#this is some messed up shit lmao but there's no point me not being honest
~ T o m u r a ' s t y p e :
~This is just my opinion so zon't azzak me babez 💋
~I just wrote what I feel like he would find attractive in a person. I really put my whole writeussy into this lmao since I kin him.
~There's a little bit of horknee thoughts but nothing too extreme now 💀. But yeah no warnings.
~Anyways, longass and pretty detailed headcanon writing.
.。*♡~Enjoy~♡* 。.
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First of all, he looks hot here, second of all, let's start off with gender. He wouldn't care about gender honestly, if the person is attractive, they're attractive. And he just wants to love someone, and someone to love him, so gender doesn't matter to him. I see him as demi-bisexual, and if person he finds attractive is gender fluid, it's literally like a jackpot to him.
Now, body type, like gender, he doesn't really care about it, and he isn't picky with it. He doesn't mind chubbiness, he loves it instead, he finds curves really cute and attractive and just wants to squeeze and kiss that stomach and thighs, or either lay on them, or chest, he'd see them as teddy bear and pillow. At the same time he doesn't mind skinny as well, he finds it attractive and gorgeous too, that thin waist just looks so holdable and squeezable oh and huggable as well, loves those skinny boney hands he wants to hold them and wants them to be his necklace, he would see that person as model literally. Just as long as person isn't anorexic you know? He doesn't want beautiful person to go through extreme health problems, like being too much underweight or too much overweight to the point they barely walk. But he also finds athletic body types attractive as well, he finds it hot really. He would be more than happy and honored to work out with them. Seeing that muscles, he just feels like touching biting and licking them, he wants to be held and picked up, but secretly and privately of course ;). He would love that strong arms being wrapped around his neck/waist, or he would imagine his head between that person's strong thighs omg.
For heights...like for body and gender, he doesn't give a shit about it. Shorter than him? He finds it cute and just wants to mess with their hair and pick that person up, snuggle them and tease them. Taller than him? Oh he would melt and sweat when they would look down on him, he finds it hot when attractive person towers over him, would imagine forehead kisses and burying his head in their chest. Same height as him? He finds it attractive too, and perfect. He would think hugging, kissing and cuddling with that person would be like two puzzles going together perfectly. No offense but I feel he would prefer a little more person being same height as him or taller than him. It's that submissive side in him that craves for it, I see him as switch honestly. Depending on his mood of course, but I can picture him being a bit more submissive. So yeah he would love if person he finds attractive was a switch too but a bit more dominant.
I don't know why, but I also feel like he would find smoking/smell of cigarettes attractive in person too for some reason. Of course, he doesn't want person he likes to be a heavy smoker now and destroy themselves too much. But he would like the smell on their clothes for sure..I don't know if it's just me but yeah I just feel like it. When he would watch the person he likes smoke, he'd wish he was that cigarette they're holding and putting in their mouth, he wants to be that close to their lips just like that cigarette.
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Tomura would prefer introverted person, I mean it's obvious. Because he's introverted as well, but he wouldn't mind ambiverted person too (between extrovert and introvert/or just balanced).
He would want someone supportive, caring, understanding. Someone honest, determined and passionate, someone that would have his back and be at his worst and best times. Someone that he can be himself around them, that won't judge him for who he is, that would love him for who he is.
He likes people with strength, both physical and mental, emotional and moral strength. He wants someone intelligent and witty, someone that can be mature and serious, and at the same time childish and unserious, someone that is good at finding balance and really shows that they are capable of understanding a diverse range of emotions, and that they can handle all those different feelings appropriately, rather than letting them control them. It would be very attractive trait to him.
He would also find attractive some sass and attitude, it shows that someone is independent and not afraid to speak their mind. It's important to him to have some spice in relationship, but it's also important to balance that with sweetness and kindness. Tomura would appreciate someone who is bold and not afraid to speak their mind, it shows confidence, and he would find it hot. Anyone strong, anyone who can stand firm in the face of danger, who knows what they want and has guts to go for it. Someone that can be goofy and fun, who doesn't take themselves too seriously and can see humour in things, bonus point if they have dark/childish/dirty humor, he would want someone that would make him laugh even when you know the world is coming to an end. Those that can be that but aren't afraid to be serious when they have to. He values confidence but also value humility, you could say that his type is kind of balanced.
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Tomura would be into someone sarcastic and teasing, I feel like he would be into loving and out of joke insulting. Someone a little sassy, and with an attitude he would find that attractive for sure and hilarious, probably exciting as well. As long as they don't take themself way too seriously.
He wants someone calm and collected but at the same time a bit aggressive. He would find it really fascinating to see someone calm and collected go to a little bit aggressive and assertive. He would love someone who has a little bit of wild side and isn't afraid to show it. There's certain amount of aggression that can be attractive, like I said he'd like someone passionate and intense so if that extends to their aggression... it's definitely something he would find hot. As long as they're not overly aggressive or volatile, it can be really hot to have someone who's more intense and passionate about things. It shows him there's more to a person than the calm side that they show most of the time, and that there's a darker side to them too that they're comfortable letting out when it's needed. I feel like he would find that kind of exciting and a bit of a turn on. And yeah, he's probably into aggressive kissing/make out as well than 💀. But of course he would love gentle and sweet too.
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Now for looks, oh he definitely loves more alternative looks in general. He would love those that can embrace the darkness, and who can see the beauty that lies within it. He adores punk/goth/emo/anything dark literally. Probably goth the most though, he's just dragged/attracted more into it. But yeah he finds darker style really beautiful 🦇. You know how I said he prefers more someone same height or taller than him? If person is same height as him and wears platform shoes and boots it's extra points, because they can tower over him sometimes and be same height as him sometimes too.
Plus he would find piercings and tattoos so so attractive for suree, black hair or any other darkish color. They can show individuality and personal expression. He would find tattoos as work of art definitely, and would definitely want to trace them on person he finds attractive. And piercings can be used for self expression, he's into all that 100% 🙏.
Since I mentioned dark style, he would like person who is into dark music as well too, rock/metal/indie/goth/post punk anything that's on darker side. And of course, he'd like someone that can listen to all sorts of different genres, styles and artists because it makes for a broad and interesting tastes he can relate to. Anything but country music <3.
Now for interests, Tomura would love someone who is into art and media, horror, gore and dark stuff. He would love someone who's creative and passionate about things like film, music, painting/drawing... He would find it really attractive to see someone who has eye for beauty or aesthetics on more artistic level.
And last thing, about affection and love language, he'd want someone that isn't much into PDA. He would like to be more touchy with person he likes in private and not in public for sure. I mean he finds hand holding, small and quick kiss and hugging in public alright, but other stuff...yeah no. He'd like someone with mixed love languages or different ways of showing affection like psychical affection, words of affirmation, gift giving, quality time, and I know I already mentioned this one but insulting in loving and joking way too. I just know he's extremely touch starved and hungry for affection and love.
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I tried to write this as much accurate as I could, I hope you like it <3
And if you come this far/read everything ily🫀
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
Bestie hi! Its been far too long. I'll blame it on life being occupied with work and summer travel. In fact, just had flights for my trip connecting through DFW, and ofc thought of you now ha. How are you, all well?!
Shall I start w some rambling re the amazing new fic?: Just incredible writing/work overall, no surprise and Ive so enjoyed reading.
Really looking fwd to the reunion of P's mini and his Pookie! Perhaps he can let something slip a bit about their past to Stephie? She cant be the only one wreaking havoc with her mouth for once ha. The one year contract- how dare you 😅 I ached at all the parts referencing A's wishes for a partner. And P flinching at just the word family! Im still here trying to wrap my head around A ever not wanting to marry P, but I know youll end up connecting the dots beautifully (and remedying this outrage lol). Currently torn on whether youre evil enough to have P upset Stephie at any point in this 😐 the way it would kill everyone The flashbacks are always impeccable (painful)!
Other news/notes: P looked and did great at her appearances. That stylist really gets her and is phenomenal! Those idiots in love (affectionate) together in MT 😊. Azzi dear, the nails again, please.. the shorter hair is cute. Whew, that Hannah Hidalgo mess. Yikes yikes yikes. No girl. Though I did at least appreciate the numerous funny tweets that whole thing managed to create (and good clap backs). The recommendation is prob late now, I meant to mention a while back - saw 'Power of the Dream' and thought it was a good watch. So much respect for the players it covered. Boy, are we gonna need the WBB girlie pops to step up in a big way again this fall. Ugh
Thats all from me. Have the very best Wednesday! -☕️
Ah bestieeee hi I missed you! It has been a while and I'm glad to see that you're back <3 I'm doing pretty good babes, how's everything with you? I'm assuming there was no wife-sighting while flying through Dallas but just know I'm still rooting for the two of you!
YAY! I'm so glad you're liking it so far! Drew and Stephie's are gonna be like that one tiktok sounds where it's like "who are you?" "bitch i'm the owner of this house" but yeah it's gonna fun.
Liiiisteeeen Stephie can't be happy and joyful the whole time and Paige can be a bit of an idiot so like...it just writes itself you know? (The answer is yes btw I am absolutely evil enough if I choose to be)
ALL HAIL BRITTANY fr like thank god for that woman because she's really saving Paige from herself let's be honest. Also her makeup team is flawless.
THE NAILS lmao listen once was coincidence, twice? Oh Pazzi....
Ugh yeah that's so unfortunately like I really was and wanted to continue rooting for her but that shit's just gross and honestly lowkey made me kinda sad cause how are you like that in the year 2024 but I guess that's just life.
Ooooh I've been meaning to watch power of the dream and now that you're recommending it, I definitely will!
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disastertwins9000 · 2 years
I would love to know more about your “homies in a half shell” crossover AU. I love everything about it, the art, the ideas, the characters interactions. All of it and I want- no need to know more. If this is too of an open ended question. Then here’s some specifics.
How do the rise boys find out about Leo’s reactions to the cold?
What is 2012 Leo’s relationship with rise Donnie?
What is 2012 Raphs relationship with rise Mikey?
Is 2012 Leo the only one that likes weighted blankets?
How do the 2012 boys help with the rise boys trauma?
That’s all, can’t wait to see more of your AU! :)
awww i’m so glad you like it!!! honestly i’ve spent hours on this au and this means so very much to me so thank you!! also i love the asks guys don’t be shy!!
get ready to read lmao
so lee and the cold… i’m being so completely honest.. i haven’t thought about how the rise fam found out. i will probably make a sketch about it later cause now you got me thinking about it. i’m thinking that, maybe, just hear me out.. he’ll get cold..? and have a panic attack 😄😄 -more about that coming soon in sketch form:)
leo and donnie: lee is still the mom of the group, but in a way that his brothers respect him highly. lee is impressed by rise donnie and is proud of him but worries that he might accidentally pressure him too much like he sometimes did with 12 donnie. 12 leo is also scared for his brothers, in the way that they value themselves. he doesn’t want rise donnie to think that lee is proud of him because he’s smart, he wants him to know that he loves him for much more then that. trauma am i right:)) on a more light hearted level, the disaster twins are constantly competing with one another to impress lee (praise from their badass big brother) and for the longest time lee has no idea what is going on.
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2012 raph is ridiculously protective of rise mikey. this doesn’t mean that he loves rise mikey any more then 12 mikey, it’s just that rise mikey is still very young and still acts like it, and raphs got a major soft spot for him. together they enjoy being sarcastic little shits(affectionate) to their brothers and they like to do art together. mikey uses his ‘youngest and smallest of them all’ powers to get constant piggyback rides from everyone, especially 12 raph. don’t mess with the short boys they will bite your knees off
for the weighted blankets, the 12 twins both use them(lee and raph). raph got one bc lee introduced them to him. rise donnie uses one, and weighted blankets are always kept in the lair if anyone wishes to use one. rise mikey has a few different hammocks in his room that he can change out or hang up all at once and a few of them are therapy hammocks that him and his brothers use to help with anxiety and sleep. basically they have all used one at one point and it just depends on the person.
for the trauma part… not all their problems are solved yet..🤫 but the 12 boys do their best to be there for them. to listen and not dismiss the fear or pain. rarely did the 12brothers get a break to stop and process what was going on and their lives were never normal. while they are there for the rise boys in every way they can be, let’s be honest they need to stop and figure themselves out too.
thank you for the ask, i so enjoy answering and i’m so glad that ppl are interested in my au<3 also i can’t forget to credit @sapphiretanto for all the help with the hcs we’ve got going. lmao you got me info dumping
lucky i had this sketch already in my drafts cuz this is what my little brother does to me 😭🫶🏼
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starbuckaroo · 5 months
Sorry I know this is going around a lot rn but anyone who wants to say ANYTHING about bad parenting on this show and wants to talk about Eddie mf Diaz can eat a fucking dick UNLESS they can show me they’re not being hypocritical and can show me their posts that rip Athena apart. Fucking hell.
I will preface this by acknowledging that ofc there’s absolutely no way I can know what it’s like to be a black woman raising a black child. I never can. I do have some personal experience with raising a black boy in the US, though, so the episodes with Harry have always hit me really really hard, and usually because I always want to mcfucking scream at Athena for the way she allows her career indoctrination to harm her children.
Yeah my main gripe with this show always always boils down to “Athena quit your job” bc I can’t stand her anymore tbh. She would have stayed an interesting character IF at some point in s4-5 thereabouts she started to have doubts about the system and they did something interesting with that
If they would allow the literal actual conflicts of interest to crop up and let her be a fucking antagonist. Let Bobby struggle with his ethical evaluation of a scene and his marital obligations. Let May struggle with learning and growing away from her childhood home and wrestle with what her mom continues to do. And let that storyline with Harry this season actually carry the fucking heavy and heinous weight that it truly has. It turns my stomach honestly like I had to stand up and walk away, and let me sister tell me when it was over so I could go sit back down.
But the apologism is what is so unforgivable. Like don’t get me wrong, I love the hell out of this show and it’s my full on hyperfixation and has been for years, but its top billed character has been nigh unwatchable for most of the last few seasons. The narrative trying to sell me that she’s one of the protagonists, that she doesn’t have to struggle meaningfully at all about what she does for a living or to her family, and I’m supposed to swallow that without protest? Nah. Can’t happen.
I liked her character a lot in the first three seasons tbh against my better judgment! I was expecting to hate her from day one but I was sold, actually. Michael leaving the show kind of tanked her character, I think, maybe. I think it was their dynamic that made her interesting at first, and then sympathetic later on when she really was trying to make their blended unconventional family work despite her upbringing. But honestly once Harry aged into teenagerdom and Michael left and May graduated it meant there was like…nothing left about Athena that was interesting except her job except that’s actually the worst part about her lmao woopsies.
Anyways. Let Athena be a villain or at least an antagonist. That would fix everything tbh. It would make her interesting again, it would be in character given how many ethical messes she’s caused or been party to, and would allow the show to keep doing their dumb copaganda shit that they’re almost certainly contractually obligated to shove in at least once per season. But it would finally be interesting because it wouldn’t feel like I was being asked to swallow bullshit covered in glitter spray. Maybe they could explore her toxic relationship with her mother and how engaging so heavily and perpetually with respectability politics has done damage to herself (and her parents and her ex husband and her children) over the years. Maybe her magical fairytale white lady boss at the precinct can actually act in character for once and pls god I would just like. I would sell a kidney for a real and honest Athena Quit Your Job plotline. Fuck. They could even take the coward’s way out like they did with Eddie’s military service and just have her quit for some random reason so ethics never actually has to be part of the conversation but neither would we have to deal with the copaganda all the time. You know Angela Bassett would act the fuck out of that kind of complicated character. It would be a real conflict instead of whatever contrived nonsense they’ve been putting on her this season.
Anyways this really fucking got away from me but I’m just not willing to hear a fucking WORD against single dad Eddie fucking Diaz unless the speaker has already done their bit about Athena and they’re just making their way through the line.
I don’t actually want that bc We Know Why they’re saying that shit about Eddie and if they ever opened their mouth about Athena I don’t even really have to wonder about what sort of racist bullshit might fall out. Those aren’t the people I want attempting to critique Athena Grant. So actually yeah can everyone just shut the fuck up.
Myself included.
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aviradasa · 7 months
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I got you 🖤 to make this authentic I smoked a fat ass blunt just for you anyways I did the characters you requested plus a few extra and I decided to do small HC/ drabbles cause I have to many imagines atm 🤣 anyways also I added nuada from hellboy 2 cause he's pookie all the way @horny4bj-blog
Characters included:
Hellboy (2004)
Prince nuada ( hellboy 2, 2008)
Daryl (Alexandria timeline)
Sam (supernatural)
Dean (supernatural)
Castiel (supernatural
Lucifer (supernatural)
Let's get startedddd
Different characters react to you stoned/couch-logged
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Honestly was not surprised when he walked into him room one day to it smelling entirely of weed. Honestly he was mostly impressed because not only did it smell. But when the door opened all that came out was smoke.
Like damn.
When he went to venture further he was also not surprised when he saw you sprawled out on the couch with like 6 cats laying on you.
You didnt register him calling your name until he threw a candybar at your face
This is pretty much how it went
“Hey???” “…” “Hellooo??” “…” “Hey!” “Ow fuck what do you want.” you say as you open the candy bar and take a bite
Honestly he doesn't really care but he expects you to share you weed with him. If you don't he will lowkey just take it without asking and deal with you later. (no he won't pay you back hes always magically broke when you ask him to 😒)
As for you being on the couch he tells you to move over. If you don't he moves you himself.
He finds it funny to mess with you when you get to the point when you think everything is in slow motion And your basically not registering anything the way your supposed to
Like one time yall played Uno. And you were at the point you couldn't even read the cards and you were slumped over leaning on the back of the couch like a corpse thinkin the number 6 was the funniest shit on earth
And what did he do.convinced you to give him your cards so he could read them to you.in your state you agreed. That prick (this is based off a true story i have a lot of these adafia if you see this. Fuck you I should have one that game 🖕)
Yeah naw i dont have much for him he's just an asshole who also smokes so he don't really care yall end up watching a lot of movies though.
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Now he's interesting with this idea lmao
He's confused as fuck cause he don't really do shit that could alter his mind, he want to stay sharp and ready for anything (boring fuckaaaa)
He at first acts like a disappointed mother
“ now why would you go and do this to yourself knowing what we have to do.” “because I'm a whole ass adult and it makes it more fun.” “that's besides the point (name)” part of a real argument yall had at one point
Yeah like don't get me wrong he doesn't hate weed he just thinks it makes you act dumb
He's lowkey right though
But anyways back to the prompt. When he walks in and your just spaces out in your bed he just shakes his head and goes to do what he needs to do.
If you are logged somewhere is his way this man with nudge/kick you with his foot until you move and if you don't he will just use his foot to roll you out of the way.
He acts like he doesn't care and to be frank he doesn't have the energy to put into caring about something so dumb so he leaves you alone.
But then there was the one time that he accidentally ate an edible.
He took that shit like a champ though and was able to function decently, but for the most part he was just chillin just silently staring off into space
He says he would never do that again. But you decide not to say anything when you notice some of your edibles missing.
Bro thinks he's slick 🤣🤣
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Ok gonna be honest his brother is dean. Need I say more
He knows what to do he pulls up with the munchies and some red box movie
If your slumped on the couch this man will sit on the floor
Y'all can talk for hours even if he is sober
Or you pass out from him typing on the computer cause I mean that sound is just relaxing.
Honestly don't have much for him he's just a chill guy
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He don't walk in
He's slumped with you on the other side of the couch
He eats all the damn munchies
He refuses to watch anything besides old Scooby doo reruns.
(he has a crush on the hex girls)
He's literally just a grown up child when he's high (not much different then normal)
Yall are laughing high people
The jokes are hilarious
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He walks in and sees you on the couch looking half dead and he's confused
Like really confused
“Are you ok?” “huh?” are you ok??” “HUH??” “nevermind.”
He doesn't know what to do so he does nothing 😭😭
If you ask he will get you snacks
He's kinda hard to talk to so if you are laughing its at him not knowing anything
(these are getting short cause of my beautiful bong so its not my fault blame daisy that's my bongs name.)
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Ok let be honest here
He's lucifer he's hilarious
If you wanna feel like your gonna suffocate from laughing then he's your guy
He doesn't even try to be funny he just says out of pocket shit.
All the time
I haven't seen much of his character yet but he's already a favorite
I don't think he would light up with you unless you peer pressure him
Yes you have to peer pressurethe damn devil to smoke the devils lettuce with you.
If yall do he just spaces in and out while your on your phone on that couch unmoving
But during this spacing in and out he just says weird shit
I dare you to show him the dark crystal afterwords tho just trust me.
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This man could not give less of a fuck
He's used to seeing people on all sorts of shit so some weed don't scare him
He just goes about his day
He will sit and chat with you
He's a horrible high sitter tho
If you get to high he's your worst nightmare
Will throw fake spiders and shit at you knowing your on that couch to see you jump
He's lowkey funny tho 🤣
He might smoke with you once in awhile
It's rare tho he's more of a drinker
Anyways that's all for today hope you enjoyed dis shitz
Edit: sorry I sounded like a fuckin idiot here also sorry I forgot Crowley and carol 😭😭 I wrote for nuada took a break forgot it was nuada and gaslit myself into thinking I wrote for Crowley 🤣🤣
didnt mean to but its really late and I'm to lazy to write for them rn so I hope you enjoy what I got down please forgive me🖤🖤 also sorry nuadas there you didnt ask for him I was just living it up with daisy at that moment.
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norellenilia · 7 months
Damn, I remember the first time I watched FMA 03, when I was 16 or 17, I stayed up until 1 am to finish it, and today, watching episodes 38 through 42 turned me into such an emotional mess that I have to take a break lmao what happened??? My own emotional traumas, that's what happened
I'm feeling so many things again
In episode 38, when Ed and Al are fighting, Al drenches Ed in water and he says "it's going to rain!!!" and I'm like haha no don't try to pull a Mustang on me I know this episode won't make me cry and GUESS WHAT the flashback with Trisha convincing Ed to go and find Al so they can talk things out and Al looking so happy that Ed isn't upset with him anymore it's so cute I CRIED
I need -- no, I DEMAND a spin-off series where Winry and Scziezka solve murder mysteries together (I'd love to write it myself but I know I'm not nearly good enough at coming up with mystery stories lol), they're adorable I'm so happy they totally get together post CoS
Martel's death hits SO MUCH HARDER than I remembered holy shit, she and Al actually got close, we see more of her, her death is so horrific and hearing sweet sweet baby boy Alphonse cry just BROKE MY HEART I never wanted to hug an armor so badly
Scar's brother's last moments, the way he looks so terrified and desperate to protect his little brother from Kimblee and Scar being so devastated when he dies I just-- *clenches fist*
Sloth using Ed's PTSD against him that's so UNFAIR; also I was thinking that I was a bit disappointed that this anime did not include the nightmare that Ed has at some point in the manga where he sees his mom saying "why didn't you make me right" etc but this is it, this is this scene, and it's worse because he's hearing it for real, he is very much awake, he has the real voice of his mom in his ears and she's saying this to him and I'm-- *clenches fist harder*
Rose's story, I'm still so mad, she deserves all the happiness in the world
Speaking of Rose, it's so funny how the moment Al is like "I wonder how Rose is doing" the show just full on goes "Ed/Rose shipper" mode lmao, with Ed blushing while pretending not to remember her, him being so awkward when he speaks to her just before they go on their separate ways and her son just smiling and giggling when he speaks (first time we see the baby laugh, he had only been crying up until then) :') To be honest it feels a bit out of the blue to me but idk
Dante sporting Lyra's white ass in the town of brown people and speaking as if she was part of them just because she's following Rose around to manipulate her is incredibly cringe, but then again, it's Dante, she's the villain and we're already supposed to know something is up with "Lyra". But still.
Very random but Al pulling objects from or putting objects inside his armor from behind the cloth always looks very awkward lol
I used to never really care about Scar but I have learned the errors of my way as I now realize he is actually one of the best characters in this goddamn series, even with the orb of knowledge and the three arm losses, and Mangahood!Scar being much more villainized and ending up working with the military will never come even CLOSE to 03!Scar using his last bit of strength to save Alphonse to honor his love for his lost brother and take his ultimate revenge on those who murdered his people in the goal of protecting oppressed people, all of this while an epic music is playing (honestly it even feels like Ed is made to be seen as an obstacle as he tries to prevent the soldiers from entering Liore lol)
Sorry but Wrath is annoying as hell, I know that I'll probably have a different opinion if I rewatch CoS after that, but for now I hate him
We're finally entering the "Rewrite" era of the show and I had forgotten how much it rocks (Ed's hair animation at the beginning fhjkfhkdhjk)
I only have 9 episodes left but between Lust and Sloth in the upcoming episodes I'm not even sure I'll be able to watch it all in one go lol. Still excited to see more of Winry and Scziezka and remembering how much Hohenheim is absolutely useless in this x)
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luxraydyne · 2 years
ngl kinda super fixating on the idea of tokiko actually meeting pewter if she hasn’t already, and absolutely set on the idea of bringing him into her fold. this guy conceived of psyncing, not only conceived, but built a *machine*. he’s tapping into some unforseen crevices of the sim here with this shit. how damn valuable would he be? oh, and how easily manipulated. he learns of the sim. he’s crushed. he’s wrecked. he’s angry. and tokiko’s like, this is a slam dunk, so where do we start on breaking out of this thing? and pewter just looks at her like, nah. this isn’t going where you think it’s going. you’re telling me this is all a program. you’re telling me all i’ve been through, all the pain and loneliness was a construct. and this is your reaction? this is what y’all are doing with that information? and you think that’s gonna convince me to *help* you? he’s pissed. if this is all a program, if me being locked in a cell with my grief after losing the love of my life is a simulation, hell if i’m helping you to chase some illusion of escape. i’m not gonna break the simulation just to let you out. i ain’t running away. i’m not letting that happen. i’m staying here. if i’ve been messing with the code already, then dammit i’m rummaging around in there some more and i’m changing it, i’m fixing it. if it was a “simulation” that took renju away, then i’m gonna bring him back. cause i can. watch me. idgaf if you say nothing in this place matters. he mattered, to me. i won’t let them take him. and i won’t let you take this chance from me either. you’re stuck in here with *me*.
what does tokiko even do? this wasn’t the plan. this is bonkers. what, does she keep trying to bring him under her control somehow? does she just let him go on his vengeful faustian quest and hope his meddling somehow tips the scales in her favour? risky, but might work ig. does she just do damage control, try to kill him off? probably. if she can. he’s good but he’s not *that* good. tf is she even up against at this point? and to be fuckin honest, she probably resents him, somewhere, in a brutal place she refuses to actually acknowledge. boy she done goofed.
bosh, and there’s your conflict. gentlemen, i solved ai3 lmao
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decepti-thots · 10 months
in lieu of tf fanon, can we all just agree that the fanon around seekers is just WAY too pervasive???? genuinely. why is seeker fanon Like That. why are seekers sometimes treated as a whole exotic subspecies. i feel like people got too attached to starscream, looked at the silly color swapped jet models due to budget in the original 80's cartoon, and just decided to invent a new kind of weird robot racism. sorry that this is on the bitchery side of anons but weirdly set-in-stone fanon stuff like seekers is what turned me off from reading tf fanfic
The answer to this, that is 'why is seeker fanon Like That', is gonna by necessity involve some discussion of NSFW stuff so I will cut this. But it's kinda. Necessary for the topic, lmao, so. And I do think it's worth actually going through ig. I've seen a lot of folks recently express this exact irritation and confusion, so...
OK so the honest answer: a good chunk of it's just fetish porn tbqh. And people, they are horny for those jets, lmao, and Starscream, exactly. Kink with some worldbuilding scaffolded around it as setup. Which to be clear, when someone is straight up just like 'hi, here is some cheerfully self-aware kink about breeding and shit, do not read too hard into this fantasy nonsense as a coherent narrative- we are here for horny egg laying and the implications will not be expanded on beyond that' I am usually like 'yeah cool go for it!!', lmao. Not my thing, can still go places in execution I'm like 'uhhhh think this through better please' about ofc, but like. Kink's kink, and all. Pretend adult fun times engaged in with full self-awareness are fine, a lot of the time.
My irritation really comes with when this bleeds into stuff that is taking itself seriously and is uhhhh. Not that? Or when it's engaged in by people who clearly don't have a level of self awareness about the above. And the answer is... IMO it's just regular fandom racism tbh, with an extra layer of obfuscation over it because it's got the fantasy analogue thing disguising it. Some people enjoy a lot of tropes that derive from certain strands of commercial genre romance, and honestly a lot of classic SFF as well, that are based in things they do not fully realise are rooted in racism, or any number of -isms tbh. And there's also a lot of people who sort of do notice, but they still want to keep enjoying those things without guilt, so they try and take the underlying logics and apply them to fantasy constructs or whatever in the hopes this will make the thing they like Not Racist. (Spoiler alert: the issue is rarely who the tropes are applied to alone, and this basically never works, because humans have pattern recognition and know how analogies work.)
People like stories about Scary Barbarians, or Submissive Sexually Exotic Androgynes, or whatever. And then someone points out 'yeah but mate, those are racial stereotypes, have you heard of orientalism' or whatever, and people feel bad but they sort of. Want to keep enjoying those stories in a way that is not harmful! That strips out that element succesfully. So they try and write an alien fantasy version, but again. This doesn't actually work most of the time, tbh. Because humans have pattern recognition and the tropes, the logic underlying the ideas in the first place, are often the actual issue. Shrug.
And IMO, this is where you get 'biologically distinct races frametypes who are Just Naturally For Breeding' shit, or whatever other example I can pull out of the TF fanon hat, in ostensibly serious stories about geopolitical conflicts or serious personal drama, ones which expect you to engage with this as an actual framework for how a world could work and not just as a loose excuse for 2000 words of smut. It's not as though canon is totally immune to this to be clear- ask me sometime about how I feel about the mess that is functionism being an analogy for 48563 things, lmao- but fanon is more pervasive because you're contending with decades of this stuff being super pervasive in fandom spaces and it becoming standard for fic. We were having discussions about this exact stuff like. When I was 15 on LJ, lmao. And it wasn't new then! I don't think it's anything unique; it's just got those extra layers of abstraction to sort through in terms of 'why IS this happening with these fuckin planes'.
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goodmorningdove · 7 months
Revolutionary girl utena ep 2 liveblog under the cut. Utena you need a lust for murder imo
I love how utena fulfills the “hottest boy at school” archetype. Like it's a little over the top but it gets a pass for being. Revolutionary. hehehe :)
Okay utena. What are you going to say to wakaba. Theres a lot that needs to be said here
utena. I would no start off with cheerfully pointing out what wakaba is doing differently
Oh ok wakaba is okay. I would kill for her. Wakaba tell me who you want me to kill. (I dont know if she is truely okay or just pretending, i dont have a solid grasp on how much of a side character she is, but i hope there is some pain in her heart, because that means she is being treated justly by the narrative)
Wakaba i dont know whats going to happen to youuu you are obesseing over utena saying that you belong to utena, then enters Himemiya who i think literally does belong to utena.( Yeah theyre making commentary on marriage and women being treated as objects. Wakaba, you can belong to yourself! Take charge of your life and KILL ALL WHO OPPOSE YOU!!)
Hello shadow people. Please do not kill the world? That would mega suck.
I honestly love how the student council's main concern is not that Himemiya is engaged to a girl. It's that Utena is not part of the student council. They really said i can excuse being a lesbian but i draw the line at the undeserving rising the ranks.
Hold on. “What will you do, drop out of the game?” That feels like it has a double meaning yes they are playing a game literally, but this could refer to the larger game, the game of revolution (??) Aka the larger situation at hand
Joker card.
Whats up with timer boy. I dont trust that timer.
“To think that Best Friends liek us got assaigned to seperate rooms” is that what the original japanese said. Be honest subbers. Like actually because i think a lot of what Wakaba is saying is relevant to the subtle messaging Of the show and having words changed can mess with that. Like if she really is saying best friends i want to be sure of that, but if she said something with more romantic implications i would very much like to know that.
“Getting a single is perfect for a gal like me” Utena i think you are rooming with Himemiya. They just didnt tell you.
Holy fuck thats hilarious. Her room is literally falling apart. Lmao. The rest of the building is fine except her room
Oh it was a thought. Okay her room is going to be fine lol
HA I WAS RIGHT. Utena and Himemiya are roomates. Get amd they were roomates-ed.
“Funny coincidence us being roomates” you are the only two people in this whole building and Himemiya's named was hand written under yours it could not be less of a coincidence
I was right it was on purpose.
Also they keep calling this a middle school but no one here looks under 16. What is classified as middle school in japan? Looked it up they are 12-15? I mean it could be worse i think the angular faces are throwing me off. Madoka magica had super round faces as does more modern anime's, sharp faces tend to be reserved for people in their 20s-30s
Utena: “whats with the castle and the sword” Himemiya “i dont know” maybe she does know but shes not saying shit. Her job is lamp sword.
Oh shit my apologies Himemiya. But uh. Be honest did you *really* like being engaged to saionji? What do you get out of being the rose bride. Are you lying?
Thats a fucking. Mouse monkey? What. he is dying.
Utena: “please stop being so formal its freaking me out” Himemiya: “no <3 this is my job”
Utena i dont think you have a choice in dueling.
dont do a goddamn think saionji. Ill fucking kill you.
You keep an exchange diary?
Chu chu said its murder time
Horoscope spotted. Obligatory Homestuck mention. Moving on. Ill fucking kill you saionji
Holy fuck saionji. Get some cognitive behavioral therapy you idiot
Hes so comically evil. How did he get this far in school. How does anyone like him. Id Kill him. Utena show him no mercy stab his stupid heart
God Himemiya looked so dead inside responding to utena deciding to lose on purpose
Lmao wild west horseback gun duel? I hope this is foreshadowing saionji's death tbh
Oh lmao its a reference to spaghetti westerns
“Losing may be harder than you think” ??? Lmao is she going to win by accident.
God these shadow girls 100% inspired the uwasa girls of magia record
Utena do Not let Himemiya die
Lmao utena has the soul of rose or something and is instinctually taking her place in the world. She cannot lose.
Oh shit she summoned… a guy? And they fused?? I think?
Utena you didnt do that shit for anyone. You barely did it yourself. I would have done it because i hate saionji. And i would have killed him.
Himemiya's like “fuck i thought you actually cared about me. Wheres the romance. I signed up to be romanced”
Nvm she smiled idk i would be pissed personally. I think Himemiya trusts that utena isnt a dick.
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normally-o-a-k · 2 years
Hey look a fanfiction
Friends to lovers, multi chapter, barely hurt comfort anymore, no beta we die like Glenn, idk what to tag this I’ve never written fic before lmao, some body horror this chapter (descriptions of a creature that looks like the library)
Rating: it’s still pretty teen.
Chapter 4/?
Previous Chapter:
Absolutely delighted by the suggestion Scam sits back up on the couch. “Truth or dare hmm? Thats a bold choice~ Wouldn’t that be more fun with …. Let’s say one or two more players?” As he counts a blue and pink version of Scam appear on the couch on either side of him.
All three versions of Scam grin and eye Jodie like he’s on the menu.
“Or is it too overwhelming to be… let’s call it ‘outnumbered’ for now~”
Jodie figured he’d have some way of giving himself the advantage, But now faced with three versions of Chaos incarnate his confidence was starting to waver. “It’s fine. I can handle it”
“Oooh! Delightful! Tell me since you’re so brave, are we placing a wager? Perhaps the first to back out owes the other one favor~?” The grin that was spreading across Scam’s face had Jodie’s mouth feeling a bit too dry.
“I’ll take that bet… But one rule, no dares that magically change my life…. Deal?” Like hell he was going to play if he was going to pull something like he did to Ron again.
“Deal~ this is a friendly game, I’m not looking to avenge anyone this time so you can relax~ “ he holds out a slightly too long hand to shake on it and Jodie, who’s starting to think he made a mistake, shakes before he can change his mind. “ Go ahead then you brave boy~ start the game~”
Jodie sits back on the couch trying to feign confidence. “Ok. Truth or dare?”
The original Scam laughs “I believe it was Ron who said dare was the sexier option~ so go ahead! Hit me with your best dare~”
Shit. He’d been hoping for truth so he could get him to admit he’s been messing with him. “I dare you not to use any magic for the rest of the night” Jodie grins right back at Scam.
“Ohhh? Interesting! cut me off then~ These two will disappear on their own anyway~” Scam was enjoying this probably more than Jodie knew. It was rare that someone else initiated anything like this with him.
The pink Scam temples his fingers, smirking at Jodie “Truth or Dare Jodie?”
Jodie weighs his options. He was sure all versions of Scam would target him so he was about to get asked the same thing two more times… “truth.”
“I’ll make it a juicy one then~” Scam Pink laughs, absolutely tickled by the fact that he gets to ask something he’d been curious about “Do you miss being human?”
Jodie frowns Scam would be able to tell if he lied, that much he was sure of… So he’d give him the honest truth “It was me but it wasn’t… I lived in that reality for most of Nickolas’ life… every last memory I have of his childhood is back there in that life… so its natural for me to miss it sometimes isn’t it? I suppose I could just go back to earth if I really wanted to… I could look human again… but Nicky…. He’s not who he used to be either…. So it wouldn’t be the same…it wouldn’t be that peaceful easy life we had as a family no matter what I did… I don’t know that I fully want it to be either… Nicky has both Glenn and I and He likes the freedom of going back and forth… so I’ll just keep working, and spend the time with him that I can…So yeah sometimes I miss it… but I don’t want to go back…”
The expression on every version of Scam sitting across from him softens slightly. The pink one speaks up again, suddenly next to him. “It’s normal to mourn parts of your life that are gone~ you went through big changes after all~” He traces a finger over one of Jodie’s horns as if to make his point in the most flirtatious way possible.
“Yeah well it’s not like I miss the time I spent as the battle axe of hatred and that was a big part of my life too…” he doesn’t pull away when the pink version of Scam wraps an arm around him “you’re probably right though…. wait! you lose, you teleported to this couch!”
A chorus of Scam’s laughter drowns out the jazz music for a moment before they settle back down “That wasn’t magic~ I’m just that fast!”
Any victorious feeling that briefly flashed up inside of Jodie just as quickly fizzled out. “You just get more impressive with everything I learn about you…”
The original Scam just smiles, two of his hands clasping over his heart, another hand fanning himself. “Ohh what a flatterer you are! ‘be still my heart’ and all that~” Though he was sure it was unintentional Scam was enjoying the positive attention he was getting. “It’s my turn! Truth or Dare…. Hmm… I choose Jodie~”
He wasn’t surprised, he’d expected to be chosen every turn. What he hadn’t accounted for was losing half his focus to the Pink Scam who was leaning against him. He figured it was Scam trying to comfort him so he just lets it happen. “Truth”
“Hmm~ I can’t help but feel like you’re trying to take the easy way out~” He laughs and leans back on the couch, crossing his legs. It didn’t matter really to him what Jodie chose, he was having fun playing, but truth afforded him some opportunities he wouldn’t otherwise have. “Are you interested in someone~?”
Shit well, at least he hadn’t asked Jodie to name names. “Yes…. There’s someone that’s got me interested”
“Ohhh? Tell me, is it someone we know?~” Both the blue and purple versions of Scam lean closer. The pink version seemed perfectly comfortable where it was, several hands curled around the arm he was leaning on.
Jodie grins at Scam “one question at a time” and there it was, the last time he could choose truth without being in danger of admitting something. He relaxes a bit knowing what was going to come next.
The blue version of Scam folds his arms “truth or dare! I choose… Scam!”
“What?” Jodie’s mind was racing with a million questions, he had thought these were just copies of Scam, but were they thinking independently? Why would he choose himself? What was he playing at?
“Truth~” he swings one of his legs a bit, all four hands folded in his lap as he keeps his eyes firmly locked on Jodie.
The blue Scam smirks as though he’s got one up on himself “has anyone caught your eye?”
“Ohhh yes~ very much so~! I find him incredibly interesting and it doesn’t hurt at all that he’s so ridiculously good looking~ if only he’d get the hint~!” He doesn’t break eye contact with Jodie, staring him down with intent.
He frowns, everything seemed to suggest it was part of the bit directed at him. But…Scam seemed to take games pretty seriously so he didn’t doubt he was actually just confessing to liking someone. He wonders briefly if any of the other Daddies fit that description. There’s a flash of jealousy when he tries to picture it.
“If he’s not picking up on hints why don’t you just be direct?”
Scam shouldn’t be surprised Jodie was still being so stubbornly oblivious, but really that was as close to an actual confession as he’d gone and it’d still failed. “It might surprise you to hear, but I’m not fond of rejection either~”
“Do… you want help?” Jodie knew realistically that he’d probably have a hard time doing it but he honestly wanted to see Scam happy.
“That’s nice of you to offer but the act of seduction is a game in of itself~ it’s not exactly one you play in teams, though if it was, I would love nothing more to be on your team~” Scam’s smile softens even more.
“Maybe that’s exactly why it isn’t working…? You keep thinking of things in terms of games… but relationships don’t work like that… you are supposed to be a team. You can’t build something long lasting if you both aren’t working together… maybe treat it like that and see if it makes a difference?”
Scam goes quiet biting back the want to insist that he’s actually right, sitting back again on the couch a bit rigidly “I think you might be right~ maybe I’m wrong after all… isn’t that concept a novelty?~ It’s your turn again Jodie!”
“Yeah, uh okay Truth or Dare?” He smiles, this was pretty fun after all.
“Who? Me, me or the other me?” Scam visibly relaxes, laughing.
“You” Jodie laughs too.
“Oh of course~ I choose dare! Give me your worst, handsome~ I can handle it!”
He claps his hands excitedly.
“I dare you to…” shit, he was drawing a blank. Everything his brain was supplying was so juvenile. “Oh! This isn’t it right? So show me what you really look like.”
His eyes widen in surprise. “Oh what an interesting dare! Are you absolutely sure that’s what you want~? It’s not going to be very fun for you”
He shrugs, giving him a smug smile “I thought you said you could handle it. I guess you chicken out then ?”
“Oh no, Not at all! I just don’t want you to have any regrets~” he supposes it was a just matter of time before Jodie saw it and any budding interest he could have had in him fades to nothing. He didn’t actually want to do this, but it was a dare and he wasn’t about to lose. “Will it count against the dare forbidding me from magic? I can’t do both~”
“It’s an exception, come on, don’t try to get out of it with excuses” Jodie had been curious since they’d met and now that he’d dared him he was intent on seeing it.
“If you insist~” his skin starts to bubble, his bones cracking and creaking as his limbs and spine lengthen. His skin pulls tight across the changing bones in his face, several more eyes open below and above the three he’d had already, his jaw spitting into a grin that was wider than his elongated face could accommodate.
Jodie stares up at him, dwarfed by Scam in this form. If he was being honest with himself, this didn’t hinder his attraction to Scam in the least.
The other two versions of Scam are pulled into him, disappearing into the skin of his massively long arms. He moves forward, meter long fingers curling around Jodie’s chest, pinning him against the couch with just one hand. He leans in, face inches from Jodie’s, more then a half dozen eyes locked on him .
Jodie’s heart was pounding in his ears. He could feel a blush spreading over his face “shit…”
Scam could feel his heart racing.
He quickly changes back “Oops~ I guess that was probably a bit much for you huh? It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to let loose like that~! But it’s fine~ Really, who doesn’t prefer a more compact and sexy Scam~?” He laughs, uncomfortable with how quiet Jodie had gotten, leaning close, a significantly smaller hand still planted on the center of Jodie’s chest. His heart rate wasn’t slowing. He must have terrified him.
“You… wow….” Jodie smiles, no hint of fear in his voice, there was however an edge of excitement to his voice that was the last thing he expected out of the demon “damn you’re tall…”
Scam makes no effort to move from his position, Jodie’s genuine smile throwing him for a loop. This, he was sure, was not going to be the last time Jodie would absolutely fascinate him. This was enough to tip the scales for him, no more skirting around what he wanted. His voice practically a purr “Truth or Dare Jodie~”
“Dare…” Jodie’s smile widens a bit.
“Kiss me~ if you’re not a cowar—“
Jodie doesn’t wait for him to finish, closing the distance between them, lips crashing against Scam’s in a desperate open mouth kiss. He reaches up, sliding a hand into Scam’s hair and pulling him closer.
Scam moans into the kiss, closing his eyes and losing himself in it. He’d wanted this for a while and it was everything he’d imagined and more… it wasn’t by any means a good kiss… it was sloppy and desperate… but it was the desperation he found so appealing. The way they both held each other tightly pressed against the other, wanting to somehow kiss harder, to kiss more, a crescendo of feelings they’d both been holding back. Any doubts he had about Jodie feeling something back were gone, no one kisses like this and doesn’t mean it.
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jeonqkooks · 9 months
I missed you too!!! 🫶 haha I bet. It was the universe bringing us back together again 😌 I've been alright, nothing out of ordinary happened lately so that's cool. Working (except for today and tomorrow cause I had a few days off), been spending some time with my little nephew- he's 3 and such a cutie 🥰 I almost got baby fever but then I came back to my senses lmao.. but yeah, that's what I've been doing, ohh and I also have to move out of the place where I live now, in march 🥲 it is what it is..
Idk what's been happening with your blog or the people around here but my best advice is to just ignore them.. not sure if you're aware but we're kind of a mess rn, everywhere you look on sm, in this fandom, someone's always fighting 😶 Maybe do what you think it's best for you. I don't like it either when someone's trying to control my every move like "you gotta do this, you gotta like that, you cannot! say stuff like this" , ofc interactions wouldn't even be fun anymore so what's the point of having this place dedicated to something you like if *some* people are acting up.... If you feel the need to step away from it for some time I wouldn't blame you. And you can still enjoy whatever content you like without someone always breathing down your neck, you know. See now I started rambling and I don't even know the context of your anger 🤣🤣 but my advice is still the same> just ignore them..
But what does it mean "someone from inside the house"?? There's more tea??? 👀 *drags the chair closer*
Also, just so you know, anger issues aren't any better even if you're 5'6..... I'm the type of person to try to be calm and hold it together for as long as possible and then one day I just explode and almost bite everyone's head off 😮‍💨 that's on unexpected tmi 🤪
- 🎃
“but then i came back to my senses” PUMPKIN 🤣🤣 you’re too real for that lmao. you’re moving out in march? how’s the apartment hunting going?
yeah tbh lately i’ve been pretty quiet on this blog so not a lot is happening in terms of broader fandom interactions so thankfully no one’s fighting on the blog as of late (knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood). so yeah things have been simmering elsewhere (starts with obs and ends with something that rhymes with “murder” lmao) for A While and honestly i had unresolved feelings about that that i’ve just been trying to brush off (bc it’s literally over the stupidest thing) but smth just really set me off this past week lol. then i found out even more things to be mad about
you build a house with rooms for everyone to cater to their own shit. then you renovate another room for you to do your niche lil thing and people demonize you and burn your fucking house down and scurry off to another house that they built god knows when (god does know when) and still question why you’re not making more effort to put out the dumpster fire.
saurrr yeah, that’s been my past few days :D (and if we’re being honest, since october 23, 2023 too lmao)
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dirtyoldmanhole · 10 months
going through CQ has me thinking how corrin/gunter would progress if i had the stamina to write that route on top of YRMR (for revelation). :P
obviously, i'm not going to write another 120k fic. [stares meaningfully @ myself lmao] but here's the bullet points i've been playing with for those interested ~
in general, i think corrin has a much worse time in conquest, and gunter has a worse time in revelation. there's ups and down to rev with corrin, but his longer absence in CQ meant she truly thinks he was, like, for real dead. in yrmr/revelation, she was honestly so distracted with the hoshido/mikoto/dragon stuff that she shoved her grief aside for so long that he came back before it really hit. (unhealthy in a different way but it does keep her going).
i deleted the scene in the fic since it was a little maudlin/cheesy, but lilith feels like she'd be the only one to realize just how hard corrin grieved for him, that very first span of days in the astral plane (in both routes).
cq!corrin, bluntly - feels like she's being constantly broken with the "tests" of loyalty that garon and iago force her through, so there's a lot harsher of an element to keeping her stoic game face on, much earlier. i think she honestly just numbs herself to any and all emotion between that and the grief and basically all the "constants" in her life changing given the new war campaign "for" garon.
once corrin finally re-joins him in valla, she just. breaks down in ugly sobs in his arms. she's a mess, he's almost a mess, and it's kind of a good thing that reunion was mostly private.
ironically azura's the first to know about their... thing. i see the three of them staying in valla overnight to at least catch up on [plot shit] and to speak freely for the first time in like, ever, while recovering from minor wounds from that battle. he totally holds her by his side. uwu
(imagine if corrin had told azura offhandedly 'oh he was like my dad' a few weeks before much like micaiah/sothe's 'he's my brother' and then azura sees. them all but canoodling. lmao. 'if whatever your deal is familial i will eat my entire pendant')
post re-recruitment:
i also think their relationship would, surprisingly, progress much faster than even in the rev route. corrin seeks him out nightly just for him to hold her through the night terrors and in one of those nights, they uh.... stumble into the sex, heh.
i also, hah, think it'd progress a lot "harder" in the kink sense - as mentioned above, corrin has a shitty, shitty time in CQ's route, and i think she'd seek him out as somebody she can safely 'break' with in those scant moments of uncomplicated happiness. cough [nods meaningfully @ the recent 'gunter is totes a sadist' headcanon] cough
i don't think he actually ever tells corrin about his late wife until after the war, or his whole motivation for killing garon. it's..... not great, in ways i actually feel like their relationship in yrmr/rev route is more open/honest? their dynamic in CQ is more ... two shellshocked veterans finding that spark of happiness and nonverbal trust in private vs in the middle of some truly crushing awfulness where they both have to keep their 'game face' on in public.
so the thing is. i think kana's an accident in CQ vs them intentionally wanting a child post-YRMR, lol. (parts of it are funny ('oh shit what do you mean babies can still happen') and then parts of it are whiplash-y tragic when gunter's struggling with his feelings given his late wife/child. given he uh. hasn't told corrin about that yet. yeahhhh.)
i'm on the fence as to whether he blurts it out to her in the middle of all that (i can see their nastiest "fight" being here especially when hormones are going nuts, she's a little less patient with him than she is normally, and there's a lot of pressure there.)
corrin/gunter never actually outright tell anyone about their relationship (unlike in yrmr), even when kana's a thing. both of them really don't want iago and garon to be able to weaponise kana or their relationship - not that the stakes are higher here than in rev, per se, but there's much less margin for error. (kana knows who his parents are but is also instructed not to tell anyone, at least until before garon and iago are dead.)
tho i think azura explicitly knows because she'd be the one to suggest the deeprealms as a place for pregnant!corrin to go to for safety once when she can't hide it.
buuut it's obvious enough to the point when lilith dies in the eternal staircase that xander & co just give corrin to him immediately afterwards all 'make sure she doesn't crack ok'. she regresses a bit there - gunter actually gets to see a glimpse of what she was like before; just.... completely dead eyed. (i actually have an old piece of art that was one of my very first gunter/corrin strips that's just that entire scene. need to finish it.)
to that point i think lilith's death also hits hard because out of anything that's been a "constant" loving presence for corrin, it's the northern fortress gang. and lilith was iirc the one person to be there pretty much continuously even when corrin went over in hoshido.
interestingly i also think that gunter is ... while he's still focused on seeing garon dead, he kind of knows this is corrin&azura's endgame plan anyway, so he puts himself more as an advisor/supportive figure to help make it happen. he's quite good with long term planning, and i don't think anankos would have near the hatred or hold on him as happens in revelation.
anyway i haven't figured out post-endgame stuff yet (i totally want to see how anankos slots into this since the silent dragon still has a number of negative feelings to pull off on with gunter) but there ya go ~
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straye · 2 years
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𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 : the hella sweet munday meme ( ORIGINAL SOURCE, FORMATTED TO BE A DASH GAME. )
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♻ Any advice on improving Tumblr RP experience?
Block and blacklist, block and blacklist. Out of sight out of mind is a real thing here, and even reading everything on someone's blog to be able to do that efficiently.
⛅ Do you believe aesthetics are another form of expression?
In a way, yeah! I mean, the way I have my blog set up is certainly so.
☮ Are you feeling happy and inspired right now?
Happy, I guess. Inspired, errr. Trying!
☄ Has someone ever admitted to being inspired by you?
Maybe once? I mean Ren once said that the verse they made with Ghostshima was for me and I almost bawled my eyes out because I feel passionately about that evil little tape worm and the effect he has on Kogami past the grave. T_T
⚌ Who inspires you?
[dial up sounds]
♋ Are there any FC’s you believe should be used more? Why?
I don't use FCs at all if I can help it, so I think this is geared more towards people who use rl FCs? But if I had to say, as someone who observes secondhand, MORE SOUTHEAST ASIAN / BROWN / BLACK / INDIGENOUS FCS !!!
☸ Do you reblog from the source when someone practices reblog karma or do you follow it?
I reblog from the source for a cleaner activity tab, and I expect the same courtesy. Though, if it's something I can send in, I always try sending in stuff for memes.
☯ Do you believe you’re a forgiving person?
I'll be honest with you, no, and I've had very good reason not to be over the years.
⚑ Have you been forgiven for a mistake you’ve made?
Hard question, because I'd say kinda.
♛ Have you ever seen drama be maturely sorted out?
No lol.
♞ Do you tend to ignore drama?
Generally. It stops being drama if someone is a genuinely bad person or is up to some heinous shit though.
☾ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
One, a very long time ago. Now? Hell no.
☻ Have you ever made someone a promo or a positive shoutout?
Yes! <3 I always try to.
☎ What do you think about bias lists?
I only do these for like. KPop biases lol. Do you guys remember the mess that was follow forevers? I think we've learned from then.
☈ How many people would you say likes you?
I should hope my following, though idc if anyone hate follows.
♡ How many people do you like? Are there any people in particular that pop up?
Most of my following ??? I know me and @sorrowmarked , @withgutsandglory and @ungodli are super cool. I also wuv @kudakenai and @vtriol forever and ever. me and @yeonban have crazy meow meow to meow meow communication. Me and @n0fa0e have been friends for yeeeeears <3. And @naisetsu is pretty neat too. <3 ALSO @achroanimus FOR THEIR AMAZING IDEAS AND DEPICTION OF THE EVIL LITTLE MAN. I also owe so much to @amaeranthos. I also love love love what @vulpesse and @aahri do for a certain fox of whom I am smitten over ..............
☢ What calms you down after negativity?
Vidya games, talking to my best friend. :3
☠ What keeps you happy?
Thinking about Kogami Shinya.
☘ Is there anything that makes you instantly want to follow someone?
If they're funny as hell. Always.
☕ Is it often you hear people complimenting your blog? Characters, writing, theme, icons, etc.
No, not really, though the latest compliment I've gotten was the fact that my Kogami is so baby girl and I needed a moment to cry (positively) about that. <3
☂ What’s your best RP experience?
This was before this blog's time but when me and an ex made an entire multiverse of OCs. :( I miss that, and my OCs are still around, but that was a weirdly formative experience. Also when me and @ungodli had this rhythm for our first thread where our replies kept getting longer and longer and at some point we stopped apologizing for that LMAO AND WHEN ME AND @achroanimus STARTED OUR KOGAMI AND GHOSTSHIMA THREAD THAT I STILL NEED TO REPLY TO AUGH
⚈ What sweet things tend to happen to you from time to time RP wise?
When me and my partners will reply to something and when we see it we immediately alert each other with raw reactions <3
☐ What trends are you currently into?
girl idk.
★ What fandom do you consider welcoming?
I don't really pay attention to this. </3
☆ What are some the perks with the fandom you’re currently in?
It's small and quiet and if you want to be left alone you'll be well left alone.
☉ What fandom do you believe needs improvement? What could you do to do that?
No comment.
♦ How has roleplaying on Tumblr improved since you started out?
Um honestly yes especially when it comes to NSFW content and what kind of shit we'll let fly. It used to be that you'd see obscurely tagged full blown rl porn on your feed but now people have the courtesy to actually try tagging it better as well as people just feeling safe enough to call people out on bigotry and condoning gross shit. I kinda wish this environment is the one little 12-13 year old me started off on lol.
♨ Have you ever roleplayed with someone that has been problematic but offered critique and then watched them improve?
Yes but they did not improve.
⚓ Are there any small details you tend to like in roleplays?
Quoting some of my favorite medias / poems / etc. If you squint, you'll see my writing riddled with them. >:)
⚡ What are the good sides with duplicates?
I don't have a lot of experience with saying so but some of the villains I play where I don't mind duplicates : we really do understand these characters more than most of their fans do.
☀ What’s the best thing about roleplaying?
What isn't there to like about putting my character in all sorts of whacky scenarios or whatnot with characters he'll probably not have much interaction with or otherwise? Creating AUs, connecting with people through him, and even getting people into Psycho-Pass mwhahaha.
⛵ What genres do you like writing the most?
Slice of life, hurt-comfort, fluff, comedy, action. I want to try horror one of these days so bad.
☺ What tends to bring out your muse the most? What inspires you?
Little things that remind me of Kogami; then, I'm possessed by his spirit to let the world know that xyz is so him. Then his spirit leaves me. It often tends to be other forms of media, music, poems.
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I know you probably don't want people to vent to you, but I just had a close friend put me down for liking Matty and it's kinda messing with my mood. They said it was "kinda fucked up" that I liked him. They are a good friend and this kinda came out of nowhere and now Im sad. I know he says some bad stuff sometimes, but my life is so chaotic rn and my enjoyment of this band and Matty is kinda a reprieve from my life. I just don't want them to think I'm a bad person. I don't believe that Matty is bad, but some people don't see that and only assume the worst, and then I feel like the asshole.
- 🦝
Hey, listen, you can ALWAYS vent to me! Promise!!
Also, like, who else are you supposed to talk to? People who don’t know Matty/the band kinda won’t get this sort of thing. Only other fans do! So, this is totally fine.
And, yeah, to be honest, I used to get that a lot. From my sister even! Like, she’s really into punk and emo music. Like really hardcore shit. She does NOT like the 1975, lmao. Even though I’ve told her a thousand times that if she likes punk, she’d love Matty. Cuz he’s legit more punk than whatever bands she likes these days…the genre has devolved into a parody of itself, you can’t really do punk in punk anymore…BUT I DIGRESS!! My point is, she gets all of her impressions of Matty from Twitter. And, we all know what Twitter thinks of Matty. Like, when the podcast shit was going down, she was texting me screenshots everyday like “this is your Matty Healy?” It made me really sad.
It’s difficult cuz it’s not the same type of thing as when people make fun of me for, like, liking Harry Styles. They just think Harry isn’t a “real musician” (whatever the fuck that means) but, with Matty, some people actually think he’s a Nazi!!!!! Like my sister and I got into it a bit cuz she was like “If you’re fine with Matty Healy…I feel like you’re the type of person to end up in a toxic relationship cuz you’ll just let men say shit.” BUT, my thing is, she’s my sister. She knows me. She knows the millions of ways that I stand up for my students when our department policy is discriminatory against some of them. She knows my personal politics and who I am. So, if she can’t give me the benefit of the doubt and/or realize that, if I like Matty, then there must be something about him that PERHAPS! Twitter isn’t showing her??? Then we are in a sorry state as a society. You know?
Besides, I know lots of people say they wish Matty would tone it down for the sake of the rest of the guys and/or the band’s general image, but, I think that’s exactly why he doesn’t what he does. He’s asking for a little more nuance and real thought in debates around art. He doesn’t want art to become sterilized, corporate-friendly, performative activism, cuz art is where real thought and real resistance happens. And if there’s no space in it for push-back, then we lose as a society. So, the way I see it is, the fact that not everyone loves him, that he’s not another Harry Styles or whatever, is proof that he’s right and it’s working. You could try and explain that to people? Some people will get it, some, like my sister, will be like “yeah, sounds like you’re being brainwashed by a dude” … her loss honestly, cuz Matty has given me so much courage and joy and if she wants to dig in and miss out on it cuz punk Twitter can’t candle that Matty is more badass than them…then alright. She’s my sister and one of my best friends but she’s objectively wrong here lmao.
Bottom line is, they don’t have to love Matty but they love you. And if they do, they’ll understand who you are as a person is proof enough that you’re not a homophobe/Nazi/whatever the fuck the world misunderstands Matty to be. If they can’t see that, then, sorry but you may need a new friend? Hope that makes sense?
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a-kaash-me-outside · 2 years
I agree with prev anon that reader was a bit frustrating because she said some out of pocket stuff (though it wasn’t intentional or said out of maliciousness) but Atsumu making an effort and trying for 3 weeks is the bare bareeeee minimum come on!!! 😭We gotta stop giving credit to men who do the bare minimum in terms of being a nice respectful person. Like if someone was into me I’d HOPE they would be nice and “try” while they were making an effort to date me???
Especially cause all it took was one comment for him to revoke it and throw it in her face. What does that say about him 😭 reader’s mess up was due to nerves and not stopping to think before she spoke, Atsumu’s mess up was due to him knowingly choosing to perform an action that he was aware would hurt her on some level since he knew she was into him as well. Their convo outside their rooms could’ve been solved with an honest follow up conversation, but he decided to revenge fuck a stranger and make her a witness to it so he could punish her for making a petty comment towards him.
What she said wasn’t even false either because he did have a track record of bringing home multiple girls every weekend lmao if he doesnt like people pointing out his past behaviour then I dunno maybe demonstrate that you don’t engage in that behaviour anymore?! Not go out and immediately prove y/n right!!
okay yes. no okay yes I UNDERSTAND i understand. and i'm not saying we like praise him for the effort that's he's putting into it and the change in patterns that he's exhibiting, but more like aw man no yea this is actually the longest change in pattern that he's displayed.
(omg look another read more because i have so much to say/try to explain) but also it'll all be explained better in the next chapter lmao lmao. i will probably stop long explaining a lot of these and just let you guys read the next chapter and either like it or not HAHAHHA.
i feel like no one is -IN ANY WAY- skipping over the fact that the bs he pulled was shitty and he is an asshole because like yea no ur 100% right he's an asshole.
i just think that the layers that i built into twrt are kinda a lot and complex because it's not just "oh reader is super super into atsumu so why doesn't atsumu just date her instead of having sex with other people" its much more like "reader is keeping atsumu at arms length while still engaging with and flirting and practically fucking him while they're drunk" like reader specifically is not trying to be in a relationship with him while still doing relationshipy things because she's terrified of the effect that it'll have on a lot of aspects in her life and the hesitancy that she's feeling is super evident and real frustrating for someone who has, many times, tried to breech this line of oh let's actually date.
NOW IS ALL OF THIS AN EXCUSE FOR THE WAY THAT ATSUMU ACTED? yea no of course not but i just mean that it doesn't boil down to oh yea no reader has done NOTHING BUT want to be with atsumu she literally wanted to fuck maki like,,,, a few weeks prior to this conversation. and it wasn't as vindictive or shitty as atsumu's because of cOURSE IT WASNT but we don't really get to see atsumu's side or feelings in any of this the entire time bc its from reader pov. so it's hard to like,, understand the other side of it.
and i will say the comment that she makes outside of his door serves less as a reminder of his past and more of sudden change in tendencies. i don't know if that distinction makes SENSE but it does in my mind hehe.
also when i came up with the idea for this fic, this is always the way that i wanted the conflict to go. which became a bit difficult as it moved from being a oneshot to a chaptered fic and all of the feelings that came along with it. this shit is much less ouch when yknow- you dont have as much background as you do in the chaptered versions but i hope that chapter7 gives some insight? some better like oh yea ok yea tori you explained that really well, nice.
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amb00bs · 29 days
Aaahh, I'm loving the pics from the springs! It looks so beautiful, and the water is so crystal clear. 😍😍 I love being outside, and I'm so jealous. We have rivers, lakes, and mountains where I live, but the rivers and lakes are never THAT blue and THAT clear.
I love to hike, kayak, fish, etc. Get my ass outdoors, and I'm in heaven. It's how I reset.
I've dated a couple of witches, and the witchy things intrigue me. However, I'm more into druidry. 🤗
Thrift store, antique stores, flea markets..... are all places I wouldn't mind spending my weekends. 😂 I use Facebook marketplace (modern yardsaling) entirely too much.
I am an introvert to my very core. Unless it's a concert/music festival, I don't want to be in a large ass crowd. Also, I went through a rough time, and the workers at the only gay club in town know me too well at this point. So, I prefer hanging out with friends around a fire. 🤣😂 I also enjoy disappearing for days at a time (my best friend calls it hobbit holing), and I only talk to my essential people to tell them essential things, like, I'm alive. 😂😂
The camping part of a music festival is ROUGH, and I fucking love camping. I always had our Bonnaroo site set up with a private shower, all the good camping stoves for meals, and a big ass fan. Yet, it still was absolutely miserable. My friends and I talked about doing a final hoorah and renting an RV for it.
I'm always down for music recs, and I do trust your taste now. So, sure!! I'm down. 😁
Thank you!!! I've been feeling so drawn to water lately, so any chance I can, I'm going to a spring. I wanna check out one's I've never been to, as a kid, my mom only took me to a select number of them, but florida has HUNDREDS of springs! I need to see them all!!! Lmao. But where are you from??? You said mountains, and I perked up, we don't got those here in flat ass florida 👀 and I haven't gone kayaking since high school, and that was the first time I've gone lolllll so I really wanna try that. Or paddleboarding. It sounds so fun!
And ooooo what is druiddry??? I don't think I've heard of that?? Im still a newbie with the witchcraft thing, so I don't practice often. But I just love the things I've learned so far. It's so freaking cool and fun hahah
I also use market place often, but my algorithm is messed up and I don't see anything cool other than rvs and places for rent 🥲 I need to fix it to see what cool shit is around. But yesssss my mom always took me thrifting and to yard sales/flea markets as a kid. I grew to love that shit myself lol!
And dudeeeeeee, I camped at Electric Forest and Imagine (with a big group) and I still couldn't enjoy it. I was miserable. I love the aspect of meeting neighbors and hearing all the wooktivities, and going to afters. But I need a proper bed and shower. An rv honestly sounds like a great solution!! But I know renting them isn't cheap, and getting an rv pass can be difficult since tickets for them are limited! But I hope you are able to do that! That sounds like a blast!
And yeah, lately I've been seeing my friends every weekend, but during the week, I'm to myself and take a business day or two to text back. So I get it 😂 and okay!!!! I send send you some mixes. That will probably be easier than sending a whole set of songs. Do you use soundcloud? Here's a Svdden Death mix back from 2020 when we only had digital raves online lmao: https://on.soundcloud.com/zA3dD
And a heavy mix from mvc 10:
They are long, so take your time listening. Maybe on a work commute or while cleaning lol. And if you don't like it, be honest! I can help you find other stuff you might like instead.
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