tanglewood-queen · 6 years
Me: Ah yes, finally, a plot that will fit in a single novel.
Me: ...
Me: But what if it could actually be THREE novels?
Me: Damn, you’re right.
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lostnoblivion-4 · 7 years
What do you do when you have writer's block? I've tried brain storming and reading but those haven't worked.
Good question, because it’s not one that I can easily answer!
Brainstorming and reading aren’t things to pull me out of writer’s block either. Normally, what I have to do it WRITE. However I don’t write what I’m lost on. Often times, I’ll look for writing prompts and try to write a short story. Other times, I also roleplay. You can find websites out there with literate roleplay (so a bunch of lovely writers that write together).
If I don’t focus on what I really want to write, whenever I come back to it I usually have some new, good ideas!
Hope that helps!
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tanglewood-queen · 5 years
Hey, everyone 👋🏻 I’ve moved!
Hey everyone! I’ve built up a pretty great following here on this blog, however I’m wanting to break away from my old (personal) blog. Since this blog is connected to that one, I’ve made a new one. I’d love if you’d all join me over there! I’ll follow all of my fellow writers and book lovers back! :)
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tanglewood-queen · 6 years
I just hit 20,000 words in The Dark and Scary Tales of Ezra Blackbriar!
That’s 20,132 to be exact! I’m so in love with this story. I took a break before looking back at it again and literally planned from Book 1-5 in great detail (which I have NEVER done). I’ve been on a writing high for days.
Title it temporary because I haven’t been inspired yet, ha.
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tanglewood-queen · 6 years
Tumblr media
Guuuuuys, this just came out yesterday!! I am SO excited to get my hands on this. See my review for the first book here!
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tanglewood-queen · 6 years
Inktober, Writeblr Edition: Day One • Poisonous
They say that if you take a little bit of poison each day, you grow immune to its effects. I had never thought that I would need such an ability, and yet I find myself always taking in another sip of you. Taste after taste, I hope that I will become immune to your words stitched with lies and your lips laced with false lust. Poisonous, in every sense of the word, and yet I can’t get enough.
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tanglewood-queen · 6 years
The hardest part about writing is all the middle stuff. Like how much middle stuff do I need? I’ll never know until I’m done and then I’ve either written too little or too much! Ugh
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tanglewood-queen · 6 years
Reading an old work and falling in love with the story again is literally the best feeling! Welcome back to my WIPs! Ha.
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tanglewood-queen · 6 years
I’ve been learning new things about myself every day, but the newest thing is now I know that I am capable of falling out of love.
— lying next to him last night
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tanglewood-queen · 6 years
Inktober, Writeblr Edition: Day Four • Spell
I’ve come to the conclusion that love is a form of dark magic. Only then could it completely take over your heart and mind, blind you to lies and empty promises, keep you from seeing all of the blaring red warning signs flashing directly in front of your eyes. Love is a spell, but only temporary. Sooner or later the effects will wear off and leave you empty and cold, knowing that it was never real at all.
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tanglewood-queen · 6 years
Inktober, Writeblr Edition: Day Three • Roasted
Who would have thought that orange was your color? The way the light casted shadows on your features, the way the flames reflected their dance in your eyes. Your laugh was warm enough to make my cheeks burn hotter than the fire, your touch electric enough to burn each inch of my skin that you touched. Every bit of my body and soul, roasted and lit up by the look in your eyes that was enough to reduce me to cinders.
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tanglewood-queen · 6 years
oh boy, here I go with another WIP...
I was doing so well with The Dark and Scary Tales of Ezra Blackbriar. I’ve written so much. But of course, I’ve gotten a new idea. And this one might be a STAND ALONE! I’ve never come up with one of those before! This could be promising.
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tanglewood-queen · 6 years
Inktober, Writeblr Edition: Day Two • Tranquil
The sun hovered at the edge of the horizon, rays of gold and rusted orange dancing at the edge of each minute wave. I felt like I hadn’t been able to breathe in years, but something about the sun’s colors dying in the night sky seemed to rid my lungs of its obstacles and create a feeling of peace.
Each wave brought to the shore drew sand from beneath my bare feet and into the shallow depths that came with the moon’s rising.
I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and saw that he too was breathing as though it was the first taste of the air he had had since birth. His hand was hanging at his side and his eyes were watching the sun as it dived lower beneath the edge of the world.
I looked away but reached for his hand, the cool breeze off the top of the water skimming my burning cheeks as I wrapped his pinky and ring finger with mine; it was a silent question, a quiet hope for an invitation for a closer touch from an affection and fresh air starved soul.
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tanglewood-queen · 7 years
any writing blogs out there?
I’m creating this blog to reblog other writers and post updates and such from my own novel I’m writing or some poetry. I’d really just love to find other writers out there!
(If I follow it’ll say lostnoblivion-4, my main blog)
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tanglewood-queen · 7 years
I’m so glad I’m only a couple of chapters into Tanglewood. I’m completely redirecting the entire story and scrapping what I have. It’s amazing where ideas can come from!
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tanglewood-queen · 7 years
organization for plotters
Personally, I keep a journal with my written ideas, a binder where I keep the printed out copy of my book, and recently I’ve created worksites for my novels.
I use Wikifoundry (create.wikifoundry.com) and also have considered Wix.
How do you keep track and organize your book if you’re a plotter?
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