#no more unknown spam from me
thisonelikesaliens · 2 months
i have the full lyrics now so might as well just post this for the sake of completion (i had most of the chinese lyrics in my draft since 3/31, typed out word by word before they released the official lyrics). the official english subs in ep7 were top notch, so using them here with my tweaks in blue (just to provide a more direct translation for reference), plus new verses in green (less literal translation, going more for vibe):
山間小鎮的夜色依舊深刻 I still vividly remember, the nights of the small town in the mountains 回家的樓梯上 我們哼著歌 Humming on the stairway home 我想一生有此刻就足夠了 Having this moment is enough to sustain me for the rest of my life 微風卻吹散愛情腳印 不留痕 But a gentle breeze scatters love's footprints, leaving no trace
漸遠的距離堆成隔閡 The growing distance piles up, forming a wall 我們不再擁抱著 像斷線風箏 We don't hold each other anymore, like kites with broken strings 時間並沒有沖淡依依不捨 Time did nothing to lessen this longing 我想你了 無論是醒著或睡著 I miss you, whether awake or asleep
我想你的時候 世界停止轉動 When I think of you, the world seems to stop 剩回憶在心中不斷輪播 And the memories keep playing in my heart 吹過耳際的風 是否也有你捎來的問候 Does the wind brushing past my ears carry messages from you?
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 那思念喧鬧著不肯放手 Thoughts, so loud, won't let go 說完再見以後 才明白再也不見的溫柔 就叫做寂寞 Only after saying goodbye did I know the kindness of never seeing you again is called "loneliness"
緣分讓距離不再隔閡 Fate makes the distance between us irrelevant 我們重新擁抱著 愛失而復得 We are holding each other once again, regaining our love that was once lost 你是我心中最眷戀的星辰 You are the star that my heart holds most dear 我想你了 無論是醒著或睡著 I miss you, whether awake or asleep
我想你的時候 世界停止轉動 When I think of you, the world seems to stop 剩回憶在心中不斷輪播 And the memories keep playing in my heart 吹過耳際的風 是否也有你捎來的問候 Does the wind brushing past my ears carry messages from you?
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 那思念喧鬧著不肯放手 Longing, so loud, won't let go 說完再見以後 才明白從未消失的溫柔 就叫做守候 Only after saying goodbye did I realize the tenderness that has never disappeared means I'm still here waiting
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 你是否也一樣想念著我 Are you also thinking of me? 仰望同一片星空 才明白我們曾經的溫柔 永不會錯過 Looking up at the same starlit sky, we know what this is between us and we will never let go
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whyfish · 2 years
the capitalistic urge to hijack every form of media and communications technology and turn it into a zombified carcass whose only purpose is to serve ads
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nightfall-kachiniko · 9 months
aot girls reacting to you getting a text from a girl late at night🌝
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‗ ❍ mikasa
- she wonders why your phone is buzzing at 3am, and ofc she’s not the type to snoop around, but at this point it’s getting annoying and she just wants to go to sleep in peace. But that’s when she sees it, a text from an unknown number, saying something… only she’s suppose to say to you…
- mikasa would overthink it the whole night, barley being able to sleep just thinking about the possibility, no, the potential that you could be cheating on her.
- but this makes mikasa mad, not at you, but at this woman. Who does she think she is?! Texting you like that at this time?!
- she’s respond back angrily, but in a calm more sharply response.
- “text my girlfriend again and I’ll kill you”
- totally calm ☺️
- she’s ask you about it in the morning (or rather you would after seeing the angry text) and turns out it’s just a coworker that doesn’t get what no means.
- “I’ll still kill them if they text you again”
- “mikasa you CANT threaten people!”
- “that wasn’t a threat that was a promise”
- god I love her 😭
‗ ❍ annie
- Annie’s the same way. SHE GONNA PROTECT HER BAE.
- “y/n what the hell is this?!” She’d wake you up with a swift pound on your leg after you tried rolling over back to sleep.
- “OWW WHAT?!”
- and then Annie realizes when she click the link you were telling the truth. “Oh-“
‗ ❍ pieck
- SO WORRIED SHED BE SO WORRIED. FULL PANIC MODE RED ALERT. I swear she’d be hyperventilating and shit 😭
- “y/n..” she’d say in a shaky voice, “can i talk to you..”
- “mhmmmm…” you say half asleep.
- “are you- cheating on me..?” You look up and her eyes would be all watery, causing you to go into instant panic mode.
‗ ❍ hange
- oh hange isn’t too worried about some cadet crushing on you. They just brush it off. BUT WHEN THEY START TEXTING YOU AT 3AM-
- they must have a death wish, or a wish to no longer be in the survey corps cause they ass FIRED
- nah in all seriousness hange would call them into a meeting the next day, telling them it’s about something different than BAM
- “so you’re trying to sleep with my wife?”
-“I UH-“
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chahnniesroom · 6 months
in sickness and in health
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pairing: kim seungmin x female reader
summary: you're the most important thing in seungmin's life, of course his biggest fear would be losing you. it means that taking care of you when you're not feeling well comes naturally.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: a little bit of angst, sickness (fever, feeling nauseous, etc.)
a/n: partially inspired by me being ill at work and my amazing coworkers taking care of me and making sure i didn't faint lol.
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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Seungmin loves being an idol. 
He loves to sing and performing in front of Stays always thrills him. He loves the other members and really, everyone else that he gets a chance to work with. At times it can be stressful, but for the most part, it’s fairly easy to manage the downsides of being famous.
But when he started dating you, he found out that there are parts of being an idol that he hates.
He always thought that he'd be different from a lot of idols and wouldn't be afraid to show his partner off. The second he met you though, he knew he'd do anything and everything in his power to keep you safe. You understand, of course, and do your part to make sure that only your closest friends and family are aware of who you're dating.
It pains Seungmin to do this, but he knows nothing good can come out of your identity being known.
The two of you are more than careful, sometimes Seungmin feels silly with how cautious he is about meeting up with you. Yet somehow his heart always feels like it will beat out of his chest whenever he sees articles that speculate about idol relationships.
You do your best to stop him from stressing, but it’s something that Seungmin can't quite shake. You're the most important thing in his life, of course his biggest fear would be losing you.
The first time his phone rings during a livestream with the whole group, Seungmin brushes it off. The caller ID says it's an unknown number and everyone he knows has been receiving a lot of spam calls and texts lately. 
He swipes away the notification and tries to focus on just reading comments when the same number calls back, a couple minutes later. He ignores it again, but on the third call, he nudges Chan’s knee beside him and subtly tilts his phone screen so that Chan can see. His phone is on silent so nobody watching the live should be able to tell that he's getting the calls, but the timing feels too coincidental for him not to be suspicious. 
"They keep calling," he says under his breath. 
"We'll get someone to look into the number later, just keep ignoring it," Chan advises quietly.
Seungmin takes a quick screenshot of the number, then tries to get back into the conversation to distract himself. The next time he looks down at his phone again, someone is once again calling him.
Seungmin almost reflexively rejects the call, until he realises it's your nickname flashing up on his screen.
You generally don’t call Seungmin without warning, especially not during the day when there’s a higher chance that Seungmin won’t be able to readily answer.
[sent - 3:12 pm]
sorry baby, working right now, can it wait?
His stomach drops when you just call again in response. He doesn’t want to alarm any of the members or the fans when he doesn’t know what’s going on, but he has a bad feeling about this. He once again flashes his phone to Chan briefly and leans in close.
“I want to take this, I don’t know why she’s calling, but something doesn’t seem right.”
Chan bites his lip, obviously torn for a second, before he seems to make up his mind.
“We’ve been live for almost 20 minutes, give me one second and we’ll end it so that you can talk to her, yeah?” Chan puts a hand on Seungmin’s shoulder and squeezes it tightly for a moment before clapping his hands together, effectively ending the conversation that the rest of the members were having.
Seungmin makes himself smile as they all say goodbye, but it's obvious that it's forced.
Even though the live ended as quickly as possible, Seungmin still has 2 new missed calls by the time he’s found himself an empty room to use.
"Uhm hello, is this Min?" a man asks hesitantly. His voice is unfamiliar and it scares Seungmin. The only thing that brings a little bit of comfort is knowing that you’re careful to never call Seungmin by his full name when talking about him with friends or coworkers, you even have his contact information set as a nickname.
"Who is this?" he asks instead. “Where’s Y/n?”
"My name is Hyunwoo, I work with Y/n-ssi. I’m very sorry for interrupting you, but Y/n-ssi said that you were one of her emergency contacts. We tried to call with another number previously, but weren’t able to reach you."
“Sorry, I generally do not answer calls from unknown numbers. Is Y/n okay?” Seungmin swallows hard, his mouth suddenly dry. “Can I- can I please speak to her?”
“She’s just not feeling well and needs to go home. She’s resting in another room, but I can get her, one moment please.” 
There’s a bit of background noise, the sound of footsteps, murmuring, then finally, your voice.
“Minnie?” you ask, sounding groggy. “I’m sorry for bothering you, I know you were working today.”
“Hey baby, it’s okay. You don't have to worry about me. You know that you’re more important than work to me right? I’m glad you got them to call me. How are you doing?”
“I'm tired. I'm okay, just, I was feeling light-headed and have a headache so I can't work. Hyunwoo said he thinks I have a fever.”
“Okay, I’m going to pick you up and bring you home then. Just continue resting until I get there. I'll see you soon.”
Seungmin doesn’t know what he’d do without the other members. As soon as he finishes explaining the situation to them, they’re already calling a car and working out schedules so that there aren’t any problems.
Hyunwoo eyes Seungmin carefully when they first meet, likely due to the face mask and hat he's wearing. When Seungmin removes the mask and shakes Hyunwoo’s hand, he's relieved when he doesn't appear to recognise him. It's not exactly a surprise, men are generally less likely to follow k-pop groups and Seungmin hardly looks like an idol when he's barefaced and in the jeans and t-shirt that he wore for the live.
“Thank you for calling me, Hyunwoo-ssi,” Seungmin says. “Sorry I didn’t pick up at first.”
“It’s okay, Min-ssi. Y/n-ssi mentioned that your work might make you difficult to contact.” Seungmin appreciates that Hyunwoo doesn’t make any attempt to pry further.
“And thank you for taking care of Y/n.”
“It’s not a problem. Y/n-ssi is a pleasure to work with and we all want her to get better as quickly as possible. Come with me, I’ll bring you to her.”
You’re lying in a small meeting room that has all the lights off and blinds drawn. The table and chairs have all been shifted to the side to fit a yoga mat that has been laid out. You squint up at Seungmin from under a mis-match of jackets with your head resting on a pillow that matches the couches that were in the reception area of your office.
“Minnie?” Your voice is soft and a little bit confused.
“Yes, it’s me, Y/n. How’re you feeling?”
Seungmin rushes to your side, crouching on the carpet so that he can cup your cheek. Your skin is flushed and hot to the touch. You reach out a hand and he clasps it tightly with his free hand.
“Mm, I wanna go home.”
“Let’s go home then.”
The company car is still parked outside of your office building, close enough that you insist on walking yourself. Seungmin tries not to hover, but he makes sure to keep his arm looped around your waist so that you don’t stumble. The drive back to your place is fairly short, but when Seungmin glances over you’re looking unwell. Maybe it’s just the dim lighting from the backseat, but you look paler than usual and your eyes are closed.
“You feeling okay?” Seungmin asks, squeezing your hand.
“A bit nauseous,” you murmur.
“We’re almost there, just take a few deep breaths through your nose for me.”
Even though it's only a few minutes before they pull onto the street that you live on, it feels like forever. Seungmmin tries to keep you preoccupied by rubbing circles into your palm. Instead of trying to help you out of the car and into your apartment, Seungmin thanks the company driver and opts to just carry you all the way in. 
He helps to change you out of your work clothes and tucks you into your bed. You link your fingers together and protest when Seungmin attempts to leave your side.
“I promise I'll be back in a second, I just want to get some things to help you feel better, okay?” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You agree, but reluctantly.
Seungmin tries to stay quiet as he rummages around your apartment, gathering some medicine, a thermometer, a glass of water, and some crackers. Next he dampens a face cloth and brings everything to your bedside table, folding up the cloth and laying it across your forehead. 
He supports you in sitting up slightly to take your temperature, brushing his fingers through your hair as you wait for enough time to pass. You lean into his touch slightly, humming in pleasure when Seungmin switches to giving you a light head massage. When the thermometer beeps, it confirms what Hyunwoo suspected, you have a low grade fever.
“You have a bit of a fever,” Seungmin tells you, keeping his voice low. “Do you feel up to having some water and medicine? It'll help you feel better, I think.”
“Okay,” you say, taking the pills that Seungmin hands you and swallowing them with a bit of water.
“Do you want to rest some more now? I want you to stay hydrated so I can make broth for you or get juice.”
“Do you have another schedule? You don't have to stay and take care of me.”
“I don't have to, I want to. And what did I say earlier? Don't worry about me. I'm not missing anything important.”
“So you are missing something,” you insist, your stubbornness making itself known. Seungmin can't help but find it endearing, especially the way that your bottom lip juts out to form a pout.
“Just vocal lessons. I already know how to sing, so it’s fine. Innie had his scheduled for tomorrow, the two of us are going to swap.”
“Oh,” you say, apparently satisfied by that.
“See, nothing to worry about. Now, what did you want? Broth or juice?”
“Broth,” you decide. “But that means you'll have to leave again. I don't want to be alone.”
Seungmin hesitates for a moment before reaching for something resting on the side of your bed.
“You won't be alone, Daengmo will keep you company, okay?”
Seungmin had gifted the stuffed dog to you the first time he had gone abroad after the two of you had started dating, even though it was only to Japan. You had insisted that he keep it at first, knowing how fond he was of the toy, but he had convinced you that it would prevent you from missing him whenever he was away.
“M'kay,” you say sleepily, wrapping your arms around Daengmo.
“You can close your eyes while I'm gone and I'll be back before you know it.”
“I'm not tired,” you say, although even in the dim lighting Seungmin can see that your eyes are starting to droop. “I'm going to stay awake until you come back.”
“Whatever you say,” Seungmin replies.
He leaves your room, closing the door behind him quietly, and heads towards the kitchen.
Seungmin prepares a couple of pots to make you soup. The first he prepares with some ingredients to make a simpler version of a ginseng chicken soup. He knows it'll take a while to cook though, so he adds water, powdered chicken broth, and ginger to the second. Within a few minutes, the clear broth is ready to serve.
Seungmin scoops a portion of it into a mug and slips an ice cube in so that you won't burn your mouth trying to drink it. He makes his way back to your room as quickly as he can, but careful to avoid the liquid sloshing over the sides.
When he eases the door open, he's greeted with the side of you with your eyes closed, clutching Daengmo tightly. Your breaths are deep and even, although you stir slightly when he sets the mug down on your nightstand.
“I'm here now," he reassures you quietly. “You just keep resting.”
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you say in a small voice.
“Of course, I’ll always be here for you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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mistydeyes · 7 months
just a cute little moment with ghost i was hoping u could write pls 🤭
imagine simon being gone on a mission and your house was feeling so empty and lonely.
So..... you decide to adopt a dog from the shelter to mend your loneliness and waited to surprise him with the new addition to the riley family!
On the other hand, Simon felt terrible for leaving you for months on end. To keep you company and protected, he brings home *drum roll pls*
another dog!!
The look on both of your faces when he comes through the door with dog in his arms and you with a little pup on your lap already 😭😭
(hope this isn't confusing lmao)
AHHH this is so cute and precious! love simon being a dog person fr fr
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summary: With Simon gone on some unknown mission, you decide to welcome a new member to the family. However, despite how much you love the friendly little guy, Simon has other ideas on pets.
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader
warnings: none :)
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"Hi, Simon," you smiled through the phone. "Hello, love, how are you?" he asked and you relaxed into the plush blanket on the couch. "Mhmm, same old, same old," you said, trailing off towards the end as if you had something to hide, "but how have you been, haven't heard any updates." You bit your lip as the line went quiet for a moment, you kicked your feet slightly in anticipation. "Something you want to talk about? Sorry, it's been a while since we've gotten stable service," he said, a soft kindness in his whisper. Before you could reply, a soft bark resounded through your shared flat as a car drove down your lane. "What was that?" Simon asked suddenly, "Someone's dog get loose?" As your newest and surprise addition to the Riley family came running to your side, you struggled to hold the phone and settle him down with soft pats and belly rubs. You hadn't intentionally wanted to adopt a dog without Simon but something about the young pup at the local adoption center made your heart melt. Plus you were no stranger to managing a new pet. However, your failure to answer gave Simon a full assumption as to the current state of your home.
"Did-did you adopt a dog?" he asked almost holding his breath, "please, just tell me." With that, the secret was out and you silently cursed your all too observational fiancé. "I'm sorry," you blurted out, "it's just too lonely without you here and you know how the colder seasons make me feel." You tried to calm your excuses by cuddling up to your big-eyed, gentle Golden Shepherd but were immediately off put by the sudden laugh filling your ears from the other line. "Please tell me it's at least a guard dog breed," he said between laughs and you felt your held breath relax. "Um you could say that," you replied as you smiled down to the bundle of fur curled up to your side, "he can be menacing at times." "To the mail carrier or actual intruders?" he joked a slight hint of sarcasm on his tongue. "I'll send you a photo so you can judge for yourself," you huffed but before the conversation could continue any further, you heard the call suddenly drop.
You pouted a bit as you looked down at Bones, your newest companion for the coming months. "Smile for your dad," you said happily before sending the picture off to Simon to see eventually. At the end of the week, your phone dinged with an incoming message. "golden shepherds are not guard dogs." it said simply and you were sure to spam him with more photos of you and Bones' latest adventures.
You lazily lounged around the flat as you looked at your phone's calendar. Simon's mission had been extended 6 more months from his initial departure date and since that update, you had heard little since. You put down your phone dejectedly before filling up Bones' bowl of food and water. As you turned with the bowl in hand, you practically jumped when the door knob turned. Bones ran towards it rapidly as you chased after him, nearly colliding with your kitchen island. "Easy now," you commanded sharply, pulling him by his collar. "Guess he is a guard dog after all," a familiar voice spoke and your eyes met with Simon's. You immediately jumped to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he levied a cardboard box into his other arm. As you reunited after many long months, you were monetarily blinded to the small bundle of fur peeking out from the top. "What's this, Simon?" you asked as you paused your barrage of kisses. "Look for yourself," he smirked, putting the box in your hand. Inside, a small Belgian Malinois began to lick your face. As you laughed giddily at the affections, Simon led you to the couch with Bones following cautiously. "Since you don't have much of a scary one here," he said pausing to pat Bones on the head, "thought he and you could use a companion." You nodded as you put the small puppy in your lap. "Well now that we have two children," you said turning to him, "you better be staying for a while now, Riley."
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dr-felitas · 2 months
cellphone love story — osamu dazai
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*+゚synopsis: recently, someone's been spam calling you to the point that you’re fed and pick up the phone, only to be greeted with someone by the name dazai who has been continuously trying to reach his dead friend. the calls however don't end here, rather, your (call) history with dazai starts to extend - slowly but surely forming a bond over time; the phone.
pairing: dazai x reader (gn) |wordcount: 2.5k (this was my personal hell)  | content & warnings: fluff, mentions of odasaku and very very very small mention of chuuya, more than friends less than lovers at the end (can also be interpreted as lovers, but that's just what i had in mind yall), brief mentions of drinking, light angst if you squint, not proofread its 5 am yall…. ; oneshot
a/n: sorry that i havent posted anything in the past few days (eight days to be exact i think..) i hope this will somehow make it up :,)
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you can't keep count anymore.
this is the third - no, maybe fourth time today the unknown number has called you. at some point they have to realize that they’ve gotten the wrong number, right? 
it all started about one and a half weeks ago when you changed your phone number and received a new one. ever since that day someone has been continuously trying to call you. unfamiliar digits lit up on your screen as you were out with your friend, you ignored them, after all who were you to accept a call from an unknown number?
but, over the course of the evening the calls didn't stop, eerie and annoying ringtone constantly piercing through your ears until the calls took a halt at midnight. relief washing over you.
to your mishap the calls didn't stop there. sometimes they’d wake you up from a peaceful slumber, groggily pinching and rubbing your eyes before swiping the call away. other times your phone would ring at a work meeting where you had to awkwardly excuse yourself and turn off your phone.
admittedly, you're at fault for not blocking the number. all of your friends suggested that you should, reasoning it with the fact that the caller probably has some dirty schemes and motives and that you should just try and not get in touch with weird people like them. 
which brings you to your current predicament, sitting on the couch with your favorite show playing in the background as you text a friend, until a certain but familiar series of digits show up on your phone screen. do they never know when to stop?
your fingers hover over the decline button and then over to the accept button, debating and contemplating if you should decline the call but you don’t. the pads of your fingers press down on the accept button and you wait. 
you’re greeted with silence, what the hell? your patience runs thin, streaming like arid sand grains through an hourglass until they meet the bottom and gather there together with the others. it's been like thirty seconds into the call now, at this point they should've probably said something, at least a quiet hello. an exasperated sigh leaves your mouth and you begin “seriously? you’ve been calling me for the past week now and suddenly i pick up your calls you don’t say shit?” you complain.
“goodbye odasaku.” a sigh leaves the strangers mouth, a man you notice. “i suppose this is my sign to stop grieving and mourning over you.” his voice slightly quivers and the male chuckles sorrowfully. you can’t distinguish if it’s melancholy or relief that lace the bitter words. 
you’re left with confusion, so many unanswered questions lie at the tip of your tongue but you don’t dare to utter a word. “apologies.” he speaks up once again, this time with a steadier voice. “you’re probably confused, my name is osamu dazai.” he politely introduces himself. even though you’re unable to see him and can’t see him nor his expression, your intuition tells you that he’s slightly grinning, that a ghost of a smile graces his lips, although a rather sad one. 
“this phone number belonged to an old friend of mine.” dazai respires. a shaky “odasaku?” you whisper and let out a breath you yourself didn’t know you held in. “yeah, sakunosuke oda.” he hummed smilingly. “he’s gone.” dead, dazai wants to add but he refrains. 
“his voicemail always played when i dialed his number and called.” he whispered. “it was pleasant to hear his voice, knowing that there are still fragments of odasaku out there. he understood me like no other, i miss him.” dazai meekly confessed in a hushed tone. “but those days are over, i suppose it’s for the better.” the male on the other line sighed.
an umpteen amount of words prickle on your tongue, they itch to be released and said, you wanted to say something - anything. but before you’re able to properly gather your words and form a sentence, dazai cuts you off.
“please excuse my intrusions in the past week. have a good rest.” a shrilling sound echoing through your living room symbolizes the end of the call and you’re left dumbfounded.
strident noises awake you from your sleep. you toss and turn in your sheets as you mindlessly try to find your phone, rolling over to lay on your side as you find it and tightly clutching it, gripping your phone as you’re greeted with a bright screen and a row of digits. dazais number, you realize.
no, you didn't save his number nor did you memorize in which order the digits were aligned but his phone number's unfamiliar digits have become quite familiar now. you check the time: 0.52 a.m. what was dazai doing at such time and why was he calling you out of all people? especially after he hung up on you a month ago.
“hello?” you groggily yawn. “ah.” a female voice on the other line yelps, she sounds relieved. “are you odasaku by any chance? could you pick up mr. dazai please?” the woman asks in a demure manner. “what’s the situation?” you rub your eyes, trying to stay awake. “well, mr. dazai is intoxicated - he’s drunk and is currently slumped over the counter.” she whispers into the phone. 
“if that doesn’t bother you of course, i can also call someone else!” she hurriedly says. you're slipping out of your sheets to get out of your bed and move towards your hallway, loosely throwing over a thin jacket and checking its pocket if your car keys are in there. “it’s fine, can you tell me the location?” you tiredly ask. “yes of course. it’s bar lupin.” she replies. you check your phone and step outside your door moving towards your car “got it, i’ll be there in 20 minutes or so.” with that you end the call, get inside your car and put your hands on the steering wheel.
carefully you take a step inside the narrow bar, taking off your hood and immediately spotting dazai whose head was currently laying on the surface of the front bar. he was poking at his glass of whiskey, the ball of ice being almost fully melted. “dazai.” you call out. he turns around, hazel eyes meeting yours. 
only then can you admire dazai for the first time. his dark brown is tousled and unkempt but it continues to gleam in the orange light. his arms are wrapped in bandages and there's a long beige, almost khaki, coat draped over his body. you can’t help but think that he’s kind of pretty.
“what are you doing here?” dazai asks in a fatigued tone. you show him your car keys and wag them in the air “here to pick you up.” you reply nonchalantly. “why?” his question is barely above a whisper. 
why are you helping him? he doesn’t understand - he wishes to understand. the first impression you’ve received from dazai was when he was calling you non stop and now your second impression is him slumped over bar lupins front bar. dazai can’t tell if you’re just naive or really trying to be helpful out of politeness or rather out of kindness. 
a certain kindness he’s only ever received from odasaku. helping someone like him out of kindness with no hidden intentions, offering a helping hand, smiling with utmost fondness. 
“as if im leaving a somewhat nice drunkard alone. i’m not inhumane.” even though your answers are full of nonchalance, dazai can make out a certain sincerity that lies in your words. 
his eyes can only follow as you tilt your head towards the door. “let's get you back home.” you gently smile. 
dazai wakes up to the sound of  birds chirping and sizzling oil. he’s warm, a soft blanket covering his body only then dazai realizes that this isn’t his bed, that he’s not lying in his futon. he looks around before his gaze lands on the bedside table which had a glass of water atop it, marked with a little sticky note that said “drink this, you’ll feel much better and come find me in the kitchen :)” 
he can’t recall everything that happened yesterday, it all went past him like a blur the only thing he remembered was that you came to pick him up. dazai grabbed the glass and gulped it down in one go, some of its content seeping down his chin and wiping it away with his sleeve before sliding out of the bed with the glass in his hand to return it to you.
finding your kitchen wasn’t hard, it was located right next to the dining room where a variety of dishes were placed on the dining table. dazai enters the kitchen, without you noticing and sees you whisking up two eggs with a pair of chopsticks before speaking up “here.” dazai coughs and places the glass on the counter near the sink to express his gratitude. 
“oh, it’s no problem.” you shoot him a small smile. your hand reaches over to the salt and pepper  to season the eggs with before carefully putting the egg mixture into the hot greased pan. admittedly dazai feels a bit out of place - useless (when was he ever not) so he offers to wash your dishes which you happily agreed to. 
besides the sound of sizzling fat and water running down the faucet, it's quiet in your kitchen. “how’d she know whom to call?”  you’re the first to speak up, eyes still concentrated on frying the eggs as you hum a small melody.
“the bartendress?” dazai asks in response. 
“well, odasaku’s number, which is your number now, is one of my emergency contacts, i suppose she just called you first.” dazai shrugs his shoulders, his hands still focused on rubbing away the dirty spots on your plates. 
“i see.” 
“if the old man, my favourite bartender by the way." dazai winks. "if he would’ve been here he would’ve called slug.” dazai lets out a small laugh, probably the most sincere laugh he let out in the past few weeks.
“slug” you ask, soft voice laced with confusion.
“an old friend of mine.” dazai smiles sadly. “odasaku and him are both my emergency contacts.” he chuckles. 
dazai doesn’t talk about the topic much further and neither do you, assuming it’s a sensitive topic for him. “i’m done, how about you?” you look over to dazai who’s currently washing his hands off with lavender soap. “mhm, me too.” he hums in agreement at which you can smile at.
dazais eyes trail after you as you leave the kitchen and move to the dining room, setting down all the plates and pouring two glasses of water. “sit down and eat up.” your eyes sway from his eyes over to the chairs. only then does dazai notice that his beige coat is neatly folded on one of your dining chairs. it makes his heart jump lightly. 
he sits down and takes a sip out of his glass, waiting until you start to eat first before he gets to. he smiles contently as you happily chew on your food. “does it taste good?” he cringes at himself when he realizes just how awkward that question is, he feels like a teenager again that was always wary of what people thought of him. 
“it tastes amazing! wanna try?” you slide the plate over to dazai, offering him to take a piece. “sure.” he agrees before taking a small bite. you weren’t lying when you said that it tasted amazing. “you're right, it tastes so good.” dazai says ecstatically. “told you so! my cooking is not to be underestimated.” you laugh and dazai can’t help but laugh too which makes him cough uncontrollably, putting a hand over his mouth so he doesn’t spit out anything on your table cloth but continuing to laugh.
“oh god dazai, are you okay?” you rush over to his aid and put your hand over his back to slide over it, hoping that it’ll somehow soothe his coughing. dazai manages to muffle out a “i’m fine, really.” between his coughs and laughs which you can only sigh at but can’t help the smile that finds its way onto your face and plasters itself on your lips.
calls with dazai have become more frequent now, although he sometimes still remains a mystery to you, it feels like he’s grown quite comfortable around you. 
he told you more about himself (vice versa), talks about his work at the armed detective agency and sends you recipes the both of you could recreate. not only calls with him became more frequent but also visits. 
at least four out of seven times a week dazai rushes to your place after work (you should probably call it your shared home now due to dazai leaving his stuff at your place like scattered objects on the floor).
for example, today: dazai walks into your kitchen like he owns the place. he sets down his belongings onto your couch before stepping towards the kitchen where he already finds you chopping the vegetables for the curry. 
he notices that you’re on the verge of tearing up as you continuously chop the onions into small bits and grabs a tissue before sneaking up behind you and scaring you. “boo.” his mouth forms a little “o” and you slightly jump before setting the knife down and putting your hand over your heart. “you scared me!” you complain even though dazai can see the playful glint in your eyes.
“sorry, sorry.” he laughs before wiping away the small droplets of tears that managed to escape your eyes. 
his calloused hands brush over your soft skin, it’s intimate - romantic even. you softly sigh against the tissue, the object that separates the two of you. the action makes your face lightly heat up and you’re sure that dazai noticed it too from the way he’s smirking. 
“aw, was i able to fluster you?” he coos at you smilingly, which in response you can only huff at, eyeing him with a look that says “you already know the answer.” before turning around to continue where you left off.
in the meantime dazai pulls out another cutting board and starts to chop the carrots. it’s quiet, it’s always quiet when the two of you cook together, but neither you nor dazai mind. the smell of aromatics that nip and continue to linger in the air and the sound of your jazz playlist which sometimes gets outplayed by the sounds of cutting or frying food, are more than enough. it’s just like the first time the two of you shared this space together, a certain nostalgia suddenly washing over him.
“thank you” he whispers, barely loud enough to not get overplayed by the music playing in the background. 
“for what?” you ask, longing for an answer.
for the times you’ve picked me up at bar lupin, for the times you’ve cooked me warm meals, for the times when you took care of me. 
“for everything.”
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this is dedicated to my odasaku person @azullumi (don't die pls i need u and ur fics HHDDISISISIS). you've always told me that you liked odasaku a lot and that some day you also want to open up an orphanage which i find really endearing. what i mean by "you're my odasaku person" is not "wow we're literally so odasaku and dazai coded" but no rather it's because you also play such a major role in my life (not just cause of the age gap between oda and dazai and u and me..). you're always there when i need you, you're always there when i needed you and i hope that you'll always be there when i need you. but the same thing goes vice versa; goes for me. azul you're someone whom i've randomly met and if i never made that one comment or sent that one ask or if you never sent that one dm i would've never written this. you're someone who reassures me and soothes my worries with simple words, when i'm feeling down you're the person i turn to because you're the only person who really understands and somehow relates and thus i'm always able to trust and follow your judgement and advice. i never feel judged or belittled by you or treated as someone whose only an immature kid, no you treat me as a normal person, like a friend. which makes me feel seen - acknowledged even. to be loved is to be seen. i could go hours when it comes about talking to you and what impact you have on my life, but i suppose that's for another end note dsjsdsuusus. you're so dear to me. i love you a lot azul <3
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© DR-FELITAS 2024. stealing, copying, translating, reposting my works on other platforms or feeding them to ai is not permitted.
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orikiys · 9 months
✿ ✿ 〞safe place
✰ pairings: ot8 x fem!reader
✰ genre: romance, comfort, angst with fluffy ending
✰ warnings: reader has long hair, mentions of cursing and just reader having a hard time at the start, mentions of food
✰ word count: 3.6k + words
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✿ . . plot
growing up, your parents taught you various things about whom to trust, how to save money and how to cook, all things like that. but there is one thing that still makes you hesitant… don’t worry. they said, don’t worry just take a deep breath and relax yourself, everything will eventually work out and being the obedient child you were, you always listened to them because things do work out.
but then why were you feeling as if you weren’t real? as if everything, every person, every feeling that you ever experienced felt like a scene from some novel? what is this feeling? you couldn’t name it; but you hated every bit of it. you hated how your chest hurts and even after rubbing it several times, there’s still a feeling as if there is a rope that is tied around your neck. a rope that’s strangling you and making you feel more and more anxious. you glance at your phone with a blank face, while your mind was facing a war, there’s still a text from him asking about what you were doing. you haven’t replied to him yet.
with a glance at the clock, you wrap your arms around your plushie tighter and close your eyes, trying to settle down this unknown emotion of restlessness. you try to think of him, think of good memories that you created along with him, you try to think of his smiling face and of his words that never fail to make your heart flutter. you needed to hold back until he comes back home and you return back in his arms.
౨₊ৎ chan
when you and chan first started dating, chan was everything you could ask for. he knew what you needed without you saying it, he knew what you liked, he remembered it and had it written down in his journal. it made you feel loved and secure, the two things that you always longed for in a relationship.
chan never failed to make you feel better, he talked to you and listened to your problems intently, as if trying to read between the lines and trying to figure out what went wrong. but with him away on a tour, it was hard. it was even harder to tell him anything mainly because you didn’t want him to worry when he already had so much on his plate. you never want to burden him with your worries. neither do you like to pitied, so will try you keep your emotions to yourself until he comes back.
but looks like that plan is unsuccessful the moment your phone rings and you see his video call. with a soft grunt, you sit up and set your hair before accepting the call.
there he is, sitting on his chair while wearing his signature black hoodie and a wide smile on his face.
“hey sunshine, how are you doing today?” a sentence from him is all it takes for you to break down and hide your face with your one hand and try to get out of the camera’s frame.
“what’s wrong?” his voice is calm, but you know he’s trying not to show his worry to scare you.
you chuckle, trying to brush it off by saying, “it’s nothing just missed you.” but he knows you very well. he knows you well to figure out something is seriously wrong, because until now you would’ve usually spammed him with texts or photos of what you did.
there’s a silence as he just stares at you through the screen before sighing out loud, “i know i’m pretty far from you right now, but you can tell me what’s bothering you anytime. anytime you want, and i’m serious. i don’t want to force you to say what happened so i’ll just talk about how my day went.”
he begins talking about his day, about what he did and what things reminded him of you and what things made him miss you. there’s a smile on his lips, but there’s worry clouded in his eyes, which you pretend not to see and just nod in amusement as he continues to list the things he did.
an hour later, when the two of you hang up, you receive a text from him. it’s a video of you in a garden sitting on a swing and laughing. it brings back a flood of memories from where it started, and you feel like you’re too distracted by the memories that the feeling you had in you earlier, has resided long back. it never fails to surprise you how he can make you feel the real you. with him, there’s no need to pretend. it’s just him and you. he tries his best yo understand how you feel, and considers your feelings sincerely. it’s his love for you that reassures you to not worry. because things eventually do work out.
౨₊ৎ minho
when minho saw you sitting on the couch half- dazed out he knew something wasn’t right. judging the way that even after being home for fifteen minutes he was just welcomed with a nod, it made him sense that something was very wrong. even after cooking your favourite food, there was no smile on your face and it made his heart burn.
without a single word, he heads upstairs. minutes later a shout from him his heard, telling you to head upstairs. so you do and upon entering you could feel your eyes blur as you look at the little pillow castle he created along with a laptop and a pack of chips.
“it was time for movie night anyways,” he sheepishly utters, while maintaining a casual look even though on the inside he is nervous for your reaction. a small smile from you is all it takes for him to return the smile twice as bright along with a hug. it’s the feeling of a warm embrace. that peculiar look of love on his face. perhaps it is also the way his hands are in your hair. but mostly, it’s his eyes that shine with adoration. those eyes that can speak a thousand words and even without anything communication there is still laughter that could be seen.
“do you feel better now?” his voice is calm and you know he’s trying not to force you from the way his fingers trace patterns on your palm.
“yeah, thank you so much,” you mumble and press a soft kiss on his cheek making him smile at you lovingly.
“do you wanna go out for a walk?” he questions suddenly making you look at him in confusion. he gets up while grabbing your hand. and when you nod, he doesn’t hesitate to drag you along with him while running as fast as he could, making you chuckle at his enthusiasm.
it was 11 in the night, yet he still is as energetic as ever. there’s an evident smile on his face as he swings your hand together with his, while walking down the isolated streets. there’s a silence, one that often gets interrupted because of some vehicle honking in a distance, but at least he’s there with you. right when you needed him.
with a fond look plastered over your face, you watch him talk about his day and about some of his annoying colleagues that managed to make his mood go sour. it’s amusing to see the way he takes one glance at you and changes the subject every five minutes, trying to keep your mood up.
౨₊ৎ changbin
“babe? it’s okay, just let me in?”
how long had it been since he had been knocking on the door using every persuasive writing key points he learned in elementary school to convince you to open up the door, but you were stubborn as ever and refused to even budge it a bit. you don’t exactly remember how you both ended up like this. was it because of it felt anxious to show your emotions fully in front of him? or was it the way you thought that he would think you were a crybaby?
“go away, please.”
you try to keep your voice firm, but it cracks the moment you hear him let out a deep sigh and try to coax you, he knew he can’t leave you alone, especially when you’re having a rough time. so he stays there for a moment, trying to think of something that will make you open up.
you and changbin had been dating for over 4 months now. all these 4 months were getting to know each other better and spending time together and eating and cooking together. it was fun. it truly was. with him, you felt like you could actually crack jokes and laugh as hard as you wanted to because he would never judge you. then why were you hiding your feelings from him?
being the type of person, who doesn’t like to share their problems with anyone else, it felt weird when he started asking you how your days were or if you were eating well. soon you got used to it, but you had no clue what to do when you would break down while he’s with you.
“baby? i don’t know what’s troubling you. is it me? or did anyone say something to you?” he questions softly while you try to muffle your sobs.
he waits for a reply, a sniffle, anything and instead hears the click of the door which makes him sigh in relief. he is quick to wrap you in his embrace and caress your head making your body shake from the sobs.
he stays like that for around five minutes before pulling away and cupping your face. he wipes your tears with his sleeves and looks deeply into your eyes.
“i don’t want you to ever lock yourself like that, okay?” he scolds you, but his soft tone says otherwise.
“you had me worried so much baby, if you’re not feeling well, ever, i repeat ever, just call me.”
though he couldn't see it, a soft smile tugs at your lips as you press a kiss to his furrowed brow. he was your safe place.
౨₊ৎ hyunjin
hyunjin drops your favourite chocolate over your lap, before nestling in beside you. wordlessly he copies your position and curls himself on the couch while staring at you. you don’t look at him. you don’t even try to acknowledge his presence, but you can feel it. the scent of his shampoo after he just came from a shower, it’s so familiar and smells like home which makes you sigh in content. even without doing anything and just by staying by your side he manages to provide you with comfort.
“did you miss me?” he cocks his head playfully while grabbing hold of your hands and manages to catch your attention.
“is that even a question?” you retort back making him chuckle.
it’s almost comical how at ease you feel just by his touch, his presence and his words. if there’s one thing that hyunjin is good at which never fails to amuse you, is the way he tries to act according to your moods.
if you’re happy, he’ll match your vibe and take you out on a late night convenience store date. if you’re angry, he’ll buy you some chocolates and snacks and remain patient for your anger to reside. and if you’re sad ( like today), then he’ll just listen or talk depending on whether you open up first or not. it’s not just the way that he loves being with you, but it’s the way that he puts in the efforts to understand you. to understand what’s wrong rather than acting immaturely. so in this relationship, he was the mature one, though at times he loves being babied as well.
“want to talk about it?” he whispers carefully, while glancing at you through the corner of his eye.
with a nod you delve into a ramble about everything that happened in detail. it doesn’t take long for him to begin adding his comments here and there as well. it makes you feel as if someone does observe you. as if, someone does listen to you.
“sorry, am i boring you too much?” you asked in a small voice, confused as to why he suddenly stopped adding on his thoughts.
“i could never be bored. you know why? it’s because i could literally do nothing and sit here, listening to your voice for hours,” it’s not the first time he’s ever said things like these to you and yet, they never fail to make you speechless.
“i need a cuddle,” he changes the subject swiftly and you laugh, “why are you so cute today?”
“i’m cute everyday,” he replies with a blank face as he turns to glance at you.
“i love you, you know that right?” you say with a wide grin on your face and wrap your arms around his neck, squeezing him to death.
“i love you too, but i won’t allow you to kill me,” he huffs.
and there’s a good thing of being with him and eating your favourite pack of chocolates. it’s the best combination in the world. and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
౨₊ৎ jisung
“… are you okay pretty?”
jisung was busy on his phone, when he heard a sniffle, followed by another before he looked up to see you standing before the kitchen counter, clutching the counter pretty hard and with your shoulders shaking.
there’s no reply from you and he grows even more concerned. quickly making his way next to you, he silently shuffles and stands behind you, with his head resting on the crook of your neck and hands wrapped around your waist.
he has no clue what’s wrong but he hates this. he hates seeing you cry, regardless of what the reason might be. it breaks his heart even more when you hold his hand tightly and sob without looking at him. and he hates this so, so much especially when he sees the way you try to hide your tears from him. the least he could do was to be there for you when you feel low.
“i’ll be fine,” you mutter, trying to reassure him but he doesn’t budge even a bit. he stands there, glued to his spot, and just stares at you in worry. it’s almost as if he can read between the lines. i don’t want to be a burden, don’t waste your time on me. it makes him feel as if he failed. as if he failed to assure you that you could rely on him, he feels so frustrated because he loves you so much. he loves you so much that it he can’t help but cry along with you.
upon hearing his sniffle, it’s you that turns around shocked to see him already looking at you through tears. you chuckle weakly as he kisses your nose tenderly.
“why did you have to cry? no i’m crying too,” he whines and tries to wipe his tears but they keep flowing.
jisung had once made this rule of what’s yours is his too, looks like he took it too seriously. he takes away all your pain, all your sorrow in minutes. and you can’t even believe yourself sometimes, of how lucky you are to have a partner like him.
“you’re so silly,” you huff and wipe his tear.
“we’re so silly.”
he wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer, nudging your forehead with his.
౨₊ৎ felix
“she really said that to you?” he voices out his disbelief, as you continue telling how your friend just said something unacceptable.
“i can’t believe this. baby, you need to confront her about it, okay? whenever you’re ready,” he murmurs while pressing a kiss to the side of your head and staying in that position for over a minute.
“she’s my friend though,” you trail off when he sends you a stern look. “friends or not, she can’t just say things like that to you.”
when it came to felix, the most important thing was respect and care. he believed that caring and respecting others is the best way for bonding. even though some people might beg to differ, it’s his personal opinion. and when it came to you… he gets engulfed in this strange, unfamiliar feeling of the need to protect you and keep you safe.
be it even the least harmful ones like just bumping your hand on the wall, keeping the water warm for your bath since you hated it cold and many things that never failed to make your heart flutter.
“are you hungry by any chance?” he asks, while ruffling your hair slowly before brushing them back to make them untangled and gets up, almost about to head to the kitchen but still patiently waiting for your reply.
“it’s fine,” you send him a small smile, making him nod and disappear into the kitchen. minutes later, he returns back with two bowls of ramen and wordlessly places on in front of you and begins digging in.
“i didn’t see any dishes in the sink,” he muttered while glancing down at his bowl, making you pick up your bowl as well.
you found it different. different in a good way, how just talking things out with him is so easy. you don’t have to lie to him. you don’t have to hide your emotions from him. you’re an open book to him. and so is he to you.
౨₊ৎ seungmin
you just wished that you could disappear, if not for long perhaps at least for a day. the way your head is throbbing after your previous break down session is literally the worst feeling in this world (except when your favourite chocolate runs out of the store).
you squint and look around for your medications, but it’s too far away and you don’t even think you have the energy to even speak. but somebody else is faster. a certain someone who’s been watching you closely since the moment he heard you sniffle.
seungmin walks towards you and bends down before handing you a tablet and a glass of water. you give him a small smile and gulp them down together.
“you’ll feel better soon. do you to head to the bedroom to get some sleep?” he murmurs softly and keeps an arm on your knee out of habit.
“it’s fine, i slept in the afternoon anyways,” you reply, making him nod to himself.
there’s silence for a moment before he leaves the room. you look back up when he returns but with a book in his hands and a knowing smile on his face.
he plops next to you, and makes you rest your head on his lap.
with an arm across your stomach and the other holding the book, he begins reading it to you.
you don’t realize when exactly, but in this moment right now, you could feel as if you were bursting out of happiness. out of love and immense affection for the man named kim seungmin.
౨₊ৎ jeongin
“are you asleep?”
it’s been a few hours since he came back home and there is no wonder that he noticed the drastic change in your mood. he didn’t want to point it out thinking you needed time for yourself, but now it was making him feel guilty. he felt guilt creep up into him for not asking you and making you deal with your problems alone.
“not really,” you whisper back and he nods, the action producing a soft sound from the friction of the pillow. a minute later, you toss and face him. his eyes are fixated on you and there’s a sleepy smile that crawls over his face but it drops in an instant when he remembers about your mood earlier.
sighing softly, he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and rests his hand on the nape of your neck. “i’m sorry for not asking you how you were feeling when you were clearly having a hard time.”
his voice sounds so… sad that it breaks your heart. you shake your head twice before telling him, “you just did what you thought was best. and it did help me clear out a bit of my head. just forget it, i’ll forget it too.”
he tucks his arm under your head and pulls you into his chest, “i’m sorry.”
jeongin didn’t know what to do except for comforting you at the moment, words were forming very slowly in his head and your answers were almost convincing which made him annoyed knowing how carelessly you brush away your feelings.
“do you want to talk about it?” he asks with slight hesitation, his voice no louder than a hushed mutter.
when he receives a nod from you, he smiles to himself and lets his eyes fall shut as he listens to you intently.
your voice slowly trailed off and when he looked down to see your eyes shut, he kissed your forehead gently and tucked the blanket around you properly. at least at the end of the day, he didn’t let you be on your own.
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PERM TAGLIST: @taeriffic 🗯️ @hello-2-u-from-me 🗯️ @ilychee08 🗯️ @sleepyleeji 🗯️ @spacegirlstuff
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cheesycatz · 2 months
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Wow! It only took me 966 days of Spamton brainrot to make an actual reference
(text ver under cut)
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- Based on ventriloquist dummies and ball-jointed dolls, both of which require strings in order to move
- Bird nostrils: one of the only remaining "addison" features (also I didn't want to make him a chronic mouth-breather)
- Black hair is permanent from puppetification shenanigans
- Widow's peak to make him more skeletal
- Eyes, teeth, and muscles visible through joints are the only biological bits that haven't been covered by the plastic exoskeleton
- Scratches and yellowing across the plastic epidermis
- Tattered suit jacket and dress shirt; repaired with messy stitches and patches on elbows
- Joints poke out weirdly under suit, especially in the torso area
- Toes, tail, fur, skin, and part of his fingers are missing—destroyed in puppetification process
- Seam lines on body to mimic manufactured dolls
- Four fingers because bird
- Shoe-esque feet
- Where are his pants? Top 10 Questions Science Can't Answer
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- Technically had an underbite? Your lower teeth are not supposed to be directly below the upper teeth
- "Ball jointed body"—he still has muscle, organs, etc. under the plastic
- Animatronic puppet eyes
- Lazy eye? He just like me fr
- Had blue eyes, but they're more gray at this point
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- Pipis are, uh... he canonically makes nests for his eggs of unknown origin, I guess
- Jacket is longer in the back and ripped at the seam
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- Design is meant to work in a 3D environment; AKA no weird v-tuber hair flipping when he's facing forwards so he looks more "real"
- Flesh under his chin where the puppet jaw connects to his actual jaw hinge
- Glasses are screens & clear on his end
- Lenses glow
- He controls what [the lenses] display when he's not having one of his frequent mental breakdowns
- Four hair spikes on top make his mullet look less weird from the front
- Blue tongue (mandatory Spamton design element)
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- Addison Spam: 4 ft 11 in without those heels
- Puppet Spam: 3 ft 6 in - height of a ventriloquist dummy
- Puppetification: he slowly transformed into a living puppet due to his exposure to supernatural forces beyond reality. He was mostly unaware until he was on the streets due to his desecrated mental state.
skill issue
- Most shrinkage is from his legs getting shorter from the puppetification
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i think i have developed chronic spamton wasting disease
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corollaservant · 3 months
Retail Therapy // Dabi x f!reader x Shigaraki (18+)
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Synopsis: Working as a sales assistant in a high end sneaker shop is boring. But you're about to be taught otherwise.
Warnings: noncon/dubcon (idk about this one), degradation, humiliation, illegal recording, mentions of crimes, ableist remarks (not from reader), harassment, dumbification
A/N: kinda thought of the LoV as streamers (but not like gamers). thx anon in spam blog for encouraging this dumb idea, idk what this says about us:)
Another boring day at work. But honestly, what were you expecting? 
You didn’t know anyone who had fun working in retail. Not that this would be your job forever, as you planned on quitting and you know... try something else. Dropping out of college may have not been a smart move but you were confident that you’d find your path, somewhere, sometime. The store was never busy, the pricing and interior design repelling most passers-by and only attracting a couple influencer kids (you often laughed at the term) and their rich parents or a few unknown athletes in an effort to buy designer and make a better name for themselves. High end clients never showed up in person, they had no reason to, no one shopped at boutiques anymore—all the more sneaker ones. 
You would often kill time by watching stuff online (who didn’t), looking at the latest socialite news in various media outlets, the world was going downhill, you thought, as you absentmindedly sipped from your water bottle. Articles wrote about villains, social pariahs, as they’d branded them, parading power by killing innocent civilians ‘for the fun of it’. 
Two shadows at the door caused you to look up. Customers? No way. Your heart stopped for a second as both walked through the door. Was this some kind of a twisted game of fate? Who didn’t fucking know them, Dabi and his subordinate, the man he had on a leash, even though he was the supposed boss, Shigaraki Tomura. What the fuck where they doing here? 
The taller man, which you knew as Dabi, wore a dark blue jacket with the collars ripped while his patched purple skin stood out. Surgically attached staples (or where these piercings?) moved when he smiled. Despite the menacing appearance, you had to admit he looked quite... elegant? His shorter companion didn't fail to catch your eye either, a hood pulled low over his face and wearing a miserably plain outfit. Under other circumstances, you’d throw guys like them out the store—this wasn’t some charity but you quickly reconsidered, once you remembered their recent streaming. Shigaraki filmed Dabi burning up a whole forest just to kill some time as they laughed. Cool, yeah. Problem was they had accidentally murdered some poor people on a picnic, who they’d later find and film, joking about how ‘today was not the day for a picnic, guys’. The two villains would livestream the whole thing on various platforms, other times they’d upload it later on a channel, where perverse comments encouraged and gave them both views. They obviously had a clear immoral viewpoint on heroes (they despised the filth society had created on false pretense) and never failed to shout it even louder. 
‘’Hello, sweetheart.’’ Dabi greeted you, approaching the register. His loyal dog followed close, hands in his pockets and a sly smile. 
‘’Me and my...friend would like to check out a few shoes today, we’re feeling generous.’’ The friend didn't sound very friendly.
You regained composure and whispered a ‘’y-yes, sure!’’ as they looked at you. Dabi's eyes diverted to your work uniform, a blazer with exposed bust and a tight pencil skirt (yeah yeah, you knew this was a high end sneaker store but rules were rules and you had to attract the filthy rich somehow...manager's words, not yours)
‘’W-what would you guys like to see?’’ You stammered, their proximity not helping. 
‘’Sweetie got a speech impediment?’’ Shigaraki asked no one in particular before Dabi interrupted.
‘’Don’t listen to this asshole, he isn’t getting any so he’s always pissed off.’’ The first scowled but remained silent. 
Dabi seemed... kind? You thought as you looked at him and shyly moved to the display shelves. 
‘’S–so, could you guys tell me what you’re looking for exactly?’’ You couldn’t believe these two had to come to your place for fucking shoes—somehow the thought of villains having to buy clothes had never really crossed your mind. 
‘’We don’t fucking care, sweetheart.’’ Dabi said looking directly at your chest, eyeing your tits. Such a pervert, thinking you wouldn’t notice. 
The whole time Shigaraki was on his phone, which he held in a bizzare way, it was known his quirk involved his hands but you never bothered to care, both these guys were murderous and you possessed no ‘quirk’ whatsoever so it really wouldn’t matter if it came down to physical altercations. 
‘’We have t–these ones..’’ You lifted your arm up to show Dabi a new pair you got in last week as his eyes travelled to your bent ass, skirt accentuating the curves even more, as he smirked to himself. 
‘’T–they collaborated two brands for this.’’ You murmured, not sure he heard you. His presence made you anxious, you knew what he was capable of and definitely wanted to live another day. 
‘’Oh yeah?’’ Dabi said. ‘’How much do these cost? They’re fucking ugly.’’
You opened your mouth to retort but settled with a ‘’T–two grand.’’ It came off unsure and hesitant. 
‘’These are dead. Two grand for these abominations? Hey Shiggy, come look!’’ He told the man who had been too consumed with his phone to listen to the conversation.
‘’Look at that shit man, can you believe trash heroes buy that for two grand?’’ He questioned as the latter lifted his gaze.
‘’Yeah I really don’t give a fuck, buy your shit and go, I have content to upload.’’
‘’Please excuse him, baby, he’s just a weirdo who gets off on livestreaming the people he decays, don’t worry we won’t take long.’’ 
Decaying? Livestreams? And why did he call you baby? These guys had to be joking, they were openly talking about murdering people for fun and you suddenly felt sick, your stomach with its contents turned over.
You had been silent, looking at them in horror, while Dabi broke the silence.
‘’Awwh, c’mon now, I’ll be nice. I think I might like these.’’ He said and pointed to a pair of black plain sneakers, they’d suit him, you thought despite the predicament.
You must’ve not reacted at all so he spoke again.
‘’Are you slow, sweetheart? I said I want to try these on, in 15.’’ The tone made you immediately snap out of your thoughts and take a step back—he felt too close through your peripherals. 
‘’L–let me check in the b-back for you guys..’’ You apologized, you couldn’t even turn around but somehow got to the storage room. Fuck, of course he had to be wearing one of the largest freaking sizes, your store never brought these as no one ever bought them, what was he, a fucking giant? You were frantically searching through storage drawers and anything scattered you could find across the room but without success, the pair was sold out (was a basic choice) and the sizing available was 13 and below. Shit, you cursed, as you were about to exit, when you saw two figures at the door startling you. 
‘’What’s taking you so long? Lost in the hallway?’’ Dabi mocks, as Shigaraki snorts. 
‘’I- I– couldn’t f-find the ones you’re looking for.’’ You avert your eyes and Dabi’s smirk wavers.
‘’What does that mean, baby?’’ He furrows his brows. ‘’You should be grateful I even chose this shitty store in the first place. It’s not enough you charge poor customers two grand for shoes I can find in the dumpster, now you’re telling me you don’t have the one pair I actually liked?’’ He raises his tone as he has you practically pinned against the door. You could’ve sworn the other guy's laughing but the room’s spinning and you try to take a deep breath. 
‘’I- i’m sorry, guys, p-please let me try to find s-something else- for you, I–’’
‘’No, I think you can just shut the fuck up now. I don’t want excuses from that pretty mouth of yours.’’ His words hurt as you try blinking your tears away—it used to help but not when they’re flooding your eyes like a stream anyway. You feel like this could actually be your end and matter of fact, anyone would know soon enough, as you’d probably also get livestreamed while they’re at it.
‘’Soo.. let me get this straight, you can’t find a proper excuse, you don’t have my shoes, you make me and Tomura wait while you're blabbering some bullshit and you scam stupid cunts for money. Does your boss know he’s hired the dumbest whore on the planet or do you fuck him to keep your job? And for a shitty job like this? You reaally gotta be desperate.’’ He finishes and now the tears are well formed and fall from your eyes, as you sob—you literally sob, ashamed and hurt, these men didn't even know you and here they were throwing words around because of a pair of fucking shoes, you feel useless and embarrassed, as you choke out some ‘I'm sorry’s.
None of them seem to care about your tears or your stuffed nose, snots falling down your chest and staining the work blazer and Dabi continues in an amused tone.
‘’Stop crying, it's pathetic. Be of use instead, will you?’’ He sighs and looks at Shigaraki, who had been watching his phone intently the whole time.
‘’Tomura, how do you think bitches like her pay when they can’t satisfy my needs?’’ He asks the man, who contemplates for a second, kind of clueless and annoyed, interrupted from the live streaming of the rest of the LoV. 
‘’Ugh.. I don't know, kill her? Listen man, we don’t have much time, we have to go meet the rest, so whatever it is, make it quick. I want to show my face in Toga’s stream, she has too many hot bitches watching.’’
This man is out of his mind.
‘’Shiggy, you fucking incel, it’s not like you’re going to fuck any of them, so how about you put your scrambled, decayed brain to good use?’’ Dabi responds, all while you’re looking at the exchange horrified, where is this going?
‘’Well...since apparently I’m the smart one here, I’ll tell you both how this is gonna end up.’’ Dabi exhales, he sounds bored but his eyes gleam, he seems amused. ‘’You can’t offer me my shoes? You offer me your body, it’s not like you have anything else going on for you. I fuck you and your little cunt and you–’’ he turns his attention to Shigaraki, ‘’–you’re going to film the whole fucking thing. Should grant you enough pussy, once I let you participate.’’
You want to scream, you really do. But there’s no words coming out, the phone’s too far away, the storage room's hidden in plain sight and there’s two guys ganging up on you so what’s the only thing you do? Beg.
‘’P-please, Dabi, I can—I can help you find something else, we have-’’ You blabber but he cuts you off.
‘’Wow doll, surprised your dumb brain memorized the name. But I don’t blame you, I would too.’’ He’s inching closer to you, as you back off, each step he takes leads you towards the end of the room. The closet touches your back—you’re pinned under him, the shelves hit against your back.
‘’Got the camera on?’’ He tells Shigaraki, without turning to look at him, while the latter scoffs.
‘’Yeah, all set.’’ You can see him holding his phone and wait impatiently.
‘’Now..’’ Dabi says, ‘’take that nasty shirt off, God, who dresses whores like you up? Tits out and everything for the public to see.’’ He says as your shaking hands start unbuttoning the work blazer; you had no shirt under it, it was a hot day and you hadn’t bothered, it’s not like customers were frequent. 
He’s so close that your arms touch his shirt as you slowly unbutton it and the blazer falls down your shoulders, your bare tits in full display not just for him but for Shigaraki’s camera to film as well. His eyes rake you up and down, your cheeks stained with tears, your hair disheveled with strands that stick out in opposite directions as your tits quiver on your chest. It’s swift, but you notice how his turquoise eyes widen—not a lot, since they’re heavy lidded and half patched anyway.
‘’Fuck, these look nice..’’ He comments as he brings up both hands to grope them while you gasp. His hands are not as cold as you expected, they’re large, slender and painted black as he starts circling his wrists while still at a fair distance. You moan and he smirks, Shigaraki switching spots to get a better angle. 
Dabi closes the distance as his face is on yours, his breath on your mouth and you close your eyes when he laughs.
‘’Aw, did you think I’d kiss you?’’ He says as you whimper frustrated but he continues ‘’Whores like you don’t deserve kisses.’’ He grabs your skirt with both hands and aggressively lowers it as you stumble trying not to fall down.
His words cut deep and you fight the urge to let another stream of tears down your face; you’d been called names in the past, but the way he talked upset you way more than anyone before. Unbeknownst to him, your felt your panties smeared, his warm hands had turned you on—the thought of you being like this disgusted you. You really were pathetic and he’d soon find out.
His hands cupped your clothed cunt as you moaned ‘’D-dabi, please–’’ to which a voice from the back laughed. You had completely forgotten about Shigaraki, the fact that he was watching (and filming) making you want to vomit.
‘’Baby, please shut the fuck up.’’ Dabi says ‘’Tomura, are you getting this?’’ But at this point Tomura was not only getting it but holding the phone with one hand while the other rubbed a bulge on his pants.
Dabi moves your panties to the side, almost ripping them apart and pushes two fingers without warning in your cunt as you choke on a moan. His fingers feel good, too full in a way and he knows how to move them inside, working his way deeper, while they’re already long.
‘’Man, you’re not gonna believe how wet she is.’’ He tells Tomura, who hums and strokes his clothed cock, phone still in his hand. 
You’re being moved up and down the shelves, his fingers penetrate your cunt with force as you feel the pressure in your core build up, you think about fucking yourself on his fingers, grinding up and down—maybe cum and have them gone?, but he brings his other hand to your neck and chokes you with precision, blocking your airway immediately: ‘’Don’t think you get to decide when to cum.’’ He says and he removes his stained hands, your arousal is brought to your face as he turns around and proudly shows the camera. 
‘’Look at this retail cockwhore guys, pussy dripping from two men she couldn’t sell shoes to!’’ He brags and you crumble, embarrassed and desperate for an end.
‘’D-dabi, p–please don’t say that!’’ You mewl and he looks down at you with pity.
‘Say what? The fucking truth? Aren’t you a little cumslut, yes or no?’’
‘’I– I–am n-not—’’
‘’I said, are you or aren’t you my little cumslut, yes - or - no?’’ He orders as you notice something small and blue igniting from his fingertips and you freeze.
‘’Say it.’’
‘’I- i am.’’ You brokenly murmur, but he needs all the words. 
‘’You’re what?’’ 
‘’Y–your cumslut..’’
‘’I need the name too, camera's on you know’’. His patience wears thin, you can tell by his tone.
‘’I-i-am--Dabi’s cumslut.’’ You look at the camera and with that he finally snaps, turning you over and grabbing you by the waist, his fingers touch your bare back, as he spanks a heated palm on you and you flinch.
‘’Good, now let’s show everyone how cumsluts like you get fucked.’’ He unzips his pants and brings his cock in between your folds. 
The sensation is intoxicating, your heat and his pre in between you while your hands are stretched to touch a shelf you can’t reach. You don't even know what you're up against, fuck, you hadn't even seen—
‘’Make sure you’re getting this.’’ is all Dabi says before abruptly pushing his cock inside you as you let out a sharp cry, he’s too big and you can’t take him at once, a pain shoots up your belly as he starts thrusting at a steady pace. 
‘’P-please ‘s too much, s-slow d-down!’’ You yell behind you but he doesn’t seem to care, as he grabs your hips harshly and pushes himself deeper, your cunt stretching to accommodate whatever it can and you thank his fingers for the prior mess they made.
‘’Fuuck, feels too good.’’ He groans as he thrusts into you. You hear a sudden whimper and look around to see Shigaraki with his cock out, moving his fist up and down his length—eyes fixated on the spectacle. 
You don’t have time to beg him to stop filming because Dabi’s slender hands are toying with your clit, his cock rips apart your insides as pads of his fingers find the bundle of nerves with ease. He teases it—not harshly, as his cock does that for you, but in light strokes, like he’s trying to tickle you and you feel yourself tremble, your cunt twitches and he feels it too apparently, because he groans ‘’Shit, you’re tight, too? Who would’ve expected it, huh..’’ as Shigaraki is starting his commentary on camera.
‘’Take a look guys, this is probably the biggest cockwhore we’ve seen... look closer! getting her loose cunt all fucked like that.’’ Dabi huffs, skin slapping sounds reverberate across the storage, as he continues his pace, cock disappearing in between your folds.
‘’Man, shut the fuck up.’’ He tells the guy behind him, ‘’her pussy’s tight as shit..or maybe I just have a big cock.’’ You can tell he smirks and you moan, it's like he's harsher now, his cruel words while they shouldn't, are bringing you closer and you can’t deny the pleasure he’s giving you, each time he belittles you or Shigaraki for the matter.
You can't even see him, but you imagine him drinking in your pathetic state: desperate, arched back, lifted skirt and abused flesh—frustrated whines and miserable attempts to sink down his cock, even when you know damn well he’s the one setting the pace.
‘’Hey, Shiggy..’’ Dabi groans, ‘’want me to let the whore fuck herself on my cock? She seems soo eager.’’ He tells Tomura, who at this point is solely focused on your ass sinking on Dabi ahead.
‘’S-sure..’’ He breathes out, too horny to care. 
Dabi stops moving, cock hard and still inside you, stretching you out regardless, as you pant frustrated. You’d been so close and he stopped once again. Fuck it, you think, you need to get your release somehow. 
You take a deep breath and start tantalizing him, cock throbs in your walls while you move and grind your hips back and forth. Dabi hisses, his hands dig in your ass, a pain from a metal on your hips—you’d definitely have marks tomorrow but it feels too good and he lets you, which surprises you.
‘’D-dabi, is she good?’’ A voice calls from behind but Dabi doesn’t answer, he just lets you do your work as you increase your pace, your legs are about to fail you but you raise yourself up and grip whatever you can find in front of you; you can hardly breathe. You think you might make yourself cum and he must be on the verge too, because he grabs you by the hair and spears his cock so deep, you want to scream—but you can't because there's not enough air in your lungs to function. ‘’Enough.’’ He spits and starts drilling himself back at his own relentless pace.
You feel numb but a known sensation spirals under you, fuck, he feels good and you suddenly wish for his hands on your clit so you beg. Again. 
‘’D-dabi, please, agh t–touch me..there.’’ 
‘’Beggars can’t be choosers, baby.’’ He smirks and picks up the pace, if that's even possible, the motion perfect for your pussy to squeeze him in tighter and while he acts all tough, a hand is back on your clit. He wants you to come undone, wants to be the one bringing you to such despair. 
‘’D-dabi!, I-I'm-hmn.. g-gonna–’’
Hairs stick to your sweaty forehead, veins pop out your hands as you cum feeling a faint knot snap, you blabber a bunch of incoherent words and tremble, shutting your eyes in shame.
He’d been waiting for this, holding himself back but he wanted your mess, your pathetic orgasm so he can let himself go with a couple final thrusts. He groans, praising your ‘’good cunt– baby..’’ before shooting his load inside—shit, he came inside, you think, this is so wrong but the sensation is tingling, almost satisfying in a twisted way.
A voice interrupts the moment when both of you turn to look at Shigaraki, cock in between a fist and a frown on his face, he seems upset.
‘’Dabi, you idiot, I wanted her too.’’ He says and Dabi looks at you, fucked out and cum oozing from your hole. His cum. 
‘’Well,’’ Dabi looks at you, ‘’would my favorite cumslut help a friend in need?’’ he smirks, ‘’Just some head, we don’t have all the time in the world, alright?’’ He smiles as you lower your gaze—fuck fuck fuck, wasn't one enough? What's the point of arguing though, one look at both of them convinces you otherwise.
‘’C-could I please have some water?’’ You try to stall, throat dry and raspy from the sounds made earlier. 
‘’Water?’’ Dabi laughs, ‘’nah...it’s too far away. Here, have this instead.’’ He says as he approaches you and swiftly moves his hands up your cunt, gathering his load and your juices and bringing the mix to your mouth. ‘’Open up.’’ He orders and your eyes widen before you realize he sticks his fingers in your mouth, coating your tongue and continues ‘’now, you can suck the incel off.’’
Your mouth isn't dry anymore—it's disgustingly covered in his salty cum but Shigaraki's too impatient to retort and already has his cock poking at your opening. He’s smaller but has nonetheless notable girth. 
‘’Mhm..not gonna last, man.’’ He warns but Dabi seriously doesn't care. Indeed, once you're forced to take Tomura in your mouth under Dabi's glare and bob your head up and down a couple times, he pants and whines, cock jerks in your mouth, as a palm with the pinky lifted rests on your head pushing it down his groin. You gag as he stretches your mouth full, the flushed tip scratches down your throat, but soon enough he comes; you can tell by the way he frantically bucks his hips up, so you remove your mouth in tears, when he loses control, this feels horrible. His cum spurts all over the place, some lands on your hair and some on his shirt. 
‘’Fuck!’’ He groans, ‘’My shirt’s stained, you whore.’’ His voice is whiny as red eyes narrow. For the first time, he manages to inflict terror upon you, his hand’s about to touch you when Dabi interrupts.
‘’Enough, she’ll give you another one, I’m sure shitty store sells some lame shirts somewhere.’’
Tomura sighs and removes his shirt. He throws it to your face and hisses.
‘’Gross, you can keep it, cumslut’’. You feel tainted and humiliated, some fresh tears wipe semen off your face, when Dabi speaks up.
‘’Tomura–’’ There's still hope in your eyes, as you turn to him.
‘’She's about to put in on Depop, you know.’’
Dabi and Tomura smirk and you wordlessly get up, something plummets inside (your heart?), as you wipe tears inside your elbow, the only clean body part of yours.
It’s been hours since the shift ended and they left the store, blowing you a kiss but you’re curled up in bed as you anxiously scratch your knees. You feel dirty. Empty. You remember Dabi’s hands on you, Tomura’s shirt and load in your hair, which was later thoroughly washed to the point clumps fell off, when a message appears on your phone.
It’s a message request and it reads:
How’s my favorite cockwhore doing?
You suddenly feel very nauseous, how did they even find you? Your hands are shaking as you pick up your phone to unlock it, only for a new request from a different account to pop up: 
1 attachment sent.
You take a deep breath as you try to think rationally. Don’t cry. Crying doesn’t erase it. Don’t cry.
This could be worse, you finally convince yourself. This could’ve been livestreamed.
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demiesworld · 2 years
How They React When You Fight Pt. 2 (Tokyo Revengers)
pairings: ran, rindou, sanzu, kakucho, hanma, kokonoi x reader synopsis: a continuation of my last post contents: suggestive themes (in sanzu's), violence, fighting and swearing
Everyone and their mother knew about Ran's girlfriend. They knew of her temper, her possessiveness over Ran, and her protective mindset when it came to her boyfriend. That's why when Ran had a woman that wasn't his girlfriend flirting with him he would immediately shut them down. Sometimes Rindou would do it for him too when given the opportunity on his behalf. Everyone knew when it came to Y/N's man don't fuck with him. Not unless you want to end up in a hospital bed.
Ran was also possessive over his girlfriend too. Maybe that's why they clicked, they both had that "You're mine and I'm yours, can't nobody fuck with us" mindset. He loved her to death.
He was at the club he and Rindou operated, seated in a booth with Kokonoi, Kakucho, and Takeomi. Rindou went off to the restroom and you were at the bar ordering more drinks for the table you were at with your boyfriend and his comrades. Apparently this was the perfect opportunity for some broad to slither into the booth and try to steal your man.
As the woman joined and smiled lustfully at Ran, Kakucho and Kokonoi shared a look. Takeomi grinned knowing what was going to come. As for Ran he just sat there not responding to the woman when she tucked her hair over her shoulder and had the audacity to put her chapped nail polished fingers on Ran's tie.
"So what do you think, handsome? Do you want to come home with me?" She coos. Not knowing that you were returning with a tray of shots in your hands.
"He won't be going anywhere with you, bitch." She jumped when she heard your venomous voice and looked at you scared. "You got five seconds to get your grimy fingers off of my man. Five,"
She retracted her hand away from Ran, who was smirking in amusement at the situation, and scooted away from him. "No, no you got it all wrong-"
You walked around the side of the table and snatched up the woman by her hair. Pulling her away from your boyfriend and dragging her out of the booth. She was screaming for help, "No don't scream now bitch, you wanna go touch on someone's man do it, but it ain't gonna be mine!" You tossed her into the crowd of dancers like she was yesterday's trash.
Ran chuckled, leaning over to grab a shot of liquor and manspread on the sofa, "That's my girl, come sit on my lap princess."
Rindou knew you could fight before you two started dating, which is why when you two would have arguments he never let you or him go to bed angry. If there's one thing Rindou loves more than his older brother it's you and your relationship. He wouldn't do anything to cause trouble between the two of you.
You were spending time with your boyfriend at an arcade when his phone continuously was getting spammed with phone calls. The first few rings you didn't pay it no mind, but after the umpteenth ring you grew annoyed. You stopped playing the virtual hockey game with Rindou and turned to him. "Who is calling you?"
"I don't know! Must be one of the guys, just ignore it." He tells you, but you knew it wasn't just one of the guys. Your eyes narrowed at Rindou and you folded your arms. "Show me your phone." Rindou sighed, "Y/N…"
"Phone!" You held out your hand and he gave it to you. You unlocked it and saw an unknown number calling him again. Your eyes widened when you saw who's number it was. It was your best friend. "Why the fuck is Y/F/N calling you?"
"I don't know! She's been calling me for a week and I sent her a message saying to leave me alone!"
"That doesn't answer my question, you dumbass!" The phone rang again and this time you answered it, but held the phone up to your boyfriend's ear. "Talk to her."
"Babe- hello? Oh hey Y/F/N." Rindou shoved his hands into his pockets, his eyes averting your glare. When your friend asked where he was you told him to say he was at the arcade and he was alone. "Tell her to meet you up here." You said and he repeated it to her. Your friend, stupidly agreed to meet him up there and you two went outside waiting for her.
You sat on a bench with a newspaper in front of you covering your face and Rindou stood in front of the entrance of the arcade with his hands in his pockets. Just then your friend showed up beaming at your boyfriend and waving at him. "Hey there Rinnie! I see Y/N is not here with you today. What happened?"
"Oh, um she's just not feeling good right now." He swallowed feeling guilty that he was setting her up for her demise. Before your friend could answer you shot up from your seat and tossed the newspaper away. "Trying to talk to my man behind my back huh? Really Y/F/N?"
She jolted, taking a step back and smiled sheepishly. "Y-Y/N, I didn't know you were here!" You stomped closer to her and yelled, "Yeah because you were too busy trying to get," your hand went over your head and slapped her across her face. "dick from my boyfriend!" The impact of the slap sent her on the ground, holding her cheek and scattering to get away from you. "The fuck are you looking at slut?! Go!" Your now ex-friend scrambled to her feet and ran away from you and Rindou still holding her cheek.
You turn your attention to your boyfriend, "And you, if something like this happens again and you don't tell me, your ass is going to be just like her dickless."
Rindou nodded his head stiffly, he knew you weren't playing either this time.
"Oh Y/N… my pretty angel, the most beautiful girl in the world, my cherry pie, the apple of my-"
"Who is it that I have to fight now, Sanzu?" You deadpanned.
Your lover rested his chin in his hands as he looked at you from across the table. You were preoccupied with arranging a dinner for the weekend for you and him before he interrupted. Sanzu slid his phone across the table, a picture of a woman with short blue hair. His finger tapped on her face, "Her. She's a nuisance to me, and she shows up at the bar whenever I'm with the guys desperately trying to get my number." He pouts like a child, then starts to smile wickedly, "I need for you to teach her a lesson for me please."
"If I teach her a lesson what sort of reward will I be getting?"
Sanzu leans across the table and sweetly kisses your lips. "You'll get to do that thing you always wanted to do to me." Your face heats up for a moment and you nod your head agreeing to his terms.
That's how you find yourself in the parking lot of the local bar fighting with the woman. Sanzu stood by watching as you had her against a car and were kicking her in her stomach. He licked his lips at the sight of blood trickling from the woman's head when you had hit her with a steel pipe earlier. The sounds of her pathetic groans for you to stop were arousing to him.
"Don't. You. Ever. Look. At. Him. Again." you say as you finish your final kick with your steel-toed boot colliding with her face. She slumped forward coughing out blood and weakly told you she won't look at him again. Satisfied with your results of the fight you walked away from her and locked your arms with Sanzu.
"Oh, princess that was so hot of you to do that for me." Sanzu croons, as he opens the door for you to enter the car. You thank him and watches as he shuts your passenger door and goes to enter on the driver's side. "The pleasure is all mine, princess, and speaking of pleasure," your cheeks are squished in between his fingers as he leans over the center console to kiss your lips.
Sanzu nibbles at your bottom lip with his teeth, tugging at the flesh as he pulls away. "I hope that what you do to me tonight really pleases me."
"You know when you said we were going out to have fun," you start just before a girl lunges for you and you punch her in the stomach. She groans in pain from the impact, giving you the chance to elbow her on the top of her head knocking her down. "I didn't think fighting a group of coeds would be it."
Hanma slugs a guy in the face just as he charges towards him. A manic laugh leaving from his mouth when his fist collided with the man's cheek. He felt the bones of his opponent's face crack upon the blow. "Aha! Then what did you think we're going to do baby?"
You shrug your shoulders, and reply back, "I don't know maybe terrorize the convenience store owner again." You duck when a girl swings a bat at your head, narrowly missing it. You dodge her swings and block another attempted hit with your arm. It hurt like hell, but you fought through the pain and kicked the girl in her groin. She loosens her grip on the bat and you snatch it from her hands, bashing the end of it at her skull. From the corner of your eye you saw a guy heading towards Hanma. "At your 6 babe!"
Hanma laughs boisterously, he blocks the man's jab and snatches him by his nose. "Come on baby! I thought you knew me better than that!" The crazed smile of his never once falters from his face as he lifts the guy by his nose and throws him on the ground. "Surely this is more thrilling!" He stands above the man, stomping at his head with his heavy feet. The sounds of bones cracking encourage Hanma to further disfigure the man underneath him.
You look around at the several bodies scattered in the alleyway, unmoving bodies of both male and female on the ground. Hanma stops stomping the man's head in once he sees his teeth caving in. You walk towards your boyfriend holding the arm that had blocked the hit earlier. "I think they're all done for Shuji. Let's go."
Hanma smiles at you and tosses his arm over your shoulders leading you out of the alleyway. "You got hurt baby," you scoff and turn your head away from his gaze. "It's nothing that a little ice won't fix." You say to him, and smirk, "Besides I had some fun back there."
His eyes brightened as you two made it to his bike and hopped on the ride, "Great~ Would you do it again for me, baby?"
"Absolutely not."
Cue Hanma pouting.
For him it was never easy dealing with your feisty attitude and short temper. He didn't know how to control you, and frankly didn't want to even do it. He was afraid he'd wind up at the end of a closed fist to his face if he were to defy or deny you of anything. If you told him to jump he would ask you how high. That's how committed he was to not pissing you off.
He felt pity for those who fought with you because they would end up seriously hurt. He remembered the one time a girl was picking on him at a party. She was calling him lizard man because of his habit of sticking out his tongue. What really ticked him off was when she went up to him, flicked his nose, and called him a pussy. She was a bold woman. He will give her credit for that.
If only she knew just who she was fucking with. The words that the girl said to him went through the grapevine to you at the party. "Where is she?" you said as you push through people to reach your boyfriend. Koko stood there looking scared, meanwhile Ran answered the question for you. He pointed his finger at the entrance of the club, "She just went outside for a smoke."
"Y/N wait!" Koko called out but it was too late. You were already running out of the club to go and get the girl. "Shit, Ran why did you tell her where she was!" Koko shouted to the purple-haired man, Ran shrugged his shoulders. "I wanna see a cat fight." Koko scoffs at him and leaves to go stop you from fighting with the girl. The last thing he needed was you in jail tonight.
Meanwhile you were outside searching for the girl. As you rounded the corner you saw the girl smoking a cigarette underneath a lamp pole. "Hey, bitch!" You shout, and slide your heel off of your feet. "You got some nerve to be talking about my boyfriend with those grandma titties you got!"
She gasped and flicked her cigarette away, "Excuse me," You grinned at her and held your shoe tighter in your hand. "You heard me!" She went to say something else, but you had enough of the talking. Using the heel in your right hand you whacked her with the steel tip end of the heel, successfully smashing her temple with it. You whacked her with it again on the other side of her head. "I'm not done with you bitch," You pulled her by her hair and started punching her on the top of her head. Little whimpers came from the woman and she tried to defend herself by hitting you in your stomach. "You crazy fucking slut!" She shouts.
Koko showed up outside with Ran, Kakucho, Rindou and Sanzu behind him. He saw you about to pull your killer move on the woman and immediately he charged to stop you. "No!" he cried as he tackled you to the ground; you both grunt at the impact. "Y/N are you crazy?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
You thrashed in his hold, "Get off of me Koko!" you sneered.
"Hell no, I just paid for your nails and I'd be damned if you're gonna fuck them up by fighting some whore!"
And that is why Koko tells people who talk ill about him, "My girlfriend isn't afraid to do jail time over you."
If there was one word to describe Kakucho, it would be his undying loyalty for those he grew to love. He was loyal to Izana, his closest friend until his untimely passing, and he was just as loyal to you, his girlfriend. Never did Kakucho complain about you to anyone or talked about you in vain behind your back. He respected you just as much as you respected him.
Though he never would have guessed how protective you were over him until the incident at the park happened. It was on a late, cool night when he was at home polishing the magazine of his gun and he heard rapid heavy knocks on his door. He stopped what he was doing and went to answer it. As soon as he pulled the door open he saw the sight of one of your friends. “Y/F/N? What are you doing here this late?” He asked, and she shook her head. “I can’t explain to you, but you gotta come with me Y/N is in danger!”
The second your name was mentioned, Kakucho quickly snatched his house keys and locked his door before following your friend. She led him to a park that was just a few blocks out of his home and there he saw you fighting two men. Scattered on the ground were incapacitated men, and Kakucho believed you must have been the cause of that. “Y/N,” he whispered, as he stopped in his tracks and stood there in a trance.
You fought so elegantly, yet with a vengeance in your hits. You were dodging hits, blocking punches with your arms, and serving strong kicks to the opponents abdomen. When one of them picked up a bat to swing it at your head, that’s when Kakucho snapped out of his trance and started to run towards the man. “Y/N!” he cries. Everything seems to move in slow motion for him. Kakucho intercepted the melee attack with his hands grasping the bat and halting it from striking you.
You gasp, “Kakucho!” the guy in front of you tried punching you but you blocked it and swung your left fist up to his chin. The man’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he stumbled on his feet. “Bastard!” You stood there as he fell backwards, he was out. Your attention went to your boyfriend, looking at him worriedly as he used his strength to push the man away from you. His jaw clenched, arms straining to stop the attacker from hurting you or him. “I won’t let you touch her, you piece of shit.”
Just then you appeared from behind the man, pulling him into a chokehold. He loosened his grip on the bat and Kakucho took it away from him, tossing it away from his grasp. The man gasped for air, his eyes bulging from his head as you held him there. “Y/N,” Kakucho began, your cold eyes met his heterochromatic ones, “What are you doing here? Why are you doing this?”
“These guys were talking crap about you Kakucho. They mentioned Izana’s death, they said they were glad he died because he was nothing but a pathetic leader.” Kakucho’s breath hitched as he looked down at the faces of the men surrounding him. He recognized them as former Tenjiku members. He swallowed, as distraught as he was right now he couldn’t let you do this. “You don’t have to do this Y/N, this isn’t what I want you to do.”
You look at the man still struggling to break free from your deathly hold. Your eyes were unreadable and void of emotion. Kakucho couldn’t guess what you were going to do next. “Let him go, please.” You shook your head at your boyfriend. “Please Y/N.” Suddenly he fell to his knees and you sucked in a sharp breath. “Release him.”
With your body trembling you let the man go and he collapsed to his knees before Kakucho. He hunched over gasping for air to enter his lungs. Your boyfriend stood to his full height, his eyes glaring down at the man at his feet. “You will thank me for telling her to stop.” He then looked up at you, “I understand what you were trying to do, but that doesn’t mean you have to kill these traitors.” You took a step forward, stepping over the hunched form of the man, and wrap your arms around your boyfriend’s body.
Kakucho’s strong arms held you close to him, his warm hands caressing your back up and down in gentle strokes. His lips ghosted over your ear, “I love you Y/N.”
That’s how he found out that you were the one for him. His undying loyalty for you and your never-ending love for him.
a/n: ugh i might have did word vomit with kakucho’s! but i hope you enjoy!
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alastor-simp · 10 months
Vice Dorm Leaders + Ruggie & Floyd with a reader who sings like the Japanese singer, "Ado"
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🍀Trey Clover
-Trey enjoys listening to music especially when he is baking in the Heartslabyul kitchen. He doesn't really have any favorite music genre, as he just listens to whatever is playing or whatever Cater sends him. He had no idea you could sing so well until he heard you singing softly next to him when you were helping him bake tarts for Riddle. "Wow Prefect, you never told me you could sing so well. Its very nice." After your baking session, Trey learned about your video channel and listened to all of your songs in about a week. He knows it must be a lot of work to be a very popular singer, so whenever he has time, he bakes sweet treats for you and brews you tea to soothe your throat. His favorite song of yours is "Eien No Akuruhi" , he loves how it expresses the theme of falling in love.
🍩Ruggie Bucchi
-Ruggie is not really focused on social media and all that other stuff, as his mind is occupied with donuts and making some money. He discovered your talent when he came to the botanical gardens to wake up Leona, until he saw the both of you there, with Leona laying on your lap and you singing a lullaby to him. You stopped singing when you heard Ruggies famous "Shishishi" laugh, and saw him walking closer to you, then lay down on the grass next to you, arms wrapped behind his head and a cheeky smile on his face. He told you he came to get Leona, but he changed his mind and told you to continue. Great job! You got a cute hyena boy as your official cheerleader, as he would always pop into your recording sessions, quietly cheering you on and dancing to the beat. His favorite song of yours is "Odo", he thinks the beat is crazy and loves how energetic it is.
🍄Jade Leech
"Oh my, you seem to very talented, Prefect-san." Jade is always interested in the unknown, so he was very elated to discover you could sing without him knowing and that he found out without using his unique spell. He happened to hear your beautiful voice, when he was serving customers at Mostro Lounge and heard you at one of the far tables in the back, humming some lyrics, while writing some words on a notepad, most likely coming up with ideas for another song. Once you realized Jade was next to you, you greeted him and thanked him for the drink he made. Jade gave you his best gentlemen smile and said it was a pleasure, but before he left, he walked closer and leaned against your ear, whispering "You have the voice of a siren, Prefect. I wouldn't mind listening to you more, in private, of course." Chuckling, he walked away to finish his duties, leaving behind a flustered you. His favorite song of yours is "Love ka?", he loves the oceanic vibe of the song and how slightly twisted the song is.
🦐Floyd Leech
-If there is one thing to know about Floyd, is that he loves music. Music is his best subject at NRC, and he is a very talented dancer as well. He came to discover your singing, when he was training in the gym for an upcoming basketball tournament, and noticed you sitting at one of the bleachers, with headphones in yours ears and you quietly singing. Giggling to himself, he slowly came up behind you and lunged towards you in a bear hug, making you jump in fright. "Ehe~ Koebi-chan~, you're amazing", Floyd squeezed you tighter, super happy that he learned something new about you. After he let you go, you told him about your channel, but before you could talk more about it, he had already taken his phone out and subscribed. Floyd was a very chaotic supporter, as he often spammed the comments section with silly phrases and happened to squeeze you in happiness whenever you uploaded a new video, but you found his support sweet nonetheless. His favorite song of yours is "Rebellion" , he likes how its about breaking free and how he relates to it as he is a slight delinquent/rebel himself.
🐍Jamil Viper
-Jamil was a man of many talents even though he tends to hide them from others around him, but despite being skilled in cooking and basketball, he also happens to have a great singing voice and amazing dancing skills. He happened to discover your singing talent from Kalim, as Kalim was enthusiastically jumping up and down in joy, telling Jamil about your singing voice and that a celebration should be held. Jamil was annoyed that he had to prepare for another celebration again, but he was interested in your singing voice and wanted to learn more about it. He did come to wonder why you don't show your face in your songs like most other singers, but once he found out that is what you preferred to do, then he wouldn’t question you further. His favorite song of yours is "I'm Invincible" , he likes how describes the feeling of being confident and achieving their dreams.
🏹Rook Hunt
-"Oh la la! Your singing is merveilleuse, Trickster!" Rook hunt is a very interesting fellow, he is very poetic and loves to express his joy for findings things beautiful, but he tends to become a bit stalker-ish, when he finds a person very interesting. Well, enjoy being stalked around by this hunter, he is going to be following you 24/7. He is the definition of an obsessive fan, just minus the craziness. Vil has noticed that Rook has become a huge fan of your talent, but he rather it be you then Neige LeBlanche, yet he does tell Rook to suppress some of his antics as he can imagine how much stress it may cause you. Rook is always present whenever you are singing/recording for a new music video, swooning over your voice and holding up signs that say "BEAUTE! 100 POINTS!" It's very hard for Rook to chose a favorite song since he adores every one of them, but he does tend to listen to "Yoru No Pierrot" more out of the others. He loves the colorful animation of the video
🦇Lilia Vanrouge
-Lilia is very up to date with the latest trends and is the most knowledgeable about pop culture, like Cater. He is very talented in the music field himself, as he is shown to have a very beautiful singing voice and is part of the Pop Music Club with Kalim and Cater. He was on his way to his club room, when he heard the sound of singing nearby and went to go explore. He saw you in one of the empty classrooms, sitting on top of the desks, singing to yourself. While in the middle of your singing, Lilia had appeared above you, and gave you quite a scare. "Kufufu, your singing is quite lovely," Lilia said as he placed a hand on your cheek, while still staying upside down. Blushing, you thanked Lilia and he asked if you would be interested in joining his club. Before you could give your answer, Lilia had already dragged you out of the room and ran towards his club room. Lilia was happy to found out you had a channel on Magitube, and became your second biggest fan as Idia had already won the title of number one. Lilia was the most understanding of you not revealing yourself in your MV's , as he believes that you are already expressing yourself enough with your voice, and that it shouldn't matter whether you show your face or not. You did mention wanting to collaborate with his band, and make a song together, to help them gain some popularity. Once you told Lilia that, he was overjoyed. His favorite song of yours is "Tot Musica" , he can't get enough of how powerful your voice is and how intense the lyrics are.
credit to Japanese singer, Ado
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wol-fica · 1 year
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pairings - jennaortega x fem!reader
summary - simpy reader is back at it again with doing whatever Jenna wants, and we are here for it
warnings - fluff, jenna is such a sweetheart
an - summer is gonna kick my butt this year
You yawned, rolling over in your bed to grasp onto the pillow behind you. Warmth from the rising sun coated your body, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
Your face was buried in the pillow, the faint smell of Jenna’s sweet perfume invading your senses. She has been gone for over five months with filming a new movie, details to you were unknown as she was required to keep her mouth shut about production until the release date would be announced.
To say that you were incredibly disappointed when you found out she would be gone for so long, would be an understatement. Hugging her goodbye at the airport was one of the hardest things you have ever had to do, besides burying your dog, but that sadness is on a whole other level that you can’t begin to describe.
The sound of your ringtone jolted you out of your half-asleep state, causing you to groan unpleasantly. You rolled over, a few joints popping the process, and blindly felt around your nightstand for your phone. Once you picked it up, you moved back into your previous position to see why your phone was ringing.
An unknown number appeared at the top of your screen, ringing from Venice, Italy. Initially, you ignored it and put your phone back, assuming it was a spam call. But after it rang two more times, you decided to pick it up.
“Hello?” You said, voice heavy with sleep.
“Hi, is this Y/N Y/L/N?” A soft male voice asked.
“Yes.” You replied, sitting up and rubbing your eyes before looking at your alarm clock, “Who is this? It’s 7:30 in the morning, why are you calling me?”
“I’m Jenna Ortega’s assistant, I’m calling to tell you that she is flying in to the airport and will be picked up in about an hour.”
You froze on the spot, your index finger in your mouth trying to pick your teeth.
“What did you say?” You asked, now much more awake and present.
“That Jenna is flying in and will be-.”
“She’s not supposed to be back until July 23rd.”
“Jenna wanted to come home instead of staying with her friend to celebrate for the last couple weeks, hence why she is going to be picked up in an hour.” He said, slight irritation in his voice.
“Why’d she not tell me this?” You questioned more to yourself than him as you stood up to head to your bathroom.
“I am no wiser than you, I’m just here to relay the message she gave to me.”
“Okay, thanks for calling.” You murmured, a ping of sadness in the back of your throat.
“Of course, have a nice day.”
You sighed, sliding your phone into your pocket and grabbing your toothbrush from the counter, running it under water before bringing it to your mouth.
Why would she not tell you she was coming home? What could she possibly be doing for weeks on end that would be considered ‘celebrating’? Who is this ‘friend’ she could’ve stayed with for that long? What was she not telling you?
“Fuck.” You said, spitting out the toothpaste and staring at yourself in the mirror.
Your eyes trailed over yourself, taking in your appearance and your flaws. Insecurities bubbled up inside of you, making your brain jump into an overthinking mode. You started to point out things about yourself that could and would potentially cause Jenna to not love you anymore; some being your thighs, your weight, and even your eyes which Jenna always fawns over.
You seemed to be staring for awhile, because the sound of a doorbell startled you out of your daze.
“Is she home already?” You mumbled, checking your phone to see the time, “Damn okay.”
You hurried to the front door, running your hand through your hair to look at least somewhat presentable before turning the handle and opening it.
There stood Jenna, dressed in adidas loungewear, a hat, and her infamous black headphones strung around her neck. Her many suitcases were behind her, plus a man who looked to be carrying more of her bags.
“Hey.” She said, a smile on her face as she stepped in to your shared apartment.
She pulled her suitcase behind her, gesturing to the man where to put her bags. He set them in the kitchen, eyed you in your oversized band shit and thankfully hidden underwear, and saw himself out.
“Baby.” You turned to Jenna’s voice, blushing when you saw her opening her arms to you.
You obliged, walking straight into her body, wrapping your arms around her to pull her into a tight hug. She was warm, and smelled of stale coffee but you didn’t mind. Her arms pulled you in closer, her nose burying into your hair as she inhaled your shampoo.
“I guess you missed me.” She noted, swaying you slightly as a calming method, “Am I correct?”
“Mmph.” You hummed, not wanting to let go of such a comfortable person, “You’re warm.”
Jenna giggled, music to your ears, and made an effort to rub your arms with her hands to heat you up. You groaned against her, tucking your face into her neck.
“Did I wake you up?” She asked, one of her hands sliding up your back and into your hair, “You look like you just did.”
“Your snappy assistant woke me.” You murmured, sighing when she started to massage your scalp.
“Oh Jack? Yeah he is a bit of a pushover.”
You snorted, giving her a squeeze before leaning back to be face to face with her. She gazed at you, her brown eyes searching yours as she bumped her nose into yours.
“C’mere.” You mumbled before moving forward and connecting your lips to hers.
She sighed happily, wrapping her arms around your neck to keep you close to her. Your lips slid against hers, the soft sounds of kissing filling your kitchen.
“Yeah, I missed you.” Jenna whispered between kisses, humming when you pushed her up against the counter so she would sit on it.
“Five months is way too long.” You said, squeezing her thigh with your hand, “Don’t leave for that long again, please.”
She nodded, tilting your chin back with her hand to press her lips to your neck before hopping off of the counter and heading towards your bedroom.
“Can you grab my bags for me please?” She called behind her, eyes cast down to her phone.
Immediately you did, grabbing her things and following her into your shared bedroom. She was seated on the bed, scrolling through her phone while you set her bags down and go to work putting her clothes away in her closet.
You organized it neatly, knowing that Jenna preferred her clothes to go in rainbow order from t-shirts to pants. As you worked, you failed to notice that she had laid down on her bed and was watching you.
“You wanna get some food later?” She asked, making you turn around to meet her gaze, “Just me and you?”
You smiled, nodding in agreement, and turned back to finish unpacking for her. Once you put all of her clothes away, she was quick to find an outfit for you that was suitable in her eyes, and then you both were off into the town.
The car ride was peaceful, windows down and a nice breeze flowing through. Jenna had your hand in her lap, her fingers intertwined with yours while your other hand held the steering wheel. Music played softly over the radio, a song that made your passenger hum along contently.
“Left at the next light.” Jenna said to you, her eyes focused on the directions on her phone.
You followed her words, turning your (actually Jenna’s) car down a narrow road until you found a parking spot to stop at. After you turned the car off, you hurried out and over to Jenna’s side so you could open the door for her.
She giggled when you did, leaning up to plant a kiss on your cheek and murmuring something about being such a chivalrous lady, before taking your hand and leading you along to where she wanted to go.
The restaurant she picked was gorgeous, a little cottage breakfast spot that had a great view of the beach below. Jenna asked to be seated outside, meaning you were down on the sand instead of inside the cozy restaurant.
“We’ll both take a water to start.” Jenna told the waiter as you both sat down, a sweet smile on her face as he walked away.
One of the many perks of being with Jenna, is that she knew you so well that she could speak for you almost whenever. You weren’t big on public social interactions, so Jenna took the role of talking for you and being your anchor while being out and about with her.
“What looks appealing to you?” She asked, her brown eyes scanning over the menu, “Anything?”
“Eggs Benedict sounds delicious to me.” You said thoughtfully, setting your menu down to give you full attention to your girlfriend.
“That does sound good.” She replied, her eyes glinting with excitement when she saw a certain meal on the menu, “Oooo Avocado Toast.”
You smiled, shamelessly admiring her from across the table. Under the golden glow of the early morning sun, she looked extremely radiant; full of light and joy that had your heart thumping like a drum.
How you got to become her girlfriend, it was beyond you to understand, but you were very aware of how lucky you were. Jenna is one in a million, and you were the soul person she chose to let into her closely guarded life. She made you feel wanted and cared for, and that was something you cherished everyday.
“Here is your waters.” Your waiter said, appearing out of absolutely nowhere, “Have we decided on our orders?”
“Avocado Toast with some tomate slices and vinegar,” Jenna said, peering at the menu, “And an order of Eggs Benedict with the pepper on the side, please.”
Your waiter nodded, finishing jotting down your orders before taking your menus and walking away.
“It’s nice out.” Jenna noted, staring at the waves rolling over the sand, “I bet the water is warm.”
“Do you want to go swim or something?” You joked, sipping your water with a grin.
“We should, it would be nice.” She said, turning her eyes back to you.
“You just wanna see me in a swimsuit.”
“I’ve seen you in less.”
You blushed, your nose scrunching up while your face flushed red. Jenna suppressed a laugh, holding her hand out for you to take while she tried not to giggle.
“It’s nice having you here, Jen.” You said, resting your hand in hers, “I did miss you.”
“I promise those long filming times will be cut a lot shorter.” She mumbled, chin her in her hand as she lovingly gazed at you, “I have more important things that doing a movie.”
“Like what?”
“Like you.”
“Oh my god.” You pulled your hand away, hiding your face while Jenna properly laughed this time.
“Seriously though,” She said, taking a sip of water, “I’ll be with you much more often from now on.”
You nodded into your hands, only sitting up when your food arrived. The meal was delicious and perfectly subdued your growling stomach from lack of food earlier this morning. Once you both finished and Jenna paid the bill, she took your hand and pulled you onto the beach for a walk along the shore.
She tucked herself into your side, pulling your arm around her shoulders while her own went around your waist. Every now and then, she would lean up and press a few kisses to your jaw while you walked, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. You soon realized she was doing it when people walked by, putting on a little show of how much she adored and owned you.
“No need to be possessive baby.” You reassured, stopping when she cupped your cheeks, “I’m only for you.”
“Better be.” She murmured lowly before stepping on her tiptoes to kiss you.
You recuperated immediately, slotting your lips into hers. She tasted different from this morning, hints of cherry lipgloss and a breath mint were on her tongue, but you weren’t complaining.
“I love you.” Jenna said after pulling back to catch her breath, “I love you so much.”
“I love you more,” You replied, leaning into her hand, “And most.”
Her eyes softened, a genuine gentle smile on her face. She pulled you in again, giving your lips a kiss that was only ever reserved for you; soft and loving that made your heart flutter pleasantly.
“Te amo, mi amor.” She murmured against your lips.
i need a new tag list :/
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daisynik7 · 1 year
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Out of Time Part Two - Nanami x f!reader
Click here for Part One!
cw: PIV sex (doggy, cowgirl), cunnilingus, fingering, spit play, nipple play, cum-eating, dirty talk, cream pie, multiple orgasms, just downright filthy smut, alright?
Word Count: ~3.7k
Summary: Finished with your thesis, and a huge weight lifted off your shoulders, you can finally focus on the only other thing occupying your mind the past forty-eight hours: Kento Nanami, the man you met two nights ago at your favorite bar, the one you shared an unforgettable evening with. Through serendipity, and with a little help from your friends, two well-acquainted strangers reconnect for one more night. Author's Notes: The very smutty part two of this little fic! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy reading it! Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated! Thank you!
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One last tap of your mouse on the Submit button and your thesis is complete. A week from today, you’re scheduled to present it in front of your faculty advisor and a few other professors, which you’re not concerned about considering you’ve dedicated hundreds of hours of research to this topic. A week after that, you’ll be handed your diploma, officially a graduate. With the written portion finished, you feel a giant burden lifted off your shoulders, one that’s been weighing on you since the start of the semester. For the first time in months, you’re free. 
You collapse onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling, smiling. Besides ridding yourself of the dreaded essay, there’s another big reason why you’re giddy: Kento Nanami. You’ve tried your best to keep him in the back of your mind, at least until you submitted your paper. However, it’s been quite the challenge, especially after the unforgettable evening the two of you shared two nights ago. It’s a faraway dream you let yourself indulge in. Too good to be true, too perfect to be real. You said your goodbyes without exchanging phone numbers. Still, it doesn’t hurt to fantasize about it. Right?
You check your phone for the first time since yesterday, basically isolating yourself from the outside world. There are several texts from Gina, making sure you’re alive. A couple from other group chats, the usual collection of messages you’re used to seeing after staying offline for more than a day. However, one from an unknown number captures your attention. You’re almost certain it’s spam, ready to block and delete without a second thought. You check it anyways, unprepared for what you’re about to read.
Two nights ago
Nanami presses his palms together, almost in prayer, tapping his fingers to his nose. He stares at Gojo, who has that typical shit-eating grin plastered on his face, typing away on his phone. After several minutes of discussion, Nanami agrees to accept Gojo’s help to reconnect with the woman he kissed tonight, the one who left him with this odd fluttering sensation in his belly.
“Alright. I sent it. Now we wait,” Gojo says, stretching his arms out. When there’s no response within five minutes, he stands up, getting ready to sleep, leaving his phone on the bed. Nanami is too anxious to leave his current position, willing for a reply to come soon. Thankfully, the universe grants his wishes, the phone vibrating and flashing a notification with Gina’s name on it. 
“Gojo, she texted you back,” he yells out to his friend, staring at the screen. He’s tempted to check the message himself, but Nanami is still a man of reason, not wanting to invade his friend’s personal property.
“You can read it,” Gojo says from the bathroom, sounding like he has a toothbrush shoved in his mouth. “Go ahead, buddy. I know you want to.”
With permission granted, he unlocks the phone, clicking on the familiar icon to view their conversation:
Gojo: Hey beautiful, can you give me your friend’s #? Nanami is smitten and the dumbass forgot to ask for it.
Gina: LOL I’ll give it but tell the croissant man to text her AFTER she submits her thesis.
Gina: so in 2 days
Gina: and tell him she’s smitten too.
Nanami can’t contain his smile at the last text. 
You read the message, so surprised, you double back and do it again, this time more carefully. 
Hi, this is Nanami. Congrats on finishing your thesis. If you’re free tonight, we should celebrate.
A rush of thoughts invades your mind. Somehow, he found your number, most likely from Gojo, who asked Gina. But it’s the fact that he wanted to find you, to contact you, that has your head spinning in a pleasant frenzy. You were convinced that after that night, you’d never see him again. You also assumed that him living in Tokyo, almost one hour from here, would be a deal breaker. But if there’s one thing you learned about Nanami that fateful night, it’s that he’s a man of many surprises. 
His last sentence sticks out to you the most. He’s offering to celebrate tonight. Does that mean he’s willing to take the hour-long journey just to see you? Or is it possible that he’s here? Not one to entertain mysteries, you decide to give him a call instead of responding through text. First, you save his number under his name, resisting the strong urge to add a little heart emoji next to it, then you prepare yourself before dialing. 
After two rings, he picks up. “Hello?”
“Hi, Nanami. It’s me.”
He chuckles softly. “It’s you.”
“I’d love to take you up on your offer. Maybe we can meet halfway so you don’t have to travel so far.”
“That’s unnecessary. I’m actually still here.” He hesitates before continuing. “I booked the hotel room for a few more nights. Gojo left and it’s just me.” Another pause. “I’m not trying to seduce you or anything, but I would really like to see you again.”
You giggle to yourself, though you’re sure he hears it too, with the way you catch the hitch in his breath. “Me too. Let’s meet at the same bar then, tonight at 8. We can grab a drink or something.”
“Or something,” he repeats, the grin on his face audible through the phone. “That sounds wonderful. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Oh, and Nanami?”
“Maybe I’m in the mood to be seduced tonight.”
With that, you hang up, smirking, heading to your closet to find the perfect outfit.
Nanami doesn’t get flustered easily, but whatever powers this woman possesses over him, it’s working. Because he is most definitely flustered. 
Maybe I’m in the mood to be seduced tonight.
Her parting words replay in his head over and over. In all honestly, it shouldn’t surprise him, considering what they almost did inside that karaoke room. Still, he’s caught off guard by her boldness. And very much turned on. He paces his hotel room, checking his watch to calculate how much time he has until they meet. A couple hours to go. He’s tempted to call her and see her now, but he doesn’t want to come on too strong. He reminds himself that patience is a virtue, and tonight will be well worth the wait. There are a few errands he thinks of to distract himself, the day passing relatively quickly until it’s time for him to get ready. 
He steps out of the hotel around 7:50 PM, dressed in his typical attire: tan suit, navy blue dress shirt underneath, and his signature spotted tie. His glasses are tucked inside his breast pocket for safe keeping. As he crosses the street to approach the bar, he feels the nerves jittering through his body. He doesn’t want this to end up being a big disappointment, for either him or her. 
Upon entering, he doesn’t expect to see her yet. Nanami is used to being early to things; he prides himself in being punctual, and rarely expects that from anyone else. So when he does spot her, standing at one end of the bar, stunning in a black dress that accentuates her beauty in the most dazzling way, all his worries disappear. The only thought in his mind is that he wants this woman, needs this woman. And if it’s only for one more night, he’s going to make the most out of it. 
She immediately notices him, a bright smile on her face as he walks towards her. With a wave, she greets him. “Nanami. You found me.”
“I found you,” he responds, returning her grin. “Congrats on finishing your thesis.”
“Thank you. I’m so relieved.” 
There’s a slight pause as Nanami studies her, trying not to be too obvious. She does the same, her eyes slowly checking him out from head to toe. Deciding to be completely candid tonight, no holding back, he says, “You’re beautiful.”
She giggles, averting her gaze away from him, nervous. “Thank you.”
“Why did you have to wear a dress like this tonight?” he asks, leaning closer to her. He wants to touch her hand, hold it between his. The memory of them dancing together in the karaoke room the other night feels distant; he wants to remember the softness of her skin, the way their fingers lock together perfectly. 
“Do you not like it?” she asks.
“You know I do.”
“So what’s the matter?” She bats her eyelashes, teasing him. She knows exactly what she’s doing. 
Something in him snaps. He can’t control himself anymore. The desire to finish what they started takes over. Bowing his head, he whispers in her ear, “I’m trying to be good, I really am.”
With a wicked smirk on her face, she replies, “I don’t want you to be good. I want you to be mine.”
Minutes later, they’re stepping into the elevator of the hotel, hand-in-hand, Nanami’s face flush, anticipating what’s about to occur. Once the doors close, he remains still, desperately wishing she makes the first move. Seconds in, his wish is granted. She tugs at his tie, pulling him in for a kiss, hungry and eager. His hands roam to her waist, gripping her tightly, fingertips pressed shallow into her flesh through the fabric. He can’t wait to strip this off her, worship her bare body, touch every centimeter of her supple skin. Run his tongue along her most sensitive spots, make her whimper in pleasure. It’s all he’s thought about the last two nights. 
Once inside the room, he gently pushes her against the closed door, kissing her deeply, tongue swirling around hers. His fingers reach for the zipper behind her dress, slowly pulling it down until it’s split, exposing her back. He feels for the clasp of her bra, undoing it in an instant. She undresses from the top, shoving the clothing off her shoulders and wiggling out, now naked from the waist up. He admires her breast before dipping down to wrap his lips around her nipple, tugging at it between his lips as she hums in pleasure. He’s gentle with her, unsure what her limit is when it comes to things like this. But he’s not sure how much longer he can hold back. 
“You can suck them harder, if you want,” she whispers, watching him. “I like it a little rough.”
It takes everything in him to not growl on the spot. He feels like an animal in heat, lust fueling every carnal desire he possesses. Permission granted, he suckles at her peaked tits, his entire mouth surrounding her breast. His free hand grasps at her other nipple, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger, teasing her until she swears wantonly,  “Oh fuck!” Her head thrown back against the door, eyes shut tight, fingers buried in his blonde hair. He flicks his thumb across her swollen teat when he relaxes his grip. He wants her sore and satiated when he’s done with her. Test out all the ways he can make her come, whether from his cock, his fingers, his mouth. Whatever he can do; he wants to give her his all tonight. 
In a haste, he sheds his tan blazer, tossing it to the floor. The rest of his outfit follows, until he’s clad only in his briefs, with his erection tight against the fabric, a spot of precum leaking through. She makes her way to the bed, sliding the rest of her dress off, panties clinging to her, waiting for him. He hurries over, grinning as he positions himself beside her, caressing her cheek, kissing her slowly, relishing the way her mouth melts into his. His fingers gradually trail down, memorizing every curve of her body, in case they run out of time again. He’s unsure what the future holds for them. So he’ll spend the entire night if he has to, learning everything about her until he knows her like the back of his hand, until she’s familiar in his mind.  
He breaks the kiss to latch his mouth onto her breast, cupping it in one hand, his other between her legs, silk panties already damp. Rubbing at the wet spot, his cock twitches, feeling her arousal on his fingertips. She spreads her legs wider, moaning, running her fingers along his tousled hair. “I love it, Nanami. I love it.”
He hooks his finger around the crotch of her panties, sliding it off completely. With a pop, he releases her from his mouth, kneeling beside her to study her naked form. “God, you’re so beautiful. I can’t believe how lucky I am.”
She sits up, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’m the lucky one.”
“We’re both lucky, then,” he says, nuzzling his nose to hers. 
Giggling, she presses her lips to his. “Didn’t think you’d be this lovey-dovey.”
“Do you want me to be mean? I can do that too.” He nips at her bottom lip, smirking. 
She laughs again. “I’d like to see you try.”
“Oh, you’re asking for it, aren’t you? Naughty girl.” He grabs at one of her ass cheeks, squeezing at her plush flesh. “Always trying to seduce me.” 
“Who, me? I’m innocent,” she teases, pouting at him. She palms the erection confined in his briefs. He bucks his hips at the contact, swearing, “Fuck, I can’t take it anymore. I need to taste you now.”
Leaning back against the pillows, she spreads her thighs wide with a wicked look on her face. “Go ahead, then. Help yourself.”
Your cheeks are hot with arousal, nipples swollen and sensitive from Nanami’s torment. His erection is strained beneath his underwear, unbearably uncomfortable. He slips his thumb beneath the band and slides it down his legs, boner springing free against his abdomen. Your pussy throbs, yearning for his thick girth inside you. Without wasting any more time, he positions himself between your legs, flicking his tongue at your clit. His lips surround you, sucking at your bud until it’s plump in his mouth, swishing his spit around it. Pleasure radiates from your core, causing you to spasm. He hums against your skin, amused at your reaction, his movements becoming sloppier by the second the deeper he dives into you. He teases his middle finger along you entrance. “Can I finger you?” he asks, voice muffled as his tongue continues to work on you. 
You nod erratically, willing to agree to whatever he offers you. He slides in slowly, the lewd squelch of his thick finger against wet skin enough to push you close to the edge. He inserts his ring finger next to the middle, curling the tips as far as they can reach, brushing your sweet spot. That, in conjunction with the relentless slurping of your clit, has you in a fucked-out daze. 
Without warning, he pulls out of you, causing you to whine from the sudden emptiness. He studies his digits, glistening in your arousal, and sticks them inside his mouth. You watch with your tongue lolling out of your mouth in a dumb expression, in awe as he slurps and swallows your slick like a treat he’s been waiting for all fucking night. He smiles at you, meeting your gaze, clearly enjoying your expression at the little stunt he just performed. “Are you okay?” he asks, lowering himself back towards your pussy, waiting for your answer before he resumes. 
You nod once more, too bewitched by him to respond coherently. He spits on your pussy, thick and syrupy, smearing it over your puffy clit. He repeats this a few times, drenching you in his warm saliva. Suddenly, it’s all too much. There’s tightness in your abdomen, body becoming rigid as your reach your high. That doesn’t stop him; he continues to lap at your arousal, growling, “Come all over my face. Give it to me.” It’s not until your twitching from overstimulation that he slows down. With one last kiss, he pulls off, mouth and chin sticky with your cum. He licks around his lips, collecting whatever he can to swallow. You start to relax against the mattress, head dizzy from the aftermath of your intense orgasm. Still, you’re aching to feel him deep inside you. 
“Don’t stop,” you utter. “I want you inside me.”
He looks at you, concerned. “Are you sure?”
You reach for him, tugging him close to you. “Absolutely sure. Don’t hold back on me.” 
Chuckling in that low, sexy voice, he answers, “As you wish, princess.” He sits up beside you, rolling you on top of him so that you’re straddling his lap. “I want you like this,” he whispers into your ear, giving you a smack on your ass. You drape your arms around his shoulders, holding onto him securely, ready for the ride. He guides his cock inside you, slipping in smoothly. Breath hot on your ear, he asks, “Can you give me another one? Just one more before I come?”
You nod lazily without speaking, rocking your hips against him, hooked on the feeling of him buried deep inside you. He bounces you on his cock like his own personal sex doll, body pliant, slamming down easily on his dick. It’s addicting, the way he pumps into you, fucking your sweet spot like it’s never been fucked before. “Does this feel good? When I fuck this pretty pussy?” He scatters chaste kisses along your neck, dewy from perspiration. 
“Yes, oh fuck yes,” you manage to say weakly, all your energy drained from being fucked into a frenzy.   
“Make yourself come again. Want it really creamy,” he huffs, head bowed, watching his dick disappear in and out of your tight cunt. You moan at his filthy words, reaching between you, toying with your slippery bud. It doesn’t take long for you to come again, your sticky mess coating his cock with each thrust. “I’m coming!” you cry out, clenching his broad shoulders. 
He follows, shooting his load inside you, thrusting until every last drop is released into your womb. You kiss him passionately, clinging to him closely, enough to feel the subtle thump of his heartbeat through his chest. It’s intimate the way your bodies meld to together, seamless and a perfect fit. Like it was truly meant to be. 
You carefully lift yourself off his lap, collapsing next to him. You’re spent, light-headed from pleasure, convinced that the both of you have hit your limit. But, as always, Nanami surprises you. “I’m not done with you yet,” he says, dragging you roughly to the edge of the bed where he stands, grip firm around your waist. “I want to fuck my cum even deeper inside you. Fill you up so it’s leaking out until tomorrow morning. Think you can take it?”
This switch in behavior doesn’t alarm you; in fact, it spurs you on, makes you instantly forget about your foggy brain and tired limbs. You crane your neck to look at him, meeting his lust-filled gaze. “Oh fuck, Nanami. I want it. Give it to me.”
He doesn’t hold back, per your request from earlier, and he does give it to you, fucking you feverishly into the mattress. Face buried into a pillow, biting to muffle the shameless moans spilling out of your mouth with each savage thrust. The bed frame starts to creak, his movements becoming more erratic as he approaches his second climax. He sputters nonsense, spilling inside you, too sensitive now to speak coherently. It takes a moment for him to calm down, pulling out slowly to watch his cum dribble out of you. With a pleased smile on your face, you crawl towards the middle of the bed, not caring about the mess, and retreat under the covers, closing your eyes. You feel the bed sink, Nanami joining beside you, arms wrapping you in a snug embrace, lips pressed to your forehead. 
“I’m sorry,” he starts. “I got a little carried away. I’m not usually like this.”
You let out a small laugh, opening your lids halfway. “That’s what they all say,” you tease him, resting your palm on his chest. 
“I mean it. If you feel at all concerned or offended by this, I – ”
You interrupt, placing a finger to his lips, shushing him. “Nanami, I liked it. A lot.” You hesitate before admitting, “I like you. A lot.”
His eyes widen at your confession. “What?”
Giggling, you repeat, “I like you, Nanami. I want to keep seeing you.” Suddenly, you feel embarrassed. You’re not even sure if he feels the same way about you. Quickly, you add, “If you don’t feel the same way, I understand. I can leave now if you want me to –”
It’s his turn to interrupt, this time with a kiss. It’s slow and smooth, no rush. When he breaks away, he whispers, “I like you, too. A lot. A whole lot.” 
You kiss again, relief and glee swelling in your chest. The two of you fall asleep in each other’s arms, his chin tucked to the top of your head, your face nestled into the crook of his neck. Your steady heartbeats lulling you into a peaceful slumber. 
Nanami can’t remember the last time he felt this kind of joy. In all honestly, maybe this is the first. 
He wakes up in the morning, the sun streaming through the curtain windows, illuminating his hotel room with a brilliant golden light. Best of all, she’s snuggled into his body, comfortable and cozy, as if she belongs here. It feels right. 
He watches her for a while before her eyelids flutter open. Catching him, she yawns, “Good morning.”
“Good morning.”
“What time is it?”
“Almost 10. We have to check out soon.”
Frowning, she says, “We’re out of time again.” 
He nuzzles his nose to hers. “Just for today. But you and me, we have all the time in the world now, don’t we?”
She beams at him. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right.”
They cuddle in silence for a few more moments before she suggests, “Want to get some croissants?”
Unable to contain his smile, he responds, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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writersdare · 1 year
Password Is Your Birthday | Calum Hood
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Y/N never doubted Calum's loyalty, however, once controversial photos were leaked, their relationship was put to the test.
Warning: angsty, mention of alcohol
Word Count: 2 582
Requested: yes
Author’s Note: Thank you for the patience! Lately I've experienced a somewhat burnout, and couldn't write anything normally. That's really frustrating when it happens, so I couldn't post the work earlier – it's really important to me to be sure in a story, to be fully satisfied with the result. Hopefully you'll enjoy this one! Remember, your activity helps so-so much! ♡
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There was nothing better than holding his hand in hers. To reflect a smile on his face. To feel the heartbeat of each other every time they were close. 
Sometimes Y/N thought she only imagined him. She created him like a puzzle she used to make in the evenings when was very little. Calum was someone the girl could call perfect. Of course, everyone had their flaws, however, when you loved someone the flaws seemed quite insignificant.
She loved him. He was her second breath, her reason the girl believed in happy endings. It was even funny, amusing and little absurd how two people, who were scared of commitment before, were suddenly searching for love in each other. 
Calum adored her. He enjoyed her bright laugh in late afternoons, when they were watching some silly comedy. Praised Y/N's little sad face each time he’d forget to buy something from their shopping list or finish a pack of crisps that supposed to be for both of them. He was guilty, he knew it. 
But Y/N was guilty, too. For entering his life and turning everything upside down. For not warning that her smile would change everything in him. The musician felt alive next to her, and she knew it. 
"Don’t look at me like this," Y/N chuckled, resting hands on his shoulders. Calum led her in a dance, and even though the room was full of strangers, it felt as if there were just two of them.
"Why so?" Cal giggled back, taking his time to observe the girl’s beautiful eyes. They were shining, and he wanted to believe he was the reason of it. 
"You make me shy," she smiled wider, and Calum only laughed at such confession. He doubted it was the truth, because his Y/N could be naughty, but not shy. Not at such moment at least.
"I make you shy? And that’s it?" he asked, smiling.
Y/N made an innocent face only and shrugged, so Calum couldn’t help himself but leave a kiss on the lips.
"I’m going to get us another drink," he whispered and pulled away gently, when the music ended.
Y/N nodded, following Calum with a gaze. It felt like the smile didn’t leave her face for the whole evening. Perhaps, she needed to be careful with that thought, as the girl was about to receive a message that could change everything she believed in.
Cal just disappeared from the sight, when the girl’s phone vibrated. Y/N lazily took it out of a purse and checked the notification. It was a blank email with a photo attached, nothing else. The girl rolled the eyes and already wanted to push a button "spam", seeing unknown address, as noticed on the picture preview outlines of her boyfriend. Even when the photo downloaded, and the girl could see Cal with someone else, she still thought it was fake, a silly prank. Calum was loyal, and he wouldn’t cheat on her. They were both very open about their relationship, and Y/N never had any doubts about him. The girl didn’t have a good look at the photo, when the phone vibrated again. She sighed  annoyingly and opened another email, where few more photos were included, as well as a link to Google Drive. Curiosity, or maybe already doubts, took over. Y/N looked around and hurried to a more quiet place, away from the guests. She supposed to celebrate Michael’s birthday, like everyone else, but her festive mood disappeared just at the snap of fingers.
The girl seat on a couch and open the link. Surely, she knew it wasn’t safe to open a link from unknown sender, however, it was Google Drive, so the girl doubted it was just spam already. Y/N was too intrigued – and not in a good way, so she took the risk. 
The girl saw few dated folders, the most recent one was created last week. Just like she suspected, there were photos inside – Calum, hanging out with some ginger girl. The stranger was clearly older than Y/N, but looked good, she though. Y/N couldn’t find anything provocative, however, by the look of it, those two clearly had a good time together, laughing and even cuddling each other. 
"Here you are! Are you hiding from someone? I barely found you."
Y/N looked up and saw Calum standing in front of her, holding two cocktails in both hands. The girl didn’t even have powers to give Cal at least a short smile. She stood up and took the glass, placing her phone in his palm. Confused, Cal glanced at the screen.
"What is it?" Y/N, drinking the cocktail through a straw, could see how the boyfriend’s face changed, slowly. "This is… This is not what you think," she almost chocked at such a banal phrase. "Where did you get this? Did you follow me?"
The irritation and panic was written on his face, and Y/N started to feel sick of Cal all of a sudden. The girl took her phone back roughly, fighting with a desire to splash the drink on his face. 
"Unknown admire sent it to me," she finally replied, looking at his eyes and still not being able to believe that a person who she trusted the most failed her like that, lied to her. "Why, Calum? You could just tell me if you didn’t feel the same anymore, why to play this game?" the girl couldn’t tell if she was hurt or simply disappointed. Y/N thought they were not just a boyfriend and girlfriend. It always felt like there was something more than that, they were both friends and lovers. A little family in their own world.
"It’s not a game. Look, I didn’t cheat on you."
Cal sighed heavily and looked up at the ceiling.
"Do we really gotta do this now? Right here, with all your friends around?" he asked, hoping to make her come to the senses, however, those questions made Y/N nothing, but angry. 
"How dare you to ask me this, like it’s not important?"
"Because it’s not!" Calum snapped, leaving his glass on a tray of a passing by waiter, Y/N did the same. "These photos… It’s not… What it is."
"Then what is it? Sneaking out at nights, hugging her? Do I look like an idiot?"
"Look I can’t tell you, but––"
"Unbelievable," Y/N laughed shorty, but she wasn’t really having fun at that moment. The girl headed to the exit of the room, feeling like she couldn’t stay there any longer.
"Please, don’t go," he almost whispered, tiredly, and hurried up to follow her. "Y/N! You can’t just leave, all our friends are here, let’s not do it now."
"I’m sorry, but this is more important to me now. You can stay, as I already understood that seeing someone else isn’t a big deal to you," the girl smirked, calling a taxi.
"I’m not seeing anyone," Calum repeated, even though he knew how it all sounded, when Y/N literally had photos, proving a completely different thing. 
"You keep telling me this, but you don’t explain what it is then," the girl said, grinning sadly. "Before lying you needed to come up with a truthful story, Calum," she smirked and got into a car.
The musician followed her, as he couldn’t just leave the girl like that. Cal had no idea how to explain himself; he was very mad at the person, who leaked those photos. Calum obviously didn’t know that someone was taking pictures of him, otherwise he’d be more careful. However, at that particular moment the guy didn’t care as much about the photos going public, – after all, it was only a matter of time when they’d be all over the Internet – as about his relationship with Y/N. Calum knew he messed up, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t fix it. 
The way home was accompanied by silence. Y/N had a lot to process. She couldn’t forgive him cheating, and even though the answer was obvious, everything wasn’t as simple as the girl hoped. Despite a clear disappointment in their relationship and even some hate towards Cal, she still loved him. Y/N couldn’t imagine her life without him. The girl thought everything was alright between them. Was is it all really a lie? Was it her fault? Why was Cal seeking a company of someone else?..
By the end of the ride she was so tired of her own thoughts that all what Y/N wanted was to go to bed and wake up happy again. The girl knew it was doubtfully possible to hide from the bitter reality, but she was not ready for another drama that evening.
However, when Y/N went to their bedroom, Calum was not planning to leave it like that.
"Just an hour ago you wanted to talk, so let’s talk," he chuckled, watching Y/N taking off her heels and going to bed. "We aren’t going to bed until we talk about it," Cal said though his teeth, feeling a wave of anger spreading all over his body.
"I don’t have powers to talk about it anymore," the girl replied calmly, covering herself with a blanket. "You should be happy, you’ll have more time to come up with an excuse," she smiled sadly.
"Y/N, I didn’t cheat on you. And I’m not seeing anyone but you," Cal said coldly, taking a seat on the edge of their bed, so he could look in the girl’s eyes. "I swear to you. I love you."
"Then who is it?" Y/N echoed. She wanted to believe Calum, she desperately wanted to believe him, but he wasn’t making it particularly easy. "Are you saying those photos were fake? A photoshop? At the days when you were coming home late because you had night photoshoots with a band? You know, I trusted you, I didn’t even have any doubts, didn’t have a thought to call guys and ask if it was true. I trusted you," Y/N repeated. The tears were stuck somewhere, and the eyes were still dry. She felt simply empty.
"The photos are real," Calum admitted, as there was no point to lie anymore. "But those meeting weren’t dates."
"Give me your phone," Y/N whispered, realising the guy didn’t confirm that he had night shooting sessions with the band. Because he didn’t have them, apparently.
"I can’t…" he whispered back, not looking at her anymore.
"Calum," the girl swallowed, staring at Cal, who seemed like a lost kitten. "Give me your phone," her voice trembled, but she insisted.
The guy looked up and slowly took the phone out from a pocket of his jacket. He hesitated, but Y/N snatched it from his palm immediately.
"Why can’t you just believe me?" the musician chuckled sadly, watching her entering the password – it was her birthday. The password on her phone was his birthday, they did it as a joke, but both kept it in the end.
"Would you believe me?" Y/N asked, opening chats and scrolling his messages, trying to find a familiar face. Cal had a weird obsession with having profile pictures for all his contacts. Funny, but the girl even hoped that the contact she was looking for wouldn’t be there or would remain without a picture. However, Y/N didn’t even need to scroll that far to see an image of that ginger girl.
Opening chat, Y/N saw some photos the stranger was sending Calum. They were sketches of a ring. There were different kinds, Cal’s replies were mostly short as "I like the first variant better" and "can we try it with a blue stone?". They discussed time of their meetings, and Cal would apologise they’d have to meet that late again, explaining it with his crazy working schedule and "too smart girlfriend".
"What is it?" Y/N whispered and looked up at Calum. The guy didn’t move from his place and was watching her every move, while she was reading the messages and checking the photos.
"How do you think?" Cal asked, and it was his time to be disappointed. He wanted it to be a surprise. "That girl is a jewellery designer," he took his phone back roughly, switching off the screen. "I couldn’t find anything in stores, so I contacted someone I knew . We met just few times, and only because I needed to see work in progress with my own eyes. It’s not that easy just by a picture or a sketch, you know," the guy sighed and stood up.
"Calum," Y/N sobbed, feeling like an idiot. She was blaming herself at that moment, however, the reaction the girl had before was rather understandable, too; besides, Cal couldn’t normally explain himself. But how could he? Again, he wanted it to be a surprise.
"I’ll sleep in a couch today, I guess," the musician chuckled sadly, putting the phone back to his pocket. Calum was staring at Y/N’s face, knowing that it wasn’t just her fault, but both of them. And that idiot, who leaked the photos at first place.
"Look, I’m sorry, I thought––"
"I know," Cal interrupted. "But next time trust me what I say."
Y/N jumped off the bed and brushed tears from the face, once Calum left the room.
"Trust you?" she outraged, getting mad that the guy behaved that way. Sure, Y/N messed up, too, but she had her reasons. "You’d react completely the same way if you were on my place, Calum!" the girl caught his hand, so Cal turned around. "It’s not fair. I apologised, I know you wanted to make a surprise, and it’s… it’s such a wonderful surprise, but you can’t tell it’s my fault only! I didn’t believe at first, but what could I do?"
"I know," Cal sighed, cooling off rather quickly, and pressed the girl against his body, cuddling Y/N softly. "I’m sorry," he closed the eyes for a moment. "I just got so upset that my surprise was ruined. It was such a long journey, and you found out like that. Accusing me as well," the guy left a short kiss on her soft cheek. "I love you. Y/N. I’d never cheat on you. You do realise I want you to be my wife?" Calum chuckled, and the smile was sincere.
"Now I do," the girl smiled a bit, still feeling a bit sad that she reacted like that and ruined the surprise. "I love you, too, Calum," the girl said and stood on her toes to kiss the musician on his lips.
"Does it mean you’ll marry me?" he asked through the kiss.
"It does," she cuddled Cal’s neck, once he took her on his arms.
"Y/N Hood, sounds good, huh?" The guys touched her nose with his and then laughed all of a sudden.
"Hey, what are you laughing at?"
"I’m just thinking that this could happen only to us, really," Cal sighed, smiling, and kissed Y/N again. "You know, I gotta admit, you’re extremely hot, when you’re angry. Even though you behaved like a brat."
"Uh, only I did?" the girl squinted, so the musician hurried up to apologise with a short kiss on her neck.
Apparently, that evening they both would never forget for several reasons.
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taglist: @dgrangaa, @gracieboogirl
– gifs aren’t mine and belong to the rightful owner, found them here @ghost-of-you – 
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
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(thank you to @toneinaflat for finding the first two videos!)
0. Beta Testing
i don't know what introduction (if any) was used during beta testing! (beta testing happened from ~march 2010 (closed beta) to september 8, 2010). i think it's probably the introduction shown in #1, but if you have any more info, please let me know!
1. Liza in Jamaa Township (original)
video posted october 1, 2011
started: either beta testing (march 2010-early september 2010) or the official release of the game on september 9, 2010
ended: some time between october 18, 2012 and december 14, 2012 (likely closer to december 14)
this is the original intro to animal jam! it shows liza around the mira statue in jamaa township, where she explains some background lore of jamaa (about mira especially), and some in game functions: moving, changing animal colors, getting achievements, and checking your gems. it's the earliest version of the lore, where "alphas" are called "shamans".
2. 3d Liza in Jamaa Township (update)
video posted december 14, 2012
started: some time between october 18, 2012 and december 14, 2012 (likely closer to december 14)
ended: february 6, 2014
this is an edited version of the original intro. it uses a new, jarringly 3d looking, model for liza, and has an updated introduction to the lore. liza's beginning explanation of mira is replaced with the "return of the alphas" cutscene also shown in the blue heron intro, and the "shamans" were renamed to "alphas". otherwise, this intro is identical to the previous
3. The Blue Heron
video posted february 6, 2014
started: february 6, 2014 (jamaa journal announcing it released on this date)
ended: january 23, 2015
this is the first major change in introduction! the player spawns in on a ship named the blue heron, that is modeled after mira. liza is piloting the ship, and gives you an introduction to jamaa. she introduces you to some in game functions: moving, changing color, checking your gems, and buying from shops. she also gives the option to "Learn about Jamaa's history", via watching the "return of the alphas" cutscene. at the end, the boat pulls in front of jamaa township.
fun fact: this was the only introduction that you could access without making a new account! when this introduction was released, they added an option in the settings to do this tutorial! (shown in the video, i actually couldn't find a video of this tutorial that started from the create an account screen). this option was removed an unknown amount of time later
4. Peck Intro
video posted january 23, 2015
started: january 23, 2015
ended: never 👍 (this is the current intro)
this intro changes the alpha greeting you from liza to peck. the player spawns into a long, forest-y room, and is greeted by peck. she takes you over a bridge to see a bunch of randomly generated animals that are spamming emotes and bubble chat phrases. she introduces you to some in game features: moving, changing color, using emotes, and checking your gems.
fun fact: from november 2016 to march 30, 2017, completing this tutorial would send you to the welcome party, an edited version of the jam session party that has other new jammers whose accounts were just created (if there were any online then....). this party had a singular clothing shop, the same "Clothing Shop" (literally its name) as the one on the blue heron. the end of peck's dialog in the main room is slightly changed to reference this party
after almost all of these intros, you spawn in jamaa township.
at first, completing the original intro would just spawn you in the middle of jamaa township and open up the jamaa journal and daily spin
but then, sometime before october 18, 2012*, the ending was somewhat changed. now it showed the avatar walking from the mira statue area to the middle of the town, and then the player was given this screen:
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* why this date specifically? because this video of someone being mean to liza during the intro shows this new ending, and was posted on that date
however, i am almost certain that this was actually implemented on march 1, 2012; because that was the date that the loading screens were changed to their new (and current) format (date gotten from the animal jam wiki)
this end screen stayed for a while, but was minorly changed for the blue heron intro, and stayed that way for the first few years of the peck intro— "explore jamaa" was changed to "go on an adventure":
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also, in the blue heron intro you're seen running up from the bottom of jamaa township (from the body of water where the boat dropped you off!). this is kept for the peck intro, although that direction doesn't make as much sense from that one.
when the welcome party existed from november 2016 to march 2017, the peck intro would lead to that party, but then the party had a path leading to jamaa township, in this same fashion. (video of this)
however, once the welcome party left on march 30, 2017, it seems this screen did too. because now, after the tutorial, the player automatically spawns in their den, where peck's den tutorial starts... guess our choice is made for us! (video of this). this date also marked the change in the items that a new jammer has from the get-go: originally new jammers got a sturdy table and a blue rug, but past 3/30/2017, new jammers get a rug, table, small window, chair, couch, lamp, and houseplant
speaking of den tutorials, a brief note:
ever since the peck intro, peck has always done the den tutorial. but i did read somewhere in my research that liza did the den tutorial beforehand— but i haven't found any pictures or videos on it, so you'll just have to take my word on that (if any of you have any pictures or videos of the liza den tutorial, or even a post talking about it, please send it to me!)
this has been information on every animal jam intro, thanks for reading 👍
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hansensgirl · 2 years
☾ 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ☾
summary. | no matter what—he’s been there for you. at your pretty, at your ugly, and always at your vulnerable.
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warnings. | dark themes, drugging (chloroform-ish but something stronger), obsession, stalking, kidnapping (the act), steve has a saviour complex, stockholm syndrome*, manipulation, breaking and entering, taking advantage, angst, fear of sexual assault, mental health issues, mentions of an accident (up to your interpretation), crying, self-isolation, introversion, insecurity, hurt/comfort, reader daydreams, pet names (doll, baby, sweetie), and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
pairing. | soft dark!stalker!Steve Rogers x fem!reader.
word count. | 3.4k
author’s note. | just a little bit of burnt sugar bc why not! un-beta’d, all mistakes are mine. the reader is quite literally Me… *steve’s care for the reader causes her to not have bad feelings towards him. it’s why she doesn’t fight him that much. MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY!
my taglist. @hansensfics. <- please follow!
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When you wake up, you’re not covered in sweat like you were when you fell asleep. The fan was oscillating, and the room was far too sticky for you to keep it directed at your bed. 
It’s hard to collect your thoughts when you’re already starting your mindless routine. Brush your teeth. Get your things ready. Shower. Eat. Waste your time. Grab your readied things. Stare at the fan?
The setting is different. Switched from turning left and right to pointing where you always lay. 
You can’t dwell on it for too long, so you trust you’ll forget it and rush out the door before you’re late for work.
The shop doesn’t open until nine o’clock, but by your standards, you’re late. It’s just twenty minutes and some change past eight, and you pin your name tag just before the first order shows up on the primary device.
Your job is nice—better than what it used to be. Customers’ decisions are set in stone, and you don’t have to persuade them to buy anything else or sign up for an email subscription. You do what the app and instructions tell you. Nothing more, nothing less.
Receipts are stapled outside the brown paper bags, placement forever the same. The patterns are always a variation. Old ones from the holiday season or the minimalist logo that doesn’t go well with the tan material. You hand them to the delivery drivers, who go on with their days, driving to and from wherever the app demands them.
Lunch is forty-five minutes that go faster than anything else. You eat quicker than your supervisor yet linger longer than the youthful man. He’s much too sluggish for his young age. But hey, it’s a new time and another spoiled brat who’ll always be above you.
You scroll mindlessly through social media, liking and bookmarking videos and photos you’d like to admire in the future. Dogs that put smiles on your face and resources that you’ll start swearing by.
The notification comes without a sound. Your phone company loves to send promotion codes with conditions and contingencies. Your mother loves to spam you until you tell her how you’re feeling or when her package will arrive. You’ve long had your phone on silent, yet the lack of alerts has you feeling lonely.
The phone number is different—unknown, of course. It’s not one or two digits off your own to claim it’s a scammer. It’s not a wildly suspicious email address from a swindler. But it has your area code and the same prefix as you.
It’s a picture. Your neighbour’s flowers that you admired from your bedroom window. You’re not sure the elderly woman has a cellphone, let alone your number. You still text back, though, wanting to make her day—make her smile.
Beautiful flowers. 
She replies sooner than expected.
Do you like them?
Of course. Who wouldn’t?
You’re left on delivered for the rest of your shift. 
The hours go by in a blur. Every day is distinct, yet it all turns into the same colour. You bid goodbye to your boss and try to leave, but he’s pulling you back with a hard hand on your elbow. He’s red all over. The ears, the eyes, the lips, the hair, the skin. You yank your arm away as quickly as possible, banging it on the green-coloured wood.
An annoying feeling strikes up the hurt limb. “I need you to take off for the next few days,” he tells you, and you’re confused. The request of staying late and spending more time in the dreaded place was on the tip of his tongue—you swear it. “Why?” 
His mother has never asked something like this of you, but her eyes are gentler than his, and she’s lived quite the life.“My girlfriend’s sister needs a job, so she wants to test the waters here, y’know? You’ll still get paid, don’t worry. Just stay at home. Don’t come here.”
If you know any better, you’d think you’re getting kicked out. Ousted, as these rich people love their fancy words and lowly intentions. And since you know better, you’re sure you’ll find a horrid sight that neither you nor his girlfriend will enjoy seeing if you come tomorrow.
The walk home is quick. You keep your head bent down and curse yourself for forgetting your earbuds. Men in suits and women with briefcases move slower than you, but you just can’t wait to deadbolt your door. You’ve got priorities bigger than their egos. 
Like a sore thumb, the vibrant flowers stick out at your doorstep. Your home is nice, nicer than the price led on. Well, not quite. Up for two million, then one million, then nine-hundred ninety-nine thousand, then a shocking six-hundred thousand. 
You look around. It’s a developing community with barely any neighbours. The lady lives down the road, and you stare at her house for a good amount of seconds. Her once pretty plants are now green—ripped of colour, and the flowers are in this basket. 
It could harbour more romantic, expensive things. Champagne for a celebration or a tennis bracelet that costs a limb. But nature is pricey. All the time, all the energy, all the things necessary—they amount to an expense that your house wishes it could have. 
In the basket is a widely contrasting piece of paper.
If I had known you like these flowers, I would’ve gotten them for you sooner. But I should've figured that out myself. Pretty girl loving pretty things… You’re so perfect, baby. You can admire them on your day off. They’ll wither, but you can enjoy it while it lasts. Until I’m with you.
The handwriting is neat yet a bit messy. Traditional print that you’d switch to when cursive takes too much time. You’re not sure what to think of the note. It doesn’t invoke nausea, but it plants a seed of worry in the pit of your stomach. Maybe you have a new neighbour, and most definitely not a secret admirer.
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True to the letter, the flowers wither on your third day off. Each day you email your supervisor, asking if it’s time to return. He only responds a few hours later, his tone curt and unfriendly even through a screen. He’s different from his mother and deceiving of the business’ motto. 
It’s upsetting to throw them out, but the once-velvety petals are brown and crumpled. The leaves are as dismal as your room. You haven’t changed formats from your previous home, scared that your peace will ultimately be disturbed. 
But some days you find your belongings… different. 
The business card you like to keep is facing down when it should be up. The perfume bottle has been turned, no longer showcasing the limited-time-only label. Maybe you have quick hands, or perhaps your fan is just stronger than it should be. 
You search for your socks underneath your bed when your phone lights up. You’re quick to look at it, reading the notification with excitement. 
You took good care of the flowers. 
You knew they were going to die. 
It’s the unsaved number again. You’ve come to realise that the old woman is very much technology inept and lives with a caretaker. She’s more sociable than you, though. She goes on walks and talks to the birds and shoos away the bees. 
Can I ask you a question?
You close the app quickly as soon as you hit send, worried you’ve already made a mistake. Is there a limit for those? You’d like to think so. You’d also like to believe this is the last one, but it never is. 
Of course, doll.
Who are you?
Whoever it is doesn’t reply for a few hours. You’re a nervous wreck from four in the afternoon to nine at night. 
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There once was a fire here. In this very neighbourhood, down a few houses, there was a fire. You remember seeing it on the news, yet you still passive-aggressively watch the video that a bystander took. 
Half-built houses aflame, you’re a poet when you call it a young couple’s relationship once they get engaged. The wood falls into the hot pit. You’re fantastical when you pretend a phoenix can rise from those ashes. 
Neighbouring homes are engulfed with orange. Smoke billowing, swirling in the sky, and you wonder how it would look if the wind blew.
You remember that day. It was humid and sticky—you could barely breathe in the confines of your own room. 
The reason why you continuously watch this horrid, horrid video isn’t entirely unknown. You think that you need to remind yourself that bad things can happen. You’re too stuck in those sweet mental stories and forget that life isn’t as lovely as you’d like it to be. 
But honestly, you won’t let yourself live for a good thing. Or maybe it’s because you want to see a fault you aren’t responsible for. 
Months have passed, but you can’t entirely use your paint brushes the same way. Your shaky hands won’t let you trace properly, and your colours end up a mess before they find a home on your canvas.
Fires are pretty, but that one wasn’t. No. The sky didn’t turn into an amber colour, and it was too explicit for you to be ignorant. You used to create pretty things like how flames used to be charming. But ever since that day, you’re unable to make a nice thing. 
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When you wake up, your throat is dry. Your mouth feels like cotton, soaking up any amount of moisture there is. You haven’t had this feeling for a while. The five minutes you always plan to use for stretching and recalling your dreams are kissed goodbye when you remember you drank all the water in your bottle.
You roll over and slowly get up, disoriented and colder than you were under the blankets. Feet balance on the floor, and you swing them when the inner child in you takes over. A wet, frosty thing touches the side of your left foot, and you jump. 
Looking down, you see your water bottle filled up. Nearly untouched, save for the cleared spot that disrupts the thin layer of condensation. You rack your brain wondering if you’re smart enough to do something thoughtful for future you. 
You slept too well last night, unable to get out of bed even when you swear you heard something drop. Cowardice belonging to you comes back and bites you in the ass—teeth sharp and wound fresh. 
You take a second to soothe yourself before scanning the room, finding little things different. 
Your phone, set on the floor to charge, is at a different outlet and sitting on a higher level. Your purse is on your dresser, and your book is no longer sitting face first, split in half to mark the page. There’s been an intruder who cares more for you than you do. 
Another day off, but now you sit in confusion and worry rather than a mix of boredom and self-loathing. When you near your phone, the screen lights up with a notification. The timing is ‘now,’ and the contact is ‘Steve.’ You didn’t do that—the intruder did. 
Good morning, doll! How’d you sleep? You were out like a light, weren’t you? 
I’m so glad you got some rest. You work really hard. You deserve it. 
Drink some water for me, please. You’re doing so well already with your hydration.
You’ve never met a Steve in your life, nor have you ever heard of one. You wish you could say it’s a wrong number, but when the picture he sent loads in, there’s no way you can live a lie.
A man—pale skin that shines through the darkness. He wears a cap without a logo, and the colour matches the night sky. He presses a kiss to your forehead, and you’re unbeknownst to it all. There’s been an intruder in your home, and he kissed you and took a picture, yet your stomach doesn’t drop.
The shock is numbing—you think you’re sick but not in a nauseating way. A way in which you’re not exactly right, and you’re the outcast—a way where you’re not bothered by this creepy thing because it’s not the worst thing that’s happened.
When you brush your teeth, the gravity of the situation hits you, pulling you down onto the ground. The mintiness of your toothpaste burns and your lips are covered in pastel froth. You do whatever nervous tick you have and try to convince yourself that you’re safe—you’ve been spared. 
You’ve blocked the number and put a knife under your pillow. The water has been dumped, and you can’t stomach anything other than a simple, bland breakfast. Now, you can’t wait to go to work and maybe even spend more time outside your house. 
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If you’re not working, you’re away from your residence. You take walks with slow steps and visit places on the least busy days. You go far away from your address and only return when your body tells you to. And you’ve kept your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode, worried about facing the loud music that is this ‘Steve.’
However, he hasn’t relented. Your house is sparkly clean when you come home from the museum one day. It smells of your favoured candle, and the windows are free of fingerprints. Hell, your laundry was done for you. Your favourite detergent and softener were used. 
After a trip to the grocery store and a detour to the bank, you opened your fridge and cabinets to find the food you had picked up and put back down. Things that were too expensive or simply piqued your interest until you danced with the possibility of disliking them. 
He works contrary to the phantom of the opera—when the victim isn’t looking. You contemplated filing a police report, but it’d be useless. You’d sound stupid anyway, you know it.
Can you arrest the guy who looks out for me? Who takes care of me? Who is there for me more than anyone else? His name is Steve, and he buys food for me and gives me money, and he treats me like his lover. 
You once believed you were a lost cause, and you still do. You go from trying to force Steve out of your life—to letting him come and go whenever he likes—to convincing him it’s not worth it. 
Sighing, you pick at your croissant. It’s good, a little too good. You’re starved, but you want to savour this delicious treat. Today is a beautiful day. The wind blows gently, and the sun is kinder than it was about a week ago. 
You walk around the pond where the bright blue sky is reflected. There are no swans nor lilypads, just water. One or two elderly people sit on the distanced benches, and a little kid throws a frisbee for the family dog. A golden retriever who is happy, jumping about and barking affectionately. 
A tree gated by flimsy metal is your designated spot. You stand next to it and hope that by next year, it’ll be large enough to shade a family of four or more. The water ripples when the breeze comes, gently shifting before returning back to its still state.
You think deeply about Steve. He often leaves drawings behind. Sometimes, they’re of you. Other times, they’re self-portraits. From what you’ve gathered (before you crumple up the papers and throw them out), he’s as handsome as he is kind. 
But that doesn’t excuse how he’s let himself into your life and won’t leave. 
The last bit of your croissant is shovelled into your mouth, and you crinkle the bag it came in. Though, you should’ve folded it nicely instead. You let out a sigh that’s riddled with frustration.
Looking on, you watch as the dog catches the orange frisbee in its mouth before handing it back to the little kid. 
You should get home now.
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The place is too quiet. It’s eerie. 
There are boxes in the kitchen—ones you didn’t pack. Labels for where they belong and the warning of fragile objects are written on the brown cardboard. You recognize the handwriting. 
Things have disappeared. Your house is more of a hotel now. 
“You went far today, doll. Did you enjoy your croissant? Y’know, I’m not that good at baking, but I’m sure I can master that one,” a low voice says, and you jump. Behind you is the intruder who’s taken such good care of you. Too good. “Butter, right?”
“Y– Yeah. What are you doing, Steve?” you question, your tone full of confusion and a tad bit of anger. “Packing. Don’t worry, I took pictures of everything so we can set it up the same. I did make a pile of stuff you might not want to bring with us, though…” Steve explains, adjusting his cap and pointing his foot at an arrangement of some of your items.
“Go where? Steve, I live here. You don’t. If anyone is leaving, it’s you,” you tell him, stepping back to keep space. “Go home, doll. We’re going home! And if I’m leaving, it’s going to be with you. Don’t be difficult, sweetie. Just come tell me what you what to keep, and I’ll put it in a box,” he sighs, bending down to pick up a tube of sunscreen you accidentally purchased two of.
“Let’s get rid of the one you used the most,” Steve says, not even letting you decide. “What about this o— Doll, what’s wrong? Did something happen? Did anyone hurt you? I swear to fucking god, if anyone hurt you, I’ll hurt them back.”
His jaw clenches and unclenches as he works himself up at the thought. Why does he care? Who is he for you? 
“Steve, please. I don’t know you—you don’t know me. Just leave. I won’t call the cops or tell anyone. …They wouldn’t believe me, anyway… Let’s just forget about this and live our own lives without each other,” you propose, gesturing towards the door you walked through only a few minutes ago. 
Did he come while you were gone? Or was he here all along?
“I can’t leave you, doll. Especially not by yourself. You need me, baby–”
“—I don’t need you–”
“Yes, you do.”
Steve’s voice booms, his eyes as sad as a kicked puppy’s. Sighing, he looks down and curses under his breath. “I don’t like getting strict with you, doll. But you need to listen to me, okay? I’m here for you—I always have been. When no one else was. Just let me do what I need to do.”
You’re dumbfounded. A man twice your size and far more stubborn won’t leave. There’s nothing you can do.
He shuffles around a little more, and you squeeze your eyes shut. Maybe it’s a dream. Maybe this isn’t real. Maybe you’re pretending to be the badass hero once more, and you’ve got your music blaring louder than necessary. 
Steve looks up at you and watches intensely. You so desperately want to be alone as usual. In your mind, you think he shouldn’t be here—that he doesn’t belong within your four walls that soaked up your sobs for it all to just stop for once. 
You pretend he’s set fire to your life—destroying it, and this time there are no underpaid workers to build it back up, so you’re left as a heap of ashes. Unsaveable, only admirable by those who watch the videos recorded by bystanders.
Yeah, right.
No matter what—he’s been there for you. At your pretty, at your ugly, and always at your vulnerable. You are your own antagonist—the dark reflection in the mirror that you never seem to notice. Steve is here to save you because he knows you need his help.
So he’s not really upset he has to knock you out. In his hand and against your face is a chemical-soaked cloth that smells horrid (Steve is terribly sorry for that). 
He’s not really sad that he has to take you away from your house and put you in a home—his home. The boxes are heavy and littered everywhere (you don’t have to do any work. Steve will take care of it all).
Steve doesn’t really mind that he has to take further measures and put a tracker on you. You forced his hand—he has to keep you safe. 
He does it all because he cares. Because he’s tired of lurking in the shadows.
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