#this isn’t normal 2.5
Sami: I hear you, I hear you but consider
*Hands Anderson a piece of paper*
Anderson: This just says “I do what I Want.”
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hellfireeddiemunson · 2 years
my cat is acting like. super duper weird and lethargic and i’m freaking out a bit but i literally have nothing i can do besides what i’m already doing
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 9 months
— (Young) Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Reader
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After the disastrous 10th Hunger Games, where Lucy Gray Baird was among the many that were killed by the snakes, Coriolanus Snow felt ready to give up. He gave his all to help Lucy Gray win, and it still wasn’t enough. She was this close, but the games found a way to take her down. Coriolanus doesn’t know if he has it in him to do this again. And then he meets his second tribute… you. The stakes are higher than normal, because you also happen to be his soulmate.
A redemption story for our dear ole’ Coryo, in which he isn’t a complete asshole.
Soulmate!AU | obviously not book / movie canon
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TAGLIST — if you asked to be tagged but don’t see your username it means i wasn’t able to tag you!
TAGLIST IS FULL! FOLLOW MY BACKUP kemp-steve, i’ll be using it to rb new things i write!
@czarinera | @qoopeeya | @user123453226780536 | @madamemaximoff06 | @ms-longbeach | @mizuki80 | @captainbabybear | @kuroosbby001 | @justacaliforniandreamer | @siriusly-rem | @missunicorn | @alllriseabove | @niki-is-a-thing | @iiuvchi | @firesunflames | @ashcosmo | @nilletellsstories | @hawkinsavclub1983 | @nyxsoleil-blog | @peachyafshawn | @coryoskywalker | @just-a-littlebit-of-everything | @ardentsnowfall | @tiaamberxx | @or-was-it-just-a-dream | @foxevxid | @poppyflower-22 | @springholland | @prettyppetty | @katherineeekai | @regulusblackcore | @justaproudslytherpuff | @jklsh | @bogbutteronmycroissant | @tanyaherondale | @sunoosfavsposts | @moonlightfoxs-cantina | @vesperslumbers | @writersblockiskillingme | @becauseseaotters | @ennycutie | @edb954 | @hiraishua | @wearemadeofstardust0 | @phoward89 | @merlieve | @nataliaswifey | @ladyvenera | @gracieroxzy | @kbakery |
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chanceofwhat · 10 days
Aroace positivity to outnumber the bots in our tags:
1. First of all, you are valid. Aroace, aroallo, and amatoace people are all inherently LGBTQ+ enough. It’s stupid to say otherwise. The queer community is (generally, and I’m v sorry if I miss anyone here,) for anyone who experiences attraction or gender differently from the current default social norm of cishet. Experiencing it not at all is plenty different enough.
2. This stuff is SO CONFUSING. It’s OKAY if you don’t understand your own feelings. Feelings are WEIRD. I’ve felt what I can only describe as strong queerplatonic attraction 3 times in my life, and in hindsight I can even identify my “type,” but I’m 20 so 3 isn’t very many and also I was equally happy dating them and not dating them.
2.5. (Story) I recently told my dad that my roomie and I are planning to still live together after college, and his response was “so you guys are officially a couple now?” ?????bro WHY would I do that? WHAT part of “living together” necessitates DATING?? That sounds STRESSFUL! Which brings me to,
3. AmatoAllos are going to struggle to understand. This is normal, fine, and not your fault. They can’t conceive of someone not experiencing sensations that are such a notable part of their lives. Be patient and don’t try to force them to get something they just don’t get, but also, that struggle is NOT an excuse to treat you poorly, NOT an excuse to try to push you into dating or copulating when you don’t want to, and NOT an excuse to not listen to you or to invalidate your experiences.
In summary: You’re not wrong, you’re not broken, you’re just different. Different is a neutral trait. If I could choose to stop being aroace right now? I genuinely don’t know what I’d do. Sure, sounds easier to fit into society, and I’d like to stop stressing about what my life will look like without that expected piece, but if I’m all distracted by crushes and wet dreams, how am I ever going to take over the world?! Also the ace and aro communities are some of the kindest and most accepting and more comforting I’ve ever seen, so I wouldn’t wanna give that up. I love myself exactly the way I am.
Love yourself the way you are. I know it can be hard sometimes, but we have to try. Eventually, you get used to loving yourself and it becomes second nature, or a habit at the very least.
I rambled a lot here and it ended up long and wacky, but I’m not sorry because ADHD is part of who I am and I love who I am so. Deal with it. But yea the point is no bots can get in the way of our powerful community and we’re going to eat cake and garlic bread and take over the world.
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gracemarkss · 2 months
i really do think we lose out on a lot by cutting ethan from the pilot. so much of what we learn about scully in subsequent episodes and seasons - her relationships with her father, with jack, with daniel; her experiences in never again and how she describes her relationship to authority; the themes of normalcy and expectation, desire and fear, what you should want vs what you actually want, letting yourself want; about having a life and drawing lines and getting out of the car…once you learn about jack, ethan makes so much sense.
how much time passed between her time at the academy and dating jack and her assignment to the x files? months, a year at most maybe? with the revelations in lazarus, you start to wonder, what made her go from a superior decades older than her who’s intensity is his downfall to a regular run of the mill guy in her peer group? when she talks about other fathers in never again, taken with everything she’s said about wanting “a life”, it becomes a bit more clear - this was a course correction. it’s all the more clearly drawn in all things, another taboo relationship with a man she could never bring home. is it “normal” to date your teacher, have emotional affairs with married professors twice your age? is that what good catholic girls do? can you bring these men to sunday dinner with your parents’ pastor? so ethan is a conscious choice. an experiment in normalcy. an attempt at the clean cut boyfriend that you can bring home to dad, with an eye on the house in the suburbs, the picket fence, the 2.5 kids. she doesn’t not want it. she wants to want it. it’s what girls from her background are expected to do. missy certainly isn’t going to. so it’s up to her. and she’s already rebelled so much already, with her career choices. she can do this. she can want this. she can be a good daughter. she can make this work.
but then there’s the assignment. then there’s mulder. then there’s passion and intensity adventure and a fierce dedication to the truth, to helping people, to a dogged pursuit of justice (whatever form that might take). there’s the adrenaline rush over lost time beside empty graves in the rain. there’s this strange man you just met being so careful with your vulnerability, and handing his to you in kind. how can a weekend out of town with ethan compare to this? what’s the house and the fence and the sunday dinners compared to this?
so ethan is is out. the experiment in normalcy has failed. but the fear lingers. there are still expectations to meet. there are still parts of her that wants it. she could get it if she really tried. it’s something that she comes back to over and over again, fear vs desire, the contradictions in all the things she wants and needs, the heavy weight of expectation, both from others and her own. and i think it’s all communicated that much more clearly and powerfully when ethan’s presence is maintained in the pilot.
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A/N: Ok, so, villain! Nanami isn't my cup of tea. For me, he's my comfort character, the one I go to at the end of the day for hugs and forehead kisses. However, as one of my moots said, with all the bullshit happening in my life at the moment regarding my job, Nanami would be so pissed off for me. Is this fic indulgent? Yes. And I don't care. However, it is my first time writing villain! Nanami and I'm not sure how well it's been portrayed. Pairing: Villain! Salaryman! Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader Warnings: MDNI, violence, gore, mentions of murder, death, general corporate shittiness Summary: In the midst of a layoff, your boyfriend Nanami snaps at his own office, leaving a bloody trail in his wake. Word Count: 2.7k
Nanami masterlist | Taglist Form
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Nanami’s jaw is tense, mouth set in a grim line as he exits his meeting. Another long day of listening to how the company’s profits didn’t meet the quarterly requirements, about how their stock value was plummeting, and how their finance experts must work harder at pushing their client portfolios into buying rather than selling.
He pinches the bridge of his nose with his fingers, sighing, wondering how to combat this feeling churning in his stomach. The sense of repulsion, knowing what he did for a living, this constant hook behind his navel, yanking, pulling, warning him that all he was doing was making rich people richer, enabling a gluttonous corporate’s insatiable appetite for more money. 
He checks his schedule, a slight crack of relief filling his being when he sees it’s lunchtime and he exits his office, slumping against the elevator wall, running his hands through his hair. The sun shines brightly outside, indifferent to the gathering gloom inside him as he walks to a restaurant nearby. He gives his order and walks back to work, sandwich in hand when his phone rings.
Your name flashes on the screen and he answers quickly, hoping a quick chat with you would pull him out of this foul mood…only to be hit with your weepy voice, making his eyes widen.
“Ken. I-I.” Your breath hitches and he quickly tries to calm you down. 
“Take a breath darling. Are you ok?” 
Your voice shudders as you continue. “I walked in today. Completely normal. Ready to take on the day. Except when I got to my office, our HR representative was waiting for me near the door. She led me into one of the huge conference rooms, the ones they save for guest visits and symposiums. There were like, at least 100 other people in there with me.” You pause to take a breath, tears leaking from your eyes, and continue.
“We were logged into a Zoom call and told by our CEO that the company’s profits were not high enough to keep up with their budgets. They went on and on about all these different numbers but in the end, none of it mattered. They told us they had no choice but to do a layoff.”
Nanami’s heart tightens in his chest. Trying not to let his feelings seep through, he asks, “And then what happened?”
You sniffle and carry on with your tale. “The HR representative told us to open our work laptops and that we would receive an email officially notifying us of the termination. It came not less than a minute after we all logged in. I have two weeks left. They’ll pay me out for that time whether I go in or not. And after that…” Your voice trails off, tears choking your throat.
Nanami listens patiently, but there’s a quiet, simmering rage underneath. “They let you go?”
“Yes. Me and my whole team.”
“Even though you guys delivered on a project that brought in almost 2.5 million dollars in profit?”
“That’s what I thought too. HR insists it was arbitrary and that they were only retaining teams that they thought would maximize their profits. I guess 2.5 million dollars isn’t considered a profit.” You laugh, the noise filled with bitter irony. “I thought I was more valuable than that. 4 years at this place, Kento, 4 years! I could understand if I wasn’t meeting deadlines or refusing to be a team player-”
“You went in on Sunday for the last 6 months and no one said a word of appreciation to you.” The blond salaryman can’t keep out the bite of irritation in his voice, aimed not at you, but your employer. “When was the last time you slept in on a Sunday? When we were able to get brunch, or simply lie in bed together? They didn’t even compensate you for it.”
 You hear the harsh tone in his voice and sniffle. “I’m sorry Ken I-”
“No.” He cuts you off. “Don’t apologize. I’m not mad at you darling. Please understand that. I just hate that they used you and that didn’t matter to them when they chose to let you go.”
“I have some savings but... Kento, I don’t think I can afford my share of the expenses soon. Rent, utilities.” His heart almost breaks at your next words. “I understand if you don’t think we should continue living together under these circumstances.”
A lump forms in his throat, so painful, so intense, threatening to consume him like a tumor. You chose to follow him outside of the world of sorcery. You chose to study at the same college he did. You chose to get a corporate job despite the talent you had for jujutsu. You did it for him. He thinks back to the days of you sharing a college dorm, broke students picking up small jobs at cafes and delivering groceries. The ratty apartment you’d both found with your first paychecks, the celebration the both of you had in the cramped kitchen when both of you landed your first serious jobs. The move to the nicer neighborhood, with a coded entrance, toasting each other, thinking you’d made it.
Only to be worn down by corporate mundaneness. That chewing feeling of being a cog in a machine, a hamster on a wheel, ever-turning, never-ending, stuck until you die. Money. The big controller of the universe. The ultimate checkmate to everything. Money. Money. Money.
“No.” His voice is gentle. “Don’t even for a second think about moving out. I love you darling. You’ll find something else. I can tide us over till then. We’ll just cut back on some of our other expenses till then. Ok?” The thought of coming home to an empty apartment weighed down on him. Even back in the olden days, the dorm, the ratty studio that you’d both shared, you had always been there. The concept of living alone was long since driven out of him. The idea was unbearable, coming home and not seeing you there. 
Your eyes fill with tears. “I love you too. Thank you.”
“No need.” Kento’s gruff voice calms you and you cling to it like a prayer. 
“I have to go. I need to surrender my laptop and badge. I’ll see you at home, ok?”
“Yeah. Go ahead. I’ll be home in a few hours.”
The line disconnects, leaving him feeling strangely hollow. Companies really didn’t care. It was all bullshit propaganda, the act of ‘being a family’. You were just a collateral statistic. With a groan he forces himself back to his own office, his cubicle, the appeal of the sandwich lost to him now. He forced himself to eat, knowing there was another block of meetings coming up and there was no guarantee about when he could catch a break again. To his displeasure, he sees his manager walking hurriedly in his direction, and averts his gaze, hoping to finish his lunch, but to no avail. 
“Nanami-San!” The man unctuously calls, putting both his hands on Nanami’s shoulders, setting his teeth on edge. A manila envelope is tucked in his armpit as his fingers dig into Nanami’s blazer. He had spent a grueling two hours with this person in an earlier meeting, where he had praised Nanami for being able to sell one of their poorer-performing stocks, raising its portfolio value. The celebratory way it had been said as if Nanami hadn’t conned their clients into buying mediocre stocks which wouldn’t fetch them any benefit in the long run, made the bile rise in his throat. The contempt he holds for this man is tangible, yet he swallows his feelings and pretends to look calm.
“Yes?” he asks politely, trying not to squirm away from his touch.
“Nanani-San, I have news! Very good news for you. Please come with me.” He pulls him away into a private meeting room, Nanami dubiously taking a seat and looking at the man wearily. His manager sits down opposite him with barely contained glee, setting down the manila envelope on the table. 
“They want to promote you Nanami-San!” he bursts out, as though the energy of containing this information was eating at him from the inside. For a second, Nanami’s face goes blank. Then he realizes what he’s just been told.
“A promotion?” he asks again carefully. 
“YES! You’ve been killing it with your clients, raising our stock portfolios, and our profit margin! Hard work deserves to be rewarded!”
Despite his distaste for the man, Nanami blinks and then feels his heart expand. It wouldn’t matter if you were laid off, with the promotion. He could take care of both of you, and you could be peacefully at home while you job-hunted. You wouldn’t need to be in a rush, could maybe take some time to yourself…make up for all those Sundays you went in. A weary smile touches Nanami’s lips as he imagines the life he could provide for you. Could it be, that there was a lining after all?
He glances back at his manager, who appears to have more to say. “Was that all…?”
His manager gives him a nauseatingly saccharine smile, and Nanami feels the temporary prick of joy vanish. 
“Well, the position you’d be up for is more of a leadership position. The higher-ups want to make sure you’re a man capable of navigating difficult situations. Sometimes, things must be done, even when they’re unpleasant.” Nanami’s stomach is roiling, but he swallows and looks at his manager squarely in the face.
“What do you need me to do?” he manages to clip out.
His manager pushes the manila envelope towards him. Feeling like he’s been given a sentence, Nanami opens the envelope, and from it, removes three employee dossiers. He recognized the names as he looked through them, three young men who had started here around the same time he had.
“We’re going to need you to tell these three people that they’re fired.”
His manager’s words fall into Nanami’s ears deafeningly. Swallowing, he looks at the man with narrowed eyes. “I’m sorry but…why?”
“They’re underperforming.”
“Their numbers are consistent.”
“Consistent is not the same as moving up.”
“So you want to fire them because they’re not bringing in more money? Is that all?” Nanami drops the dossiers onto the table, an acrid taste building up in the back of his throat. 
“Well, you would be firing them. Think of it as their three salaries combining to equal your promotion.”
A chill washes over Nanami’s body. “I refuse.”
“Don’t you want the promotion?” his manager cajoles him, like trying to mollify a child with a lollipop.
“How about I get the promotion first, then you ask this of me?”
“Ah…if only the world worked that way. But no. We need them removed first. And since you will be taking over the department they will be leaving…you have to do it.”
Nanami looks at his manager, at this greasy, servile man, who he has hated ever since he started working here. His smug face, as he waited to see what he would do. He thinks back to you, let go for no other reason than “it’s what’s best for the company”. A red haze fills his vision.
“You’re despicable.” Nanami says quietly, his hand curling into a fist, feeling a tremor of cursed energy flowing into his arm, something he hadn’t succumbed to since leaving Jujutsu High. A turquoise aura begins to envelop him. His manager appeared to have not noticed but continued to give him that leery grin. 
“It’s your life versus theirs Nanami-San. I imagine a wise man would do what he’s being asked.”
Nanami stands, his impressive height and build towering over the man. 
“Fuck you.” 
The blond raises his hand, which is glowing with cursed energy now. His manager stares at it, taken aback. With a swift moment, Nanami’s ratio technique hits him, cleaving his body straight down the middle into two halves, grotesquely falling to the floor with a splat, blood spraying everywhere, covering the walls, windows, and the door of the meeting room.
A terrified scream is heard outside. In a daze, Nanami leaves the conference room, indifferent to his coworkers who are now gaping at him and scrambling to get out of his way, several of them shouting in panic at his state, his crisp suit spattered with fresh blood.
He walked into the conference room where he knew the higher-ups were sitting for their next meeting, locking the door as he did so. The men all move away in shock, a few even call his name, but he simply doesn’t care. The meeting room fills with the horrified sounds of men pleading and begging for their lives, and in a spray of red…silence. 
Nanami unfeelingly walks to his car afterward and drives home. Later when you open the door, you gasp and cover your mouth.
“Kento! Are you ok? Did you get into a fight?”
When he simply sits down on your living room sofa, you try again. “Kento what-”
“Grab me the whiskey bottle, would you darling? Don’t bother with a glass.” Dumbstruck, you obey, and retrieve the bottle from your liquor cabinet and hand it to him. He takes a deep swig before setting the bottle down. His sharp eyes, the same color as the alcohol in the bottle, fixate on you.
“We need to leave. Now.”
“Wh-Why- Kento I need an explanation!” You take in his bloody appearance. “What happened?”
“I could get into details. But simply put, I killed my manager and all the higher-ups at my company.” He watches you intently, his sweet, innocent girlfriend, who deserved more than what life had handed you. Your eyes widen.
“Kento- you- you murdered those men in cold blood?” your voice is a hushed whisper, as you look at the man you had spent the last several years with. Not a capricious person at all, so there was nothing that could convince you that Kento snapping like this was a coincidence.
“Darling. There’s no point sugar-coating things. Yes, I killed them. Now the question is, are you coming with me, or staying here?” There’s no malice in his voice. It was a genuine choice he was offering to you. The murders were his cross to bear, and it wasn’t right to involve you if you didn’t want to be.
You cover your face, trying to organize your thoughts, trying to get your breath to even out. Kento reaches out and pulls you closer to him, leaving bloody fingerprints on your clothes. “We don’t have much time my love. If we want to disappear, then we have to do it now.”
You look at him, then, to his disbelief, you ask, “Where would we go?”
He takes a shuddering breath, relieved that you were in this together. “It’s not the police we need to worry about right now. It’s the sorcerers who will undoubtedly put two and two together and realize I’m the culprit. However, I’m hardly the first sorcerer to do a revenge killing against civilians.”
“You’re not?”
“There’s an underground network of sorcerers who went off the grid for similar reasons. It’s seedy, but darling…we’d be free. None of this corporate bullshit, or punching in and out on a clock. We’d take jobs only we wanted to take. Freelance assassins, essentially. We deserve this. Life is full of shit anyway. Might as well pick what we want to do right?”
His words hit you with clarity, and despite all the suddenness and ups and downs in the last ten minutes, your resolve steels. “How long do we have?”
“Not too long. Pack a bag, essentials only. I only have a vague idea of how to contact this network but I’ll figure something out. Now quickly.”
It takes less than 10 minutes for you to pack a suitcase. Your boyfriend slips out of his blood-stained garments and into fresh clothes, hurriedly packing another suitcase alongside you. You glance around the apartment one last time, a wistful look in your eyes as you remember how hard the both of you had worked to get here.
But Nanami was right. It was all bullshit. You hadn’t chosen to stay with him out of blind loyalty, but because deep down, you knew he always had the right reasons. The both of you look at each other, a deep connection of understanding passing between you both, and with a resolute goodbye to the past, walk out of your front door together, unsure of what lay ahead. 
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Divider and banner by @/ saradika-graphics
@estarlias @daswanj @whatshernameis @byul9158
@mirrors-musings @Mangiswig
@that-goth-bisexual @connorsui @jadedjane @darkstarlight82
@soft--cherry @galactict3a @hunnie-lily @actuallysaiyan
@harlekin6 @buttercupbitches
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the death of all things that are seen and unseen
Okay, here's my fic for the @pieceofshitregulus Fest! Thanks so much for putting this together, and here it is.
The Astronomy Tower’s time warping effect manages to astound Regulus every time he makes the trek, which is more and more often these days. The tower allows him to spend his nights staring at the stars, so he ignores the rickety floors, which would usually destroy his sanity.
Without access to the tower, Regulus would spend far more hours staring at his walls while considering his imminent death, along with the imminent deaths of the few he let get close to him. Not James, though. He’ll live. Regulus is sure of it.
Considering the hand Potter has been given so far, it would only make sense for him to find the perfect woman for him to settle down with post-war and have 2.5 kids and be the best parent anyone has ever seen.
Not that Regulus will be around to see it.
Footsteps hit the stone steps leading to this room.
The footfalls hit faster and louder the longer Regulus waits, captive to their obnoxious sounds. He prepares to raise his voice with the usual speech that sends most people packing. Or he could skip right to the threat on their lives.
When Potter’s face appears in the doorway, any preparation goes to hell.
Didn’t James understand they were over? There is no reviving them.
“But nothing. Go back to my brother and get a good rest or whatever you Griffindors call it.”
James tries again. “But—”
“We are broken up and I’m not interested in going back on my words.”
Like the idiot James is, he stays. It’s what Regulus always loved about him. What Regulus still love about him. Not that he would ever tell James that there’s even a shred of hope they could get back together. “Reg, what if we stayed together?”
Regulus rolls his eyes. “I would join the Death Eaters and you would join the Order and you would spend the rest of my life trying to get me to join the Order and you would never understand that it isn’t a choice.”
“But what if you left with me this summer?”
How does he not get this? “And what? Live a normal domestic life as though Mother and Father won’t rain hell to get back their heir? This time, they won’t leave Sirius. They’ll take us both.”
The glint of hope hasn’t left James’ eyes. Foolish. “But my parents won’t let them.”
“Mother doesn’t need permission from a family outside the Sacred 28. I know you have 2 great parents who accept you for who you are and let you join the Order and take in your rag tag group of friends, but that was never an option for me. You will never understand the political games Sirius and I have navigated since birth. As much as it looks like he put absolutely 0 effort into escaping, it was all calculated. He played his cards right. You,on the other hand, were handed aces that you seem to be so keen to give to everyone else.”
If he can’t accept it, I’ll have to raise my voice. “But nothing, Potter. Go. I don’t want to be reminded of how well my life could have ended.”
It must have sunk in this time. Head down, James stalks out.
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dendro-bunny · 5 months
Deepspace 1.5
Rafayel x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: after the cold shouldering you gave your boyfriend, you and Rafayel spend a heated evening together.
Genre: SMUT, flufffy fluffy fluff,
Warning: EXPLICIT CONTENT AHEAD. ORAL (m. And f. Receiving),GOOFY SEX TO SERIOUS SEX (sex isn’t just transactional love your partner!)
(A/N): god I hope I write this well 😭 I’m not a smut writer, but I want to try cause I love this (STUPID) game. And I’m hoping if I write about Rafayel I’ll get his birthday card 😃 <- me being delulu (spoilers I did not get the card)
Hey if you are under the age of 18! DO NOT INTERACT! NSFW AHEAD! GO HOME! WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS!
Deepspace parts: 1 , 1.5 , 2 , 2.5 , 3 , 3.5
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His muse finally in his arms. How couldn’t he be happy. In fact he couldn’t be happier. His strength replenished, his mind at ease, and his heart mended. Rafayel’s hands dance across the canvas. The broken glass from the vase he knocked down being used as a way to reflect light onto the canvas hovering above certain colors to give a brighter feel to them.
“Let me guess you’re gonna call this piece ‘shattered’?” You quip mocking his voice from the couch as you tidy up the living space.
“Pfft, seriously you’re selling me so short. I was thinking ‘clarity’.” He looks back at you, his gaze longing. 4 days he hadn’t seen you, 4 days he neglected himself cause he didn’t feel himself without you. He watches you ponder the name and step closer to the canvas to get a better angle.
“Yeah… that makes sense. I like it! It’ll look wonderful in the center of the gala!” You beam at him. The distance between you two is rather long for him. He knows it’s a conversation to have. But right now he just wants to be close to you.
“Speaking of that gala is a silly cutie like you taking your handsome, charming boyfriend?” He beckons you closer to him.
“You’re already going! You have to present your artistry.” You roll your eyes at his pout. “And since when did you like going to events?”
He ponders for a moment. “When they involve you.” The sly smile he gives makes your face warm up.
“Y-yeah whatever… I wouldn’t dream of going without you anyway… unless you don’t, you know, want to…” you trail off giving a half smirk. You hint at the situation you just found yourself out of.
“I want to. No way in hell would I want to be away from you right now.” He hops down from the ladder and presses your hands to his lips. “I… I know I get really frustrated at times, but I love you being near me and I love being near you. I don’t think you’re clingy or annoying. If anything it’s my job to annoy you.” He leans his forehead against yours. His thumbs gently graze the back of your hands as he continues to kiss them.
His kisses make you melt. They are soft and warm. And you can’t help the smile that stretches across your face as he does so. “I love you Rafayel.” The words come out barely above a whisper.
“I love you more (Y/N).” His eyes dart down towards your lips then back up to your eyes looking for permission. You give a soft smile and place your lips softly on his.
You feel his whole body relax as your lips move against one another. Soft whines and groans slip from his mouth into yours. His arms wrap tightly around your waist moving only slightly caressing your curves and dips. His hands rest finally on your hips as you pull apart. Both of you pant hot breathes in the small space you left between each other.
“Raf’ I want you… I want to be close to you in a normal sense and… that… way.” You batt your pretty eyelashes at him and he groans. His face finds purchas in your neck. He lays soft kisses on your shoulder and neck.
“Do you know what you do to me? You’re the only person that makes me feel so much with so little effort.” You feel him smile against your neck as he says this. Knowing he doesn’t mind the fact you make him go crazy.
You gasp as you feel him hoist you up. Your legs lock around his waist as he continues to kiss your neck and jawline. “Are you sure you want this?” He stops just before the bed. He softly plants you on the edge waiting for your answer. The look in his eyes makes you shiver. It’s sensual and restricted, like he’s trying his hardest to hold back.
“Raf… please. I need you in me.” In a moment he pounces on you.
His once soft kisses turn feverish and desperate. Needy and eager. His tongue gazes your bottom lip asking for entrance. You give him access to explore the depths of your mouth. Your tongues intertwine and dance with each other. Your lungs begin to burn, you pull away to breathe. He gives you a pout with swollen lips.
Catching your breath you give him a small chuckle. It only makes him pout further.
“And why are you just laughing and not kissing me.” His arms wrap more around you.
“You’re just so cute. I can’t help it! Plus I was thinking about earlier, you have so many pictures of me!” His face takes a deeper hue of red. He looks away bashfully.
“I missed you… a lot… and I wanted to see your face so I started drawing you from memory.” His nose nudges your jaw and neck as he breathes you in.
“I missed everything about you, your laugh, smile, eyes, nose, even your eye rolls!” He chuckles as he kisses lower down your collar bone. The roaming hands grabbing as much of your body as he can hover over the helm of your shirt.
“Can I take it off you? Can I unwrap you like a candy bar?” You laugh at his words.
“Candy bar?!” He starts laughing too.
“Yeah! Cause you’re the sweetest treat I could ever have… I bet you even taste like candy down here.” One of his hands trace your thighs, your whimper out a laugh. “Unwrap me Raf, as long as I can unwrap you.” You rub your hands against his chest and abs. Pushing his shirt up slightly to feel his bare skin underneath.
He tilts his head back with a smile enjoying your hands. “Yeah… yeah, let’s do that.” He feels his mind already getting hazy and clouded with thoughts of you unraveling for him, because of him. He quickly discards your shirt kissing you further down your body. Only stopping to let you pull his shirt off. The next to go is your bra, he quickly unclasp it and tosses it towards the nightstand.
You gasp as his hand gravitate towards your chest. Kneading and massaging your chest. He leaves a trail of kisses down to your stomach, and right above your hips. You whine, it sound like heaven beneath him. A symphony of sirens luring him in. He needs to hear more, he wants to hear more, he has to hear more. He presses open mouth kisses around your panty line looking up at you through his lashes.
Your head is tilted back, the veins on your neck are on show. You can’t look at him. If you do you might just break. “Baby~ look at me. I wanna see your face.” He mutters into your tummy.
“I want you to watch as I devour your cunt.” You feel him smile as he nibbles on your hips.
“I- I can’t.” You whine.
“You can. You will. Look at me.” He stops his menstruations and leans over you. “Please baby look at me.” Hot breaths huff into your neck.
You look at him. Elegant is the only word you could use to describe him. His moles contrast beautifully against the reddish color of his cheeks and nose. His lips partly parted and swollen, glistening with spit. He smiles as you stare at his face. You’re equally disheveled. It makes him giggle, “you’re a mess pretty girl.”
“You should see yourself… are you gonna keep staring at me or are you going to eat me out? I’m drying up by the second here.” That’s a lie. With the way his hands rub over your thighs and abdomen there’s no way you’d calm down.
“Oh?!” He challenges. When you don’t back down he falls to his knees and comes face first with your soaked center. Your panties are damped and sticking to your lips. “Mmm this down here doesn’t look dry baby~ this looks like you’re excited to be fucked by me.” You moan softly as he runs his thumb over your panties. The feeling isn’t enough. You need more. So much more.
“Raf… Ngh!” You jolt as he licks a strip over your pussy. Your moans get louder as he keeps lapping at your cunt. He does that a few more times before sliding your underwear off and tossing them somewhere in the room. He growls softly at the sight of your slick running down your lips. Before you can say anything else he dives in. His tongue circling your bundle of nerves, sucking and nibbling slightly.
You cover your mouth to stop yourself from being too loud. He sees this and glares at you, but he doesn’t stop devouring your cunt. Instead he start eating you out with more vigor. Wanting you to be loud for him. He gets so into it he starts lifting your hips off the bed making you fall backwards. He places both your thighs on his shoulders. Your hands fly to his hair and the sheet below you as you cry out in pleasure and shock.
“Raf! S-slow down I- I’m gonna-!” You can barely get the words out. He doesn’t stop his nose now rubbing against your clit. The stimulation gets too much the tight coil in your gut snaps and you gush against his tongue.
You scream as you arch you back off the bed. The heels of your feet dig into his shoulders. As you start coming down from your high you realize he hasn’t stopped, instead his tongue pokes and prods at your entrance. Then it fully dives deep into your sopping wet hole. Exploring and tracing your walls. Whining at the overstimulation you push his head away.
“I already came- please!” Your body jerks and spasms at his antics. He looks at you with a quirked eyebrow and a smirk. The little shit.
“I still have to stretch you out babes, I don’t want you crying about how too big my dick is.” He taunts you with a fake pout that turns into a cunning smile. You moan softly at the thought of him stretching you out.
You feel him slowly scoop up your essence with his middle finger. Then slide it right into your sopping cunt. The way your back arches and your mouth hangs open has him dizzy. His pants are tight, he really needs to stop wearing skinny jeans cause they are really suffocating his cock right now. He looks up at you and he feels your feet push the hem of his pants.
“What? Into feet play now?” He laughs at your snort as you shake your head.
“Take them off, I can’t feel you like this.” You smile like the sun rays glistening over the sea.
“Babe, I’m pretty sure you can feel me like this.” He pumps his finger harsher, it makes your eyes roll back.
“No, I wanna feel your dick. Pleaseee.” You whine and wriggle on his fingers.
“Fuck it.” His patience was already low from the start. It’s not fair how you have him in such a chokehold. As your lemurian for centuries he’s always obeyed you. Even if he wasted there is no way he could ever say no. You were his as he was yours.
The moment his pants and boxers come off he lets out a groan of relief. Your mouth waters at the sight of his cock hitting his lower abdomen. Your eyes follow the v-line of his hips, down the prominent vein along his shaft, to the blushing leaky tip his thumb caresses.
“You’re not fair.” You pout. He scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“I can’t help I’m sculpted by the gods sweetheart. I was made just for you.” It’s your turn to roll you eyes as he gives you a wink.
“Yeah sure Mr. Crafted by the gods, come here already.” You hold your arms up waiting for him to come into them.
He wastes no time spreading your legs and sliding between them. You can feel him panting against your neck as he lines himself up with your entrance. His lips begin to hurt from hard he has to bite them to stop himself from losing it.
He’s focusing so hard he doesn’t hear the sheets rip under his nails. The sound just turns you on further. You coax him to go further by wrapping your legs around his torso, applying minimal pressure to get him to push in further with his cock.
You feel full just from half of him inside you. His cock was the perfect amount of girth and length to get you to see stars without him even thrusting. The slight slant downward of his shaft made the slightest of movements impossible to miss. You hate him and his perfection.
You hate the way his lashes flutter as he starts a sloppy rhythm. You can’t help but to hate the way he holds your hands while you get used to him moving. You hate the way his volume gets louder than yours. Which is pretty loud as you haven’t stopped moaning his name. His rhythm evens out enough for him to bend down and kiss you. He kisses you with so much emotion it makes your mind blank.
“Hah… my muse… baby- shit. I love you, I’m sorry I made you feel less than, hah… fuck, loved. You… hhhh, you deserve to be spoiled, and loved.” If he wasn’t speaking directly in your ear you would have missed his words with his balls slapping against your ass as he picks up the pace.
You grab the back of his neck and pull him into a sloppy make out session. You do trust your voice to reply, you’re afraid you might forget your words between y’alls moans. He understands what you want to say though. He feels it in your clinging to his back and legs keeping him from pulling out fully. He sees it in your unbreaking eye contact and the way you cradle his face in your hand. He hears it in your chants of his name, and gasping moans when he grazes your sweet spot.
He knows you love him too, and he knows you know he would drain the ocean just to hear you laugh and see you smile.
“Raf- so close. I’m so close please, come with me, come with me please.” You continue to plea as your grip grow tighter by the second.
“Uh huh yeah, gonna come for me? You gonna do that sexy thing when you arch your back into me? Fuck come for me.” His fingers find you clit, he starts rubbing small circles on it pushing you over the edge.
He follows not to far behind you, your walls pulsing and clamping down on him was more than enough. He didn’t think he was gonna last as long as he did. Especially with the way your voice was going through his ears and straight to his dick.
You start to come down from your high and push his hand away that’s playing with your clit. “I’m sorry for bugging you while you were-“ Your cut off by a pair of chapped lips.
“I thought we already made it clear, it’s my fault. I was an ass that stepped way out of line. I mean how did you let me get away for yelling at a goddess like you?” He smiles at your laughter as you pull him back into a kiss.
You stay in each other’s arms enjoying each other’s presence. You won’t admit it but you think you’d never get over losing him, despite his cocky, clingy, picky, sarcastic self. You loved him more than words or actions could ever express.
Only time, which you both would transcend for each other, would.
N E WAY… I love him 🥺. XAVIER IS NEXT! I wonder how I’m gonna hurt your feelings with him 🤔.
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emmi-hayes · 9 months
Things I forgot I love about the dreamer trilogy:
Parsifal Bauer
“he didn’t have it in him to love another dream”
hand cat
Adam impulsively driving a motorcycle to spend three hours with Ronan
Declan asking if Ronan and Adam had a fight
Ronan’s schedule
Matthew being the literal worst teenager alive upon finding out he’s a dream
“you just tossed one of my siblings out the window”
“do i still take communion now that i know im not real?”
Declan telling Jordan she can drive
anyone ever deciding to hug Declan Lynch
she didn’t have money so she pays with her unopened coffee drink
Hennessy seeing a cute picture of Ronan and Adam and and being pissed when she realizes they’re hot AND happy
Declan’s shoes being the most revealing thing about him
Declan and Adam being unable to keep their heads down and lead a normal fucking life and ignore the MAGIC
“When we’re married…”
He liked how he looked on her arm.
Matthew asking to play DND
“Do you or don’t you like it when I point out dogs?”
Adam bringing Chainsaw to Ronan while he sleeps. Anytime Adam talks to Chainsaw ever.
Declan being an unfoolish child. All of toddler Declan setting rules for his dreamer parents. “No Mother we sleep in beds.”
Declan committing mass murder.
The happy way Mor tells Niall that she thinks she would be sad if he died.
Matthew being shocked that Bryde neither wants to commit crimes together or force him into a cult, followed by the startling revelation that while Bryde might look cool he decidedly isn’t. In like, not a mean way Declan or Ronan would think of somebody not being cool. In just kind of a sad way, “like bro that’s cringe.”
Matthew asking Bryde if he’s ever heard of clinical depression because “you are the saddest dude I’ve ever met”
Matthew having to deal with Bryde’s teenage angst the way Declan has dealt with Matthew’s for the last 2.5 books.
The new Fenian. How he loves the Lynch boys. The hug he gives Declan?? The way he gently tells Declan he hoped he could give Declan his parents’ memories.
Niall loving Declan so much he couldn’t keep the memory of his birth because it made him too happy.
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AITA for ‘forcing’ my dad to drive me home while I had COVID, and then cutting contact?
Sorry if this isn’t allowed, but it’s been weighing on me for the past year and a half so I want to get an outside opinion because I’m still afraid it’s my fault. Basically, my (22F) parents are split; it was bad and they both hate each other, call the other abusive, etc. I live with my mom, but we used to alternate holidays, and my dad had Christmas 2021. I don't get on with him; we're very different, he's very judgemental, he doesn't like that I'm very close with Mom, and we've fallen out in the past (I still regret coming out to him). I didn't want to go, TBH, but I did because my siblings wanted me there.
Christmas went fine but I was running out of energy to deal with him afterwards and that's where it started. He'd agreed to take me and my youngest brother home (2.5 hr drive) on the 28th, and we made plans around that, but two days before he announced that he wouldn't unless Mom agreed to meet him halfway; that's normal, but since he'd already agreed to drive the whole way, she had gone away and was flying home that day. He refused to take us home until she was free. We had an argument over this, and I decided I'd just get the train if he didn't want to drive me.
That day, however, my stepsister got COVID, and we all tried to isolate from her, but me and my youngest brother tested positive on the 28th. I'll be honest, at that point, I think I was selfish. My plans were already cancelled, but I was at my wits' end with Dad and I couldn't handle another week of isolation with him. My room at his house was also just one end of the kitchen, which everyone else has to use, whereas at home I have my own bedroom with a bathroom right next door, so I could isolate much more easily and safely at home. Our rules at the time were if you were visiting somewhere, you were allowed to travel home to isolate so long as you didn't use public transport; Mom still wanted us home.
We got into a fight about this; Dad said I had to stay there. I snapped at him it wasn't my home, and he'd get COVID from me anyway there. He put his foot down and said he wasn't taking me, and I thought that was the end of it. Until two hours later, when he told me to get in the car, and said he'd drive me and my brother home; I genuinely think that he was expecting me to back down then, but I didn't.
Twice on the journey he berated me for being selfish; I told him I didn't force him. After he dropped me off, he sent me three text messages of the same, including saying I was as bad as my Mom and ordering me to tell her she was a bad person. I blocked his number, so he sent me an email warning me to "be careful who I ally myself with" and threatening me not to side with Mom. At that point, I cut all contact and blocked his email.
As far as I know, he never got COVID. He's emailed me a few times since (blocking him just sends them straight to my bin, I still see them); he's asked me to meet up with him a few times, and keeps getting my brother to ask when I’m going to talk to him again. I’ve never had an apology or even a real acknowledgment of what happened, except an “I know you’re still angry” at one point, and he still sends me presents and stuff even though I’ve told my brother I don’t want anything.
IDK, I still just feel really bad about the whole thing. So, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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Anderson: I’m having a bad day
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
single dad!austin x fem!reader headcanons (can be priscilla actress reader or elvis pa/crew member reader whatever floats your boat!)
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- “fix it babies” never work. austin should/does know this. but he's a child of divorce terrified of the relationship he's been in for almost a decade really falling apart.
- so when the girlfriend in question says she's pregnant he goes right along with how hopeful she seems that this will save them.
- the day his daughter, lennon, is born is the best day of his life. she’s perfect and beautiful and everything he could’ve ever wanted. but she doesn’t fix what’s broken in his relationship w/ her mother.
- if the child of divorce breakup apprehension was bad before having a baby with the woman makes it 100x worse.
- the dam breaks when he books elvis. lennon is a little over a year old and girlfriend™️ 180s on how supportive she’s been when he actually gets the part and the move to australia comes up. she goes with him to the 2019 GQ awards and they get into a fight about her not wanting to move so bad that baz hears it through the wall.
- “so are we breaking up? i’m just not gonna see my daughter till we wrap? god knows when,”
- she promises she’ll bring her to visit, and she does in feburary. he’s so excited to see his baby but (now ex) girlfriend™️ is not happy and it gets under his skin how much she’s treating this like a chore.
- he ends up venting to you about it, looking away and chewing on his bottom lip when he asks if you’d want to get dinner somewhere with him. nothing fancy, he just doesn’t want to be alone with his thoughts.
- austin’s your friend- and you’re worrried about him, so you say yes. if you go from dinner to his bed, well then that’s your own secret. it becomes less of a secret with time though- when he bestows you with the girlfriend moniker, you get spotted together and gossip swirls. as. it does.
- tom gets covid and everyone is packing up to go home and both you and baz tell austin he should too. but the last time he talked to his ex girlfriend it was a yelling match when she saw paparazzi photos of him with you.
- to say she hates him is being gentle. and he loves his daughter more than anything- to the extent that he’s horrified by the thought of trapping her in a house where him and her mother are constantly at each other’s throats.
- a month goes by before he really starts to regret that decision and sobs in your arms after a facetime call with her.
- when lockdown eases up a little his dad (not his ex-girlfriend) flys out with lennon to see him and you’ve never seen austin so happy.
- his dad is skeptical of you, but the toddler isn’t. the look you see in austin’s eyes when he’s watching you with her makes your chest tight.
- when elvis wraps and he moves to london he tells ex girlfriend he’ll put her up in a nice hotel and take care of her if she brings lennon over. so she does.
- but you moved with him to london too and ex girlfriend doesn’t like that. she especially doesn’t like you being around lennon.
- she leaves with the little girl after 2.5 weeks when she picks a fight with austin about you and he gets defensive. you feel guiltily no matter how much he tells you not to.
- masters of the air wraps and he’s finally back in california more permanently- you with him. a more “normal” custody schedule is put into place and it works well enough.
- sometimes ex girlfriend is hours late for pick up and drop off, and it doesn’t seem like she hates your guts any less- it’s most of why you haven’t moved in with him. but it works well enough. until the press tour.
- everyone is bringing family to memphis and austin wants to bring lennon, but it throws a wrench into the schedule that ex girlfriend isn’t apt to budge on. until he begs, and agrees to take a red eye before he has to be in new york to drop her back in california.
- he’s holding lennon sleeping on his lap during the bbq thing they did at graceland and lisa comes over all “gosh she’s precious aus, i miss when my girls were that tiny.”
- “trying to let her sleep now because we have to go to the airport tonight and get a red eye so i can drop her back with her mom and get to new york on time.”
- lisa says that sounds like a pain and he’s like yeah i asked if i could take her to new york and toronto and just bring her back when we’re done with press in a week- “my sister would’ve come to to help me out, not like i would’ve been leaving her with my assistant all day. but nope- she didn’t even really want her to come here, but i begged.”
- lisa says she gets that mentions how couldn’t make it to cannes because of custody bullshit of her own with the twins. austin he nods along.
- her heart hurts so much for him. so does yours.
- ex girlfriend has a boyfriend and austin finds out because he’s in the car when she’s getting lennon from the airport. he’s not happy about being kept in the dark- or about leaving her around a man he’s never met. but he has to be in new york.
- he cries to you in a tucked away corner of the new york premiere about how stressful it all is, mumbling that he just wishes things were different.
- he didn’t mean he wished ex girlfriend would drop it on him that her boyfriend convinced her to move abroad for a months long boho hippie retreat in the middle of nowhere so she’s signing over full custody. but that’s what happens. a week before your ohio move.
- austin feels so guilty- like he’s forcing you into the role of a nanny while he’s on set but lennon is a good kid- you really don’t mind.
- playing house like this is making you fall harder and faster than ever. him too.
- but that doesn’t mean austin doesn’t break down when miss ex girlfriend calls with the news that her boyfriend got a permanent job with the retreat company abroad. and that she’s planning on staying there with him.
- austin cries not so much for himself, but for his daughter who’s too little to understand she’s being abandoned. who still walks around the ohio apartment asking both of you when mama’s coming back.
- he feels like he failed as a dad, and you kiss his face and hold him tight and assure him that’s not true.
- he doesn’t believe you, not yet, but he does love you. his daughter loves you. that counts for something, surely.
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 months
I don’t understand how anyone can feel normal anymore. I go about my day but everything inside me is not the same person anymore. so much genocide going on in so many different places and people just… don’t care? Like how can people not care that so many people are dying? isn’t that supposed to make people care? in Sudan alone we could lose 2.5 MILLION PEOPLE in less than three months from hunger alone. 2.5 MILLION. A new estimate puts the number of murdered Congolese people since 1996 at 18 million instead of 6 million… how can we live in a world where it doesn’t anger people that 6 million dead is the LOWEST estimate? Tigray with over 600,000 murdered in this century alone. And now Palestine AGAIN… whole families and villages like… I don’t understand people. I truly don’t. So many of my “friends” don’t say SHIT about it and I can’t believe I was ever fooled into thinking that things could ever be normal. NOTHING will be okay until western imperialism and APATHY is crushed.
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lilyblisslys · 2 months
regarding the Kamala Harris shirt for a porn thing: one time I found a video where the guy was clearly being a "hip young alternative option" with Bernie Sanders-esque political opinions, going door to door talking to constituents. while he was fucking his costar they moaned excitedly about free healthcare and universal basic income. this is me saying you should do that bit if you want, forget the haters!!!!!! high concept porn can be awesome!!!!!!!
The problem is rlly one of audience. Rn I have two avenues to post porn (or 2.5 I guess)
One is tumblr. Which has the largest audience, the biggest platform restrictions, and the most likely to result in people yelling at me. This encourages the kind of content I post; relatively inoffensive teaser images made to draw you to my onlyfans.
The second is Onlyfans. Which has very little (for me) platform restrictions, and basically nobody who wants to yell at me, and also 0.007%ish percent of the people on it, which means posting funny/weird stuff isn’t as rewarding as posting more typical explicit content. And honestly I do things for attention most of the time?
The third is the sexworker discord, which has a very small audience (if you’re a sexworker hmu for an invite) but does incentivize weird stuff, but also I know I can make @nixiecat horny with normal nudes too, so 🤷‍♀️
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emblazons · 1 year
Thinking about parentified-in-his-romantic-relationship Mike (again) and how the reason we only see him behave like he used to in S1-S2 and pick up his old interests with (primarily) Dustin in DnD via The Hellfire Club is because 1) he thinks El is safe and 2) isn’t in front of him needing someone to fill Hop’s shoes for her, which means he can be a little uppity, openly irritated, nerdy & his age—
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—but the second he goes to see El, he has to put on a costume that reflects none of who he is at his core to behave like the person El expects to dote on her and act “normal” for a day out and about in Lenora.
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The ‘character’ he chooses to play to go and see El though—someone very exaggerated, unserious and “dad" like—is just like someone else we saw get a funny Hawaiian shirt to act very out-of-character trying to “put on a show” for a woman in S3.
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Hilariously, Mike cannot go 2.5 seconds without being called out for how fake / uncharacteristic to himself this behavior is—the first clue-in is what happens with Will, but the callout gets even stronger when Argyle calls out the shirt as the fake bit, despite his whole outfit being a hot mess something Mike would never wear.
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tl;dr - Mike is doing the same thing Hopper did (inadvertently) by acting the way he thinks he's supposed to for a woman (forced conformity) on top of once again reflecting Hopper's behavior for El's benefit/as a part of this responsibility he feels to her in Hopper’s absence. Interestingly enough though, S3 Joyce doesn't even show up for this "performative" Hopper (while loving who he is for her normally, and still wanting the date)...whereas the second Mike goes back to being his actual (nerdy) self, El just wants to go back to playing pretend.
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otome-obsessions · 3 months
One Day and One Night - [Victor x Kate]
Prologue (🌞) | Chapter 1 (🌞) | Chapter 1.5 (🌞) | Chapter 2 (🌞) | Chapter 2.5 (🌞) | Chapter 3 (🌞) | Chapter 4 (🌚) | Chapter 5 (🌞)
Chapter 1 - Kate
As I get ready for the day ahead, I look into the mirror and give myself a nod of assurance. Today I’ll be accompanying Lord Elbert and Roger on a mission, but that wasn’t until later this afternoon. Before everyone departs on their own business today, I’ll track down Victor and give him my proposal. 
(This time, I’m not taking no for an answer!)
Dressed and ready to go, I hop out of my vanity chair and set out to find the Palace's Grim Reaper. 
As always, he started his day in his office, probably putting together his itinerary for the day. I didn’t want to accidentally walk into another one of his important discussions, so I was sure to knock on his door before entering. 
Knock knock
Victor: “Ah! Whose light little taps could that be so early in the morning?”
The door opens wide to show my lover standing as proud and beautiful as ever. His smile is bright and welcoming as he looks down at me. 
Victor: “Good morning, Kate! I was just thinking that I’d need to see your smile before I head out for the day.”
Kate: “I thought that’s why you had that mini portrait painted of me?”
Victor: “Ah, but art is a pale imitation of life when the subject is as beautiful and radiant as you.”
He leans down to grab a loc of my hair. When he brings it to his lips in a short kiss, I start to feel a slight heat rise in my cheeks. Victor is always extravagant with his language, especially his compliments, but he’d showered me with so many that it feels normal now. 
I give him the smile he was waiting for, and he returns it in kind as I walk into his office. We’ve made a habit of having tea together in the morning when there aren’t any duties getting in the way.
As I take my first sip of tea, Vic launches into an excited ramble about the day ahead. 
Victor: “-and of course I’ll have the fabrics from overseas sent to the tailors at Scala Theatre today. Our curious cat will love the costumes they create, don’t you think?”
Kate: “Fufu, of course he will, Vic. Looks like you have another day set aside for your favorite hobby... Say, Victor?”
I set down my tea cup and stare straight into his eyes with a serious look. He seems a little surprised at the change when he answers.
Victor: “Yes, Kate?”
Kate: “This coming Tuesday, do you have any plans?”
Victor: “Hmm, well since it’s a national holiday I won’t be attending to the Queen’s orders. In fact, she demanded I take the day off from the official national agenda.”
(Perfect! Seems like the Queen thinks the same way I do. He really needs a break, even if he doesn’t see that himself.)
Victor: “So, I suppose I’ll fill the day with my favorite hobby while the boys are off playing throughout England. Of course, I can be sure to set aside some time for my lovely robin as well.”
Kate: “All of it.”
Victor: “Hm?”
I’m distracted for a moment as his silky hair cascades down his shoulders, head tilted in a quizzical way. 
(He’s so gorgeous it’s almost unfair. Is it any wonder I want him all to myself?)
Kate: “I don’t want some of your time that day, Vic. I want all of it.”
A delighted but ever-so-slightly wicked smirk spreads across Victor’s face. I wasn’t usually this forward… But something Will mentioned the other day really made me want to be a bit more selfish.
Victor: “Oho! Is that so? And what shall we do with our exclusive time together?”
I took a deep breath before saying the words I’d chosen so carefully. 
Kate: “Whatever you want, Vic.”
I know that Victor had warned me against promising to do “whatever you want” the day I helped around the castle, but things were different now. Victor isn’t just some man to me. He’s so much more special than that, and above all, I trust him. 
We haven’t spent all that much time together, in the grand scheme of things, but I've seen enough to know his character. I also know that he’s been holding himself back from something on more than a few occasions. I couldn’t help but want to see more of the things Victor kept hidden away from me.
I can see he’s about to protest, so I put a finger to his lips, causing his eyes to go wide in surprise.
Kate: “You’re always telling the boys to be loyal to the desires of their wicked hearts, aren’t you? Well, you’re a member of Crown too, Vic. As much as I’ve seen the sins of the other members, as a Fairytale Keeper I’ve been neglecting your story. So I want to spend the day with you, doing whatever it is you want us to do together.”
Victor gently grips my wrist and pulls my finger from his lips before lacing his fingers with mine. His jewel toned eyes are fixed on where our palms meet. 
Victor: “As a Cursed One and the Fairytale Keeper?”
His tone is teasing as he rubs a small circle on the back of my hand with his thumb. I smile and nod my head. That was just an excuse to convince him to let me dote on him for a bit, and it looks like he’s seen through it.
Kate: “And as lovers too. We’re both good at multitasking.” 
I can see Victor pondering my proposal as emotions I can’t name flicker in his eyes. He finally sets down his teacup and looks at me directly.
The moment our gazes meet a shiver runs down my spine, and the hairs on my arms stand on end. It’s like the room is gripped by a heavy, fog-like chill, but then Victor smiles at me, warm and inviting, and in an instant that supposed chill is gone.
(Was… Was that just my imagination? Surely it must have been…)
Victor: “How can I argue with my own words turned against me? Very well, Kate. I’ll heed the desires of my heart for the day on one condition.”
Kate: “And what would that be?”
Victor closes the distance between us to lightly grab a loc of my hair again. He twirls it around with his thumb and forefinger before answering, avoiding meeting my eyes.
Victor: “During daylight hours we’ll decide what to do together. Of course, I’ll suggest activities I want to do, but you’ll be free to deny my suggestions or come up with your own.”
(Well, that doesn’t sound any different from what we always do.)
Kate: “What’s the catch?”
Victor: “The catch, my fearsome beloved, is that at twilight, you’ll have a choice to make. We can end our time together once the sun dips below the horizon. You’ll go to your bed, and I to mine. Or… We continue into the darkness of night where you will do whatever I want you to.”
(Well that’s an easy decision! He’s just doing what I prefer again.)
But as that thought crosses my mind, our eyes meet again. 
Suddenly, my breath feels constricted, my muscles lock up, and that heavy fog-like chill has me shivering in place. Looking into his eyes, I feel something primal. Something similar to that moment when he’d trapped me in his arms on the dining table but far more intense. Like a rabbit staring into the open jaw of a wolf. 
I hadn’t imagined that sensation from mere moments ago. Victor was showing me that side of him I’d so greedily decided to uncover. Despite all the blood and death I had seen on Crown’s mission, there was something more dark, frightening, and feral in Victor’s eyes than anything I’d seen before. 
Victor: “Consider your choice carefully, beloved. Continue to throw yourself into the abyss, and you’ll find it quite unwilling to let you go…”
My heart beats loudly in my chest as I shiver, unable to move and sweat beginning to bead on my brow. The pressure I feel from Victor’s hungry stare is almost too much to bear.
He tucks my hair behind my ear, and I take a gasping breath as that ominous pressure is relieved. I quickly stand on my feet, more on instinct than by any rational decision. 
Kate: “I-I should go see Elbert and Roger. We… We have to, um...”
Victor: “Discuss the details of your mission?”
My voice had trailed off as my mind scrambled for an excuse, but Victor finished my thought for me, his tone sly and teasing.
I was still shaken from… Whatever that was, but in spite of that primal terror Victor had stoked in me, I began to feel my cheeks heat as fear and something unnamed mixed together within me. 
(I need to go clear my head. If anyone else sees me like this..)
Kate: “Well, I’ll be off then.”
I hurriedly turn to the door, every movement feeling stiff and mechanical.
Victor: “Of course! As always, be careful and have fun!”
His jovial tone and the little wave he gave me did little to calm my racing heart, and I turned to dash out the door. 
I got a taste of what I wanted and it left me a shivering, confused mess. I know that I’m in love with Victor, and I know that I want to learn more about him, but…
Continue to throw yourself into the abyss, and you’ll find it quite unwilling to let you go…
Is it safe to continue forward into the dark? When twilight comes, will I know which is the right choice?
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