#i think he actually does care that aegon was injured and how hard that is going to make his life from here out
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estrangedandwayward · 8 months ago
Still thinking about larys helping aegon off the floor, a display of physical strength which he would normally keep hidden, a brief slip of his mask of helplessness he told aegon about last episode. He disarms himself in a way, by showing the strength most assume he doesn't have
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him-e · 8 years ago
Did last night's episode change your opinion of the Jon/Dany relationship at all? What do you think will happen between them next season? I'm not a jonerys shipper and the idea of watching a full season of them in love makes me miserable.
It mostly confirmed what I thought. There’s going to be a baby (which squicks me out for a variety of reasons, but I won’t go there for now). This doesn’t mean that next season is going to be all rainbows and unicorns for them. Surely their sexual relationship is going to take an uncomfortable turn once Jon does the maths and realizes that his biological relationship with Dany is the same he has with Ned, and he’s about to have a child from her.
It won’t be just the incest, but the political implications of his parentage. As d&d said in the inside the episode, this information is going to “complicate everything”, on a “political level and on a personal level”. Which reinforces my idea that Aegon VI’s storyline in the books hasn’t been cut completely, but split between Cersei and Jon. The golden company is going to be part of Cersei’s plot, and the “male Targaryen heir popping out of nowhere to steal Dany’s claim” narrative will be played by Jon, only that, unlike book!Aegon, he’s the real deal. 
Some kind of conflict (probably not an actual Targbowl or dance of dragons 2.0) will happen, which… I’m afraid is just one more reason for them to marry to reunite the two claims, but first we need to see how Dany takes it (she signed up for romancing one of her future vassals, NOT someone who CAN technically sit on the iron throne in his own right without her, and to whom she’d be only a queen consort if Westeros’ patriarchy still stands), and how Jon takes it, and how the Starks take it, and so on.
Anonymous said:
jon/dany would be the reverse of the jon/arya original storyline tho? cause in the outline jon and arya are tormented by their feelings until they find out they’re just cousins. jon/dany start out not knowing that they’re related and will eventually find out they’re related. why would they still want to be together? what would then make their dynamic any different than jaime and cersei’s if they still wanna bone knowing they’re related lol
yes, it would be the reverse of the original jonrya romance, which is a separate trope from ~not blood siblings~, but still related and not uncommon in romantic literature. Also worth clarifying that:
while sibcest is definitely considered an abomination in Westeros, avunculate (second degree of consanguinity) and cousin (third degree of consanguinity) marriages are not frowned upon the same way, and definitely legal. We have examples of avunculate marriages in house Stark (two of Cregar Stark’s sons, Jonnel and Edric, married their nieces, respectively Sansa and Serena Stark), and house Targaryen (Rhaenyra and her uncle Daemon Targaryen).
jaime and cersei’s dynamic is toxic for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to the incest, that in their case started at a young age, when they were living in the same household, and continued to affect their development and their entire adult life.
I don’t really get the sense that asoiaf has a SUPER strong stance against incest, to be honest. Yes, one the one hand you have jaime and cersei, on the other hand… the main heroine is a direct product of incest, the main hero is a also a product of incest on his biological father’s side, and the other main hero’s parents were cousins, and I surely don’t expect the incestuous aspect in JxD to be portrayed as toxic or morbid, but bittersweet and tragic. And of course, for all that house Targaryen is criticized and often presented in an appropriately bad light within the text, it’s not entirely villainized either—it’s still a powerful, borderline magical dynasty of prophesied heroes, so in a sense, the text almost justifies the need to ~~keep the blood pure~~.
Anonymous said:
The truth is easier for me to ship tyrion and dany than ship jon and dany, cause I loved the scene when dany gives tyrion the pin and other scenes between them but I haven’t feeling the scenes between jon and dany, I mean, was it that hard to at least kiss instead of going to the full boat sex?
Anonymous said:
Im glad im not the only one who didnt care for the boat sex. But like their entire build up this season, it was rushed. Meanwhile they dedicated a large chunk of an episode to greyworm and missendei sex which was nice but still. I wouldve like to have seen who made the first move. What their first kiss was like. How they even got to the bed. It like the door shut and then boom their naked lol. Also the narration with Bran ugh. Do they really think we need to be spoon fed this at this point?
I thought the boatsex was okay but somewhat underwhelming, both compared to how the leaks described it and to what I personally expected. It lacked build up, yes, like most of this storyline—most of the storylines in this season, actually. Bran’s voiceover made the whole thing kind of awkward rather than hot (who doesn’t want your younger brother talk over you while you’re fucking?). 
And the lack of a proper kiss scene is strange and anticlimatic. Kiss scenes are more important than sex scenes in fictional romances! And Jon and Dany didn’t get one! Why on earth? They had the perfect opportunity in the first boat scene, the one right after viserion’s death when Dany is comforting an injured Jon. They could have easily slipped a kiss in there, yet they went for that ridiculous “thank you dany” dialogue.
I still don’t want to read too much into this, because at this point I no longer expect any surprising twists from the show’s narrative, but I understand why people are buying into the ~undercover jon~ spec. Jon knocking on Dany’s door with the specific intent of making love to her (as opposed to the sex scene stemming naturally from a passionate kiss, for example) CAN give the impression of a stilted, calculated gesture on his part. 
Again, I don’t believe that’s the case (I’m much more inclined to blame the writing, as it’s not uncommon for male writers to use proper build up/slow burn only to a certain point and then squander it all with a perfunctory sex scene because they are under the impression that once the mutually romantic feelings are revealed to the audience there’s no need to ~waste anymore time~, which, ugh), but I get why it can come across this way. They had every opportunity to make it different, but they chose to film it this way, so it’s on them. In addition, the whole final episode was riddled with a ton of subtext about lying and even Jon’s reaction to being accused (by the whole dragonpit meeting team) and praised (by Theon) for telling the truth felt like he was hiding something. Also, his pouty “everybody tells me I’m too much like my father!” is kind of hilarious in hindsight, because his biological father was absolutely the type of man who’d initiate an affair with a woman if he believed it was necessary to save the world.
I believe Jon’s feelings for Dany are REAL, just like they were for Ygritte, buuuut that isn’t necessarily at odds with his having a second agenda about it. A second agenda that is in plain sight, he needs Dany and her dragons on his side, and he needs her to WANT to fight for the North, EVEN if that means forsaking the iron throne in the south, which a simple political alliance wouldn’t guarantee. The fact that he’s really falling for her is SUPER CONVENIENT, but that’s a systemic problem in Jon’s narrative, as especially in the show he’s hardly ever forced to make TRULY difficult or morally compromising choices.
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