#this post is just a jokey joke
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swiftiephobe · 1 year ago
me switching my regular breakfast over to yoghurt and fruit (healthy) means that it's totally okay for me to eat instant noodles (unhealthy) for lunch. perfectly balanced as all things should be etc etc
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floweycidal · 4 months ago
this thought is probably anything but original and has likely crossed the minds of many before me, but my brain insists on making light of it before i can move on with my evening. i've got to give that flower a little ribbing. it's non-negotiable.
insep(a)rable is misspelled here. rather than chalking it up to a simple human error by the devs, i'm choosing to see it as flowey slightly mispronouncing it.
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he's read it all, hell, he burned through every book he could find. his vocabulary must be massive on paper, but that's just it. it's all On Paper. he can very well recognize how words look… just not how to say half of them.
sure, he's reset plenty after doing the unforgivable, the unspeakable, and the plain wrong, and yeah, he's also countlessly rewound time with death checking its watch nearby.
but the silliness within me persists, thence i remain convinced his number one trigger for resetting was just absolutely demolishing the pronunciation of words he'd only seen in print.
he'd be there, absolutely glowing with unearned confidence, right before mangling whatever pretentious five-syllable word he'd been dying to show off. that's the kind of embarrassment you need to erase an entire timeline for. i get you so bad flowey
flowey: blah blah blah blah... co-lo-nel
flowey: Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: MO-
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unexpectedbrickattack · 2 years ago
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alisaint · 1 year ago
mr coriolanus snow did not live by "snow lands on top" + take pleasure in making sejanus squirm and having power over him (+ get thoroughly upset when he didn't) + spend every waking moment of his entire life scheming to be the top dog with all the power and control + fail and refuse to truly trust anyone + muse multiple times about wanting to put his hands on sejanus + get Uncomfortable whenever things didn't go how he specifically expected + behaved as sejanus's keeper that took care of him all the time for y'all to be calling him a sub bottom now... my fellow countrymen, you can't let the whole skinny, white, blond with light eyes combo fool you into such treacherous heresy. sejanus was his sweet, sensitive, wide-eyed, rabbit-like fool with soulful eyes! and he was his keeper! snow lands on top! on top, he said! t-o-p! 🗣️🔛🔝‼️
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gayvampyr · 14 hours ago
they hate me for my inquisitive nature and tendency to question and analyze ideas presented to me
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an6elic-d3vil · 6 months ago
The way some of y’all talk about reeses feces (RhySAnd) like you know him is beyond wild to me. Like when you guys attempt to defend him you just sound like Feyre throwing a tantrum because nobody likes her mate.
Tamlin Stan: Feyre and Rhysand are toxic for each other and they both suck ass at communicating. The only reason they’re better at it than Feyre and Tam is because they can read each other’s minds. They rarely ever ‘talk’ about things….
Feces Stan: Nuh uh how dare you disrespect my beautiful, black haired, so blue they look violet(tf does that even mean???) eyed god that realistically would discard me so quick! 👹👹
No because you want to live in the night court??? You, a women, in the night court?? Rightttt. Your totally not gonna get abused👍🏾
The thing you claim to hate so much when someone else does it but when Rhysand someone in the inner circle does it there’s hundreds of explanations, reasons, and theories. Make it make fucking sense.
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solar-halos · 5 months ago
do you think finnick audibly gulps in such a fr way whenever annie gets flirty with him
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paperlovesadness · 2 years ago
Jo: What's your favorite season, Al?
Alex: ....
Jo: ....
Alex: ....
Jo: ....
Alex: ....
Matt: there's only four.
Alex: ....
Jo: ....
Matt: ....
Alex: autumn.
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codecicle-archive · 1 year ago
honestly i dont even know if i want deacon and arthur to fuck in canon whatever's wrong with them now is MUCH funnier
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ladylikelamb · 1 year ago
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I started reading his biography by Jon Lee Anderson. it’s made me mildly fixated oh him and communism💀
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minthandsoap · 10 months ago
Emma and Jordan together as besties right??? Cause that dynamic is top tier like I just can’t see them in their current iterations/characterizations in a romantic relationship lol
a comprehensive list as to why i believe emma and jordan would be the best romantic ship of the show:
i was fully joking lol 🤎🤎🤎 sorry if that didn’t translate well in my tags
but yeah, i definitely agree that their friendship dynamic would be amazing to see despite the fact that they hardly interact during the first season!!! now i know that the reason why Jordan even knows of Emma’s entire existence is because through Marie. BUT!!! the short but cute funny moments we get with them interacting is more than enough to convince me that they will be the best friendship pairing and i love that most people agree with this sentiment too!!!! (although love marie and emma’s friendship down, they are locked in 🔐🤎)
next little thing i’m writing isn’t limoreau centered for once lol and it’s just a cute lil drabble of emma x jordan just fucking around with each other. idk i just imagine them to be a very funny, witty, and sarcastic pairing.
If they weren’t currently stuck in that white box or if the entire concept of The Woods just never existed, i believe they would’ve been best friends by the end of their first semester. can’t wait for the development of all of the characters relationships with the other and individually; excited to get a more in depth look into each of them as well.
anyways this ask is great! help me push the narrative that emma x jordan’s is the best romantic pairing (i am FULLY JOKING!!! thank you for giving me a great five minutes of rambling)
TLDR: but overall i fear their chemistry is more palpable than marie and jordan’s. and the best example is how Jordan defended her honor against Justine. has jordan ever done that with marie?????
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ahollowgrave · 1 year ago
thank you to everyone who left a nice comment or DM'd me or whatever yesterday I didn't reply because I get very embarrassed when people show me compassion when I very clearly need it. But I read each one and saved them for next time and I am blowing you kisses and avoiding eye contact, you understand. depression is a known liar and you can't trust her. she is very convincing, however, and so when it gets to you please know I am there holding your hand.
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disabled-dean · 1 year ago
Misha: So anyways, they asked me not to set the record straight because it'd look better for the show if I was bisexual- crazy, right??
Jensen, shoving the engagement ring back into his pocket: Sooooooooo crazy
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cyberdragoninfinity · 1 year ago
🔥 Unpopular 5D's opinion?
(but for realsies: a lot of 5ds fans really adamantly act like s1 and s2 fare these two completely different shows, and while i do think season 2 has many flaws and is. Clumsily Written In A Lot of Areas to Say The Least, to act like these two parts have nothing in common with each other is a disservice to the 5Ds' themes on the whole (and also season 1 has its stretches that clumsy and kind of a slog too let's be real. i know youre not going to bat for the four (4!!!!) fucking episodes of monkey duel spirit world dark signer meanderfest. come on now.)
dawg it's all about what makes someone a person it's all about how the bonds we have with one another can prevail in the face of external antagonistic forces both ancient (Earthbound Immortals) and distant future (Iliaster) it's all about how the dead can walk again in many a way it's all about how you'll always have someone at home who loves you. god i fucking love 5D's.)
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waynzel · 2 years ago
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generationa1trauma · 10 months ago
I am kissing u all on the forehead
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