#this may be a hot take idk
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belovedcampfire · 27 days ago
YOU don't ship entirely romantic Jegulily cause you're a pussy, I don't ship entirely romantic Jegulily cause I think Regulus is gay. We are not the same.
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as-dreamers-do · 7 months ago
when Ame and Eursulon see Suvi having her breakdown and Ame's response is "Suvi!" and Eursulon's is "Sky!" 10/10 subtle character moment no notes all respect
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wonderfull-star · 4 months ago
I don't know why, but the more often I re-watch some moments, the more I begin to feel bad for Dev, and Peri reveals a worse side.
Like so many people basically portrays Peri as a better father to Dev than Dale himself, although he himself probably never even said that he "cared about him" until the finale. Unlike Hazel, who showed more care for Dev than his own father and fairy combined.
Dev doesn't even need fairy, he just needs care and love.
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airenyah · 1 year ago
happy to announce that ohm pawat made it through yet another show without being grazed by a bullet despite the fact that he had a gun shoved into his face on multiple occasions
and with that the gay romcom continues to be the only series in which ohm pawat ever ends up with a gunshot wound
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an-obligatory-blog · 4 months ago
late night infinite thoughts/hc/analysis
despite being clowned on for his Ls and "i'm not weak" scene, i don't think infinite particularly childish? or more specifically not in the specific brand of "pathetic sore loser" that's been memed on. like he doesn't feel like the type of character who would throw a tantrum/be visibly upset if he can help it (particularly in front of shadow since that's the guy he's pitted against).
it's not that i don't understand why he left that impression-- the way shadow dlc told his background would ofc lead ppl to feel that it was an overreaction for being kicked a couple of times, but the thing is, we saw how he reacted when he met shadow again and what he said after being told that the hedgehog didn't remember him.
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(using screencaps of the jp script, but i'm p sure en is the same jist)
sure, infinite is gassing himself up in this scene because of his shiny new rock, but when i saw this scene, my immediate thought was "so you think you aren't someone worth remembering"? (which can also be extended to his squad mates who were also defeated and thus "weak", regardless if you think they are dead or not) he's not particularly angry in this scene-- if anything, he admits that shadow's words of him being a loser (and thus weak) is /fact/.
hence why i think that infinite hates himself more than he could ever hate shadow. he can hide it by saying "well that's just the old me, i've changed. look at my virtual reality of green hill" but that mask isn't just for show. past or present, he is still himself even if he pretends otherwise. he is insecure, that's true. it's also true that his ego is fragile and that it hangs on his ability to suppress others.
however, his ego isn't unshakable at the face of failure or incapable of self-reflection, even if he wishes it was. the denial phase doesn't last forever.
to put it in another way, he's not the type of sore loser who will go "the other guy must've cheated" or "it's not fair" and deny the other person of their achievement. he's the type of sore loser who becomes frustrated with himself, trains himself to exhaustion, maybe cheat himself if tempted (you'll have to convince him that it would be a meaningful victory if he does though, (re. his logic on relying on magic rock ok, but relying on friends is bad and fake, apparently)), and fall into despair if his efforts don't pay off. that's really what his "i'm not weak" breakdown really is to me-- falling into despair and eventually accepting that he is powerless.
with high ego, he may dismiss losses as a fluke, but that requires plausible deniability to be present to fall back on. my point is that his arrogance doesn't come across as stable, it's just that conquering 99% of the world would convince anyone that they are hot shit.
also, he's not bad at /hiding/ his insecurity. insecurity isn't an aspect that was just added to him in the dlc and thus "ruining" him-- he just hides it well when he started wearing the mask. he only showed a mote of desperation by the end of his final boss fight. before that, we had sonic and the avatar breaking out from null space in record time and while eggman was in shock, infinite just stared silently-- he retained a "mysterious" aura for most of the game despite multiple setbacks. his ability to hide his emotions without his mask is up to you, but at the very least, he would at least /try/ to cover up anything he deems "unsightly".
what i'm trying to say is, i think he'd be upset being called weak, but i don't think that specific "overreaction" he had in shadow dlc is just something that happens every time he's insulted, esp when his ego is in a more stable state.
why he's so fixated about strength and weakness is pure hc territory bc forces writing sure as hell didn't explain it, but i think it's safe to say that he wasn't stable before his encounter with shadow and no matter how many ppl think that his motives are "stupid", this was something that meant a great deal to infinite. why it took until shadow for the camel's back to be snapped, idk maybe something happened to him earlier or maybe not, but regardless, infinite appears to be someone who is very desperate to be proud of himself and he measures how much he is worthy of pride through "strength". those who are strong don't think of those weaker than them, to him. (re. him saying that it's fine that shadow didn't remember his past self, and following up with "you're nothing to me now" bc he believes that he is now stronger than him. also note his quirk in jp where he calls ppl "gomi" (in katakana)/trash, idk jp well i just think it's neat)
this "fraud" quality of infinite's is something i find appealing as his fan, and not in the "i think it's brilliant to have a joke character that parodies edgelords" kind of way (infinite isn't purposefully meant to be joke and i don't think he has to be in order to be "good" with his current backstory). to segway into a different conversation, i don't care of the take that "infinite should've been an artificial lifeform like shadow created by eggman" bc to be frank (and i apologize if this is too spicy of a take), i don't see the benefit to that other than to give infinite more "aura points" by erasing his backstory as a "fraud". (bc a villain that doesn't meet the "aura" threshold is bad, i guess.)
bc here's the thing, right-- there are a lot of things you can compare and contrast between shadow and infinite and create a meaningful analysis out of it, but remember that infinite is the main villain of sonic forces and that sonic forces... is not about shadow.
sonic forces, if anything, is the avatar's story. the avatar is infinite's primary foil.
shadow defeating infinite parallels infinite defeating the avatar (at the start of the game). infinite gains help from eggman and the phantom ruby while the avatar finds the Power of Friendship, Love, and Courage (tm) through sonic. infinite finding solace in "fake" power while the avatar finds "true" strength. infinite believing that he is the one who sees the reality as it is (re. his theme song lyrics), when it was the avatar who sees through his illusions.
and i really like that. idk if these are the right words, but i feel like they stand out because of how "human-like" and "relatable" compared to everyone else (esp the avatar bc they are literally an OC). with the exception of tails (who is instead offset by being a kid genius), the sonic cast is filled with characters that have stronger than average willpower, leaving the "outsiders", infinite and avatar, to play catch up in their quest to find strength. they are not unshakably confident like sonic or endlessly persistent like eggman-- they are, at their core, embody the insecurity and lack of confidence that the ordinary person is more likely to succumb to. infinite is like a bandit boss in a jrpg: has a reputation of being feared, has followers/lackeys, villain vibes, but at the end of the day, they are just the first boss the protagonist wipes at the tutorial. the avatar would be a background character in literally any story except forces. they both "extras" trying to take the spotlight that was meant for the leads.
that is why i genuinely think that his current backstory has more value narrative-wise than that hypothetical one and it's not just preference. i don't care if forces has bad writing-- infinite and the avatar starting off as "ordinary people" as a parallel is neat and i will die on that hill. (and imo this attribute makes infinite a unique villain in the sonic verse. like he's not explicitly sympathetic like merlina was or even overtly tragic like gerald, but he manages to have that pitiable, human-like quality, you know?)
but yeah this is really about him not showing up in sonadow gens. like don't get me wrong, i would've been very happy if had shown up and i did lowkey expect it when i saw sunset heights in the trailer, but i'm not mad that he didn't ngl. for the reasons listed above, i don't see infinite as a "shadow villain" like mephiles and black doom are.
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basil-does-arttt · 10 months ago
I see a lot of people (including myself) tend to think Nero was accidental. That he wasn't planned on either Vergil's part or Nero's mom's part, he was just a byproduct of circumstances or whatever and thats why he was abandoned by his mother in the orphanage.
But what if he wasnt accidental at all?
What got me thinking about this was Vergil's line in his ending in DMC4SE; "Soon they shall know this devil's power. The power of a son of sparda".
Theres no way he would've been talking about Dante. By that point in time he likely assumed Dante was either dead or long gone off on his own thing, and he probably wouldn't be meaning himself either because he's leaving fortuna in this cutscene. That leaves one option: Nero.
Vergil wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. Thats why he was in Fortuna in the first place, to learn more about Sparda and the life he lived, what he did and accomplished, etc. Sparda had two sons, and you probably know where im going with this by now.
Maybe thats why Vergil did too. He wanted to follow in his dad's footsteps, and being the misguided and naive teenager he was, he couldve thought that was the next step in his journey. (Then promptly realized he either didnt want or wasnt ready for a son and fucked off)
"Soon they shall know this devil's power. The power of a son of sparda".
Not just any son; His son.
Another thing that makes me lean into this theory is how he reacted to the revelation of Nero being his son from Dante in DMC5. He didnt sound all that surprised, if you ask me.
His reaction comes across to me as if he knew of this "son" ready, but of course since he had never met Nero in his life, he didnt know who this son was. He knew he had a son, he just didnt know it was Nero specifically;
Nero, who he'd just spent basically an entire game relying on and trusting his fate to (and dante ig but thats not the focus here) as V, Nero who he ripped the arm off of to regain Yamato unknowing of who he really was - only that he had Yamato - and Nero who he'd just abandoned yet again to fuck off to the top of the Qliphoth where he intended to meet one of two fates to his battle with Dante; death, or survival, and neither of those involved his son at all.
And now that he knows who his son is, now that he's met and has known his son for a while now actually, he's left to deal with the guilt of abandoning him and leaving him on his own for the last 25(ish) years. For hurting him, mutilating him, damn near fucking killing him as Urizen. This son who he never had any intention of knowing, ever, not even once.
This son who he now has to learn to love, or at least accept as a part of him and his life, whether Nero himself accepts it back or not.
(And yknow, i think things will work out fine for them if capcom ever decides to make another entry into the timeline. Nero seemed pretty set on keeping his father alive after all, why would he bother if he didn't care? And Vergil seems to be making an effort - albeit an awkward one but its still an effort nonetheless - to be present in Nero's life at least to some degree judging off that main menu screen of them sitting together in the van in tense silence.
And he does care about Nero, way more than he lets on. Gifting his book to Nero is clean proof of it, that book which represents his heart. His love, his soul, his being.
So yeah. I think they’ll turn out okay.)
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Let’s get this straight:
Tom gave Greg a difficult task (Kerry) ‘cause he always pusses out and Greg always complies
But he also gave Greg the option to throw Tom under the bus
Tom explicitly explained the manipulation he uses on Greg, and how to do so with Kerry
Greg could have easily taken Kerry’s side and realized the danger of his own situation
Or cowered and blamed Tom to save his ass
And yet, Greg didn’t
He’s front row seats to the shivorce and Tom’s blatant betrayal and ugliness (to his own family no less,) yet he’s still loyal to Tom
Tom is just as much of a social climber as Greg, yet he has saved Greg’ ass and pushed for his success over and over again
The sad truth is despite the physical violence, psychosexual manipulation, drug dependency, possessiveness, power plays, emotional avoidance, straight up abuse, lack of communication, and stunning levels of repression
Tomgreg is the healthiest relationship on Succession
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sendhelpkk1 · 6 months ago
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Hey gang, whats up
These are some new and old doodles of mine hehehhehehehe
Ignore how Bloberta doesn’t have a mouth(I was STRUGGLING OH MY GAWD)
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ignus-moth · 10 months ago
queer representation shouldn’t be limited to romances.
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widevibratobitch · 9 months ago
something about being told im 'the leading person at this whole academy when it comes to interpretation and stage intelligence' by the husband of the woman im trying (not really. but i mean. who knows) to seduce... ok boy you got me. lets make it a polycule.
#im playing it all cool and funny now but atm i legit burst into tears lol#like he said i have a 'good voice too of course' but i know realistically that is not my strongest asset#and even if i were technically perfect. which im NOT lol. the voice itself is just nothing special. it's there ig but that's about it#but its nice to know i may not be 100% useless after all#(just 90%)#also apparently the most feared and respected professor who came to the concert said. again. that he likes me the most.#which again. crying real actual tears about this all rn this means literally the world to me this is everything i have#and i have no one to share this with because im not gonna say it to my uni friend cause i dont want her to feel like im boasting or sth#(even tho she has no such qualms herself but probably because i know how. not great. it feels when someone keeps talking about themselves#and about how great they are and how easy everything is for them. i dont wanna do it back at her.#well there's also the fact that i dont think im great and this is not fucking easy to me at all lol#but idk i think the difference between us is that she actually admitted she sees no point in singing if she cant show off (thus she hates#the duet we're singing because she sings the lower part and cant show off her high notes or coloratura.#which is like. an insane take to me. i mean it i get it. kinda. if i had a voice like hers maybe id be like that too fuck knows.#but that just feels so. idk. sad to me. so self obsessed and empty. like you dont care about the music itself? about you being a part of it?#also immediately made singing with her not fun anymore. i thought we were creating something TOGETHER. but thanks for the confirmation#that you only really care about being 'better than'. yikes.#like idk this behaviour is funny and iconic in old school opera legends like yes go bite each others dicks off.#but it hits completely different when it's your own colleague let alone your friend. like damn girl. damn)#) anyway. the husband is kinda hot too now that i think of it. i really should seduce them both.#except its realistically not possible since they've both seen me cry now (she saw it like a hundred times lol)#so ive lost the hot and mysterious card alas. no uni professors romance for me
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starry-eyed-omo · 1 year ago
the thought has entered my mind once again so I'm gonna make a post about it, y'all— I am So Tired of non-consensual kink not being tagged in omo writing in so many places
which like... I know it's not as easy to spot as non-con for explicit sex, but it's still a thing! and it is so very prominent in the community in certain places!
so, what does non-con omorashi look like, for those unsure?
(please note I'm specifically talking about sexual kink! the stuff written with the purpose of being horny and whatnot, because that's the part of the community I know)
non-con in kink can look a lot of different ways, but the biggest one I see in omo content is the scenario of "x character is secretly turned on by y's desperation and is either passively or actively encouraging it". if y is not aware that x is super into them pissing themselves, and especially if x is actively making it more difficult for y to get relief, that's non-con! that's x subjecting y to their kink without y having the knowledge to consent to this.
another one I see a lot is voyeuristic stories, where the person into it might not be actively engaging, but they're still getting off on other people's desperation. this is not Quite as explicitly non-con, but it's still one of those things I personally would tag, especially if there's a focus on the element of "they don't know how much I'm enjoying this" or the character goes out of their way to witness someone's humiliation, even if they don't actively ever interfere.
generally, if all characters aren't actively enjoying themselves, or if someone is kept in the dark on what's Really going on here, there's a strong possibility there's non-con elements in there.
(please note: this doesn't really apply the same way to solo character fics? there's no one else there to Consent With, so if someone is having a bad time, but it's solo content, that's more omo whump or something similar; consensual kink only really applies when there are multiple people in the story)
there is, of course, a lot of content that may also tread the line where it's like... kink was not explicitly discussed and consented to, but both parties are clearly into it, since sometimes kink negotiation just doesn't fit into the story, and that's fine!! I personally like to tag that sort of stuff as dubcon to be safe, but I can still see arguments being made other ways.
and it's not like there's anything wrong with making any of this content either! fiction is a great outlet to explore fantasies that wouldn't be cool to indulge with real people; it's just a matter of recognising when something is non-con and putting the proper tagging in place so people can avoid it! giving people the ability to curate their experience is so fucking important and I just. please please learn what non-con kink and fetish looks like and tag appropriately, it means a lot to those that don't wanna see it 💜
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ssaalexblake · 8 months ago
i've not watched the new season of cm but from my casual gif research (aided by video clips) i'm now newly bitter over the travesty of the s14 finale, and that is Impressive bc my bitterness was strong and visceral even before this.
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danieyells · 2 months ago
Bizarre thing that pulled me out of spiraling thoughts
I abruptly got Jingle Bell Rock stuck in my head because i watched a video it was in that Rexii sent and somehow I concluded 'i won't be able to think about traumatic things while listening to jingle bell rock'
And y'know what that worked. I could not think about traumatic things while listening to jingle bell rock
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alfredosauce50 · 7 months ago
Fine dining seems so dead. All the love is sucked out of the food and replaced with idealized perfection.
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ace-up-your-sleeve · 1 year ago
shoutout to:
💙 animal regressiors, furries, and alterhumans who realized they were those things through nsfw pet play
💙 animal regressiors/alterhumans/furries who realized they were into nsfw pet play through their regression/alterhumanity/being a furry
💙 to regressors who sometimes get horny while regressed
💙 to horny alterhumans
💙 to horny furries
these things dont make you dirty or mean you fetishize regression or alterhumanity or that you are a zoophile and i love you!!!
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calzone-d · 2 years ago
I gotta know how reader and Ted's Mom get along 😂
hmm honestly in my mind and in my delusional canon, not great lol. she’s all for him going back to kansas and i just feel like that really wouldn’t have sat well with our ted. idk who that man was in the last couple episodes but that was NOT our ted LMAO.
you’d prob be apprehensive from the start with ted’s attitude towards her and the way he gets so uneasy. yes henry needs him but there’s a million and one other ways to make that happen.
i think it would come to a moment where you’d have to stand up for yourself and obviously ted would completely have your back.
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