#this is the aegon im here for
manderleyfire · 22 days
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON COUNTDOWN TO S2 Day 7 – Dynamics: Otto x Alicent x Aegon
[why] DO YOU [destroy yourself] LOVE ME?
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gojuo · 7 days
streets are saying this is his wedding ring he was fiddling with....
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bluebellhairpin · 3 months
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The Strong's of Harrenhal
(L -> R; Larys II, Dawsyn, Stephas, Ser Harwin, Lady Strong, Renei, Maryana) The finished version of this smaller line art, which I PROMISED I WOULD EXPAND AND FINISH which I now have :) This is my first time doing an artwork with so many people in it, and ngl I do think I slacked off with the kids just bc it was taking so long to do and I went "I NEED TO FINISH THIS SO I CAN DO SOMETHING ELSE" yk? Anyway it's done now <33
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jamespottersdaisy · 1 month
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harrenhalyuri · 7 months
spent the better part of the year in art block, first thing I managed to sketch last month was the green kids bc i really wanted to put them all together
so everyone is here! kinda...
(maegelle is my OC and daeron is being held hostage by HBO so lol)
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stannussy · 2 months
TG is so funny bc they see people make parallels of Rhaenyra with other characters on the series (Amethyst empress/Stannis) and then they go running to twist it all the way into making it about someone on the green side.
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mummer · 9 months
"sara snow" as if that could have ever been a real name. get real. That is a drag name
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maximofftwinsbitch · 1 year
im not team black, team green, team targ or team any noble house. i'm team leave the kids & small folk out of this jfc
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cl0ud-ninex · 1 year
I can just imagine lesbian Visenya laughing her ass off whenever she hears that ppl think her and Rhaenys are fighting over Aegon.
She don't want that man lmao!
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I feel like more fics should explore the disappointment and hurt that Jace and Luke (mostly Jace cause Luke might have been too young to remember properly) must have felt when the uncle they were so close to betrayed them by supposedly calling them bastards.
And how it must have been at least a little heartbreaking to remember the boy who was their friend and see the man he became....
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gojuo · 2 years
I think the show should have made an example of Aegon and Helaena’s relationship to condone Targaryen incest. The writers should’ve made Aegon's descent into drinking and whoring not just because of his daddy and mommy issues but also because of a repulsion of incest. Tom Glynn-Carney himself said that Aegon rejects the Targaryen-ness of his family (because he thinks his family hates him), and one of the biggest marks of that is the sibling incest. The show should have had Aegon struggling with being forced to marry his sister and be told that it is normal, while he looks at his mother and her little brother who get to be normal siblings... the boys in court with their little or older sisters who get to be normal siblings... and him, Aegon Targaryen who does not get to be a normal sibling to his sister and he just doesn't understand why and it instinctively disgusts him but his father tells him it is normal but then why does no one else in Westeros marry siblings to each other? Aegon who rejects the Targaryen part of him, who already has issues with familial bonds, who, over time, watching his father not care a single whit for him yet still forcing him to marry his sister, forcing him to be a Targaryen even though his Targaryen father never cared for him, grows to resent the Targaryen in himself. Because it's not normal. Because it is extremely fucked up for siblings to marry. Because, no matter how much ASOIAF fans want to act blind, GRRM did not include incest in his story for it to be romanticized.
We should have been shown younger Aegon struggling with Targaryen practices since older Aegon rejects it. We should have had more characterization for Helaena outside of saying cryptic shit every scene she's in. We should have had the narrative and the characters outright questioning this disgusting practice of incest. We should have had more focus on the relationship between Aegon and himself in his younger years and the relationship between Aegon and Helaena and how it started.
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dehvils · 5 days
need more targaryen ocs around here - said it on my oc, i'll say it here : the targ men are massive whores, targaryen bastards would be littered around the globe
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ordyneir · 9 days
explaining myself to be team green but still hold rhaenyra as one of the most important characters to me and my experience with the asoiaf universe as a whole has GOT to be one of the most jarring things ever--
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ragnarssons · 11 days
WHAT IF the greens (well the maester on the greens side who then the memoirs i mean), invented maelor for the sake of erasing the whole political struggle they had when jaehaera, a girl, was the only heir to aegon left ummmm 👀
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reireichu · 9 months
We'll forever have the scars.
Part VII. miss universe.
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Rhaenyra likes the idea of someone young and beautiful, someone like an ornament she can display to the world, flaunting all sense of propriety. Sophie understands that in a way, because Rhaenyra enjoys oversized blazers and Vitalumiere foundation and she also likes to win. She likes to surround herself by comfort and beautiful things, because that is what her father has made clear since birth, that all those beautiful, precious things are hers by right.
All, except the one.
I think I could make some commentary on how psychologically messed up Sophie is by the past and by everyone in her life, but at this point, why would I write that commentary when I can just watch as she and Aegon just get really fucking unhinged.
rip my soul, i need baby jebus to forgive me for how fucking terrible this.
We'll forever have the scars. @ AO3
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vhgr · 2 months
watching people in the fandom fight is kind of funny because one, both teams were absolutely massacred and two, the throne should be torn down but everyone forgets
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