#this poem is want
Hi, i found your page and i love what you do.
i wanted to ask if i could request poetry with a hanahaki disease inspiration/theme? i'm kinda going through some stuff right now and found an obsession for it that's helping me cope.
thanks in advance if you find any, and sending lots of love
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finding things related to/about hanahaki disease specifically was really hard so this is mostly about heartbreak but i tried my best. i hope you're doing okay <33
unknown / W.S. Merwin / Lidia Yuknavitch The Chronology of Water: A Memoir / Taylor Swift & The Chicks Soon You'll Get Better / unknown / unknown / Lucille Clifton The Book of Light / Seema Reza This Poem Is Want-; A Constellation of Half-Lives
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castrotophic · 6 months
not sure if anyone is interested in this but here is a list of the most joyfully vital poems I know :)
You're the Top by Ellen Bass
Grand Fugue by Peter E. Murphy
Our Beautiful Life When It's Filled with Shrieks by Christopher Citro
Everything Is Waiting For You by David Whyte
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Is Alive! by Emily Sernaker
Instructions for Assembling the Miracle by Peter Cooley
Catalogue of Unabashed Gratitude by Ross Gay
Barton Springs by Tony Hoagland
Footnote to Howl by Allen Ginsberg
Song of the Open Road by Walt Whitman
Tomorrow, No, Tomorrower by Bradley Trumpfheller
At Last the New Arriving by Gabrielle Calvocoressi
To a Self-Proclaimed Manic Depressive Ex-Stripper Poet, After a Reading by Jeannine Hall Gailey
In the Presence of Absence by Richard Widerkehr
Chillary Clinton Said 'We Have to Bring Them to Heal' by Cortney Lamar Charleston
Midsummer by Charles Simic
Today by Frank O'Hara
Naturally by Stephen Dunn
Life is Slightly Different Than You Think It Is by Arthur Vogelsang
Ode to My Husband, Who Brings the Music by Zeina Hashem Beck
The Imaginal Stage by D.A. Powell
Lucky Life by Gerald Stern
Beginner's Lesson by Malcolm Alexander
Presidential Poetry Briefing by Albert Haley
A Poem for Uncertainties by Mark Terrill
On Coming Home by Lisa Summe
G-9 by Tim Dlugos
Five Haiku by Billy Collins
The Fates by David Kirby
Upon Receiving My Inheritance by William Fargason
Variation on a Theme by W. S. Merwin
Easy as Falling Down Stairs by Dean Young
Psalm 150 by Jericho Brown
Pantoum for Sabbouha by Zeina Hashem Beck
ASMR by Corey Van Landingham
A Welcome by Joanna Klink
From Blossoms by Li-Young Lee
At Church, I Tell My Mom She’s Singing Off-Key and She Says, by Michael Frazier
Hammond B3 Organ Cistern by Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Sorrow Is Not My Name by Ross Gay
You Can't Have It All by Barbara Ras
We Were Emergencies by Buddy Wakefield
To the Woman Crying Uncontrollably In the Next Stall by Kim Addonizio
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sorrcha · 7 months
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benthic angel
was writing about lake sturgeon for a class assignment and showed one of my friends what i'd written.. he then sent part of it back to me with line breaks to turn it into a poem! i just had to draw something for it :]
poem text under the readmore:
lake sturgeon don't know that they're endangered. They don't know anything - other than the muck at the bottom of the water column and the occasional passing touch of another.
really touched by how my friend turned my technical writing into poetry. i haven't tried to write creatively in months, so it's nice to see i've still got it- and nicer still that i could get so inspired by my friend, since i haven't made nature art in a little while, either :>!!
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lotrmusical · 1 month
poll time. yes this is just a ploy to get people to recommend me poems
if yes, let me know which poems/recite some for me in the tags!
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lucidloving · 9 months
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Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl // Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Gentle Spirit // Lyric Hunter, "A Garden" // Margaret Atwood, Power Politics: Poems // @artsy_tay_ on Instagram // William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew // Sappho, "If not, Winter" (trans. Anne Carson)
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ryomanticizing · 2 months
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A begging to be loved
- Armand, Amadeo, Arun Interview With The Vampire
Interview With The Vampire // 520 Studios // Bright Dead Things, Ada Limon // The 17-Year-Old & the Gay Bar, Danez Smith // Sara Teasdale // unknown // The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson // The Raven Boys, Maggie Stiefvater // unknown // Song of Myself, Walt Whitman // Citizen Illegal, José Olivarez // Virginia Woolf // unknown // unknown // Dear Dictator, Saint Motel // Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out, Richard Siken // David Levithan // The Hours, Michael Cunningham // Sue Zhao // Teaching the Dog Not to Nip, Jim Moore
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nikoisme · 28 days
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This pain will linger with me still, I pray this too shall pass.
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brazen-kenobi · 8 months
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wanting and being wanted
1. chaandajaan // 2. schuylerpeck // 3. phantom pain by caitlin conlon // 4. desperation sits heavy on my tongue by a.m // 5. what I could never confess without some bravado by emily palermo // 6. are_you_okay66 on tiktok // 7. ashstfu // 8. lily rain @/lilyrainpoetry on insta // 9. love as an act of merciful conquer by silas denver melvin // 10. 300122 by @ryebreadgf
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lonesome-dreamsss · 8 months
his handprint may be burned into your skin but it's still the gentlest touch you've ever received.
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alexanderpearce · 5 months
where are my photos of the snowgums that strip back to bright red trunk
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sylvies-chen · 2 years
I think there’s something so deeply and intimately and morbidly true about The Last of Us’s primary thesis which is that humanity’s fatal flaw, in that very Shakespearian way, is that we are destined to care too much about one another so much so that we discard the collective entirely. like we have such a capacity to love the human race and humanity as a whole, to grow our communities and govern cities how we know best and foster such connection with the masses which we are part of, but it’s overtaken by our capacity to love even just a single other person. like one human can come into your life that creates such an intrinsic and passionate love in you— or maybe two people or a family’s worth or any small number— and you suddenly would burn entire villages down just to keep them safe.
joel doesn’t blink twice murdering to find ellie. he doesn’t look back when he decides to do what he does at the hospital later on. he has no remorse about any of it it, because this one girl has grown to mean more to him than any possible greater good could ever mean. and it’s reciprocal. ellie would— and does— do anything she can to help him, save him, protect him, and, eventually, to avenge him. because that’s what you do when you love someone. not when you love people. when you love someone.
and it’s selfish, in a way??? because we love these people and would do so much for them because they mean more to us than other strangers do. it’s exactly like an iteration of the trolley problem, actually. one track has your daughter on it and one track has fifty people. don’t even try telling me you wouldn’t go onto track B if it meant saving your daughter and her puppy dog eyes from the whimpering and pain and fear. The Last of Us says yes, you would. I would. we all would. and like yeah that is our greatest weakness, that we have such a unique ability to love a handful of people so deeply that our compassion towards community and strangers and the bigger collective starts to slip from view. but goddamn what a fucking great fatal flaw it is to have. we are all going to die and the world will burn because we loved another person too much.
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tracesofdevotion · 30 days
I don’t believe in the “rules of writing”. if anyone ever tells you you’re doing something “wrong” when it comes to writing, they’re being stupid. like it’s written language. there is no right way or wrong way. if a book “sounds stupid” i think that’s a good thing. maybe it’ll sound stupid, but maybe it’ll be unique. who cares.
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cicada-heart · 1 month
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bonaventure cemetery 🤍
august 2024
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onawhimsicot · 2 years
i know not many people would want to read a 10,000 word article about the minecraft end poem and how the author, Julian Gough, was never fairly compensated for his work and has made it public domain.
But it's a very well-written and heartfelt read, and he makes it very clear that none of this is a cash-grab and despite the fact that he is essentially a starving artist in this capitalist society, he only mentions his financial struggles despite Minecraft's huge huge success at the bottom of this article and not in the tweets so as to not dilute his message.
Anyway, I just think it'd be cool if those who are able to could support him in some way whether it be subscribing to his substack or donating to his paypal (that's linked in the article, you can ctrl + F to find it easier), that's all.
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geryone · 11 months
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that summer, Silas Denver Melvin
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mueritos · 3 months
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happy pride to all queer children of immigrants
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