#this post is about vector this post is about sonic as well
rapidhighway · 8 months
When they make a 20-something yo into a father figure. When th- when they also make a teenager into a father figure
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sonknuxadow · 10 months
im always thinking about how vector calls espio and charmy his boys and how in sonic heroes he can carry them in his mouth which is how real crocodiles carry their young. they are so family forever
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Here is a list of traits Silver has shown in the games, Sonic Channel and other Sonic Team made content:
Righteous, has a strong sense of justice and is driven to make things right
Kind-hearted, puts other people’s happiness before his own and will drop his mission to help others, is motivated by his desire to protect smiles, wants to use his powers not for himself, but to help others.
Extremely Determined
Optimistic and Hopeful, believes there’s always a chance as long as you don’t give up, inspires hope in the people he works with in Forces, the final story of Sonic 06 and when he helps Elise through her performance anxiety
Pure, has a “sincere, unpretentious and kind” demeanor and wears his heart on his sleeve, this genuineness and purity gives him an “enduring charm” that is one of the biggest things his friends, particularly Blaze, enjoy about him and makes others want to support him
Forthright, is very direct and frank with people and has a straight to the point mentality, is straightforward in his actions and thinking
Earnest and blunt to the point of naivety, expects people to believe and cooperate with him when he says he’s from the future, hides very little and is so honest that he announces himself when attacking Sonic
Not trusting post 06, doesn’t give Sonic a Chaos Emerald until he proves he’s real in Sonic Generations and is the most suspicious of Dodon Pa
Snide and Sarcastic, sneers at Eggman’s theme park in Sonic Colors and has a snotty attitude towards anyone he can one up, remarks “What am I doing?” when going with Amy
Brash, has rude/informal mannerisms and can be abrasive, particularly to people who are not his allies
Juvenile, described as young and immature by his creator Shun Nakamura, this immaturity ties into many aspects of his character as well as his purity but is also the source of his snotty attitude and rude behavior, supposedly he doesn’t like green peppers which is the Japanese equivalent of children not liking broccoli 
Focused, proactive and practical mindset, seen particularly throughout Sonic Forces
Focused on his goals, Does not care what the plan is called in Forces, only that it works and when asked about his favorite race item he says that he likes Jade Ghost because “It lets him disappear and focus on the race”
Inquisitive and proactive, questioned others about how the world was destroyed in the Iblis future his whole life, fought Iblis to try and clear the sky himself, spent most of Team Sonic Racing cracking down on Dodon Pa and Eggman, reads into “Ancient Wisdom” in the good future
Sharp and intuitive, Figures out how to revive Sonic in 06, sees through Eggman Nega's disguises by noticing small details, does successful detective work in Sonic 06 and Team Sonic Racing, intuits Blaze trying to control great powers when seeing them for the first time, has solved various puzzles and mysteries by himself, “knows a lot” according to Sonic in Silver’s Sonic Channel introduction story
Skilled and Crafty, skillfully accomplishes various tasks during his Town Missions in Sonic 06, turns his fight with Sonic into a race to collect Chao in Sonic Rivals 2, Vector refers to him and Blaze as professionals in the Team Vector Nintendo Dream interview, has had jobs as a delivery boy, a figure skater, a “genius” skating coach and a butler
Trains off-screen and makes steady efforts to improve his abilities, seems to be self-taught in his skills 
Sometimes takes everything on himself
Warrior with a warrior mentality, described as a warrior, enjoys fighting and will fight his friends for fun, fought and struggled for half his life in the Iblis future, values bravery and facing things head on, dislikes cowardice and indirect tactics, can endure “pain beyond description” and is undeterred by injuries (Shadow’s infamous kick to the head only made him mad)
Competitive and proud/confident in his abilities, has a smug attitude about his abilities and can get competitive over something as simple as handling Orbot and Cubot, clashes with Blaze the first time(s) they meet because of this
Headstrong and Confrontational, confronts Infinite alone because of this, gets offended when Blaze she calls him “weak” and treats him like an amateur 
Very Emotional, tends to rush in and deal with things too head-on because of the strength of his feelings and start confrontations because he gets heated, his passion drives him forward but this same passion can cause him to be rash as his actions are dominated by his feelings
Hot Tempered and impatient, can be easily angered and gets frustrated or indignant when things don’t go his way, can get annoyed at things that get in the way or impatient with things that aren’t to the point, his sense of justice causes righteous indignation at great injustices, his temper can be quite similar to Blaze’s
Has Aggressive energy in both his demeanor and body language, generally has confident or determined expressions, often makes fists, punches things when he's frustrated and gets up by punching the ground
Can be Ruthless, has resorted to playing possum, sneaking past Soleanna guards, robbing people and killing to accomplish his goals
Courageous to the point of being Reckless, puts other’s safety before his own, instantly reacts to protect those around him when attacked in Sonic Comic, Instantly battle ready when surprised in Generations, fought against Iblis and its monsters from a very young age growing up in an extremely hazardous devastated future, both values bravery and dislikes cowardice, recklessly went off to face Infinite on his own and is noted to not back down even in the face of his mighty power, will sacrifice himself without a second thought if necessary
His way of life inspires others and makes them want to cheer him on, this even extends to real life as the illustration at the top this post inspired everyone in the office to give him a high five that day
Cannot lie but can change the subject
Doesn’t know how to explain/express himself at times
Scratches his head with his index finger when processing his thoughts
Feels joy and anger loudly but is quiet in sadness and contemplation
Gets rowdy, riled up and puts his all into things he’s feeling but is very low and quiet when something is on his mind or he’s feeling down(He’s totally autistic, this is autistic volume)
Has a mischievous side
Like apples, ate apple flavored rations in the Iblis future
Deeply appreciates peace, prosperity and people‘s smiles, beautiful vistas and people living peacefully leave him breathless
His desire for peace is seemingly driven by strong empathy for both the people and environment around him, blue skies make him feel at peace, natural beauty and people living prosperously takes his breath away, desolate or destroyed areas sadden and upset him, he can’t help but smile when he makes others smile and can’t stand to see the suffering in his destroyed futures
Has a very quiet, introspective and empathetic side (he deeply and quietly reflects on the morality of his mission throughout 06 and quietly takes in everything about Elise’s past)
AB blood type meaning that he's dual natured and adaptable based on the situation
Is a Taurus
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max-nico · 2 months
Y'all I got more of my random Sonic headcanons 🗣️
Silver loves to doodle, Tails can always tell if he's stopped by his workshop because he doodles in the corner of his blue prints
Shadow can't stand sleeping on his back because he was in stasis for so long, plus it gives him sleep paralysis
Charmy is a thumb sucker💔
Vector's been trying to break the habit but nothing seems to be working
One time Silver gave Amy a recipe from the future, when he got back all of his cookbooks with similar recipes changed in some way. Could've been the cover, title, or the recipe itself
For some reason, the new recipe was even better than the old one
Shadow, as the ultimate lifeform, has 30/20 vision somehow
Blaze is at least part wildcat. Whether that's a panther, lion, puma, or something completely different I know it is within her
Everyone listens to Vanilla. Everyone. Even the other adults
Espio is constantly putting himself in needlessly dangerous situations to 'see if his body can take it'. Nobody likes that he does this
Tails hates being referred to as Sonic's baby/kid brother. If anything, he's a sidekick or a little brother and that's only because Sonic is taller than him, not because he's a kid
Surge and Wave get really competitive on hoverboards, but it's all in good fun (mostly)
Tails is incredibly smart and incredibly gullible, like I know he's fallen for "updog" at least once, and has fallen for the "someone wrote gullible on the ceiling" joke multiple times
You will hurt his feelings if you point this out
No one in team dark can cook, they tried to get lessons from Amy and Vanilla (both together and separately) they are banned from both kitchens now
Dw !! Vanilla is still willing to give them lessons, just only at one of their houses from now on :) (her kitchen will never recover)
If Sonic is passing through town and sees some particularly cool merch of his friends he'll stop to grab it, if he has time
If Sonic doesn't know where Tails is sometimes they have a little bit of a scavenger hunt, or maybe hide n go seek is the better term
Tails will periodically send pictures of where he is, dropping hints if he thinks they're necessary, and Sonic has to find them (Sonic doesn't know Tails invented this game so Sonic keeps his tracking skills sharp during down time)
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the other duos or trios adopted this game as well. I imagine specifically team dark would get carried away with this
One time some stranger held a phone up to Shadows face out of nowhere and asked him about his political views. Shadow smiled and said "whichever ones you don't agree with" and then teleported away
And that's all I have for now I think... It's been a while since I posted one of these, but it's still just as fun to write lol
Feel free to give me more headcanons in the reblogs or whatever, and my askbox is always open (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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noeggets · 4 months
making a post about Tails and Belle because i honestly thought she was gonna be his new love interest, someone once told me they dont think Tails could have another one but i feel like it isn't far fetched considering they allowed Cosmo and she is kinda canon and they allowed Boom!Tails to have one as well. Tails isn't the protagonist he's a supporting role so if Rouge can have a crush on Knuckles it isn't too far out there that Belle could like Tails or Tails could have a crush on her, she is tech afterall and that peaks his interest alot about her.
Here are a lot of moments between them i thought were cute
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Tails often goes to hold her hands alot and she's very :) about it
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she's a little distance about them at first, and Sonic is very protective about Tails here i love it
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Again, but this time she had just pushed him out of the way a second time saving him from getting trapped they are adorable look at them
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Sonic is not about this life, he doesn't want anything to do with her lol not with my lil bro your not
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Sonic thought she was gonna leave but he's come around to the idea of her staying, Tails is praising her
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Tails outright asking her to stay with him as his assistant, this isn't about her being a help she's just so glad somebody wants her around for once
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Belle values what he's done for her, he's given her a place to stay and a job to do, thats a big thing for a robot
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he's not gonna be pushy about this, he knows this is hard for her to talk about
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Excited to introduce his new friend :)
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being the only one saying bye to her
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saying "We" instead of "I" including her in helping fix things after fixing her hand for her
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Taking a interest in her ideas and dreams of making badniks good
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Tails wasn't afraid she would hit him, he didn't even care but Sonic cared, Sonic still seems to be slightly worried about that fact she's technically a badnik, IDK why Sonic's always there to 3rd wheel lol
Belle's life is a really thought one, between getting stolen by Starline and pouring her heart out to somebody who's not even listening nor cares too much about her struggles, being disowned by Eggman, slapped by Metal sonic HER BROTHER Belle's life is really tough and i think she deserves Tails as someone in her life who will be there for her, she's got friends like Tangle,Whisper Amy others but nobody is doing it like Tails and also Vector
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that's her father, she's part of the Chaotix now bc this scene
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kiwipineappleparasol · 11 months
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Even More Sonic AU Design scribbles ... (more like the characters all standing the exact same way) Notes Below:
Meropis is in the Sol Dimension in this AU -- considering how Prevalent the Ocean and Pirates and Royalty is there and all . Feels Fitting -- plus means there's More Characters in Blaze's World
Gave them all Shoes and Gloves as I think Sonic Characters look Odd without them . Changed Coral and Pearly's dresses for my Rules as well -- I ended up liking them Quite a bit . Not sure about Razor however . All three have Gils on different parts of their body -- mostly where it wouldn't look Cluttered and would be Clear .
Only Notable Change about Striker is that he's Shrimp Size . Meanwhile Echo got an Entire Overhaul to fit my No Full Outfit rules . Made her more Pink as well as Supposedly pink dolphins are a Thing.
I like the Open Jacket of Pre-reboot Sally's, but combined it with the Gloves and Shoes of Reboot Sally . Nicole went through the Millionth Design Tweak .
Combined elements of Vector's Boom and Riders design ... a bit Inspired by my Friend's Post as well
Cheese I made into a Hero Chao -- although perhaps he shouldn't be Evolved . I just feel a Hero Chao is much more befitting of Cream than a Neutral One.
Vanilla's cape thing -- which, By the Way, was a Pain to figure out, not sure if it looks Good even now -- has a Hood . In general I imagine her with more Mysterious Energy with some interest in ... the occult? For lack of a better term .
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triple-starsss · 7 months
Vix (he/they) │Main blog: @zeezu-ix
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Triple☆S - everything to do with the AU!! T☆S txt - any posts with lore/story/character details!! T☆S art - posts including art
The Fan Epidemic - watch me descend into madness T☆S fanart - fanart for the au waagh!! T☆S fan bands - bands made by others for triple stars T☆S fics - fanfics!! WOO
Triple☆Stars is a band au centred around Sonic, Silver and Shadow where i seem to draw and talk about them doing anything but actually making music! They're managed by Eggman whose sole reason behind bringing them together was to make a profit to fuel his own company - he's a terrible manager who overworks, manipulates and ignores them but unfortunately, it's a little difficult for them to leave him due to a contract they had signed when this all first began (and trust they really want to)!
This au mainly follows their daily life in their shared apartment as well as any other shenanigans they may get up to with other characters!!
Links to refs under the cut!! (Will be adding more!!)
Sonic [OLD], Silver and Shadow
Sonic [NEW!!!]
Vector, Charmy and Espio
Knuckles and Tikal
Amy and Blaze
Tiramisu (Shadow's Cat)
Triple S' apartment
Mephiles and Infinite's apartment
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bumblekastclips · 11 months
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, here's a question from Milesprowerdavis. "Recently I lost a close family member. What fatherly advice or motherly advice would the main cast give? Team Dark and Light can add more of the characters. You can be funny with it. Interested what Dr Eggman would say."
IAN FLYNN: Well, first of all, deepest condolences. KYLE: Yes. IAN: Um, I would normally not want to answer in the way of a character, but this is your personal request, so I guess that takes the 'taboo' off it. KYLE: [chuckles] IAN: Uh, Sonic I don't think would give any kind of fatherly advice; he would let you figure out your own answer and be there for you as you figure it out on your own. He's gonna let you take that journey, but he's going to be there as you do it. Um, Amy would likewise- I don't know if she would give advice, but she would be there to console, to offer words of support, to be someone to listen, or to just talk so you don't have to think for a bit. She would do whatever you needed her to do at the time. Eggman... KYLE: [chuckles] IAN: We're gonna- we're gonna go the wholesome route this time, even if it is slightly out of character. [Eggman] would go on some long spiel about the entropy of the universe, and how everything is finite, and 'dust to dust' and yadda yadda. But you are still here, and that's what's important. You continue on the chain reactions that are life, so while that experiment is ended, you are the results that are continuing to create results! So, keep at it. And then kind of an awkward shoulder pat and wanders off. KYLE: [Eggman voice] "And soon, you will be part of the Eggman Empire anyways, so it does not matter!" IAN: [chuckles] Knuckles would kind of nod solemnly and say, "That's rough, buddy." KYLE: Yeah! [laughs] That is rough, buddy. It is very rough, buddy. IAN: But he means it! So it means something! KYLE: I mean, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Tails? IAN: I don't know if Tails would know what to say. He would want to be- KYLE: I think Tails would be kind of lost, but he would try. IAN: He'd want to be encouraging, yeah. He'd want to be encouraging and supportive, but I think he'd feel a little overwhelmed with the responsibility. KYLE: Yeah... IAN: Um, Vector would start to mumble something that might sound... interesting, maybe? He kind of starts and stops his sentences every few seconds, then says, uh, [Vector voice] "Espio, tag in!" KYLE: [laughs] IAN: Then Espio starts getting kinda philosophical, and kinda loses his own train of thought, and goes quiet for a second. [Espio voice] "Charmy, tag in!" And then Charmy offers you ice cream. KYLE: [chuckles] I mean, I would appreciate all three of them, so yeah. That's wholesome. [after a pause] Hm... would Silver be, like...? IAN: I think Silver would be devastated. I think he values life on a personal level even more so than anyone else. KYLE: Okay, okay. IAN: Um, 'cause he- I think he has a better understanding of loss than any of the cast, to be perfectly honest. Sure, Knuckles is on his own, but he doesn't have any memory of what came before. That's kind of just his status quo. It's more of an existential thing. Silver... Silver has seen devastation. He has seen tragic loss and, y'know, impossible odds. So I think he would hold everything a little- every life a little more sacred. So I don't know if he would be able to impart any words of wisdom, but he would definitely be the most openly and, uh, earnestly sympathetic. KYLE: Mhm. Alright, I think that's enough, though... There's definitely many other characters we could ask, but that's enough for now.
--- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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fireyartccoon · 6 months
I HAVE RETURNED (I literally forgot to post)
as an apology, have more MRD AU designs
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Rouge, Basically made her arms the wings, she looked weird without the suit so ima just say she found it and kept it, she’s an escape artist but always returns back to the cages since she can’t open doors, besides, if she were to get out of there she’d want the others to also go with her
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Cream and cheese, surprise surprise, she’s taller than sonic
since Chao aren’t actual animals, had to settle for making Cheese a beetle, they just randomly flew in the lab one day and stayed with Cream, the others probably have mixed opinions about cheese
Now for the guests of honor:
The Chaotix
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Espio’s got some yarn spools to try and mimic the ninja bracelets or whatever they are, I think they might be the only character in this AU with an actual weapon
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This kid. All I need to say drawing him was a nightmare, who knew a little bee was going to be so hard to design, he’s a little ball of sunshine tho, gotta give him that
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And of course, we couldn’t forget about Vector, since I doubt anyone in their right mind would put headphones on a crocodile, he’s got a tracking collar instead, the neighborhood is oddly chill having this guy walking about, couldn’t get rid of the chain necklace, fit him too well
Have a nice day y’all, lovely posting with you
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partyratt · 4 months
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How Val met the restoration members (:
Like I said in my last post, I'll be explaining how Valenteen joined the restoration, so lengthier post.
-Eggman's conically a gamer in the main Sonic universe. We don't see that get brought up a whole lot, but he's apparently such a big gamer that he builds entire WiFi towers separate from the Eggnet only for gaming at his bases. ( mentioned in the IDW Imposter Syndrome mini series) So I thought it'd be fun to give him a primarily online rival full of petty beefs!
-Val was up late one night playing ranked matches (not sure what I want the game to be called yet) when she randomly matched with Eggman. She went on to win several matches against him, which got Eggman pretty fired up. Valenteen started insulting him and just generally talking shit, which eventually led him to threaten to send his badniks after her. She didn't believe him, Eggman disconnected, ect ect. Well, around half an hour later Val opens her door to 17 motobugs, which then beat her ass and wheel away with her Xbox. ( Might change the Xbox to something non-branded ) After this, Val walked around for a while and was eventually found by the Chaotix and taken to the restoration HQ to trend to her wounds where she told everyone there, ( Vector, Amy & Espio) what just happened. Everyone took it pretty seriously, except Vector, who thought it was absolutely hilarious that Eggman would do something so petty.
That's all I'll yap about today, I'll drop some more lore in future posts :3
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crim50n-r8er · 2 months
Hmm…I guess with myself talking about Sonic from my Fursona. I think I should let you all know about an AU I made for it while I was gone.
The AU is called “Blockbuster,” and no, it has nothing to deal with the Sonic movie, given that term is normally used for such things. No, Blockbuster is a roleswap AU. I’ll write down the premise of it in a new paragraph.
Blockbuster is a roleswap for all the Echidnas being swapped with the Hedgehogs (Sonic and Knuckles, Amy and Tikal, Silver with Shade, and Shadow with Imperator Ix) along with other swaps and some symbolism and inspiration over cults, religions, and mythologies
If you wish to know what I swapped with what. I shall post them under the cut.
Sonic 🔁 Knuckles
Everything’s the same for Knuckles, but he doesn’t have the aspects of his personality that were due to being reclusive all his life, that being a bit shy and socially awkward…at least I think that’s something that would be caused by being a recluse.
Sonic is the same, but due to being the ME Guardian, he can’t leave the island for adventure. So he explores every nook and cranny on Angel island until Towers arrives, meaning anything from the future games such as the Ancients with their cyberspace portals, he has knowledge of that from the get-go.
Eggman role = G.U.N. Commander Towers
G.U.N. Commander Towers Role = Maria Robotnik
Maria Robotnik Role: Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik
Commsnder Abraham Towers goes by Commander Noah and wants to be dictator of the world as he sees it as too corrupt and sinful.
Maria in this AU no longer has NIDS and is able to live to the age of 62 (yes, going by Sonic X ages, sue me). Maria is very caring for her troops, even with a militaristic discipline, and she would be smart enough not to blame Knuckles in the events of my SA2 adaption.
You see that correctly. Eggman is now the one with NIDS and is the one to hang aboard the ARK with his grandfather to find a cure through “The Chaos Cure Project” (I would acronym this, but I don’t think that would be wise as it could get confused with a…party of sorts.) He would also meet the same fate as Maria in canon, that being shot down by G.U.N. Agents while saving Ix, all at the age of 9 years old.
Tails 🔁 Ray
Ray: Ray is the sidekick to Knuckles, but he’s not a mechanic, so the two would meet by Ray finding Knuckles gliding across West-side Island and admiring his gliding skills.
Tails: Due to Ray going silent after SegaSonic and Knuckles Chaotix, I had to improvise with Tails, so I decided on him being a nurtured and/or brainwashed personal scientist and researcher for Commander Noah, giving him all his mechs, robots, and studies into ancient history.
Vector 🔁 Vanilla
I only swapped the two to have Vanilla simp for Vector like how the latter does to the former in Sonic X lol
Vanilla is a member of the “Chaotix Adventure Group” (the CAG for short) along with her daughter, Cream, and their leader, Mighty.
Vector is just a calm, cottagecore man living out in the wilderness with his found family younger daughter, Marine the Raccoon.
Espio 🔁 Mighty
Mighty: Due to not being trained in stealth like Espio, The Chaotix would now be the an exploration group instead of a detective agency. He would behave like normal as he adopts Knuckles’s hat from the OVA and uses a reusable warp ring that can duplicate itself for great blitzing in his ball form.
Espio: He will just be a normal dude on the sidelines until the events of Heroes where he gets killed by Neo Mecha Knuckles for his camouflage bio-data.
Amy Rose 🔁 Tikal
Tikal: A more mellow fan of Knuckles and his accomplishments as a hero, but still finds her way to Little Planet to be kidnapped by Mecha Knuckles. She has a crush on him as well but is a bit more mellow about it. She also wields a giant Kendama instead of Amy’s Piko-Piko Hammer
Amy is now the daughter of Pachacamac (yes he still exists. I just changed him from an echidna to a hedgehog) and is the one who guides Knuckles and friends through the events of my SA1 adaptation. She still keeps her personality, so things might get a bit hectic between her and her father, probably a fight, even.
Metal Sonic 🔁 Mecha Knuckles
I don’t think I need to explain this 😅
I’m not sure if I want to put ALLL of my swaps into one post, so I’ll split it into parts to make it more…digestible, I guess. So I’ll be back in a bit with a few more. I won’t say that it’ll be the rest of them, but it will be a significant portion.
Anyway. Have a good morning everyone!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
always thinking about how real life crocodiles carry their babies in their mouth and vector did that with espio and charmy in sonic heroes
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sorry for the terrible screenshot but i had to provide evidence somehow and this was all i could get
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brucenorris007 · 10 months
All right, it seems that a. . . not insignificant number of people take issue, or at least are upset by, the reaction of Sonic and friends to Metal Sonic in the final story of Heroes.
Yes I did just reblog that specific post, scroll down a just a little for reference.
I think the anguish and angst of Metal's perspective of the situation definitely warrants exploration; and HELL YEAH if we got to see that in any official media. I do caution against vilifying Sonic and his friends for how they reacted to Metal Overlord, though; nuance, everyone, nuance. (Not saying that was the intended purpose of that other post, I've just seen takes like that get twisted in fandom a lot before and would prefer it nipped before anything starts. Far be for me to want to even try to preach, of course.)
Would Metal interpret all the smack talk thrown at it as genuine hatred, as ignoring what might be a very dramatic and destructive cry for help? Yes, it's certainly possible. But A) Sonic and friends don't hate Metal whatsoever, since even Omega, who based his entire personality around destroying Eggman robots, gently gathers Metal into his arms after everyone else leaves and B) that angst isn't really theirs to address.
Keep in mind, the titular Heroes of the game are all teenagers and kids who just heard Neo declare "All living things, kneel before your master!" before turning itself into a lightning rod to trigger a transformation into Metal Overlord. Mitigating that alarming statement and the aggression packaged with it is their first priority; and if that involves a smack down, that's kind of Sonic's style anyway.
As for the fact that they lob smack talk in the first place, well, group think is a thing; and Shadow, amnesiac or otherwise, and Omega are both quite proud creature who don't kowtow to anybody, to say nothing of Omega's animosity for anything Eggman made. And honestly, I think Sonic might have been less likely to throw around and encourage smack talk if Tails and the other kids hadn't been present.
But Cream, Charmy and Tails were present, and being the youngest, likely scared of Overlord who, let's be honest, looks fairly monstrous. The adventure up to the point of the Final Story took all of three days when they were all on the move; worn out and frightened, people like Vector and Sonic would've carried themselves a certain way.
"Hey little buddy, this is just business as usual; nothing to worry about, yeah?" etc.
As for the line everyone knows from the Super Sonic fight of this game "You thought you could defeat me by transforming into a monster" yeah, yes, absolutely that isn't going to help Metal's turmoil whatsoever.
BUT. Consider the events of Sonic's most recent adventures: Chaos' rage, simmering for thousands of years, threatened to destroy civilization when it was released. The Biolizard, fused with the ARK, was minutes away from destroying the planet.
By comparison: "Oh, this guy doesn't care about destroying things, they just want a piece of me; I can handle that eight days a week!" would probably feel like something of a relief and a step down in tension and stakes.
Sonic's not out to hurt Metal's feelings, he's just leaning into what he sees as a fight with a rival. That Metal's personal stakes on the fight are much, much higher than that isn't a fact he's really privy to.
And the ultimate question at the end of it all, when Neo reverts back to Metal and, using the last seconds of a voice box it has left to ask "Why can't I defeat you?"
That question isn't really for Sonic to answer. It's not for anyone to answer except maybe Metal's shitty dad. Because there isn't a single thing Sonic could say in that moment that wouldn't worsen Metal's angst. I think the nearest to helpful that Sonic might have been able to give Metal that doesn't break character would have been:
"Because you keep trying to be me; and you're not."
Say what you will about whether or not Sonic and friends listened to Metal during final story, but Metal was never going to be able to listen to any answer Sonic had for it, no matter how helpful.
Metal's programmed to see Sonic as The Enemy of All; to the point of paranoia. Despite the fact that Sonic's open invitation for a rematch is his way of saying he's down to hang out, Metal cannot interpret anything Sonic says as anything less than mockery, an insult or a threat.
In fact, that actually why the whole plot of Heroes kicks off; Metal's obsession with Sonic, with conquering the 'threat' briefly superseded its loyalty to Eggman. That's how deeply ingrained its fear of Sonic, and the pre-packaged identity crisis that comes with it, is.
Because that's the way Eggman made Metal.
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livewireprojects · 4 months
Pride Month 2024 Sonic Sketches
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Second pic made in Procreate, kinda excited about it
Made a few sketches for pride month, kind of started out with a comic were Silver comes out to his mom as bisexual along with a pic of Blaze after telling her dad then decided to draw everyone at a pride parade & showing their pride
Everyone here is kind of based on my own ideas for the characters especially Mephiles since anything involving him has to do with the version I made for him for post-06 reboot. Also some stuff is in color(Blaze's forehead gem, Cosmo's necklace, Amy's headband, Sonic's hair clip, ghost aura stuff) cause it seemed fitting due to the meanings behind the colors on the pride flag.(Like purple for soul)
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Like the text says Blaze told her dad & he made her a frog hat to support her. He's a nice/friendly guy that cares a lot, it's unfortunate that Blaze's late mom was so terrible & left with Blaze for her own intentions.
Rouge & Knuckles at pride, I was a little worried about how well I got Rouge's bisexual flag makeup. I eventually fixed up the lipstick & added matching earrings. Knuckles unintentionally looks like a pirate cause I can't draw his hat at angles. So yeah my version of Knuckles & Rouge are bi, Knuckles use to date Sonic(in my ver) & Rouge has some interest in women in the past.(Especially Topaz at one point)
Here's Blaze & Silver, Silver has a bi flag cardigan. Pretty much at some point the two realized together they're bi. They eventually told their parents(well Blaze's mom is gone so she only told her dad) & they luckily have supportive families.
Surge isn't in my Lost Prince stuff but I thought she & Amy were cute together in the fanart people made. I also think Metal was interesting with Amy, at some point gets with her in the future in my Lost Prince AU. Metal at some point stops working for Eggman & tries to make their own identity after a talk with Sonic especially since they were becoming more sentient. Metal wasn't sure what he wanted but eventually figured things out.
Right row
The context of the sign is that this is meant to be Tails, Cosmo(revived as a plant/mobian chipmunk hybrid) & Cream when they're older & in their teens or later. The time skip is mostly cause at the moment Cream is pretty young in present day, Tails is too but he's slightly older. I guess you could say Tails & Cosmo had a puppy love or something then things got serious when they were older when Cosmo returned then later Cream joined them.
Cream is pretty accepting of who she's into, I dunno what Cosmo is into(I guess technically bi since she's dating Tails & later Cream when Cream joined the couple), Tails I think maybe straight but I dunno. At the very least Tails is supportive of his friends & brother.
Context for this is just I wanted to add Vanilla & her late spouse so them from the future. Added Vector cause him & Vanilla are kinda cute so he's her relationship from the future. So Vanilla's late partner is my OC Cake who despite willing to be called a dad by their kids(Cream & at some point Sonic cause I like the idea of the rabbits adopting him) & only them, Cake was nonbinary. The rabbit family is pretty accepting of people.
Decided to bring in Gadget & Zero/Infinite, the guy in the corner is Zero's late dad who I'll explain at a late point
And then there's these three. I'm not entirely sure what my thoughts on Shadow & Mephiles are, at some point I think I realized demisexual felt right for Shadow. Like I said before any of my thoughts on Mephiles are specifically for the version I made of him for post-reboot in Sonic 06. I was originally thinking of giving him the male gay pride flag but given what I've done with him in Lost Prince AU I kinda realized he fits in with demisexual too. While my version of Sonic identifies as male he likes dressing in whatever he wants & isn't exactly gender-conforming.
Sonic mostly dressed up for pride & tied a pride flag to his neck like a cape. For some reason Mephiles is the only one I tried making designs for on his outfit.
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Here's a cropped version of the comic. Pretty much Silver & Blaze realized they were bisexual, at some point Silver got the courage to tell his mom & later his dads.*
For some context Silver's mom is male & in a relationship with men*, he's pretty accepting so Silver doesn't need to worry much. However his worries are understandable because of being around Blaze a lot & seeing how her mom treated her. Blaze's mom was strict & caused a lot of issues that Blaze is still recovering from. Blaze left with Silver & Venice at some point leading to meeting her dad & becoming estranged from her mom. Her mom is gone now but as said Blaze is still recovering. Silver's family(along with Blaze's dad) understand & reassure Silver, Venice & Blaze that the three are accepted/safe.
*I dunno if the marriage is legal at best I know Silver's dad & his mom's marriage is legal. Venice's(Venice is Silver's half brother) dad went missing for a few years(Eggman was behind it) & ended up joining the relationship after being rescued/talking things out. Venice's dad was able to be part of the wedding as another groom but I dunno if this counts as official/legal by human standards.(I guess technically official by Mobian standards)
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Thought I'd make a version without the color for everyone to see. The text about the frog hat is missing because it was connected to the frame I made for the comic involving Silver & his mom.
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noeggets · 4 months
i also have this graph thing i made of keeping a track of everyones age if they did age through out Sonic's adventures to give a since of time really is passing cause i wanted all of sonic's adventures to be at least 5 years worth of things happening and this is how Sonic and friends aged from 5 years cause i always assumed Sonic had to be at least 20 in forces so to keep Sonic 20 in forces i had to do it like this
i believe Sonic was said to be 15 so he's 15 in adventure 1
- Sonic the Hedgehog 1 - Sonic: 11 years old, Tails: Not present but 2 or 3 he's a baby
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Sonic: 12 years old, Tails: 4 years old
- Sonic CD - Sonic: 12 years old, Tails: Not present
- Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Sonic: 13 years old, Tails: 5 years old
- Sonic & Knuckles - Sonic: 13 years old, Tails: 5 years old (immediately following Sonic 3)
- Sonic Adventure - Sonic: 15 years old, Tails: ~7/8 years old
- Sonic Adventure 2 - Sonic: 16 years old, Tails: ~8/9 years old
- Sonic Heroes - Sonic: 17 years old, Tails: ~10/11 years old
- Shadow the Hedgehog - Sonic: 17 years old, Tails presumed to still be around ~10/11 given the timeframe of Heroes if he's not 11 here and was 10 in Heroes?
- Sonic the Hedgehog 06 adaption - Sonic: 18 years old, Tails: ~12/13 year-old
- Sonic Unleashed - Sonic: 19 years old, Tails remains around ~13/14 since not much time has passed narratively
- Sonic Colors - Sonic: still about 19 years old but closing on to 20, Tails presumably continues to age about ~15/16
- Sonic Generations - Around the period when he turns or is about to turn 20, with Tails being roughly ~16 presuming that he is eight during Sonic adventure
- Sonic Lost World - Still about or around 20 time doesn't necessarily advance his age yet it follows relatively soon after Generations. this makes Tails still approximately ~16 or just past it
- Sonic Forces - Sonic: Officially turns 20, Tails: Would be somewhere around 17 i think
Sonic has had 5 years of adventures from Sonic Adventure to Sonic Forces.
i also did Sonic's other friends as well, im saying at the start of the modern era which is sonic advance and adventure 1 this is everybody's age when Sonic is 15
Vector - 20
Storm (Albatross), - 19
Rouge,Wave 18
Knuckles,Shade,Mighty,Espio,Sticks - 16
Sonic,Honey,Shadow(50+ from sleeping but his personal age is 15),Perci- 15
Blaze,Silver,Manic,Tikal(physically),Jet - 14
Amy - 12
Tails - 8
Marine - 7
Cream,Charmy - 6
Knuckles at adventure 1 was "16 so: starting at Heroes (+3): "19 -> At Forces (+5 from adventure 1 ): "21
Rouge was "18 at adventure 1 so: starting at Heroes (+3): "21 -> At Forces (+5 from adventure 1): "23
Blaze at "Sonic Rush (assumed presence around the time close to adventure 1) starting at Rush (or near that timeline point which we'll equate with Heroes): "14 + 3 = "17 -> At Forces (+5 from adventure 1): "19
Espio same as Knuckles: At Heroes (+3): "19 -> At Forces (+5 from adventure 1): "21
Vector, already present during the time of Knuckles Chaotix as an adult so let's say he was around 18 then just for reference (game did come before Heroes): Pre-Heroes (-3 from adventure 1 age): ~"17 -> Around Heroes time (adventure 1 +3) : ~"20 -> At Forces (adventure 1+5): ~"25
Charmy: At Heroes (+3 from six years old at adventure 1 point): ~"9 -> At Forces (adventure 1+5 years he would be still about ~"11? im unsure about his age progress of the exact timespan)
Cream starts around the time of her mom being saved in 'Sonic Advance' which could have happened concurrently around or shortly after the events of 'Sonic Adventure': Starting 'Sonic Advance' assumed post-adventure 1 she'd be about '6 then -> At Forces ("15", Heroes timeline as reference starting point -> Plus extra "5 years) she'd be somewhere around '11 like Charmy?
i don't know what i was on when i wrote this and why i wrote it this way, i was saying DX for adventure 1 but i thought it would make more since you guys so i took all the DX out and replaced it with adventure 1
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mauesartetc · 5 months
you've stated a couple of times how sonic the hedgehog's design is visually interesting/creative, can you elabore on that and maybe put your own spin on it?
Have a nice day!
Ha, sure! I've never even played the Sonic games but I'm aware of the general pop-culture mythos around them, and I can appreciate how the characters all have unique personalities that stay relatively consistent throughout the series. I do think the Sonic characters in general have a nice variety in proportions (namely, big heads, skinny bodies, big feet) that makes them interesting to look at.
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Kinda wish the designs would deviate more from that template for a bit more variety, but I guess Sonic Boom did that? Sort of? At least with Knuckles?
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Like I get that these guys are iconic and it's in Sega's best interest to maintain that brand recognition. Of course they wouldn't want to change the designs too much. But personally if I were designing a new character for a Sonic game, I'd try to give them a different body type from what everyone else has. Samebody Syndrome doesn't count as a legitimate stylistic choice imo.
And really, the connected eyes were always a bit nonsensical and terrifying to me. It's like all the hedgehogs in this universe are cyclopses with two pupils and two irises somehow, yet the other species have regular eyes for some reason. Figure that one out.
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(But apparently Vector the Crocodile has connected eyes too, so I have no idea what the logic is there. It'd be hilarious if he revealed himself to be a hedgehog in disguise.)
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Enough about the cast; let's get into Sonic himself. Looking at his original 1991 iteration next to this 1930 patent drawing of Mickey Mouse, it's clear where a lot of the visual influence came from. Notice the body proportions, face shapes, oval-shaped black noses jutting out from the face, and the white gloves.
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This does somewhat explain the connected-eye thing as well, except it looks more natural with Mickey since each pupil is implied to represent one entire eye, with the space around them simply representing differently-colored fur on Mickey's face.
And to reiterate what I mentioned in the shape language post, Sonic's assortment of triangles visually puts him at odds with his nemesis Dr. Robotnik, who's based on round shapes. While it's more common to see villains with triangle-based designs and heroes with circle-based ones, Sonic shows us that vice versa can also work.
If I put my own spin on Sonic's design, I'd make it look a bit more like a hedgehog, separate the eyes, and add more padding to his shoes so they hold up better to running. I also felt the tail and back spikes were a bit superfluous, so I left them out.
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It's a first draft I'd need to explore more thoroughly, but it's a start. Thanks for asking!
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