#this ones for my fellow aquarians
saturnbellfromhell · 2 years
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I'm really exited for this post, since it hits close to home! Other than being a Capricorn sun, my moon is also ruled by Saturn and Saturn is the second master in my 1 House. So, me and Saturn have known each other for some time and established a love-hate relationship. It can be quite hard with prominent Saturn placements, but you have to learn from your mistakes and accept many life challenges, because they will mold you into a resilient individual in my eyes.
⬛ Saturn, the last planet one's naked eye can reach in the night. In ancient Rome Saturn was the God of generation, time, abundance and wealth, also being called "the God of time".
In my heart,Saturn is the strict father of the planets. His energy is very dark, ancient, wise, patient with a sprinkle of misery and a good coming of age tale. He seems like he wants to step on you, make your eyes tear up...but he knows why he's doing such. He has witnessed all of this sorrow and wants patient thinkers above all. No daydreamers nor hot-headed individuals in his books.
⬛Many times Saturn breeds lonely individuals. One's who's life path is better without extra baggage.
⬛He really inbodies authority, maturity, boundaries, responsibility, discipline, wisdom, patience, karma, higher thinking and challenges.
⬛ It can be seen as the "boring" planet, since it's energy is so mature, but nevertheless Saturnian energy is extremely powerful.
⬛The lesson is very simple...there is no negotiating with Saturn. No crybabying, no remorse. His cruelty is a lesson to be seen in a positive light. The faster you change your habits, except rough times and be thankful for them...Saturn will charish you with light and knowledge! Also having many Saturn placements means anyone who will double cross you, will get their karma. So not all is dark, not all is bad, not all is ploting against you.
⬛ Saturn rules feminine Capricorn and masculine Aquarius, even though Aquarius is also ruled by Uranus, but I like looking at the duality of the two signs.
⬛ Capricorns are traditional in a sense. They are the grounded grandmother of the signs. With years of downfall and a gaurded attitude they can seem cold hearted. That is farthest from the truth, they are just extremely picky with people they surround themselves. The love language they speak is gift giving/receiving, even though I look at Capricorns as the sugar daddies of the zodiac. They are so in infatuated with working hard to spoil their loved one's. Yes, they are hard working most of the time, yes they can be lonely wolves, yes they can be man/woman eaters. The biggest issue I see with Capricorns is how they perceive themselves as unworthy most of the times, even though they are highly independent. Another note to my fellow sea goats is to not be so vengeful and prideful. Not everything is money and assests, enjoy your family, friends and partner.
⬛ On the other side we have the dizzy Aquarius. The non traditional air sign, clawing away their emotions to seem aloof and careless. But deep inside they really care, but mask it with their amazing sarcasm and humor. Aquarian energy is very humanitarian. They unlike Capricorn have a collective energy. They mold themselves to fit into any group setting. The chameleons of the zodiac. Always trying new things, traveling, meeting new people. They really never stop to think deep, that's where the issue lays.
⬛ So the difference in Saturn's teaching for both the signs are:
〰️Capricorns should release themselves from tradition and try new things to climb higher. They should stop being so stubborn and try to listen.
〰️Aqurians should try more traditional aspects, try solitude for a change. They need more patience.
That's why I've seen a lot of bitterness between the two signs, they are fallen sisters, but always butt heads. It is hard for a serious earth sign to communicate his deep feelings to an intellectual air sign and vice versa. They are so alike, but also so different!
⬛ Also Saturn rules the 10th house or the MC, meaning Medium Coeli or so called your "Midheaven". It rests at the top of your chart and represents career choice, publicity, the workplace, your public persona, status, reputation and sense of responsibility.
Some observations about Saturn placements/aspects:
〰️ Having Saturn in any house means that wisdom in that department will come later in life. For example if you have Saturn in your 7th house, marriage will come a bit later in life. You will have nasty relationships, but at the end you will never settle down with a dusty partner, knowing damn well how that goes. Another example is Saturn in the 1st house, you can struggle a lot with self acceptance and confidence, but it will all get better after maturing. The Last example is Saturn in the 9th house, you maybe will not succeed in greater education at an early age, or you might not travel long distance until your 30s/40s.
〰️ Saturn hard aspects (square, opposition) any planets means the same thing. They are challenges you need to conquer. Ex. Mercury square Saturn, this can mean you have a hard time communicating with yourself and others. Also writing can be quite difficult for you at times. Don't worry, it will come with age and some practice :)
〰️ Saturn in the 1st house can mean you always had to pick yourself up as a child. Too independent, lost a lot of fun years because of it. Also, if Jupiter or Saturn or both are in the 1st house, this means you have a lot of masculine energy. Embrace it, be a father figure to yourself or to others.
〰️ Cap Venuses can be very tricky. Bringing Saturian energy into a house ruled by Venus, the fiery planet of love and romance can be difficult. They need a long time to find their true lovers. Can be very cold and bossy towards partners. But a little secret, since Caps are very dominant, Cap Venuses like a dominant partner at times, passionately dominate. No degrading kinks and such. They love thigh touching and back rubs. You have to be extremely smart or a businessman. No rusty dusty partners over here. Also buy them a gift, doesn't have to be expensive, just very thoughtful.
〰️ Saturn in the 12th house can bring a lot of challenges into your spiritual life.
〰️ Capricorn Mars, especially men are so attractive to me. They are kind of intimidating in a way, but take action so calm. They know what/how to do it. Just a little bit of advice, try to be the listener sometimes!
〰️ Cap in the 10 house means business, and l a lot of it. They don't mess around with anybody that's lower than them. They also have ideas that they think about for years, trying to perfect them.
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daylightdreamscape · 1 year
unsolicited opinion
Every time something new happens I get asks about what I think of this or that, I never understood why my opinion (and of other blogs) matters so much, am I some kind of Influencer or what? (cadê meus mimos brasil) so I decided to make this post to clarify some points once and for all.
So here we go
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Will I leave the fandom or him for some reason?
probably yes, in the same way that I gain interest and become obsessed with something very quickly, I also lose interest very quickly (hello my fellow Aquarians, how are you?), at the moment I'm focused on a hobby that I love and had long since left behind, reading! (Hey Devil's night fans, who's your favorite horseman and why is it Kai?)
are you losing interest because of her? NO! Do you like her? Nooh Oh, it's because you are jealous
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over a man that don't even know I exist? (o que é isso, um filme)
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I just don't like her, her personality, her energy, and that's it Do I think she is a racist? It's not my place to speak, and I feel sorry for anyone who was offended by her actions. Do you talk about her on private groups? yes, who don't gossip with friends, It's human nature
are you on LSA?
YES, and I already talked about it here, but apparently some people were dying to share this informatio, I was chrisevans there but now I'm 12AM RAIN (midnight rain the best song of the album) that place sure can be toxic af, like any other place, the problem is not the plataform, it's the users, and that's why I'm not on the main thread anymore, I made great friends there and I love my group (one of the girls reminder of me right after Taylor shared the international dates and she sent me a realy nice message about the show, isn’t good when someone see something they know you like and remember of you? ). and I'm also on discord groups, that's not a crime.
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but some people cross boundaries here, you don't like her? I get you, I swear I do, what I don't understand is why you spend so much energy and time talking about something you're not going to change no matter how much you talk about it.
you are a hypocritical stalker.
this is my favorite one, I do know a lot of information about him that I learned against my will, I was wrong to trust this information to some people I trusted, lesson learned.
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I think I said everything I wanted to, have a nice day/week/year
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Saved By The Cavalry Of Calvary
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I get in the blacked out OPS van. Ant is in the driver's seat, grinning at me as I close the passenger door. "Hey kiddo. Sorry for the hasty evac, but you know how Boss Hog can be." His brown eyes sparkle and his jawline is covered in his customary salt and pepper five o'clock shadow. I can tell he is enjoying readying his Evac team consisting of my brother-in-law, Paul, Lincoln, Scottie "Too Hottie," Thaddeus & "The Irish Curse," Tina, and the newest member, Nicholas Steele. Lincoln is the first face I see. I wave in acknowledgment and he waves back. A fellow introvert, Lincoln is the logistics guy. Putting the OPS plan in Lincoln hands, Ant knows the evac to Boss Hogs' high-end safe-house will be well planned with every outcome, predictable and extraordinary, meticulously accounted for. Thad's are the next eyes I meet. I smile wide, a short burst of laughter escapes my lips as he salutes me, our little inside joke about his malediction regarding the Emerald Isle. Tina is next to meet my eyes. Her half grin lights up the "Resting Bitch Face" we both have in common. Lucky for Tina, no one ever tells her she'd be prettier if she just smiled. Tina is beautiful which means her RBF is considered sultry and mysterious. Scottie "Too Hottie" looks to me from his scout position at the rear of the van where threats to my safety could be quickly eliminated. He winks at me before turning back to his surveillance duties. I don't know the newest member too well and we nod at each other in greeting as I think back to our first meeting at the Agency's recruitment talent acquisition photo shoot. When it comes to marketing for the Agency, Stella O'Neil is extraordinary at picking out the best mascots. There was Betty Paige, a beautiful Greek goddess, tall and athletic, a fitness model in her former life. Terry Jo and Peter Lund, the power couple, Taleal from Afghanistan, along with Hanh Nguyen. Stella introduced Nick to me as Detective Nicholas Steele and I gave her a knowing look as a comment to the Rookie's full name. "That is the most perfect porn name." I say to Stella, not knowing my inside voice carried over to the place in the corner of the room where Detective Steele was seated. "It's not a porn name." Nicholas says pointedly to me. Stella whispers to me, "he's really religious, devoted Christian. And he's an Ugly Duckling." Stella's eyes light up mischievously giving me the giggles. I'm going to have fun with this one." I say to Stella looking at Detective Steele watching us with suspicion.
©Aquarian Society Publishing
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winterdying · 1 year
💒♓🍴💡📼 tried to pick ones that weren't picked before lol
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get to know my character through an ask
💒 - Does your character want marriage or a lifelong commitment?
oh good lord, this is a loaded question! in mithra's world, wizards can't make promises- or rather, they can, but if and when they break their promises, they lose their magic entirely. marriage is often viewed as a promise, and mithra- being the second most powerful wizard in the world- definitely doesn't want to lose his magic, especially as to something as flippant (in his eyes) as a marriage vow. that being said, in mithra's affection story (basically, an in-game event/story centering around the main character bonding with specific characters) he says this:
Mithra: If it’s just about me and you, why should anyone else matter? I won’t change for the next thousand years. If you’re going to express your love for me, give me an unchanging affection that lasts for a thousand years. Then I’ll consider it.
...so take that as you will! <3
♓ - Hey baby, what’s your sign? What would your character’s zodiac sign be and what qualities do they carry to make them fall under that sign?
mithra is an aquarius! he's... certainly truthful (brutally honest), confident (brutally arrogant), eccentric and assertive... he kind of takes aquarian traits and dials them up to a feral 11.
🍴 - What is the absolute worst meal your character has ever eaten? Were they verbal about it or did they just not say anything?
in the game mithra comes from, there's actually a cooking mechanic where you can make foods for the characters and give them those foods to win their affection. mithra is the only character that will take and enjoy the burnt food that comes from failing the cooking minigame. :D;;
(that being said, during the main story, he does eat oyster shells thinking they're macaron cookies and dislikes those, but... does that count if he still eats them!?)
💡 - What is the best idea your character ever had?
mithra thinks every idea he has is the best idea he ever had during an event story centered around mithra's country, there's a part where him and his fellow cabal of northern idiots anger the wild and dangerous spirits of northern nature, and therefor the spirits attack the group, trapping them in a suffocating void. mithra has the bright idea to use the last of his magic to summon one of his teleportation doors to allow the rest of the wizards to escape. ;w;
📼 - An interrogation tape emerges regarding a recent interview with your character. What are they being questioned for?
oh man, this might as well be canon too. mithra is one of five other northern wizards- himself, owen, bradley, and then the elder wizards snow and white. snow and white are constantly trying to keep mithra and the other two in check and they're constantly getting up to villainous hijinks. if he was being interrogated? it'd definitely be for some plan to kidnap the wizard's sage or to kill one of the other wizards.
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findapenny · 2 years
Happy birthday to my shining star. I love you with my entire heart and I forever cherish your sweet comments and messages you leave on not only mine, but to everybody’s fics. I see them, and I cherish them close to my heart. I hope your birthday is the best birthday yet, as you deserve the world and more. Happy birthday, my fellow Aquarian. ♓️
Omg you are literally one of the sweetest humans I’ve been lucky enough to know 🥺 Thank you so much for your kind words and well wishes. I appreciate you everyday and just know that I love you forever 💜
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the eternal birthplace - we long to return.
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a-curly-person · 4 years
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Happy Birthday to my sweetest friend Staceeey (@adixiebelle) !!! Happy Birthday to my fellow Aquarian! The day is so much happier today because it’s your birthday! I hope you have a lovely day and an even lovely year! I wish you all the happiness, health, love, and amazing things in this world! You are an amazing person, an awesome friend, and I can’t say thank you enough for being in my life! You are so kind! Happy Birthday my friend you really are one of the best people in this world
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The Pedro Boys™️ and the star signs I’ve decided they embody as an astrology bitch part 2/4 — The Fire Signs:
Javier Peña — Aries ♈️
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Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, honest, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive
Javier embodies the image of the ram so well—taking charge and feeling the need to be in control in all aspects of his life. He’s a focused and determined guy, but also known for his short-temper when it comes to meaningless shit.
As an Aries, Javi would probably find a soulmate in either a Scorpio, or (if you’re looking for a lot of passion) a Leo or Sagittarius. Signs he would likely not vibe super well with would be Aquarius (sad face bc me) and Taurus (butting heads—literally).
Max Phillips — Leo ♌️
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Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible
As a Leo, this man is here for three things: a party, attention, and himself. Though he can come across as vain and a bit of an asshole, he’s always gonna be there to try to make you laugh on a hard day. You’d be hard pressed to find a more passionate and fun-loving partner—just try not to let his ego bother you.
Signs well suited for our Leo Max—Aquarians. Hands down. No competition. It’s one of the most well-accepted pairings in astrology. As for his enemies? The “party poopers”—Taurus and Scorpio. The man needs to have his fun, and they’d likely not be so down for a little vampire action.
Ezra — Sagittarius ♐️
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Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor
Weaknesses: Promises more than can they deliver, very impatient, will say literally anything no matter how undiplomatic
My paramour, Ezra. As a Sag, Ezra loves being on the move, finding adventure. He thrives in the outdoors, and willingly or not finds himself as an extrovert. His faults lie in his hot-and-cold instability—but seeing as he’s barely holding on, we’ll allow it.
Fellow fire sign, Aries, would have a very passionate and equally yoked relationship—the two signs balancing each other out in the most chaotic of ways. The sign that may not click so well with our Sag might be Pisces, their love for sitting around and daydreaming conflicting with the fire sign’s need for adventure and travel.
next up — the earth signs
part one — the water signs
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mahalkitajohnnysuh · 3 years
I'm in a Jeong Jaehyun mood lately.
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I mean, who wouldn't be, especially if you're an NCTzen? Just kidding unless he isn't your bias huhu.
I guess I'm prepping myself to write Burnout, so have some of my writing about him in the meantime.
Here's the first one, inspired by numerous playbacks of The xx's "Dangerous."
Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)
POV: 2nd person
Word count: 506 words
Additional notes: This piece is part of the Trysts with Mon Amour timeline, so I'll be glad if you can check that out too.
You had been told that Jeong Jaehyun was a dangerous person. Not in the sense that he was a serial killer, but he would break your heart if you got too close to him.
You remembered Doyoung, a common friend of yours (and everybody else it seemed), who told you about this during one of the many house parties you’ve attended.
“I hope you have heard one of the many rumors about our friend,” he started, using his pointer finger discreetly to point at Jaehyun, “and I’m going to confirm with you that it’s true.”
You raised an eyebrow at him before chugging the bottle of beer in your hand. “What do you mean by that? I haven’t heard many rumors about Jay.”
“Aw, come on, Essie, you should know that one! He is a serial dater and can never commit to one person for a long time,” Doyoung sounded exasperated at this, which made him finish the remaining water in his glass.
You looked at Jaehyun, who seemed enamored at the girl he talked to. You knew he was feigning interest, and you could see that his smile hid his motive to sleep with her. After all, the girl he was talking to was hot. You knew how hot girls looked like, and you were far from it.
“Oh, that one,” you grumbled. “Well, there isn’t anything I can do about that. It’s his choice anyway.” You faced Doyoung, who now has a newly refilled glass. “Why are you telling me this?”
“I’ve noticed you two are becoming close these days, and I don’t want you to end up like her,” he was staring at his friend’s interaction with the girl, who has now linked her arms around the heartthrob.
To be honest, you wanted to refute Doyoung for his words, as if you’re going to risk having a relationship with his fellow Aquarian friend. But deep inside, your feelings are a mess because you’re falling for Johnny, and maybe for Jaehyun too.
You took a deep breath to compose yourself. “Well, thanks for the warning, and I’ll take that in mind,” your eyes never left Jaehyun and the girl he was with as they headed out of the venue.
“Take this seriously, Essie,” Doyoung patted your shoulder before leaving you to your thoughts. This time, you watched your friend mingle with the rest of the crowd.
You felt the air becoming colder as you decided to stay still and observe everyone. You realized you were getting too old for this shit – watching people get completely wasted, taking strangers somewhere upstairs so they could bang each other, and hearing crude jokes about everything. You finished the beer that had become lukewarm in your hands and went out to have a smoke to clear your mind further.
Will you consider pursuing a relationship with Jeong Jaehyun if the opportunity arises? Maybe so, or maybe not.
But little did you know, you would be the one who would break his heart not only once, but twice.
P.S. Always listen to Doyoung; he knows best.
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aristeiakira · 2 years
hii !! could i request a classic matchup for jjk, obey me and tokyo revengers :)
I am an isfp and aquarius. I love love love drawing in my free time and also sleeping ! Personality wise I can be very cold upon meeting new people and shy, but warm up,,, still cold but with added sarcasm when with friends. I enjoy physical touch and words of affirmation but I'd never ever admit to anyone irl, cause I've got a tough image to uphold lmao. I laugh at anything and everything, i have very broken humour. I like messing about with people and making a few innuendos here and now. I'm 5"6 with long curly hair and tanned skin with a beauty mark on my face reminding me of a vampire bite lol. idk what else to write. thank youuu~~
A Classic Matchup ♡
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- You received Geto Suguru!
- I think no one would understand us better than fellow aquarians. You probably have a lot more in common with Geto than you would have imagine.
- Although he could be cold, he also has a playful personality that would connect the two of you. Your relationship may be something like 'soulmates'. Just, he was very easy to warm up to.
- In addition to that, natural encounters that lead you to interact are the times when you do not uphold the image you have. Once he gets to see the other side of you, he's bound to fall deeper, curiousity would get the best of him. He’s perseverant, you see.
- Moving on your humor, I bet they align with Geto’s! Yas, see who messes who and who flusters who. Anyway, no matter who wins between the two of you- it always ends up in a good laugh.
- With him, you’ll always be hurt. He won’t mind you smacking him but expect him to tease you whenever you wonder how does it hurt, yet, this man would also hold your hand to gently caress it.
- He’s the type to join you in anything you’d like to do, at times, he would even get you out of your comfort zone.
- Geto is the perfect balance of calm and adventure. He’s there when you want to have fun or when you want the comfort of his presence—just ask ‘cause he’ll always provide—that’s your man for ya!
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- You received The Avatar of Pride, Lucifer!
- I may have said aquarians would understand us better but Lucifer himself is such an understanding individual. At his age and position, he has already learned how important it is to listen. He would always hear you out to understand you, communication is the very important key for your relationship.
- Free time of Lucifer does not happen quite often, mostly because he always try to be ahead of his work. You may have to pull him out of his office, bring him outside or maybe settle for your room.
- When outside, strolls in the garden or relieving stress with your favorite Madam Scream’s pastries and beverages are your go to.
- When settled inside, it’s for cuddles and sleep. Keep him in your arms to let him breathe, to feel his presence, and to have the most random but sometimes meaningful conversations.
- I can see him being the last devil whom you’ll get close to, there was just that one time wherein fate entangles the both of you. It must also be a moment of vulnerability, in your part or his, you get to imagine.
- I can also see Lucifer’s love language to be acts of service, if you let him know what you want though, he’ll do it. Maybe a pat on your head with ‘you did a great job’, maybe a kiss on the forehead with a ‘sleep well, Y/N’, maybe a tight embrace with ‘it’ll be okay’. For you, he'll do.
- Also, I get the scenario that you both would be a lowkey couple, seeing that the two of you have these images you'd like to keep.
- No one would have imagined you're in a relationship with him--no one would have known--if you don't tell anybody. Maybe Diavolo would, as he seem to know a lot. It's up to others to catch and suspect the subtle affection you show to Lucifer, vice-versa.
- He's amused, enamored by your laugh and by the way you have to smack anything. Meanwhile, if he does not release a chuckle, he's hiding his little smile behind the back of his hand.
- Enjoy your sweet, mindful, and dependable significant other. ^^
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- You received Kokonoi Hajime!
- With Koko, it takes time. I guess that's how you got comfortable with each other, your casual relationship developed into friendship then into romance. I believe he won't find it hard to fall for you when you have such a distinct personality.
- As you may know, he got tons of money--but with how rich he is--giving gifts is not really his love language rather just a privilege should I say? He knows gifts won't suffice for his presence, so what he does is show it through his actions whenever he could. He would always make time for you no matter how busy he can be, after all, what's the use of money if he can't be with you? You would have all the embraces, kisses, cuddles, and words that you want. If he can give it to you, he would.
- In terms of image, he's more likely to not care about what people think--of you, of him, of your relationship. Although he's not one to openly show his affection in public he may interlace his fingers with yours, greet you with a kiss to the cheek, and tuck his head into your neck for no apparent reason from time to time.
- I think you can make him flustered if you can bear with the roll of his eyes and his even more flustering comebacks. If you catch him off guard during the times when nothing is really on his mind, you'll have a blushy eyes evading Koko thinking of what to say but ends up flicking your forehead, nagging you about what's improper when he also does the same at times.
- You know what he loves the most though? It's when you're so natural and transparent, just being your cute self (his words not mine!). While you laugh at a joke, smacking him in the process, Koko also gets to burst into laughter. He's grateful to be genuinely happy because of you. He loves every moment he gets to feel your fist in his bicep, although it does hurt him quite a bit.
- With friendship as your foundation, you'll remain strong together despite whatever conflict. Kokonoi is a man for keeps, so please keep him well.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
hq!! as their zodiac signs | team inarizaki
check out my other hq!! as their zodiac signs posts here
atsumu and osamu miya | libra
okay so i’m doing these guys both together cause why not they’re twins but admittedly yeah there are some differences in their personality
libra traits they share though: being more on the carefree side and also being very upfront
libras tend to be brutally honest and osamu and atsumu definitely share that trait (aka. atsumu calling kageyama a goody two-shoes and osamu losing his filter around his brother)
also pretty talkative to the point that they become annoying
between the two of them though, osamu is the more carefree and laidback one because atsumu is a bit of a perfectionist
atsumu is definitely the more brutally honest one and /sometimes/ gets in trouble for it
also osamu being indecisive about what he’d like to eat as his last meal and this being a problem for him is very libra because they’re indecisive af
between the two of them, atsumu definitely expresses the more sociable traits that libras have. definitely not someone who’s shy around people they meet for the first time 
they both have really a really funny, mostly random sense of humor
it’s hard to get on their wavelength, ngl, especially when they’re both being really chaotic af
i also have a feeling that they’re easily forgetful but it’s also funny cause they also call each other out for being forgetful
osamu probably remembers that one time ten years ago when atsumu ate his pudding more than he remembers that he borrowed his twin’s notes without giving them back a few days ago (and vice-versa)
suna rintarou | aquarius
aquarians are actually aliens walking around in human skin and suna rintarou is one of them
the reason why he takes so many pictures is because he’s collecting data on the human race but unfortunately for the aliens the humans that suna has been exposed to are the miya twins
aquarians are just generally quite distant and also borderline weird and that’s basically suna
his face looks calm and indifferent but i bet he’s really thinking about how many m&m’s he can stuff into his mouth without choking
he’s the ‘many thoughts, head full’ kind of aquarius and doesn’t really express everything out loud
most of the time he likes sitting in silence around other people and showing them something weird or funny on his phone
this guy has A LOT of weird, out of context photos on his phone and he keeps sending them in groupchats
and everyone’s confused but they highkey think they’re funny
the reason why he likes to sleep is that he gets really vivid and exciting dreams
not the ‘my crush kissed me’ kind of dreams but the ‘i was in mario kart but the road was cake’ kind of dreams
he even keeps a journal for all of them
has that rare skill wherein he wakes up and can go back and finish off the dream he just had
kita shinsuke | cancer
not surprised because this guy is such a mom friend and i feel kinda soft and happy abt this as a fellow cancer
his caring side is definitely something that a lot of people notice about him. kita could be complete strangers with someone but won’t hesitate when he sees they need something
definitely cares a lot about his family (as seen by his connection with his grandmother) but he treats his friends as family too
for him, his friends’ success feel like an extension of his own and that’s why he’s so proud of his underclassmen
kita is also one who definitely treasures emotional connections. even if you were a friend from kindergarten, he’ll still remember you 
cancers are very nostalgic people and kita is definitely one. he still keeps his volleyball jersey from high school. likes to share those ‘one year ago today’ photos on social media too
kita’s love for routine i feel is very connected to how cancers like experiences that are familiar. they very much value doing things that are comforting and routines are part of that
he’s very much a homebody too and does like to have guests come in and to cook for them
also the kind of person who brings alcohol and hand sanitizer wherever just in case the team goes out to eat someplace
very much an intuitive person. he’s quite good at predicting things like when atsumu’s about to get sick or what osamu feels like eating that day
overall the best mom friend
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seafoamreadings · 4 years
week of december 13th, 2020
aries: the details of the transits affecting you this week are too numerous to list in this small space. but if you wish to choose a specific point of focus to prevent overwhelm, i recommend the eclipse in sagittarius. it occurs at the beginning of the week and influences all the transits proceeding. set an intention that this week you learn as much as you can and grow spiritually. embrace radical honesty and authenticity.
taurus: following the eclipse in sagittarius, your ruler venus moves into that same sign. taureans are not renowned for their embrace of “free love” but perhaps this week it behooves you to try, or at least to try to understand where people are coming from when they do.
gemini: you’ll seldom see a more astrologically busy week. most of my readers seem to have a focus on relationships so i will point out that one very important transit you’re having this week is an eclipse in your opposite sign sagittarius, which rules your relationships (especially if you are a gemini rising). set intentions regarding how you interact with other people, especially in love, and hold back on telling any little fibs even if you think they’ll help things. this is not at all the time for it.
cancer: there is a lot going on lately, including an eclipse, not directly involving your sign for a refreshing change of pace. in fact, you’ll notice by the end of the week how much calmer you are, even if there is still chaos all around, because saturn and jupiter both find their way into aquarius and out of your relationships house.
leo: you should keep an eye on all the transits this week, as there are many, including a fiery new moon eclipse in sagittarius and many of these affect you. but in this space i’m going to point out perhaps the biggest transits of all for you (yes, bigger than the eclipse) which are that saturn and jupiter both move into aquarius this week, which is your opposite sign and therefore rules your relationships. that does mean romantic partnerships, but also every other conceivable form of relationships. the way you relate to the world is about to shift.
virgo: this week sees a lot of earth shifting into air. for most earth signs this is not quite comfortable. for you it is relatively easy because of your mutable, mercurial nature. embrace change, go with the flow, and be ready for a new world order.
libra: the approaching paradigm of air does you many favors. like letting your skin breathe, but for your soul. do be careful to stay moisturized though, lest you dry out. also this week, your ruler into sagittarius eases your mind somewhat but may lead to an emotional dry-ness or callousness.
scorpio: welcome jove and saturn into your 4th house by introducing some air element to your home. at least open the windows! incense is also great for this. this will prevent some of the tension of having such heavyweight planets in a fellow fixed sign.
sagittarius: you are the center of attention until jupiter and saturn make it into aquarius, a pair of ingresses which also benefits you. but first there is an eclipse in your sign, so it is a good time to re-invent yourself or re-align your intentions. and then, lovely benefic venus moves to grace your sign as well. you are truly magnetic.
capricorn: you heard there’s an eclipse or something, right? but whatever, for you more than probably any other sign of the zodiac that new moon is overshadowed by the movement of jupiter AND saturn into aquarius this week, finally taking some of the intense weight there off of your (admittedly very sturdy, efficient, and able) shoulders. this does leave pluto in your sign a while longer but goes a long way toward taking the edge off.
aquarius: some fear an ingress of saturn into their signs. but why should you? before the discovery of uranus, your sign was his home. and he is escorted in, this time around, by jolly jupiter. this can be the start of a long blessing for aquarians like you.
pisces: the fact that saturn and jupiter move into your 12th house is almost a non-issue for you as you are practically the embodiment of 12th house themes and yet, it is worth noting in case you do feel spiritual expansion and contraction in new ways now. the eclipse in sagittarius is also likely to chafe for you. set intentions around your long-term public goals, the way you appear to others, and embrace jupiter-themes in particular.
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ms-m-astrologer · 4 years
Saturn in 2021
Note: this one’s long.
Saturn’s 2021 Timeline:
Friday, January 1, 2021 - Saturn at 1:37 Aquarius
Sunday, February 14, 17:02 UT - Saturn enters pre-Rx shadow, 6:53 Aquarius
Wednesday, February 17, 19:08 UT - Saturn/Aquarius square Uranus/Taurus, 7:14 (7 degrees 14 minutes)
Sunday, May 23, 08:10 UT - Saturn stations retrograde, 13:31 Aquarius
Monday, June 14, 22:01 UT - Saturn Rx/Aquarius square Uranus/Taurus, 13:07 
Sunday, October 10, 01:19 UT - Saturn stations direct, 6:53 Aquarius
Friday, December 24, 07:17 UT - Saturn/Aquarius squares Uranus Rx/Taurus, 11:05
Saturday, January 1, 2022 - Saturn at 11:54 Aquarius
Saturday, January 15, 2022 - Saturn exits post-Rx shadow, 13:31 Aquarius
This planet, folks, is The One to pay attention to. Its transits affect everyone, without fail.
Saturn in Aquarius is just as strong as Saturn in Capricorn: both signs are ruled by Saturn, although it must share Aquarius with Uranus. And that brings me to The Three Big Deals of 2021, namely, those three squares between Saturn/Aquarius (strongly placed) and Uranus/Taurus (in its fall).
It always makes me scoff when I hear or see people say that Aquarius is a leftist, revolutionary sign. The 40th President of the US, Ronald Reagan (devil take him), was an Aquarius - he was revolutionary, all right, but in a decidedly conservative and reactionary direction. What Aquarius is (among other things), is ideological. It’s a fixed air sign; its opinions are set, and nothing will change its mind. Expect a lot of demands to adhere 100% to this or that orthodoxy. No shades of gray allowed; all is black or white.
The squares between Saturn and Uranus, according to Michelle Perrin in the 2021 Llewellyn Daily Planetary Guide, show that
We are turning a corner into a new age without really realizing we have left the old one behind, creating a time where new paradigms are no longer relevant but a new social order has yet to congeal into anything solid.
This particular square, with Saturn 270 degrees ahead of Uranus in the Zodiac, is a “Last Quarter” square. We’re turning away from what was hatched and brought to fruition after the Saturn-Uranus conjunctions of 1988 - we’re tearing down old structures that don’t work any more - and we get to do all that, without having a strong sense of where we’re headed next. (Namely, the one-and-done Saturn-Uranus conjunction, at 28:01 Gemini, on June 28, 2032.)
(If you were alive way back in 1988, think back to what was going on at the time in terms of larger cycles finishing and starting. The conjunctions were all in late Sagittarius: 29:55, 28:47, and 27:49.)
Saturn in Aquarius has particular challenges and lessons for us all to learn. The following is a synthesis between Isabel Hickey (Astrology A Cosmic Science), Steven Forrest (mostly The Book of Earth), and me.
“Tests of ownership. He who has no desire to possess has no fear of loss.” This is of course a very Taurus thing, as the sign is too apt to equate material stability with security. Uranus’ transit through Taurus is determined to demolish that misconception, and this year he’ll have some help from Saturn. We know we’re messing up here, when we give “too much power to money and security.”
“Test of true humility and lovingness. Denied the love sought in this lifetime until the spiritual bookkeeping is balanced.” Leo is all about himself being The Star, while Aquarius counters with “you’re only one star in a whole universe full of stars.” Can we shine without making it all about us? Overweening egos are due for a smackdown. Conversely, we can become too overwhelmed by “stage fright,” and refuse to share something that humanity desperately needs.
“Test of outgoing desire. Desire nature is extremely strong and until that is brought under control there is much suffering and pain.” Such a pitfall for all the fixed signs - not getting one’s own way 100%, but instead having to compromise, adapt, adjust, etc. - but especially for Scorpio. This may also manifest as needing to get over the typical Scorpio broody gloominess, into a more positive frame of mind.
“Test of responsibility. The soul must accept the responsibility of regeneration and be about the Father’s business.” I’m pretty sure what “Issy” meant was that we have to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses, and start trying to help our fellow humans. But there’s another danger here, namely the stereotypical Aquarian detachment from emotions. The sign can be too cold, and that eventually begets sociopaths.
When Saturn travels between 1:37 and 6:53 Aquarius: placements will receive a one-and-done aspect from transiting Saturn. Examples: Ms M’s natal Mars/Aries will receive a one-and-done sextile; Ms M’s natal Juno/Leo will receive a one-and-done opposition. (Like it matters if she’s single!?!)
When Saturn travels between 6:53 and 13:31 Aquarius: Saturn spends most of his time here, not only for 2021 but going a couple of weeks into 2022. Any placements affected by this will get three separate aspects. The first one will bring a situation to our attention; the second, retrograde aspect will give us further insights into the situation; the third and final aspect will allow some resolution, if we work for it. 
(This part is making Ms M apprehensive, since it’s going to trigger her natal fixed grand cross: Asc/Scorpio, Venus and Desc in Taurus, both squared by Ceres and Uranus in Leo, and by Pholus in Aquarius. Empty nest?)
Even more fun is that transiting Uranus/Taurus will be wreaking havoc at the same time. It will travel between 6:48 and 14:49 of Taurus in 2021, and as you can see it overlaps the same degrees as Saturn. If you have fixed placements between 6:53 and 13:31 (that is, anything in the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius), there is some hard work in your future. Even if it’s for something better to manifest, and even when we know that intellectually, we’re still reluctant to let go of control.
This also goes for mutable placements (the signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces) between 21:53 and 28:31; Saturn and Uranus will semi-square (45 degrees) or sesquare (135 degrees) that placement, making for a lot of frustration. You won’t be able to wiggle out of consequences, as easily as you normally do.
If you have placements between 6:53 and 13:31 of the signs Aries, Gemini, Libra, or Sagittarius - lucky you! You’ve got some flowing energy between Saturn and that placement, and although it doesn’t guarantee a less painful time, you’ll at least have an easier time coming to grips with it. (Trine Ms M’s natal Mercury/Gemini/8th - astrology will get her through this!!)
In The Book of Earth, Steven Forrest starts out every description of transiting Saturn aspects, with the words “Growing pains.” That description is perfect. The stakes are a little higher, and the process more complex, than simply getting physically taller, though. Steven says that during “Saturn times,” we need to intentionally select a challenge, then give it everything we’ve got. The reward is that we move forward to the next maturational stage; if we refuse, we end up trapped in the past. Here are a couple more quotes from the Saturn section of Steven’s The Book of Earth.
“Saturn is not narrowly about old age; it is simply about whatever is the next step for us.” Growing up, in other words. As I have said on this blog many times before, the “only” thing that happened to me during my first Saturn return, was getting married. That was still a big deal in 1987: I assumed a different societal role (remember Saturn’s association with the 10th House), in a very traditional way (natal Saturn in Sagittarius). Perhaps it is because, as a small girl, I had four Crone figures in my life; perhaps it’s all the Aries in me, trined by my natal Saturn - but I wasn’t afraid, instead embracing the new opportunities.
“Saturn is not bad - but it is quite fair to say that it is hard.” My guess is that this is the one that frightens many 20-somethings - not to mention people who are much, much older and ought to know better. “Hard” does not equal “bad”!
Saturn in Aquarius is all about (1) knowing your own values and (2) living up to them. Anybody else’s approval, or disapproval, is completely irrelevant - and we need to accept that, even if “anybody else” doesn’t. We need to question authority, and also what’s known as “conventional wisdom.” We need to work on becoming more “authentic.” And we need to become comfortable with some solitude (2020 has been a great training ground for that), without isolating ourselves emotionally. There are a few people at least who will understand and accept you; get off your ass and put yourself in the way of finding them.
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steponmepinkjun · 4 years
Sara, your Asra revival is giving me Life and I just... Need to see your take on Asra romancing Aquarians. What are the pros, cons? On average, do you think there's more of a leaning of air sign mains on Asra's route? Please. Your thoughts. All the thoughts on this.
Ooooooooooh baby *rubs hands together like an evil little rat* this is so very up my alley.
I think that air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, for those of you that don't know) are very all-or-nothing towards other air signs—we either fall madly in love at first sight, or we can't stand each other. Because the thing is, confronting a fellow air sign kind of forces you to ask yourself the question, "If I wasn't me, would I like me?" 😅
I feel this quote gives us a very nice little crash course to understanding air signs:
As air is formless, lacking a concrete body, air signs are especially vulnerable to their own personal projections. Air signs are unlimited by space, and can drift everywhere, from places to people; as such, they’re vulnerable to overindulging in absolute fantasy. They love theory over practice, and can get caught in endlessly thinking or talking something out, instead of doing it.
The three air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. For now, let’s think of each of them as each representing a different stage of emotional and spiritual growth — of the three, Gemini comes first on the zodiac calendar, and Aquarius comes last, making it the most mature. So we have a baby, naïve variation on air in Gemini; an adolescent who wants to try it all in Libra; and a cranky, old soul in Aquarius.
The pros of two air signs together (such as Asra, a Gemini, and myself, and Aquarian) is the fluidity between us. There's no rigid expectations, no rules, and we're both constantly changing, so in the best situations, there's utter acceptance. Every weird habit, every sudden obsession, every passing fancy is wholeheartedly embraced. Both people are able to encourage the other to grow and become their best self, without judgment of the journey. Air signs tend to be eccentric, humanitarian weirdos, and what's better than being wacky and offbeat with someone who just gets you?
The cons are that we do tend to be a liiiitle bit (lol, a LOT bit) contrarian and individualistic. We pride ourselves on being different, sticking out, and forging our own way ahead; sometimes we need freedom and space to do that, without the obligation of a relationship holding us down. Having two weirdos together is great—until we both want to beat our own drum, and your drum solo clashes with mine. Sometimes two solo trumpets make free-form jazz, but sometimes they just make noise. Without structure, relationships can be so free-form that they deteriorate (I've genuinely forgotten that I'm "dating" someone and forgotten to call them for weeks, which they took as ghosting. I feel like this is probably a bit of what happened with Asra and Julian 😂). And while we love to have our head in the clouds, sometimes we need a partner that's preparing a safe place for us to land on the ground.
Air signs often get a bad rap for our emotional style. Aquarians get called emotionless and aloof; Geminis, two faced; Libras, perfections who ask for too much. I can see how non-air signs might think that, but they just don't understand us. Us Aquarians oscillate between utter detachment and utter obsession; when I first meet you I'll probably seem like I hate you, but give me five minutes to warm up and I'll be telling you my life story. When we let people in, we expect them to do the same, so you betray our trust or ignore us, we shut down entirely. Geminis know how to adjust and change on a dime, they're the chameleons of the zodiac, so if you're very rigid or structure-dependent (ahem virgos) you might have a hard time understanding who they are at their core. Libras are natural leaders, they're the diplomats of the zodiac. And they expect you to work, play, and love just as hard as they do—if you don't, they simply can't respect you. Air signs are deeply emotional this way. We demand a lot because we know we can give a lot.
(We are flighty tho, that's the one stereotype that I hate to admit is true 😂 we're so busy daydreaming that we can sometimes forget things like lunch plans, or what time we were supposed to meet up this weekend... After all, time isn't real, right? 😁)
I think air signs playing the arcana are attracted to the intensity of Asra's love and devotion, that's something that comes very natural to us. At his core, Asra is Good, fundamentally good, and we appreciate that as naturally progressive and forward-thinking signs—ahem, Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac. He's weird, he's wacky, he's strange and eccentric, he does his own thing and doesn't seem to even know the meaning of the word "rules," he loves that about himself, and we do too! We crave the confidence of someone who's unabashedly themselves, that's just the sweetest nectar to us, we want to emulate that. Asra gives us air signs the best of all the worlds: freedom, novelty, adventure, something different that we can still rely on, something strange that still feels like home 💜
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soleilsuhh · 3 years
uuuuhhh g your intuition is 😩😩🤌🏻
YES I AM A PEACHZEN. i love jae w my whole heart <3. he’s my no.1 ult heheheeeehehe
my dream bias is jisung and mark!! so yes correct ~
and i havent made up my mind for wayv yet even tho i’ve stan them for such a long time ... its between lucas and winwin ☺️
so yeah you win <3<3
♡:。 ♡ 。  ♡。  
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have a nice week :) and since u love aquarians, u r my bsf from now on no doubt and ilu2 🌷
i’m an aries , which sign are you? 🍒anon
yay ! i know a fellow peachzen when i see one mehehe. omg stahp that’s the cutest kith ever bye — 🥺 thank you ! have a lovely week, bestie <33 and i’m a scorpio !
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spn-meanttobe · 4 years
Tumblr media
To quote Aquarian Dream, shall we "play it one more time"? My fellow mods and I are totally game to bring the fandom another round of Happily Ever Afters. I think, the way this year has played out, we need it more than ever. But do you (the fandom creators) feel the same? Next weekend, starting on Friday, the 25th and running through the end of the day on Monday, the 28th, we'll be running a simple poll at the comm on LiveJournal to gauge interest and then announce on Wednesday, September 30th, if there will be another round. How much interest is enough? Hard to give an exact number. Last round, we had 50 participants sign up and around 20 wonderful entries. Something in that neighborhood would be nice this time as well, if not more. In case you need a refresher about the challenge, you can check out the FAQs here (or click the link in the upper right corner of the comm). What do you say, folks? Shall we give the last season of the show the ending it deserves? Come back next weekend and tell us! You know their Happily Ever After was Meant To Be!
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