#this isnt even mentioning the domestic abuse
adrian-sheppy · 10 months
Sorry if this is completely wrong igore if it is LMAO but I noticed you seem to have different hcs for how mind lost his eye!!! Like in Seattles Going Under it was lost in a vague fight or something, but in art w/ the resonance cascade he lost it prolly during the ambush? I was wondering if you had info to share on it/infodump abt or if its just whatever makes the art more fun!
hehe youre observant and actually right on the money. yup!  so essentially i just have different eye trauma head canons for whichever version of freemind im drawing; since he doesnt actually lose his eye in canon, its up to everyone to fil in the blanks if they wanna use the popular headcanon. i wrote .  a good chunk of stuff .  so i put it under the cut . but heres a picture to be like a . tldr
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I sorta like his eye already being gone before the resonance cascade (in a non-freemanverse scenario). he does verbally say something like "my eyes" in the series, indicating he has two, BUT . well.  its a headcanon. so we can have fun with it . my eye loss pre-rescas freemind stems from my original freemind design (before i ever started posting half-life on the internet) where he had short hair, but i needed a way to distinguish him from og gordon, so I used thr popular one eye headcanon. then I realized him losing his eye bc of the military goes perfectly with martini losing an arm. that bothered me for a while until i realized i could just have multiple freemind designs + headcanons. if theres different variations of Gordon  and martini, why can't there be some of Freemind as well? grins grins
i left it open ended in my SGU because people have their own headcanons and I thought anyone could just fill in their own. if I did every make a canon eyeloss event prequel thing, he would've lost his eye during college in some sort of either freak accident (like tripping on something and injuring himself bad; I like this one because he'll lie and say he was in a fight) or, like u said, a fight . for SGU, college was a low point in his life of him struggling with freedom from his parents for the firsr time, but them and their ideals still holding him hostage. he is simultaneously more repressed and more emotionally volatile than present!gordon. then, when his parents die, hes just given a clusterfuck of emotions. so why dont we add physical trauma? whatever the sgu canon event eye loss was, it was definitely related to substance abuse issues. whether that be he was high/drunk and got into an accident, or fought someone... not sure! yet. the only thing that i can say was that no fire or chemicals were involved, since his tearduct is (unfortunately for him) wholly in tact!
but for freemanverse!freemind, he should lose his eye during the rescas since its like thematic and stuff if (almost) every Gordon Loses Something. also, angst. whenever I draw freemanverse (even in a domestic setting) in my head, i always think of them surviving the rescas together! i have. convoluted freemanverse headcanons. the eye loss is an important freemanverae event because, like martini, it gives him a valid reason to REALLY dislike benrey (but in my au, benrey isnt the big bad, so he "redeems" himself kinda sorta) . and then it ALSO opens up freemind to be upset and vulnerable, which allows him to bond with his fellow freemen.
also I want barmey to tend to his wounds and call his scar(s) badass. im not immune to buttermind and i never was.
honorable mention: sims freemind, who has both eyes physically but only can see from one. this is due to me unable to properly texture a glasses + eyepatch combo, that and i have no experience with 3d modelling (I did try!).
i hope this is a satisfying enough infodump!! I'm sorry if it's a bit vague; a lot of my ideas tend to be fluid. i also like taking inspiration from what other people think! some of you guys are way super smart and have awesome ideas. i am not immune to well articulated essays and thought out headcanons
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tanith-rhea · 2 years
So i have a miranda hilmarson x reader fic request. Basically some hurt/comfort where reader isnt used to being listened to/always hides their feelings and cries a lot at night, and miranda finds out and comforts them
Knight in Shining Armour
Hey anon, thank you for the request and sorry for the wait! In this one reader is a person going through some relationship problems, and it gets pretty bad to the point police are involved. Miranda is asked to be a lookout for a few nights at reader's place to make sure their ex won't attempt anything. So WARNINGS for domestic violence, some stockholm syndrome and mentions of people disregarding reader's abuse aside from all the angst that is already implied by that.
Word count: 1.5k
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You thought it would get better. Your mom said it wasn't that bad, and if you made an effort, he'd start treating you well again. Kiss you more gently, soothe your bruises and even one day stop making them.
It did not. No matter how hard you tried, he would still come home angry, and anything in front of him was a reason to turn furious. Candlelit dinners were too fussy, watching football together was annoying because you knew nothing about it, going for walks was stupid, playing games, was frustrating, and talking was simply unbearable.
"I can't hear your whiny voice right now. If you utter a single word, I swear to god I'll crash your head in this table."
And then it was over. You woke up in a hospital bed, in one of those rooms with six other patients separated by baby-blue curtains, and a short woman in smart pants and jacket was looking at you.
"Hello, Miss y/l/n, I'm detective Griffin," she said matter of factly, looking at you in expectance.
"Detective? Why are you here?"
"You were beaten and almost killed by a man currently missing. One of your neighbours heard a commotion at your house last night and called the police, we found you unconscious in the kitchen and no signs of who assaulted you."
You thought detectives only dealt with murder cases, at least police ones; although you only knew what you saw on tv shows.
"Were you robbed?"
"No," you eyed her, wondering where he was. Would he come back home? Could you work this out and be ok again?
"Did you know the person who put you here?" her face was guarded but you could tell she knew what this was about. She was trying to help you. She'll eventually figure out I don't need help. I need him.
Later you were able to leave the hospital. You had a concussion but the doctor said you should be fine if you were careful and rested more when you got home. You didn't go home straight away, though, you were brought in for questioning at the station. Couldn't they interview you at your house? Where you'd be comfortable? You just wanted to bolt from there and look for him so maybe you could put this all behind you.
They asked a lot of things, some questions were the same, only phrased differently and they figured the one that did this to you was your partner. It was your fault, really. He'd asked for you to buy beer before going to work and you forgot. When he came back there was no beer so he left cross and returned drunk.
They sent you home with a tall blond woman. She tried to make conversation but you were too fed up and exhausted to entertain her. She seemed sweet, and you couldn't help but think she didn't fit as a police officer. Sure, she was tall and strong and intimidating, but as soon as you passed first impressions, she was the embodiment of a golden retriever.
You arrived, and she explained again that she'd be staying for two days surveying the street for any signs he might come back to harm you. You didn't want it, you wanted him back, but they didn't care about that.
The first night was torment. You called your mother to tell her what happened and she didn't show much concern. She said, "You made your bed, now lay in it" dismissing your worry he might not come back.
In the beginning, when you were scared and wanted to end things with him, your mother said it was your fault if he was not satisfied, you had to be a better girl for him. Now you were seven years in, and you were convinced that was the only type of love you would ever get, the hard-fought-for one, the kind you had to earn, not just receive.
You were desperate, crying till your eyes ran dry and your throat felt sore. Your bedsheets were a mess of twisted corners you held onto through the night, white knuckles only stained by a few red marks from when he held you down on the terrace floor when you had the idea of a picnic on the apartment's roof.
She was still outside the other day. Inside the car on the other side of the street. You slept for two hours and looked like less, your hair a mess and yesterday's clothes. Did she eat? She didn't leave the car for almost fourteen hours now, no way she had proper food there.
You didn't eat yourself but microwaved some of the leftover lasagna in the fridge and walked to the car.
"Everything ok?" she downed the window and looked at you from head to toe and back up, "You need anything? I can't enter and help you but I can call someone."
"I just brought you food," you shoved the container in her face and turned to leave.
"I meant it..." she called, "I won't go inside because I'm not supposed to let him get even near you, I have to keep looking. But I know a friend that could help maybe help you, he does energy work."
It was sweet how much she seemed to care, but you didn't need help. You just turned again and went inside.
This was the last night she would be looking. You were still desolate, but something made you act, maybe desperation to know or to have something to occupy your mind.
You searched through the drawers and your shared closet, some clothes were missing, his favourites. The money hidden underneath the sink in the biscuit jar was gone. You checked your bank account on your phone and sure enough, it was empty. He was not coming back.
You wailed. You lowered yourself to the kitchen floor, near the blood stain on the table, and hugged yourself while you screamed more than cried. It was all over. You would never have love again, not any. With your eyes closed, and ears ringing from the force of the muscles twisted in your forehead and neck, you didn't hear the door being kicked open, or the hurried steps towards the kitchen. You only felt arms around you and a hand on your face, trying to make you look up.
"Shhh... it's all right. Shit you scared me," it was Miranda, her nametag was only a few centimetres away from your face, "Thank God you're alright."
You clung to her, fingers twisting the blue fabric on her shoulders desperately.
"I'm not alright," you whispered, almost unable to speak "He's not coming back"
She tensed for a few seconds, not breathing, before sitting by your side and pulling you to her. You sat between her legs and she hugged you to her chest.
"How do you know?" she asked softly after your crying subsided to sobs and whimpers.
You unlocked your phone and showed the bank account. She tightened her arms around you with a deep sigh. It almost seemed as if she was relieved, her shoulders dropping. Her chin resting on your hair.
"We will find him, and arrest him, and you'll get your money back."
"As if I care about money... I want him back," you scoffed, impressed at how bitter you managed to sound.
"What the hell are you talking about?" she seemed almost livid, did she care? "Look at what he did to you! Why would you want to be with someone like him?"
"Because he loves me," you said automatically. It was obvious he did, he just showed it in harsher ways.
"I'm sorry, but that is absurd."
She seemed quite confident. You didn't respond to it, deep down you knew love was supposed to be kinder, but lying was better than nothing at all, wasn't it?
"I mean, if he loved you he would never hurt you like this. He would take care of you, comfort you, caress you and not punch you or bang your head on a table."
It hurt so much. She was telling the truth, but somehow the thought of it hurt so much more than any spanking. You started crying again, hiding your face in her uncomfortable vest.
"Oh, shit, I'm so sorry," she whispered "Here, let me take care of you," she hugged you tighter, enveloping you completely in her arms, and played with your hair until you were almost dozing off.
After, she encouraged you to take a shower and heated the rest of the lasagna for you to eat. She watched you the entire time, talking about silly or unimportant things to distract you. You saw right through her.
When it was dark outside, you watched some television together, and she told you about this guy, the brother of her colleague, who she thought could help you heal. She offered to keep in contact and you agreed to it. When you started to softly snore on her shoulder, she woke you up and led you to bed, telling you she would be just outside on the couch, and you finally had a peaceful sleep. No one kicking you or rolling around in the bed. Just you, and your knight in shining armour outside.
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poorchoicesarebettr · 8 months
I'm really tired of people shitting on vivziepop for stuff literally every other (adult) animation creators/studios do
-Taking SA/R*PE Seriously, then joking about it
This is already on twitter so it's probaly on here, but Sir Pent does get jokingly g*ng-b***ed is Ep 6, while the show handles Valentino vs Angel dust
Other shows do this, Popular ones too
For example, family guy has done jokes smiliar to this before too and Ive seen no one mention it. In one episode, the plot is trying to protect Quagmire's sister from her abusive boyfriend. The show then constantly makes domestic abuse jokes.
Here's the sister abuse that's taken seriously (the shot at the end isnt part of it, but this was the best clip I could find):
Then here's a joke family guy makes about domestic abuse, TW: screaming and implied hitting:
-Drawing nearly all her characters skinny
It's a sad realty, but it's true. Even in movies all actors are skinny or fit and it hurts, but it's life sadly. Same with video games and character customization, limited to skinny. It's just society.
-All the characters are gay!!
Look up She-ra and the princesses of power sexualites, look up Steven Universe, this is not the first time 80-90% of the cast has been LBGTQ in a show
-I'm very tired trying get this off my chest so I can sleep, so I might be adding more tomorrow in case anyone wants to check back in
P.s. this is merely defending vivziepop as a show creator, not her as a person or her past
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dc-polls · 10 months
"That Really Happened?!" DC Comics Tournament Entry #14
Domestic Abuse Ghost Possession
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[ID: Two page comic spread of a giant Sinestro head smiling with tongue wrapped around Green Lantern John Stewart's leg. Figures below pose in anguish and dark buildings appear in the background. John yells, "You're dead, Sinestro!" To which Sinestro replies, "Not any more!" /END ID]
What Happened?
Jesus. Okay. SO green lantern: mosaic is already a really weird comic. The creator (who we don't talk abt and also was in prison until a couple of years ago) literally said (paraphrase) "Mosaic is the book I write when I get confused writing my other books". Like bro. Anyways it follows John Stewart (Green Lantern) as he tries to establish a peaceful society between a bunch of species (humans included) taken from their homeworlds and forced to coexist on this plant. Standard comic plot. NORMAL, even. Or so you'd think.
It's revealed that John is being possessed a times (blacking out) by the ghost of Old Timer, an evil Guardian (so like a smurf looking alien) who brought all the people to the mosaic in the first place. Plot-wise this still makes sense, GL: Mosaic is a spin off and this whole plot was kind of established in the main comic. It makes sense.
AND THEN YOU GET ISSUE NO. 3. John is inexplicably in a relationship with this woman Rose. This happens completely off panel and without explanation (although they did have some chemistry in the main GL title, it was a very complicated dynamic and there was even a joke about them NOT being in a relationship) [the joke was that rose's town was super scandalized bc they thought she was dating John (because aaaaghhhhh interracial relationship or whatever [this is like 1992] and shes from rural West Virgina and was all like no guys its not LIKE that (but like it actually wasnt)) so idk that was a thing that happened
But ANYWAYS in Mosaic #3 John and Rose are dating for some reason???? And then he picks her up and flies up and then drops her and laughs as she screams and falls. He also kicks her around and like beats her up in front of her son while she pleads with him to stop. So VERY much domestic abuse 👍love some absolutely insane fucking mischaracterization what the actual hell. Also he keeps using weird nicknames like calling her Rosie and himself Johhny or Daddy while possessed(?) SO I don't fucking know what that was the fuck
Anyways it's then revealed that this behavior was because of the GHOST! who could have thunk? However instead of the ghost CANONICALLY inside his head that was literally possessing him THE ISSUE BEFORE, turns out it was SINESTRO'S GHOST! how the fuck did he get in johns head you may ask? I could not tell you! He's just there! At this point I'm wondering what the actual fuck is going on and also how many ghosts are possessing John Stewart. Like HONESTLY. I've either entirely lost the plot by now or am just in shock over what is happening. Likely both.
Anyways John goes in his brain to fight the Sinestro ghost (who like ties him up with his tongue and calls him boy (and Sinestro daddy this time) and all sorts of insanely weird awful stuff) And then his girlfriend (who he ISNT DATING) forgives him because "it was the ghost". Absolutely incomprehensible arc. This happened in ONE ISSUE of this comic. The first ghost is not mentioned at all during this story
Also the worst thing abt this whole ordeal is that this is a spin off of an arc in the main GL title which was actually REALLY FUCKING GOOD. like it was great, I loved it. And yet somehow the author (may he die gruesomely) managed to forget what HE HIMSELF WROTE and all knowledge of characterization and turn his hero into a horribly mischaracterized domestic abuser in a plot thay makes no sense.also there was def some racist wack ass shit going on with this fr. The whole comic is honestly an ego trip for the writer it makes no fucking sense and every letter page is just two pages of him talking directly to the readers and telling them how smart he is. This is issue 3 and is as far as i got. Listen to me and do not read this comic
Tournament polls will be posted after all entries are up. As always you can find all posts related to the tournament using #dc-polls-trh
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ college spirit (chapter 7)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 5k
Chapter warnings- okay so this is probably the chapter with the most warnings, there is a lot of alchohol, lots of swearing, theres themes of relationship abuse, physical abuse, manipulation, blood mention, we see jungkook btw (bc its party time) Taehyungs heart is in the right place but he does something bad. Kaito is a dickhead say it with me. dont read if youre sensitive to domestic abuse themes, this one was rough yall. also apologies for spelling errors.
A/N- So this is the chapter I would label as story changing, everything kind of takes a giant move in an opposite direction from here on out, Its crazy but hope you enjoy!!
Growing up, you thought that life would just magically align the moment you hit your 20's, you would be married with 2 kids living somewhere that provided everything you needed, and anything you wanted. You can laugh at yourself now for thinking, or even considering, that your early 20's would be any different from your teen years.
Because, with that said, here you were laying in bed with Taehyung as he slept, while your boyfriend was out doing God knows what. Granted, he isnt the best boy to use as an example, but just a few hours ago you almost kissed your best friend. You are a lot of things, but despite the shitty situation, you are not a cheater.
You could have yelled at him, you could have made a big deal about what happened outside, but you didnt.
You told yourself that this was taehyungs night to shine, so you dropped it and did what you both always do, forget it even happened. He is stubborn though, and snuck into your bed right before you fell asleep.
Its not unusual for you both to sleep near one another, but you would think he would get the hint that things needed to simmer down for a few.....guess not.
"youre awake?"
you turned your head to the raspy voice beside you, rubbing your eyes as you hummed. "yeah"
He smiled and stretched, burying his face into the pillow before reluctantly sitting up against the headboard.
"You sleep okay?" you ask
"yeah" tae chuckled, "Sort of have a headache..."
"ah" you reached into your nightstand and grabbed some Tylenol, handing the pills over to him along with your not drunk water bottle from last night.
He smiled graciously and took the medicine, sipping the bottle before clearing his throat. "thanks" the boy yawned. "any plans today?" he looked at you
You pulled down the sheet and sat up as well, groaning at the stubborn sunlight peaking through your curtains. "Um...yeah. shit I forgot....some of my friends are throwing a party and I said I would show up. I dont know why I agreed"
"what?" tae whined "just dont go"
"nah they will be pissed at me, they already called me a prude for working and being home all day after school" you shrug
Tae sunk into the bed, upset that you would be out and about while he stayed in the apartment. "I'll just make an appearance, then make my exit, okay? it wont be like an all night thing, swear" you rambled.
"can I go at least?" he pleaded with big eyes
sighing, you look up at the ceiling. "eh, Im not sure thats....I dont know if its a good idea"
"why not?"
"because you dont know anyone over there except from Chae and Dahyun...who youve only met a few times, and-"
"whos throwing the party?"
"...I dont know? Some kid named Jungkook"
"see? you dont even know whos gonna be there so whats the difference if I go?" he insisted
"Because I definitely will recognize people, we all are on the same campus, you wont know a soul"
"Pleaseeee" he jokingly whined and held onto your arm.
"Is kaito going?"
"then I will too"
you scoff and pull back, "youre going just because he is?"
He looks at you, "no, I just- whatever im going" he stands up and flairs his arms around dramatically before going into the bathroom to wash up, not giving any room to further the conversation.
you fall back against the pillows and sigh. You never wanted to go, but you thought perhaps you had a chance at having fun, now that chance was at like....0.0002%. You loved tae, but certain people in your life dont, certain people who will be at that party, certain people who told you not to bring him.
"Yes mom, i-...yes yes, I already said that" you paced around the kitchen with your cellphone pressed to your ear, attempting to clean off the counters while conversing with your mother who was back in Gwangju.
"Well im just saying, your birthday is next month and I would come to Busan myself but my back is still giving issues, doctor said no travel. Would love to see you and kaito come visit me"
You looked around the kitchen as you listened to your mom speak, eyes catching on taehyung who was eating an english muffin in the living room, writing an email to his mom about how he won the art contest.
"I'll talk to him, we both have crazy schedules right now and the semester isnt over until the end of next month, so-"
"its okay if you cant, im just throwing it out there"
"no no, i'll find a way, ok? I only turn 23 once, and Im sure Kaito will love to meet you too."
Tae took a bite of his food and cocked his head to you, raising his eyebrows as you silently shrugged in response.
"Ok....mhm. I love you too mama, text me, okay? ...bye bye" you sigh and put your phone down.
"early birthday festivities?"
"yeah....Im gonna visit mom in a few weeks and she asked me to bring the..boy" you giggle, making him smile.
"she doesnt wanna see me?"
"I think she just wants to meet my current boyfriend, youll see her on easter" you pat his back and walk into your room.
"I think Jungkook is cute" Dahyun spoke up, biting into her donut as she scrolled through social media, showing his photos to Chae.
"eh he is oka- woah, yeah hes hot" she leaned closer into her friends phone as Kaito sighed and handed over their coffees. "thanks bean boy" chae chuckled and sipped her drink.
"If you guys are gonna harass me on my shift you can go" he adjusted his apron before wiping off the counter. "do you seriously plan on waiting until I get off of work? you cant drive yourself to the party?"
"what else do we have to do? and....its raining" dahyun drank her coffee, turning to Kaito. "plus you only have another 30 minuets, hurry up"
Chae laughed and walked over to sit in one of the booths as kaito took a new customers order.
"dahyun cmere"
The girl walked over and sat with her friend, looking down at her phone. "whats that?"
"Its Y/N and taehyung" she snickered, scrolling through the collected photos you took last night on your instagram.
Kaito peered over at his friends, curious upon hearing your name brought up. "Oh, yeah, they had this stupid art thing last night, guess he won or whatever" he dried his hands and handed the customer their drink.
"this doesnt look like a art thing" Dahyun smirked
"what?" he came from behind the counter, walking over to see a video of you, drunk, at some bar with taehyung, eating fries.
"she said she was going home after" he pouted and took the girls phone into his hands
"hey!" chae snatched her phone back
"she lied to me" he scoffs and looks again at the videos. "this was last night? youre sure?"
"it says 18 hours ago, yes"
He scratched his head and silently walked back to his position, not speaking a single word until his shift ended. The girls sharing humorous yet worried glances at eachother.
"He isnt picking you up"
"what?" you walk around the lobby of your apartment complex as you struggle to comprehend your friend on the other line.
"He said he cant pick you up, but he would see you at the party" Chae spoke louder.
"why cant he pick me up?, where-, what is he doing?"
"I dont know, but thats what he said, ask him" she responded shortly before getting distracted by someone else and hanging up on accident.
You sigh loudly and walk over to taehyung who was resting on the bench. "so hes not picking me up, big surprise"
"what?" he sat up and faced you
You two had gotten ready quickly around 6pm and waited in the lobby for your boyfriend, who you thought would be picking you up.
"I dont know" you shrug and pinch the bridge of your nose,
"hey its okay, i'll go back upstairs and get my keys...ill drive us" he patted your back as you looked at your feet.
"no its not that, I just....he's been acting so off and different. I sent him a cute message last night and he texted me back all lovey dovey this morning, now hes ignoring me, I cant take his fucking moodswings"
"im sorry" he mumbled, looking around at the busy lobby. "maybe...maybe I shouldnt go, like, do you think hes mad that we hung out last night?" he asked
"I dont know anymore, man" you look back at him, "I think we should just go, im not gonna hide from him...maybe I can get him to talk with me" you sigh and stand to your feet. "Im okay with you coming just really...keep your distance"
"from you?"
"from him"
he nods and stands, "okay, just wait here i'll get my keys"
The house party was loud, maybe too loud for an on campus event, especially considering it was only 7pm. You practically felt the music blaring inside of you as you timidly stepped into the crowded house. You were immediately met with the mixed aroma of sweat, alcohol, bath and body works perfume, and incense.
"eugh.." you turn to Taehyung and carefully grabbed his arm, leading him out of the busy room. "Just sit, im gonna go look for Kai an-"
you turn your head to be met with an already drunk Chae, bringing you into her sweaty arms.
"oh..hey, uh-"
"you need to come with me, we are doing Karaoke upstairs, and Im winning" she yelled, alcohol evident on her breath as it smacked your face.
"you can win Karaoke?" tae mumbled behind you
"yes, yes you can!!" she pointed at him and grabbed your arm, "lets go bitch"
"wait y/n, dont leave me" tae pouted and grasped your other arm.
"I promise ill be right back, okay?" you offered a slight apologetic smile before being whisked away by your friend upstairs, leaving the boy alone in a room full of unfamiliars.
As you made your way into some cleared out room, your eyes were drawn to the huge Karaoke machine set up. "woah..."
"Yeah woah cmon lets go sing a celine dion song"
"chae hold on, wheres Kaito?"
you sighed and looked around before grabbing her shoulders, "my boyfriend, Kaito, I need to talk to him, like now. Tall, black hair, you know.....goes by kaito." you dramatically explained as you watched your best friends eyes widen
"Oh yeah.... he is mad at you" she snickered and was quickly distracted by other people, running away before you could question anything she had just said.
"what the fuck" you exhaled, pushing through everyone to try and find kai.
Meanwhile, Taehyung navigated the party downstairs as he awkwardly made his way to the kitchen. There was no order of cleanliness, there was no organization, and the looks of all the mixed red solo cups scattered throughout the entire room kind of disgusted him. He didnt trust any of it, he lifted up a bottle of what looked like tequila and sniffed it, nope, definitely not tequila.
He gave up on finding something to sip on, leaning against the kitchen island as he peered around the large space that seemed too loud for his liking.
Perhaps this was how you felt last night in the art museum.
" 'scuse me" a voice came up beside the boy, making him quickly turn his head and try to figure out who was talking to him, the dim lighting making it difficult.
"youre standing in front of the vodka. excuse me" the man repeated, only then did Taehyung understand and scoot over to the side, allowing access to the alcohol. "sorry" he murmured.
"dont think Ive seen you around" the man joked, smiling as he poured and mixed two different bottles into his cup. "whats your name?"
Taehyung looked down to his feet and quickly decided if he should lie or be honest, figuring that these were all college kids, and well, he was not.
"uh, im taehyung. Kim taehyung" he decided, holding out his hand in a gesture of a handshake.
The man looked down and chuckled, ignoring the greeting and looking up at tae. "yeah? you seem unsure"
"yes, thats my name. sorry, i dont usually do parties and shit"
"i can tell man" he took a sip of his drink, audibly wincing before smiling. "Im Jungkook"
Tae raised his brow in acknowledgment
"wanna drink? you look tense" jungkook patted his shoulder and offered him a sip of his own cup, which taehyung reluctantly drank from.
"eugh, jesus christ, that tastes awful"
"I know, but it will get you fucked up" jungkook shrugged,
"hey jungkook wheres Jin at? he said he wou-" a voice came into the kitchen, stopping abruptly when he stood in front of Tae.
"hey" taehyung swallowed harshly
well. he found kaito.
Kaitos eyes drunkingly looked over his figure, a look of disgust and only disgust is what best could be described as his reaction to him being here.
"ah no way, you guys know eachother?" jungkook looked between the two of them happily,
"sort of..." taehyung chuckled, feeling sweat develop on his neck and back.
"wheres y/n?" he asked, looking at him intensly
"Uh, I genuinely dont know...she went away with chae and-"
"wait, y/n is here?" jungkook interrupted, stepping between them both.
"yeah" they both said at the same time before meeting eachothers eyes again.
"dude.....where is she? shes hot as hell" he whisper yelled, peaking into the next room excitedly.
Taehyung glared at the boy, waiting to see kaitos reaction.
"I know, shes my girlfriend"
"no shit dude!" jungkook slapped kaitos back, now ignoring tae completely. "lucky ass"
"nah man" they both stood a few feet away from tae in the doorway, speaking quietly. "she got the worst personality, stuck up as hell. walks and talks as if she doesnt know the only reason boys talk to her is for her tits" he slurs and bursts out laughing
"damn thats harsh man... even for you"
"whatever, i dont care. you can probably have her next...." he sipped his beer quickly
Taehyung felt the anger course through his chest, he wanted to run up and say something, but frankly, he was scared of Kaito, and you had mentioned something about him when he was drunk. If this was it, yeah, its scary.
He immediately stormed out of the room and pushed through the crowd to search for you, the music now blasting louder than before. He quickly walked up to someone familiar by the stairs
"Dahyun, is Y/N around? is she upstairs?"
"taehyung!" she hugged him, "uh...I think? Chae is probably working her. shes ok im sure" she giggled and dragged him over to a lighter area. "look at my manicure! give me an honest opinion. Jimin said it wasnt work $80 bucks and I should just do them myself now, but I think its cute and-"
she went on and on about something that had nothing to do with him for what seemed like forever. Whos jimin? who cares its just a manicure?
he thought to himself as he smiled and nodded.
"they look good, gotta go" he quickly spoke, politely tapping her shoulder before making a dash upstairs. He checked each door, opening up a bathroom to expose two randoms making out.
"oh! uh, im sorry" he covered his eyes and slammed the door shut, walking to the other hall and entering a loud and packed room. "hey chae..." he walked up to the girl, who was in the middle a very intense just dance session with some other poor girl who fell victim.
"heEyy!!" she slurred and danced over to him
He smiled and caught her as she tripped, helping her up. "whats upppp?"
He laughed and made sure she was able to stand on her own before speaking. "do you know where Y/N is?"
"did you see my dancing?" she randomly questioned
"yes, I saw your dancing chae, very nice, now have you seen y/n?"
she looked around curiously before speaking, "oh, yeah, she went to the bathroom!" she yelled into his face
"great, thanks" he gave a thumbs up as he went back into the hall. well he knew which bathroom you werent in.
He trailed down the hall and walked into a bedroom that seemed to be empty, he gently called out your name.
"I'll be out in a second" you shout back, making him exhale in relief. He shut the door to the bedroom and sat on the bed as he waited for you to exit the restroom.
"oh, tae, hi" you mumbled, walking out to him. "you okay?"
"y/n, we need to talk, like...now" he stood up as you made your way over, standing in front of him.
You saw the concern on his face as he spoke, clearing your throat. "wh-whats wrong? what happened?"
"I ran into Kaito and I think-
the door slowly creaked open, a certain someones head peaking in.
"Oh surprise surprise, youre in here with her" Kaito opened the door and walked over, stumbling over his feet.
You stepped closer to tae, feeling fear seep in as you took in your boyfriends very drunk state.
"get out" he looked at taehyung
"no im no-"
"just get the fuck out" he bit
"Taehyung please its okay just go" your voice choked, eyes tearing up as you led him to the door.
"dont let him do anything" he whispered, as you shut the door in his face, making him take a deep breath as he paced through the busy hall outside.
You slowly turned to the boy, waiting for him to speak.
"so, I know that...maybe this is not the best time or whatever to bring this up, but im ready to just..." he began, pausing after words as his thought process was slowed.
"ready to what?" you fidgeted with your bracelets, keeping by the door in case he tried to touch you again.
"move on with my life" he laughed and looked at you.
"y/n lets be honest, you dont give two fucking shits about me anymore, so why are we doing this. you dont care, you never have"
you scoffed, "Kaito you are drunk...stop this please, you have no idea what youre saying! How dare you say I dont care about you when all ive done is worry about where you have been and why you are upset!"
"oh please" he stood up and walked around. "you wouldnt care if I died tomorrow, you would find the next boy toy to move on to."
"stop" you mumble, "im not like that, you are being an awful person to me right now"
he walked over and laughed, "why? because im calling you out? calling you out for being a whore?"
you bit the inside of your cheek to avoid breaking out in tears right then and there. you couldnt even speak, you were too afraid and frankly confused on what even caused this sudden outburst.
"you are the one crying? really? I should be upset, I am upset."
he shook his head as he looked at you, " I dont think theres anything left for us right now, so just leave it at that, yeah?" he mumbled into your face as you shoved you aside, allowing him to open the door.
You were shocked, you planned on coming to fix whatever was going on between you both, all of the stressing, just to for him to get drunk and break up with you in some random bedroom. no.
You carefully grasped his arm before he left, "kai, please dont do this" you whispered, his arm forcefully pulling away from you. "dont"
Kaito stormed through the people out in the hall, making his way down the stairs as your eyes met taehyungs. You avoided stopping to talk with him as you decided to run after Kaito.
You were embarrassed. You tried to convince tae that you were in a happy and loving relationship, the little lie was now unraveling as the night ensued right in front of him and your friends.
"wait, please" you called out, following your boyfriend into the living room where the music blared. you tried your best to weave through as best you could, finally catching up to the boy and attempting to reason with him once more.
"baby please can we just talk?" you ask loudly, facing his back as he stood in the crowd.
"No, dont call me that" he mumbled.
"Y/N!!! whats up!" Jungkook ran out of the kitchen to your side, smiling and hugging you. "nice to formally meet you, are you enjoyin- why are you crying?" he pulled away and took in your appearance
"Im sorry Im just dealing with something" you calmly tried to explain, kaito turning around to the both of you. "dont listen to a word this slut says" he bit, making you swallow harshly.
Jungkook looked taken back, his eyes meeting yours sympathetically. "hey, cmon man, dont....dont say that. youre having another beer?" he asked, genuinely concerned for his friends behavior.
Taehyung pushed through and made his way to the living room, eyes wandering for you. He assumed it was best to just leave now, unaware of what had gone down just a few moments prior. He found you standing next to Kaito and Jungkook, watching from afar as he contemplated going over and taking you away.
"dont touch me" kaito shivered away from your touch, making you sigh. "lets go home to my apartment, we need to talk and get you sober, youve drunk too much" you spoke, looking at jungkook for support.
"yeah cmon, listen to her. its probably whats best." he nodded
Kaito looked down with anger at his feet as you stared at him for a moment, you were hesitant to speak any further, but the boy needed help and never listened. He needed to get sober and then probably never drink again. this....wasnt kaito.
"lets just go please? I'll take care of you sweetheart its okay, I-" your hand gently reached out to hold onto his jaw, carefully caressing it as you tried to get him to pick his head up.
You werent sure what exactly had happened, all you knew is that one second you were reasoning with him, the next, the side of your face was burning in pain.
Kaito had pulled back and struck you to the ground.
before you knew it there was a crowd of people surrounding the incident, Jungkook pulling Kaito away as he spit words out at you, none of which you could hear. The music had faded out of your hearing, and the lights were hazed. Your face burned with shame as you struggled to stand up, eyes watching you with concern and shock.
You felt hands immediately pick you up to your feet, turning to see it was Taehyung. You tried to explain but you didnt even comprehend what was coming out of your mouth.
he looked pale, in more pain than you were. His eyes glanced over you and back at kaito as he felt rage fill throughout him, carefully setting you aside as he approached the other boy and suddenly punched him across the face, the room gasping immediately.
"hey- fuck! stop guys!!!" Jungkook tried to seperate them, but there was no use. Taehyung had kaito by his collar, fist repeatedly punching into his face as he fell to the floor, blood on his skin and clothing.
You stood back, unable to fully understand what the fuck was happening. Once it kicked into your mind, your feet were racing over to him, yanking on the back of his shirt. "stop!!! Taehyung stop!!!!" you screamed, other guests joining in to help stop it as well. Your friends stood in the corner, shocked at what they had just witnessed.
"are you okay, miss?" some random man came up, asking you as you realized how many people had been around, asking you questions, none you even heard or noticed.
Someone finally pulled Taehyung away from kaito, who had passed out against the cold tile, nose and mouth bleeding as you watched in horror.
"What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU?" you screamed at Taehyung, grabbing onto his shirt and shaking him, tears spilling as he looked down at you.
He didnt respond, he let you flip out as people tried to fix up the unconscious boy on the floor.
"you guys gotta go, fuck, the police were called" Jin ran out and spoke loudly, cueing the group of people to run out the door.
"we need to go" Taehyung spoke flatly, gently grasping your arms as he directed you out the door.
He led you to the car and put you into the back seat before getting into the drivers side. He didnt drive right away, instead he looked down at his bruised fist.
"why...why didnt you say anything to me"
You had curled up into the fetal position, tears falling down your cheeks as you tried to look out the window.
"all this time....all this time he was doing this and you never-" he stopped, leaning his head against the headrest and closing his eyes.
"im sorry" you choke out.
He took a deep breath, trying to collect himself so he could speak, let alone drive.
"we will have to talk, about all of this"
"what if you get in trouble?" you whisper
"I didnt do anything wrong, he fucking hit you. He hit a woman, they all saw it" he spoke louder, voice shaky.
you sniffled, the pain in your face and head suddenly becoming really obvious, making you wince.
"are you okay? shit, lets uh, lets get you to a hospital or something" he started his car
"no...I just need Ice"
"what if you have a concussion?"
you groan, "I dont, taehyung, he hit my cheekbone and jaw" you trace your hand over your face, hissing at the sharp sting.
"Im still gonna take you to a walk in clinic, im not risking it. we will go home and sleep right after, I dont want to hear you argue about anything tonight. Tomorrow morning we need to sit and talk." he sternly spoke, making his way down the street.
You didnt have the energy to fight, you were mad, but you didnt have the energy.
You were upset with Taehyung for making the situation worse, but you were even more mad with Kaito. you felt betrayed, he humiliated you in front of everyone you know. He put his hands on you, after saying he would never do it again, over what? nothing.
"there is no signs of concussion, but there will be signifigant bruising and damaged nerves." the doctor read over her chart as you sat in a hospital bed, taehyung by your side. it was late, you missed your bed, you missed Yeontan. You didnt think you would be here, especially for this reason.
"thats..good, better than having something serious" he exhaled
"do you wish to file a report against the person who did this to you?"
Tae opened up his mouth to speak, but you cut in
"no, its already being taken care of, thank you though"
She nodded sadly and walked off, giving you too permission to go home.
you felt over your cheek, now covered with bandages.
"Im so sorry" he whispered, looking at you.
"no, im sorry. im so fucking sorry. I know I shouldnt have done that, but I.....I saw him hit you. I saw him hit you, y/n."
"i know" you mumbled, looking down.
"when I saw it happening, I just couldnt control myself. It was wrong of me, I take blame, but jesus y/n...."
"I know..." you repeated, voice cracking slightly. "tae please I just wanna go home, okay? I dont wanna relive it right now"
He nodded softly, standing to get to your side. "yeah, lets go home." he held your ice pack for you, leading you back to the car.
The sounds of the city surrounding you infiltrated your ears. You really couldve been anywhere in the world tonight, but here you were, in this position.
You knew you shouldnt have gone to the party, you regret it with your whole being, because not only did you suffer, but you dragged Taehyung into it too.
You had yourself to blame. you wanted to cry and scream but all you could do is lay in bed that night once you got home as taehyung gently rubbed your back, reassuring you that it would be okay.
Yeah, about that thing you said earlier, about assuming your twenties would be fantastic and amazing......11 year old you needed a reality check.
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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Would the slashers get married/have kids (if so, how many?)
you pick whomever
Slashers on Marriage and Kids
Here's a link to the Ghostface post
Fem leaning reader but the marriage part can be gender neutral. If yall want anymore slashers, feel free to let me know. 😀 I know technically Wesker isn't a slasher but I'm in a mood 😅
Warnings: Canon typical violence (not towards reader or kids), some angst / spoilers for Jesse, mentions of baby trapping for Asa and Wesker, mentions of childhood abuse from the Sinclair brothers (not towards their own kids tho)
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Michael Myers (RZ!)
Michael isnt into marriage as a concept because of his childhood and for the fact that hes surprised to have you as a partner because he's "pure evil, the shape of Haddonfield" its not in his plans. Legally, you cannot marry Michael because he's an escaped killer that's supposed to be institutionalized.
The closest thing you get to a marriage from Michael is the both of you living at your house as significant others.
I hope you don't mind a domesticated role in the relationship (like a house wife/ house husband even though you do work a job). Michael has been locked up for most his life, he doesn't know how to do a lot of the things we take for granted like how to cook actual food instead of eating candy.
Pregnancy with RZ! Michael would be an accident rather than planned. (I.E. unprotected sex or forgetting to take birth control for a day) His response to your pregnancy would be interesting because he has no reaction to you carrying his child until you start to show your pregnancy.
Michael becomes more primal and protective over you. He tries to keep any messes he has from his murders a minimum and would stay around you even more than before because you're fragile in his eyes.
Amount of kids he wants: Only 1, I just don't see him wanting anymore than his one kid.
Michael Myers (Original)
Like RZ! Michael, og Michael wouldn't be into marriage but his reason is because Og Michael simply hasn't thought about being married to anyone.
The closest to having a marriage like relationship with Michael would be him staying at your house and you being alive. If you're really lucky, he would stalk you while you're away from the Myers house to make sure you're safe.
You're going to have to be the one who does the cooking and cleaning. Michael's diet is not the best (with eating rats and dogs) please feed him some cooked food.
Your pregnancy wasn't planned. You expected that from the amount of times you and Michael had fucked that you would be pregnant sooner.
Michael would be on the distant side during your pregnancy at first. You could tell that he's still protecting you/ stalking you while you're out of the house. Once the news settled into his mind, you can see parts of him showing he accepts the fact that he's going to be a father. (He's the man that would have his hands on your bump while you're sleeping because of 1. His primal instinct to protect you and his kid and 2. Feeling the movements from the womb calms him down)
Amount of kids he wants: 1, Michael is a one and done kind of guy.
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas grew up with the traditional values of a southern man; get married, have a couple kids, and live a simple life. Before being with you, Thomas gave up on that hope because for one, he knows his face can scare people off- and secondly, he has his family to take care of and support.
When Thomas was ready to ask for your hand for marriage, Luda helped him set up a nice intimate purposal. The ring was either taken from a victim or Luda's wedding ring. The wedding for the two of you was small, simple wedding outside with only just his family and the both of you.
Thomas would try to be a great husband for you and help out with any chores you missed and be that emotional support when you need it. For the most part, he loves a domesticated spouse who does things for him because they love him and want him to be healthy and happy.
Your pregnancy was planned in the aspects of the both of you are married and actively trying to convince a child. He was over the moon when you told him about you being pregnant. He does have insecurities and fears that his kids are going to be scared of him or end up with his condition.
After soothing his concerns, Thomas is hands down one of the best slashers to have. He would sew maternity clothes/ baby clothes for you, always fret about you doing alot of house work (especially when you get closer to your due date), build a crib and other toys for his kid.
Amount of kids he wants: at least 3 or 4, Thomas is open to having more children if you wanted a big family.
Bo Sinclair
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Bo personally doesn't see himself being into marriage because of the life he lives in Ambrose.
Bo would thrive with a "housewife" spouse (it doesn't matter your gender, he enjoys the doting house spouse aesthetic. More likely that he doesn't want you to be hurt by potential victims.)
It takes a lot for him to want to make things legally official with you. He usually uses you being his significant other in the way of "I'm happily married" or "that's my husband/ wife." If you're lucky, Bo might have a small wedding in the church with just you,him, his brothers, and some of the wax sculptures (if you're into that kinda thing).
Bo has had some thoughts about having children with you but with his childhood abuse, he has a lot of self doubts about being a father. When you announced your pregnancy to him, Bo was in shock.
It takes a bit of time for Bo to get used to the fact that he's going to be a father. He becomes more protective over you to the point where the last part of your pregnancy, he wouldn't want you out of the house because of the potential threat from the victims. He wouldn't want you and his child to get hurt.
Amount of kids he wants: 1 or 2. I don't see Bo being into having a large family.
Vincent Sinclair
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Vincent, similiar to Thomas wouldn't see himself being married because of his face. Although the childhood he's had wasn't as bad as Bo or Lester, he still faced a shitty childhood.
It would take alot for Vincent to open himself up to find love or to want to be married. He tends to not take care of himself while focusing on making "new wax sculptures". I can see him thriving off of someone who does simple things for him like trying to coax an obviously sleep deprived Vincent to go sleep, or make him snacks for him. It's the small things that he appreciates from his significant other.
He also does small things that shows you that you're valued as his spouse. (I.e. making you little wax figurines, picnics in the woods together, or it can be as simple as cuddling each other in your shared bed.)
Conceiving a child would be a freak occurrence because it would be during one of the very few times that you
When he found out that he was going to he a father, anxiety was the main issue. Vincent was anxious about his kids being scared of his face and afraid that he wouldn't look "normal" enough for his kids. By the time you get close to giving birth, Vincent would cut back on his work to be there with you to make sure you don't over do the chores.
Amount of kids he wants: 2 or 3, he doesn't want too many children because of how dangerous Ambrose is for babies and small kids.
Lester Sinclair
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Out of the Sinclairs, I see Lester being the one who fantasize about marriage the most. Just like his older brothers, Lester doesn't see himself being married before meeting you, only fantasizing about coming home to a happy spouse looking forward to seeing him.
Being married to Lester would probably be the most normal out of the Sinclairs. You occasionally see Bo and Vincent but it's mostly just you and Lester with Jonesy.
On a normal day where he's not luring potential victims to Ambrose, he enjoys having you in his truck while he's working with roadkill. It tickles him with how someone like you actually is happily married to him.
Conversations about starting a family has been brought up throughout your marriage. The both of you wanted kids but it wasn't a pressure to have kids right away. The pregnancy would be a happy surprise for Lester. (Lester would have the most positive reaction out of his brothers)
Lester would be the kind of man who would be super excited about the process of your pregnancy. From remodeling some of the old baby furniture, all the way to making scrapbooks with as much memories/ information about each child/ pregnancy. He wants his kids to have the things that his parents never did for him. (I.e. emotionally and actually neglecting Lester during his childhood.)
Amount of kids he wants: 3 or 4, enough to have a larger family but not too many kids where his kids would feel neglected by the both of you.
Asa Emory
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Asa is a highly private man, keeping every aspect of his life separated from each other. I do believe that he would see marriage as a way to throw the cops off his trail. It would be rare for him to actually want marriage after his childhood.
Being married to Asa would be most similar to being married to Jed Olsen from my last post. Cold, lonely, and overall isolating marriage. You either know about his secret and support it (or forced to keep quiet out of fear) or you're comp oblivious over what he does while you're home.
You would most likely either be a house spouse role, being the doting spouse of the mysterious entomologist professor. Or you would have your own career, making the time alone a bit easier to cope with.
I don't see Asa wanting kids for a normal, healthy reason. The pregnancy would be either a complete "accident" (i.e. him forgetting to wear a condom) or more so him getting you pregnant to keep up with his facade or to make sure to keep you around to not speak his secret.
Emotionally, he would be the worst at supporting you but he does make sure you have what you would need throughout your pregnancy and raising his kid. Eventually, Asa would attempt to be there for his kid more in a faternal role, especially if they start having interests in bugs.
Amount of kids he wants: 1, Asa is a "one and done" kind of guy.
Jesse cromeans
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Because of what happened to his late wife, it takes a while for Jesse to remarry. Especially with how he isn't able to have a normal facade because of his face. Being in a relationship with you made him realize that you're his second chance with being married.
Its most certainly that you know at least something about his Chromeskull side. Whether it's knowing vague information about it or knowing just about everything about Chromeskull.
Marriage to Jesse can be lonely and scary because of how shit can hit the fan quickly in his line of work. To make up for the time Jesse spends away from you, he definitely makes it up to you once he's home (i.e. buying you expensive things, spending one on one time with you, even sex if you want it)
The pregnancy was completely planned for when both you and him were ready. It takes Jesse a long time to want to have children of his own because of him mourning the loss of his first born. He doesn't want anything like that to happen again.
During your pregnancy, Jesse would be highly alert and making sure both you and the baby is safe by giving you the best of doctors, prenatal care, all the way to making sure you're not over working yourself and eating the foods that's good for pregnancy.
Amount of kids he wants: 1 or 2. He might be alright with having a couple more kids but he would be happy with 2 kids.
Albert Wesker
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Marriage with Albert is a thing that he's indifferent about if you're talking about a younger Wesker. Older! Wesker on the other hand wouldn't be concerned about marriage at all, he has better things to worry about than an insignificant thing.
Being a private man, his team would barely know anything about you. They know you're his spouse and what you looked like from the photo on his desk. They also occasionally see you around with a bag of food for him to eat during his lunch break.
Wesker would be the best worst husband ib my opinion. He wouldn't be around often because of how chaotic his career tends to be, so you'll be on your own for the most part and you can't do much given how it's dangerous for you to be out in public (both as a human surviving zombies and as the spouse of Wesker). He often times shows a more tender side to you once it's just you and him at your shared house, you helping him from not working himself to death- more so often, having him go to bed with you to ensure he gets rested. That is when he's most tender.
I don't see him desiring children at first, focusing on his career more than the basic things like starting a family. Wesker would only have a kid or two to benefit him (spreading his "superior" genetics with uroboros or to keep you from potentially leaving him) more so wanting to be a father.
He would still work during your pregnancy but when he's home with you, he tends to be quite protective over you to the point he always has someone with you when he's gone. Wesker would be the best worst father in the way of he will support the dreams of his kids but he also expects them to be perfect or close to it.
Amount of kids he wants: 2 or 3, anything passed that would be too dangerous for him and the kids.
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menalez · 2 years
im sorry if you’re uncomfortable with venting if you are absolutely just delete this or ignore it but i just don’t know what to do. so i’m a 14yo lesbian and i relate to how you were as a teen a lot (ED, bdsm, suicidal, trying to come to terms w your sexuality, etc.) i live in an incredibly republican + rural area and i have a bad home life, and my parents are like devout mormons and if they ever found out that i’m gay they’d kick me out or send me to conversion therapy or my dad might rape me. i don’t have any friends, and not in a dramatic way just genuinely i’m very shy and reserved so i don’t really talk to people and i’m too scared to contact the suicide hotline because i don’t want my parents to catch me or hear me or anything like that. i’ve been sexually abused my whole childhood by all male members of my family (two brothers + my dad) and everyone in my family knows, but nothings ever happened. they all blame me. i don’t know where i’m going with this, just background i guess but i don’t know what to do. it feels like i’m ruined and i don’t know if it’ll get better. i’m so scared of the future and just the world in general, so many men have abused me especially because of how bad my area is i can barely go outside without feeling terrified i’m gonna get assaulted. i don’t know how i’ll ever date or anything like that because acknowledging that i’m gay makes me want to vomit. i don’t know. there are so many other things but i just don’t know. i’m sorry for ranting i just don’t know what to do or if it gets any better. sorry this is long and ranting i don’t want to trigger you or anything sorry
anon youre still incredibly young and from what youre telling me, it seems like your environment is the biggest issue. i also was in a terrible environment at your age, although not the same kind of terrible environment, and it exacerbated everything. being a teenager is already a stressful & difficult time, so to have to face repeated sexual abuse & rape & constant homophobia & extremely religious upbringing all at once is bound to make someone struggle with a lot of mental health issues and at such a stage, practically NO ONE would be able to fathom something like coming out or accepting their sexuality while going thru the type of stuff youre going through. i know i absolutely couldn’t. while this isnt ideal, but potentially a worst case scenario, wouldn’t you be able to be leave as an adult? like, get some kind of job or go to university and leave them from there? bc i think a lot of these issues you mentioned will be an aspect of your past as soon as you manage to get out of that house & out of that community. ik 4 years is a long time tho so ideally, if you find an excuse or means to leave even sooner then i would assume it’d be better for you in terms of your mental health. i assume the stuff you’ve mentioned to be would be grounds for calling child protective services or the police but there’s no guarantee whatever happens to you when you pursue such a path would necessarily be better. regardless, i have no reason to believe it wont *ever* get better based on what you told me, just that your family is not the kind you can keep close contact with and stay with once youre old enough to leave. i think there’s hope for you and there’s a way out of this & a chance of a good fulfilling life in the future, there’s many potential paths you could pursue especially considering your dad and brothers are downright criminals and abusers. if possible, maybe call a domestic violence hotline bc they probably will know better on how to navigate this situation. i know you said youre afraid of being overheard, if possible maybe make the call when youre at school for example in the bathrooms or when youre in the shower (have the showers on and perhaps play loud music) or when youre home alone or outside alone
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eternityservedcold · 1 year
i think i crystalized a little bit of my thoughts now that im actually at bros death in the comic. so basically the reason i feel like the lotak shit comes out of nowhere is for these reasons:
"d4ve has to hide away food in his room" is fucking stupid. like blatantly, its just. earlier mspa levels of silly. are you really and truly going to tell me that bro doesnt keep any food in the fridge either? i really think that if it were to be taken seriously it should be like a "going to sign your fucking leave form in crayon" level prank.
the rooftop fights are not really treated as any different from the other guardian strifes. i feel like this is so self explanatory it just wastes my time explaining it to you but aside from there like. being more of them. what is the actual difference between "bro harassing his brother with a puppet in a way that is blatantly meant to be humorous" and "j0hn attacking his dad with a hammer over cake"? what is the difference between "d4ve falling down stairs with a fucking sbahj reference" and "r0se threatening suicide in front of her mom, who is blackout drunk"? what is the difference between "bro slicing d4ves cheap piece of shit in half" and "j4de playing around with her grandfathers corpse/repeatedly shooting her dog in the head"?
bro, after a supposed show of "the requisite daily helping of domestic abuse, wait I mean ninja training" (direct quote from the author commentary) that d4ve experiences... continues to be shown by the narrative as a cool dude who does cool things. cutting the meteor to buy his brother time, repeatedly battling noir, and even teaming up with the alt version of the person he supposedly abused in a cool fight scene. i mean thats just like. not really the behavior i would expect from a character that the author is trying to say is a bad guy
the abuse thing literally isnt mentioned by d4ve prior to the lotak conversation. like literally at all. there are 4,044 pages (and three in universe years/four real life years) between d4ve finding his bros body and d4ve talking to d1rk about bro. not once does he speak of any abuse. and obviously i dont think the guy should be a 100% open book but its like. theres no inkling of this, textually, until the literal second it is happening. from the character who has the second highest word count of any character in the comic. sure ill believe that (sarcasm)
some other misc scruples that dont fit the format of this post:
d4ve is a victim of sexual abuse. this gets like half a mention in the entire (checks notes) 9,158 word conversation that consists of over 1,000 lines
he would not fucking say that. the entire convo is just "he would not, under torture, admit that". especially to a stranger especially especially if that stranger is wearing the face of the guy hes talking about are you fucking serious.
i am almost 100% certain this is the author incorporating edgy fan theories rather than anything he had intentionally planned and it fucking sucks when the fans did it too
i really dont give a shit about d4ves problems on the level where i would like to read a conversation about them that is, again, almost 10,000 fucking words long.
this is at the very end of the comic, after a shit ton of waiting to get to the climatic final battle, and then its more waiting, and not only that, its making me read a bunch of long ass conversations with deliberate filler panels, and the characters are lampshading that theyre waiting
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vtori73 · 1 year
It always so... ugh I don't know just ugh.
Just, the LGBTQIA community REALLY needs to work on not being Biphobic for like... 5 seconds at the very least. Just... it's soooo normalized, even bi people who have internalized biphobia partake because they like licking boots of biphobics, I guess.
It's just interesting too to realize how MANY of these assholes don't actually know any actual bi people or our actual struggles and just make shit up to be mad at bi people for. Like, for example these non-bi people were going on & on about how this bi person explaining their experiences sounded like x biracial person/that bi people "stole" biracial peoples fav talking point (specifically white biracial people), etc and just... 1st of all... y'all REALLY don't know anything about Bi-ness, bi people etc because THIS ISNT A NEW TALKING POINT, we've have BEEN talking about this sort of phenomena (we don't feel like we belong in either straight or gay communities) for a VERY VERY LONG TIME. It's not our fault you don't bother having bi people around in your life &/or just educating yourself on our history, texts, & issues. 2nd you can't compare these two things many people known this and some people have learned this more recently but regardless why is it in this instance okay to bring up? Once a bi person annoys you it's okay to make comparisons that don't make sense/problematic?
Not to mention how insidious it is to do so because this makes us seem like we have privilege in anyway that has to do with our sexuality and regardless of your personal opinions on the matter WE don't. "Well what about straight bi's/bi people dating cisheteroallo people?" Well, for one thing while I will admit there probably are a FEW Bi people who get benefits from this sort of relationship it's not JUST because of the relationship but also other factors of how they go about things (& no this is not in regards to closeted bi people) this also isn't exactly a unique phenomena with bi people either (such as cis gays/lesbians who are/were trying to assimilate with allocishetero society) HOWEVER for many Bi people being with a partner that's allocishetero isn't really all that privileged when you realize specifically Bi woman (idk the stats for gay/bi men) are more likely to suffer from IPV compared to either straight or gay woman. And, well, you know how Gays/Lesbians tend to have high rates of x compared to straight people like health issues, for example? Yeah well, the rates for us tend to be even higher compared to either straight or gay people and that's just focusing on cis individuals imagine how worse it gets for trans bi people.
So, yeah, regardless of who we are in a relationship with that doesn't really change the fact that we still struggle with higher rates or health issues, homelessness, sexual assault, substance abuse problems, domestic abuse, and whatever else AND despite us being the biggest community get hardly any funding or resources compared to the LG communities. Sure, MAYBE we don't deal with as much harassment if we are out in public with our seemingly cishetero partner but again this is a much more complicated and nuanced discussion then people are willing to acknowledge considering that the abuse and problems we face tends to get erased and labeled as just homophobia or something. I actually tried to do some quick research too & didn't find much but one article from the UK talking about hate crimes and how the stats weren't all that much diff from each sexuality with 77% gay men & woman participants experiencing a hate crime & 75% bisexual people but this stat actually goes UP when you account for gender (79% for bi woman participants). It also mentions how Bi & Trans people are less likely to report incidents to the police so I can only imagine these numbers are even higher (btw it's 79% for trans participants).
One thing that would REALLY help is if LG people would just... ACKNOWLEDGE this shit, just acknowledge we actually do have struggles and are oppressed just like any other queer identity and us having to deal with our own community not helping & even just flat out hurting us only makes our problems worse. That isn't me calling y'all oppressors though because y'all aren't, BUT I will call y'all oppressor wannabes because why else would you treat us like shit for just existing?
*not entirely sure where to put this above so sticking it down here but yeah the big difference between white biracial people and bisexuality is that bisexuals don't have privilege just for being Bi. White biracial people have privilege due to proximity to whiteness & (usually) colorism something that is visible from the outside. Bisexuality, however, is not some offshoot of straightness and is not actually connected to being straight in anyway (and also sexuality is not really visible just by looking at someone) and even if it WAS we aren't afford any "privilege" because in our allocishetero society any sort of queer attraction is a deviation from what it considers the norm, if you DONT just like the "opposite sex" your not seen as normal. Straight people don't see us as straight (sometimes certain dynamics do cause this like bi woman not being taken seriously & are just "doing it for attention" but that's specifically a mix of misogyny & biphobia NOT straight privilege) and while most of us bisexuals don't give a shit what they think the problem though is that gay people see US as straight people! Because regardless of our queer attractions so long as we don't conform to what they have made being homosexuality all about we don't get to be included. We have to play along with them and join in on the Biphobic jokes and give in to their binaries in order to be included and if not we get cast aside as troublesome. Some of them think we choose or can choose to be in a "straight relationship" when we are done being homosexual but it's so funny in a sad way they end up repeating what conservatives & bigots have said to them, that their sexuality is a choice. No, the Bi person you got dumped for isnt going into a "straight passing relationship" because they were straight to begin with they just happened to start dating someone who was cis & straight & allo afterwords (which isn't farfetched considering you known... the population of cis straight allo people is kind of high). Not to mention this topic gets really tricky/messy when you realize a lot of LG people label anyone who looks straight on the outside as a bi x straight person couple/straight relationship when in reality it could easily be any number of combinations of queer individuals together especially when you take trans people into account and how this sort of rhetoric negatively effects them as well.
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penciltopbear · 4 years
Okay look I don't know much about Hank Pym but I do know that I want to punch him. So bad. He just seems like such as asshole.. he probably watches big bang theory and thinks it's funny. Dumbass let three separate people steal suits from him. One of the smartest guys in the world and he can't get people to stop fucking stealing from him. Stop building killer robots and get a real job at least movie Pym wasn't a fucking tool all the time jesus christ
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specters · 2 years
feeling numb
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poisonousquinzel · 3 years
hey i dont mean to be rude but i dont think most people who like the joker or who like joker and harley are even familiar with the comics where their relationship is abusive. like theres batman stuff where the joker and harley stuff is just them being silly cartoon clown villains, and movies and cartoons with the joker where harley isnt mentioned at all.
I get whatcha mean, but that's under the assumption that their relationship has only ever been abusive in the pages of a comic book and that's just not true.
Their relationship was never just them "being silly cartoon clown villains"
J*ker always been abusive.
There isn't content you can consume without realizing that for the most part, especially Batman: The Animated Series.
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And that is one of the main pieces of media that those shippers flock toward. They know he's physically abusive towards her in that, Mad Love is the ship name and that episode/comic has some of the most graphic and blatant on the nose " hey this is abuse!!" Out of all of them.
They don't care because they've romanticized her suffering or victim blame her for it.
The abuse is not comic specific, it has never been comic specific. It's in over 90% of their content. And yeah, there's a lot of J*ker content without Harley, like where he paralyzed Barbara, stripped her naked and took photos of her.
J*ker is just an unfunny, sexist domestic abuser. They know that. They just don't care.
It's been a canon fact for his character 30 years now.
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readingreylo · 3 years
Yay! it's finally done!
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Coveted by OptimisticBeth | @optimisticsprinkles | Explicit | 124k | Complete | Modern AU | Werewolves | A/B/O Alpha x Omega | No heat sex | Medium Slow Burn | Graphic depiction of violence | Drama/Action | Pack Politics | ALL THE WEREWOLF POLITICS | Pack/family dynamic | Secret werewolf society | OCs (taken from SWEU) | Adopted!Rey vibes | Feral!Rey | Unwanted Suitors | Strangers to lovers | Werewolf typical nudity | Rough Sex | Long distance | Absence makes the heart grow fonder | Refence to domestic violence/abuse | Multi POV | "Rey has never wanted nor needed a mate. So when it gets out that her new Pack Leader, Ben, is determined to claim her, she’s horrified to find that not only does she have to fend him off but all the strange alphas who come sniffing around."
Okay, I thought I was finished with werewolf stories when I finished Highschool (12+ years ago) but THIS FIC! omg it makes so much sense with the whole A/B/O trope and the author does an exquisite job of world building and IT'S. JUST. SO. GOOD. Great characters, chemistry and delish smut!
The story has it's dramatic and angsty moments, but it's a great look at an Omega that doesn't want to be ruled by her biology... and she isn't. Yes, she is at the mercy of her designation, but her destiny isnt ruled by it.
So many A/B/O fics say that omega Rey doesnt want to be ruled by her designation, but then she gives in because its ben. And I do love those fics... But in this fic, despite being madly in love with her... Ben respects her decisions and supports her while loving her from afar.
This is a fic that walks the walk, if you know what I mean.
I also feel obligated to mention, A LOT HAPPENS IN THIS FIC. So many plot turns. Even looking at my tags, I realise it doesnt truly give you the scope of what this fic is. It clearly started as one thing, then became another, then became another, then another, then it decided to address the consequences to that other thing, then took a radical (but necessary) turn, before coming full circle. I'm not saying this is a detractor, this fic does what some of the best fanfiction does, it takes cues from its readers, and ended up in surprising, but brilliant, places!
It's truly something special (I would have never thought I would enjoy werewolf politics so much?) And if by some chance you haven't read it yet, check it out!
House keeping: The beginning chapters are longer, then when covid hit, the chapters shrunk. The author does a great job of mentioning potential triggers at the begining of each chapter, but be aware this is A LOT in this fic that is generally considered triggering.
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
I don't know how old the original post is but I would gladly hear about Grillby's shitty exwife
Oh. Okay you make me so happy. Oh my god Im boutta drag this bitch OKAY SO
Under the cut due to mentions of domestic abuse, child abuse, and manipulation
Grillby's exwife's name is Kaen. Shes a green fire monster and the literal opposite to Grillby. I made her for the purpose of being that way; Grillby reflects the safety and warmth fire provides, while Kaen is the selfish destruction fire brings.
Kaen and Grillby had been dating on and off constantly since their last year of middle school and it was pretty obvious from the start that it was not a.... Healthy relationship to say the least. Obvious to a select few besides Grillby himseldlf. Many would say Grillby always has been lacking confidence and the ability to say No to people and when Kaen figured this out, she seemed to enjoy bossing him around and forgetting what his boundries were. She made him do her homework all throughout their school career. Grillby would have failed if it werent for his parents signing him up for afterschool tutoring, that which Kaen couldnt get him out of.
Now Kaen wasnt obvious with her tricks. She knew how to hide them. Make them seem innocent or accidental with well crafted excuses. She always got her preferred outcome. Sometimes she even made Grillby back her up. Other times she'd successfully change the subject.
The real trouble started when Grillby decides to attend collgue and major in business. He wanted to hone his cooking skills and open a resturant or something. It was his passion to do so. He even planned to stay in the dorms if he could actually get a room with the limited space they have. Kaen was well aware of this and she did not like it. She wanted Grillby to stay so he could work in the CORE and work his way up to making some big money. Buts Sans kept hyping him up, saying he was gonna be the Underground's BEST cook, and this was becoming a problem. So Kaen threatened to break up with him for good, if he went through with living at the dorms. And he so he didn't. Still went to school, but lived with Kaen in an apartment she managed to convice her father to pay for.
After a few months into his first year, Grillby brings up how he found the perfect location in Snowdin for his dream resturant. He was even taking bartending classes in his spare time to get his bartender's license due to there being a beautiful bar built in. He's got half the funds already saved back too from the work he did around the school library(eh well the information desk, he. He couldnt organize the books for obvious reasons lol). Hes committed to it. Kaen agreed to it. No problem. Except then she sprung the idea of marriage onto him and that prolonged Grillby endeavors of planning things through. As soon as theyre married, she then brings up wanting children. Grillby was hesitant at first. He wasnt sure if he could balance school and a child at the same time. He was lucky his parents paid for the ceremony, but he couldnt rely on them for child care, too. So he sacrificed all his funds for Kaen to buy the things for the nursery. Kaen planned it all. She wanted things to drag out for her benefit. It was all going quite fast even for her, but she wanted to try and fast track him burning out and doing what she initially wanted him to do(work at the CORE earning a hefty pay in the maintnence department).
Three years later, Grillby has graduated, hes actually now a father of two, Heats being born just a few short months beforehand. And hes very fucking tired. But not giving up like Kaen had planned. She has started emotionally manipulating him and occationally degrading him with harsh words, but she isnt bombarding him. Yet. Grillby has ALL the funds to buy the grill now. His parents even offered to pay for the supplies he needed as a graduation present; they were so proud of him! Kaen didnt go against what she agreed to before, so they moved there. And things were going great.
In the public eye that is.
Grillby's didnt gain too much traction in the first few months. They were getting low on funds and Kaen was blaming it all on Grillby. The verbal abuse was getting worse. She started using the kids as excuses to yell at him for these reasons. Saying this was a horrible idea "she never agreed to in the first place". Said he was being selfish for forcing his poor family to move for his own benefit. Even went as far to claim he was putting his family in danger because of how close they were to water and how snow could easily turn to water as well. This is where Grillby began to shut down. He stopped talking so much. Blamed himself for everything. He felt like Kaen's words were all justified and he was the bad guy here. This would go on for a few more years until he goes fully mute and Kaen leaves him, saying hes pathetic and a failure despite how well the grill is now doing. She takes the kids and refuses to let him visit.
Kaen didnt stop her abuse, however. She always has manipulated the kids, but she does more now that Grillby isnt around. She even went as far as to change Fuku's legal name to Fuku Fire, her former surname, in order to shape her into the way SHE wanted and to then live through her instead. One thing you say that's good is she at least respected Fuku's gender identity and never deadnamed I guess......? As for Heats, she didn't really care for what he did.
Grillby didn't see the abuse until she left. He didn't understand it when Sans would tell him she was always a toxic person(he just didn't know how to make her leave without her hurting his friend in the process, thats why he never siad anything). Grillby shut himself out of other's lives. Stopped worked the grill for a while. Continued to remain mute as he still felt like a majority of what happened was his fault. His family reached out and he. Kind of. Got a little better. Just a little bit but it was enough for him to open the grill and cook and work the bar. He didn't talk to patrons like he used to. And he didn't personally come around to check how the food was and ask about their lives. He. Felt like he was going through the motions of it all outside of his own flames.
Things did eventually get better. He got back out with dating. He was scared to but he did it at least. He tried. Disnt turn out well a lot of times unfortunately. Some days he still couldn't muster up the strength to talk so he began using sign language, something he already knew but was fairly rusty at, but it was a pretty common language throughout the Underground so at least he didnt have much tibworry about. He is, however, worried for his children and desperately would love to see them. He has heard Fuku started highschool and Heats is doing pretty great in middle school, which honestly keeps him going.
But its still hard. Sometimes he'll hear Kaen's harsh words and believe them all over again...
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penny4yathoughts · 3 years
Resending it here :)
Inspired (prompted?) by the ask from your other blog about heterophobia and your answer. How do you think, is the situation with misogyny and misandry same?
The heterophobia post can be found here.
Just some quick definitions:
Misogyny: prejudice against women
Misandry: prejudice against men.
Now. This is strictly gonna be focused on personal knowledge and will be USA centered. I can't really speak for other countries.
But it feels like misogyny is more systemic, cultural, and social. Meanwhile misandry is more social and semi cultural.
I doubt anyone is gonna deny that historically there has been lots of systemic shit against women, their rights, and their autonomy. While there has been lots of steps forward in that regard there are still systematic structures in place that work against women. This kinda stuff is things like abortion, birth control, childcare custody, citizen ship for immigrants, paternity leave, etc.
On top of that we're still working on the cultural aspects of misogyny. Ie. Gender roles and ingrained assumptions. These tie into the more social things such as not getting a job because they think you're going to quit to have a family or you're too "hormonal," being accused of being on your period cuz you're upset, being considered weak, being forced to grow up sooner than male peers (this one has more stuff that factors into it tho), being more emotionally available, being forced to dress a certain way not for your classmates sake but because your male teachers might be distracted by you... A literal child. Not to mention the sexual assault numbers that are just down right disgusting. Plus the gross double edged blade where being a virgin is bad and not being a virgin is bad.
As for misandry, there are some laws in place that are pretty shitty. For example, longer prison sentences. We do as a society tend to physically punish men more harshly I feel like. But overall, most misandry cases are social or cultural. That's where toxic masculinity comes into play. It's completely true when people talk about growing up constantly being told not to cry and to man up causes them to hold in emotions making it hard to regulate them as adults. And women get the opposite side of things where they're told to use all their emotions for others well being-- be nurturing even at the cost of your own mental health. There's more examples too (such as not being taken seriously for sexual assault or demestic abuse), but they're easy enough to research. This post is going to be long enough as is.
^^^^ all of that said. These are cultural trends and ideas. Not everyone buys into them and a lot of people understand that they just don't make any sense in the first place. But that doesn't stop them from affecting people and even if you are aware of these things, you often still buy into them at least a little. This is because you were raised in a society with these ideas and you have to work against society to avoid them, which isn't always possible.
The biggest problem I find when trying to talk about all these issues with people is people not really willing to listen to either side. It's either "the world sucks for men" or the "world sucks for women." And if you try to talk about men people assume you hate women. If you talk about women people assume you hate men. And then you get a lotta hypocrisy.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen a man say "not all men" up until it's their daughter hitting puberty than it's "all men just want in your pants." Like if you want your kid to have a healthy view of men maybe instead of telling her to avoid any man cuz he's evil, teach her the red flags to look out for. Same for your son. Shitty people are everywhere. We should be teaching kids how to spot those red flags in anyone.
People just want an enemy. A group to fight against. Rather than actually looking at the truth. Shitty people are in every group. And odds are you're related to one of them. Stopping sexism against any gender isn't gonna be solved by telling someone all men are evil or all women are bitches. But people just don't seem to want to accept that the world isnt black and white. Especially since the two operate in different ways and need to be addressed differently with different audiences in mind.
You aren't going to solve domestic abuse against men and raise awareness of it the same way you're going to promote issues relating to women's autonomy. Honestly, you wouldn't even approach men's domestic abuse the same way as women's domestic abuse. Since people view the two so differently they'll need to be approached differently. The solutions aren't black and white either (tho they are tied to each other. Get women more autonomy and don't make them have to give so much emotional labor and it'll be easier for men to be independent emotionally. But you still gotta figure out the best way to do that).
Problems and solutions can't be condensed down into a perfect Twitter post that'll give you a buncha "woke" points. They need actual research and thought put into them by people who are willing to cooperate, work together, and actually look at all the angles since sexism has a lot of intersectionality tied to it (class, race, age, etc.). These things can't be treated like easy to digest sentences of who is right and who is wrong. And a big problem so the lack of people with different backgrounds and experiences running not just the government but also activists groups. On top of people online just trying to pin everyone against everyone.
Hope all of that makes sense. Let me know if you have any other questions. This post is already really long. But I'd be willing to talk in more detail.
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gameofdrarry · 3 years
Wizards Hearts Smut Recs: BDSM
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here. Players could opt in to an additional suit of 13 cards, all themed around various popular smut tropes.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 We Take Care of Each Other by keyflight790 Rated:  Explicit Words:  54308 Tags: BDSM, bdsm club, Dom Neville Longbottom, Dom Draco Malfoy, Top Draco Malfoy, Top Neville Longbottom, Bottom Harry Potter, although it might seem like hes a dom at first, Sub Harry Potter, Teddy Lupin makes an appearance, as does Luna and Rolf, but not...sexually, Set in 2009, So Teddy is turning 11, just for context, Draco is the only one who penetrates Harry though, in case you were concerned, but Neville is there.. a lot, Flogging, Rimming, Will tag all of these in chap notes as well, for squicks and such, this is pretty indulgent, For the Writer, learn all of keyflights kinks, by reading this fic, note: every BDSM club is slightly different, so if this isnt your experience, no problemo, but please don't judge the writer on their experiences, and notes and research, More tags to follow, dom/sub dynamics, Safewords, Sex Toys, past trauma discussions, TW: Panic Attacks, Panic Attacks, draco is a bit of a switch, but he doms in this fic, Spanking, Daddy Kink, TW: spousal abuse (Narcissa and Lucius mentioned in chap 10), TW: Breakdowns, daddy Neville Longbottom, Little Theodore Nott, Anal Sex, Praise Kink, Choking, Masturbation, self love, did i mention theres spanking?, theres spanking, harry gets spanked by, Daddy Dom Neville Longbottom, Talks of Death, Suicidal Thoughts, discussions of dying, Harry talks about his canon death and rebirth Summary:  Draco has been having panic attacks for years, until his best friend, Pansy, welcomes him into a whole new world. And he thought being a wizard was neat. Being a dom was even better. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Don't Have to Say the Words by jeni_andtheafterthought Rated:  Explicit Words:  2944 Tags: Established Relationship, Auror Harry Potter, Potioneer Draco Malfoy, Domestic, Angst with a Happy Ending, Insecurity, Anxiety, Healer Harry Potter, Smut, Anal Sex, they have a cat, PWP, EWE Summary:  Draco is having a hard time separating his own insecurities from the difficulties in his relationship with Harry. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Hand That Feeds You by gracerene Rated:  Explicit Words:  17381 Tags: Harry Potter, Epilogue Compliant, Non-Linear Narrative, Infidelity, BDSM, Dom/subTotal Power Exchange, Minor Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Dom Draco Malfoy, Sub Harry Potter, Collars, Praise Kink, Blow Jobs, Face-Fucking, Hand Jobs, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Subspace, Aftercare, Bondage, Sex Toys, Anal Sex, Bottom Harry Potter, Top Draco Malfoy, Ambiguous/Open Ending, H/D Food Fair 2018, Hand Feeding, Post-Hogwarts, Post-Second War with Voldemort, POV Harry Potter Summary:  Harry needs something only Draco can provide. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Little Prince, Kneel  by DragonGirl87 Rated:  Explicit Words:  478006 Tags: BDSM, Dom/sub, Dom Harry Potter, Top Harry Potter, Sub Draco Malfoy, Bottom Draco Malfoy, Experienced Harry, Sexual Tension, Slow Burn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Head Auror Harry Potter, Lawyer Draco Malfoy, Redeemed Draco Malfoy, Flirting, First Dates, Romantic Harry Potter, Sassy Draco Malfoy, POV Harry Potter, POV Draco Malfoy, Falling In Love, Harry Has Secrets, Not Epilogue Compliant, Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley Friendship, Teddy Lupin was Raised by Harry Potter, Magical BDSM, Rope Bondage, Shibari, Safe Sane and Consensual, Safewords, Shower Sex, Masturbation in Shower, Draco Malfoy Loves Dogs, Good Narcissa Black Malfoy, Sexual Fantasy, Discipline, Non-Sexual Bondage, Punishment, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Beads, Anal Plug, Riding Crops, Teasing, Dungeon, Orgasm Control, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Forced Orgasm, BDSM Munch, Master/Pet, Collars, Leashes, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Sex Toys, Improvised Sex Toys, Improved Use Of A Spatula, Protective Harry Potter, Possessive Harry Potter, Spanking, Prostate Massage, Power Play, Praise Kink, Aftercare, Sensation Play, Blindfolds, Subspace, Mild subdrop, Rutting, Wax Play, Angst, Pyrophobia, Draco Malfoy Speaks French, Harry Potter Speaks French Summary:  Almost immediately after the war, Harry Potter took his godson and Andromeda and left England behind. He returned five, nearly six, years later; changed, healed, and a very different man altogether. Now an extremely handsome bachelor in his late twenties, and with a promising career at the Ministry, he suddenly finds his life turned upside down after unexpectedly bumping into his former school nemesis, Draco Malfoy, Prosecutor Extraordinaire. Is Harry going to be able to stay away from Draco? Does he even want to? And exactly how will Draco react once he discovers how the Saviour prefers to spend his free time? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Misguided at Best by agentmoppet Rated:  Explicit Words:  3011 Tags: Bondage, BDSM, POV Draco Malfoy, Dom/sub, Sub Harry, Dom Draco Summary:  Draco has grown bored of the aristocratic fetish clubs, and decides to try something new. But he never would have expected to find Harry Potter, disguised and on his knees, waiting for him. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Gift  by magpie_fngrl Rated:  Explicit Words:  26069 Tags: Writer Draco Malfoy, Voyeurism, Sharing, Dildos, Blindfolds, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Captive Prince Darker Themes: please see chapter notes, Bondage, Discipline, Sensation Play, Semi-Public Sex, Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Lack of aftercare in one instance, Explicit Sexual Content Summary:  "‘You’ll give me an hour of your time and I’ll take your thoughts and your worries. You’ll let me take control; dictate your actions. One hour where you’ll blindly obey me—in return for… distraction. ’"Or, in which Draco is a writer struggling with his first novel, Harry is worried about something he won't reveal, and they both try to figure out how to put their tangled past behind them and move on. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Sweet Little Distractions by krystalliumm Rated:  Explicit Words:  3103 Tags: Gay, Gay Sex, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Bottom Draco Malfoy, Top Harry Potter, Kinky, Established Relationship, Boyfriends, Rimming, Anal FingeringPlot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Dom/sub Undertones, Light Bondage, Fluff and Smut, that's literally all that this is, Don't Judge Me, Dorks in Love, AAAAAAi'm a simp for these two, just read it omfg, Light BDSM, Smut, Fluff, Soft Harry Potter, Soft Draco Malfoy, Hogwarts Era, Banter Summary:  Draco thinks studying for his NEWTs was the worst—it's tiring, stressful, and exhausting. Luckily, Harry's there to be his sweet little distraction. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Man Like Him by darkestbliss Rated:  Explicit Words:  60132 Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Romance, Slow Burn, BDSM, Loss of Virginity, Virgin Draco Malfoy, Bottom Draco Malfoy, Sub Draco Malfoy, Experienced Harry Potter, Top Harry Potter, Dom Harry Potter, Anal Fingering, Anal SexRimming, Contracts, Impact Play, Flogging, Whipping, Suspension, Wax Play, Safewords, Biting, Oral Sex, Orgasm Denial, Subspace, Aftercare, Safe Sane and Consensual, Drinking, Smoking, Breathplay, Boggarts, References to ABBA, NSFW Art, Falling In Love, Porn With Plot, Harry/Draco Big Bang 2018, Community: harrydracobang Summary:  Draco Malfoy has made a name for himself after the War as 'the wizarding world's best interior architectural designer' (his words), taking old, decrepit spaces and transforming them into exquisite homes for those who can afford the hefty price tag. His most recent assignment is number twelve, Grimmauld Place, which has only deteriorated more in condition since the elusive Harry Potter inherited it after Sirius Black's death. When he stumbles upon a collection of questionable items in one of Potter's wardrobes, he finds himself appalled, shocked, distraught, and just a little bit turned on. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Scars and Lions by kizkhalifa Rated:  Explicit Words:  10411 Tags: EWE, Light Bondage, Teasing Summary:  The one in which Harry Potter orders a "call guy" for dinner (+fun) and Draco Malfoy shows up. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Aftershocks by Lokifan Rated:  Explicit Words:  1447 Tags: Fingerfucking, Anal Fingering, Bottom Draco, Sub Draco, Light Dom/sub, Dom Harry, Top Harry Potter, Fluff and Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Established Relationship, Risk Aware Consensual Kink, Dirty Talk, fluffy kinkfic, Harry Potter is the soppiest dom of all Summary:  Harry’s favourite time to finger Draco is right after sex. ❤️ Read on AO3
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