk
ANON I LOVE YOUUUUU thank you so much for sending this omg 😭 i’m sosososo thrilled you liked it!!
i had so much fun creating the characters hehe and you’re exactly right jaemin isn’t like dumb or anything he just makes silly little mistakes and that’s okay !! because the reader is there to help >:)
AND I CANR BELIEVE YOU CAUGHT ME i swear i didn’t have the preview up for long BUT yes when i was planning out the fic i really wanted it to be a chenle fic because i love him 🥲 and also because i thought it’d be nice to have a long fic of him but then i actually started writing and i just couldn’t really characterise it like him if that makes sense? chenle (to me) is a very laid back and straight to the point type of character and so when i started writing i figured that it doesn’t really bode well with the mistakes he would make because would he really blink twice if he spilt a drink on the customer? i think he would be the one telling the poor lady off for scraping her chair back so suddenly and .. yeah (´∀`*)
again thank you loads for reading the story and for sending this in! asks like these truly truly make my day and motivate me to write even more for you guys!! thank you for paying attention to me hehe i’m gonna give you a little spoiler but i’m planning a haechan fic now (😱) so hopefully you guys would come to like that too <3 sending lots of love!
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neochan · 3 years
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GENRE | smut, idolverse!
WC | 2.6k +
A.N | this is a repost of my older work. i hope you enjoy it <3
You could still hear the unintelligible screaming of thousands of fans as the boys filtered off the stage and into the greenroom. Another successful concert in the long string of tour stops. You couldn’t even remember what state you were in because the days of traveling, unpacking, setting up, and doing it all again the next day ran together.
The boys were dripping sweat, immediately grabbing bottles of water and towels to wipe themselves off. They had worked harder than normal today since during one of the sets the microphone cut out and they had to perform acapella. Someone was getting fired for that.
Taeyong flopped onto the leather couch dominating the center of the room, water in one hand, phone in the other. “People are already uploading photos.” He outstretches his arm so the others could view the pictures pulled up on his screen.
“Johnny you look ridiculous,” you point out, laughing as a fan had caught Johnny in the act of wildly waving his light stick.
“I was having a good time, okay?” He chuckles and walks into the dressing rooms to change out of his stage outfit. Half of the group filtered out to change and half stayed to peruse through the gifts left by venue staff and play on their phones until told otherwise.
You were wondering where Hyuck was when you heard his voice from the hallway. He saunters in and gives you a kiss on the cheek, “Enjoy the show?” His golden skin was tainted pink, hair matted to his forehead by the sweat that was trickling down the side of his face. He grabbed his shirt and lifted it to swipe at his face, revealing his cute tummy. You had to resist the urge to poke it.
“I enjoyed hearing thousands of pretty fans scream your name” You give him a smirk knowing that he hates when you downplay your relationship.
He nudges you with his shoulder, “You know I meant the songs,” his doe eyes look into yours, his long lashes brushing against his cheek when he blinked “Besides, you know I love you and only you.”
Mark began to nervously giggle in the corner while Doyoung made fake gagging noises from the vanity he sat at. “Oh, shut up.” You say, throwing empty water bottles at the two, “And hurry up I wanna go swimming before it gets too late.”
The ride home was peaceful once the swarms of fans cleared a path for the bus. Per the managers request you slouched down in your seat so know one could see you through the window. It didn’t make much sense because the windows were tinted, but Haechan had to argue for his life to allow them to let you tag along on the tour, so you didn’t question them. Once you were on the road, you sat back up and snuggled close to Haechans side. He rested his hand on your thigh, absentmindedly stroking you with his thumb. His head leaned back against the seat, eyes closed, listening to music. It was so loud you could almost make out the words but you didn’t say anything – you let him stay in his post concert utopia for the whole trip.
The hotel was about an hour away from the venue so that no one would find them, and they’d be closer to their next destination. It was nicer than the others because it actually had a pool. You and Haechan made an agreement to go swimming after the concert, and you couldn’t wait. The staff also rented more rooms, so instead of four people to a bed, it was just you and Haechan.
After checking in everyone filtered off to their rooms leaving the both of you to freely do whatever you wanted - within reason of course. You both got changed, your gaze admiring the hard lines of Haechans back. “Don’t stare.” He blushed, wrapping a towel around his upper body.
You pulled on your bikini which made Haechan go silent. You specifically picked this one because it brought out your skin tone well, and cupped your features beautifully. “Now who’s staring?”
It never failed. The butterfly feeling you got in the pit of your stomach when Haechan watched you with loving eyes. You wrapped a towel around your waist, allowing Haechans eyes to roam the tops of your breasts, peeking out from the almost too small bathing suit.
His cheeks turned pink once he noticed he was caught, “Let’s go”.
The hallways were quiet since it was almost midnight, so you wordlessly made your way down the stairs and out into the night air. It had grown considerably cooler than when guys first arrived that morning, but the sky made up for it. Pretty stars pricked the vast expanse of dark blue and black infinity. You could see the moon peaking out from behind a single cloud, casting a shadowed glow on Haechans honey skin.
The gate was closed when you walked up to it so you stopped to read, “Aw man, the pool closed an hour ago,” You set your lips in a pout, “no wonder the lights weren’t on.”
“Hey it’s okay, no lights, no cameras, they probably wont even notice we’re here if we keep quiet.” He moves closer to you, eyebrows raised expectant for an answer.
You hesitated wondering if you really could pull it off, after all you’d been looking forward to this for the whole day, “I don’t wanna get in trouble..”
“You said you wanted to swim and I’m going to make sure that happens,” He gets down on one knee, “step on my leg, I'm gonna help you jump the fence.”
He boots you over, and grabs your arms to help lower you on the other side, but his hand slips and his nails dig into your shoulder. “Ow, fuck.” You wince rubbing the spot he scratched.
“Sorry, sorry” He says giggling, jumping the fence with such quietness and ease that it looked unreal. “Come on, dare you to do a canon ball!?”
He ran ahead throwing his towel on one of the pool chairs and jumping in the water. You cringe away from the loud slap his body hitting the water made. You walk slowly to the chair, deeply inhaling the addictive chlorine scent.
He finally stands up waist deep in the water and pushes his hair back. The blue water reflected against him, making his skin sparkle. “Come into the water y/n” he splashed some water into your general direction, but not enough to touch you.
“Okay, Okay.” You drop the towel and slip into the water. It was cold. Really cold. You gasp and recoil away, but not fast enough, because Haechan has wrapped his arms around you and started carrying you towards the deep end. You struggle a bit in his grip but his arms provide an iron cage that you can’t get out of. “Haechan let me go!”
He presses a warm kiss to the back on your neck but doesn’t comply with your wishes, instead making a curve and bringing you towards the underwater benches. He fixes his hold on you so that now he’s carrying you bridal style. You stare up at him, water droplets falling off his chin. His eyes were already red from the chlorine and you hoped that it cleared up by tomorrow nights concert. His plush lips sat in a pout, strong jaw set. He was so very pretty; and all yours. You smiled to yourself, deciding to keep that image locked away in your memory forever.
Once he gets to the benches he sets you down and glides in beside you. “You know It’s colder than I thought it was going to be.” He lifts a hand and sheepishly rubs the back of heck, “and you look way hotter in that bikini than I thought you would.”
“I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a dig or a compliment.” You scoot closer to him so that your thighs were pressed against each other. Finding his hand underwater, you intertwine your fingers with his own.
“A compliment babe.” He chuckles and slouches in the water so that only his head sat above it. You both sit there for a moment until it becomes too cold to sit still.
“Well I’m going to put it to use and go swim.” You push off from the cement and paddle around. The only way to stay slightly warm was to keep moving. Haechan watched you, eyes crinkled in a smile, bottom lip caught between his teeth. It was fun to watch you play in the water but the bathing suit was making him think of other things you two could be doing.
And that was how it stayed. Haechan watching while you performed for him.
A while had passed, the calm exterior of the pool getting to you, making you drowsy. The cold blue water washed over your hands while you gently skimmed the surface, making your way over to where Haechan was. You hummed a short tune under your breath, trying to keep yourself distracted. it was close to one in the morning now, but Haechan still sat on the bench, slightly shivering from the brisk air, hands gripping his thighs under the water while his mind wandered far away from the present.
“Watcha thinkin’ about” you ask, moving closer to him, hoping to catch some lingering body warmth.
“Fucking you ,” he moved off the seat and dove under the surface, only leaving small ripples in his wake. You stand there for a second wonder how he could be so blunt, so forward in his desires; he was never like this.
He swam a single circle around your body before popping up in front of you, giving you a mini heart attack. He pushes you back against the tiled walls, “I’ve spent the last hour thinking about fucking you. Thinking about how pretty you’d sound.” His head dips down to kiss along your collarbone, and your hands grab the back of neck, holding him there while his tongue sucked bruises into your tender skin. His hands grazed the bare skin of your arms, giving you goosebumps.
He moaned into the side of your neck, biting and sucking away, wanting you to yearn for him like he did for you. He lifted his head so that his mouth hung over yours, his small puffs of breath fanning over your face while he tests the waters. “Can I kiss you?”
Without giving him an answer you pull him closer by the roots of his hair. His kissing was messy and sweet, and while your tongues moved together, his hips began rubbing circles against you, trying to gain some friction in the cool water. Small heavy breaths were the only sound you could hear, aside from the occasional splash as Haechan moved restlessly.
Your hand wandered down his chest and below the surface to where you could feel him straining against his shorts. You began to stroke him over the fabric, his hips pushing against your touch. He broke the kiss to watch as you peeled down the elastic from his hips, his cock freed from the restricting material of his swim shorts. You watched him twitch slightly as the cold water met his length.
“You can’t make any noise.” You place a single finger against his lips.
“No promises.” He whispers, a devilish smirk breaking way on his face. His hands caress you thighs, pushing your bottoms to the side. The cold water hit you, making you gasp and push into Haechan who just whimpers against your touch.
He tried to stay quiet, only soft grunts between gritted teeth and muffled moans as his hips pushed into your own. The water created resistance but it just enhanced how good he was feeling. He hurriedly grabs at your legs, pulling them up so that they sat around his waist. Your back dragged up the tiled walls, scraping your tender skin, but you could only focus on Haechans cock thrusting deeply in and out of you. He stared longingly into your eyes, filling you up completely, wanting to savor the way they fluttered in the back of your head.
“You love the way I fill you up huh?” He groans into your ear, a hand falling forward to grip the cement ledge of the pool.
You couldn’t respond without fear of moaning so you nod your head wildly. He began to bite and suck at your collarbone, pushing you closer to the edge. Looking down he sees your nipples, erect, poking through the wet fabric of your bathing suit. His eyes grow wide, hips stuttering into you. Fuck you were hot.
“Haechannie, I think I’m going to come.” You squeezed your eyes shut trying to focus on the feeling coiling in your stomach.
“Not yet.” He growls, hands moving to pin your wrists against the cement ledge, “Hold it princess, I know you can.” The water began to slosh around faster as Haechan thrusted harder into you. The sound was so loud its no wonder you didn’t hear the keys jangling against the hip of the guard making his way towards you two.
“Hey!,” he shouts running towards you, “The pool is closed! Get out! Are you two-” He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as you and Haechan spring up out of fear and take off. It was easy to push yourself up onto the pool deck. The guard made the mistake of following you two and leaving the gate unattended. You and Haechan ran out, giggling, making your way back into the hotel. You didn’t stop until you got into the room and slammed the door behind you.
With your heart hammering in your chest you lean against the dark cherry wood . “Holy fuck we could’ve gotten in serious trouble.” You gasp out, clutching a hand against your wet bathing suit top.
“Babe we’ll be gone by morning, no one is gonna know.” Haechan paces in front of you trying to catch his breath. His shorts hung dangerously low on his hips, it was miracle he got them up in time.
“We’re so banned from this hotel.” A knock on the door makes you jump away from it, the worst of punishment's filling your mind. What were they going to do? They couldn’t arrest you, could they?
Haechan walks forward and turns the knob slowly, revealing a sleepy Doyoung. His oversized t-shirt hung off one shoulder showing off his gaunt collarbone. He was rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“What do you want Doie?” you ask softly.
“How was getting chased by the guard?” he gives a sleepy chuckle, still half in his dreams.
“How did you-,” A look of realization hits Haechan, “You reported us?” He whined, pushing Doyoungs bare shoulder so that he stumbled back.
“Sound travels over water dumbasses and you guys were loud, I was trying to sleep!” Protesting, he pushes Haechans wet shoulder back.
“Well, now we’re going to be twice as loud.” Haechan slams the door in Doyoungs face and grabs you, throwing you on the bed. You give a squeal, and hear Doyoungs fist hit the door.
“I swear I’ll make a noise complaint.” He sounded more irritated than sleepy now.
“Go ahead, you’re just mad I’m getting laid and you aren't.” You playfully slap Haechans arm, but he nips at your hand. The other side of the door grows silent, Doyoung either going to report you two, or going back to his room defeated.
“Shall we pick up where we left off princess?”
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allisonlol · 3 years
Just want to say thank you since you're one of the small amount of blogs that write for Jouno and Tecchou and talking about them I may or may not have a request😌
Confession headcanons for them (like how would they confess and how it would go down)
Also srry if this makes so sense I don't request stuff much😅
a/n: if no one else is gonna write for them...then that responsibility falls into my hands >:)
warnings: none!! these are super fluffy<3
(Tecchou, Jouno) Confession HCs
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he's gonna get so nervous awwwww
but literally is oblivious to his feelings for you at first??
has no clue why he gets so nervous around you and thinks he's getting sick or something
probably asks jouno about it LMAO
and jouno's just like "...you have feelings for y/n, you idiot"
tecchou goes “😦‼️” because this is basically a psychological breakthrough for him
now that he actually understands what he's feeling, he starts to hover near you more?? pls he just wants to spend time with you </3
becomes very protective & is always by your side during missions
i feel like by this point he wouldn't even really ask you out, he'd just kind of assume that y'all were already dating?? 🤨
so when he sees you talking to someone else he gets all JEALOUS
and ur just like "why would u care?? it's not like we're dating"
and that's when he realizes he'll actually have to ask you out
tries to ask jouno for advice again but he’s not much help
so tecchou decides to just go for it
it’s when you guys are walking back to HQ after a mission that he asks
literally grabs your arm and is looking down at you like “…😐”
you’re a bit confused & intimidated tbh
but then he says: “y/n, go out with me.” literally a statement and not even a question-
UR LIKE “...HUH?!”
blinks at you and repeats what he said, confused that you didn’t automatically accept
you realize what he’s trying to ask and start laughing because omg he’s so precious
this also explains a lot of his previous weird behavior, and you’re mentally kicking yourself for not noticing sooner
now tecchou is REALLY worried, until you accept & say that you’d absolutely love to go out with him <33
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oh my goodness he is so so pretty<3
ok i kind of struggled with this because honestly, i think you’d be the one to have to ask him out
but, for the sake of this post, let’s say it’s the other way around
at first, jouno would really bury his feelings for you
absolutely hates that he has this vulnerability so, towards the beginning he’ll probably be quite mean to you in hopes that it goes away
but uhh. it didn’t lol
in fact, his feelings grow to the point where it’d be unbearable to hide them for much longer
you’ll notice that it’s around this time that he actually starts being nicer to you for once
asks you more personal questions and makes small talk so he can get to know you on a deeper level, rather than just being co-workers
this all throws you for a loop because, wasn’t this the same man that was calling you annoying less than two weeks ago?? 🤨
so, amidst all your confusion, you feel yourself growing more attached to him as well 
obviously, he becomes fully aware that you like him just from listening to your pulse when you’re near
this is SUCH a relief to jouno because now he doesn’t have the uncertainty of wondering whether you like him back or not
it’s at this time that he’ll start preparing to ask you out
poor bby gets so nervous?? and that really throws him off because he’s not used to feeling this way at all
i think jouno would be really subtle about asking you out, gradually building up to it instead
^he’d start by asking if you’d like to simply spend time together outside of work, like going out to eat or meeting up at a coffee shop in the mornings
so kind of like dates…minus the actual dating part?? he’s so smooth about it too wtf
it’s on one of these “dates” where he would eventually ask you out
^you were walking with jouno to your car, about to leave when he stops you by grabbing your hand
brings his other hand up to gently hold your face hhhhhhh
says something along the lines of “since we’ve already been spending so much time together, i was wondering if you’d like to...become a couple?”
it’s an unusually soft moment for him so TAKE NOTES 
your heart is about to beat out of your chest from surprise and he can definitely hear it 
just...please PLEASE say yes. otherwise he might kill you just to spare himself from the embarrassment of being denied
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secondhand-trash · 3 years
Put a Ring on It
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A/N: I started it with the intention of writing a thirst post but it ended up being 1.7k of pure fluff lmao
Pairing: Miya Atsumu x reader
Description: Miya Atsumu had a thing for wearing rings.
Word count: 1772
Miya Atsumu had a thing for wearing rings.
Maybe it was how he thought that they made his hands looked bigger, or how the accents never failed to draw even more attention to his slender fingers. Likely, it was just the way how most teenage boys went through a phase of wanting to look stylish and edgy without really bothering to look into having an actual style of their own, resulting in him halting a baggy t-shirt, cargo pants and an unnecessary amount of rings as the peak of men’s fashion. You had your own thoughts on how he was so determined to slip a ring or two into whatever he was wearing whenever he was out of his uniform. You made fun of his sense of fashion none stop, pointing to his bleached hair that has faded from the gold it was supposed to be into a sharp yellow and cheap chunky jewelry as the main culprit.
“You look like a delinquent who smokes cheap cigarettes in parks after school.”
You sniggered when he let out an offended ‘huh’. His chunky silver rings that had obnoxiously prominent carvings on the side brushed dug into the gap between your fingers as he squeezed your hand tighter when he snapped towards your direction. Your free hand, the one that wasn’t in a lock hold by his ring clad one, reached out to brush away his side-swooped bangs. His hair was fried from the boxed bleach he used regularly but as a side perk, the dryness did add to the volume of his hair.
He stood there still as you carefully pushed his hair back, his upper body leaning towards your direction just a little so you didn’t have to struggle to reach him despite his initial protests. You were messing with his hair and he was looking at you, only at you, with his fingers still linked with yours even though you always complained about his rings making it hard for you to hold his hand.
You finally pulled back and your gaze dropped from his bangs to his eyes. Your heart skipped a beat when you met his eyes and they were full of you.
You cursed your weak heart for its sudden moment of swooning when he stood back up straight and his ring scratched against the inside of your finger.
You sighed, “You are so lucky you have a nice face so that people will be too caught up to notice how you dressed.”
Atsumu pretended he couldn’t hear the second half of the sentence and decided to focus on how you said he had a nice face instead.
But then you graduated from high school and he slowly started dressing less like a disastrous teenage boy and more like a proper adult. That athlete money did him well and he was finally able to dress the way he wanted to dress without having to turn into a questionable direction because of monetary limits. The baggy pants were gone from his closet, replaced with pants that actually fit his body and elevate things instead of holding back the visual upper hand he was supposed to have because of his physiques. He finally stopped bleaching his own hair after your many years of nagging but you nearly lost your composure when he showed up in front of your door to pick you up with his new hair for the first time.
“I got the stylist to trim my bangs for me,” he said as he ran his hand through the curl sitting at the side of his forehead and you gulped when you realised that his hair was soft enough for fingers to go through them with ease now, “I’m still trying to get used to not having things over my eye.”
“Oh?” you replied, your voice breathy as you tried to calm down your sea of thoughts at the sight of your boyfriend’s new look. 
You were aware that he was good looking, but everything that he was not born with used to be questionable so it balanced things out. Now he was wearing tight-fitted jeans that made his legs look even more toned as if it was even possible, with a white t-shirt that was tugged in loosely. He had a blazer on too, probably because you made him take you somewhere nice in celebration of his first VLeague cheque, but at this point you were almost certain he had that thing on just to drive you insane. 
And his hair, his god damn windswept fluffy no longer bright yellow hair.
“Do you think I should grow it longer?” he asked as he rubbed the tip of his bangs between the pads of his finger. The silver that sat at the bottom of his digits contrasted starkly with the pale gold and it finally dawned upon you that he stopped wearing the cheap rings you used to make fun of him for a while ago. 
Oh dear, now he was actually hot.
“No,” you blurted out, “it looks nicer this way.”
"You think so?” he asked as you forced your legs to move past your door before shutting it behind your back firmly. You had to force yourself to go out before the urge to make him come in could win, or else you would most certainly end up doing things that would make you miss your reservation.
And you had been excited to leech off of his athlete money.
“Yes, yes I do think so,” you said as you grabbed his hand to pull him along with you. 
You groaned in satisfaction when you realised his new rings did not stop you from sliding your fingers between his like the old ones did.
You started having fewer objections towards his choice of accessaries after his general fashion sense shifted for the better. You even started liking the rings after a while, crediting it to him opting for designs with more simplicity. You liked the way the metal was already warm from his heat when he put his hand on your thigh out of nowhere because he was bored, or when he was at the driver’s seat and the pad of his finger drummed against your skin steadily as he waited for the lights to change. The warmth of his hand always brought you security and he was well aware that nothing called your attention to him like it did. You were not even sure if he was aware, but he had a habit of toying with his rings whenever you were neglecting him because you had your attention on something else. The band he was playing with always ended up off his finger and up yours when you were least expecting it, the feeling of his calloused finger holding your hand as he slid it down always managed to call your gaze back to him.
‘What a child,’ you chuckled to yourself when he looked at you innocently like he could not be having any hidden thoughts, his hand still holding onto yours as he held the ring that was too large for your finger from falling down.
So being the child he was, who always couldn’t fathom the thought of letting you leave his side and was equally eager to let the world know he wasn’t leaving yours, it did not surprise you at all when you were tidying up your drawers one day to find a velvet box tugged all the way back into his sock drawer.
You had a feeling it was exactly what you thought it was, and you laughed at the image of him trying to find somewhere to hide it in the house while you were not around.
Of course, leave it up to Miya Atsumu to hide a ring at the back of his sock drawer because he thought it was the one place you wouldn’t look into unless you were left with no choice.
You giggled to yourself and closed the drawer, letting the box stayed right where it was.
You weren’t looking. You wanted to, but you weren’t. Because you knew he would whine to no end if you didn’t look as surprised as he wanted you to be when he finally showed it to you for real.
He still had no clue that you already knew it was coming when he got down on one knee and took the box out of his pocket with shaky hands. He cried when you said yes and you cried when he started crying, even though you had already rehearsed in your head for a million times on how you would say yes ever since you saw the velvet box inside of his sock drawer. 
He was still sobbing when he realised he needed to get up from the ground, wiping his tears away on the sleeve of his very expensive blazer before clumsily taking the ring out of the box to put it on your finger. Miya Atsumu was an ugly crier through and through and you finally admitted to yourself that you were a whipped fool when you still wanted to kiss his stupid face even though his eyes were swollen and he missed your finger a few times before finally getting the ring in.
“Now we match,” he said with a hiccup, laughing but sounding like he was about to break down into another round of tears as soon as the chuckle left his mouth, “you can’t make fun of my rings anymore.”
He was so dumb, and you felt like crying again when he took out an identical ring from his pocket and put it on his own hand. Who the hell does that? You wanted to laugh at him but you couldn’t, because you knew you would start sobbing again if you do that.
“You’re an idiot,” you said, grabbing his hand to steady him because he was shaking and you were sure he might just drop the ring if he kept fidgeting.
He sniffled, grinning ear to ear through his tears when he saw the ring that sat on your finger.
“So?” he said, happily holding your hand in his to look at how perfectly it fits, the rings and your hands, “You can’t get rid of me now, I got the ring to prove it.”
You huffed, but couldn’t stop yourself from smiling when he rubbed his fingers along his engagement ring like he was making sure that it was still there.
You decided that it would be your favourite ring of his until you get to put the wedding band onto his finger yourself.
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doublethetheories · 3 years
Maggie (and Ava)’s Past, Present, and Future!
Hello everyone and welcome back! Today I wanted to make a proper explanation for EVERYTHING I have involving Maggie as a theory. An alternative title is “The Maggie Masterpost” but I want to focus on her relationship with Ava since that has the most unanswered questions. So, let’s get into it!
Maggie and Ava: The Early Years
It’s shown many times that Ava and Maggie used to be really close, specifically through their drawers (panel 2248) and through the photo on the inside of Maggie’s cupboard (panel #0865). It’s also apparent that this was before Maggie became a host, as we can see from her eyes in panel #8065. I believe that Maggie and Ava used to be very close, and one of two things happened: A) Ava starts falling for Maggie and decided to confess, or B) Maggie realises that she’s begun falling for Ava and retreats into herself.
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There isn’t necessarily any outright evidence for Maggie or Ava being bi/pan, but for Maggie’s story, it’d make sense if she had struggled with feelings towards/from Ava and reacted by becoming mean, pushing people away to avoid confronting it. Internalised homophobia fits Maggie pretty well.
It would also play well into the fact that Ava blames herself for how Maggie’s become mean, since Ava knew her when she’d been nicer. In panels #1087 - #1088, Ava directly blames herself for Maggie’s unpleasantness. 
“I mean it’s... it’s my fault she acts the way she does. / She wasn’t always this reckless and mean.”
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Knowing this, it takes us easily into our next section.
Maggie’s Death
[TW: Lots of suicide / noose mention in this section, skip to the next heading to avoid it.]
In the Death And Demon Theory (coming later this week, mentioned/recapped in this, this, and implied in this post), I firmly believe that every Host died at some point, and their soul’s joining with a demon brought them back to life. Gil was boiled alive before being found by TiTAN’s people (and seeing Nevy for the first time soon after), Odin died in a hunting accident with his father and has since been haunted by Pedri, and Ava was stillborn and got Wrathia earlier than the others because she drank the potion first. 
But Maggie has always been a confusing spot, since we never had any clear indicators of her death, until...
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This comment on Some Unanswered Questions (which this post can be seen as a sequel/follow up to) has provided the answer. In every panel in Maggie’s mindscape, she’s in a very simple costume, with a strange green necklace that never quite made sense, even though it wasn’t necessarily out of place. 
I agree with those theories Void mentioned; Though I technically don’t have the evidence to “prove” it, the necklace being a noose provides the missing evidence for so many of my theories that it can’t be a coincidence. Maggie killed herself (via noose) after her falling out with Ava, and this is where she became joined with Tuls. 
In my last post about this (Some Unanswered Questions), I listed some mini theories at the bottom, one of which says Maggie probably made her pact quickly due to how casually she mentions failing it, as if she didn’t properly listen to the terms and conditions. Since Tuls’ magic is about gaining other people’s affection, I think this still plays into the internalised homophobia theory because she’s pushing herself onto every guy she meets in attempts so shut off this other part of herself.
Maggie and Erios: Predictions + Tying Things In
It has been established that Maggie will end up with Erios (the star host) many times through various means, and I’ll have another post soon analysing her relationship with Gil and Erios. For now though, my analysis of Panel #0358 recaps fairly well how/why we first predicted that Maggie would end up with Erios.
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Now that we know Erios is nobinary (and super over-the-top), we can also start to see how Maggie’s fairytale plays in.
For those of you who don’t know, every character in Ava’s Demon has a fairytale they parallel in some aspect of their major character arc, and Maggie’s is Beauty And The Beast. We’ve long predicted that this means she just wouldn’t be super attracted for Erios at first and she’d learn how love can be something that grows over time rather than being an impulse decision like with Gil, but combining Erios’ gender identity with Maggie’s (theorised) internal homophobia, I think this relationship is where Maggie not only learns to love for the person over their gender, but also learns to finally accept that side of herself and let her love finally be genuine and real.
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Bonus Notes
Erios’ fairytale has been confirmed to be Peter Pan in a recent stream from Michelle on their twitch. Based on their current personality (especially the way we meet them), they will likely be learning to be more mature and less obnoxious (no offense 😅) and that’ll help their relationship with Maggie bud more. Because I can almost 100% guarantee that Maggie will NOT get along with Erios whenever they meet if they’re both the same person they currently are. 
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samrosemodblog · 2 years
How I discovered I was Bi-Gender
My name is Sam. These days I go by Sam Rose, and I was assigned Male at birth, and I felt like telling my story about how I discovered that I identify with both Male and Female simultaneously. 
The first sign I ever felt about this was during my early childhood when people would try to use the name ‘Sam’ to insult me, saying things like “Your name is SAMANTHA, you’re a GIRL!” 
And I always distinctly remember being confused by this, because, what was wrong with being a girl? I never said that back to them, but I certainly remember it never bothering me, so I never gave them a reaction out of that bad attempt at bullying.
Really the only time I got upset about the name ‘Samantha’ was when our next door neighbor named their baby girl that, and I was more upset that there were now ‘Two Sams’ and that was going to get confusing!
After that, the next sign was when I felt like changing my username on a Forum I used to post to. I no longer remember what my old name was, but I had recently finished playing Parasite Eve 1, and had liked it so much I wanted to change my name to ‘Mitochondria Eve’.
Someone on the forum commented that ‘Eve’ was typically a girls name, and that they hadn’t expected it from me. I hadn’t realized that at the time as it was just supposed to be a cool name, but I stuck with it for as long as I was on that forum because I just liked the name.
The next sign was in Middle School, where I had a Red Jacket as a comfort item for how anti-social I was. I randomly came up with the idea that ‘How’ I wore the jacket would determine my ‘Personality’, and that I would be ‘different people’ if I wore it a certain way.
And to make it more interesting and spicy, I figured the ‘nicer’ personality would be a girl, and that felt normal to me. I even reflected this in my online persona at the time, where I was using a recolored Zero sprite from Megaman Zero, and made this ‘alternate personality’ of mine a slightly modified Amy sprite from Sonic Advanced.
This confused a lot of people online at the time, and I played it up mostly for laughs cause it got fun reactions from people trying to guess if I was girl or a guy. It may have been playful trolling, but playing with my gender had been fun even back then.
I have a hard time remembering what exactly had led to this, but at some point during High School I had decided that my ‘Soul’ was female. I played around a bunch with the idea that if I turned into a Ghost, it would be a girl floating around haunting people. But even back then, I also ‘Liked’ being a guy. So a common thing I would tell people is:
“On the inside, I’m a girl, who is a lesbian, and likes being in a boy’s body because it makes it easier to flirt with girls.”
Some people understood, others were just absolutely baffled. 
I thought it was hilarious to see people’s reactions to it back then, and that explanation wasn’t terribly far off from where I eventually ended up, just worded badly!
After High School, I eventually started focusing more on my art as I realized that was the path I wanted to pursue. And one of the things I did was finally ‘Draw’ what I looked like on the inside. I had at this point been saying my Soul was a girl for years, and I finally drew what she looked like.
And so, here is my first ever picture of myself as a girl.
She didn’t look anything like the way I draw myself as a guy, and so I felt like she deserved a name of her own to complete her. So I named her “Rose”. 
I did not realize at the time that this would confuse many people for years and years that I had a ‘Female Gender’ side of me because she was so different and barely used by me.
And so this was the limbo I found myself in for several years, a “Boy” with a “Female Soul” who was okay with being both. And it wasn’t until my all time favorite Webcomic, El Goonish Shive, introduced me to the concept of ‘Gender Fluid’ in this update, that I started to realize that maybe there was “More to what I am than I thought”
And so I used the term ‘Gender fluid’, because that’s the only term I knew for Male/Female flip-flopping, but I never felt like it completely represented me. Mostly because every other ‘Gender Fluid’ person I saw talked about having ‘Male Days’ and ‘Female Days’ and wanting to be one or the other on different days.
But I never felt that way. I just constantly felt like I was both at all times. This is why my username had become ‘Sam Rose’.
Sam was my Male half, and always presenting because I am a Male by body and voice.
Rose was my Female half, barely seen but always there.
At no point would you be wrong to call me ‘He’ or ‘She’, and if you had a preference I didn’t care. As long as you didn’t try to erase half of me in favor of the other, I never had any issues with anyone sticking to one or the other for me. Including my name. I go by Sam as much as I do Rose.
And it wasn’t until three years ago that I met someone who was deciding to go from ‘Bigender’ to ‘Gender Fluid’ because it fit them better, that I was blindsided by the fact that there WAS another choice!
At first I was hesitant to make the change to Bigender, but the more I sat and thought about it, the more I realized that it fit me. 
And so, what started off as a simple feeling of “Its cool to be a girl” eventually became “I’d like to be a girl, and I’d like to be a boy, I’d like to be both!”
The signs had basically always been there, but it wasn’t until I was almost 30 that I finally fully understood who I am. And I’ve never been more comfortable and happy with my identity as I am now.
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 24}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Occasional surprise chapters could be posted at miscellaneous times. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara’s blogs! >> @tacmc.​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
A/N: Sorry for the late post! My baby shower was today, so Tara and I have been extremely busy! Look for Chapter 25 on her blog on Monday!
Warning: 18+ content.
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Cassian got to the restaurant and took a look around. There were people everywhere, bustling about, getting ready for the night’s grand opening.
It had become the talk of the town - and the local groups on the internet - so they were expecting a good turnout.
At least, that’s what Cassian’s guess was.
He hadn’t talked to Nesta since he stormed out two days before, with the exception of one text exchange.
Cassian had texted, Tell Nyx I love him and I will see him tomorrow.
Nesta had replied, Ok.
Now, he was searching for that tiny little man with a mop of dark, black hair.
When he finally found Nyx, he was in his stroller eating cheeto puffs off the tray. When he saw Cassian his eyes lit up and he was instantly reaching for him.
Cassian laughed as he unbuckled him from his stroller and picked him up, giving him the biggest hugs. “Hey, buddy. I missed you, too.”
“This is his third helping of cheetos,” Helion said, from where he leaned against the wall. “Sorry about the next diaper.”
Cassian chuckled. “All this going on and Nesta stuck you on baby duty?”
Even saying her name out loud hurt, but he didn’t let it show.
He gestured toward the kitchen and said, “She’s been here since six and she’s in one of her moods. I decided I’d rather be on baby duty than caught in the crossfire.”
He winced, figuring that didn’t bode well for the two of them today. “I’ll stay in the bar, then.”
“That’s probably a good idea,” Helion replied, looking him up and down, before pushing the stroller behind the counter. Cassian had the distinct feeling he was looking for a crack in his armor. He didn’t bother telling him that he’d been broken for two days, and the only person who could fix him was currently yelling at some poor employee in the kitchen.
Cass crossed the threshold into the bar area and let out a low whistle. He’d had a hand in the design, but most of this was all Nesta. It accented the restaurant perfectly and he immediately loved the place.
“Nice, right?”
He turned to find Kallias carrying a tray of fresh glasses from the dish area and the smile on his friend’s face was infectious.
Cassian nodded as Kallias said hello to Nyx. “Yeah, it looks amazing.”
Kallias nodded. “You and Nesta did good.”
“Thanks,” Cassian muttered, not wanting the conversation to go any further. “How long have you been here?”
“Just got here,” Kallias said, as Nyx started playing with the strings on Cassian’s hoodie. “Viv will be here soon to help out. She said she can watch Nyx while we work.”
Cassian nodded. “That would be great.”
It would be helpful, of course, to have Viviane help out watching Nyx. Cassian had a ton to get done in the next six hours before the opening began. He didn’t want to let Nyx go, though. Two days. It was the longest he had been away from Nyx since...everything happened.
“Well, little man, until then, you get to help me unpack liquor bottles,” Cassian said, trying his best to sound excited.
Nyx giggled. “Ba ba ba ba ba ba.”
“Yeah, different kind of bottles,” Cassian chuckled, and carried Nyx with him into the back room.
Kallias had been at the bar for the past two days, getting most of the stock ready to go. A few texts to explain the situation was all he’d needed and Cassian was thankful he had such a loyal friend and coworker.
Elain hadn’t been as understanding the first night he’d been there, but after talking to Nesta, even she backed off. He had no clue what Nesta had said to her, but her frustration turned to sympathy and she was back to treating Cassian like the brother-in-law she loved and not like a man who’d hurt her sister.
After pulling the carrier out of Nyx’s stroller, he strapped the baby to his chest and set to work, carrying case after case of liquor up to the bar. Kallias was busy stocking the assorted glasses they’d need, so the two worked in silence for the most part.
He had just walked back into the store room, short one case of whiskey, when he heard Nesta talking from the dry pantry separating the store room and kitchen. Cassian’s heart lurched and he was about to make his way back into the bar, but Nyx squealed as he heard her voice.
The swinging door flew open as Nesta hurried into the store room, wondering how Nyx had gotten in there in the first place. She froze when she found Cassian there. Their eyes locked and she blinked.
“Hey, Nes,” he said, quietly.
“I…didn’t know you were here,” she breathed.
He shrugged, turning back to the boxes of bottles. “Got here about an hour ago. Didn’t want to interrupt you.”
Nyx was reaching for her, so he unclipped the carrier and gave him to her. He giggled happily as soon as he was in Nesta’s arms, but she froze, unsure of what to say. “You should have let me know you were here.”
Another shrug. “You were busy, and I knew what I needed to do. Kal said Viv would be here later to watch him.”
She nodded, silence filling the space again.
Nyx pointed at Cassian, reaching for him. “Dada.”
Cassian stilled.
He opened his mouth to say something, then closed his mouth.
A second passed.
Then, at last, he said, “What did he just say?”
“Dada,” Nyx repeated, and clapped his hands together. He reached for Cassian. “Dada!”
Cassian took Nyx, although he was moving slowly, stunned into silence. Nesta watched as a thousand different emotions crossed his face.
“Dada?” Cassian breathed, looking from Nyx to Nesta. “He just called me-.”
“He’s been saying it for the past two days,” Nesta said, staring at a spot on the wall behind Cassian.
For a moment, Cassian didn’t say anything, but then he asked, “You didn’t bother to tell me that?”
Nesta’s eyes narrowed and she slowly met his gaze. “You left.”
“A simple text letting me know that Nyx said his first word wouldn’t’ve killed you,” Cassian snapped. “Especially since his first word was…” Cassian shook his head, that fury fading as quickly as it had come. He looked at Nyx and chuckled, softly. “Dada, hmm?”
“Dada,” Nyx said, taking Cassian’s face into his hands before patting his stubbled cheeks with his chubby little palms.
Cassian watched Nyx for a moment, chuckling softly, before asking Nesta, “Has he said anything else?”
Nesta shook her head, even though Cassian wasn’t looking at her. “Just that. Probably wondering where you were. He’s been saying it nonstop, after all.”
“I’m sorry, bud,” he said, softly. He kissed the top of his head. “I’m still right here though.”
He was about to buckle him back into the carrier when Nesta reached for him. “I can take him. You’ve got a lot to do.”
“No more than you,” he said, settling him back into the carrier. “And I’ve missed him. Viv will come see Kallias when she gets here. Let me keep him.”
Her hands fell to her sides. “Fine.”
The tiny room felt like it was closing in on him, looking at her. They were so close together, whether they wanted to be or not. Without another word, Cassian grabbed the closest box and shouldered his way back through the swinging door.
Kallias caught the look on his face as soon as he came back. “That must have been the first conversation you two have had.”
Cassian grunted in response, letting Nyx continue to pat at his face.
“And how’d it go?” He asked, leaning against the bar.
“About as well as you think.”
Kallias watched his old friend for a moment before nodding, deciding to let the conversation drop. Cassian was grateful for it.
He was thankful for Nyx, too, for an endless amount of reasons, but right now, he was a distraction. With Nyx here, he was only thinking about Nyx, not about Nesta.
Cassian spent the next couple of hours lining up liquor bottles, and when Viv got there, she happily took Nyx and let Cassian work.
Once Nyx began playing with Viviane, Cassian’s thoughts were once again on the last person he wanted to be thinking about.
He continued to work, trying his best to keep his mind on that. It was kind of hard, though, when the owner of the restaurant was Nesta. He guessed he was part owner now, too - owner of the bar, anyway.
The hours flew by and by the time Cassian decided to check his watch, he realized he only had thirty minutes until the doors were opening for the main event.
He needed to get out of his old hoodie and into something nicer.
After making his way into the stockroom, he pulled off his hoodie before digging into his backpack for the black henley he’d brought. It wasn’t fancy by any means, but it was sure better than his ripped hoodie.
The door swung open as he was pulling his shirt over his head, and when he turned around, he saw Nesta, once again.
She stilled just in front of the door. “Are you planning on being in here every time I come in?”
It was meant to be a joke, something to lighten the mood, Cassian knew, but the light didn’t exactly reach her eyes.
He looked down at his shirt. “Just had to change. Didn’t think a hoodie was appropriate for an opening celebration.”
Nesta nodded, giving him a forced smile. “Couldn’t have gone all out with a button down?”
“This is Azriel’s,” he said. “All of my nicer things are at…home.”
He said the last word hesitantly.
Nesta’s eyes fluttered shut. He knew she was dying to say something, but what it was he couldn’t tell. He thought he knew her well enough to read her face. It seemed he was wrong though.
“I’ll come by and get my things on my day off this week,” he said, saving her the request. He pulled the Henley over his head, leaving his backpack against the store room wall. “You won’t even know I was there.”
He pushed back through the door without waiting to hear what she was going to say.
This was agony. Every moment of being around her hurt, because every time he saw her, he knew that he’d wasted the past three months of his life. He’d wasted his time falling in love with her, because she still hadn’t said it back.
Nyx and Viv sat at one of the new tables, Nyx munching on some crackers, and even Kallias’ eyes dragged to him. Nyx’s blue eyes were the only ones he cared about though.
“That’s new,” Kallias said, from where he leaned across the bar.
Nyx’s new favorite word was one of the few things that had made him smile all day. Even if it tore him apart at the same time.
He didn’t mind Nyx calling him that. He was still too young to understand what had happened to Rhys. So one day, he’d explain to him who he really was, and who Rhys was. But until then, he was content to be Dada.
Cassian lifted him out of the high chair he was in and smiled, wistfully. “Hey, buddy.”
On the other side of the room, Nesta pushed through the double doors and into the restaurant, making sure everything was in order as the clock ticked down.
Cassian couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.
He wondered if she knew.
This was the biggest night that Nesta had in quite some time. A new bar would be amazing for business, and she was expecting a hell of a crowd.
And she wasn’t disappointed.
At exactly six, people began to pour in. They sat, and they ate, and by the Mother, they drank. She was amazed at how well Nyx was doing. She kept expecting to see him sleeping in a corner with Viviane, but he was being passed around to Viv, Kallias, Helion, and Cassian, having the time of his little life.
Nesta was glad someone was enjoying their night.
She should be enjoying her night, should be pumped at the booming business, but she could hardly focus.
All she could think about was him.
Every time she even got a glimpse of him, she wanted to run into his arms and tell him that she loved him. But she couldn’t do that. She had no clue what the repercussions of their relationship would do to Nyx, especially if something were to happen. If they were to break up, would this be their future? Barely speaking, passing the kid back and forth, both of them in misery?
Even when Elain and Azriel got there, both giving her hugs and warm smiles, the one on her face wasn’t real. She knew Elain could tell, knew she wanted to pull her aside, get the whole story, and quite possibly talk some sense into her, but she wouldn’t.
She couldn’t.
Not tonight.
As much as she tried to spend most of her time in the dining room, greeting guests and asking how they liked the drinks and new menu items, she kept ending up in the kitchen.
She got word that there had been a small grease fire on the line and she was about to rush into the kitchen when Helion stepped in front of her.
“Take a breath.”
“I can’t,” she replied, pulling her hair back off of her face. “There was a fire and-.”
“And it’s under control,” he said, gripping her by the shoulders. “It’s been put out, and I can go deal with Emrys and Luca and any potential fallout. Go have a drink, relax with your sister. You deserve a glass of wine and a moment to sit down.”
Nesta hesitated, but Helion wasn’t having it.
“Go,” he said. “Kallias is currently manning the bar. Go order a drink before the next wave of people come along.”
With a huff, Nesta nodded and exited the kitchen. True to Helion’s word, it was Kallias that was behind the bar. The second he saw Nesta coming, he was pouring a glass of wine.
She took a sip as soon as she reached the counter. “Vodka.”
Kallias blinked, then obliged her. He poured her a shot, Nesta downed it and thanked him, then took her glass of wine around the room to greet people. She eventually found Elain and Azriel, and was getting ready to take a seat by them, until she noticed Cassian already sitting with them, Nyx in his lap.
Bypassing their table, she gave them both an apologetic smile, before redirecting herself towards the bar. She breezed past it and Kallias, draining her wine and leaving it by the sink, before she entered the store room.
Cassian must have handed the baby off to Elain or Viviane, because not even a few seconds later, he was right behind her.
“Is this how it’s gonna be, Nes?” He asked, not stopping until he was right in front of her. “Are we just going to avoid each other, unless Nyx is concerned?”
The door hadn’t even finished swinging shut, but she noticed Kallias stacking a few boxes in front of the door.
For all intents and purposes, do not enter.
Their first night working together and already a fight. She couldn’t blame his frustration, this was all her fault.
“It hurts to see you,” she breathed. “It hurts to see you because I don’t know what the hell is going on.”
“You don’t know what the hell is going on?” He asked, incredulously. “I don’t know what the hell is going on! You’re so-.” His words fell away and his eyes shut as he rubbed his temples.
Nesta arched a brow. “I’m so what?”
“Infuriating,” he said, and met her eyes with a pained expression that knocked the breath out of Nesta. “It hurts for you to see me? It kills me to see you, but you know what? That’s on you. I wasn’t the one that started questioning everything. And you want to know what’s ironic? You’re pushing me away because you’re afraid it won’t work out. But, it’s not working now, Nesta. In pushing me away, you made what you’re worried about a reality.” He shook his head, slowly. “What the hell is the point of that?”
Nesta didn’t say anything. Her jaw locked and she refused to break his gaze, no matter how much it tortured her.
“It’s better for it to happen now rather than later,” she said, and hated herself for it the second the words left her. “It’s better for it to end before it really begins.”
Cassian chuckled, humorlessly, and shook his head. “That's bullshit and you know it. It already began, Nesta.”
He took a step toward her, and in such a small room, it left very little space between them.
Nestas breath hitched, and judging by the way Cassian’s eyes flared, he definitely noticed.
“Tell me you don’t care about me, and it’s done. We’ll pretend these past few weeks never happened, and we can move on,” he whispered, and she could feel his breath fan over her face. “Tell me this all meant nothing to you, and it’s over.”
Her eyes flashed down to his lips before meeting his own. “I can’t do that.”
Cassian wasn’t sure who moved first. If he grabbed her face or if she leaned up and pressed her lips to his, but before he knew what was happening, he had her back pressed against the store room wall. Gods, it had only been a few days, but kissing her again, the feel of her lips on his, it felt like he hadn’t been able to breathe.
Her hands were clawing at his back and he found her thighs, lifting her up to wrap her legs around his waist. He hadn’t even noticed she’d changed into a loose, sundress but thanks to her own wardrobe change, there was very little fabric between them as she let go of him to fumble with his belt buckle and jeans.
There were no words necessary, not when they both needed the other as badly as they did.
Their lips never broke, that contact remained, hungrily, needily, as Nesta pulled Cassian’s cock out and, moving the thin scrap of fabric beneath her dress aside, he pushed himself up into her.
Nesta moaned into his mouth at the feeling of him filling her. He bit her lip, and that moan deepened as he began to thrust deep inside of her, over and over again.
There was no foreplay.
Foreplay wasn’t necessary, not this time.
Two days, two nights, had been far too long when they had become so accustomed to this same ritual every night, time and time again.
Cassian’s head fell back as he fucked her, relentlessly, then he met her lustful gaze. His forehead fell against hers as he slowed his pace. With a soft, reverent curse, Cassian breathed her name.
She clung to him, the smell and taste and feel of him making her feel far more drunk than the wine or liquor had. Nesta buried her face in his neck, trying to cover the sounds tumbling from her.
He captured her lips again, knowing her body better than his own at this point, and thrust into her as hard as he could.
The bottles on the shelves rattled gently, but he didn’t care if anyone could hear them in the bar. He didn’t care if anyone caught them. All he cared about was that he was deep inside of her, listening to the quiet whimpers and moans that she couldn’t stop.
There was no way she could walk away from this.
Not just from the sex. Which, yeah, was incredible, but there was more to it than that.
Their souls were connected, which is what made the sex so mindblowingly phenomonal.
It was more than just sex.
It was something that Cassian swore no one else had ever witnessed before. Or, maybe they had. Maybe this is what it felt like when you found the person you were meant to spend forever with.
No, Nesta couldn’t walk away from this.
He swore, hoped, prayed she couldn’t.
He wanted to say those little words. Wanted to tell her, so desperately, that he loved her, but he didn’t.
He just kept saying her name over and over and over again with every thrust of his hips.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
“Nesta,” he breathed, and she cried out as her legs began to shake around him. He cursed, his fingers digging into her thighs as his body flooded with the need to explode.
As soon as her release slammed into her, he met his own, her name a groan as he spilled into her. They stayed like that for a moment, him still buried inside her, even as his seed started to drip down her legs. Thankfully, the sound of the party out front had covered any and all noises they’d made. Her breathing was still uneven as he pulled out, and he pulled that ripped hoodie from his backpack and silently used it to clean her up.
Tossing it back towards his bag, not caring if it made it inside or not, he paused in front of her, and tried to tilt her face up to his.
She refused.
He breathed, “Look at me, Nes…”
She shook her head, and damn him if those weren’t tears starting to spill down her cheeks.
He gripped her chin, forcing her eyes up to meet his. “Damn it, Nesta, talk to me. Just talk to me and tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I think you need to go,” she breathed.
He hesitated. “What?”
“You need to go,” she repeated, but there was no bite in her voice.
Cassian took her face in his hands and brought her eyes to his. “I’m not leaving. Not after that.”
“Go,” she repeated, and another tear slid free. “Go, Cass, please.”
He shook his head, fury, frustration, utter misery filling his core. He dropped his hand and stepped back. “Damn it, Nesta! What do you want?!”
“For you to leave,” she hissed.
“You’re a fucking liar,” Cassian snapped. “You say you can’t tell me that you never cared, you fuck me in a damned store room, then you ask me to leave?”
“You’re making this harder than it has to be.”
“I’m making this harder?” he asked, breathlessly, unable to stop his darkened laughter. He looked away from her and sucked in his bottom lip.
A moment passed, and Cassian refused to meet her gaze. “I don’t get it,” he said, at last. “I don’t get it. I don’t know what you want. I don’t know what you want from me.” His words were coming out rushed, frazzled. “Know what? Fine. If this is the way you want it, this is the way it is. I’ll be at Elain’s and Azriel’s tonight, and I’m taking Nyx with me. I’ll bring him by tomorrow, when Viviane is there.”
With that, he was gone.
And Nesta was left alone, her hands flying over her mouth as she sobbed, still able to feel the soft, tender, alluring feeling of his lips on hers.
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (11)
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(c!technoblade x fem!reader)
(people showed chapter 10 some nice love so here’s chapter 11. sorry it took so long to get out. I threw my back out and doing just about anything has been physical torture. but I’m starting to feel better so here’s hoping I’ll write more soon. but remember, please comment and reblog. they keep me motivated! <3)
Things settled down pretty well after the election. Almost unbelievably so. Wilbur pretty much completely disappeared afterwards. You felt worried and voiced your concerns with Niki, saying you hoped he wasn’t terribly upset he’d lost the election. You understand he no doubt felt incredibly attached to the title of president, and he may feel resentful of you for ‘stealing’ it from him. Niki smiled at you, glad you were being kinder about this than the other contestants would be in your shoes, but sighed and said,
“Yeah, he’ll probably be upset for a while. But I’m sure he’ll come around to accept you as the new president.”
You gave her a thankful smile, even if you didn’t quite believe her words. But then you paused and wondered if maybe, despite all your reservations about the brunet man, it was possible to smooth things over with him? Maybe all you needed to do was sit and have a talk with him. Perhaps he’d gone insane in the original timeline because both Schlatt and Quackity were… well, for lack of a nicer term, total dicks to him. They were openly antagonistic to the former president, banishing him and his younger brother from the very nation they fought and died for, which no doubt added to his crumbling mental state after L’manberg chose a new leader.
But maybe you could be different from Schlatt and Quackity. Honestly you had no desire to be cruel to Wilbur, though you would not put up with any of his BS, and honestly you hoped to have a neutral relationship with the man. So you decided right then that there was no harm in trying. Your smile brightened and you nodded and said to the blonde woman,
“You’re probably right, he just needs some time. Maybe after a few days he and I can have lunch and just talk. Clear the air between us. I’ve never been president before so I’m sure he’d be a great help in getting me better settled in!”
Niki was super glad you were being so chill about all of this. She knew you were the best choice for president. That’s probably why she’d voted for you. (yeah she’d heard your little speech and was really moved) But she’d never tell Wilbur that. He fully believed she’d voted for Coconut2020, and to be fair she had intended to until she was so moved by your speech. You had a way with words that just put the listener at ease.
“Yeah, I’m sure things will be alright,” Niki replied with a cheerful smile.
You settled into being president pretty well all things considered. There wasn’t as much work as you were expecting there to be for a president. But perhaps your only frame of reference (the US president) was a bit different than your current job (l’manberg president). L’manberg was super small actually. Especially compared to the United States. Hell, Punz’ house was almost as big as L’manberg if you remember right. 
You’re glad there wasn’t much presidential work to do at that moment. Because you wouldn’t have had time to juggle that work plus going back to your village and packing up some of your stuff in your ender chest before telling the villagers (and azo) what actually happened while you were gone. Which had been an ordeal in itself. You felt bad for just leaving to a new place so out of the blue. But you felt obligated to complete the role of president given to you. You’d feel less obligated if there was some other option you felt safe passing the torch to. Someone not a child. That left out every minor on this server and Wilbur. 
Part of you considered Fundy and Niki for the job but another part of you doubted if they’d be able to handle it. Honestly they shouldn’t have to either. It’s no secret that being president is one of the most stressful jobs a person can have. Being in charge of the safety and well-being of a group of people is enough to turn anyone’s hair grey. Even if the group was just like 10 or so people like L’manberg had. You remember seeing a post about pictures at the start and end of American presidents’ time in office. And each president looked at least a decade older in each after picture. Complete with wrinkles and grey hair. Those happened in FOUR years! Their jobs were so stressful that they aged 10+ years in only 4 years.
You were pulled from your thoughts by Tommy practically shouting “We’re here!!” as you all made it over the hill that led to your village. The first thing you saw was the towering bamboo wall around the perimeter of the place. You’d been so in your own head that you’d actually forgotten about the two boys on either side of you. They’d insisted they accompany you to your village as ‘presidential bodyguards’ despite the fact you said you would be fine. They’d practically demanded to go, to ensure the ‘new prez’ didn’t get attacked on the journey. Amused and touched that they cared, you’d finally relented and let them come along. You’d only be gone a short while anyways. At least that’s what you told yourself. 
It didn’t take long to pack up everything you wanted to take with you to L’manberg. You put all the nice gifts the villagers gave you (as well as a couple of the banners you made) and some of the stuff you made and packed it away into a shulker box you pulled from the Creative inventory before picking up said box and putting it inside your ender chest. Then you just picked that chest up and tucked it safely in your inventory and you were basically done. With packing anyways.. You still had to talk to the villagers and let them know you had to move away for a while. But you doubted they’d be heartbroken or anything. Maybe bummed out but they’d understand. It’s not like they’d be lost without you. They’d been living in this world long before you showed up and they’d probably be here long after you left.
Then you were ringing the village bell. And like every time you did the villagers all poked their heads out from wherever they were to see who rang it and what was going on. And when they saw you they brightened and hurried over to see what was happening. They gathered around you and the bell, murmuring curiously between themselves. You sighed and cleared your throat, gathering their attention to you before you hesitated, not entirely sure what to say. Should you explain the entire story from start to finish? No, probably not. That would take a while and you felt like they’d get bored fast. But just blurting out that you were leaving felt too abrupt and blunt. Though your indecision ended up not mattering because Tubbo finally lost patience with the silence and just let the metaphorical cat out of the bag in his usual laid back candid way.
“Are you gonna tell them you’re moving away?”
Oh that caught the villagers’ attention and suddenly you were surrounded by displeased grunts and hums, like surround sound stereos. You sighed and confirmed yes, you were. So with the news out there you started explaining what happened the day before, or at least a shortened version of it. You mentioned how you’d gone to support Tommy, placing a hand on his shoulder as you said this. Then you said how you’d sorta advised everyone to vote for who they felt would lead them smartly, and how you guess they took that as you entering the presidential ring.. And finally how you’d won the election by some points and how you’d not wanted to reject their trust so you’d accepted the job…
“Reader is our new president!!” Tommy practically shouted, clearly excited. 
Though from the disgruntled murmurs from the villagers they didn’t seem happy.. But you told them it would be okay. You’d come and visit them as often as you could while juggling your new job. But even with that promise they didn’t seem happy. Your shoulders slumped a bit and without thinking you said,
“I’m not happy about having to leave the village and move away either. But I made a promise to the people of L’manberg, one I intend to keep.” 
Despite not feeling the best about this you were determined to keep your word.
“Besides, it’s not like I can just pack up the village and move you all next to L’manberg!” you said with a flippant wave of your hand.
But the idea didn’t sound too bad to the villagers. They basically worshipped you as their guardian deity. So if loading up all their possessions and hauling them to a new place meant they got to stay within reach of their deity then so be it. They’d still be living in squalor if it hadn’t been for your kindness and generosity, so they wanted to follow you wherever you went. Be it sunny skies, harsh rain, freezing snow. 
So they all made excited grunts and you blinked at them, catching on to their train of thought pretty fast. You shook your head, missing the confused looks the two teen boys were shooting between you and the villagers, and said they couldn’t follow you to L’manberg. Hearing this made the boys’ eyebrows shoot up and they started asking if the villagers wanted to come live in L’manberg. You sighed and said they seemed to, yes, but it wasn’t viable because there was nowhere for them to live! Moving them all on a spur of the moment thing would be reckless. Not only would the journey be very hard on them and take quite a while but there’s also no homes available for them in L’manberg. 
“We could make some houses for them if they want to move to L’manberg!” Tubbo said with a little grin, not seeing the issue with them coming over.
You rubbed a hand down your face, careful not to jostle your mask too much. But then you sighed and finally caved in. 
“Okay, you can all move next to L’manberg,” you began, but before they could cheer you cut them off with, “BUT! They can’t leave today. I refuse to let them take the whole long journey to L’manberg just so they can be homeless when they get there.”
You said you and some others (who you would pay) would build a new village next door to L’manberg for them. And once it was complete you would come back and help ferry them all over safely. But you might have to take them over in small groups to avoid hostile mobs and stuff. Though despite all the risks the villagers seemed quite happy with everything. So you pulled out your notebook, the same one you’d used when you first showed up to the village actually, and made a note to start construction on a new village to either the North or East of L’manberg. Or whatever side had better building room. But now that that all was settled you bid the villagers goodbye, saying you’d start construction as soon as possible.
With that out of the way you decided to pay a visit to Azo. You missed the adorable little piglin and hoped she was doing okay. Your boys followed you into the Nether, asking what you needed from there so badly. That made you pause and realize they’d never officially met Azo! You smiled down at them and said you’d sort of taken up guardianship of a little piglin girl who lost her parents. You’d expected questions and some comments but got nothing but silence in return, which left you feeling a bit confused. But when you glanced over at the boys you saw Tubbo looking lost in thought and Tommy looking mildly upset. This caused you to stop short, which made them pause and look back at you. 
“What’s wrong?” you couldn’t help but ask.
But they both waved you off, Tubbo with a soft ‘what do you mean?’ and Tommy with an almost harsh sounding  ‘nothing’, both of which didn’t sound the least bit convincing. So you tilted your head to the side and in a firmer (but still gentle) tone you asked again what was wrong. Tommy’s nose scrunched up and he crossed his arms, adamantly saying nothing and asking if you all could hurry up and see ‘this kid’ since you had to hurry back to L’manberg. Tubbo tried to piggyback off Tommy, his smile attempting to be brighter as he agreed, saying he wanted to meet your ‘new kid’. That’s when it hit you..
“Are you two upset that I adopted a kid?”
Tommy wasn’t very subtle with his feelings, his loud “WHAT?! NO!” didn’t convince you of his supposed ‘uncaring’ regarding the situation. Tubbo however reacted slower than his friend, like he was processing what you’d asked before he gave a laugh that sounded too stilted to be genuine and denied being upset, saying that was ridiculous. Tommy actually started walking away, heading in the direction you three had followed when you were together here last time, with the goatish brunet watching him anxiously. But you called for him to stop and come back, maybe a touch sterner than you’d wanted. But when the blond came back to you he refused to look at you, just scowling down at his feet. You felt your heart ache at the sight and let out a calm breath.
You wrapped one arm around the blond’s shoulders and the other around his back, pulling him into a comforting hug. You laid your cheek on the top of his mop of hair, glancing down at Tubbo who was shifting between watching you both and glancing away nervously. Without much thought you removed the hand holding Tommy’s back and instead used it to carefully tug the brunet boy into the hug. They just stood there at first, still and awkward almost. But once Tubbo wrapped his arms around your hips and Tommy’s back his blond friend quickly caved and sunk into your warmth, wrapping his arms around you both tightly, like he was afraid you’d both disappear. 
You took a breath and gently began to rock the two back and forth, missing how Tommy’s eyes pricked with hot tears as he heard your steady heartbeat against his ear. After a couple minutes of just standing there relaxed into the hug you said quietly but with as much emotion as you could put into it,
“Tommy, Tubbo, please talk to me. I can do many things, but reading minds is not one of them.”
You felt your shirt become warm and you frowned and hugged them tighter,
“If something is bothering you two, if you’re sad or upset or angry then you need to tell me so I can maybe do something to make you feel better. I never wanna see either of you upset, so please… talk to me?”
The air around you three was unintentionally heavy, only the sound of fire crackling nearby broke up the silence. It was killing you to remain quiet but you didn’t want to push them to speak. That would just make them clam up and possibly push you away. So you waited, just holding and rocking them as you did. And your eyes brightened when your patience was rewarded.
“.... Why’d you have to go and get a kid?”
You half expected for Tommy to be the one to break the silence, he was always so against the quiet. But no, instead it had been Tubbo who finally buckled and voiced his thoughts. You couldn’t help but ask what he meant. And he sort of stuttered over his words, not sounding exactly sure what he wanted to say before he got his thoughts and mouth to cooperate.
“I thought you already-.. I mean you have us.. Why’d you-..”
If your heart could physically break like glass then you knew after hearing that it would be in a hundred pieces on the floor. You couldn’t help but pull them closer and bury your face between theirs, unknowingly letting out a softened keening sound. 
“I want you both to listen, just because I take another child under my wing doesn’t mean I no longer care about you two. I don’t think I could ever stop caring about you. You’re my boys, and I-....” here is where you hesitated, not wanting so sound weird but you continued,
“If you both want… I mean since neither of you have one to my knowledge… I’d happily be your mom.”
Shy isn’t exactly how you’d describe the two boys you’d begun to care for, but there was no other word accurate enough to describe how they agreed to your offer to be their mom. Tubbo gave an almost meek, “alright, sure” while holding onto your waist and Tommy gave a long-suffering sigh while trying to discreetly wipe his eyes and said, “I guess you’re cool enough to be my mum. Barely though.” That caused you to let out a loud guffaw, your grip on them loosening enough to where you could ruffle the blond’s hair.
“Ohhhhh, Big man himself thinks I’M cool? Very high praise~”
The heavy atmosphere lightened and your laughter had the two boys laughing too. But then a sly grin took over your face and you chuckled. The sound alerted the boys of your mischievous mood and they looked up when you started talking.
“Well, now that you’ve accepted me as your mom I’m legally obligated to do all sorts of ‘Mom Stuff’, I hope you realize that. Like making sure you both eat things besides bread and meat, make sure you sleep regularly, and do the spit thing when you’ve got dirt on your face.”
They gave you a look that was a mixture of confusion and mild disgust, and Tommy couldn’t help but blurt out,
“What the fuck do you mean by ‘spit thing’??”
Unbeknownst to him, he’d activated your Mom Trap Card and your grin grew into a smirk and you raised your hand, casually commenting that he seemed to have a bit of dirt on his cheek, and then you licked your thumb and moved it towards his face. He shrieked and practically threw himself backwards to avoid your spit covered finger. But you still had your arm around his shoulders so he didn’t get far. He rapidly screamed out a verbal blur of ‘nonononoNONONO!’ that had Tubbo nearly doubling over, howling with laughter.
Though his laughter abruptly cut off with a gasp when Tommy escaped your hold, causing you to turn your sights on him. He let out a noise that sounded suspiciously like the bleat of a goat before turning and running from you. You just cackled and chased after him, your longer legs giving you the advantage. You caught up with him before he knew it and lifted him in a backwards hug. Now it was Tommy’s turn to laugh at Tubbo.
But you did let him down, without cleaning his face, and smiled down at the pair and said sincerely,
“All joking aside… I think you two would make a cool pair of big brothers..”
Tommy took that and ran with it, saying of COURSE he would be! He was practically Tubbo’s big brother already! Which just caused Tubbo to argue with him that uh, NO, he was older than Tommy! So HE was the older brother out of the two of them, if anything! And oh boy that caused them both to go back and forth, arguing about who was the ‘older brother’ between them. Tubbo insisted it was him because he was born first but Tommy insisted it was him because he was taller. You just shook your head and led the bickering duo down the familiar path to Azo’s little ‘house’ you built her. And as you reached the open area you saw her outside the house playing with a couple other baby piglins. But when she looked up and saw you she squealed happily and all but sprinted over to you. You made sure to bend down and hold your hands out to catch her. 
She was so excited to see you again that she totally missed the two boys standing at your sides. At least until she heard them and then she stiffened and stared down at Tubbo from her place in your arms. Neither boy really knew what to say so you decided to intervene and put out introductions. You tapped her hand and smiled down at her, helping her worry ease a bit.
“Azo, I missed you! I want to introduce you to my sons! This,” you gestured to Tubbo, “is Tubbo. And this,” you turned your head and pointed to the blond on the other side, “is Tommy. They’re both very nice. And they wanted to meet you!”
You turned so you and Azo were both facing the boys and saw them smiling genuinely. Relief flooded you, thinking they were actually glad to meet the little piglin, unaware the smiles were more stemming from the fact you’d called them your sons so easily.
But you saw the wariness still on Azo’s face and worried she’d not like her new brothers. Suddenly you got a bright idea and your smile widened as you spoke up and said, 
“Hey, don’t you two have a gift for Azo? Maybe something yellow and shiny~?”
Tubbo’s mouth dropped down into an ‘o’ as he realized what you meant. Then he elbowed Tommy and then pulled open his inventory and started looking through it. Tommy glared at him, moving his arm away after getting jabbed, but then his eyebrows raised when he saw his best friend pull out a gold ingot from his inventory. Then he understood what you meant and hurried to look through his inventory as well. Thankfully he did have some gold ingots leftover from when he was crafting golden apples.
Azo perked up when she saw the gold ingot Tubbo had taken from his inventory. And when he offered it to her she couldn’t hold back the happy snort she let out as she joyfully accepted it. You giggled at how she admired the saffron colored bar. And when Tommy extended his own gold ingot you laughed when Azo’s little tail began to swish back and forth in glee as she took that one too. She looked so cute as she admired her new items. You rubbed her back and said,
“See? They’re pretty nice, right? Why don’t we go have something to eat? And we can hang out.”
The tiny piglin seemed more than happy with that plan and snorted happily. You carried her towards the house, her little friends having long since scurried off. The teens behind you followed your lead, joining you in the house. You sat Azo down and suggested she show off her toys to Tubbo and Tommy, which she started doing gladly. The two played with her while you brewed some tea and crafted some cookies. Chilled rosehip tea and shortbread cookies were on the menu and after it was all done you laid it out on the table before calling them over. The boys were all too happy for the chilly drink, the cold giving them reprieve from the heat of the Nether. But Azo was shocked by the cold, not having experienced something like this before. It took a bit of explanation to get her to give it a try, and despite how it made her shiver she seemed to really like it. And cookies were always popular. So the plate was emptied in a flash.
As you sat with the three, listening to Tommy brag to Azo about how ‘cool and tough’ he was and how he’s practically a hero in the Overworld while Tubbo interjected with contradictions, you felt yourself smile serenely; truly happy where you were right then.
@lady-bee-fechin @kacchasu @putridjoy @lunawritesstories @galaxypankitty3030 @paradigmax @zachariethememerie @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles @nikkineeky @artsimatsu @hufflepuff-demigod @corpiet @beepa99 @anxiousnarwhale @bananaaddictmilkshake @realitycanbeajerk @lostandsouciant @thegeekisheere @sparkling-gayyy @woman-soot @xxtwizztedxx @v10dw4lk3r
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Dream SMP Recap (December 6/2020) - End of Week
What started as a sad but calm day ended with a revolution where morality was questioned and blood was shed. The server’s first canon death since the three lives rule was implemented occurred, and all hell broke loose.
Dream’s motivations have started to be laid bare, but whether or not he’s in the wrong or right remains foggy as ever in a world where everyone’s morals are gray.
Also, the prison’s construction continues and some strange red corruptions called “Blood Vines” have sprouted up on the server.
A short summary of the week’s total events is at the end of the post.
- HBomb hosts Niki and Wilbur’s L’Cast
- Fundy continues work on the chess board
- Ranboo is leaving a book with messages to communicate with Tommy
- Fundy and Ranboo visit Tommy and help him through the Nether to find blaze rods. It’s a very...interesting...time... Fundy fills Tommy in on the fact that Dream is officially recognizing L’manburg as a country.
- Tommy falls in lava and loses all his stuff
- Then he burns to death
- Then he falls in lava and loses all his stuff again
- He FINALLY gets an ender chest
- Lazar asks him for help since he’d fallen in lava and needed help getting out. As Tommy does so, Lazar questions why Tommy hasn’t turned against L’manburg. Tommy says it’s because Tubbo is there, but Lazar points out that Tubbo was the one who exiled him.
- Ghostbur comes on and says he has a gift.
- Tommy attempts to rescue Lazar from the depths of the lava pit. Techno starts arguing with him.
- Tommy falls in lava and loses all his stuff again. He gives up on helping Lazar, who is understandably annoyed at him.
- Philza joins the call wondering wtf is happening and why Tommy keeps dying, but Tommy just ends stream
- Psyche! After credits scene. Ghostbur asks Tommy to return to Logstedshire so he dies in lava to fast-travel back. Ghostbur gives Tommy a lodestone compass named “Your Tubbo” that points back to L’manburg at all times. Tommy puts the compass in his ender chest right next to the discs, saying he’ll keep it close to his heart.
- Thunder’s frustrated that Tommy got exiled exiled because the Prank War he was setting up between Dream and Tommy can no longer happen and Thunder’s great villain arc has been cancelled - he is no longer a villain now.
- Now, he wants to do the clay prank to George instead to try and get Dream and George to turn on each other as revenge for Dream burning his house.
- Puffy builds Tommy a second Christmas Tree.
--- Note: From this point on I tried to include more specific details than normal since it’s an important and confusing event ---
- Quackity declares war on the Dream SMP from Mexican L’manburg. He gets George, Sapnap and Karl on to help. He’s rigged TNT under Eret’s castle bridge and wants to invoke the same ideas as the Mexican Revolution. He wants to put M.L. on the map by staging an assassination and using George’s dethronement as an excuse to start a political movement.
- Sapnap wants to take on Technoblade but Quackity tells him that they have to take things step by step and that it’s an extremely bad idea to do it now.
- Eret asks Hbomb to be one of his knights. HBomb agrees.
- George wants his kingship back 
The explosion goes to plan with H and Puffy as witnesses.
--- ---
Cause: Death by explosion and falling
--- ---
- George distracts Eret while Quackity, Sapnap and Karl steal his throne. Punz joins Eret’s side as one of his other knights.
 - The M.L. side reconvenes in L’manburg and drink invisibility potions. Dream is in Mexican L’manburg. He is tearing the dirt to shreds. Meanwhile, Eret gives a speech to his Knights as they head to Party Island. Dream, alone, is invisible in Boomerville.
- Sapnap gets Dream to log (he says it’s lag). The Dream SMP faction blows up M.L. with TNT. The Mexican L’manburgians kill Puffy. 
- They want to head to the Holy Land. Dream says he wants to talk. They collect at the Church.
- They argue. Dream threatens to kill Quackity permanently and make sure Mexican L’manburg can never rise again. (Also Karl’s acting is genuinely good holy shit)
- Sapnap tells George that he thinks Dream has completely turned against them, and that they’re better off disowning him.
Dream: “You’re painting me as this tyrant when I’m just trying to maintain peace.”
He refers to it as his castle, his throne. He calls the people of M.L. “terrorists.”
He says that in his eyes, Mexican L’manburg does not even exist, and that he’ll speak to Tubbo about making sure he sees that it doesn’t exist as well.
M.L. argues that putting a human life above a few blocks of gold is more important.
Dream refers to himself as the “ruler” of the Dream SMP, the “leader,” letting it slip that “king” is a meaningless title.
He says that Quackity is causing the most problems, the number one “enemy” of the SMP right now. Similar to how he referred to Tommy defying him.
He says that Quackity is not like Tubbo, who is a “fair, just ruler” and that is why New L’manburg is recognized and Mexican L’manburg is not. Tubbo would never do what Quackity did. Wilbur and Jschlatt and Tommy would. He says that he waited until New L’manburg had a reasonable leader to recognize it.
- “Un-killing” is implied to be a thing, where the person who gave you your canon death can take it back. 
 Dream: “The king is a figurehead and he knows that!”
Eret: “I do.”
Quackity: “So that’s what you are Eret -- a puppet--”
Dream: “Yes! -- no he’s not a puppet-- h-he has no power and I have - and - it’s the same thing and--”
(Dream proceeds to deny Eret being a “puppet”)
- Quackity decides to dissolve Mexican L’manburg for a clean slate and call it something else. He wants the server to have a precedent of establishing new countries without having to go to Dream for recognition every time.
- Eret agrees to recognize Quackity’s new country if they apologize and return the throne.
--- ---
* Dream says that the death is still canon later since plot was based around it. I don’t know what Karl considers his death count to be? 
--- ---
- Sapnap declares that he no longer wants to fight Techno but Dream instead. He says he wants to slay Dream in front of everyone.
- Overall, Dream and Eret declare it a “failed coup” and say that the destruction is just a consequence of “what happens when you don’t plan anything” but Quackity is satisfied that his new country has been “put on the map.” 
- Quackity declares the country to be named “El Rapids” in honor of Cedar Rapids.
- Punz no longer wants to be an official Knight.
- Quackity misses Ghostbur and wants to speak with him. He tells Ghostbur about the war. Ghostbur asks if it was a revolution - Quackity says yes! Ghostbur also informs Quackity that he burnt the sacred texts - How to Sex 2 - in lava.
- Karl streams with the intention of rebuilding and preparing for Pokimane’s visit
- Karl steals Eret’s Museum Llamas and gets caught in the act. Fortunately this doesn’t spark up the war again. They take a llama to Party Island.
- They get into trouble at Boomerville and Lazar joins.
- Dream comes online and asks Sam about the prison’s progress. Bad gets annoyed at Sam for destroying the beachfront property value, and he didn’t authorize the seizure of the land. Dream is there helping to shovel but Bad wants him to stop. Bad is angry about the prison being built and starts shouting at Sam.
- Bad tries to negotiate with Dream. Dream refers to the prison as containing a “prisoner.” Singular. And that the prisoner would have nothing, and Bad would be in charge of helping to guard it. There are going to be multiple “layers.”
- The prison will be in the middle of the ocean bit, and Bad would have a terraformed beachfront property. All of the land would be considered property of the Badlands - including the prison.
- People are going to have to go through PORTALS to escape the prison.
- Bad starts to come around to the prison idea. Dream tells Sam he thinks they need more hands to help, potentially Ant and Eret.
- A strange, giant red “egg” has appeared in the corner of Bad’s statue room. He feels a strange aura coming from it, and he’s unable to bring himself to break it.
- Dream says Eret can’t help with the prison but he can help make the beach nicer. Bad says he might want to put Tommy in the prison but Dream says no, Tommy’s already exiled. So the prison isn’t for Tommy.
- Once the prisoner is in there, Dream says they would only be able to be let out “by the server.” It’s got certain secrets that only Dream and Sam know about. Sam says that he could potentially escape from it, but it will be so impenetrable that even if you know the secrets it would still be difficult to escape from.
- Bad shows Dream the Egg. Dream gets creeped out by it.
- Another Red Corruption has appeared near Hutt’s Pizza, and another at the Mansion. Everyone swears that it wasn’t there before, and there wasn’t enough time for someone to place all of it manually in the time that they were down there.
- Bad stabs Dream for trying to “hurt it.” He likes it for some reason.
- Bad asks Dream about who the prison’s for. Dream says “if you can’t kill somebody, you need to lock them up.” He mentions that it’s one of the more powerful people on the server, someone who either provides a threat now or in the future. He has someone in mind.
--- ---
Dream explains to Bad and Sam that the reason he switched sides in the Manberg-Pogtopia War was because Schlatt gave him something.
And that thing is “a card up his sleeve” until he needs it.
A book of great value.
It puts Dream in danger if people know of it, but also gives Dream power.
The “most valuable thing on the server.”
Something pertaining to the prison.
Something where they wouldn’t believe Dream if he told them what he was given.
--- ---
- The corruption grows AGAIN despite Dream, Sam and Bad all being in the middle of the ocean
- Another corruption appears on Tommy’s Power Tower
- The water level in New L’manburg has risen again, covering George and Quackity’s mushroom house
- The prison is going to be as tall as a MOUNTAIN
- Dream proposes the idea of Bad giving him the disc to piss off Tommy. Bad says that Skeppy has it so he’ll have to ask some other time. He might trade some information about Schlatt’s book in return for the disc.
- Bad says he likes the name a dono came up with for the corruption -- “Blood Vines”
- Dream and Sam removed the Blood Vines on the Mansion to Bad’s dismay. Sam burns the Vines and Bad goes on a murderous rampage against him.
- Technoblade got a “Bee our guest” achievement
- Dream burns down the Eiffel Tower again.
- The prison will be reinforced with 15 layers of obsidian, and the guards will have Ender Pearl Stasis Chambers that are alarm-activated.
- The Blood Vines have sprouted up from Schlatt’s Grave.
The prison’s unofficial name as of right now is “Pandora’s Vault,” but it is subject to change.
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Upcoming events:
- Karl will be touring Pokimane around soon
Potentially Scrapped:
- Elytra Challenge
- Bad and Skeppy’s plan to burn the disc *
* Bad mentioned it on stream, but it’s unclear if it’ll still happen
11/30: Fundy bonds with Wilbur, Cursed Lore Day
12/01: Creation of Mexican L’manburg, Girl Dream visits, Mexican Manhunt
Note: not sure what’s up with 12/02. Probably messed up the dates? Whoops.
12/03: Sleepy Bois Family splits in half, dethroning of George
12/04: Day of the Exile, Badlands start to divide
12/05: Tommy’s first full day in Logsted, Sean’s visit
12/06: The Mexican L’manburg Revolution, end of M.L., start of El Rapids
- Wilbur had two special lodestone compasses in his inventory. He didn’t want HBomb to see, but H looked anyway.
1K notes · View notes
garbagevanfleet · 3 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: mentions of sexual content, feelings, cigarettes Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place.
Notes: HI EVERYONE! I’m sorry I’m so inconsistent lately. I promise that the next chaptered fic I write, I’ll only start posting it when I’m done writing it. I hope you like this chapter - its incredibly sappy because I’m on my period lol
As always, big thanks to my beta, @lantern-inthenight​ <3
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taglist: @valleyd0ll @satingrass-maidensfair @guitarfingers @thebohemianpenguin @peaceisouranthem @oblvions @hansonobsessed @myownparadise96 @anditsmywholeheart @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies @bigblack-catattack​  @dharma-divine​
“Remind me again why you want to ride separately from your brother?” You looked pointedly over at Josh, who was smiling as he ran a soapy rag over the plate you’d just finished eating off of. 
“I already have to spend my whole winter break with my family, no need to rob myself of alone time with you,” he explained like it was obvious. 
A huff escaped your lips. You pushed away from where you had been leaning against the counter and wrapped your arms around his neck from behind. You laid your head in between his shoulder blades, feeling him turn to nuzzle his nose against your arm as it laid on his shoulder.  
“We spend so much time together - like every day - which I’m obviously grateful for,” you said, half-muffled by the material of his sweater. “But don’t you think it just makes more sense to carpool?” 
You couldn’t see his hands, but the movements you could feel told you he was wiping the extra water off of them before turning around and pressing your chests together. His lips lightly brushed your temple as he spoke. 
“You’re right,” he agreed, though you knew him well enough to know he wasn’t about to just relent. “It does make more sense - I just don’t want to.”
You let out a breath, frowning as you tried to figure out if you should say what you were thinking. After a moment of working up the courage, you cupped his jaw with your right hand, knowing full well that the sweet gesture would help him swallow the discomfort your words would cause. 
“Josh,” Your voice was low and quiet, but as you met his eyes, you chickened out. They were so honest, looking at you like your presence was the only thing keeping him grounded - like if you left, he’d just cease to exist. You made a mental note to have a talk with him about that at some point, but you decided it would have to be after you’d returned from Christmas break. 
“Hm?” You must have been contemplating too long, prompting his features into a look of concern. You couldn’t bear it. 
“Jake is going to ride with us,” you said decidedly. “I already told him he could.”
That was a bit of a lie - he had mentioned it a few days ago and you had said you’d run it by Josh, but you had just made up his mind for him.
He huffed a laugh as he rolled his eyes playfully at you. “Sounds like you’re already communicating better with my family than I have in months.”
“Well,” you started, giving him a pointed look - the kind you only give when you feel confident that you’re right. “I think that would mean communicating with them at all. Honestly, Josh, I know you-”
You were abruptly silenced as he placed his forefinger across your open lips, a half-smirk on his face. 
“It’s okay,” he assured simply. “He can ride with us.”
A smile spread across your face underneath his finger. “Good. Have you started packing?” Your words were muffled under his touch.
“Eh,” he replied with a noncommittal shrug, lowering his hand to brush his thumb across your chin. 
“Do you want help with that?” you inquired cheekily. “Because, you know, we leave in two days.” 
He appeared to consider it for a moment before nodding. “Actually, yeah, that sounds nice. You can sit on my bed and watch while I pack really inappropriate clothes for the occasion.”
You half-snorted out a laugh, rolling your eyes because you knew that’s the reaction he was aiming for. “How about I just pack for you?”
For the first time since knowing him, you saw Jake Kiszka wearing a jacket. It was long and dramatic and nearly brushed the top of the snow as he made his way out to your car with a leather duffle bag in his left hand.
He opened the rear, passenger-side door and tossed his bag in next to yours and Josh’s before sliding in next to it. 
You greeted him cheerily, to which he shot you back a smile as a reply.
“You’re actually wearing a coat,” you noted as he pulled the seatbelt over his form and buckled in.
He hummed amusedly, reaching into his pocket and popping a stick of gum in his mouth. 
“I’ve found that he doesn’t usually dress like a slut to go home,” Josh replied instead as he turned a lighter around in his palm, absent of the task. 
“And if I didn’t wear a coat home, I’d never hear the end of it.” 
Josh nodded in agreement, and then you watched a shit-eating grin spread across his lips. “I’m kinda surprised Kate isn’t coming with us today, to be honest. Are you waiting until Easter just to make sure?”
You were busy pulling out onto the road, so you didn’t see it, but you could imagine Jake deeply rolling his eyes at the question. 
“I would bring Kate home - it would make me truly happy to physically see Mom die a little inside when she starts trying to talk about amphibious breeding cycles at length during dinner,” he mused, voice clear of any kind of sorrow. He finished simply and with a smile, “But she isn’t my girlfriend.”
“I don’t know, it seemed a little sus when I showed up at her house in the morning and you were already there, chillin’ with her dog,” you replied in a sing-song voice. 
“I wasn’t already there, I was still there.” You felt him place a hand on your shoulder, and slap his other one against Josh’s. “Not all of us have the luxury of just being able to pop down the hall.”
“Fair enough,” you relented, feeling your face flush warm. 
“Or the shower. Or the kitchen that one time,” Josh added unhelpfully, making your eyes immediately pop open. 
“Josh,” you scolded and quickly considered reaching over and slapping him, but decided it was unsafe to drive and strike a passenger at the same time. 
“No, this is good,” Jake assured through a smirk you could hear. “Let him get it all out before we get there.”
Josh snickered back, “You’re such a prick.”
The Kiszka homestead was almost impossibly cozy. There was a basket of blankets by the big sofa (much nicer and fluffier than the blankets at your apartment, which had been flattened and matted to the point of complete defeat) and the furniture was centered around a glowing, stone fireplace. Josh’s mom had hugged him for a long moment upon your arrival - a gesture that made your throat feel tight as you watched her fingers flex in the material at the back of his shirt. 
She was sunny and kind to the point that you could clearly see Josh’s mannerisms reflected in hers, and the dinner she laid out on the dining room table seemed impossibly large to you, having come from a home with just three people in it. 
When she asked you how you liked Midwestern cooking, you gushed about it for - what was undeniably - too long. You’d never say, but you weren’t positive that part of it wasn’t just not having had a real home-cooked meal in months. 
You had come to decipher that Josh had told his family that you were just a roommate that didn’t have a place to go for winter break, but you were pretty sure you’d be able to tell the nature of your relationship if you were on the outside looking in - you seemed to be magnetically drawn to wherever Josh was these days. 
Everyone cleared out of the living room pretty quickly after dinner and conversation, and you finally got the chance to ask the question that had been on your mind all day. 
“Do I sleep out here?” 
You were posted up on the couch, your legs crossed one over the other with Josh staying a few inches farther away from you than you were used to.
“No,” he replied. “You can take my room and I’ll sleep out here.”
You had asked mostly as a formality - you hadn’t figured that you’d actually have to sleep separately. Through a slight frown, you said, “Oh, man. It’s been a while since I’ve had to sleep alone. What if I freeze to death?” 
He flashed you a smile. “I thought ahead and laid a heated blanket out on the bed for you.”
“Heated blanket? This whole time heated blankets were an option?” you whispered harshly.
“Okay, in my defense, by the time I remembered that they existed, we were already sleeping in the same bed every night.”
The suspicious way you stared at him for a few moments had him biting back a laugh - one of those unguarded ones that seemed to be reserved for people he was really comfortable around. Which seemed to just be you most of the time. 
“Will you at least come get ready for bed with me?” you asked, subtly looking up at him through your lashes. 
“Of course - no puppy eyes necessary,” he assured with a snicker.
This room was decidedly different than the one back in Ann Arbor. Josh’s space back in the apartment was mostly made up of Earth tones - either picked by choice or having just dulled over time. There were little pops of color scattered around the room, like the golden yellow rug that spread across almost all of the wooden floor, or the string of flags that spanned the entire wall above his bed. 
This room was different. You could tell that his parents had tried to clean it up since Josh had moved out, but there was still evidence of spots where posters were hung on the maroon red walls. A stack of comics laid on the dresser - the surface of which was covered in residue and paper where he had placed stickers and then tried to peel them off. 
You eyed a well-used keyboard placed along the far wall, and what appeared to be milk crates full of sheet music and the idea of him sitting in front of it and practicing for hours brought a smile to your lips. 
He hauled both of your bags up onto the bed and you both picked through them for the sleep apparel you’d packed. You watched him change into a short-sleeved tee and a pair of loose flannel pants through the bathroom mirror as you brushed your teeth across the hall, and when he caught your eyes, he gave you a smirk. 
You’d been half expecting him to change his mind and just crawl into bed with you, but instead, he helped you clamber under the covers and pulled the comforter up to your chest. 
“Wow, full service tuck-in and everything,” you teased, but quickly shut up when his thumb brushed over your lips. 
“Well,” he mused, voice low. “Not the full service.”
You gave him a sour grin as he backed up to the door and flicked the light off. 
“Good night, Joshua.”
The next couple of days came and went easily. You were starting to get actually acquainted with his family - chatting with his mother and sister over morning coffee, and getting pinned between his brothers on the sofa while Christmas movies played in the background.
You really hadn’t realized how much you missed being around family until it hit you at dinner one night. You watched out of the corner of your eye as Josh unscrewed the lid on the salt under the lip of the table and then asked Sam if he wanted any. 
Josh was just about to slide it across the beat-up wooden surface when you snatched it out of his hand, pointedly tightened the lid, and then slid it over. 
When you peeked over at him, Josh was glaring at you, but he wasn’t able to stop the mischievous smirk that his mouth took the shape of. 
Sam huffed a laugh that sounded more like a scoff, having figured out the plot quickly after seeing the look on Josh’s face.  
“Samuel, do me a favor and dump the whole shaker of salt on your potatoes,” Josh requested in a faux-sweet voice. “Please and thank you.” 
“Piss off.” Sam’s reply came through a mouth-full of food, but somehow, he still managed to look lovely while saying it. However, that didn’t save him from his mom’s scolding look - though whether that was in response to the harsh language or speaking with a full mouth was anyone’s guess. You guessed that a person never got to grow out of being “the baby”. 
It was then - that simple moment - that you realized how oddly welcomed you felt in this setting. It hadn’t been awkward or uncomfortable even once. You’d never felt out of place despite how different it was from your own home experience. 
After you were settled into bed that night, you laid awake thinking about nothing and everything. You didn’t feel particularly tired, but you had decided to turn in when Josh started dozing off on the couch while you were watching the tv on low volume. 
You had no clue what time it was, as your phone was charging across the room, but at some point you heard the distinct sound of a door creaking open. It was just down the hall - that you could distinguish -  but you weren’t positive which room specifically. The person made their way down the hall, and then up a creaky set of steps, though you could tell that they were trying to move quietly when they got to the next floor and the cadence of their steps changed to something lighter. 
You thought about it for a moment before pushing the covers off of you, crawling out of the warmth of the nest you’d made, and slipping your feet into a pair of Josh’s fuzzy slippers that were just barely peeking out under the bed frame. Trying to be as quiet as the last person had been, you crept up the stairs in the low light, having to strain to see the steps in the unfamiliar space, lest you lose your footing. 
The room at the top of the steps was a study, and on the other side of it was a large, sliding glass door. And on the other side of that, was Jake, sat out on a covered patio with a cigarette in his hand. 
You crossed the room, grabbing a blanket off of the worn leather sofa and wrapping it around yourself as you moved. 
He barely turned his head to look at you as you slid the glass open and stepped out onto the porch. The brisk air hit you hard enough to nearly knock the breath from your lungs, so you pulled the blanket up your body until only your head was showing. 
“Sorry if I scared you.” The volume of your words were just above a whisper as you bent to sit next to him on the cold wood. “Or if I’m intruding.”
He hummed around his cigarette before ashing it into a Coke can. “You didn’t, and you aren’t.” He looked you over for the first time then and frowned deeply at you. “You are going to freeze to death though. Where the hell is your coat?”
“I’m fine, I’ve got the blanket, see?” you assured, though you had to admit that the cold cut right through the thick material. 
He ran his eyes up and down it, rolling them affectionately at you. “Okay,” he replied, though it sounded nothing like he believed you. After a few silent moments, he spoke again. 
“How are you liking it here?”
A genuine smile spread out over your lips. “Michigan is lovely, if that’s what you mean. Cold to the point where I’m not sure why anyone would want to live here, but. Lovely, all the same.” 
He smiled back at you, oddly warm in nature for him. “And what about the family? Do you find all of us lovely too?” 
“Absolutely,” you agreed, pulling your knees up to your chest like you were in a cocoon. Another few long moments ticked by as you watched the snow fall. The night was so still that you swore you could hear the flakes as they settled on whatever surface they happened to land on. 
“Can I ask you something?” You flicked your eyes over at him to assess his expression. You knew your brows were threaded close together in worry, which he seemed to take into account before he answered.
He nodded as he took another drag. “Sure,” he replied, smoke and steam glowing with the light of the cherry on the end of his cigarette as he exhaled. 
You were silently trying to figure out how to word it for long enough that he looked over at you expectantly. 
“Do you think Josh would have come home for Christmas if I...weren’t around?” 
He met your eyes and huffed a humorless laugh. “I think that he would have spent a week or two anxiously deciding whether he could handle it and then, ultimately, he would feel too guilty to say no. And from there, I think it would have been a repeat of last year - he would have come home here, found it exhausting, and then screened everyone's’ calls for a couple of months again.”
You weren’t sure what to say, so you just stared at his face, your teeth pressed into your bottom lip until you could feel they’d left an indent as you ran your tongue over it. 
“But it’s weird, right?” he continued, biting back a smirk that made you a little uneasy about what he was going to say next. “He seems to be almost blissfully happy this year.”
You held your breath for a moment as you tried to organize your emotions, and then exhaled in a rush once it became uncomfortable. “Look, I. He’s obviously a lot of things to me. A best friend, a room mate, a...romantic partner?”
Jake shot you a disbelieving but highly amused look at your wording.
“But I’m worried that he’s tying himself to me too tightly.” With your eyes, you tried to portray the emotions that that thought evoked in you - how compressed it made you feel. 
He seemed to chew it over as he stubbed out his cigarette on the damp wood and then - near instantly - materialized another from behind his ear like a magic trick.  
“I love seeing him happy, but I’m scared that I’m the only thing making him happy,” you finished, voice admittedly a little shaky. You didn’t ask first - though you should have - but you slid closer to him until your shoulders were touching, and despite not knowing him all that well yet, it still managed to make you feel more grounded. “It’s not that I expect this to end - whatever we have - but what if it does?”
Jake’s eyes flitted around your features like he was trying to map your face as you anxiously waited for him to tell you everything would be alright. 
“You know,” he started, voice low. “When we moved away for school, he was the one that decided we wouldn’t room together. I mean, I didn’t blame him or anything, but I always just assumed we would. He used to be so outgoing. I mean, he never missed a party. People would trip over themselves to be next to him. He used to take his ex out any time he could - it didn’t really matter where, because he’s always had a way of making even the most monotonous task seem fun.”
You didn’t try to suppress a smile as it found your lips. 
“So, his ex broke it off with him. I don’t know what happened really - only what I’ve been able to pry out of him - but it fucked him up pretty good. And then as he was just starting to get over it, his roommate had some kind of mental break and just moved out one weekend while Josh was gone. It’s not like they were best friends or anything, but they got along.”
“Fuck,” you whispered, resting your head on Jake’s shoulder and not caring whether or not it was polite to do so anymore. 
“Yeah,” he agreed, simply. The tone of his voice was something very somber - the kind you’d use if you were giving a eulogy. “I tried to help. I offered to move in with him. I showed up at his apartment all the time, but he got pretty effective at dodging me. Not just me, actually, but everyone. Worried the fuck out of our mom.” 
“What then?” You were not-so-secretly hoping that Jake was going to find a way to make you feel better, and the pitch of your voice reflected it. The core of your body felt like it was stuffed full of stones, weighted and heavy. “What happened?”
Jake hummed. “Well, he started to level out a bit. After a good couple months he started at least answering the door when I came to see him. Sometimes he’d text me back after a day or two. That went on like that for a while.”
He titled his head to look over at you then for the first time in a while. You felt oddly vulnerable after hearing all of that, but you tried not to duck away from his eyes. 
“But then, suddenly, you were there. He didn’t tell me a thing about you, or even that he was getting a new roommate until well after you were already moved in.”
You huffed a laugh. “If it makes you feel better, he didn’t tell me anything about you either really. Imagine my surprise when I open the door and you were a twin. Uncanny valley territory.” 
“I think he learned how to compartmentalize the people in his life. Seems like it’s easier to manage relationships that way when you’re an extremely guarded person like he had suddenly become.”
He took a pause to take a long drag, simultaneously running a hand through his silky hair. 
“But to answer your question - I don’t think you’re the only thing making him happy,” he continued, meeting your eyes with an intensity that you understood to your core. “I think you’re just reminding him that there are things to be happy about.” 
You weren’t sure what you were expecting him to say, but you were suddenly choking back tears and a tight, hot feeling in your throat.  
“You’ve just got to give him time to remember what it’s like.”
When you opened your mouth to reply, you realized you’d been holding your breath for a moment too long, causing you to suck in a shaky breath. “I intend to give him all the time he needs,” you promised. 
Jake offered you back a smile as he moved to stand, stretching out his muscles and then extending a hand for you to take. He helped you clamber up off the floor before tucking his lighter back into the pocket of his fleece sleep-pants. 
“Good to hear.” 
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Flatmates - Harry Styles
i listened to kiwi while writing it so i strongly advise to listen to is while reading as well. without any further ado, i present you this flatmate!harry fic with some steamy smut!
word count: ~9k
warning: smut
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You were desperate to find a place to live, to say the least. You’ve always had trouble remembering deadlines and important dates, and thanks to this charming trait of yours, you successfully missed the deadline of the college dormitory applications. After a day of solid panic you started looking for cheap apartments, but living off campus seemed to be something only rich people could afford. Rents were ridiculously high and you were certain you couldn’t afford to spend thousands of dollars for a room smaller than your pantry back at home. You watched ad after ad, making calls all day for a week straight, but at the end, you always went to bed with the thought that you’ll have to live under a bridge through the first semester of your freshman year.
It was until a friend of yours, Rita, who was mature enough to apply to the dormitory in time called you with the best news you could receive.
“This friend of my future roomie is looking for a flat mate. You gave me his number, maybe you could give him a call and see if the room is still available. Just tell him Kimberly gave you his number, I’m sure he’ll offer you the room on a nicer price.”
“Oh my God, you just saved my life!” you gasped, almost feeling like crying. “I owe you big time, Rita!”
You called right away, not wanting to waste any time and maybe have the room already rented by then. A deep, male voice answered the call in a soothing British accent.
“Harry Styles,” he said in a calm tone.
“Hey! My name is Y/N and I got your number from Kimberly. I’m looking for a place to live from September and I was told you have a room to rent?”
Harry sounded a little hesitant at first, asked a few questions about you to have a better picture of you, but eventually offered the room. You quickly agreed that you’d be able to move in at the end of August. You were thankful you had one less worry about school finally.
August rolled around the corner faster than you expected and in no time, half your life was packed up into boxes and suitcases as you and your dad drove two hours on a Saturday to get you all settled in your new home. Up until this point, you hadn’t seen Harry just yet. Though you did search up his name, but he was the kind to never post about himself, but mostly about guitars, landscapes and animals. His Instagram was dry, no trait of what he looked like or even the slightest hint about himself. There was only one photo that featured the outline of a guy, which makes it clear that the person was fully naked, no trace of any clothes hanging on his body, but it was completely dark, so nothing could be really seen. However the tag on the figure made you think it wasn’t him, so it didn’t matter. His Facebook seemed even sadder, barely any posts, not even a decent profile picture. You were surprised to see there are people who don’t really use social media, but you didn’t take it as a bad sign. Harry must be a private person and you had nothing against that.
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to move in with a guy you’ve never met before?” your dad asks as the two of you are unloading the car in front of the apartment complex. Glancing up you shrug your shoulders with a little excitement, knowing that you are only minutes away from finally seeing the person you are gonna spend your next months living with.
“He sounded like a decent person, and I really don’t have any other choice, dad. Or do you want me to sleep in a park or something?”
“God, no. You really should be more careful about those deadlines next time,” he sighs kissing the top of your head before shutting the back of the car once everything is set on the ground.
“Don’t worry, I already bought a calendar so I can keep better track of everything.”
When you first told your parents that you’d be living with Harry, they didn’t seem to be a fan of the idea, but they realized you weren’t really swimming in options at the moment so they eventually come to peace that their daughter is going to be living with a guy. They didn’t make a big deal out of it, knowing well you were an adult now practically who can make choices for herself.
The two of you manage to bring everything up to the third floor and you ring the doorbell since you don’t have your keys yet. You immediately recognize Harry’s British accent as he calls out a “coming!” from the other side of the door and a few seconds later it opens, revealing him.
Your first thought is that he is tall. Very tall and oh my! How handsome! His green eyes find your gaze and his dimples come out as he smiles at you happily. This man is surely a nice sight, you think to yourself, but you quickly bring yourself back to reality as he takes a look at all the stuff surrounding you.
“Y/N, why didn’t you call me that you were here? I could have helped you!” Taking a step outside he stretches his hand out for your dad. “Nice to meet ya, you must be Mr. Y/L/N. I’m Harry.”
“Nice to meet you,” your dad nods at him shaking his head before Harry grabs a box from the floor himself, holding the door open for you.
“Come on in!”
The three of you quickly bring everything inside from the hallway and you finally have a moment to look around. It’s not a big apartment, but seemingly perfect for two people. Walking in you have a small kitchen on the left and a little dining area on the right with a simple table and four chairs around it. Further inside is the living room, it’s nicely furnished very bright thanks to the large windows across the front door. On the left there’s a door that leads to the bathroom and on the right there’s a small hallway, two doors on each side. The two rooms are exactly the same size, so there was no need to have a discussion about who is getting which room. Not that you were gonna go against Harry when he literally saved your life with letting you stay with him.
The place seems tidy and neat, it’s clear that Harry takes good care of his home and that is for sure a relief.
Your room has a double bed, a desk with a chair, a dresser and a built in little closet. Everything is white or a light beige color, nothing extreme and you already have plans about how you want to decorate it to make it cozier.
“I left two shelves free for you out of the three. I have a few hair products, but I figured you’d need more space,” Harry tells you when you put a smaller box into the bathroom that has all your toiletries.
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” you smile at him.
Your dad sticks around a little longer helping you unpack some of the bigger boxes, then you walk him down to his car before he leaves.
“Please call your mother often. You know how much she worries about you,” he asks as he pulls you into a quick hug.
“Will do.”
“And call us anytime you need help. Two hours is not that far away, I can always come and get you.”
“I’ll be alright, dad, but thank you.”
You watch him climb into the car and he rolls down the windows waving in your way as he leaves from the parking lot. You stand there until he disappears on the corner and then go back up to your apartment.
Harry is sitting in the living room when you get back, some quiet music playing from the Bluetooth speaker as he reads a book. He glances up at you and you flash him a smile closing the door behind you.
“Your dad seemed quite okay with you living with a guy.”
“He had time to get used to it. They’re not that strict though.”
“That’s cool. I was thinking, maybe we could order some food when you’re done unpacking and just get to know each other a little more.”
“That sounds great!” you smile, but can’t ignore how fast your heart is beating in your chest. Harry surely has an effect on you that you’ll need to gain control over if you don’t want to make living together hard for yourself.
It takes quite some time to unpack everything and find the right place for your stuff, you don’t even finish by the time the food arrives so you decide to leave the rest for tomorrow.
The Chinese food is all set on the table when you walk out and Harry is getting two plates for the two of you.
“Settled in?” he asks as you take one of the chairs and he sits across you.
“Not fully, but I’m getting there,” you chuckle as he hands you your order. “Thank you.”
You talk over the food, just getting to know each other and you finally get a better picture of Harry. It’s his third year of college, he is studying music and pedagogy, intending to one day use music as a helping tool for kids who have learning difficulties. He is a big fan of collecting vinyls and quite passionate about trashy rom coms.
“Really?” you chuckle when he mentions how his Netflix queue is filled with romantic movies.
“Guilty pleasure,” he nods smirking.
You tell a little about yourself too and he seems genuinely interested, which feels nice. You would have hated if he found your interests boring and negligible, but that’s not the case.
“How come you couldn’t find a roommate for so long?” you ask the question that’s been in the back of your mind for quite a while now. Both of you are done eating and you’re cleaning up the table.
Nothing really stood out about Harry just yet, it’s quite a mystery for you why he couldn’t find someone to live with him.
“Well, you could say I’m a little picky in this field. Lived with my best mate first year, and though I absolutely love him, he was horrible to live with. Felt like his personal maid the whole time. When Niall moved in with his girlfriend and I had to move on my own I promised myself I would choose carefully. Lived with a PhD student last year, he was pretty great, but he moved out when he graduated, and I couldn’t really find someone I liked since then.”
“Glad I passed then,” you chuckle as you take the dishes and start washing them while Harry stands next to you, leaning against the edge of the counter.
“You seemed like a decent person to live with, I hope I won’t be wrong about that,” he chuckles, but you can tell he is still a little scared you might turn out to be a total asshole.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be too much trouble. I’m quiet like a mouse and clean up after myself.”
“That’s all that matters,” he smiles. “Alright, I have some things to finish, I’ll be in my room if you need help with anything.”
“Thank you, Harry.”
He waves in your way before disappearing in his bedroom.
You spend most of your Sunday unpacking what was left and running errands, buying groceries so you don’t have to go to the store every other day during the week. You occasionally meet Harry in the kitchen or the living room, but you both just do your own thing and it’s totally fine by you.
School starts quiet smoothly, Harry was kind enough to give you a rundown of where you’ll find your lecture halls so you don’t really get lost around campus, easily finding your way.
Friday afternoon you and Rita are sitting at a café near campus to discuss the first week of school. You don’t have any classes together, so only grabbed lunch two times all week, but didn’t have more than twenty minutes together before one of you had to run to a class. Now you are both comfortably sat in a booth with two cappuccinos and plenty of time to talk.
“So, how is living with Harry?” she curiously asks.
“He is great! Though we don’t meet that much. He has a band so he has practice three times a week, spends the rest of his time at home reading or watching TV.”
You ate dinner together twice this week, but you haven’t really had the courage to join him in the living room when he was watching TV. It sounds stupid but you figured maybe it would bother him if you were out there with him. And since he didn’t invite you either, you just stayed in your room mostly.
“Kimberly told me he is hot, is that true?” she asks with a smirk as she takes a sip from her hot drink. You immediately feel your cheeks heating up.
“Well, he surely is a good looking guy,” you breathe out.
“Lucky you! There’s not much of those in an all girls dorm,” she pouts and you chuckle. “So are you gonna make a move on him?”
“That’s not gonna happen,” you shake your head laughing.
“Why not?”
“Because we live together and if he rejects me that would be so awkward for the rest of our time living together.”
“But you can’t know for sure if he would reject,” she points out, but she can’t bring up one thing that would change your mind.
“It’s better not to take the odds. I don’t want to end up on the street.”
 As the days go by, things start to get busier in your everydays. Assignments and papers start to pile up so you have to start working on them if you don’t want to leave everything to the last moment. You become a regular in the library, the atmosphere is great for you to get into the flow and get a lot of work done.
It seems like Harry is in the same shoe, he is often in and out of the apartment, sometimes only spends home just a couple of minutes before he leaves again. However they slowly get accustomed to each other, learn the ways the other likes things and work up a schedule for things. Harry learns that Y/N likes to take a shower twice a day and washes her hair usually on Wednesdays and Sundays, so he doesn’t try to take too much time in the bathroom on those days. He also notices how she doesn’t have time to wash the dishes after herself on Thursdays when she just runs home to have a quick bite before she has to leave for another lecture, so they came to a silent agreement where Harry cleans up after her on Thursdays while she takes up on the dishes on Saturday when Harry leaves to band practice at eight.
They work well together and soon enough all of Harry’s doubts about Y/N fade into nothing and he realizes he has made the right choice with her.
Usually she stays at the library until seven on Mondays, but this week they are closing early because they are rearranging a whole department, so Y/N leaves a little after five. She pays a quick trip to the grocery store before she heads home. Opening up the door she immediately hears the music playing, one of Harry’s vinyls is twirling around in the record player and she hears the water running in the bathroom. Setting her bags on the counter she starts unpacking the groceries.
The music and the running water pushed the sound of her arriving down, Harry didn't realize that you were home early when he opens the bathroom door, singing to himself wearing absolutely nothing as he wants to go and grab a pair of clean underwear, but he is shocked to see you standing in the kitchen.
“Shit!” he snaps, hands immediately flying to cover himself as he sprints back to the bathroom quickly grabbing a towel to wrap around his waist.
Your cheeks are heating up immediately even though you didn’t see anything you weren’t supposed to, the counter top covered him just right above the critical line, but it’s the first time you’ve seen his upper body completely naked.
Even though it was just a spit second, the sight of his many tattoos and the defined V-line leading down to his crotch burned straight into your mind, leaving you flustered and shy all of a sudden.
“Sorry! I should have let you know I was coming home early!” you call out turning around, as if he was about to walk out naked again. Harry chuckles lightly as he returns, this time a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Don’t be silly, you don’t have to check in when you come home. It was my fault, I shouldn’t just walk around naked assuming you wouldn’t be home.”
You should, you think to yourself gulping as you turn around and dare to look at him again. You don’t see less than just a few seconds ago, his chest is glistening from the dampness, his curls are still wet and you are having a hard time not to stare at the tattoos on his lower stomach, so you busy yourself with the rest of your groceries as he walks into his room and returns in a pair of sweats and a white t-shirt.
“Any plans for the weekend?” he asks disappearing in the bathroom, but he leaves the door open and you hear him shuffle around, probably fixing up his hair. He uses some kind of mousse that keeps his curls perfectly and also happens to smell like mango and some kind of citrus.
“Um, not really.”
“We’re playing at this bar with the band, wanna come and watch us?” Walking out of the bathroom he switches the light off before walking to the couch and opening up his Netflix account on the TV. His invitation surprises you, but it also feels nice he wants you there.
“Oh, sounds fun! Can I bring someone?”
“Of course! I can have a table reserved for you, if you’d like,” he smiles at you before turning his attention to the screen.
“That would be great, thanks.”
You feel like after your little encounter it’s probably not the best day to join him at the TV, especially because you can’t stop yourself from blushing every time you look at him. The sight of his naked torso pops up in your mind every time and there’s no way you can just casually sit on the couch with him without your body lighting up on fire.
 Rita is excited when you tell her about the invitation, you don’t even have to convince her to go with you since she is dying to finally meet Harry. When he leaves in the early afternoon on Saturday he assures you that there’s gonna be a table reserved under your name, and off he goes to practice, leaving you alone for the rest of the day since he tells you he won’t be back before the concert tonight. Rita comes over around six and the two of you get ready together.
“You have to wear something spicy,” she wiggles her eyebrows at you while you sit at your desk applying mascara to your lashes.
“I don’t want to overdress, it’s just a bar.”
“Yeah, but Harry invited you. I bet he wants you to see him play.”
“Of course he wants, why else would he invite me?” you ask with furrowed eyebrows.
“You don’t get it,” she chuckles turning to you, hands on her hips. “He wants you to see him play because it feeds his ego. Maybe even turns him on.”
“Stop acting like there is anything between us. We are flatmates and that’s all.”
“I think he wants to be more, you’re just too pussy to make a move yourself,” she shrugs turning back to your closet.
“Stop calling me a pussy for not wanting to make it awkward for the two of us to live together. I’m pretty sure Harry doesn’t see me as anything more than just the person he lives with.”
“Then we have to change that. And I think this is the perfect dress for that.”
Rita pulls out a little black dress you bought about a year ago, but never really got around to wear it. It’s so tight, pushes your tits up way too much for your liking, you’re not even sure why you bought it in the first place.
“I’m not wearing that,” you shake your head.
“Are you afraid he might get a boner from you in it?”
“Rita!” you snap at her, but she just chuckles.
“Look, if you’re so sure he doesn’t want you like that, why does it matter what you wear?”
She has a point. It’s not like this dress will change anything and it would be nice to wear at least once in your life this stupid dress if you bought it.
Grabbing it from her hands you throw it to the bed and start undressing as she claps in victory.
You remembered right, the dress leaves close to nothing to the imagination when it comes to your figure. The fabric hugs your figure tightly, and you put on a lacy bralette that peeks out at the top of the dress, kind of covering some more from your skin, since the dress doesn’t do much in that field itself. Rita tries to convince you not to take a jacket, but you throw your denim jacket on, feeling the need to have something give you the slightest sense of being covered.
You arrive at the bar twenty minutes before the concert starts and it’s a good thing Harry reserved a table for you, because the place is packed. You’re not sure if it’s because of them or it’s just a regular Saturday evening.
The little stage is all set up, but you see no sign of Harry anywhere as the two of you settle at your table with a drink. Luckily, the bartender did not ask for an ID, he was too busy looking at your chest. At least there’s one good thing in this dress.
The drum set at the back has the name of the band on it and you smile reading it. The word ‘Stylish’ is printed on it with bold blue letters, referring to Harry’s last name, who is most likely the front man of the band.
The place is buzzing and the two of you enjoy being out at a bar concert. When the lights go down you finally spot him walking out of the back followed by a guy and two girls.
“Welcome, folks,” he greets the audience, his accent filling up the place over the chatters. A round of cheering answers him, making him smile. “Thank you for coming out tonight, we hope to entertain you in the next hour. Our name is Stylish and now let’s get down to business,” he smirks and just as he takes a step back from the mic, the band starts playing. Harry grabs a guitar himself before stepping back to the mic and then he starts singing.
They play a mixture of covers and original songs, the transition between them is so smooth you sometimes forget it’s a whole different song that’s playing. Harry is clearly enjoying the spotlight, his presence on the stage is so natural and capturing, you often catch yourself forgetting about the rest of the band.
One song follows the other and you don’t even realize how fast this hour passes by. Harry sometimes stops in-between songs, entertaining the audience with small jokes and just casually interacting with them.
“Our last song is up next, so let me take a moment to introduce the band,” Harry speaks into the mic while softly playing the guitar so it’s not completely quiet as he talks. “At the drums, the amazing and talented Sarah Jones!”
A round of applause fills the bar as Sara waves around smiling widely, before Harry moves on to the next member.
“Playing the piano, the wonderful Charlotte Clark!”
Charlotte plays a short melody on the keys matching up with what Harry has been playing, before she also waves at the audience.
“The guy who is a way better guitarist than me, Mitch Rowland.”
Harry’s comment makes the audience laugh and Mitch just nods shyly, a smile pulling on his lips under his mustache.
“And this handsome Brit who sometimes acts like a comedian,” Sarah starts leaning closer to her mic. “Harry Styles.”
It’s no surprise that Harry gets the biggest cheering and he smirks sweetly, his fingers still strumming on the guitar. The clapping and screaming slowly dies down and as Harry steps back to his mic they start the last song.
It’s quite an upbeat, funky song, you just can’t resist dancing around on your chair and seemingly Rita is enjoying herself as well, cheering with her beer in her hand. The song comes to an end and they all line up at the front of the stage bowing down together as the whole bar cheers on them as one person.
“Woah, this was… something else,” Rita breathes out once they disappear at the back and chatter fills up the place once again and the lights come back.
“They smashed it!” you nod in agreement. You figured they are good if they get asked to perform, but this was way beyond what you were expecting.
Looking around you are hoping to see Harry somewhere, but they must be celebrating somewhere at the back. Maybe he won’t even come out, you think to yourself as you finish up your beer.
“I’ll get us another round,” you tell Rita as you make your way to the bar.
There are quite a few people waiting to be served, so you squeeze yourself into the crowd and hope to get to the front soon.
“So how did you like it?”
You jump in surprise when you hear Harry’s voice coming from behind you, and turning around you see how close he is standing to you.
“Hi! I didn’t even see you sneak up on me,” you chuckle making him smile as he squeezes himself next to you. The two of you finally reach the front, but the bartender is serving someone a little on the left so you have to wait. “I loved it, you were like a proper rockstar up there!”
“Thanks,” he chuckles and his dimples show up on his cheeks. The bartender finally gets to you and Harry is quick to order for the both of you. “’S probably better if I place the order since you’re not twenty one just yet.”
“Didn’t have any problem ordering the first time,” you smirk smugly and Harry raises his eyebrows at you before his eyes wander down your body for a second.
“I bet you didn’t in this dress.”
Suddenly, you’re very aware of how daring your outfit looks, so out of reflex, you pull your jacket tighter on yourself, Harry’s smile quickly fades as he realizes that he made you uncomfortable with his comment.
“I meant that you look really pretty. Definitely makes you appear a little older though.”
“My friend wanted me to wear it, I would have been fine with something else,” you admit as the bartender places your order in front of you and Harry pays for the whole thing.
“Glad she convinced you,” he grins down at you and you can feel your cheeks heating up once again.
He helps you carry the drinks to the table and Rita quickly puts her phone away when she sees who you are returning with.
“Harry, this is my friend, Rita. Rita, this is Harry,” you introduce them and Harry shakes her head smiling.
“Nice to meet you,” he nods kindly.
“Oh, same goes for you,” Rita smirks and you roll your eyes at her.
“I’ll go get the rest of the band, do you mind if we join you guys here? There are no empty tables.”
“Sure,” you nod smiling before the crowd swallows Harry.
“For fuck’s sake, you have to make a move on him, Y/N!” Rita turns to you as soon as he is gone.
“Would you stop?” you chuckle.
“No! This dude is so hot I forget my name when I look at him! And you live with him! You can’t miss this chance, Y/N.”
“I’m not missing anything. We live together, it’s not worth it.”
“Not missing anything?” Rita looks at you as if you were mental. “You are literally missing everything!”
“I’m done with this conversation,” you tell him just when Harry appears again, this time with two of his bandmates, Sarah and Mitch are following him smiling, hand in hand.
“Charlotte had to leave early, but this is Sarah and Mitch,” Harry introduces them as they join the two of you at the table. “And this is my flatmate, Y/N and her friend Rita.”
You all shake hands as Harry sorts out the extra beers he has ordered so everyone has a drink on their hand.
It’s no surprise, but Sarah and Mitch prove themselves to be just as cool as they seemed up on the stage. And the best thing is that they don’t shy away from sharing funny stories that include Harry.
“So have you been looking for a new place to stay, Y/N?” Mitch jokes. “I’m sure you’ve had enough of Harry by now.”
“Very funny,” Harry laughs at his bandmate’s comment.
“To be honest it’s pretty fine so far. He is a pleasant person to share your home with,” you say with a soft chuckle.
“What’s one thing you hate about living with him?” Sarah asks and Harry pretends to be hurt over the question.
“Who said there’s anything she hates?”
“Shush, I was asking her!” she hushes at him making you laugh.
“I really can’t point out anything in particular. Maybe he has been very careful, luring me into believing that he is the perfect flatmate so I get stuck with him.”
You stay for a while, just chatting and having a good time until the bar starts to empty out and you decide it’s better if you head home as well.
“We have to take care of the equipment, are you leaving or do you want to wait for me?” Harry asks you.
“We’ll just call an Uber, don’t worry about it,” you smile at him.
“Alright, see you at home.”
You say goodbye to Sarah and Mitch and part your ways with them as you and Rite head outside.
“I hope you noticed how Harry was looking at you,” Rita smirks at you when the two of you are sitting at the back of the Uber.
“What are you talking about?” you sigh leaning your head against the seat.
“I caught him staring at you quite a few times.”
“He was just probably looking at me when I was talking. Don’t try to talk something into it that’s not true.”
“Alright, I’ll stop,” she replies holding up her hands. “But I still think you are missing out on some amazing dick.”
You awkwardly glance at the driver who is hearing everything you say, but Rita seemingly doesn’t mind that you’re not alone.
“You know what? We should give Tinder a try.”
“What? Why?”
“If you don’t want to make a move on your hot flatmate, we need to get some satisfaction from others.”
“I’m fine, thanks.”
“Oh, you are not,” she chuckles. “But you will be when you match with the hottest guys on campus.”
You let Rita believe that she convinced you to sign up for Tinder, but you get out of the car with the intention of never downloading the app, like ever.
Walking into the apartment you grab a clean, oversized t-shirt and a pair of panties since your sleeping shorts are all dirty, but you were planning to do the laundry tomorrow. You decide it’s not a big deal and the shirt will probably cover enough of your body.
You take a quick shower to get off the thick smell of the bar that’s stuck on your skin, taking your time moisturizing yourself once you’re done. When you get dressed you see that the shirt does cover your bum, but if you lifted your arms up it surely shows a big portion of your ass, so you’ll have to be careful if Harry arrives.
You’re lounging on the couch watching a rerun of House M.D. and scrolling through your phone when Harry arrives.
“Hey there, rockstar!” you greet him teasingly and he just chuckles shyly.
“Is it gonna be my new nickname?”
“Well, you really were one tonight, so I think yes,” you nod making him laugh. Walking further inside his eyes stop on your bare legs and he is quick to notice that you’re not wearing any pants, like you usually do. You immediately tug on the end of the shirt to cover more of your skin, but it’s not really working.
“Ehm, I’ll go and take a quick shower,” he informs you before disappearing in his room first and then rushing into the bathroom.
Looking down at your attire you decide it’ll be better if you threw on some sweats. Harry clearly got a little uncomfortable seeing you so bare, so it’s better to cover up. You’ll just take them off when you go to bed.
Harry doesn’t take too long in there, and when he joins you on the couch you are pretty sure he took a cold shower since no steam followed him when he left the bathroom. His eyes flicker to your now covered legs, but he doesn’t say anything, just makes himself comfortable next to you.
“You like it?” he asks nodding at the TV.
“Yeah, he is such an asshole, but it’s funny,” you huff. “Hey, I took a few pictures tonight. Wanna see if you like any of them?”
“Sure,” he nods pushing himself up a little as you unlock your phone and show him the photos you took of him and the band while performing.
Some of them ended up really cool, you were able to catch the lights and their movements just the right way, especially one stands out where he was holding out a note, basically screaming into the mic, he really looks like a rockstar on that one.
“Can you send me this one?”
“Done,” you smile at him and glancing over you see that he opens the Instagram app on his phone. You watch him crop and adjust it a little bit, then tag his bandmates and finally, he posts it.
“Wow, this is the first picture on your page with you actually on it,” you tease him.
“So you’ve been stalking my profile?” he smirks at you.
“I wanted to check you out before I moved in, but your social media was no help in that.”
“Yeah, I’m not a fan of posting that much, but this was a cool picture.”
“It’s an honor to know that I took the first one featuring you.”
“Actually, this is the second one, but it is the first one where my face is visible,” Harry tells you before turning his attention back to the TV, but the gears start to turn wildly in your mind, trying to remember which picture could be the other one.
Later, when you’re lying in your bed with your door closed, you pull up his profile and stat scrolling down. Most of the pictures fall out, because they have absolutely no trace of any human being on them. But then you stop at the one that features a black silhouette of a man, the one you thought wasn’t him.
Opening up you tap on the tag and see that it leads to Mitch’s profile, but now that you’ve met him, you’re pretty sure it’s not him in the picture. So you take a closer look and as you go over the small details, like the line of his neck, how wide his shoulders are and the untamed curls, you soon realize that it is indeed Harry in the photo.
You push down a moan when realization sets in, because that means that you’re staring at the naked silhouette of Harry and it immediately starts a fire between your legs.
“Jesus,” you whisper as you let yourself stare at the photo a little longer. You weren’t expecting it, but it’s surely making you feel some kind of way.
Locking your phone you throw it to your nightstand before you bury your head into your pillow. You have to press your thighs together quite tightly to make the throbbing sensation stop so you can finally fall asleep. Well, it takes some time before that happens and it’s quite torturous.
  Unlike how you planned, Rita finally gets you to download Tinder and give it a try. She helps you set up your profile, and though at first it feels incredibly awkward, you slowly adjust to being out there on the virtual market.
You start swiping left and right whenever you are bored during classes or you’re having a break from studying. Your matches start to pile up and soon enough you start getting messages as well. You reply to the ones you like or find funny and creative, giving them a chance, but not many end up going too far. Somehow the conversations always die down and you lose interest in the person.
Only one guy gets as far as asking you out and getting a yes as an answer. Jordan is a physics major and seemed like a nice and funny guy through the messages, good-looking too, so you decided to give it a go.
So Friday evening you dolled yourself up, put on a nice blouse with your favorite skinny jeans and black heels, ready to head out to your first ever Tinder date.
As you walk out of your room you find Harry in the kitchen in his basketball shorts and a simple black t-shirt making himself a cup of tea. The shorts are hanging low on his waist and as he reaches up to get the hones from the cupboard you get a glimpse of the soft skin on his lower waist. You quickly look away before you could have any further thoughts about what else is under the waistband of his shorts.
“Oh, where are you heading all dressed up?” he asks, eyebrows raised.
“I actually have a date,” you admit nervously as you grab your keys and put it away in your purse.
“Lucky guy,” he smiles and you can feel your cheeks heating up again. There’s just something in the way he compliments you, it makes your knees go jelly.
“Thanks. I’ll see you later? I’m not sure when I’ll be back,” you tell him grabbing your jacket from the hanger next to the front door.
“Have fun,” he nods before you walk out.
 Jordan proves himself to be quite frankly the same guy you got to know through messages. He takes you to this Mexican themed bar and you are just chatting over some exciting looking cocktails, but you find yourself zoning out sometimes.
What is Harry doing right now? Is he staying at home? I should have asked if he had any plans. Maybe he is hooking up with someone right now.
You find yourself thinking about way more than you probably should and it’s making you lose your shit. So maybe this is why, or because Rita told you to just go with the flow, but when Jordan asks if you want to go up to his place you say yes.
It’s as awkward and bad as you were expecting, unfortunately. There’s a reason why you don’t hook up with every random guy you go out with once. You are totally on different pages, but when you are lying under him on his bed, you just know there’s no way out.
It’s not that he forces you, because you’re sure he would have stopped if you asked, but it would be so awkward to just walk out because you weren’t feeling the vibe. So at least one of you should enjoy it.
You should deserve an Oscar for that orgasm you fake, it’s so believable. Jordan doesn’t seem to notice that you felt absolutely nothing, just frustration and impatience, he tries to make you stay the night, but you save yourself with a lie that you have to wake up early in the morning so it’s best if you head home.
Your frustration just grows on your way home. You were really hoping to get laid tonight, so maybe that could stop you from fantasizing about Harry, because your thoughts have been wild since you found out that he is the one on that Instagram picture. It doesn’t help that he has been walking around shirtless quite a lot.
Shameful or not, you even touched yourself once thinking about him. You were home alone after a particularly boring day so you thought you’d just get yourself off. Before you could realize where your thoughts have wandered, you were moaning his name as you came hard. You couldn’t look into his eyes that day when he came home, he probably thought you were nuts, basically running away from him.
It’s almost midnight when you get back home, you were expecting Harry to be asleep by now since he has band practice in the morning, but you are surprised to see light coming from his room. As you close the front door, kicking your heels off he walks out, of course, without a shirt, his glorious body on full display.
“Hey, how was your date?” he asks as you step to the fridge to get yourself something to drink. You’ve been so damn thirsty since Jordan was… done with you, you could have asked for some water at least, but you just wanted to leave as fast as possible.
“Ugh, don’t even ask,” you whine, leaning against the counter.
“That bad?”
“Worse,” you roll your eyes and Harry chuckles softly.
“Come on, it couldn’t be that bad if you came home so late.”
“Well, it did start off nice, but I shouldn’t have said yes when he asked if I wanted to go to his place.”
“Worst sex of my life, I wanted out the moment we arrived, to be honest,” you honestly say, feeling a little weird that you’re talking to Harry about it, but you just want to get it off your chest.
“Then why didn’t you just leave?”
“Dunno, I just… I was hoping for just a little satisfaction, but I guess I asked for too much,” you sigh finishing up your water and you walk past him with the intention to grab your pajamas and have a shower that would wash away the happenings of the night, but Harry’s voice stops you.
“Not everything is lost just yet.” Turning around you give him a puzzled look.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He bites into his bottom lip and lets his eyes travel down your body, his intent gaze sends a shiver down your spine. When his eyes return to your gaze your heart is wildly beating against your chest.
“I mean that… I can make you feel good, if you want.”
Your mouth hangs open and your eyebrows shoot up at the blunt offer he just made. At first you’re not even sure you heard him right, but as you replay his words you realize that you indeed heard him crystal clear.
“Are you messing with me right now?” you ask, feeling like it’s all just a joke. He did not just offer to satisfy you because you complained to him about how bad your date was.
Harry takes a few steps closer to you, a small smirk tugging on his lips.
“Not really. You want to get off and I would love to be the one to help you with it.”
“But… we live together,” you say and realize how stupid this just sounded, but you hope he gets what you were trying to say.
“So? Does that mean we can’t fuck?”
The way he said that makes your legs go weak for sure. You’ve been fantasizing about things similar to this, but those were nowhere near to actually hear him propose the idea of fucking.
“But… it’ll be weird, won’t it?”
“Only if we make it.”
He walks closer, closing the distance between the two of you and he cups your cheek in his hand as his eyes flicker down to your lips.
“Harry…” you breathe out, but you already know you gave in. There’s no way you can say him no, not after weeks of dreaming about the exact same thing.
“Just stop thinking,” he tells you before pressing his lips against yours.
He kisses you hard and you gladly let his tongue push into your mouth within a second, kissing him back with the same passion. You wrap your arms around his neck as his hands travel down on your sides until they reach your ass and they give it a bold squeeze, making you moan into his lips. You feel him grin as his hands move over to your thighs and he urges you to jump and so you do, wrapping your legs around his waist.
Though you keep your eyes closed, kissing him hard, you can tell he brings you to the couch, laying you down to your back, holding himself up above you. He starts kissing down your jawline and neck, sucking and biting on the sensitive skin. His hands grab the hem of your shirt and you lift yourself up a bit so he can pull it off, throwing it away to somewhere behind the couch. While his lips are sucking on your breasts wherever they are bulging out from the lacy bra, his hands work fast on your jeans, undoing the button and the zipper, tugging them down until you can just kick them right off.
“Matching set? You were really counting on having a good time tonight,” he mumbles against your tummy as he kisses his way down on your body.
His right hand reaches up and cups your breast before it slides under you and easily unclasps your bra. You quickly slide the straps off and throw it to the side, so now you are lying under him only in your panties, whimpering and panting at every kiss he leaves on your body.
“What do you want, Y/N?” he hums glancing up at you, sitting between your legs as he slides just one finger over your soaking wet panties, running it along your throbbing center.
“Fuck, I want you,” you breathe out.
“How exactly do you want me?”
“Jesus, just eat me out, Harry!” you shamelessly moan and he smugly smirks before he hooks his fingers into your panties and pulls them down, throwing it to the ground.
Now you’re lying completely naked in front of him, and he pushes your knees farther apart, looking down at you with lustful eyes.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this,” he growls as he gets closer and without a warning, he licks into you.
You moan in sensation as he starts sucking on your clit, his tongue working perfectly against your bud. Your hands find their way into his hair and you grab a handful of it in each. Oh, how many times you’ve thought about doing this!
“Harry!” you cry out when you feel him push a finger into you, slowly pumping it in and out a few times before he adds another to it. He quickly picks up his pace as he keeps sucking on your clit, getting you closer to your orgasm with every lick.
“Fuck, I’m so close!” you moan, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you struggle to even breathe.
“Cum for me, baby,” he mumbles against your wet clit and just a few more pumps later you came, screaming his name.
“Fucking hell, Harry!” you breathe out when he climbs up on you smirking.
“You think you can handle another one?” he asks, pecking your lips softly. Looking down you see how hard he is and even if you were on the verge of dying you would have said yes. There’s no way you let him get up from this couch unsatisfied after the orgasm he just gave you.
Instead of saying anything, you push on him until he is sitting on the couch and you have your knees on his sides.
“I think you are a little overdressed, aren’t you?” you ask teasingly as you bring a hand down to his erection, cupping it through his shorts and underwear.
Harry cranes his neck so his lips could meet yours again as he lifts his hips up, pushing his shorts down along with his boxers. You sit back down to his lap and his erection presses against your wet folds making you moan into his mouth.
“Do you want me to suck you off?” you ask breathlessly, but Harry shakes his head.
“I would last, I just want to fuck you,” he growls and you swear to God that was the hottest thing you’ve ever heard.
“Condom, we need a condom,” you tell him, still kissing his lips.
You get off him and he quickly runs into his room, shortly returning with a condom between his teeth. He rips the package on his way and falls back to the couch, rolling it on carefully. When he is done you swing your leg over him and get on top again, holding onto his broad shoulders. He grabs the base of his cock and lines himself up to your center and you give yourself a moment to admire his naked beauty right in front of you.
You look into his sparkling eyes and leaning down you kiss him hard as you slowly ease down to his length, his cock slowly filling you up fully.
“Oh fuck!” he moans at the feeling of you around him. His fingers dig deep into your waist as you stay still for a few moments, adjusting to his length. “You alright?” he asks breathlessly. Your eyes meet his and you nod a little before you start moving.
It takes a few moments to find the right pace and get yourself comfortable, but when you finally do, you just can’t stop. His hands are on your ass as he guides your hips a little and you feel the rings on his fingers against your heated skin. He buries his face into your neck nibbling and kissing on the soft skin wherever he reaches.
“Fuck, you look so fucking hot, Y/N,” he grunts when you let your head fall back, feeling your orgasm slowly building up again.
“Harry, I’m gonna cum again,” you pant, picking up a faster pace, desperate for release.
“Cum for me, baby. Let me make you feel good!” he moans wrapping his arms around you as he holds you still, stopping you from moving, but instead he starts thrusting into you, his cock buries so deep into your pussy, your eyes roll back into your head from the feeling.
“Yes! Don’t fucking stop!” you scream as he keeps fucking you hard.
It doesn’t take too long until you fall completely apart and cum again, your legs basically turning into jelly. Just a few thrusts later Harry cums as well, thrusting deep into you a few more times as he moans into your neck.
You lie completely numb on him, his fingers gently stroking your naked back as you try to come back to reality. When you lean back and your eyes meet again you are still speechless.
“I’ve literally wanted it since the day you walked into this place,” he admits with a soft chuckle.
“Really?” you giggle shyly.
“Oh, really. Seeing you around, sometimes without a bra under your shirt completely killed me most of the time.”
Your cheeks are heating up, you didn’t think he noticed when you weren’t wearing a bra.
“Don’t be so shy, you have amazing tits, you are not allowed to wear a bra anymore around here,” he teases you grinning as you laugh and leaning down you kiss him shortly.
“I had quite a few fantasies about you too,” you admit making him raise his eyebrows.
“Mhm, especially after you walked out of the bathroom naked, even though I didn’t even see your dick then.”
Harry chuckles lightly as he pushes his hair back from his forehead, resting his head against the back of the couch.
“So…” you shyly start, ”what now?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that… we live together and we just fucked. What does this mean for the future?”
“Well, I thought that next time we could do it the right way. I could take you out on a proper date, and then fuck you on the kitchen counter.”
You laugh at how blunt he is, but you love the idea he just proposed.
“Okay. Sounds fine by me.”
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reader-no-danna · 4 years
characters: genos, zombieman, metal bat, amai mask
synopsis: headcanons for the characters stated above in a relationship with an s-class!reader
fandom: one punch man
warnings: none!
a/n: my first writing post 🤩 i love the s-class heroes so much so i decided to write some headcanons for them with a reader who’s also s-class! i may make a part two with flashy flash, fubuki, etc. hope you like it!
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at first, genos is indifferent to your presence among the s-class. he’s already prioritized his training and spending as much time as possible with saitama
i don’t even think he’d be aware you’d joined until it was announced at another meeting
he’s veryy curious to know about your abilities and how you shot through the ranks so quickly. but i think he’d keep his distance for a while
assuming reader is around his age, genos would be low-key shy around them. he just can’t bring himself to approach you first. this poor boy-
so at first he sticks to keeping things ✨professional✨ when he hears about a successful mission you were on, you’d get the occasional “i heard you did well against the enemy. well done, y/n” and a little awkward nod of his head
but you’d soon catch on him. when you gave reports at the hero summons, he would ALWAYS pay attention. like watch-dog man could be going on about how city-q is burning to the ground and you’d be like “well everythings fine over here-” and his head would shoot up-
silent fuming if tatsumaki scolds you or anyone interrupts you
and he’d make trips to whatever city you were placed in charge of and ask if you needed any help. he knows you can take care of yourself, he’s just looking for an excuse to talk to you
one day you saw him with saitama and the gang and you started hanging around them and that was it-
you all would be going on a lot of outings together, trying to ignore all the people gaping at you
he definitely finds time to steal you away from the others. he could never grow tired of saitama but fubuki would probably have loads of questions for you so he may excuse himself from the group for a bit and take you with him
the two of you fight sooo well together. you’re often assigned to handle monsters as a team because of how well you work with each other
you’re always with him if his parts get damaged during a fight. scolding him and telling him to be more careful, he’s getting too reckless these days
and genos’ fans take a particular liking to you... if your relationship is public then please believe the fan pages are goin wild
genos doesn’t care about all that, but he’ll quickly jump your defense if people start spreading false rumors about you and your relationship
he loves you and you’ll know it everyday 😌
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yet another stern man
he is also quite curious as to how you managed to make s-class.
because you either got in right away after the entrance exam, like genos, or you somehow managed to surpass amai mask. either way, he already has some degree of respect for you.
he seems like a bit of a loner, so i imagine the two of you would have to be assigned to a task or mission of some sort together to start communicating.
one thing i like feel he’d admire in an s/o is their strength, so he would be looking respectfully if you two were fighting together.
very observant. he’s looking for your fighting style, what attacks you normally use, and how he can help with his abilities.
he cannot stand heroes who’re only in the profession for the publicity. amai mask already annoys him- so that being said he’s very appreciative to see you actually saving people and being compassionate and not just smiling for the camera while leveling a boulder or sum-
in fact, he probably started to develop some sort of feelings after watching you save someone. maybe it was a child you had helped reunite with their parents after their town was wrecked.
you bring the kid over to their parents, and when you turn over to zombieman he was smiling for a split second before reverting back to that slight frown.
it can be slightly unnerving watching him fight, with his regenerative abilities and all that. you know he’ll recover from any injury but it still concerns you when he gets hurt.
he always reassures you, it’s not a big deal, he’s more than used to it by now. the last thing he wants is to scare you, so catch him actually looking out for his safety and trying to limit the damage done to him for you.
if you get hurt somehow, he’s by your side in an instant. your safety is top priority
he’ll blame himself for your injury, you gotta reassure him for him to feel better, and even that would take a lot of convincing
he’s glad to have you in the s-class, it was getting a little insufferable over there-
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badd/ metal bat
remember when he had no idea who madame shibabawa was?? yeah this man does not pay attention during hero meetings 😭 he also was not aware you had joined s-class even though he definitely should’ve been told at that point.
another meeting was called and he’s sitting down in his usual spot, he turns around to see you there like ”😀”
he watches as you calmly give a report on recent sightings of monsters and other matters, like where?? did you come from???
he’s got a pretty boisterous attitude, and he’s very assertive and loud when you first meet him. i feel as though his rashness would be even worse if he thought he had feelings for someone
easily flustered, and it’s obvious too. you offer to come with him for a threat-level demon mission and he’s going on about how he doesn’t need the help of a “newbie” and how he can handle himself just fine. of course you have faith in him, he’s VERY strong but it’s fun to mess with him, and he’ll know when you’re doing it
eventually you decide to tag along with him on an assignment, and surprise, surprise, you hear no complaints from him
you two are a force of NATURE in a fight. his stamina and strength is boundless, and you’re also very impressive with your abilities.
you know those scenes in the manga where he’s in the middle of a fight, his shirt torn, hair all ruffled and in his face, and he’s got bloodstains on him? yeah you’re getting a full view of that on the regular 🥵
fights always end with you two walking away together, he’s swinging his bat and talking about the thrill and how much he enjoyed a good fight. he’ll also be slightly embarrassed to add “you weren’t so bad yourself, you know” and his face will be red but not from the exhaustion-
his sister zenko will become a big fan of you now that you’re s-class! he may even ask if you can give her your autograph and talk to her. he’d be so embarrassed but trying to hide it-
doesn’t know what to do with his hands so he just stuffs them in his pocket. also he avoids eye contact with you too. it’s too cute
“y/n, look, i don’t mean to bother ya, but my lil sis, she’s a huge fan and she'd really like to meet you so if you had the time that would be great. thanks.”
pleasee be nice to this mans sister 😤 i headcanon that he wouldn’t date anyone if zenko didn’t like them
after you meet zenko, congratulations- you have unlocked his soft side 🥰 you’ll find he's a real gentleman
if you’re talking during an s-class meeting and someone interrupts you- this man will NOT care who-
“oi! didn’t you hear y/n speaking just now? shut up or i’ll thrash you!”
in conclusion: badd >>> and his heart is yours 🥰
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amai mask
this little prick right here
he wouldn’t be as upset if you went straight to s-class after the hero entrance exam like genos did. but if you actually climbed through the ranks?? and surpassed him??
he would’ve had to be a-class rank t-t-two for a bit 🤢🤮 like hurry up and move to s-class already, it’s killing him
despite being upset about it, he’s also quite impressed. the reason he refuses to move to s-class despite being more than capable is because he wouldn’t allow anyone he deemed unworthy to pass. you had to be very strong, and he begrudgingly had some sort of respect for you because of it
he also respects just people. a hero has to be beautiful, in both appearance and personality. so if you’re a good person then he’ll actually get along with you
make no mistake, he cares about his public image. so when he sees you, a young and stunning hero who made their debut in the highly esteemed s-class? he’d definitely see that as an opportunity grow his fan base
purposely greeting and talking to you frequently in public. and then acting surprised and bashful when being questioned about it by the media
it wouldn’t be long before the tabloids started rolling out with your names on the headlines, with people talking up your relationship
whether or not you’d be upset with it is up to you
if you don’t mind the gossip, amai mask would be muchh bolder with you in public. giving you those wry smiles that would make any other fan melt and openly flirting with you. the two of you may even be invited as guests on one of those talk shows he’s seen on
if the publicity is too much for you, he’d actually shut down the rumors immediately. “y/n is a wonderful addition to the s-class, and i’m looking forward to watching them grow. but their just an acquaintance… nothing more.”
why do i actually want to write a fic about amai mask and reader playing up their relationship in public now
buttt that’s actually not true because he’s starting to catch FEELINGS
he doesn’t like most of the s-class but you’re the exception
he’s a busy man but expect him checking up with you as much as possible to make sure you’re doing alright
after a particular stressful mission, he’ll book a reservation for you two at the best restaurant in the city! perks of being a star...
he’ll tell you all about his upcoming projects, but he’ll also listen very attentively as you talk about the s-class! he may even make fun of some of them just to get you to laugh
very attentive boyfriend and much nicer to you than he is to anyone else, s-class or not!
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