#this is your fault anon
momhowell · 5 months
phil's the passenger princess but he gets anxious when dan has road rage. and you know dan has road rage
yes whenever dan screams in the car phil anxiously grabs the upper handle by the passenger's seat and goes "shhhh! daniel!" in that aggressively soft way
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Charlie read us the bee movie script
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"A lot of people say that an octopus is like an alien.
But the strange thing is, as you get closer to them,
you realize that we're very similar in a lot of ways.
You're stepping into this completely different world.
Such an incredible feeling.
And you feel you're on the brink of something extraordinary.
But you realize that there's a line that can't be crossed.
It's quite a long time ago now, that day when it all started.
This place on the tip of Africa is known as the Cape of Storms.
My childhood memories are completely dominated
by the rocky shore, the intertidal and the kelp forest.
We had this little wooden bungalow,
literally below the high-water mark.
So when those huge storms used to come in,
the ocean used to smash the doors down and fill up the bottom of the house.
So it was incredibly exciting as a child
to literally live in the force of that giant Atlantic Ocean.
Most of my childhood was spent in the rock pools,
diving in the shallow kelp forest.
That's what I most loved to do.
As an adult, I'd been separated from that.
And that was fine at first.
Until I went to the central Kalahari about 20 years ago.
I was making a film called The Great Dance with my brother.
And then I met these men
who were probably some of the best trackers in the world.
To watch these men...
go into the incredible, subtle signs in nature,
things that my eye couldn't even see,
and then follow them, sometimes for hours,
and find hidden animals in the landscape
was just extraordinary to witness.
I mean, they just were inside of the natural world.
And I could feel I was outside.
And I had this deep longing to be inside that world.
I went through two years of absolute hell.
I had been working hard for a long time,
I'd just worn myself out.
I hadn't slept properly for months.
My family was suffering.
And I was getting sick from all the pressure.
My mind couldn't deal with all that stuff.
And I didn't wanna see a camera or an edit suite ever again.
I couldn't even face that.
Your great purpose in life is now...
just in pieces.
And you've got this young child that's growing up.
I just couldn't, in that state, be a good father to my son.
I had to have a radical change.
And I took inspiration from my childhood,
and I took inspiration from these master trackers
I worked with in the Kalahari.
And the only way I knew how to do it was to...
be in this ocean.
In the beginning, it's a hard thing to get in the water.
It's one of the wildest, most scary places to swim on the planet.
The water drops to as low as eight, nine degrees Celsius.
The cold takes your breath away.
And you just have to relax.
And then you'll get this beautiful window of time
for 10, 15 minutes.
everything feels okay.
The cold upgrades the brain because you're getting this flood of chemicals
every time you immerse in that cold water.
Your whole body comes alive.
And then, as your body adapts, it just becomes easier and easier.
And eventually...
after about a year...
you start to crave the cold.
What's so amazing about this environment
is you're in a three-dimensional forest,
and you can jump off the top and go wherever you want.
You're flying, basically.
You might as well be on another planet.
You naturally just get more relaxed in the water.
You get to be able to hold your breath for longer.
Having a scuba t*nk in a thick kelp forest
is not optimal for me.
I want to be more like an amphibious animal.
Instinctively, I knew not to wear a wet suit.
If you really wanna get close to...
an environment like this,
it helps tremendously to have no barrier to that environment.
And I suddenly realized I've got energy to take images and film again...
and then picked up my camera again
and started doing the thing I love and what I know.
The animals are extremely exotic and strange.
It's, like, much more extreme than our maddest science fiction.
I remember that day when it all started.
I found this very, very special area
that is protected with a big piece of kelp forest,
'cause the forest itself actually dampens the swell.
And the whole forest around there
is absolutely murky, and you can't see a thing.
And in this little 200-meter patch, you can dive
and observe.
And it's an incredible place.
And I remember there was this strange shape to my left
and just going down...
and seeing this really strange thing.
The fish even seemed to be confused.
And then, suddenly...
At the time, I didn't know
I'd witnessed something extraordinary.
I'd come in at the end of a whole drama.
You think, "What on earth is this animal doing?"
And I think she was a little bit afraid of me,
so she lifted this incredibly slippery...
piece of algae that you can hardly hold with your hands
and just wrapped it in this extraordinary cloak around her
and then stared at me out of the little gap.
And then, boom, you know, she was gone.
It's a hard thing to explain,
but sometimes you just get a feeling,
and you know
there's-- there's something to this creature that's very unusual.
There's something to learn here.
There's something special about her.
And then I had this crazy idea.
What happens if I just went every day?
What happens if I... I never missed a day?
And, initially, she was clearly being affected by my presence,
so I thought, "I'll leave the camera there,
and then that will record her going about her business."
She sees this shiny new thing in the forest.
Coming at it with a shield,
just in case it att*cked, and put up the shield.
This is something different. This is interesting.
Touching it, feeling it, tasting it.
If she was in a playful mood, you couldn't leave it there for too long.
She'd just pull the thing over.
It took going in every day to really get to know her environment better.
Initially, it all just seems like much of the same thing.
But then, after a while, you see all the different types of the forest.
You get the old-growth forest.
You get the forest with a lot of different algae growing in the bottom.
You get the misty forest.
As I started to map the environment around her den,
it was shocking to see small caves really close to her,
packed with pyjama sharks.
And they really are her most serious predator.
Their skin is striped. That's why they're called a pyjama shark.
They're not visual predators.
But they have an incredible sense of smell.
And they are particularly aggressive.
They can shove their noses into a small cr*ck.
So they are deadly little octopus predators.
And I was thinking, "Well, how long before something happens with these animals?"
After visiting her more and more and more,
there was a definite moment where...
that fear had subsided tremendously.
She'd see big movement,
and she'd be slightly afraid and then look, "Oh, it's him."
And she'd come out and be very curious.
Very interested, very curious, but not taking stupid chances.
Keeping all the other arms attached to the den
and the suckers in place.
And then it just happens.
I put my hand out a tiny bit.
Something happens when that animal makes contact.
But, at some point, you're gonna have to breathe.
So you've got to very gently
prize off those suckers
without disturbing her,
so that you can actually go up and take a breath.
By far the most powerful
is when it comes out the den
because that's when you know there's full trust.
There's no holding the arms back just in case I have to pull back.
It's like, "I totally trust this human,
and I'm coming out of the den,
and I'm gonna go about my business."
I started to see pretty extraordinary things.
They can look spiky. They can look smooth.
Grow horns on their heads.
They can match color, texture, pattern, skin.
It's beautiful.
Most of the time, she's jetting or crawling or swimming.
But occasionally,
two legs come out.
She walks.
And off she goes, striding away,
walking bipedally.
She puts her body into this strange posture that kind of looks like a rock.
And then two of those arms underneath slowly moving,
so the rock is just slowly moving away.
And then she changes
into this extraordinary, wobbly, flowy old lady in a dress.
Perhaps she's trying to mimic
kelp or algae moving in the swell...
and, at the same time, is slowly moving away.
And this is how she works.
This incredible creativity to deceive.
An octopus is essentially a snail that's lost its shell in evolution.
A very fragile, liquid, soft animal
that relies on tremendous intelligence.
She's got no mother or father to teach her anything. She's alone.
'Cause you've got all these different types of predators, all hunting her.
So, over millions of years, she's had to...
come up with the most incredible methods to deceive them.
And she's got to learn fast because
she's only got just over a year to live.
When you're diving alone, everything about my kit has to be perfect.
And I've gotta be prepared for all eventualities.
I can't be fiddling around. It's gotta be instinctive.
But, at that point, I was making a lot of mistakes.
One day, she was following me.
And that's the most incredible thing, is to be followed by an octopus.
You know, you're just backing away, moving backwards,
and this incredible animal is coming towards you.
And there's not a lot of fear in it at all.
It's curious, and there's trust,
and it's like this fantastic feeling.
And then, bam!
I dropped one of my lenses,
and that thing falling quickly just startles that animal.
And then it turns and rushes, and it's got a huge fright.
And you just... you wanna kick yourself, because it's, you know...
That could have ended in the most incredible interaction and deep trust,
and you've ruined it.
Now, you know, have you ruined it forever?
Uh, is that animal ever gonna trust you?
Has that... has that experience freaked it out too much?
And then I approached her too fast.
And that's when she left the den and got a real fright...
and didn't come back to that den.
And I thought this was over.
She was gone.
I'd had this experience with these incredible San master trackers.
I just thought, "I wonder if anybody could ever track anything underwater?"
This animal has spent millions of years learning to be impossible to find.
I had to learn what octopus tracks looked like.
And that was very frustrating at first, so difficult to discern.
What's the difference between octopus tracks
and heart urchin tracks
and fish tracks...
and worm tracks?
And the predation marks.
The egg casings.
I needed to learn everything.
And then you have to start thinking...
like an octopus.
It's like being a detective.
And you just slowly get all your clues together.
And then I started to...
make breakthroughs.
"Okay, those are the animals she's k*lling."
So I'm looking at kills. I'm looking at little marks, diggings in the sand,
little changes in the algal patterns where she's been moving.
And then knowing, "Okay, this animal is very close now.
It's close. It's within one or two meters."
And then focusing on that small space.
And then, bang!
She's there.
Finally, after looking for her for a week, day after day,
there she was.
It's like a...
a human friend, like, waving and saying, "Hi, I'm excited to see you."
And I could feel it, like from one minute to the next,
"Okay, I trust you. I trust you, human.
And now you can come into my octopus world."
And she's moving towards me.
And my natural instinct is...
to gently back away.
And then I just wanted to keep still, so I held onto a rock.
She just kept coming...
and then covered my whole hand.
I'd been underwater for quite a long time,
so I just gently pushed for the surface, thinking she would move off my hand.
But she didn't. She just rode on my hand right to the surface.
There I was, just staring into the eyes of this incredible creature.
It was difficult to imagine at first
that she was getting anything out of the relationship.
Why would a wild animal, doing its thing,
get anything out of this
strange human creature visiting?
And this is where it gets interesting.
I think quite stimulating for that huge intelligence.
Somehow, she realizes this thing is not dangerous,
so you go and you interact with this human.
And perhaps it does give you some strange octopus level of joy.
When you have that connection with an animal
and have those experiences, it's absolutely mind-blowing.
There's no greater feeling on earth.
The boundaries between her and I seemed to dissolve.
Just the pure magnificence of her.
All I could do at the time was just think of her.
In the water and on land.
I mean, it just became a bit of an obsession.
You just want to visit her every day and see what's going on.
You can't wait to get back in the water.
What goes through her mind? What's she thinking?
Does she dream? If she dreams, what does she dream about?
She just ignited my curiosity in a way that I had not experienced before.
It's very useful to come back home
and try and read as many scientific papers as possible.
She's a common octopus.
Octopus vulgaris is the scientific name.
Two-thirds of her cognition
is actually outside of her brain, in her arms.
Her entire being is thinking, feeling, exploring.
She's got 2,000 suckers, and she's using all of them independently.
How do you do that?
Imagine having 2,000 fingers.
You can compare her intelligence to a cat or a dog
or even to one of the lower primates.
A mollusk shouldn't be this intelligent.
So many times I'd go and search through the scientific papers,
looking for the strange thing I'd seen.
And then you'd just come up absolutely blank. There's nothing.
You're going into a place that's under-studied,
and, almost on a weekly basis, you can find out something new to science.
According to the literature, octopus are supposed to be a nocturnal species.
Now, was she more active at night?
It was a little bit scary in the dark.
These incredible sounds of the humpback whales
coming through the water.
You're on hyperalert.
I couldn't find her. She wasn't in her den.
I'd kind of given up and was going back to the shore.
Something just made me veer slightly to the left.
And there she is...
right in extremely shallow water.
Can't see what she's doing.
These lightning-fast strikes.
Using her arm like this strange w*apon.
Just rolling it up in this fraction of a second.
And I saw her catch three fish like this.
I'd never seen her catching a fish during the day.
Super dangerous out in the deeper forest at night,
so this incredibly clever animal retreats to the shallows,
where it's difficult for these sharks to get to,
and takes advantage of all the wonderful food available there.
The first instinct is to try and scare the sharks away.
But then you realize
that you'd be interfering with the whole process of the forest.
She was out of the den, moving around near the edge of the forest.
I noticed...
the shark.
Body was slightly hunched forward and was following the scent trail.
This is not good.
I think, "Thank God she's safe. She's right under the rock."
These things are coming right into that cr*ck.
And the next minute, the shark is actually clamped down on one of her arms,
doing this terrifying death roll.
And I can clearly see...
her severed arm in its mouth.
You had that terrible feeling in your stomach.
And thank God she managed to get really deep in that cr*ck.
She was moving very badly, slowly, very weak.
She's bleeding. That smell's in the water.
There's quite a distance to the den.
Are these sharks gonna pitch up again?
I thought about helping her back physically to the den.
But, luckily, I didn't need to.
I didn't know...
what was gonna happen to her or if this would make her weak and vulnerable,
and they'd finish her off that night.
And I couldn't help feeling...
had I been responsible for this?
Was she out because I was there?
I felt very vulnerable.
As if somehow what happened to her had happened to me in some strange way.
And then this almost felt, psychologically, like I was...
going through a type of dismembering.
You start thinking about your own death and your own vulnerability,
worried about your family, your child.
I hadn't been a person that was overly sentimental towards animals before.
I realized I was changing.
She was teaching me to become sensitized to the other.
Especially wild creatures.
A scary feeling, going into the water early the next day.
I was very relieved that she was alive, breathing.
She's so weak that she can't make those vibrant colors of a healthy octopus,
and she's just dull and white.
And now I'm worried, "How is she getting food?"
You are crossing a line
when you interfere in the lives of animals.
But I was just too overcome
with my feelings for her.
I don't think it really helped.
And she's right at the back of the den, you know, just not moving much.
I was just checking every day to see if she was okay,
wondering, "Is this the last day? Am I not gonna see her?"
The big relief came a week or so later,
and I could see it had sort of healed over pretty fast.
And then the most amazing thing, to see this...
tiny little miniature, perfect miniature arm...
starting to grow back.
And it gave me a strange sort of confidence
that she can get past this incredible difficulty.
And I felt, in my life, I was getting past the difficulties I had.
In this strange way, our lives were mirroring each other.
My relationship with people, with humans was changing.
My son, at this stage, was very interested in everything underwater.
And every day, I'd tell him the stories.
He'd seen her. He'd met her.
I'd taken him so many times.
The arm becomes pretty functional,
even when it's half grown.
And then, slowly, as the arm grew, she grew her confidence back.
Eventually, about 100 days later, that arm had fully regrown.
An amazing feeling to think that this animal is capable of that
and can withstand such an att*ck and fully recover.
After a while, she was just carrying on with her normal activities,
so I then started a whole new development
of seeing even deeper into her world.
It was a nice, calm, clear day.
She comes around a corner and spots a crab.
The problem when you're a crab,
you're being now hunted by a liquid animal.
She can pour herself through a tiny little cr*ck.
And the crab seems to sense her
and goes and hides underneath a big, poisonous anemone.
And then she waits and hides.
And then the crab thinks, "Okay, everything's all right,"
and makes the mistake of leaving that anemone.
She's quite a messy eater.
Bits going everywhere. The smell's going out.
And then you just look around, and you see these brittle stars,
surprisingly fast, just being drawn to her.
Just a mass of them sort of overwhelm her,
and she doesn't seem sure of what to do or how to deal with them.
So I thought, "Yeah, this is like a real problem now.
She's always gonna have this problem of brittle stars taking all her food."
Not that long in the future,
she's thought, "Okay, brittle stars are stealing my food,"
and has this amazing method of just picking them up with her suckers
and gently just throwing them out the den.
Now she's completely the boss.
She initially adopted the same method to crab hunting with lobster.
You just suddenly see...
lobsters just sh**ting out of the reef.
I'm thinking now, "She's definitely gonna catch this one."
Time and time again, they just evade her.
And then, a couple of weeks later,
watching her coming round the side,
corralling me so that
she can then get between the lobster and myself.
Using me as part of her hunting strategy.
And instead of that messy lunge...
throwing her web over the top.
And then there's nowhere for it to go.
This is an animal that is strategizing
and working out very quickly how best to hunt a very tricky prey.
A lot of her intelligence is built
from the sheer number of prey that she has to catch.
All sorts of animals.
All the mollusks she is capturing, they're quite easy to catch,
but they've got these incredibly hard shells.
Now, how the hell does she k*ll and eat them?
At the base of all those arms,
there's a drill that can drill through hard shell
and then drop venom in there, like a snake,
and see how that mollusk reacts.
But some of these mollusks will only relax
if that drill is precisely in the apex of the shell,
on the abductor muscle.
She basically has to do geometry
to work out exactly the precise spot where she needs to drill that shell
in order to get her food.
This is high-level invertebrate intelligence.
Her ability to learn and remember details.
And it h*t me how she was teaching me so much.
You just can't wait to get up in the morning, 'cause there's so much to do
to understand every little tiny mark,
every little behavior,
every species and what they're doing, how they're interacting.
People ask, "Why are you going to the same place every day?"
But that's when you see the subtle differences.
And that's when you get to know the wild.
So when these thousands of threads going off from the octopus
to all the other animals, predator and prey,
and then this incredible forest,
um, just nurturing all of this.
And now I know how the helmet shell is connected to the urchin
and how the octopus is connected to the helmet shell.
And as I draw all these lines,
all these stories are just being thrown up.
It's almost like the forest mind.
I really could feel it. That big creature.
It was thousands of times more awake and intelligent than I am.
This is like a giant underwater brain operating over millions of years.
And it just keeps everything in balance.
Everything seemed, at this point...
sort of perfect in the forest.
And, of course, you know...
...you've forgotten...
those predators are ever present.
Just have this...
burnt in my memory, this, like, huge shark just suddenly approaching her.
She kept still and tried to hide.
Then you just saw the shark swimming on the periphery, picking up her scent.
And I thought, "Oh, no, this is this whole...
nightmare happening again."
She jets up in the canopy,
and she's wrapping many leaves of kelp tightly around her body
and then just peering out.
All the smell's on the kelp,
so the shark's now biting and snapping at the kelp.
She's sh*t out the back.
She just climbs out over a rock, leaves the water, and I was like...
I just, you know... almost can't believe my eyes.
But the problem is, of course, she's gotta come back.
On the other side, the shark picks up her scent again.
And this crazy chase is on.
And then, I see her,
in a very quick movement,
picking up maybe close to 100 shells and stones...
and then folding her arms
over her vulnerable head.
And in that moment,
I realized, "This is this crazy thing I saw...
so long ago."
Next minute, the shark grabs her.
But I had to breathe.
Rush to the surface as fast as you can.
Straight back down again.
And it's like, "Okay, now, this is too crazy."
Somehow she's managed to maneuver herself into the least dangerous place,
and that's on the shark's back.
The shark tries to shake her off and is swimming away.
Takes a few seconds to figure out,
"What the hell's going on here?"
But you can immediately tell
she's now got the upper hand.
As the shark goes near some of the thick kelp...
she just pushes off the back...
drops the remaining shells
and jets away.
And the shark, it's just been completely outwitted.
The shark comes, does one pass,
but she's completely safe. There's nothing it can do.
And it leaves.
How she can think that quickly and make those life-and-death decisions,
uh, it's just, yeah, pretty, pretty incredible.
I was around for a good 80 percent of her life.
Each moment is so precious because it's so short.
There was this one incredible day.
A big shoal of dream fish.
Fairly shallow water.
Suddenly, she's...
reaching up for the surface like that.
Initially, I thought...
"She's hunting the fish."
Then I was like, "Hold on.
When she hunts, she's strategic, and she's like...
This behavior doesn't feel predatory to me."
It took a long time to actually, like, process it.
But I couldn't help thinking,
"She's playing with the fish."
You see play often in social animals.
Here's a highly antisocial animal playing with fish.
It takes that animal to a different level.
Oh, then she completely lost interest in the fish,
rushed over...
grabbed hold of me.
And that was the last time we had physical contact.
If I think back,
and I remember it was a very rough day, very turbulent.
Sediment everywhere.
Go down and whoa,
there's another big octopus right next to her.
It's very, very rare to see two octopus close together.
"Oh, my God, what's going on?"
And then seeing that both animals are pretty relaxed
and realizing, "Okay, and then the mating is beginning."
By this stage, I knew quite well the stages of an octopus's life.
So while I was very excited that this mating was beginning,
there was a sort of...
this dread in the bottom of my stomach.
She wasn't coming out of that den.
There was no more feeding, no more hunting.
A huge part of her body is actually given to those eggs.
So she drops in weight, and she loses an enormous amount of strength.
The eggs are laid right in the back, in the dark.
It's impossible to see them.
I just keep going every day and just check.
She's oxygenating the eggs with her siphon, looking after them.
She's just slowly dying
and timing her death exactly for the hatching of those eggs.
I mean, it struck home so hard for me.
Here's an invertebrate, essentially a mollusk,
sacrificing her own life
for her young.
All those eggs hatched.
They're tiny, and they go into the water column.
Hundreds of thousands of them.
And the next thing I saw, she's washed out the den, barely alive.
And the fish, you know, feeding on her.
A lot of the scavengers coming to feed on her.
It was just heartbreaking.
A part of me just wanted to hold her and chase them away.
But I didn't do that.
The next day...
a big shark came...
and just took her away, you know, into the misty forest.
Often, I go to the place of her main den.
And I just float above it and feel her there.
Of course I miss her.
But, um...
I mean, in some crazy way, it was a relief.
It was a relief, because the intensity of going every day and tracking her, um...
and trying to capture, it was...
It was tough in a way.
I mean, I sort of slept, dreamt...
this animal.
I was... You know, I was...
in my mind, thinking like an octopus.
And... and it was all so taxing, in a way.
But underneath that,
this incredible pride for this animal
that's been through impossible odds to get to this place.
I mean, an unimaginable life.
One of the most exciting things ever in my life, taking my son,
walking along the shore
and just showing him the... the wonders of nature
and the details
and the intricacies.
I was getting so much from the wild, and I could actually now give.
I had so much energy to give back.
He's like a little marine biologist now. He knows so much.
And very powerful swimmer.
And as he gets older, he seems to want to do it more and more.
To see that develop,
a strong sense of himself...
an incredible confidence,
but the most important thing,
a gentleness.
And I think that's the thing
that thousands of hours in nature can teach a child.
A few months later, after she'd d*ed,
he actually found this tiny little octopus.
It's very rare to see an animal that small.
They have up to half a million young. A handful survive.
So it's a pretty tough road they have to walk.
But that's their strategy, live fast and die young.
We kind of imagined that it might be one of her young.
It was kind of the right size, the right time.
And it was joyous. It was like, "Well, there she is."
She'd made me realize
just how precious wild places are.
You go into that water...
and it's extremely liberating.
All your...
worries and problems and life drama just dissolve.
You slowly start to care about all the animals,
even the tiniest little animals.
You realize that every one is very important.
To sense how vulnerable these wild animals' lives are,
and actually, then how vulnerable all our lives on this planet are.
My relationship with the sea forest and its creatures deepens...
week after month after year after year.
You're in touch with this wild place, and it's speaking to you.
Its language is visible.
I fell in love with her
but also with that amazing wildness that she represented
and... and how that changed me.
What she taught me was to feel...
that you're part of this place, not a visitor.
That's a huge difference."
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so Jon Davis is your blog pic and Freddy D is your header image. who you got money on to win in a wrestling match?
Now THAT is a good question anon, much appreciated. If we’re talking the year 1999 for all intents and purposes, I would be tempted to put my money on Fred because he outweighs JD, but Jon got a vibe around him. He’s a biter, and he flails, and he’d put up and hell of a fight. Freddy might rely on striking and yanking JD to the outside by whatever limb he can get a hold on, but Jon can move and would probably end up climbing him like a tree, so yeah, my money’s on Jonathan, more specifically by way of knockout or submission. Freddy would get tired of his ass.
If we’re talking about JDevil on the other hand then it may as well be no contest, that man is shoving Fred’s foot up his own ass and making him vomit over the guardrails and busting his face open with zero approval beforehand and ending the match early just to fuck with the bookers.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
Gabriel: Machine, I’m afraid I am on my period.
The pain is excruciating.
I... I’m sorry?
You... You’ll… You'll eat it for me?
V1: Yes. Yummy :]
Gabriel: Machine! That is not- Agh.
I mean I suppose it could provide sustenance for you, but I- Agh.
H-hold on.
Gabriel: *sighs* Eat well, Machine.
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insanityisfine · 8 months
Ohhh while Jesse is with Delilah she and Ash are kind of awkward around each other and Jesse tries not to act too much like a mom cause she knows that'd be weird and besides Delilah is the kids mom not her....
Then one of other rockets like Cassidy or Bitch try to attack the kid while Jesse is there (maybe he's hurt or something from a stunt he pulled and she came to check on him?) And she just goes full protective mama bear mode and kicks their asses barehanded because how *dare* they attack her kid?!?
James and Meowth are recording and eating popcorn on the side.
Following Kiana's (head)canon, Cassidy and Butch also left Team Rocket, and I personally like that path for them. I see them being ~fancy~ thieves myself, so robbing museums and jewlery and such, so, leaving Ash and his friends behind. (also love the typo of you calling Butch Bitch, because, well, he is one lmaooo).
I definitely see Jessie being agressively protective over Ash when he's injured/in trouble (or she thinks he is), but I think it would be hilarious if it came out randomly, and during the period of time where they're still getting used to each other.
My version of this perfect scenario would be Ash training some of his Pokémon, and everyone gets a bit too excited, and Ash ends up falling to the ground. Cue Jessie, who was keeping an eye on things, both because she knows Delia would want her to, and she's a Pokémon nerd herself, running in, guns and eyes blazing, flipping a grown ass Torterra on his back with her bare hands, yelling at it to not hurt her kid.
James and Meowth are stuck in place, because their brains can't decide between laughing, helping Torterra, thinking it's kinda cute, and teasing Jessie over her parental instincts. They're just there like
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Both Delia and Professor Oak are at work, and both sent James and Meowth respectively to keep an eye on Jessie keeping an eye on Ash. Both almost get heart attacks when they take too long to come back.
In the end, Jessie gets over James' and Meowth's teasing because Delia is even cuddlier than usual, and Ash starts wanting to train his Pokémon by making them fight Jessie. They don't like that idea and go on strike, with Meowth as their spokesmon.
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bixels · 9 months
While I do think anon was rude, I do think it's pretty shitty to set up all this stuff you were going to add the au and then just drop it. It's disappointing. Definitely unfollowing.
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#ask me#anon#once AGAIN.#I am not dropping anything#the au is not getting cancelled. more than likely i'm gonna take a break from it until i find motivation again#But I've been drawing the AU for half a fucking year#In that time I've only drawn 5 things that aren't mlp related#I'm getting tired and my last few posts didn't do as well as I'd hoped#And I'm not about to burn myself out on mlp au art even if I really do love making it#I'm still gonna make comics. I have a bunch of ideas.#Tulli and I still wanna do the limited run merch shop#Discord is still coming. Sunset is still coming. Sombra is still coming. I have so many ideas#But I need to do something else for my own sake. Did you know I was supposed to get the background 6 designs done by now#But I didn't because I'm TIRED#I've been keeping myself on a schedule to keep content pumping despite travel and school and family and I'm tired#what i'm getting isn't matching what i'm giving and that's nobody's fault. i'm not frustrated at anyone. a slump was bound to happen#drawing the au was fun until it become my Thing. Because when your Thing––your identity––starts to faulter#it can really make you freak out#And that's not healthy for the project or for myself. I need to find the fun again and I'm sure I will#I'm really appreciative of everyone's support in my inbox and replies it really does mean a lot especially given that about 2/3 of my#followers followed for mlp. But if you're gonna react to me saying “i'm gonna cool down on mlp art and draw my own stuff” with “i'm#disappointed in you." then Leave! I think it's good you're unfollowing#you are not obligated to stick by my side! But don't act like I'm doing you a disservice by turning my attention elsewhere#I didn't promise anyone anything and I definitely didn't say I'm breaking any promises.
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
real dicks? stinky. floppy. capable of contracting disease. FICTIONAL dicks? shaped like anything. can shoot out cotton candy flavored syrup. sometimes eggs. never need a std test.
no contest
there is no body horror like real human anatomy. what do you mean that think is just hanging off of you constantly? why would anything ever need to be shaped like that? why was it built with so little structural integrity??? there is literally nothing to make but improvements bc this is as bad as it's going to get.
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seleneprince · 4 months
I can't get the Snape's daughter au out of my head so here
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@dufferpuffer I preferred sending it to you in an ask but I couldn't for some reason
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spilycoris · 3 months
Your lamb, hand in marriage, I'm wearing my wedding dress right NEOW
as you wish, anon!
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shih-coulda-had-it · 4 months
Redestro and Toshi twins au should recreate the Yoichi being punted by AFO scene
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couldn't decide which twin would be funnier. but yeah. brotherly violence.
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priest!geto who falls so deeply in love with you that he assumes you were sent by god to test his faith. is this anything /taps mic
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seramilla · 5 months
Ohhh Vaggie learning she's really Carmillas daughter who never made it!!! Wait wait though. We can make this worse. Vaggie wasn't just any miscarried baby. What if Carmilla was pregnant when she died and Vaggie was that baby? Like Carmilla knew she was pregnant but had no clue what happened to her unborn third child, not until Vaggie is registering as her daughter...
"Will you leave us alone for a minute, Charlotte?"
Carmilla's strong hand comes to rest on Charlie's shoulder, where she's leaning over Vaggie's hospital bed. Charlie seems surprised at first, like she wants to protest, or say she doesn't want to leave her girlfriend's side. But something in Charlie's eyes says she knows it's for the best. The princess squeezes her hand, says, "I'll be right outside, baby," and gives her one final look before she exits the room, shutting the door quietly behind her.
Carmilla rolls the doctor's chair over to Vaggie's beside, taking a seat, and crosses her arms protectively over her chest. Vaggie's not sure if she's just contemplating, or if the crossing of her arms is a self-soothing behavior. Vaggie is normally exceptional at reading body language, but this woman has always been a mystery to her. At the very least, Carmilla seems particularly uncomfortable with this situation. She opens her mouth as if to speak. Several times, in fact, but nothing comes out, until Vaggie offers her an olive branch.
"It's okay, Ms. Carmine," Vaggie says, trying to sound as casual and non-threatening as possible to the disgruntled woman. "You seem like you have something important you want to tell me. I'd rather you not sugarcoat it and just say it."
Carmilla breathes deep, bending forward and putting her large hands behind her head, laughing under her breath. "Okay then..." she starts, sitting up again to look Vaggie straight in her one curious, golden eye. "What has Heaven told you about Exorcists?"
"Umm, nothing," Vaggie admits, not sure where Carmilla is going with this. "Just that we were 'specially selected' to serve under Adam, whatever that means."
"Do you have any recollection of your life on Earth before that point?"
"Again, no...none of us did. Why? Where are you going with this?"
Carmilla sighs again, visibly fighting with herself over how to phrase this next part.
"Lucifer informed me that the process for selecting Exorcists is quite...different than I had initially understood. I thought you were trained to be warriors; while that's true, you weren't selected for the role because of your ability. It has more to do with what you are."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Vaggie asks, getting visibly annoyed and even a little angry at that statement. What she is? She's not anything special. She'd been an angel, and a strong one, and that's why she'd been chosen. She's a little more cocksure than other angels, but all the Exorcists had to be. There hadn't been anything that different about her. She's just Vaggie. Charlie had said so.
Carmilla moves on to a seemingly unrelated topic, which only frustrates Vaggie more.
"Let me, um..." Carmilla says, trying to think of a different angle from which to approach this topic. "How do I put this?...Years ago, my daughters and I were killed in an accident. It was stupid, and entirely my fault. When we showed up here, I didn't know what was going on. I only knew that I had to protect them at all costs. It took a while, though, for my memories from my life to come back to me. But when they did...I suddenly remembered that when I died...I had been pregnant."
Vaggie is...perplexed, to say the least, about where the current conversation is headed. She feels sorry for Carmilla, sure, but she's not certain where the older woman thinks she's going with this.
"Umm, I'm sorry," Vaggie says, infusing her voice with as much sincerity and empathy that she can muster. She's still not sure what this has to do with her, but she's not an unsympathetic monster. "What...what happened to your baby?"
"I never knew," Carmilla said, and Vaggie can tell she's trying to hold back tears. "I assumed I...lost it, when we ended up here. As some sort of punishment. I was pregnant before I came here, and then when we manifested in Pentagram City, my child was just...gone. Like I'd never been pregnant in the first place."
"I'm sorry for your loss, Carmilla," Vaggie reiterates, but starting to get a little antsy from the tone of this conversation. "But what does that have to do with me?"
Carmilla stands, pacing the room back and forth, chewing lightly on one of her nails, obviously in distress about what she's going to say next.
"I tried to move on. I always hoped my baby was spirited away to Heaven. They were an innocent. They didn't deserve any of this." She gestures to the entirety of Hell with her strong hands, as if the reason should be obvious. "I made that assumption, and I chose to believe it. But then you showed up at my doorstep...fighting for freedom, for justice, for some kind of retribution for what you'd done to Charlotte's people. I didn't want to help at first. But something inside me told me I needed to."
She moves back to Vaggie's bedside, taking Vaggie's un-bandaged hand in hers, and squeezing it tightly.
"Then Lucifer called me, and said you were injured. You had lost a lot of blood, and the clock was ticking. Charlotte was trying desperately to find someone who was a match, anyone at all. I figured it couldn't hurt to see if me or my girls would be a fit...and Vaggie, the thing is...all of us were."
"So?" Vaggie responds, wishing Carmilla would just get to the fucking point. "Odds are someone down here would be, right? It's not that uncommon?"
"Vaggie..." Carmilla starts again, taking both of her hands in her large claws this time, squeezing them until they almost hurt. "Lucifer told me why. And also about what the Exorcists really are. What you really are. You're all children, Vaggie. Infants! All the Exorcists, every one of them, are souls that were never truly born... They never got to experience life on Earth as autonomous beings. That's why none of you remember. There's nothing to remember. For that, Heaven treated you wrong."
Vaggie's eye is wide. She's looking at the woman in front of her, hearing every word coming out of her mouth, but not able to focus, and not understanding any of it. No, that can't be true, she thinks. She'd been a person. She'd had a life. A family. Hadn't she? Why can't she remember?
"No," Vaggie says, shaking her head, refusing to believe a word of it. "That's not true, Carmilla!" She yanks her hand away from Carmilla's, covering her head with her hands, refusing to look at the grieving woman in front of her. "How dare you," Vaggie continues. "How dare you say such a thing. We were people! You don't get to take that away from me!"
"Vaggie, listen," Carmilla tries to place her hand on Vaggie's shoulder this time, but Vaggie pushes her away. Carmilla tries again, desperately needing the young girl to listen to what she has to say. She grasps Vaggie by the shoulders, and Vaggie fights it, but Carmilla forces her to sit still, forces her to face her, and not look away.
"Let me go!" Vaggie shouts. Carmilla doesn't.
"Listen to me, mija. Lucifer wasn't a match. He's always a match for the other fallen angels. But he wasn't for you. Because you're different. Yes, you're mortal, but you're different. You never tasted Earth's food, never walked on the same ground as other SInners, you are blameless. So you're different. Belphegor ran additional tests, to figure out why, and it's because..."
Carmilla lets her go, turning away from Vaggie, suddenly unable to look at her.
"Because why?" Vaggie shouts. "Fucking Hell, because why?! Just spit it out, Carmilla!"
Carmilla does, and when she turns to face Vaggie again, her face is soaked with salty tears.
"Because you're mine!"
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Hi! 🤗
Can you write something with Sirius where he has a daughter but she treats him coldly because when he went to Azkaban, her mother became depressed and throughout her growing up she had to watch her barely hold on, and pretends that everything is fine. and now he is trying to improve the relationship and it seems she is starting to open up but then a battle takes place in the department of mysteries. Sirius survives but his daughter is seriously wounded and she is sent to the hospital, meanwhile the world finds out that Voldemort has returned, and Sirius is finally found innocent, but everything What worries him is that his little girl is okay and he spends the day by her bedside and when she wakes up she calls him dad for the first time.
I'm sorry if it's too long
You can ignore it if you want to
Sorry to bother you
Love you 💜
Bye 👋
ahhhh, a good ol’ dad!sirius and daughter!reader…. takes a long drag of my cigarette a classic. if dad!sirius has no lovers then i am dead, especially if there’s a little angst involved
It’s hard to explain exactly why you dislike Sirius so much, but the resentment is most certainly there. Even the sight of him is irritating. Every time you see him you’re reminded of the days you spent trying to coax your mother out of bed, the evenings you attempted to clean the house because your mother was getting bad again and couldn’t do it herself, and all those nights you went to bed hungry because your mother was too physically and emotionally exhausted to cook dinner or go to the store.
Logically, you know it isn’t all his fault that your mother fell to pieces the way she did. She didn’t just lose her husband and the father of her child during the war, she lost several friends and her parents as well. And yet you can’t help but wonder how differently things could’ve been if he hadn’t gone after Peter that night. Even if your mother was still a mess, at least you would’ve had a father to try and pick up the pieces.
Living at Grimmauld Place was uncomfortable, to say the least. It was a lot of Sirius trying to converse with you, and a lot of you either ignoring him or answering with short and concise sentences.
It’s not that you want to be rude to him; it just feels uncomfortable to act otherwise. He’s practically a stranger that’s shown up out of nowhere and started trying to parent you.
It makes you wonder how Harry is so easily accepting of it. He connected with Sirius so quickly, and he even goes to him for advice over any inconvenience.
It’s mind boggling.
Sirius writes you once every couple of weeks, but you’ve yet to respond to any of his letters. You’ve read all of them, and you’ve even sat down and tried to write a response a few different times, but the words never came to you.
It feels impossible to make nice with a man who abandoned you when you were at your most vulnerable. Why should you bother to put any effort into Sirius when he’d never done a single thing for you throughout your entire life?
There were countless times you’d wished for your father’s help or guidance, but he wasn’t there to give it to you. He chose revenge over his family, and your entire family had to pay a price for his decision.
You think of your resentment for Sirius as you run around the Department of Mysteries. You wonder why you came rushed here with the others after learning that he may be in trouble.
There’s certainly no logic to it. There’s no rational reason why you’d risk expulsion (or worse) for a man whom you don’t even like. Father or not, you only met this man last year, and now you may die for him.
And the worst part?
Harry was wrong, and Sirius wasn’t in any trouble at all. So you won’t be dying for Sirius, or for any good reason at all for that matter.
You aren’t sure why, but as you narrowly avoid the heavy, crashing shelves holding hundreds of fortunes, you have more thoughts of your dad. You wonder if the Order has yet been made aware of your predicament.
You wonder how your dad will react to your death.
You run slowly behind Ginny, who has broken her ankle and needs to be assisted by Ron. You turn your head to make sure you're not being followed, and before you're able to react, you're hit with a knockback jinx.
You're sent flying backward into a wall; your vision blurs as your head makes contact with the cement.
Your head hurts, but you're pleasantly surprised with how comfortable you feel otherwise. Your hand feels warm, and as you open your eyes, you find it's being held between your father's hands.
He's quick to notice your awakening, and he leans in as he speaks, "(Y/n)! Merlin, how do you feel?"
Your mouth feels dry, your head fuzzy, and your vision very unclear. As he leans closer to get a better look at you, you turn your face away, scrunch your nose, and quietly mumble something along the lines of "Ew, dad. Your breath stinks..."
The bright light of the hospital room hurts your head. Squeezing your eyes shut, you don't see the relieved smile crossing Sirius's face. It's no surprise he smells bad; he hasn't left your side in three days.
And... you called him 'dad'. Not 'Sir', or 'Old man', or 'Sirius', but 'Dad'. He squeezes your hand and responds with happy, mild sarcasm, "Terribly sorry, dear. Are you in any pain?"
"My head hurts-" You pause mid-sentence, reality finally hitting you of where you are at the moment. You assumedly at St. Mungos, and Sirius is here with you. Despite the pain, you widen your eyes and stare up at him. "You shouldn't be here!"
He lazily waves you off, "It's fine, please don't waste your breath worrying over me."
You interrupt him, the pain getting worse in your head as you try to sit up. "Is it?! You being chucked back into prison wouldn't be 'fine'!"
Not wanting to overwhelm you with too much information, Sirius speaks calmly but firmly. "(Y/n), everything's alright. It's all been worked out; I promise you I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."
You're not completely convinced, but you make no further arguments. Sirius places a hand on your shoulder and gently nudges you to lie back down. Sensing your worry, he repeats himself, "I'm not going anywhere. Everything and everyone are fine; you need to rest."
At Sirius's mention of 'everyone', you remember once more of everything that happened. You open your mouth to argue, and you start to push against your father's hand, but he remains firm. "(Y/n), lie down. Once more, everyone and everything is alright. I promise."
You lie back down, the throbbing in your head worsening with each new thought. You aren't sure if it's the pain or not, but you don't bother to question Sirius any further. If he says things are fine, then they're probably fine.
You use your hand to shield your eyes from the harsh lighting of the room, and you hear Sirius speak quietly, "I'm so relieved you're awake, (Y/n)."
Keeping your eyes shut and voice small, you rid yourself of your emotional guard and decide to be truthful. "...I was scared you were going to die."
"I was scared you were going to die," Sirius retorts calmly, "But I suppose now isn't the time to lecture you on the importance of safety. There will be plenty of time for us to talk later, for now, just rest."
You nod, feeling a bit like a little kid, and swallow the lump in your throat, "Okay, dad."
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m1d-45 · 2 years
Okay last little idea and I'll leave you be for a bit
Xiao actually responding to the names the creator gives him. Little Friend, Pretty Bird, ect. No matter how far away you are, if you call those names, he has to stop himself from turning into a bird and flying away at that very moment. Those pet names are as much his name as any other he's kept.
-sibling anon
me when xiao
in his time with you in his adeptal form, xiao has never told you his name.
and yet, he still hears you.
if he’s in the area and the wind brings him the softest call of “you here, little friend?” he morphs in an instant, instinct taking over as he flies to your summons. he ducks through the trees, landing gracefully in your outstretched hand, meeting your wide smile with a chirp.
“there you are,” you mumble, and he ruffles his wings in an approximation of standing straighter. he is here. for you.
he’s commonly perched on your index finger, or your thumb if he’s eating from your palm. you only feed him simple almonds, yet it tastes of a delightful meal, energy coursing through his body. he’s careful not to nick your skin in his eagerness, but nobody could blame his enthusiasm if they knew what he felt.
by sitting in your hand, he is rested. by staying at your side, he is healed. he still upkeeps his duties, ever vigilant, but he’s quicker now, spurred on by something—someone—to return to. his place is at your side, and he hates keeping you waiting.
even when he has to.
xiao crossed his arms over his chest, staring off at liyue’s plains while he waited for the traveller to finish talking with… whoever. he honestly wasn’t paying attention. all he was there for was the lost adeptal artifact that the commissioner had promised he had, and then he would be on his way.
the man said something with a tilt to his tone. the traveller laughed. xiao grit his teeth.
“friend? little buddy? where are you?”
the call pulled at his soul as every other name he held, and he itched to answer.
paimon made a comment, an ooh! tossed somewhere in the middle, and xiao snapped.
“can we wrap it up? this is not a proper use of an adeptus’ time.”
the man swiftly apologized, handing over the totem, and xiao all but snatched it from his hand. a ‘farewell’ may or may not have slipped from him in time for the traveller to hear, he wasn’t sure. all he knew was that one moment he was dropping the totem off at his room at the inn, and the next he was leaping off the balcony, shifting mid-air to fly towards you.
he let out a loud cry when he spotted you, tucking in his wings to dive. you saw him and held out your hand, a motion so familiar that the actions to land were muscle memory.
he flared his wings, slowing his fall, flapping once, twice, before settling on your index finger. your thumb reached up, as it always did, and he leaned into it, repressing a coo at the feeling of it smoothing over his back.
“there you are, my pretty bird. where were you?”
a shiver rolls down his small body at your words, and he hides behind your thumb. you had many names for him—little friend, blue bird, simply blue—but pretty bird?
your pretty bird?
he’s hot in a way he can’t identify, a melting mix of emotions filling his chest. pride, admiration, adoration, even, all blurring into a messy film that covered his mind.
you turned towards your camp, keeping the hand with him perched close to you. “doesn’t matter. you’re here now, pretty bird. i missed you, you know.”
and you missed him?
xiao’s known for a while that the one on the throne wasn’t truly his god, but now he’s wondering if you were. the swell of confusing feelings was proof enough; were you anybody else, mortal or immortal, god or adepti, he’d have surely struck you down for your behavior long ago. cooing over him as if he were a mere household pet, feeding him scraps of crushed fruit, calling him such names as ‘pretty bird’- he’d have morphed back the second he was strong enough, held his blade to your throat and called you insolent and ungrateful. he’d leave you with a scar, and yet here he was, apologizing for the one he did leave in any way he could.
you carefully poured some almonds pieces in your palm, and he shifted to your thumb as you sat. were you anybody else, you would be dead. but your eyes are still open, carefully watching him, and your heart still beats blood. he can feel your pulse through his claws, sometimes, and often finds his own slowing down to match it.
you had an adeptus eating from the palm of your hand, and yet you were none the wiser. you simply propped your head in your free hand, a gentle smile on your face.
“my pretty bird,” you said quietly, and xiao’s eyes closed of their own volition.
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dual-fantasy · 7 months
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This stupid ass fish is invading my fucking art class assessment leave me alone
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gretahayes · 4 months
do you think tim blames jason for bruce going kinda crazy post jasons death
tim has blamed him for it since he connected batman going off the rails to jason dying & jason has given him no reason to stop blaming him even like a decade down the line. if jason didn't suck maybe he'd stop blaming him but he does! sad!
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