ennythekillerbunny · 3 months
Hey I have a REALLY BIG question.
So I have an idea for a show that would be really good but there is one thing. The show focuses on scrapped characters and stuff and some of the characters I want to show come from other things such as video games and movies and stuff (it’s not the actual characters, it’s their scrapped designs or characters that didn’t make the cut) but I’m not sure if I can show those characters or if adding them is allowed. I tried to look it up to see if I could but I didn’t get a straight answer sooo does anyone know for sure?
Also if you’re wondering why I’m adding scrapped characters into a weird show it’s cuz the show is gonna be called “Rejects” and it focuses on this weird delusional skater girl that woke up in a world full of scrapped/cut characters.
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ennythekillerbunny · 7 months
Weird things that happened when making characters #2.
I haven’t mentioned the order in which the clones were made (aside from the numbers in their names) but let me list the EXACT order in which the new clones came to mind (This will mention clones that I haven’t shown yet btw).
Clone-001 (Shinzo clone), and the whole time I depicted him with a metal tail/spine (idk why, it was so f-ckin random but it stuck with me. Also in the early days he was going to be the ONLY clone).
Clone-003, Clone-004, and Clone-005 (Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki clones) were made after that (and back when I first made them 3 was able to talk but I switched it for idk what reason. Also 3 still had both his hands and 4 still had both his feet in the early days).
Clone-002 (Ochaco Clone), yes the clone named 2 was thought of after 3, 4, and 5 (And back when I first made her she was possessed by an evil entity, and their creator killed her rather than the same guy that ripped 3’s neck apart).
Clone-006, and Clone-007/Shinarazugo (Shiggy clone and Fusion clone of all the past dude clones). (They were supposed to be the last clones to exist, but obviously my brain was like “nah let’s make more”).
Clone-008, and Clone-009 (Rody clone and Hatsume clone). Ngl I thought of a Rody clone after seeing that MF (idk why but now it’s superglued to the idea).
Clone-011 (Katsuma clone). Tbh he was a random addition (again yes, the clone named 11 was thought about before 10. And originally he was just Katsume but then I decided to give him Hagakure’s quirk.)
Clone-010 (Fusion clone that I’m not gonna say too much about) was another random thought bubble that stuck for a while (Originally this clone was going to be a guy because they are a mix of all dudes, but I randomly thought “Hey let’s switch it around and make this one a girl without changing the appearance at all”… you get the picture).
Clone-000 (Another Fusion clone not gonna say his name yet), again more to throw into the confusing pile (because who tf makes 0 WAY AFTER the first 11. Also just a few weeks after making him I decided he should be deaf).
Clone-012 (another fusion clone whose name I’m not saying yet), who was what I was planning to be the last.
Shad0w and Starb0y, bodyguard-like characters that are always with 12 (the aren’t technically clones but they do fall under this category. And yes Shadow as in Shadow the hedgehog but in a human-like form. Star boy on the other hand is based off the scrapped version of the star from wish….. I’m not kidding).
Lastly, Clone-006.5 (another Shiggy clone). I wish that name was a joke (He is the most recent clone that I made and I only got inspired to make him after a Lucifer and Alastor edit for idk what reason. I know it’s stupid but it’s true, also he’s a complete d!ck compared to Clone-006).
That’s it now…….
Why are you still here??…
I’m done now please leave….
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ennythekillerbunny · 7 months
Weird things that happened while making my characters. #1
When I first came up with the clones, I did it unintentionally. Originally Clone-001 (the clone of Shinzo) was a character that popped up in my VERY old version of an au (forgot what was different about that universe). So if anything the MHA Clones Au was created on accident, but I liked the idea so much that I decided to make it into something silly to do on my free time.
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ennythekillerbunny · 7 months
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I do not care how late I am to this trend
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I’m still gonna draw the clones like this.
FINALLY got around to drawing 1 and 5.
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ennythekillerbunny · 8 months
Clones Backstory (From rumors about Clone-006 by Mizza Lizza: multiversal performer that hangs out with villains often)
Nobody’s quite sure who made them, the heroes just found them.
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They had writing on their arm that matched those clones of the hero students, but nobody could understand what it said. He looks like the leader of the League, Tomura Shigaraki. But… he doesn’t act or look anything like him. He’s kind, gentle, but that’s just what most people see. Apparently a couple of villains have been disappearing, and not just small one either. But the disappearances stopped when the heroes found that clone, but we know that he’s after them next. Some whispers around the underground have said they’ve seen what that thing really is. Elongated arms and legs, dark eyes that seemed like a void with a neon red in the center, an erie grin that went from ear to ear, razor sharp teeth, the list seems endless…
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HAHAHAHA. But hey what do I know right?
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ennythekillerbunny · 8 months
Clone Backstory (notes from their creator)
Date: 2/20/——
Log: 25. Experiment: Enhanced Power Test (EPT)
Clone DNA sample origins: UA HighSchool Students, Izuku Midoriya (Clone-003), (deleted sentence), Katsuki Bakugo (Clone-004), (deleted sentence),Shoto Todoroki (Clone-005),(deleted sentence).
How test works: By fusing the main quirks with another quirk, it enhances the power of the main quirk.
Success Rate: The clone test was 72% successful.
Main Difficulties: All 3 clones experience pain where they would normally use their quirk (Arms, hands, etc) resulting with all of them needing support.
Current Solutions to difficulties: All 3 clones have metal support attached to their skeletal systems which has helped them be able to basic functions (Clone-004 and Clone-005 only needed supports in their arms, while Clone-003 needed support throughout his entire body).
End of Log
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ennythekillerbunny · 8 months
Clone backstory (notes from their creator)
Date: 2/2/——
Log: 23. Experiment: Fully Organic Clone Test (FOCT)
Clone DNA sample origins: UA HighSchool Students, Hitoshi Shinso (Clone-001) and Ochaco Uraraka (Clone-002).
Success rate: The clone test was 80% successful.
Main difficulties: Clone-001 was missing his “Brainwash” quirk and shortly after had an incident (which I fixed). Meanwhile Clone-002’s quirk did come in, but whenever she “released” the object that was floating it was torn to shreds (I’ll have to make sure she dosen’t use her quirk on living beings).
Current Solutions to difficulties: While Clone-001 missing his quirk isn’t an issue, the incident left his spine destroyed but luckily I was able to build him a new one (It even extends in a tail-like form and has weapons on it so he still has something against quirk users). Meanwhile, Clone-002 will be limiting her powers to only non-living objects.
End of log
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ennythekillerbunny · 8 months
Unlikely Pack
Poem written by: Enny A
On a cold night
Far out of sight
There lay a little one-horned sheep
Thou the bushes heave a creep
For fear came the moonlight hound
Oh how he came the hound.
Although he was a kind wolf that came in peace
For there was no hate, he came in peace.
Following the wolf was a young tiger
But this tiger wasn’t a striker
While they hid and sleep
One heard a leap.
For it was a fox
It was trotting on the rocks
The others pondered
With curiosity as they wandered
The fox asked to stay
The others let him in as he may.
The night comes and goes
As the wind blows and flows
The sweet deer cared for the others
She was much like their mothers
Although they all waited for the sun
They couldn’t wait til it was done.
Then the great rabbit came
It was grand yet tame
With wings of fury
And a horn of glory
For this was their protector
So forth they felt better.
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ennythekillerbunny · 9 months
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Hello. So I’ve been stuck on writing the next chapter of “The clones Au”. But for now here is some art of one of the clones so you get an idea of what the character looks like (still gotta draw the other three clones I mentioned in the previous chapters).
Start of “The clones au” chapters ⬇️
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ennythekillerbunny · 10 months
The Clones Au
MHA, Earth - 628
Chapter 4: Friend or Foe
The “fake” Todoroki and new ‘villian’ ran around the place looking for 3, when they bumped into both Ochaco and 3. 3 quickly dashed into the arms of the “fake” Todoroki. Both the “fake” Todoroki and new ‘villian’ looked at each other in sorrow realizing that 3 was scared, so they knew it was time to leave. But suddenly the hero students surrounded them, making sure that they had no way out. Ochaco was trying to explain what she saw but the others believed that she was tricked into helping them.
“What are we supposed to do now?!” The new ‘villian’ said in worry.
“You’re supposed to surrender.” a strange voice said from above.
The “villains” were quickly detained by a group of sidekicks that were hiding around the area.
“Seems like you were right, Centi” Aizawa said. Centi is known as the bug hero, his quirk is bugshift (he can turn into any kind of bug, including a large amalgamation of bugs to overwhelm enemies).
“Wait what is going on?!” Deku asked.
“This gang of villains were caught trying to steal something dangerous, so we made a trap to catch them” said one of sidekicks working for Centi.
“Now, let’s see what’s hiding under those masks” Centi said removing the “villains” masks. Only, this was his mistake. The “villains” looked identical to Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki.
“I should’ve guessed” Centi said with no surprise.
“What the hell are those things, and why do they look like my students?!” Aizawa said in horror.
“Clones. These little freaks of nature are clones, villains back in my town have made things much like this to cause trouble for heroes” Centi replied.
“Although these ones are interesting, they don’t appear as robotic as the ones I’ve seen in the past.”
“We aren’t robots idiot!” The Bakugo clone said in anger.
“Sure you’re not but I still haven’t figured out what you want with the crystal, also you can keep the one you have it’s just a decoy”.
As Centi made more mocking remarks to the clones, 3 (the Deku clone) managed to get his hands out of the cuffs and was just looking around the place he was at. The sidekicks noticed and thought he was going to attack, only to see that he wasn’t interested in trying to flee the scene. They brought it to Centi’s attention, only to be left in more confusion.
“Wouldn’t you clones normally escape the first chance you get?” Centi asked. 3 didn’t reply in words, but just shrugged and continued to just look around. The heroes and hero students were very confused by 3’s actions, well everyone except Ochaco.
Even though 3 dosen’t say much, they should’ve seen him looking around as a warning. Because he was trying to see when their backup member was coming. In reality, the clones swapped the decoy and real crystal so then that way they can keep the real one while the heroes kept the fake. But also a note for Centi, if a certain group of villains attempt to steal something it’s best to keep count of how many of them there were.
Previous chapter ⬇️
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ennythekillerbunny · 10 months
The Clones Au
MHA, Earth - 628
Chapter 3: Unexpected Acquaintances
Ochaco ran into a place to hide from the madness going on around there, but then she heard a strange sound. There was someone that got their leg caught under some rubble that fell from the building. He didn’t seem like a threat, if anything he looked in pain trying to get the rubble off his leg. Ochaco slowly approached and managed to get the rubble off his leg. She managed to get a somewhat better look at this person. Their face was covered by a mask and hood over his face, his outfit seemed to resemble the one Deku had during World Hero’s Mission. Ochaco tried to get a closer look but he quickly tried to run off, unfortunately for him his injured leg prevented him from escaping so he just backed into a corner. He didn’t seem like a threat, if anything he was more scared of Ochaco than she was of him.
“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you” Ochaco said in attempt to calm him down. It somewhat worked, but he stayed silent. Ochaco went closer to the strange person.
“Who are you?” Ochaco asked. He didn’t reply though, it seemed like he couldn’t. He slowly held up 3 fingers, implying that that was his name.
“Your name is 3?” Ochaco asked to confirm that it’s what he meant. He didn’t say anything, but he nodded confirming. Ochaco tried asking other questions but 3 didn’t seem to reply to any of them, it looked like he wanted to but couldn’t.
“Come with me, we can help you” Ochaco said, holding her hand out. 3 grabbed on while Ochaco helped support him because his leg was still in pain.
Meanwhile with the “fake” Todoroki and the real one.
Todoroki had backed the “fake” him into a corner, then someone else came falling down and knocked him down. This guy looked different though, his outfit seemed to resemble the one Bakugo had during World Hero’s Mission.
“ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED?!” The new ‘villian’ said.
“I didn’t think he was going to escape!” The “fake” Todoroki replied.
“WELL TOO BAD, BECAUSE HE DID” he said more pissed than the first time.
“We got the gem, so let’s just get out of here”
“Wait, where’s 3?!”
“What are you talking about he’s right-“ The new ‘villian’ said before he realized he wasn’t there.
“SH!T. WE NEED TO FIND HIM BEFORE THESE HEROES DO!” He said quickly dashing off. The “fake” Todoroki quickly put on his mask and hood before chasing after the other ‘villian’. Todoroki heard the whole thing, he’s just now wonder who 3 is.
Next chapter ⬇️
Previous chapter ⬇️
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ennythekillerbunny · 10 months
The Clones Au
MHA, Earth - 628
Chapter 2: The Reveal
The hero students in class 1-A were doing one of their usual training sessions.
Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki were paired together for this training. But, something was off with Todoroki today. As Midoriya was explaining their plan of attack, Todoroki was having his own thoughts about something….. else.
“I hope they got the crystal already, that way I can leave this place without getting caught” Todoroki was thinking.
“I’m just glad these people are idiots”.
Midoriya finished explaining his plan, and Todoroki realized that he zoned out and is now trying to remember what he said. As Aizawa watched from a distance, another Todoroki came running.
“I’m sorry I’m late, I was locked in my dorm and couldn’t”
“The heck?!” Aizawa said cutting Todoroki off.
“What’s the issue?” Todoroki asked in confusion
“If you were locked in you’re dorm, then who is with Midoriya and Bakugo right now!” Aizawa exclaimed, trying to figure out what was going on.
Todoroki rushed into the training to warn the others about what he just heard. He managed to find Iida and told him about the situation. Iida was left in horror after hearing what Todoroki said. When the others caught a glimpse into what was going on, the other Todoroki immediately fled the scene and hid while the hero students tried to track him down.
“Oi” The other Todoroki heard. It was coming from a communicator device that he had on him.
“Did you get the crystal yet” he asked, talking into his communicator.
“Yes, and…. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!” the voice on the other line screamed.
“He escaped”.
“We’ll be on our way, and don’t die” the voice on the other line finished.
The real Todoroki managed to hit him, but he only managed to damage what hid who he was. The “fake” Todoroki’s appearance didn’t change much, but his outfit seemed similar to the one the real Todoroki had back in World Hero’s Mission. Left in confusion, the real Todoroki tried to chase after him, but the “fake” Todoroki was too fast.
Next chapter ⬇️
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ennythekillerbunny · 10 months
The Clones Au
MHA, Earth - 628 (this takes place inbetween 106-107)
Chapter 1: The Meeting
It was a darker night than usual, something seemed….. off. Aizawa was called into a private discussion by Mirko and an unknown hero.
As he entered he noticed Ms Joke and Nezu were also in this random meeting. “Alright, so what exactly is this thing” he asked, referring to the strange gem in the middle of the room.
“This strange crystal has some kind of powerful energy inside of it, if in the wrong hands it could destroy an entire town” Mirko replied.
“That sounds dangerous.” Ms Joke said with concern. “Shouldn’t we keep this in a locked up facility if it’s that dangerous?”
“We already did, but someone broke in and tried to steal it” The unknown hero answered. Aizawa and Ms Joke were surprised and confused at that statement.
“But we have a plan. We will set up a decoy at one of the hero schools so that way-“.
“I’m sorry, you want to put the lives of hero students at risk over this?!” Aizawa said, cutting off the unknown hero.
“I didn’t finish” the unknown hero replied annoyed. “We will leave a decoy at one of the hero schools, while the real one will be safe in another locked up facility so that way we can catch the villains that are after it.” He finished.
“Our first idea was UA but we wanted to make sure it was fine with you first” Mirko added.
“While this would be dangerous, the villians would be outnumbered by both teachers and students” Nezu said. “But we will give it a try, besides our defense system will be the first thing to catch them” Nezu added. The heroes agreed to the plan, but they didn’t realize that these “villains” were quite literally just outside the door.
“Whatever happens, we are getting OUR crystal back” one of the strange “villians” said. The other 3 “villians” nodded in agreement.
Next chapter ⬇️
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ennythekillerbunny · 10 months
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Some of my personal favorite frames that I drew for Possesed InvNy animations
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ennythekillerbunny · 10 months
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ennythekillerbunny · 10 months
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ennythekillerbunny · 1 year
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I am in love with this outfit that Luz had when she had the Titian powers
This is by far the BEST fanart I’ve ever made
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