#this mer guy is growing on me
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flame-shadow · 2 years ago
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it's hug your pet squidthing day, even if your squidthing is very dramatic about it
the squidthing minus hugging:
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catsushinyakajima · 3 months ago
2024 has come to an end! Here are all of my fav fav Voltron fics and authors that I've interacted with throughout the year. I'm trying to make this list as diverse as possible so everyone can find some tropes they like but I PROMISE all these fics are worth a read. Listed in no particular order, we have:
fear no more the heat o' the sun by taromi | 28k | Canon-Divergent
This fic is an ASTOUNDING depiction of Keith's perspective on life and how Lance changes things up. Every scene between them added not only to their dynamic, but also to our vision of Keith. We see how he is and how things unfold so beautifully. The prose is beautiful and the scenes carry both fluff/emotion so well.
Silver Bells by heavily_caffeinated/@heavilycaffeinatedsblog | 86.3k | Christmas AU
I'm not one for much holiday cheer/hallmark-esque tropes, but caf's writing still managed to draw me in so much. I applaud Caf sincerely for their incredible diligence to upload a chapter everyday (totaling to 86k words in 25 days!!), and their enthusiasm to include everyone in it's creation. This fic is a pure show of passion, in both it's story and the creation of the story. I encourage you all to check out their other fics too.
late night talking (can’t get you off my mind) by ShatterinSeconds/@shatterinseconds | 5.8k | Werewolf!Keith
This fic is SO GOOD for touch starved Keith. It's short and sweet and you get both perspectives of their pining and feelings together. It's a really cute one shot, and I had trouble picking between this fic and other fics by the author so check those out too! Also @shatterinseconds is the goat for not only commenting on all my fics, but somehow always being in the comment section of every fic I read.
Hearts Don'/t Break Around Here by klancekorner | 135.5k | Roommates/Childhood Best Friends
This fic is a classic in the KL fandom but I still don't hear it talked about enough!! I don't usually like childhood best friends trope that much but this fic made me LOVE it!!! It also portrays Lance's anxiety and Keith's avoidance so so well and shows them growing up beautifully.
Cores of Diamond by speaks/@speakswords | 25.6k | Friends with Benefits
One time I lost this fic in my bookmarks and spent a whole day trying to find it. It's such a good depiction of the way KL don't always see eye to eye due to a lack of proper communication and bridging that gap between them. Has NSFW scenes!
Where the water meets the sky by speaks/@speakswords | 106.3k | Mer!Keith
I NEEDED to rec another speaks fic, this one is unfinished but it ends on a conclusive note. There's themes of growing up, living with changes, reunions, and also lots and lots of feelings.
got got got it bad by kairiolette | 10.3k | Post-War | Pining Keith
This one is also pretty popular. It's so so funny. And so real. Keith goes through the five stages of grief as he realizes he loves Lance and like. Of course he would do that. Really sweet.
so kiss me (kiss me kiss me kiss me) and tuesday's sweetheart (sunday's lover) by hearttpoem | 10k | roommates AU | getting together
This author writes the BEST modern/roommates AU. I love the way KL lives together in their fics and I love the way you can see different love languages in the fics. I was going back and forth between which fic to rec and I chose both these fics cuz I read them all the time!!
Where the apple falls by europa_report/@jupiters-junipers | 130k+ | post-war | comatose
No fic rec list is complete without this fic. This fic is genuinely one of my favorite KL fics, its not finished but I believe the author will finish it. The prose is beautiful and it is an entire emotional rollercoaster. You guys should definitely check this fic out
I've Said Too Much (You Promise I Can't Ever Say Enough) by negativefouriq | 1.8k | Autistic!Lance | Est Relationship
This fic is short, sweet, and such a good depiction of having so many thoughts and wanting to share them all and the anxieties of it. Keith's perspective and his reactions to Lance are very healing to read.
baby, i'll rock your world by AsterikaMay/ @catsushinyakajima | 9.5k | Christmas AU | Gift giving
I am putting one of my fics here lol because I did enjoy writing this one a lot! I keep writing fics about gift giving and pining...this must say something about me ahahah
Part two here
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11queensupreme11 · 9 days ago
okay okay guys i made more personalities for some of the other kids so i'm gonna write them down here!!!!
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metrodora! (2nd eldest perpollo baby, and her name means "Gift of the Mother of Liberty")
not an incest freak or a yan!
(i think you guys might like her lol)
she's a goddess of justice, liberty and freedom, and retribution and i chose these specifically because it's PAINFULLY ironic for her to be the goddess of all of these.... and be the daughter of PERCY, who we all know has been stripped of all of this 💀
cuz just... imagine it. the goddess of justice and your mother's been wronged by so many, one of them being your own father. the goddess of liberty and freedom, but your mother's been stripped of it and chained down.
imagine growing up and coming into your domains and realizing the one person who needs it the most is your own MOTHER and there's nothing you can really do to save her without facing severe consequences 😭
but anyway! 💖
metrodora has a stoic appearance, but it's just a bad case of the resting bitch face. she's actually a very kind and sweet goddess, she's just quiet and reserved. she's serious and no-nonsense, but not to the point of being stifling to others. a bit shy and awkward sometimes because like i said, she's very reserved so she doesn't have many close friends aside from her family.
she's also a maiden goddess! this was a decision she made after realizing the terrible situation her mother's in, so she made a vow of eternal maidenhood out of fear of... well... ending up like her mother 💔
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sirenios! (11th perpollo baby! his name means "Of the Sirens" or "Song of the sea")
as the name implies, he's got a natural full mer form like his mother does AND he's also got her cannibalistic tendencies lol
he's a god of beauty, sound, music, singing, and the sea!
as made obvious from one of his domains, he is the most beautiful of the perpollo kids (and yeah he also inherited a lot of percy's traits hehe). he's pretty vain, narcissistic and arrogant, and honestly a huge snob 😭😭
NOT as snobby as luisne though!!!! he doesn't screech and stomp around; he's more of the time to scoff and turn his nose up and things like that.
he is an incest kid, rip percy 😂😂😂
he is the god of beauty, but he got his looks from his MOTHER. put percy and sirenios side by side and many people would mistake them as twins. so naturally, he sees his mother as the ✨epitome of beauty✨
his father is beautiful too (LMAO), he supposes, but no one is as beautiful as him and his mother 💖
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rozaltha! (a beelcy daughter! her name means "The Unholy Bride/ The Rose Bride")
SHE IS A HUGE YAN LMAO (but not an incest freak tho)
i don't have her domains yet, but i think i'm gonna make her some sort of love and marriage goddess? or maybe just make her domains obsession and lovesickness???? idk yet, i'm still thinking of it
BUT ANYWAY!!!!! she's like those traditional yandere character tropes where they're super sweet but them BAM they go kill crazy for their darling 😭 think yuno gasai! traditional yans like that!
as the name implies, she's big on marriage! she wants to be a wife! she wants a perfect relationship like her mother and father have (which is fucking hilarious cuz this is BEELZEBUB and PERCY she's talking about 😂😂😂)
she's the type to "fall in love" really quickly. she tripped and someone caught her? "they love me! we must marry! 😍"
a handsome person looks at her? "oh my! they've fallen in love with me! do you think that want to marry me? 😍"
you get the gist LMAO
also, notice how i use "they" and not specify the gender? yeah, she doesn't care if it's a girl or a dude or a they. she just wants someone to take the "husband" role; she's a traditional gal too so it's gotta be someone who will take care of her, spoil and dote on her, etc. basically, a mirror of beelcy's relationship where rozaltha is like her mother and her ideal partner is like her father
anyway, like i said. she's a HUGE yan. the second she feels like her "husband"s attention is straying, her heart breaks and she loses it and kills them because how DARE they betray her like this 😭💔 or maybe they yell at her (they're calling her crazy because she kidnapped them), she'll kill them for hurting her feelings -- that's not how a husband treats their wife! 😭💔
poor girl just wants someone to love her. she wants the ideal relationship, a pure and beautiful romance just like her parents! 🥺💖💖💖
(ALSO! she doesn't care what species they are! human, god, demon, merfolk, satyr, nymph, WHATEVER! she doesn't care! just take care of her!!!!)
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fiachra! a sécy daughter!
a pretty lowkey yandere tbh.
if you recall, fiachra's one of the kids who inherited percy's cannibalistic tendencies and i made an earlier post about how i plan for fiachra to accidentally/somehow get a taste of a god's blood and grow obsessed with them because they just taste SO good
why i said she isn't THAT bad of a yan is that she does at least TRY to curb her desires 🥺
sécy daughters are good at (nonexistent) heart, most are just sheltered and naive thanks to their father. they're very very new to romance thanks to it, so poor girl's very confused about these blossoming feelings. she's read romance books before, is that what's happening to her? is she... in love with this god?
or does she just see them as food? they taste so good... but they are also pretty good looking... is this love? she wants to see this person again, wants to be around them more, and wants to eat them? is this love?! she's so confused 🥺💔💔💔
the thought of them makes her feel SO good though! the ichor floods to her face and she feels all nice and fuzzy inside! she wants to hug them and kiss them and sink her fangs in their neck -- no! wait! that's not nice! she shouldn't hurt people, that's what her mother taught her!
love is just so complicated for her 🥺💔
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clíona! another sécy daughter!
i'm thinking of making her a wilderness/nature goddess, but i'll think of that later lol. i just got the idea cuz of the antlers on her head. maybe i'll make deer her sacred animal?? 🤔
hyperactive joy of the palace! she's just cheery and sweet, it really fits her name "little darling" 🥰
can't sit still, she wants to run around in the forest and play with the animals and fae and other woodly creatures in the otherworld! but well... you know cú chulainn 💀 idiot has all his daughters and wife in lockdown like 25/8 😭
BUT she begged and begged and begged and he finally caved. fortunately, celtics are big on nature so their palace is already surrounded by a lush forest. cú chulainn lets her run around once more protective barriers are put in place so his baby can enjoy the nature 💖 the other kids can join too, they just canNOT go passed their territory or he'll lose his shit 💀
honestly, she has such huge puppy girl energy just like her mom but times it by 10 😂 always sparkly and wide-eyed, with the 90 degree head tilts, imaginary dog tail wagging 😂😂😂 (she's almost as hyperactive as anubis! which says a lot lol)
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nebamon! an anuby baby! (his nickname is "moni" like "money" btw hehe; also has his mother's cannibalistic tendencies)
anyway, yeah his appearance is weird but really, i just liked the fc so i struggled to think of an explanation as to why he looked like that BUT then i realized that egyptian gods had like... a thing for looking like/resembling/or at least SOME sort of relation to an animal/insect
so.... i picked... AN ANT! 😂 i mean... it fits! ants have five eyes and antennae (they're actually horns in the pic, but just pretend they're antennae 💔). anyway, he's the god of riches and treasures!
also........ imma be honest guys, i based his personality off of mammon from obey me 😭😭😭😭😭
so expect him to be very immature, greedy, prideful, boastful, and a bit of (lovable) moron 😂
HE LOVES HIS FAMILY THOUGH! i mean, he was raised by anubis and percy, ofc he'd be big on family 💖💖💖 so while he absolutely would playfully threaten to sell one of his siblings for a corn chip, he wouldn't actually do it 🥺💖
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nebkhetu! another anuby baby who has mommy's cannibalistic tendencies)
idk if you guys remember, but i got one of his domains from hsr aeons LMAO 😭. he's a sheep god who's domains are abundance (his name literally translates to "lord of abdundance"), fertility, harvest, agriculture, and sex.
a very flirtatious and sultry god who enjoys seducing others. he sleeps around a shit ton so yeah, he's a whore 💀 even worse, he's the god of FERTILITY which also falls under making fertile lands but ALSO sexual reproduction 😭😭😭 percy's ripping her hair out trying to prevent her kid from becoming a deadbeat but he just wants to keep breeding 😭💔
"if you don't help your partners prevent pregnancy, I WILL FIND A WAY TO PERMANENTLY REMOVE YOUR PENIS, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"
"y-yes mother.... 😨"
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anthenara! the eldest percades child! she's the one with the domain of blood and has her mother's cannibalistic tendencies
an yandere incest freak but NOT for her mom, but..... for her BROTHER lmao
(i think i'm gonna make it damasios???)
anyway, you know that "ara ara" nee-san meme???? yeah that's her 😍
elegant (like her father!), sultry, coy, and seductive, but EXTREMELY protective of her family. she's the first born after all, and she loves all her little baby siblings, but she loves one of them just a liiiiiitle too much 😜
even with her mother, she's protective and sometimes she can't help but treat percy as if she's one of her own little siblings which is hilarious 😂😂😂 anthenara just has strong motherly insticts okay? she's very caring and protective and percy looks and sometimes even acts younger than her LMAO
similarly to hades, she tends to be patronizing, (especially to damasios).
"oh, darling brother, are you sure you want to kill that man? perhaps i should do it for you 💖"
"you're too young to hear about this nasty talk, sweetie, why don't you go upstairs and play? 💖"
"oh my, are you disobeying your big sister~? 💖"
her family is all she cares about, she doesn't care for any outsiders and she ESPECIALLY doesn't trust poseidon or the posy children since she's aware that poseidon had killed her elder half-brother that she never got to meet 💔
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muletia · 7 days ago
so, since in the merformers au our favorite men are all fishies, doesn’t that mean they reproduce through eggs? If so, I’d like to imagine that sometimes (since I usually hc all chars have both valves and spike since they’re upgrades and not apart of them technically), sometimes mates will take turns carrying the eggs (or fight for who has to like that one species of fish i forgor about 💀💀), so imagine the mer’s confusion when their mate (User/You) doesn’t lay eggs in them. Also Inlike to think the reason mers may have dens is to protect their eggs/young, because eggs cannot defend themselves, and young are very vulnerable until they’re groa. And on topic, I wonder how they would feed their young? Would they secrete a milk like substance for them to eat (like some fish do!) or feed them like baby birds? :< sorry im just so into merformers rahhh. its my two favorite things combined in one au!
Oviposition people are gonna have a field day with this
Personally, I’m not super into eggs (though that might change because I’m highly susceptible to gaslighting lmao), but the idea of an oblivious Mer excitedly waiting to start feeling the product of their love with their human mate growing in their belly only for someone to later explain to him that humans don’t reproduce that way is very funny to me
Maybe for Merformers, the method of reproduction depends on their lower half? If they’re based on a blue whale, for example, they’d be viviparous (giving birth to live young), but if they’re based on a clownfish, they’d lay eggs. Though that might be a little problematic for the entire species, so idk, just throwing ideas out there.
But I really love the idea of them building dens/nests for their young! I can totally imagine Merformers decorating them with shells and colorful stones. And as for feeding, maybe the little ones start eating solid food right away?
And don’t apologize! I love brainstorming with you guys! <3
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inuiiwonderland · 1 year ago
Twisted captivity
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Chapter 1
Twst third years x fem reader
A/n: here is the first chapter of my new series “twisted captivity” !! Again this is a yandere series so it will have some dark themes! Also, the first couple chapters will be more on the short side since It has been a while since I wrote anything and also because of my major writers block and motivation for writing. So I’m taking baby steps rn lol. But I genuinely wanna write this since it’s been on my mind for MONTHS! So enough about my rambling I really hope you guys enjoy this!
You walked down the long hallway as Crowley explained to you the rules and things you would be in charge of.
“Since your father told me you’re a researcher, you will be in charge of writing down every detail and interaction you have with the mers and also help us understand more about them and their biology!”
You simply nodded, still not believing that he has REAL mermaids and mermen’s in his care.
“You will also be in charge of feeding them, cleaning and taking care of their tanks! Though do be careful, some of them can be very wary and may attack when they feel threatened!”
“Ah that’s…good to know”
“Great! Now it’s time for you to come meet them so follow me” You followed him as he led you down a long hallway before walking through a double door which led you to a giant lab. In there you can see a big window as people rush in all sorts of directions.
“This is our lab! Here we run all our experiments and test” Your eyes grow wide as you see a couple of people roll in a big cart with an equally large tank which has a mermaid inside.
The poor thing was thrashing around in the tank as she clawed on the glass. The tank must have been made with really strong glass since it didn’t crack or break by how hard the poor thing was banging on it. The cart was rolled to another room, which you did NOT want to know about.
“Don’t worry she’ll be fine”
Something tells you she wouldn’t….
“Come follow me! I’ll show you the less aggressive ones first”
Okay now you were slowly starting to regret this
Maybe you should’ve stayed home and made yourself a good meal as you watched your favorite show. But no, you decided to show up instead.
What if this is all illegal? What if the government or whoever doesn’t even know such a thing exists?! Or maybe Crowley is working for the government?!
As you begin to panic, you accidentally bump into said man as he comes to a stop.
“We’re here!” You step aside and you stare in awe as you are met with a beautiful sight.
The place looked absolutely gorgeous. It definitely didn’t look like it belonged in a research facility.
The place had a huge waterfall along with some beautiful trees and huge rocks and caves. You noticed a bridge in the center of it all and it had beautiful long vines surrounding it.
This definitely looked like it came from a fairy tale
“Welcome to the heartslabyul enclosure!” He says with a big smile.
“This place is so…”
“Amazing right? I’m glad you think so because I spent millions on this place!”
“Hey Crowley!” You both turned around to see a man with black and white hair. The man looked annoyed as he glared down at Crowley.
“Ah! Crewel! Nice seeing you here today, say why are you here?” The man scowled.
“I work here you idiot”
“Hey now that’s not a good way to talk to your boss! I have a new worker here with me and you can’t make it seem like calling me an idiot is okay!” Crowley says as crewel turns to look at you.
“You should still run while you have the chance” He says which causes Crowley to gasp.
You just awkwardly laugh as crewel and Crowley continue to bicker back and forth. You step away from the two as you decide to explore the area a bit more.
You walk down the bridge and to a small path that leads you to another beautiful part of the area. As you continued exploring, you didn’t notice the pair of eyes that peeked from under one of the lily pads.
Red eyes followed you as you continued to walk down the path.
Weird….never seen her around before
He watches you like a hawk before quickly ducking down as you turn around.
You eye the water curiously
“Weird….could’ve sworn I heard something” As you were about to walk a little closer towards the water, the sound of your name being called made you stop. You look up to see Crowley waving at you from the bridge.
“Come! I have more things to discuss with you in my office!” You just nodded but before you left, you looked back at the water one last time before walking away and to where crowley was.
As you leave, the boy slowly comes back up with curious eyes.
She looks nice….
Again sorry for such a short chapter😓 but as I said, baby steps!
Taglist: @ruisann @roseapov @0ffth3rec0rd @anunholyabomination
Ask if you wanna be put on the taglist!
Also! Reader will have more like a mother/older sister relationship with the 1st and 2nd years! I will explain more as the story goes:)
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osleeplessflowero · 10 months ago
Oneshot Masterpost
A collection of my oneshots! Series gradually being updated. These links are specific to Tumblr, BUT I have also posted quite a few of these on my Ao3! I also have fics on there, which I will also be making a masterpost for + uploading the chapters to tumblr.
🏡Neighborhood Series🏡
A series of randomized oneshots that take place in the same universe, a timeline where the skeleton duos all live in their own houses in a singular neighborhood. This will contain skeleharem elements, as well as individual oneshots for equal screentime.
In order:
{Lore Related v}
🌠Stargazing (Classic Sans! First oneshot I wrote.)🔭
✨Back To You (Also Classic, takes place a little bit after the former.)💤
🎸Concert Night (Fell!Sans)🎵
🌨️Sans and Red have a talk.❄️
{Out Of Order/Bonus Content v}
🏍Stress Relief (Fell/Red!)💢
📻Close (Blue/Reader) 🎵
🏖Beach Day (Swap Bros!)🌊
☕️Relax. (Fell Paps/Edge!)❄️
🌃Late Night Walk (Rus/Reader)🛹
🪓Scare Actor!Horror🎃
A series mainly themed for Halloween where Reader has a chance encounter with Horror while going to a Haunted House with their partner. Takes place in a Post-Pacifist Horrortale timeline, so Horror goes by Sans.
Part 1: Scares and a Sudden Friendship🎃🪓
Part 2: Coffee Hangout☕
Part 3: New Experiences // Meeting Papyrus!🥄
Part 4: A Better Haunted House🧡
📖Fairytale Series🪄
A series of miscellaneous fairytale-based scenarios featuring your favorite skeletons. Some may have connections to others!
👑King!Nightmare/Ruler!Reader(Start of a Bad Sanses series)💢
🌹King!Dream/Ruler!Reader (An alternate timeline to the former concept)🪄
An AU where Stretch and Blue live on a ranch and work as cowboys. The other skeletons ARE present in other areas, but this mainly just focuses on Stretch and his growing relationship with Reader. Could be considered Farmtale inspired.
🥃Part 1: howdy.🍯
🐴Part 2: Going for a ride🏇
💚Nightmare/Multiverse Traveler!Reader✨
An endless(?) game of Cat and Mouse, where Nightmare chases Reader across the Multiverse in order to finally be with them. Mutual pining, we love to see it!!
Part 1: Chasing🌌
Part 2: Blooms. (Angst)🥀
Part 3: A Violent Variant🔪
🖤Bad Sanses🔪
A collection of scenarios with everybody's favorite villains.
🎃Pumpkin Carving! (was originally a part of a now cancelled Halloween writing challenge series.)
☃️Snow Day! (Christmas Special)🌨
🛝i'm here. (Dust Comfort)💜
🔪"Knife" To Meet'cha (Killer/Reader #1)🍻
🌹Falling For Ya (Killer/Reader #2(?) ) 🌃
🔒Cornered (Dust/Reader) (Kinda steamy)💜
🌌Alone With You (Dust/Reader)💕
📚Tired (Nightmare/Reader, Reverse Comfort)🍵
A scenario where Reader is an amalgamate of several different Reader souls, and is hopelessly in love with Science/Classic? Sans.
🧪Part 1: me and the amalgamate i pulled by being a punny guy 🔒
🤍Part 2: Soulmates?!🤍
Standalone Oneshots
Oneshots that haven't been made into series yet/are intended to be by themselves.
☔️Chance Encounter (Dream/Reader)🚍
🎶Dream/Fem Reader (Requested)🌳
💌Messages + Confessions (Error/Reader)📄
🛍First Meeting (Fell Papyrus/Edge!/Fem Reader)🐾 (Requested)
🫧Into The Sea (Merman!Blue/Reader)🌊
☕Home (Cross/Reader)🏠 (Requested)
Star Sanses HQ Shenanigans(Star Sanses & Reader [Platonic]) (Requested)
Flirting With Death (Reaper/Immune!Reader) (Requested)
🎡Carnival Date (Classic!Papyrus/Reader) (Requested)🧣
😱Frightening New Friend (Horror!Papyrus & Reader)🎃 [Halloween Special]
🌊A Light In The Depths (Mer!Nightmare/Reader)🤿
😳Crushing (Cross x Swap Universe!Reader) (Requested)💜
🛞Immune (Siren!Nightmare/Reader)⛵
🩹(Platonic)Fell Sans & Reader Hurt/Comfort (Requested)❤️‍🩹
🌑Bittersweet (Flirty Vampire!Nightmare x Vampire Hunter!Reader)🗡️
Pocky Game (Error/Reader) (Requested)
My oneshot requests are currently closed, but I will let all of you know when/if they're open again! Feel free to send in Asks otherwise :]
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amethystfairy1 · 2 months ago
Amethyst I'm here to yell about TT
I mean I've left a stream of comments so most of my thoughts are there, but I'm gonna try and scrap them together because I'm actually stunned and I need you to know how much I loved it
Also this may prove to be harder than expected considering both my mind and my heart feel too empty and too full at the same time... dunno how you did it, but I'm impressed
So we start with our Swagon (Swaggon?) Family because ohhh I love them so, so, so much and alfjdkfjfs I don't know how to articulate it but they're all so dear to me (I'll admit Scar's my favourite by a teensy bit) and I've just reached the end so they're healing thank the gods
The way Mumbo stepped up when it was all falling apart, the way he doesn't really know how to deal with emotions but he still tries, the way he and Scar work together the way he strives to be a gentlemanly rogue the way he had no clue why Scar wanted to buy Grian but he went along anyway and now he cares so, so much
The way Scar cons his way through life, the way he instantly decided that he was taking Grian when he saw him, the always knew how to make his way around Grian's struggles the way he took the final kill on the Duke so Mumbo wouldn't have to. The way he was the one who messed up so badly and beat himself up about it so much, but it's okay in the end. Because you're allowed to make mistakes, so long as you don't let them define you (/ref :D)
The way Grian is slowly healing from all the hurt, the way he's been learning that what he wants matters, the way he teases and has fun and flies and is more alive now because he deserves it, he deserves it all even if it's so hard for him to believe
The way Pearl is in a similar boat, the way they found each other and it took so much for them to break down all those barriers to just say each other's names, the way she, though some crazy coincidence, has had a year of learning and joy with Gem the way it took so much to just say her name but she still did it the way she's slowly learning and becoming happier just like her brother ("he's his Gem") (shattered my heart for the umpteenth time btw) (absolutely beautiful)
Gem and her batshit insane-ness and how she cares for Pearl so, so much and her huge bloody sword that she doesn't let Zed upgrade (dude she's already terrifying enough can you imagine her with a sword made by Zed's full skill??) and the fact that she dropped the bounty instantly, even though it would break the streak she worked hard for and was proud of, just because Pearl asked
There's so many this is so long I'm so sorry (not really) (i am sorry that it's hardly coherent)
There's Impulse with his heart of gold who's so strong for keeping it even in such a cruel world, Skizz who's had it so, so rough but is still fighting for himself (please dude Impulse is a sweetheart don't kill him) (I really don't think it'd be that easy though- this guy also has a massive battle-axe) (though tbf Skizz is probably very strong... avian things)
Zed and Tango too- oh I love them they're so sweet... Tango slowly letting his guard down and un-learning all the habits he's had to develop in ten years of pain, Zed literally just getting him in a spur of the moment but then growing to care so deeply and standing up for and protecting him without question
Jimmy and the way he finally saw hope through a stubborn mer, the way he has such a myriad of issues to work thorugh, but he's really trying, the way he's not quite ready to say his name yet, the way he wants to because he loves Scott and he wants him to know him
Scott and his stubbornness and his magic and his sharp quips and the way he instantly saw Jimmy as part of his operation to get free, the way he left behind a whole whirlpool of struggles and issues (as evidenced by the apparently still-there hurricane??) and landed in an even worse situation but never lost himself
Martyn (another one who managed to become a favourite) and his magic (which I'd really like to see him use offensively) (we got Mumbo and Scar and such already and I loved it, so... pretty please? /lh no pressure ofc) and the way he grew attached to Ren so quickly, and the way he grappled so much with how he felt because he never wanted to make Ren fake that, the way he healed Scott because he saw how much Jimmy cared the way he doesn't understand their struggle but he's trying
Ren and his masks and how undyingly loyal he is and how much he cares and how hard it was for him to get through to himself, and how he really didn't believe that he could be happy and how his hair means some sort of connection to him and how he was glad the collar was activated because he really, truly wanted Martyn to understand that he meant it
And poor Etho, he's been dealt such a cruel hand. I hope he can heal... though i think that's a loooong ways away
So many people, so many connections! And we've only just gotten one out of the several reunions waiting to happen (very excited for that)
The magic in this one is so cool btw, I love it in all its different forms and quirks (as evidenced by my favourites, I think xD)
"You're on the other side of the storm now" - was the most satisfying thing I have ever read, oml it was incredible!! We got to see Mumbo furious and using his magic! And the roots thing was very cool (and incredibly terrifying if you think about it for longer than two seconds) I was hoping would be used when Scar mentioned it and it was so much better than I expected
And I now have a lovely mental list of people I want to punt into the sun! :D
This is really long and barely coherent I feel like, and I'm undoubtedly forgetting a bunch of things, so my apologies for that lmao
But all that is to say that I'm so glad you've written this and I'm very glad I jumped past my anxiety about heavy angst (it was well balanced, so I actually enjoyed it) (complements for that too! <3) and gave it a try
I feel slightly more normal now
Have a lovely timezone, and thanks for writing! <3
So so so SOOOO much fun! I'm so glad you're enjoying TT! Thanks so much for reading!
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lilafunger · 2 months ago
Overly Specific Headcanons about the Religious Sect Olivia and Reila grew up with!
I am Terminally autistic about both cults and generally just Intense and Not So Good For People sects of Christianity and I enjoy thinking about my blorbos' upbringings, so I thought I'd do some Research on real life religious stuff and come up with some headcanons based on all that. I might do the same thing with some of the other characters, because thinking about this is super fun to me, but tbh, doing it with the (ex) Alll-merian guys is probably going to be easiest, because I can lean moreso onto Christianity as an inspiration for practices. anyway yapping under cut V Discussion of some real life religious stuff and also of ableism down there.
FIRSTLY I had to figure out which subdenoms I wanted to take inspiration from, so naturally I started by looking up which ones were most Popular in Germany during the 1930s, around the equivalent of where Olivia and Reila were growing up. It was pretty split between Catholicism and Protestantism, in this particular timeframe of WWII and a short while during the buildup toward it, there seems to have been a sect called The German Evangelical Church, which was much too intertwined with the state and injected much too much Nazi propaganda into its preaching. I'm not gonna go into that too much! Mostly because that's a wildly upsetting topic for a LOT of people and not really necessary, as Funger's own Kaiser has his own slew of horrors he's been getting up to. The German Evangelical Church was sort of a mix of denominations, one of the key figures of which was Lutheranism!
SO. Basically, the Church I'm imagining the Haas family as having grown up with would be a fairly extreme sect of Lutheranist-inspired Alll-merianism with a REAL healthy dose of Kaiser Propaganda in there. I ended up researching a mixture of the German Evangelical Church, hyperconservative and apparently quite cultlike Lutheran sects like WELS.
I think I'll call it the Bremen Evangelical Alll-merian Synod or BEAS...
I don't think the sect is very uh... Pro Science at all. Reject Fallible Human Reason and Embrace Only the Most Literal Interpretation Of Our Alll-merian Texts! Don't look for information from outsiders, you have to be careful of getting caught up in False Doctrine! (In fact, just don't trust other people.) But yea, I think the rejection of human reason and of science fits well with the twins' parents utter reluctance to get her actual help for her condition. and ALSO imagining it having been that way makes the fact both of them grew up to be so academic very satisfying to me.
Very very literal about their Interpretations of The Texts. Very Very Very Literal.
At WELS schools at least, it sounds like there's quite a major culture of No Privacy!!! We just come into your room! Which reminded me of how Ever-watching Olivia and Reilas' parents are described as having been. So I think I can mentally expand on that and make a Thing of it.
I wonder what the Alll-merian equivalent of Luther's Poop Covered In Snow analogy for his ideas on Original Sin is... I'm not actually sure, I'd have to figure out more about the in-universe ideas about sin and stuff. But humans are nasty poop covered in the righteousness of the ascended one. Don't become too self loathing about that.
NOW. Keeping in mind Le'garde's goal of "Uniting" the world, I think one way his nonsense leaks into BEAS is through Mission work!! Good Deeds won't save people, proselytising will! Kinda like the Mormon approach to mission work perhaps? Veeeeeery heavy on the importance of getting people ALL OVER THE PLACE baptised in Alll-mer's name. Just Alll-mer's, definitely not the Yellow King's.
Man this is less about Religion headcanons and more about the twins' upbringing in general but I am Quickly beginning to imagine the parents favouring Reila faaaaaaaar too much. On top of how people can be about disabled people in general, which I could talk about so so much but I won't right now. But I think between her having spent so much of her youth bedbound (she wont be able to grow up and EVANGELISE :( ) and the lack of respect for her particular interests and talents, I think it would be very easy for her to be reduced to being sort of a burden in their eyes. Radiating and Shadowed,,,,
On that note, I did some looking into the real life beliefs about disabled people. What I found was that there's a lot of referring to it as A Way For The Works Of God To Be Displayed In Them and as A Manifestation Of Original Sin. I am... Less sure of how this would be translated to this universe through an Alll-merian lens. Also Martin Luther Himself I believe was a little too pro Murdering Disabled People, identifying at least one kid as a changeling, so the vibes around disabled people in a religious sect partially inspired by WELS can only be... Just. Great. I've heard at least that it's not great to be disabled in that group, but it's hard to find any specific info.
Because of the intensity about the scripture being the only infallible thing, I imagine the Bremen Evangelicals reject Enki's writings of Alll-mer as a creation of Vitruvia, much preferring the original Virgin Mother story.
Leaning into the WELS inspiration and what little I know of that, I think the community can be sort of a popularity contest so to speak...
Maybe Le'garde's goal of uniting the land to bring about a new era is twisted into something wholly unrelated for BEAS, like We All Have To Bring About The New Era for The Second Coming! or something along those lines.
Lutherans in general are in favour of secular healthcare, but Olivia and Reilas' parents notably and canonically are Not... Maybe it's because it's a much more intense group. Don't trust the fallible knowledge of random outsiders, no matter how many degrees they have! We Trust In Alll-mer!
I think the Lutherans are fairly unique in that they do a Last Supper type sacrament that other denoms don't?? idk. But maybe BEAS has some fucked up rituals they do based on that... Considering the nature of Fear and Hunger's setting, maybe in the most most most closed off scary places (Probably not on the kinda scale where Olivia would have seen or been involved in it) some shit like Crucifying your local Sin Eater and then eating THEM! This not wine blood actually is a symbol of Alll-mer's divine blood and this not bread flesh actually is a symbol of Alll-mer's divine flesh! :) yummy
I might think More on this another time but I'm getting tired so this is what you get for now. Feel free to add onto this if you have any ideas :0
i might well be onto NOTHING here but it is fun to think about
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merakiui · 1 year ago
How do you think the octavinelle trio might react if you accidentally moaned another man's name during sexy time...? 👀
It's another man added to Jade's ever-growing to-kill (or, at the very least, to-psychologically torment) list. :) he pretends he didn't hear it, so when you finally moan Jade's name he'll smile and tilt his head at you. "Oh, but a few moments ago I was [insert man's name here]." The raw horror that immediately soaks into your countenance is very amusing to him, and if anything it gives him more incentive to rail you so good you'll forget all about that man.
Floyd shoves his fingers in your mouth to open it wider, nearly choking you. "Hmmmm? What was that, lil Shrimpy??? Wanna run that one by me again?" he jeers, removing his saliva-coated digits to grip your jaw in a tight hold. Though his voice is sunny, the look in his eyes is anything but. And when you tighten up around him, he laughs at you for getting excited by the threat. (He'll remember that guy's name...)
It immediately sobers Azul and tugs him out of his lustful daze. It stings his heart to know that you're thinking of someone else when he's made it quite clear that he's all you need. Azul tries not to take his envy out on you, but he's just so upset. He marks you all over with plenty of love bites, goes so many rounds and cums inside so much that it's pooling out of your poor, abused hole, and if he's really determined to make it known that no other man could ever love you like he does he might fuck you in his mer form, if only so he can litter your skin in marks from his suckers. He makes you scream his name. After all, it's not that man who's making you feel this good. It's Azul. You'd do well to remember that.
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luciddreamingcrow · 2 years ago
The gem mermaids x maid/butler! reader + ART!
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Cw!: THERE IS NO AGE GAP! this fanfic is not intended to be read as you and the characters having a age gap it's clearly written for you two to be the same age! I just wanna make this clear because I don't want people to misinterpret the dynamic of this fan fic. And it's not proofread!
Characters present: Crimson Coral cookie, Mystical Opal cookie, Golden Citrine cookie and Aquamarine cookie
Dynamics present: childhood friends to lovers, fluff, confessions, before dating,
Ah the gem mermaids, so majestic and all of them can take your breath away just by looking at you but it just so happened that you are their favourite <3
When you were as young as them, your mer parents explained that you are the young gem mermaids source of happiness, they trust you and cherish you, and as you two grew up they still feel how their heart is captured by you and only you <333
.𖥔 ݁ ˖Crimson coral cookie.𖥔 ݁ ˖
"Just like you looked out for me when I was hurt, I'll always do the same for you"
✧When you just started to serve for the gem mermaids you were assigned to accompany the young crimson coral cookie
✦When she would train and learn how to ride the sea horses you always kept a really close eye on her, you never wanted for your lady to be hurt after all!
✧And if she did get hurt in the process you'd always hurry to check if she was injured and if she was then you'd always have some extra kelp to patch up her wounds
✦Even if she was hurting she couldn't help but feel always way better when she would hear your voice, it calmed her down and brought her down to earth and distracted her from her injuries
✧As you grew older she always insisted that you take more frequent breaks because she hated when you'd feel burned out
✦As you were teens she had a rebellious phase and she often insisted on taking you on a ride on her sea horse and explore beyond Tearcrown, sometimes she'd even sneak out quality foods and sweets that only loyalty could eat so you can have at least a taste.
✧After growing up she accepted that she has feelings for you and sees you as equal, and one day as she took you to your childhood favourite spot and there she confessed in the privacy of your secret place, and as you sat there you two made two bracelets for eachother that represented your love for each other
✦And by her orders she explained to the guards that she would feel way safer if you'd join her for the night and that's how now you guys are cuddling close, to each others arms, and this action always brings crimson coral closure and piece
✧She really likes holding you and you holding her, her entire day schedule is filled with little to to physical touch, so, at the end of the day, having you in her grasp, just brings her so much happiness and just a calm feeling that drives her to a peaceful slumber.
Also if you are curious about how the sweets look like, they look like those muffins from the mermaid Barbie movie + that coral looking cake🤭
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(she's shushing u so u two won't get caught)
Mystic Opal cookie
"To be honest, I wouldn't know what I would have done without you"
𖤓One thing she vividly remembers is this specific scenario from when she was younger:
𖤓'sat in front of the mirror, and some of her sisters trying their best to untangle her hair without it biting their arms off, so her hair would always be unstylised and sometimes tangled in which thay would make her quite insecure'
𖤓But when she heard that you'd be a sort of personal maid/butler for her she was kind of concerned how her hair would react because she didn't want it to intimate you or hurt you
𖤓But surprisingly it didn't really have a problem with you, it didn't have a problem with you touching it, brushing it and overall styling it. She was in awe when you managed to do it for the first time and from then on she insisted that you'd help her with this matter
𖤓Slowly by having hair styling sessions you two would talk with eachother and open up about past experiences, what you liked and didn't like etc etc.
𖤓And as time went by you two became inseparable, and because of her more closed off nature she really placed a lot trust in you, she'd always trust you with some more sensitive feelings of hers and she'd always appreciate the way you'd reassure her and your presence would always make her feel better.
𖤓After a while when she noticed she had feelings she mostly kept them to herself, of course you are the one that she trusts the most, but it felt like something so intimate that she just had to keep it in
𖤓But even if it was a secret, her actions weren't repressed one bit, now she'd subconsciously stand closer to you, her finns would flapp and rice up when she'd see you and the star that hangs at the back of her head would glow just a little brighter.
𖤓And Golden Citrine cookie teased the hell out of Mystic Opal when she caught up with her infatuation with you and by the end encouraged her to confess because by the end of the day she can't just hide her feelings forever
𖤓And she took het sisters advice at heart and the hole week she was preparing herself to confess but by the end of the week she was so stressed about confessing to you that she accidentally distanced herself away from you
𖤓And as you were preparing her hair for her night routine before bed you questioned if you did something to upset her, at that moment she realised she can't take it no longer and just let it all out
𖤓By the end, she ended up crying because it was never her intention to hurt you because you were so beloved to her but she was afraid how you'd react but by the end after comforting her and taking about it she gave you the most gentle kiss on the cheek
𖤓Even if that is one of her first relationships, she's actually a really good partner, she's calm collected and when you two are alone she feels so safe with you that she lets herself and her emotions to be vulnerable without worrying about any sort of judgement
𖤓She feels so happy and comfortable with you, she just wished she could give you all of the love of the sea just for you to have
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Golden Citrine cookie
"Wanna join me on another trinket hunt?"
❂When she first met you the very first thing that she did was bring her to her room to show you the various golden trinkets that she found from those hollow whales!
❂They all looked to mesmerized undet the moonlight and their reflection could easily light up her room with a really soft golden light
❂She mostly would sneak you out Tearcrown so you'd have some time alone and find more trinkets for her to add to her collection
❂At these treasure hunting trips she'd be as exited to talk and rant about how some things tip her off, just like how crimson coral doesn't really get her sarcasm but she'd be as excited to hear more about you!
❂She'd always insists in you joining the rest of the gem mermaids everywhere because she considers you as family and deeply cares about you
❂Another thing you'd do together was cleaning up any dirty trinkets, because after all she wants them to shine brightly under the sun and the moon light!
❂She has a surprisingly good maintained hair! She just enjoys not having it tied up and letting it free so she never really insisted on having hair care sessions because it was so easily maintainable
❂The moment she realised she had feelings for you is when you two would on one of your treasure/trinket hunting adventures and you'd look so interested in her little rant on how much she loves her shiny jewelry, your expression was so focused and interested on what she had to say that she outright confessed right here and there!
❂Of course later on, around that night before coming back to Tearcrown she said that she genuinely ment it and that she truly really does adore you and asked you properly if you'd like to be her partner
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Aquamarine cookie
"Today I found a new flower that never has seen before and I named it after you"
.𖥔 ݁ ˖Ooooo she remembers so clearly how when you first showed up she instantly just brought you to her garden!
.𖥔 ݁ ˖Aquamarines garden was a old greenhouse that eventually got sinked by the sea so she made herself a home there
.𖥔 ݁ ˖You'd mostly help out with different tasks in her garden like: caring out different types of sand/soils that her plants need
.𖥔 ݁ ˖Or she'd join you by going to far away markets to get new seeds for her garden and even when talking care of the plants she'd rant on and on about their properties, from where they originated, how to properly take care of them ect.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖One day she was sick so she couldn't attend the garden and you were nowhere to be found, she wanted to start looking for you because your presence comforted her but her sisters insisted on her resting
.𖥔 ݁ ˖But once everyone was asleep she sneaked out her room and started looking out for you, once she was ready to give up she decided to see how her garden was doing
.𖥔 ݁ ˖To her surprise she found you there! You were half asleep taking care of the last plant that needed care
.𖥔 ݁ ˖She felt as her heart quickened and warmed up, and as she gently swam at you and brought you to her embrace just to take you to her room for you to rest as well
.𖥔 ݁ ˖Having you near her while she was sleeping and in a vulnerable state she felt so safe, even if there was nothing to worry about she felt protected and she felt like she could protect you at any time
.𖥔 ݁ ˖Her confessing would be at her garden, it would be a lovely night where the moonlight would shine though the glass of the greenhouse giving you two a warm illumination just bright enough to be able to see eachother + some of her bioluminescent plants would be glowing too
.𖥔 ݁ ˖As you two took care of the last plants she took a deep breath and handed you over a flower in a glass sphere, it was so beautiful! It even had the ability to glow in the dark!
.𖥔 ݁ ˖As she handled it to you she took one of your hands and held it as she confessed how much she liked you and how happy you make her so she wanted you to have one of her secret flowers that she kept hidden so noone would steal it
.𖥔 ݁ ˖After getting to a relationship with her it because a tradition to the both of you to grow rare types of plants during the year so when your anniversary comes up you two can give it to eachother as presents in a glass sphere <33
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A/n: as I said in my previous post that I'll be returning on writing regularly on October but inspiration just kicked around 2 am so here we are :D the art is kind of sloppy cuz I did it around 4 am so I'm sorry if it doesn't look the best 😭
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sunthyme · 1 year ago
Hehehe. Part two baby! Be prepared! (Pun absolutely intended) Also, to the people who are yelling the the tags, I love you guys! I read them all and I can't say thank you enough. It genuinely means a ton!🩷🩷🩷
Enough of me being sappy,
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Disclaimer: Savanaclaw is like lowkey my favourite dorm, not in terms of redesigns but I love the characters. Huge Leona fan and Jack and Ruggie are my children so I will not stop talking about them. You have been warned.
First up, though y'all have seen him already,
♟️Leona Kingscholar♟️
(he/him) - Unlabelled but doesn't care about gender
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I snuck in a lil treat of my work in progress housewarden card. The jumpscare it was to toggle my version with the og card underneath, y'all. Am I making my version of pretty much all his cards? Yes. Will they ever be finished? Who knows? Anyways, onto the headcanons...
- Physically, I feel like I changed a lot and not a lot at the same time. I gave him some more scars which I guarantee you are from really stupid accidents.
- Piercing on his ears just cause I felt they fit him and snakebites because (I'm so down bad for them) it gave the illusion of fangs even with his mouth closed. Gave him moles cause they're pretty.
- I textured his hair and gave him a shit ton more because if the og design won't AT LEAST give him fluffier hair, what's the point? Yana Toboso, if you don't give this man a high ponytail in the Clubwear Card, I will hunt you down. Also made his front, larger braids the colour of Cheka's (And presumably Farena's) hair because honestly? They didn't really look similar enough? Also threw in some smaller braid to 'tie' them in more (haha).
- Someone gave him like this cool inverted pupil due to a scene in the movie but I simplified it to basically heterochromia.
- This might be hardly noticeable but I give give him slightly more muscle? I felt it suited him more idk.
- Onto non-physical headcanons, he has 💕depression💕! This is kinda not up for debate given how much he exemplifies the symptoms. Hell, he made me realise that I may have depression cause I was like, "Damn, he's so relatable, not wanting to get out of bed, no motivation to do anything, struggling to care of himself. He just like me frfr- oh..."
- By the way, I see a lot of people talking about Ruggie's reaction to the fallout of Book 2 but I think that on Leona's side, he felt horrible and probably locked himself away for a WHILE. I think his mental state must have been terrible and I'm SO PISSED HIS FCKING PROBLEMS NEVER GOT BROUGHT AGAIN WTF! Well, I'm on Book 4 so maybe???
- Anyways, I saw someone posit he could also be autistic, more on the asymptomatic side which is actually growing on me a lot. Picky eater, doesn't like tighter clothes, not fond of loud noises, smaller things but I'm a fan.
- Really random but I like the idea that he's one of those people who kids love for literally no reason, he just doesn't like to be around them.
- Is actually extremely book smart, though that's kinda already canon but I mean this bitch was a nerd when he was younger. Knows way too much on various topics, especially about his homeland.
- He can purr. I know lion's can't but there are literal mer and fae. He's just a big kitty. My and Idia like 🤞 when it comes to thinking of Leona as just a big meow. I have a cat who doesn't like anyone but I'm her favourite, I could win him over.
I could talk about him for sooooo long tbh so I'll shut up now.
Anyways, now for my boy,
💸Ruggie Bucchi💸
(he/she) Bigender - Biromantic Asexual
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God I love my bigender child.
- I made him black, though probably mixed and gave him vitiligo for both visual flavour and a mild(?) reference to like hyena spots?
- He originally was going to have her hair down but then I realised how many of them had their natural hair already so I gave him dreads? I'll have to render them out at some point.
- Gave her more scars too, since she grew up in a more rough environment. Made his eyes really big and cute 'cause I feel like she can get extras when she hits 'em with the puppy eyes.
- Probably got mad ADHD, has to constantly be fiddling with something or another. Wears spinny rings a lot. He's actually really good at paying attention in class and likes to learn.
- Steals from Leona, whether it's money or items or clothes he leaves out (which, while Leona would never admit, he purposefully leaves out for Ruggie).
- Oh and a post pointed out that hyenas can purr, so have fun with that.
That's mostly it for now, but expect this list to grow lmao.
Now for,
💪Jack Howl💪
(he/him) - Queer (he doesn't know lol, just knows he likes dudes at this point)
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Not me struggling to find a weight emoji (I failed) 😭😭😭
- Ah, I made a reference in the Heartslabyul post about my concern about darker skinned characters with white hair and I was mainly talking about Jack. I also had to make Kiki, and I figured that wolves have pretty naturally salt-and-pepper hair, so why not. I actually love how it looks omg, it's very pretty and marbled.
- Gave him darker skin, since I headcanon him as black but I did see someone who designed him as indigenous so it might change in the future idk. Also it makes his eyes almost glow and I love that for him.
- He gets more scars too, though likely from sports rather than fights or anything.
- He's autistic. Apologies that so many of them are autistic to me, not only am I autistic but like, the way they're written speaks to me. His whole moral compass being the reason for Book 2 playing out like it did was an immediate 'yes' from me. He's my boy and my son and I will fistfight anyone that smack talks him (looking at those Savannaclaw NPCs in one of Deuce's vignettes).
- Oh, I forgot. He listens to K-Pop. I don't know if it?s canon that he has younger siblings, though I totally think he does, but one of them accidentally got him into K-Pop and J-Pop so whenever he's at the gym, that's what he's listening to lmao. Specifically girl groups, he likes them enough that he knows all their names. He insists it's out of respect, which it is but he's also lowkey a stan too lol.
- Generally has a weakness for cute things, even if he doesn't show it. Also a total plant nerd omg. He could instruct you on pretty much any houseplant on how much sunlight and water it needs, seasonal changes, etc.
Final note is that I'll make a separate post about him and Epel, cause I love them and have some headcanons there too.
Now for my ocs!
💎Kiki Adebayo💎
Third Year - (she/her) Transfem - Aromantic Demisexual Sapphic
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- Twisted from Rafiki? I think that's his name, the baboon. I'm crying sobbing throwing up that you can't see her eyes in this.
- She got the white hair since the fur on a baboon is directly white and took inspiration from Dislyte's Isis design. Her eyes are a pale gold like her earrings and she has red to blue eye shadow.
- Natural resting bitch face but she's just tired most of the time. She'd probably be the actual vice housewarden as I think her family has been close to Leona's for a long time, though she earned her spot with her own skills.
- Additionally, I wouldn't call her and Leona 'childhood friends' but she's known him for a long time. She's like, concerned about him as he's changed so much but she also worries that it's not her place. As a result, she tries to make sure Ruggie's not taking on too much and handles most of the dormhead duties herself.
God, she's so pretty omg anyways
👟Mandisa Jelani👟
Second Year - (they/she) Demi-girl - Pansexual
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- Mandisa is also based on the hyenas, though I don't know if her and Ruggie are from the same pack necessarily.
- I gave her scars, moles, and some piercings as well, I just felt like they'd suit her.
- I think she and Jack would be relatively similar in terms of personality, I see her being the gruffer upperclassmen. I think she'd be rather protective of the first years, knowing how harsh the older dorm members can be and she does her best to make everyone feel welcome.
Next up,
🤘Rocío Chávez🤘
Second Year - (she/her but doesn't really care) Transfem - Panromantic Asexual
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You'll never guess who she's based on /j
- My girlie based on Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove! Yes, she is a big and buff bimbo? Himbo? I don't know but she's got a heart of gold and head empty.
- I wanted to keep her physique cause it always annoys me when people genderbend a character but don't keep them proportional to their og design. Mini tangent over, she so silly I love her.
- She and my Yzma character met as first years and have been inseparable since, though I'll talk more about that later.
- Not a massive ton of characterisation sine it's been a while since I've seen this movie too but I'm always open to suggestions.
Finally, my silly
🎸Abayomi Furaha🎸
First Year - (she/they/it) Nonbinary - Bisexual
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- My final baby from Savanaclaw, also based on a hyena. Specifically the lil bug-eyed one, but I gave her a lazy eye instead. Not sure how well that comes across but I tried.
- She's got scars, was definitely bullied as a kid and I think that once the dorm members consider her a part of the pack, they'd be super overprotective as a result.
- That being said, she's more than capable of defending herself as she's good at various martial arts.
- She's into rock music and joined the music club as a result. Probably a drummer or guitarist as I think she's insecure about her voice.
- She and Mandisa are quite close and she convinced them to dye the edges of her hair red. Abayomi wanted touch up hers and managed to get Mandisa in on to lol.
That's all for now! Stay tuned for Octavinelle and thank you so much for reading!
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aria-bun · 2 months ago
All the mermaids have sharp teeth
In which Soren and Corvus talk Read it on ao3!
Seeing Soren brought a small sense of what he could only describe as relief. He was never one for fancy events and being surrounded by many people, but he was like a breath of fresh air in the midst of it all.
Callum had left them a few minutes later, weaving through the mass of people.
“Oh, actually, I got you something.” Corvus reached into his bag to find the small ceramic statue.
“You didn’t have to do that– I didn’t get you anything-” Soren started, his earfins flashing briefly. He wasn’t aware that mer fins were able to glow.
He’d write that down later.
“I wanted to. Plus, it reminded me of you.” He pulled out the small ceramic sheep statue, handing it to him.
Soren took the small statue and looked at it. “...I’m sorry, what is it?”
Corvus smiled. “It’s a sheep.”
He paused for a moment before laughing. “I’m sorry- I’ve never seen sheep before.” His smile, Corvus learned, was very cute. 
And very contagious. Corvus found himself smiling as well, analyzing the planes of Soren’s face.
He had a single light freckle on the side of his nose.
The right side of his mouth seemed to raise higher than the left when he smiled.
His thinner eyelid (membrane?) flicked up temporarily, one hand shielding above his eyes while he looked at the statue. “I didn’t realize they had horns.”
“Some do. None of the ones I’ve seen in person, though. Also, I figured the ceramic would make it so it wouldn’t float away easily.”
Soren looked at him, lowering his hand and sliding his inner membrane back over his eyes.”Thank you, Corvus. This means a lot to me.”
“I’m glad.” He tilted his head slightly, looking at Soren, and trying a little too hard not to look at the part of his chest exposed by the top buttons of his shirt being undone.
“Hey guys,” Corvus turned, seeing Callum walking over with a girl. She was a mer, with silvery-white hair and pale purple eyes. The whites of her eyes appeared to be a dark grey, with her pupils closer to the size of pinpricks than the normal size. 
“This is Rayla.” Callum gave Corvus a look that seemed to read please don’t embarrass me. 
Rayla looked at Soren. “Hey, Soren. Wasn’t sure you were coming up this year.” The look she gave him was more indistinguishable, her silvery ear fins flashing in an almost irritated fashion.
What was that about?
“Yeah, I almost didn’t. Came because of this guy.” Soren nudged his shoulder, and Corvus raised his eyebrows, looking at him.
He nodded. “Yeah. Not usually my scene.” Soren awkwardly looked away, the fins under his eyes fluttering slightly.
Something was up.
Corvus looked back at Rayla. Her earfins were a silvery-white, similar to her hair, but were more spiked on the ends. 
Was that a midsea mer thing?
He’d have to ask Callum about that later.
Corvus regretted not bringing his notebook with him here.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Rayla,” He said, breaking the silence. “Callum’s told me about you.”
“He has?” Rayla looked at Callum, whose face flushed pink, hiding his face behind his glass of sparkling cider.
Soren gave Corvus a questioning look. Wait are they-?
He gave him a subtle nod, and his fins flashed briefly, from what Corvus could only guess as amusement.
“Corvus and I will let you two have some space.” Soren grinned, pulling him away by the arm.
“Where are we going?” Corvus whispered.
“I have no idea.”
The two of them ended up outside, in one of the many courtyards that the castle had. This one specifically had a fountain in the center, with hydrangeas growing around the stone base.
Soren’s fingers glided against the surface of the water, the both of them sitting on the edge of the fountain. The only light came from the moon above them, hanging full in the sky. 
Corvus noticed that the second eyelids over Soren’s eyes were now retracted fully. His eyes were closer to the color of the sea than he had originally noticed. Almost like an endless pool-
“Wanna come back down from the clouds, Corvus?” Soren laughed slightly, flicking a bit of water up at him. Corvus’ eyes refocused, feeling his face heat up slightly.
“Sorry. Just, thinking about something.”
“Want to share?” He tilted his head slightly, the fins under his eyes fluttering softly. The glow of his fins was brighter out here, probably due to the lack of light from elsewhere. The warm glow seemed to soften his features, making him seem more… ethereal.
“It’s boring,” Corvus assured him, looking back at the fountain.
“Not to me.” He nudged his shoulder. “Not if it’s you.”
He looked back at him, eyebrows raised slightly. “Really?”
“You are, by far, the most interesting person I know.” Soren paused. “Not that I know that many people, but you are.”
Corvus snorted lightly, “You sure?”
I was thinking about you.
“Trees.” He said without thinking. “I was thinking about trees.”
Soren’s fins flashed lightly as he smothered a laugh. “Alright, tree-man. What about trees?”
Corvus shrugged. “I dunno. I mean, I used to live in the middle of the woods on the border of Katolis. Lived there my whole life. It’s just… different, I guess. Not bad, just different.”
“So… you’re out of your depth.” Soren bit his lip slightly, shaking with laughter.
“I’m sorry, was that a sea pun?” He looked at him, a smirk gracing his lips.
“Yes, it absolutely was.” 
Corvus splashed him with a bit of water. “Illegal.”
“Hey-” Soren laughed, knocking his shoulder into his gently. “I thought it was quite inspired.”
He grinned back. “Yeah, yeah.”
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pillowspace · 1 year ago
Oh, I really like that idea. The family fluff and them treating y/n like a pup. I have so many questions my dear.
What I've been thinking is would y/n be built different? Living in water most of the time since being a child would affect their anatomy I imagine. Things like having wider, more developed shoulders, thighs or upper body (what you can often see on professional swimmers) would come as natural i assume also the trained ability to hold breath for longer periods of time and being able to use mer language.
But I wonder if their body would also adapt to environment in some different ways, would they develop abilities and anatomy not quite natural for humans? Like better eyesight under the water, possibility to digest raw food without getting sick due to this kind of diet they practiced their whole life or natural intuition regarding animals, their intentions and moods.
Would they have contact with other mermaids? Something like Spider from avatar the way of water like being a weird monkey friend among a group of mers.
How would they learn about human culture? the human language?
As a bilingual person I sometimes struggle with proverbs or slang, because you can't translate them word to word, they won't make any sense that way, I like to think y/n would have the same problem haha. Like imagine them saying ,, Nah there is no way they ripped their gills as a pup in this" which would translate to having something as a hobby you spent lots of time and work on.
Also would they struggle with human speech as an adult? Like despite the education would they struggle with some words or didn't knew the meaning?
After growing up would they live on the shore? Boat? Or in the village near the water?
You wrote about them being totally oblivious to human dating strategies and I'm in love with it. Love me some oblivious y/n's. But also let's reverse that y/n have a human friend that found something cool like a pretty rock or a seashell and knowing y/n is someone who loves sea and has surprisingly big collection of rare shells, rocks etc they showed it to them like:
Friend: Look what I found while diving last week! * shows the pretty pearl/shell/rock/some anemone*
Y/n : Oh! It rare, must be brought from away, not appear here. *after inspecting tries to give it back*
Friend: No No! Keep it it's for you, it reminded me of you when I saw it so I took it. It's not as gorgeous as the rest of your collection but I hope you will accept it!
Y/n being convinced they are trying to court them now : :O *Runs to Sun and Moon* Dads/Guys holy fuck
And like they start this chain of present giving where
Y/n : omg courting omg what I do? They are good providers, good eyes, strong. I must show the same! I will think about it but I will show I'm interested, considering the proposition *Gives sea glass*
Friend: Hahaha exchanging not really meaningful gifts and eating lunch with my bff. Oh! A sea glass! I must repay for a gift with another! So fun!
Or the other scenario where there is a mer that doesn't know y/n have been raised by mers and knows a lot about human culture for some reason and tries to court them that way and they are both so confused.
Also I think it would be funny if y/n had a sea slugs obsession, like they are their favourite animal, they are like sea puppies for them. And they feel personally attacked when someone doesn't know about them.
Ohhh I'm sorry about rambling but I'm in awe of this au I would love to hear more about it! The relationships dynamics! Characters! Everything! Everyday you surprise with your creativity more and more!
I'm gonna say "PROBABLY" to all of the anatomy stuff because I was not even aware of that being a thing for professional swimmers
Yeah, they'd be able to hold their breath for awhile! Not an abnormal amount of time though, however you'd define that (one of my friends can hold its breath for 2 whole minutes). I would like to also imagine that there is a way for Y/N to breathe underwater for a period of time with Sun and Moon's help. Like how in some romantic AUs, it's done through a kiss, but kisses themselves aren't inherently romantic in nature, are they? So the very cute image I'm getting here is Sun telling Y/N to hold their breath, pulling them under the water, then pressing his mouth to the top of their hair to do a very exaggerated "mmmmm...wah!!" like parrot owners do with their parrots. There's a few little sparkles around the top of their head, then Y/N is freely giggling under the water. Sun swims around them in circles like "swim with me! Swim with me! Like this!"
They can also use mer language. It would perhaps sound a little bit like there's a speech impediment to a mer. Still understandable though, so *Sun voice* 👏👏 good job, good job!! :D
Yeah, they can digest raw food better than the average human can!
I'd like to imagine Y/N meets other mers too, yeah. Maybe even gets to play with some other child mers, and Moon has to warn them that his kid is more delicate so they have to be careful. Y/N might feel a little left out though, so Sun and Moon still take them back to the human island from time to time where there are human children who won't leave them behind for being too slow. Even if Y/N is seen as a little weird, but oh well. A lot of kids are weird
Aaand that also goes into human culture and language. Again, Sun and Moon take Y/N to the small human island from time to time. Perhaps they have a deal with one of the humans to babysit essentially. Keep watch for them and keep Y/N taken care of. Hey, maybe it's Vanessa! Jdkghd yeah I like the proverbs struggle
I imagine they're pretty good with the island's human language. They had a small vocabulary with it already before meeting Sun and Moon, then they learned some from Vanessa, plus the other kids. Buuut they're not perfect with it, even in adulthood. They still have struggles, and maybe even don't know how to form certain sounds all too well. They sound like they have an accent, and don't know what to say when people ask what it is
I feel like boats would make Y/N feel a bit weird. Sun and Moon would always grab onto Y/N and flee whenever they saw one, maybe there had been a bad instance with someone in a boat hurting Sun or Moon at some point, and Y/N knows Sun and Moon take down large boats from time to time. So boats, especially large ones, might somewhat be associated with danger and the ability to be torn straight through. Perhaps they moved into a house by the shore and occasionally go out on a very small boat, since small boats had always seemed to be less of a source of fear and more so just caution
Oh sea slugs... you have got me there
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year ago
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Image © Wizards of the Coast
[Sponsored by @some-trash-pigeon. The merrow is the Irish version of the mermaid, and like many folkloric mermaids, typically the men appear grotesque and the women gorgeous. The name has been in D&D since the 1e AD&D Monster Manual, and a similar version appears in Pathfinder. The AD&D/PF merrow is an aquatic ogre, which didn't get a unique stat block until Pathfinder. D&D 5e decided to revamp the merrow, and I gotta say, it's near the top of the list for "biggest art glow-up". And, since the folkloric merrow is a merman rather than a big aquatic guy, it's more accurate to boot.
So why the name "ipupiara"? Well, for one thing, "merrow" is taken in Pathfinder. For another, the ipupiara is a Brazilian mer-thing that is actually oversized, and even has whiskers! That name was suggested to me by monster researcher (and my girlfriend) @abominationimperatrix.]
Ipupiara CR 5 CE Monstrous Humanoid This creature has a humanoid torso and the head and tail of a monstrous fish. It has barbels hanging from its underslung jaw, and fins grow along its head, shoulders and arms. It is sinuous from the waist down, and wears shell jewelry and other trophies and trinkets.
The ipupiara are mutant merfolk, the descendants of merfolk who ventured into the Abyss and adapted to its hostile waters. They can be found on any Abyssal layer with aqueous environments, and their scaly hides are capable of withstanding extremes of heat and cold. Although they have no ability to traverse the planes on their own, they are often found on the Material Plane, where they are a menace to sailors and fishermen. The first ipupiara were worshippers of Dagon, and the majority of them still serve the Shadow in the Sea.
Ipupiara are bullies above all else and tend to target the smallest, weakest victims when they have a chance. They carry barbed harpoons, which they use to latch onto prey, before squeezing them to death in their muscular coils. Ipupiara string up the mutilated corpses of their victims as territorial warnings, typically missing their eyes, noses, fingers and toes. Ipupiara can survive in any temperature of water, but prefer to lair in three-dimensional substrates such as kelp forests, shipwrecks and sea caves.
An ipupiara is about fifteen feet long, half of which is tail.
Ipupiara      CR 5 XP 1,600 CE Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic, extraplanar) Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +7
Defense AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18 (-1 size, +8 Dex) hp 45 (6d10+12) Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7 DR 5/piercing; Resist cold 10, fire 10
Offense Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft. Melee 2 claws +9 (1d4+4), bite +9 (1d8+4) or harpoon +9/+4 (2d6+6/x3 plus grab), bite +4 (1d8+2) Ranged harpoon +5 (1d8+6/x3 plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks constrict (2d4+6), gripping harpoon
Statistics Str 18, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 13 Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 21 (cannot be tripped) Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (harpoon) (B), Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will Skills Intimidate +14, Perception +7, Survival +7, Swim +19 Languages Abyssal, Aquan SQ amphibious
Ecology Environment any aquatic (Abyss) Organization solitary, pair, gang (3-8) or mob (9-24) Treasure standard (2 harpoons, other treasure)
Special Abilities Gripping Harpoon (Ex) An ipupiara is skilled at using harpoons to grip prey. It can grapple with a harpoon on any successful hit, not just a critical hit.
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yuri-is-online · 10 months ago
Do you think that when an animal goes extint in TWST, the beastmen versions of that animal just look at eachother and go "yo this is crazy... we gotta get someone pregnant now- don't look at me like that! Do it for the species survival! Species survival!"
Also you you think seahorse mers write fpreg fanfiction
I know you got that last question from a tumblr post confused, we're both at the devil's sacrement rn. But to answer it in general, that depends on whether or not they're writing fic about other seahorses. Biologically, the female seahorse deposits her eggs into the male's birthing pouch, where he fertilizes them with sperm. Female sea horses don't really have a place to grow a baby or a way to fertilize the egg... their breeding process is sort of the reverse of how every other animal does it. I could see seahorse fpreg being a very niche genre of smut but I spent way to much time trying to figure out the logistics of a joke for someone who just woke up.
As for that first bit yeah two dumbasses have absolutely had that conversation before. It wouldn't work, but some drunk guy has absolutely said that to his buddy and then idk. Used it as an excuse to smash. Probably thought it was a clever pick up line.
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oblivious-troll · 10 months ago
Because I'm not gonna have time to finish the art for Mermay, here's a Jalim Mer idea I wrote down in an hour and didn't reread/edit. It's 4am. Don't judge me too harshly, lmaoo
Mer au idea- Siren Salim and Merman Jason
(Under cut cuz it's kinda long?)
The two demihuman sea creatures (Numbered 19112 and 10119 for short) have been seen interacting on underwater cameras and occasionally relaxing together on land, a sight very rare for the two territorial and conflicting species.
Both Marine Biologists and Ichthyologists take interest in the unlikely friendship of the two species... Until they realize through certain behaviours (modified slightly from what is typically seen in Sirens and Merfolk, changed to best suit their partner of a different species) that they're actually mated. Catching the two grooming each other on the beach via a drone camera was a huge discovery for the marine life community, it even earns the unknowing pair a fan base online of people who regularly check in on them by using sites that safely track and document them.
Jason doesn't like the growing crowd of humans that always seem to just show up whenever he's trying to relax with his mate on the beach or is sunbathing with him on a rock. Whatever happened to humans knowing the keep their distance? He feels like it's disrespectful to Salim especially, he's a siren for Neptune's sake, a creature from the deep-sea who could drown them all without lifting a claw if he so chose to!
Salim's annoyed by the humans too, but only because it irritates Jason. He's unbothered so long as they keep their distance, and a short growl or bluffed lunge is usually enough to get the stupid ones to back away again.
But of course too much attention always has a down side. People forget how dangerous they are just because they only hear reports of their domestic behaviours, the gentle side which is reserved just for each other. They don't hear how they regularly take down and eat things like crocodiles, sharks, and other large sea predators for food and to protect their territory.
It takes one guy thinking he's special enough to approach them, and of course he's attacked despite trying to talk to them with his hands out like they're going understand the human gesture and he 'means no harm'.
Jason attacks first, more awake then Salim who was half dozed off while Jason groomed his hard to reach scales. It jolts Salim awake who doesn't join at first despite wanting to, Jason growls at him to stay away, humans are far less likely to hurt a merfolk then a siren- they kill sirens for far less, and Jason's not really in any danger, he can easily take a human down.
Salim watches carefully, claws digging into the sand for leverage, ready to pounce at a moment's notice, his long tail deceptively efficient at moving across sand. He sees a glint of silver as the human falls down on his back, scrambling back and kicking up sand as he grabs the dropped metal. He swips his hand and Jason winces- The smell of his mates blood kicking Salim's instincts into overdrive.
Salim lunches forward with gnashing teeth, claws easily piercing through the armourless skin of the human. He downs the man in seconds, tail snaking around and squeezing to keep him still, biting out chunks of whatever limb flails out to try and fruitlessly get Salim off him.
He doesn't know much on how the human body works, but years of hunting large predators has taught him that most things die if you squeeze them hard enough.
Salim looks away when Jason snarls, not letting go as he follows Jason gaze behind him. More humans approaching, holding black steel pointed at him.
There's a loud booming sound and a smoke smell before Salim feels a piercing burn in his pec, two others following that don't pierce but leave deep gashes across his chest. Salim holds on, baring teeth despite the heavy gushing of maroon blood from the one wound that burns inside his body- It feels like Jason described his experience accidentally injesting poison as a young mer, but it makes no sense, Salim's species is immune to poisons.
Eventually he has to drop the human, unsure if they're dead or not, he can't keep up the strength in his tail or arms as his upper body collapses sideways into the sand, soaking up a dangerous about of blood. His vision is fuzzy, using what remains of his strength to reach out for Jason- a thin vial with liquid hitting his forearm and jamming it's way through tuff scales slowly injects its contents and moments later he's out like a light.
Jason watches with horror as Salim completely goes limp, throwing every sign of aggression he can at the humans, bared teeth, flaired fins. He snarls and hisses as he drags himself over to Salim, getting into a protective position over his mate. His forearm had been sliced pretty bad by the silver weapon in the unconscious human's hand, but he's not going down until every last bastard that hurt Salim is dead- and if Salim dies, Jason will kill every human he ever lays his eyes on again.
He's not given the chance to, taking two of those vial things to the shoulder and collarbone, whatever the hell's in those things is potent because Jason can hardly blink a few heavy times after their injected before collapsing on top of Salim
Jason wakes up in a large space that smells off, in that there are no familiar scents of the ocean. The first thing he does is scramble over to Salim, checking him over carefully, his chest is wrapped up in some human cloth, stuck to his skin and Jason's afraid to take it off. He still smells blood on him but it's faint, his heartbeat and lungs are strong though, a great improvement from the beach. When enough time passes and he knows they're alone and Salim will live, Jason explores the area slowly and cautiously, not wanting to leave Salim too far when he’s still injured. He bumps hard into an unseen barrier multiple times, explores sand that's too clean, there are only small fish and snails- nothing sufficient to eat, especially for Salim who needs a lot more for his powerful tail.
What happened? Where the hell are they?
- They've been moved to an aquarium that specializes in rescuing, rehabilitating, and eventually releasing various marine life. This isn't the first time they've had a merfolk, but it's the first time an alive siren has ever been in human hands.
The scientists would be Clarice and Eric, Rachel and Nick would be security guards. Idk what I'd do with Dar, Joey, or Merwin yet?
Maybe I'd make Dar a belligerent/annoying reporter trying to get Jason and Salim put down for attacking the man on the beach or something because there's always someone who thinks it's the animals fault (even tho they were provoked) and it's unsafe for them to be released now they have 'a taste for human blood' or some bs... Anyone feel free to give ideas
(Add this to the ever growing list of stories to one day do after 'Twisted Love' 🙃)
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