#this is supposed to be like. if he came back btw. another form another time or some shit like that
zombzgutzz · 11 months
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this man ⬆️ gatekeeps pink floyd and queen
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heelust · 1 month
𓏲· 𝗙𝗔𝗠𝗜𝗟𝗬 ; park jongseong
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WARNINGs 𝝑𓏲 fluff, brief mention of food, kiss PAIRiNGS 𝝑𓏲 dad husband!jay x implied f!reader‎ GENRE 𝝑𓏲 fluff, comfort 𓄲 DOLLiE's note ; this is me after a while :3 i wrote this when i was ovulating. btw school ends on 28th i think lets hope im free on vacay! ﹙🗞️﹚
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watching your husband's back while he occupied himself the with dinner preparations that were supposed to be done by you but after his insistence on 'no darling, you did a lot today it's time for you to rest' had you sitting on the kitchen table waiting for him to finish.
he turns around, smilling. you return a smile back and your heart can't help but squeeze at the cute image of his twinkling eyes that often reminded you of your daughter.
"what are you thinking of, baby?" his voice takes you out of the train of thoughts that runs through your mind.
"not much, actually" you say, walking up to him and hugging his waist from behind "just the fact that our baby looks exactly like you" jay's chest rises like a frigate bird and you can't hold back the laughter that leaves your mouth.
"I know, right? you did an amazing job, my love" his words just makes you laugh even harder and he has to sush you so your daughter doesn't wakes up from her nap because of your noisy conversation.
which.. didn't work out because not only seconds after your fit of laughter calms down, small footsteps can be heard from down the bedroom's hallway and the cry of your three years old daughter calling out for her dad reaches your ears as fast as the speed of light.
"papa?" she calls again when she enters the kitchen and your husband acts quickly by picking her up and kissing her cheeks, soothing her.
"papa is here my baby" he came closer to you so you could hold her but she refused to leave jay's arms, not letting him finish preparing dinner.
"no worries, babe. i'll finish dinner" you reassure him and he walks away with your daughter to entertain her.
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walking into the bathroom, you come across with the endearing image of you husband brushing your daughter's teeth.
you say nothing and opt to just stand there by the door frame, waiting until one of them notice your prescence.
"do you want papa to read you a story or sing you a lullaby before bed, mhm?" your daughter makes a thinking pose that has your husband waiting patiently for her response.
"I want a lullaby" she says with a small voice, making you melt on the spot because in your eyes, your baby is the cutest in the whole world
"then, let's get you dressed" jay tickles her and turns around, finally noticing your presence. he smiles while holding your baby in his arms and you swear it is the most beautiful imagen "how long have you been there?" he asks.
"long enough" you say with a teasing smile, taking your daughter in your arms "take a shower while i put her on pyjamas" you tell him, pecking his lips and leaving the bathroom, making a bee line directly to your daughter's bedroom.
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lying in bed with your daughter on your chest and your husband huggging you, you couldn't find your way to dreamland. instead, you opted for watching the most precious people in your life sleep soundly.
"why arent you sleeping, darling?" jay's voice is low and heavy due to the sleepy state that he is.
"I'm just thinking" he doesn't say something back so you guess he fell asleep again, but a couple seconds later you hear his voice
"thinking about what?" he asks
"of how lucky I am for having such a beautiful family" you say and he scoots you closer, stroking your arm. "I love you so much" you not-so confess.
"Mhm, I love you too. I love you both with my whole life" jay says, and you know he means it.
you can't help but smile widely and thank any deity that gave you such an amazing husband and a precious daughter to form such a beautiful family.
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© 2024 heelust. All Rights Reserved. do not copy, translate or repost on another website. feedback are highly appreciated!
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fourmoony · 7 months
Heya I have a request <3 I've been thinking about Remus having a crush on muggle reader because he sees her walking her dog all the time when he's reading in the park or something and sirius stepping up as wingman and running up to her in animagus form forcing pretending to be Remus' dog and forcing him to talk to her
love your blog btw!!! <3
ah, thank you so much lovely! thank you, as well, for requesting - i love this idea! hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
1.3k remus x fem!reader fluff language
There's a man running towards you full pelt.
He's waving his arms, an exasperated look on his face as he huffs and puffs, cheeks crimson from exertion and the cool November breeze. You would be concerned about the fact he seems to be running straight in your direction, clearly past caring about how crazy he looks as he ignores the turned heads of other dog walkers, but it takes you maybe two seconds to deduce the dog - Padfoot, if his collar is to be believed - leaning against your hip is his.
Your own dog, Nova, has already made herself comfortable with Padfoot, sitting happily underneath his chest while you scratch the behind of his ears. He's the biggest dog you've ever seen, you think, up to your hip, standing.
Padfoot doesn't seem to be bothered in the least that his owner is clearly so upset by his apparent disappearance, the large black dog only tilting his head to look up at you, pink tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth. You can tell he's full of personality and mischief, even if he's only been at your feet for a minute or so.
The man comes to a gradual stop, resting his hands on his knees and bowing his head to catch his breath when he's in front of you. You smile kindly, still scratching the dog's ears. Padfoot isn't complaining. The man looks up, a weak sort of smile about his face and you notice that it pulls a scar above his top lip taught. He has a number of them on his face that you can see. One running across the bridge of his nose, under his right eye, and another along his left jaw. They make him no less beautiful, by any means. He's handsome. Pretty. Gorgeous.
It's actually kind of intimidating.
His hair falls in soft curls across his forehead, where you can see the tail end of another scar cutting through his eyebrow, and it's a dirty, sort of sandy blonde that brings out the hazel in his eyes. He's tall and lanky, and the oversized woollen jumper he's wearing hangs from his frame in a way that suggests it wasn't bought for him. He's staring at his dog with such distain you wonder if this is a regular occurrence.
"You," He looks at the dog, eyes narrowed, and then seems to remember himself, "I'm so sorry. He's usually better behaved."
The way he talks, looking at Padfoot, and the way Padfoot reacts, lifting his head in a manner that bleeds defiance, anyone might think the two are actually capable of holding a proper conversation. You smile, amused at the situation, "He's okay. Seems like him and Nova have become fast friends."
Your own dog, a brown, little spaniel puppy, is sitting between Padfoot's front legs happily. As if he can understand, Padfoot drops his head on top of Nova's and almost crushes her with the sheer weight. The man laughs, seemingly resigned to his fate with his mischievous dog.
"Right. Well, again, sorry." He looks entirely bashful, cheeks a beautiful shade of pink.
"No problem, honestly." You wave him off.
The man turns to go back whatever way he came, calling out for Padfoot who remains defiantly still. He calls after him again, growing slightly frustrated, before resigning to his fate when Padfoot circles you once, twice, and then entices Nova into walking slightly ahead along with him. You smile at how tiny she looks compared to the massive black dog, weaving playfully in and out of his feet as they go. He doesn't seem to mind.
"I suppose he's not ready to part with her, yet." He chuckles, holding his hand out towards the two dogs in a gesture - shall we?
You chuckle lightly, "Apparently not."
You tell him your name, and he tells you that his is Remus. It's a nice name, uncommon, you suppose. But so is his accent. Welsh, maybe? It's definitely got a twinge of something. It's endearing. You walk together through the park, along the trail, letting Nova and Padfoot lead the way. Padfoot keeps Nova out of trouble, leading her away from the other leash-less dogs that the four of you pass. There's multiple strange looks from the people you pass, clearly fascinated with Nova and Padfoot and their ridiculous size difference.
"How old is he?" You ask, nodding your head towards Padfoot, who's nosing Nova back onto the dirt path instead of allowing her to run head first into the surrounding forrest.
He's incredibly smart.
"Uhm," Remus falters, lets out a breath you assume is a laugh intended for himself, some sort of inside joke, likely, "He's twenty one."
"Oh, so he's three?" You ask, brows furrowed in confusion.
Remus hums, amused, "Something like that."
"How old is Nova?"
"Eleven months. She's still a little shit sometimes, won't take to her recall training for love nor money." You tell him.
Remus nods along, listening amicably, a smile on his face, "Bit like that bugger then?"
You share a laugh, kind eyes and appled cheeks, shoulders brushing as you walk together. Remus is nice. He's tall and handsome and he's genuinely interested in holding a conversation, despite the fact that it's your dogs who have forced you along together.
"So, what do you do for a living?" Remus asks as you round a corner, passing a couple of determined hikers heading towards the hillier trails.
You both offer them passing smiles, and one comments on how cute your dogs are. You and Remus thank them both, looking fondly at Padfoot and Nova who are happily trotting along in front, sniffing and exploring.
"I work in a little art museum out by the marina. It's quiet and cozy. What about you?"
"I own a book shop with my mate Sirius," Remus tells you, "Quiet and cozy."
You giggle at the repetition of your answer, the car park that signals the end of the trail coming in to view. The sight drops like a lead balloon in your stomach. It's strange, the feeling you get of not having wanted the trail to end, to spend more time talking to Remus. He seems to feel the same way, because he takes a deep breath, teeth sliding over his bottom lip when he notices the carpark, too.
"Did you," He falters, unsure, so you offer him an assuring smile, hope that the look in your eyes tells him you're going to say yes.
He grins back, nodding as if you've passed a silent message between you, "Did you maybe want to get coffee, sometime? Or dinner? Maybe another walk?"
"Yes, Remus. I'd like that." You nod.
Remus looks chuffed, eyes bright and twinkly, cheeks rounded with the force of his smile. He still manages to look entirely too handsome even when he's bashful as he pulls out his phone and hands it to you, a contact form already waiting. You put your number in, your name, too, and hand it back to him.
"I'll text you?" He asks.
You nod, "Text me."
Remus whistles for Padfoot, who actually complies this time, as you bend down to reattach Nova's leash. You say your goodbyes, promise to talk soon, and then go your separate ways to your car.
You're smiling to yourself the entire time you clip Nova into place, talking animatedly to her about how well behaved she was with Padfoot and you almost miss it when you shut the door, look up and notice the car Remus got into just moments ago is driving past. Your brain tells you to put your hand up and wave, but he hasn't seen you, he's too busy talking - or yelling, it looks like - at the fully grown man in his passenger seat.
He's gone a second later, pulling out of the car park as you stand there, dazed, mouth opening and closing like some sort of fish.
"What the-"
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mixtape127 · 2 months
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worlds colliding ☆ pt.1
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genre : non!idol mark lee x male reader, college au, ennemies to lovers ?
summary : what if you - kinda - had to save the world and Mark was your sidekick ? or — you need to give out fliers for a class, and Mark doesn't care about "global warming."
warnings : strong language, mark is kind of a douchebag but i swear he's sweet, not proofread yet
words : 1.6k
notes : i love this story sm, it's been in my drafts for so long and it was supposed to be about p1harmony, but i like it with mark too ! might make it in more than just 2 parts if you guys enjoy it as much as i do ! and btw, english isn't my native language, so i really do hope i actually wrote well and if i made dumb mistakes, i'm sorry :((
currently listening to :
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"thank you, please look forward to it !" y/n says, bowing multiple times, a smile enlightening his face, watching the group of students walk away with fliers in his hands. "i hope to see you there tomorrow !"
it must have been around 9:40 a.m., a chilly morning for a spring day. the sun was shining, the clouds were absent. the green leaves were showing, some still falling on the grass of the campus park. the students in short sleeves were out again, and the jocks were taking advantage of the cooler weather to work out outside. y/n looked up, his eyes squinting in the bright sunlight. he felt cold, his bones shaking. his poor denim jacket did not cover his bare arms, and his jeans with holes in them did not provide any warmth either. he smiled to himself, seeing some birds migrating elsewhere, formed into a triangle.
he blinked a few times, returning to his emotionless face, before continuing to approach some of the students in groups to give them the rest of his fliers. but none of them seemed interested, and y/n began to lose hope. his business professor had made it clear that if he couldn't get at least 20 students to donate, his semester was over. this was his last chance, and he wasn't about to let it go. his displeasure gradually began to show, the creases in his face deepening. the more people walked around him, the more his hands tightened around his fliers. it's one thing for them not to be interested, but for them to ignore him like this is another.
for a moment there was a flutter, no one was coming out or going in. he took the opportunity to catch his breath, closing his eyes.
"one... two... three..." he whispered to himself, focusing on the soft whistle of the wind.
when he opened them again, he saw a figure facing him approaching the doors of the art building behind him. y/n thought to himself that this was fate, that this boy was almost arriving with a glittering halo of light behind him, signifying y/n's last chance. he took this opportunity and approached the guy, feeling confident.
"hey, how's it going? i'm handing out fliers about globa-..."
a brief gust of wind caressed the skin of his face. again, no response. the boy stalked his way, his headphones screwed to his ears, only giving y/n a small glance. he stood there, watching the boy's back as he walked away. he finally admitted to himself that this time, his pride had been shattered into a thousand pieces, and someone had come to trample it right after. he noted in a corner of his head that he didn't like the idea at all. but it was without realizing it that his legs responded alone, quickly approaching the young black-haired student. he patted him on the shoulder vigorously and handed him the previously crumpled paper in his hands when the latter turned around.
Mark, on his side, put on a bewildered face, one eyebrow raised. he was sure that he had deliberately ignored this boy just a few seconds ago. his day was not starting very well. his dog had chewed on his last pair of freshly bought shoes, his roommate — Donghyuck — had finished his favourite cereal and the hot water had been turned off on his floor. then finally his bus... never came, so he set out to walk to the university, realizing halfway there that his wireless headphones were out of battery. he'd wasted about ten minutes buying wired ones just to survive the rest of the day. and it was also at that very moment, coming out of the convenience store, that he promised himself he'd keep a spare pair of headphones in the bottom of his bag, just in case.
he took out one of his headphones, and uttered an extremely nonchalant "what? i'm late." he didn't mean to sound mean or disapproving, but the day was already taking its toll on him. he almost wondered what kind of people were picking on him so much, and for what reason? had he been too mean to the salesman last night, when he asked him to get out of the store because Mark was singing EXO's music at the top of his lungs? was he too dismissive of his singing teacher when she told him to stop doing 'too much'? and then, what do you mean 'too much'? Mark really didn't like that word, even less when it described his singing.
y/n, on the other hand, waved the paper in front of his nose. he was frustrated with his morning, especially with the way people responded to him. and especially the way Mark said 'what'. he wondered why people were in such a bad mood in the morning. he let out a breath to regain his composure before starting.
"before you cut me off, i think taking this won't hurt you. i'm really passionate about this cause, so i will give you this flier. and if i have to shove it down your throat, i'll do it." he pressed the piece of paper against the boy's chest in front of him. "thank you, and have a great day."
y/n bowed before rotating drastically, turning his back on Mark. he put his hand on his heart, which was now pounding in his chest. not because the black-haired boy was a living god, but because he felt he was getting carried away and tangled up in his words. how people see him matters a lot to him, even if he doesn't talk about it much. and he knew that this interaction was going to play over and over in his head tonight and keep him awake.
"what a fucking weirdo..." Mark muttered once y/n was far enough away.
he clutched the flier in his hands before resuming his journey to his class, which was really about to start. what do you mean 'i'll shove it down your throat'? he shook his head from left to right, pushed open the door and quickly dashed down the left corridor, hitting someone in the shoulder on his way.
Mark hardly turned around, just to give a weak look to the brown man who was bending while getting lost in excuses, and he took a quick walk to room 208. once in front of it, he opened the door and quickly sneaked to his place, at the back left of the room, managing to pass out of the radar of his teacher, who hadn't even noticed his absence until then.
once seated, he took out some of his things, not forgetting his bottle of fresh orange juice, something he bought every Tuesday morning to give himself luck during that long day. Tuesdays were never really his days, always bad and gloomy. he wasn't superstitious, but if Tuesdays could disappear completely, his world would be much better.
as he took his notebook out of his backpack, the flier given to him by y/n slid silently to the ground. Mark bent down to pick it up, not failing to roll his eyes as he placed it back on the table. but his eyes were drawn to a large headline.
he chuckled silently, before turning the paper over to see the back, finding that there was nothing written on it, and crumpled it up in his hand before tossing it into his backpack. saving the world was not in his plans. not today. 
maybe tomorrow... who knows? and he did. he saved y/n's world, in some sort of way the day right after.
"it will serve you better than me."
y/n blinked a few times, frowning in front of his phone, which was playing a summer song, although outside, it was raining damn heavily. he wondered if the voice came from someone talking to a friend behind him, or from his headphones. but the whistle sound in his right ear brought him back to reality. he let out a faint "i'm not a fucking dog-" before looking at the umbrella someone was holding upon his head, then at a guy with brown hair. it takes some time for y/n to connect the dots — maybe because of some sort of poor eyesight — but when he does, his mouth opens up wide.
"you're the guy from yesterday that said "what" so nonchalantly it made my day way worse than it was already !"
Mark rolled his eyes. "i'm trying to save the world, being a hero, i'm landing you my umbrella." with a devilish grin, he removes the umbrella from above y/n's head. "but if you want, i can leave too."
"i'm surprised you read that flier you hated so much." he mutters.
y/n did not know if he should accept, but after all, it won't kill him and it will keep him from getting sick. even though he loved hanging out in bed instead of going to class, getting sick was one of the things he hated the most.
"thanks a lot... um... what's your name?"
he took the umbrella and put it over his head while nodding, repeating Mark's name quietly like he was getting used to it. their eyes met again before Mark got swept away by Donghyuck's reminder that the bus was there and it wouldn't wait for them. he let himself be swept away, and a minute later, y/n's silhouette evaporated in the distance, through the mist on the bus windows.
Mark was lost in thought. and he noticed that his name sounded pretty coming out of y/n's mouth.
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whiteruncat · 4 months
I hope Netflix never gets ahold of another person’s artwork in attempt of a LA like they did with ATLA. If you can’t fully honor someone’s art and respect their ideas then don’t bother with a LA. It’s the most legal form of stealing artwork and creativity. It’s just cruel. And it’s so agitating to see the people saying “Well they tried” “They did their best” “You have to consider” Netflix should have been the ones to consider that maybe they should never have took on something they couldn’t do correctly. They have disrespected so many characters.
* Netflix took out sexism only to throw is back in! Yeah Sokka was sexist but the level of audacity to make the mighty Kyoshi Warrior Suki just another romantic interest is shameful.
* What happened to Katara saving a village of earthbenders? Katara started out strong and only got stronger by walking boldly with compassion, love, and the strength to help those around her.
* Let’s not forget about Bato & Hakoda. They are honorable and respected warriors of the Southern Water Tribe. Neither of them would let Sokka pass his ice dodging test if he failed it. They both love Sokka and respect Sokka too much to lie to him. Sokka passed his ice dodging test btw with Katara, Aang, and Bato.
* Ozai’s attitude towards Azula doesn’t make sense at all. Ozai basks in the glory of being a powerful firebender. His identity is firebending. Ozai married Ursa so his children would be powerful firebenders. Ozai wanted to kill baby Zuko because he wasn’t a powerful firebender. Ozai almost killed Zuko again after he rudely asked for the thrown and was told to sacrifice his son. Azula is Ozai’s pride and joy. She’s the firebending prodigy that’s perfect. Azula has never had to worry about whether her father loves her because Ozai has always favored Azula.
* Just me thing but I think Ozai was way scarier without a face. Only knowing him as Zuko’s father that burned his eye was like wow this dude is evil. Then the season 1 ending with Azula was an ominous beginning for them both.
* It’s kind of sad seeing Sokka so unconfident as a warrior. Sokka is a genius and he’s a warrior. He saw through Jet and saved a village. He played airball with Aang to cheer him up at the Southern Air Temple. Sokka helped trick the Sages to open the door for Aang to meet Roku. Sokka also got covered in snot when he first met Appa.
* Pakku didn’t find Katara’s necklace on the ground and I can’t believe they’re going to just write off Gramp Gramp like that. Why doesn’t Aang ever learn waterbending? Like the first season/book is called water and he is supposed to go the North Pole to learn waterbending. He doesn’t even know any waterbending by the end of the first season. You wrote out Iroh hitting on June but you wrote in June hitting on Iroh. Seriously?? Is Smellerbee the only girl in this LA that’s correctly done right? The Cave of Two Lovers isn’t even in season one!! It’s in season two.
* Bumi was done dirty. Aang, Katara, and Sokka got arrested for being goofy kids and destroying cabbages. Bumi came off as this mad king that was giving Aang three deadly challenges. Each one Aang had to think differently to solve. At the end when Aang realized the king was Bumi they laughed together and reminisced. Bumi set it up to show Aang that he would have to face many difficulties ahead as the avatar. He had no hard feelings towards Aang once. Bumi was so hateful in the LA towards Aang he acted like he flat out just wanted to hurt Aang.
* Aang is another big one obviously. He’s a kid and that’s just how he acts. Aang also chose to runaway. He was almost alone once he learned about being the avatar. His friends didn’t play the way they used to. And his best friend Gyatsu was all he had. When Aang heard they were going to take him away from Gyatsu he ran away because he knew that he would be alone. Being avatar wasn’t so much seen as a heavy responsibility at the time to a kid like Aang but it was the cause of his loneliness and he resented the title. Learning the abilities that followed were cool to Aang because he wasn’t alone and had new friends. LA Aang acts so serious and mature when Aang is serious-ly not mature at all.
I have to congratulate Netflix on one thing though. I hated the LA so much it made me miss the animated ATLA so I went out to the store and bought the animated set. Rewatching it is reliving the best days of my life.
I don’t blame any actors in the LA. I truly think they all did the best with what Netflix gave them. It’s not easy to act with bad script. 10/10 would have loved to have seen them in a good LA of ATLA made by the creators.
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jessicas-pi · 9 days
DIRECTOR'S CUT ON COMMIT TO THE BIT but only like the first two chapters i am so far behind 😭
girl I wish I had been as productive as you think i've been 😭 there's only two chapters so far-
(But, hey, good news! Chapter three is verging ever closer to probably being done! And it's only taken me about... eight months... hahaha *dies on the inside*)
Anyway, i'll do what I did with the other ask and just go through it and talk about stuff!
Okay, so this fic was originally called "The Con" because it involved winning a lot more bets via subterfuge and holding hands. That changed and so I renamed it!
Oh yeah! And so, this fic was partly inspired by the song Summer Nights from Grease, where the guys and girls are enthusiastically listening to completely different stories of the same event. I flipped it around so they had completely different reactions to the same story and Sabine and Ezra were very UNenthusiastic and that was what the scenes with their friends were based on!
Aylan (the vostress kid) definitely heard some obitine stories from his dad and finds the parallels very amusing.
I know i've said it a few times before, but it always delights me to mention that the three Togruta sisters (Chisica, Am-lee, and Khenna) are based on me and my sisters.
OHHH fun fact! Originally the conversation where they split up the profits from the bet and the conversation where Sabine brought up fake-dating were two different conversations! The first one was as-is in the fic, but the other one happened like a week later when Sabine was hanging out in a tree coral with some of the girls and watching Ezra doing lightsaber forms and maybe drawing him shirtless a little bit and they hype her up to "ask him out again" and she goes over and interrupts him and they end up having the fake-dating idea conversation while he's not wearing a shirt and she's blatantly checking him out (and at one point actually half-reaches-out to touch his abs before she catches herself) and he's just "????" the whole time. It was funny, but I decided it was too early in the (fake) relationship for her to be so obvious about it, and I needed Fenn Rau to overhear the conversation and that was easier if they were on the Ghost, so I combined the scenes.
Oh also! Originally, both Vinn AND Tarik were gonna get kicked out of the friend group for being nasty but then I decided to make Tarik less nasty and give him a redemption arc.
ok, reading on, la de da...
The post-stargazing scene! So, I had to keep dialing things back because my shippy writer brain was moving their relationship ahead WAY faster than it was supposed to go. For example, in this scene, originally, they were going to share Sabine's bunk and definitely not cuddle or anything, it won't be weird at all, but again--just too soon. I made up for it with excessive cuddles in the end of the chapter & in chapter 2.
KATKA CAMEO!! Ok so for those who don't know---katka is an OC from my Teenage Rebellion AU. She's Gar Saxon's niece but she's utter sweetness (with a slight twist of crazy) and totally on board to stick it to the Empire. In the TRAU, she also has a massive raging crush on Ezra (albeit an Inquisitor iteration of him), so when I needed a random character to be envious of Sabine here, I figured I'd reuse her lol.
Oh yeah! Another condensed scene! Where she tells him about the Mandalorian ways of saying "I love you" and where she asks him to fake marry her used to be two different scenes! Like with the other one, I added the second one to the first. I went through a few versions of the fake-marriage-proposal, including one where Aylan came along with Ezra to Mandalore and was the one to suggest they tie the knot, apparently unaware it's all fake (but actually 100% aware it's all fake because his psychometry revealed it)
not to brag or anything but "Ezra did not regret fake-marrying into money" is one of my favorite lines i've ever written.
(btw, I still crack up when I remember that in your comment on chapter 1, you called Ezra a repressed victorian maiden for panicking over being able to see sabine's arms and legs. and I think everyone should know that You Are Right, Ezra Is A Repressed Victorian Maiden.)
i had so much fun with this chapter because they're both full to bursting with love for each other and neither of them will admit it until the last possible moment. I think that might actually be why Chapter 3 is taking so long--they're not hiding their feelings anymore so there's no more poetic internal monologues about how much they adore each other lol
Ah yeah on the topic of repressed feelings--the line "Kanan is fairly sure it’ll take at least five years and possibly a child for Sabine to admit that she’s actually in love with her husband" was supposed to actually be what happened. Sabine and Ezra were going to go on pretending the marriage was fake for years and finally one night when they were cuddled up, Sabine blurted out that she was in love with him and he was like "Yeah. I know." and she was like "wait what?? how did you know?? I was so subtle about my feelings!!" and he was like "Sabine, you kissed me good-night ten minutes ago. you're constantly calling me extremely romantic pet names in mando'a. we have two children and only one of them is adopted. your feelings are about as subtle as a paint bomb to the face." and she was just like "....oh." and then that was the end of the story! BUUUUT then I decided to do a love confession during the Lothal arc, and that led to the... surprise... at the end of chapter 2, which led to there needing to be a THIRD chapter!
OH HAHA OK MORE FUNNY STUFF. So the part with sabine's nightmare that leads to the "two besties chilling in a bathtub...?" scene was ALSO split up into two different events! I've been thinking about doing some edits of both chapters of CttB because I didn't really stop to edit either of them before posting (and a good chunk of chapter 2 was literally written the day before I posted it), which I mention because I was considering reverting the two scenes back to their original versions because the og tub scene was pretty funny. It's hard to describe in brief words, but basically... yeah it's too hard to describe, just take my word for it, it was pretty funny. (it involved Ezra singing along to We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together with a shampoo bottle for a microphone and Tristan playing a petty revenge prank that goes sideways.)
The cut between Ezra worrying about Sabine being upset about his feelings for her and thinking "what would she think if she knew??", and sabine's pov opening with "Sabine can't stop thinking about kissing his stupid face" never fails to make me snicker.
Oh hey I just got to the thrawn pov and that reminds me. at one point I was thinking about having a scene including Ezra and Thrawn's conversation aboard the Chimaera and thrawn REAAAALLLY pushes his buttons about Sabine, using the information that he figured out about their marriage. Actually, if I do that edit, I might write that scene.
Poor Hera--she keeps unintentionally being responsible for all of the sabezra relationship development lol.
OOH SOMETHING ELSE! So, originally, the love confession was WAY different. First of all, it wasn't in their room--it was in one of the caves. Sabine still went looking for Ezra, but she found him by following a Loth-wolf. And he actually confessed his feelings first! In this version, he was afraid he was going to die and impulsively blurted out that he loved her. Then he got nervous and started rambling a little and she shut him up with a kiss. But I changed it--I wanted her to be the one to take the leap and 'fess up, and if I set it in her room, I could have the funny Ketsu scene afterwards.
And then True Love's Kiss woke someone else up! (aka kanan got yoinked out of his comatose state by telepathic TMI)
oh yeah and to anyone wondering, that "another dawn breaks" line from the Kanera scene was ABSOLUTELY a reference to A New Dawn.
Oh and that Ketsu scene---that was actually a scene I saved and reused after cutting it from a different WIP of mine! There were two variations--the one I ended up using, and one where she accidentally interrupts the very first kiss and they're both like "OH COME ON!" because they've been waiting for this moment FOREVER and like ten seconds in, it gets interrupted, and Ezra decides that, darn it, he's been waiting for this for so long, he's not going to wait any longer! and he just pulls Sabine right back into the kiss and uses the Force to shut the door in Ketsu's face. I did this version so that I could include dialogue!
I'm just now realizing that I actually skipped over the entirety of Family Reunion and Farewell, I went straight from Jedi Night to Happy-Ever-After. But in my defense, plot-relevant episodes don't matter much when it comes to crack fix-it fics.
And... I think that's all my thoughts I have on this! Thank you for the ask!! :)
*roll end credits*
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intotheseas · 3 months
Hello 👋. I hope you take requests. I have just a little tiny one. I would give my arm and leg to see someone being brave enough to call us a MUDBLOOD in a way Ominis and/or Sebastian could hear. Ahhhh, the angst and drama would be perfect for a crippling insomniac reader (like myslef) Thank you so much in advance. Love your work btw
One, I'm honoured you'd say that, so thank you! Two, absolutely! Writing violence is kinda foreign to me, so this is short and I'm sorry if it's awful haha. Also, I hope you don't mind but I took this as an opportunity to play around with present tense a little. Here's what I came up with. Hope you like it! :)
Tainted - 1,014 words - contains graphic violence, read below the break or here on AO3.
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The library’s floor-length windows cast the last of the sun’s light across Sylvia’s table. The dusty smell of books and sound of pages turning surrounds her, lulling her into a stupor. She’s yawning, diligently scratching the last of her essay onto parchment. Plans for a night spent by the fire with her friends Ominis and Sebastian form in her mind when a malicious voice speaks behind her.
“Can’t believe they let that filthy Mudblood into Slytherin. It’s like this school doesn’t stand for anything anymore. What’s the point of being proud of your house when they’re allowing any old trash in now?” The voice is cruel, mocking. Clearly, he wants her to hear. 
The bitter words cut at Sylvia like a blunted knife. Mudblood? Yet another thing to learn about this strange new world. Compared to the orphanage she spent her life in, Hogwarts is another beast entirely. Coming in as a fifth year has been intimidating enough, but the politics and prejudices of wizardkind mystify her. She assumes she’s supposed to feel insulted, but it’s difficult when she doesn’t even know what the word means.
Sylvia turns around to see two older Slytherin boys leering at her and sniggering. Probably seventh years, she guesses. She meets their eyes, an eyebrow raised. “Sorry, Mudblood? Care to explain?” 
They stop laughing and glare. “We don’t speak to subhumans,” one retorts. Venom drips from his voice, and Sylvia’s a little surprised at the overt malice in his eyes. She hasn’t spoken to them once, yet they clearly hate her. “Do all of wizardkind a favour and go back to the muggles. Your kind isn’t wanted here,” the other boy says. They rise from their seats, passing her in a huff, the latter knocking his bag roughly against her shoulder.  
She stares after them, bemused. Insults are nothing new to her; she’s more than used to hearing things like “worthless”, “peasant”, and “pity case” from muggles. They stopped hurting a long time ago. Growing up in an orphanage quickly taught her to fend for herself and stay out of petty arguments. Sylvia shrugs, returning to the last words of her essay. 
Later, she relaxes in front of the fire with Sebastian and Ominis. The warmth is comforting as they joke and share a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. Sylvia has a soft spot for Ominis and picks the nastiest beans out of his pile, furtively puts them in Sebastian’s for a laugh. His expressions when he tastes the earwax flavour are all the reward she needs. It’s a comfortable dynamic the three have built in the months since Sylvia came to Hogwarts, marked by a love language of banter and trust. 
She’s about to open another box when a hand grips the back of the sofa, knocking against her shoulder. “Dirty fucking Mudblood, already getting cosy with Slytherin boys, huh? Bet you’re as easy as your blood is filthy.” She turns back, meeting the eye of the older boy who taunted her in the library. She’s about to tell him she doesn’t know what a Mudblood is, but Ominis is already on his feet and facing the boy, his wand out. His face contorts into a livid scowl.
“Pardon? Care to elaborate, Williams? Or perhaps you’d prefer to fuck off.” His voice is icy. 
Williams sneers. “No surprise that the Gaunt blood traitor would defend the Mudblood. Is it just the two of you, or do you share her with Sallow?” 
Sebastian barks out a laugh. His arms are crossed, a defiant look on his face. “Why? Are you interested in joining?” 
Sylvia leans over to Sebastian, whispers. “What on earth is a Mudblood, anyway? He called me that earlier in the library, too.” He looks back at her, the humour gone from his eyes. 
“It’s pretty much one of the worst things you can call someone,” he mutters back. “Means someone who has magic but was born to muggles. It’s supposed to imply their blood is dirty.” 
Sylvia laughs. “Wait, that’s supposed to be hurtful?” She turns around again, tilts her head up proudly and meets Williams’ eye. “Why should I feel insulted by something I have no control over? If you wanted an excuse to talk to me, you could have just said hi, you know.” 
Williams’ jaw clenches, his eyes narrowed. “Know. Your. Place. Mudblood,” he spits. His fists shake at his side for a moment, and then he slaps her, hard. The crack of his open palm against Sylvia’s face stuns her for a moment, and when she gathers her wits, both Ominis and Sebastian are already on top of him. 
Ominis holds the boy down by his robes while Sebastian lands blows on Williams’ face. “Call our friend a fucking Mudblood, will you? How’s this feel?” William’s head smacks against the stone floor with a loud crack as Sebastian lands one last punch. Blood trickles from his mouth, bruises already blooming across his cheek.
Sebastian stands up and spits on him, his face a mask of utter disdain. “It’s filth like you that taints the name of Slytherin, not muggle-borns. Fucking disgusting.” He looks at the crowd gathering to see the spectacle. “Anyone else want to call anyone a Mudblood?” 
No one speaks.  
He kicks Williams’ side and returns to the couch, grabbing the box of sweets from Sylvia. Ominis joins them. “I’m sorry you had to witness that,” he murmurs. “Utter pettiness. If that happens again, come to us. We’ll take care of it.” 
Behind them, Williams crawls toward the exit to the common room. Sebastian turns his head casually. “By the way, Williams, you tell anyone about this and they’ll hear all about what you’ve been calling Sylvia!” he sings. “Hope you have Wiggenweld handy!”
“You guys really didn’t need to do that, but…thanks,” Sylvia says. She feels warmth spreading in her chest. It’s a little foreign to her, but not unwelcome. Maybe it isn’t so bad to depend on others, she thinks. She picks out the grossest beans from Sebastian’s pile and tosses them into the fire.
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I've been thinking that after a while of Chris sleeping in his very old Fortress, that he now shares with Mar'i and Jake ever since they've came into his life now, one day the Kent family, who usually run by the place daily in their wolf forms while playing with eachother or while just going by to take care of some errands, finally meet him too one day
It's Jon and Conner though. They were supposed to go to the market together to get some of the food that Lois wrote down on a list for them, but it was a really hot day, so the two Super brothers decided to stop in front of the old fortress for a bit
Jon convinces Conner that they should rest for a bit in the old Fortress since it's cool enough in there to make them feel better, so that's what they did. The two brothers were both surprised that they've never thought of exploring inside of the place before after passing it so many times already everyday in the past. They look around intrigued and meet Chris who taps them both on the shoulder to get their attention
Both him and the two boys screamed at seeing eachother since both are unexpected beings to one another, but calm down soon after. Mar'i and Jake weren't there that day, so Chris was alone on his own and thought it would be nice to try and start getting to know other people too like the Kent boys, since he's begun to gain more social confidence now
Just like the Grayson siblings, both Jon and Conner get to know Chris and his past and why he's there and become instant friends with him. They both promise to visit him as everyday to keep him company
After this, Clark and Lois both become suspicious and start wondering where the boys have been going everyday, especially after seeing them leave the house all the time with things of theirs, like comic books, Nintendo switches + games, sketchbooks with markers and pencils, and other things
They secretly follow them one day since they don't feel like they get enough answers out of them and find out that they've actually been spending time at the old fortress this whole time. The boys find out and introduce them to Chris. Clark and Lois feel horrible to find out that he's a lonely kid who never really had things going good for himself in his life before and immediately decide to adopt him into their family and let him live in their home with them, so that he won't be by himself anymore
Mar'i and Jake come back next time to visit him at the fortress, but see that he's gone. They find out that he's living with the Kents now and feel so much joy seeing how happy he is with his new life and they both still get to hang out with him very often
(Sorry if this is really long btw, just wanted to share)
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Oh I like this…..I like it A LOT 💙💖💙💖💙
I like this way of bringing all the characters together and how accepting Lois and Clark are with Chris
It’s heartwarming stuff
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applesontheground · 9 months
💘 house call 💉
sending birthday wishes to @bisexual-horror-fan! as always, utterly thankful for a great friendship, and how else to show it by making our barbies kiss each other? this was another hypothetical we had talked about a little after the last cross-canon piece -- how the triads would react to properly meeting each other -- and in my nature i ran to write it for the special day.
(btw, i def intend for this to be something that happens outside the events of prometheus/post the "oh my god they finally hooked up" moment that's still coming. it's a slow burn after all, so spoilers that they get together eventually, i suppose?)
also: just to avoid confusion since there are a severe lack of names in this, i use she/her for the TTHITOW reader and they/them for the YOP reader!
SFW | Word Count: 2,771 | Tiffany Valentine x Reader x Charles Lee Ray & Herbert West x Reader x Daniel Cain contains canon typical/injury, compliant with Through The Heart Is The Only Way and Your Own Prometheus
In the dead of night, a car went squealing down the road. Trying to get away from an audience of dark windows, clear and open like crystal eyes peering into where they were going – and more importantly, who they were.
“Stop lettin’ go of it, you’re just gonna bleed out!”
“I’m not. Tiff, don’t fuckin-! OW!”
Another yelp from the backseat made the tires squeal, causing a sharp turn being made and the woman behind the wheel to finally slam both her palms down in an aggravated motion. “I can’t drive straight if you two are screaming in my ear! I just can’t!” She cried, hands white knuckling as they returned to take control.
Chucky looked to the ceiling of the car cabin, rolling his eyes and disguising it as agony to keep both of his girls off his back. Tiffany swung around from the passenger seat, and she argued, “He’s the one that says we can’t go to a hospital, especially not with the sorry sap in the back.”
Being reminded of the body in the trunk, the waitress rolled her neck but finally gritted, “No, nope. Fuck it, I have somewhere better than a hospital. Somewhere far safer for all of us, sealed lips and all.”
“Sure, sure. Take us wherever is best right now, baby cakes.” Tiffany finally softened, an arm on the crook of her elbow. “Only thing I have t’ask is where it is.”
“…Across from a cemetery…one town over or so…” She mulled, then quickly insisted, “A friend of mine, they work as a document runner. Believe me, we can trust them-“
“Oh, that’s nice. Perfect, just what we needed.” Chucky grimaced in a sarcastic bite, but the waitress snapped, “For God’s sake, if I’m your accomplice you could let me fucking finish-” Tiffany gave a downright diabolical look to him, patting the waitress’ arm as she mustered the patience. “…They got a couple doctors for roommates.”
“Oh,” His hands came up in a shrug, “Fine, that’s actually better than I thought.
Let’s make a house call. Sure they’d fuckin’ love that at this time of the night.”
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Knock on the door.
From inside the house, the sole person in the kitchen looked up from the counter. First at the door an ocean’s away with the desolate living room seeming so vast; then at the clock on the mantle. Finally, a familiar voice hushing on the other side made them sprout up from their seat, discarding the question of a warrant before entering that had been forming in their mind. Even though no one else was on the main floor with them, they couldn’t help sneaking, the heavy quiet making them very aware of their own footsteps.
Opening the door, their eyes fell, a little disheveled in an expected way for this time of the night but growing in moments at the scene before them. Two women holding a man between them, one of them they recognized like the back of their hand. If there wasn’t a dark stain trailing down the man’s torso, they would’ve been quicker to say hello.
“Is everyone home?” The waitress asked, giving a pointed look from under one of his arms. The courier stammered, “I- They’re…” They looked to one woman, then the other. Finally, the man for only a brief glimpse as they answered more confidently, “They’re downstairs, but I can…Oh my god,come inside.” Forgetting formality, they held the door open.
“Downstairs, like in a basement?” Chucky clarified. Tiffany sighed, “What else could we be talking about, huh? Come on, you’re bleeding all over the porch.”
“Oh yeah, let’s go inside and bleed on the carpet-“ He snarked, his other girlfriend lingering by the door to catch a worrisome glance from the courier. Still, they smirked as she murmured, “I can explain, I promise. Thank you so much. We just couldn’t go to the hospital, you know.”
“Sure, of course.” They assured, nothing else needed to be said as they guided them in. One last look into the street, across it to the cemetery for a beat, then they closed the door behind them.
“Good timing. I had just been up and walking around when you pulled up.” The courier explained, ushering an open jar of peanut butter behind the toaster on the counter, one second upright and another crouched down, opening a drawer where you might expect them to keep the pots. Looking over one shoulder, they offered, “You can take a seat anywhere you’d like, by the way.”
“So, sweets.” Chucky rolled his eyes over to the waitress, and teased, “Do you have multiple pals that happen to be bangin’ a couple doctors, or is this who I think it is? Be honest.” The courier perked up, trying not to smirk. “She’s told you about me?”
Chucky shot a look towards the woman on his left. “All I’m saying is that you told me that you weren’t taking me to the Frankensteins. What do we mean by doctors, exactly?”
The waitress asked, “Do you want to be taken care of without the legal work or not?” and the courier lamented as they set some medical supplies on the counter, “Do we have to word it like that?” The gears continuing to turn in their head as they tore the seal on a bottle of peroxide, they then repeated in a confused tone: “Frankensteins?”
Seeing them busy quickly, even finding a pair of nitrile gloves conveniently stashed with the rest of the supplies and wasting no time to stretch them over their hands, Chucky scoffed, “Well, this whole household’s full of doctors, huh?” They met eyes with him and chirped, “Oh no, I’m a courier for the county, actually.” He gave a look of concern back down to the heavy tear – both through his sweater and doubling down into his skin – above his stomach.
They then hummed, “It’s alright. When you live with people in the business, you learn a little. Believe me, I may not be licensed but I know what I’m doing. I’ve patched up those doctors themselves a few times when they weren’t able to.”
“What, when they burn their hand on the stove or something?” Chucky scoffed, getting a small laugh from the courier. “Sure, or when they stub their toe on a doorframe.” They went along with it, shrugging casually but their smile slightly bent into a disguised grimace.
Chucky sighed, half from the load off he took on a barstool by the counter and half by the return of his humor. “Sure. Just like everyone here, you also know a thing or two about all that necromancy garbo, too. I know a sadist when I see one.”
The courier’s kind eyes grew wide. “Oh, did she tell you about that, or…?” They met eyes again, both confused now. He mumbled out, “…No? No, I was- I was joking, buddy.”
Before they could rewind their terrified expression, a door opening down the hall towards the right side of the house made their head snap towards it. They dropped the gauze from their hands into Tiffany’s lap. She merely watched in shock as the poor thing nearly lost balance shooting around the counter.
“The boys must be in.” Tiffany mused, one hand resuming the work they had been doing but still giving a curious glance towards the doorway where they had slipped out of sight.
Hushed conversation. The courier begging with a quiet, “please” was all they caught before they slipped back around the doorway and cleared their throat so all three people in the kitchen looked over. There were emerging figures from the hall, still shrouded in the deep dark of the corridor but still clear enough to see that one was taller, lankier while the other had a pair of metallic-framed glasses.
“These are friends of mine. They ran into some trouble and just needed the help.” The courier explained, “Friends, these are my partners.” The two men finally followed as they walked back in, the light showing their faces far better. The taller one was quick to react, giving a confused nod before his eyes settled on the blood seeping across the counter, finding the source and immediately softening in stature at the sight, concern making him antsy in how he stood behind the other two. His counterpart was far less disposed to it, still giving a close look to the courier, a raise of the eyebrows when they locked stares in a silent ask of ‘All this, and you brought them inside?’
“Oh, that one’s definitely a freak.” Chucky cringed under his breath, both of his girlfriends slapping hands over their own mouths and then his with the free ones. The courier disregarded it, ignoring the offense from one man by saying his name. “Herbert, Dan. This is a friend I meet up with every Thursday after late runs, and … her partners. Chucky and Tiffany?” Looking in a silent question to the other two just to be safe, both silently greeted in affirmation.
“Sorry about the blood, you guys. I know tricks on how to get it out of linoleum if you need.” Tiffany mentioned to them as both men tried to find their place in the scene unfolding. Dan quickly responded, shaking his head hurriedly and trying to crack an edgeless smile for her, “Oh, we got cleanup down well. I, uh- “ He gestured to the courier, “They get nosebleeds a lot, actually. Don’t you, honey?” Briefly pecking each other on the lips, the courier put a hand to Dan’s lower back and commented, “Yeah, about that. They know we do more than nosebleeds around here.”
“They what?” Herbert turned from the counter, paused in his movement to find some gauze. He even held it close to one shoulder, like he was about to abstain from the entire ordeal, but Dan quickly snatched it from him. Knowing there were more pressing matters, he came around the counter and asked Chucky, “How did you manage something so bloody? At this time of night, too?”
“Believe me, it’s better you don’t ask. What’s important is making sure I don’t die around your boyfriend over there.” Chucky grimaced, earning a suppressed glance from the man.
Herbert snorted at that, the courier cringing to themselves as Dan assured him, “Come on, you’re not doing that. You haven’t lost enough blood to die, I promise.” The courier then added kindly, “You’d need a lot more than that, actually.”
“I’m sure stranger things have happened,” Herbert warned, making Dan finally frown over at him as the courier hissed, “Enough.”
Chucky groaned, “For Christ’s sake, I think I know where this caravan is going. We all kill people, or at least know about the whole murder ordeal, so let’s stop being a bunch of pusses while we have this small talk, huh?”
“Kill people?” Dan echoed, half terrified of the mere mention but trying to disguise it as confusion.
“Oh, murder?” The word stained Herbert’s tongue, like a bad burn, “Is that what you call it?”
The courier scoffed at him, “I didn’t give them that word.” Giving a pointed look back, like they were growing exasperated from the assumptions, they silently resolved the issue and looked back to the others.
“Huh, we seem to know a little more ‘bout each other than I thought. Have you been yapping, too?” Tiffany then asked the waitress, crossing her arms to make the other woman huff, “Not…not anything specific about what you and Chuck do for a living, if that’s what you mean.”
“Well, we can understand now, can’t we?” Herbert piped up again, the courier handing him a pair of gloves as he now joined the small circle forming in the center of the room, “We don’t need to be so discrete: If you must know, I met Daniel in a morgue and the other one sneaking around two nights after they had moved in.” Even though it was a bit rude, the courier seemed tickled by the use of the other one, and when Tiffany noticed with a narrow of her eyes they whispered, “Long story.”
The right man for the job, Dan closed in as the one in charge of patching Chucky up. Herbert watched in a thinly veiled , but was soon distracted by the courier, who mosied over and took his fiddling hands. He gave them a tough look, but it was ignored in favor of peppering a soft kiss to one knuckle, whispering something that made him roll his eyes but finally release the tension in his hands and let them rest on his sides.
He fell far more content with watching, their chin on his shoulder as they mouthed, “God, he’s handsome, isn’t he?” Herbert didn’t respond, but a contemplative glance back over at Dan was all the courier needed to smile a little. They met eyes with the waitress, and they couldn’t help but feel some sort of strangely placed perfection in how they acted with the two misfits that had emerged from the depths of this strange little house in the middle of some desolate valley of silence and almost crypt-like complacency.
The waitress then turned her attention back to her own two. Tiffany had been idly speaking with Dan, but as soon as the awful gash in Chucky’s side was no longer visible under a healthy layer of gauze she was looking at him.
Dan finally gave them space, nodding one last time before walking over to the sink to wash his hands, meeting the other two there. Putting a hand on his shoulder, the waitress grinned as they shared a kiss themselves as Tiffany huffed, “Very nice work, Dan. My man’s almost good as new. If only you could fix that clunky chip on his shoulder.” Chucky made a face, and muttered, “Keep talking like that, and I’m running away with this one.” The waitress giggled, slapping him on the shoulder playfully as he pulled her into the two of them, giving her a kiss as well. A dim thought fell over her, and her smile faded as she murmured, “Well, now we just need to scrap the body that’s still in the car.”
There was a plastic clatter on the counter over by the sink, the triad looking at them while Dan slowly turned off the water. “You guys brought the body?” The courier gasped, and Chucky shrugged, “What, were we supposed to leave it out in the open with our fingerprints all over it?”
Tiffany then pointed out, “Well, we’re by a cemetery, we can just find a hole in the ground and take care of it.” She looked at Dan, who was shooting a gaze to the living room with the window pointing towards the graveyard. “You guys know a good spot for that, I suppose?”
“Body disposal?” Dan murmured, letting one of his dry hands slip around the courier’s hip, having them fit snug against him. Chucky jutted his chin towards him. “What, are any of you gonna say something?”
Tiffany then sighed, “Whether it’s burying the guy, dissolvin’ him in a bathtub like you see in those over-the-top crime shows…I dunno, we just need it gone one way or another, so we all don’t go to jail.” The courier gave a careful look to the hem of their shirt, streaked a bit with blood that had been lingering on someone’s hand while they had brushed past them.
Finally, Dan offered, “Well…we can help with that, too. I-If you want, I mean- we know how difficult…” Listening to him stumble, the courier’s arm came up to press their fingers into his back in mute support, “It can be to get rid of evid- Bodies, all of that stuff.” He finally swallowed his last thoughts, looking down at the tile floor with an almost ill look on his face.
Herbert stopped rubbing the smudges from his glasses, placing them back on his face. When he got another uncertain glance from the waitress, he then mused more to his partners than them with an amused tone.
“Yes, I think that can be arranged.”
Tiffany beamed, “Great, so it’s a double date?”
The courier looked over at the waitress, and instead of anxiety, confusion, worry… There was a glimmer of mischief on the way they pursed their lips. It was more to hide a smirk than to express discomfort, and the waitress had to put a hand over their mouth to hide the matching smile.
It was dangerous; they had a match made in Hell and they weren’t sorry about it.
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asterkiss · 1 year
Could you do number 120 from the sarcasm prompts if ur still taking requests? it fits mabel and bill too well!!
(( btw sorry for liking a bunch of ur posts at once, It's easier to save them to read later that way 😭))
Never apologise for binge liking my stuff, seeing it all gives me happy feelings inside! <3
'Gross, gross, get off me!' Mabel yelled, batting the zombie off her as the decomposed corpse tried to grab her head. She saw a flash of teeth as it tried to chomp on her arm like a chew toy before a baseball bat swung down upon its skull.
She winced at the crunching noise, scrambling up to her feet as she regarded her saviour with a smile.
Then she realised who it was.
'Oh, it's you.'
Bill smiled. 'Wow, I save your stupid life and that's what I get? You got a stone cold heart there.'
She frowned with concern. 'I thought Dipper was with you.' The two had been together when she'd left them behing bickering to go ahead. Bill hadn't offed him, had he?
'Eh, he's fine. Last I saw him, he was rolling down some hill screaming like a girl.'
Oh, is that what she heard? She thought that was another woman in trouble.
'So,' Bill began, regarding her as the zombie made guttural noises beneath his foot.
Mabel smile back innocently. 'Soooo... what?
They both stared at one another without flinching.
'Shooting Star.'
His eyes narrowed. 'Y'know, last I checked, there weren't any undead zombies roaming in these woods.'
'Oh, well you see, that's actually a really funny story.'
'Uh huh.'
'See, part of the reason I wanted to check the caves out is because I heard there was this wizard who used to live here and he could answer any five questions you had in exchange for shiny stuff! So, I brought some blank CDs and went to where he was supposed to be but there was nothing there!'
'Well, there was this weird stone that now I'm thinking about, was kinda shaped like a coffin? And it had some weird writing on it that I decided to read and.... well, tah dah?' She offered a sheepish smile, holding out her hands towards the thing beneath his feet. Usually it was Dipper who raised the dead by accident and she scolded him. Urgh, he was gonna have a field day having the shoe on the other foot, wasn't he? Noooooo.
'Please don't tell Dipper,' she said quickly.
Before he could reply, the zombie beneath him groaned again. Bill growled, looking down in annoyance. 'Will you shut up!?'
They both froze.
'Whoah, did you just talk?' Mabel asked, eyes wide.
The zombie continuned to struggle but a clear voice came from beneath Bill's boot. 'Yes.'
'Ah, it worked!' Mabel gave a jump of delight. 'See, he's answering questions!'
'Yeah, and now you have three left.'
'I- huh?' She paused, thinking over the last few lines of dialogue before she frowned. 'Oh, urgh. Gotta make this one count then.'
'Why did you need a dead wizard to answer your questions? Maths too hard?'
'Yes,' the zombie groaned. Mabel kicked the wizard in the gut before giving Bill a glare.
'You're wasting my questions! And besides, I wouldn't disrespect him like that!' A pause. 'I was gonna ask him if there were any boys who liked me...' The ones in her school so far were being very wary, and she'd been shot down three times already. If she knew where to start with a positive frame to work with, it might be better.
'I can tell ya now there is.'
She blinked, tilting her head. 'Really?'
'Yeah, Gideon Gleeful. Go get him, tiger.'
'Bleh.' She made a face to his amusement.
'Anyway, I'm betting you cast some form of Speak to the Dead spell,' Bill drawled. 'We ask him two more questions, and he'll go back to being dead.'
'Is it really that easy?' Mabel realised her error a second too late as the zombie released a hissed "yes". She groaned in agrravation. Okay, one more question. Gotta make it count!
But before she could ask question both of the duo caught sight of flashing blue lights in the distnace through the treeline. Mabel froze. Cops? Had someone heard their screaming?
'Oooh, that's bad.'
'Oi, grab his legs. Now.'
Mabel took hold of the wizard by his lower half, grimacing when she felt some bare decomposed skin under her fingertips. The guy looked very much like a wizard with a long beard and robes adorning his corpse which has mostly decayed by this point. Gross.
Bill grabbed under his arms, and the two of them began shuffling away from the police lights. Talk about your Monday night.
The demon grinned. 'This is fun.'
'Seriously? We're trying to hide a body!'
'Hey, it's not like we killed him. Heck, you un-killed him technically. Ain't no laws against that. Well, not human ones anyway.'
The sound of movement in the bushes made them both freeze, heads snapping around as the leaves began to move. Mabel felt her heart leap into her throat as a figure stepped out from the overgrowth to reveal-
'Oh, it's just Dipper,' she said, sighing in relief as her body relaxed.
'Sup, Pine Tree.'
'Hnnnghghh,' the zombie groaned.
Dipper stared at them all with wide eyes, gaze dropping down to the zombie in their arms.
'What the hell are you doing?'
But before either of them could respond, a raspy voice cut them to the chase:-
Three pairs of heads snapped down to watch as the zombie made a peace sign with its fingers and dropped dead for good. Mabel and Bill both exchanged quick glances before grimacing and hastily dropping the wizard on the floor in favour of stepping away from one another.
Dipper continuned to stare on. 'Seriously, what the hell is going on here?
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destroyabez · 1 year
Ok I posted the fic and now I wanna put some songs that remind me of the other people in the story (mostly about how spider dies and their reactions in song form because I dunno!! Btw these include my headcanons!!!)
!Spoilers for 'a son for a son right?'¡
I absolutely love this song and the dynamic between Norm and Spider, or what I think of it. A little headcanon time but I think Norm never really hated having Spider in the lab. Sure he got into a lot a trouble but that was just a kid being a kid. He actually enjoyed Spiders company a lot of the time and as it says in the song 'Don't you wanna give me time to write another song for you?' I think that it sticks with my headcanon that Norm would make story's or songs up and sing or tell them to Spider because Spider loved hearing them, also because that's how Spider actually first got into science. It was from listening to Norm talk and sing about science. Another part is about the lyrics 'Fucking stupid and I'm gonna kill you' in this I imagined Norm getting upset at Jake, because Jake was supposed to make Spider feel at home. Norm had trusted him with this but here he was. Looking at the dead body of the kid he had told stories too, the kid he had fed and held when he was younger, the kid that always came back to tell him about all the things that happened with the other kids. He is in a fit of rage and tries to attack Jake, with a certain anguish in his eyes that made Jake's heart ache. Next one up is 'So honey close your eyes and stay like your supposed to do' this one is actually the one that comes first but I didn't really put them in order, anygays in this scene is where Norm first gets to the site and he finds Spider there dead, he goes into denial. He says "not yet, he's not dead yet" which is obliviously a lie and everyone is very surprised at Norms reaction because normally Norm is the one to say 'They have passed away' or come to terms with the fact people were dead, sure he would be hurt but never in denial. When Norm 'Says' this, he is referencing the times he had told Spider to stay in the lab or in one place to sleep (or do anything really)
(Fucking clinging onto that ONE scene in which Norm and Spider interacted)
Ok so we already know that Kiri and Spider have a strong connection and I know this song is about romantic love but I just thought it fit Kiri and Spider! (I don't ship then btw!!!) Anyways all of the song feels like it really fits them in this situation, like how Spider had been kidnapped so that stranger part really brings into this because as far as we know this spans over a few months up to a year so imagine that long without talking or even seeing your best friend. You don't know how they have been and if they changed plus on top of that is the fact that your best friend is dying now. You will never know the changes and your can't ask because 'We don't have the time'. That's how Kiri feels.
With these two it was hard to decide but when I heard these lyrics I thought of Neytiri and Spider so here we are. So this was mostly for Neytiri but when I really listen to the song it corresponds with her AND Spiders story. The first time I thought of this was at the first lyric 'Baby shoes:never used' which seems like what? How does that correlate to them? BUT I feel it does because it could symbolize the fact that no one actually ever claimed Spider, he was just a stray so he never got the 'Baby shoes' therefore they were 'never used'. Another one is 'I'm a dick and your around' This one makes me think of her being a little hostile to Spider for just being around (Which is understandable but why Spioder? Btw she is looking back on these memories as she looks at Spiders body) the one before I switch to Spider is 'She once belonged to us but now belongs to the dark' the dark being death. Neytiri thought as Spider as a pest that had to be around, or a doll her kids were attached too. So she thought he belonged to them. Now one that combines them, 'I'm so lonely! Feed me feed me- I'm so angry! Pet me pet me-' this one shows both of them sharing different views on a memory, one with Neytiris view and then Spiders view. Now onto Spiders!!! The first one is 'I am bound and terrified of making sound' this one is about how Spider always had a slight fear of Neytiri. Next one is 'I've got to put a fucking end to all in all' meaning Spider was ok and fine with getting hurt/killed for others (Think Leo from Rottmnt movie). Last one is 'at least I'm safe and you can't hurt me anymore'
Notes: gonna leave this here because I'm really tired, I left out a few lyrics but eh. I'll make another one later
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ennythekillerbunny · 3 months
Weird things that happened when making characters #2.
I haven’t mentioned the order in which the clones were made (aside from the numbers in their names) but let me list the EXACT order in which the new clones came to mind (This will mention clones that I haven’t shown yet btw).
Clone-001 (Shinzo clone), and the whole time I depicted him with a metal tail/spine (idk why, it was so f-ckin random but it stuck with me. Also in the early days he was going to be the ONLY clone).
Clone-003, Clone-004, and Clone-005 (Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki clones) were made after that (and back when I first made them 3 was able to talk but I switched it for idk what reason. Also 3 still had both his hands and 4 still had both his feet in the early days).
Clone-002 (Ochaco Clone), yes the clone named 2 was thought of after 3, 4, and 5 (And back when I first made her she was possessed by an evil entity, and their creator killed her rather than the same guy that ripped 3’s neck apart).
Clone-006, and Clone-007/Shinarazugo (Shiggy clone and Fusion clone of all the past dude clones). (They were supposed to be the last clones to exist, but obviously my brain was like “nah let’s make more”).
Clone-008, and Clone-009 (Rody clone and Hatsume clone). Ngl I thought of a Rody clone after seeing that MF (idk why but now it’s superglued to the idea).
Clone-011 (Katsuma clone). Tbh he was a random addition (again yes, the clone named 11 was thought about before 10. And originally he was just Katsume but then I decided to give him Hagakure’s quirk.)
Clone-010 (Fusion clone that I’m not gonna say too much about) was another random thought bubble that stuck for a while (Originally this clone was going to be a guy because they are a mix of all dudes, but I randomly thought “Hey let’s switch it around and make this one a girl without changing the appearance at all”… you get the picture).
Clone-000 (Another Fusion clone not gonna say his name yet), again more to throw into the confusing pile (because who tf makes 0 WAY AFTER the first 11. Also just a few weeks after making him I decided he should be deaf).
Clone-012 (another fusion clone whose name I’m not saying yet), who was what I was planning to be the last.
Shad0w and Starb0y, bodyguard-like characters that are always with 12 (the aren’t technically clones but they do fall under this category. And yes Shadow as in Shadow the hedgehog but in a human-like form. Star boy on the other hand is based off the scrapped version of the star from wish….. I’m not kidding).
Lastly, Clone-006.5 (another Shiggy clone). I wish that name was a joke (He is the most recent clone that I made and I only got inspired to make him after a Lucifer and Alastor edit for idk what reason. I know it’s stupid but it’s true, also he’s a complete d!ck compared to Clone-006).
That’s it now…….
Why are you still here??…
I’m done now please leave….
0 notes
cottonkendi · 3 years
Like Her
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Kokonoi Hajime x f!Reader (Sanzu Haruchiyo)
Word Count: 4.7k
Genre: Angst, Bonten AU, Smut
Warning: Profanity, Spoiler warning, toxic relationship, suicide attempt via fire, brief smut in the beginning but it’s sad, slight cheating, violence, substance abuse (alcohol and drugs), overall bad shit, if this makes you uncomfortable, please, do not read this!
Synopsis: When you finally decide to listen to what Kokonoi has to say.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
a/n: ngl, the ending was supposed to be angst-crack and not just angst. The ending was supposed to be different, more halloween-ish but I decided against it. But if anyone wants to know what the original ending was supposed to be, I wouldn’t mind posting that as a little extra halloween bit if you lovelies want, just lmk~. (btw, i deleted this fic so many times cause i just didn’t like the earlier versions :((( </3)
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You don’t know how it all started.
How your relationship with Kokonoi came to be.
Nor do you know how the two of you ended up like this.
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Dragging your feet, you let out a sigh as you receive another email about the future regulations for the upcoming business that Mikey’s making you oversee.
Normally, you wouldn’t be so out of it, managing to keep everything under control and staying on top of your game, but after so many problems that you had to fix due to your co-workers (mainly Sanzu), you’re now left exhausted. Wanting nothing more but to destress with Kokonoi for the night even after Sanzu asked you to go out drinking with him tonight as an apology.
You don’t think you even have the energy to eat dinner.
That’s why you’re glad that when you do get home, Kokonoi is already waiting for you, his eager hands trailing down your back as he pulls you to the bedroom. Hastily removing your suit as he ravages your lips, tongue eagerly prying your lips open as he pushes you to the soft mattress that you share every night. Quickly discarding you of your clothes as he laps at your skin, deft fingers making their way between your legs, prepping you for what’s to come.
It only takes a few more minutes until Kokonoi enters you, his head pressed against your neck as he moans. His hands hold your legs by your chest as he starts thrusting.
Each thrust successfully relieves you of your stress as you let yourself loose, moans spilling from your mouth as you pull him closer to you, lips pressed against his jaw, hands clawing at his back as he continues to thrust into.
“Haji-Hajime, faster! Faster please!”
Your skin feels like it’s burning from the way Kokonoi’s obliterating you. It’s so different from the other times that you did it with him. He’s kissing you more, hands travelling the expanse of your body, leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck as he lets out a relieved sigh.
It makes your body shiver from the intense pleasure when he starts playing with your puffy clit. Your eyes involuntarily shuts as tears start prickling your eyes from the overwhelming feeling between your thighs, hand desperately holding onto his wrist, unsure whether you want him to stop or go faster.
“Akane, you feel so good.”
Akane, you feel so good.
Akane, you feel so good.
It only takes a few seconds for your world to come crashing down on you.
It feels like you’re suffocating.
You can’t breathe.
You can’t think.
You can’t feel anything besides the stabbing feeling in your chest.
It hurts so bad that you can’t help but cry.
You can’t help but sob.
You can’t help but push Kokonoi away from you, forcefully kicking him away.
You watch as he looks at you with such a bewildered look like he didn’t just moan someone else’s name. He looks at you like YOU are the one who’s done him wrong.
“Akane, what the fu-” As if only realizing what he said, his eyes widens, lips parting as he gapes at your crying form by the bed, naked body shaking from the onslaught of distress taking over you.
You’re not sure what to do.
You’re so confused.
Everything feels like it’s swallowing you whole. Everything feels like it’s about to burn you.
Clutching onto the bed sheets, you cover yourself with the cloth, slowly standing up in order to get to the bathroom though it seems Kokonoi doesn’t plan on letting you go that easy.
“Love, please-”
In your chest, you feel something break. It sends a painful throb through your body that if you weren’t in so much pain already, you would’ve started crying. Pressing a hand onto your chest, you look down on your feet, watching as the carpeted floor catches your incoming tears, sight getting blurry as Kokonoi walks closer to you.
He holds onto your shoulder though you flinched away, his touch burning your skin.
“I’m sorry, lov-”
“Say my name.” You whisper, still looking on your feet, afraid to see his face right now.
“What the, why? Please, love. I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“Say my name, Kokonoi. Just... say my name. Please.” Your voice breaks as you try your best to control your tears.
You’re only standing in front of him and yet, it feels like he just shot you straight in the head. It feels like you’ve just died. It feels like he’s burned you to the ground.
“Y/N...” Kokonoi whispers your name, complying to your request but it only makes the pain worse.
It only makes you want to run away from him when he whispers your name again.
“I’m not Akane, Kokonoi. I’m not her.” You look up at him, teary eyes meeting him as you remind him of who you’re not. “I’m not her. I’m not Akane.”
“I know you’re not. It was just a mistake- I love you Y/N.”
“How can it be a mistake when you said her name twice?! How am I supposed to believe what you’re saying Kokonoi?!” Something finally snaps in you as you start screaming at him, tears still falling down your cheeks as you tell him your thoughts, hands beating on his chest as you cry.
Tightly gripping onto your wrist, he forces you to stare at him through your tears. “It’s not my fucking fault if you can’t trust me! You’re always taking up so much of my time, always begging me to spend time with you when you know I’m busy! Then when I make a tiny mistake, you berate me like it’s the end of the fucking world-”
Scoffing at his words, you push him away.
“How can you call that a tiny mistake when you just moaned your dead lover’s name?! How is that a tiny mistake Kokonoi?! Kokonoi, you’re always so fucking distant unless I approach you myself, you’re always so fucking in your head, thinking about Akane and your past that you don’t even have time to think of me! Can’t you think of me or are you too busy thinking of Akane?! Is she the only thing running in your head?!”
Groaning, Kokonoi runs his hands through his hair, frustration rolling off in waves as he steps away from you. “You know why I’m like this? You know why I’m so distant?! It’s because you’re an insecure bitch who can’t even handle a few hours by herself! How do you think I feel when you’re always clinging onto me?! How do you think I feel when you’re always spouting shit about me not loving you just because you’re fucking insecure-”
“I’m insecure because of you! I’m insecure because I know that I can never be on the same level as Akane was even though she’s dead! I’m insecure because I know even though I’ve been with you for 10 years, even though I’ve loved you with all I had for 10 fucking years, you still can’t love me like how I love you! I still can’t have you to myself because you’re still so fucking caught up with a dead girl-”
Your voice cuts short when you feel a harsh sting on your cheek. Head whipping to the side from the sudden force.
Biting your lip in order to stop yourself from crying out, you hang your head low, hoping that this will be enough to prevent him from seeing more tears fall from your cheeks.
“Don’t talk about Akane like you know her! Don’t fucking compare yourself to her ‘cause she’ll always be better than you! I love Akane ‘cause she’s not like you. She doesn’t fucking force words into my mouth! She doesn’t fucking cry about tiny fucking mistakes! She’s not fucked up like you! If you want me to love you, then be like Akane. Be like her! Maybe then I can start thinking about loving you!”
It hurts so bad.
Everything hurts.
So. Fucking. Bad.
You just want to crawl up into a ball and cry.
You just want to be alone.
You just want everything to end now.
You just want to forget about everything and crumble to the ground.
Silently, you walk to the bathroom, leaving Kokonoi in the bedroom as you quickly dress yourself through the tears. Even with the shake in your hand, you force yourself to look nice. Putting makeup over the blossoming bruise on your cheek from his slap earlier.
You’re not even sure why you even bother when you know that the club’s lighting will successfully hide the bruise.
Giving yourself one last look, you try to smile, forcing the corner of your lips upwards but it only looks pathetic. With your still puffy eyes and red nose, it’s so obvious that you’ve been crying. It’s so obvious that you shouldn’t go out right now, but you don’t think you can stay in this house tonight. Not when Kokonoi is clearly by the door of the bathroom, waiting for you to come out.
Talking to him will only make you feel worse. You’re sure of it.
And so, with a deep breath, you force a mask of indifference onto your face before opening the door and stepping out, immediately greeted by the sight of a still pissed off Kokonoi.
“Where the fuck are you going?!” Forcefully holding onto your wrist, it almost feels like you’re about to sprain it from how hard he’s holding onto you, but alas, you’re not about to stay in this house and argue with him any longer.
You’ve had a long day.
And he had just made it worse.
You deserve a night out, right?
Get things working in your head. See how you can possibly solve this shitty relationship you have with him. What’s a better way than drinking and drugging yourself up for the night?
So, with a glare directed at him, you pull your hand away from him and start heading for the front door, Kokonoi hot in your heels as he tries to make you stop.
You’re by the front door already, putting on some heels, when Kokonoi finally manages to get a word out of you. “What the fuck are you planning? Going out like that? What? You’re about to whore yourself out to other people because we had a fight? Is that it?! You can’t even listen to what I have to say, eh?!”
The sound coming from your palm meeting his face silences the room. His stunned face staring right at you as you give him a blank look. “I’m about to make myself more like Akane. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
Without letting him speak, you storm out of the door, immediately taking your phone out from your purse to call Sanzu.
It takes a while for him to answer, you’re already halfway out of the garage when you hear the irritatingly loud background music coming from the club. “Y/N? Why are you calling? Need something?” You can already tell that he’s halfway through the night already, voice slurred accompanied by the out of place giggles leaving his mouth.
“What club are you in? I’m on my way.”
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The moment you step inside the club, the storm inside your head blends in with the incomprehensible noise inside. It makes you feel at ease now that you’re forced out of your mind’s inner destruction.
Making your way to the VIP lounge, you’re instantly met with Sanzu waiting for you, a glass already being handed to you the moment you take a seat beside him.
Without any greeting, you down the glass along with a few more refills before you’re putting down the glass and relaxing your body on the plush couch, body buzzing from the strong alcohol. Closing your eyes, you bask in the silence that Sanzu’s offering you, your co-worker sensing your unease which only makes him more curious as to what has happened in the short amount of time that you weren’t with him after work.
“You good there, princess? Seems like Mikey just made you handle another case.” He jokes around before popping a pill in his mouth, a sigh leaving him as he watches your still form.
Cracking your neck, you take a sip from your glass.
Turning your head to the side, you watch as he plays with the bottle of pills, shaking it a little before taking out another from his pocket.
Sensing your staring, he raises a brow. “Don’t tell me you’re interested in popping pills now, girlie. They’re not for free, y’know?”
Rolling your eyes, you finish your glass before setting it down, staring at the bottle in front of you, considering if you can handle another shot in such a short time. But alas, your thinking is cut short when you see Sanzu taking the bottle away from you.
“You’re drinking a little too fast today, mind telling me what’s going on in that fucked up mind of yours?” He chuckles at his words when he sees you lean on your knees.
Fucked up.
Those words again.
He stops his chuckling after you mention his name. Sobering up a little after finally realizing that you’re serious.
“Am I really fucked up?”
A snort leaves his mouth before leaning closer to you, setting the bottle of pills on the table in front of you before tapping your cheek with his palm. “Y/N, you must have forgotten, but everyone in Bonten is fucked up. We’re all crazy here. We wouldn’t survive if we weren’t. We’ll all go fucking insane if we weren’t already.”
If everyone is fucked up here, then why did Kokonoi have to pinpoint it to you and only you?
You’re fucked up.
He’s fucked up.
Your whole relationship with him is fucked up.
So why is he making it seem like you’re the one who ruined it all?
Leaning back on the couch once more, you let out a loud sigh, fingers itching to take another sip of your drink now that your thoughts are clearing up and bringing up the dreaded memory of the earlier fight.
“Princess, you’re really ruining the mood with all that sighing. You can at least tell me what happened y’know? Maybe I can even give you some for free if you make me concerned enough.” He shakes his bottle again, dark blue eyes looking so dark under the red lights.
Licking your lips, you tilt your head to the side to stare at him. “Kokonoi called me Akane while he was fucking me earlier.”
Sanzu’s eyes widened before sucking in a breath through his teeth, shaking his head in disappointment. “No wonder you’re so fucking depressed.” Clicking his tongue, he opens up the bottle in his hands and takes out a handful of pills. “Here, for free as compensation for Kokonoi being a dick.”
You accept the pills, giving it a stare.
Are you really going to start getting high right now? Are you really gonna be following Sanzu’s footsteps now?
“C’mon now, it’s just a one tie thing. I promise, it’s gonna make you relax for the night. Clear your head.”
Convinced by his coaxing, you close your eyes and pop all of them in your mouth. Swallowing all of it, you take a quick drink from your glass in order to wash it all down which only makes Sanzu laugh out loud.
“Damn! You’re really out here trying to black out for the night, eh? Mind telling me what happened after? You punched him? Slapped him? My god, must have been awkward.” Rolling your eyes, you stare at the ceiling, watching as the lights slowly start to swirl in your vision. Your whole body tingles, it feels like you’re losing feeling in your legs.
It feels weird.
It feels like your whole body is going numb.
It feels nice.
You can’t feel anything anymore.
You can’t feel pain right now.
“After that... we fought. We screamed at each other. He slapped me. I got dressed then slapped him before leaving.” You mumble, recalling the earlier events.
You can still feel the harsh sting on your cheek. The skin feeling heated even when your whole body is starting to feel numb. Your mind feels like it’s shutting down.
It feels like you’re trapped in a bubble, floating around in water. Your senses feel like it’s dulled down, which is why you’re caught off guard when Sanzu’s suddenly beside you, hand already hovering over your cheek as he scans your face. “He slapped you?”
His breath hits your lips. You can smell the alcohol in it, and if it weren’t for you downing half the contents of the bottle in less than half an hour, you would’ve pushed him away. But right now, all you can do is nod, tilting your head to the side to show him which cheek Kokonoi slapped.
Gently, Sanzu lays his hand on your cheek, thumb softly wiping away the makeup to reveal the purpling bruise on your cheek.
Even with your muddled mind, you can still feel the anger rolling off in waves from Sanzu, his hand now resting by the side of your head, striking blue eyes staring at the ugly bruised skin. “That bastard really did hit you…”
Pushing him away from you, you shrug. “I’ve had worse.”
“But you’ve been together for so long. He’s not supposed to hit his fucking lover.”
Snorting, you roll your eyes. “That’s rich coming from you who doesn’t even try to be in a relationship.”
“You know that I’ll gladly be in a relationship if it was with you, princess.”
Closing your eyes, you let out a sigh.
It seems you can’t take a break today.
“You know that I’m with Koko, Sanzu. I’m not about to fucking cheat on him-”
“He just fucking moaned someone else’s name while fucking you and you still insist on being loyal to that bastard?! Are you fucking insane?” You feel his hands gripping your shoulders, slightly shaking you as he does so.
But alas, you only let out a vain smile. “I want to be the better one in the relationship, okay? If we’re gonna break up, we might as well break up because of him. But I’m never gonna be the one to ruin it. Never. I need to be better than him.”
It’s quiet for a bit, with Sanzu’s hands still gripping onto you before he finally lets go after a few more seconds. A sigh can be heard from his side as you feel him plop down next to you once more.
Shuffling can be heard before he pops open the bottle once more, downing another five pills before he sees your relaxed form. “You need some more?” Nudging the bottle on your side, you nonchalantly put your palm out, not at all aware of your surroundings now that it feels like you’re about to black out.
You’re pretty sure that you’re not supposed to be drinking so much alcohol and downing so many pills in a matter of an hour.
You’ll probably die.
But you can’t stop yourself.
It feels so nice, having your mind too dead to actually think.
“What are you gonna do then? Gonna break up with him? Stay with him? What?” You can hear just how exhausted he is, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he leans his head next to yours.
What are you going to do?
You don’t know.
You’re not sure.
You have so many things in your mind right now. But you can’t pinpoint any of them with your mind feeling all muddled. You can't quite grasp anything right now.
“I don’t know... he said that he’ll love me more if I was more like Akane... maybe I’ll do something about that…”
Scoffing, Sanzu pulls you closer to him by your waist, his hand comfortably resting by your hips. “Akane’s a goody goody who didn’t even think about killing people while you help me skin people alive on the daily. I’m pretty sure becoming more like her is impossible.”
He’s right.
Akane’s all sunshine and butterflies from what you can remember of the stories that you heard from Kokonoi.
She’s the light of his life.
The reason why he fought so hard to be who he is now.
He worked so hard for her after the incident.
He only obsessively  thought of her after the incident...
“Hm... “
Taking one last sip from your glass, you stand up, hand going through your hair as you watch the people below.
“Going already, princess?” Sanzu drawls, head lolling to the side as he watches you start walking off, fingers twitching when he feels the fabric of your dress gloss over his skin. “I can drive you home, if you want? You’re not used to driving while high…” Stumbling out of his seat, he tries to follow you down but you stop him with a hand on his chest.
“It’s fine, Haruchiyo. I can go home by myself.”
“How about Kokonoi? You’re gonna be staying with him for the night?”
Taking your phone out, you look up Kokonoi’s location.
“He’s not home right now, I think he’s at the Haitanis.” You mumble, seeing his phone a few streets away from you where the Haitanis live. Looking up, you’re met with Sanzu’s worried face.
It puts a silly smile on your lips, unfamiliar with the feeling of having someone so concerned with your wellbeing even after being in a long term relationship with Kokonoi. So, with the serenity overtaking your actions, you lean closer to Sanzu, hand going to the back of his head in order to pull him closer to you.
Your lips only brushes against his for a split second before you’re pulling away, body feeling so light that you can;t even think of the consequences of your actions as you swiftly turn on your heels, waving at a stunned Sanzu.
“Good bye, Haruchiyo.”
With that, you’re stumbling out of the club, a new feeling spreading in your body with the help of the unhealthy amount of alcohol and drugs pumping through your veins.
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Swinging the door open, you carelessly toss your heels aside, feeling an excited tingle under your skin as you make sure to lock the door and the windows.
Dancing around the house as you put on some music.
Taking in a deep breath, you tiptoe around the house, making your way to the kitchen in order to turn the stove on, the quiet whistling sound unheard due to the loud music blasting in the house.
Once that’s done, you make your way to your bedroom, taking out the pretties dress that Kokonoi bought you.
Now that you look at it. It was never your style. It looks more like something Akane would wear. It perfectly compliments her eyes, it makes her look ethereal, based on the pictures that you saw in Kokonoi’s wallet.
She looks so pretty.
With her long lashes. Dainty lips. Electrifying eyes. Smooth blonde hair.
She looks so pretty that now, you can’t even blame her for how she’s got Kokonoi wrapped around her finger.
Dead or not.
Letting out a sigh, you open the bottom drawer on Kokonoi’s dresser, taking out a picture of her and setting it in front of you, getting ready to do your makeup in hopes of looking like her.
Even just a little.
So, you put on mascara and some false eyelashes.
You put on a soft shade of pink on your lips.
You curl your hair just like how her hair looks.
You put on contacts so that you can finally have the same eyes that Kokonoi always wanted to see whenever he wakes up in the morning.
Lastly, you put on the dress that was never meant for you.
By now, you can smell it in the air.
Even with your hazy mind, you can smell it. And so, you carefully stand up, hoping to not tear the dress as you make your way downstairs. Bare feet making contact with the carpeted floor as you make your way to the middle of the living room.
Pulling out a lighter, you twirl it in your hand, a serene smile making its way to your lips as you briefly press a kiss on the metal cover before flicking the wheel down, the spark from the lighter quickly becoming bigger due to the gas surrounding the room.
Tossing it towards the kitchen, you barely give the overwhelming flames a thought, too preoccupied with your plans for the night.
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Closing your eyes, you put your hands in front of you, mind imagining how Kokonoi would feel if he were in front of you right now even with the heat prickling at your bare feet. You can barely feel the heat even as the frightening inferno starts crawling towards your form, dress catching on fire.
But alas, you can’t feel a thing.
So, with the music plaguing your mind, you start to dance, fingers feeling the phantom touch of Kokonoi’s built body as he twirls you around the room.
It puts a smile on your face. You have never experienced this before with Kokonoi. You have never been able to dance with him before with such serenity in mind for you’ve always been on your guard when with him. But tonight, everything feels different.
Your skin burns with every touch as you twirl on the heated floor.
It feels so dry.
You can’t feel your lips nor your tongue. Everything hurts but at the same time, you can’t feel a thing.
Unconsciously, a tear escapes your eyes but it quickly evaporates away from the heat of the room.
Finally opening your eyes, you’re met with the sight of gray and red.
Your once beautiful home is now engulfed in flames.
The expensive curtains that you bought from Italy now show you a beautiful show of reds and oranges. The fabric tearing up as the flames crawl upwards. The same goes for the furniture around you.
Bought with thousands now reduced to nothing but black soot.
And soon, you will end up the same. Just a stain on the once perfect home.
You can feel your skin peeling off from the heat. Can feel just how hot it is as you take a deep breath, the poisonous gas quickly invading your system as you walk into the kitchen, letting the fire lick at your skin as you take out a bottle of whiskey.
To celebrate your last anguish minutes.
Popping the bottle open, you silently watch as the liquid is quick to evaporate, blue fire catching your eyes as you thoughtlessly pour the liquid onto your hand. Mesmerized by the beauty of the blue hue crawling up your scarred skin.
By now, you can already feel yourself blacking out. Choking on the thick smoke that’s surrounding your figure.
You’re about to let yourself go, let the intimacy of the heat drown out your thoughts and hold you in its arms but then, the door is kicked open, a panicked Kokonoi rushing inside.
It brings a smile to your lips whne you see the concern lacing his features.
So different from earlier.
No more anger.
No more hate.
Just concern and love.
So, with footsteps so light amidst the hellfire chaos, you make your way to the middle of the living room, catching his eyes as you showcase the dress of fire that hugs your body in its intimacy.
A sob escapes his lips as you smile at him.
The sight is grotesque.
Kokonoi wishes that he can burn this memory away as he watches you give him such a gentle smile like you’re not burning away in front of him.
“Hajime... am I more like her now? Do you love me like how you love Akane now?”
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all rights reserved © armycandy10, 2021. do not copy or repost any of my works! likes/reblogs/feedbacks are very appreciated~
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs.
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Summary: How would Hybrid!Bakugou would react to being adopted by the reader and their domestic life together. Headcanons and believe me, it's a long one... [2k WORDS OF HCS psjxksdj stop me pls] PLATONIC/ROOMMATES HCS, will do a part two later on with continuation and romance cuz 2kwordsbro...
Notes: I love Hybrid AU!s and I want to indulge myself with this. I barely see these in the fandom, so maybe you guys will like it! Also, depending on how it goes, I'm gonna consider making more for other characters, whachu say? Tell me what you thought and I hope you enjoy!~ ♥
Part 2 here!
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× he's a wolf hybrid, and the workers at the shelter warn you that he's feral as you pass by where he was locked
× it seems he was in an illegal fighting ring and nobody could get close to him even if his living conditions now were much better than the hell hole he lived in before
× he growled, scratched, yelled, overall he needed so much help
× normally that would've been very intimidating to you but while the workers tried to push you towards some bunny or dog hybrids they had around, you just froze because the mf said they were considering sacrificing him
× like wHat the fuck?? he's a human being?????? sure he has a tail but what????????
× and you just foken went crazy for a moment cuz you didn't even see him in his cage, he was hiding somewhere under the bundle of blankets he had, probably asleep
× so you just went mental, demanding an explanation because hybrid shelters do not and should not sacrifice a person
× and your increasing yelling just made all the hybrids anxious
× and Bakugou heard everything [who wouldn't]
× i shit you not, the employee tried to explain why
× legit said cuz he's aggressive
× Bitch I'd be aggressive too! I'd bite your jugular off
× course, security was called but you already prepared to call the police, Hybrid Protection Services, your lawyer, your friends, the president, you name it
× and that's when you said you're adopting whoever was under the blankets. NOW.
× always hated the word adopting, but you were looking to give a hybrid a chance since you finally had a spare bedroom in your new apartment
× so like security and the worker just look at each other cuz who tf is gonna be the brave soul to go inside the cage to retrieve Bakugou Katsuki and get rid of you both already
× you're just staring at them like u srs bro? so you just send them to do the paperwork while you decide to go in yourself because you needed to get out of that place ASAP to still contact HPS on this shelter
× security stayed by the door while you hesitantly walked towards the blanket bundle [not so brave anymore] cuz why did that dude have his gun out??????
× but when you approached the bundle and kneeled in front of it you noticed movement
× a fluffy sand yellow tail suddenly came to view and it was big, slowly moving from side to side
× so with the gentlest voice you could muster [after screaming your lungs out moments ago] you tried to talk to whoever was underneath
× you introduced yourself and said you're here to take them home but got nothing, just casual tail movement
× Big Hunkus Brutus Security Guardus™ was getting impatient so he told you to just "fuckin put the collar and leash on the stupid beast" and you just 🙃 fucking excuse u?? while turning towards him
× it was a delicate time and you needed to take it slow, and anyway you knew you'd get that crap off your [hopefully] new friend as soon as possible
× what you didn't expect was the guard to freeze and raise his gun again, but was pointing above your head, not even looking in your eyes
× so you turn and meet a naked chest, scarred, with recent bruising on and big
× looking up you see Bakugou Katsuki, ruffled blonde hair, wild in all directions, red eyes harsh and staring at the guy behind you, only some pants on his form and tail still waving very slowly behind him
× while Chunkus Brutus trembled in place, gun shaking in hands, you were in the fuckin middle of it all
× what you didn't expect is the hybrid to take the collar in your hands and wrap it around his neck, now looking at you, expression still harsh but this time it didn't scream murder [and then grabbed a shirt, thank the heavens]
× progress? making friends? good first impressions?
× na lol you wish but that's spoilers 👀
× the process of adoption went smoothly, and when I say smoothly I mean Robustus Dumbus Brutus behind both of you with his hand still on his gun while all the workers gathered around to see the crazy insane person that adopted The Devil™, the guy that told you about the sacrificing was actually filing the paperwork as fast as possible under the intense gaze of the wolf
× and Bakugou was standing very close to you, btw, like i can feel your body heat close
× he was compliant at first, when you got in the car you started rambling about your house and how he has a room while trying to take the collar off him but he grabbed your hands
× like insanely fast, one blink and firm grip on your hands
× "i ain't gon be your fuckin pet, understood?" he growled at you but made no movement to bolt and run away
× and you just wanted to roll your eyes cuz ok he can kill you anytime but like didn't he get the message when you screamed back there? [also there was this sense of security you had around him or maybe you were just really dumb]
× so when you said you weren't looking for a pet but to help someone and maybe a friend and roommate, he just narrowed his eyes at you
× suspish human, wild doggo no trust
× anywho he took the collar off himself [like extra fast] but you explained that you are going to get him a bracelet or something less degrading since he still needed something with the information tag to have on himself so police will know he's no stray and he wouldn't end in the same craphole again
× journey home was silent, like eery silent
× he just looked out the window intensely, you noticed how he focused on every sign and turn
× you considered asking him questions but honestly with his past you doubted he would even answer so you just started to ramble about your home, stuff you could do around the city [which caught his attention], items you'd have to go buy for him, like clothes, shampoo, any special food, the bracelet
× he stopped looking out the window and just looked at you
× ok he was intensely staring at your side, basically drilling a hole in your cheek with those crimson eyes and it was making you N e r v o u s because making new friends is hard when you're just vomiting monologs, all while driving
× buying things was awkward to say at least, special hybrid stores were rare and for a guy his size it was even more difficult to find anything, which ended up in getting normal clothes and deciding to adjust them for his tail
× while grocery shopping you discovered he actually knew very well what he wanted after a lot of questioning from you
× he finally sighed at your persistent act and just threw stuff in the shopping cart, a surprising amount of spices too
× now for the bracelet part... you decided to spend more on a code that could be scanned to identify him rather than the distasteful ones with name and who owns him
× good thing you planned ahead a long time ago and saved money but you did notice his sharp eyes on you whenever you paid
× and his grunts and judgemental looks at other people with hybrids
× it's as if he wanted to say something, anything, but was stopping himself, which lowkey worried you because from what you heard Bakugou's supposed to be very vocal
× maybe he was glad to be out of the shelter, you know you'd be
× you get home and he follows you to your house, again giving him another chance to bolt somewhere away from you but c'mon both of you knew he'd outrun you so why force him, just let him take his time
× "So this is your room" shook him to the core, legit he just stood silent in the hallway as you presented your house calmly
× sniffing around
× so much sniffing around, tail low while he checked every corner
× once he did decide to check his bedroom, he closed the door leaving you to set everything up
× what you didn't know is that he looked around, shaking with anger
× this is what normal people have?
× sat on the edge of the most confortable bed he's ever had and hoped the idiots of his friends managed to get something like this too
× and the shitshow began when you called him for dinner
× not enough salt, not enough spices
× he was a pain in the ass and as he let go, little by little you started to see him for who he was
× this, this was Bakugou Katsuki, the guy that started to scold you because of the seasoning of the food
× it formed a bond between you, the start of you seeing his real personality
× a Mom™
× slowly started owning the house, although you found it hilarious
× next day you found him cooking breakfast with such an ease it shocked you to the core
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" as he puts a plate of pancakes in front of your
× you just lowkey uwu when you realize he's waiting for your approval as you ate and I swear to you, best pancakes ever
× chest puffed when you complimented his food and this was the first time he mentioned something about his past; seems he had to cook for everyone at the fighting ring he was at, but he didn't mention more
× talking about his past took forever, putting together bits and pieces he mentioned, yet they were so little
× he'd go silent after mentioning his [what you assumed] friends
× if you asked or pressed too much he'd click his tongue or snap at you
× not everything was dandy though; yes, he was a good roommate, but he did have THE attitude
× but not as the people at the shelter made it to be, like he'd snap at you from time to time but it would get better as he'd start to trust you
× ok, ok, hear me out,,,,
× play with his hair
× it happened by accident; you started to have this tradition after a couple of months of living together: movie nights
× he really liked action stuff but both your dirty secret was watching those shitty horror movies and make fun of everyone in them, so every Friday Night was Movie Night
× he just threw himself on the couch and his hair looked puffy and those adorable wolf ears were twitching, you straightforwardly asked him if you could play with it
× [ask if you don't want your hand bit off]
× he scoffed
× silence
× when he nodded and looked away, you squealed and started scratching, just playing with his hair, mindlessly doing so while snickering at the TV when movement caught your attention
× he was wiggling his tail softly
× you guys never mentioned it but now he sits down on the sofa head close to you on a pillow and wait for them god sent scratches; will 100% roll his eyes and scoff at you when you start, acting like YOU want this
× seriously glares at whoever comes inside the house
× has a problem with every single soul since they dirty his home
× you don't notice it first but he finally starts calling your house home and that's the ultimate progress
× boy had a lot of hardships in his life so he appreciates what he has
× yet it is very, very hard to gain his trust at first
× when you finally do though? he's a loyal friend forever
× he's thankful to have you
× will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever tell you
× his actions speak for him
× you're part of his pack now
× but seriously wash the dishes or you'll die.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Hi hi! I was wondering if you could do a dick Grayson x Avatar like fem reader with either a jealous Babs or Zatanna I hope that made sense🥲
True Love’s Kiss
Pairing: Dick Grayson as Nightwing x Reader
Warnings: I don’t think so
Word Count: 4.1K
@writing2sirvive : Hi love, me again but with a request this time. If you have time of course. I was thinking true love’s kiss with Dick Grayson. You can go crazy with it because I know you love Dick Grayson as much as I do. Btw I love your writing so much.
A/N: I think I did it wrong...cuz even though this is a Dick Grayson x reader fic, it’s mostly centred around reader and Zatanna???? Sorry about that???
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You were fine with knowing that Dick was still friends with most of his exes. You completely accepted that he was able to keep functional relationships with most of them. In fact, it showed you how amicable and neutral Dick was and how he never held any grudges against people.
Of course, you were surprised by the sheer number. And the fact that he seems to interact with them practically every day. But eventually you managed not to let yourself get too bothered by it.
I mean, how could you? Barbara was the smartest, funniest, most approachable person you had ever met. She always made sure not to overstep her boundaries and was unusually open with you, given that Dick was her ex-boyfriend.
Raquel was adventurous and fun and you always had a good time when you were around her. She was another one who was respectful of your relationship. She never brought up her past flings with Dick, nor did she ever try and put you down. In fact, she was one of the people who really shipped the two of you.
You liked most of his exes. To the point where it made Dick kind of uncomfortable.
You liked most of his exes.
Ever since you had joined the team, being introduced as Nightwing’s significant other, Zatanna had been a constant thorn in your side. She was nice and sweet but there was something about her that rubbed you the wrong way. You could tell almost immediately that she wasn’t quite over her relationship with Dick. Short as it was.
Or maybe she was just the type of person who didn’t want someone, but didn’t want others to have the same person either.
Nonetheless, being around her put you constantly on edge. You lost count of how many times she redirected a conversation to be about her previous relationship with your boyfriend. ‘Oh, Dick took you to a fancy restaurant for your birthday? Well, I remember back when we were dating, he threw a huge party for me on mine.’
‘Oh, you celebrated your one-year anniversary with Dick in Paris? Well during our 3-month-aversary he bought me an expensive necklace.’
It didn’t bother you in the slightest. At least, not in the way that she hoped. It didn’t make you insecure or doubt or feel intimidated by her. It was just an annoyance that you couldn’t shake off, like the teacher you didn’t like or your annoying neighbour.
Unfortunately, Zatanna couldn’t take a hint that it made you and your friends (Barbara and Raquel included) uncomfortable and slightly irritated. Yet, everyone was just waiting for you to express the slightest distaste, not wanting to step on your toes. However, they were quick to change the topic in case they thought she was going too far.
Dick had been blissfully unaware of everything and you wanted to keep it that way. The last thing you needed was this turning into some sort of issue, especially since Zatanna was still his teammate.
However today you had enough.
You could look past Zatanna’s petty jealousy but allowing the jealousy to come to the forefront during a mission was where you drew the line.
Dick, M’Gann and Conner had been on a covert mission for Batman and out of the country and under team vote decided that you should be made in charge until he returned, since you were the only other older member (other than Zatanna but you were voted leader unanimously. Something you were extremely proud about). That was well and good, until you had been given a mission.
Regardless of how much you did not want to work with Zatanna without the others there to wrangle her, you had to put your personal feelings aside when you had a mission to complete.
You thought you could both be professionals about it and act like mature adults.
You were dead wrong.
If it wasn’t disagreements, it was insubordination. If it wasn’t insubordination, it was blatant arrogance. She questioned your judgment in front of the other members and even had the nerve to argue with you about mission strategies. You were trying to look out for everyone and put yourself in the line of fire since the squad members were better at stealth.
Zatanna seemed to think you were trying to steal the show and insisted that she be partnered with you even though you wanted someone with the younger members to keep them safe.
When you relented and agreed to go stealth, she accused you of ducking out and intentionally trying to put her in danger. The others had to watch as steam practically came out of your ears when you relented once again and decided you’d be with her because you honestly couldn’t argue with her much longer.
As if that wasn’t infuriating enough.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when she refused to work as a team, putting the mission at risk and nearly getting the both of you hurt. She was fighting on her own, not bothering to have your back and going into it alone. Obviously, the two of you were overpowered quickly once they realized that you were pretty much behaving solo.
Luckily, the others pulled through and got you both out of there before anything horrible happened.
You sat in the ship, jaw clenched so tightly that they swore they could hear your teeth cracking, fists nearly white as you tried to control your anger and keep yourself from screaming at her while you were still in the air.
Once the ship landed in the docking bay and Zatanna was the first one to leave without saying another word, you snapped.
“What the hell did you think you were doing today!” You growled out, fisting her collar and stopping her in her tracks.
“What are you talking about?” She feigned innocence and you felt your skin burning. Everything around you faded out and all you could feel was fury. In hindsight, you would have liked to handle this issue in a more refined manner, but you honestly couldn’t care.
So, you didn’t notice the rest of the team, along with the a few members of the Justice League watching you chew Zatanna out.
Whatever would keep you from lighting her on fire was enough.
“I’m talking about putting the mission, not to mention ourselves in jeopardy, all because you can’t stop acting like a spoilt brat!” You hissed.
She rolled her eyes and you and the thought of strangling her briefly crossed your mind before she shoved your hands off her, dusting herself off like your fingerprints were dirt, “You need to stop blaming others for your inadequacy.”
She turned on her heel sharply and walked away. Blood pounded through your ears and your fingers twitched by their sides before you formed a whip of water from the bay and lashed it against her feet.
Zatanna, caught off guard, was thrown across the room before she caught herself with a muttered spell and turned around, glaring at you furiously.
“We’re going to settle things, right here, right now!”
“If you would stop being so insecure, then we could sort out our differences like mature adults!” She screamed back at you and before you could control it, flames erupted from beneath your feet and raced towards her, scorching the ground beneath it.
Each puff of breath you took released sparks. Zatanna immediately got into an offensive stance, levitating one of the weapons crates and chucking at you. You blocked it effortlessly using a wall of earth before throwing an inferno at her.
You kept fighting, flames and splashes of water going into the air every time you collided. The others watched in fear as you both raced towards each other, it looked like neither of you were holding back.
Before you could strike her again, you were being pulled away by Superman and as Zatanna was by Batman, they both pulled you yards apart. Even with his strong, authoritative grip on you, you couldn’t stop thrashing in his arms, throwing gusts of air at her.
“(Y/N). Enough.” Superman spoke in your ear and you calmed down, relaxing in his grip. He let you go after and you winced, feeling your skin bruise where he grabbed you. He gave you an apologetic glance at that.
“You both have to put your differences aside and work as a team or you won’t be allowed to go on any more missions.” Batman told you, voice firm but it didn’t shake you.
“No, Zatanna is going to have to put her issues with me aside and learn that when I have been elected as leader of the squad then you are supposed to put your petty jealousy aside and know your place.” You spat.
“You weren’t right for the position!”
“I did everything right! And if it hadn’t been for you, we wouldn’t have been under open fire tonight!”
“You’re not the boss of me!”
“When I am the leader of the squadron then I am! And you’re meant to listen and not question my judgement because you’re being blinded by your pathetic jealously!”
“I’m not jealous of you!”
“Oh, please! That’s the biggest load of crap I’ve heard from you and it was all proved today! Admit it! You were immature and fucking stupid because you can’t get over that fact that you dated Dick for what? 3 months?”
“That’s because he’s supposed to be with me!” 
“LIKE HELL HE IS!” You roared.
Batman felt a little helpless watching the two of you scream at each other. All this fighting? Over a boy? His son, no less? He had other sons and you were free to have your pick. But at this point, he wasn’t even sure what to say.
“You just can’t seem to accept the fact that he doesn’t love you anymore! Get over it! Because he certainly has!” You shouted, spinning on your heel and stomping away from her, determined to have the last word. Superman sighed in relief. He thought another fight would break out.
“You’re just insecure because you know that if he had the chance, he would come crawling back to me!”
A chill went done your spine and you felt cold fury run through your veins, turning around to glare at her murderously and clenching your hands tightly. You were so angry your feet were rooted to the floor, body seizing up slightly.
The others looked anxiously between the two of you as you glared at each other for a minute before you spoke with the calmest, yet most terrifying voice they’ve ever heard from you.
“Zatanna, you can try your damn hardest to win him back. But I promise you, you’re never going to get what you want.” You told her darkly, before walking away.
As Zatanna glared at your receding figure she decided she was going to prove you wrong.
To keep you from fighting with Zatanna again, when Batman came to you with a solo mission you couldn’t agree fast enough. Even though you knew you’d miss Dick’s homecoming, you still wanted to get the hell away from here. Not like you’d be missing anything important, other than Zatanna fawning over him.
You’d get to tell him how much you missed him in private anyway.
As soon as you were out of the cave, you couldn’t help the relief that filled your bones. You had been so on edge the past few days, still furious with her so the distance between the two of you was appreciated.
When Dick got home, he was ecstatic to see you again. It had been nearly 3 weeks since he had last held you and his skin was practically buzzing with excitement when he reached a cave, desperate to hug you, kiss you, touch you.
He got to the mess hall quickly, running all the way there and when he opened the door, he was instantly disappointed. You weren’t there.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” He asked Beast Boy, hoping he would tell him that you were just back at your apartment or that you had gone out for a while and would be back soon but he felt his heart sink when Gar gave him a sympathetic smile.
“She’s on a mission for a week.”
“A mission? Who’s with her?”
“No one. It’s a solo mission.”
Now he was worried. You usually didn’t take solo missions, liking to work in a team, knowing that there would be people who would be watching your back was reassuring. He knew you were more than skilled to handle a solo mission but not being by your side made him nervous and slightly antsy.
He was also upset that you weren’t here. So, he decided to do the most adult thing. Go home and sulk in bed while holding your sweatshirt that smelt like you.
But apparently the world had something against him because when he was about to go through the Zeta tube he was intercepted. By non other than Zatanna.
Now, poor clueless Dick had no idea that you had thrown hands with Zatanna just a day ago and was the reason why you weren’t there to welcome him when he got back. If he had he would’ve sulked at her and whined loudly for her to hear while he dragged his feet.
But, poor clueless Dick had absolutely no idea Zatanna was the reason he was being deprived of your kisses. So, he just smiled brightly at her and asked her if she needed anything.
“As a matter of fact, I found an old spell and I need someone to test it out on!”
“I don’t know how I feel about being your non-scientific experiment, Z.”
“Come on, it’s totally harmless, I promise.”
“I don’t know...”
“Don’t you trust me?”
He did. But there was just something about this situation that made him uncomfortable. Maybe it was because he missed you like crazy and just wanted to go home and sulk until you came back. Maybe it was because he felt uncomfortable to go somewhere private with his ex-girlfriend without telling you first. Or maybe it was because of the way Zatanna felt the need to guilt him into it.
Nevertheless, he agreed, albeit reluctantly and went to her room. Inside Zatanna had a bunch of ruins written on a paper and some weird poultices beside it.
“Now this isn’t going to work unless you give me your consent.” She informed, bustling about the room and Dick suddenly felt the air was a little stuffy.
“What do you mean by consent? Consent for what?”
“It’s a love spell.” She told him, smiling slyly but he couldn’t quite understand why. His hands got a little clammy at the announcement. What did she mean by love spell? Was she trying to get him to fall in love with her? Why would she be so open about it then? Especially when she knew he was in love with someone else?
“What do you mean?”
“Oh relax, stop being so tense. It’s just a love spell that proves who you truly love.” She said, immediately noticing how stiff his body was. Though she chalked it up to confusion. Dick was simply confused about who he loved, he was clouded by his attraction to you and he felt guilty about being unfaithful. But deep down, he really loved her. And this spell would prove it.
“In the olden ages, people would use it on their wedding to prove that their significant other truly loved them.”
He nodded, mouth falling open with realization. He already knew what the answer would be so why even bother? He assumed it was because Zatanna was curious to whether it actually worked.
“Too bad (Y/N) isn’t here, I mean I know who I love but I’d like to try it out on her. I mean, who takes a mission the day before their boyfriend comes back to town.” He complained, more to himself but Zatanna still heard it.
“Anyway, can I cast it on you?”
“Sure, couldn’t hurt.”
Oh, how he’d come to know just how wrong he was.
You raced through the halls, panicked, hearing your heart beat out of your chest as you sprinted to the Med Bay. Even though you were running as quick as possible you still pumped your legs to run faster, needing to get there quickly.
As soon as you saw Zatanna outside the Med Bay, you skidded to a stop in front of her and grabbing her collar, pinning her against the wall. She hit it with a thud and she saw white for a second when her head collided with the hard surface.
It was then you got a good look at her face. Her eyes were red and face wet. Her lips were bitten until they bled. You gritted your teeth, grip tightening around the collar as tears pricked your eyes.
“What the hell did you do!”
She whimpered, eyes getting glossy again before she started crying, incomprehensible words leaving her lips and you snarled before shaking her again, “You don’t get to cry! What the hell did you do to him!”
“It was a love spell!” She cried out, “It was supposed to reveal who he truly loves.”
“It’s activated by a kiss.” She sniffled, “And I did.”
“Is it done?” Dick asked just as she finished casting the spell. His body was enveloped by a slight glow that was only visible to her and Zatanna’s lips curled when she realized it had worked. Now there was only one thing left to do.
“Yep.” She said, slinking over to his side and he pouted curiously.
“Are you sure? I don’t feel any different. You said it was supposed to reveal who I love. What happened?”
“We’re gonna find that out. Hold still.” She said, smiling and wrapping her arms around his neck to press a kiss to his lips. Dick froze, feeling her lips move against his and his mind went blank for a second before his chest contracted painfully.
He gasped against her mouth, before his legs buckled and he tumbled to the ground. Zatanna’s eyes widened when she saw the way his body twitched, pained gasps leaving his mouth and tears began falling from his eyes.
“Are you okay?!” She panicked, wrapping her arms around his thrashing figure but he couldn’t choke out an answer.
“Someone help! Anyone! Please!”
“A kiss doesn’t put people through cardiac arrest!” You screamed, feeling your chest tighten as you heard it out loud for the first time. Your eyes began burning and your throat contracted, feeling tears build. It was the first time you had admitted it to yourself.
You were scared. Emotions that you could barely process or understand swirled around you in a dark cloud and you were scared that Dick wouldn’t make it out of his critical state. If he was taken away from you because you hadn’t been there to stop it, you would never forgive yourself.
“I’m sorry.” She whimpered, sobbing and her body went limp in your fists. The urge to rip her head off her shoulders resurfaced. She didn’t get to be upset, not when this was all her fault.
“I don’t give a shit.” You hissed, “How do we save him?”
“A true love’s kiss should stop all the side effects.” She whispered, looking up at you with wide eyes, “If Dick truly loves you, then when you kiss him, it’ll reverse the spell.”
You needed to get in there.
You released your hold and Zatanna and she slid to the floor pathetically, holding her body as she cried. But even with her heartbroken sobs, you couldn’t feel any sort of remorse to her, glaring at her instead, “You better hope this works. Or I’ll kill you myself.”
And then you rushed in.
When you got to Dick’s side your breath stuttered when you noticed just how many things he was connected to and you felt your body shake. Batman was carefully watching him from his bedside.
You carefully walked to his side, gently brushing your fingers against his cheekbone. He looked like he was in so much pain. He looked so weak. You wanted to help him but a part of you was scared. For the first time in your life, you doubted Dick’s feelings for you.
The time you needed his love and devotion to be true the most, you were doubtful. A million thoughts rushed through your head and for a second you were tempted to just avoid doing this at all. But you knew that you had to at least try.
So, with trembling hands, you held the ventilator fastened to his mouth, taking a deep breath before tugging it off. Batman, already knowing what you were about to do, let you pull it off him before pressing a fluttering kiss to his lips. Tears gathered underneath your lashes when you didn’t feel anything happen.
Just when you were about to pull away, Dick took a deep breath through his nose and panted against your mouth, kissing you more firmly. You couldn’t help the sob that bubbled out of your throat and he swallowed it without any qualms.
Even through bleary vision, you were able to make out his blue eyes and the small smile on his face. 
His hands came up to weakly cup for cheeks, gently wiping away the tears with his thumbs, “I missed you.”
You sniffled, letting more tears fall because you knew he’d be here to wipe them away, “I missed you too.”
You walked into the mess hall quietly. Dick had just fallen asleep in the Med Bay where he would be kept for a couple days under observation. It was past 1 in the night and you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed but you had some unfinished business left to handle.
It was dark and it was hard to make out your surroundings until your eyes adjusted to the darkness. As you walked to the kitchen island, your eyes landed on the sorceress that had her head in her arms and wondered if she was asleep. Batman had said you were free to deal with her anyway you liked and that had been exactly your plan.
“He’s okay now, if you’re curious.” You told her. Her head shot up and she looked at you out of the corner of her eye before bowing it away shamefully. But you caught a glance at her face. She looked like she had been crying for hours, eyes bloodshot and face red and blotchy.
“Thank god.” She croaked out.
There was a beat of silence.
“I’m so so sorry, (Y/N).” Zatanna whimpered out before crying again, “You were right. I was jealous. And I did a crazy, wrong thing. And I’m so sorry.”
You sighed, nodding at her apology even though you knew she couldn’t see you. You weren’t sure if you accepted it, and you didn’t have to. For now, it could remain in the air.
“He really doesn’t love me....” She whispered out and you sighed once again, stepping up beside her and setting something on the table.
Zatanna glanced at the bottle of tequila and the two shot glasses you left. You didn’t look at her, instead choosing to stare straight ahead. You opened the bottle, pouring yourself a shot before tilting your head back and downing it, hissing at the burn.
“Obligatory break-up drink.” You mumbled, pouring her a shot and passing the glass to her.
She sniffled, looking at the glass in her hands before gulping it down. You took a deep breath, refilling the glasses. You still didn’t look at her, didn’t speak to her, just poured a refill when either of you finished and downed it in one gulp. The excitement from today and the tense feeling from sitting beside Zatanna kept you from getting drunk too early.
You two ended up finishing half the bottle, drinking in the dark until she passed out first and you followed soon after.
The others found you the next morning, passed out at the kitchen island, clutching empty shot glasses.
Bonus bonus:
Batman sighed, smelling the overwhelming scent of tequila as he came closer. None of them were able to wake either of you up. You were out cold, face scrunched up and head against the table in a position that would no doubt have your neck in a crick.
Zatanna was no better. Her hair was a mess, tequila spilt on her clothes and she was drooling all over the table, snoring unattractively.
“All this over a boy?”
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vantemania · 3 years
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───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
➤ Genre: Fluff, crack
➤ Pairing: Jungkook x Y/N
➤ Word count: 1.1k
➤ A/N: This is just a super fluffy nervous Jungkook drabble I couldn't help thinking of the first time I saw him in that fit. It's pre-date btw! Imagine in the second gif he's got that date on his mind~ all cute & overthinking things 💛 ALSO, I have to say — when I chose the ahem... combination of the outfit Taehyung picks, I had no idea Tae had truly put those things together before irl... (& made it look amazing ofc)
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"No one told me it would be this hard!" Dragging his hands down his face, Jungkook stared at his wardrobe with pure resentment. Everyone was always commenting on how 'boyfriend' he dressed, so why the fuck couldn't he figure out what to wear for a date?
Jungkook cast a longing look at his oversized T-shirts and collection of hoodies; he'd return to them soon. But for tonight, he needed something more... refined.
Earlier in the week, Jungkook had finally worked up the courage to ask you on a date. He'd been pining after you ever since you tripped over your own feet and spilled the contents of your bag, revealing anime keychains and video game themed pens. When he returned your Mario pen to you and you smiled in embarrassment, uttering a quiet thank you — he knew he wanted to be the reason you smiled from then on, and he needed to know what the sound of your laughter was like. It wasn't love at first sight, but he certainly felt something bloom in his chest.
The door to Jungkook's room inched open silently. Taehyung peeked in, taking in the scene before him. It appeared as though Jungkook's entire wardrobe was scattered about his room. Taehyung had experienced the maknae's indecision on an outfit before, but he'd never seen it this bad. Glancing at Jungkook, Taehyung noticed his hands were covering his face. He was still oblivious to Taehyung's presence. The boy seemed to be going through a crisis already, so Taehyung decided to be nice and spook him as little as possible.
With a tiny knock on the open door, Taehyung broke Jungkook out of his mental monologue. "Uh... I heard shouting and things crashing so I... came to check on you."
At the sound of his hyung's voice, Jungkook startled, his hands dropping from his face immediately. Taehyung snickered at the look of bewilderment mixed with something else... desperation? On Jungkook's face. "Looks like you could use some help?"
Hope dawned on the maknae's face, previously distraught eyes now sparkling. "Please? I don't have anything to wear," he whined.
With a tilt of his head, Taehyung smirked at the pleading look on Jungkook's face. "I'm sure I have a thing or two I could lend you for the night."
Jungkook checked himself out in the full length mirror in the hallway — he was never convinced it was a necessary component in the apartment before, but Jin had insisted on it, saying no home was complete without a full length mirror, and how else was he supposed to see just how handsome he looked that day?
Today, however, Jungkook was thankful. He fluffed his hair one more time — just to shake it out of his eyes — before taking a deep breath and heading down the hallway. Exhaling, he closed his eyes momentarily, a grin forming on his face. He was finally going to see you outside of class. Nervous didn't even begin to explain how he felt right then. Giddy, excited, antsy, terrified? He hoped you wouldn't think he was weird. All signs so far had pointed to you not hating him — hell, he'd take what he could get, just to see you smile was enough for him. With this on his mind, Jungkook bounded into the living room, a spring in his step.
Namjoon, who was lounging on the sofa watching TV, took one look at the boy who was practically vibrating with nerves and glee. "Jungkook." He muted the TV. "Come here for a second."
Halting mid-step, Jungkook obeyed, curious as to what his hyung wanted to say. Maybe he'd offer some sage advice? Or wish him good luck?
"Yes Namjoon hyung?" He answered, stepping in front of Namjoon's seated figure.
The older boy took a moment to scan Jungkook from head to toe. "You're going on a date?”
"Yes~" Jungkook beamed, a bright toothy smile enveloping his face.
"It's the first date, right?" Namjoon asked, quirking his brow. His eyes landed on one target. No, two.
Under his intense gaze, Jungkook shifted his feet. "Yes," he answered again, starting to feel his anxiety from earlier returning.
Namjoon took a deep breath. He considered how lucky the boys were to have a hyung like him to guide them. "I would reconsider that outfit."
Jungkook froze. "Wh- but why hyung?" He looked at himself, suddenly self conscious. He really thought he and Taehyung had come up with a solid first date look.
It took everything in Namjoon to not just deadpan his response. Namjoon settled on sighing instead. "Taehyung helped you, didn't he?"
"Ah... he did. Why?" Jungkook shifted back and forth on his feet, fingers fiddling with one another.
With a chuckle under his breath, Namjoon shook his head. Of course. "Jungkook. I admire Taehyung's sense of style most days, but you can't go on your first date wearing Gucci slippers and plaid pants."
Returning from his room, Jungkook crossed the hallway to Namjoon's room — where he had migrated to after trying to save Jungkook from making the mistake of being too..? Eccentric. For his first date with you. Impressions were everything, after all.
Namjoon glanced away from his computer's monitor as the younger boy entered. "There, now doesn't that feel so much better?" he asked, appraising the new and improved outfit.
Adjusting the sleeves on his yellow button-up, Jungkook grinned. "Do you really think she'll like this, hyung?"
Namjoon gave him a once over. "Well, if she has any taste, she will," he said.
The grin on Jungkook's face widened, crinkling his eyes. "I guess I'm about to find out," he replied, checking his watch.
"Go get 'em kid," Namjoon said, regarding the maknae leaving his room with a fondness in his eyes.
Jungkook reached the front door, after patting himself down to make sure he didn't forget anything. Phone, wallet, keys... He should be good.
His phone buzzed right after he patted his pocket to check it — a text from you saying you were on your way to meet him. A shy smile tugged at his lips.
Jungkook quickly texted you an answer before pocketing his phone and opening the door to his home. With one look over his shoulder before leaving, he adjusted the sleeves to his shirt once more and grinned.
"Let's get it."
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