#this isn’t important but 🤷🏾‍♀️
cyber333angel · 4 months
I went shopping and got the cutest skirt and crop tops!! saur cute
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nickssidewitch · 21 days
“ i told chris i can’t stream with you when you’re gonna stim out like a psychopath “ oh okay nick.
❕❗️ Nick’s Insensitive & Ableist “Stimming” Comment
Yeah this is something I reallyyyy want to talk about! ☝🏾
I love Nick, as we all know by my literal username lmao. But, it’s actually so disappointing to see Nick make a comment like that. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Associating stimming as something “negative” or “crazy” or “psycho” is straight-up ignorant, even if he wouldn’t call himself an ableist. Because at the end of the day, rhetoric matters, even if the intention wasn’t to hurt. You’re still putting out a certain narrative (in this case that people who stim are abnormal or crazy) even if your intention isn’t to actually say this.
Chris himself has commented about how he feels that he might have ADHD or something along those lines, so idk why TF Nick thought that was funny or cool. 🤔
Even if Chris never had those speculations, using rhetoric like that is still wrong. But it’s especially rude and ignorant when someone has literally expressed that they feel that they might have a certain diagnosis where stimming is common, normal, and soothing for them. And it’s even more rude because you’re streaming to hundreds of thousands of people. Dome are impressionable and will start saying shit like that, others are actually people who do stim who will be offended and feel bad for just… existing.
It may seem like “oh he’s just talking who cares”, but in reality, there wouldn’t be such an uproar if people didn’t care.
He genuinely needs to apologize for that. I feel that’s something he definitely should not gloss over since they’re words that literally came out if his mouth, and there are people within the fandom who do stim and will absolutely be offended by this, and ultimately they’ll feel unsafe or unwelcome in this community.
Stop telling people not to be offended by this! Stop telling people to not call them out! There’s a reason why Nick is being called out for this, and telling people to hush is hurting the communities who take offense to what was said, and it can make them feel unsafe within the fandom.
Fandoms are supposed to be here to make people feel united and respected while sharing a common interest. To send death threats or call someone rude names simply because they’re just looking out for the people within the fandom who have been hurt makes you 🫵🏾 a shitty person!
I really do hope Nick makes an effort to apologize for this, or to just acknowledge it as a whole. It would just be the right thing to do. 💞✨
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skywalkr-nberrie · 18 days
Girlboss Padmé stans saying that her dying out of sadness over losing Anakin is “out of character” (when it’s actually not.) because she would want to live for her twins, as she’s always desired to have her own children one day? They missed the huge part of her character that said she desired to have a “family” specifically, which included her husband. She wanted to settle down with someone she loved and have children with THEM. Nobody could ever impress Padmé enough to stir her away from duty until Anakin came into her life. Padmé finally found that one person whom she could have all she desired with and that was Anakin. She could have her kids, her husband, her very much desired family, they all are mentioning.
She loved Anakin way more than her duty, and this is the part they purposely ignore. Which is why her ending doesn’t add up to any of them. Willfully ignoring her character and behave as a hypocrite when they say they “understand her.” Yes, duty was important to Padmé, but she always wanted to step away from that to enjoy her life, which she was so close to having. And blaming her for dying out of an unendurable heartbreak is cruel.
Constantly bringing up the deleted ROTS concept of Padmé going to Mustafar to end Anakin, and claiming that ending would be “better” for her proves you’re only projecting your own ideals into her character and not truly loving and appreciating her as she is. Funnily enough, the knife concept is widely misinterpreted by these fans as well. They see it as the colder and more detached version of Padmé’s character, but that’s a huge misconception 🤷🏾‍♀️ in the OG concept, Padmé only went there with the intention to end Anakin’s life because she loves him so much, then inevitably isn’t able to actually kill him because of the amount of love she had for him.
And I’ll be the first to say that had anyone else been reported to be seen killing younglings and other Jedi, it would be in character for Padmé to bring this issue in front of the senate and bring the culprit to justice. However, it was never going to be the same when it came to Anakin, and that’s the pill these girlboss stans can’t swallow. They can’t handle that Anakin was more precious to Padmé than duty.
Fact is that Padmé would choose him over and over again if the opportunity presented itself. Of course, she wouldn’t have joined him when he asked to rule the galaxy with him (in the same way Luke doesn’t when Vader asks his son the same question. And somehow people are still able to comprehend that Luke still loves and believes in his father, despite refusing to join him, but don’t apply this same logic for Padmé?) nor would she justify his actions, she’d be severely against them 100%. She’d even in her own way take up actions against the Empire, and go up against anything Anakin was being put up too. (Like working with the Rebellion, and taking Anakin away from the chaos.) But she’d never lose faith in his goodness, nor would she ever abandon him. (like many insist she should’ve, or choose to turn him in to the authorities.)
It’s 100% in her character to put Anakin as her top priority. Her first and main allegiance and devotion is to him (she even says so in ROTS junior novel.) her loyalties was from day 1 with Anakin, more than anything. And why is that? It’s because Padmé not only loves Anakin, but she knows him. In fact, It’s because she knows him, that she loves him so deeply. She can understand and sympathize with him, she knows he’s a good person at his core, and would never hurt anyone out of malice or aim for power. If he’s committing atrocities? Padmé would know he’s going it out of a desperate act of love, which is something Padmé can relate to and understand.
And if you ask me, talking as if Padmé chose to die, is completely unfair, and shows no compassion nor sympathy for her character. Even if she did, holding that against her is also inconsiderate. No, this poor woman couldn’t handle the loss of her husband, whom she loved so much, and mourning the loss of the family they’d have together. It was too much, that she lost heart and succumbed to death. She couldn’t handle it! That in no ways makes Padmé a “bad person” nor does it make her a “bad mother.”
All in all? Padmé loved Luke and Leia so much, and she wanted nothing more than to be with them. Don’t try and downplay that because she lost the will to live. She spent the last bit of strength she had left to bring them into the world, see her babies with her own eyes, and give them a name herself. You can see in her eyes how much she loved them, and how badly she wanted to be with them. But her heart couldn’t take much more. It’s truly tragic. Her whole life was in service of others, and she couldn’t even have one thing to herself. Now she can’t even die in peace thanks to some of these fans 💀
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
I honestly don’t know what Sophie’s deal was, I think she was always bitter that Sansa wasn’t a popular character and was clearly jealous of the attention Arya was getting but that isn’t an excuse to make those kinds of subtle digs at “women who act like men”. And the way her and Jessica Chastain talked about Daenerys was so unprofessional, gross, and rude.
I think that's the root of it. She let D&D hype her up and thought that she was going to become the most popular character after the storyline changes and it never happened. For as much as they increased her importance, she still wasn't getting stand-out moments like Daenerys and Arya. She resented other female characters specifically and constantly put them down which only made her look like a petulant child. Funny considering she was trying to cosplay as a feminist. Not to mention that's really her only popular role and unlike other actors on the show, she hasn't been doing much after the finale. The X-Men movies she was in flopped and her most relevant role in years was a 5-second cameo in a Netflix movie. So even now she's stuck desperately clinging to the popularity she once had and the bratty behavior that created her toxic fanbase. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🤷🏾‍♀️.
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starrysola · 6 months
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Okay okay ima share my dnd doodles cause i’ve been doodling but also i will share a little context as to who is who so that there is some reference point!! So first image from left to right is:
Renaer (yes thee Neverember) dmpc and Issa’s bf
Isadora (aka Issa) my lil aasimar rainbow college of swords bardlock
Iuzakor (the red tiefling) also dmpc and used to be an incubus who is no longer an incubus after some traumatic events that may or may not be explained later
Cinder (our badass fire genasi forge cleric who belongs to @htfnoelle )
Mikhail (our very cool bloodhunter who is only cool when the party isn’t looking at him and you think thats a burn but the dice have made it a very real thing) (would also tag him and our dm if they had a tumblr but alas 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Why are they in formal wear you ask? They just finished doing an investigation mission on a casino boat and had to dress up to look the part to get in!
Before that (just a lil background as to the last few sessions) we fought an aboleth that basically killed Issa (that aboleth hated her lmao) and was trying to enslave a bunch of nobles and other important people including Renaer and Iuzakor! (Issa got revived and thats why in the second pic the party were hugging it out cause tbh it was probably one of our hardest fights in our three campaigns 🥹)
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
People being intentionally dense today. You did not call him an alcoholic. Clearly he recognizes a benefit in stopping it. Just say you’re mad that he isn’t the person you all try to make him be. He’s owning his sh*t and making the necessary changes. Proud of him.
Thank you! 💯
Nowhere did I say that he was an "alcoholic".
But if you're giving up smthg suddenly, especially smthg you LOVED to do, it's because you've recognized that it's a problem in some form or fashion in your life.
Let's face it, Europeans drink alcohol like it's water rofl 🤣 It's in their blood practically. So if he's given it up, then it's definitely for a REASON.
He doesn't have to spell it out for anyone. I'm sure eventually we might get more info on what he meant as time goes by, but as for right now, I'm just glad that he's found what works for him in his life, and what doesn't.
BTW, so what if he WAS an alcoholic??? 🥴 It's not what you are/were, but whether you're getting HELP for whatever you're dealing or struggling with. 🤷🏾‍♀️ That's what's most important.
I actually have way more respect for someone who's honest, owns up to their struggles, is upfront with fans, and can say: "Hey, I used to deal with xyz, but I'm getting help for it, and this is what I've found to help me"etc, instead of just trying to pretend like they're prefect all the time.
It's more relatable (imo) and it shows that they're human and go through the same things we go through.
It's actually commendable to me. 😊
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magiccifi · 5 months
I just saw the new teaser that was released at some sort of convention and I’m not elated nor am I unhappy…I’m pleased to hear/see more tho!
Here are some things that I’m hoping with the reboot so far (or just simply thinking about):
Warning potential spoilers!!!
I hope that the animation gets polished a bit more; I’m very hopeful on this considering the show isn’t coming out til next year, and any sort of developing polishes a product as time goes on, even if the deadline is soon
I have already seen people be a bit concerned about the mention of social media, with I also am a bit; it’s important to remember that winx came out during a time in which MySpace was very popular and Facebook was both a rising platform and at some point in the winx running time THE social media to be on, which was not really that reflected in the show; so I’m hopeful that social media and it’s presence will either a) be limited to earth and magix/alfea doesn’t have much or b) the creators won’t lean to heavily into it but will be present in magix/alfea
I definitely can see the girls having their own social media accounts, but I don’t think that social media will be too heavily present considering the winx is all about being fairies and defeating evil with friends and you don’t have much time being an influencer doing all that
I do think we have to accept that social media overall has a much heavier presence in the life of people, inducing children (which I do think make up a core of the target demo of the show, accept it or not 🤷🏾‍♀️) compared to the 2000s; it makes sense that it will be at least mentioned here and there
if the reboot gets far, pls do not kill nabu 😫 I didn’t get that far into winx just yet, but I hate that he dies nevertheless
While I’m not the biggest fan or hater of the animation/style of the girls, idk how well it will look on the specialists…
I was very repulsed when bloom smiled at mitzi in the clip, did not like that at all; I pulled the same face when she smiled when I played totk and that one cutscene shows ganondorf’s big ass feet ew; that part of the animation is really off putting…so no more smiling!
I do like that it seems that bloom’s background as a normal girl will be shown before she learns about being a fairy; it also gives us a better idea of mitzi in terms of a school bully rather than some weirdo that is mean to some girl on the street lol
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look at it!!! (Got the pic from user @/wingsofthe on Twitter)
I saw the prototype of the same scene and have to say, prefer the prototype more but I’ll keep an open mind until the show is actually out; the hair is 100% an improvement tho
with the expectation that the reboot will be good and do well, I demand to have comics similar to manga volume style, not the small thin ones; imagine how beautiful they could be 😍
…someone on Twitter pointed out that Sirius black’s (ya know from Harry Potter) wanted poster can be seen in the background of the bathroom scene…they wildin’ in Italy 😀
Could be a little wink to the German dub referencing Harry Potter in season 1 lol
Someone on Twitter also made a point about Stella being the fairy of the sun AND THE MOON; hope the reboot focuses on Stella’s relationship with her mother and the adjunct powers in the same way they did with her and her father
Anyways the winx are back baby!!!
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heartsoftruth · 2 years
I know you like Kylian and I used to really like him as well even when he was at Monaco, still have a soft spot for him really but let’s not act like he hasn’t been behaving like a total brat since Messi came to PSG. First with Neymar finding out he wanted him out and all the South Americans out of the team?! Then him posting #pivotgang, him deliberately not passing to Messi& Ney and stopping, complaining during the match. Then after Messi won a major tourney you come out to say trash about SA football when both your teammates are the faces of the biggest NTs in South America! That is so not fair at all whether people think what he said is fact or not, you don’t rubbish your teammates nation, continent like that. Nah he has really been disappointing last few months. Just thankful he was at least able to salvage his relationship with Giroud after the rubbish he did trying to take Benzema’s side. He is a great player but he needs to calm down with his attitude, which is why I don’t want him to go to Madrid cause his attitude will get worse there I think 🤷🏾‍♀️. I wish him all the success but the way he has acted towards neymar and Messi in particular when he’s even still trying to settle down with the team, a new country etc just doesn’t sit well with me. Sorry for the long rant and enjoy the holidays!
First of all (and most important): I wish you happy holidays as well! Enjoy! 🥰
I have a few questions about your ask tho. I haven't been as on top of all the PSG things this year (did read something of course), but still have a few questions haha: - and all the South Americans out of the team Do you have a link to this article/rumor. I do remember there being a rumor about a divide in the dressingroom between French/Spanish speaking, but this I don't remember. - Then him posting #pivotgang I don't see the problem in him expressing (like he did before) his preffered position. “I have a lot more freedom (in the France team), the coach (Didier Deschamps) knows that there is a number 9 like Olive (Giroud), who occupies the defenses, and I can walk around, go in space, ask for the balloons… In Paris, it’s different, there isn’t that, I’m asked to do the pivot”, explained Mbappé before confiding “having fun everywhere”.
The Insta-post was a bit dramatic and I presume he saw that himself as well and deleted it (but of course thats too late). Yeah dramatic, but I don't see a problem in a player with his talent expressing his preffered position. The insta-post wasn't the way but other than that: ok. I have no idea about him not passing to Leo and Ney tho? If he's a #9 now there won't be a lot of that I presume...
-Then after Messi won a major tourney you come out to say trash about SA football That comment was made in May. Kylian has kept silent after the WC other than what we've seen him post on social media. Even with all that garbage that has been thrown at him he kept silent.
I don't see what he's doing to Messi tho? I do think the relationship between him and Ney has changed (but it's just from hearsay because I haven't watched a PSG match in mooooonths). I will look at it in the upcoming weeks. No F1 so PSG time haha.
If the rumors about the power PSG promised Kylian are true it's the clubs fault tbh. No player should have and get that power ever from a club. He's a top talent: yes, but (again if true) PSG did this himself.
Which also makes me think that whole Pivot Gang-gate: who knows what position PSG promised him when he signed a new contract. I will say what I was dissapointed in is that he renewed with PSG. It makes him look like it's all about the money and that's not the image I have of him. He could play for any top club; yet he chose to stay there... I don't get that. He was ready for a move to a topclub.
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178owintersball · 6 months
Lol mind you, the white actor whose character y'all worship so much compared artificial insemination to r*pe and is dating a jordan Peterson stan so he's equally as problematic as his costar. And yes, there has been a lot of racism towards eddie and the problematic actor who plays him no matter how much y'all wanna pretend there hasn't been. Let's keep the same energy and acknowledge the racial biases (not even Buck vs eddie, but Buck vs every poc character on the show).
1) idk where yall got the impression that I worship a white man. I am a black woman. I don’t worship any white people fictional or not. Buck isn’t even my fav character on the show lmao it is and always will be Athena/Angela Bassett.
2) feel free to send a link/source where Oliver said that bc I tried googling it and didn’t find a single thing lol
3) idk who Jordan Peterson is or Oliver’s girlfriend and a quick google search didn’t tell me how either of them are relevant to this topic so 🤷🏾‍♀️
4) i started watching 911 bc Angela Basset was in it. Hated the first season and stopped watching. Saw a fan video of Eddie and Buck together and thought it was real so I tuned back in. Now I watch for Angela Basset AND buddie.
5) I never denied he has to deal with racism but *shocker* I actually don’t care about what Ryan Guzman has to deal with considering he’s made it clear racism isn’t an important issue for him lmao why should I care if he doesnt? He also cant act for shit. So I’m really not interested in him outside of him playing Eddie Diaz. Which I wouldn’t be mad about if he was recasted 🤷🏾‍♀️
7) I like the show and I like the buddie ship. I don’t follow the actors (other than Angela). I tune in on Thursdays, read fics, reblog content and go on about my day. The show has a A LOT of good things about it but also a laundry list of problematic themes/actors/producers etc. from Ryan murphy, to police propaganda the show has plenty of issues like most shows. But I chose to ignore it and the same way you and everyone else who tunes in does.
Hope this clears everything up! 💋
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cyarskaren52 · 10 months
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Grace is an important point. Another is please stop EXPECTING people to have the same reaction as you. Some people will block, some will forgive, some won’t even care to respond, whatever journey THEY are on isn’t any of your business frankly. 🤷🏾‍♀️ some people are not worth your forgiveness or grace I.e the fauxgressives In the free Palestine movement which they turned into a pro Hamas movement hence why it gets the fuck them and it treatment
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marthashlyn · 2 years
Afternoon thoughts 💭
It would be nice if the conference did background checks. [HIGHLY SUGGESTED]
Leveled eyes are important
Positivity, positive behavior support, assistance, & opinions are the ministry. Pay attention.
I’ve always wanted to know how Jesus is doing with his Haitian following. I’m worried about his health.
Plenty of things have transpired. Do not say “she doesn’t have any friends because she is crazy.” That is false and very biased. People having no loyalty is also a factor.
I prefer to be by myself. I prefer to lame vibe. It isn’t self-isolation.
Meditation, stretching, prayer, sleep, Pathfinder (I can’t believe it), and Delta keep me together. Ijs. You’d be surprised.
Listening to my younger cousins won’t get you anywhere. I was always careful. I am the eldest among them.
Since I was younger people have always asked someone else about me when they could have just asked me. Stop the madness 🤷🏾‍♀️
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0x1lovebot · 3 years
✧⋄⋆ wash day with enhypen ⋆⋄✧
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warnings; none.
a/n; i’m black. i’m an engene. this was bound to happen at some point🤷🏾‍♀️. and fun fact; the only reason I have arm muscles is because of wash day 😭😭
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hee is just along for the ride☺️
he clears his schedule for the day, comes over, and he just watches and admires you and your “pretty curls” as he likes to call them😭
but once you asked him to wash your hair becuz your arms were too tired, he freezes up
he knows how particular you can be about who touches your hair so the fact that you trusted him enough to let him wash your hair made his heart burst‼️
but after his heart goes back to normal lol he sits in the tub with you and helps you scrub your scalp
he even sings softly to help you relax
his hands are so soothing and gentle that it takes all of your willpower to not fall asleep in his arms listening to his beautiful voice
now he’s your designated hair washer becuz he does a damn good job
but unfortunately he’s useless with a comb😔
[rest of the members under cut!!!]
jay actually offers to help you
he knows how much of a hassle wash day can be from detangling all the way to styling
and he wants to be a good boyfriend and help as best as he can😤‼️
but he always underestimates how l o n g it’s gonna take
it isn’t until 2 hours have passed and you just start washing your hair that he starts to understand the magnitude of the situation
“I should’ve cleared my schedule for the day if I knew this would take so long!!”
but no matter how long it takes he loves being there just to watch and help you along the way🥰
he even pulls your hair into a puff at the end becuz your arms are way too drained and tired for you to do it yourself😭😭
the only one who can actually help you the most on wash day
he helps with sectioning, detangling, and washing your hair
the only reason he doesn’t blow dry your hair for you is becuz you refuse to let him do everything no matter how much he begs you to🙄
but the most important thing is that he BRAIDS YOUR HAIR FOR YOU OMFG
his grip on your hair is even better than the most wicked of hairstylists😤
we’ll talk about jake and his grip strength another day
but he actually knows what he’s doing and he actually enjoys helping as much as possible
the perfect combination
he’s perfect😔
he never really understood why wash day was such an ordeal for you
he knew your hair was quite different than his but he thought you could just bust out the 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, blow dry your hair and call it a day
it wasn’t until he came over and saw the slew of hair products, combs and brushes strewn across your bathroom that he finally understood that this was no ordinary process
“y/n….. there’s no way you use all of this on your hair in one day. our stylists don’t even use this much stuff on us”
“hoonie my hair isn’t built like yours!! if I don’t use all of this than my hair is gonna be like Brillo!!”
and even tho he’s a bit shocked by how much needs to be done, he does his best to help however he can
he refrains from getting near you while you detangle your hair for fear of getting elbowed in the face😭😭
but he’s better at blow drying and parting your hair than you are so it’s become his job now✨🤷🏾‍♀️
he has no idea what’s going on but he’s willing to learn!!
he always asks questions about the products you use and what they’re for
and you love answering his questions, it warms your heart that he’s so interested in the process🥰
he watches everything you do intently so that next time he can actually help you with the process
but even having sunoo there with you is enough to make wash day less of a pain than it usually is☺️
jungwon is pretty knowledgeable about wash day
he’s watched videos about it on youtube
he’s done research on the subject
he even called your mom to ask for tips becuz he really wanted to help
he thought it seemed easy enough🤔
but once he comes over, watches you detangle your hair and sees the comb snap in your hair-
everything he thought he knew just flies out the window😳
he stands there and watches as you basically throw hands with your hair trying to get the knots out and is like
“no wonder she can beat the members in arm wrestling😧”
so he’s basically just🧍‍♂️the whole time
he mostly just hands you things like combs or brushes or your towel
he wants to help you
he really truly does
but he’s too scared of ruining your hair in some way to even go near you on wash day
you tell him that it’ll be fine and he doesn’t have to worry so much but he thinks it’s just too beautiful to even risk messing it up
so the most he does is bring you food and make you laugh
which to be honest is the best thing he can do
becuz wash day gets boring sometimes ://
better moral support than none at all😌
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© 2022 copyright. all rights reserved. @0x1lovebot.
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bajisbabe · 3 years
[author’s note] this was written before chapters 215 and 216 were released.
yandere headcannons | senju, hanma
warnings: yandere, mention of kidnap, stalking, toxicity, sadist!hanma, threats, dacryphilia
anon said: “what kind of yandere is hanma e Senju”
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— idk how to put it...
— he’s just... weird lmao.
— you likely wouldn’t even acknowledge his presence at first.
— how could you? you likely don’t even know he exists until he shows up to recruit you.
— odds are, you’re a friend of toman, someone similar to takemitchi.
— you’re not necessarily a crybaby or anything like that. by similar to takemitchi, I mean that you inspire and motivate others.
— senju is into that.
— he catches wind of your presence by the time takemitchi makes it to highschool.
— he’s likely there to recruit you for brahman. and he ain’t taking no for an answer.
— join or else.
— he’d likely have his scary underlings do all the dirty work for you.
— everywhere you go, one of his lackies is there to give you shit about not joining brahman.
— you either join now or they’ll follow you around until you do.
— senju is a cool, calm, and collected kind of guy. but I can see him loosing his cool just a bit when it comes to you.
— he wouldn’t get angry or upset, just a lil’ frustrated.
— no one would notice unless they look closely, but his right-hand men surely would.
— they would ask him why you’re so important to him, and he would just shrug and say that he wants you.
— surprisingly enough, that’s a good enough reason for them.
— his goons are eager to please so they’ll do whatever the hell he tells ‘em to. even following you around.
— if you continue to reject his attempted recruitment, he’ll have no choice but to come and find you himself.
— and by then, you won’t be able to say no.
— he’ll have his men hold you down by your arms, forcing you to your knees. and he’ll be there, towering over you from above, eyes sharp from under the eerie shadow of his hood. lashes long and fluttering gently, completely opposite of the harsh gaze he’s giving you.
— he tosses his hood off and crouches to examine your face, his cold fingertips tilting your jaw and watching you gulp nervously.
— he likes it. the suppressed fear in your eyes.
— you’re trying to come off as fearless, but he can feel you trembling beneath his touch.
— you can’t tell what he’s thinking, not with that blank expression of his.
— but he’s definitely intrigued by you, that’s for sure.
— “so you’re (y/n)...”
— has no intentions of hurting you, or hurting anyone around you. but he has this kind of strange interest in you.
— he wants you, he wants to keep you by his side.
— and he doesn’t bother to get a hold of his growing obsession of you.
— he can be a bit emotionless. doesn’t really understand why you fight him.
— he has no ill intentions, but he isn’t like other people.
— he doesn’t understand that fighting off those around you to keep you by his side is a “bad” thing.
— he sees nothing wrong with getting rid of those who try to take you from him.
— he isn’t afraid to face toman if it means keeping you near.
— you’re just so damn interesting, he’s infatuated.
— you’re not going anywhere. 🤷🏾‍♀️
— wouldn’t kidnap you but would have his underlings follow you around.
— when he calls for you, you’d better come or he’ll have his lackies drag you to him.
— he doesn’t really know much about love, but he likes to think he loves you.
— or he wants to love you at least.
— you should consider teaching him about love, make sure to mention that following people around and forcing them to join your gang isn’t something that someone who loves another would do.
— he’d probably be like, “oh, word?” / “oh, really?”
— but he’s not gonna stop following you around though.
— he’s not dumb though, he eventually gets that what’s doing is wrong. but he can’t find it in himself to care tbh.
— would like if you reciprocate his feelings but is smart enough to know that you probably won’t.
— doesn’t matter to him whether you do or not though, he’ll drag you around until he gets bored of you.
— spoiler alert, bestie :) he will never get bored of you.
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— one of the worst.
— he knows what he’s doing is wrong but he doesn’t care.
— he likes you, he thinks you’re hot.
— he honestly assumed you would just become one of his toys that he could play with and then throw away once he’s done. you wouldn’t be the first.
— but when you reject him... that’s what sparks his interest.
— he’s never been told, “no.”
— likely because whoever opposed him either feared him immensely or genuinely wanted in on whatever he had to offer.
— he probably talks shit about you at first since you rejected him.
— but he can’t stop talking about you. that’s when he realizes there’s a problem.
— upon realizing, he probably just has a sick smirk on his face.
— he’s never felt like this before. it’s something new. something exciting.
— and he’ll chase that feeling to hell and back all for a lil’ fun.
— you’re fun to bug, amusing to pester, entertaining to bother.
— each and every reaction you have to offer, he wants to see it.
— he likes poking and prodding at you to see what makes you tick.
— it gets to a point where he can’t think of anything other than you.
— how would (y/n) react if I did this? what kind of face would (y/n) make if I did that?
— he’s a bit of sadist. if he can make you cry, he’ll do it.
— do not cry, or get angry. don’t show any emotion.
— any kind of reaction whatsoever whether it’s negative or positive, he eats that shit up.
— if you shed a tear just once, he’ll likely have you full-on sobbing later if he can manage it.
— he’s greedy with you. he wants all of you. your pain, your joy, he’ll take whatever you’re offering and more.
— “c’mon, (y/n). won’t you give me just a lil’ more?”
— has no intentions of playing nice, he’s just a mean guy looking for some fun.
— even if you try to play along, he’d just frown and say, “you’re no fun.”
— he doesn’t want you acting around him, he wants the genuine you. the real, authentic you that no one else sees. and he wants that version of you all to himself.
— likely to force you to sit in his lap, his lanky arms wrapped around you rather tightly as he hooks his chin over you shoulder, telling you how cute you look, whether you’re pissed off or frightened or a sickening, heart-thumping, stomach-churning combination of both.
— he may or may not fall for you.
— just kidding, he most definitely will.
— you’re surprisingly the most interesting person he’s ever met. and he’s met the invincible mikey so that’s saying a lot.
— but he’s a weird one. he acts as though you don’t effect him, but he would loose his mind without you.
— you’re something that keeps the balance for him.
— sure, he’s an asshole and he tries to make your life a living hell. but he also likes to pretend from time to time that you actually like him and that the two of you are a cute lil’ couple and that you aren’t literally kicking and squirming to get out of his lap.
— he wouldn’t put his hands on you, but would definitely threaten to just to keep you still.
— “if you don’t stop fucking around, I’ll swing on you. :) ”
— “... on everything, (y/n). I’m not joking.”
— loves to see the look of hesitation on your face.
— he does want to make you cry, but he would also like to see you smile from time to time. but since he likely can’t get you to, he’d settle for cuddling you against your will.
— you can’t win ‘em all.
— probably wouldn’t kidnap you, but when he wants you around, you better be there. or else he might actually kidnap you fr fr.
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dabilovesme · 3 years
Heyyy this is sumn I just wanted to throw at y’all cuz why not🤷🏾‍♀️
Warnings: fluff, suggestive themes
Pairings: Mina x black!fem!reader, Shoto x black!fem!reader, Kirishima x black!fem!reader
A/n: you can read the stuff i post if you aren’t black but just know it ain’t abt you🤞
How they react to your hair matching them hc
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- Mina knew today was the day of your hair appointment and she absolutely despised your hair appointments because she knew it would take AT LEAST 6 hours till you finish and she wants (needs) to be with you all of the time but she knew how important your hair was to you and she absolutely loved the hairstyles you get so she sits n wait in your dorm till you get back
- You we’re basically done now, you just needed to let your hair dresser to use a lighter to make the hair look neater but once you were done, you was so excited to surprise Mina that you were practically speeding to get back to your dorm. Once you got back you went up to your dorm and opened the door
-What Mina saw made her smile from ear to ear. You had long light pink butterfly locs with gold hair jewelry sitting beautifully on them. Mina jumped off your bed and ran to cover your face with kisses
-“Stop that Mina!” You say playfully, trying to cover your face from being attacked by kisses. “I’m sorry baby but you look amazing! I mean you always look amazing duh, but we’re matching!” She says cheerfully while looking at you like the angel you are. “Thank you sweetheart, I’m glad you love it so much!” You say while having a big dopey smile on your face which Mina found so adorable. “You’re welcome baby and I know how much you love movies,food,and me, so I ordered some pepperoni n bacon pizza and have all 7 conjuring movies IN chronological order!” She says pointing at the 2 pizza boxes and laptop sitting on your bed. “ you don’t know how much I love you” you say with all the love in your heart. “ I love you too y/n”
-during the movies she was rubbing your scalp cuz she knows how tender it is after getting your hair done and she was still fan-girling that you got the same hair color as her. She loves you so much
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-Shoto had dropped you off to your hair appointment, he even gave you the money to get your hair done. He did that like 5 hours ago, you are a lil more than halfway done with your hair and then he facetimes you out of no where and you answer with the camera facing the ceiling.
Shoto: um hello?
Y/n: hey baby, uh why’d you call?
Shoto: I can’t call my beautiful girlfriend now?
Y/n: oh no, you can but my hair isn’t finished!
Shoto: and?
Y/n: …..it’s a surprise….
Shoto: ok beautiful, call me back when you’re finished, I love you.
Y/n: I love you too!
-you hang up the phone and sit patiently for the hair stylist to finish your hair. “All done!” The hair stylist say while touching up your edges. “Thank you!, here’s a tip.” You tip the wonderful lady $50 cuz she even washed and blow dried your hair so a extra tip was deserved…..it was the money Shoto gave you anyways. You call Shoto to pick you up and when he arrives and see you walk out, mans was stunned
- you walk out of the salon with knotless braids and half of your braids were red and the other half was white, you had silver jewelry dangling off of the braids so beautifully. Shoto didn’t even remember to unlock the passenger door to let you in cuz he was so stuck staring at your pretty face and colorful braids. Once you knocked on the window, he snapped out of it and unlocked the doors, “ sorry love, I got distracted” he says while the tips of his ears and his cheeks starts to turn red. “Distracted by what baby?” You say teasingly, knowing damn well what’s distracting him. “ oh um it was your hair….it’s matching mine.” He says while starting the car and his face still burning up. “ do you like it?” You ask while putting on your seat belt. “ i love it, sweetheart.” He says while leaning in towards you. “Im glad you do” you say before leaning into him and lightly pecking his lips, you try to pull back but he rests his index and thumb fingers on your chin just to kiss you a little longer. He kisses your cheek before pulling away and driving off. “I want you to sit on my face when we get back” Shoti says randomly with a calm, monotone expression. “I-uh- ok” you were in for a lonnng night when y’all got back.
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-poor baby never knew how long it took for you to get your hair done cuz he only ever saw you installing a wing or fluffing out your afro which didn’t take long since you were used to doing it but once you told him your braids would take at least 7 hours…..manz wanted to cry. “ 7 full hours with you with me?!” He says in a cracking whiny voice. “It’s gonna be ok baby, it’ll be worth it, I promise” you say while kissing his cheek. “But that’s soo long” he says dramatically, you roll your eyes while you grab your phone. “The quicker I get started, the quicker I finish” you say while putting on your jacket. “Ugh fine. I love you!” He says while giving you a quick peck on your lips, “I love you too baby, see you later” and you finally head out
- it has been hours now and kiri has texted you hella messages asking if you were almost done and when you finally respond saying you’re finished, you just knew your baby was smiling from ear to ear. You paid the stylist and headed back to your dorm, once you’re there your door is locked. “Shit I must’ve forgot my keys” you knock on the door and once the door opens, you’re greeted with a speechless boyfriend.
-“ hey baby……you like my hair” your hair was in dark red faux locs with gold jewelry on them which complimented your mesmerizing dark skin so perfectly. “I love it baby! U look so manly” he says jumping like a toddler in a candy shop, “ wait not manly bu-” he says like he’s panicking. “I know what you mean baby haha, and thank you!” you say wrapping your arms around his neck, he snakes his hands around your waist kisses you all so sweetly and then pulls away. “You want me to oil n massage your scalp?, you seem like you’re in pain” he says looking at you with adoration. “Please baby?” You say while your hands are still around his neck. “Of course baby” he says picking you up bridal style and kicking the door closed. He locks the door and lays you down in bed. “Baby where’s your oils n your bonnet?” He asked while looking on your dresser. “ it’s in my top drawer to the right” you say while pointing at the drawer. “Oh okay, I found it, you ready?” He says walking towards you. “Yeppp” you say enthusiastically. “All done!” He says before putting your bonnet on your head for you. “Thank you baby, I love you” you say while cuddling against him, “you’re welcome and I love you too” he says holding you tightly while still lightly rubbing your scalp to sooth the discomfort. A few moments later, y’all were out like a light.
HII I don’t really like how this came out but imma post it anyways
@pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @misss-chrisss @dejwrites @38riku
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sems-diarie · 3 years
honestly this is why i really don’t care for non black ppls opinion on this situation. bc they understand the joke was in bad taste bc of her health issues. but they don’t understand the issues bw have w hair length within the black community. hell even chris himself made a documentary in 2009 called “good hair” which talked about the importance of hair in the black community esp pertaining to bw so ik for a fact he knew it was in poor taste. so that’s why so many of them r calling for will to get arrested n shit like that bc they just don’t understand. it’s more than just comparing her to another prominent bald female character. they’re looking at it purely surface level. it has so many layers but bc they r not in the black community the context is lost on them 🤷🏾‍♀️
bro omg this is what i was saying to my homegirl!!!! this is one of the things that needs to be filed under “black ppl business” bc nonblk may not realize the personal and cultural significance of what that man told her on live, national television.
this isn’t a situation that needs to be observed through a lens of moral absolutism.
OMGGGFGF HE MADE A DOCUMENTARY ON THIS???? and STILL chose to make the joke????
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stemroses · 3 years
But I’m loyal
Words: 1007
Characters: Lucifer, Nick
Summary: When Lucifer isn’t in Nick, where does Lucifer keep Nick?
In my head I just imagine Lucifer checks them into a nice hotel and leaves Nick there.
It’s kinda nickifer (Nick x Lucifer) but also… not? Honestly, it can be read as both.
A/N: Bro this was supposed to be a simple concept that I was going to post on tumblr but then I kept writing so now it’s a fic 🤷🏾‍♀️.
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The almost silent click of the door unlocking signaled to Lucifer that he could turn the knob and walk in. He dragged the body he was carrying behind him, placing the unconscious person on the bed.
‘Ok Nick I’ll be gone for a couple of days,’ Lucifer thought to himself. Well no, not to himself really, but to Nick. Nick the vessel he’s been habituating for the past 3 years.
‘I don’t like this.’
“You don’t like a lot of things,” Lucifer responded, this time out loud. He walked into the bathroom turning on the faucet and placing the stopper over the drain. Scolding hot, just the way Nick liked it.
‘Yeah that’s because you never tell me where you’re going.’
Lucifer didn’t respond. And if one could eye roll internally, that is what Nick did. He didn’t like this, Lucifer knew he didn’t like this. And yet here they were, in a hotel room preparing for a body switch.
Lucifer grabbed a small plastic cup, collecting some of the hot water in it and then walking back over to the bed where the body was.
Careful he poured it over the young man’s face until he woke up, coughing up the water he had breathed in.
“Great, you're awake.” Lucifer greets him.
“Wha- where am I?” The young man sputters out. He looked all around the off white hotel room.
“Nowhere important. I need you to let me in, can you do that for me?”
‘He’s ugly,’ Nick thought.
“Let you … in?”
“Yes, let me in. I am an angel of the lord. And I need your assistance.”
‘Look at him. His body is weak. You’ll burn through him in 3 days max,’ Nick continued to Lucifer. ‘It isn’t fair that you leave me here alone. And to leave me for a weakling like him?’
“Yeah right,” the other continued to say something more in a sarcastic tone, but Lucifer couldn’t concentrate on the nonsense he was speaking over Nick’s thoughts.
‘You don’t need him. I’m a better fit for you. I am the most loyal person you’ll ever find. You need me.’
“Nick.” Lucifer frowned, his voice icy cold and in warning. The other young man in front of him stopped babbling. Nick also silenced himself. Lucifer released the anger and annoyance that had overcome him and replaced it with a reassuring smirk.
“If I wasn’t an angel would I be able to heal you?” Lucifer reached his hand out. It began to glow, healing the small cuts and scrapes the young man had collected from being dragged into the room.
“I need your body. My true form is harmful to human eyes. I need your body to perform the duty I have been given. However I cannot take your body from you. You would have to let me in. Will you let me in?”
“Um, yes.”
“Good choice.”
Lucifer laid backwards onto the bed, the other man copying his movements. He could feel as he left Nick's body, Nick's soul desperately trying to hold on to his, but Lucifer easily detangled his Grace from Nick’s soul, and smoothly wrapped himself around the other man’s soul.
He opened his eyes, blinking a few before standing up right. Nick would take a few minutes to come to. Separating himself from Nick wasn’t hard but it could have been easier if Nick wasn’t so determined to cling on to him. Lucifer ran a hand through his hair.
‘Ew it’s wet.’ He thought to himself. He definitely needed a better way of luring people into hotel rooms so he could switch suits.
Walking into the bathroom Lucifer grabbed himself a towel to dry his face. He looked upon his newest vessel in the mirror. Red hair, freckles, a slightly smaller body mass, and shorter than Nick. It wasn’t too bad. Lucifer didn’t care to catch the name of the vessel he was using. It wouldn’t matter, he only needed it for a couple of days.
Lucifer turned off the faucet once the water in the tub had reached an appropriate height.
“Nick,” he calls out. His only response was a groggy moan.
“Ngh, what?”
“Nick, wake up.”
He continued to pat his face with the towel. Using it to also dab his shoulders picking up any of the left over spilt water droplets from earlier. This was enough time for Nick to wake up completely. He had turned himself so he was toward the bathroom watching Lucifer clean himself up.
“I hate this.” He says.
“I can help you find something to hate more.”
“No,” he replies softly, unconsciously wrapping his arms around his midsection. Lucifer wasn’t exactly sure why Nick did that. To make himself smaller? To try to warm himself up? But Lucifer did see the pout beginning to form on Nick's face.
“Here is a card on behalf of Mr. Red-Head. Order whatever you’d like.” He held the card in front of Nick’s face. They held eye contact for what felt like forever but really it was only a few seconds until Nick reached up and grabbed the card with a huff.
“I’m loyal to you. I don’t understand why you want to leave me.”
“Nick, this ain’t about loyalty. And I don’t have to explain my actions to you.”
There was silence, and it was times like these when Lucifer kind of missed knowing everything Nick thought. Because what he said seemed to have broken something inside the other. Lucifer could see it in his eyes. But whatever it was it didn’t matter now, he had shit to do.
“What are the three rules?” He asked him.
“Don’t cause any attention to myself, don’t die, and don’t leave the room.” Nick called off.
“Perfect. Go clean yourself up and relax. Lock this door. I’ll be back by Monday.”
Nick looked as though he wanted to say something about the Monday comment. Maybe because Monday was five days away. But Lucifer didn’t let him get a word in.
“And stop pouting.”
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