#this man is fucking unbelievable
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mxsicbox · 9 days ago
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drolta · 26 days ago
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pookie bear Mizrak
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rocketqueen1989x · 2 months ago
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Smile at me like that again and i will get on my knees
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clownakai · 3 months ago
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Guys when they're on a boat
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thousandyearphantombunker · 2 months ago
"we want more mentally ill/disabled characters with ugly symptoms!"
You guys can't handle lapis lazuli tony stark or hank pym! You guys can barely contain your ableism toward the hulk! You guys hate the good doctor for all the wrong reasons! You made fun of his speech patterns and his meltdowns wtf like I'm sorry the only autistic person you've supported have been the perfect non annoying type- but too many of especially as children are like shawn- they talk weird and don't understand what's so offensive about what they said
You guys keep saying Lapis should just be rewritten into a villain! I don't like how the show handled her but like your really gonna make the girl who shows ugly bad symptoms of ptsd into villain? You guys keep trying to make hank into a villain or rewrite his past- god forbid a character have really sevre ugly symptoms that causes them to make decisions that permanently effect the story but have them still be heroes! God forbid Ironman have npd and be a hero! Let's shame MCU Bruce for his mental illness for being unable to do things because of it! God as soon as a character with a mental illness or developmental disorder or low IQ shows actual symptoms and behaviors (ei: acts like how someone with the disorder in question acts- you know the main part of having a fucking disorder) you get pissy and pile on the shame- yeah jen you do control your anger better than bruce- you can also stand better than Charles fucking Xavier! Yeah your smarter than a guy with a low IQ want a cookie?
I'm never gonna be one of those people who tell others to stop writing disabled villains or that writing a character that deals with internalized ableism (disabled people like any group of people can be total prices of shit, and I'm sorry not everyone is content and accepting of their disabilities and some of us take comfort in characters that struggle with being angry because of their problems) but Jesus Christ when a heroic character with ugly symptoms who makes cruel decisions or has 'bratty' or 'immature' moments can we let them stay heroes? Can we let them have a disorder without piling on the shame that we are inferior because we can't do something everyone else can- because that's literally what a disability is! Can they still be heroes?
Do we have to use intellectual/developmental disability as a shorthand for anti intellectualism and being a gross annoying psycho
Do we have to make every heroic character with aspd or npd into a villain or change their disability to autism because it's 'more sympathetic' as if lack of empathy isn't a goddamned symptom of many disabilities like PTSD and autism- You can headcanon tony as having autism- that's cool by me but it's clear some of y'all do it to make him a 'woobie'- which is infantalizing btw but also it's because some of y'all are ableist toward people with npd
I hate that the only acceptable 'ugly symptoms' are things like forgetting to shower or brush your teeth every once in a while or being a bit irritable and not stuff like burning bridges or having explosive outburts
Also it's not a mental illness unless it effects your behavior?
Im not saying that we should just accept and allow mentally ill/intellectually disabled people/characters to get away with bad behaviors unpunished but can they stay heroes? Can they still be respectable?
"we want more characters with ugly symptoms"
You people get offended by low functioning autistic people existing! You get mad at them for being incontinent or nonverbal/making strange noises or having scary anger issues or IQs low enough that they will never be independent you get mad at them for not showing the 'appropriate' reactions to things they may or may not fully understand- you hate people with sensory issues -
You don't want mentally ill/disabled characters- you want characters with the labels of mental disabilities without any of the ugly strange or off putting behaviors mental/intellectual deficiencies/issues cause- you want a romantic tragedy!
You shame people with Alzheimer's for FORGETTING stuff and LOSING SKILLS 'yeah yeah you are superior to your uncle because you can remember stuff but can you remember it's a fucking disease! you people are cruel
Yes you are technically superior to disabled people because you are capable of things we aren't and you have better character and you can control yourself but guess what? Those people you hate for being incapable of that shit have disabilities it's not our faults! It's the fucking definition of a disability! Like yeah it is a skill issue and we're just 'worse' than nondisabled with us lacking self control and having lower IQs and bad mental processing- yeah it is because we're lacking in some capacity that's like the definition disability you can't say you support disabled people and then turn around and say shit about how your better than these people because you can talk or take care of yourself
Hank Pym and Lapis Lazuli should get called out for acting like assholes and pieces of shit but I am firmly against turning one of few heroic characters who actively struggle with psychosis and delusions into another 'psycho' villain and I'm firmly against saying Lapis is just as bad as Jasper and using symptoms of her PTSD as signs she should be rewritten into a villain- I want them to be held accountable not turned into straight up evil guys or dear god washing out their problematic qualities until they're palatable/relatable to a neurotypical audience to make them good guys when they are already good guys!
Can people who do bad things because of their disabilities still be heroes? Can they be allowed to get better or do they have to accept that having ugly symptoms means being the bad guy? Fucking hell this is why I side eye anyone who acts like mental illness/developmental/cognitive or mental etc disabilities are more destigmatized than physical disabilities (trust me they aren't)
Tldr let characters with ugly symptoms be heroes let your characters with mental disorders act like they have a disorder and let said characters be heroes inspite of it!
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leejungjaes · 27 days ago
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the canadians don't deserve this
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chaoticneutraltor · 10 months ago
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beyondthislifetime · 9 months ago
People who truly dislike Edwina Sharma are wild. Heaven forbid an 18 year old be charmed after being almost relentlessly pursued by an older man. Three married women, including her mother, are for the match. THE QUEEN is for the match. The only person saying he isn't right for her is her sister and like I'm sorry but my sister could swear that a man wasn't that into me and I would not listen if he BOUGHT ME A HORSE!???!!?!!
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whistlepen · 9 months ago
penelope is so powerful that even when he’s mad at her colin can’t move more than 3 feet away!!! i would laugh but i might just cry
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landfilloftrash · 1 year ago
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I have, quite literally, had this image sitting in my art program’s drafts for the past two years. I finally sat down and drew it.
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cybertron-smash-or-pass · 6 months ago
You know the thing I like about tfa ratchet is that he actually looks like an old man unlike IDW and tfp ratchet. Yet another reason why Animated is the best continuity
They said "we're going to give ratchet battle damage and a bunch of dents in his face that look like scruff and terrible posture and a big ol tummy and the most tired eyes youve ever seen on a robot and you're going to like it" and by the Allspark they were correct.
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quintinh43 · 11 months ago
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That's it. I'm dead.
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scopop08 · 2 years ago
You have GOT to be kidding me
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mwagneto · 1 month ago
have you seen broadchurch? also for bideo game I have no clue what you usually play but I've been enjoying sable a lot recently
i avoid looking at david tennant whenever possible
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silverbastardgoldenfool · 1 year ago
Fitz the second Fool is triggered or in any way upset while recovering in the final trilogy:
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demigod-of-the-agni · 9 months ago
Sometimes I think about ATSV Pavitr's design, and I just. man thought an integral part of his costume is to have his hair out. like it's just there, a full mane of hair, perfectly styled with 0 effort, out in the sunshine for all to see.
He's so full of himself, to think that his hair is an important aspect of his presentation. Narcissus-level of self-love. You know I'm right, that the top portion of his mask is open so that his ego can just ooze directly out of his brain to moisturise his scalp and oil his hair
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