#this is so ugly i kinda didnt want to post it
stitchwraith-stingers · 2 months
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orchid the rain/hive hybird! local painter (mostly does portraits and realism, but perfers to do abstract) she is a very stressed and spunky teen, only the dark red stripes can change color
2024 vs 2022 ish
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malkaviian · 1 year
i have a headache but also i dont want to go to sleep just yet dkjnfjds i want me-time
(warning: as i was writing the tags of this post this turned into another kinda-heavy rant about the situation my group of friends and i are. so keep that in mind)
#things were weird today when She(tm) was there but when she left things were normal again#but these hours were kinda stressful rip or more like... there was an inherent discomfort and tension in the air#with some ugly commentaries and actions on her part. like its your (supposed) best friend's birthday at least try to hide your disgust 👍#birthday you ~apparently~ forgot until it the day before. also you didnt had a single penny to spend on the gift for him#but you sure as hell had it to go eat with your college friends to expensive places! girl at least dont post about it on insta#and just in case; this wasnt a '*goes to expensive places before* -oh i dont have money sowwy :(('#this was a '-oh i dont have money sowwy :(( *goes to expensive places after it*'#what we were asking for collaboration was way less than what she spent on those places. it was AT THE VERY LEAST 3000 ars per food#and you know what she wanted to give for the gift? 500 ars!!! you cant buy shit with it; let alone if we only collaborated with 500 each#like she wanted. we're 4; genuine question what kinda shit can you buy for $2000. maybe a good quality cup but we already gave him that#but even then the point is not the money; the thing is the attitude. you cant spend more than $500 on us#but you can spend at least $6000 on your other friends; given you went to eat with them two days in a row. priorities i guess?#OH! and talking about it!! can you fucking believe she INVESTIGATED the phone of our ~new~ friend (the one shes jealous of)#and DEADASS said 'oh i see. my mom has an A51'. our friend has an A20 if im not wrong; which might not be an A51 but its. still expensive??#also your mom has an A51 but you have an iPhone 5 since you were on high school. but hey; apple i am right?? inherently better than an A20#sorry i have less than that; i have an A10s (that i got on the start of 2020). can i still breathe the same air as you and your mom /s#once again the problem is not the money or the phone or WHATEVER. its the fucking attitude shes having. you want to pretend you have money#and act like youre superior to people who 'dont'; when in reality YOU ARE MIDDLE CLASS. YOU ARENT UPPER CLASS; NOT EVEN UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS#YOURE MIDDLE CLASS. MIDDLE CLASS LIKE THE REST OF US; NOT LIKE YOUR COLLEGE FRIENDS YOU LOVE SO MUCH AND WANT TO IMPRESS#YOU SPEND MONEY YOU DEFINITELY DONT HAVE BECAUSE YOU WANT TO APPEAR UPPER-MIDDLE AT THE VERY LEAST. but thats a lie#a lie that if these beloved friends bothered to ACTUALLY know even the slightest about you; like we do; would fall apart. but they wouldnt!#because they dont care about you as much as we care(d). do you think they will tolerate this fucking attitude youre having towards us?#no they wouldnt. trust me; they WOULDNT. they will tell you to fuck off and leave you completely alone. go cry a river.#god fucking dammit why are you like this. WHY you turned like this. or rather; why we were SO GODDAMN blind we didnt noticed this before#negative
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wizardclown · 5 months
absolutely wack when i start feelin insecure about my body and face then i just log off for a while and im normal again?
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siobhanromee · 1 year
I've been a bit radio silent for the past few days, so idk life updates in the tags
#I went to a dance with a group of friends and it was already kinda weird#Bc there were 2 couples and then a pair who were going as a pair of friends#And like we decided to go to a park#Well not we exactly but they decided to go to a park 20 minutes out of the way#To take pictures#dont get me wrong very pretty park but like a couple miles out of the way of things#And communication was SO bad to me about the pictures and where they were going to be taken#And someone texted me that we were meeting at 4 but then texted me like a while before#That they were running late and pushed it to 430#So I didnt rush to get ready#But like then. As I left I was texted 'actually we weren't as late as we thought. Come whenever' so I got there at 4:20 (still earlier than#the altered time)#But everyone else was there and they took some pictures before i got there#Which is understandable. But I've only seen those pictures posted. Even though I was there and a bunch of pictures have me in them#So conspiracy brain is like ah yes they hate me and think I'm ugly and therefore posted none of the pictures I'm in#Whic h I know is fucking bullshit in my reasonable brain but emotional brain hasnt caught up yet#And lik#And the whole time we were taking pictures my friends damn girlfriend was like 'I'm so hot(temperature wise). I want to be done with this.#My face hurts from smiling' and like I know she had a long day before that but even my family member asked me afterward if she was always l#like that and I was like... yeah#And i want to like her bc i know my friend really likes her but she has done so many little things that piss me off#And I dont think I would ever be able to talk abt those things bc they are so small individually but together... all those things just make#her a person I really fucking dislike#And like I feel like the only person who has beef with her bc everyone else seems to like her#And so at the event I felt like the most useless 7th wheel#And I eventually left the group and went and ACTUALLY HAD FUN for the first time in the fucking night with another girl#And like I feel like I wasted time befriending the group i was with bc I had way more fun with someone else who I didnt spend time building#A relationship with#Anyways it was bizarre how much my mood changed when I went with someone who actually showed interest in me#I will meet a whole bunch of new ppl pretty soon so I hope to make a whole bunch of different friends.
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m0nsterqzzz · 4 months
Cat's Out of the Bag La Rue
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pairing: Clarisse La Rue x reader
summary: Valentines Day rolls around, and what kind of girlfriend would Clarisse be if she didnt get you the only present you've been wanting?
a/n: i wrote like 5 fucking valentines day fics yesterday (one with natasha, one with wanda, one with clarisse, one with carol danvers, and one with katniss everdeen) yet this is the only one im posting and i kinda hate it. literally the shortest oneshot i've ever written. also, I'm literally a dog person writing about cats. what has life come to?
is this the worst thing i've ever written? yes. do i hate every other piece of written recently cuz im in writers block and haven't updated in like 3 weeks? also yes. im so done yall.
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With a baseball cap covering her head, tucking her curls against her head and being the best disguise she could come up with, Clarisse’s eyes dart all around the cab. It zooms through the streets of New York, making the child of Are’s slightly concerned for her and her siblings safety as they get honked out. The man driving seems like he’s barely paying attention to the road, but in the end it doesn’t really matter as long as they get to their destination. 
There are three children in the yellow car; Clarisse, her half brother Mark, and her half sister Ruby. They were the only ones who she could convince to come with her to town, past the safe bounds of camp half blood where nothing but their weapons can stop monsters from hunting and hurting them.
It’d be a lie to say Clarisse isn’t nervous, but she pushes the feeling down as she grips her spear tighter in her left hand. 
This is for you. She’s going into town and risking getting in trouble for the end result of seeing her favorite smile. Your smile. Her partner of one year. It may not seem like a very long time to some people, but you guys are demigods. It’s surprising you made it through the year without being killed by some horrible, ugly monster.
The car stops and the guy counts the large amount of money Mark hands him before telling them to get out of his cab. It may have annoyed the teenagers on any other day, but it doesn’t bother them too much since today is a special day.
“Why are we here?” Ruby asks, eyes scanning the area around them as if sure something is going to jump out at them. In the blonde haired girl's defense, it’s very possible something will.
Clarisse gestures to the small building in front of them. It’s run down and in desperate need of a paint job, but it doesn’t matter. That’s not what grabs the child of Ares attention. It’s the small animals chilling in their little spots inside the store. That’s what she’s here for.
The sign above the small colorful store reads, “Mike’s Animals”. Boring name, but gets the point across. She can already see the little animal she came here for when they walk through the door, the loud bell ringing from the action of opening it but no employee comes to help them. Clarisse lets her siblings stare in awe at the other animals for a few months before shoving towards a section near the back. The kitten section. You had been showing her a website on your phone a few days ago, one with a different selection of the small animals. The website was for Mike’s Animals, but you explained that even though you’d really like a cat, pets aren’t allowed in Camp Half Blood. It’s a rule.
Well you wanna know what Clarisse says about that? Screw rules. What her person want’s, her person gets.
So if the police ever come around, asking you why Clarisse shoved a black and white kitten into her brother's coat pocket and then made a run for it while the store manager chased after them, that’s what you have to say.
You're laying on your bed reading a book when your girlfriend walks in, a large box covered by a piece of fabric under one arm and a bouquet of flowers in her free hand. She ignores your siblings' gazes as she walks towards your space, setting down the box with a type of gentleness nobody in camp but you gets to see and then holding out the flowers.
They’re your favorite, clearly straight out of the flower fields by the slight glow they give off. They’re wrapped in a brown type of paper with a pink bow clearly down by one of the Aphrodite kids to hold it all together.
“Hey my love.” She starts. “These are for you.” You take the plants with a large grin on your face, bringing them closer to your face to smell the amazing natural scent coming from them. Something moves inside the box she sat on your bed, making you hold in a scream as you jump closer to your girlfriend and farther away from it. “What the hell is moving in that Clarisse?!” You ask, your siblings' attention all over you guys now.
Clarisse just laughs, but she seems slightly nervous as she puts the crate in your lap. “Just look. I hope you like it.” She continues to nervously ramble as you remove the cloth from the top of the box, letting out a small gasp when you see the small animal looking back at you with wide, curious blue eyes.
Your girlfriend stares as you gently pick him up, him instantly curling into your hold with a soft pur as you hold him close to your chest. “You um…you like him?” She asks with a small smile.
“Of course I do! He’s adorable, Risse!” She lets out a relieved sigh, laying down next to you as your siblings surround the bed trying to get a look at the animal. “You know Chiron will never let you keep that right?” One of your brothers asks with a laugh, and you frown as you look at your girlfriend.
She thinks about it for a moment before she says, “We’ll just hide him. He can lounge around the cabin while you’re gone, and you guys can hide him somewhere during cabin checks. Chiron will never know.”
Your siblings eventually leave you alone, going back to their acticicus as your two favorite beings cuddle up to you. Clarisse cuddles up next to your side, and the kitten on your stomach. “I really like you Oreo.” you whisper to the animal, making your girlfriend laugh. “Oreo? That’s the most original thing you could think of right?”
“Okay if you're so great at naming things, what should we name him?”
She goes quiet for a few seconds before mumbling in defeat, “I like Oreo.”
You guys enjoy the silence that surrounds just you guys as you pet Oreo, but then a small laugh comes from you when Clarisse gently grabs the cat and pulls him off your chest so she can lay her head there. “He’s been here for half an hour and you're already jealous?” “He was getting way too touchy. Mine.” She teases and then fakes an annoyed groan when he crawls onto her back and lays down, stretching himself out just to prove a point.
“Will you be my Valentine, my love?” She asks as she places her chin on your chest to look up at you. There's a certain softness in her eyes that you and only you get to see. In fact, it’s very, very rare you ever see the side everyone else talks about when they talk about Clarisse towards you. “You guys just don’t know her like I do.” You tell them. Not like they believe you, half of the camp still believing you somehow put a spell on her.
“Only if you’ll be mine.” You whisper back as if it’s a secret.
“Oh…this is awkward. I already agreed to be like ten other girls date.” Her voice is teasing as she tries and fails not to giggle.
“Is that so?” 
“Hm.” You fake being offended as you cross your arms over your chest and look away. She laughs, and the sound practically forces a smile on your face.
“I’m kidding. Only you, angel. I’m yours. Always.” 
“And I’m yours, Clarisse La Rue.” 
“And forever.”
There’s a knock on your cabin door, and you figure it’s another camper until a voice calls from the other side of the door, “Clarisse? I know you're in there. Your siblings told me where you went. Cat’s out of the bag La Rue.” Chiron says. Very terrible choice of words. She groans into your stomach, rolling off of you and successfully getting Oreo to jump off her back and onto the bed.
“Those little snitches.” She snarls as she gets up to open the door, making you instantly miss her warmth.
You place the cat under your sweater, giggling and then shoving his face back under when he crawls to put his head through the neck hole. Once she knows he’s covered, Clarisse opens the door. Chirons eyes fall to you, and it’s only then do you think about the fact that there is a giant Oreo shaped lump in your sweater.
All your siblings fall silent as they watch to see what’s gonna happen.
“Mac and cheese day am I right?” You try to joke with a nervous chuckle, but he doesn’t laugh. He just runs a hand over his face and then stares at you. “You know what? I don’t care. You find a way to feed him that isn’t taking resources from us, you make sure he doesn’t do any damage to the furniture, and you keep track of him at all times, you can keep him.”
You grin at him, letting the small animal out of your sweater who in turn lowly hisses at the sight of Chiron.
He groans, walking off as he mumbles something about needing a very long vacation. There's only so much of your girlfriend bending the rules to get you presents he can handle before he was bound to just accept it.
The cinatar leaves, your girlfriend flipping him off when he can’t see. He yells over his shoulder, “I know what you’re doing Clarisse! Stop it or no dessert!” 
She stops flipping him off. Next to you, chocolate cake is what she lives for.
That night, as you sit with Clarisse at the bonfire, she listens to you complain about how much you miss Oreo. Usually, you’d be too busy roasting marshmallows and cuddling with her to think about anything else, but your girlfriend doesn’t do anything other than smile, happy she made you so happy.
“So how’d you get him anyway? You don’t have that kind of money and there’s no way Chiron gave it to you.” You say, and she freezes in her spot on a log, slightly tightening her arms that are wrapped around your waist as she avoids your eyes.
“I stole him.” Her voice is slightly quieter than usual, and she says this in the most casual tone she can muster.
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cherry1sblog · 1 year
{my collage roommate pt3}
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Summary:u entered collage everything was going amazing u had your bs with u but there was one problem ur collage roommate... (also there is a plot twist about heeseung and jungwon there not as close as u think)
Warnings: cussing bad grammar 💀 smut‼️‼️‼️‼️
Don’t read if u don’t like smuts 💀 and yuh I think that’s it
“What are you doing “
“Dw about it you couldn’t give a fuck less right”
Jungwon held u back locked the door and pinned you to the wall
“What makes u think your going over there princess “
U just looked at him in shock mouth opening to say saying yet nothing came out u got shivers down your spine when u felt his hands go down more to your waist
“What’s wrong your not as potty anymore”
He looked at you and then got close to your ear you could hear him breath against you you felt him nibble on your ear a little before he faced you again
“You should sleep it’s getting late princess “
He just left you there stunned completely stunned and you did what he told you but you just couldn’t sleep not after that so did u get any sleep like how he told you no not at all not one but if sleep
After that party and your interaction with heeseung and jungwon it was awkward kinda but with jungwon he was more flirty now and so when another party came up you knew you had to find the sexy ist dress ever
{at the party}
Jungwon had been eyeing you up and down all night while on the other hand heeseung had been avoiding you all night u were a bit upset at the fact u and heeseung couldn’t be normal anymore so u trired to go up to him that’s until someone tapped u and u saw three girls staring one wearing they exact same black short bidazeld dress
“Hey u must be y/n right “u don’t recognize her at all so u just look up and down and nod “that’s wonderful to know your the ugly-”and right then and there she takes her cup and pores it all over you and now everyone is looking “bitch Jungwons been sleeping with””WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM “u scream seeing jungwon rush thru the crowed looking at u with eyes of sadness and worry but turned to Yuji and got pissed off
“Idk WTF is your problem but even if I am fucking jungwon so what “ everyone’s gasps going around now phones out recording Jungwons just smirking but you find heeseung looking unamused and leaving “ha I knew you were a slut” then jungwon starts to step up to help you “yk what Yuji I think your just posted at the fact jungwon caught you sleeping with his best friend and now he’s fucking me someone’s who’s not actually a fucking whore bag “ she picks her arm up to slap you jungwon stoping her and throwing her hand away while making her stumble a back “ofc the hero comes in to save the day but not what’s in his pants right cause he can never keep it up right “ he gets visibly angry pushing her back “ you know what Yuji say stupid shit like but just cause you didn’t want people to know your a cheating whore who got stds and just likes to use guys for a quick fuck I mean cmon now we both know I’m the best dick you’ve ever had and the girls I did sleep with they all know I left them fucked dumb after “
She looked completely stunned everyone whispering calling her gross a whore a liar a skank a thot a slut but as for jungwon he grabed you and drove you guys both home the entire way you guys said nothing but when u guys did get home he told you to shower and then we could watch a movie as he grabed your alcohol covered hair and kissed your forehead softly
//AFTER //
after your shower so you stepped out but without thinking you got dressed up wearing a see thru tank top and botty shorts you went out to the living room seeing jungwon he was focused on the tv then tired his head slowly “hey y/-“ his eyes were wide looking at you skating every pice of you immediately getting a hard on and it didnt help the fact the your nipples were also hard cause you it was cold “u-um w-w-what movie do you want to watch” he said awkwardly smiling “
After awhile you ended up choosing a horro movie and everyone u would jump letting jungwon see your boobs bounce and close together was not making it easy at all but he finally had had enough so he paused the tv looking at you “what the fuck won why’d you pau-“ he grabbed your hair in a bunch pulling it a little but not to much where it would hurt “you think I wouldn’t notice you wearing something so slutty huh would you u probably wanted me to look and you and you boobs right you slut “he said and started to lower the strap on you tank top letting go of your hair”ju-jungwon idk what your talking ab-“he stuffed your hole boob in his mouth sucking and nibbleing hitting and starting to leave hickys.”tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop tell me you don’t want me to fuck you sensless and fill your little pussy huh”you didn’t say anything but squirming and moaning under his touch “that’s what I thought now why don’t we see your pretty little cunt “he took off your shorts and liked a thin strip on your underwear making you moan and grab his hair “Wonnie please””please what baby mm I barley did anything yet” you didn’t say anything just wined “I need to know what you want baby or I can’t give it to you okay” you just stared at him but gave in cause how could you not “p-please won need you need you to fuck me “ he removed your panties looking at your dripping cunt making you embarrassed closing your legs while looking away “ah ah ah keep them open princess don’t ever feel like you need to hide this pretty Pussy from me “ he opend your legs about to go down on you but you couldn’t wait you didn’t know why you were so impatient “no w-wait”. “What is if baby” “I DONT wanna be probed please just fuck me please jungwon I need you so bad please wonnie “ he took his grey sweats off and his white t Lilly out his dick and he wasn’t wrong but Yuji was he had the prettiest dick ever he was thick and long and pretty so pretty you needed it so bad “what my princess wants she gets “he took his dick out lining up his tip pushing in little by little he stretched you out so you definitely needed some time but your wetness was making it super easy for the both of you “baby I’m gonna move now okay tell me if it hurts “he started thrusting in you feeling so good “ah jungwon omg so good please faster “he cupped your tits in his handing pumping in and out of you playing with your nipples and ther going to you big leaving hickys on you you were on cloud 9 “ugh baby your pussy feels so g-good this pussy is mine only mine “y-yes omg don’t stop please “ he was going harder making you a moaning mess atp you didn’t care if the neighbors heard you cause this was they best fuck of your life ever “no one’s g-gonna fuck this tight little pussy like I can huh” “all mine no one else is “ you could tell he was close and so were you you were so close if all felt to good “o-omg wonnie i CANT hold it f-Fels to good I-I’m gonna cum “ he kissed you sticking your forwards together intertwining fingers “it’s okay baby cum for me and with that you came undon leaving u speechless you swear you saw white feeling your cum gushing out of you but jungwon still hadn’t came leaving you starting to get a bit senator but you could tell he was so close to “ah y/n I’m so close where do you want me to come “ “please cum in me please “ you were getting close to your second orgasam hearing jungwon moan was sending you “ah ah I’m gonn- and with that you and him both came you for you second time and leaving you both outta breath panting and sweating he pulled out and sat next to you giggling a little “what’s so funny “you said outta breath “ nothing just that we have to go clean up now “”ughhhh I don’t wanna can we js go cuddle “ “it’s okay I’ll clean up my baby “ “ I love you jungwon “ “ me too y/n I love you so much “
//after shower//
You and jungwon just spent the rest of the night cuddling while you fell asleep on his chest as he drew shapes on your skin ……………….
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yipeeboi · 1 year
𝙳𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚢?
a banban x Male!reader,,,
based on an old request on my old acc that i sadly deleted,, i forgot who the requester was but if they do see this i'm sorry for not ever getting to post this!
tw; no tw just fluff,,
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i get up and walk into a better looking kindergarten, the second floor looks better than the main one why would they do that?
i started to walk around for a bit until I heard a "Hello? thank god i thought i was going to die here!" who was that? why would they come here?? I looked around to see a mic, one used for the principals, I walked up to it confused i was about to say something until it cut me off,,
"oh it's good to see you, i may not know you but i know you can help me out! i need help i walked into a room with a blue door i got locked in, there is a blue keycard in the ... Wait do you even hear me?! wave at any camera if you hear me, if you do go into the maintenance room there will be a copy of a blue keycard please get it!' it cuts off, i wave at the camera so he knows that i heard him, i get into the maintenance room but i needed to do a puzzle and it sucked, but it was kinda easy once i found out how to do it, walking i see a sign, "" blue is right, pink is wrong. "" hmm? I got past the maze i understood the way to go and found myself leading upstairs, to see that there was the same yellow glass from the main floor,,
i get my drone and i find out that you can break it with drones so i found something easy-breezy, with that i pressed all the buttons.
???? pov,,
knowing that i will be saved is great, i may not be like him but talking to him seems easy,, he seems so calm and nice it would be weird but i think i might have a tiny crush, i seen him in the cameras, i seen how he was looking for somethings or someone, whatever it is i kinda hopes he finds it.
as i look into the cameras i see him, he got it but as hes walking out he starts running, HE'S RUNNING FROM MY BROTHER!? nabnab just came out, he was on the roof as he was running, i could only watch as he ran with no stopping. he got out just in time, thank the stars for him making it out.
He enters back in and i say "It seems you have it, now please come get me out" I'm not in that room, i feel bad now, i don't wanna hurt him, i can't... i see him open the door and he reads the note he looks behind him,, he sees me, i walk up to him "hello I'm banban, im sorry but i had plans, i didn't want to hurt you so i didnt. i would never harm you... i'm so sorry i know im ugly but i need your help!" he looks at me as he calmly smiles, "oh your the main mascot banban, nice to meet you I'm Y/N!" i smile,, I think i've made a new friend.....
omfg this is so bad im so sorry banban lovers i fucked this up..
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papakhan · 26 days
i think you misunderstood me. i wasn't trying to say you were misinterpreting the character, just that you approach him somewhat differently than i do, in some significant ways, and maybe not even him per se, just "what comes next", so to speak.
i also wasn't saying that boone shouldn't feel remorse about what hes done, because, like, yeah, he really damn should. and unfortunately the bias against the great khans that permeate the games writing rears its ugly head again--i mean, some of the fan favorites call them dirty people who need to be chased out of the mojave, and while that in itself isnt bad writing (characters can be bigoted and biased), it feels like the player is given very little in terms of retaliating against those statements and the games assumed status quo that the ncr supposedly has more legitimacy in its presence than the khans do. i was more getting at where that remorse would take him, because as you said, his storyline is largely concerned with his own feelings while the game gives you no real way to make him snap the hell out of it, stop justifying the atrocities he was a part of as some inevitability he sadly has to bear, and overall stop making it about himself and open his tiny eyes to whats actually happening and what can be done. like, yeah, he could go from suicidal gestures to groveling, and again to be clear he should feel sorry, but i feel like thats still centering his emotional journey.
as for defending bitter springs, like. yes, the refugee camp at bitter springs is in itself an ugly truth of an image of the ncr, revealing it as a force that tramples over people and commits atrocities and then names itself protectors of whats left. terrible protectors too, seeing how poor and understaffed the refugee camp is. i wish that in itself couldve had some sort of impact on the man as well. still, in terms of material consequences, boone protected the refugees, and while once again that doesnt Repay for anything or Make Up for anything, i dont think it was necessarily the ultimate point of the quest. as you pointed out, it wasnt great khans he protected from the legion, it was refugees from arizona and the handful of ncr staff. theres not any kinda neat bow put on it, there's no coming full circle. being denied a selfish "heroic" death in favor of, like, protecting some people he doesnt know, i think its interesting and could serve as a way to pull him out of this spiral. maybe its wishful thinking on my part, but the difference between novac boone and post-independent boone IS that ncr has completely withdrawn from the area and boone took part in the actions that lead to that. but i could just be wishing things had been written differently. oh! and you brought up giving him up to the great khans to judge, its something ive thought about before, and i wish it was something you could do in the game.
anyway... im sorry if i came off as confrontational in my first anon, i saw that you were answering asks about it and i wanted to offer my own perspective. none of it was said to undermine yours.
well first of all I'd like to say I'm sorry for being hostile, it's difficult for me to interpret tone at the best of times and even worse over text so I appreciate you telling me that didnt mean to sound confrontational and i'm sorry for taking it that way
i think its just frustrating to me that like. idk the Joshua Graham dickriding has died down a bit recently because people have finally figured out that despite the game framing him as the good guy hes actually still a terrible person and the writers were wrong for what they did (the racism most of all) but then people still lick Boones/the NCR's boots
but your perspective is refreshing i think youre right yeah, Boone shouldn't really be the centre of the "victims of the bitter springs massacre" because. he's not a victim. he is a perpetrator. on that you have made me realise that yeah even if hes begging for forgiveness even then its still bad for it to centre him at all
And the Khans being one of the power houses of Vegas pre-NCR is woefully underexplored but tbh given how the rest of the Khans are handled I don't even think its a time constrains thing its just a writers thing. i've complained enough about how the Followers treat the Khans in game not really lining up with how they used to work together / can work together in the future but that's a whole other thing
i still think the fight for bitter springs is still the climax of the I Forgot to Remember to Forget questline, its supposed to be what snaps boone out of it and lets the player come to some kind of resolution with him. They're not exactly good or helpful resolutions, because as I have said before he still doesn't respect the Khans and as you have also said this is a problem with the game as a whole. and he's still protecting people he doesnt know for ultimately selfish reasons. It's a step. I guess. and yknow its a video game with only two conclusions for a quest, the rest of those steps are kind of up to interpretation.
its the beauty of fanworks and what have you. like I said my perspective is more one of frustration. Me liking the Khans so much and examining the game from their POV when the game kinda hates them and that feeds into the fanart/writing and looking at Boone is just. I'm just tired
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wishingly-mesh · 5 months
I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves Reiko/Rain, I feel so happy everytime when I see your arts 🙏💖💖💖 you're amazing I love you 😭💞💞
(Do you have some cute headcanons about them??)
(And and do you play the game??)
HIII YEEESSSS, so funny you where the one who got me into it :] looking up rain and seeing your reiko rain stuff and suddenly it was my OTP lmao but yeeessss I DOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! so many
childhood friends since the General brought him in. Reiko as a kid basically attached to Zeffeero like a magnet and Zeffeero became a safe space while he grew up.
they where around like, 18 (or the outworld equivilant) when they first kissed. during some holiday or festival and they left all the crowds to steal some food from the kitchen or something in the palace and it was like a "I wonder what it would be like to kiss." kinda situation
Reiko is a massive softie to zeffeero, and to zeffeero specifically. bro grew up with him bro knows every dumb and embarrassing thing he's done.
vise versa, Reiko still pokes fun at Zeffeero for things hes done when they where kids
Reiko calls Zeffeero "Zeff", if hes upset he'll call him Rain in the most "Fuck you" voice.
Zeffeero fell first but has the ability to tell if he likes someone equal to a goldfish.
Reiko fell second and he couldnt sleep for weeks.
(kinda sad) the last time the two talked before the events of the story, Reiko came to Zeffeero asking for help when polishing his armor. They chatted about the tournament and ended up spending the entire day together. they didnt talk again after that until they ran into each other post story. "why are you following me?" "the general still needs your skill" (not exact quote but yknow)
Zeffeero used to go to Reiko first every time he got injured cause Reiko said he needed to get better at fixing injuries. Zeffeero wanted to help. he ended up with a lot of ugly scars.
Reiko was a troublemaker as a kid, Zeffero had to get him out of a lot of trouble.
the roles switched when they became teenagers. Zeffeeros growing ambition caused him to do stupid things.
Reiko is bisexual, Zeffero is Asexual and Demiromantic.
Zeffeero has a stuffed goldfish (the one mk11 rain gets in his friendship) Reiko called it "Gibby" and the name stuck.
And no i don't play T_T I own MK11 and X but I dont own anything that can run MK1 but the switch (and its not worth $70 for those graphics) that and I'm really bad at fighting games (I like bullet-hell's and platformer's)
I have so many headcannons for them its crazy. I think about them so much :3
mk11 rain is my favorite character in the entire franchise though so im not complaining :3
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cloud8doesstuff · 5 months
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"Overcome failure at any cost, even if it means betraying others"… That is our family motto! The cold reality of kicking people down is part of business! Virtues and sentiments are for losers.''
📷-cardeas.ph over on insta!
So, this Cosplay was sorta a big part of why art was slow the last year n a bit. after being sorta disrespected to the point of having to quit artschool around lastyear, art left a bad taste in my mouth for a min and i really needed to sorta shift creative hobbies for a while, so SOMEHOW i thought building a fuckin spacesuit in my one bedroom apartment was a good idea :))). I really wanted to take some more silly photos too but this costume was AWFUL to manuver in alone, i already had to take everything on public transport like 4 times to get to the con. for sure one of those cosplays where i prob should have had a handler come with me. Then again if i had friends i wouldn't have spent practically 2 years building a giant fuckin shadow okumura costume lmao.
There's alot AND I MEAN ALOT of parts to this costume i would approach very very differently if i was gonna do over, i didnt get a sewing machine till p much everything was finished so some stuff like the faux leather gloves came out so ugly lookin sadly. But i learnt alot! there was alot of stuff in this costume i was very unsure about approaching, such as the helmet. and i couldnt find anythin similar online so i kinda had to just "fuck around and find out" for lack of better term.
ALSO ALSO! big and i mean BIG fuckin shoutout to the persona 5 the stage project!! i used the Okumura costume they built for that as reference and i probably wouldnt have even attempted it if it wasnt for seeing it in the live action stage play! I sadly have no idea who did the costuming for that set but absolute props to them, they are my god damn hero. Ik the 3rd part featuring the futaba and okumura arc isnt widely avalable online but maybe just maybe i was crazy enough to find it on dvd n rip it n maybe ill be able to send it to peeps if they care enough to reach out :) if you like just weird ass offical persona 5 stuff or vidya stageplay adaptations i highly recomend watching em!
If you've read this far into my mad ramblings, Thank you! this turned out to be a really personal sorta endevor for me, and i hopfully can muster up the guts to post other cosplay stuff in the future!
More digital art to come soon!
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sillysadduck · 1 year
I was wondering, since you made a guide on how you draw Duck, can we know how you draw the headshape for human Red or Duck?
HI BABE YES YOU CAN HAVE BOTH <3 but when I tell you I STRUGGLED trying to figure out how to show it😭😭 bc not only is my style inconsistent but also my process is always different and tumblr only allows 10 pictures on each post when on mobile so I'll try my best!
Okay first, Duck, my human version of him has a thin face, and sharp but not strong features. A long thin nose and a few barely-there expression lines. Very different from the way I draw Red but I'll get to that later. Kind of old hollywood features I guess
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I start with this ugly ass nonsense circle and then I pretend those lines dont exist and do whatever I want bc I dont follow them
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I hate to admit it but I don't have any solid advice on facial feature placement, hope you don't mind since you asked for head shape :")
As I said his head shape is more... Sharp I think. But he doesn't have, say, a strong jaw or a strong browbone, he's sharp but delicate-looking to put it in words :]
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Small jaw, small neck, thin nose, and overall very thin face
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This ones kinda rushed, not perfect, but you can correct things as you go :] I didnt do it here bc maybe it would be confusing
Hope this made sense! I'll reblog showing how I draw Red's head when I do it
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hello ! ive seen on the tags of ur last post that u have made 3 plushies of your oc Hop ?! would it be okay to ask for some pics of them ? it's okay if not, he just looks so lovely, his plush form must be adorable <3
They actually dont look that good bc i make the sewing patterns just with my gut feelings so uh they are kinda ugly but in a cute way
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This one is a few years old atleast 6 maybe 7 idk this is actually the origin of hop i just wanted to try out how well i can use that corduroy for sewing and then thought he wa too cute to not make an actual character out of him (the blue is a small vest)
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This one i made like 4 or 5 years ago just a lil low effort guy didnt even try to get his hands right and he looks more like a sheep than he should
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Ah yes my disaster child, uh i tried really hard on this one but he came out all skrunkled but he has real hands this time atleast. Lovingly calling this one flop instead of hop but still love em with all my heart i really enjoy how the eyes came out on this one tbh but yea look at him and his permanent :o face
Made this at the beginning of corona so like 3 years ago? God its been a long time
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clutchpowers · 11 months
Sooooo... i wanted to stick this little rambly thing at the bottom of the redraw but it would have made it look UGLY so im doing this separately... just wanna talk about the whole thing and What Not.
TLDR: its been a slash positive ride thats been worth it to try "something new" every year and my favorite piece out of all of them is the 9th. also for the curious heres the comparison of the 5th anni piece to the recent one (2018 -> 2023)
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anyway. personal post time.
oh where to begin *rocks on my rocking chair* i guess it would be with the 5th anniversary piece...at the time it had been a long while since i did lineless art and i thought it would be cool to try it again for that one so i did by redrawing an old piece from 2014... that was the first "finished piece" i made of Them. i think i even made it into a wallpaper for myself lmao. anyway after i posted it i was like "aw man i should draw something every year until the 10th" but i thought yeah right. im going to forget next year like the idiot i am. but i Some How managed to do one every year... th worms got me... i honestly didnt think id make it all the way to the 10th but i did!! AND WITHOUT MISSING A DAY EXCEPT FOR THE 7TH WHERE I WAS A WEEK LATE???? UNREAL especially when fun fact! every year i had no idea what i wanted to do! all i knew for sure is that i wanted each piece to be out of my comfot zone to push me to do something a little different. unfortunately the subjects tm where always the same so it feels a little. samey. but these are my celebratory posts I GET TO ONLY POST ABOUT THE OTP SUPER BLORBOS OF ALL TIME
the 6th anniversary was a redraw of that one scene. you know the one. the helicopter one. fucking hate that scene btw it actually causes me psychic damage i cant watch with the audio or ill scream. but it is my favorite scene of mine despite all the horrors it causes <3 and i wanted to redraw it as if it was a cartoon... like i had taken screencaps from the lcu cartoon in my head. i still remember the backgrounds being such a pain in the ass. honestly id like to go back and redo this one one day too or do something similar to the concept because its a fun one that i always saw done growing up and i wanted to try it myself.
for the 7th anniversary you can see the turn.. no more humans... return to lego... i was getting a little more confident in drawing them in the lego form so i did another redraw this time with the ending!! honestly i still like this one and how it looks even with how late it was but i wanted to test my confidence and do a real True and Finished piece with COLORED LINES and EVERYTHING!!!!! im glad i ended up taking the turn because for the LONGEST TIME i wanted to try and draw them as lego so bad because all i did was draw them as humans and its funny because now its the exact opposite. glad this piece was kinda the solidification in my head that yeah okay im a bit better at drawing the stylized lego toy now i can keep drawing them like this without feeling like im going to want to delete this in 2 weeks.
the 8th anniversary one is so weird. somewhere toward the beginning of the year it got into my head that i wanted to do a comic of them but time/school would have gotten in the way so i ended up opting for a page. another redraw of the ending scene which honestly out of all of them this is my least favorite one and its solely because its all so off. i def could have formated it better so the background shot doesnt take up the entire fucking page but then again im not a comic guy and this was my first time so the layout was bound to look HORRID but this is something id like to come back to ive had the idea of making like a genuine short comic about them since FOREVER and now that im a bit more experienced (lying) i would like to make one day!!!! just gotta stop getting caught up in my scripts!! and going in circles!! Because im obviously not a writer and i keep getting first-hand embarrassment from these!! but ill get over it one day lol.
OH THE 9TH ANNIVERSARY PIECE MY BELOVED. ONE OF MY FAVORITE PIECES ACTUALLY i love this stupid thing so much you have no idea.i know its re-using lineless but i just loved the idea of what it would look like lineless AND IT CAME OUT SO PERFECT I LOVE IT SO MUCH obv it needs a few touch-ups so the main issues dont stand out to me but god. i love this piece so much. idk what came out of me to make this but its so good ill never get over it. and the little lego them as a cake topper ITS JUST SO CUTE I DONT HAVE MUCH TO SAY OTHER THAN I LOVE THIS SO MUCH SORRY
finally. the 10th anniversary piece. oh my god. okay. i need everyone to understand this. i had woken up with this fucking Unbearable pounding headache that was trying to kill me. my body the entire day wanted me to stop and lie down, but last night i was already done with a good chunk of it and all i had to do that day was finish some lines and the coloring?? i literally don't remember all i remember is my body actively trying to shut down and force me to stop and sleep which i took a nap? didnt help. so i said fuck it im finishing this. i was. an entire goddamn corpse arched over my laptop. i was so delirious the entire time its a fucking miracle it even came out as good as it did but honestly. i still hate how it fucking looks. like you can TELL when i gave up (the shading) and it sticks out like a sore fucking thumb to me and it pisses me off because i knew i could have done so much better if i wasnt being stricken down by gods hand and his every attempt to get me to rest. idk like im generally proud ot it, with this one i wanted to go out with a bang tm so i tried to draw every important and relevant character instead of ALL of them like I was originally planning LMAO but ah well. maybe one day when im faster at drawing. this one i defiantly wanna go back and touch up but i everytime i open the file i can see 40 more things wrong with it and it drives me nuts. so ill just have to wait for when im ready. i guess.
can i just say though. the improvement is crazy. it always catches me off guard because tbh i uh. dont like my own art. im getting better at not fucking hating it because i can pinpoint everything wrong with it but whenever i see the side by sides it always surprises me. i always dont think im improving but then i see it and its like wow i really am getting better! i still suck at 3000 things but im getting better! and its overall just a nice thing to see after having drawn them for as long as i have... the power of the worms is strong and has ruined my brain...... speaking of i know ive said a few times that i fucking hate certain pieces, not just LCU related ones but almost anything i post, but if you love them and are able to look at them with a twinkle in your eye then thank you. genuinely. i honestly love looking over the tags of people exploding and saying nice things. it warms my cold little heart and im glad there are people out there that genuinely love some of the things what i do! even if its just fanart and its just their blorbo. thank you for sticking around even tho all i do is draw my otp super blorbos :'^) this game means the world to me and im glad like more than 2 people wanna spread it around.
to wrap back around to the anniversary stuff and speaking of big love to the people out there THE FREAKING EPIC ZINE i was just a small thing but it came out amazing even for how small it was thank you to the contributors and thank you to everyone whos downloaded it!! its still getting the occasional and i love getting the notif in my email about it. i love that there are still people out there who wanna see it and all the hard work everyone put into it to celebrate the games 10th just thank you again i really does mean alot to me ALSO IF YOU HAVENT CHECKED IT OUT PLEASE DO IT IS 100% WORK YOUR TIME AND ITS DIGITAL WITH PRINT AT HOME STICKERS AND YOU CAN KEEP IT AND LOOK AT IT FOREVER
uh to end this off....would I like to do this again..... I mean I kinda am? by that i mean ill do the big numbers (15, 20, 25, 30, 40, etc) till the day i freaking die!!!! but yeah no countdown stuff ever again!!!!! sorry :^( it was super fun to do though!!!! and im glad i did it that piece is the conclusion to the whole thing but that doesnt mean ill stop drawing them. duh. theyre my characters now! but heres to many more anniversaries and to hopefully another game! or to just see them again in any other lego media! or even better... a mischaracterized cameo in ninjago!
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snaxle · 1 month
they also suicide baited my cat which was so...
How do you even do that?
ok so as many people remember i use to be a big dream fan a few years ago. well at a Certain Point that shall not be explained, i decided hey i fucking hate this guy now and proceeded to unfollow people and etc. well, as you can imagine, many of my former mutuals and followers were Also dream fans who we're very unhappy with the fact that i was not supporting him anymore and publicly bashing him now.
around this time, both my cats were very sick and i often posted about how worried i was about their health. also, semi unrelated, but a few weeks before this my one cat escaped my house for a day and i was extremely scared she had been killed by some wild animals in my area, which i also posted about. i did wind up finding her completely fine soon.
well after this big fallout, i posted something about how dream looks like shane dawson or whatever a few months later all that happened and these people saw it and we're fucking PISSED. had people screenshotting all my posts, my url uncensored and everything, and absolutely twisted my words to make it seem like i was saying some pretty messed up shit. i didnt even know this was going on until i got an anonymous ask that told me dream fans we're beating my ass, and then people proceeded to send me what people were sending. it was whatever lol
but anyways, at one point, one of these people then proceeded to send me an ask after i once again posted about how i was really worried about my cats and they finally had a vet appointment coming up, and they told me they hoped my cat died. which is pretty fucked btw, but anyways i had to shut off my asks after that for a few days and kinda had a mild breakdown because of it but after awhile i just stopped acknowledging all them bc whatever.
well, maybe a week later i got another person sending me a screenshot of someone's post in which they said some shit like "remember when sn*xle got an ask telling them they hope their cat died and they freaked out about it? did they think their cat would see the ask and slit their kitty wrists lol" and then had other people also posted about how they hope my cat killed themself so I'd get upset
this then escalated to people posting about how they want me to kill myself, one of which was someone i was pretty close mutuals with who at one point literally comforted me as i had a panic attack over my cat being missing that one time LOL.
eventually im pretty sure they stopped after i went on a massive blocking spree and blocked like 4k people from the fandom, or at least people stopped reporting to me to tell me every little thing these people were saying about me, my cats went to the vet and got fixed up and i lived happily ever after 🙂 but anyways thats the story of how my cat and i were suicide baited by angry dream stans all because i decided i didnt wanna support an ugly shitty white guy anymore. theres actually more context to the story than all this but maybe thats a story for another day LOL
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moodr1ng · 1 month
re last post while im being chatty (sleeping pills do that to me): i have a kinda strange relationship w my knuckle tattoos. when i was 17 i was in a pretty rough spot in life. though i wasnt in The Absolute Worst Years, things werent going great on pretty much any front. i was failing out of school at the time, i saw no future for myself, i felt like i had fucked up all my options beyond any redemption. i lived in a "bad neighborhood", in a social housing apartment where i shared the one bedroom with my sister and my mom slept in the living room. i had like, two irl friends and one of those friendships was quite toxic and codependent. my mental health was abysmal and my parents were at the end of their rope with what to do with me. nobody even believed id manage to graduate high school anymore. i had no money except what i could glean from art commissions on tumblr and whatnot. i was perpetually broke and so were my friends (we shoplifted quite a bit at that time). i always knew my mom and i didnt exactly have much money but i was really feeling it then, and more than that, i felt like this prophecy was hanging over my head, that i would too end up like my parents: an underpaid worker in a shit job with seemingly no upsides or ways to move forward.
yet i had an inkling that one day i might get out of this; that i might one day escape this and 'rise above my station', 'make it' in some way. i pictured myself as someone who did make it: an older version of me, who i pictured very clean-cut and acceptable-looking, maybe wearing a suit or something. i hated that version of me; the sellout. i looked at that future me and thought: dont you dare forget about me. dont you dare forget about all of us here - not just my family but everyone i loved, and the people in the same neighborhoods and the same situation. i guess it was a moment of class awareness and solidarity. i thought: ill never let myself become a clean-cut, law-abiding, middle class sycophant who looks down on people like me.
so i got commission money for the cheapest tattoo machine i could get, some $50 crappy machine i got off ebay that came with needles and inks, and i sat at my kitchen table one afternoon with an internet friend on a skype call and tattooed my own knuckles - right hand tattooed with the left hand and all. i chose "DIRT POOR". i thought: there. not only can i see it, everyone can. i can rise up as much as i can in the world. but there will always be this neon sign on my hand that says: i came from here.
and i stuck with that for a very long time. i loved those tattoos. when i stopped loving them (because theyre kinda ugly, and i dont like explaining them to people, etc) i still loved the meaning behind them.
but then i actually 'made it'. i mean, not really. i didnt truly make it. i dont have a job, my main income is disability benefits, but im blessed that i also have my etsy shop and a roommate who helps with rent and a very cheap apartment, all of which means i have an income thats almost minimum wage and benefit from a lot of government aid, and through that ive set aside sizeable savings. i dont have to worry about paying for my food or home or clothes or other necessities, and i can go for drinks with friends or order takeout or buy myself little eccentricities just because i want to. i certainly didnt turn out clean-cut and proper in a suit, but i got to a place that 17 year old tattooing himself on a dirty kitchen table thought hed never get to.
and now that im here the tattoos feel.. silly. shameful. the people who ask me about them are most often panhandlers - and when i translate what it means to them i feel like such a poser. like, dirt poor? really? but im not dirt poor. im doing fine. if i dont get into the extensive backstory of the tattoos every time, i just.. look like someone trying to look rougher than i am. i feel like im appropriating a struggle that is no longer mine. and i dont even like the tattoos anymore and havent for a long time, and now the message itself doesnt feel worth having them.
like id forget where i come from if i didnt have it etched in my hands? like i even needed that reminder anyway? in the end, i got these because i didnt trust myself - because i thought my class solidarity was disingenuous, opportunistic, based only in my current circumstances. but ill never forget how i grew up. the message is already in me. i never needed a reminder. my past will always be a part of me.
so, anyway, ive been thinking of getting the tattoos lasered off. im far from being sure i wanna do it, though almost only because of the price, but ive been considering it often. i still feel a bit like its a betrayal of my 17 yo self. but then again, i think if he saw me now, 10 years older and in the position im in now, hed probably get it. hed see i havent really changed, not in the important ways. i think in the same way i need to forgive my past selves, maybe they too need to forgive me for moving on from them. so i really might get the laser, if not soon, then someday.
if i do, ill still have other hand and finger tattoos, so it wouldnt change much if i get new knuckle ones. if that does come to pass - im thinking "GOOD LUCK" this time.
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kapane-luyeshu · 1 year
hey! Sorry to bother but I wanted to ask if you have more ie11 art! I saw that little thing you posted and I really liked your style, please share more if you have it 😊
especially if is kirino 😳.... pretty please?
also, I am definitely not morbidly curious about why he has horns and cat ears
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I didn't actually expect anyone to ask about that, thank uuu, you are lovely :3c
I didnt wanted to share that full drawing i did cus it was mostly a reference sheet i made for myself so its kinda ugly looking, but i made some character studies i hope you will like to see!
this is for an AU i'm making (mostly in my head)
in IEGO instead of the kenshin phenomenon, there will be another gimmick where some players will be.... well, possessed, by deities from multiple religions, they will gain power from said deities, and their bodies will change to be able to hold said power.
kirino was chosen by a qilin, the creature itself is a big mix of various animals so much so there are different versions of it in different regions, but the proposal is that it wants to protect nature and everything that is pure, they are creatures that can sense purity (actually there is a version of them that have only one horn and people refer to it as the Chinese unicorn and honestly that's kinda accurate with the whole pure heart thing)
kirino is a defense player and thus is all about protection, but he is also very caring of his friends and we kinda see him taking care of them over the seasons, especially how frustrated he gets when he can't go alongside them to places that might be dangerous. so the qilin was a good fit for him in my head
instead of using 'the mist' hissatsu, which is a bit limited, he can actually breathe fog into the field from his lungs and make it occupy a larger space and stay there for a long while. he can sense other player's malicious intentions, and his horns are good to try to stop a hissatsu with his head in extreme need, the hooves are strong so he can move around more easily and his body is now easier to twist and turn due to the physical change he went trough, the tail can be a useful asset i suppose... oh also the ears are nice to hear things, especially if it involves kariya saying something behind his back
of course, the physical change has its negatives like how kirino can no longer eat meat or certains fruits and vegetables (qilin's being creatures that don't harm others so they do not consume meat and other foods in fear of hurting other creatures in the process)
but i don't wanna talk about it for now cus I feel like I already talked a lot
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