#i still think the sim theory direction is soooo so bad i dislike it so much but it is what it is
luxraydyne · 2 years
ngl kinda super fixating on the idea of tokiko actually meeting pewter if she hasn’t already, and absolutely set on the idea of bringing him into her fold. this guy conceived of psyncing, not only conceived, but built a *machine*. he’s tapping into some unforseen crevices of the sim here with this shit. how damn valuable would he be? oh, and how easily manipulated. he learns of the sim. he’s crushed. he’s wrecked. he’s angry. and tokiko’s like, this is a slam dunk, so where do we start on breaking out of this thing? and pewter just looks at her like, nah. this isn’t going where you think it’s going. you’re telling me this is all a program. you’re telling me all i’ve been through, all the pain and loneliness was a construct. and this is your reaction? this is what y’all are doing with that information? and you think that’s gonna convince me to *help* you? he’s pissed. if this is all a program, if me being locked in a cell with my grief after losing the love of my life is a simulation, hell if i’m helping you to chase some illusion of escape. i’m not gonna break the simulation just to let you out. i ain’t running away. i’m not letting that happen. i’m staying here. if i’ve been messing with the code already, then dammit i’m rummaging around in there some more and i’m changing it, i’m fixing it. if it was a “simulation” that took renju away, then i’m gonna bring him back. cause i can. watch me. idgaf if you say nothing in this place matters. he mattered, to me. i won’t let them take him. and i won’t let you take this chance from me either. you’re stuck in here with *me*.
what does tokiko even do? this wasn’t the plan. this is bonkers. what, does she keep trying to bring him under her control somehow? does she just let him go on his vengeful faustian quest and hope his meddling somehow tips the scales in her favour? risky, but might work ig. does she just do damage control, try to kill him off? probably. if she can. he’s good but he’s not *that* good. tf is she even up against at this point? and to be fuckin honest, she probably resents him, somewhere, in a brutal place she refuses to actually acknowledge. boy she done goofed.
bosh, and there’s your conflict. gentlemen, i solved ai3 lmao
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