#this is the only whump you guys are ever getting from me 😂
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dontbelasagnax · 1 year ago
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@codywanfirstkissbingo: kiss of life
It shouldn't be like this. He had plans. Dreams.
He'd thought of a gentle kiss shared one late night when the hum of companionship and longing looks spilled over. Lips tasting of herbal tea and ration bars.
Or, hidden away in a dark corner of Coruscant on a rare shore leave, they'd find comfort in giving into what they've both wanted for so long. Hands tangled in hair, remnants of their meal licked from blisteringly hot mouths, not a care in the world.
Perhaps they'd wait till after the war. Reach for one another amidst cheers and find joy and relief in their embrace and long awaited kiss.
Instead, he presses his lips to Obi-Wan's for the first time and does his best to breathe life into unresponsive lips and lungs. He can't ignore the acrid taste of blood and ash. There's nothing but terror and heartache lancing his chest.
'Not like this', he thinks, a hot tear running down his cheek. 'Please, stay with me.'
(bingo card under the cut)
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alipeeps · 4 months ago
Episode 29
Oh dang so Yichen knew right from the get go that Zhao Yuanzhou had taken the scale out of the box.
Exactly this!!
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(And he's gonna be stuck in that danger whilst you guys all stand around having a leisurely conversation about this!)
Pretty sure he wants it for you girl...
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Will you PLEASE go fucking rescue Ying Lei?!!
Oh wait what? Bai Yan kept the baize token?
Well how the fuck did that happen? Did Li Lun do it during the brief time he had possession of it?
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Ooooh so they didn't kiss in the previous ep, it was just a forehead touch... and sneaky Zhao Yuanzhou used it as a chance to do a quick health check on her...
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Oh shiiit that don't sound good?
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So now we have yet another dilemma! Restore the sword (and save Bai Jiu)... or save Wen Xiao?
Oh fuck, of course... she needs them to restore the sword to save her son...
Oh. Fair do's, I did her an injustice...
Oh fuck yeah... that is NOT a power that you want Li Lun to have control of...
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Ugh Zhao Yuanzhou's faaaaace.... 😭
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All this time she's been worrying about everyone else dying - Zhao Yuanzhou, Zhou Yichen, Bai Jiu... and it turns out she is the one who is going to die first...
I feel like it needs to be pointed out here... to Li Lun in particular... that it's Bai Jiu's body that is poisoned. If he doesn't want to die... he could move to another, non-poisoned, body. Sure, Bai Jiu's body was the perfect type of body for him, with him being descended from a tree god etc, but like... anything's better than dead, right? If Ao Yin really was willing to die to save him, he could put his core in her and possess her?
God damn Li Lun, you're a self-pitying fuck. You literally did all of this to yourself...
Oh righto, fucker's planning to go out in a blaze of glory...
Every previous baize goddess has taken on an apprentice to pass the torch onto though haven't they? She hasn't. Maybe she should, before it's too late.
Love how the minute they've got a confirmed diagnosis she is suddenly deteriorating/showing symptoms...
Fair point girl.
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Yeah and it also chose YOU dumbass, didn't it?!!
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(Then kiss, damn you)
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Welp, you're dying anyway girl, might as well ride that demon while you still can.
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So surprise surprise it was fucking Wen Zongyu behind it all again. Ugh I hate this guy so much.
So... lemme guess... he can cure her... if you give him Zhao Yuanzhou's core?
Oh so Wen Xiao and Bai Jiu are poisoned with the same thing?
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Problem is, if you offer that solution to Zhao Yuanzhou, he WILL fucking offer up his core to save Wen Xiao. You know it.
Oh fucking hell, we ALSO need Zhao Yuanzhou's core to fix the fucking sword. Jfc, can the gang ever get a break?
Is there a single fucking dilemma in this show where the solution is NOT Zhao Yuanzhou needs to die?
Oh fuuuck so they can use the ever-burning wood without killing Zhou Yuanzhou... but it will leave him weak and unable to use his power for a while.
That sounds like an excellent whump scenario to me, bring it on!!! 😁
(Also though... will using the ever-burning wood for this purpose like... use it all up? Cos that's the only reason Wen Zongyu even wants the core, right?)
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He's such a little shit. I love him so much.
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He's crushing jade for him?
My fucking heart....
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Yeah nice thought but that ain't gonna happen is it
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This is sounding awfully like goodbye, Zhou Yichen. Like you are thanking him for everything he's done for you before... before...
God the fucking affection in the way he looks at Zhou Yichen
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Thank you for your... life-saving grace? As in... giving up your life to save Wen Xiao?
I fucking KNEW IT!!!
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Oh GOD he just opens his arms to let him do it....
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Ohhhhh fuuuuck did he manage to draw the ever-burning wood from Zhao Yuanzhou's core into the sword? Cos that's what Wen Zongyu actually wants. not the core itself...
Oh well that makes it all SO much better Zhao Yuanzhou!!!
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BUT HAVE ANY OF YOU ever fucking stopped to wonder WHY he wants the ever-burning wood and what he intends to do with it?
Cos he has straight up admitted his plan is to destroy ALL demons. And it's a pretty sure bet that he needs the ever-burning wood for that exact plan.
Like... I know you want to save Wen Xiao and Bai Jiu but please.. a little critical thinking here?
Personally I'd want to try out the antidote and make sure it fucking works before I'd give him shit!
Of course Ao Yin fucking appears and swipes the antidote.
Well, Wen Zongyu made the antidote, he can fucking make more. Snatch that ever-burning wood back and make him come back with more.
Ah yeah, stab that fucker! Damn right Yichen!
Meanwhile... you've left Ao Yin unsupervised with the precious antidote on the ground near her...
Well that was stupid! Couldn't happen to a more-deserving fellow though... Bye bye Wen Zongyu, you were the worst.
Will you PLEASE go get the antidote instead of just standing there watching the dude burn up?!!
Aaaand it's empty anyway. Surprise surprise the fucker double-crossed 'em.
Yeah I had a feeling that would be the case.
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Oh here we go... so who's gonna volunteer to save Wen Xiao? Zhao Yuanzhou or Zhuo YIchen? Ao Yin will definitely volunteer to save Li Lun.
There she goes.
Why did Li Lun suddenly collapse though?
So. End of ep 29 and the Chongwu camp bad guy is dead and along with him, hopefully, his plot to kill all demons. The Cloud Light Sword is restored and you've got an unconscious Bai Jiu/Li Lun right there so tie/lock that bad boy up and you can sever his primordial spirit and save Bai Jiu as soon as Zhou Yichen gets back.
That just leaves the thorny issue of which demon is gonna sacrifice themself to detoxify Wen Xiao...
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thlayli-ra · 5 months ago
Ficlet Request - Treat - Being playfully clingy in the mornings when one has an off day and the other has to rush to work - PunkIntyre + Seth Rollins (idk if they have a poly ship name yet?)
I’m sure plenty of people will request whump fics and I will enjoy every bit of it as it comes, but for now, I just want something cute and domestic 🥰😂
Something cute and domestic coming right up! 🥰
Treat - 'Being Playfully Clingy'
Characters - Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre, CM Punk
Rating - Teen and up
Warnings - None apply, domestic fluff
Drew was a hugger. And that was fine! Lovely actually. Especially on those lazy Sunday morning where all three of them would be tucked up in bed with nowhere to go and nothing to do, and Drew (in the middle where he liked to be) would wrap both of his titanic arms around his boyfriends and snuggle them in close. The soft, comforting body heat would lull them all back into a pleasant doze and they would stay that way for hours and hours.
That was the beauty of Drew, really - there was plenty of him to go around.
However, when there was only the two of them at home, Drew could be, well, how to put it delicately, he was... clingy as hell! Seth knew this well, considering he'd been going out with Drew the longest, and he also knew that the Scot was really missing his newer boyfriend. The pout he wore when they went their separate ways after Raw was devastating.
'I'm sorry, Big Guy,' Punk lamented, trying to breath as the huge Scot wrapped his arms tightly around his chest and refused to let go. 'I'm staying at the hotel tonight and driving onto the next town for NXT, remember? Got my special guest referee duties to do.'
'He'll be fine,' Seth said with a warm roll of his eyes, finally prising Drew's massive hands off of Punk. 'You have a safe journey tomorrow and we'll see you Thursday.'
'Bright and early, I promise,' Punk said, accepting a kiss from his sharply dressed boyfriend. 'Oh, and thanks for lending me your booty shorts.'
'Yeah, well, somebody's gotta wear them,' Seth joked with a shrug, 'since they arrived too late for the you two's match at Summerslam.'
'Well, thanks to you, I now know what not to do when officiating,' Punk gave a cheeky grin, opening the door to his rental. 'Love you.'
'Love ya, hon,' Seth returned.
'Love you, Punky,' Drew chimed in, watching crestfallen as the car drove away into the night.
Ever since then, Drew had followed Seth around like a overly affectionate cat, no, not so much a cat, more like, a full grown adult male Siberian tiger, wrapping his giant paws around Seth and gently digging its claws in, refusing to let go.
And that was fine! When they were both off with nothing to do. But today, Seth was scheduled for some media work, the first of which started in two hours and he was still stuck fast in bed with Drew's anaconda arms and legs coiled around him. He'd been awake for a while now, ever since his alarm had sounded at seven, but Drew (still loitering in the middle of the bed, even with Punk gone and all that extra space available) had whimpered 'no, no', rolled over and grabbed him.
Seth had allowed it. He knew this would be a tough morning for Drew and he fully expected him to be even clingier than usual so they lay for another half hour, spooning, Seth the tiny demitasse spoon compared to Drew and his extra large serving ladle. But time was now ticking on and Seth needed to get showered and smartly dressed and be out that door on time.
Peeking over his shoulder he found Drew's eyes shut, a serene look on his face as he dozed peacefully. Seth carefully slipped his hands under Drew's and gently opened them up in order to free himself when they abruptly clamped down again, gripping tighter.
'Nooo,' Drew grumbled into his shoulder blades, rubbing his face against Seth's bare back.
'I know but I got to, sweetie,' Seth said. 'I've got work to do today.'
'No!' Drew huffed like a toddler. 'Stay.'
'Believe me I would love to but Hunter would have my head on a platter if I missed these appearances.' An idea popped into Seth's head. 'You wanna come shower with me?'
Drew practically leapt out of bed with excitement.
So they showered together. And that was fine! They'd just had a new, larger unit installed so that the three of them could fit in together, which, it turned out was for the best, otherwise Punk would have hogged it all the goddamn time. Steaming hot showers, strong coffee and baked goods - his three main vices, which was a damn sight better than drugs, cigarettes or alcohol. None of them drank, although Drew enjoyed an alcohol-free beer with Sheamus now and again, so at least they didn't any awkwardness with that to contend with.
Speaking of awkwardness, this current shower was proving to be difficult seeing as Seth had what he could only describe as the equivalent of a bear-skin rug draped over him like a cape. 'Hey Drew, you mind moving over so I can-' The bear gave a growl and buried its snout deeper into the nape of Seth's neck. 'Ok, fine. Not like anybody will be seeing my back anyways.'
He eventually managed to wriggle out from between the Scot's tentacles long enough to slap on a pair of dress pants and an immaculately pressed button-down shirt but as soon as he'd fastened one cuff, it was snared between two jaws of a colossal Venus flytrap. 'Uh, Drew,' Seth cocked a brow at the Scot who sat on the bed, decked in only a towel knotted around his waist, dripping wet with his long, drenched hair sticking to his neck and shoulders, 'I kinda need that hand.'
'Tough,' Drew smirked cheekily.
'Fine, I can do my other cuff when I get there,' Seth sighed, adding with a mutter under his breath, 'and my tie and put on my jacket and my shoes and...'
Normally Seth would make something filling like pancakes for breakfast, and while he stood at the stove, Drew would come up behind him, place his arms on Seth's waist and his chin on Seth's shoulder and comment on how delicious it smelled. And that was fine! But today, Seth had no time to make anything fancy for breakfast, so instead he opted for a quick bowl of bran cereal with a dollap of milk. But he couldn't bend down to open the dishwasher with Drew pressed right up against him, and had to shuffle to the pantry under both of their weight and Drew's huge arm around his shoulders made it impossible for him to reach up - 'Uh, Drew, honey, can you grab me the- oh, thanks! - and then he had to drag them both across to the fridge then he couldn't sit down because he was now two human beings, one of which was the size of a house, fused together so he had to stand at the counter instead and as soon as he dipped his spoon into the cereal and tried to lift it to his mouth, Drew grabbed hold of his wrist and peppered kisses down his arm and-
-and now, this was really getting into the 'not fine' territory!
'Shit, is that the time?' Seth gasped at the wall clock. He was officially running late, and Seth Rollins never ran late. So he hobbled off in a panic, Drew still clinging to his shoulders like a fucking silver back mountain gorilla who'd been raised by spider monkeys to try and find his shoes (which he had no hope of shining before he left) and his jacket (which he'd hoped to press but had to give up on that too) and his open cuff caught on a door handle and his ears heard a horrible shredding noise and now his entire sleeve was torn apart and flapping around and when he glanced back at the clock, another twenty fucking minutes had passed!
'I'm meant to be at the studio in ten minutes and at this rate I'll hit the rush hour traffic. I need to go now!'
'Punk will be back any minute, so please, you only have to be by yourself for an hour or so at the most-'
'URGH!' Seth despaired, but another three minutes had passed and he had to get out that door. So he gritted his teeth and squared his shoulders and waded to the front door like a kid at the carnival dragging around the comically over-sized bear he'd won at the stalls. That was... made entirely out of glue and bricks for some reason! 'Drew,' he grunted with each hard-fought step. 'I really. Really. Have to. GO!'
Just before he reached the door, it opened. A man stepped in and immediately jumped with fright at the sight of a bedraggled Seth lugging a huge, hairy Scotsman in a towel on his back. 'Uh... hi,' he said.
'PUNKY!' Drew cheered, hopping off of Seth. 'You're home!'
'Perfect timing,' Seth said, flying past Punk out the door, but not before planting a cute kiss on his cheek and whispering in his ear. 'He's all yours now.'
On cue, Drew rushed towards Punk and lifted him right up off his feet in an excruciating bear hug. Out the corner of his eye, the tattooed man saw Seth make a run for the car, and sweet freedom. Joke was on him though. There was nowhere he'd rather be than right here.
'Hey Big Guy,' Punk smiled down at Drew, accepting every kiss and hug and nuzzle that came his way. 'I missed you too.'
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soullessjack · 1 year ago
another offshoot of jack being infantilized is that it’s leeched into the popular mischaracterization of jack as some soft sensitive crybaby who hates violence, hates scary things and is super nice and sweet and cutesy all the time and of course he’s used to accessorize Claire as a big mean lesbian sister who always gets them in trouble, and what makes it so unbearable besides the ableist rooting, is that it’s just canonically utterly wrong. like go back and watch 13x02 & 03. go back and watch 14x06 when they convince Dean to go on a case behind Sam’s back. or look at any time they’re defiant to Cas (and for the love of god do not look at it as “lol sassy baby dean is a bad influence bad dad 😂” or so help me I am throwing multiple rocks at you). like you can say he’s a bitch. you can say he’s a cunt even. it won’t kill you.
in fact, I implore you to, because it is a step away from infantilizing his every action as silly baby behavior and ergo a step in the right direction. look at the entire apocalypse world arc where he decides he has to personally kill Michael when the plan was only ever to escape through the rift. remember the scene where they’re crying in the woods and it got ran with as hashtag poor baby boy whump and nobody noticed that he’d literally almost strangled someone because of their impulsive temper?? or when they made the decision to brutally torture a man by snapping and twisting his skeleton and burning him so intensely his shirt fabric blackened?? and somehow that gets turned into shit like “daddy hold my sippy cup” because for some fucking reason you guys are so intent on making him out to be a child and infantilizing his canon traits to be more palatable to that idea of him.
TLDR please can we actually recognize how bitchy and violent and rebellious jack is. can you guys realize that his entire behavioral pattern of saying hi and waving hello is him masking and repressing because his emotions literally are nuclear charged and he doesn’t want to be a threat. can we please.
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snaillamp · 1 year ago
Hey snail, how did you find about whump as a term? And who was your first blorbo?
Anyway, I watch YouTube. I used to watch, probably too much YouTube. But. I have some favourite channels, including one called Watts the Safeword. I’m ace as fuck, and have no interest in sex, but that channel is so interesting. It’s run by two guys who are very fun and they talk about all sorts of stuff such as kink, gay shit and sex ed.
Anyway, at the beginning of last year, I’m watching one of their videos about… I don’t even remember but it was probably like “we ask our viewers what weird or unusual kinks they have” and I’m going through the comments. This random lady was like “yeah I’m really into whump, which is when a character gets hurt. It’s not really a kink and more of a fan fic thing but I’m sure it is kinky for some people.” And I’m like 👀
Hello??? I like that stuff too…. WHERE HAS THIS TERM BEEN ALL MY LIFE?
So my immediate reaction is to come to this hellsite and look up #whump, cause ofc if it’s a fan fic term about characters being hurt, tumblr will know about it. And uh… yeah… tumblr knew about it.
Whump isn’t a kink for me and never has been, but hey if it is for you, that’s awesome. I’ve only ever encountered one person who called it a kink, actually.
As for my first blorbo…
I have no idea. I’d say probably Leonardo from the TMNT franchise. He’s always been my favourite and that’s partly cause he gets whumped a lot 😂 he’s probably not my first Whumpee but definitely my first blorbo :D
I fucking love tmnt man
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aashiqeddiediaz · 5 years ago
9-1-1: Season 3 Episode 15 Live Blog
I’ve tagged this like 3 times for spoilers so don’t come for me lmao
Forgot to liveblog part of it lmao.
Wow I hear that spite in Shannon’s voice. honestly can’t blame her BUT also kinda can?
The necklace 😭
Why does Ryan have to force himself to act with his female love interests. What is going on.
Maybe I’m projecting LMAO
Buck my little baby
Eddie looks so fondly at Buck literally wtf is Ryan talking about
Evan Buckley is incapable of looking at Eddie Diaz with anything less that pure unadulterated love and I stand by that.
Hell if they just HELD HANDS, I would be more than happy.
Christopher is the light of my life omg
Those flashbacks, the slight dimming of Eddie’s smile...😭😭😭
Buck 😂😂😂😂
This baby :( Hayden :(((
Eddie is literally so sad maybe I love him a lot.
I’m here for Eddie taking the lead dear LORD he’s adorable
Defending Jacob! OH IT’S THAT PROMO
“Christopher’s a priority so you should stay home with him” okay but here’s the thing
Eddie holding a young Christopher 😭😭😭
She left him crying!
“You’re not the only one that feels alone.” my baby :((((
Not saying Shannon was wrong, but people really do not understand the horrors soldiers see...
30 minutes that I’m gonna die in
Eddie cutting the line completely! That’s definitely me but HOW ARE THEY GONNA GET DOWN THERE NOW. EDDIE.
he really cut the cord twice in one episode, huh?
The 118 looking like their world just shattered and honestly? Same.
Buck’s expression of pure panic :/ watch me turn this into pure whump LMAO
Him kissing that locket I’m...
and naturally there’s another song. Why can’t they just let us enjoy it.
they turned it into a stereotypical thing again. naturally. Why can’t we catch a break already.
But eh. It’s fine. It’s fine
Was he the leader? Literally everyone keeps calling for him.
maybe I’m crying so hard
3 bullets, BROKEN BONE, dislocated shoulder
That acting :(
Hands down one of my favourite scenes of Eddie ever.
“Daddy can be a hero in the kitchen.” 😂😂😂
There’s that huge adjustment period, and we can see it in Eddie’s behaviour, which is amazing on Ryan’s part.
Grant’s Christopher looks exactly like a younger Gavin’s Christopher
CHIMNEY AND EDDIE YES! That’s another Dynamic Duo I’d love to see more of tbh.
Oliver is an AMAZING, UNDERRATED actor, and you can see that in that scene because he’s not concerned about appearances. He genuinely flips out, first one off the ground because the love of his life his best friend is stuck down there. 
Buck would NEVER give up on Eddie. EVER.
We got so fed tonight omg.
Eddie’s parents...I just :( I understand it but :(
Oh it’s that jean jacket!
What three jobs do he be working?
“I miss you all the time” - the light of my life
No, no no. Don’t do this. If this show does this, I’m literally going to...
All these flashbacks of Buck and Christopher? I just...
Okay don’t come for me. but literally 70% of those flashbacks were of Buck and Christopher
It Tim Minear does this to me I’m literally going to commit a crime I can’t come back from.
Buck looks like two seconds away from losing it entirely
“Won’t be easy” and then Buck just running for him? YES.
Buck is smiling so hard with relief at seeing Eddie and I-
Eddie literally does everything for his son and I can’t breathe.
I wish we’d gotten a scene of Eddie getting back home and just...desperately hugging Chris tight. but since we didn’t I’m gonna write it lmao
Ryan did PHENOMENAL in this episode. Especially that scene with in the makeshift hospital!
Kudos to all the actors but special mentions to Ryan, Gavin and Oliver honestly. 
That’s a family right there (Eddie, Chris and Buck)
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skellymom · 1 year ago
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@codywanfirstkissbingo: kiss of life
It shouldn't be like this. He had plans. Dreams.
He'd thought of a gentle kiss shared one late night when the hum of companionship and longing looks spilled over. Lips tasting of herbal tea and ration bars.
Or, hidden away in a dark corner of Coruscant on a rare shore leave, they'd find comfort in giving into what they've both wanted for so long. Hands tangled in hair, remnants of their meal licked from blisteringly hot mouths, not a care in the world.
Perhaps they'd wait till after the war. Reach for one another amidst cheers and find joy and relief in their embrace and long awaited kiss.
Instead, he presses his lips to Obi-Wan's for the first time and does his best to breathe life into unresponsive lips and lungs. He can't ignore the acrid taste of blood and ash. There's nothing but terror and heartache lancing his chest.
'Not like this', he thinks, a hot tear running down his cheek. 'Please, stay with me.'
(bingo card under the cut)
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