#this is what i call 溫柔
thisonelikesaliens · 6 months
i have the full lyrics now so might as well just post this for the sake of completion (i had most of the chinese lyrics in my draft since 3/31, typed out word by word before they released the official lyrics). the official english subs in ep7 were top notch, so using them here with my tweaks in blue (just to provide a more direct translation for reference), plus new verses in green (less literal translation, going more for vibe):
山間小鎮的夜色依舊深刻 I still vividly remember, the nights of the small town in the mountains 回家的樓梯上 我們哼著歌 Humming on the stairway home 我想一生有此刻就足夠了 Having this moment is enough to sustain me for the rest of my life 微風卻吹散愛情腳印 不留痕 But a gentle breeze scatters love's footprints, leaving no trace
漸遠的距離堆成隔閡 The growing distance piles up, forming a wall 我們不再擁抱著 像斷線風箏 We don't hold each other anymore, like kites with broken strings 時間並沒有沖淡依依不捨 Time did nothing to lessen this longing 我想你了 無論是醒著或睡著 I miss you, whether awake or asleep
我想你的時候 世界停止轉動 When I think of you, the world seems to stop 剩回憶在心中不斷輪播 And the memories keep playing in my heart 吹過耳際的風 是否也有你捎來的問候 Does the wind brushing past my ears carry messages from you?
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 那思念喧鬧著不肯放手 Thoughts, so loud, won't let go 說完再見以後 才明白再也不見的溫柔 就叫做寂寞 Only after saying goodbye did I know the kindness of never seeing you again is called "loneliness"
緣分讓距離不再隔閡 Fate makes the distance between us irrelevant 我們重新擁抱著 愛失而復得 We are holding each other once again, regaining our love that was once lost 你是我心中最眷戀的星辰 You are the star that my heart holds most dear 我想你了 無論是醒著或睡著 I miss you, whether awake or asleep
我想你的時候 世界停止轉動 When I think of you, the world seems to stop 剩回憶在心中不斷輪播 And the memories keep playing in my heart 吹過耳際的風 是否也有你捎來的問候 Does the wind brushing past my ears carry messages from you?
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 那思念喧鬧著不肯放手 Longing, so loud, won't let go 說完再見以後 才明白從未消失的溫柔 就叫做守候 Only after saying goodbye did I realize the tenderness that has never disappeared means I'm still here waiting
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 你是否也一樣想念著我 Are you also thinking of me? 仰望同一片星空 才明白我們曾經的溫柔 永不會錯過 Looking up at the same starlit sky, we know what this is between us and we will never let go
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how jinyoung looks at youngjae 
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guillemelgat · 4 years
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Here is the second playlist! This one was requested by @gwendolynlerman​, who asked for music with pop/alternative vibes in Russian, Catalan, and Mandarin! I hope this works, all of these are somewhere between what I’d call alternative and what I’d call pop, so hopefully you’ll like at least some of them :’)
(Also if anyone who speaks Mandarin or Russian notices that one of these isn’t in those languages please let me know – I did my best but I don’t speak either so I couldn’t actually verify 😅)
溫柔 | 五月天 feat. 孫燕姿 (Mandarin)
你要跳舞吗 | 新裤子 (Mandarin)
陽光宅男 | 周杰倫 (Mandarin)
冷酷到底 | 羽·泉 (Mandarin)
因為你 所以我 | 五月天 (Mandarin)
Nevar a València | Tardor (Catalan)
Semblava que fossis tu | Els Amics de les Arts (Catalan)
Ara, aquí, present | Blaumut (Catalan)
Huracà | Sense Sal (Catalan)
30 dies sense cap accident | Els Amics de les Arts (Catalan)
Прогулка | Земфира (Russian)
Нимфоманка | Монеточка (Russian)
Не любовь? | Ханна (Russian)
На Титанике | Лолита (Russian)
Ищи не ищи | Ирина Круг (Russian)
Photo Credit: Photo by Brandon Vázquez on Unsplash
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egoismt · 4 years
【SPN 筆記】 Castiel’s related episodes 出場一覽
分享個人為了重看及找片方便而做的筆記,供有需要的朋友們參考 ^^ Ps. 配合原劇官方設定,Castiel 的暱稱記為 Cass,請見諒 Orz
Castiel's Appearances
Season 3
306:Red Sky at Morning (mentioned by Sam in a spell)
Season 4
401:Lazarus Rising (Cass 首次出場)
402:Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester (Cass 要 Dean 更尊重他)
403:In The Beginning (Cass 送 Dean 回1973)
404:Metamorphosis (mentioned only)
407:It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (Cass 帶 Uriel 準備淨化小鎮,與 Dean 公園談話)
409:I Know What You Did Last Summer (Cass 和 Uriel 追捕 Anna)
410:Heaven and Hell (Cass 和 Uriel Anna 對抗 Alastair)
415:Death Takes A Holiday (Cass 說 Dean 是特別的而破例)
416:On The Head Of A Pin (Cass 和 Uriel 要 Dean 拷問 Alastair,和 Anna 交談求指引)
417:It's A Terrible Life (mentioned only)
418:The Monster at the End of This Book (Cass 告知 Dean 說 Chuck 是先知受保護)
419:Jump the Shark (mentioned only)
420:The Rapture (Cass 容器 Jimmy 的故事)
421:When the Levee Breaks (Cass 讓 Dean 宣示效忠天堂以救 Sam,讓 Anna 被捉)
422:Lucifer Rising (Cass 為放走 Dean 而抗命墮天)
Season 5
501:Sympathy for the Devil (Cass 復活救 Dean 反抗 Zachariah,打鬥戲)
502:Good God, Y'all (Cass 告知兄弟要去找 God)
503:Free To Be You and Me (Cass 和 Dean 扮 FBI 找拉斐爾/上妓院)
504:The End (Cass 2014版)
506:I Believe the Children Are Our Future (Cass 被變成公仔)
508:Changing Channels (兄弟穿越節目,Cass 首抗 Gabriel)
510:Abandon All Hope... (Cass 首見 Crowley Meg 及 Lucifer)
513:The Song Remains the Same (Cass 送兄弟回1978而重傷)
514:My Bloody Valentine (Cass 與兄弟對抗饑荒騎士)
516:Dark Side of the Moon (Cass 要兄弟在天堂找 Joshua 問上帝下落)
517:99 Problems (Cass 喝醉,對抗巴比倫淫婦而受傷)
518:Point of No Return (Cass 在林中打敗天使救 Adam,痛扁要說 yes 的 Dean 並捨身驅逐天使們)
521:Two Minutes to Midnight (Cass 因傷進醫院,對抗瘟疫騎士,首次用槍)
522:Swan Song (Cass 睡在 baby 後座,首發 assbutt,二度復活)
Season 6
601:Exile on Main Street (mentioned only)
603:The Third Man (Cass 說與 Dean 羈絆更深,首見 Balthazar)
606:You Can't Handle The Truth (Cass 兩秒內搜完全城找真理號角)
607:Family Matters (Cass 測出 Sam 沒了靈魂,說真身跟大樓一樣大)
610:Caged Heat (Cass 看A片,吻 Meg,燒 Crowley 骨頭)
612:Like A Virgin (Cass 說碰 Sam 靈魂的感覺像被活剝,想抱 Sam 被拒)
615:The French Mistake (兄弟穿越片場遇見 Misha 扮的Cass)
617:My Heart Will Go On (Cass 對抗命運女神,鐵達尼號)
618:Frontierland (Cass 送兄弟回1861西部取灰,被部下刺傷)
619:Mommy Dearest (Cass 與Bobby 兄弟對抗 Eve,兄弟起疑)
620:The Man Who Would Be King (Cass 自敘與 Crowley 合作經過)
621:Let It Bleed (Cass 救 Lisa,兄弟策反 Balthazar)
622:The Man Who Knew Too Much (Cass 殺了 Balthazar,變成新上帝)
Season 7
701:Meet the New Boss (Cass 當新上帝,肉體逐漸崩壞,返魂給煉獄)
702:Hello, Cruel World (Cass 被利維坦佔據而投湖)
705:Shut Up, Dr. Phil (seen in Dean's nightmare)
717:The Born-Again Identity (Cass 失憶,後救 Sam 而瘋)
718:Party On, Garth (mentioned only)
721:Reading Is Fundamental (Cass 因惡魔石碑而醒,Meg 殺天使救 Cass)
722:There Will Be Blood (mentioned only)
723:Survival of the Fittest (Cass 想給 Crowley 蜂蜜,與 Dean 合作殺利維坦 Dick 後一起落入煉獄)
Season 8
801:We Need to Talk About Kevin (mentioned only)
802:What's Up, Tiger Mommy? (seen in Dean's flashbacks of Purgatory,Cass 與 Dean 煉獄重逢)
805:Blood Brother (seen in Dean's flashbacks of Purgatory,煉獄逃亡)
806:Southern Comfort (mentioned only)
807:A Little Slice of Kevin (Cass 被救離煉獄,與 Dean 救 Kevin,首見 Naomi)
808:Hunteri Heroici (Cass 想當獵人,與 Sam 救讓動畫效果成真的老人)
810:Torn and Frayed (Cass 與兄弟救小天使後殺之,隱約記起被洗腦片段,流血淚)
813:Everybody Hates Hitler (mentioned only)
816:Remember the Titans (mentioned only,Dean 祈禱求 Cass 關照 Sam)
817:Goodbye Stranger (Cass 因洗腦暴打 Dean,後清醒帶走天使石碑)
818:Freaks and Geeks (mentioned only)
820:Pac-Man Fever (mentioned only)
821:The Great Escapist (Crowley 挖 Cass 腹部奪走天使石碑)
822:Clip Show (Cass 商店購物遇 Metatron)
823:Sacrifice ( "ET回家了",Cass 被 Metatron 奪走 grace,天使們集體墜落)
Season 9
901:I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (Cass 人類生活第一天,殺女天使,進洗衣店換衣服)
902:Devil May Care (mentioned only)
903:I'm No Angel (流浪的 Cass 被女死神 April 折磨,被逐出地堡)
904:Slumber Party (mentioned only)
906:Heaven Can't Wait (Cass 當便利店員,幫顧小孩,與 Dean 對抗仁慈天使)
909:Holy Terror (Cass 查案重遇兄弟一起去喝酒,第一次學人類祈禱,被抓被折磨後殺天使奪取 grace)
910:Road Trip (Cass Dean Crowley 聯手驅逐佔據 Sam 的 Gadreel)
911:First Born (Cass 抽 grace 救 Sam,兩人擁抱)
914:Captives (Cass 殺天使戰友 Bartholomew)
918:Meta Fiction (Cass 被 Metatron 綁架,開始有追隨者)
920:Bloodlines (mentioned only)
921:King of the Damned (Cass 成為天使群指揮官,策反 Gadreel 對抗 Metatron )
922:Stairway to Heaven (Cass 為 Dean 放棄天使軍隊)
923:Do You Believe In Miracles? (Cass 救 Gadreel 變弱,設計捕獲 Metatron)
Ps. Misha direct 917:Mother's Little Helper
Season 10
1001:Black (變弱的 Cass 與 Hannah 追逃亡天使)
1002:Reichenbach (Cass 與 Hannah 車禍,天使睡顏)
1003:Soul Survivor (Crowley 殺天使奪 grace 救 Cass,Cass 讓惡魔 Dean 變回人類,Jensen direct)
1007:Girls, Girls, Girls (Hannah 裸戲/吻 Cass )
1009:The Things We Left Behind (Cass 首見長大的 Jimmy 女兒 Claire,Dean 與溫柔眼神的 Cass 在漢堡店交談)
1010:The Hunter Games (Cass 彌補與 Claire 的關係,從天堂借 Metatron 想救 Dean 但無效)
1011:There's No Place Like Home (mentioned only)
1013:Halt & Catch Fire (mentioned only)
1014:The Executioner's Song (Cass Crowley 與兄弟合作殺該隱)
1017:Inside Man (Cass 與 Sam 透過通靈 Bobby 從天堂劫走 Metatron)
1018:Book of the Damned (Cass 與 Metatron 同行,找回 grace)
1019:The Werther Project (mentioned only)
1020:Angel Heart (Cass 與兄弟帶 Claire 找媽媽)
1021:Dark Dynasty (Cass 顧 Charlie 與 Rowena)
1022:The Prisoner (Cass 被該隱之印影響的 Dean 痛打)
1023:Brother's Keeper (Cass 召喚 Crowley 幫忙 Rowena 破詛咒救 Dean,中瘋狗咒)
Season 11
1101:Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire (中瘋狗咒的 Cass 逃離農莊,被天使們囚禁)
1102:Form and Void (中瘋狗咒的 Cass 被天使們拷問)
1103:The Bad Seed (中瘋狗咒的 Cass 癲癇發作及解咒,Jensen direct)
1104:Baby (Cass 電話匯報查案資料,voice only)
1105:Thin Lizzie (mentioned only)
1106:Our Little World (Cass 宅在家及痛扁 Metatron 問 Darkness 的事)
1107:Plush (mentioned only)
1110:The Devil in the Details (Cass 首見 Darkness/被 Lucifer 附身)
1111:Into the Mystic (路西卡公園散步及與 Dean 談 Darkness)
1112:Don't You Forget About Me (mentioned only)
1114:The Vessel (路西卡送 Dean 回潛艇/攻擊 Sam 及 Dean)
1115:Beyond the Mat (路西卡在地獄虐 Crowley)
1116:Safe House (mentioned only)
1118:Hell's Angel (路西卡進天堂,Crowley Rowena 與兄弟聯手施咒想驅逐 Cass 體內的 Lucifer)
1119:The Chitters (mentioned only)
1120:Don't Call Me Shurley (mentioned only)
1121:All in the Family (Darkness 虐路西卡,後被兄弟及上帝救走)
1122:We Happy Few (路西卡與上帝談話,組成聯軍攻擊 Darkness 但失敗)
1123:Alpha and Omega (Dean 說 Cass 是最好的朋友,Cass 告別身負靈魂炸彈的 Dean)
Season 12
1201:Keep Calm and Carry On (Cass 與 Dean Mary 重逢,去找被英國記錄者綁架的 Sam,但在路上被暴打)
1202:Mamma Mia (Cass 一行救回 Sam)
1203:The Foundry (Cass 與 Crowley 追查 Lucifer 下落)
1204:American Nightmare (mentioned only)
1207:Rock Never Dies (Cass Crowley 與兄弟阻止搖滾明星 Lucifer)
1208:LOTUS (Cass 一行追查懷孕的 Kelly 及附身總統的 Lucifer)
1209:First Blood (Cass 與 Mary 救回入獄的兄弟,殺死死神)
1210:Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets (Cass 與天使戰友們對抗從過去來為女兒復仇的 Lily)
1211:Regarding Dean (mentioned only)
1212:Stuck in the Middle (With You) (Cass 被米迦勒之矛重傷)
1213:Family Feud (mentioned only)
1214:The Raid (mentioned only)
1215:Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell (Cass 秀顛倒的 FBI 章追查 Kelly)
1217:The British Invasion (voice and mentioned only)
1218:The Memory Remains (voice and mentioned only)
1219:The Future (Cass 接受 Dean 的錄音帶,與 Kelly 聯手殺了 Dagon 後離開)
1220:Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes (mentioned only)
1221:There's Something About Mary (mentioned only)
1222:Who We Are (mentioned only)
1223:All Along the Watchtower (Cass 吻 Kelly 頭,與兄弟穿越天啟世界,被 Lucifer 所殺)
Season 13
1301:Lost & Found (Dean 火化 Cass 的遺體)
1302:The Rising Son (mentioned only)
1303:Patience (虛無中的 Cass 被 Jack 喚醒)
1304:The Big Empty (Cass 在虛無中對抗宇宙版 Cass,後復活)
1305:Advanced Thanatology (Cass 片尾與兄弟重逢)
1306:Tombstone (Cass 首見 Jack,與 Dean 扮德州騎警查案)
1307:War of the Worlds (Lucifer 在天堂入口救 Cass,後一起被惡魔抓走)
1308:The Scorpion and The Frog (mentioned only)
1309:The Bad Place (mentioned only)
1311:Breakdown (mentioned only)
1312:Various & Sundry Villains (Cass 與 Lucifer 逃獄相殺)
1313:Devil's Bargain (Cass 與兄弟追查在天使幫助下前往天堂稱王的 Lucifer)
1314:Good Intentions (Cass 與 Dean 對抗古戰士,拷問先知多納太羅)
1315:A Most Holy Man (mentioned only)
1316:Scoobynatural (Cass 與兄弟化成史酷比人物)
1318:Bring 'em Back Alive (Cass 與 Sam 救回精神受創的 Gabriel)
1319:Funeralia (Cass 發現天使人手不足,天堂戒嚴)
1320:Unfinished Business (mentioned only)
1321:Beat the Devil (Sam 夢到溫家聚餐,Cass 一行抓到 Lucifer 並前往天啟世界救人)
1322:Exodus (Cass 一行逃離天啟世界)
1323:Let the Good Times Roll (Cass 一行與米迦丁殺死 Lucifer)
Season 14
1401:Stranger in a Strange Land (Cass 為找 Dean 被酒吧惡魔們俘虜)
1402:Gods and Monsters (Cass 與失去能力的 Jack 和 Lucifer 肉身 Nick 對談)
1403:The Scar (Cass 與 Dean 重逢,與 Jack 救中了衰老咒的女孩)
1404:Mint Condition (mentioned only)
1405:Nightmare Logic (mentioned only)
1407:Unhuman Nature (Cass 與兄弟照顧衰弱的 Jack)
1408:Byzantium (Cass 與兄弟在 Jack 死後共飲,去天堂找 Jack,與 Empty 協議)
1409:The Spear (Cass 一行追查 AU 凱雅的長矛以對抗米迦勒)
1410:Nihilism (Cass 與 Sam 進 Dean 的意識以囚禁米迦勒)
1411:Damaged Goods (mentioned only)
1412:Prophet and Loss (Cass 扮醫生救多納太羅)
1413:Lebanon (Zachariah 與 Cass 對抗擾亂時間的兄弟)
1414:Ouroboros (Jack 救中了蛇精毒的 Cass,燒光附身 Rowena 的米迦勒)
1415:Peace of Mind (Cass 與 Sam 到復古奶昔店查案)
1416:Don't Go In The Woods (mentioned only)
1417:Game Night (Cass 與女天使 Anael 找 God 以幫 Jack 重置靈魂)
1418:Absence (Cass 去天堂找被 Jack 誤殺的 Mary)
1419:Jack in the Box (Cass 殺了控制 Jack 的天使 Duma,怪兄弟將 Jack 關入馬拉克之棺)
1420:Moriah (Cass 找回上帝,Jack 被上帝所殺)
Season 15
1501:Back and to the Future (Cass 用獵槍與兄弟對抗小鎮僵屍/鬼魂們)
1502:Raising Hell (Cass Rowena Ketch 與兄弟對抗小鎮鬼魂們)
1503:The Rupture (Cass 燒了附身 Jack 的惡魔,與 Dean 決裂)
1504:Atomic Monsters (mentioned only)
1505:Proverbs 17:3 (Sam 簡訊關心 Cass 近況,mentioned only)
1506:Golden Time (Cass 準備釣魚散心,獨立查獲失蹤少年,殺灯靈)
1507:Last Call (Cass 用人質威脅英國巫醫救 Sam)
1508:Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven (Rowena 勸和 Destiel,Cass 說服米迦勒提供能囚禁上帝的咒語)
1509:The Trap (Cass 和 Dean 二度去煉獄,Dean 流淚向 Cass 祈禱說內心話,兩人和好)
1510:The Heroes' Journey (mentioned only,Garth 的 baby Cass 看 Dean 眼神不一般)
1511:The Gamblers (Cass 殺壞天使救回 Jack,Team Free Will 團圓)
1512:Galaxy Brain (Cass 和 Dean 對飲,和 Jack 玩桌遊,和 Jody 互動)
1513:Destiny's Child (Cass 假死去 Empty 找 Ruby 問線索,跟 Dean 有老夫妻式互動)
1514:Last Holiday (mentioned only)
1515:Gimme Shelter (Cass 跟 Jack 合作查案,得知 Jack 打算自爆殺上帝)
1516:Drag Me Away (From You) (mentioned only,Cass 發簡訊問 Dean 是否已將 Jack 的事告知 Sam)
1517:Unity (為救 Jack,Cass 跟 Sam 合作找到 Death 的圖書館,了解 Death 的企圖)
1518:Despair (Cass 為救 Dean,含淚告白後被 Empty 帶走)
1519:Inherit the Earth (Cass 僅出現在假電話及回憶片段剪輯中)
1520:Carry On (mentioned only,Cass 被 Jack 復活,幫 Jack 改造天堂)
Ghostfacers (Cass 按小說找 Ghostfacers,special webisode)
A Very Special Supernatural Special (archive footage)
Supernatural: Heart of the Dragon (non-canon)
Supernatural: The Unholy Cause (non-canon)
Supernatural: War of the Sons (non-canon)
Supernatural: Cold Fire (non-canon)
Supernatural: The Men of Letters Bestiary: Winchester Family Edition (non-canon, mentioned only)
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sortaotaku · 5 years
Ikerev TW Secret Message Collection Event Story: 💐💖💛Edgar💛💖💐
I finished the translation for the 380 heart story! I really loved it a lot!
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A dedication to the lovely ladies of the Edgar squad:
@edgarbright @littlelady-blackwell @kouei116 @ladyrinielbright @myotomespace @wishiwasfictionaltoo and anyone else who wishes to join!
魯冰花 代表 我 的 心情
Lupine flowers represent my feelings
在 某個 暖洋洋 、 誘人 睏倦 的 春日 午後 ~
A warm spring afternoon...
我 和 愛德華 一起 在 倉庫 中 整理 贈送 給 紅 之 軍團 的 禮物 。
Edgar and I were in the cellar/warehouse organizing the gifts that were sent to the Red Army.
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愛德華 「 請 把 種類 和 地區 一併 區分 , 挑揀 出來 。 」
E - Please sort them into the different categories.
Alice 「 好的 ! 」
A - Ok!
愛德華 「挑選 出來 的 物品 , 之後 會 送往 能夠 好好 利用 的 小 隊裡 。 」
E - After we finish picking out the goods we can send them out to the teams/squads who will make good use of them.
倉庫 之中 , 雜亂 地 擺放 著 各種各樣 的 物品。
In the cellar all sorts of goods were scattered all over.
( 服裝 、 裝飾品 、 書 跟 畫 ... 送來 了 各種各樣 的 東西 呢 。 )
(Apparel, decor, books and paintings... All sorts of things were sent.)
愛德華 「 很重 的 東西 可以 不用 勉強 搬 的 。 」
E - You really don’t need to try to handle the heavy stuff. (A/N god bless you love... I have the weakest noodle arms)
Alice 「 我 知��� 了 , 我 會 盡可能 努力 !」
A - I understand, I’ll try hard to the best of my ability.
我 避開 貌似 很重 的 木箱 , 打開 了 手邊 的 紙箱 。
I disregarded the heavy wooden crates and opened the cardboard boxes.
Alice 「 這些 是 愛德華 一個 人 的 工作 嗎 ? 」
A - Is this all Edgar’s work?
( 大家 一起 做 的 話 應該 能 更快 完成 吧 )
(It would be faster if everyone worked on this right?)
愛德華 「這 平時 都是 部下 的 工作 。 」
E - Usually this is the work of subordinates.
Alice 「 那 今天 為什麼 ? 」
A - Why are you doing this today?
愛德華 「 其實 為了 能 承擔 這份 工作 , 我 稍稍 斡旋 了 一 下 。」
E - Undertaking the task, I thought about it a while.
愛德華 「 因為 我 想 和 妳 共處 。 」
E - Because I want to be together with you.
Alice 「唔…」
A - Oh...!
帶著 甜美 意味 的 聲 線 , 在 倉庫 中 響起。
A sweet voice rung in the cellar
愛德華 「最近 能 共度 時間 很少 啊 。 」
E - Recently the time we have had together has been short.
愛德華 「妳 覺得 寂寞 了 嗎 ? 」
E - Have you felt lonely?
( 其實 , 我 覺得 非常 寂寞 但 如果 這麼 説 的話 , 會讓 他 擔心 的 吧 。 )
(Truthfully I have felt really lonely but if I were to say this aloud it would worry him)
Alice 「稍稍 有點 吧 ? 」
A - A little I guess?
愛德華 「 哎呀 , 是 這樣 嗎 ? 」
E - Aiya, is that so? (A/N I never refuse to write in aiya when it’s there)
愛德華 「 我 啊 都快 要 寂寞 死 了 。 」
E - I’ve been SOO lonely. (A/N he says lonely to death or dying from the loneliness)
Alice 「欸 ? 」
A - Eh?
愛德華 「 甚至 都 到 了 思考 是否 能 以 工作 為 藉口 與 妳 見 面 的 程度 。 」
E - It was to the extent that I had to resort to using work as an excuse to see you.
( …他 總是 這麼 狡猾 。 )
(... He is so...) (A/N Sly/cunning or good at making her feel embarrassed)
愛德華 溫柔 的 語言 , 讓 我 的 心 悸動 不已 ~
Edgar’s warm words made my heart flutter. (A/N literally saying that he moved her heart)
打開 紙箱 的 手 , 已經 徹底 停 了 下來 。
The hand that was opening the cardboard box had already stopped.
愛德華 「 怎麼 了 ? 妳 的 手 完全 沒有 動作 喔 。 」
E - What’s wrong? You hands have stopped completely.
Alice 「 啊 抱 、 抱歉 ! 」
A - Aah..! Sorry!
Alice 「 我 只是 …一 想到 愛德華 覺得 寂寞 , 就很 開 心…」
A - I... I just felt so happy knowing that Edgar was feeling lonely...
Alice 「 所以 有點 發呆 。 」
A - So I blanked out a bit.
愛德華 「 是 嗎 , 能讓 妳 開心 真是 再好 不過 …」
E - Is that so? Being able to make you happy is great.
愛德華 「雖説 是 藉口 , 但 工作 也要 認真 完成 才 可以 喔。」
E - Even though this was an excuse we still have to work hard to finish this task.
Alice 「 嗯 、 嗯 ! 那就 繼續 了 。 」
A - Yeah, let’s continue shall we?
在 那 之後 , 我 認真 地 進行 挑選 工作…
After that I continued to work hard sorting...
( 雖然 知道 應該 好好 做 )
(Even though I know we should do it properly)
但 單調 的 工作 和 春日 的 暖意 , 沒過多久 就 開始 讓 我 昏昏欲睡 。
But the bland work and the warmness soon made me feel sleepy.
我 一邊 將 書本 送到 指定 的 位置 , 一邊 吞下 了 個 哈欠 。
I simultaneously put a book in its proper place and held back a yawn.
愛德華 「 很 無聊 嗎 ? 」
E - Are you feeling really bored?
Alice 「 不 、 不會 ! 只是 稍微 有些 睏 了 」
A - No, no way! I just feel a bit sleepy
愛德華 「 這 可 不行 。 」
E - This won’t do.
愛德華 把 拿著 的 箱子 放下 , 來到 了 我 的 身邊 。
Edgar put down the crate he was holding onto and came to my side.
愛德華 「 讓 我 來 喚醒 妳 吧 。 」
E - Let me help wake you up then.
修長 的 手指 伸向 了 我 的 方向 ~
His slender fingers reached out in my direction.
( 欸 …? )
接著 猛然間 , 開始 搔癢 我 的 側腹 。
Then all of the sudden he began to tickle. (A/N 😖😖😖 How evil)
Alice 「愛德華 呵呵 , 真是 坦率 的 反應 。 」
A - Edgar ahaha, what a thing to do...
我 難以 忍耐 地 扭動 身體 , 為了 逃避 搔癢 攻擊 而 遠離 愛德華 。
I tried to endure while twisting my body trying to escape the tickle assault and get away from Edgar.
愛德華 「 不會 讓 妳 逃 的 。 」
E - I won’t let you get away!
(啊 … )
聲音 從 背後 迫近 , 我 像是 被 包裹 住 一樣 被 從 身 後 抱住 。
The voice came from behind, I felt surrounded when I suddenly got back hugged. (A/N hugged from behind)
愛德華 「妳…清醒 了 嗎 ? 」
E - You feel awake now?
耳邊 的 聲音 帶著 細微 性感 意味 , 讓 我 的 內心 狂 跳 。
The sound of his voice which was entering close to my ear had an incredibly warm and sexy quality to it that made my heart leap. (A/N same tho and this wasn’t even voiced)
Alice 「 嗯 、 嗯 」
A - Ah, ah—
愛德華 「聲音 還 帶有 睏 意 喔 ? 」
E - Is the sound making you sleepy?
Alice 「沒 …這 回事… 」
A - That’s not the case...
愛德華 「 接下來 , 我 會讓 妳 清醒 過來 的 。 」
E - My next action, I will make you feel awake.
( 嗯… ? )
下 個 瞬間 柔和 的 嘴唇 輕 咬住 我 的 耳廓 。
His soft lips touched me as he nibbled on my ear. (A/N AHHH ARE YOU ALL SEEING THIS???!?)
Alice 「 呀 ! 」
A - Yahh!!!
愛德華 「 早安 。 」
E - Good morning.
我 慌忙 回應 他 裝模作樣 的 爽朗 聲音。
I hurriedly reacted to his smooth voice.
Alice 「 早 、 早 ! 已經 不要緊 了 ! 現在 生龍活虎 的 …!」
A - Morning!! It’s not a problem anymore, I’m completely awake and ready..!
愛德華 「 呵呵 , 那就 拜託 了 。 」
E - Hehe then I’ll leave you to it.
( 嚇 我 一跳 真的 清醒 過來 了… )
(Hoh... That scared/shocked me awake)
愛德華 「 如果 還 覺得 睏 的 話 , 請 隨時 告訴 我 喔 。 」
E - If you start feeling sleepy again please don’t hesitate to call for me anytime.
Alice 「 不 、 不要緊 ! 多虧 了 愛德華 我 已經 完全 清醒 了 …! 」
A - Oh no! I’m good! Thanks to Edgar I’m definitely awake!
我 用 清醒 的 腦袋 , 迅速 地 進行 挑選 工作 …
I made use of my fully alert brain while continuing to sort.
愛德華 「 …已經 大致 分清 了 呢 。 」
E - It seems we’re just about done.
Alice 「 但是 , 還 剩下 這個 。 」
A - But, we still have this left.
我 拿著 不知 如何 放置 的 花束 , 對 愛德華 説道。
I held out the unknown bouquet while speaking to Edgar.
Alice 「這 束 絹花 的 花束 , 該 怎麼 辦 呢 ? 」
A - What are we going to do about this?
紅 與 粉色 間 還 混著 紫色 魯冰花 的 花束 , 雖然 是 絹花 卻 十分 艷麗 。
The bouquet of lupins were pink and purple, they definitely were beautiful.
愛德華 「 就 送給 妳 吧 。 」
E - You should have it then.
Alice 「 欸 , 這 是 送給 軍團 的 東西… 」
A - Eh, but this was something given to the army.
愛德華 「呵呵 , 開玩笑 的 。 」
E - Hehe. That was a joke
愛德華「 送給 妳 的 禮物 , 我 會 全部 準備 的 。 」
E - A gift for you, I will have it all prepared.
Alice 「 謝 、 謝謝 , 我 也 想 從 愛德華 那裡 收到 禮物 。 」
A - T-thank you, I would love to receive a gift from you.
愛德華 「 那麼 , 這份 禮物 妳 意下 如何 ? 」
E - Then how do you feel about this gift?
愛德華 如同 魯冰花 一般 華麗 的 笑容 靠 了 過來 輕輕 落下 一 吻 。
Edgar with a smile beautiful like the lupin flower gently placed down a kiss.
Alice 「...」
A - ...
愛德華 「 哎呀 , 這樣 不足以 滿足 妳 嗎 ? 」
E - Aiya, did that not satisfy you?
愛德華 的 臉 再次 輕輕 靠近 …
Edgar’s face again began to approach...
Alice 「 嗯 …」
A - *Gulp*
在 輕觸 的 親吻 後 , 嘴唇 變換 角度 深深 重疊 在 一 起 。
After the light kiss his lips repositioned and our lips overlapped.
Alice 「 啊 …嗯 ~ 」
A - Ah-Ahh~
愛德華 的 熱度 , 從 觸碰 的 唇瓣 間 傳遞 了 過來 。
Edgar’s warmth was felt through our lips.
宛如 蘊含 著 特別 心意 地 禮物 般 , 毫無保留地 將 之 贈予 給 我。
A gift with special feelings, delivered with no hesitation.
( 愛 、 愛德華… )
貼 合 的 唇瓣 在 漫長 的 時間 中 , 最終 有些 遺憾 地 分離 , 而 夢幻 的 水 聲 便 在 此刻 輕輕 響起 。
After a while our lips parted regrettably. The pleasant sound of water was present in this moment.
愛德華 「 開心 時光 的 回禮 , 不 做到 這種 程度 可 不行 呢 。」
E - A return gift would not be acceptable if it wasn’t at least like this.
我 的 雙頰 因 甜美 的 親吻 而 沉醉 , 暫時 沒 能 收斂 擺正 表情 。
Intoxicated by his kiss my expression was temporarily frozen.
愛德華 「 話説 回來 …是 魯冰花 嗎 ? 現在 和 我 的 心情 非常 匹配 呢 。 」
E - So getting back on topic. The lupin flower is it? I matches well with my mood right now.
Alice 「 為什麼 ? 」
A - How come?
愛德華 「 保密 。 」
E - That’s a secret.
(... ? 這麼 神秘 反而 讓人 更 在意 啊... )
(...? Ah such secrecy ends up making people feel even more curious)
那一晚 , 我 在 書本 中 找尋 魯冰花 所 代表 的 涵義 ...
That night I looked up the meaning of the lupin flower in a book.
在 得知 它 的 花語 是 『 一直 都很 幸福 』 後 , 我 的 笑容 也 變得 漸漸 難以 掩飾~
I found that it’s meaning is “always being happy” and it became hard to hold back my smile.
As I mentioned I’m a bit quiet with posting because of my spending ban but hopefully this makes up for it~ ❤️❤️❤️
I didn’t proof read at all bc it reminds me of writing papers haha. Hopefully nobody minds.
Jonah’s will be next!
42 notes · View notes
fuyonggu · 5 years
Administrative Geography of Yizhou, Lianzhou, and Ningzhou in ~280 AD (Book of Jin)
“Commandary” doesn’t even sound like a word anymore...
In distant antiquity, the area that would later be known as Yizhou was included within the territory of Lianzhou, as defined by both the description of the realm in the Tribute of Yu and in the territories that the ancient Emperor Shun assigned to his Twelve Governors. During the Zhou dynasty, since Lianzhou was combined with Yongzhou, the future Yizhou region was also included in Yongzhou.
Regarding the name Yizhou, the text 春秋元命包 states, "The Can and Fa stars wander through Yizhou, so named for its narrowness." That is to say, it was named because of the land's rough and narrow terrain. Or it is also said that it is called Yi (益 "more") because of its very expansive land and soil.
When King Huiwen of Qin conquered the state of Shu (in 316 BC), he organized the entire former state into Shu commandary, with Zhang Ruo as its Administrator. When the First Emperor of Qin organized the whole realm into thirty-six commandaries (in 221 BC), Shu commandary's name was left unchanged. 
At the beginning of the Han dynasty (~206 BC), the region was the three commandaries of Hanzhong, Ba, and Shu. In the sixth year of Emperor Gaozu of Han's (Liu Bang's) reign (201 BC), he split off part of Shu commandary to form Guanghan commandary, thus there were four commandaries in total. After Emperor Wu expanded into the southwest at the expense of the local tribes (in 135 BC), he organized the new territory into the four additional commandaries of Jianwei, Zangke, Yuegui, and Yizhou, making eight in total. He also organized these eight commandaries into the single province of Yizhou; this must have been the first appearance of Yizhou. 
During Later Han, Emperor Ming organized newly submissive territory into Yongchang commandary (in 58 AD), Emperor An established Commandants of Vassal States attached to the commandaries of Shu, Guanghan, and Jianwei, and Emperor Ling organized the three counties of Wenjiang, Canling, and Guangrou into a new Wenshan commandary. In Emperor Xian's first year of Chuping [should be Xingping, 194], Liu Zhang split off part of Ba commandary and formed Yongning commandary. In his sixth year of Jian'an (201), Yongning commandary was renamed to Ba commandary while the original commandary was renamed to Baxi; Fuling commandary was also established. In the twenty-first year of Jian'an (216), Liu Bei split off part of Ba commandary to form Guling commandary.
In Shu-Han's first year of Zhangwu (221), Guling commandary was renamed to Badong commandary, while Baxi's name was restored to Ba commandary. They also split off part of Guanghan commandary to form Zitong commandary, split off part of Jianwei commandary to form Jiangyang commandary, reorganized the Vassal State attached to Shu commandary as Hanjia commandary, and reorganized the Vassal State attached to Jianwei commandary as Zhuti commandary. In Liu Shan's second year of Jianxing (224), he renamed Yizhou commandary to Jianning commandary, reorganized the Vassal State attached to Guanghan commandary as Yinping commandary, split off part of Jianning and Yongchang commandaries to form Yunnan commandary, split off parts of Jianning and Zangke commandaries to form Xinggu commandary, and split off part of Guanghan commandary to form Eastern Guanghan commandary. During Cao-Wei's Jingyuan reign era (263-264), they conquered Shu-Han, and they abolished Eastern Guanghan commandary.
In Emperor Wu of Jin's second year of Taishi (266), he split off [the northern] part of Yizhou to form the new province of Lianzhou, with Hanzhong commandary as part of it. In the seventh year of Taishi (271), he also split off [the southern] part of Yizhou to form the new province of Ningzhou.
What follows is the geography of Yizhou as it existed around the first year of Taikang (280). It administered eight commandaries and forty-four counties, and had a population of 149,300 households.
Shu Commandary
(The state of Qin established this commandary. At this time, it administered six counties and had a population of 50,000 households.)
成都 廣都 繁 江原 臨邛 郫
Jianwei Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered five counties and had a population of 10,000 households.)
武陽 南安 僰道 資中 牛鞞
Wenshan Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered eight counties and had a population of 16,000 households.)
汶山 升遷 都安 廣陽 興樂 平康 蠶陵 廣柔
Hanjia Commandary
(Shu-Han formed this commandary. At this time, it administered four counties and had a population of 13,000 households.)
漢嘉 徙陽 嚴道 旄牛
Jiangyang Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered three counties and had a population of 3,100 households.)
江陽 符 漢安
Zhuti Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered five counties and had a population of 2,600 households.)
朱提 南廣 漢陽 南秦 堂狼
Yuegui Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered five counties and had a population of 53,400 households.)
會無 邛都 卑水 定苲 臺登
Zangke Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered eight counties and had a population of 1,200 households.)
萬壽 且蘭 談指 夜郎 毋歛 幷渠 鄨 平夷
After the reign of Emperor Hui of Jin, Li Te declared himself King in Shu and called his state Han (in 303), and Yizhou and its counties and commandaries were lost to Jin. During his reign, Li Xiong split off parts of Hanjia and Shu commandaries to form the new commandaries of Chenli and Hanyuan. And even though Jin no longer actually controlled Yizhou, they still appointed officials for Yizhou and its counties and commandaries in absentia from their new base in the Southland. After Huan Wen conquered Shu (in 347) and Jin recovered the province, Chenli and Hanyuan commandaries were abolished, while four new commandaries were established: Southern Yinping, Jinyuan, Ningshu, and Shining. In the second year of Xian'an (373), Yizhou was once again lost to Jin, this time coming under the control of the Fu clan of Former Qin. But in the eighth year of Taiyuan (383), Jin recovered the province again. In the second year of Long'an (398), Jin also established three new commandaries: Jinxi, Suining, and Jinning.
[This should be spelled Liangzhou, but I am distinguishing it from the northwestern province 涼州 Liangzhou.]
In distant antiquity, the Tribute of Yu in the Book of Documents describes Lianzhou as being the region "south of Mount Hua and along the Black River". And when the ancient Emperor Shun appointed his Twelve Governors, one of them was for Lianzhou.
Regarding the name Lianzhou, it was said that the minerals of the west had a strong and 梁 "firm" spirit, thus the name.
According to the Rites of Zhou, the Lianzhou region was governed by the officials of Yongzhou.
The Han dynasty never organized this region into its own province of Lianzhou; it remained part of Yizhou privince. In Emperor Xian's sixth year of Chuping [should be the first year, 190], Linjiang county was placed under Yongning commandary. In the sixth year of Jian'an (201), Liu Zhang renamed Yongning commandary to Badong commandary and split off parts of Ba and Dianjiang commandaries to form Baxi commandary. After Liu Bei occupied the Shu region (in 215), he split off the counties of Jiameng, Fucheng, Zitong, and Baishui from Guanghan commandary, formed a new Hande county, and organized all of them into the new Zitong commandary; he also renamed Jiameng to Hanshou county. He also split off the counties of Dangqu, Xuanhan, and Hanchang from Shu commandary and organized them into the new Dangqu commandary, and although he soon abolished this commandary, these counties were now placed under Baxi commandary.
In Jin's third year of Taishi (267), they split off [the northern] part of Yizhou to form the new province of Lianzhou at Hanzhong. They named Hanshou to Jinshou, and they split off part of Guanghan commandary to form Xindu commandary.
What follows is the geography of Lianzhou as it existed around the first year of Taikang (280). It administered eight commandaries and forty-four counties, and had a population of 76,300 households.
Hanzhong Commandary
(The Qin dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered eight counties and had a population of 15,000 households.)
南鄭 蒲池 褒中 沔陽 成固 西鄉 黃金 興道
Zitong Commandary
(Shu-Han created this commandary. At this time, it administered eight counties and had a population of 12,000 households.)
梓潼 涪城 武連 黃安 漢德 晉壽 劍閣 白水
Guanghan Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered three counties and had a population of 5,100 households.)
廣漢 德陽 五城
Xindu Commandary
(Jin created this commandary in the second year of Taishi (266). At this time, it administered four counties and had a population of 24,500 households.)
雒 什方 緜竹 新都
Fuling Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered five counties and had a population of 4,200 households.)
漢復 涪陵 漢平 漢葭 萬寧
Ba Commandary
(The Qin dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered four counties and had a population of 3,300 households.)
江州 墊江 臨江 枳
Baxi Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered nine counties and had a population of 12,000 households.)
閬中 西充國 蒼溪 岐愜 南充國 漢昌 宕渠 安漢 平州
Western Chongguo
Southern Chongguo
Badong Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered three counties and had a population of 6,500 households.)
魚復 朐䏰 南浦
In the sixth year of Taikang (285), the ninth month, Jin abolished Xindu commandary and combined it into Guanghan commandary. Emperor Hui of Jin later split off the counties of Dangqu, Hanchang, and Xuanhan from Baxi commandary to form Dangqu commandary, and he merged that and the commandaries of Xincheng, Weixing, and Shangyong into Lianzhou. Lianzhou and its counties and commandaries were soon lost to Li Te as well (in ~303). During the Yongjia reign era (307-312), [the Chouchi ruler] Yang Maosou also controlled part of Lianzhou as well. Since many refugees of Jin people (ethnic Han) from Lianzhou and Yizhou came to stay in his domain, Yang Maosou established surrogate versions of both provinces at Southern and Northern Yinping commandaries. After Huan Wen conquered the Shu region (in 347), refugees from the Ba and Han regions were organized into the new Jinchang commandary, which administered the ten counties of Zhangle, Anjin, Yanshou, Anle, Xuanhan, Ningdu, Xinxing, Jiyang, Dongguan, and Yong'an. He also established the counties of Yichang and Jinxing, as part of Baxi commandary. The southeastern part of Deyang commandary was organized into the new Suining commandary. He also established a Jiange county in Jinshou commandary, which was placed under Lianzhou. Later, Emperor Xiaowu split off the northern part of Zitong commandary to form Jinshou commandary, which administered the four counties of Jinshou, Baishui, Shaohuan, and Xing'an. Zitong commandary was shifted to Zitong county, and Jiange county was abolished. He also split off and formed Southern Hanzhong commandary, and he split off parts of Baxi and Zitong commandaries to form Jinshan commandary. During Emperor An's reign, he established the commandaries of Xinba and Wenyang. There were also the four commandaries of Northern Xinba, Huayang, Southern Yinping, and Northern Yinping. And later, ten commandaries were established: Baqu, Huai'an, Songxi, Baishui, Shangluo, Northern Shangluo, Southern Dangqu, Huaihan, Xinxing, and Ankang.
All during the Han and Cao-Wei dynasties, this region was part of the province of Yizhou. In Jin's seventh year of Taishi (271), since Emperor Wu felt that Yizhou was too large, he split off the commandaries of Jianning, Xinggu, Yunnan from Yizhou and Yongchang commandary from Jiaozhou and organized them into the new province of Ningzhou.
What follows is the geography of Ningzhou as it existed around the first year of Taikang (280). It administered four commandaries and forty-five counties, and had a population of 83,000 households.
Yunnan Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered nine counties and had a population of 9,200 households.)
雲平 雲南 梇棟 青蛉 姑復 邪龍 楪榆 遂久 永寧
Xinggu Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered eleven counties and had a population of 6,200 households.)
律高 句町 宛溫 漏臥 毋掇 賁古 滕休 鐔封 漢興 進乘 都篖
Jianning Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered seventeen counties and had a population of 29,000 households.)
味 昆澤 存䣖 新定 談槀 母單 同瀨 漏江 牧麻 穀昌 連然 秦臧 雙柏 俞元 修雲 泠丘 滇池
Yongchang Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered eight counties and had a population of 38,000 households.)
不韋 永壽 比蘇 雍鄉 南涪 巂唐 哀牢 博南
In the third year of Taikang (282), Emperor Wu abolished Ningzhou again; the region became part of Yizhou, while being directly administed by the office of Colonel of Southern Yi Tribes. In the second year of Tai'an (304), Emperor Hui reestablished Ningzhou, and he split off the seven western counties of Jianning commandary to form Yizhou commandary. In the second year of Yongjia (308), Yizhou commandary was renamed to Jinning, and parts of Zangke commandary were split off to form Pingyi and Yelang commandaries. However, this province soon fell under the control of Li Te [should be Li Xiong] as well. Later, Li Shou split off the commandaries of Xinggu, Yongchang, Yunnan, Zhuti, Yuegui, and Heyang to form the new province of Hanzhou. In the fourth year of Xiankang (338), he also split off the commandaries of Zangke, Yelang, Zhuti, and Yuegui to form the new province of Anzhou. In the eighth year of Xiankang (342), he folded that back into Ningzhou, returned Yuegui commandary to Yizhou, and abolished Yongchang commandary. [Ningzhou was later reclaimed by Jin.]
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livepoesy-blog · 5 years
Chinese Spirit ; Chinese Music Genre; 中國魂, 音樂風, 中国风音乐, 中国魂
Chinese Spirit ; Chinese Music Genre
中國魂, 音樂風, 中国风音乐, 中国魂
As a Chinese living in Taipei, here, I observe the tradition and revolution of Chinese music and Chinese popular culture.
By attending the Music Class of Popular Music in America as an undergraduate student in the USA, I'd like to share some hearty experience.
The United States of America is a cultural melting-pot or so-called diverse salad bowl
The fusion of popular American music indicated that various ethnicities in the U.S.A. had endorsed rich cultural genres so to celebrate the diversity of American culture, creating different music genres, such as jazz, hip-hop, rap, soul, country, Rock n ' Roll, and Latin music.
美國流行音樂的融合,各個種族都含有相當豐富的民族獨特元素,比如黑人的爵士樂(jazz)、嘻哈(hip-hop)、饒舌(Rap)、騷靈樂(Soul)、白人的鄉村(country)與搖滾(Rock n ' Roll),西班牙墨西哥裔的拉丁音樂(Latin Music)。
The only absent spice is the originality of Chinese genre.
The reason for this phenomenon results from the signing of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act by the U.S.A. president Chester Alan Arthur. This caused Chinese people become the minority of the USA population. Although Chinese Americans settled in the USA have the same right to enjoy the material wealth and technology advancement of the USA, they usually do not engage in the political sector; therefore, they become an ethnic minority in the social margin.
造成這原因的理由,除了美國華人屬於少數民族,1882年5月6日美國總統切斯特·艾倫·阿瑟(Chester Alan Arthur) 簽署的《排華法案》(Chinese Exclusion Act),成為《美國法典》的一部分以外,在美華人,多半成為可以在此安身立命、享受美國高水準物質生活的高級技術員(technician),卻多半不參與政治舞台,成為少數民族中被放置在社交邊緣(Social Margin) 緘默的族群。
Music becomes memorial and innovational due to the convergence of various genres, causing fusion and elicits fashion, therefore revolutes the trend of history and reshapes the popular culture.
About Chinese Spirit Renaissance
My question is:
1. How to manifest the 5000 years deep-rooted historical Chinese cultural genre, to enrich it to the popular music, to lead the traditional to the modern, so to refine the Chinese music genre?
2. How to re-open the chamber of tradition, bring down the poetic cultural essence by incorporating technology advancements nowadays into musical development through mass media to reshape the popular culture?
3. How to redefine the classic, connect the old with the new, the ancient with the modern, the unknown to the known, so to create evolution, to lead and reshape the popular culture?
Currently, China itself is leading a renaissance. 目前中國文化掀起一片復甦的風潮
Our dream is to make ancient poetry comprehensible to the mass readers. By integrating poems into music, we can deliver songs that touch people’s inner heart, and eventually serve as curing spiritual melody. We hope to connect the old with the new; the ancient with the modern; the unknown to the known—— healing the brokenhearted.
The leading Chinese music industry is creating a contemporary genre by incorporation poetry into songs, which we believe will innovate modern cultural altitude that resignates our appetite for virtue. This evolution will send the Chinese traditional art and Chinese aesthetic value to the public, which, lets the Chinese be recognized and resonate with the rest of the world.
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We may reshape Chinese popular culture, let the depth lead out the shallow, let the tradition break out the current, let the innovative resolve the history, let the ancient revive the modern.
Recognizing the core value of Chinese spirit, we may embrace the 5000 years of Chinese history, delve into the ethnic soul of our treasure land to find our passion.
We are people of poetry. We are euphemistic; we use poetry to express emotional euphoria; we sprinkle tears to encompass euphoric sincerity of hidden spiritual beauty, which, in return, enriches simple virtue. Surrounded by the traditional culture of virtue, self-respect, and dedication, this mystical, spiritual beauty arises aromatically.
After the invasion of the Eight-Nation Alliance, China was entirely defeated by the Western world.
After a century, we may question what is left, under the defeated.
Will we revive our Chinese Spirit after 40 years of self-despiteful Chinese Cultural Revolution?
After withering scornful winter, downgoing cultural valley's sculpture, can Chinese spirit withstand the world's respect and uplift China upon the roof of the world's cultural heritage?
After such desperate ruin, will Chinese inner spirit manifest all aspects of deep-rooted traditional arts, the uniform between man and the mother nature, the poetic spirit of traditional profoundness, the tenderness of people, the philosophical thoughts of peace and tolerance?
These findings, are the deep flow of universal resonance of virtuous poetic beauty within humanity.
Chinese Spirit resides in strength carried out of bitterness, prosperous under the obtainment of limited resources, develops under the philosophy of unification between man and the environment. When exploring the unknown, Chinese retains humble and harmonious.
我們中華文化的堅忍與精神力量: 在苦難與有限資源的取得中,發展出無與倫比的強大精神力量與天人合一的哲學境界,在探索未知的領域,未知的疆土,永遠的謙卑和諧。
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Chinese Spirit, unlike western materialism, it is not shallow; Chinese spirit, unlike white supremacy, it is not aggressive. Chinese Spirit is different from Hedonism in western popular culture; it is also unlike science, which always needs validation.
中國魂,祂不同於西方唯物主義的膚淺,亦不同於種族至上主義對其他國家的掠奪及打壓 ; 亦不同於西方大眾文化享樂主義,以科學信仰驗證真理的冒失。
Chinese Spirit—-a poetic symbol of emotional beauty, springing from underground to heaven, of sincerity that touches every living to shed tears; it is full of imagination of space and time, whereas the left margin represents aesthetic beauty; it is unlike western sunshine, full of power, instead, it is an oriental Ying-Yang presented with tenderness, following to spring heavenly virtuous aspects.
Chinese Spirit is full of poetic beauty and human virtue. It hides in the euphemistic ying-yang element, as a traditional presentment.
It has a lack of Holy Spirit but is full of virtuous beauty.
Confucianism is the mainstream cultural grounding of Chinese philosophy, encompassing with tea manner, Chinese medicine, traditional music, Chinese martial art, all of which represents Ying-Yang enigma.
儒家文化思想,是問鼎中原以後承續千年的哲學脈絡 一種精神──茶道精神
Chinese Spirit is full of poetic beauty and human virtue. It hides in the euphemistic ying-yang element, as a traditional presentment.
When we know our history, we can reflect ourselves without being lost. When we experience enlightenment, we understand past to the future, western to the eastern. When we succeed Chinese Ying-Yang metaphysical spirit, we can be able to lead the world into the future century.
當我們對自己的歷史有清楚的認識,便不再迷失。當我們鑑古知今,通天地。 知古今、知中外、知未來;當我們承續中國東方哲學精神領域的導引力量,將可以引領世界進入下一個世紀的潮流。
Time will not go back, as the new age culture nurtures new people. 
When the Great Chinese Renaissance comes, we may embrace the revival of Chinese Spirit. 
It has a lack of Holy Spirit but is full of virtuous beauty. 
Let us lead the revival of Chinese Spirit and redefine the mainstream culture of China. 
Let us receive the Holy Spirit and serve China by the love for Chinese people, so to foster peace in humanity.
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izakzhang · 2 years
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親愛的呆腦,親愛的獸 〈Lovely Dino Lovely Saur〉
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親愛的呆腦,親愛的獸 Lovely Dino Lovely Saur 尺寸視場地而定,熱轉染金屬成像、錄像、智慧型手機、不銹鋼、石膏、沙土,2022
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爺爺送了我一張相片,褪色的銀鹽顆粒裡頭有一隻恐龍,被選擇出現在畫面中央,構圖看起來是有點歪斜,看似不經意地的取景,有一念溫柔的心思在其中,爺爺總是記得我最喜歡恐龍,我很喜歡這張相片。這張老相紙上留下的餘溫,至始至終存在著,存在於恐龍和我之間、與相機之間、浩瀚的時空之間。與其稱呼他們為恐龍,我更喜歡 Dino 的綽號,就像是偏好別人稱呼自己小名而非姓名,這樣才能更符合主觀上的認同。
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對於 Dino 有很多故事想與大家分享,他就像認識多年的好夥伴,陪伴我一起成長,小時候很喜歡作為明星的他,娛樂了世代的孩童。長大後開始思考其生命本質,雖然早已滅絕,但作為宇宙中的生命,萬物應有證明自身活著的權益。我相信 Dino 已經不存在,而且是徹底死透到骨子裡的那種,即使僅留下破碎的遺骸,骨骸代表著自身的意志也消逝殆盡。儘管我們試圖以看似理性的科學,想像其面貌,試圖推測、還原、乃至復活已消逝的軀體,然而沒有人能以任何形式將牠重生,這才是真正的死亡。遭遇六千六百萬年前的大滅絕事件後,至今還是無法擺脫走向一場場悲劇的宿命論。
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數千年來我們佔有 Dino,我也佔有過他,在這次的展覽中,期許能以這份帶點任性的稚氣,召喚我對於恐龍的愛。我從小對於恐龍的熱愛、憧憬與想像,即使至今仍充滿熱情,對於恐龍的觀點仍在改變中。由一張私人的老相片,到台灣隨處可見的恐龍塑像群,在數位攝影、3D深度圖重建、手工翻模複製的過程,這些技術尤其在科技的面向中,可說是一種精準地佔有,再從技術上的佔有至追尋過去模糊的感性記憶。好像暫時延緩了恐龍的最後一口氣般,但他最終還是會消失,只不過還是想任性地抱著他,將再次填上喜歡的色彩,與大家分享個故事 ——— 他的名字叫作 Dino。
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In the faded grain of the analog film image, a dinosaur is chosen to be presented in the center of the viewfinder. Its position is a bit imbalanced; it seems like an unintentional scene, but there are tender thoughts inherent within. This photograph was a gift from my grandpa and it's one of my favorites. He always remembers how much I love dinosaurs.
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There's something that exists between dinosaurs and me, between me and the camera . . . a remaining temperature has always lingered throughout the vastness of space and time. Instead of calling them dinosaurs, I prefer the nickname Dino. It's like preferring a nickname instead of one's given name and surname, so as to be more in line with subjective recognition.
There are many stories about Dino I'd like to share with you. As a child, I loved him as a star���he's entertained generations of children. He's like a good partner that I've known for many years, growing up with me. When I grew up, I began to think about the nature of life. Even if—as a life in the universe—it's been extinct for a long time, everything should have the right to prove that it's alive.
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I believe that Dino no longer exists, that he is completely dead to the bone. Besides the broken bones that were left behind, nothing remained of his kind. Ultimately, even bones are going to vanish of their own determination. Although we try to imagine its features with seemingly rational science, attempting to surmise, restore, and even revive the body that's passed away, no one can do it. No one can bring it back to life in any form, which is what death really means. After the mass extinction of 66 million years ago, Dino still can't shake the fatalism, can't get rid of the feeling that we're heading for a tragedy. For thousands of years, we've possessed Dino and I've possessed him.
In this exhibition, I hope to use this childish capriciousness to evoke my love for dinosaurs. I've loved, longed for, and imagined dinosaurs since I was a child. Even now, I'm still enthusiastic about them—but my perspective on dinosaurs continues to change. From an old, private photograph to the dinosaur statues visible everywhere in Taiwan, from manual mold-casting to the process of digital photography and 3D reconstruction, it can all be considered a precise impression, especially in the technology-oriented sense. From a technical impression to a pursuit of vague, sensual memories of the past, it all seems to have postponed the last breath of the dinosaurs . . . but that, too, will eventually disappear.
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Even so, I still want to hug him protectively, fill him in with my favorite colors, and share his story with you—his name is Dino.
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來自呆腦的訊息 A Message From Dino
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Actor WANG,WEI-JHONG Sound Design WU,YI-WEI Special thanks to the National Museum of Natural Science for permission and assistance in filming. 感謝國立自然科學博物館協助拍攝.
Online view link : https://vimeo.com/971704137
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Custom Typeface by YUPOJEN
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vogueonyahoo · 7 years
Janet 史上最正能量孕婦 最健美孕照
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2017/10/11 更新 原本預產期在10/2,一直等到41週,用自然催生法,小寶寶10/11凌晨02:37才終於來報到,3650公克的大頭男寶寶,在Janet Hsieh謝怡芬有如神力女超人wonder woman的38小時奮鬥,和爸爸George Young親手剪臍帶的陪伴中,降臨世間,擁有全體陪伴環繞在身邊的幸福家人,期待寶寶的可愛照片分享了。
2017/10/11 更新 George Young讚老婆Janet謝怡芬是神力女超人!他激動地先公布:我有兒子了!說待會再好好想好要講什麼。 大家一路以來都陪伴在他們的社群上,跟著Janet一週一週來到孕程41週的腳步,見證這位wonder woman神力女超人媽咪,顛覆所有人對於孕婦的所有傳統限制想像,依舊飛全世界趴趴走,到催生都還在持續做運動,她讓自己一直在最自然的狀態下,開開心心觀察等待,寶寶自己準備好要來到這世界的那一刻。大家到孕程後期,過了預產期到了41週,開始擔心寶寶在肚子裡太久,會有臍帶繞頸、吸入胎便的危險,提出各式該催生了的意見,他們還上網找了自然的催生法,吃辣椒、跳舞、做愛做的事,終於在國慶日的夜裡,等到在媽咪肚子裡住太舒服的兒子決定出來報到。 在充滿愛的環境下來自然到這世界,相信Janet Hsieh謝怡芬和George Young的寶寶,一定會開開心心可可愛愛的長大!
2017/10/06 更新 跟著Janet一起瘋好孕,全裸寫真幕後花絮來了!她也跟George喊話,也許下次該拍爸爸們的裸照! CNFlower和攝影師Paul Chang,創造了一個彷彿伊甸園的自然場景,讓準媽咪們有舒服漂亮的環境放心全裸拍美照。 Being pregnant is an interesting time. Your body goes through so many physical changes, your emotions go through a roller coaster ride, and it can be exhilarating and also exhausting. (And also, you pee yourself when you sneeze. or cough. or laugh too hard.) 懷孕是一個很奇妙的過程。 你的身體的變化很快,又超級大。 你的心情像一個雲霄飛車一樣, 上上下下, 令人興奮但同時累爆了!(還有不要忘了,你打噴嚏,咳嗽,或是太突然的大笑的時候會不小心的尿褲子) There are times when you look down or into a mirror and HATE what you see. You feel fat, ugly, heavy, wide, saggy, swollen, uncomfortable, and just hate your body. And then, there are times when look at yourself and you see a miracle. A physical transformation that is so incredible and was incomprehensible to you before you actually got pregnant. It’s difficult to explain to anybody else who has never experienced it before. And every day, every moment is different. 有時候,看到鏡子裡的自己或是往下看肚子的時候,很討厭看到的身體變化:覺得自己很醜、很肥、很腫、 很鬆、很膨脹、很不舒服, 基本上,就是很討厭。不過,有時候看著自己或是感覺到寶寶胎動的時候,你又好像在見證自己的奇蹟,一個身體物理上的轉型,一個懷孕之前怎樣都無法理解的變化。 而且也很難跟其他沒有體驗過的人形容的感覺與心情。 然後,每一天、每一時刻都不一樣。 Those are the beautiful moments and feelings I wanted to capture with this series of nude maternity photos. Just the beauty and miracle that is the body when it is carrying a baby inside. 這個就是我希望可以要用照片記錄下來的感覺。這種生活奇蹟美麗的感覺。而我覺得裸照最適合呈現這種心情。 You lose all modesty at times (I would fart loudly in public and not even blink an eye. Or sit on a chair with my legs wide open and not care who could see my underwear.) but with that, you also gain courage. The little baby inside makes you feel so sexy and more womanly than you’ve ever felt before. 懷孕之後,有的時候真的會偶爾失去你的矜持:我可以大聲的在大家面前放一個很臭的屁然後一點都不會不好意思,或是在公共場合兩腿開開不會care誰看到我的內褲,但是,我覺得孕婦們也同時獲得了一種莫��的勇氣,這可能是肚子裡的小孩讓你覺得你很辣或是更有母性的感覺。 I hope these photos celebrate the beauty that is pregnancy and the miracle of life. Qi Qi is an amazing mom who was willing to challenge herself to do something she never thought she’d do before and I’m so proud of her for doing this with me! Thank you to CN Flower and Paul Chang for making this possible and making us feel so so beautiful, inside and out! 我真的希望這個系列的照片是慶祝孕婦們的身體變化還有生命奇蹟。這集 #跟著Janet一起瘋好孕 的李淇淇是一位非常棒的媽咪,她願意跟著我挑戰她從來沒有想過可以做的事:拍孕婦全裸寫真!謝謝 CNFlower把台灣山林搬到攝影棚,還有讓我們盡情展現溫柔力量的Paul Chang攝影師,讓我們覺得我們從內到外都是美女!
2017/10/02 When I first found out I was pregnant, I was excited, nervous, scared, ecstatic, confused, worried and so many other emotions. And like a lot of first time moms, I had a lot of questions. 當我剛知道自己懷孕的時候,我很期待、緊張、害怕、開心、困惑、擔心⋯⋯就像很多第一次當媽咪的妳們, 我內心有好多問題: Questions about what I could or could not do. What was allowed and what wasn’t. What could I eat and what was off limits. What could I do and what could I NOT do. Was my life going to change completely and would I lose my freedoms before the baby even came out?! 問題關於這個可以嗎?那樣可以嗎?這個能不能吃?那個可不可以做?到底什麼事是不應該的什麼事是應該的?我的人生是不是小孩還沒有出來就要改變到我認不出來我自己?我的自由要馬上掰掰了? Luckily, I have been blessed with a healthy pregnancy and after consulting with doctors and experts, I started to realize that there’s a lot more that pregnant women CAN do than CAN’T do. And after talking to other pregnant women, I realized that I’m not the only one out there who still wants to challenge herself - to try new things, to push our limits (within reason of course), and to make a our own dreams come true. 我很幸運,醫生都說我的寶寶是健康的,我基本上沒有什麼問題。而且和醫生請教了許多問題之後,也發現其實孕婦的限制並沒有我以前想像的多!跟著其他的孕婦聊了之後,更發現,我不是唯一一個孕婦想要挑戰自己-嘗試新的東西、挑戰自己的極限、實現我們的夢想! So, I put the question out there on social media calling for other moms-to-be like me to let me know what dreams THEY had and hundreds of women responded. It was AMAZING! It was so encouraging to have so much support and to know that I wasn’t the only crazy one out there! 所以我在我的臉書和IG問了準媽咪們一個問題:她們的夢想是什麼?想要跟我“瘋媽咪”瘋什麼?大家的反應真的很感人!有這麼多人支持這個活動,這麼多媽咪們跟我分享她們的夢想, 讓我真的感受到很大的支持,還有知道我不是唯一一個瘋子!哈哈! Our first mommy, Winnie, had the first and possibly most difficult challenge. She wanted to take underwater maternity photos. Thanks to 群群哥 #Naturemade and #VivaNuts , we were able to make it happen. Her courageousness was incredible and her husband’s support for her was inspiring and heartwarming. Thank you to the team for making our dreams come true and helping us take these gorgeous photos! 後來, 我們挑選了幾位媽咪們。第一個是Winnie(順道一提,她前幾天已經生小孩了!恭喜恭喜!)Winnie的挑戰應該是裡面最高難度的挑戰:水下孕婦照!Winnie的勇氣真的是可以學習的 (她害怕,但是還是跳下水去!)她的老公的支持也是超級感人的。 謝謝綠田攝影棚 劉群群 好厲害的攝影師,還有讓我們每天維護健康的 萊萃美Nature Made_美國第一大品牌維他命 及 Viva-健康萬歲 讓這個夢想可以完成!也謝謝 媽媽寶寶-懷孕、生產、育兒雜誌幫我們整個系列活動作報導。這個是我們辛苦的拍了整天的結果。希望你們也是跟我們一樣很愛很愛 跟著Janet一起瘋好孕 這個作品!
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2017/10/01 她雙語分享了即將臨盆的內心話,也好感人。 隨時都會生了... Any day, any hour now… 好奇怪的感覺:雖然我已經有快10個月的時間習慣要當媽媽這件事,但是還是覺得好不習慣。尤其是越來越靠近生產日期的時候: It's such a weird feeling knowing that my life is going to change drastically any day, any HOUR now. Every first time mother probably feels this way as you get closer and closer to the due date: 你又緊張, 有又超級期待 You're so nervous and excited. 你感覺任何身體變化就是一個sign說你要開始生小孩了,但是你又希望還不要那麼快 You think everything is a sign that you’re going into labor, yet you hope that you’re not…. 你準備好要當媽媽了,但是你又還沒準備放掉你現在自由獨立的生活。 You're ready to be a mom, not quite ready yet to give up your past life. 你懷疑會不會知道你在宮縮真的要生小孩了,或是你根本不想去想...順其自然就好,相信你的身體會知道,會告訴你。 You’re wondering if you will KNOW when you’re about to go into labor, you just try not to think about it and just trust that your body will know. 你超擔心生產過程,但是更期待看到小寶寶。 You worry about labor, you're excited to meet the little one. 你在想會不會突然提早生小孩,還是會超過生產期然後醫生會需要幫你催生 You wonder if you’re going to pop early, or if you’re going to go way past the due date and have to be induced. 你擔心你做不做得到,但你想相信你有這個本能。 You're wondering if you can do it, you want to believe that you can. 你想好好hold住小孩還沒有生出來的每一時刻,同時期待真的真的hold住抱住你肚子裡的寶寶。 You want to hold on to every last second of being child free, and yet you can't wait to hold the little baby that's fully formed inside your belly. 現在,我才終於開始覺得我的生活裡面好像準備好有一個小孩了(哈哈。終於!)我開始做夢,可以想像baby會在哪裡睡覺,我會怎麼樣餵母乳,小孩不停的哭然後我們已經好幾天沒有睡覺的感覺,或是我一直看著小孩睡覺很不可思議的想說 ”我的天啊,這個是我的小孩耶“,當然還有可以想像那個想要直接走掉一邊大喊一邊大哭的時候。 Right now, I'm think I'm JUST about mentally prepared to have an actual baby in my life. I have dreams about what it's going to be like. I can visualize the baby in different scenarios around the house (where it is going to sleep, how I'm going to breastfeed it, what we're going to do when we are sleep deprived and it won't stop crying, how I'm going to just have moments where I stare and watch the baby sleep next to me in disbelief that this is OUR baby, our child, how I’m also going to have moments where I just want to walk away and scream.) 今天早上起來的時候,我睡不太著,一直在做夢。 我看到George在我旁邊很安靜, 很平靜的睡著。 我忍不住跟他抱抱,親了他。 我不知道我們接下來還有幾天可以這麼安靜的睡覺, 也許, 永遠不會再有這樣的睡眠了!哈哈。 看著他,我真的很難想像有其他更好的人能在我身邊陪著我一起過生活,其他更好的人能當我孩子的爸爸, 其他更好的基因和我的基因結合(哈哈!)然後做出漂亮的子孫。。。我真的覺得他會是一個好爸爸。 This morning I woke up restless. I had just had a night full of dreams about everything that could happen. I looked over at George peacefully sleeping and couldn’t help myself. I reached over and just snuggled up to him and kissed him. I don’t know how many more peaceful nights like this we’re going to have, if ever again! I can’t imagine a better person who I’d rather spend my life with, who I’d rather have a child with, whose genes I’d rather mix with mine to make offspring (haha), and who I think is going to be an amazing father. 他一定會罵我po這張他在睡覺的照片, 哈哈, 但是不管了。他真的是我的支柱,每一個人都需要一個可以依靠很可靠的支柱(我會借你我的,但是對不起, George是我的。哈!)他支持我,安慰我,餵飽我, 聽我,不舒服或是難過的時候抱了我,我脾氣不好或是不合理的時候,他會好好和我說。 我真的不知道沒有他在我身邊,我會怎麼熬過整個孕期所有的上上下下。 我很期待我們這個越來越靠近的新挑戰,很開心有他在我身邊,也更開心他將來會在baby噴射便便時的那一邊。哈哈 He’s going to get really annoyed that I posted a picture of him sleeping without telling him, but I’m going to do it anyway. :) He’s been my rock since day one. (Everybody needs and should have a good solid rock like George. I’d lend him to you, but he’s mine. Sorry! haha). He’s supported me, comforted me, fed me, listened to me, hugged me when I was feeling sad or ill, and pointed out when I’ve been unreasonable or had a bad attitude. I don’t know what I would have done without him throughout this pregnancy and I’m excited to start this new adventure and challenge with him by my side and definitely with him on the side of the baby that’s going to shoot out explosive diarrhea. 所以, 隨時。。。 不管準備好了沒有, 來吧!!!! So, any day, any hour now… ready or not! Let’s do this!!! George Young
延伸閱讀 準媽咪Janet想生女兒,期許自己是個隨性的媽媽 平淡卻超甜的 Janet 與 George 愛的故事進行式
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infinity-wisdom · 5 years
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Going straight, Facing my truth inside.
The Force is with me.
Nothing is stronger than my pure Braveness.
they called unconditional LOVE.
This is what I meant to be,
And I am saying to the Universe, the world,
I AM🌟🌏
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shortstorychan · 6 years
I am a Father 我做爸爸了
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April 2018
I heard the doorbell ringing three times, I walked lazily to the front entrance to open the door. Standing in front of the door was a boy about 15-year-old. He was about five feet six inches tall weighing about a hundred and twenty pounds. He had black hair and a pair of brown eyes.
"Who are you looking for?" I asked.
"Is this Mr. Jennings's home?"
"Yes, whom do you want to see?" I asked him again.
"Is Peter Jennings at home?" he said.
I noticed that he looked at me with his eyes wide open as if we have met before. But I have never seen this boy.
“I'm Peter, why are you looking for me?"
"Can you let me come in.” He is very direct but polite.
"Please come in."
I took him into the living room. After he sat down, he took a picture from his pocket and gave it to me. I was utterly surprised to see the picture.
"Where do you get this photo?" I asked eagerly.
This photo was taken when I met Nancy in Venice. I have been looking for Nancy everywhere in the last fifteen years but couldn't find her."
At this time, the boy’s eyes turned into red, and watery. He replied with a sad voice: “Nancy is my mother."
At this moment, what I saw in my memory was the reunion of Nancy in a water taxi in Venice. We dated in college. After we graduated, we were separated for many years.
It was impossible to describe the excitement of seeing her again. The two of us immediately embraced each other tightly like lovers. I gave her a passionate lip to lip welcome kiss. As soon as the boat reached the next stop, we jumped ashore.
We then walked in the streets of Venice hand in hand. Venice is full of pebble streets.  On both sides are rows of small shops selling watches, clocks, jewelry, European fashion clothes, and gifts.
Walking a few more streets, there was no longer a tourist shopping area but full of Italian restaurants. We both looked into each other’s eyes and signaled that we were a bit hungry. We both wondered which restaurant was the better one. We looked at the menu of all the restaurants. The price of all the restaurants was about more or less the same. We finally chose the one that had an grandeur atmosphere although the price of this restaurant might be little pricy.
When we sat down in the restaurant, I couldn't help but asked, “Can you tell me why you disappeared after graduation?"
She replied with a gentle and sweet voice: “It’s so lucky for us to meet today. Why revisit the old times? Nothing from the past is more important than now. right?”
I knocked my head and returned with a bitterly smile. She didn’t realize how much I missed her. I then raised my glass of red wine and drank part of it.
She also accompanied me drinking her wine.
I said: “ To death, we never apart again.”
I ordered another bottle of red wine. We started to talk about some of the crazy things we did in the past.
I remembered clearly how we met in campus the first time. I ran into her while I was reading a comic book. She fell and dirtied her clothes. I asked her to go to my dorm.
When we were in my room, I lended her one of my shirts. She looked attractive to me although she did not agree with me. I couldn’t help but held her tight and kissed her. We ended in my bed making love.
That night in Venice was another night of love making. That was my most passionate and enjoyable night in my life. Unfortunately when I woke up the next morning, I could not find her. I tried to look for her everywhere in the whole Venice but couldn't find her. Since that day, I never saw her again.
“Mr. Jennings" The boy’s voice brought me back from my memories. "Nancy is indeed my mother."
"Why didn't she come with you?" I asked.
He gave me another photo of Nancy's tombstone.
"What exactly happened?” I held the child's head. At this moment, he could no longer hold his emotion but burst into tears.
"Don’t cry. Tell me what happened?”
I poured a glass of orange juice for him. He calmed down and told me the story slowly.
From him, I learned that Nancy was already married when we met in Venice and that night between us has brought this boy to this world. With the birth of this boy, Nancy still had a happy family of three. Her husband was excited to have an addition to the family. Unfortunately, her husband later became unemployed and turned into an alcoholic. He often quarreled with Nancy and later physically abused her. The neighbors saw what happened and called the police several times. It was a pity that the police was not able to stop the quarrel and fighting.  Things got worse and worse.
No one knew how Nancy's husband found out that the child was not his. He fired his gun and killed Nancy. Fortunately, the boy ran quickly to his bedroom and locked himself there. The boy was able to escape the gun shot. But Nancy’s husband committed suicide and shot himself on the head.
After I listened to the boy’s story, the pain in my heart was incomprehensible, and my voice began to become husky.
I asked him, “Child, what's your name?"
“ I'm Paul Junior. These two photos were given to me by my grand mom. She asked me to come to look for you. Can I call you Daddy?"
I immediately embraced Paul Junior. He shed tears and said with a hoarse voice, "Daddy.”
「這是Mr. Jennings 的住宅嗎?」
「請問 Mr. Peter Jennings 在家嗎?」他説。
「你怎會有這張照片?」我急著問。「這張照片是我和 Nancy 在威尼斯拍攝的,我曾經花了過去的十幾年到處找她,都沒辦法找到她。」
此時這個男兩眼紅紅的答覆我,「Nancy 是我的媽媽。」
就在這一刻,我的腦袋𥚃見到的是Nancy 和我在威尼斯的海上的士意外重逢。我們在大學曾經拍過拖。但畢業後已經再沒有見面。今次重逢的興奮情緒是沒法形容。兩人立即像一對熱戀的情侶,互相擁抱和親吻。海上的士到下一個站, 兩人手牽手立即跳上岸。
此時我只可舉起杯紅酒,一飲而盡。 她也伴我乾了她手上的酒。我又再點了一瓶紅酒。話題中彼此提及大學中我們第一次在校園相逢,當天早上落過雨,後來雨停定了,我趕著去圖書館還書,當時我不小心撞跌她,使她倒在地上,弄到她的衣服被地上的泥土弄髒了。
我籍此便𨘋請她上男宿舍我的睡房換衣服,當我們入了我的睡房,我借給她穿上我的衫裇,穿上來我覺得她仍有女性的吸引力,但是她不同意我的觀感。但她的自然美已把我吸引了,再沒法不擁抱她和熱吻她,雖然我們是剛剛認識,她並沒有拒絕我。自此之後, 我們開始頻頻見面。
“Mr. Jennings” 這個小孩把我從回憶中帶回來現場。「Nancy 的確是我的媽媽。」
他再給我一张照片,照片是Nancy 的墓碑。
從他的口中,我知道了,原來我們在威尼斯見面時Nancy 已經結了婚,我們那一夜的温情留下今天這個男孩。
她們一家三口也算過得幸福愉快,她的丈夫也高興加添一個小孩。可惜好景不常在,她的丈夫失業,變成一個酒鬼,常常和Nancy 嘈吵,後來嘈吵變成打駡。隣居看見不平的吵駡聲,曾經報警多回。可惜這樣並沒有平靜事件,只有把事情愈變本加厲。
不知道事情是怎樣發生, Nancy 的丈夫知道這孩子不是他的,兩夫妻嘈吵起來,他便走去拿出自己的手槍,開槍把Nancy 殺死,繼而要追殺這個可憐的男孩。幸好這孩子大難不死,他走得快,把自己関在睡房,這樣才可逃過這場槍禍,而Nancy 的丈夫則開槍自殺。
「我叫做Paul Junior 。兩張照片是婆婆給我的,她叫我來找你。我可否叫你一聲Daddy?」
我立即擁抱著Paul Junior。他流著眼淚,帶著沙啞嗓音叫了一聲,「Daddy。」
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tgtsokyi · 8 years
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Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa’s Public Teachings 第十七世噶瑪巴泰耶多傑對眾教言 https://m.facebook.com/17th.Karmapa https://www.facebook.com/chiaying.wu.54
What Kind of Happiness Are You Seeking? 你在追尋的是哪一種幸福? Source:Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje & Huffington Post UK 資料來源:噶瑪巴 泰耶多傑 & 《哈芬登郵報》英國網站 April 12, 2015 http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/his-holiness-karmapa-thaye-dorje/happiness-mindfulness_b_7048748.html
Dear friends, How much do we really know about happiness? From a Buddhist perspective, all sentient beings, including animals, seek happiness. We have a subconscious instinct to seek happiness - even though many of us don’t have a clear idea what it is, or how to achieve it.
From a Buddhist perspective, there are two types of happiness: Emotional Happiness and Timeless Happiness. Emotional Happiness could be described as seeking relief from the cold, or searching for sources of earning, position, or status. Although there is nothing wrong with this type of ‘worldly’ happiness, when we reflect on it, we might understand that all of these examples, by their very nature, are temporary. Emotional Happiness does not last. Therefore, Timeless Happiness becomes something very important to seek.
Timeless Happiness Timeless Happiness is gained from understanding our own inherent qualities, such as compassion and loving kindness, and gaining wisdom about our true nature. When we reflect on the nature of this type of happiness, we find something unchanging, permanent - and therefore worthwhile to seek.
We might find ourselves confused about ‘Timeless Happiness.’ We are, after all, so closely connected to Emotional Happiness, and get an instant reward from it every day. Timeless Happiness might sound noble, even wonderful, but is it visible, attainable in everyday life? Actually, yes.
Happiness in Family My late grandmother led a very simple life, as a mother to my father. But the way she lived her life is something that will stay with me always, and is perhaps my greatest personal example of Timeless Happiness. Without having particular responsibilities that one might consider ‘amazing’ or ‘newsworthy’ - but simply by being a mother, just practicing loving kindness, and other basic qualities of life, and of herself - what I witnessed is that no matter who approached her, no matter what kind of situations she was in, she had an unaltering attitude towards life. Whomever she met, she had the attitude of kindness and care - just like a mother. Visibly, you could see it, verbally, you could hear it. All of her words were extremely warm and gentle. And of course, all of these qualities stemmed from her own consciousness.
As Karmapa, I of course lead my life as a spiritual practitioner, but I learn so much from the way she carried herself, the way she carried her attitude to life. This memory for me is very precious because it helps remind me that Timeless Happiness is visible and evident in all of us. The happiness we are seeking is already here. So this example always helps me, always puts a smile on my face, and in my heart.
Buddha and Happiness I am sure that every one of you have similar experiences, memories, that you can recall. From a Buddhist perspective, it is said that the potential, the seed and the quality of true happiness or enlightenment, are all there within every sentient being’s centre.
Therefore, it is important not to consider Timeless Happiness as something that is distant or unattainable, or something to be celebrated on special occasions, and put on the shelf for the rest of the year. Instead, Timeless Happiness is something that we can really get involved in, take part in, no matter what type of life we are living, no matter what type of conditions we might have. But first we have to notice it.
The benefit from taking the first step of achieving Timeless Happiness is captured in the word ‘timeless’ itself. From a Buddhist perspective, the benefits are noble, decent and virtuous from the very beginning. It is noble, decent and virtuous in the middle. And it is noble, decent and virtuous at the end as well - not just in this life, not just later on, but until the end, until we have given full rise, full realisation to Timeless Happiness.
From a Buddhist viewpoint, the best example of this unchanging happiness would be none other than Buddha himself. Buddha means ‘Enlightened Being’ - a fully awakened being. Now if we reflect on the way he sought and ultimately achieved Timeless Happiness, it is the same as we are doing today: reflecting on and examining the causes and conditions of happiness. - The Happiness Exam The only way in which we can truly examine happiness, is by looking deep into ourselves: our way of being; the way we carry ourselves; our everyday behaviour and habits. By doing so, it helps us understand more about ourselves. If we understand more about ourselves, we understand more about others.
All of us have the basic qualities to attain happiness, we all share the potential - simply because we all have consciousness. We all have the same wish and aspirations, as we are all searching for happiness.
If you look at Buddha’s life story, it is clear that he could have had, and indeed he did have, everything he could wish for from worldly life. But after examining it, he could see that - no matter how pleasant or satisfactory a feeling or situation he was experiencing - these were all temporary. He saw that it was not the ultimate goal or priority to attain this type of experience, what we are calling Emotional Happiness. Therefore, he left that life in search of something that is lasting, something that is unchangeable. This is what students of Buddha’s way and path are practicing: the practice of Timeless Happiness.
Having said all of this, to seek happiness, do we need to suddenly change the way we live? Do we need to renounce and abandon things from our lives? We may naturally have these kind of questions and doubts. I would say that it is all about the attitude - how we want to live our lives. It all depends on our priority, our ultimate goal. If our priority is to seek Timeless Happiness, the first thing we must do is reflect.
Five minutes a day It is beneficial to reflect every day on what we are really seeking, the conditions that we have been gathering, and the methods that we have been applying. There is no harm in taking a little time every day from our schedules. We can start by taking just five minutes a day - it’s not much - and the practice itself doesn’t need to involve intensive methods or rigorous procedures. All we need to do is sit, or stand in a place where we feel comfortable, quiet and peaceful.
Then, simply meditate and reflect, with a calm state of mind and body. Reflect on the past 24 hours - nothing more - reflect on exactly what has happened. Do this in an unemotional way, without judgment. By doing so, there is so much benefit. You will understand more about yourself, the various interesting aspects of your life. Not only will this help your memory, gain clarity, but it can truly help you understand yourself, and the true nature of happiness.
I encourage all of you to try this. I follow this practice as much as I can, and it definitely brings a lot of benefit. It helps me to understand exactly where I am, what I have experienced in the past, and by doing so it also helps me understand what may happen, the possibilities. In this way, this simple practice can help us understand the past, the present and the future. We feel confident, and can gain an insight into happiness.
I hope this is beneficial to all of you. I offer my aspirations and prayers that we all are able to achieve Timeless Happiness. I pray that we will all gain clarity, and that we will all find the conditions to appreciate the connection that we have. I pray that we cultivate the conditions to realise the potential that we have, the bond that we all share such as the bond of family, the bond of friends. And I pray that this will grow not just Emotional Happiness, but Timeless Happiness in our world.
This is an edited transcript of a live-streamed public talk by Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, which he gave on the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Happiness 2015. Karmapa can be followed @karmapaorg, on Facebook, or his website is www.karmapa.org
你在追尋的是哪一種幸福? 資料來源:噶瑪巴 泰耶多傑 & 《哈芬登郵報》英國網站 時間:2015/4/12
各位可貴的法子們: 有關幸福(快樂),我們真正了解的有多少?佛教的觀點以為,一切有情眾生,包括動物們,都在尋求幸福與快樂。我們潛意識本能會去尋求幸福-即使我們許多人對到底幸福、快樂是什麼,或要如何才能幸福、快樂,連個清晰的概念都沒有。 (按:英文的happiness同時可以是幸福或快樂的意思,佛教的永恆大樂,則同時含括二者。)
永恆大樂 永恆大樂,是當我們對於本自具足的本質,像是大慈與大悲,有所了解,以及習得關於我們真實本性的智慧之後,才獲得的。當我們探究這類型大樂的本質,會發現某種恆常與不變-因此值得將生命浪費在這樣的追尋上。
體現於家庭的幸福 我已故祖母,生活單純而質樸,待我父親,她是個母親,她就那樣待他。但她過她自己生活的方式則永遠都會常伴我左右,而且也許就我個人而言,她就是永恆大樂最偉大的典範。那些別人可能覺得應該讓人覺得‘神奇’或‘有新聞價值’的事兒,她從沒覺得那是她的責任-她單純只是做身為一個母親做的,只是慈愛著慈愛,只是特質著她自己或生命其他基本的特質,只是修養著她自己或生命其他基本的修養-我看見不管誰接近她 ,不管她身處於何種狀況,她對生活的態度始終如一。不論她見到誰,她都是善良與關心的態度-就像個媽媽。目光所及,你可以看得到;言語迴盪之處,你可以聽得到。她的字字句句特別柔和、溫暖。而這些品德,自然,是出於她自己的意識(意思),本著她的自由意志。
佛與幸福 我確信你們每個人都有類似的經驗與回憶。佛教的觀點,說到潛能,真正的大樂或證悟的種子與品質,就正在一切有情眾生內在之中。
大樂當經得起試煉 這裡唯一的方法,是往我們內在深處看去:我們的為人之道、我們的處世之道、我們每日的行為舉止與習慣;由這唯一的方法,我們真正得以檢驗我們內心深處是否真的感覺幸福與安祥(永恆大樂)。這麼做了以後,這樣的做法可以幫助我們更了解自己。如果我們對自己非常了解,也就會對別人非常了解。
每天五分鐘 每天反省檢視我們真的在尋求的為何,檢視一下我們一直以來感召來的緣(境遇),檢視一下我們一直在用的那些方法,會很有利益。每天從我們的時間表裡抽一點點時間出來多少修一些,不會有什麼妨害的。我們可以從一天花個五分鐘開始-沒有花很多時間-再說,修行本身並不需要用很強烈的方式,或是非經歷苦行的過程不可。我們只需要站在或坐在一個我們感覺很舒服,能夠平靜下來,能夠感受到平和的地方。
#20170110 #Karmapa#噶瑪巴#JamgonKongtrulRinpoche#蔣貢康楚仁波切#aspiration#誓願#prayer#祈願#clarity#明#明晰#find#找到#condition#緣#appreciate#珍惜#connection#連結#cultivate#積聚#potential#潛能#EmotionalHappiness#感官上的幸福快樂#TimelessHappiness#永恆大樂#TrungramGyaltrulRinpoche#宗南嘉楚仁波切
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sortaotaku · 6 years
Happy Birthday Oliver! 🎉🎉🎉
In celebration here is his perfect date story from Ikerev TW. A dedication to my close birthday pal Ollie and @alloveroliver @ikemensengokufangirl
Adult Morning Time - Oliver
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在 賽斯 的 催促 下 , 奧利佛 開口 了 。 
After being prodded by Seth, Oliver decided to speak up.
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奥利佛 「 我 這個 嘛 — 由於 某些 原因 , 很難 以 這副 模樣 在 白天 出現 。 」 
O: “Because of certain reasons I will have trouble trying to show up like this in broad daylight.”
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奥利佛 「 所以 , 如果 能 實現 的 話 - 」 
O: "So if I can pull this off—" (A/N: The literal translation is achieve and not pull off)
在 陽光 柔和 落下 的 溫暖 早晨 - 
One warm sunny morning —
奧利佛 為了 購買 在 弗蘭 家 舉辦 派對 所 用 的 食材 和 Alice 一起 來到 了 早市 上 。 
Oliver was at the market with Alice because he needed to buy ingredients.
( 時間 明明 那麼 早 , 卻 來 了 很多 人 啊 。 ) 
(Why are there so many people? It’s so early) <A/N: Me too Oliver. Mood. Morning crowds aren’t my thing either>
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鮮少 光顧 的 早市 , 眼前 的 盛況 讓 他 睡意 漸漸 消 散 了 。
He rarely visited the market, very soon his drowsiness dissipated.
Alice 「 今天 的 人 比平時 多 了 啊 !」
A: “There’s more people than usual!”
(是 這樣 啊 , 今天 是 特別 熱鬧 啊 。 )
(Oh, is it more busy than usual?)
奧利佛 「 別走 散 了 啊 , 廢物 。 」 
O: “Don’t stray off. Deadweight.” (A/N: He calls her “trash” but I think it implies she is deadweight lets go with that okay?)
Alice 「 嗯 、 嗯 。 」 
A: “Unh, unh.” (A/N: Sound usually accompanied with nodding)
拉住 Alice 的 手 將 她 帶 近 自己 身邊 後 , 那只 小小 的 手 讓 奧利佛 感到 一絲 疑惑 。
Oliver tugged Alice along keeping her close to him. The feeling of the little hand puzzled Oliver a bit.
( 這 手 的 大小 真是 毫無 依靠 感 啊 ) 
(The size of her hand gives up such an unreliable feeling) <A/N: Gee thanks... Any other tiny handed gals offended?>
輕輕 包裹 住 回 握 自己 的 柔軟 手心 , 走向 了 目標 的 攤位 。
He gently held onto her and they went to their intended destination.
蔬菜 攤 老闆 「 歡迎 光臨 ! 」 
Veggie stand owner: “Welcome.”
Alice 「早上 好 ! 請 給 我 黃瓜 、 番茄 和 胡蘿蔔 ! 」 
A: “Good morning! I’d like cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots.”
蔬菜 攤 老闆 「 要 不要 一起 買 一些 紅 辣椒 ? 我 給 妳 優惠 ! 」
Veggie stand owner: “Do you want red peppers? I’ll give you a special deal.”
Alice 「 嗯 , 那就 買 一些 吧 ! 」 
A: “Sure I’ll get some then.”
蔬菜 攤 老闆 「 謝謝 惠顧 ! 」 
Veggie stand owner: “Thank you for your business!”
奧利佛 從 一旁 伸手 接過 了 裝著 很多 蔬菜 的 大 紙 袋 。
Oliver picked up the bags of vegetables. (A/N: Awww I want a bf that does that for me. I have the arm strength of a Pomeranian)
奧利佛 「 我 來拿 。 」 
O: “Let me carry it.”
Alice 「 可以 嗎 ? 謝謝 你 ! 」 
A: “Is that okay? 
蔬菜 攤 老闆 「 多 溫柔 的 男友 啊 , 真 讓人 羨慕 ! 」 
Veggie stand owner: “What a great boyfriend, how enviable!”
( 男友 ? 我們 看上去 是 這樣 的 嗎 ? 這 傢伙 , 會 怎麼 回答 呢 ? ) 
(Boyfriend huh? I wonder how this rascal is going to respond)
奧利佛 用 餘光 俯視 Alice ~
Oliver glances at Alice. 
Alice 「唉 , 啊 嗯 。 」 
A: “Ahh, erm...”
Alice 有些 害羞 地 垂下 視線 , 長長 的 睫毛 落下 了 幾 道 陰影 。
Alice was embarrassed and looked bashful. Her eyelashes cast a shadow on her face.
( 只是 仰著頭 的 話 可是 會 忽略 這些 表情 的 啊 。 ) 
(Just idle chatter can cause this type of reaction)
知曉 了 從未 見過 的 表情 , 奧利佛 不由自主 地 露 出 了 微笑 。
Her expression made Oliver laugh.
買好 東西 的 奧利佛 和 Alice , 來到 了 咖啡店 吃 早 餐 。
After finishing shopping Oliver and Alice went to eat breakfast at a cafe.
( 或許 是 因為 碰面 時間 太早 , 稍微 有些 睏 …)
(Perhaps it’s because it’s still early but I feel drowsy)
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奧利佛 點 了 三明治 和 趕走 睡意 的 濃茶 。
Oliver ordered sandwiches and strong morning tea. (A/N: Strong tea has a pretty high amount of caffeine)
奧利佛「 有 必要 那麼 早 出來 買 東西 嗎 ? 雖説 是 早市 但是 會 開 到 中午 的 吧 。 」 
O: “Was it necessary to come out so early? The market will probably be open until noon right?”
Alice 「 如果 不去 得 早一些 , 新鮮 的 食材 會 賣光 的 。」
A: “Then all the fresh ingredients would be sold out.”
奧利佛 「 真夠 辛苦 。 」 
O: “How tedious.”
Alice 「 但是 奧利佛 還是 陪 我 來 了 吧 ? 」 
A: “But you still accompanied me.”
被 戲弄 般 的 視線 所 注視 , 心臟 發出 了 一聲巨響。
The slight teasing affecting his heart. (A/N: Is he do-m or do-s? I dunno anymore)
奧利佛 「 只不過 是 拿 東西 而已 , 隨時 都 可以 做 , 根 本 算不上 辛苦 。 」 
O: “It’s just carrying a bit of stuff, I help with that anytime. It doesn’t count as difficult.” (A/N: Aweee 💖💖💖)
Alice 「 咦 ? 總 覺得 今天 的 奧利佛 好 溫柔 啊 。 」 
A: “Wow, you feel so compassionate today.”
奧利佛 「 今天 的 ? 我 平時 一直 很 紳士 吧 。 」 
O: “Oh just today then? I’m always a gentleman.”
Alice 「 雖然 的確 如此 , 但 偶爾 會 十分 壞 心眼 嘛 ! 我 很 喜歡 今天 的 奧利佛 。 」
A: “That may be true but you can be spiteful at times. I like today’s Oliver.”
奧利佛 「 哦 , 只 喜歡 今天 的 ? 」 
O: “Oh really? Just today’s Oliver?” (A/N: Oh so you’re going to be like that huh?)
在 奧利佛 故作 認真 地 注視 下 , Alice 的 臉頰 變紅 了 起來。
Alice’s face flushed as Oliver sent an accusatory glance. (A/N: It says he was observing her but I imagine that he probably looks rather judgemental)
( 這 是 戲弄 我 的 回禮 。 ) 
(Revenge for that teasing) <A/N: Ah okay, do-s then>
Alice 「 這 、 這個 嘛… 」 
A: “Erm this?”
店員 「 三明治 和 濃茶 來 了 , 讓 您 久等 了 ! 」 
Waiter: “Sorry for the wait here’s your sandwiches and strong tea.”
Alice 「 來 、 來 吃飯 吧 ! 我 肚子 餓 了 ! 」 
A: “Let’s eat then. I’m hungry!”
像是 在 掩飾 害羞 一樣 , Alice 慌忙 將手伸 向 三明 冶 治 。
Alice was clearly trying to distract herself from the embarrassment as she took a sandwich
( 明明 是 個 好 時機 呢 。 ) 
(It would’ve a good time to be honest)
奧利佛 一邊 苦笑 著 店員 的 出現 , 一邊 注視 著 Alice~
Oliver was laughed humourlessly at the the bad timing of the waiter while he continued to observe Alice. (A/N: Literally he laughed bitterly)
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終於畫完我的愛人,我要介紹我的愛人,他叫傑特醫生 Finally I finished drawing my love. I want to introduce my lover. He is Dr. Jetter. 自我介紹 名字:傑特.黃花 常稱:傑特醫生 口頭禪:傑特醫生、我是醫生、醫生、要聽醫生的話、傑特醫生是對的、醫生醫生、好 出生日期:西元200年6月15日 身高:196cm(6'4) 血型:AB型 種族:善金植物 出生地:善金星球的穿越時空(國家) 居住地:很多,他大部分住在醫院,善金星球的穿越時空(國家) 學歷:大學,學位是博士 職業:醫生、廚師、蕙琳跟班 個性:友善、平靜、溫和、可愛、脆弱 專長:他很萬能,我是醫生什麼都會,救人、CPR、手術 喜好:洪蕙琳神木、表情符號、腦力激盪法、暗箱思想、杯子蛋糕、穿女裝 討厭:批評洪蕙琳神木和傑特醫生、沒有感謝、質疑傑特醫生 魔法能力:療育、穿越時空、防護罩......等等 愛人:洪蕙琳神木 家人:都死於實驗 朋友:超級多的,洪蕙琳神木、米可榕樹、雨天、雨桂花、餅乾.尼��斯、萬綠山、甘甜博士......等等 敵人:洪蕙琳神木遇到的敵人、批評洪蕙琳神木和傑特醫生的人 Self introduction Name: Jeter. Huanghua Often called: Dr. Jetter Mantra: Dr. Jetter, I am a doctor, a doctor, I want to listen to a doctor, Dr. Jetter is right, a doctor, a doctor Date of birth: June 15, 200 AD Height: 196cm (6'4) Blood type: AB type Race: Good Gold Plant Birthplace: Crossing Time and Space of the Golden Planet (Country) Place of residence: Many, most of whom live in hospitals, crossing time and space (the country) Education: University, degree is doctor Occupation: Doctors, Chefs, Yulin Personality: friendly, calm, gentle, lovely, fragile Expertise: He is very versatile, I am a doctor what will, save people, CPR, surgery Likes: Hong Yulin Shenmu, Emoji, Brainstorming, Obscura Ideas, Cupcakes, Dresses Disgusting: Criticizing Honglin Lin Shenmu and Dr. Jetter, without thanks, questioning Dr. Jetter Magical ability: healing, passing through space, protective cover, etc. Lover: Hong Hui Lin Shenmu Family: All died of experiment Friends: Super many, Hong Hui Lin Shenmu, MiKe Banyan tree, Rain, Rain Osmanthus, Cookie. Nips, Wan Green Hill, Dr. Sweet...etc. Enemy: Enemy encountered by Hong Hui Lin Shenmu, critics of Hong Hui Lin Shenmu and Dr. Jetter 家族故事和自傳:傑特醫生的家族的事很保密,他從小是孤兒,青梅竹馬是洪蕙琳神木,他們從小都在一起,他們充滿了很大夢想,傑特想當醫生,蕙琳想當遊戲動畫師,高職他們展現了夢想,但是想念大學時候,傑特考上了總統帝國的學校,蕙琳沒有考上日校,她是夜校,他們去了總統帝國,傑特讀的總統帝國的學校學費很貴,蕙琳放棄上大學了,蕙琳為了傑特的夢想,一直打工,希望他可以成為醫生,最後傑特是有在大學畢業,但沒有考過醫生執照,畢業後,他們結婚了,傑特就是想當醫生,開了醫院,想要讓蕙琳幸福,一開始很好賺,直到社會有個悲慘的力量,蕙琳一開始她是乖巧的女人,她看了傑特有堅持的夢想,蕙琳去找了設計工作,面試常常失敗,找了很多工作後,終於找到工作,不幸的事發生,就是傑特有一天,手術失敗了,對方是有錢人,發現傑特是無照醫生,傑特不只欠了很多的錢,他要坐牢,是要關二十年,蕙琳被人陷害,以為蕙琳偷東西,也要坐牢,是要關二十年,在坐牢時間��傑特,剛開始因為他是密醫,獄友對他不友善,被獄友差點被打死,獄典長把傑特丟外面,被米可救回,住在隱居山居的醫院,昏迷不醒,蕙琳,開始變壞了,她開始打架,打死很多人,連獄典長怕她,後來她逃獄去找傑特,一開始是有找傑特,後來蕙琳喪失理智,她做了很多犯罪行為,幾年後,傑特終於醒來了,看到一個新聞,看到蕙琳搶了名車,去別的國家逃走,傑特覺得蕙琳是個乖巧的人,為什麼會發生這種事,隱居山居的醫生,告訴他,你在昏迷時間,蕙琳知道你被獄友打了,可能知道總統帝國的獄典長對你的殘忍行為,才開始變成會做壞事的罪犯,醫療的錢和債務,是蕙琳幫你付的,傑特覺得蕙琳變壞是他的錯,想要彌補蕙琳,想要讓蕙琳改邪歸正,他們都去穿越時空,在球球當上總統典禮,蕙琳已經改邪歸正,蕙琳當了總統守護神,傑特還是想當醫生,後來傑特在穿越時空再考醫生執照,最後,傑特有考上醫生執照,當真的醫生,蕙琳.....,沒有成為遊戲動畫師,陪穿越時空的歷任總統 Family stories and autobiography: Dr. Jetter’s family is very secretive. He was orphan since childhood, and childhood was childhood. They were together and they were full of great dreams. Jetter wants to be a doctor Yu Lin wants to be an animator for the game. They showed their dreams in higher vocational education, but when they missed college, Jetter was admitted to the school of the presidential empire, and she was not admitted to the day school. She was a night school and they went to the presidential empire. Hui Lin, Hui Lin gave up on the university, and she had been working for Jetter's dream. She hoped he could become a doctor. In the end, Jetter graduated from college but didn't have a doctor's license. After graduation, they got married. Specially wanted to be a doctor, opened a hospital, and wanted to make Lin Lin happy. At the very beginning, she earned a lot of money. Until the society had a tragic power, she started as a well-behaved woman. She looked at Jetter's persistent dream. Yulin went to the design work. The interview often failed. After finding a lot of work, she finally found a job. The unfortunate thing happened was that one day, Jetter had failed the operation. The other person was a rich man and he discovered that Jetter was an unlicensed doctor. Not only did Jetter owe a lot of money, he had to go to jail for 20 years, and Jetter Lin was framed. He thought that Lin was stealing things and she was going to jail. She was going to be in prison for 20 years. In jail time, Jetter, just It was because he was a secret doctor. The prisoner was not friendly to him. He was nearly killed by his prison friends. The prison master had thrown Jetter out and was rescued by Mi Ke. He was living in a hospital in a secluded mountain home and was unconscious. It started to go bad. She started fighting and killed a lot of people. She even feared her in prison. She later escaped to find Jeter. At first, she started looking for Jeter. Later she lost her sanity and she committed a lot of crimes. Act, a few years later, Jetter finally woke up, saw a news, saw that Gu Lin grabbed a famous car and fled to other countries. Jetter felt that Lin was a well-behaved person. Why did such a thing happen? Shanju's doctor told him that you were in a coma time. Youlin knew that you had been beaten by a prison friend. You may know the cruel behavior of the president of the imperial empire against you. Only after they started to become criminals who will do bad things, medical money and debts Hui Lin helped you to pay, and Jetter thought that Yu Lin’s deterioration was his fault. He wanted to make up for Lin Lin and wanted to make Lin Lin change his spirit. They all went through time and space and became the president’s ceremony on the ball. Has changed its ways, Hui Lin became the patron saint of the president, Jetter. still When the doctor later Jetter through time and space in the re-examination the doctor's license, finally, Jetter has admitted to licensed physicians, physician really, Wai Lin ....., did not become a game animator, presidents accompany through time and space 人物介紹:傑特醫生是個什麼都好的醫生,他人真好,洪蕙琳神木是個很愛批評的人,無論她說的多糟糕,他會覺得很棒,傑特醫生很溫柔,他是個好醫生,而且他很有時尚感,穿男女裝都願意,他是個好好先生 Character introduction: Dr. Jeter is a good doctor. Others are really good. Hong Hui Lin Shenmu is a person who loves criticism. No matter how bad she is, he will feel great. Dr. Jetter is gentle and he is a good doctor. And he has a sense of fashion. He is willing to wear men's and women's clothes. He is a good man. 我告訴你,母親節快到了,洪蕙琳神木為了傑特醫生做很多事,女人多偉大 I tell you, Mother's Day is coming. Hong Hui Lin Shenmu does a lot of things for Dr. Jeter. How great is the woman?
0 notes
renetang-blog · 7 years
1.     Connoisseur鑑賞家
It looks the same and only the connoisseur would tell the difference in taste.
Meanwhile the project seems to have provoked some bemused commentary among art connoisseurs.
2.     Titter偷笑
Brown flashed a knowing look into the gallery, and a few people, for want of a better word, tittered.
It was a rant I had heard before so I paid more attention to the titters dancing than him.
3.     Discrepancy差異
The similarities in their recollections vastly outweigh the discrepancies .
The survey into the highs and lows of brochure holiday prices confirmed huge discrepancies across the country.
 4.     Gregarious群居
Some pipits and wagtails are solitary, and others are gregarious .
Although they are frequently found in pairs, broadbills also tend to be quite gregarious and are often found in small feeding flocks.
5.     Bigot盲從的
But calling someone a racist or a bigot says that his ideas have no place in the democratic public square.
He's an unrepentant bigot , plus an idiot who knows nothing about football.
6.     Ameliorate改善
Rather than ameliorating his problems, however, these gadgets multiplied his frustrations exponentially.
The humor ameliorates the violence in the statement.
 7.     Benign良善
She was a benign, kind and gentle lady whom Julia had admired, respected and adored greatly.
It is the state of tranquility, benignity and without comparison.
 8.     Chronological時間順序
My collection is in alphabetical order by artist, and then chronologically within a given artist.
Little, a history professor, is good at chronological exposition and boasts a hefty bibliography.
9.     Dogma教條
These are ideologies and dogmas that came for political reasons afterwards.
In a free market society, ruled not by a dogma , but by the mammon, it was unnecessary.
10.  Zenith頂點
For me, music is the zenith in our life, the unreachable zenith .
You realize that this moment represents the zenith of your success.
11.  Sporadic分散的
Later, our contact became more sporadic but we still had occasion to work together every once in a while.
She continued to call his work extension sporadically throughout the day.
12.  Belligerent圍毆
The company has taken a belligerent attitude towards the dispute, refusing to negotiate whilst staff remain on strike.
The kids, especially the boys, are aggressive, belligerent , and rebellious.
13.  Audacious傲慢
She audaciously leaves home to take up a job as an assistant on a literary magazine in New Delhi.
We need to be more audacious in what we say and do.
14.  Malign誹謗
But it was no match for the malign tumor, first detected just last spring, his colleagues said.
In the poorest parts of the world, such images are said to have a particularly malign influence.
15.  Succinct
The text fields are clearly separated and succinct , and keep the reader interested.
Not the most eloquent of summaries but succinct if nothing else.
0 notes
goodmanxie-blog · 8 years
導讀:泡鈕英語大全,泡洋鈕不再是問題 泡鈕英語大全,泡洋鈕不再是問題 MM是要靠“哄”的,喜歡聽壹些甜言蜜語(sweat talk),所以,妳要下功夫練就壹張honey mouth,來贊美對方: 1) What a knock-out!哇!絕代美人。 英語聊天室“泡鈕”---第壹次親密接觸
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(打招呼/問好) 1. What a long sleepless night! I thought I was the only sleepless. So are you! 長夜漫漫無心睡眠,我以為只有我睡不著覺,原來妳也睡不著啊! 2. This is my first time to be in the chat room. Will you please join me? 這是我第壹次來這個聊天室,可以和妳聊聊嗎? 3. May I join in? I’m easy to get along. 我可不可以參加進來聊天?我很容易相處。 4. You have a very special name. I think you must be a unique girl. 妳的名字很特別,有趣,藤素妳壹定是位特別(註:不用“美麗”字樣)的姑娘。 5. I am as humorous as Zhou Xingchi and as handsome as Zhou Runfa. It will be a great fun to be with me. 我是個幽默如周星馳、瀟灑如周潤發的人,和我相處會很愉快的。 英語聊天室“泡鈕”--(上) 第壹法 人稱“玉樹臨風”的周奔馳 不可否認我長得很醜(自取網名)   進入英語聊天室的第壹步是為自己起個“酷斃”的網名。“不可否認我長得很醜,可是我很溫柔,而且永遠不會說謊。”——周奔馳自知自己的英語“很醜”,於是沒敢象在中文聊天室壹樣起個“周潤發的微笑”、“風靡萬千少女”、“西門不吹雪”、“心比刀快”那樣的名字,而是起了“我是英語乞丐”、“不惹妳煩”、“謙虛小朋友”這樣的“中文網名”(中文網名更容易吸引“晶晶姑娘”的眼球)。此後就象“可口可樂”商標壹樣,固定地將“我是英語乞丐”作為商標品牌。——以便大賺特賺和他聊過天的美眉的“回頭率”。 “普遍撒網,守株待兔”(和誰聊天)   第壹次上英文聊天室,周奔馳滿以為憑著自己“酷斃”的網名就會“風靡萬千少女”,沒想到枯等了8分零8秒,還是沒人哪只“兔子”主動撞上門來,於是以“大無畏”精神主動出擊、普遍撒網,先後給網名是“晶晶”、“紫霞”、“曼玉”、“不辣妹”、“rose”、“sweet girl”六位看上去象是美眉(概率:73.2984%)的聊友發去“情真真意切切”的“第壹句”(參見下頁)。好了,剩下的就是“守株待兔”了。   哈哈哈哈哈哈哈(周奔馳的大笑)  第二法 第壹次親密接觸 (打招呼/問好) 1. What a long sleepless night! I thought I was the only sleepless. So are you! 長夜漫漫無心睡眠,我以為只有我睡不著覺,原來妳也睡不著啊! 2. This is my first time to be in the chat room. Will you please join me? 這是我第壹次來這個聊天室,可以和妳聊聊嗎? 3. May I join in? I’m easy to get along. 我可不可以參加進來聊天?我很容易相處。 4. You have a very special name. I think you must be a unique girl. 妳的名字很特別,有趣,妳壹定是位特別(註:不用“美麗”字樣)的姑娘。 5. I am as humorous as Zhou Xingchi and as handsome as Zhou Runfa. It will be a great fun to be with me. 我是個幽默如周星馳、瀟灑如周潤發的人,和我相處會很愉快的。  第三法 俺們那疙瘩都是東北人 (自我介紹城市) 1. Where are you from? 妳來自哪裏? 2. Which city do you live in 妳現在住在那個城市? 3. I live in Beijing, and you? 我在北京,妳呢? 4. Where is your hometown 妳的家鄉是哪呀? 5. Great! We are from the same city! To cite a famous Chinese saying, when one meets one’s town fellow, one cannot help weeping for excitement. Haha~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 太好了!我們是老鄉!!用中國話來說“老鄉見老鄉,兩眼淚汪汪”,哈哈。  第四法 我是博士--“茶博士”也 (學校) 1. Can you tell us a bit about your university and your major? 談談妳畢業的學校和專業怎麽樣? 2. Are you an undergraduate or a postgraduate? 妳在學習本科學歷還是碩士學歷? 3. Have you heard the saying that "Nowadays bachelor holders are as many as dogs, Master holders are all over the street". 妳聽說過壹句話:“本科多如狗,碩士滿街走”嗎? 4. Never mind. I’m kidding. But I have a doctorate degree. 這只是壹句玩笑,別介意。我是壹位博士生。 5. In fact I am a Doctor of Tea. Haha~~~~~ 實際上我只是壹個“茶博士”。哈哈  第五法 “輕舞飛揚”:幹啥的 (性別、工作) 1. Shall we chat more intimately? To me, you are not an ordinary girl. 我們能更親密得聊聊嗎?我認為妳不僅僅是壹個女孩! 2. You are the queen. Haha~~~~~~~~~~~~ 而是壹位女皇,哈哈。 3. I am 23.You must be younger than me! 我23歲了,妳壹定比我小吧。 4. May I know your occupation? 妳的職業是什麽? 5. I am a salesman. I work like a cow: Make much milk for a company, but eat only a little grass. 我是壹名銷售員,像牛壹樣"光擠奶、不吃草"。  第六法 給點兒專業精神好不好 (英語學習) 1. I wish I can get used to speaking in English. 我希望自己習慣於說英語。 2. I can't hold on studying without someone's encouragement. 沒有人幫忙,我就堅持不住了。 3. I am working on it. I hope some day speaking English would just be a piece of cake for me. 我正在致力於它,有壹天它會是小菜壹碟。 4. I’m trying to improve my English through chatting online in English. 我正通過網上聊天來提高我的英語。 5. We’ve got lots of time to improve/practice our English. 我們有很多時間來提高/練習我們的英語。  第七法 無厘頭英語:不要再猶豫了 1. I found an interesting and practical way of learning English. That is Wulitou (Casual) way. 我發現了壹個即有趣又有用的方法來學習英語,那就是"無厘頭英語"。 2. Wulitou (Casual) way makes English learning as interesting as playing a game. 無厘頭精神使學習英語變的像遊戲輕松有趣。 3. The initiators of Wulitou way are fans of Dahuaxiyou (Talking About Western Odyssey). They include journalists and foreign teachers. They share a common name Zhou Benchi. 無厘頭英語的創立者是壹群《大話西遊》迷,包括記者、外教,他們共同享有壹個名字"周奔馳"。 4. Believe it or not, by reading this book, you will be able to chat online in English very soon. 信不信由妳,只要翻開這本書,就能立刻在網上用英語自由聊天。 5. It’s called practice while learning. 這叫做現學現用。 持久液 益粒可 日本藤素 美國黑金  第八法 哈哈,覺不覺得好玩啊 (玩笑) 1. What is the English for癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉? 妳知道"癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉"怎麽說嗎? 2. It's not "A toad wants to eat a swan". It is "Angels fly out of your arse". 不是"A toad wants to eat a swan"而是"Angels fly out of your arse"。 3. Literally it means "屁股(arse)裏飛出天使(angels)來". It's very interesting, isn't it? 如果直譯成中文是"屁股(arse)裏飛出天使(angels)來"的意思。很有意思,對嗎? 4. Don't be oversensitive. I’m just kidding. 別這麽愛過敏,開個玩笑麽。 5. That sentence comes from Titanic. The original sentence is “You’d as like have angels fly out of your arse as get next to the likes of her.” 這句話的原話來自於《泰坦尼克號》,全句是:“You’d as like have angels fly out of your arse as get next to the likes of her.” (想和她那樣的姑娘在壹起,妳簡直是“癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉”。)  第九法 幫主,品味太差吧 (休閑/愛好) 1. What do you do in your spare time? 不忙的時候妳做些什麽? 2. What's you favorite sport? 妳喜歡哪項運動 3.Good health is priceless. 好身體是無價之寶。 4. What's your favorite movie? 妳最喜歡的電影是什麽? 5. 5 Smoking affects one’s health. But, to me, bad habits are difficult to get rid of. 吸煙影響健康,但對我來說,壞的習慣很難更改。 英語聊天室“泡鈕”---(下) 2) She's well-built.她身材真棒。 3) She's well stacked,她的身材很勻稱。 4) She has a good figure.她有驕人的身材。 5) She's a chick.她可是個MM喔。 6) She's curvaceous.她的身材曲線玲瓏。 7) My girl is a peach.我的馬子可是個美人。 8) She must really be sth special.她必定某個地方很特殊。 9) She doesn't look her age.她看起來沒有實際年齡大。 10)She looks neat and fresh.她看起來很優雅清純。 11)She's a carbon copy of her mother.她和她媽簡直壹模壹樣。 (to be continued)怎樣,找機會練練吧!關鍵是告訴她妳覺得她與眾不同的地方 (whatmakes her stand out from others),接下來,妳就可以鍛煉口語的名義, 表示希望能有機會多聊聊(a chance to get to know each others).要知道好的開端, 事情就成功了壹半(well began is half done).^_^幸福三步曲: 假設:漂亮MM壹般英語水平都不是很好(好像功課也是如此)^-^前提:妳自己的英文水平初具火候。 1)吸引MM跟妳學地道英語的興趣 2)然後告訴她萬丈高樓平地起,咱們從最基本的學起。 3)最基本的自然是自我介紹了,然後以教她如何用英語作自我介紹為名, 很自然地“套取”她的家庭背景,個人情況等等。註意,這時妳要裝作特單純、 特有愛心,讓她覺得這世界確實需要熱心腸,而妳就是那跟最大的腸! 千萬不要讓她懷疑妳“醉翁之意不在酒”(hehehe~~,這招比較損)接下來就不用我多說了吧, 萬事只是開頭難,妳都已經“知己知彼”了,還能不百戰不殆? Well, it's kidding.The best way is to love her with your heart,not with your mouth. What's more, just keep in your mind:1) Love me,love my dog.2) Love me little, love me long. OK,讓我們繼續為消滅“孤男寡女”而努力學習吧: 1)This picutre is not like her.這照片不像她。 2) She's very photogenic.她很上鏡。 3) She's well-groomed.她穿著得體。 4) She could pass for 24 or 25.她可能超過24或25歲。 5) She gets herself dolled up like a teenage girl.她把自己打扮得象個十幾歲的少女。 6) She's kind of short, but she has a beautiful personality.她是有點矮,可是她有很好的個性。 7) She's in her Sunday clothes today.她穿了她最好的衣服。 8) She wears too much make-up.她妝化得很濃。 第十法 愛壹個人需要理由嗎? (感情) 1. Would you mind if I ask you a personal question? Are you still single? 介意我問壹個私人問題嗎?妳是單身嗎? 2. Have you got a Flower Guardian, someone who cares for you? You are just like a beautiful flower in my mind. 妳有護花使者了嗎? 因為在我心目中妳就像花壹樣。 3. I like a line from Titanic very much: You jump, and I will jump. 我喜歡電影《泰坦尼克》���的壹句精彩對白:妳跳我也跳。 4. Another line I like very much is from Inside Detective 008: Are you hungry? Shall I make a bowl of noodle for you? 另壹句我喜歡的電影對白是《大內密探008》裏的: 肚子餓不餓,要不要我給妳煮碗面吃? 5. The favorite scene I like is in a novel by Lu Yao. In the remote country, a boy fell in love with a girl. He handed her a piece of paper with only one line on it which read I Want To Be Good With You. 但是我最喜歡的是路遙小說裏的壹個場景:在壹個僻遠的鄉村,壹個小夥子喜歡上壹個姑娘,他給他寫了壹個小紙條,上面只有壹句話:“俺想和妳好”。  第十壹法 對妳的敬仰猶如滔滔江水 (贊美) 1. I don’t think you are as pretty as Zhang Manyu. 我感覺妳長得不如張曼玉漂亮。 2. But you are more beautiful than Zhang Ziyi. 但至少不比張子怡差。 3. Nothing is more pleasant than talking with you. 什麽娛樂都不如和妳聊天。 4. You are such a smart girl. 妳真是個伶牙俐齒(聰明)的姑娘。 5.My passion for you is beyond any words. 我對妳的仰慕猶如滔滔江水 性藥品 壯陽藥 美國威樂  第十二法 我KAO,I 服了YOU (情緒化表達) 肯定(搞對) certainly/sure/of course.當然。 Great! 太好了。 All right. 好吧! No problem. 沒問題! Good idea! 好主意! I think so. 我也這麽想。 I totally agree with you. 我完全同意。 否定 No!/ No way! 不行/沒門! I don't think so.我不那樣認為。 I disagree. 我不同意。 憤怒 How dare you! 怎麽敢…… 疑問: Are you sure? 妳確定嗎? Why are you so sure about that? 妳為什麽這麽確定? Really? 真的嗎? Of course, it’s true.當然是真的。 驚嘆 Gosh! / God!/My God! / Goodness me! / Jesus Christ! 天哪! It’s terrific. It’s incredible. 太好了,簡直難以置信。 It’s incredible. 難以置信。 I can’t believe my own eyes! 我簡直不敢相信我的眼睛了。 感謝 Thanks./ Thanks a lot. 謝謝。 Thank you very much. 多謝妳。 I’m profoundly grateful to you. 我向妳表示深深的感激。 謙虛 My pleasure. / You are welcome. 不必客氣. Don’t mention it. 小意思(壹般般) 隨意 Be at home. / Do as you please. 隨便。 It’s up to you. 看妳了。  第十三法 需要嗎?不需要嗎?需要嗎? (雙向交流/碰撞) 1. I beg your pardon. / I didn't quite catch you on that. 我沒有聽懂妳剛才說的話。 2. Do you understand this sentence? / Are you following me? / Are you with me? 妳是否明白這個句子? 3. I feel the same. / I think exactly the same way. 我也這麽想。 4. Me too. 我也是。 5. Anyway, believe me. I am serious. 不管怎樣,請相信我,我是認真的。  第十四法 如果給我壹個再來壹次的機會 (打招呼) 1. Sorry. I’m busy at the moment. I’ll talk to you later. 對不起,我現在很忙,有時間再和妳聊。 2. Sorry. I’m speaking with a friend at the moment. I will talk to you later. 抱歉,我的朋友在和我聊,有空了我再去找妳。 3. Forgive me. I sent you a wrong message. Hope you don’t mind. 對不起,我發錯了信息。別介意。 4. I’m sorry for being so slow. You know my English is not good. 抱歉,我的速度比較慢,因為我的英語很差。 5. Excuse me for about 5 minutes? 對不起,我要暫時離開壹下,大約是5分鐘時間。  第十五法 留下點回憶行不行? (郵件、照片) 1. How can I contact you? 我怎麽和妳聯系? 2. Can you tell me your telephone number/Email address? 可以告訴我妳的電話/信箱嗎? 3. Why don't we further contact each other by telephone/Email? 我們為什麽不通過電話/EMAIL進行更深壹步的交流呢? 4. Would you mind showing me your photo? 是否可以讓我看看妳照片? 5. I will send you my photo first. 我將先把我的照片發給妳。  第十六法 妳聽不見,我才都給妳聽的啊 (打電話) 1. I just want to hear your voice. Could you speak to me a little bit? 我特別想聽聽妳的聲音,妳能滿足我這個小小的心願嗎? 2. Don’t worry. Just a short while. 別擔心。只和妳聊壹兩句就可以了。 3. Shall I make the phone call to you or you phone over to me? My telephone number is XXXXXXX. 我給妳打過去還是妳給我打過來?,我的電話號碼是:XXXXXXXX。 4. Thank you for trusting me. I’ll call you immediately. 謝謝妳的信任,我立刻給妳打過去。 5. Forget it. Let’s continue our online talk. (Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.) 沒關系的,我只是說說而已。讓我們接著在網上聊下去。(壹顆紅心兩種準備)  第十七法 從今天開始,我會壹直陪著妳 (學習計劃) 1. I wonder if we could together make a plan to study English? 不知妳是否同意,我想和妳制定壹個學習英語的計劃。 2. Let's study English and make progress together. 讓我們壹起學習英語,共同進步。 3. In order to push myself to use English, I will send you an English E-mail daily. 為了調動運用英語的積極性,我將每天都給妳用英文寫個郵件。 4.I’ll be with you learning English from now on. Let’s write to each other every day! 從今天開始,我會壹直陪著妳學習英語,每天通信吧。 5. In my opinion, “Two heads are better than one” applies to our English learning. 我覺得“1+1>2”同樣適用於我們的英語學習。  第十八法 俺輕輕地走啦,不帶走壹片雲彩 (告別) 1. It's almost eleven o'clock . 快十壹點了。 2. I am afraid I can’t stay any longer. 我恐怕不能再久留了。 3. I'll always r 泡鈕英語系列emember our pleasant talk today. 妳走後我會懷念這次愉快的談話。 4. I hope I can see you again. / Let’s keep in touch. 我希望我能再見到妳/讓我們保持聯系。 5. Good night and have a good sleep. 晚安,睡個好覺。
熱銷推薦:日本藤素哪裡買 持久液那種好 一炮到天亮
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