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livepoesy-blog · 5 years ago
Chinese Spirit ; Chinese Music Genre; 中國魂, 音樂風, 中国风音乐, 中国魂
Chinese Spirit ; Chinese Music Genre
中國魂, 音樂風, 中国风音乐, 中国魂
As a Chinese living in Taipei, here, I observe the tradition and revolution of Chinese music and Chinese popular culture.
By attending the Music Class of Popular Music in America as an undergraduate student in the USA, I'd like to share some hearty experience.
The United States of America is a cultural melting-pot or so-called diverse salad bowl
The fusion of popular American music indicated that various ethnicities in the U.S.A. had endorsed rich cultural genres so to celebrate the diversity of American culture, creating different music genres, such as jazz, hip-hop, rap, soul, country, Rock n ' Roll, and Latin music.
美國流行音樂的融合,各個種族都含有相當豐富的民族獨特元素,比如黑人的爵士樂(jazz)、嘻哈(hip-hop)、饒舌(Rap)、騷靈樂(Soul)、白人的鄉村(country)與搖滾(Rock n ' Roll),西班牙墨西哥裔的拉丁音樂(Latin Music)。
The only absent spice is the originality of Chinese genre.
The reason for this phenomenon results from the signing of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act by the U.S.A. president Chester Alan Arthur. This caused Chinese people become the minority of the USA population. Although Chinese Americans settled in the USA have the same right to enjoy the material wealth and technology advancement of the USA, they usually do not engage in the political sector; therefore, they become an ethnic minority in the social margin.
造成這原因的理由,除了美國華人屬於少數民族,1882年5月6日美國總統切斯特·艾倫·阿瑟(Chester Alan Arthur) 簽署的《排華法案》(Chinese Exclusion Act),成為《美國法典》的一部分以外,在美華人,多半成為可以在此安身立命、享受美國高水準物質生活的高級技術員(technician),卻多半不參與政治舞台,成為少數民族中被放置在社交邊緣(Social Margin) 緘默的族群。
Music becomes memorial and innovational due to the convergence of various genres, causing fusion and elicits fashion, therefore revolutes the trend of history and reshapes the popular culture.
About Chinese Spirit Renaissance
My question is:
1. How to manifest the 5000 years deep-rooted historical Chinese cultural genre, to enrich it to the popular music, to lead the traditional to the modern, so to refine the Chinese music genre?
2. How to re-open the chamber of tradition, bring down the poetic cultural essence by incorporating technology advancements nowadays into musical development through mass media to reshape the popular culture?
3. How to redefine the classic, connect the old with the new, the ancient with the modern, the unknown to the known, so to create evolution, to lead and reshape the popular culture?
Currently, China itself is leading a renaissance. 目前中國文化掀起一片復甦的風潮
Our dream is to make ancient poetry comprehensible to the mass readers. By integrating poems into music, we can deliver songs that touch people’s inner heart, and eventually serve as curing spiritual melody. We hope to connect the old with the new; the ancient with the modern; the unknown to the known—— healing the brokenhearted.
The leading Chinese music industry is creating a contemporary genre by incorporation poetry into songs, which we believe will innovate modern cultural altitude that resignates our appetite for virtue. This evolution will send the Chinese traditional art and Chinese aesthetic value to the public, which, lets the Chinese be recognized and resonate with the rest of the world.
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We may reshape Chinese popular culture, let the depth lead out the shallow, let the tradition break out the current, let the innovative resolve the history, let the ancient revive the modern.
Recognizing the core value of Chinese spirit, we may embrace the 5000 years of Chinese history, delve into the ethnic soul of our treasure land to find our passion.
We are people of poetry. We are euphemistic; we use poetry to express emotional euphoria; we sprinkle tears to encompass euphoric sincerity of hidden spiritual beauty, which, in return, enriches simple virtue. Surrounded by the traditional culture of virtue, self-respect, and dedication, this mystical, spiritual beauty arises aromatically.
After the invasion of the Eight-Nation Alliance, China was entirely defeated by the Western world.
After a century, we may question what is left, under the defeated.
Will we revive our Chinese Spirit after 40 years of self-despiteful Chinese Cultural Revolution?
After withering scornful winter, downgoing cultural valley's sculpture, can Chinese spirit withstand the world's respect and uplift China upon the roof of the world's cultural heritage?
After such desperate ruin, will Chinese inner spirit manifest all aspects of deep-rooted traditional arts, the uniform between man and the mother nature, the poetic spirit of traditional profoundness, the tenderness of people, the philosophical thoughts of peace and tolerance?
These findings, are the deep flow of universal resonance of virtuous poetic beauty within humanity.
Chinese Spirit resides in strength carried out of bitterness, prosperous under the obtainment of limited resources, develops under the philosophy of unification between man and the environment. When exploring the unknown, Chinese retains humble and harmonious.
我們中華���化的堅忍與精神力量: 在苦難與有限資��的取得中,發展出無與倫比的強大精神力量與天人合一的哲學境界,在探索未知的領域,未知的疆土,永遠的謙卑和諧。
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Chinese Spirit, unlike western materialism, it is not shallow; Chinese spirit, unlike white supremacy, it is not aggressive. Chinese Spirit is different from Hedonism in western popular culture; it is also unlike science, which always needs validation.
中國魂,祂不同於西方唯物主義的膚淺,亦不同於種族至上主義對其他國家的掠奪及打壓 ; 亦不同於西方大眾文化享樂主義,以科學信仰驗證真理的冒失。
Chinese Spirit—-a poetic symbol of emotional beauty, springing from underground to heaven, of sincerity that touches every living to shed tears; it is full of imagination of space and time, whereas the left margin represents aesthetic beauty; it is unlike western sunshine, full of power, instead, it is an oriental Ying-Yang presented with tenderness, following to spring heavenly virtuous aspects.
Chinese Spirit is full of poetic beauty and human virtue. It hides in the euphemistic ying-yang element, as a traditional presentment.
It has a lack of Holy Spirit but is full of virtuous beauty.
Confucianism is the mainstream cultural grounding of Chinese philosophy, encompassing with tea manner, Chinese medicine, traditional music, Chinese martial art, all of which represents Ying-Yang enigma.
儒家文化思想,是問鼎中原以後承續千年的哲學脈絡 一種精神──茶道精神
Chinese Spirit is full of poetic beauty and human virtue. It hides in the euphemistic ying-yang element, as a traditional presentment.
When we know our history, we can reflect ourselves without being lost. When we experience enlightenment, we understand past to the future, western to the eastern. When we succeed Chinese Ying-Yang metaphysical spirit, we can be able to lead the world into the future century.
當我們對自己的歷史有清楚的認識,便不再迷失。當我們鑑古知今,通天地。 知古今、知中外、知未來;當我們承續中國東方哲學精神領域的導引力量,將可以引領世界進入下一個世紀的潮流。
Time will not go back, as the new age culture nurtures new people. 
When the Great Chinese Renaissance comes, we may embrace the revival of Chinese Spirit. 
It has a lack of Holy Spirit but is full of virtuous beauty. 
Let us lead the revival of Chinese Spirit and redefine the mainstream culture of China. 
Let us receive the Holy Spirit and serve China by the love for Chinese people, so to foster peace in humanity.
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