#this is why i'm a hufflepuff with ravenclaw tendencies
fili-urzudel · 8 months
Whoops it looks like my threat to infodump backfired lol
I wanna let you guys get to know me without compromising my personal information online so if this seems vague in weird spots that's why.
Name: well I just looked through my several Name notes and saw the name Maewyn (the name of my future daughter in Stardew Valley lol) and I like that so why not, if you need to refer to me call me Maewyn or Mae.
Family: I live with my parents and sister, all of whom I adore! I'm the eldest child. We got our first dog when I was 12 and he's still with us.
Favorite Color: Purple. It's pretty and I look good in it ngl. I prefer more blue-tinted shades like indigo or periwinkle.
Favorite flower: it's insanely hard to choose! Botanical gardens and hikes through parks are some of my favorite activities and oh my goodness the pretty plants you see in those places. I might just have to say roses because I have three bushes of my own in the front garden that I tend to every summer and fall.
Favorite Animal: Elephants! I have reasons but I'm not going to articulate that right now sorry
Favorite metal: I'm not a very jewelry oriented person, mostly because of my eczema, but I own mostly silver jewelry.
Favorite stone: once again hard to choose, they're all so pretty. Opal is magnificent, but my only problem with it is it's so soft, so as a practical person who prefers day-to-day wear, it's not the best stone for me.
Zodiac (just in case you were thinking of asking): All I know is I'm a Scorpio.
Hogwarts House: I took the Pottermore quiz in fifth grade and got assigned Ravenclaw so that's what I'm sticking to. Not knowing anything about Harry Potter, I think I'm a Ravenclaw with Hufflepuff tendencies, or vice versa.
Favorite thing to study: I am a student of a lot of things so it's hard to choose, I think every subject has its charm. I love reading and thinking about themes and creative writing (obviously) but I couldn't see doing that for a living because I fear I either wouldn't be motivated enough or having to make money off of something artistic would take the joy out of it. I'm studying Computer Science, and it's very interesting. Biology and Anatomy are super cool as well, but once again I don't think I'm suited to the life of a researcher or a doctor.
Hopes and dreams: just to be a well-adjusted and kind person. I want to be the person that people are drawn to and feel like they can trust, the kind of person where "my door is always open" is a reliable statement. I'm a very shy and quiet person, and maybe not necessarily super emotive, so I feel like at the moment it's a bit hard for people to believe that I care or I'm someone who could care, even though I do, very deeply. Literally my personality goals are Peeta Mellark, Beth March, Samwise Gamgee, and I think my faith plays a lot into that.
Other Fandoms: Star Wars (esp. the Prequels and cartoons) and Star Trek for sure!! I have another sideblog dedicated to that. I'm watching ST:TOS right now and it is so unbelievably fun. I used to be a Marvel fan. I'm still a hardcore Spider-man fan (all media fr fr). I play Stardew Valley, a little Palia but just for the graphics if I'm honest. Uhhh I'm blanking right now so that must mean those are the really important ones.
Fun facts:
I need all four wisdom teeth removed and either braces or Invisalign in the next few years, along with a not-so-purely-cosmetic periodontal surgery.
I downloaded Goodreads maybe three weeks ago and I have 229 books on my Want to Read list.
I skipped all of my high school English classes through Dual Enrollment.
When I clean my room I clean clean but I only do it once every one or two months, and in between it kind of turns into a disaster zone.
I'm gonna get my hair cut from 18 inches to 4-6 inches in a couple months and I'm nervous and excited at the same time.
I want to make myself a capsule wardrobe soon.
I crochet and as soon as I have a little more free time I'm going to teach myself to knit. After that probably quilting, even though I suck at sewing.
I interviewed someone about his beard today.
I'm watching The Vow with my family right now when I probably should be working on my physics.
And if you know me irl, these fun facts will probably let you piece together that it's me running this blog.
That concludes this evening's infodump, I hope you enjoyed.
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foreaft · 5 years
Notes taken from a Netflix original series created by The Jim Henson Company; TDC : AOR.  A few of these notes quote the narrator or characters in some of the episodes, but some are also things I’ve noticed   &   thought worthy to make note of for future use in potential role - play.  Please note : I’m only up to episode 6 ( lol ).
When some Gelfling exclaim, they say WHAT IN THRA; it’s kind of super cute.
Gelfling only have four fingers !
Thra is a planet that circles three suns, “ and at its center, the Crystal of Truth, the heart of Thra and the source of all life. ”
Aughra protected the crystal since the planet, or the crystal ?, was young; she was most favorable to Gelfling.
Seven Gelfling clans call Thra home : Vapra, Stonewood, Grottan, 
Vapra, the proud Vapra, reside in the mountain city of Ha’rar !  They are the most cultured, who rule over the other clans.  Ha’rar is cool, snowy; it is also the seat of the All - Maudra.
Stonewood reside in the Endless Forest; they are great warriors w / exceptional battle prowess.
The gentle Grottan !  They live beneath the ground, and they are “ in perfect harmony with all of Thra, ” but are forgotten from those living above ?
Thra was in balance for millennia, but then some beings who were not native inhabitants of Thra show up : the Skeksis.
The Skeksis “ bewitched Aughra with stories of the universe and built her an orrery, so that she might discover the mysteries of the Cosmos for herself. ”
Aughra turned her attention to the stars, and thusly, left the Crystal of Truth in the hands of the Skeksis to look after.
“ Almost 1000 trine have passed since the Skeksis declared themselves Lords of Thra. ”
The Skeksis use the Crystal of Truth to “ replenish themselves ” by stealing life from it.  To cheat death.  Under their reign, the Crystal of Truth is known, and turned into, the Dark Crystal.
The Gelfling do not know that the Skeksis are using the Crystal in such a way.
Due to the Crystal being corrupted, it spreads through Thra, through the creatures.  Even creatures held captive.
Female Gelfling have wingies; they are like true faerie wings.
Dreamfasting is through touch.  Dreamfasting seems to be like walking through memories, or recalling them so both dreamfasting can see that memory.
Armaligs are big roly - poly, armored grubs, and they attach to carriage - like carts and ball up to act like wheels.
Rian’s papa is captain of the castle guard; hero of Stone - in - the - wood !
Landstriders are hoofed, long - legged furry mount creatures.  They also bellow which is cute af.
Rian, Mira, and Gurjin are soldiers of the castle guard.
Ha’rar has a huge library FULL of books and scrolls; a spiral staircase lies within it.
Brea, Tavra, and Seladon are princesses of Vapran clan.
“ Tug noot causes explosive belching ! ”   —   Brea
Deet is singing a song : “ Far from the brothers’ blinding light, beneath the blanket of the long night.  Grottans work in the dark   &   deep, where the glow moss grows   &   the crawlies creep. ”
Eating the glow moss makes the head and face glow.
Nurlocs are big worm - looking things, with antenna sticking out the sides that have large lapis lazuli - colored eyes on the ends ?  They eat glow moss.
Skeklach is the mucus oozing Skeksis lol.
Knowledge within / from the Great Library at the Castle of the Crystal is forbidden.
Chamberlain is Skeksil.
The scientist Skeksis accidentally reversed the Crystal, so now it takes life instead of giving it.
Sanctuary Tree is big chunk and it’s underground.  It can speak to only those who can hear, and it knows like everything.
The Great Trees have been battling the Darkening and corruption for a long, long time, keeping it underground and they’re starting to lose the ability to do so.
Gurjin sings : “ A loyal Gelfling serves his lords and always reaps his just rewards. ”
The Gelfling clans must pay a tithe to the Skeksis, and the tithe depends on the Gelfling family’s means ?  Farmers pay with produce, etc.
The library in Ha’rar is separate from the royal villa, or the throne hall, or whatever it’s called.  The library has a blue, circular door, with gold trim and a golden metal pattern in the shape of a curvy, 5 - point star.
“ The Order of Lesser Service is not a punishment, it’s an opportunity to lift yourself up by performing the lowliest of deeds .  .  . ”    —   Duadran.
Some girl serving in the OoLS with Brea says that they sometimes chew up snippit root to feed the Nebries because the Nebries don’t have teeth so the OoLS have to chew it up   &   then spit it in the creature’s mouth.
Sweet mini - katnies is a treat or something ?
Juni was put into the OoLS because her parents didn’t like that her crush wasn’t a Vapran .  .  .
“ The DETERGE is an opportunity to cleanse ourselves of our mistakes by cleansing Podlings. ”   —   Duadran.  Podlings are apparently the filthiest creature in Thra.  Were they rolling around in mud ?
“ Podlings take to dirt like a Sifan takes to the sea   ”   —   Duadran.
Sun Frenzy is a condition, sounds like it is like minor hysteria or like a bit of “ craziness ” like someone doesn’t know wtf is happening.  But, it can be read about in Durken’s Deliriums, a book.
Childling is what they call little, baby / toddler Gelfling.
Folk think Rian killed Mira, a rumor made by the Skeksis to protect themselves.
Tavra was sent by All - Maudra Mayrin to seek out and capture Rian.
Claw Mountains are cold.
There are shelves lining the spiral staircase in the library that are stacked with books, scrolls, etc.
Skeksil / Chamberlain sewed the mouth shut of two Gruenaks, which were thought to have been a race eradicated.
Maudra Fara is the Maudra of the Stonewood clan of Stone - in - the - Wood.
Aughra’s wellness is connected with Thra   &   the crystal’s wellness.
When the Skeksis consume Gelfling, the Gelfing can’t return to Thra so Thra is becoming weakened due to it’s cycle being corrupted, abused, and altered.
An UNAMOTH is the totem animal / creature of the Vapra clan; it’s chrysalis glows and is yellow.  Ask it a question, and it’ll take you where you need to go ?
There’s a secret something below the throne, activated by the unamoth transitioning into a stone key on the throne.
The Archer, is a mystic.  His name Urva.
SkekVar is the General, and later the Chamberlain.
The Podlings have drums, a lute, and lyres.
Deet sings : “ So lay down, my childling, and sleep.  No need to fear, and no need to weep, ” she’s interrupted by Hup crying.
The Dream Space is a spirit realm, the source of magic and prophecy; the “ world within our world. ”
It was Brea, All - Maudra Mayrin, Seladon, Deet, Rian, Naia, Gurijin, and Kylan within the dream space, deemed the heroes of Thra.
Gelfling blood is like a magenta color ?
All - Maudra Mayrin was really slain by the General SkekVar, but it was the result of Seladon telling on treachery, and whole lot of other stuff too, just the general turn of events happening.
There are Paladins that were volunteers to the Skeksis, who were saved and shown the truth.   They’ve been spreading the truth all across the land.
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seishirology · 3 years
Blue Lock at Hogwarts
blue lock boys being sorted into their houses because it's been living in the back of my mind for weeks-
A/N ; these are only my opinions!! this only includes slytherins and ravenclaws btw masterlist
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ITOSHI RIN ; A straight up pure-blood Slytherin. I just feel it in my bones. He wouldn't really fit in with ravenclaws since he wouldn't thirst for knowledge like they tend to. His only desire is to be the absolute best and will stop at nothing to achieve what he wants. A classic slytherin trait. Probably Slytherin's prized seeker. Although I do think he'd be quite popular, he may come off as quite toxic since he prefers to keep to himself and find ways to achieve his goal. I don't think he would put his attention into something like love, it'd only distract him from his goal.
KARASU TABITO ; I want to say it, I will say it, this man is an absolute hoe and a very sly bastard. He intentionally riles up opponents in matches and enjoys it. He could also fit into Ravenclaw, but only because he looks like he would be smart and actually tries. Otherwise his whole personality just screams Slytherin. He's also a very popular student with a large following of girls, guys, and non-binary people. But I think he'll have a hard time finding a girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other since he's too popular. A pure-blooded slytherin on the quidditch team as a beater.
SHIDOU RYUSEI; It would be very wrong of me to place him anywhere but here. He just gives me anti-hero but not necessarily evil vibes, if you get what I mean by that. Besides the fact that he's a very violent person, I'm confident in my words when I say that he'll treat anyone well. As long as they don't provoke him of course, I also think that if he sees someone being bullied he'll step in to help. Whether it be the bullies or the victim really depends on his current mood. His blood status is unknown which is why no one really knows for sure besides Ego. He could totally be a Hufflepuff who doesn't fit the criteria due to his violent nature and crude language along with his very sexual wording. He's a pure-blood and would be the other beater, perfect for his violent tendencies. Surprisingly, he's amazing with magical creatures. I also have a feeling that he can see Thestrals unfortunately.
MIKAGE REO ; It might be weird to see him here, but I just know this man is a Slytherin. In case you don't get where I'm coming from, Reo is very resourceful with his own abilities and wants nothing more than to be able to play next to Nagi. And to achieve that, he will stop at nothing, he's going to do everything in his power and within his reach to do so. Besides this, I do believe he could be sorted into Ravenclaw. He seems like he'd be a great student and I feel like if he wasn't such a sports nut, he'd totally be the rich muggle-born student who isn't bullied because he's rich. I don't think he'd be on the quidditch team though. He's a jack-of-all-trades but he's a master of all. But he's better than a great deal of his peers in Transfiguration, Charms, and History of Magic.
BACHIRA MEGURU ; An eccentric young fellow who'd be sorted into Slytherin. He was either a near-hatstall or was actually a hatstall. Very easily, he could fit into Gryffindor, but I put him in Slytherin because he makes it very clear himself that he only passes to people who stimulate his excitement in a game. He's goal-oriented and once he overcame his trauma he made plays better than when he was still looking for someone with the same monster inside. Bachira is a rare muggleborn Slytherin who plays as a chaser. His grades are average and he often seeks help from his fellow Slytherins. Best friends with Isagi, they probably study together but end up gossiping instead.
KUON WATARU ; This man belongs in Slytherin, even though he betrayed his teammates he still helped them out with a foul. I think he might not be as bad of a person as he may seem, he is genuinely nice and only betrayed Team Z because he didn't want to be dragged down by his teammates like he was once before. I think he's probably one of the slytherins with amazing grades. I think he genuinely puts a great amount of effort into his studies. He's a pure-blood and he doesn't play quidditch either. I think in his case he's another jack-of-all-trades, he's just not a master of all.
OTOYA EITA ; He loves watching brawls, riles up opponents in a monotone voice, but he's a very honest person. I think he and Karasu are best friends who go and drink butterbeer every weekend but neither of them can score lovers for some unknown reason. I strongly believe that older women love him. He probably walks grandmothers to the other side of the street and lets them pinch his cheeks. I think he's more popular with his seniors than he is with his juniors, and he receives love letters from Hufflepuffs the most but he always rejects them in the sweetest ways. Attached at the hip with Karasu, they do everything together even though Eita's only a half-blood. He settled on being a chaser because Shindou got the other position as a beater.
EGO ; If I put him in any other house, I would need to go to jail for it. He's not a student anymore, but he's the head of the house. He teaches Potions. His favourite student is without a doubt Rin, but he rarely shows it. He probably holds grudges against students and definitely hates Nagi because he's good at potions. I know for sure he supports rule-breakers, tells his students all the time that they need to live for themselves and that they don't need friends. He hated Arithmancy with a passion even though he decided to take it. Either aware of all the rumours going around or doesn't know anything about it. There's no in-between. This man has no prejudice against students with different blood statuses, but only cares if they want to be the best or not. I also believe he can speak parseltongue but hates snakes.
IKKI NIKO ; He exudes all the visible traits of a modern Ravenclaw, and is probably the biggest nerd around. I also know that he isn't a stickler, he's probably going to break a lot of rules. I know this would be a very stereotypical sorting for him, but at the same he's a very diligent guy. His ability 'spatial awareness' keeps the world around him within his eyes, he has to pay attention to the world around him. And the more he draws from it, the better his plays are. Although he might be a Ravenclaw, he definitely isn't a stickler nor would he be as academically driven as other ravenclaws might be. He's probably a half-blood to be honest. I don't think he'd be into playing quidditch, he's probably just part of the audience. He's bad with magical creatures and but excels at Astronomy.
HIORI YO ; This kid's whole personality consists of many- if not all- Ravenclaw attributes. He's insightful and can see which plays will benefit his team, he gives useful advice, and he's a very level-headed player who doesn't let his excitement ruin his performance! He can also break down very complex problems and rebuild them in simpler terms, a very useful ability for a Ravenclaw. He's probably a muggle-born to be honest. He'd probably be a keeper or a chaser on the Ravenclaw team. He's excellent in all of his subjects, but his best one is Herbology and Charms, also really good at silent spells.
ITOSHI SAE ; I don't feel like I need to give very much reasoning for him, I mean, he joined the match against Blue Lock on pure whim just because he was interested. Although he might be difficult to work with, he gives opportunities to others, and doesn't mind staying in his role. He's also a very good talker, and can easily persuade a whole room into believing him, which is a good trait. I'm pretty sure he's more academically driven than others, he'd be the captain of the Ravenclaw quidditch team and is a beater. His grades are probably just above average, I think he might be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to classes.
NAGI SEISHIRO ; The love of my life just so happens to be sorted into Ravenclaw. Although he could potentially be in Hufflepuff, I do believe Ravenclaw would fit him more. At first he didn't really want to play soccer, but he ends up wanting to improve his abilities and his ego grows. But he also cares for his peers, which can be unusual for some Ravenclaws who are known to backstab others when in the academic field. He's also incredibly loyal to Reo, still holding him in high regards despite their relationship being strained after his departure. He's also a very opportunistic player, creating ways for him to score near-impossible goals. Other than that he's a half-blood wizard who's probably amazing at potions. Even though he passes as half-blood, he's actually a half-breed, being half-veela. I think he'd either be the seeker or another chaser. I also think he knows parseltongue.
YUKIMIYA KENYU ; He's confident in his own abilities and can easily say he's the best on one-on-one battles. He'll probably be one of the best students in the Ravenclaw house, he might have a lot of friends but he won't have many he holds dear. I do think his moral alignment might be a lawful good and he believes in the best of others. Hufflepuff could also fit him, but I don't think he's too into being loyal. Besides that he's totally a teacher's pet, especially Anri's. Although he claims to be a pacifist, I just know he enjoys watching brawls more than anyone. A pure-blood who often gets mistaken for being half-veela since he hangs with Chigiri and Aryu a lot, and he's one of the chasers on the team.
CHIGIRI HYOMA ; He could potentially be in Gryffindor as well for finally putting his fears aside and letting himself go just to achieve his dreams, even if he fails once more. Kudos to him for that but I think his smartmouth brings him to Ravenclaw. My reasoning for this isn't the best, but he just gives me major Ravenclaw vibes. Like he's the type to hole up in his room and study, pulling all-nighters every night of the week before an exam only to think he bombed it even though his results show that he passed with flying colours. To me, he fits the description of a Ravenclaw well. I mean, have you seen him? Anyways he's a half-breed, also being half veela chaser on the quidditch team. He does well in Divination.
ARYU JYUBEI ; It might be weird seeing him here, process of elimination brought him here. First off he's also half veela, which is why he cares so much about his looks. But his looks aren't the only things he cares about, he also does a lot of research on different plants and how they respond once used on the skin. He does extremely well in herbology because he cares about skin even though most of the plants aren't for skin. Other than that he doesn't have very many friends, but he can frequently be seen hanging out with Hyoma and Yukimiya. Jyubei grew up with a single father who was a rich wizard who was constantly being hit on by gold-diggers. His father never remarried after his wife died. He personally doesn't know how she died, but he never asks Jyubei how she died even though he witnessed her death. He too can see Thestrals. Quite exceptional at wandless magic.
AOSHI TOKIMITSU ; He may not be the bravest, nor is he the most confident, but he sure is one heck of an intellectual. He's well equipped with facts of different players in soccer, which means at Hogwarts he must have a wide range of facts about different players he admires or simply knows about. Even though it seems that he only likes to learn facts about athletes, his memory is good enough to recall even the littlest of facts. If he puts this to use he'll be one heck of a student, he doesn't need to study for exams because of his exceptional memory. He's a pure-blood, he doesn't excel at any class but he's at the top because he does well on exams.
ANRI ; Unfortunately for her, she has to put up with teens who don't value their smarts as much as the Ravenclaws in her generation did. She's a true hatstall, she had the Sorting Hat mulling over Ravenclaw or Slytherin for six minutes. Eventually she was put into Ravenclaw because of her preference for the house. She's a pure-blood who is well regarded by the public, and she's best friends with Ego despite their different personalities. Her favourite student is Hiori, the reason being because he embodies Ravenclaw's motto and beliefs. But he knows when to think for himself and he always does his best not to disappoint, always looking for the best strategy to solve difficult problems. She also holds no prejudice against students of different blood statuses, and she's loved by many students. She's the school nurse, and she occasionally subs in for different classes, mostly Astrology and Herbology.
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That's it for this one!! I hope this was enjoyable but these are really only my opinions in particular! I also use a lot of the same language in almost every paragraph sorry y'all
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Hello! Can I have male matchup for Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and The Maze Runner?
𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘: 20 years old, 5'1", Southeast Asian. Chubby with brunette hair in Nov bute, chocolate brown eyes, and a small beauty mark on my forehead. My style is in between soft grunge and soft punk but loves to wear Korean makeup style
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬: Muggleborn Ravenclaw with a patronous spirit of Hummingbird, an ENFJ-T/ENFJ-A, my enneagram is 4w5 and my moral alignment is Neutral Good. I may have a slight introverted tendencies who's religious, I describe myself as firey, confident, satirical, and passionate. Super talkative, sometimes hyper, giggly, nerdy, actually sweet and nice though I can be aloof. I tend stand boldly and fiercely on what I believe, and unbothered to be true to myself, clumsy, unfortunate and inattentive. I have "no bullsht attitude" towards the people that I hate, sarcasam and savegry is my main language. But on the other side, I overthink a lot and cry over small things many times, small mistakes leads me to probe even more that sounds like a drama queen, yet recognizes a soft spot for dumb jokes, cheesy pickup lines and prefer people with a good sense of humour who see myself as equal. Chill in academics, but very competitive that manages to the top, and have modesty towards some people that deserves respect. One notable feature about her is her multi-potentiality due to being naturally gifted in artistic fields.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦: Arts, choir, poetry, karaoke, makeup, fun/deep/dumb conversations, expanding my knowledge in Christianity, documentaries (about saints, real crime stories, and inspirational people), reading interesting stuffs, talking about social issues, and creative writing, chilling both indoors and outdoors, kittens, cute things, night sky, playing video games from my sister's PSP, late 90s-2000s songs (mostly rock, pop, and country) sometimes Catholic songs, kpop and ppop. Fonds to eat a lot adoring desserts, pasties, and sweets especially chocolate.
Sorry this took a bit longer!
For tmr I match you with…
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You have entire conversations in sarcasm.
I'm assuming sweets don't really exist in the tmr universe, but if they did, Minho would have the biggest sweet tooth so bonding over your favourites would be a thing.
He's probably pretty competitive so expect a lot of little competitions between the two of you. They're just silly things, like who can get to the other end of the Glade the fastest. Winner gets a kiss, so you really can't lose :)
These competitions continue all the way into the Safe Haven.
You're one of the only people outside of the Runners who know that the entire maze has been mapped already.
Minho asks you to take a look to see if your artistic mind picks up something everyone else missed.
In fact, this is probably how the two of you got close.
Now for hp I match you with…
Cedric Diggory
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There’s a healthy competitiveness between the two of you.
The second he learns you like cheesy pickup lines, he bombards you with them. It becomes a game between you to see who can come up with the dumbest ones.
You shared your first kiss when you both snuck into the Astronomy Tower to watch a meteor shower.
So there are plenty of late-night dates either at the tower or by the lake, where you two just talk and watch the stars for hours.
Sneaking each other into your respective common rooms.
You probably steal his Hufflepuff scarf. He pretends it annoys him, but really, if you hadn’t stolen his he would’ve probably gotten you one of your own lol.
And finally, for pjo I match you with…
Jason Grace
Jason is a pretty laidback guy, but like you, he doesn’t hesitate to stand up for what he believes in.
He has the worst sense of humor. You can expect all the dad jokes to come out lol.
Lying in the grass together at night, just vibing to music and looking at the stars.
He’ll totally watch true crime documentaries with you. It fascinates him, though he isn’t sure why.
Please introduce him to gaming. He gets really into it and it’s so funny to watch.
I had a good time coming up with these, and I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for requesting, and have a lovely day/night :)
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leonardhoee · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire Hogwarts Houses
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(Ayy Slytherin gang!! Thats my house)
Faust: Self explanatory. This man is the epitome of Slytherin. Evil mad scientist who doesn't care what methods he uses to achieve his goal? Y e s. I’m proud to have this absolute full course meal of a man in my house. (Honestly I think I'm very similar to him but THATS a discussion for my therapist.)
Vlad: Again, self explanatory. He has big ambitions (wanting to turn humans into purebloods) and will do whatever it takes to get there.
Theo: Originally I was thinking of putting him in Gryffindor but after reading his route and seeing how he’s actually very cunning and willing to sacrifice everything, including hsi humanity, for the sake his goals, i think he's definitely Slytherin. Also have you SEEN that man sell stuff to people? Thats pure Slytherin.
Mozart: Another one I was on the fence about. I see Ravenclaw tendencies in him but ultimately I think he’s a Slytherin. His amazing passion for music and his ambitions led him to becoming a vampire. His ability to change his whole personality in order to charm the people he would need as patrons is peak Slytherin. And I did his route a while ago but I remember him saying he came back to life to basically make the most amazing, emotional musical composition ever. That’s very Slytherin of him. 
Shakespeare: I don't know too much about him but his yonder tendenices + manipulating people for the sake of his plays gives me major Slytherin vibes. If anyone thinks he should be in a different house tho let me know why!
Comte: Another one thats debatable I think. However, he keeps a lot of secrets, revives famous historical figures for an unknown (at least to me right now) reason. I think it is safe to say he’s a Slytherin.
(Whew thats a lot of Slytherins) 
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Napoleon: This man SCREAMS Gryffindor. Gryffindor poster boy. He literally reminds me of Harry Potter. He reprsents almost every trait of this house (Chivalry, Courage, Loyalty...) 
Leonardo: Okay he’s a special one because I’ve thought about it and absolutely can't decide between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw for him (like 50/50). You guys need to help me decide. I’m gonna talk about his Gryffindor side here. He’s another one that represents so of the traits of this house. He’s extremely loyal and so protective of those that he loves (to a point where its self sarificing but thats a discusion for HIS therapist). He also sometimes does stupid things for the sake of his own curiosity (and because its fun. Source: 12 Flavors of Love event. I stg this man would never turn down a dare.) And he uses his talents to help others rather than for his own ambitions because helping others and making others feel comfortable and happy is what gives him a sense of purpose/satisfaction (Now I’m gonna go cry I love him so much). His general attitude about life is very Gryffindor to me (Similar to Masamune from Ikesen). 
Jean: Another one just like Napoleon. Based on what I know about him, he’s always there to help whenever you need him (Mozart and Theo’s route). He is overflowing with Chivalry (literally one of the sweetest guys in that mansion ily baby). He’s just a socially awkward Gryffindor. Please give him a hug.
Arthur: I was debating whether he’d be Gryffindor or Hufflepuff but ultimately I think he’s Gryffindor. The fact that he started writing books to make the children in the hospitals happy because he couldn't save them by being a doctor is just so Hufflepuff (my HEART omfg. Someone give him a hug pt. 2), but he also isn't afraid of putting himself in danger to save others (the nun kidnapping thing). Hero behavior. He deserves the world.
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Isaac: He’s very inquisitive about how the world works and values those who can show him a new perspective to what he's thinking (probably the reason he gets along with Leo so well). He’s socially awkward but if he’s comfortable with someone he’d love to teach them various scientific subjects.
Leonardo: Okay so this is the other side of Leo that tbh his route didn't display that much, but its still a huge part of who he is. His room is FULL of just books and other material about every subject imaginable He just has this unstoppable thirst for knowledge. Inquisitivity is in his nature, and it doesn't matter if that subject will be “useful” in the sense of like, making money, he’s curious about it regardless. He has this amazing love for learning, no matter what subject it is. He’s a genius polymath for a REASON (Cybird I will forever be mad that his route barely showcased this side of him. Let. me. be. a. nerd. with. him.) But i mean, thats the most ravenclaw thing ever. So I guess his attitude is very much Gryffindor but his personality (ENTP) traits are Ravenclaw. He’s a Gryffinclaw. 
Sebastian: Self Explanatory. He literally gave up his whole time period just to study famous historical figures. He gets nothing material in return but the knowledge is reward enough to him.
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Vincent: POSTER BOY. SWEET ANGEL BOY. He is so caring and considerate of everyone around him. He literally got killed by Gaugin but instead of holding a grudge like most people would, he’s more worried about Theo and how that will impact him. He is such a hard worker and never gave up on his art even if it wasn't successful in his time period. Best Boy.
Dazai: I don't know much about him but again, based off what I’ve seen he tries his best to make other people happy. and it works. He does the weirdest things and they WORK. He tries to make people laugh and hes always kind (probably because life wasnt too kind to him and he doesn't want people to feel as hopeless as he does sometimes).
Charles: I know the least about him so this might change once I find out more. He reminds me a lot of Loki from Ikerev, like chaotic yandere hufflepuff energy (it exists. I said so.) Also his relationship with Faust literally mirrors a typical Slytherin/Hufflepuff friendship. (I know because I have those friendships)
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fairy-writes · 2 years
Hello! I found your blog through the matchups tag, and after browsing through, I can 100% say that I'm in love! If I can, may I request a romantic matchup with male characters from Fire Force and Tokyo Revengers? I am a 5'3 Gryffindor, and my pronouns are she/her. Personality - I can be described as a very chaotic ambivert who loves everything that is fluffy and huggable. I love doing small things that can brighten someone's day! I also love talking about things I enjoy, but cannot listen to other people talk about things that they like (which sucks a lot). Often times, I'm aloof in conversations, making the other person have to reiterate what they said. I also spend a lot of time procrastinating about schoolwork and chores, which almost always makes my work have a 'late' stamped in the corner. The time I spend procrastinating is often the times I hang out with my friends. Talking about my friends, I'd do everything for them, they are the reason why sometimes, I smile while doing nothing. Other people tend to view me as a hyper feral kid who loves turning in assignments late. Hobbies - There isn't anything else I love more than playing games with my friends, whether it'd be online multiplayer games, real life chess matches, or even something like tag. I also enjoy looking into online mysteries, much like the blossoms anon. Besides that, I like to pet all of my stray cats, one by one, and then feed them. Likes - I like cats, they are just the most adorable things ever! I also like anything that I can lay or sleep on, cute oversized sweaters, and yellow aesthetics. Dislikes - I dislike babies. Many people might find them cute, and yes, they are, but I'd prefer to not get drool and snot all over myself. Roaches are another dislike. (They're just creepy and make a crunching sound when you kill them) I also dislike the dark and loud noises. Ideal type - I'd love someone who can be as enthusiastic about cats as me, and would maybe consider adopting one someday ^^ They don't have to have the best looks, or be the richest, they just have to deal with me crying over a game round. If you see this, thank you!! :D
Hello lovely! Thank you so much for liking my matchups! I hope you enjoy yours! This is also just a reminder that if this is a romantic matchup, it’s in the current Tokyo Revengers timeline!
Fire Force Matchup: I pair you with… Vulcan Joseph!
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Vulcan is 5’10” and either a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw! I’m leaning more towards Gryffindor though. I also see him as a bit of an ambivert with more extroverted tendencies. He’s friendly and believes in his friends and you, his partner! He doesn’t really talk much unless you get him going on his inventions, then he could talk for hours. But overall, he’s relatively quiet until he’s with his friends. 
He isn’t too big into games at first, but you help him loosen up and he gets really into video games! But not the types of video games that you’d think someone his age would like. He likes everything to do with animals, so like Animal Crossing! He also helps you look into online mysteries cause he loves trying to solve them as well.
Ok so Vulcan freaking LOVES cats! He also loves snuggling with you and taking naps! He makes you a special kotatsu table that the two of you nap under since it’s heated and keeps you warm. He’ll also happily kill any roaches for you that you find since he doesn’t like them either. Vulcan would also LOVE to adopt a cat with you someday!
Tokyo Revengers Matchup: I pair you with… Matsuno Chifuyu!
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This sweet Hufflepuff of a boy is 5’5”! He’s more of an introvert, but has some extroverted tendencies so maybe he’s an ambivert? Either way, he has quiet moments. Also his hair is so freaking fluffy and he’s probably one of the most huggable characters in all of Toman! He’s relatively quiet and loves listening to you talk! He could happily listen to you for hours!
Chifuyu isn’t huge on procrastination, like he procrastinates as much as the next student but usually gets his work in on time. Sometimes when the two of you hang out all you do is homework or work in general depending on your level of education. He just wants you to be successful in life!
Gaming dates! Doesn’t matter what type of games that you play, he’s down to play them all! I also see him as a big cat, so he loves cats as well! He’d be totally down to adopt one with you as well! He’d personally go for black cats or super old ones or ones with disabilities because he wants them all to have good lives :)
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king-maven-calore · 3 years
any hc for realm breaker characters hogwarts houses? And patronus?
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Corayne: a full-blooded Ravenclaw. no doubt in my mind. Her Patronus would be a Hawk because of all the traveling and intelligence 🤗
Andry: HUFFLEPUFF BABY. His Patronus would be a St Bernard because of his loyalty and tendency to look after others.
Dom: no brain cells, pure muscle ready to jump headfirst into danger, and a heart of gold... do I even have to say it? Brown bear or stag as patronus. It has to be a mighty, majestic creature so I would go with stag even though it's already a symbol of the Vedera idk
Sorasa: I'm on the fence about her but I'll go with Gryffindor bc it seems to me what she wants the most underneath all of her excuses and posturing is belonging and she's willing to put her life on the line to get that. Her patronus I think would be a wildcat. Smart, lethal animals but overall harmless to most humans. oh and she's a Seeker. thought you would like to know.
Ronin: an evil Ravenclaw if I've ever seen one 😑 his patronus is a weasel obvs
Erida: *sighs* you know what she is. god why is Slytherin "the villain house" but also superior in every way 🙄 Ambitious aesthetic bitch, what else could she be? also in my HP HC, everyone would be confused with her because they would constantly be like "omg Erida is so nice! how come she isn't a Hufflepuff?" or "yeah she helped me out with this History of magic essay, how come she isn't a Ravenclaw?" and all the while, she is doing all kinds of dubiously legal scheming to get points for her house. She's Head Girl ofc and her patronus is a lion (this further confuses fellow clueless students)
Taristan: Gryffindor— WAIT! before you start throwing tomatoes and rotten cabbages at me, consider: being a Gryffindor doesn't mean you're good. I put a lot of thought into this bc I honestly don't think that his primary motivation is ambition and his plans come mostly from the Ronin side of the equation. I think his goals are primarily motivated by emotion👏 He's trying to get revenge, and manifest all the anger that the hurt inflicted upon him nourished by destroying shit. He's a follower of What Waits for this same reason. His patronus is a dragon bc I say it is and it's cool as heck.
Rapid fire: Charlon - Ravenclaw. Sigil - Slytherin. Valtik - Gryffindor. Ridha - Ravenclaw (not sure about her tho).
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Why is Ray a hufflepuff? I mean I'm not against it, that's what the quiz told me and I'm proud to be in the same house as him, but why?
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Awww here it comes sweet anons! @bluelric @joy-in-gold-shadows seemed like you were interested?
Fun fact I had wrote this in July as a reply for this post but then it hit me "wait a personal opinion on what houses the trio would be sorted in is probably not what Op ment" and never resolved on posting it lol. I'm actually glad I finally have an occasion to share it!
As you will see (if you want to read it), as the first thing I proceeded excluding the houses that make the most common sorting for Ray.
We need to make a premise: even though here I tried to discuss what I believe to be the house that fits Ray the most, it's important to remember how Ray's personality and tendencies have been unavoidably influenced by him knowing the true nature of the world the children live in basically since he was born. Living with only one goal in head, that is to save Emma and Norman from shipment, has definitely precluded him from finding out what his true interests were. But it's always a fun exercise to think about what could have been of him if he got the chance to be born in a "normal" world.
Let's start from the point that I don't think Ray really fits in Ravenclaw. I understand him being really wise, that he's extremely smart and, at least in the first arc, he's always found reading, but then again we know he explained this behavior himself: when he said "I've never been interested in studying or reading", he admitted how he did all of that exclusively to improve his value. I believe the true core of the Ravenclaw house to be the unconditional love for learning and for wisdom in general, and I don't think Ray has ever shown tendencies of this kind. From how I see it, all of his intensive studying and researching where indicative of a disperate attempt to save his best friends, and had nothing to do with a personal passion or a spontaneous inclination to learn.
Now, I know that Slytherin seems the only house left for him but... Is it really the best fit for him thought?
Of course, we can take for granted he's cunning; he's also quite resourceful, thinking about how skilled he has been preparing the escape in its minimal details.
Moreover, we can attribute him traits of ambition for believing an escape was even possible (even though someone could argue that he wasn't really that ambitious, since he immediately abandoned the idea of escaping with everyone and didn't believe it was possible until the very end).
But even if these are traits he more or less owns, I don't think they're necessarily indicative of his personality? From how I see it, these make traits and abilities that he possesses, but aren't necessarily distinctive of who he is as a person and a defining trait of his personality and inclinations, and are actually in most cases dictated by the circumstances and by the context he grow up within.
And still, there are plenty of other Slytherin characteristics in my opinion he doesn't really own, like determination and leadership. Sis, between the Slytherin traits is also listed "self-preservation", that is probably the furthest thing from what Ray is.
So! I understand it being pretty much unheard of, but can we please take Hufflepuff in consideration as the house that fits Ray the most? I personally believe he has a lot in common with that house! His diligence is innegabile, it's evident by even just glancing at all the work he put into planning the escape. Even before the escape took place, he's always been a great hardworker, spending his whole (even though short) life constraining himself to sacrifice his childhood by spending almost all of it studying.
But what I think is more distinctive for him is... His loyalty towards his friends. How true he is to them. How he would do anything for them.
I don't know, it's just...I think that is the trait that distinguishes Ray the most. That's his primar characteristic. And it is: the love he holds for his friends. How dedicated he is to them. How loyal he is to them, and how he's willing to do anything for them and would never betray them.
And I'm not talking about his two best friends alone, but about his whole big family: we all know how little it took for him to get attached to them, and he constantly showed such consideration and devotion towards them! It's just a really big part of his personality, and I'd say it's an untranscendable trait to get who he is and what moves his actions.
Honestly I'm afraid I may just be exaggerating the one trait I love the most, but it seems quite right to me! Even though Slytherin probably fits Ray's aesthetic more lol.
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hayleysstark · 5 years
*Queenie appears wearing a Hufflepuff robe and scarf* I'm curious...which Hogwarts house would you sort the Merlin characters? And, if you're comfortable sharing, do YOU identify with a particular house, or multiple houses? Have a pleasant day, and a cookie, too! *Hands you a chocolate cookie* P.S. It's from Publix. I can't bake to save my life, but Publix can turn out some damn good cookies lol
OH MAN YOU’RE A HUFFLEPUFF ?????? lucky bastard, you get friendly housemates and your dormitories are right by the kitchens ???? unfair. im calling bullshit. wtf. who allowed this. who allowed Hufflepuffs to be the luckiest honestly. unfair. ALSO all chocolate cookies are good cookies, i appreciate any and all chocolate cookies on offer tbh. actually. i appreciate any and all cookies period. 
also i am a Ravenclaw!!!! not v smart, but i value knowledge more than anything else, so it’s the only House that i fit lol
fghyghgbn all right all right but i’ll have you know, one (1) immortal warlock emrys is too old, too tired, and too sober for all the drama and Discourse™️ ((and believe me, Sorting fictional characters brings a lot of Discourse™️)) so the consequences for this are firmly on YOUR head, my Queen.
Merlin is a Slytherin. and don’t none of y’all @ me about this. don’t none of y’all come at me with “uwu he’s actually a hufflepuff, sometimes he can be a halfway decent human being for two (2) seconds” don’t!!!!!! do that to me!!!!!!!! i’m old!!!!! i’m tired!!!!! and i’m too sober!!!! Hufflepuff Merlin is honestly dead to me !!!! also this would get WAY too long if i stopped to list all the reasons why one Merlin Emrys is, in fact, more Slytherin than Salazar himself, but this is obviously a controversial choice, so i’ll just remind y’all that this is still where i stand: 
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tl;dr: Merlin Emrys may be an absolute dreamboat but don’t let those gorgeous clavicles or peg-me eyes fool you, he is still a man who will stop at absolutely nothing to get what he wants, including manipulate his best friends, attempt to murder his best friends, actually murder somebody who presented zero threat to him just to protect his secret,,,,,,, need i go on????
Arthur is a Gryffindor, with strong Hufflepuff tendencies. all right, i admit it, this is one area where i could absolutely change my mind at any point. Arthur definitely has as much Hufflepuff in him as Gryffindor, to be honest - he makes mistakes, sure, but he’s got his heart in the right place, and he genuinely just wants to love and be loved. he’s the heart and soul of the series, and Camelot as a whole, and i do think he would be an excellent fit for Hufflepuff House, but ultimately, he prizes his courage far more than his compassion, so i think he would wind up in Gryffindor either way.
Gwen is a Hufflepuff, with strong Gryffindor tendencies. we got a complete reversal for our beautiful Queen here!!! Guinevere has a lot of Gryffindor in her, there’s no doubt about that, but she’s the polar opposite of Arthur. she holds kindness in far higher regard than bravery, and for all her nerve, the Hat would put her firmly in Hufflepuff.
Morgana is a Slytherin, with strong Gryffindor tendencies. honestly, i could go either way with this bitch. yes, she’s cunning, she’s ambitious, she’s determined, and like Merlin, she’ll stop at nothing to get what she wants (although, terrible as Merlin is, Morgana’s motivations are far less admirable.) but, for all her faults, Morgana is a lady with a strong, unshakable sense of justice. she doesn’t want to kill Arthur and claim Camelot as her own just for kicks. she wants to remake Camelot, reshape it, she wants to tear it all down and rebuild it from the ground up. she wants  to make a haven for sorcerers. she wants to create a sanctuary for magic. she wants to build a safe place for people like her. as twisted as her viewpoint is by the end of the series, she genuinely believes she is fighting for what’s right, and her own sense of her nobility could easily place her in Gryffindor.
Gaius is a Ravenclaw. don’t get me wrong, Gaius definitely has a Slytherin streak of his own, and you’d better believe it’s a mile wide, but he values knowledge and intellect above all.
Kilgharrah is a Slytherin, with strong Ravenclaw tendencies. not to say Kilgharrah isn’t absolutely brilliant, because of course he is, but he’s no scholar, and ultimately, he’s cut from the same cloth as Merlin and Morgana. he will do what it takes to survive. and the pursuit of knowledge will always come second to that.
and for all the rest:
Leon is a Gryffindor, with strong Hufflepuff tendencies.Lancelot is a Gryffindor.Gwaine is a Gryffindor.Elyan is a Gryffindor, with strong Hufflepuff tendencies.Percival is a Hufflepuff, with strong Gryffindor tendencies.  
great to hear from you, as usual, Queenie!! 💖💖💖 have a wonderful day!!
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hoshi-kuzu · 5 years
(。・ω・)ノ゙ Hello Sorry to bother you, but Can I have an aracana match up please? I'm 165 cm tall, Sagittarius in the zodiac but I think that the Chinese horoscope fits me better, I'm a snake there. INFJ, Hufflepuff. I love to drawn but I'm not very good at it, I just find it relaxing. I can bake and cook. I love telling stories, but besides that I'm not very good at conversations. I read a lot and my friends tell me I'm a mom friend.
Hi! I am so sorry for the wait on your match up. Thank you so much for your patience while I wrote this😊💚💚 (btw I don't know why, but "Isn't it love?" By Estelle was going through my head while I wrote this) (just wanted to let you know that)
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I think you and Julian would be great together... hear me out
You're soft. He needs soft in his life. You are the Hufflepuff to his strange Ravenclaw. Your mom like tendencies and his special brand of protectiveness would initially be like oil and water. Though as your relationship develops it would meld together so perfectly. Becoming as easy as breathing.
He LIVES for stories and would die to have his significant other tell him one. Especially if you're one of the more outgoing storytellers.
Being as kind and caring as you are. Early on will seriously be infuriating and honestly hurtful. His self-deprecative habits and his natural instinct to push away the people he cares about when all you want is in, is going to hurt. A lot.
He sees himself in you. In a disturbing, strange way. The way you isolate yourself, but also is always reaching out to help others. You are so compassionate you can get hurt. Burned. And let me tell you he is T E R R I F I E D of burning you. If someone else can do it to you imagine what he, the great flaming disaster, could do. But... you're so vibrant. Beauty so radiant it should be impossible to exist, yet here you are and he cannot look away.
Constantly bursting at the seams. Unable to handle how much he loves you.
In your presence he dies a little, but then again has never felt more alive. Maybe its in the market, at home reading, or cooking. Maybe you're talking about something you love and your eyes are sparkling. Maybe your sunshine like empathy and compassion spill out when you interact with someone and he sees you and can't help, but cry. Entirely too much love filling his chest to contain.
The panic that ensues when he's crying like that in hindsight is quite funny, but also really touching.
Somedays he'll spiral. There's no way you're that perfect, that kind, that caring. Theres no way that he, out of all people. The one who leasts deserves you gets to have the privilege of basking in your light. The privilege of not only simply being near you, but gets to be your significant other. It's impossible that this is happening. There's no way that he gets to be yours and vice versa. This is a dream and he does NOT want to wake up.
You'll shake him back to reality. Letting him know just how much you love him and how he deserves all the happiness he feels and more.
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papasmistakeria · 5 years
Hufflepuffs In Real Life: Character Study
Part 1: Klemens Nikulásson Hannigan
The unexpected Hufflepuff this year! This is a list of how and why Klemens Nikulásson Hannigan, the singer of the Icelandic award winning BDSM inspired anti capitalist techno punk rock art performance group Hatari and the cousin of a Ravenclaw band member, is a closeted Hufflepuff!
Wow I can't believe the notes I've been getting for the Ravenclaw character study and how much every one of you requested me to make a Klemens version too. It was supposed to be a one time thing, seeing it's just a test on my study of Anthropology, but thank you nonetheless! I'm sorry if this one is kind of short and sucks, I'm not a Hufflepuff so bare with me
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1. The kindest of the bunch
Hufflepuffs are, in a sense, the kindest of the four houses. Their prominent trait would be their kindness and their inclusive personality. While most houses would be wary and would act with disdain, Hufflepuffs open their arms wide with a wider smile, radiating kindness. They care for literally everything and everyone and would be the happiest surrounded with loved ones
Klemens, while most would not notice, plays as the kindest of the group. Whether in act or play, the way he speaks is soft and in the same time soothing, welcoming in some ways. The way he talks radiates a sense of tender kindness in one way or another. The way he smiles seemed to be genuine as well. And not to mention, his tender care towards his family, whether distant or just his wife and daughter, is another prove of his kindness and generosity and how he looks the happiest and calmest amongst loved ones
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2. Dedication and hard work
Hufflepuffs value playing by the rules and working hard. They associate with the element of earth, and this would be noticeable as they are also the most hard working of the four houses. The way they do things might bore some people but Hufflepuffs do them with passion and care. Slow their process might be, but that doesn't stop them from working harder to make things the best they could be
While not visible enough, Klemens has shown quite a few acts of hard working and fair playing. As he once said it himself, he feels like he's really good working with his own bare hands, and though it seemed impractical, he's dedicated to work on it on his own as it could guarantee great satisfying results. He's great at making handcrafted things, especially carpentry. An example would be in the postcard when he was making cake with the other two, he mentions how great he is working with hands and how well he handles his task with hands really well (that cake turned out really nice). He's noticeably the happiest working with hands
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3. Not the one to shine
Hufflepuffs are humble people. They're the least noticed. They tend to be overshadowed by literally all the other houses. This is not because of their lack of glory as Hufflepuffs have served quite enough acts to be considered glorious. Hufflepuffs, however, do not like showing off as it's not in their nature. While other houses thrive to be great, the thrive to show the world what they can do, Hufflepuffs don't do that. They are great people but that doesn't mean they have to boast around about it
This is probably more noticeable on stage. Klemens tends to stay back, sometimes even overshadowed by Matthías. During talks or interviews, he's noticeably the one to hold back the most, to stay quiet most of the time. He doesn't shine as bright nor does he show any tendencies to shine brighter than his Ravenclaw cousin. He's not the one to take the spotlight and even if he did, it's rare and quiet. But nonetheless, even when he's not the main star, he's still an incredible singer
4. Always welcomed in Hufflepuff
Though this trait is more of Ravenclaw, Hufflepuffs are shown to be open to everything and everyone. They welcome the troubled, those who were rejected, those who were not good enough for any other houses and they heal those who were broken beyond repair. This might be why Hufflepuffs are seen to be talentless and useless sometimes, but that's not the case. Hufflepuffs care for people who are not accepted, people who were thrown out always have a place in Hufflepuff
This is probably one of the more dominant trait of Klemens, other than his kindness and hard working ones. He accepts anyone of any background, would not look down upon anyone deemed 'worthless' or 'rejected' by anyone else. Instead, he supports people of different backgrounds and would treat them as how the society won't. He's told people to be proud of who they are, no matter what. He thinks people who are different are unique and he's more than happy to help those in trouble in anyway he could
5. True to himself and others
Hufflepuffs are true to themselves. They're known for their honesty towards themselves and people around them. They would speak only the truth and nothing more nothing less. This makes Hufflepuffs trustworthy to an extent where everyone would trust them. And to be honest to others means they have to be honest to themselves first, which would mean Hufflepuffs have nothing to hide
Even during an act, Klemens doesn't really hesitate to show himself. He's not the one to hide anything and the way he acts feels natural. He's truthful about whatever people ask him and he says it in a way that won't offend anyone. His trait in being true to himself would show whenever he wears his gear. It takes alot of confidence to wear such revealing outfit. He's also said it himself, it took him awhile to be fully confident to be himself, he needs to be true to himself in order to feel alot more confident in the clothing
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6. Those Hufflepuffs are just
This is probably more of a Gryffindor thing but Hufflepuffs have shown to have this trait a few times. Even the sorting hat had said 'Where they are just and loyal...'. Being just means doing something because of what they thought was morally good, so being just actually means acting or being in a way that they thought was morally good. Hufflepuffs took this to a whole new level. They trust in moral values and would act the way that was deemed good and most of the time, it IS good. They're like the lawful good people of the world. Though some people might disagree with what they think is right, they're not the one to back down because Hufflepuffs stand not because of glory, but because they're doing the right thing according to their moral human values
This would fit Matthías and even Einar more than the rest but Klemens isn't exactly excluded from this. While you don't see it often, he plays by what he thinks is right. His moral standing is pretty strong. He does things because he thinks they're the right thing to do. He shouts his voice in an attempt to get the awareness of people because he thinks it's morally right for people to care for others. He shows alot of care and respect for other people because he knows it's the right thing to do. And even with the consequences of some people disagreeing, he's unafraid of it because he did what was right and he did it for the better of humanity
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Bonus: Pictures that describe him as a Hufflepuff
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Oooh wait are we both Ravenclaws?? I have strong Hufflepuff tendencies, but I'm definitely primarily a Ravenclaw. That's kina why I picked the scroll 😅 -📜
yay!!! it makes sense my love
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what-even-is-thiss · 7 years
I'm gonna say/ask this before I become convinced I'm a burden. So, what's your take on why there's so many Hufflepuffs uplifting posts and barely, if any, Slytherin ones? This is a stupid thing to ask but yeah. And this is not counting the posts with all the houses in one. Cause they always turn around to Hufflepuff stuff in the replies. Sorry to bother.
I specifically put a sign on my treehouse that said "no Hufflepuffs allowed" and they came knocking on the door anyways.*sigh* I kinda get your pain. But then again I'm not in the house labeled the villain house so maybe I don't.Anyways, Slytherins are great. They get stuff done. And I've got a few Slytherin tendencies in me. I'm a Ravenclaw with a bit of snake in me.Merlin was a Slytherin. Thomas' friend Jay/Jo is one too. I love him. She's great.Ambition is a good thing. It gets you places. Cunning and resourcefulness? Basically the hallmark of the trickster archetype. I love tricksters. They bring fire to mankind so they can do stuff with it. And giant fish islands.What's wrong with bending the rules sometimes? I mean, really. Do you see the times we're living in? We need MORE Slytherins if anything.
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vaor · 7 years
Because I'm curious, what houses do you think the other paladins, Coran, and Allura would be in? (And Keith is a Hufflepuff, I'd say fight me but I'm pretty sure you will anyway. ;) )
(ง'̀-'́)ง  come at me
you poor, misguided child: keith is a slytherin. i would try to reason with you but clearly you’re a hopeless case ://// (jk jk. but keith is a slytherin and you are Wrong)
Hunk: The Hufflepuff who almost got sorted into ravenclaw
Lance: okay i can see why people would put him in gryffindor but because of my personal bias and also this post i’m going with slytherin lance (ambitious, can be manipulative, determination of an Insane Man, loves mermaids, would die for his friends, incredibly self-critical)
Pidge: your typical ravenclaw. stays up all night bc she got hooked on that one conspiracy theory. pidge “i don’t care if one of haggars beasts is coming at us right now - no shiro don’t fucking move - i’m only fifteen (15) percent done” holt. 
Shiro: gryffindor.
Allura: also gryffindor (hurled shiro through the air and let herself get captured, charged at zarkon while handcuffed) but with slytherin tendencies
Coran: hufflepuff (proof: 1 | 2 )
idk if you were expecting serious meta my guy but these are my house sortings also did i mention that keith is a slytherin
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lronhusbands · 7 years
anthony edward stark b/c I have a v unpopular house opinion for him and I'm curious to see what yours is
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he is so kind? so willing to give everything he has to his friends ((maybe I should put him in hufflepuff))??? he’s so fuckin smart and he treats his bots like children????? ugh I love my boy so much maybe he is a hufflepuffworst quality: his self destructive tendencies :((((( why can’t he see how good he isship them with: Pepper, Bucky, T’challa, Rhodey (& sometimes Steve)brotp them with: Rhodey, JARVIS, the bots, Happy, HARLEY KEENER, Peter Parkerneeds to stay away from: wanda maximoff, steve rogers, everyone who has ever thought one (1) mean thing about himmisc. thoughts: he is the actual embodiment of sunshine
send the Queen a character?
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sage-nebula · 8 years
I'm sure someone else will ask Alain, so let's go with his family instead! Sycamore, Meyer, Clemont, and Bonnie? (Uh, obviously not the hotness ones for the bbies, haha.)
Haha, actually, you would have been the first one to ask for Alan since I’m going in order received! Someone did end up asking for him, but yeah, you would have asked first. Either way, I’m happy to answer for the others!
And haha, don’t worry: I’m changing the “hot” ones to “aesthetic attractiveness” across the board since that makes the most sense to me (being ace and all), and also because many of the characters requested/sent in are underage, and I feel much more comfortable calling a kid/teen aesthetically pretty (like how wolves are pretty or mountains are pretty) than I feel calling them hot. So no worries there, I’m not calling Bonnie or Clemont anything even remotely close to “hot,” because that would be gross, lmao.
General Opinion: 
fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual light of my life
Aesthetic Attractiveness Level: 
get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically aesthetically attractive but not my type | pretty aesthetically attractive | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Hogwarts House: 
Gryffindor | Slytherin | Ravenclaw | Hufflepuff
Best Quality:
More calmly/seriously, Sycamore is protective, patient, understanding, and kind. He nurtures and encourages kids—all kids, really, but especially his kids—to grow and experience the world, to understand it at their own pace and in their own way. He’s so nurturing and wonderful and is just, all around, the best dad. ♥ (And especially the best dad for Alan, hands down, fate wanted this to happen, it wasn’t coincidence that Sycamore found Alan that day.)
Worst Quality:
This is delving into headcanon a bit, but I think that Sycamore—despite how much he loves the people close to him, how understanding and nurturing he can be—can sometimes be a bit … out of touch? … with deeper emotional issues, or rather … he doesn’t always think of them, he has the tendency to just think that things in his interpersonal relationships are okay until it’s specifically brought to his attention that it isn’t. This doesn’t tend to be a huge problem, but for instance, the reason why he never officially adopted Alan was simply because he figured things were fine the way they were, never thought about it, it never came up, and he never clued into the fact that this has been something that Alan has had an internal complex over since childhood (in that his being an orphan has always been something that bothered him, and he has—ever since he was five, probably even younger—had the thought that he needs to be good enough to be adopted. So with Sycamore, Alan has thought, “Okay, if I’m good enough, then he’ll want to adopt me,” and so he’s done his absolute best to be good enough … and Sycamore is just … completely unaware of this, and the thought of official adoption hasn’t crossed his mind, because in his mind Alan is already as good as his son and that’s that). So it’s not a bad quality per se, but it’s just a part of how he is, and since Alan is the type to not speak up about his feelings, things just kind of sit there until a third party intervenes.
Ship Them With:
Brotp Them With:
ALAN (best father-son duo ♥)
Lizardon (look, that little bit in XYZ036 was goddamn precious, okay, Lizardon was so happy to have Sycamore’s praise and to be pet by him!!)
Clemont and Bonnie (his future stepchildren), especially Bonnie
Steven Stone
Fulbert >_>;;
Needs to Stay Away From:
Part of me wants to say “LYSANDRE,” but on the other hand I still wish that he had actually confronted Lysandre, that he and Lysandre could have thrown down in canon, because I wanted to see nothing more than Papa Wolf Sycamore ripping out Lysandre’s throat after the way Lysandre treated Alan, tbqh. I still need to finish both the detention center fic and Pet Project to get my fill of what canon denied me.
Other than that, though, Lysandre. Also, in terms of To Devour the Sun, Lusamine, although … well, it’s sort of a similar situation to the Lysandre situation, in all honesty, but kind of … actually … worse. You’ll see why in a couple chapters.
Misc. Thoughts:
I admit that I really was not fond of game!Sycamore, and I’m still not in all honesty, but the anime really redeemed him in my eyes and I love him a lot. Now he just needs to officially adopt his son and everything will be okay. Get on it, Sycamore!!
General Opinion:
fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual light of my life
Aesthetic Attractiveness Level:
get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically aesthetically attractive but not my type | pretty aesthetically attractive | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Hogwarts House:
Gryffindor | Slytherin | Ravenclaw | Hufflepuff
I’m actually pretty torn here, and I’d have to do a more indepth analysis to make a final determination. It doesn’t help—in fact, it really doesn’t help—that we saw so little of Meyer in canon.
The issue here is not so much what Meyer does, but rather, why he does it. We know that he runs around as Blaziken Mask whenever there’s danger, whenever something is threatening Lumiose City/Kalos as a whole. I feel like for most people that would slam dunk him into Gryffindor, but I disagree, because the question here is why Meyer is doing that. Is he doing it because it’s the Right Thing to do, and he therefore feels a moral obligation to step up and do the thing? Or is he doing it because he sees Lumiose City (and possibly Kalos by extension) as his community, and he feels a devotion and duty toward his community? Because while doing the Right Thing steers him toward Gryffindor, while feeling strong communal loyalty and wanting to do right by his community/those he sees as people worth protecting is Hufflepuff.
So I’d really need to spend more time thinking about this, but at the moment I could see either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff for Meyer.
Best Quality:
Definitely his willingness to protect others regardless of the danger he faces himself in the process. Regardless of his broader motivations for doing it, the fact remains that Meyer has, on multiple occasions, put both himself and Toast (his blaziken) in harm’s way in order to protect others. On most occasions these are people he personally knows and loves (e.g. Sycamore, Bonnie), but there are also instances where he has rescued someone he doesn’t know at all (e.g. Ash and Pikachu at the start of the series). Meyer wouldn’t run around as Blaziken Mask if he wasn’t willing to endanger himself protecting those who need protection, and that’s definitely an admirable quality.
Worst Quality:
While he has good reasons for it / it’s justified in his mind, the fact remains that Meyer still finds it pretty easy to keep secrets from those he’s closest to, namely with regards to the whole Blaziken Mask thing. He didn’t bat an eye about it even when he met up with his own children while in disguise, and he would have never told them had his mask not fallen off in the midst of battle. Again, he has good reasons for it, he doesn’t want them hurt if anyone decides to pick a fight with him because of his secret identity—but the ease with which he keeps secrets and lies probably does quality for a worst quality if I had to pick one.
Ship Them With:
Brotp Them With:
Clemont and Bonnie, his children
Alan, tbh, because I think he’d be such a good stepdad for Alan
His ex-wife, Teresa
Needs to Stay Away From:
He wears a cape as Blaziken Mask, so … jet engines? :P
Misc. Thoughts:
He’s also a really fantastic dad and I have at least one moment planned for him in To Devour the Sun that I’m really looking forward to. Also, he’s the reason in the prime timeline why Sycamore finally wisens up and talks to Alan about official adoption, and though Alan is at first unsure/a bit anxious over whether or not Meyer would want him around Clemont and/or Bonnie (because like, doesn’t Meyer distrust him after the entire Flare incident? That would be reasonable), Meyer assures him that really is not the truth and he’d be proud to have Alan as part of the family. It’s really sweet.
He’s also a great cook, just fyi.
General Opinion:
fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual light of my life
Aesthetic Attractiveness Level:
get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically aesthetically attractive but not my type | pretty aesthetically attractive | gorgeous! | 10/10
Hogwarts House:
Gryffindor | Slytherin | Ravenclaw | Hufflepuff
Again, I’d want to spend a bit more time examining him, but (perhaps surprisingly?) I’m leaning toward Hufflepuff with Clemont, because while Clemont does love science and learning, it’s the reason why he loves it that matters. I think it’s less that Clemont is trying to formulate his own understanding of the Truth, less whether he’s asking if the things before him in the universe are True or Not, and more that he’s using knowledge and science to help those in his community. Clemont is a rather ardent believer in the fact that science helps people, that it improves lives, and he dedicates his experiments to doing just that. He’s not experimenting and researching because he wants to formulate a better understanding, because he wants to learn and continue to expand his knowledge, but rather specifically because there are people within his community (i.e. people he feels are worth helping/protecting) whose lives he wants to enrich. Again, I’m not 100% on this, I’d need to spend more time, but just thinking of him in a snap decision I’d lead toward Hufflepuff, particularly for how dedicated he is to his purpose. 
Best Quality:
Definitely his passion, and how dorky he can get with it. Clemont is a bit awkward, and he can come across as a bit reserved in most social situations, but if you ask him about science he gets SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED and it’s completely adorable. I love it.
Worst Quality:
Clemont has a tendency to let others take charge for him, which can sometimes even lead to people taking charge of him, in the sense that they walk all over him. He created Clembot specifically so he could shirk his Gym Leader duties, but then he had trouble standing up to Clembot when he got out of control. And while things with Clembot got worked out, and while Clemont did grow as a person over time, even at the end of the series we see that he has a hard time standing up for himself and saying, “No, I’m the Gym Leader” when that kid wanted to battle with Clembot instead. He did eventually, but it was difficult for him. So Clemont’s worst quality is probably his tendency to either shirk duties and let others take the reins so he can do what he considers to be more important / preferable (because being a Gym Leader is important, but Clemont felt that his community was better benefited via his inventions instead), but also in that he can be something of a pushover at times.
Ship Them With:
That one girl he had ship tease with in the one episode where Bonnie’s marriage proposal actually kind of worked
He could be cute nerd bfs with Shouta?
Brotp Them With:
Needs to Stay Away From:
Things that can make his inventions explode. :P More seriously, XEROSIC.
Misc. Thoughts:
Clemont is cute, but out of the whole family I’ve spent the least time with him mentally/emotionally, so I don’t feel as strong of a tie to him as I do to the others. I do like him, though. He’s a good boy.
General Opinion:
fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual light of my life
Aesthetic Attractiveness Level:
get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically aesthetically attractive but not my type | pretty aesthetically attractive | adorable! | 
Hogwarts House:
Gryffindor | Slytherin | Ravenclaw | Hufflepuff
Again, I’d need to do an indepth analysis, but at the moment I lean toward Gryffindor, because aside from her obvious bravery, Bonnie tends to have a pretty firm sense of justice, seems guided by that, and is willing to step up and be brave because of that. Yes, she did care about Squishy personally, he was one of her best friends, but it’s also true that Lumiose City was being destroyed and she felt that the Right Thing to Do was to reach out to Squishy, to talk him out of what was forcing him to act so aggressively toward so many innocent people. Likewise, she reached out to Z2 for the same exact reason, befriended him for the same reason. So while I haven’t done an indepth examination of Bonnie’s character, I feel like she has far more Gryffindor qualities than she does qualities of other Houses—that her motivations are more solidly Gryffindor (and that this is what would push her to become a Top Ranger in adulthood, an international superheroine for sure).
Best Quality:
Definitely her friendliness, her optimism, and her willingness to try even when the odds seem stacked against her, or even when common sense says “no.” Bonnie is always open to meeting new people and pokémon, and is rather enthusiastic about it; she keeps a positive, upbeat attitude in most situations and she’s always willing to give any new situation her all. Sure, some of that might be youthful naivete, but I think that this is a type of confidence that would stick with her even into adulthood. I think it’s a great strength.
Worst Quality:
On the other hand, sometimes Bonnie can be a bit too enthusiastic or innocently ignorant of dangerous situations, usually as it pertains to getting too up close and personal with pokémon that she’s not familiar with (or chasing them around when they try to flee from her—tone down the Elmyra tendencies, Bonnie), or when it comes to actually dangerous things that she’s not equipped to deal with. Bonnie has a sort of “leap before you look” approach to life at times, which could certainly get her in over her head in the future if she’s not careful. (Also, she really doesn’t need to find a wife for her brother, and in so doing she pretty much ignores how uncomfortable/embarrassed this makes him. Bonnie, stop that.)
Ship Them With:
No one, she’s a baby. That said, I think it’d be cute to see her and Max (who is about her age, and was May’s little brother / one of Ash’s companions in AG) interact, but that’s not necessarily shippy.
Brotp Them With:
ALAN, because for some reason this big brother, little sister combo is even cuter to me than Bonnie with her biological brother
Needs to Stay Away From:
Well, it’s not really relevant in canon, but in To Devour the Sun, staying far, far away from Lusamine would be a really good idea. 
Misc. Thoughts:
She’s going to enroll in the Ranger School shortly after getting her Trainer License, and by the time she’s in her late teens / early adulthood she’s going to be an accomplished Top Ranger, mark my words. It’s literally the perfect career for her, seriously, in just about every single way.
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