#this makes me a little emotionnal
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prelude-numero-2 · 2 months ago
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Roxane Stojanov learning she is the newest "Étoile" of the Paris Opera Ballet, after her performance in the role of Paquita, December 28, 2024 ✨
📸: Maria-Helena Buckley/ONP
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nesiacha · 10 months ago
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I already talk about horrible movie about the frev. Today I will make a critic about the bad points about a good movie with a very good historical accuracy that I really like but it’s also important to criticize good historical films even if we liked them as a whole (I must say that I liked them personally and I continue to do so) . Firstly, even if it may not have been the intention, because it was not the theme of the show as the writers had planned several themes with the people, including the Night of Varennes, I didn't like that the politicians were seen prominently while the people were too much in the background (minor criticism because the show was discontinued after the success of 'La Terreur et la Vertu,' so maybe they intended to do it later).
Next, the women of the French Revolution are too sidelined, and Lucile Desmoulins is portrayed more as simply worried for Camille Desmoulins without showing Lucile's political side, which accentuates the sexism. Camille Desmoulins is depicted as more naive than he actually was, in my opinion, perhaps to absolve or infantilize him, I don't know.
I would have liked it if we briefly mentioned the retaking of Lyon by Couthon, even just in passing. We have 4 representatives of the indulgent faction (Fabre d'Eglantine, Danton, Camille Desmoulins, and Philppeaux) compared to only 2 on the Hebertist side (Hébert and Chaumette). We only mention Vincent, Ronsin, and Momoro briefly, but I would have liked them to have the same amount of screen time. We should also see their trials and the fact that they were going to the guillotine instead of that, the topic is quickly dismissed.
Moreover, although Castelot and Decaux had a very good debate that I invite everyone to watch, there's something that bothers me. It is said that the CSP (Committee of Public Safety) is at fault for parodying justice against the indulgent, but as usual, we forget the parody done to the Hebertists and also forget that done to the Enragés like Jacques Roux when the CSP, the CSG (Committee of General Security), and the Convention relentlessly attacked him illegally to the point where he committed suicide. Double standard once again, and the parody of justice is justified a bit too much for my taste (which also executed many innocents like Lucile Desmoulins, Marie Françoise Goupil, even Chaumette who had, however, refused the insurrection of Hébert, Gobel, etc)...
Then to say that Barère is acting in good faith from Decaux's point of view? No seriously, I don't buy Barère's whitewashing, he's generally a weathervane (the only time the show mentions it from this side is when Danton says that Barère is for the tipping scale).
Another point is that I found Robespierre a bit too naive at times. In real life, he knows that deep down Danton is a dubious character, but he thinks that the Hebertist wave is more dangerous. It's a political calculation until he realizes that he underestimated the indulgent movement and will opt for a middle policy. There he is almost surprised by some of Danton's movements.
Finally, the end of 'La Terreur et la Vertu' is not bad and very emotionnal; there is an explanation that Saint Just did not move during the insurrection. But personally, I think that our five deputies certainly had scruples regarding the legality of the Convention, as has been said repeatedly, but they mainly hesitated because of it. If they were 100% against not moving against the Convention due to legality, they would have said so. My theory is that they felt exhausted and confused because 17 out of 49 sections had risen, which was a significant number but not enough to justify an uprising, not to mention they were at least somewhat legalistic.
Finally, I would have liked an explanation of why Hanriot was so loyal to Robespierre (we know this if we research the character a little, but a line or two of mention wouldn't have cost much), but I'm glad he wasn't demonized. Far from me the idea of wanting to put this excellent film on trial, but as I said earlier, it is also necessary to see the negative aspects of this film to have a better improvement of the content (although today it regresses even more).
I would have liked it if we also briefly saw Tinville refuse to prosecute Fleuriot Lescot; it would have added a little more humanity to his character (although I don't like Tinville at all, I find that he is always too caricatured to be believable. Fortunately, the TV movie shows his "human" side, but not enough).
The only problem is that I have the impression that they are telling the false message that the execution of Robespierre and his colleagues marks the end of the social revolution when in reality the coup de grace was not done for me. that with the execution of Romme and his friends (the episode of the execution of the Hébertists, Cordeliers, indulgents and of Robespierre and his colleagues was above all only a continuation of weakening between 'internal struggle') and the end of the frev was only after Bonaparte coup d'etat . After seeing that the show was suddenly stopped, perhaps the writers intended to rectify it.
A small gratuitous jab nonetheless from a line in a TV movie: Barras: You will take Robespierre and Saint Just.
Me: Wow, and does Couthon count for nothing, I guess? The poor has just been royally ignored."
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thal-ent · 4 months ago
Zuza belongs to @soupedepates , Pelagia Klara Cernunnos Mi'Arach and Jakub to @corneille-but-not-the-author and Hanko to @noa-de-cajou (all only mentionned, and warning for some heavy angst lol)
I'm the last one.
It's a weird thing to think, when I've had children, and met people who should have been able to leave at least a little longer than me. But I'm the one still here, sitting on the roots of a tree I saw sprouting centuries ago. What was once a city I defended to protect the people I'll forever call my family is now the World Tree.
The cards are not helping me a lot, as they are. The ten of stars is telling me about transformation, regenration, taking some time. But the eight of crown and the Pest are talking about the worst, about being stuck and being at the end.
But the Pest allows me to see Zuza's face, on it. I wish I had been able to tell her more, her who, like the card says to do, kept coming back, kept being stronger.
I look up to the night sky. I almost can't see it, but it's not a bad thing. As much as I owe Star, I'm glad that right now I am allowed to be alone. I know Cernunnos and my sister understand, from where they are in the Tree.
I pull three more cards, leave the ones from before in front of me. The as of crown tells me about financial stability, about security, when i've left the troupe i've helped to create so long ago. The knight of shards is telling me about love and romantism, when all my loves are deep below the earth and hopefully where they finally get the rest from what our lives made us do. Finally, as if to mock me, the two of crown tell me of regrets and instability.
Have I made a mistake, all those years ago ? I didn't know the consequences of using the dagger's powers, allowing Jan's last gift to keep me alive far longer than any elf should.
I feel a breath, next to me, and turn almost expecting Mi'Arach to be here. I miss her, when she's technically alive and well. Like I miss our sister and her wife - Klara became my sister too after so many years. I miss the travelling homes, being able to switch which bed to use when we wanted to. I miss Pelagia and her snark, the glint in her eyes she gained after the years. I miss Sigi, her quiet support and understanding smiles. I miss my children, all of them, who died before me.
I try not to cry, as I lay three more cards. I sob, when the ten of scepters reveals itself to me. The card of New beginnings but also of emotionnal pain. I sniffle at the arrogant face of the knight of stars, telling me of my own and the violence I'm all too aware I'm capable of. But its king makes me break, as it tells me of my selfishness.
I miss them, and yet it is because I made a promise I can't join them yet.
The weight of the crown and the scepter are heavy, in my bag. I never dared to put the first on my head and the second is still cracked. The earring and tarot are always on me, I could never let them go.
I'm the last one. And for as long as this promise is unkept I'll stay alive, for the man who trusted a young elf who was cut from his people.
I clean up the cards, look at the two that almost fall to the ground. The Dancer and the God in the Stars are facing my eyes, two of the people I've loved dearly. I smile, my eyes red. I leave a kiss on each card, faces I almost forget until they find me again.
I'm the last one, and one day I won't be again.
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aromantic-ace · 6 months ago
Humans Are Weirds : Assholes
So, ive been kinda addicted to those Humans are Weirds and Humans are Space Orc fandom and i wanted to bring my grain of salt in it. Please dont be too harsh on possible spelling errors, english isnt my native language.
Now what if Aliens dont have assholes, or what if they naturally have the ability to objectively analyse a situation and pick side with the one that is right and what if the humans were one of the only species that has such a lot of internal conflict, because of that there always were very fews wars, and even less between the same species and then.. here come the humans and their posterior orifice. But the aliens dont know that of course, the Intergalactic Manuals About Humans don't talk about that, it only advice people about the huge diversity in comportement and behavior of the individuals. Now here is an entry from an alien personnal logbook.
Cycle 37 after the start of the Expedition.
Crew member : T'slich of the Kerb System.
The mood isn't great today, everyone feel it, there was an arguing between the Captain and Human Leila. We all know that the decision made by the captain was the best and for the safety of the ship but we all also know very well to not anger the humans. Even Colonel Stabby is quietly hovering around a corner not bothering anyone, it's as if the little robot could feel that today was not the day to do that. What am i talking about ? I think the human started to influence me a bit, this robots cannot have feelings.
But, i know that someone will have to go talk to Human Leila, we learned not to let her alone after a particuliar emotionnal interaction, and since i am the closest one to her i was assigned to go try to calm her. I write this note here in case Human Leila goes into a breakdown and potentially destroy the ship. I know it seem very unlikely since she has only been sweet with us from the start and because of their ability to bond with anything, but i also know that it happened before to another ship of the company, and that an angry human is a dangerous human and must be treated with caution. I will come back later to resume the interaction with Human Leila and finish this entry.
Cycle 37 and a half after the start of the Expedition.
Crew Member: T'slich of the Kerb System.
I am in such shock after what i have learned that i took around half a cycle to process information before coming back to this entry. And i know i will have to send a request to the Intergalactic Counsil so they can add another entry to the Human Manual since this information is so incredible. But for now i prefer to relate the interaction with Human Leila from the start and actually (for once) to make sure that every words we said is correctly written here.
She was already calm when i requested the permission to enter her quarter and that immediatly sent various mixed signals in my brain, it could be a good news but also a bad new since humans are notorious for their dead calm just before doing incredibly violent act, but i was hoping she just managed to calm herself, after all losing a bunch of animal cargo to pirates wasn't such a big deal right ?
Me : "– Human Leila are you alright ? I heard your discussion with Captain Doks was... animated."
Human Leila: "– Yes i'm alright, i don't have much hard feelings against this assholes, he's just following procedure, why do you ask ?"
Me: "– Well the crew was worrying about you and i came here to make sure you were alr- excuse me.. what did you said ? I think the translator made an error."
At this point i had already noted the thing they call "sarcasm" in her voice meaning that she was thinking the opposite of what she said to me, but it was mainly for the second part of her statement which had badly translated.
Me: "– I think it was having feelings for a.. posterior hole ..?"
Human Leila: "– Ooh that ! Do you guys not have any assholes ?"
Me: "– N-no ? Us Kerbian do not have posterior holes, he simply burn the toxin to produce that toxic gas used for hunting and fight-"
Human Leila promptly interumpted me.
Human Leila: "– No no i know that, i don't mean posterior holes.. i mean assholes, you don't have any ?"
Me: "– What is an 'ass holes' then ?"
Human Leila: "– It's.. kinda hard to explain just like that, it's a word we use firstly yes to name our posteriors holes in a less complicated word but that's also how we call the people that annoy us, that don't want to listen, that we cannot sympathise with or won't admit their wrongdoings. People that don't think of others and only about themselves you see what i mean ? We call them that to compare them to our posterior because its not a good thing to be compared as."
At this point i was pretty confused, the Captain wasn't any of what she described, she herself filled one or two of the things she described but i couldn't say that because it apparently was offensive to compare someone to a posterior.
Me: "– I am.. unsure, it confuse me a lot, could you elaborate..?"
Human Leila: "– Like, how do you call people that do that ? How do you call people that do these things deliberatly ?"
Me: "– Well.. these things.. don't happen ? We analyse the situation and act according to the most benefit outcome for the specie or our survival. Very few of us would deliberatly cause conflict... do you.. are the humans not doing that ?"
At this point i was shocked to hear that no, the humans do not act like that and that, in most case they would act according to their need and their need only. We knew that the human survival instinct was extremely strong but to that point ? It was incomprehensible, especially since, apparently it does not rely on survival instinct, some human would just.. cause conflict and chaos ? But why ? For what reason ? What benefit could it have ? Can they not analyse a situation and side with the right choice as everyone would do ? Human Leila told me that no, the majority of human population would side with what they think is right, as ridiculous as it could get, some extreme case include humans that willingly starve others to death just for a financial gain and that.. that scared me.
Human Leila tried to reassure me saying that, very few of those human actually leave their planet as the requirement for being able to go into space are very strict and include something called a "personality check" but she also told me that "if every assholes on Earth were wearing yellow the planet would emit its own light" which is not reassuring at all. I am glad that Human Leila is not one of those "assholes" but i am also deeply shocked that she would call our Captain by such an horrific word. She told me she wouldn't do anything bad for the crew and that her ressentment would go away with the time but i think i will keep watching her in case of any human rage incident.
End of Entry.
(Feel free to give me any feedbacks or possible tips for writing as i am fairly new and wish to improve)
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period-of-nocturne · 2 years ago
I keep thinking about the Virtual Singer from each Sekai and what do they mean
Like what do they represent, what and who makes them appear and what does it mean to the related character
For a long while I thought each VS was linked to a specific kid, based on the focus where they appeared and who it was related to, mostly because of Niigo because... Damn each of them got their assigned VS for a year and half pratically you all know what I mean
But it didn't quite fit all the units and it also fit Niigo less than before, so it couldn't be that
So I kept thinking and
I think each Virtual Singer represent a... "concept", some very specific feelings from each kids
The one I'm the most sure about are VBS and L/N but I just can't explain L/N because they're so obvious to me I don't have the words to express it, so I'll use VBS VS as an example
Starting with Miku
Well, it's pretty simple... Miku is the only one I don't have a clue about (But she's often related to Toya now that I think about it)
So !
Meiko is so obviously that mentor figure, like the role-model... And by that I obviously mean RADers. The way she gives huge Nagi-san and Ken-san vibe and the similarity you can notice between her and those two definitely comes from An and Akito's perception of them, I don't need to elaborate on why I think
Rin and Len are the definition of "partner". I mean, An literally said it in Len 1* side story, she don't see them as sibling or lovers, but as singing partner
And each time one of the kids has some trouble with their specific partner, it reflects on Rin and Len, without much surprise.
They probably both has a distinct meaning, I think about Len's fear of being left behind and being kinda jealous in bout for beside you that obviously fit An but also Akito (those two again, Akito and An are as easy to read as open books it seems. Funny cause they're not the one fond of reading- ahem.), But I can't fully grasp it tbh...
I think I should precise I'm only aware of the stories out on EN before I keep going
Because VBS Kaito and Luka have only one focus feat on EN rn (Vivid Old Tale is the current event) so I could be wrong or maybe I've missed something
But oh by God Miku they make me ill I have to elaborate on them
Kaito first, he appeared during SBD, an Akito focus
And the sweet tooth aside, no one would ever think he looks like Akito. You could even say he's the complete opposite, with his airhead behavior and his innate talent. I even saw some people comparing him to Toya
Meanwhile Luka appeared, or she most likely came back, during SDSC, Toya's focus
And... Well she's also an airhead, kinda. People doubt her link to Toya way less than Kaito's one with Akito, but when you look at it she's everything Toya would think he isn't. She's the carefree and emotionnal one who just go with the flow without thinking about the technical side of things much (something Kaito is way better at even he doesn't seem so). Like, she's just... Living at her fullest, you know
They are everything but alike the kid they came around for... So what does it mean ?
Well I would say Kaito and Luka are what Akito and Toya wish they were, kind of. Akito's frustation being depicted during SBD, how he was chasing after Toya all this time and still kind of do
Toya who was compared to Kaito by ppl (not in game as far as I know), and who's also some kind of talented airhead...
Toya's wish to experience new things in SDSC, that part when he mention how he "has done so little with my [his] life..." But how he would catch up now that he can
And the way how if you ask Toya, the one who made him discover than a such freedom was possible, and kind of open the door for him to this carefree world is Akito. And how he would not be here without him
Did I just typed a whole Virtual Singer analysis only to trick you and makes you read about gay parallels- Noooo, what do you mean... I wouldn't dare
More seriously yeah I have an Akitoya illiness so they're the more developped thoughts I have on the topic, but I wish and hope people would dig into this more because I can't grasp every concept by myself
Don't forget how much Akitoya are gays tho-
Bonus part do you know what happen if you swap the A and the K in Akito's name
VBS Kaito and Akito are kind of the two side of ADHD when you think about it. And that makes sense because Kaito comes from Akito so if you combined them you got the combined style of ADHD do you get me-
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hel-phoenyx · 10 months ago
Nicomaque and Andreas belong to @soupedepates, Hei, Wren, Ocean, Sora, Maria Suzanna and Augusta to @noa-de-cajou and Natsuki and Fyodor to @corneille-but-not-the-author
I'm already beginning to feel tired. But Livia is too happy about that little outing, and Hope started smiling for the first time in months when I mentioned the idea of that general children-of-former-Ultimates playdate.
To be fair, it wasn't my idea. It's just that we, by pure coincidence, have a tendency to put our children in the same school and daycare, and today it's one of the events of said school. The school fair. And since I am trying very hard to be a good parent, and to give a safe space for children that don't have that luxury, I had to invite several people I didn't want to see.
It's for the children, mine as much as theirs. And because it was my idea, I have to assume the consequences.
So I swallow both my pride and honor, and sit down on the bench next to the only parent no one wants to approach but everyone needs to keep in check. Always for me the ingrate tasks.
"Don't make such a face, dear," Nicomaque laughs while putting out another cig. "I'm starting to think I am unwanted here."
"You are. Andreas isn't."
Said Andreas is currently running around the playground with Hei, Livia behind them holding one of those fake swords they sell at the fair. I'm sure Sachiko bought it for her because Thibault would find it too sharp, too violent, too dangerous for our little eight-years-old nightmare. She almost caught up to Andreas, who seems to have even less endurance than Hope. It may be the paleness of his skin, or the faint dark circles under his eyes, but it makes me wonder if he's taken care of properly.
Thinking about it, probably not. The one that knew how to left some time ago.
The father of that child chuckles, eyes locked on the playground.
"That is very rude, Blondie. Do you like me only for my child ? Didn't take you for THAT sort of people."
"I know what word you had in mind, and trust me, I didn't go from afraid of children to fucking pedo, thanks. I just want to make sure Andreas is supervised at least for a moment."
And I'm not the only one. Thus, explaining Augusta's presence, that is throwing daggers through her eyes at us since the beginning of the playdate. Maria-Suzanna is currently building a twig and pebble fort, probably to help defend against the assaults of my terrible daughter. I am not idiot enough to think the glaring of her mother is only for my current bench buddy.
She never got exactly why I stayed. I'm sure she had a lot of opinions in her mind, cowardice, weakness, evilness being the most common words, especially after what he did to Elvira and Fyodor. I don't intend to tell her I don't know.
Nicomaque is still smiling, even though contrary to me, he avoids this part of the playground like the plague. I am not in the right mood to turn the knife in the wound, especially with children present, so I don't make any comments.
A sigh escapes his lips.
"Come now, I am perfectly able to watch over my child."
"Me when I lie. What time did he go back to your house yesterday ?"
"That's just having freedom."
"Freedom at that age is the occasional allowance and the ability to go out alone with the certitude you're gonna be safe and someone is backing you up. Not being up doing you-know-what and hang out with you-know-who."
"I don't want to hear anything from the sheltered child."
"Maquo, sweetie, we were both raised in isolation and control. The only difference between us is that you were a product of emotionnal incest and I ended up tossed aside when proved useless."
That remark makes him shut up. About time. Livia is running towards me, with her cousins and Hope behind her. Andreas is following, albeit shyer. I think he's not used to so many children with temperaments such as the van Heels'.
"Papa, papa, can we get bubble waffle ? There is a stand held by Sora nearby, and I've been DYING to eat some !"
Hope is signing with her only arm something that looks like "me too" in arab sign language. Apparently she's not the only one interested, because the words "bubble waffle" is making my niblings vibrating with excitement, other children such as Wren, Ocean and Natsuki are joining the crew, and far away Maria Suzanna is looking at us with expectant eyes.
I guess Augusta told her to stay away. Fair.
Turning away from the deadbeat next to me, I smile.
"Do you intend for me to pay for all your little crowd ?"
"Well auntie Mareva said it's your turn to open your bank account, whataver that means. Can we, can we, can we ?"
Andreas looks towards me with glimmer in his eyes. He doesn't even spare a look towards his father, probably because he knew he already has his permission.
Nicomaque is not even affected by that lack of acknowledgement.
My heart can't help but tighten. In what world will that child grow up ?
I get up, with victory shouts of all the crowd.
'Alright, you little cockroaches. Let's get you something to eat, and me too for that matter. You want something, Nicomaque ?"
"Never gonna pass an occasion to eat the Ultimate Chef's food, especially if you're paying. Bring me a beer, while you're at it."
"Sure," I say, with absolutely no intention to comply. "Let's go, children, time for snack!"
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strykno · 1 year ago
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I’m so happy to see my favorite character getting along with her classmates. It took years for it to really happen (I don’t really count the school trip to America) and it’s like a big event for me.
I always thought Lily was the loneliest character in the manga, and I think Oda finally gave her a better life (she’s had a little too much screentime lately, it’s suspicious!). Better than that, my real wish was that she would change thanks to the influence of someone, and Emoyama now seems to have this role, I can’t wait to read the rest of the festival to see if it's true. What I mean by that is that Oda has always subtly teased a dynamic between the two characters and now that Emoyama is more open to friendship thanks to Komi, she also has a positive influence on Sukida, as Komi has a positive influence on the class.
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I think it’s too early to talk about love, however there is still an entire semester with the most important arcs and there has not yet been a ship in class 3-1 except Tadano and Komi, each year having brought new potential couples (especially in the second year). So I have hope !
The members of the flyer team will not have much to do at the ramen stand, apart from handing out flyers to passers-by? I feel like Yuragi and Lily will be free, kind of like the second-year festival, and it will be an opportunity to have something that I'm wishing for: a date during the festival.
We need a sequel to the best page of the manga, it's too legendary for Oda to forget what it represents, this "Hey, this secondary character is not so secondary and has emotions" need a sequel and a conclusion.
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And I bet this time Lily will take Emoyama with her to attend the Perro Rabioso concert... A date? And they will have the opportunity to see other couples in action during the festival too. Besides that, fushima will be busy with Manbagi’s class, so no one will interfere during this moment I guess.
And if my theories are wrong, I still hope that emoyama will help her to open up to people, to participate in class, to push her to work for once and especially to prepare the life"after Itan", or a life without Yamanaka. The last chapter showed it subtly, Lily changes, and it makes me emotionnal, seeing someone you love so much growing up is a weird felling
Please Oda, continue to give happiness to my silly yuri princess, and give her an unforgettable festival. <3
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lenteur · 2 years ago
random thoughts about run on, episodes fifteen & sixteen
(please do note that this post contains spoilers so read at your own risk. this post will also be lengthy because i’m going to share my thoughts about both episodes.)
just a little announcement: i will cut this post into sections. so if i talk about a topic/character, i’ll share my thoughts about what happened in both episodes instead of talking about the same thing in different points. am i making any sense? i don’t think so 💔 sorry about that
we’re starting this post with dan ah being torn about how to end things with yeong hwa :( like she said in previous episodes, everything she ever liked was temporary “everything i like ends up as regret”. it all ended too soon for her liking. so, in order to not be so heartbroken, she wants to end things with him before things get complicated. what spurred this reaction was her father’s health problems. it’s like she was finally starting to open up to yeong hwa before she heard the news. and, just like that, she went back to being more distant. she ended things because it reminded her of her own health problems. she knows she’s weak and she’s at risk. that’s why she always told yeong hwa to “live a long life” and called him “kid”. she didn’t want to even start a relationship because she knew things would end. no matter how hard she tried to not develop any sort of feelings, she was faced with a more powerful force than she knew: yeong hwa’s love. his love is so sincere and he has such a pure heart that, in the end, she couldn’t take it and succumbed to her heart’s desires.
talking about yeong hwa, he’s the character with the most interesting development to me. he went from being a”kid” discovering about love and experience his first love to being more emotionnally mature by the time things ended with dan ah. like seon gyeom said (not his words because i forgot to take notes when he said it sigh) “without dan ah, you wouldn’t have become as mature as you are” meaning that dan ah has taught him that things don’t always go his way and how to handle frustration and work around miscommunication. it’s also telling that during their first encounter after they broke up, he was the emotionnally stable one “i’m still the same. nothing you do makes me hate you. i just keep liking you” he said this with so much love and care that dan ah couldn’t help but cry. she must have been shaken by the fact he still decides to love her, even though things ended between them. he was the one to hug and comfort her. this might have been a first for dan ah because she’s always put that strong front in front of everyone around her. people must think she’s not fragile, when in fact, she might be one of the most fragile characters in this show. she’s just guarding her heart because she doesn’t want to be broken. and yeong hwa understands that. he chose to keep liking her because she was his first love 💗 the only thing he asks of her is to keep him in her heart for as long as she likes, and when she no longer needs it to just throw away their memories. it’s his way of saying she can still keep this relationship alive on her own, even though they broke up. you can also see that dan ah will be kept in his heart forever because she’s always in his paintings, even the one that was hung in the museum. i know i said yeong hwa was mature (and he is) but it was heartbreaking to see him cry after the breakup when he got home. he let it all out and it must have been difficult for him to handle both the breakup and seeing his first love cry in front of him for the first time
the jewelry box metaphor was such a great idea. i don’t know who came up with it but i’m impressed. it links back to what yeong hwa told her (keep me in your heart for as long as you can) “saving a precious moment you might never get to experience again” what a beautiful way to put their relationship.
i’ve seen many posts/videos talking about how the writers of the show decided to give the couple (dan ah and yeong hwa) an open ending because they wanted the viewers to form their own opinions/theories about them and i think this was the best decision for this relationship. you can see there’s no animosity between them and i’m sure a lot of people rooted for them and imagine they’re back to being a couple. others would think that dan ah would protect her heart forever and stay out of this relationship for her own sake. it might be frustrating to not know how their story ends but, in this case, i’m 100% behind this choice. it was the only good choice for this relationship
to end on a lighter note about this couple, i found it hilarious how dan ah couldn’t remember anyone’s name lol and everyone’s reactions to her not knowing added another layer of funny to the barbecue scene haha
not getting too far away from dan ah and yeong hwa, i’m glad the last two episodes focused a little on ye jun. looking back, the longing gazes and avoiding eye contact were subtle hints about ye jun’s preferences. i found his character very complex yet easy to read at the same time. he kept on hiding himself for the longest time and then boom everything unfolded quickly at the end of the show, just like how he came out to his mom. it’s also ‘funny’ (not in the literal sense of the word but my brain sometimes forgets words so i resort to using another word that’s similar to what i wanted to say) that the child named after jesus ended up being gay and viewed down by his religious mother. ms dong (ye jun’s mother) demands he goes back to church with her and blames him being homosexual on her focusing too much of her attention on her job instead of her children. it’s something that a lot of gay children must have faced. his mother wants him to change because she’s not ready to admit the truth, she thinks she’s a bad mother because one of her children is gay. ye jun’s response to her reaction to him coming out was “you can deny it all you want but this is who i am” reminding her that no matter how hard she tries to “bring him back on the right path” nothing will work because that’s who he is.
it was also nice to see ye jun interact with both dan ah and yeong hwa in the last episode. the first person he came out to (among dan ah and yeong hwa) was dan ah. and we got dan ah apologizing for the first time. after realizing ye jun liked men, she wanted to apolgize to him because she used the excuse of being gay to avoid getting married while ye jun (the actual gay) was living in fear. she realized what she did was wrong and she apologized to the right person. and then we see ye jun come out and admit his feelings to yeong hwa. ye jun admits yeong hwa was his first love but yeong hwa cries because in order to be first love feelings have to be reciprocated. i think he cried because he was handling the post-breakup and ye jun added his feelings on top of that. it was a lot for yeong hwa. 
allow me to fangirl a little because this is my post and i can do whatever i want for this. i finally found my one and true otp: mayhyun (may x jeong ji hyun) 💖💖💖 this was such a wholesome moment when they unveiled their relationship to their friends/colleagues. i mean when i found out about this, i was immediately their #1 supporter. i mean how can you not? they’re both so cute and made for each other. it was nice to see mr. jeong outside of his work persona. jeong ji hyun falling in love with may during the fight scene with the slowmo shot on may’s face. and then him following her around asking if she’s taken. i hope they’re both in love with each other forever and ever (alexa play love4eva)
after that wholesome and sweet moment, let’s tackle the ki family situation. we left off with eun bi involved in an affair scandal with ki jeong do’s rival assemblyman noh (idk how i remember all their names). this has caused eun bi so much stress that she had the yips. i was suspecting ki jeong do to be behind all of that. and i was right! he used his daughter as a tool to look like a great man just so he could win the elections. so much for eun bi trusting her father to resolve the whole scandal... when he was the one behind it all along. to say eun bi was disappointed would be an understatement. she was going through all of this scandal and ryan running away from her on her own and the traitor was her own father. when seon gyeom told his sister he would defend her, he wasn’t joking. he did the one thing he never did before: tell his mother about the incident. it might seem like a childish thing to do but he made the right decision. with everything that was shown in previous episodes, you’d think yook ji woo (the mother) would choose her career over her children like she has done many times in the past. but the one time she chooses to prioritize her children is also the day of her biggest opportunity career-wise. it’s nice to see her finally wake up and choose to defend her children. “think of everything i achieved at the expense of neglecting them (eun bi and seon gyeom)” she can have another great opportunity in her career as long as she keeps working but her daughter needs her the most right now. so, she made her decision: her children are more important. when she stormed into ki jeong do’s office to slap him, i screamed YES because i think we’ve all been waiting for it to happen. “how dare you use our kids to show off your fake fatherly love?” “i wonder why my divorce wasn’t my decision to make?” and then she kept attacking him where it hurts: her family’s background. she thought ki jeong do at least married her out of love but it ends up he married her because of her family’s fortune and reputation. in the end, we see yook ji woo eun bi and seon gyeom thrive and ki jeong do losing everything: his career and family that he’s used so many times. 
to end this post, i need to talk about the main couple. i’ve already developed the ins and outs of their relationship but i’d like to note a few more things before ending this post. i like that in the last episodes, every time we see them, they’re always together. they’re going through their routine as a couple: cooking/eating with each other for the first time, then running with each other, going to work/doing their things on their own, and then reuniting at the end of the day. i like that they’re getting more comfortable with each other. they’re finally “clicking together” like mi joo said compared to how they communicated in the first episodes. “we’ll probably never totally understand each other. but we could align our worlds next to each other, couldn’t we?” while it is true they’re still very different, i think it’s beautiful how they have met each other halfway. they’re a beautiful pair and it was refreshing to see them enjoy their time together and be affectionate with one another.
i’ve seen this quote in run on gif posts but i just want to share it here because it’s a beautiful one “delicate and sensitive people should live happy lives. those who are polite shouldn’t be looked down on”
it was probably an obvious choice but mi joo’s movie’s ending credits being run on’s ending credits was such a great idea. and the pictures were all cute :( i felt a pang in my heart when watching it because i realized the drama actually ended
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icannotbetrustedalone · 29 days ago
didn't have strong emotional reactions to omegas until reader, he takes pride in being able to control himself well around his instincts
reader is the first omega he actively go after in any capacity
Doesn't mean he avoided them before, he was simply friendly and that's it
Being an alpha he has a soft spot for omegas, as most people, but not in a dickish manner like a lot of alphas (hinted in your fic), it's because he somehow relate to them since people had think he would turn omega when he was in the system and was treated like one, so he has a view on how it's like
Usually Billys are known for being players, I do not think this one would go after omegas, protective instinct, I feel like he knows himself for wanting one nights and do not want to take the risk of making an omega hope for more, maybe due to their instinct, and them having a heartbreak, protective beyond just physical well being but also emotionnal
So will mostly go to betas, ones who actively flirted with him, some for some kind of status, others for a fun night, others just curious. Occasionnaly others alphas when he wants extra extra fun
Which in a way hurts him because he sees how others just use him for what he is, an alpha, not just in the domain of sex but in every other aspect of his life
he buries that feeling deep not wanting to think much of it
As a matter of fact didn't think he would love anyone until reader, sincerely believes he is not worthy of being in the recieving end of love (since you know, he is used of being used) so he doesn't really expect anything from reader and just really, really wants to be of use for her, he wants to choose who he will serves as an alpha for once type of way
The reason he started Anvil as well, he knew he would be successful since people already kinda expect alphas to be protective and dominant, he just went right in that and make it his strenght, making money on it as well
In his rut I do see him going to one of those private clubs created to assist alphas in their ruts
Showers people in gifts, even more so than other Billys that do it a lot as well, the alpha instinct to provide, once him and reader are together it's over for her, not a day will pass without a little something
Reader probably will have to put limits, like on a daily only lunch, treats and coffee is allowed, might even put a stop to treats after realising she was snacking too much because of him
But christmas and her birthday ? Yeah, won't be able to limit anything, she will be barely able to walk around
Very tactile with his friends as well, I do see him hugging them more, taps on the back ect
This will extend to reader when they are together obviously
The softest during the couple of reader's first heat when they are together, wants to take care of her so much
might isolate himself during his firsts ruts when they are together, not wanting to hurt her in any capacity, even more so he is aware she had bad expériences with alphas
Won't go to those club I have mentionned, might have withdraw his membership after smelling reader on his coat
But does reader knows ?? Does she thinks he still goes there after finding an old membership card somewhere ?? Does she feels belittle and unfit to be with him ??? Unable to satisfy him?? Overthink of why he isolate himself during his ruts??? ##drama ##angst ##lmao please tell me you don't have a similar plan for them I want them happy
Wants to cuddle with her sooooo bad it physically hurts him to not touch her, finding her made him feel his own lonelyness he had tried to ignore even more
The first time they hug he might have a hard time letting go, but quickly take a hold of himself depending on how far along they are, not wanting to frighten her
And the day she meets his friends at a bar, wanting to make thing official to them, he won't let go of her, a secure hand around her waist
That moment would be so important for him, he doesn't trust people easily and opens up to even fewer people, so he hopes her and his friends would go along so much
Hell of a sweet tooth for some reason (that'swhyhelovesreadersomuch who said that)
New found love for sandwiches
More rut thoughts, might take some of reader's clothes to have her with him still
Once these two actually spend their ruts/heat together it's over for reader she won't walk for a couple of days
Somewhere deep he kinda hopes reader decides to stop working, so he will fully be able to provide and she won't need to worry about anything, not having anything else to do than her hobbies, rest and of course be ready for him when he comes home (winkwink)
But of course he doesn't vocalise it, might make jokes every now and then, but he knows this kind of decision is fully hers and that she cares about her own safety, by extension her independance, not risking being toss without a safety net
But hell, would still put money in a bank account which only she has access to regardless
My girl becomes a millionnaire just from being cute with her alpha
That's all for now, might add later
Don't mind the bad english or the typos please 💔
Takes an interest in painting
Didn't care much before
But nows he wants to be able to hold a conversation with reader and knows what's going on
Take interest in her interest yk :)
Does anyone have any secret headcanons about Alpha Billy?
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woodohwanedandproud · 5 months ago
@astersofthesky #just like when he felt guilty about the FBI agent's death because of ''him'' #he also shows care about aiber and wedy when he seemed a little worried and told them to be extra careful #also he was shaking when ukita died so seeing someone die on his team must've shaken him too #considering he also prepared insurances for the the task force's family if i remember it correctly #so yeah i think L is a bit better than Light in this regards #doesn't change the fact that he's highly hypocritical tho @soup-bowlnotincluded #absolutely #he just gets a kick out of solving difficult cases #if he ended up deciding he got a bigger kick from CREATING difficult cases he would of done that instead @tennisthemedhatesex withnoname3540 #I wouldn't trust what he says but I think in this case it's true #especially because I don't think this is how Watari would want him to be #(which is another theory I saw to explain how L might seem cold or immoral but is really just suppressing it) #I can understand wanting L to have more of a moral core bc y'all see that as more likeable #but even so #i don't think it would be a primary aspect of his character #i feel like he uses Justice as a mask #he is perfectly happy to be an instrument of Justice because it aligns with what he wants #which is to solve interesting cases #in the Kira case it gets more complex than that #but whether the argument is based in morals or if morals are an arguing tool that neither need to feel to use #(both acting as though they have the moral high-ground but also acting in ways most would see as immoral) #(I feel like Light honestly believes his - regardless of if it's true - whereas L is a little more self-aware) #it's left up to interpretation yes #but it does the character a disservice when people treat him as completely moral MY 2 CENTS? They are two sides of the same coin. Justice truly matters to them both. But they don't really have the same definition of justice. Light's justice is self defined: he chooses and decides and judges - which makes him in fact a tyrant de facto no matter his goals/intentions/ideals. L's justice is in accordance with the law = people defined/agreed upon (and yes he is very apt at toeing the line and treading its murcky grey areas to bend it to his advantage), but he mostly keeps playing by society defined rules. L is not a killer - he lives for the chase, yes, and catches bad people according to one society so they can be punished by that society's law (eventually by death, yes, but he doesn't care much about this aspect imo - he works too for countries without death penalty). L is ruthless and detached and cold (I wouldn't say emotionless, even though he tries always to control his emotions, he WANTS to win and prove his worth all the time, and possibly most of all to himself); which can't make him a good person emotionnally, but still a good person objectively, in accordance to his deeds. Which is why no matter how much I like Near and Mello the best ending to me, emotionnally (even if the best of all still is the original manga) is the 2006 japanese movie take, with L writing his own name in the death note before Light can - as if it's nothing, as if it doesn't really matter. Because he wins. The cost he's ready to pay is worth it, to him. He wins. And then he burns the book instead of using it. This is to me quintessential L. No matter how grey L is: L could never be Light (which is one of my many problems with the Netflix movie I need to just erase from my memory) Light wants to be led by logic but he is much more emotion driven than L - he HAS a heart and is possibly more capable of feeling love to start with than L, emotionnally - which makes his warping SO good imo. Because it's still A PERSONAL CHOICE - about which side to go. Just like Sherlock's choice (consultant detective) differs from Moriarty's choice (consultant criminal). One might argue that it might be the easiest way to go to keep within the law, but it is still a choice, and is thus imo morally meaningful. (L is to me the coldest impersation of Sherlock, while Spock is the softest; it's a working scale, but they are still all at the same side of the objectively lawful good balance and not evil)
L definitely doesn't care as much about justice as he is sometimes portrayed to imo. I look at him and see a mirror of Light. He is an abnormally intelligent man who is BORED. Sure, he isn't quite a murderer himself but he clearly has no issues with breaking laws or crossing moral boundaries to get what he wants. (Cameras in people's houses, misa's kidnapping, the whole Soichiro shooting Light setup etc)
He is iirc even stated to only take on cases that seem interesting. He is just as driven by the need for stimulation and desire to win as Light is.
He is NOT a moral figure. I love the man to death but what i really love is how similar Light and L are in so much. Sure, L is doing this for "the greater good" but only because it is what is interesting to him. If things would have gone differently in his life, he could have easily gone down a different path for his entertainment.
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years ago
Heyyy! May I ask, do you have favourite thumb characters? Like ik you like the mystery kids most but I just want to know whose your favourite? Sorry to be a bother
Heya heya! You're not bothering me at all Anon, don't worry! Thank you sm for the question ^^
The mysteries and mystery kids are really easy for me to love because the reason I love tbhk is because of them and the fact they are supernaturals ^^ so I really like all of them! But it's true that I do have favorites XD (and I like supernaturals but don't like Tsukasa at all and is meh with Sakura for now so idk :'))
My favorites characters are Akane, the Meis (I just can't choose I love both of them equally) and Kou :DD
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For Kou I did an explanation here on why I love him if you want :D
I am not original on that one I just adore Kou and I want good things to happen to him honestly XD (help this boy) Idk he is just so honest and just wanna do good things idk I love him
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For Akane I am doing a big text where It will explain why I love his character more in depth ^^ (and it is taking me sm time because I wanna talk about the clock keepers too ahah)
The main reason I started liking Akane is because I am obsessed with steampunk vibes, times and clocks since I am little ahah :') the clock keepers arc is one of my favorite arc of the whole manga because everything I like about the manga is said here
Supernaturals and humans can't understand each other (and it's kinda funny the one saying this is the only half supernatural right?)
You can't change your fate, even if this is unfair
Ngl I am mostly interested in him because he is a clock keeper and the only real half supernatural of the cast (even if for Nene honestly? Tbh it is strange x')) . I do like his personnality, how perceptive he is as well as an absolute emotionnaly driven idiot, how important it is for him to help others, how he is the first character to swear this much... HOW HE THINKS LIFE IS WORTH LIVING AND WONDERFUL. And his view on supernaturals is really great to see, how honest he is with Hanako and his relationships with tons of characyers are really interesting to see
Especially since he is still a supernatural and have a lot of commons with them even if he is trying not to see them rip
I am kinda scared the fact he is half supernatural is not that useful because honestly AidaIro haven't used it that much since the beginning of the manga but I have some hope yay :D so yep I will describe more in my big text about him but I really like his concept yay
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And the Meis omfg
I love them so so much. I am also finishing a text about them but they make me very emotionnal. They are the only characters here who have their arc mostly done and everything about it was so great! Human Mei makes me sad af and I love her so so much. With how much hope she has and how her view on art is important! And the perfect picture arc is one of my fav arc too because of how everything was made in this arc mostly thanks to both Meis!
Supernatural Mei is 👌👌👌👌 she is crazy af and a really great supernatural! Her powers are so so cool and her whole aesthetic makes me go insane
AND ALSO the strongest female character of the cast! SHE CAN FIGHT AND SHE ISN'T AFRAID OF HANAKO AND TSUKASA AND KDVJDJ (I am not against characters who don't have physical strength but others strength as psychological/emotionnal etc... but why is it always the female characters? :) Like I love Nene and Aoi but plzzzz, I would have loved if they could fight more tbh ahah mostly because all male leads can fight really well the difference is way too much for me ugh. So thank you Sumire, Mei and Yako for being here yay)
ANYWAYS I love her a lot :D and I will indeed detail a bit more in a post only for her because she deserves it zkjd
I used to really like Nene when I started the manga (I started following it around chapter 60) A lot of my earlier drawings where with her Akane and Kou (I really wanted to see them interact and they are REALLY SIMILAR in term of writings)
but I am really not fan about how she is written since chapter 75/76 unfortunately QvQ her character growth has been terrible and I really hope she will be better in the new chapters because I used to really like how funny and optimistic she was :0
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And that's it! I am not that complicated and I have things to say for a lot of characters (bad or good I have both ahah)
Thanks a lot for the ask Anon ^^ and don't hesitate to ask stuff! I know I can take time to answer but I always really like all of your questions :D
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fuck-off-im-ace · 2 years ago
I saw your tags about French book ideas 👀 i’m currently at a level where I’m just looking at graphic novels to read (I think I’ve got dialogue down but prose? Uhhhh) but if you had book recs that are above that level I can tuck them away for the future
Hi @sofflepoffle! I’m always super happy to have the opportunity to talk about french litterature, so i made you a little list, from easier reads to harder things!
Pierre Bottero - Le chant du Troll (French writer) This is my favorite writer of all times, and he writes children’s books. He’s incredible, his writing is so poetic and deep and well developped, with beautiful characters and a nice storyline. This one is a graphic novel, i usually dont suggest to start with this one because the story is 1000x more emotionnal if you already know about the world and who the kid is, but my mother read it out of the blue and she cried so i’d say it still hits? 
Hergé - Tintin (Writer from Belgium) You’re probably already familiar with the Tintin series, they’re honestly good as a learning tool. I would suggest Le secret de la licorne, On a marché sur la lune, or Les 7 boules de crystal.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Le petit prince (French writer) Pretty well known, its easy to read, cute and wholesome overall, would recommend trying it!
Pierre Bottero - La quête d’Ewilan (French writer) He got a few book series, but they all connect with each other, so this is a good place to start but you could start from somewhere else! Easy read, since it’s a children’s book.
Jocelyn Boisvert - Mort et déterré (Writer from Québec) YA book, so pretty easy to follow! Cute story of a teenager who dies, but somehow doesnt fully dies? He becomes some kind of zombie creature, and then just chill as a zombie with his bestie, trying to do things he never got to do in his life. 
Jocelyne Saucier - Il pleuvait des oiseaux (Writer from Québec) I have to say, i didnt read it, but my friend recommended it to me, and he says its a good and easy read! They also made it into a movie, if you wanna try that.
Patrick Senécal - Any book of him, really (Writer from Québec) This writer is kind of our own Stephen King (kinda more gross and less good, no offense to the dude), so if its your kind of thing you could check it out, pretty easy read!
Michel Folco - Dieu et nous seuls pouvons (French writer) Comedic story of a family of excecutioners living in the XVIIe century. There is some torture and lots of killing of course, so avoid if its not your thing, but over all pretty good book!
Jean Barbe - Comment devenir un monstre (Writer from Québec) Very good book, heavy read because its a quite serious book. Very good tho!
Domique Fortier - Du bon usage des étoiles (Writer from Québec) Historical fiction, i liked the suspense and the description of the territory, a very captivating read! 
Véronique Grenier - Hiroshimoi (Writer from Québec) Fun fact, this writer was my philosophy teacher in college! She’s a poet and a writer, so this book is kinda halfway between both? It’s a love story, or rather a break up story, but written in form of a poem. It’s kinda hard to read, because she plays a lot on sounds, creates new words by mixing two together, so hard to read, but also pretty short sentences. 
Boris Vian - L’Écume des jours (French writer) A personnal favorite of mine, its an absurd tragedy, putting it on the top of the list because of the “absurd” quality of it. A lot of things do not make sense, like rooms that change shape depending on the music playing. 
I didnt want to into too much of a big rant, so just putting those i can think of quickly, but if you want more ideas, like more easy read or more medium reads or whatever you can always hit me up! I would also suggest reading something you’re already familiar with? You might be already doing that, but if not, for me its what helped the most. I literally just took books i read in french, found them in english, and then tried reading that. I hope this helps, hit me up if you need anything else!
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songwoongmink · 2 years ago
2022 Top 10 Songs
No. 10
KEY - Gasoline
Overall a good song with a more than perfect MV, but I disliked on my first listen and it took me a while to give it a second chance. Plus, I don't like the album itself, that is the physical item.
No. 9
SM Town - The Cure
I know it's a very recent release, but it's, in my opinion, the second best SM Town Winter song. The only thing I don't enjoy is the TaeMark rap. I want to buy the album but the shipping fees and the difficulty to find the Kangta ver. makes it complicated.
No. 8
As always, Changmin never disappoints. I hesitated between Fever and this one, but Devil is so unique among this year releases, and showcases best how talented that man is. Sadly it isn't enough to be ranked higher.
No. 7
One of the most awaited comeback of the year, and it was so worth it. That song is mindless fun, with beautiful women singing, and a catchy chorus I can't help but to sing.
No. 6
BIGBANG - Still Life
From its release up until, I think September, it was first. I was ecstatic when it'd be announced (for real), and it's an amazing song with so much artistry. But there were no promotions, nothing, and I can't really listen to it anymore, for some reason.
No. 5
Jackson Wang - Blow
Like the No. 2 of this list, it was an unexpected... blow, so to speak. Mind you, I don't check any GOT7-related songs, I don't like them. I'll just make an exception for Jackson, because that one song is so hot and pleasant to listen to. Also, there should have been stages (another common point with No. 2)
No. 4
The mandatory suju song hehe. That one has everything : insane vocals, good styling, moments I scream over, and an overall sexyness I wasn't ready for. What else is there to say?
No. 3
KANGTA (feat Paloalto) - Love Song
Not really a 2022 release, is it? Three years late, hm-hm, but I forgive him, it's great in all aspects. Too sad he didn't get to perform it though. The reason it's No. 3 is because, thanks to Kangta, I fell into a H.O.T rabbit hole (see No. 2) I still have to escape, and thanks to H.O.T, I bought a hi-fi stereo to listen to Resurrection I also bought.
No. 2
That song took me by surprise. Despite being a single, I would have bought it, did it existed physical. That song makes me so emotionnal for a reason I can't explain, it's beautiful. Plus, the cut on his face is so hot.
Before going on No. 1, here are some honourable mentions : BoA's Forgive Me (the whole EP is a no-skip) ; TAEYEON's INVU (the whole album is also a no-skip) ; KIHYUN's RAIN (was in the ranking for a while, too) ; WayV's Phantom ; SM Town's Happier ; and finally, ATEEZ's Cyberpunk (aka, their best song, sadly I no longer actively listen to them and I hated Guerilla). Now onto the main event!
No. 1
RYEOWOOK - Hiding Words
First, I'll say this : I was excited for that comeback, even had pre-ordered the EP. Then, the highlight medley and Bluebird happened, and I cried, and cancelled my pre-order. And still. Hiding Words is the best song to come out from a suju solo, title previously owned by The Little Prince. Between the MV, the lyrics, the concept, the high notes, the way Ryeowook sings, everything stands out as perfect. No wonder that man had been my second bias (and could be again, after the SM Town concert). The more I listen to Hiding Words, the more I fall in love. Bless him.
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lightcreators · 3 years ago
@nightcreators​ continue from here
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For a moment Luke had almost turned back around, and pretended that seeing another version of himself-- was a dream. He even debated pinching himself. Old man Obi-wan never warned him that becoming a Jedi also met loosing your marbles. Then again, seeing how Yoda was---maybe it should've been a prelude. Still he gives a cautious conversation with this twin like version of himself ( Leia would surely get a laugh out of that thought ) and then nods gently. "I would say the moment I left---we left---home, and got on the falcon it's been nothing but complicated. But I guess in the end I really wouldn't change it for the world."
Not  something  even  himself  was  expected  ...  At  least,  his  reaction  was  amusing.  Though  he  will  have  to  reassuring  him  about  how  his  look  betrayed  that  dreaming  sensation  ---  no,  he  wasn't  hallunicating  himself  ...  he  was  the  one  meddling  from  far  away,  sending  his  support  to  himself  from  another  timeline  ...  and  possibly  giving  himself  some  trips  for  make  his  own  life  easier.  If  he  cannot  fix  his  existence,  he  could  at  least  helping  couple  of  people  sharing  his  name.  Which  would  be  delicate  to  expose.  Besides,  it  wasn't  like  he  was  truly,  physically,  in  the  chessboard.  In  the  appareance  in  the  least.  A  beautiful  physical  astral  projection  for  becoming  a  piece  for  seeing  what  he  could  do  for  help  himself.  Not  having  to  be  physically  present.  After  all,  from  another  perspective,  alternatives  life  were  chessboards  as  another.  Every  time  they  were  going  into  some  disasters  it  created  some  kind  of  emotionnal  wound  ...  loathing  than  tragic  ending  could  even  happening  into  circumstances  when  no  Featherine  no  Clow  Reed  decided  to  interfering,  following  a  initial  screenplay  he  never  experienced  about  (  since  everything  was  foreshadowing  for  helping  him  understood  and  fixing  where  the  logic  broke  ).  There  was  a  couple  of  topics  he  will  not  talk  about.  Not  remind  to  himself  what  happened  to  Obi-Wan.  No  remind  to  himself  what  happened  to  his  adoptive  parents.  Preferring  not  exposing  Vader,  because  he  preferred  push  behind  to  have  saw  his  father  die  again  and  again  under  his  eyes.  One  time  wasn't  enough  for  chessboard  rules.    ❝  Difficult.    ❞  Usual  habit  reflected  under  correction  of  that  term.  Maybe  it  was  complicated  from  his  alternative  self  view  considering  survive  was  a  little  harsh  with  the  Empire  wanting  them  dead  ...  but  it  seemed  so  peaceful  from  his  perspective  for  his  kind  of  complicated  to  holding  back  a  identity  as  Chaos  to  eat  their  universe.    ❝  Not  every  day  was  filled  of  joy.  Some  periods  was  filled  with  doubts.  Maybe  sometimes  anticipating  the  enemy  wasn't  exactly  easy.    ❞  There  was  a  carefulness  to  not  condescending  himself.  It  was  a  strange  therapy  session  anyways.  If  he  ever  knew  the  quarter  of  what  he  lived  ...    ❝  It's  bring  you  to  a  different  path  of  what  you  expected.  Considering  me  like  a  support.  Someone  you  can  talk  at  the  occassion.    ❞  He  had  to  boucing  back.    ❝  I  have  a  radical  vision  about  what  happened,  that  you  might  not  share.  Inescapable.  In  a  positive  light.  If  it  can  help  you  to  appease  torments  sleeping  inside  you.    ❞
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handern · 4 years ago
Devy this is a weird question but you're my only mutual I know who speaks French. Do you have any recommendations for french language children's books? Especially geared at like 6-10 year old readers? I'm trying to practice my language skills, but my french isn't quite good enough yet to read the book reviews. There's "adult readers", but they have a startling lack of anything at all fun in them. I want dragons and spaceships and shit, not sad people buying groceries
Oh I'm going to pull out my list of french writers books I read when I was 7/10 but I'm not sure if it's really what you're searching for?
Even when they're aimed at kids french books by french authors can have a lot of very pedantic words no one uses on a daily basis
Also keep in mind that most popular books written in english out there have probably been translated into french at some point !
Erik L'Homme :
- Le Maître des Brisants (just read book 1 and 2, the 3rd one was a mistake sorry mister Erik sir) : Steampunkish scifi, I don't remember the whole plot but it was pretty epic and I think it was about a boy coming on a spaceship for an internship? Now I need to re read it
- Le Livre des Etoiles : a young boy training to become a mage in a world that was part of ours and is still linked to ours but through a very small gate. It has celtic themes and epic fights but in a more modern way than most fantasy books
- Phaenomen : four kids in a "hospital for children with special needs" realize they have some powers while they go searching for their favorite doctor who vanished one day without a word. Kind of a modern take on changeling kids, smh it gave me a coping mechanism for ADHD and sensory overload that I still use haha
Pierre Bottero : all his series are linked somehow so here's the publication order, which is not the chronological order
- Ewilan series : a girl finds out she has the power to cross from our world to another one, and also that she's the most powerful magic user born in that world. She goes in search of her biological parents trapped somewhere in that world along with a very eclectic band of weird people. It was some of my favorite books ever.
- L'Autre : set in our world, it follows two heirs of some 7 or so families of people who can use magic, they have to learn to control their powers and I also forgot the main plot but hey the girl can turn into a panther and at some point she murders someone which was very cool of her
- Elana : following my childhood hero, Elana from the Ewilan series. It starts with her as a toddler being raised in the jungle after her parents' death (the best book) then it follows her growing up and being trained as a Marchombre (less interesting but still good) which is a thing that would take too long to explain like, they could be assassins but they're not and they could be thieves but they are not but also they're both assassins and thieves for most of them except they're not, they follow a goal way more important than just assassinations and thievery, of spiritual and physical perfection. I started practicing climbing bc of these books.
Erik L'Homme and Pierre Bottero :
- A comme Association : monsters hunting monsters (4 first books are by both of them, the rest is Erik L'Homme alone). It's pretty fun but I didn't get the end at all. But it's pretty fun yes and makes me very emotionnal bc Pierre Bottero was my favorite author and he died right after the 4th book's completion. The characters are really cool and very fun, and of course there's some monsters befriending
Serge Brussolo : each of his series has like 10000 books, I have no idea how this man writes so much but I'm pretty sure his writing rate should be illegal somehow
- the Peggy Sue series : my grandpa gave me the second book instead of the first by accident and thank goodness he did because the first book absolutely TERRIFIED ME, the rest is really kids books but the first one is horror. It tells the story of a girl who can see ghosts and they make her life miserable for it like, literally try to murder her and her family. She ends up travelling through weird places/worlds, it's pretty cool but jesus christ the first book. Warning for graphic murders, mind control and cannibalism in the first book. Some kids get almost boiled alive to be eaten in the second book but you know what? That's tame compared to the impression the first book left on me! There are sheep who eat people in the 5th book also if I recall correctly
- the Sigrid series : A girl born and raised in a weird submarine realizes that something is wrong and weird, ends up travelling through very eerie worlds where she has to learn the rules very fast to survive, it's also kind of horror-like, but less horrifying than the first Peggy Sue book. There are some spaceships, submarines, ghost boats and a lot more
Fabrice Colin : this man is a genius but also sometimes a dirty little copycat man I love him so much. He wrote a lot and not all of his books are equal in quality but when it's good it's really excellent
- Les Enfants de la Lune : set during WWII, a child who lives with his grandmother finds a letter adressed to his grandfather who died 10 years ago, he goes to the meeting to announce it to the people who wrote the letter and ends up meeting the last elves trying to leave our world before the last portal closes. It's very bittersweet and has absolutely amazing characters including a crocodile who probably ate a nazi at some point, evil pterodactyles and a mechanical kraken in the Seine. I spent 10 years hunting for a copy of this book, I would borrow it ten times a year at the local library
Eric Sanvoisin : I was absolutely obsessed w the atmosphere of his books. Horror but not scary? Kind of intriguing and creepy but in a very cosy and familiar way?
- Les buveurs d'encre : vampires but they drink books ink
- Les chasseurs d'Ombres (type in the author's name or you'll just get the Moral Instruments in the results) honestly it's been so long I don't remember much except that I harassed my parents until they bought me the book after I read it at the library. I think it has vampire-y vibes too with investigations
I also read every single book of the "Autre Mondes" collection by the Mango editor, which has really cool scifi books but there are so many it would make this list way too long so I'll just recommend "Les Abimes d'Outremer" which is about space whales being spaceships, but this collection is a goldmine if you want well wrapped together short-ish novels
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standupforyurself · 4 years ago
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It’s been a year and a half. I remembered not long ago this BD I made at the time. Unfinished. 
I remember the day I stopped been actively involved this Moomin content. A lots a thing stopped that day. I used to relate to Snufkin, a lot. For a bunch of things. But this day changed so much things in me that all these stuffs which made me related with Snufkin.. Suddently were lost ? 
I used to think a lot about longing. How to deal with it ? How to accept it ? How to make it disappear ? What was maturity ? What was selfishness ? How to tell the difference between being selfish and having needs ? And I used to think a lot about  watching someone leave and having no choice but let them go, because they are nothing you can do about it. 
I imagine I grew up. I grew up. Things are differents now, and, for few of them, I’m glad they have been change. 
I still longing, sometimes. About life before Covid, before this night, before the medicine. About the friends I used to have, about the possibilty to talk every day to someone IRL if I wanted to. 
I am longing for one of my friend  tonight,  again. I can only hope things stops to be weird, to be off. In a way difficult to explain. I feel that I watch them leave. Slowly but surely. And everything I try,  to talk to them, to try understand them, to be here for them, to support them, it goes wrong. Again, they are no solution. Not from me, because I don’t think the problem came from me. 
Relationship are so fragiles. They are a lot. A lots of words and a lots of sincerity, and a desir to do right. But again, things fell apart. Words became lies. And promises are not kept. They are no good or bad. Just sometimes things stop to be aligned, to feel right. No matters how I want it to work. 
I know am I dramatic. But after this year. I can hope that nobody blame me for the pain I have to watch one of my two friends I can talk everyday, drift away. Both of them are.. So much.. To me. Watching one of them go away from my life is already way too much for me. I love being alone. But when I chose to be. There no choice here. I am so alone. Again and again and again and again. Every day. 
Even with the presence of my parents, bless them, they are days when I seriously wonder if they are possibilities that I die from loneliness. 
I am so emotionnaly vulnerable. Yet my mum say that she never see me so strong and capable to keep feet into reality and not drowning me into the darkness of my mind. I thought about it. And I think it is about resilience. I developped a capacity of resilence. Maybe I’m more mature too. 
Yes I’m strong. But they are so few lights in my life for the past months. And don’t get me wrong I cherish each of them. But they are so few, it can’t garantee me security. It leads me to put maybe too much of myself into these two relationship. In fact, into every interaction I have on Tumblr. Cause I came to accept that almost all my social life is here now. It is so unstable. I expect myself to act like an adult, with maturity and self preservation. But I feel I have so little emotionnal security ! Yeah ! If I lost my two friend, how will I gonna do hein ? How can I expect to be rationnal and mature if I don’t even have the possibity to call or text casually a friend for telling them what’s up, what’s going on ! It is too much asking from life ? Do I fucking demand too much attention ?! Do I ask too much ?! 
I am sick ! Sick this shitty worldwide situtation !! I feel trapped ! Trapped into my small world I have to content myself with ! I want to leave ! To discover ! To hug ! To impulsively reach a friend outside my city, and spend time with them ! I want to travel ! I want to love ! I want to say “I love you” ! I want to say “fuck you” ! I want to go in class and learn and be friend with my classmates ! I want see what I don’t know ! See that life is more than what I have now ! I want to party ! I want to go into bars and laugh with the loud music shacking my heart ! I want to travel ! 
I want to fly. 
This BD is about letting someone go. But honestly, see wat you want to see. I will never finish it. Maybe it has a good ending. Or maybe not ? What is a good ending anyway ? Sometimes people drift away for better met again when the time come. 
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