#this man is 100% a dork and nerd.
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captainsaveawoah · 2 months ago
Simon is 100% that sound bite from that song by Se’kret like ONLY that part of “Come here, bae, come sit next to me, come and take your drawers off. Damn, you on the edge of the bed, you 'bout to fall off.” (Because the rest of it is NAWT that man.)
Anyway, but imagine he bags this BADDIE. I’m talking the baddest bitch around. You’re soft or just all around loud. Idk whatever makes you, you and absolutely a BADDIE. and he’s so him he doesn’t even know what to do with you because he’s just him, ya know?
Like actual the baddie I bagged being autistic. Idk.
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tubbytarchia · 1 year ago
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Etho doodles in which I let my inner dinosaur nerd take over 😔 and also have no idea how to shade
Get it cause he's old and washed up haha... ok but actual raptor Etho hybrid justification below cut
To be honest the main reason was because I really wanted a hybrid in the mix who wasn't some furry creature and a reptile or amphibian or smth instead. Etho still ended up feathered but whatever it's close enough! But for ACTUAL reasoning:
He does feel damn ancient, like an old deity of the mcyt space that no one can dislike. Dinosaurs are the same!! They're old but still thought of with great fascination and fondness, everyone loves dinosaurs...
Dinosaurs are ever so mysterious, as many advancements as we make there's still so much we don't know. Just as we know jackshit about mister Kakashi skin man. Also, there are so many incomplete skeletons out there. I didn't have a particular species in mind for Etho, because where's the mystery in that? He can be one of those 5% skeleton 95% speculation dinosaurs like this guy!! Missing jaw and all
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"I'm a runner, not a protector" - so, a raptor, or more specifically the Dromaeosauridae family, which literally has "running/runner" in its name
But! I'm always a fan of stuff going against its nature, especially in this case! Etho states he's not a runner yet protects his allies rather fiercely even in total silence. Eg refusing to kill Cleo in SL or to give away Tango's location during the LimL manhunt, same for Grian in SL. He was a bit flaky in 3L I think? And he only started to have genuine care for allies in LL with Bdubs? Though he is still very much a runner in many cases like during the LL Wither fight. Research also strongly suggests that most if not all raptors were solitary hunters, and the way I see Etho (through my shamefully limited watchtime of his POVs...) he feels a lot like someone who ultimately only trusts himself at the start even if he's pleasant and allying with others, and doesn't seem to think he can carry his weight in groups though he doesn't voice this a lot. That's just how Etho is, very composed, but it feels like there's an insecurity there, showcased especially in SL but again I haven't seen almost any of his POVs in full so maybe I'm talking out of my ass!! Sorry ethogirls I'm only a sidegig ethogirl myself... But yeah tldr to me he gives off the vibe of an otherwise solitary animal struggling to find 100% sure footing in a pack. In whichever ways he does go against his nature, its not usually made a show of
At the mention of a raptor, a lot of people will probably think of the glamourized Jurassic Park Velociraptors. But those awesome guys from the movies are actually the size of chickens. In general though, dinosaurs tend to be a bit.. exaggerated in media, despite how inherently fascinating they already are. And I think it fits Etho because we all know how the Lifers seem to fear and mancrush on him when he's just some dork with perfect capability to become pathetic at a moment's notice. Still, he's a clearly skilled player and still respected without question Etho's not some killer machine like some people make dinosaurs out to be. He's just a fellow creature fulfilling his role in the ecosystem 👍
dinosaurs are cool
The hook-like sickle claws on the feet... something something fishing rod
I swear I'm not turning all my Lifers into hybrids I'm not!! Still plenty normal humans in the mix I swear....... But Etho is such a radical dude, I really wanted to do something more for him. The whole Kitsune thing that I often see associated with him is really cool. I don't actually know the reasoning for it but I assume something something naruto, but also, him being this ancient mythical cryptid who people know so little about, you know? It makes SO much sense. So anyway I turned him into a dinosaur instead rawr
As a herbivore advocate I also considered stuff like the triceratops (known for how they protect themselves and their own) but nah the raptor symbolism...
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honeybunhottie · 4 months ago
Oo headcanons for Chris or Josh crushing bad on Alt!reader? maybe like a gothic or metalhead style?
feel like both would be absolutely geeked about some scary looking women!!!
- 🦐
Omg I love this idea! Sorry in advance if this is totally off, I'm not super knowledgeable about the styles or culture but I tried my best! Please keep sending requests!!
Chris and Josh with an Alt! Reader
We’ll do this before the events of the game because I feel like they’d have too much going on otherwise.
This man LOVES alt baddies and I can say this for a fact
My source? I’ve never known a nerdy man who didn’t like an alt baddie
He and Josh are jokesters through and through. And also lowkey pervs
I can just imagine one day Josh is teasing him about never getting any
And then here walks by you, dressed head to toe in an outfit that’d probably make his mother scream
And he can’t take his eyes off of you.
Immediately his friends catch onto his (frankly, not subtle stare) and start teasing him
Eventually they have some pity and tell him your name at least.
This man makes it his mission to have an interaction with you
Spends at least a month stalking observing you in the hallways
What outfits you wear, what your friends wear, your fav eyeliner brand, how much you hate your lab partner, your plans after school, all of it
One time you bumped into each other and dropped your notebook
Papers flying everywhere and all
He helps you collect them all, and when your fingertips brush his hand feels like it’s evaporated. He didn’t know it was possible for appendages to feel like sparkling water, but here it was happening
When you say a simple “Thanks, Chris” he swears his heart stops
He kicks himself for the gaping stare he gave in response as he stuttered out something unintelligible. Like it seriously keeps him awake at night 
He knows he’s bordering on the weird line of things, but there’s literally no chance you guys would cross paths otherwise (in his mind at least)
Because little does he know, the was also a fact about alt baddies
I’ve never met one who didn’t VICERALLY NEED a nerdy man
Yep, you have noticed this blond nerd always around
Yes, you did think he was cute
And yes, your friends absolutely do notice
Eventually, they get tired of your mutual pining because it’s more than obvious that neither of you has enough balls to ask each other out. 
They set up a plan with the other squad to set you up, because everyone is tired of these two dorks fumbling around each other
They decide to pull the “make group plans but nobody shows up” card for the new movie coming out
Chris is chilling in the hallway on his phone,anxiously glancing at the door every other minute because why the hell aren’t they here yet?
He freaks out when he sees you walk in, dressed even cooler than usual, all by your lonesome. 
You seem lost, looking for something before checking your phone. You sport a flustered look afterwards.
At the same time, Chris feels his phone buzz with a text too
‘Have fun man!’
‘Good luck!!’
‘Take ‘em to the bone zone buddy!’
He rolls his eyes at the last one before realizing what they’re referring to
He looks up from his phone only to get jumpscared by you standing right next to him
“Looks like we’ve been set up”
He immediately starts apologizing before you put a finger to his lips to shush him’
“I’m kinda looking forward to this”
Lord help him
He’s still singing Josh’s praises years later though, so something worked out right!
I loveeeee Josh
And nothing about this man screams subtle to me
Will he immediately tell you to your face how hot he thinks you are?
Probably not
Will he find every opportunity to hang out and find things in common with you?
Yes, 100%
This man is around every corner, every turn with that bewitching stare and stupid laugh
I feel like he would love your alt style. I mean he’s super into horror movies and the darker side of things, I feel like he’d enjoy someone different.
Flirty jokes galore, he loves making them, he’s kinda weird like that
He loves it if you match his energy too
He’s always asking about what music you’re into, have you seen that new movie? There’s this new haunted house coming soon.
He loves quality time, and he wants to become friends before he makes a move or anything.
Once you guys are FRIENDS, then he starts making moves
This man is playing chess while we are playing checkers
I have a feeling that it’s not too noticeable at first
Lots of jokes still
Lots of “jk jk, unless…”
He’s always getting you the new album for your fav band, or buying you cool stuff when he gets dragged to the mall with his sisters.
Is a firm believer that it’ll happen if it happens
And is very content to just ride along with you.
Overall, 10/10 we love them both
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thegrimreaper-probably · 14 days ago
Gravity Falls x Stanley’s daughter reader
Stan - 100% not planned, probably happened the next town over from Gravity Falls, no clue you existed till your mom handed you over at two and walked off.
He definitely debated on keeping you, was going to give you up but you just reminded him of himself and just how everyone abandoned him and he can’t do that to you.
He has no clue how to be a father. Promises he won’t be his old man. He tries to remember what his mom did for Shermie. He doesn’t buy kid stuff right away, I’d say it’s a week of you wearing baggie t-shirts and him realizing he needs clothes.
If you have traits that are like Ford’s he pretends to be fine but cries about it later on. If you have six fingers like Ford he pretends to not acknowledge it. If one day you get bullied for it or are insecure he gives a poor prep speech, if it doesn’t work he very poorly talks about how “he” had the same issue (really just talking about Ford).
You definitely help him scam people, babies are just too cute and people get distracted. If he gets caught stealing he pulls a, oh I didn’t see the kid grab it, my bad. He dresses you up to be attractions like how Dipper was “The preteen wolf boy.”
I feel like you’d be like Bart Simpson, just better. Stan definitely is more paranoid with you, definitely tells you not to go in the woods, or whatever else. Do you listen? No, because you got double dog dared to go into the woods, and you’re not a nerdy wimp. Then Stan repeats something or does something his father would do. Instantly regrets it but doesn’t know how to apologize. Probably buys you something or gets you something you like, his way of saying sorry.
Soos - he’s like your brother.
You two do stupid shit together all the time. You and him read comic together but you told him you’d beat him up if he told anyone.
For his birthday you typically get him something crappy but when you find out about his dad you get him the best gift ever. You’re not very emotional because, hello? Your dad sucks at it so do you. But you might mention how your mom sucks to and he doesn’t need his dad, he can use yours. Or something less emotional but still awkward and sweet.
You do bully him but in an older sibling way. You love his grandma and she has now adopted you as her own grandkid.
Mabel- you and her do arts and crafts together.
I would think the relationship is more similar to Pacifica and Mabel. You don’t bully Mabel for her silliness you couldn’t care less, I’d say you’re softer to Mabel like you are to Soos.
You actually don’t mind bringing her places because you’re still very childish. You do not like how girly she is. You make fun of that, and that’s really ever it.
If she makes you something you won’t openly be happy but later on Stan would catch you smiling at it.
When she realize she doesn’t want to grow up, Dipper would reference how you don’t do anything the typical adult does, or how immature you are. It doesn’t really work but if you are there you punch him.
Dipper - you two hate each other. If you have six fingers he originally thought you wrote the journal but then you did something stupid and he crossed you off the list.
You also bully him, and you refuse to call him his real name. Nerd, dork, fart face, sweaty, other lame names.
He doesn’t want to include you in the mystery of Gravity Falls, but Soos isn’t the brightest, Wendy is a no, Stan denies things, so that leaves you. That or you stole the book and made fun of it, he proves it true because his ego can’t let that go.
You do at least help him with Robbie. Is it because you hate Robbie and just wanna make his life shit? Or because you do care about Dipper and only you can make fun of Dipper? Only Stan knows and like hell he’s gonna blab.
If you get the book that tells you how to summon Bill, you do it. Which leads to-
Bill- Your Uncle’s ex.
Either you’re too much like your dad and know no one does anything for free.
“Hey there Slingshot! Want a new skateboard?” Bill says dressed as a very bad attempt of Tony Hawk.
“Why are you being nice to me?” You say holding your now broken skateboard.
“Okay, fine, I’m a talking triangle. I’m the symbol on the back of money! You’d like money right?” Bill now turns into himself.
“All you gotta do is shake my hand-.”
“Why’d you lie to me before?”
Or somehow you have the book, Bill’s trying to get it but so is Dipper. So either you can throw it to Dipper or Bill.
“Come on Slingshot, hand me the book.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“Y/n No!” Dipper yells at you.
“I’ll give you all the money in my pocket.”
“That depends how much money are we talking about?”
“62 cents.”
“I’ll take the money.”
“Y/n?!” Dipper panics, and Mabel then sprays Bill in the eye with hair spray. (I picked slingshot as your symbol because when I think of Bart I think of slingshot and skateboarding. Feel free to change it)
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Ford- you two don’t get along.
When Ford gets out of the portals and jumps Stan you join in. You punch Ford in the face, once the fight is over you stand in front of your dad to block him.
If you have six fingers he notices it and he smiles a bit. He slightly panics and thinks you’re his, which was stupid, man hasn’t touched a woman.
(Next parts kinda sad, if you wanna skip it)
After that you don’t try to connect and neither does he. When he says that you guys will have to leave after the summer, you start scamming people more. You start to sell your stuff to make some cash. You don’t tell Stan but once he realizes what you’re doing he stops you. Well, not from scamming, just from selling your stuff. He probably cons them back or something. Says not to worry.
Once Dipper gets past Ford’s walls, you still hate Ford. You make it known, you refuse to call him your uncle and just call him names. Dipper tells Ford you’re just like that. Mabel tells him it’s because he did something to upset you. Once Stan and Ford start to get better, you do the same.
Ford sees you as Stan before everything happened. He isn’t sure how to connect with you but he knows that little Stan would’ve loved to hear the journey he’s been on. So he starts with that, just short tales. Once he sees you have a slingshot or a skateboard he tries to invent something more advanced for you, or at least makes blue prints.
You’re into art so he shows you some of his art and you do the same. You have redrawn some of his art that’s in the journals.
But the moment things go wrong you go back to being on Stan’s side, everything that you two have done is basically gone to you. So after everything that happens you don’t forgive him.
When Stan forgets everything you cry, and it was the first time the twins, Ford, and even Soos, have seen you cry. Stan hugs you but it’s not the same, it’s not a father’s hug it’s a pity hug. You cry harder, you apologize to Stan, about everything and anything, you didn’t do anything to cause this, you know that.
Soos actually holds you afterwards, he’s crying too. You shut the twins and Ford out. You get it wasn’t their fault but you blame them anyways. The what ifs just keep playing in your head. When they try to jog Stan memory, you pull out a box. It’s full of photos, drawings, your first skateboard, baby stuff, the works. You’re crying and stuttering as you explain it to him.
Everything works out at the end. You bring Ford to Bill’s statue and vandalize it. You and Stan catch up on tv together. You give Mabel a drawling you made, it’s of her, Waddles, and you. She adds it to her scrapbook, you also give her a slingshot. You give Dipper a silly picture of you and Soos, with a note on the back you wrote. Soos and you run the mystery shack together.
(Sorry I like basically erased Wendy, I just couldn’t think of anything)
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ohodie · 11 months ago
spiderman!luke castellan x reader
part 1 || part 2
★ "i am sick of the chase but i'm hungry for blood, and theres nothing i can do"
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ABOUT - luke castellan is new york's very own 'friendly neighbourhood spider-man'- because of course he fuckin' is. to make matters even better, you're the only one at school who knows. lucky you.
WARNINGS - australian slang yet again (sorry guys, i cant help it. its in my blood!), swearing, first person?? idk i thought it'd be cool. sorry if it sucks. lol. mentions of adderall (she has ADHD) and vaping. reader is a rich girl and the leader of the sassy girl apocolypse.
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"are you okay, ma'am?"
"dont call me ma'am, luke."
"okay, what the fuck."
that's how i found out the nerd in my AP chemistry class was spider-boy. i mean, obviously i had caught on to his whole 'superhero thing' like, a week after the news articles started flooding in. it was so obvious.
luke is probably one of the only guys in the world dumb enough to put on a latex suit in order to help old ladies cross the street. sure, he's a good samaritan- and sure, he's saving small businesses from being mugged into bankruptcy and shit; but who cares?
every night, i see him swinging from building to building like a fucking weirdo. it gets old after the first 100 foot drop down from the hilton hotels building. like, we get it. you're spider-man. good for you.
sadly, my cynicism was brought to a halt as soon as he saved me from being brutally robbed on my way home. of course i got mugged on the one day i decided not to wear my doc martens. just my luck.
i used to cut through this sketchy alleyway to get to my bus stop because it took way too long walking around the block- that was my first mistake. DO NOT GO INTO SKETCHY ALLEYWAYS IN NEW YORK. NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS IN AN ALLEYWAY.
my second mistake was deciding against popping my second addy during 5th period, because if i had, then maybe i'd be alert enough to clock what was happening before this druggie had his glock pointed at my head. well, at least it wasn't his dick. praise the lord!
the druggie snuck behind me, before literally grabbing me by the neck and pushing me up against the wall of the dingy alleyway. then, he pulled out a WHOLE ASS GUN from his pocket and held it to my head, using the sleeve of his sweater to cover its form.
my breath hitched as the water bottle inside my backpack pressed against my spine. that was my third mistake. frank green water bottles hurt when they're pushing into your bones.
"you're gonna give me all the money you've got on you, kay?" he asked in a low, raspy voice. he definitely smoked 5 packs a day.
nevertheless, i nodded and reached into the side pocket of my backpack. i pulled out my cute little mimco purse and started taking out all the cash in it. it hurt my soul to get rid of it- that money was supposed to go towards my new vape. bummer.
my hands were shaking as they held the messy assortment of bills, waiting for him to take it from me and just leave me alone.
"good. thanks- dont be tellin' anyone about this, or else i'll find you,' he threatened, slowly pulling the gun away from my head.
"i wont, i swear!"
"you're taller than him, ma'am. why dont you just kick him to the curb?"
i furrowed my brows, my eyes scanning the alleyway for the origins of the voice. the origins of luke's voice.
his nasally tone was so distinct, i could recognise it with my head underwater.
"the fuck?" called out the short, ugly smoker with my money. he whipped his head around furiously, suddenly a lot more alarmed than when he was robbing me. suddenly, the nerdy loser in latex swung down and pushed him onto the cold ground.
spider-boy grabbed his wrists and held them behind his back, before webbing them together in some homemade handcuffs.
"are you fuckin' kidding me?" the guy grumbled, his voice muffled by the gravel pushing against his mouth as spider-dork held his head to the ground.
"nope, not kidding you," he sighed, using his webs to secure the man into his position on the ground. he dug into the mans pockets and pulled out my money.
yep, that was luke castellan all right.
spider-nerd leapt off the constrained druggie and walked over to me, handing me back my assortment of bills. "are you okay, ma'am?" he asked, looking downwards a bit to meet my gaze.
thats exactly how luke looks at me. he's gotta be luke- he HAS to be.
i had been watching luke for weeks. i had been analysing his every movement, every strange look and awkward gesture. i was 99.9% sure that spider-man was luke castellan.
but there was only one way to find out.
"dont call me ma'am, luke."
luke choked on air, taking a step forwards as he clumsily held onto the wall in shock. "okay, what the fuck?"
i laughed dryly, my eyes narrowed as i stared at him. the whole ‘spider-man’ thing really did suit him.
"you know?" he stuttered out. i nodded, before pointing over at the guy still squirming under his webs. "maybe you should get rid of him," i said calmly, crossing my arms over my chest after stuffing my money into the pocket of my jeans.
"oh. yeah, right."
before i knew it, luke had quite literally kicked the guy in the head to knock him out.
"are you allowed to do that?" i asked, my eyes wide in shock.
"nah, not really," luke shrugged, before looking down at his watch and pressing a few buttons.
"i thought you were supposed to be a friendly neighbourhood spider-boy," i retorted. luke scoffed, looking back up at me with what i could only assume to be a sly grin from under his mask. "its spider-man,” he corrected.
“and criminals who mess with pretty girls deserve to be curb stomped."
okay. yeah. he had a fair point. i am rather pretty.
then, out of nowhere, luke grabbed me by the waist and aimed his wrist towards the sky. before i knew it, he was swinging us towards the sky like a fucking lunatic.
“luke! what the fuck?!” i screamed, wrapping my arms around his neck and clinging to his body for dear life.
“what’s your addy?” he asked, his toned arm keeping me in place as it pressed against the small of my back.
‘what’s your addy?’ seriously? what a fuckin’ loser. i would’ve made fun of him for using snapchat lingo if it weren’t for how strong his arms were. jesus christ, they were so big and toned… no wonder he skips gym class every lesson; he doesn’t want to show off. what a humble king.
“uhh- greenhead avenue!” i cried out, digging my head into the nook of his neck. gods, he smelt good.
luke nodded, holding me tighter as he swung us through the air. “rodger that.”
“thanks for like… saving me, or whatever,”
i stood inside my bedroom, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as i clung onto the window frame. luke took off his mask as he stood on the balcony, leaning against the railing. he shot me a meek smile, tilting his head to the side as a way to play down his cocky demeanour.
he’s never gonna let me live this down.
“don’t worry about it.”
he paused, letting his smile drop. “just- promise you won’t tell anyone?” luke asked, his voice low as he leaned forward.
of course i wasn’t going to tell anyone- i’m not a total cunt. i have morals… sometimes.
“i promise, luke.”
he smiled, pulling his mask back over his head before taking a step back. “great. see you on monday,” he called out, jumping off the railing and swinging away from my apartment building.
as soon as he left, i face planted against my bed.
luke castellan was spider-man. i fucking knew it.
that was fine. i knew that.
but what really got me was how hot it was when he held me by the waist, how good he smelt, how raspy his voice was- WHAT THE FUCK.
no. what the fuck. are you kidding me. god no. no no no no no no no. i’m going to jump off the balcony. this is it.
of course. just my luck.
that day i confirmed my suspicions of luke being spider-man.
i also realised why i cared about it much.
fuck my life.
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akai-akai · 8 months ago
okay so I've ranted about my "Simon Riley is a Dork" philosophy, now I bring you...
John MacTavish is a NERD.
I see how he's often pinned as the rambunctious "airhead" of the team, and that may be true to some to degree but he's not STUPID.
Listen, this man is a demolition expert. That involves all kinds of maths, measurements, electrical work, mechanics, technical shit I'm not well-versed in, etc. Demolitions experts have to be pretty damn smart to be considered experts.
I think Johnny was 100% a robotics kid growing up. Maybe even dabbled in coding and mathematics club. I seriously think he was one of the nerdy kids in highschool/secondary school.
And though that part of him is still very much there, it's quieter now. Shrouded by professionalism and experience and maturity. But then, sometimes when he's had a few too many drinks, or if Simon plucks just the right strings, he'll go on these long tangents about the different mathematics, or about this robot he built by hand in highschool by himself in his parents' garage-turned-robotics-lab— the garage lab that he accidentally set on fire and blew up a can of old hairspray his sister had left on his desk. (He totally wasn't using it as a blowtorch to kill some poor unsuspecting bug, his sister just left the spray there and he didn't notice it. That small burn scar on his left hand is completely unrelated.)
And of course, Simon will sit quietly and patiently, watching the way Johnny's eyes light up and his face gets more and more expressive, arms and hands moving wildly, animatedly. He's so passionate, it makes Simon's eyes soften with affection.
And when Johnny's especially focused on the blueprints in front of him during a mission, clock ticking and pressure weighing down on him, he's a sight to behold. Somehow, that's when he works best. Brows pinched, lips pressed in a tight line as his brain works over the details, pieces a plan together as he mutters under his breath, pen scratching on the paper, recites numbers for the other team members to remember. And then his brows smooth out and he gets this giddy look as things click together in his mind and his head snaps up and he gets to work— John knows to let him take the lead here, and quietly notes to himself that John MacTavish would make for a great Captain down the line.
Sometimes when he can't sleep or his mind's a little too loud, he'll sit up at the little desk in his barracks with the dim lamp illuminating a worn-out blue sketchbook, pencil eraser trapped between his teeth as he scans his old notes and sketches and unresolved equations. Mundane math and physics that doesn't take a lot of mental power, but still relaxes him nonetheless.
In addition, he'd be good at sketching. Specifically blueprints and modeling. Dimensional stuff and perspective. Finds a quiet corner somewhere on base— usually that old tree out by the dirt track— and sketches away models, some of which are totally unrealistic but he doesn't care. He'll sketch a giant sci-fi atomic canon model with realistic mathematics and semi-viable science behind it if he wants to.
When he needs to memorize a new model, he'll draw each individual piece, each little working part as if he's dissecting it and mapping it out in his brain. Sometimes when Simon flips through Johnny's sketchbooks, he'll find 10+ pages filled with the same model, over and over, and it's like he can see every thought process, every reasoning, every time Johnny clicks something together in his mind.
Johnny is brilliant. He's a scientist, an expert in his field. He's a total nerd and I love him for it.
(His average shower thoughts are either complex science that would give the average person a migraine, or Simon's eyes. No in between.)
This time, the tables are turned. Johnny will be mid-ride on top of Simon in bed, purposely distracting himself in his mind to hold off his own release (bc it's a competition and he'll be damned if he finishes first) and then suddenly he'll remember a bomb blueprint he was deconstructing the previous day and he'll plop down, sitting up stock straight as he curses and something makes a PING! sound in his brain and suddenly he's leaning over while Simon raises a questioning brow, hands still firmly gripping Johnny's hips as he snatches his notebook and pen from his table side drawer, flops the book unceremoniously on top of Simon's chest, hunches over, and begins writing and muttering to himself.
And Simon just waits, halfway between disgruntled and amused. Just sorta resorts to grinding his hips upward— to which Johnny firmly plants his hips downward, keeping them still, and Simon just sighs and waits some more.
Simon's in love with this idiot, don't let him fool you. I love them a healthy amount.
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sulphuric-onyx · 5 months ago
ok two posts in one day, but I'm back on my bs so who cares. I've been thinking a lot about Tuckington as husbands, mostly all of the domestic shenanigans and the dynamics of it, so here's some of that:
-I think during retirement they'd start gaming together a lot, Tucker leans towards action titles and shooters and Wash while okay with those games, and actually pretty good at them, usually prefers cozy games and life simulators (animal crossing, stardew valley, etc), so they usually find a balance by playing RPG's together, with the occasional horror game when Tucker can convince Wash (also they have a shared minecraft world with like, 300 hours on it collectively).
-Related to this, Tucker 100% manages to get Wash to fall for dumb puns and those bad "ligma" jokes due to Wash not experiencing them very often thanks to spending most of his 20's in the military/project freelancer rather than like, college or something, and Tucker revels in it because it's the most he's ever been able to pull them off, and they usually go something like this:
Tucker (playing through a game on the couch with Wash on the other controller, exploring a new area) : Oh hey, there's some up-dog in here.
Wash (following behind Tucker's character, entirely genuine): What's up-dog?
Tucker (with the most shit eating grin imaginable): Nothing much man, what's up with you?
Wash: *actively opening the options menu to punch Tucker's character in the face*
Anyway, they're very big collective dorks to me once their married, something something they match each others freak/bring out the nerd in each other, I might write this eventually. (lying)
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justagreengummybear · 11 days ago
Hello and welcome to episode 1 of my “Gaydar” series, where I tell people what sexuality I think characters from media are. I am bisexual so I think I’m qualified to say my opinion lol. First up is all the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit characters. I’m starting with the Hobbit because I just rewatched all three movies recently.
Bilbo: There is no way on this green and burning earth or in my mind that Bilbo gives off anything other than awkward, introverted, and chaotic trans gay man energy. I find it increasingly hilarious that despite Martin Freeman’s stance on things like this, that the two most popular characters that he’s played have the highest rate of being in the most gay ass ships known to the world of men. His likeness is carved into the most heartbreaking and also hottest gay ships ever known and he has to live with that.
Thorin: Bisexual disaster man who has absolutely no idea how to show that his love language is both physical touch and words of affirmation, so he gives people he loves what someone hilariously called “love bonks.” Seriously, he had this entire field, a vast open plane in front of the mountain to walk through and he still went right for Bilbo to bump his shoulder against his. Use your goddamn words to tell Bilbo you love him, you silly short little bisaster.
Gandalf: As one of the Maiar (basically an all powerful angel in Tolkien universe) I was originally going to say Gandalf is Pansexual, but upon further examination of his character, Gandalf is 100% demisexual and demiromantic. He’s literally thousands of years old and I feel like he absolutely would not find anyone attractive or see any romantic potential in them if they didn’t share the same lifespan as him (looking at you Lady Galadriel.) He’s a mess but we love him.
Balin: He’s that one old, gay uncle in your family that you didn’t know was gay until you’re older and then realize that’s why he never got married. He literally gives Globber the Belch from How to Train Your Dragon: “this is why I never married, that and… one other reason.” Bombastic side eye on you, my guy.
Dwalin: My husband. My man. My perfect fucking tank of a man. I was originally going to say that he’s very straight coded, but I could definitely see him being bi leaning more towards femme presenting people. I also ship him with my own original character, but that’s an entirely different discussion.
Oin and Glóin: They are also straight coded, but Oin I could see being similar to Dwalin, Bi just leaning more towards femmes. Glóin gives big “I don’t understand what the LGTBLMNOP stuff is but good for you” dad energy.
Ori and Nori: Definitely also bi, but leaning more towards masc presenting people. Ori just gives sweet little gay woodshop nerd and there’s something about how Nori styles his hair that makes him seem fairly gay.
Dori: 100% gay. There’s not much explanation for this one, it’s just the vibe I get off him. He definitely spills some chamomile tea with Balin on those late nights in Erebor.
Bombur: Eh, he’s straight. Man is married and canonically has 6 kids. But he’s super chill with everyone because he’s the absolute goat of acceptance.
Fili and Kili: Fili is a proud and out pansexual man who is not picky at all. People are hot, he don’t care. Kili is bi but straight leaning, just for the “that’s not an elf maid” joke.
Bofur: Absolute legendary pansexual icon. Bofur can have anyone or everyone he wants because he’s just such a sweet little dork who gives no fucks about who or what you identify as. If he thinks they’re attractive, they’re attractive, end of story.
Bifur: Asexual. But he likes to watch. Next question.
Thranduil: Bisexual pillow princess. No more notes.
Bard: Bisexual. It gets lonely in that tiny lake town.
Tauriel: Another straight character, but I mean it in the most loving way possible. She loves short kings, what else can I say?
Now onto the LOTR cast-
Frodo: You poor sweet gay boy, let me give you a hug. Seriously, this boy deserves all the love and care in the world, which his best friend would absolutely give him.
Sam: Bisexual king. I can’t Not see Frodo and Sam being soulmates in every lifetime and Sam loving both Frodo and Rosie equally with his fucking Litter of 13 children. Rosie definitely gives the vibe that she wouldn’t mind watching her husband with his boyfriend.
Merry and Pippin: They’re both bi, but Pippin gives vague trans or gender-fluid vibes, I can’t tell which though.
Legolas: Bi, gender-fluid and 100% a bottom. Elves are essentially beings of light that choose physical forms suiting their own wants, and if that’s not gender-fluid coded, I don’t know wtf is.
Ghimli: Also bi, but aggressively so. He thought Galadriel was so fucking pretty and then he turned around to insult his twink boyfriend every chance he got. It’s his love language and Legolas seems to be into that.
Boromir: Straight but literally the most chill and accepting ally you’ve ever seen. Protective dad energy.
Faramir: Totally bi. When he saw his future wife’s crush, he absolutely said “Yeah, I get it.” Probably more fuel for his dad to hate him tho. “Miss me with that gay shit,” Denethor, probably.
Arwen: My queen, my gay awakening, and another straight character, which isn’t bad necessarily, but she can definitely peg her husband whenever she wants.
Aragorn: Sorry Bofur, but Aragorn gets the number one spot for most fruity character in this series. The man, the myth, the legend. Aragorn is a pansexual, polyamorous mess and his vibe is literally one of my favorite jokes.
“Hello, my name is Arwen. This is my husband, Aragorn. This is Aragorn’s boyfriend, Legolas. And this is Legolas’s husband, Ghimli.”
Absolute icon.
Eowyn: Also straight, but upon meeting Aragorn’s girlfriend turned wife, she would absolutely cave and say “Oh. I get it now.”
She definitely wouldn’t say no if Arwen offered a four way with her and Faramir. She would only accept if Faramir did. Which he would.
And before anyone asks about the villains, they are all straight (derogatory) and that’s my stance on it.
So there we have it, my hot take on the absolute fruit bowl that is the LOTR and Hobbit movies. I hope you all found this funny/stupid/entertaining or something.
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closetnerd62 · 1 year ago
Nerdy Prudes Love Languages
Disclaimer: These are my opinions and what I got from the characters portrayal, you can disagree but please be polite
Ruth: Primarily Physical Touch (duh) but I feel like Acts of Service would be a close second for her, she told Steph she was in love with her when Steph did ONE thing to help the nerds
Richie: 100% quality time. I am so confident that this man loves parallel play. He just wants someone to take the time to watch anime with him and listen to his rants.
Grace: words of affirmation. I mean homegirl was told that she was hot one (1) time and lost her fucking mind. Plus she desperately wants to be considered superior in some way (more devout, more holy, more committed , more godly, etc.)
Pete: Quality time as #1 but I think words of affirmation are a close second. He clearly gets excited at the prospect of even just spending time with Steph at Pasquale’s and the football game but after years of bullying I know homeboy needs some good old words of affirmation. (Yeah maybe I am projecting, shut up)
Steph: SOMEONE JUST GIVE MY GIRL WORDS OF AFFIRMATION PLEASE. I just know she needs them. I would too if my father were Solomon Lauter. Seriously though I feel like she is pretty straight up in sharing what it is about Pete that makes her happy (“I like funny guys” ; “ you’re a dork Spankoffski, but the bow tie is growing on me”)Although I think her primary love language is words of affirmation I think she would find it easier to show her love and trust others love in the form of acts of service.
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stranger-stardustt · 1 year ago
Nerd, Dork, and Other Forms of Admiration
Rating: T | CW: light blood drinking | tags: established relationship, vampire!eddie, fluff | prompt: Love is about healing each other’s wounds | for @steddielovemonth day 16
“It’s just a papercut, Eds.” Steve glanced down at his finger, watching the droplets of blood pool around the wound. “I’ll be fine.”
Eddie looked at him with an amused grin. His fangs gleamed under the kitchen light. “Idea!” he exclaimed, rushing to the bathroom. He returned moments later with a bandaid and bright eyes. “Idea, idea, idea!” 
Pulling Steve closer, Eddie grasped lightly at his wrist. He brought Steve’s injured finger up to his face and looked at the other man with something akin to shock in his expression.
“What?” Steve asked. Eddie shrugged. 
“Sorry, bad idea.” He dropped Steve’s hand and looked at the floor. "I got carried away.”
Realization rushed through Steve. “You wanted to drink it,” he said slowly. Eddie nodded. “That’s so… sweet.”
Opening his mouth in surprise, Eddie looked back up at Steve through his eyelashes. “You think it's sweet? I just offered to go vamp on you, and you think that’s sweet?” 
Steve shrugged. “It’s sort of endearing,” he said with a soft smile. “Intimate. Plus, it’s only a small bit of blood. I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?” Eddie asked, and Steve nodded at him. “Like, you're sure you're sure? 100%-”
He was cut off by Steve pressing his finger to Eddie’s lips. The vampire froze for a moment before giving in to his senses, sucking up the little bit of blood that had collected on the pad of Steve’s finger. He sighed as he pulled away, satisfied. He… had never had human blood. It was nice. 
“Thanks,” he blushed, unable to divert his direct eye contact with Steve. “That… thank you.”
A blush spread over Steve’s cheeks as well. “It’s no problem.”
With a little nod, Eddie remembered the bandaid in his hand. “Oh!” he squeaked, grasping Steve’s fingers again. “Here, let me do this.” He wrapped the bandaid around Steve’s wound, smiling at his work. “There! All better, Stevie.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “You’re insane,” he remarked playfully.
“About you, maybe,” Eddie replied.
The two of them stared at each for a moment, comfortable silence filling the air. “Dork,” Steve finally whispered, not wanting to break the perfect atmosphere that had formed around them. “My dork.”
“I prefer nerd,” Eddie whispered back, “but I am yours nonetheless.”
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i know nolan purposely doesn't have any romantic interests outside of springtrap and william, and literally zero sexual interests.
but i think nolan's gay man type would be him projecting what he thinks he would've become if he was born to a normal family in a normal life. y'know "Gabriel Langfield Accardi" type deal
geeky shy dudes. big glasses, braces, bad social skills, 90's nerd hobbies, intricate knowledge of fantasy media, attends E3 before it shut down, absolute total lightweight, blushes like a faucet from the pale skin, skinny as a twig etc.
you understand the vision. i think nolan would be genuinely 100% be OBSESSED with nerds. he'd love dinguses and dweebs and dorks and geeks.
if furry terms can help: think of squirrels. im serious
(btw i have no idea WHY i think this. it's just PERFECT for me to think about and i can't explain it.)
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violently smashing my two major fandoms with an F together as a form of procrastination
A question for the ages: WHICH Avatar character matches up with WHICH Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one and WHY the fuck should anyone (besides me) care? We'll answer at least one of those questions for you tonight, dear viewers!!!!
First up
Neteyam - Leo
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Eldest son, blue theme (like I could say this for all the Sullys, but shush), can do no wrong except when one of the siblings stubs a toe and then the Guilt, daddy's favorite solider who's also a huge dork (like we don't see a lot of evidence of this in canon for Neteyam but let me have this), Neteyam's Untimely End vs Leo getting treated as such a punching bag by each TMNT iteration that throwing him through a goddamn window is an established franchise staple by now.
Kiri - Donnie
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A case can be made for April-Kiri parallels (particularly for psychic powers re 2012 April, my beloved, and dead mom syndrome) and also Karai-Kiri (for dead mom syndrome, how often I've mixed up their fucking names while writing), but Kiri-Donnie fits the siblings theme, so there. They're tech nerd-nature nerd solidarity, autistic Entities of unparalleled death and destruction, happy to destroy government property, younger siblings pretending to be above the Chaos while very much not, and in desperate need of a nap and a stiff drink.
Lo'ak - Raph
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Rage issues. Daddy issues. Big brother issues. Relatively smol and Keenly aware of that fact. Adored by the (smart) fans, cursed by Eywa/God. Makes strong bonds with animal fwends and also collects traumatic experiences like magnets collect nails. 100% either in a fistfight or sobbing into his pillow rn. In a family living at the bottom of a fucking sewer and/or on the run from the government, still manages to feel like an odd one out. Someone needs to introduce Lo'ak to emo music, it would fuck him up so much /pos.
Tuk - Mikey
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Youngest and most excitable sibling, heart of gold and jaws of steel. Optimism that remains in the face of innocence slowly being shaved away by Events. Hates being left out or left behind, committed to various Schemes and Plans with historically mixed outcomes. Has definitely either killed a man or will do so as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
Spider - Karai and April
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Spider's kind of an unholy amalgamation of April's Token Human We've Shared Traumatic Experiences With journey and Karai's At Odds With Creepy Undead Father Figure And Complex Relationship With Less Creepy Father Figure (see below) arcs. Basically part of my ongoing psyops plans to Feminize That Boy (don't worry Karai-Kiri and April-Kiri parallels, I still love you). Also, Leorai/Apritello and Speteyam/Spiri (mix and match at will) have exciting interspecies and/or vaguely incestous vibes we should all strive for in our weird fanfics.
Jake - Splinter/Hamato Yoshi
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Tired dads trying their best and just so happening to raise The Kids as soldiers-warriors along the way. Exciting and confusing relationships with the concept of this thing you call "death." Shameless species hoppers, even though Jake did it on purpose while TMNT writers in various iterations have to come up with increasingly more convoluted ways for it to happen to Yoshi against his will. Is not afraid of violence, especially when it comes to their homoerotically homicidal relationship with
Quaritch - Shredder
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Big Bad of the story, or at least the one everybody pays attention to. The Bitch Who Refuses To Die. Unhealthy, possessive, genuinely quite creepy (/pos) obsession with sort-of-kid who ended up in his care through Unfortunate Means. Will destroy everything he remotely cares about and sit in the ashes with surprised Pichaku face before finding someone to blame. Refuses to let go of a fucking grudge, be it with aforementioned homoerotic-homicide buddy or various children.
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Technically the best Neytiri parallel in terms of family relationships would be Tang Shen, Splinter's wife and the pseudo/actual (depending on the iteration) mother of his children. However, Tang Shen has an unfortunate history of being Dead Girled and Ghost-Momed in a way that puts her more in common with Grace or Tom Sully (rip). Still, Neytiri has a lot in common with the vengeful demon ghost version of Tang Shen that exists primarily in my head.
Payakan - Casey Jones
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Outcast from society, defender of the weak, wanted by the authorities. Combines genuinely passionate belief in justice/revenge with an equally genuine talent for wanton violence and destruction. Has an interspecies bromance with Lo'ak/Raph that puts Achilles and Patrocles to shame. Someone definitely needs to introduce Payakan to emo music, too, not to mention death metal--he'd start a band to put those Little Mermaid fuckers to shame.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Arguments? (you're all wrong btw) Only know me from one of these fandoms and have no idea what the hell I'm taking about? Hit me up in the reblogs!
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lovejustforaday · 1 month ago
Year End List - #8
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No Hands - Joey Valence And Brae
Main Genres: Hardcore Rap, Alternative Rap
A decent sampling of: Nerdcore Rap, Boom Bap, Mid-School Hip Hop, EDM, Comedy Rap
We live in an age now where certain artists can be pretty accurately described as having a "very online" sound. Usually these are artists not really belonging to any known geographical scenes, and who have a tendency to lean into things like meme culture, self-referential humour, references to online drama, and post-irony.
Though technically a neutral term in itself, I would say I more often use "very online" as a pejorative. I mostly reserve the term for artists I perceive as placing "cleverness", "edginess" and "esoteric" taste over captivating songwriting, good beats, engaging lyrics, or interesting sound textures.
100 Gecs would kinda be my go-to example of this phenomenon. Maybe I'm not Zoomer enough to get it (again, I'm pretty sure I'm a ZiLleNniAL, AkShuAlLy), but the Gecs sound and most of the hyperpop scene it spawned has always seemed to put style over substance and being "cutting-edge" and insular to internet culture over being, well, good.
There's also Dorian Electra, who in their Flamboyant days could be considered an example of "very online" done right, but eventually trended towards the style over substance issue pretty hard on their last two records.
Kind of an awkward way to start this review frankly, but the point I'm trying to get at is that I'm not easily impressed by esoteric internet references in music just because I'm a computer-dwelling over-stimulated nerd who gets all of those references. So when I do like this kind of music, I take it as pretty solid proof that there's more substance to the artist's online success than just their online-ness.
Joey Valence and Brae are the latter kind of "very online" artist. And yeah, I'll admit I'm not some kind of super fan that found these guys early on. I very much discovered them through the big exposure they got this year through the usual online channels that folks blow up on these days.
And I gotta admit I'm not entirely sold on their online presence. They play to a very stereotypically zoomer audience in the way they promote themselves on social media, and some of that's got me feeling very old-man-yelling-at-cloud. But the music speaks for itself.
I am 100% not original in making the comparison to this group, but imma do it anyway: ever wondered what it would sound like if the Beastie Boys had grown up with Xboxes, Playstation 2s and high speed internet in their homes? Well, now you know.
Joey Valence and Brae are two massive dorks and unapologetic 2000s kids from State College, Pennsylvania who can spit absolute fire on the mic. Their flow and general attitude hearkens back to an era when the term "hip hop" actually referred to hipping and hopping (yes I feel incredibly corny writing that). LL Cool J, Public Enemy, Wu-Tang Clan and many of the other in-your-face old-heads of the 80s and early 90s are pretty clear reference points for their style as rappers. And yes, the Beastie Boys too.
As for the record, No Hands is the hip hop record that I imagine me and my straight guy childhood friends would've made when we were jacked up on sugar and doritos while playing Smash Bros and WWE Smackdown Games during our late night sleepovers. I'm not entirely convinced Joey and Brae aren't just playable extras from a Tony Hawk or Matt Hoffman game that got inexplicably zapped into the real world and decided to start writing music with their newfound sentience.
The beats all over this thing are flashy, animated, vintage, and fugging seggsy. In addition to the classic beats, an assortment of EDM styles augment these tracks, from atmospheric DnB to garage house and miami bass. A real tour-de-force of different kinds of party music. Meanwhile, the lyrics are just corny enough to separate the posers from the folks who sincerely appreciate some silly fucking bangers, squareness be damned.
"BUSSIT" is a goddamn bludgeon to the balls of a opener. Pure no-fucks-given personality on those opening lines followed by that crunchy ass beat drop. "Don't need money / I just need a butt" gets a good snort out of me every time I hear that line. The DnB bridge is heavenly, like waking up in some ethereal playstation menu select screen world.
Also, let's just acknowledge this now - Joey is a total ass-man (which, same), and I appreciate how he manages to sneak in a bar rhapsodizing about the beauty of butt on every other track. Man's got a passion.
Danny Brown appears outta nowhere two tracks in on "PACKAPUNCH" and it makes me go practically apeshit. A diss track that's so silly and tongue-in-cheek that it barely threatens a kitten, but it does exude ungodly levels of cool. These guys really play to the beat of their own drum and I mad respect that.
"NO HANDS" is a sassy little jazz rap ditty with some masterful golden age hip hop turntable sounds. "Was always a misfit / teachers like thongs always up in my business / And I failed statistics...but I aced sex ed" is another line that gets a stupid giggle out of me like I'm back in grade school and someone just made a fart joke.
By far the breeziest beat is on "WHERE U FROM", which got my heaviest rotation from the record. Swanky 8-bit chords are mixed in with claps, hi-hats, and kicks and the end result is seriously addictive. Love the little pitched up "where the hell you from / whatcha doing right here?" like some little leprechaun up in my ears. Slick as fuck track.
The front end of this record is so overpowered that the second half of it kinda pales in comparison. In fairness, the second half is still pretty damn strong on its own, particularly "DOUGHBOY" and it may just be my bias that what comes first sticks with me more, since a lot of this record has much of the same general approach to songwriting ethos.
And okay, does the occasional bar make me cringe? Absolutely. Particularly any of the shit about cars, or the general materialism that I can't even fully embrace ironically. Sure, it's already prevalent in a lot of hip hop, but I find it even more grating coming from a couple of suburb kids.
That being said, I'm very much taking a record like this way too seriously in admitting that. As I stated earlier, Joey Valence and Brae clearly give no fucks, and the dudes just wanna make the kinda music that they woulda blasted in their early teens, and who am I to judge? This shit bangs.
No Hands has more personality than just about any other record released in 2024, and you'll probably laugh and shake your ass off to more than a few songs on here if you're not too high and mighty to embrace your inner child.
For fans of:
Ill Communication by Beastie Boys Enter the Wu-Tang by Wu-Tang Clan Love And Glitter, Hot Days, and Music by Helen Love
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yenforfairytales · 2 years ago
Daniel as Slave Leia was A Choice I 100% approve of. Does that make Terry Jabba the Hut lmaoooooo. Jokes aside (or not), since young!Terry (Twig) was a dork, he would definitely be a Star Wars fan. He would probably nut himself to death if cute little Danny walked in dressed in that metal bikini...hehe.
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Amazing choices were made! And now I'm just picturing Jabba with a Silver ponytail lmao.
And to think, this here Twig was just two years away from the first Star Wars film coming out:
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You can't tell me Terry doesn't have a lightsaber he built himself somewhere in that sword collection!
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And Karate Kid 3 takes place one year before Return of the Jedi came out...
You just know he had some seriously haunting dreams about being a mob boss in space, and the bratty twink-that-got-away in a certain slave outfit. Daniel and Leia do have similar attitudes. 🤭
I mean that outfit is infamously known to be every sci fi nerds ultimate fantasy.
Imagine late 80's or early 90's while Daniel and Terry are dating. The topic comes up jokingly in bed as these things do
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Daniel is so modest and usually covers up buuuut, it is Terry's birthday soon. What do you get the man who has everything?
Terry comes home from work to find Daniel draped across their bed in the slave Leia outfit, complete with chain, just like the scene in the movie.
Terry's instantly hard and wet in his pants as Daniel moves to sit up on his knees. Gotta show off a little.
Daniel turns around to look over his shoulder, giving Terry a good look at miles of smooth, golden skin.
"Hello, master. How do you want me?"
I can only assume that Terry approaches the bed with growls, beyond words at this point...
Needless to say, Terry orders tailor made Slave Danny outfits in various colors and textiles! 🤣
Every time a new one arrives, Daniel tries it on like his own little fashion show, and makes sure to thank his generous, completely unselfish boyfriend.
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puella-peanut · 2 years ago
I like how on the outside Terry Silver seems like the perfect human being. suave. cool. collected. but to the audience we've seen how nerdy and silly he is. Evil mastermind that got stuck in a chimney never forget
Actually Daniel is kind of the same way
Oh, I agree 100% Anon!
I mean, Terry Silver, for all his put-together-model-good-looks, his charming sophistication--he still gets stuck in chimneys (Never Forget Indeed!), and he embroiders his own name in Korean on his obi. And has his name on his car's license plate (possibly on all of them--it's never been proven otherwise!). I mean, good lord, the man still gets all starry-eyed over his sword collection the way people get with their Magic-The-Gathering-Cards, or Star Trek.
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If that is not Peak Nerd Anon, I don't know what is.
I guarantee that if he'd been a teenager in today's world, he would have been a total anime-nerd, Koreaboo, on Debate Team, and would probably be president of some sort of Math, Apps, Computer and Coding Club. Truth is, Terry was never the cool one--that was his buddy, hot jock Kreese!
(Shushh...don't let him know though.)
Anyhoo, that's why Daniel and Terry are meant to be. No one can convince me otherwise than Daniel does not have a collection of rare and vintage anime and manga, and that he argues with people on anime-forums about subs vs. dubs. He has definitely attended a Convention more than once, and owns anime merch (maybe even a Sailor Fuku School-girl outfit?). One can dream!
Oh, the possibilities!
Terry and Daniel going on excellent dates to nerd-hot-spots, and (affectionately) deeply discussing the latest anime or K-Pop Boy Band. Or for a more intellectual pursuit, the history and political power of Japan and Korea, martial arts in general, etc. And to remember everything, Daniel scrapbooks all their adventures and him and Terry look over their good-times together fondly.
Meanwhile Johnny, Kreese, and the rest of the gang cringe and avoid them in public.
Dorks indeed, Anon. Dorks indeed.
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theromanticscrooge · 9 days ago
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The last time I was this attached to and invested in a fictional character was in 2010 when Alejandro was introduced in Total Drama World Tour. At the time, I thought I was just really down bad. No, Alejandro was the tip of the iceberg for cracking my trans egg. I started figuring out I wanted to be a charming, charismatic pretty boy in 2014. His slimy brand of charisma is very out of my wheelhouse, but I like to think I could achieve a charming dork kind of charisma someday. I'm still stupidly attached to Alejandro now and consider Aleheather my all-time OTP.
Besides fictional characters, I had what I thought was a huge, dumb crush on a guy in my bigger friend group during college in the early 2010s. He was an unashamed dork that gladly and confidently shared his geeky interests and came to school wearing cat ears or a lab coat. In retrospect, I wanted to be closer to him and simultaneously felt intimidated because he was exactly what I didn't know I wanted to be like.
Seriously, he was so cool and weird and such a nerd! I haven't felt drawn towards anyone in quite the same way I was with him. It was really frustrating feeling gender envy and not knowing that trans people existed or having the right language or knowledge to really unpack how I was feeling until way later in life. This shit can wreck potential friendships and relationships period. I'm begging you: Let yourself explore gender bullshit. Hopefully you'll get to hang out with the interesting anime nerd instead of getting so lost in your own head you missed out on hanging out with what could have been an awesome friend.
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At the moment, I'm stupidly attached to Professor Venomous from O.K. K.O. He's the closest I've found to what really fits what I imagine wanting to look like as a dude. I like his aesthetic, including the chicken butt Sasuke Uchiha hair. I want to look a 1/4 as pretty as this man does. I've played with the idea of trying to cosplay as him at some point; just to see if I could pull off that cool, smarmy bastard vibe he has going (If I do, I'm not sharing pics. Sorry man, I'm staying behind the camera or screen for any of my bullshit here). It's interesting that a year ago, I was fixating on Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 this way. Reigen's more obnoxious, dorky energy is closer to what I'm actually like, but dammit, I want Venomous' put-together look. Not Reigen's choppy, at home haircut and ill-fitting suit.
I'm a transmasc person that's still trying to figure out who they are. This happens to be part of my process, heh.
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