#this is so funny to me I can’t eben
oddfluphenazine · 10 months
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RIGHT OKAY and I’m reading homestuck and I come to a pary that I’m just like WAIT A GOD DAMN MINUTE BECAUSE YOU KNOW EHAY YOU KNOW WHAT.
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transmasc-totoro · 1 year
Chest binder side effects may include: shortness of breath, pain, lightheadedness, chest tightness/numbness, feelings of dread, inability to take full breaths. Benefits include: flatter chest which makes you feel better but you still get misgendered at work lol
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solaaresque · 2 years
🌧️🎮👎📚 for an oc of your choice
MORIIIII omg i hope yk u have unleased. the crazy in me nod nod yes so i will talk abt. reze :3
🌧️ what is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
reze would probably just. shut themselves up in the doctor's office and do paperwork if they're feeling particularly numb and lifeless. otherwise they'd go bother dobermann/kalt'sit/qiang or just cause a general nuisance lmfao.
🎮 if your OC lives or would live in the modern world, would they like video games? what would be their favorite game?
oh, for sure. reze would like... taps chin. rhythm games most likely (adhd brain go brrrr) and def those like. rpgs where u go around killing things (mayhaps either hi3 or genshin ??) and smth w a lot of lore for sure... bcuz they're quite interested in world-building. they'd prefer singleplayer but they also wouldn't mind co-oping w lasres, dobermann + kalt'sit, or eben + kreide (if they can reconcile/if kreide is still alive in modern au)
👎 is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
yeah. reze doesn't like. hate a lot of ppl but there are some whom they just cannot stand. moneta at first... they hate each other but then slowly begin to get along (lasres found family !!) also ebenholz though that's more of a... gestures vaguely. one-sided thing due to past sparkles emoji trauma sparkles emoji. but reze and lappland despise each other and even i have no idea why. it just ended up that way. it's so funny lol i'm p sure they've made out a few (read: many) times but it's like. "i hate i sm i want u to die i want to kill. myself i want to tear u apart" "hey wanna make out" "yeah sure"
📚 your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. that do they chose?
taps chin... probably something to do with "seeing the future". like. what to do when your future seems filled with pain and horror and you know you can't stop it. except ppl think it's a metaphor and it's...not. it's literal. they are literally seeing the future. anyways. yeah.
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thexfridax · 3 years
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Recap/thoughts on L’Étang
Performed on 6th of June 2021, Holland Festival, Internationaal Theater Amsterdam / Rabozaal
I recently had the chance to attend Der Teich / The Pond / L’Étang written by Robert Walser and adapted by Gisèle Vienne at the Holland Festival 2021 in Amsterdam. The main reason I went was to experience the absolute force that is Adèle Haenel, but I was also intrigued about how she would interact with Ruth Vega Fernandez on stage (who I only knew from the Swedish film Kiss me / Kyss mig).
After a number of performances were postponed and subsequently cancelled in France, I wasn’t quite sure whether this one would actually go ahead. Luckily, the Covid-19 situation had improved sufficiently for a live audience to attend, albeit with a limited number of people.
Switzerland had hosted the world premiere of the play in early May, so a couple of reviews were already out (check out #L’Etang on @mlleclaudine’s blog, she has translated some of these reviews). I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect though other than French avant-garde theatre (= confusion 😊).
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The stage was dark, when the audience entered. You could spot some creepy shapes, some were clearly mannequins, but I somehow thought the actresses were already on stage, too. Watching us. (They weren’t.)
When the lights went on, a guy appeared and gently carried the mannequins off stage.
EXTREMELY loud electronic music followed, and in robo-walked Adèle as Fritz, and behind her Ruth as the mother (nameless, only her last name -Mrs Marti- is mentioned in the OG play).
They continued to robo-walk across the stage (somewhat synchronised), until everyone found their spot, very much apart from each other. You could clearly hear their breathing throughout this movement (also in the latter stages of the play).
Not much else was on stage but a bed with random clothes draped over it, and some other bits and bobs (for Fritz). There was also a wig and an ashtray (for the mother, alluding to her femme fatale status).
Adèle started to speak (in French), setting the scene for a boy who is somewhat disregarded by his mother, but longing for her…
Ich möchte fast lieber nirgends mehr sein, als so da sein. Nichts als böse Gesichter. Ist das ein Essen bei Tisch. […] Man darf den Mund nicht aufmachen, ohne fürchten zu müssen, den Anstand zu verletzen. Was nützt so ein Anstand? Der Paul, der darf wohl reden, der darf sich alles erlauben. An dem ist alles schön, artig, recht, nett. […] Ich muss ja glauben, nur er sei der Sohn seiner Mutter, und die Mutter habe keinen zweiten Sohn neben ihm. Nichts kann ich recht machen, ich mag mich anstellen, wie ich will. […] Wenn nur wer wüsste, wie es in mir drin aussieht. Wenn die Mutter mir nur einmal ins Herz schauen könnte. Vielleicht wäre sie erstaunt, vielleicht würde sie dann sehen, dass ich sie auch noch ein wenig gern hab. […] (Extract from Der Teich, Insel Bücherei Edition)
I’d rather not exist anymore than be like this. Only evil faces. What a meal. […] One isn’t allowed to open one’s mouth without being afraid of violating propriety. What’s the point of this kind of propriety? Paul, he is allowed to talk, he can do anything. Everything about him is lovely, good, proper, nice. […] I’m starting to believe that he is his mother’s only son, and the mother doesn’t have another one aside from him. I can’t do anything right, doesn’t matter whatever I do. […] If only anyone knew, how it looks inside of me. If the mother only looked into my heart. Maybe she would be surprised, maybe she would see that I still like her a bit. (My translation)
J’aimerais encore mieux être nulle part, plutôt qu’ici. … On n’a pas le droit d’ouvrir la bouche, de peur de blesser les convenances. À quoi ça sert, ces convenances ? Paul, lui, il a le droit de parler. Lui, il peut tout se permettre. En lui tout est beau, bien, correct, gentil. […] Je vais finir par croire qu’il est le seul fils de sa mère, et que la mère, elle n’a pas eu de deuxième fils en plus de lui. Rien de ce que je fais n’est bien, quoi que je fasse. […] Si seulement quelqu’un savait comment je suis à l’intérieur. Si ma mère pouvait regarder une seule fois dans mon coeur. Peut-être qu’elle serait étonnée, peut-être qu’elle verrait alors que moi aussi j’ai encore un peu d’amour pour elle. […] (Translated by Lucie Taïeb, in: Pièce (dé)montée : L'Etang, Gwenaëlle Hebert)
While Adèle talked, voicing multiple characters with ease (i.e. Fritz and his sister Klara), Ruth slowly walked around, and at one point intervenes in the quarrel between the siblings. She was a threatening presence, and spiteful to both of her children in the first act. Throughout the play you could see how scared Fritz was of his mother (the look of dread on Adèle’s face was shocking).
A dream like scene came next, where it wasn’t entirely clear (to me) what was happening. Fritz seemed to be dreaming of his family, being conflicted, laughing, angry, moaning … a disturbingly visceral and messy scene, where the characters all merge.
(NB: I may not remember the exact sequence of scenes or who played whom, as I was slightly stunned by this point..)
Meanwhile, Ruth transformed into the ‘good and kind’ mother of one of Fritz’s sickly friends, which made it even clearer how much Fritz suffers from the neglect of his own mother, and how isolated he is.
Maybe also by choice:
[…] Ich bin gern allein. Da kommen einem die Gedanken. Da stört einen niemand. – Mir ist immer, als hätte ich irgendwo etwas vergessen. Ich weiß, es ist nichts, und doch plagt es mich. Was kann es nur sein? Nichts? Da hab ich gut reden! Es ist was, aber das Dumme ist, ich hab es eben vergessen. Ich will dem Sächelchen nachgehn. Ich will zu meinem Platz im Wald gehn, vielleicht fliegt es mir dort wie ein Schmetterling zu. Warum muss man eigentlich denken? Man muss, es zwingt einen. Das ist so dumm, dass man was muss. Man sollte nichts müssen! Aber da hab ich wieder gut reden. Komm, Fritz, wir beide gehen. Ich bin doch nicht ganz allein. Der Fritz ist Fritzens Kamerad. Ich bin mir selbst mein bester Freund. – Was ich auch alles wissen muss. Eigentlich ist es zum Lachen. Aber im Wald will ich darüber nachdenken, was ich tun könnte, dass ich der Mutter – – – (as above)
[…] I like to be on my own. You can think. Nobody disturbs you. – It always seems to me, as if I had forgotten something. I know, it’s nothing, but it still haunts me. What can it be? Nothing? It’s all very well of me to say that. There is something, but the silly thing is that I forgot about it. I will look into the matter. I will go to my spot in the woods, maybe it will come to me like a butterfly. Why is it that one actually has to think? One must, one is forced to do so. It’s so silly that one has to. One shouldn’t have to do anything! But again, look who’s talking. Come on, Fritz, let’s go. I’m not quite alone. Fritz is Fritz’s companion. I am my own best friend. – Why must I know everything. It’s actually funny. But I will think about it in the woods, as to what I’m going to do, so that mother – – – (as above)
[…] J’aime bien être seul. Quand on est seul, c’est là que les pensées viennent. Personne ne vous dérange. J’ai toujours l’impression d’avoir oublié quelque chose quelque part. Je sais que ce n’est rien, pourtant ça me tourmente. Qu’est-ce que ça pourrait être ? Rien ? Facile à dire ! Non, il y a bien quelque chose, mais, bêtement, j’ai justement oublié quoi. Je vais suivre cette piste. Je vais aller dans la forêt, dans mon coin à moi, et peut-être que, là-bas, ça me reviendra ! Mais pourquoi il faut toujours penser ? On est obligé, c’est plus fort que nous. C’est tellement bête, d’être obligé. On ne devrait être obligé à rien. Facile à dire. Allez, on y va. Je ne suis pas complètement seul, après tout. Je suis mon propre meilleur ami. Et toutes ces questions que je pose. En fait ça me donne envie de rire. Mais dans la forêt, on va réfléchir à ce que je pourrais faire pour que ma mère... (as above)
And the plot thickens afterwards, his siblings become convinced that Fritz is going to drown himself in the titular pond (he hinted at it in a grand speech, according to his brother). The brother then chases after Fritz, urged by his sister to do the right thing.
Adèle is fully immersed in this scene, first voicing the siblings, then transforming back into Fritz, who is somewhat exhilarated by his own prank (she intones a sound or two, which makes me think that those singing lessons were quite successful). All to figure out if his mother cares for him or not.
It kinda worked. When Fritz returns home, he finds his distraught sister and parents. The mother sees her son for the first time as a real person (the father is angry). She calls him a man, and they temporarily connect as equals (the mother-child dynamic being interrupted). She wants this understanding to be kept as secret from the other siblings, to which Fritz agrees.
The siblings re-enact the fake drowning scene, Fritz is represented by a knife, Paul by a fork, and Klara by a little spoon. The story ends without the parents being included. (In the OG play, the mother observes this scene, and is quite moved that Fritz has kept his word of not sharing their secret. This is also part of the final act of the OG play.)
In another disturbing and weird scene, Fritz is (invisibly) choked by someone, Adèle pants and spits, but it’s not clear who the perp is (I thought, the father, but who knows). The mother(?) is standing by when this happens, and then leaves, repulsed.
At the end you can see Fritz observing his mother approaching his empty bed, picking up a pillow and holding it. Not a real closure for their characters, but it was a tender moment in a very compact and rather violent play.
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Adèle seemed to have voiced the majority of the characters (children and adults), changing her voice accordingly to make them sound different in the same scene. She was often seen on the floor, stretched out, being in agony or another state of mind (or spitting). It was an intense and unsettling performance, but not to the extent that I wanted to leave the theatre 😊
Ruth did voice fewer characters (mainly the adults, maybe also one of the children). She cried heavily in one scene (sublime acting!), and by the end of the play her character seemed to have lost all of her harshness. We mostly got to know her through Fritz’s descriptions (or their interactions), she had maybe one monologue of her own (at least in the OG play). But she was omnipresent in Fritz’s mind and also during the play (she only left the stage once before the end), transforming from the devouring to the caring(?) mother. A more restrained, but still very effective performance.
I think, the (spare) use of electronic music and different lighting was in line with Fritz’s turmoil, and it wasn’t distracting from the acting. I was glad that there were subtitles, perfect for non-French speakers – though it didn’t give you a clue which character was speaking. You had to quickly switch from looking at the subs to Adèle or Ruth to figure it out.
All in all, it was great to be back in a theatre, to watch these two (plus Gisèle etc.) finally bring this obscure family drama to life with a vengeance.
I hope to watch the play again in Hamburg (Internationales Sommerfestival 2021, ticket information to be released in mid-June), as there were a lot more things I couldn’t unpack while watching, or even now 😉
Cover picture by @estellehanania Other pictures/video by @thexfridax
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aku-jumbi · 4 years
I am sooooo so sorry for the hate that you get!! Coming from an artist myself, I can understand how frustrating this can be. You spend so much time and effort into a piece and for FREE too, and then people don’t have the decency to acknowledge or respect that and instead go hating instead. I’m so sorry you have to experience that toxicity when you shouldn’t have to. Everyone has their own art style and are free to create whatever they want, however they want. If they can’t understand that, that’s no one’s fault but their own. You are doing amazing sweetie and your art is top notch as always! Haters are just jealous!! Stuff like this takes time and effort and unfortunately they can’t understand so they choose to hate :(((
love you and your work always! ❤️
Also thank you so much for your words. There was a really cold wind blowing around me and your words really warm up my soul!
I also thought about that for outstanding people looking at a random picture is just a brief moment, while the artists spents hours over it (at least yeah, it takes really time, sometimes tears and sleepless nights, checking position of the facial features until the eyes get blurry). All that isn’t visible in the final result, looks like it just emerged out of nothing. And there is not ALWAYS control over every part, otherwise I would be some god and paint everything without eben the slightest effort.
I am am very thankful there ARE people appreciating the effort I am putting in my art. Of course there will be always better, always prettier or more complicated but at least, yeah, it is my style I established. It’s funny how people think they can force me to draw how they want it to look... then, they should paint it themselves.
Thank you again! *bow : )
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space--cadet-glow · 4 years
Translation: German manga of “The Minish Cap”, Part 2: “The Small Link”
So, as promised, here’s the second chapter of the German version of the manga of “The Minish Cap”!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the English version of "The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German" for the Minish language in forwards form BOE: “the forwards version of the Minish language in the OE version” BOET: “the TRANSLATION of the forwards version of the Minish language in the OE version”
My translation work under the cut.
Toneffekte: „Bonk Batsch klopf" DT/EQ: „"Bonk bash knock" OE: "WHAM BAM POW"
Octorok 1: „Wohin guckst du?!" DT: „Where looking you?!" EQ: "What're you looking at?!" OE: "You lookin' at me?!"
Octorok 2: „Spasti!!" DT/EQ: „"Spaz!!" OE: "Quit bleeding on me!" (NOTE: ...For once, the English version had me laughing harder. German Octorok is just... Rude.)
Link: „Ups, der schaut mir in die Augen." DT: „Whoops, the looks (to) me in the eyes." EQ: "Whoops, he looked me in the eyes." OE: "Dang it! Our eyes met!"
Ezelo: „He, Junge! Ich meine dich!! Steh nicht blöd rum! Hilf mir lieber! Heute noch!!" DT: „Hey, boy! I mean you! Stand not stupid (there)! Help (to me) preferable! To-day still!!" EQ: "Hey, boy! I mean you! Don't stand there all stupid! Helping me is preferable! Even to-day!!" OE: "H-Hey, you! Boy! Are you just going to pretend... ...You don't see any of this?! Get over here and help me!" (NOTE: To get more slang-y with it would be like, "Help would be preferable! To-day, please!!")
Toneffekte: „Baller plong" DT/EQ: „"Shoot plong" OE: "POOM POOM POOM BAM BAM BAM"
Link: „..." DT/EQ: „"..." OE: "..."
Link: „He, ihr da! Hört auf, ihn zu ärgern!" DT: „Hey, you all there! Stop (x), him to annoy!" EQ: "Hey, you all there! Stop annoying him!" OE: "Hey! You guys! Quit picking on someone weaker than you!"
Octorok 1: „Waas?!" DT/EQ: „"Whaat?!" OE: "What'd you say?!"
Octorok 2: „Du Trottel!!" DT/EQ: „"You moron!!" OE: "Stupid punk!"
Oktorok 1: „Bäh!" DT/EQ: „"Gah!" OE: "UGH!"
???: "..." DT/EQ: „"..." OE: "..." (NOTE: I can't tell if this is Link or Ezlo. Not that it matters, since it's literally just silence.)
Ezelo: „Puh. Danke, dass..." DT: „Phew. Thanks, that..." EQ: "Phew. Thanks for..." OE: "Oh my! Thank y-"
Link: „Schon gut. Ich weiß es." DT: „Already good. I know it." EQ: "It's okay. I know it." OE: "You don't have to say it... ...I know how this goes."
Link: „Ich weiß, wie es weitergeht. Hör mal." DT: „I know, how it along-goes. Listen (softener)." EQ: "I know how it goes on. Listen." OE: "I know there's no rainbow... ...But..."
Ezelo: „?" DT/EQ: „"?" OE: "?"
Link: „Die gerettete Maus rettet den Löwen... ...und bringt mich zu den Minish, richtig?" DT/EQ: „"The rescued mouse rescues the lion... ...and brings me to the Minish, right?" OE: "I figure you've got some gold other places too. I don't need your whole pot, but enough to build a house..." (NOTE: I love how not a single version I've seen thus far has used the Japanese's joke about the Dragon King. To be honest, referencing Leprechauns in the English version was probably the best thing they could've done- I mean, the Minish are small, associated with four-leaf clovers, hats, celebrations, and wishes, and are magical... But, here's where the German version takes it. What's being referenced in German is the Aesop Fable, "The Lion and the Mouse", in which a small Mouse is spared being eaten by a Lion, and later when the Lion is trapped, the Mouse saves him as thanks. The reason this REALLY works here, is because of the immense size difference between the Mouse and the Lion... Just like that between the Hylians and the Minish.)
Toneffekte: „Freu freu" DT/EQ: „"Pleased pleased" OE: "BOUNCE"
Ezelo: „Ich bin keine Maus!!" DT: „I am no mouse!!" EQ: "I am not a mouse!!" OE: "I'm NOT a Leprechaun!"
Link: „'Tschuldige. Dann eben ein Vogel?" DT: „Sorry. Then simply a bird?" EQ: "Sorry. Then just a bird?" OE: "Oh yeah, I see that. You're a bird!" (NOTE: Okay, German Link shortens down „Entschuldige"... Which, complete, would be "I'm sorry" or even "Excuse me". So, shortened in ENGLISH could be " 'Scuse me." Which honestly is kind of funny.)
Ezelo: „Auch kein Vogel!" DT: „Also no bird!" EQ: "Also not a bird!" OE: "I'm not a bird either!"
Link: „Was bist du dann? Was für ein Wesen bist du?" DT: „What are you then? What for a being/creature are you?" EQ: "What are you, then? What kind of being/creature are you?" OE: "Well then, what ARE you? Really, what in the world are you?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Ich bin ich. Ich heiße Ezelo!" DT: „I am I. I (am) call(ed) Ezelo!" EQ: "I am me. I'm Ezelo!" OE: "I'm not a what, I'm a who... I'm Ezlo!" (NOTE: Ezelo/Ezlo stayed Ezelo/Ezlo.)
Toneffekte: „Hah!" DT/EQ: „"Hah!" OE: "Ta-dah"
Link: „Du kennst die Minish nicht? Mann... Alles umsonst..." DT: „You know the Minish not? Man... All (for) nothing..." EQ: "You don't know the Minish? Man... All for nothing..." OE: "Dang! I thought you might be a Picori. Stop wasting my time."
Ezelo: „He! Warte, mein Kind!" DT/EQ: „"Hey! Wait, my child!" OE: "Hey! W-Wait, boy!"
Toneffekte: „Hüpf Hüpf" DT/;EQ: „"Hop hop" OE: "Sproing sproing"
Ezelo: „Lässt du mich etwa hier liegen?!" DT: „Leave you me something here lay?!" EQ: "You're leaving me here?!" OE: "You're just gonna LEAVE me?!"
Link: „Was willst du noch?" DT: „What want you still?" EQ: "What more do you want?" OE: "Is there some reason I WOULDN'T?" (NOTE: Holy mackerel, English Link...)
Ezelo: „Ich kann nicht so schnell laufen wie du! Was ist, wenn die Monster mich wieder angreifen?!" DT: „I can not so fast run how you! What is, if the Monsters me again attack?!" EQ: "I can't fun as fast as you! What if the Monsters attack me again?!" OE: "I can't keep up with you! What if evil spirits attack again?!"
Toneffekte: „Uff Hmpf" DT/EQ: „"Oof hmpf" OE: "Wumph wumph"
Link: „Oh Mann! Ich muss aber schnell die Minish finden." DT: „Oh man! I must but fast the Minish find." EQ: "Oh, man! I must find the Minish quickly." OE: "Beat it! I don't have time for you. I have to find the Picori quickly!"
Ezelo: „Minish? So, so! Wenn du mich mitnimmst, erzähle ich dir was über die Minish." DT: „Minish? So, so! If you me with-take, tell I (to) you what about the Minish." EQ: "Minish? So, so! If you take me along, I'll tell you something about the Minish." OE: "The Picori, you say? The Picori? If you take me along, I'll tell you all about the Picori."
Toneffekte: „Glänz" DT/EQ: „"Gleam" OE: "Gleam"
Link: „Wirklich?!" DT/EQ: „"Really?!" OE: "Really?!"
Ezelo: „Leih mir kurz dein Ohr. Ja, komm runter. So ist es gut." DT: „Lend (to) me briefly your ear. Yes, come down. So is it good." EQ: "Briefly lend me your ear. Yes, come down. That's it." OE: "I know all kinds of secrets about them. Just lean a little closer and... ...I'll whisper in your..."
[The English version then has an extra tid-bit that's not present in the German version for some reason... OE: "GOTCHA!"]
Toneffekte: „SCHLUPF" DT/EQ: „"SLIP" OE: "PLOP"
Ezelo: „Das tut gut!" DT: „This does good!" EQ: "This is good!" OE: "Ahhh... That's MUCH better."
Link: „Runter von meinem Kopf!" DT/EQ: „"Down from my head!" OE: "Hey! Who invited you onto my head?!"
Ezelo: „So läufst du mir nicht davon!" DT: „So run you (from) me not thereof!" EQ: "So, you won't run from me!" OE: "Now we'll never get split up."
Link: „Runter!! Du hast mich reingelegt!" DT: „Down!! You (x) me tricked!" EQ: "Down!! You tricked me!" OE: "Get off! You tricked me!"
Ezelo: „Welch eine Unterstellung. Ich erzähle dir alles." DT: „What/such an insinuation/allegation. I tell (to) you all." EQ: "What an allegation. I'll tell you everything." OE: "Hold on, boy, and I'll TELL you about the Picori!"
Ezelo: „So, Kind... Die Welt der Minish ist sehr klein. Daher wirst du sie auch in 100 Jahren nicht finden." DT: „So, child... The world (of) the Minish is very small. Therefore will you them also in 100 years not find." EQ: "So, child... The world of the Minish is very small. Therefore, you'll never find them, even in a 100 years." OE: "Just calm down. The world of the Picori is very small. At your size, you'd NEVER find them."
Ezelo: „Schau dir den Baumstumpf an. Stell dich mal darauf... ...und ich bringe dich zur Minish-Welt." DT: „Look (for) you the tree-stump (x). Place yourself (x) thereon... ...and I bring you to (the) Minish-World." EQ: "Look at the tree-stump. Place yourself on it... ...and I'll bring you to the Minish-World." OE: "See that stump? Climb up on it... ...And I'll SHOW you the Picori." (NOTE: „anschauen".)
Link: „Das ist doch nur ein Baumstumpf! Was soll hier schon passieren?!" DT: „That is still only a tree-stump! What should here already happen?!" EQ: "That's still only a tree-stump! What could even happen here?!" OE: "From on THIS stump? It's too SHORT to see anything!"
Toneffekte: „FWIIIIUUUUUH!" DT/EQ: „"FWEEEEEEE!" OE: "PICORIIIIIIII" (NOTE: ...I love how the German version completely messed up, and the English version both makes sense and DOESN'T make sense. Okay, so, in German, it's clearly been translated as the sound the Minish Portal is making. In English, it's... The gibberish Minish language used in-game. That's cool and all, but... The manga doesn't have the gibberish Minish language... It has the OTHER, backwards, Minish language... BE CONSISTENT, DARN IT. Either way, neither version correctly used the Japanese version's runes which spell out- backwards, that is- "RENA KUSACHI" or "CHISAKU NARE" forwards, which is... "BECOME SMALL" in Minish.)
Link: „Huch...? Wo bin ich jetzt?! Ich war doch im Wald?" DT: „Huh...? Where am I now? I was but in (the) Forest?" EQ: "Huh... Where am I now? I was just in the Forest?" OE: "Huh? Where are we?! Hey, where'd the forest go?"
Link: „Was ist das für ein Monster-Pilz?!" DT: „What is that for a monster-mushroom?!" EQ: "What kind of monster-mushroom is this?!" OE: "What a huge mushroom!" (NOTE: If you're wandering what the heck I'm doing here... I'm correcting all the backwards speech bubbles the English version has. And believe me, there's a LOT of them. And NONE of them were fixed for the "Legendary" edition, either...)
Ezelo: „Da geht es raus, Kindchen." DT: „There go it out, little child/kiddo." EQ: "Go out there, kiddo." OE: "Step outside and see." (NOTE: Also, I think it's adorable that the German manga kept the fact that Ezlo calls Link „Kindchen".)
Link: „Was ist denn das?! Die Bäume und Gräser sind so groß?!" DT: „What is then this?! The trees and grass are so big?!" EQ: "What is this, then?! The trees and grass are so big?!" OE: "W-What's going on here?! The trees and weeds got HUGE!!"
Ezelo: „Sie sind nicht größer geworden, sondern du kleiner." DT: „They (x) not bigger became, rather you smaller." EQ: "They didn't become bigger, rather, you became smaller." OE: "They didn't get bigger... YOU got smaller."
Link: „Ich glaub das nicht... Das ist die Eichel, die am Boden lag?! Puh, ich sehe die Baumspitze nicht mehr." DT: „I believe that not... This is the acorn, that on (the) ground lay?! Phew, I see the tree-tops no more." EQ: "I don't believe it... This is the acorn that was laying on the ground?! Phew, I don't see the tree-tops anymore." OE: "I can't believe it! This acorn was just the size of my toe! I can't even SEE the tops of the trees!"
Ezelo: „Freu dich, dass du mich gerettet hast. Aber du brauchst dich nicht zu bedanken." DT: „Please/happy/rejoice yourself, that you me rescued (have). But you need yourself not to thank." EQ: "Be pleased that you rescued me. But, you don't need to thank yourself." OE: "NOW aren't you glad you saved me? I know.. ...You're stunned. You can thank me later." (NOTE: Ah, I see that German manga Ezlo is just as snarky as German in-game Ezlo.)
Toneffekte: „Pöh..." DT/EQ: „"Boom..." OE: "LOOM"
Ezelo: „Da ist das Ding von vorhin!" DT: „There is that thing of before!" EQ: "There's that thing from before!" OE: "Oh my! It's that same Octorok!"
Link: „Woah! Es ist ja so riesig!!" DT: „Woah! It is indeed so huge!!" EQ: "Woah! It's really huge!!" OE: "Yipes! "Same"?! It's ginormously huge!"
Link: „Puuh..." DT/EQ: „"Pheew..." OE: "Huff puff"
Ezelo: „Pass auf, Kindchen! Nicht, das ich in Gefahr gerate!" DT: „Watch out, kiddo! Not, that I in danger put-in!" EQ: "Watch out, kiddo! Don't put me in danger!" OE: "Careful, boy! If you run into something... ...I might get hurt!"
Ezelo: „Schon ein gewöhnliches Ereignis könnte dich in Gefahr bringen... Selbst ein Wassertropfen..." DT: „Already an ordinary occurrence can you in danger bring... Even a water-droplet..." EQ: "Even an ordinary occurrence can put you in danger... Even a water-droplet..." OE: "When you're tiny, even ordinary things can be very dangerous! Like a drop of dew."
Ezelo: „...wird zum Wasserfall." DT: „becomes to (the) waterfall." EQ: "...becomes a waterfall." OE: "That hits like a waterfall."
Link: „Ich komme um, ehe ich die Minish sehe..." DT: „I kill (will), before I the Minish see..." EQ: "I'll be killed before I see the Minish..." OE: "With help like YOURS, I'll NEVER find the Picori." (NOTE: „umkommen"- and I can't believe that line made me laugh harder than the English one.)
Ezelo: „Nun erzähl mal, Kindchen... Warum willst du unbedingt zu ihnen? Ganz allein in so einem Wald..." DT: „Now tell (x), kiddo... Why want you absolutely to them? Completely alone in such a Forest..." EQ: "Now tell, kiddo... Why do you absolutely want to get to them? Completely alone in such a Forest..." OE: "What possible reason can a kid like you have for needing... ...To find the Picori so badly?" (NOTE: That last part could also go as, "Completely alone in a Forest like this...")
Ezelo: „Was?! Fluch des Hexenmeisters?! Das Heilige Schwert?!" DT/EQ: „"What?! Curse (of) the sorcerer?! The Holy Sword?!" OE: "What?! A Mage's curse?! A sacred Sword?"
Ezelo: „Verstehe... Vaati hat die Prinzessin also..." DT: „Understand... Vaati (x) the Princess also..." EQ: "I understand... Vaati also turned the Princess..." OE: "And Vaati turned the Princess into a statue?!" (NOTE: Presumably before getting cut off, Ezlo was going to finish with „versteinert", hence why I added in "turned". Although to still cut him off slightly more accurately would be, "Vaati also petrified the Pri...")
Link: „Ezelo? Kennst du etwas Vaati?!" DT: „Ezelo? Know you something Vaati?!" EQ: "Ezelo? You know something about Vaati?" OE: "Ezlo, what do you know about Vaati?"
Ezelo: „Äh... Nein... Aber unter diesen Umständen werde ich dir helfen, denn allein schafft ein Kindchen das nie." DT: „Uh... No... But under these circumstances will I (for) you help, because alone manages a kiddo this never." EQ: "Uh... No... But, under these circumstances, I'll help you, because a kiddo will never manage this alone." OE: "Errr... Nothing... It doesn't matter. But count on me in this crisis. It's too much for you alone, boy!"
Link: „Hör auf, mich so zu nennen! Ich heiße Link!" DT: „Stop (x), me so to call! I (am) called Link!" EQ: "Stop calling me that! I'm Link!" OE: "Stop calling me "boy"! My name is Link!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Nun quatsch nicht und geh los! Die Monster hier sind so gefährlich!" DT: „Only twaddle not and go let's! The Monsters here are so dangerous!" EQ: "Stop twaddling and let's go! The Monsters here are so dangerous!" OE: "Link Schmink... Who cares? Let's get moving! This place is crawling with evil spirits! It's dangerous!" (NOTE: *sobs at yet another meaning of „quatsch"*)
Link: „Mach mir nichts vor, Ezelo!" DT: „Fool (for) me not (x), Ezelo!" EQ: "Don't kid me, Ezelo!" OE: "Quit giving orders! You're not in charge!" (NOTE: „vormachen", thus idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Ein schönes Gefühl, von hier oben herabzuschauen." DT: „A beautiful feeling, from here above down-to-look." EQ: "A beautiful feeling to look down from up here." OE: "No, but I'm the one who can SEE where we're going!"
Link: „Sehr witzig." DT/EQ: „"Very funny." OE: "Know it all!"
Ezelo: „Ich wünschte, du wärst noch etwas größer..." DT: „I wish, you were still slightly taller..." EQ: "I wish you were just a little taller..." OE: "Y'know, this'd be EASIER if you weren't so short..."
Link: „Ich werfe dich gleich runter!!" DT: „I throw you immediately down!!" EQ: "I'll throw you down immediately!!" OE: "It you don't like it, then get down!"
[The OE version then has one extra sound effect that the German one doesn't... OE: "YANK"]
Ezelo: „He, zieh nicht an mir. Unverschämt!!" DT: „Hey, pull not on (to) me. Rude!" EQ: "Hey, don't pull on me! Rude!" OE: "Hey! Don't tug on me! How rude!"
Link: „Sei Ruhig!!" DT/EQ: „"Be quiet!!" OE: "I'M rude?!"
Wald-Minish 1: „Hcsnem nie!" BG: „Ein Mensch!" DT/EQ: „"A human!" OE: "Dangenni!" BOE: "Ningen da!" BOET: "A human!" (NOTE: Yes, I'm translating the English version's backwards Japanese just because I can.)
Link: „Ah! Warte mal!" DT: „Ah! Wait (softener)!" EQ: "Ah! Wait!" OE: "Hey! W-Wait up!"
Wald-Minish 1: „Hcsnem nie!" BG: „Ein Mensch!" DT/EQ: „"A human!" OE: "Dangenni." BOE: "Ningen da." BOET: "A human."
Wald-Minish 2: „Hcsnem nie, ej ho!" BG: „Oh je, ein Mensch!" DT/EQ: „"Oh dear, a human!" OE: "Dangenni datonho!" BOE: "Honto da ningen da!" BOET: "A real human!"
Ezelo: „Wir sind wohl im Minish-Dorf..." DT/EQ: „"We are surely in (the) Minish-Village..." OE: "Okay! Here we are... The Picori Village!"
Link: „Das sind Minish... Es gibt sie wirklich..." DT: „That are Minish... They are they real..." EQ: „These are Minish... They are real..." OE: "Th-These are the Picori? They really DO exist!"
Link: „Genauso, wie Opa es gesagt hat... Sind die süß! Hallo!" DT: „Just-as, how Grandpa it said (x)... Are the cute! Hello!" EQ: "Just like what Grandpa said... They're cute! Hello!" OE: "Wow! It's just like Grandfather said! They're so cute! Umm... Hello!"
Wald-Minish 3: „Ud tshetsrev?" BG: „Verstetsht du?" DT: „Understand you?" EQ: "Do you understand?" OE: "Rukawa?" BOE: "Wakaru?" BOET: "You understand?"
Wald-Minish 4: „Thcin Ehcarps enies ennek chi." BG: „Ich kenne seine Sprache nicht." DT: „I know his language not." EQ: "I don't know his language." OE: "Yoinara kawaga batoko." BOE: "Kotoba ga wakaranaiyo." BOET: "I don't understand those words." (NOTE: Although, the forwards Japanese could also mean, "I don't understand that/your language".)
Link: „Was sagen sie?!" DT: „What say they?!" EQ: "What are they saying?!" OE: "Huh? They can't talk?!"
Ezelo: „Das ist die Minish-Sprache. Aber sie haben einen starken Dialekt... Sie reden nicht so, wie ich es kenne." DT: „That is the Minish-Language. But they have a strong dialect... They speak not so, how I it know." EQ: "That is the Minish-Language. But, they have a strong dialect... They don't speak it like how I know it." OE: "That's the Picori language. It's a difficult dialect. It's different from the Picorese that I know."
Ezelo: „Wie sollen wir ihnen so erklären, warum wir hier sind?" DT: „How should/supposed we them so tell, why we here are?" EQ: "How are we supposed to tell them why we're here?" OE: "If you can't speak any Picorese, this is going to be MUCH harder!"
Link: „Was machen wir nur?" DT: „What do we only?" EQ: "What do we do now?" OE: "What am I going to do?"
Wald-Minish 5: „Thcin hcid ehetsrev chi." BG: „Ich verstehe dich nicht." DT: „I understand you not." EQ: "I don't understand you." OE: "Yoinara kawaga batoko." BOE: "Kotoba ga wakaranaiyo." BOET: "I don't understand those words."
Link: „Kann hier jemand unsere Sprache?" DT: „Can here anyone our language?" EQ: "Can anyone here speak our language?" OE: "Does ANYONE here speak Hyrulean?" (NOTE: Uhh... German Link? You seem to be missing a crucial verb there...)
Wald-Minish 6: „Nien." BG: „Nein." DT/EQ: „"No." OE: "Yoinara kawa." BOE: "Wakaranaiyo." BOET: "Don't understand." (NOTE: But, German Minish, you... You correctly answered him... IN MINISH.)
Wald-Minish 7: „Gnunha eniek." BG: „Keine Ahnung." DT/EQ: „"No clue." OE: "Inara kawanze nze." BOE: "Zenzen wakaranai." BOET: "Don't understand at all."
Link: „Herrje..." DT/EQ: „"Oh dear..." OE: "This is TERRIBLE!"
Festa: „Hallo?!" DT/EQ: „"Hello?!" OE: "Excuse me."
Festa: „Du ungewöhnlich... bist Mensch du?" DT: „You unusual... are human you?" EQ: "You unusual... You are human?" OE: "The way you're dressed... Are you from the Big World?" (NOTE: Okay, props to the German version for having Festari speak in broken German. This is ADORABLE. ...But very hard to translate!)
Link: „Du verstehst mich?!" DT/EQ: „"You understand me?!" OE: "You speak Hyrulean?!"
Toneffekte: „Die Rettung!" DT/EQ: „"The rescue!" OE: "Minor miracle"
Festa: „Ja, bisschen." DT/EQ: „"Yes, little bit." OE: "Yes. A little."
Link: „Ihr müsst das Heilige Schwert reparieren! Wen soll ich darum bitten?" DT: „You all must the Holy Sword repair! Whom should I therefore request/ask?" EQ: "You all must repair the Holy Sword! Therefore, whom should I ask?" OE: "I need to get the sacred Sword reforged! Who should I talk to?"
Link: „Huch? He, du!" DT/EQ: „"Huh? Hey, you!" OE: "Huh? Where ya going?!"
Ezelo: „Folge ihm." DT/EQ: „"Follow him." OE: "Quick! Follow him!"
Toneffekte: „TAPP TAPP" DT/EQ: „"TAP TAP" OE: "Tump tump"
Ezelo: „Ich vermute, dass lange kein Mensch mehr hier war. Sie interesieren sich so sehr für dich." DT: „I assume, that long no humans more here were. They interest themselves so very for you." EQ: "I assume humans haven't been here for a long time. They're very interested in you." OE: "It's been a while since these Picori had a visit from your world. They're "berry interesty" in you." (NOTE: English Ezlo sounds like he's mocking the way the Minish talk... WHICH MEANS HE UNDERSTANDS THEM. DO YOU NOT SEE HOW MUCH THIS BOTHERS ME?! BE CONSISTENT, DARN IT.)
Link: „Was für ein riesiges Fass!! Ups. Nicht das Fass ist groß. Sondern ich bin so klein." DT: „What/such for a huge barrel! Oops. Not the barrel is big. Rather I am so small." EQ: "Such a huge barrel! Oops. Not that the barrel is big. Rather, I'm so small." OE: "Whoa! What a huge cask! Oh, I guess it's not THAT big... We're just small."
Link: „Wahnsinn, das ist ein Haus! Offenbar züchten sie hier etwas." DT: „Madness, this is a house! Apparently cultivate they here something." EQ: "Madness, this is a house! Apparently, they're cultivating something here." OE: "It's like a barn inside! Or a hot-house garden!"
Festa: „Enribhcstauq enie rhi tbah?" BG: „Habt ihr eine Quatschbirne?" DT: „Have you all a Gibberishpear?" EQ: "Do you all have a Gibberishpear?" OE: "Kasumaria minnorarape." BOE: "Perara no Min arimasu ka?" BOET: "Do you have a Perara Fruit?" (NOTE: Yup. "Perara Fruit" is used in the English version... Which proceeds to THEN call it by its in-game name, the Jabber Nut.)
Wald-Minish 8: „Retseirp, aj reba!" BG: „Aber ja, Priester!" DT: „But indeed, Priest!" EQ: "Of course, Priest!" OE: "Masaisa shoyosuma ria!" BOE: "Arimasu yoh Shosai-sama!" (????????) BOET: "I have it, Priest!" (NOTE: Random fun-fact... The English version actually mispelled the backwards Japanese! It's actually supposed to be, "Masaisa shiyosuma ria!", or forwards, "Arimasu yo Shisai-sama!" It still means how I translated it, though.)
Festa: „Bitte." DT/EQ: „"Please." OE: "Eat this."
Link: „Soll ich sie essen?" DT: „Should I it eat?" EQ: "Should I eat it?" OE: "I'm not really hungry, but..." (NOTE: Well, I'll eat it. And if I grow larger, I can reach the key! And if I grow smaller... Oh, wait. Wrong story.)
Toneffekte: „Mampf mampf schluck" DT/EQ: „"Munch munch gulp" OE: "Krunch munch GULP"
Festa: „Verstehst du mich jetzt?" DT: „Understand you me now?" EQ: "Do you understand me now?" OE: "You you understand what I'm saying?"
Link: „Ja. Häh?" DT/EQ: „"Yes. Eh?" OE: "Yes! Huh?!"
Festa: „Das is die Quatschbirne. Wer sie isst, beherrscht unsere Sprache." DT: „This is the Gibberishpear. Who it eats, masters our language." EQ: "This is the Gibberishpear. Whoever eats it masters our language." OE: "This is a Jabber Nut. Once you eat one, you're able to speak Picorese."
Wald-Minish 9: „Wah, ein Mensch! Oh ja, ein Mensch!" DT/EQ: „"Whoa, a human! Oh indeed, a human!" OE: "Wow! A Hyrulean! You really ARE a Hyrulean!"
Wald-Minish 10: „So, wie der Älteste es gesagt hat! Schöne Kleidung!" DT: „So, how the Elder it said (x)! Beautiful clothing!" EQ: "Just like the Elder said! Beautiful clothing!" OE: "It's just like the Elder said! Your clothes are cool!"
Wald-Minish 11: „Tolle Schuhe! Du kannst uns verstehen?!" DT: „Terrific shoes! You can us understand?!" EQ: "Terrific shoes! You can understand us?!" OE: "And cool shoes! Do you understand us?"
Link: „Hallo, ich bin Link!" DT/EQ: „"Hello, I am Link!" OE: "Nice to meet you! I'm Link!"
Wald-Minish 12: „Das ist ja klasse!!" DT: „This is indeed classy!!" EQ: "This is classy, indeed!!" OE: "Wow! Cool!"
Toneffekte: „Hüpf hüpf" DT/EQ: „"Hop hop" OE: "ZWIP RUSH"
Ginsta: „Oh! Du sprichst die Sprache der Minish! Ich bin der Älteste, Ginsta. Ruht euch schön aus." DT: „Oh! You speak the Language (of) the Minish! I am the Elder, Ginsta. Rest yourself nicely (take)." EQ: "Oh! You speak the Language of the Minish! I am the Elder, Ginsta. Take a nice rest." OE: "Oh good! You understand the Picori Language! I am the Elder of the Forest, Gentari. Please make yourself at home." (NOTE: Elder Ginsta/Gentari kept his name. ...I'm afraid I can't say the same for his brother. ...Also, „ausruhen".)
Link: „Dan..." DT/EQ: „"Thank-" OE: "Thanks a lo--"
Ezelo: „Wir haben keine Zeit!" DT/EQ: „"We have no time!" OE: "Don't you have pressing business?"
Link: „Uh, stimmt!" DT/EQ: „"Uh, correct!" OE: "Oh, right!"
Link: „Es war einiges los... ...und wir wollen das Schwert reparieren lassen. Ihr müsst uns helfen!" DT: „There were things go... ...and we want the Sword repair let. You all must us help!" EQ: "There were things going on... ...and we want to get the Sword repaired. You all must help us!" OE: "I came here because I need your help. The sacred Picori Sword has been shattered. We need your help to reforge it!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. And the return of „es gibt"'s evil cousin, „es war".)
Ginsta: „Verstehe... Aber um das zu tun, werden vier Elemente benötigt." DT: „Understand... But in order that to do, will four Elements required." EQ: "I understand... But in order to do that, four Elements will be required." OE: "I see... But if you want the blade reforged, you will need the Four Elements."
Link: „Elemente?" DT/EQ: „"Elements?" OE: "Elements?"
Ginsta: „Die Elemente sind die konzentrierte Energie von Elementargesitern. Ein Heiliges Schwert wird erschaffen, wenn ihre Kraft auf das Schwert übertragen wird." DT: „The Elements are the concentrated energy of elemental-spirits. A Holy Sword will created, if/when their power of the Sword transferred will." EQ: "The Elements are the concentrated energy of elemental-spirits. A Holy Sword will be created if/when their power is transferred to the Sword." OE: "The crystalline forms of the energies that fill our world. To be reborn, the sacred Sword must be infused with their power."
Ginsta: „Das Erd-Element ist der Kristall der Macht des Erd-Elementargeistes. Das Feuer-Element bringt Wärme und Licht in die Finsternis." DT/EQ: „"The Earth-Element is the crystal (of) the might (of) the Earth-elemental-spirits. The Fire-Element brings warthm and light to the darkness." OE: "The Earth Element is the distillation of the Earth's Power. The Fire Element shines on darkness and delivers warmth." (NOTE: I see that German Gentari has taken lessons in being confusing from the German Hurdy-Gurdy Man. Also, the German FLAME-Element got renamed into the Fire-Element... Because why not. The other Elements retained their names!)
Ginsta: „Das Tropfen-Element stillt den Durst und besitzt die Kraft der Heilung. Das Wind-Element trägt Pflanzen und bringt die Ernte zu uns. Das sind die vier Elemente." DT: „The Droplet-Element satisfies the thirst and possesses the power (of) the healing. The Wind-Element carries plants and brings the harvest to us. The are the four Elements." EQ: "The Droplet-Element quences thirst and possesses the power of healing. The Wind-Element carries plants and brings harvest to us. These are the four Elements." OE: "The Water Element contains healing power and quenching thirst. The Wind Element spreads the power of life, bringing fruitfulness."
Link: „Wo finde ich sie?!" DT: „Where find I them?!" EQ: "Where do I find them?!" OE: "Where are they?"
Ginsta: „Überall verteilt in Hyrule... Es wird sicher nicht einfach sein." DT: „Over-all distributed/spread in Hyrule... It will certainly not easy be." EQ: "Spread all over in Hyrule... It certainly will not be easy." OE: "Scattered across Hyrule. Finding them will NOT be easy."
Link: „Ich muss den Fluch brechen, um Prinzessin Zeldas Versteinerung aufzuheben! Ich werde sie finden!" DT: „I must the curse break, in order Princess Zelda's petrification reverse/remove! I will them find!" EQ: "I must break the curse in order to reverse/remove Princess Zelda's petrification! I will find them!" OE: "I NEED them to break the curse and return Princess Zelda to normal! I WILL find them, wherever they are!"
Ginsta: „Verstanden. Festa!" DT/EQ: „"Understood. Festa!" OE: "I see. Festari!"
Ginsta: „Das ist Festa, unser Priester. Er wird dir den weg zeigen." DT: „This is Festa, our Priest. He will (to) you the way show." EQ: "This is Festa, our Priest. He will show you the way." OE: "This is the Priest, Festari. He will guide you." (NOTE: Priest Festa/Priest Festari is the same. I'm amazed the English version kept the fact that he was a Priest, because that fact was dropped in the actual game...)
Link: „Ah, du." DT/EQ: „"Oh, you." OE: "Hey! That guy from before!"
Link: „Danke für vorhin!" DT/EQ: „"Thanks for earlier!" OE: "Thanks for your help!"
Festa: „Das ist meine Pflicht als Priester." DT/EQ: „"That is my obligation as Priest." OE: "No, no... It's a Priest's job."
Toneffekte: „Uh..." DT/EQ: „"Uh..." OE: "Ugh..."
Link: „?" DT/EQ: „"?" OE: "?"
Festa: „Oh, nichts." DT/EQ: „"Oh, nothing." OE: "It's nothing."
Festa: „Das Erd-Element findest du im Schrein im nördlichen Wald. Aber gehst du wirklich dahin?" DT: „The Earth-Element find you in (the) Shrine in (the) northern Forest. But go you really therein?" EQ: "You can find the Earth-Element in the Shrine in the northern Forest. But are you really going there?" OE: "The Earth Element can be found in a small shrine to the north... ...Known as the Deepwood Shrine!"
Wald-Minish 8: „Zum Shrein?!" DT/EQ: „"To (the) Shrine?!" OE: "Deepwood Shrine?!"
Wald-Minish 9: „Der Wald-Shrein ist schrecklich! So viele Monster!" DT/EQ: „"The Forest-Shrine is terrible! So many Monsters!" OE: "That's a scary place! Evil spirits are living there!"
Festa: „Im Tyloria-Wald tauchen plötzlich viele Monster auf. Außerhalb der Stadt ist es wirklich gefährlich. Zahlreiche Minish wurden verletzt und haben ihre Häuser verloren." DT: „In (the) Tyloria-Forest emerged suddenly many Monsters (x). Beyond the city is it really dangerous. Numerous Minish were injured and (x) their homes lost." EQ: "Many Monsters suddenly emerged in Tyloria-Forest. It's really dangerous beyond the city. Numerous Minish were injured and lost their homes." OE: "It's true. Evil spirits have recently returned to the Minish Woods. Some Picori have been hurt or had their homes destroyed." (NOTE: „auftauchen".)
Link: „Dann muss ich erst recht gehen! Ich werde sie mit dem Schwert meines Opas schlagen!" DT: „Then must I above all go! I will them with the Sword (of) my Grandpa defeat/smite!" EQ: "Then, I must go above all else! I'll defeat/smite them with my Grandpa's Sword!" OE: "All the more reason to go! I'll defeat the spirits with my Grandfather's Sword!"
Festa: „Du bist jetzt wie wir Minish. Allein der Weg zu uns war sicher gefährlich..." DT: „You are now how we Minish. Alone the way to us was certainly dangerous..." EQ: "You are now like us Minish. The way to us alone certainly was dangerous..." OE: "But you're the same size as a Picori now. In small form, won't they just beat you up too?"
Link: „Für einen Mann gibt es immer einen Moment, in dem er alles geben muss!! Das hat mir Opas gesagt! Daher werde ich gehen!" DT: „For a man there is always a moment, in the he all give must! That (x) (to) me Grandpa said! Therefore will I go!" EQ: "For a man, there's always a moment where he must give his all! Grandpa said that to me! Therefore, I will go!" OE: "It may be dangerous, but there are times when a man has to do what a man has to do!! That's what Grandfather taught me! So I'm going!"
Festa: „Gut. Folge mir." DT/EQ: „"Good/Well. Follow me." OE: "I see. Okay. I'll be your guide."
Wald-Minish 9: „Link, nicht! Geh nicht!!" DT: „Link, not! Go not!!" EQ: "Link, don't! Don't go!" OE: "No, Link! Don't go!"
Festa: „Hier ist der Wald-Shrein." DT/EQ: „"Here is the Forest-Shrine." OE: "This is Deepwood Shrine." (NOTE: Name's the same, from the game, that is.)
Link: „Danke, Festa!" DT/EQ: „"Thanks, Festa!" OE: "Thanks, Festari!"
Festa: „Pass bitte auf." DT: „Careful please (x)." EQ: "Please be careful." OE: "Be careful." (NOTE: „aufpassen".)
Toneffekte: „Stille..." DT/EQ: „"Silence..." OE: "TOTAL SILENCE"
Link: „Ziemlich dunkel!" DT/EQ: „"Pretty dark!" OE: "It's pitch-dark!"
Ezelo: „Ähem... Keine Angst, ich bin bei dir." DT: „Ahem... No fear, I am with you." EQ: "Ahem... Don't be afraid, I am with you." OE: "You got nothin' to worry about! I'M with you!"
Ezelo: „So... Dann geh du vor!" DT: „So... Then go you forward/ahead!" EQ: "So... You go ahead, then!" OE: "So just get on in there, slugger!"
Link: „Ach, ich lass dir gerne den Vortritt." DT: „Oh, I let you glady the right-of-way." EQ: "Oh, I'll gladly let you go first." OE: "Ehhh... Why don't YOU go first!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic-ish... Also, neither version remembered that Link called Ezlo "senpai" here in the original Japanese version.)
Ezelo: „Dabei warst du vorhin so großmäulig!" DT: „Yet were you earlier so loud-mouthed!" EQ: "Yet, you were so loud-mouthed earlier!" OE: "What's wrong? You sure TALKED like a tough guy earlier!"
Link: „Ach, deine Stimme zittert ja. Du hast also auch Angst!!" DT: „Oh, your voice shakes indeed/yes. You have so also fear!!" EQ: "Oh, yeah, your voice is shaking. You're scared, too!!" OE: "YOU'RE the one who wants to lead! Are YOU scared?!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Dann gehen wir eben zusammen..." DT: „Then go we just together..." EQ: "Then, we'll just go together..." OE: "This is dumb. Let's go TOGETHER."
Link: „Gut, dann... ...los!" DT/EQ: „"Good/Well, then... ...Go!" OE: "R-Right... ...Here we go!"
Toneffekte: „Platsch" DT/EQ: „"Splash" OE: "SPLOOSH"
Link: „Wasser?" DT/EQ: „"Water?" OE: "Water!"
Ezelo: „Pass auf, was unter dir ist." DT: „Careful (x), what under you is." EQ: "Be careful of what's under you." OE: "Be careful where you step!"
Toneffekte: „Platsch platsch fst..." DT/EQ: „"Splash splash fst..." OE: "Splish splosh bloop"
Toneffekte: „Popp popp popp popp" DT/EQ: „"Pop pop pop pop" OE: "Bloop bloop bloop bloop"
Toneffekte: „Gro gro gro gro gro" DT/EQ: „"Gro gro gro gro gro" OE: "RRUMMBLE"
Ezelo: „Die Gegner haben uns bemerkt, Link." DT: „The opponents (x) us noticed, Link." EQ: "The noticed us, Link..." OE: "I think they know we're here, Link."
Toneffekte: „WATSCH" DT/EQ: „"WADDLE" OE: "PLOOP"
Link: „Riesige Schnecken!!" DT/EQ: „"Huge snails!!" OE: "Gi-Giant slugs!"
Link: „Die sind widerlich!" DT/EQ: „"They are disgusting!" OE: "Ick! Gross!"
Toneffekte: „Plopp plopp" DT/EQ: „"Plop plop OE: "Ploop ploop"
Link: „Uff, was ist das?!" DT/EQ: „"Ugh, what is this?!" OE: "Whoa! What're these?!"
Ezelo: „Riesige... Bambussprossen? Link, hack sie weg!" DT/EQ: „"Huge... Bamboo-sprouts? Link, hack them away!" OE: "Giant bean sprouts. Cut 'em down, Link!"
Link: „Hier! Yah!!" DT/EQ: „"Here! Yah!!" OE: "Hyah! Yaah!"
Toneffekte: „DOSCH ZASCH" DT/EQ: „"Dash slash" OE: "SLASH SLICE" (NOTE: KERSLICEAH!)
Link: „Sie wachsen immer wieder neu?!" DT: „They grow always again new?!" EQ: "They're growing back again?!" OE: "As quick as I cut, they grow back!" (NOTE: IDIOMSEAH!)
Ezelo: „Beeil dich! Die Schnecken sind gleich da!!" DT: „Hurry yourself! The snails are right there!!" EQ: "Hurry up! The snails are right there!!" OE: "Hurry! A Sluggula!"
Link: „Endlich!!" DT/EQ: „"Finally!" OE: "We made it!"
Toneffekte: „Hah hah" DT/EQ: „"Hah hah" OE: "Huff wheeze"
Ezelo: „Da ist eine Gravur! Ein Relief." DT/EQ: „"There is an engraving! A relief." OE: "Look! A carving! It's a relief."
Link: „Ist das etwa das Erd-Element?!" DT/EQ: „"Is that thing the Earth-Element?!" OE: "Is THAT the Earth Element?!"
Ezelo: „Nein, ist es nicht. Aber ein altest Emblem der Minish." DT: „No, is it not. But an old emblem (of) the Minish." EQ: "No, it's not. But an old emblem of the Minish." OE: "No, it's an old symbol.. ...Representing the Picori World."
Link: „Du weißt ja alles, Ezelo." DT: „You know indeed everything, Ezelo." EQ: "You know everything, indeed, Ezelo." OE: "Ezlo, you sure know a lot."
Ezelo: „Ähem... Ich erzähl dir alles, wenn du Ratschläge brauchst! Wenn auch nur ungern." DT: „Ahem... I tell (to) you everything, if you advice need! If also only reluctantly." EQ: "Ahem... I'll tell you anything, if you need advice! If only reluctantly." OE: "Mm-hmm! If there's anything you need to know, just ask me... ...I'll help you out!"
Link: „Was soll das?!" DT: „What should that?!" EQ: "What was that?!" OE: "You're kinda clueless for a hero." (NOTE: ...I'm not kidding. EZLO has Link's speech-bubble in the English version. BE CONSISENT, DARNIT.)
Toneffekte: „Zuck zuck" DT/EQ: „"Twitch twitch" OE: "Twitch twitch"
Toneffekte: „WOSCH" DT/EQ: „"WHOOSH" OE: "SPROING"
Toneffekte: „Boff boff boff WAFF" DT/EQ: „"Boof boof boof WAFF" OE: "SPROING POP SPROING WHOOMPF"
Link: „Pilz-Monster...?!" DT/EQ: „"Mushroom-Monsters...?!" OE: "M-Mushroom monsters?!"
Link: „Igitt, Stinkepulver?" DT/EQ: „"Yuck, stinky powder?" OE: "What's this stinky powder?!"
Ezelo: „Das sind Giftsporen! Atme sie nicht ein!" DT: „Those are poison-spores! Breathe them not (x)!" EQ: "Those are poison-spores! Don't breathe them in!" OE: "A cloud of poisonous spores! Hold your breath!"
Toneffekte: „Flapp" DT/EQ: „"Flap" OE: "Whoosh"
Link: „Jah!!" DT/EQ: „"Yah!!" OE: "Hyah!"
Link: „Mein Schwert wirkt nicht!!" DT: „My Sword works not!!" EQ: "My Sword's not working!!" OE: "My Sword is useless!"
Toneffekt: „BOINK" DT/EQ: „"BOINK" OE: "BLOING"
Link: „Ich bekomme keine Luft...!" DT: „I receive no air...!" EQ: "I can't breathe...!" OE: "I c-can't breathe..." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Halt durch, Kindchen!!" DT: „Hold through, kiddo!!" EQ: "Hold on, kiddo!!" OE: "Hey, boy! Hang in there!"
Ezelo: „Wenn du stirbst... ...sterbe ich auch!" DT: „If you die... ...die I also!" EQ: "If you die... ...I'll die, too!" OE: "If you get killed... ...I'll be killed too!"
Ezelo: „Bitte nicht! He, zeig deinen Elan!!" DT: „Please not! Hey, show your vigour!!" EQ: "Please don't! Hey, show your vigour!!" OE: "And THAT can't happen! Get up! Show some grit!"
Toneffekte: „Kitzel kitzel" DT/EQ: „"Tickle tickle" OE: "Peck peck"
Festa: „Los!!" DT/EQ: „"Go!!" OE: "Let's go!"
Toneffekte: „SAUS" DT/EQ: „"WHIZ" OE: "Zzwip"
Link: „Huch? Minish?!" DT/EQ: „"Huh? Minish?!" OE: "The Picori?!"
Toneffekte: „Klick Knirsch KULLER" DT/EQ: „"Click grind RUMBLE" OE: "Klik Kchunk... PLOP"
Toneffekte: „Flutsch" DT/EQ: „"SLIP" OE: "THUD"
Ezelo: „Wäh! Hilfe!" DT/EQ: „"Wah! Help!" OE: "I... I can't breathe!"
Link: „Ein Topf?!" DT/EQ: „"A Jar?!" OE: "A jar?!"
Toneffekte: „Plopp" DT/EQ: „"Plop" OE: "Op"
Wald-Minish 8: „Link! Richte den Topf auf die Pilze!!" DT/EQ: „"Link! Point the Jar at the Mushrooms!!" OE: "Turn the jar toward the mushrooms!"
Toneffekte: „Schrooooh SAUG!" DT/EQ: „"SWOOOSH SUCK!" OE: "HWOOOO FHWOOM"
Link: „Wahnsinn! Er hat alle Sporen eingesaugt!!" DT: „Madness! It (x) all spores sucked-in!!" EQ: "Madness! It sucked in all the spores!" OE: "All right! It sucked in all the spores!"
Wald-Minish 8: „Ein Zaubertopf! Der Schatz unserer Ahnen!" DT/EQ: „"A Magic-Jar! The treasure (of) our ancestors!" OE: "It's a Magic Jar! It's a treasure that our ancestors made!" (NOTE: I love how neither version caught the fact that "Magic Jar" is literally just the original Japanese name for the Magischer Krug/Magic Jar/Gust Jar. German tried to... But used „Topf" instead of „Krug"...)
Toneffekte: „Sst sst sst SCHRRRRRRR" DT/EQ: „"Sst sst sst SCHRRRRRRR" OE: "Rustle rustle rustle Fwaaaa"
Ezelo: „Das ist das Erd-Element!!" DT/EQ: „"This is the Earth-Element!!" OE: "It's the Earth Element crystal!" (NOTE: ERD-ELEMENT ERHALTEN.)
Wald-Minish: „Hurra!!" DT/EQ: „"Hurray!!" OE: "All right!!"
Toneffekte: „Hurrah! Hurrah!!" DT/EQ: „"Hurray! Hurray!!" OE: "Yippee! Hurray!" (NOTE: THE MINISH ARE PRECIOUS AND MUST BE PROTECTED.)
Festa: „Du schlägst die Monster und erhälst das Erd-Element... Grandios! Der Mut der Menschen ist unglaublich!" DT/EQ: „"You defeated/smote the Monsters and received the Earth-Element... Magnificent! The courage (of) the humans is unbelievable!" OE: "Defeating those evil spirits and getting the Earth Element... Wow! Hyrulean courage truly is incredible!"
Link: „Euer Mut ist auch nicht übel! Ihr habt mir geholfen, obwohl ihr Angst hattet!" DT: „Your courage is also not bad! You all (x) (for) me helped, although you all fear had!" EQ: "You courage isn't bad, either! You all helped me, although you were all scared!" OE: "You were pretty brave too! You were scared, but you helped out anyway!"
Festa: „Ja, wir haben vor Angst gezittert. Aber..." DT: „Yes, we (x) with fear shook. But..." EQ: "Yes, we shook with fear. But..." OE: "I certainly WAS scared. My legs were shaking. But..."
Festa: „...euch Menschen zu helfen, ist uns eine Freude!" DT: „you humans to help, is us a pleasure!" EQ: "...helping you humans is a pleasure to us!" OE: "...Helping people is our purpose." (NOTE: ...WAS SOLL ICH SAGEN? HE, VOLL GERNE.)
Festa: „Nun, ich bin... ...der Menschen-Fan des Dorfes. ♥" DT/EQ: „"Well, I am... the human-fan (of) the Village. ♥" OE: "To tell you the truth... ...I'm a huge geek for the world of people! ♥"
Container: „Knöpfe-Sammlung" DT/EQ: „"Buttons-Collection" OE: "Button Collection"
Buch 1: „Modemagazin" DT/EQ: „"Fashion-Magazine" OE: "Illustrated Fashion Guide"
Buch 2: „Hyrule-Touristenführer" DT/EQ: „"Hyrule-Tourist-Guide" OE: "Atlas of Hyrule's Out-of-the-Way Spots"
Festa: „Ich musste vor Rührung weinen... Deine Courage und Freundlichkeit! Und neue, scharfe Klamotten!" DT: „I must before emotion cry... Your courage and friendliness/kindness! And new, sharp clothes!" EQ: "I cried with emotion before... Your courage and friendliness/kindness! And new, sharp clothes!" OE: "Just being near you... ...Brought tears to my eyes before! Your courage! Your kindness! Your sense of fashion!"
Festa: „Du bist so menschlich in jeder Hinsicht!!" DT/EQ: „"You are so human in every regard!!" OE: "Everything about you is SO Hyrulean I can barely stand it!"
Toneffekte: „Funkel funkel" DT/EQ: „"Sparkle sparkle" OE: "Sparkle sparkle"
Link: „So nun auch wieder nicht..." DT: „So now also again not..." EQ: "I wasn't all that..." OE: "No, I'm really not THAT great!" (NOTE: Idiomatic...)
Festa: „Das Wald-Minish sind so konservativ..." DT/EQ: „"The Forest-Minish are so conservative..." OE: "Styles around here are so last century!"
Toneffekte: „Haach." DT/EQ: „"Haaah." OE: "Huff"
Link: „Ja? Sie sind schön schlicht." DT/EQ: „"Yes? They are beautifully simple." OE: "I dunno. They're kinda charming and rustic."
Festa: „Sie tragen seit Tausenden von Jahren dasselbe! Aber bei der Mode sind Trends wichtig!" DT: „They wear since thousands of years (the) same! But with the fashion are trends important!" EQ: "They've worn the same thing for thousands of years! But with fashion, trends are important!" OE: "Their clothing hasn't changed in a thousand years! When it comes to fashion, trends are important!"
Toneffekte: „Klatsch klatsch" DT/EQ: „"Clash clash" OE: "Wap wap"
Festa: „Jetzt habe ich mich entschieden. Ich hatte nur keinen Mut... Ab heute..." DT: „Now (x) I me decided. I had only no courage... From/as of to-day..." EQ: "Now, I've decided. I just had no courage... As of to-day..." OE: "I've reached a decision. I didn't have the courage before... ...But starting today..."
Toneffekte: „Flop flop" DT/EQ: „"Flop flop" OE: "Toss toss"
Festa: „...bin ich der modischste Minish des Dorfes!!" DT: „...am I the (most) fashionable Minish (of) the Village!" EQ: "...I am the most fashionable Minish of the Village!" OE: "...I'm gonna be the Village's most fashionable Picori!"
Mode 1: „Blondiert und gegelt." DT/EQ: „"Bleached and gelled." OE: "Dyed brown and spiked"
Toneffekte: „YEEEAAH!" DT/EQ: „"YEEAAH!" OE: "YEEEEAH!"
Mode 2: „Sein Schatz: Jeans-Hose." DT/EQ: „"His treasure: Jean-pants/trousers." OE: "Favourite jeans"
Toneffekte: „Auf einem Pilz." DT/EQ: „"On a mushroom." OE: "Mushroom"
Mode 3: „Sammelt gerne T-Shirts." DT: „Collects gladly T-Shirts." EQ: "Gladly collects T-Shirts." OE: "Huge T-shirt collection"
Ginsta: „Besuche einen Mann namens Melta im Gongol-Berg, wenn du das Schwert reparieren willst." DT: „Visit a man named Melta on (the) Gongol-Mountain, if you the Sword repaired want." EQ: "Visit a man named Melta on Gongol-Mountain, if you want the Sword repaired." OE: "If you would have the sacred Sword repaired, visit a man named Melari."
Wald-Minish 13: „Festa ist verückt!!" DT/EQ: „"Festa is crazy!!" OE: "Festari's getting weird."
Festa: „Breaken auf dem Pilzkopf." DT/EQ: „"Break-dancing on the mushroom-head." OE: "The mushrooms and I can breakdance!" (NOTE: ...Break-break-breakdance, here we go-oh-oh!)
Ginsta: „Er lebt dort, um seine Metallschmiedekunst zu perfektionieren. Er wird dir sicher helfen." DT: „He lives there, in order his metalworking-arts/skills to perfect. He will (to) you certainly help." EQ: "He lives there in order to perfect his metalworking-arts/skills. He will certainly help you." OE: "He lives on Mount Crenel, perfecting the metallurgical arts. I'm sure he will help you."
Ezelo: „Danke, Ältester." DT/EQ: „"Thanks, Elder." OE: "Thank you, Elder!"
Link: „Tschüss, Festa!" DT/EQ: „"Bye, Festa!" OE: "Bye, Festari!" (NOTE: I love how casual German Link is being by saying „Tschüss" instead of any variant of „Auf Wiedersehen".)
Ezelo: „Was lachst du, Kindchen? Du wärst fast getötet worden. Hast du keine Angst?" DT: „Why laugh you, kiddo? You (x) almost killed were. Have you no fear?" EQ: "Why are you laughing, kiddo? You were almost killed. Aren't you scared?" OE: "Why are you grinning, boy? Last time... You almost died! Aren't you SCARED?"
Link: „Das ist so spannend!! Wenn ich klein bin.. ...ist alles ein großes Abenteuer!" DT: „This is so exciting! When I small am... ...is everything a big adventure!" EQ: "This is so exciting! When I'm small... ...everything's a big adventure!" OE: "This is all so exciting! When you're small... ...EVERYTHING is a big adventure!"
Link: „Okay, weiter geht's! Auf zum Gongol-Berg!!" DT: „Okay, further go (let's)! On to (the) Gongol-Mountain!!" EQ: "Okay, let's go on! Onto Gongol-Mountain!" OE: "So on to the next one! Mount Crenel!!" (NOTE: Gongol-Mountain/Mount Crenel retained its name. Yup.)
Ezelo: „He he! Nicht so schnell, lass mich nicht fallen!" DT: „Hey hey! Not so fast, let me not fall!" EQ: "Hey, hey! Not so fast; don't let me fall!" OE: "Hey! Whoa! Don't forget I'm up here!"
Ezelo: „Na, aus dem kann noch was werden..." DT: „Well, out the can still what become..." EQ: "Well, something can come out of this." OE: "I wonder what trouble we'll land in next."
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luciousmafloy · 5 years
First Love [pt. 1]
Luka Couffaine x Reader
my first story! yay! i hope it doesn't suck!
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Soo, a few things you need to know:
1. English is not my native language so i'll probably do some mistakes lmao
2. your character is a German who moved to paris
3. french is written in english and when your character speaks german i will write it in german with the translation after it
4. i will 'use' the villains for my story not in chronological order- i hope you don't mind and understand what i just wrote lol
5. yeet
your pov
i stood in my new room. it wasn't fully decorated but it already looked comfy and cozy. i sat down on my grey couch and picked up my phone to text my friend f/n.
we were in Paris now for only three days and i already miss her like hell. on of my fears is that i won't make any friends here. That would suck.
"the food is ready!", i hear my mom shouting for me and my little sister.
even though we are germans my parents speak french with us, so we can improve our french. i think i'm good at the language but i'm not perfect. my sisters french isn't that good so my parents sent her to a special school, where she'll learn the language. she dumb lol. no, my sister is actually really smart. She once won a math competition in 5th grade. I could never. my math is horrible.
anyway , i walked down the stairs and sat down on a chair. It's weird that the house where we live now is our new home. it feels a bit strange, but i will get used to it by time.
"s/n, your bus will drive at 7:35 please get up tomorrow timely"
my sister gave my mom a no-shit-sherlock look and i started laughing.
"fine", she said.
"when you want to improve your french, you have to speak more than one word", i told s/n.
"i can speak french when i want to", my sister said.
"it doesn't matter. Stop it please", your mother interrupted us. she hates when we argue like that, but i can't help it.
after dinner i went to my room and turned on the tv. I found nothing interesting to watch so i decided to watch the news. I need to know at least a bit about my new home town.
the friendly red-haired news lady told something about akumas and ladybug and chat noir.
i already knew the heroes of paris, they looked pretty cool in their animal-like costumes but doesn't the spandex feel weird on their skin? when i meet them, i could ask them this. but no, probably not, that would be weird.
they showed an interview with the akuma victim. the victim was a sweet man who sells ice cream. friendly and genuine persons like him get akumatised too? okay, that is scary... i hope i won't get akumatised, i don't wanna hurt people.
after watching the news, and texting my friend f/n about this strange akuma stuff, i found a funny show to watch for the rest of the evening.
~ the next day ~
my alarm clock played my favorite song at exactly 7:15 am. my sister had to get up earlier than me, because she has to take the bus to get to school when i can easily walk to school.
i stayed a few minutes in my warm bed but after my mom yelled at me i got up and ate breakfast.
"and? excited for school? hell, even i am excited, for both of you!", my mom says to me while she drank her tea.
"yeah, but i'm scared. what when they all think i'm weird and avoid me?"
i'm definitely not the person who just wanders to people and strikes up a conversation with them. nope.
i'm the kind of person who stands alone and watches other people having fun, and then feels bad about themselfes.
"then you have to come ouf of your comfort zone and talk to people"
"ja, weils auch so einfach ist", i mumbled. (yeah, because it's so easy)
"oh, don't be a sissy. now get up and change your clothes and brush your teeth. you have to go in 20 minutes!"
"yes, mother", i said while saluting and pretending her to be my boss.
i walked upstairs to my room and picked out my favorite clothes. i feel a bit confident when i wear them, maybe it'll help me.
after brushing me teeth and doing my skin care routine i grabbed my backpack from the floor and walked downstairs to my mom.
my dad has already left for work, he always leaves early and comes back late.
"mama, ich hab wirklich angst", i said to her. (mom, i'm really scared)
"das schaffst du schon. wenn du heute keine freunde findest, dann eben morgen. versuch einfach ganz normal zu sein, dann kann nichts schiefgehen"
(you got this. if you make no friends today, you will make some tomorrow. just try to be normal then nothing bad can happen)
i smiled at my mother. she is good at cheering me up, that's one of the many reasons why i love her so much. even though she can get pretty strict sometimes.
"thanks, mom. i needed that"
my mom gave me a hug, i felt good. i love hugging people, but i'm often too shy to do it.
"oh my- i have to go now if you want to be on time!", my mom said nervously.
i think she is more anxious than me. anyway, i said goodbye to her and left our house.
i think i know the way to my new school. my parents walked the whole way with me yesterday and even if i don't have it memorized, then why does google maps exist?
on my way i put on my earplugs and listened to my favorite music. music really helps me calming myself down. i was so nervous. the students in my home town didn't really liked me. i had some 'friends' yeah, but without f/n i wouldn't have survived all my school years. i really miss her and i hope i find a f/n in paris.
when i walked into school i looked around. there were many students chattering and having fun, even though its the first day after school holidays.
i checked the time, 10 minutes until the class starts. i better search for the classroom.
with my schedule in my hands i walked up the stairs, looking for my room. i felt a bit lost, there were many students and it scared me.
"hey, do you need help?", i heard a sweet voice saying behind me.
i turned around and saw a small girl, with blond short hair and the biggest blue eyes i've ever seen.
"ähm- ah, yeah. i-i can't find my classroom"
great. why can't i form a single sentence to a stranger without stuttering?
"well, can i see your schedule?", the girl asked smiling. she is really nice.
i handed her the schedule i just got yesterday and bite my lips.
"ah! we're in the same class! juleka come here, it's the new girl!"
a girl with dark clothes came up to us. she looked like the complete opposite of the girl before me, but the fact that they are friends or maybe a couple (who knows?) is super cute.
"hi", said juleka and stood beside the sweet girl.
"that's great! we're gonna get along just fine, i know it! i'm rose, that's juleka and your name is?"
rose and juleka started walking and i followed them.
"i'm y/n. it's nice to meet you guys"
i really hope they will stick with me today. and tomorrow, i hope they are going to be my friends, because they seem really nice and i don't think i will meet other people so easily and fast like that.
"madame bustier told us that you are german! but your french is so good, i didn't even notice a accent. do you already like it here?"
rose talkes a lot. it's cute.
"thank you and yeah.. it feels weird to live here now, but i like it"
rose smiles. "that's nice to hear. look, we're here, our classroom!"
rose opened the door and i walked in behind juleka. there were a few students already here.
i noticed a girl with blue hair who was talking to another girl with brown hair. in front of these two sat a boy who listened to music.
"you can sit behind juleka and me, if thats okay?", rose asked me.
juleka already sat down on her place and looked calmly out of the window.
"yeah, yeah. that's good"
i walked up, but a girl with blond hair stopped me.
"look sabrina, the new german girl is here. they clearly don't have clothing stores in germany, when i see what you are wearing", she said and her friend faked a laugh.
"why do you care about my clothes?", i asked her.
"they look horrible, just like marinette's", the girl shrugged.
"chloé, just because no one except you can afford designer clothes doesn't mean you can pick on us!", the blue-haired girl shouted angry. i think she was about to slap chloé or something because her friend held her back.
chloé simply turned away and started to whisper with her friend.
"i'm sorry about that, but- that's chloé", marinette said to me in a sad tone.
"oh, it's fine. it's not your fault", i told her.
marinette smiled and the girl behind her leaned forward. "hi, i'm alya"
"and i'm marinette, it's nice to meet you. madame bustier has told us about you"
honestly, why are they all so nice? is this some kind of fanfiction or what-
"name's y/n", i smiled.
then a boy entered the class, causing marinette to stare at him. ah, someone has a crush. alya sent me a knowing smile, while she rolled her eyes. i just giggled and walked up to my place behind juleka and rose.
"i heard what chloé said, i'm sorry. she is like that with everyone", rose sighed.
"it's okay. i'm just glad not everyone here is like her"
"me too", agreed juleka.
"i hope she will drop that mean attitude", rose said.
a woman walked into the room and was instantly greeted by every student. it was madame bustier, she looked friendly. i hope she is as friendly as she looks like. "ah, y/n i see you've found a place to sit. but you are alone, how about you take a seat with rose and juleka?". everyone turned to me and i felt uncomfortable.
"ähm- yes, madame?", i said while grabbing my backpack and standing up to sit next to rose.
the class laughed, even madame bustier giggled. "you don't have to call me madam, y/n"
i nooded and said a quiet 'okay'.
what a start.
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keepseaveyweird · 5 years
okay i really want you to write a fic vaguely based off of your experience at urban air and then like one of the guys pulls you aside and is like "oh daniel/corbyn has a crush on you" and she is like ?? and then they end up giving her tickets to the upcoming concert and then daniel/corbyn sees her and is like !! and the rest of the guys are like "YES OMG"
a/n: I loved this omg this was such a good idea
You weren’t excited for your opening shift, it was always slow in the mornings and meant mostly cleaning and checking for safety. But that particular morning, as the sun was still on the rise and the adults made their daily commute to better-paying jobs, you couldn’t help but notice the load of cars already in the parking lot. The building lined with girls of all ages as they chatted amongst one another. Some gave you dirty looks as you walked in, some asked if you could sneak them in and you had never been more confused, and you’d never seen your boss look so annoyed.
“What’s going on?” you asked your boss who was sitting the front desk with your coworkers.
“We have a band coming in today for a radio show, some have been here since last night,” she told you, rolling her eyes and walking away.
You turned to your coworker who was laughing at her, “what band? Why did no one tell me? It’s only my third shift, is it going to be busy?”
He chuckled, “I have no idea, they’re upstairs right now. They’re our age though and seem cool. It’ll probably be crazy so I’ll trade you laser-tag for your zip-line shift?” He offered.
You wrapped your arms around him, thankful he could put you out of your potential misery, “oh my gosh you’re the best!”
It was about ten minutes later, Urban Air still hadn’t opened but you were setting up the system for laser-tag, in the dark as the neon lights glowed around you. You heard running around, laughing and yelling getting nearer and nearer. Suddenly, five boys rushed by the corridor, only for them to back track two seconds later and approach you.
“There’s laser tag?” the curly-haired boy yelled, “oh hell yeah,” grabbing a vest, he put it over himself and strapped in. The four boys followed as you grabbed the little remote that set up teams.
“Are you guys the band that all the girls are out there for?” you asked with a chuckle.
“Yup, sorry if we cause any problems, they get kind of…. Rambunctious sometimes,” the boy with blue eyes told you with a shy smile.
You smiled back, subconsciously, unknowing, almost like a instinct. You couldn’t help but think he was attractive, that all of them were actually.
“Don’t apologize,” you chuckled, “it’s not a problem. Okay there’s five which means uneven teams so who’s going to be the team of two?”
After much discussion, name-calling and fights, they managed to figure it out and you managed to catch the brunette’s name; Daniel. You told them the rules, how the game works and what to do once inside, but somehow the six of you ended up in a discussion about random things. Your town, your job, the tour bus, and you came to really like these boys, or Daniel who was doing most of the talking. Soon though, you had to usher them into the game room, as a line had formed since the doors had opened while in deep conversation.
They came out, Daniel, the blonde and the curly-haired boys pouting. The tall one and the boy with rosy cheeks walked out, smiles on their faces as they did a quick handshake, victorious. Loudly, as the three accused the others of cheating, they put away their vests and thanked you as they scurried out and upstairs to avoid fans. But not the blonde boy, who stuck around for a second as the next group prepared themselves.
“I need to tell you something,” he told, making you raise your brows, “Daniel couldn’t stop talking about you while we were in there, I know it’s crazy cause we just met you but he really likes you and I have an idea.”
You couldn’t help the butterflies that erupted in your stomach when the words left his mouth. And with each word following, excitement bubbled through your body as he unravelled his plan, “I’m Corbyn, by the way,” he smiled with a hug before rushing off.
It was hours later, you had gotten home from work and immediately started getting ready. Corbyn had given you his number to let him know when you got to the venue, to let you in and get you a front row seat. So when you arrived at the back door, knocking suspiciously, he answered with a smile, leading you to his dressing room as he devised, yet, another plan.
“Wait until our friend Eben gets off the stage before heading to your seat, Daniel watches from the side stage and will be able to see you. We want to surprise him, throw him through a loop, really rattle him up,” Corbyn explained as he fixed his hair in the mirror.
“Okay, but why?” you asked with a chuckle, sitting on the couch behind him.
“Because it will be funny, duh,” he scoffed, “okay yeah it’ll be funny to catch him off guard but I’ve never seen him like that before. So talkative and so outspoken, if you knew him as well as we did, you could just see it in his eyes. I know it sounds crazy and stupid because you’ve just met but I think this could turn out amazing.”
“Well,” you smiled, thinking about his reaction once he locked eyes with you in the crowd, “let’s hope that’s the case.”
Eben walked off the stage, the lights turned off and roadies started setting up for the other five to perform. As sneakily, nonchalantly as you could, you made your way to your seat. It was in the middle, not front and center as that was too obvious, but off the left where Daniel would open up with their song.
Suddenly the lights shut off, the crowd erupted in screams, in cheers as they chanted their names, and the music began to boom. The opening notes of Trust Fund Baby began, and the silhouette of Daniel appeared on his platform; the moment of truth.
“I don’t wanna girl who gets a car for her sweet sixteen, or spends a stack of dollar bills on limousine. I want a girl who takes the bus and who wears -” suddenly he stopped as his eyes met yours. A smile stretched across his face as he realized he needed to keep singing. So he did, he caught back up to the music, finding his place again as he strutted across the stage. Soon the rest of the boys were out, all giving him a pat on the back, as they smiled at you and gave you a small wave as they continued.
The concert was amazing, with each song, each beat, each lyric and chord that was performed, Daniel spent his time in front of you, whether he meant to or not. And after, when the arena was quiet and the fans had gone home, he walked out into the sea of chairs and took a seat next to where you waited for him to come out.
“You know for having front row, you sure didn’t know any of the words,” he laughed.
It was true, you didn’t know the words, had only discovered them that day as they played laser-tag and you worked.
“I was just… caught up in the moment,” you fibbed with a smile, “okay so I had a little help from your friends, but I’ll learn them, promise.”
You held up your pinky finger, out of habit as it was something you always did with friends and family, and Daniel clasped his own with yours immediately. You had always thought people were crazy when they said they felt electricity with their significant others, thought it was a metaphor people made up to describe the emotional feelings they had. But as a jolt of lighting ran through your body at the small point of contact, you knew what they meant, knew exactly what that feeling was. Because Daniel was electric, full of life and energy and optimism, and this was only the beginning of beautiful relationship as the two of you sat there, alone in the crowd and talked about anything and everything.
“When does tour end?” you asked him as he walked you to your car in the empty parking lot, their manager yelling for him to hurry up as the tour buses were ready to head out for the next city.
“In a couple weeks,” he told you grabbing your hands, “I’m supposed to go to Coachella, but I was thinking….” he dragged on, “I could come back here, maybe take you out on a date?”
“I can’t believe you’d choose me over Coachella,” you laughed as he wrapped himself around you in a hug, “but yes, I’d love that.”
“I can’t wait,” he told you, kissing your cheek and beginning to walk away. But not before turning around and pointing at you with a smirk.
“I’m thinking laser-tag? So I can beat you?” he smiled.
“In your dreams, Seavey,” you yelled, watching him load himself into the tour bus and drive away, leaving you eager for the coming weeks.
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brittany-lang98 · 5 years
Falling | Jonah Marais part 3
**this part goes back and forth between y/n POV and Jonah’s POV so please pay attention to that ❤️**
Part 3
*Jonah’s POV*
Last night with y/n was amazing. I have never met anyone like her. She’s smart, funny, kind and she’s one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Not gonna lie tho, when she pulled away from the kiss, it broke my heart. I know she’s been hurt before but I want to show her that I’m different, that I’ll treat her like a queen. I just hope she gives me a chance to show her that.
“Hey bro, how was the date last night?” Corbyn asked as he walked in the door
“Uh, it was great. We had a great time” I tried to smile
“You don’t seem to sure about that. Did something happen?”
“She uh, pulled away from my kiss” I said shyly.
“YOU TRIED TO KISS HER!?” Corbyn yelled. “Bro you’re going too fast for her, that’s probably why she pulled away”
“You think?” I asked
“Yeah Jo, I remember when Zach took Halie and their first date. He tried to do the same thing and Halie pulled away too. You just have to give it tome. Don’t rush into things. Cause if you do it’ll scare her away.” Corbyn said sincerely
“Thanks man, I appreciate it. I’m not giving up on her. She means too much to me”
“Good. Now give her a call sometime today and see if she wants to hangout again” Corbyn said
“Okay. Good idea” I agreed
*Your POV*
“Hey hun, I’m gonna get some Starbucks want any?” Halie asked as she came into the room waking me up.
“Uh yeah, an iced caramel macchiato please” I said.
“Okay I’ll be right back”
“Thank you!” I called out as Halie was already walking out the door. I decided to get out of bed and brush my hair and teeth. Right as I’m done brushing my teeth my phone starts ringing.
“Hello?” I say without looking at the caller ID
“Hey y/n”
“Jonah? What’s up” I asked
“I um, I had a great night last night and wanted to know if maybe you would want to go on another date with me” Jonah said shyly.
“I had a great time last night too Jo. But um... I-I don’t know if I’m really ready for something like this...” I trailed off.
“Oh” was all Jonah said
“I’m sorry Jonah, you’re a great guy and deserve the best”
“You are the best y/n” Jonah said obviously sounding hurt.
“Jo...” I started but couldn’t finish
“Was it because I tried to kiss you?” He asked
“What? No! I’m just not ready for a relationship.” I explained
“Why not” Jonah asked
“Cause I don’t want to get hurt again”
“Well, I would never hurt you y/n. That’s not the guy I am”
“I’m sorry Jonah...” I said as I hung up the phone. I sat there in silence just looking at my phone. I feel bad but I promised myself that I wouldn’t let myself get hurt again. If that means being single for the rest of my life, then so be it. Halie walked through the door and handed me my Starbucks.
“Thank you” I said, avoiding eye contact.
“What’s wrong?” Halie asked, sounding concerned.
“Jonah called”
“He asked me on another date, and I told him no.” I said still not looking at Halie. I didn’t want to see her disappointment.
“Why y/n? I thought you had a good time with him” Halie said
“Cause I don’t want to get hurt again Halie! Every guy I let in hurts me. I can’t go through that again. I want to believe Jonah is a good guy, but my walls are too high.” I said as I started to cry
“Oh, y/n” Halie said as she wraps her arms around you and hugs you. “How about this? I’ll call Christina and Gabbie and we can all have a girls night with a bunch of snacks and we’ll watch movies and not think about boys” Halie said trying to cheer me up.
“That would be great, thanks halie” I said as I hugged her back tightly.
“No problem, I’ll go call them right now”
*Jonah’s POV*
“I’m sorry Jonah...” i hear y\n say as she hangs up. What’s wrong with me? Why doesn’t she want me? I shouldn’t have tried to kiss her. Fuck what am I gonna do. I don’t want to lose her. I need to go for a walk.
“Where are you going?” Jack asked
“Out” I said bluntly
“Okay, but where?” Daniel asked sounding concerned.
“To the studio” I said as I walked out of the door
“The studio?” Daniel asked turning to jack
“That’s where he goes when something happened and he needs to get away” jack said looking at Daniel
“I just hope he’s okay”
“Me too”
I walked to the studio while blasting music. She clouded my thoughts. Y/n is all I think about and I blew it. I blew my chance with her. Before I knew it, I was at the studio. I immediately walked over to the piano and started to play some chords. Music was my only escape. It was the only thing that would get my mind off of y/n. I started playing some chords then a lyric popped into my head
“It's a shame girls like you don't know how to love. Try to give you my all, but it's not enough” I grabbed a pen and paper and started writing down more lyrics that came to mind.
“Can't you see that I'm falling
Can't you see that I'm falling, falling for you
Show me where your heart is
Can't you see that I'm falling, falling for you
Can't you see that I'm on this, and I want this
Can't believe that I'm falling, like this for you
Can't you see that I'm falling
I'm falling, falling for you” before I knew it, I had an entire song written out.
“What are you doing here bud?” I hear a voice say. I turned around and saw our tour manager Jon standing there.
“Shit, how long have you been there?” I asked
“Long enough. Now are you going to tell me why you’re here?” Jon asked.
“I’m writing a song about a girl I know.”
“A girl huh? This can’t be good” Jon laughed
“Do-do you want to see what I have so far?” I asked
“I’d love to” Jon smiled. I watched as he read the lyrics I just wrote. Trying to read his face to see if he likes it or not. “This is really good Jonah”
“Really?” I asked
“Yeah, I really like this. So who’s this girl?”
“Oh uh it’s y/n. She’s been around lately cause her best friend is dating Zach. I took her on a date and I guess she doesn’t feel the same way about me.” I explained.
“Oh, yeah. I know who you’re talking about” Jon said
“Hey, um I know it’s not an official song or anything, but if I got the boys to practice it with me could we play it at tomorrow’s show?” I asked.
“If the boys are okay with it then yes.” Jon agreed.
“Thank you Jon” I smiled “I’ll talk to the boys tonight”
“And Jonah? If she is worth all of this. Show it. Show her that you’re not willing to give up that easily” Jon said
“I will. Thank you Jon” and with that I stood up and walked back to mine and Corbyn’s place. All the boys were already over (including Eben) so what perfect time to start practicing our new song. “Hey boys! We got a new song that we have to practice. Oh and we’re performing it tomorrow night”
“You have got to be kidding me!” Zach protested as he put his palm to his face.
“Oh come on, it’ll be killer”
“Lemme guess, it’s about y/n” Jack said
“How do you know about that?” I asked.
“Gabbie and Christina are with Halie and y/n having a girls night. Gabbie said something about how a certain someone asked y/n on another date and she rejected him” jack said stating me down.
“Well, you didn’t have to say it like that. But yeah it’s about y/n. It was the only healthy way of coping with what happened.” I frowned
“Jo, we’re here. We’re your family. We might give you a hard time but it’s what brothers do.” Said Daniel.
“Look dude, we know Tate fucked you up. And y/n is coming from the same place. You should give her time” Zach butted in
“Yeah, but she’s too scared to get hurt again that she won’t even give us a chance. But whatever can we just go over the song”
“Yes” everyone said in a defeated voice.
*Your POV*
A few hours pass since Halie called the girls. Before I knew it, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see Gabbie and Christina.
“Heyyy girl!” Christina cheered as she hugged me
“Omg y/n I missed you so much!” Gabbie said as she came in for the hug too.
“I missed you guys too. Thank you for coming” I said as I hugged them back.
“So what movie are we gonna watch?” Halie asked as she walked into the room
“The notebook” Christina and Gabbie cheered at the same time
“No! I don’t even want to think about relationships right now! How about IT?” I suggested
“Ugh fine” Christina said
“Yeah that works” said Gabbie
“Okay, I’ll go get it started. The snacks are already on the table ladies” said Halie as she went to start the movie. We all walked towards the movie room with loads of snacks in our arms. We grabbed pillows and blankets and snuggled up with each other on the couch.
“Who needs guys when you have the best friends in the world” I said as the movie started. And with that the night was drama free. No boys. No relationships. Just quality time with my favorite people.
@kvd963 @halieeeurbanski
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dekatsu · 6 years
After seeing this post by @namaki132 I decided to check out the German translation for Deku vs Kacchan 2 and translate the important bits into english for you all, because we all were dissatisfied with the english translation.
Izuku said “Das versteht sich von selbst, aber... Du bist stark geworden!” which means “That goes without saying, but... you have become stronger!”
Also for the next part I’m going to translate all of what Deku says to Katsuki after Katsuki reveals his misunderstandings, because I think it’s important and very different in sentiment, from the english translation.
Izuku: “Es wäre wohl normal, nichts mehr mit dem zu tun haben zu wollen, der sich über einen lustig macht. Aber... Wie du es eben sagtest, hatte ich nichts auf dem Kasten. Gerade deshalb habe ich nicht nur deine unsympathischen Seiten gesehen, sondern auch deine Überragenheit! Du der so viel von dem besaß, das mir fehlte, warst ein “toller Kerl”, der mir viel näher stand als All Might!”
Translation: “It would be normal to want to have nothing more to do with someone who makes fun of you. But... As you just said, I had nothing on the ball [1.] But for this very reason, I have I not only seen your unsympathetic sides, but your superiority as well [2]. You who had so much of what I lacked, were a “great guy”, who was so much closer to me than All Might!”
[1] the closest english idiom to the german idiom, basically means the same
[2] now the german word used here is Überrangenheit, which is not really a word but rather a noun made out of the verb ‘überragen’ which means to tower over. It’s common to take a word and add a noun ending to it and I’m actually surprised it’s not really a word since I hear Überragenheit a lot. It’s basically saying Katsuki totally outshined everyone else. Amazingness would probably fit here as well, but that’s not a word either. The closest existing noun is Überlegenheit, which means “Superiority”
Then he adds “Weil ich dich toll fand... Deshalb bin ich... dir immer hinterhergelaufen!”
Translation: “Because I thought you were great... that’s why I... always ran after you”
“toll” is a word with many meanings. It can mean awesome, brilliant, terrific etc. all positive connotations, and used negatively only for sarcasm, but great fits best. (funny thing: google translated the first part into because I loved you lol)
And then: “Das ist mir wirklich unangenehm, darum kann ich es dir nicht sagen, aber... (flashback...) Wenn der Drang zu gewinnen stärker ist, als der Drang zu retten, dann wird meine Ausdrucksweise unbewusst ordinärer. Eigentlich sollte ich diese Eigenschaft verabscheuen, aber in meinem Kopf stimmt die Vorstellung von “Siegen” mit dir überein. (...) Ich möchte gegen dich, “den personifizierten Sieg” gewinnen!”
Translation: “That’s really unpleasant, so I can’t tell you, but ... If the urge to win is is stronger than the urge to rescue, then my language unconsciously becomes more vulgar. Actually, I should abhor this quality, but in my head the Image of “victorious” coincides with you.(...) I want to win against you, “the personified victory""!
Izuku never once said the word hate and always talked about Katsuki in a very positive way. He even said that he can’t hate his ‘vulgar’ traits because they come from Katsuki, who is his image of victory! In the german translation, he obviously holds Katsuki in very high regards, even if he has unsympathetic sides. There is no negative sentiment.
Thanks for reading my translations! If I mistranslated anything, please correct me! I hope these make things clearer than the english ones. Ger sub video here
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sunplanter · 5 years
15, 16, 19, 21, 39
15. Favorite movie?
Ans: GOD these questions are sooo hard like how would anyone ever pick just one favorite movie or show or book or song?? I will say though that some movies I’ll always really like are The Truman Show, Coco, Dead Poets Society, The DaVinci Code, and Little Miss Sunshine. All of these rank pretty high, but I really can’t pick a favorite and I’ve completely left out childhood classics that still go hard like Journey To The Center Of The Earth, A Series Of Unfortunate Events, and Bridge To Teribithia. Like I’ve honestly watched SO MANY movies in my life it’d be impossible to remember them all at once in order to pick an actual favorite.
16. I’ll love you if…
Ans: Super duper easy I’ll literally love anyone if they’re a nice person. Bonus points for being easy to talk to and funny. It’s super easy to get me to want to be your friend! And then in terms of being in love with someone literally I’ll love anyone with these same qualities that also has an interest in me too lol. Like if you’re a nice person AND you want to hold my hand or kiss me my heart will explode.
19. A fact about your personality
Ans: I’m not 100% sure how to answer this question so I’ll just say that I tend to be very hyper aware of how I think others view and see me. I also am terrified of messing up and making mistakes because I’m so non confrontational and hate making other people upset, so when I do that I tend to be very hard on myself, or if it’s a personal problem I’ll isolate it and ignore it so I don’t need to ask for help and possibly disappoint people. ALSO I’m overly analytical, overly descriptive when I talk, and indecisive…. can you tell by my paragraph answers to these very simple questions?
21. What I love most about myself
Ans: I definitely can admit that I think I’m a very nice, genuine, and kind person and extremely open minded, (I say oh so humbly). But really I do love that I’m a nice person because well.. I love being nice to people it’s so great to be able to help and support others and put love back into the world.
39. My favorite ice cream flavor
Ans: I love this question because it’s so fun. And also in my true style I’m not gonna give just one answer. I’d say my ultimate choice is cookies n cream, but close runner ups are cookie dough and just good plain chocolate. (Maybe also mint chocolate chip if I’m in the mood for it!)
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jacky-0610 · 6 years
Everynumber with a 1,2,3,5,7 and 8 in it for the question thingi😇😇😇
1. selfie 
2. what wouldyou name your future kids?
I don’treally want kids soo…
3. do youmiss anyone?
Yes myfriends because I haven’t done smth with them in a looong time
5. is thereanyone who can always make you smile?
Yeah I guessthat would be my best friends
7. what wasyour life like last year?
Actuallynot that bad because I made a lot of friends that I don’t want to lose but itwas still kinda bad but meh whatever
8. have youever cried because you were so annoyed?
No I don’tthink so… at least not that I remember
10. are yougood at hiding your feelings?
Sometimesyes but most of the time nope it depends what I’m trying to hide
11. are youlistening to music right now?
Yes Mino-fiancée
12. what issomething you want right now?
A will tolive :) jk (not really oops)
13. how doyou feel right now?
Meh. Notgood but also not bad I guess? I’m in a state of just yeah sure whatever
14. whenwas the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Idk? Ithink.. Tuesday? Not sure tho
15.personality description
uhhmm.... i guess im more on the shy andintroverted side but when i’m comfortable around the people im with i’m kindaloud and i’d say funny but i guess thats debatable
16. haveyou ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Yes. sooomany times… mostly it’s because I don’t think anyone cares if I say somethingor not so I just let it be
17. opinionon insecurities.
Welleveryone has them I guess? But you can learn to live with them end embrace thembecause life is too short to worry about so many things
18. do you misshow thing were a year ago?
19. haveyou ever been to New York?
20. what isyour favourite song at the moment?
Uhh that’sa hard question because I’m an indecisive bitch. I’d say Mino- fiancée, Rothy-Sullae, the Rose- their whole ep `Dawn`, Dreamcatcher- Trap, Wonderland, Boa-Encounter ok I think I’ll stop here
21. age andbirthday?
22.description of crush.
Don’t havea crush at the moment
23. fear(s)
Spiders,height, being unhappy in the future
24. height
150 cm
25. rolemodel
Idk… Iadmire some people but I wouldn’t say they are my role model?
26. idol(s)
Isn’t thatthe same like role model? lol
27. thingsi hate
When peoplelook at someone and start to talk bad about them when they don’t know them atall or when people pressure someone to do something they very clearlyabsolutely don’t want to do… I also hate it when people try to talk to me whenI don’t want to or when I’m annoyed
28. i’lllove you if…
You givethe tiniest amount of interest. Please love me. I need love
29.favourite film(s)
Marvelmovies but I haven’t watched them all yet
30. favouritetv show(s)
Supernatural,Sherlock, chilling adventures of Sabrina, I’m not really watching any tv shows rnand I can’t think of any else
31. 3random facts
I have cutmy hair short by myself (my mom cried when she saw me), i’m good at wiggling myeyebrows, I’m from Germany but I’m way better in English than in german
32. areyour friends mainly girls or guys?                    
33.something you want to learn
A lot ofthings but…. Hmm… how to sing or rap would be cool
34. mostembarrassing moment
Can’t thinkof anything rn
35.favourite subject
English andpsychology
36. 3dreams you want to fulfill?
Read a lotof books because I have so many that I haven’t started but I still buy newones, go to munich with my best friends again, and visit a lot of countries
37.favourite actor/actress
Don’t haveone
38.favourite comedian(s)
Don’treally watch a lot of comedian but I’d say John Mulaney
39.favourite sport(s)
I like iceskating eben though I went like twice or inline skating
41.relationship status
Very single
42.favourite book(s)
Harrypotter, the infernal devices, the mortal instruments
43.favourite song ever
Like I saidI’m a very indecisive bitch who can’t decide if her live depends on it, but thefirst song I thought of was 3racha- broken compass
45. how youfound out about your idol
I don’treally understand this question… I’m just gonna say how I found out about straykids k so,,. I listened to their song hellevator on soundcloud  I don’t even know anymore how I found itthere)then I watched their mv on yt so I wanted to listen to more of theirsongs but it was the only one that was out cue to a few months later and Iheard about a survival show of jyp and yeah…. There’s that
47. turnons
Idk.. beingnice and funny? Never really thought about this
48. turnoffs
Idk same asabove
50.favourite picture of your idol
I’m gonnaput a picture of jisung here because it was the first thing I thought of
52.something i’m talented at
I have noidea that’s what I want to know too
53. 5things that make me happy
Stray kids,music, my best friends, sleep, fairy lights
54.something thats worrying me at the moment
Everythingbut mostly school and all the projects due before winter break
55. tumblrfriends
I don’tknow if i have friends here cause i don’t really talk with many people on herebut i love all of my mutuals and kinda consider them friends!!
56.favourite food(s)
Lasagna,mante, pelimeni, wareniki,
57.favourite animal(s)
Alpacas,cats, pandas
58.description of my best friend
She is aweird loud and funny bitch who I love very very much and I’m glad that I havesomeone like her in my life
59. why ijoined tumblr
I don’treally have a reason
 Aahhh wowthat took long.. but thank you so much i love you
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tanglewood-queen · 7 years
10 Questions
1. Which of your OCs is the most like you?
Emma Town. I have to say, I don’t know that she is the most like me, but she is the one I try to be the most like. She’s not a perfect character by any means, but she is that one character that has the traits I want: bravery, intelligence, kindness. She’s not a main character, but she is my favorite. She’s selfless and has had a difficult life, but it doesn’t stop her from smiling. I actually write small short stories from her past just so I can be in her eyes sometimes. She wouldn’t work as my main character but I love her.
2. Do you have an idea that you just know would be your magnum opus if you could ever get around/motivated to write it? (or is that what you’re working on now?)
The Below and Tanglewood are both offering a lot. The Below was meant to be a trilogy, and the issue is that I can’t get out the next two parts (even though I’ve finished the first). It means the world to me. I do think Tanglewood could be great — it’s a fantasy with unique creatures and a unique world, if I could just work with it. I’m currently working on both.
3. Do you have an idea of what you want to work on next after you finish your WIP?
Not really. I do want to try out doing a children’s book next, however, and I’ve been playing around with ideas. I love to write YA, and I was thinking about testing the waters with a little younger. I’d love to have something for my children one day.
4. Are you doing NaNoWriMo? Why/why not?
I’m signed up for it this year, but who knows if I’ll go through? I’m kind of cheating if I do. I was planning on doing my rewrite for The Below.
5. Did you start out with fan fiction or original fiction?
Original. I’ve only written small, personalized fan fiction (as in people request short ones that have them in it). I haven’t done that in YEARS but it definitely wasn’t my thing. Maybe it’s because I don’t obsess over things much anymore, but I don’t particularly enjoy reading them either. Maybe a Harry Potter one?
6. What is the strangest book you’ve ever read?
I haven’t read a lot of “strange” books. So we’ll talk about one I had a strange experience with. A Prayer for Owen Meany. I read this book for my AP English class in high school. It took me the entire summer, I hated every second of it. When I read the last page? I was bawling my eyes out because it was over. Don’t ask me why!
7. What inspired your current WIP?
The Below: To be perfectly honest, I don’t remember. I started this when I was a junior in high school (five years ago). It was when stuff like THG and Divergent were big. I really loved the whole dystopian idea. I remember creating all of it, but none of the story was really INSPIRED by anything other than what was in my own head.
Tanglewood: This one is funny. So my husband and I were driving through a town I’d never been to, and I happened to glance over. I saw a street sign — Tanglewood Road. It clicked. Literally, this story just fell right into my head! I already had one of the characters (Simon Strange, I actually dreamed him up), and then a fantasy creature I had been wanting to work with. It was PERFECT.
8. Do you/have you tried drawing your characters?
I have definitely tried. And miserably failed.
9. Have you taken any personality tests for your characters?
Actually, no. I’ve never thought about doing it, but it would probably be interesting!
10. What time of day are you at your most creative?
Either at night or early in the morning.
Note: just realized I did the wrong questions. Oh well! 20 questions!
1. Do you have a go-to series that always inspires you?
Harry Potter. I reread it all the time.
2. What is the biggest cast you’ve ever written?
The Below has a TON of characters. I’ve obviously gotten rid of a lot of them, but they’re still secretly there, just not in the story being told.
3. First person or third person?
Definitely third person. I don’t even like reading in first.
4. Do you have a routine you follow when you sit down to write?
Nope! I just let myself go. A routine might make me work harder, but I’ve set myself up to expect this! Lol
5. Have you written any scenes that you’re particularly proud of?
Oh yes. Preferably my horrible, graphic scenes. I’m very good at writing death and destruction. The scenes that will scar you for life.
6. What was the first story you ever wrote?
The first one I remember was in fifth grade. I don’t remember what it was called, but it was about these little creatures that came out of lightning bolts when they struck the ground.
7. Would you live in any of the worlds you’ve created in your stories?
I would really like to live in Tanglewood. The Below (the place is called Ilysia) wouldn’t be too bad after they rebuild it from its dystopian state, but at the present time it would be a terrible place to live.
8. How often do your characters just ignore the outline you made for them?
Pretty much always. I like to have an outline for everything, but more often than not, I wind up coming up with awesome ideas mid-write and just go with the flow.
9. Are there any common themes that pop up between your WIPs?
The only theme that I’ve seen so far is two of my characters, Simon Strange and Eben Lloyd, are nearly identical. Thanks for pointing me toward thinking that because now I better tweak one of them. Also, that the antagonist is usually a parent. Maybe not to the main character but to a character. That probably says a lot about my own life.
10. Do you have a favorite quote about writing?
“If a story is in you, it has got to come out”
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theatrevicki · 7 years
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire music library on shuffle and report the first 10 tracks that pop up! Then choose 10 additional friends
I was tagged by the always lovely @gottalivealoha. I’m afraid this will be mostly OBC albums and Glee, but let’s see....
You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) - Glee Cast Version
Love is Strange - Galavant Original Soundtrack
On the Moon - Peter Cincotti
String Quartet No. 6 in F Minor, Op. 80: III Adagio - Quatuor Ebene
Fine - Rebecca Luker
Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist - Avenue Q OBC
Johanna 3 - Sweeney Todd Revival OBC
If You Hadn’t But You Did - Kristin Chenoweth
The Miracle - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels OBC
War of Hearts - Ruelle
OK, so that’s kind of funny. Only one Glee song, which I find really wacky, given that I have 200-ish Glee songs, and not a single Darren one? Wow. I guess I need to step up my game! I love that Glee and Shadowhunters are both represented here, though, and that there are a ton of Broadway shows/Broadway singers. The one classical song is in my Study playlist. I’m not a Classical genre lover, but I can’t handle lyrics when I’m reading/writing, so that’s why this exists. It’s funny that shuffle pulled that song.
Who’s done this? Who hasn’t done this? I’ll tag: @wiccabuffy, @mypatronusismalec, @juleswritesthis. And anyone else who feels like doing it!
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hebezuart · 7 years
hey i wrote thing for creative writing
its w altair and rigel and im p proud of it if yall wanna read it
(Descriptive Version)
The two dragonbloods pressed themselves in the soft grass, laying on their backs and gazing up at the stars and the glowing beautiful moon. The teal and cobalt one adjusted his position, hiking a leg up and crossing them, only slightly flashing the heavens from under his kimono. His dark skin almost shone on the moonlight, but his horns and scales certainly did so. He brushed his dreadlocks out of his face, sighing and glancing over at his brother. The coral colored beast had his slender hands crossed over his chest, legs flat on the ground, all of his attention focused on the gods above. His breathing was sweet and even, his long black hair curling gently on the earth below. The koi on his own kimono seemed almost to dance in the celestial light. The younger brother stretched, making an odd noise doing so. Turning to his brother he poked his shoulder to get his attention. The orange one blinked a few times, turning his head to face his sibling, eyes trained on his lips. The blue commented on how it was a bit funny; they were gazing at the stars, and the fact that they themselves were named after some of the same suns they were looking upon. He raised his arm, the older brother still looking at the other's face. That one's me, that's Rigel up there, the dreaded brother grinned. He commented how he wasn't sure where Altair was. The sky was so vast and so gorgeous that it was hard to pinpoint every beautiful star in the sky. The older brother chuckled, his raspy and untrained voice saying how he was right here. How even though the skies may say differently, he'd always be by Rigel's side. He was his dear brother, and separating the two was already a hard enough task. Rigel chuckled himself, sitting up a bit and ruffling his elder's hair. He agreed. His hand slid over and squeezed his brother's, repeating his agreement to truly reinforce it.
(Dialogue Version)
The stars above smiled. Two young boys gazed back up at them, not sharing much talk, just yet. Rigel, the younger brother, shifted himself and yawned, baring his sharp maw for a moment or two. His eyes went over to his brother, Altair. His eyes were still trained on the stars.
"Ne, onii-san." Rigel asked, patting his elder's shoulder as he asked.
Altair turned his head and hummed a bit, blinking a few times.
"Don't you think it's funny?" he started, eyes flicking back to the stars every now and then, "You and me are looking up at the stars. But we're named after them, so it's like we're looking up at ourselves. Hey, maybe that's what we'll become! Once our bodies finally take a final breath, we turn to dust, we're reborn into those stars above, to forever watch over this planet and see it flourish.... Heh, sorry, got a bit carried away..." he chuckled, scratching his head. He raised his arm and pointed a clawed finger up at one of the stars, a bright blue one, the hip of a great warrior.
"That one up there, that's me! That's Rigel! That's kinda surreal, huh?" he commented, Altair letting another hum out.
"Hmm....I can't...seem to find you, onii-san.... " he called out again, his grin fading a bit, seeming disappointed he couldn't find his brother.
The other beast cleared his throat a bit.
"Izzo-kay, you know I'll be 'ere rai' nestoo you. I'd neweh lea' your sade. Eben iff da skaz say uh-duh-wise, I'll always be hea'." he squeezed out. He sounded as if his voice was really unused, or rather he simply couldn't hear himself when he spoke..?
Rigel grinned widely, scooting closer to his brother and messing up his hair.
"You may be older than me, but you'll alway be my little brother!" he teased, Altair squeaking out a strange laugh.
"But you're right. We'll always be together."
"You meenat'? Forewah?"
Rigel grabbed his brother's hand and squeezed it gently, smiling sweetly.
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ageeksnerdyworld · 7 years
I can’t fucking stand when somebody claims whitewashing when nothing of the sort happened. I literally just saw a series of posts where somebody did this and they might’ve been also claiming that it was racist but I’m not sure.
Bitch listen up!
Whitewashing is when a non-white ie Black, Asian, Hispanic, etc, etc character is portrayed by a white actor. Or when a non-white character is drawn & colored to be white. That is indeed whitewashing and should be complained about.
Whitewashing is not, I repeat is not, when a character is drawn and colored exactly the same way they are in canon JUST BECAUSE IT DOESN’T FIT YOUR FUCKING HEADCANNON!!
I saw a post calling out a specific comicbook company, no names shall be named for either parties involved, for whitewashing a character in their animated films. But the character in question has the exact same skin color, hair color, and eye color that they do in the comics. Skin is slightly tan in the comics. And? Slightly tan in the film. Eyes are green in the comics. And? Green in the film. Hair is black in the comics. And? Black in the film.
Where is the whitewashing?
Oh I forgot to mention… The character is part Arab. (Technically speaking Arabic people are in fact Caucasian, white for some of y'all, since there’s actually only three races. Caucasian, Negroid and Mongoloid. But I digress.)
Arabic and Middle Eastern people can fit that above description. Many of them do actually. My uncle, his wife and kids, on my dad’s side do; they’re all tan with light eyes. Even though there’s this image of Arabs as all being tan, brown-eyed, and black haired we don’t all fit that description. I’m half-Arab and half-Italian and I kinda fit the stereotype; hair’s medium brown. But my point still stands. Not everybody fits the stereotypes, ok?
Also this character’s father and mother have blue and green eyes respectively. Both genes are recessive but the color green is more dominate than blue. The way DNA works green eyes would win out every time. Every. Fucking. Time. And thus it makes sense that the character in question has green eyes.
And yet this person chose to claim that the character was whitewashed in the animated film. This person even went so far as to edit screenshots from scenes from the animated films that included the character in question to prove their point.
Newsflash, buddy! That doesn’t mean it’s whitewashing.
Making a black character white is whitewashing. Making a Native American character white is whitewashing. So is making an Asian character white. So is making a Mexican character white. It’s called whitewashing for a reason dude. But…
Let me repeat that real quick.
Some real examples of whitewashing:
The Harry Potter films
J.K. Rowling explicitly describes Hermione Granger as having brown eyes and frizzy hair. Something that is very common amongst black people. The author herself even confirmed this via tweet when a black woman was cast as Hermione in the stage production of The Cursed Child:
“Canon: brown eyes, frizzy hair, and very clever. White skin was never specified. Rowling loves black Hermione.”
Explicitly stating that she wasn’t white, and saying that she loves a black version of the character, kinda solidifies it. The films whitewashed her.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Mr. Yunioshi was portrayed by white actor Mickey Rooney.
Mickey Rooney does not only play an Asian man. Rooney wears yellow face for his portrayal and does an overdone accent. He plays a racist stereotype of an Asian man.
So not only is that white-washing but it’s also racist.
The movie about card counting was actually based on a real life event. A group of Asian-American students from MIT, Harvard, and Princeton among others, rip off casinos by counting cards. This happened in the 70sThere were a lot of changes from real-life to movie as there always is but the most important is the race changes.
Our lead characters are Jeff Ma, Mike Aponte, and John Chang. Who played the leads in this film?
Jim Sturgess. Jacob Pitts. Kevin Spacey.
Not a single Asian actor played a lead role.
30 Days of Night
That vampire horror flick set in Alaska. This movie is based off a comic mini series btw. Inuit sheriff, who is Inuit in the comic, Eben Oleson is our main character. He’s the sherrif of the town that gets over run by vamps during it’s month-long polar night.
Wait. What was that?
The main character is Inuit.
And who plays him in the movie? Josh Hartnett.
The Hawaiian set rom-com has virtually no Hawaiian people. But the island state has a population that’s 70% non-white. Funny right?
But Emma Stone plays the main character.
A main character who is described as being one-third Hawaiian, one-third Chinese and half Swedish. And Emma Stone? Fits just the Swedish part of that and only by one-fifth.
Death Note
The 2017 upcoming live-action Netflix adaptation of the manga of the same name. (Not an adaptation of the anime… if that makes any difference.) The entire cast of this movie is made up of white actors. All of the characters are Japanese!!
But that’s not all…
The setting is moved to goddamn Seattle, Washington. The main character’s name is changed. In the manga his name is Light Yagami. His last name is one of the most white last names ever; Turner.
That just a few by the way.
And each of those aforementioned movies do in fact whitewash thier characters. But the character I spoke of was never whitewashed. Never once in continuity was this character paled in complexion. His hair was never lightened to be more white. The shape of his eyes was never changed to fit the shape of eyes that white people have. Neither was the shape of his face.
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