#this is probably common knowledge at this point but i cant believe it
justarandombrit · 10 months
Absolutely going insane over the fact that Peanuts shows up in Black Friday and I haven't noticed it either of the times I've watched it, or any of the times I've watched What If Tomorrow Comes, until having it explicitly pointed out.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 13 days
borderline illiterate gruvia think piece.
happy gruvia day i guess!
so like…… im a grown woman. so believe me when i say at this point i rly couldnt care to be genuinely bothered by antis. like i will literally just block them lmao. ok yes i did write a whole fic revolving around a comment by an anti KFHDKSJWJEDK but i rly wasnt mad i was just genuinely inspired by what they said.
ANYWAYS! nonsensical 294820381002 word rant incoming from the “unbothered” grown woman.
seeing people say how gray is out of character in 100 yq/has stockholm syndrome are literally missing the entireeeee point of his and juvia’s relationship and its crazy!!
*side note, i think for the sake of helping gray’s character and development, they sacrificed a lot of cool things about juvia and a lot of her individuality which i do not like. but thats a rant for another time. btw do notttt even come for me bc she is literally still by far my fav character lmao*
im probably gonna go on for too long about this but gray’s whole fucking character throughout the whole story from beginning to end is centered around the fact that hes cold and closed off and grumpy and “too cool” and listen im not saying this is fucking rocket science or any type of transcendent literature by any means but i HAVE to point out that hes a fucking ice wizard. like. duh. im sure his character/personality was meant to go along with abilities i mean look at literally EVERYONE else in fairy tail.
ANYWAYS the reason he is this way is because he’s so used to losing all of the people he loves and even worse, hes used to so many people sacrificing themselves for him.
and it traumatizes him!! so many people hes been close to have died and he ultimately always thinks its his fault! lord knows im rusty with ft knowledge but his parents died (cant remember if it was in any type of sacrificial way teehee), Ur sacrifices herself for gray, ultear sacrifices herself for gray, and his dad dies AGAIN (once again, not sure if this was in a sacrificial manner lmao. i kindaaa think it was? maybe? shrug.). but POINT IS! theres a common theme of loved ones dying and/or sacrificing themselves for him. there might even be more people lmao idfk.
so what happens when he meets a girl who has an overwhelming and unwavering and infinite love for him?! he is freaked the fuck out!!! for a couple reasons! 1. he is so used to losing the people that love him and 2. he doesn’t even think hes deserving of any love to this degree!
then what happens? he PUSHES HER AWAY! KEEPS HER AT A DISTANCE!!!! because THATS ALL HE KNOWS!!!!!!!!! yes he has his friends who love him but no one has ever loved him in the way and abundance that JUVIA DOES! so he has to react appropriately! lots of love = lots of keeping her at an arms length!
so when he thinks he loses juvia in their fight with invel, and she comes back, dont we think it would make sense that he finally realizes he should accept his feelings for her? i mean remember when he said he promised her an answer AFTER the war? once again, like gray, pushing things off. and then he almost LOSES HER without ever telling her how he feels! so gray realizes life is short! theres no use in trying to deny ur feelings! these are common themes in like 85% of my gruvia drabbles lmao.
im not even saying that it was love at first sight for him and that gray liked her from the jump. bc i dont think thats true. i think we can finally see outward romantic feelings for juvia right after the tartaros arc, when juvia visits gray at his parents’ grave. but before that, i think juvia was a friend (wellll i feel like after the tenrou island arc he liked her more than a friend, but he didnt really realize how much more) who he cared about, and truly didnt know what to make of her because like i said, hes never known a person to love him so much and actually not die LMAO.
but my point is, juvia is the perfect person to be gray’s romantic partner. she is a person so full of love and so happy to love and she doesnt care who knows it. she is unequivocally herself and she wears her heart on her sleeve to the upmost extent.
it literally only makes sense for his character to end up with her!
u could argue gray doesnt need to end up with anyone at all bc he has his friendsssss and likeeee. sureee. fine. but what fun is that? i personally want to see the scared-of-love grump to find his person. i think, again, thats kind of the point of gray’s character- learning u are worthy of love, accepting love, and learning to love openly.
im sorry but literally what better happy ending for him than to be with juvia?
so fast forward to 100 yq, where he is just sooooo out of character apparently. dont we think that may actually be…. character development?
the boy who probably couldn’t even fathom a romantic relationship is now finally accepting he’s in love. he’s done pushing it off, he’s done denying, he’s done depriving himself of feeling love. thats a step in the right direction! now what? in true gray fashion, he thinks hes still not good enough! and that’s where we are now. he’s not confident, he thinks he’s weak, and he thinks he cant protect her. why? he knows she loves him. he knows he’s objectively a strong wizard. so why does he feel inadequate? CIRCLE BACK!!! TO WHO GRAY IS AS A PERSON!!!! SINCE DAY ONE!!! constantly in fear of losing his loved ones! thinking he can’t protect them! SCARED TO LOVE!
like im sorry the proof is soooo in the pudding and i totally understand if gruvia isn’t ur cup of tea but to say things arent making sense is silly to me! they actually make perfect sense!
and yknow what. im gonna go from a romantic standpoint to a realist standpoint. years ago, mashima said he likes gray and juvias dynamic and didnt have anything serious in mind for them anytime soon. so he kept that going for literally the entire series. well. he ended fairy tail alluding to the fact that gray and juvia were kinda together at that point. or he at least ended it with the pretty obvious conclusion that gray does in fact have feelings for juvia. so then when ft 100 yq starts what was he supposed to do? act like all of their development in the last arc never happened? that would be kinda hard to do!
whatever i just hope at least like 3 of these sentences were coherent lmao u guys get my point
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gwyns · 7 months
I agree with these posts! I’ve seen so much fan art of Azriel’s shadows interacting with Elain even thought they skitter away from her and e/riel’s are saying that she will make his shadows go away, but in the beginning of his bonus chapter he talks about how his shadows will always be there with him.
They bring up how his shadows disappear around Mor, and it’s good since he had ( some e/riel’s believe he’s over her🤡) feelings for her, but that happened in ACOMAF when Mor & Azriel were originally supposed to be endgame. They were close with each other and had a deep friendship. His shadows vanishing, at that time since Mor who was his love interest, was probably a good thing and could be looked at differently, however in ACOWAR this obviously changed. Mor has to walk on eggshells with Azriel now. Proof of this is her pov in ACOFAS.
So Azriel’s shadows disappearing around Elain and e/riel’s thinking it’s a good thing because they do that with Mor, who is cautious around him, isn’t actually a good thing in my opinion. But they’ll argue left and right that this is good and that Elain makes his shadows calm, but there’s no canon text that she does make his shadows calm.
However, Azriel’s shadows had calmed, seemed content to watch him interact with Gwyn, which is actually stated by Azriel in his chapter, (and actually appeared to want to stay). They interacted with Gwyn in a positive way. I believe Azriel’s shadows are sentient and an extension of his soul. I think his shadows can sense the mating bond. Not saying that it’s snapped, because I most definitely don’t think it has, but I think it’s in the beginning stages. His shadows sense something is there. Which I think is interesting especially since a few days after Solstice we have that whole scene of Gwyn cutting the ribbon (👀), Azriel’s shadows also dancing again when she asked about a prize, Nesta calling Az the new ribbon, and his interactions with Gwyn pick up. When Gwyn was kidnapped for the Blood Rite (along with Emerie & Nesta) Azriel did react contrary to with e/riel’s say. His shadows AND siphons deepened. There was nothing him or Cassian could do though. Hell, even Rhys couldn’t do anything if they asked him. But both of them trusted in the girls to complete it. They showed their faith and support in them.
I think e/riel’s forget that the bonus chapter took place in the middle of the book, and Az’s interactions with Gwyn pick up after Solstice. Azriel and Elain have not interacted with each other (as far as we’ve seen on page unless it’s happening off page) since Solstice. I don’t think Azriel and Elain are having that secret-forbidden romance (there’s honestly nothing forbidden about it), because SJM writes her romances (and develops) them on paper where the readers can actually read it. Having a romance off page (that isn’t developed) isn’t her writing style. Azriel does say in HOFAS he doesn’t have a mate, but Gwynriel’s are fine with that, because we get to actually see their relationship develop. We get to see them become friends, we get to see them fall in love with each other, we get to see the mating bond snap.
I don’t think Azriel’s shadows interacting with Gwyn like that is her being evil as e/riel’s love to claim. Didn’t his shadows warn him about Koschei and the Cauldron? Surely they would do the same if Gwyn was evil. He felt a spark in his chest, which is how a mating bond is described and if you look at other mated couples, the bond is described to be a song between the souls. The wording with Gwynriel is so similar to other mates, especially Bryce and Hunt.
i agree! it's common knowledge at this point that e/riels steal from the other ships but then try to act as if they thought of it first when, no honey, 1. there's timestamp proof and 2. no e/riel has ever been that creative or paid enough attention to canon to develop widely fanon accepted things
even if moriel wasn't meant to be a thing (and tbh i've always been iffy on it. even back in the acomaf days i didn't really see it on both ends, and i swear a fan at a signing said sjm was surprised people shipped them but meh that's a topic for another day. maybe lol), sjm made certain to show us the difference in his shadows around these two women and tell us how deeply az values them. how they're his closest friends, how they're an intrinsic part of him, how they're not going anywhere. if once, them vanishing was a good thing, it's clear that's no longer the case. hence why they want the shadows to love elain but i'm sorry, that's just not happening lmfao
in my opinion, love is kind and sure and calm so the fact that az's shadows calm around gwyn is a huge green flag. like az is stressed af all the time! he needs to be able to come home and be at ease, to relax and just be az. without all the fancy and terrifying titles. we got this in his bonus chapter and they're trying to say it doesn't mean anything? really?? bffr
the "you're the new ribbon, az" is such an endgame indicator in my opinion. like nesta is telling us that gwyn has her sights set on az and we know how determined gwyn is. it's over for the bread and roses ship, if it wasn't already lol. the thing is, gwyn is a sexual assault survivor, az would never dream of coming on too strong with her so if anything happens between them, the ball is in her court. and then we have az who is canonically attracted to unavailable women, whether that's a coincidence, or some subconscious thing that ties into his low self worth... i don't know but to me, it fits perfectly together. gwyn will be the one making moves on him, or at least be the one to take that first, big step, and i think that will be huge for az who constantly feels he's not worthy or good enough
regarding the blood rite and the "forbidden" romance, there's nothing of substance there. just e/riels lacking critical thinking skills as always. if rhys couldn't do anything to get the girls out, what the fuck was az supposed to do? and no one is stopping e/riel from seeing each other except az himself so... you know. clearly he doesn't care about seeing her that much
why e/riels love the idea of every major moment of their ship developing off page, i'll never know. if i were an e/riel, i'd be so pissed. the fun of romance novels is seeing the characters come together and fall in love. and sjm knows that too, clearly, she's a romance author for christ's sake lol. she's not going to have these characters fall in love, move in together and get pregnant off page. no way in hell. that's also why they can't understand that gwynriels are perfectly content with that "he wouldn't consider her a friend but..." or whatever line because, like you said, that means we'll get to see them become friends. then lovers. then mates. why wouldn't you want that?
az's shadows know everything, that's why he's such a valuable spy. they tell him things he couldn't otherwise know. that's literally explained in the books. i believe they're sentient too, they tell him to sleep when he needs to so they obviously care for him, if gwyn were a danger to az, they would absolutely warn him. also the gwyn is secretly evil theory is shit because she's in part based off of sjm's irl friends and her villains are pretty two dimensional. so yeah, that's never happening lmao. even if (big if) gwynriel doesn't happen, gwyn is safe, so they just look stupid as hell talking about "evil gingers" or whatever the fuck they say these days.
i think that after so many books, true sjm fans know when she's working her mate bond magic. no matter how much others cry about it, sjm is a fated mates author. don't like it? go find someone else's books to read. it's as simple as that
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smiggles · 1 year
This is gonna be abit of a mouthful, but I need to get it off my chest now that years have passed and we've (hopefully you have too) matured by now.
I once looked up to you, but that was a very long time ago. The trauma you caused me is irreversible. tbf I used to be a brat and if I could go back in time to backhand my younger self I would, I own up to that. But I was only a teenager, still growing and learning about myself and how to talk to others properly. Turns out I was pretty much autistic, so communication wasn't my strong point at all back then.
But even then, your two-faced behavior of proudly shitting on and bragging about how much money you were ripping off the furry community, the people who actively supported you, loved your work and paid your bills, was appalling. I had every right to call you out on it. Instead of accepting it was wrong, you sent your roommates out like attack dogs to fight your battles, defend your toxic behavior and harass me. Every time I blocked them they would find a different site to attack me on. I struggled to make friends for years after that incident, I felt I couldn't trust anyone because of what you guys did.
Years passed, and I genuinely hoped you had changed for the better, only to see a callout post during pride of all times, about your grossly acephobic attitude. I had friends who were blocked by you and didn't understand why. You need to understand your damaging actions have severe affects on real people, and when you make public apologies, the people who comment saying they forgive you don't count if they weren't the ones hurt by you. They don't speak for those affected.
I'm not looking for an apology, even if given one I probably wouldn't accept it after all the damage you've done to me. I have zero interest in you being in my life again. I just wanted to give you this perspective to get it off my chest and for you to mull on, I want you to use it to improve yourself as a person moving forward. See the wrong in your actions, how badly it affects others, and make the choice to make things right.
But that's up to you now.
Hey, I know who this is an I want you to know that I think about you often.
Read more below
Sometimes your stuff shows up on my feed or someone shares something with me that youve made because we have common interests and I think to myself Im glad theyre doing well and I hope youre surrounded by people who support you. I dont say this as a way to like Save face because this is a public anon. I would say this to you in private if I could. I was a very nasty person years and years ago and no apology will take back the pain Ive caused others from that. Especially not you. But I am sorry. I wish things could have been different. I do. For the acephobia. Yes. I was acephobic and horrible about it. I hurt a lot of people from that and cant ever take that back but know that Ive learned a lot about how to treat others and unpack the internalized hatred towards my own ace'ness and how others present themselves. I also want to say I never sent my roommates on you. That was a choice they did on their own without my knowledge. I never ever want someone to go after anyone on my behalf and while it is likely hard to believe that those who have known me these past 5-6 years can vouch that as true. I have on multiple occasions asked my friends to leave people alone I end up disagreeing with. I never name drop people I dont get along with. I dont even tell people besides my very very private close friends about what happened between me and you and that might be about 3 or 4 people at most. As for blocking? I block very liberally LOL and its almost never personal. I block people for the smallest things just to curate my social media experience. If you ever wanted to reconnect and try again Im here. And I have no hatred in my heart. I have held myself accountable all these years for things I should have done better. Handled softer. In the end Truly. Im glad youve made a beautiful career out of something you love and no matter what happens between us I hope you continue to thrive. With all my heart.
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voidsquidd · 2 months
I loved your post abt sh/ed stuff on the internet and im really glad someone is talking abt it to such extent but I wanted to ask your opinion on something. For me at least it is comforting to find people who struggle w the same stuff and have thoughts like mine I feel less alone in this world. Its hard to find ppl like that irl not only bcs ppl aren’t always open about their issues but also bcs you have to be extremely vulnerable with others to open up, talk abt it and perhaps you’ll find someone that understands you. If two friends are the same they comfort each other often feeling that they are the only ones in the world that understand each other but they also encourage each others behaviour bcs thats their life, they live off of that, they cant escape their pain. And if one of them gets clean the other will be torn for obvious reasons. I understand that young ppl are more prone to harm but they wouldn’t feel the need to sh or try to cut deeper if it wasn’t for the already existing pain. And sh or ed isn’t something that only exists online, yes it’s more glorified but they might learn it irl and due to the lack of info they might use more dangerous methods. On the internet they can learn abt aftercare, going to the er, infections, mental health institutions since irl very little ppl talk abt that, the dangers dangers of starving so they might just eat less, workout more, take their vitamins instead of going for highly destructive behaviours only bcs in their mind ‘if I dont eat I’ll be skinny’. People will always seek comfort everywhere they go and if they lack love and attention irl off they will think their groomer loves them and ‘they are mature for their age’. These are only the results of many issues and the primary thing in a persons life is the real world. Their family, friends, teachers. If all or most or even some of those people fail them they might think they have nowhere else to go so they live in the fake world that provides more comfort than the real one. If they are unable to find happiness anywhere they highly depend on the dopamine hormones that might be released through harmful stuff they see. People online who struggle w different stuff aren’t mental health professionals and cannot help themselves nor those around them. They can try but there is no guarantee that their efforts won’t go to waste or even be more harmful. They, like many people could see sui as their only way out of the pain. For some reaching out for help is not an option or they do not see it as an option. The ‘promotion’ of harmful activities are the only way for some people to validate their suffering and pain that they feel. They NEED to find comfort in something, find ppl that understand them and they unite through the mutual pain and their mutual issues. Im sorry that its so long and please correct me if any of the stuff I said is not true or harmful.
U do have valid points, which is why young kids go on it anyway. But I still believe it does more harm than good as I've seen that many times. There are places and ppl online that offer support in recovery and aftercare, who do not run shed accounts and don't glorify it, I'd recommend looking for accounts like that. Id also recommend doing research on mental health if u struggle with it as a better understanding will help u feel less alone, as well as give u better knowledge of ur behaviours and the reason behind those patterns. U can look up how to take care of a wound and find explanations for ur issues it that don't come from accounts that post their own sh and things like that. Ofc u can google how to make it worse too but you'd probably get a warning and sui hotline before any actual tips, and it's better becuz u have to look up seperate things, so if ur looking for recovery tips u won't see the opposite accidentally. Same goes for eds
As for it being from their real life and their issues, someone's real life won't have sm shed content, like u said its not common for ppl to just go and talk openly irl about it so it helps u stay away from loads of content. Like I said the internet can make u consume sm about it that it literally becomes all u think about, and hopefully irl you'd have things to distract u, even if not friends, u can try to find hobbies like reading and drawing to distract urself, or just avoiding pro shed stuff and spending ur time watching shows. I understand some ppl may have extremely abusive parents so doing anything is gonna be hard, but u don't have to go on places that spread and normalise it, there's ppl who denormlize it and talk about how they survived their abuse on places like TikTok and yt. They talk about these things and make u feel less alone but they won't promote it, show pictures, give out tips on how to get worse, they give out tips on recovery and getting thru it. One person that comes to mind is of herbs and alters on yt, she posts about her ana recovery and how it started, all the ppl she's literally had to see die becuz her friends we're also disordered.
And u mention that it's nice to have friends who can relate, but it's also good to have friends who can't but can still show sympathy for u. If two ppl struggle with sh or Ed's, they're gonna trigger each other, they're gonna relapse while they're both tryna get better and they're gonna have a very unstable relationship, where they have to keep on eye on each other and they eventually feel like they cant vent or open up becuz they'd be putting a burden on someone who is also in a bad headspace at the time. It's not healthy to have ur only support be ppl who also needs support, ur gonna end up dragging each other down. It's nice to have ppl like that but u need ppl who don't struggle as much who are willing to help, they won't get triggered or be too unstable to support u. For example if two ppl are struggling with sh and one of the relapses the other may relapse, or if one needs to vent but the other one is also doing really bad they're either gonna vent and make their friend worse or they're gonna bottle it up and make themselves worse. But if they have a stable friend who doesn't struggle, u can vent and ask for help without risking triggering that person or making them worse becuz that person doesn't have issues, at least not as many.
Basically ur support system needs to be strong enough to give u support, and if they're offering that support then going on places that will encourage u to do worse is unfair to them too, becuz they're putting in effort to help u and ur going to be triggering urself by going on sh edtwt/tblr which will give them more work to help u. And that's not even their responsibility, when u ask to vent, ur asking someone to step up and help u, they have no need to say yes, it's their choice whether they do or not and if u don't put in effort, they shouldn't put in effort to help u. Ur putting pressure on them, and ofc if they're in a stable place and want to help they should, but if u keep looking at sh or thinspo, and getting triggering and going to them, ur gonna tire them out and hurt them. They'll feel like their effort is wasted and either blame them selves or refuse to help becuz they see ur not avoiding triggers and are just making it worse. If u wanna get better then get off those apps and talk to ur friends who have given u consent to vent, avoid triggers and ask for help when u feel u need it.
I promise it's not hard to meet non shed friends online, so u can meet ppl who have good enough mental health to also help u becuz they don't have to worry sm about their own
And home life is tough, there's no way to just get out of an abusive situation, or make bullies leave u alone, or get irl friends if ppl don't like u, but there's ppl who can relate to that who won't tell u it's fine to hurt urself, I have met most my trusted friends online and they support me and each other, there's so many different types of ppl and some of them will have similar interests, u will find someone who won't judge u, u will find loads of ppl
I hope that makes sense
My dms are always open and I'm always ok answering questions ^^
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choupimaki · 1 year
I've only seen the beginning of S2 so please no spoil in the notes
So the village people.
They're Senkuu's dad's children yeah ? Well grand [...] grand children.
So first off
You guys are astronauts ! And the dad was a TEACHER ! WHY CANT THE CHILDREN WRITE
3 yo is old enough to show an interest in writing
Now you've made writing lost knowledge, well done.
I GET that the priority is surviving but it's a lot easier to remember information (ESPECIALLY 100 STORIES) if you can write them down
And the dude would clearly have been able to tear off some bark and carve it
Now the thing is, his direct children (and the other astronauts') probably already speak a weird ass English-Japanese with a bit of Russian sprinkled in pidgin/creole
Maybe that's why he didn't feel like finding new signs for phonemes he doesn't know
Cos there isn't the L from "lollipop" in Japanese nor the very common Russian ы in any of the other 2 languages
But ? That's ok ? I mean, Senkuu's dad doesn't speak that weird creole, only Japanese and English
Although not ideal he can teach them roman letters, even just phonetically (eg the letter i would always be "ee" and never "ay")
And on the subject of the language these children are speaking
There HAS to be stuff they simply didn't have words for, and language HAS to have evolved by the time Senkuu meets the village
How tf do they understand each other ?
To them Senkuu is speaking a weird super old form of their language with a strange accent
To Senkuu they're using words and phonemes he's not used to
Ofc Senkuu speaks Japanese and English, that seems obvious to his character
But I'm not sure of how well he speaks Russian
Adding onto that
Tf does the language look like ???
English, Russian and Japanese are COMPLETELY different from a grammar standpoint
English has subject-verb-object composition, Japanese has subject-object-verb, and Russian has huh .... Cases
Arguably so does English with who/wom but that's besides the point
I don't know much about Russian, I just started learning it so I'm not well versed in it but I've been studying English for 12 years and Japanese on and off for 7 years
Even dumb stuff like talking about the past in a simple way... How would they do it ? English has all these exceptions like "be, was/were, been", and simple past in Japanese is just ます to ました
A mix of these three, evolving for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, would be hardly possible to comprehend even for someone initially fluent in all 3
And even if I can suspend my disbelief to accept that Senkuu speaks all 3 and is smart enough to understand how these might've evolved and communicate with the village ... I can't believe it for other characters.
So far I haven't seen Taijuu and the other girl interacting with the village so I'm ok with it, but the mentalist guy ? Nah ain't no way bro
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salora-rainriver · 2 years
Its really funny and weird how, of all the european pagan mythologies, greek is the one white ppl know the most of by far.
Like, of course it makes sense, greco-romans were hailed as the peak of civilization by white european elites at least like, twice in history, but it’s still really wild like. We’ll know the names of every olympian and what exactly their deal is, know like 20 different random greek monsters who only appeared in like One Story,
but then u ask abt the british isles, site of a people who would eventually colonize the fucking world, and its like “uhhhhhh theres morrigan? Also some fairies. Is morrigan a fairy? I think there were some tree worshippers. Some dudes put blue paint on their body and had big shields i think?” and a book’s gonna claim there was an irish potato god and you’re going to believe them bcs you’ll be so wrapped up in the potato famine thing that you’ll forget potatos were IMPORTED FROM THE ANDES MOUNTAINS.
And then like folks will be familiar with like 4 norse gods maybe 5, know some words like asgard and ragnarok, but ask them who fenrir is and theyll be like “Is he important?”
Also if you ask them about germanic mythos they will draw a fucking blank bcs even tho the general public are familiar with at least a few germanic mythos things, we completely stripped out the germanic origins from them when we called them generic “fairy tales.” Same for france and the iberian penninsula i think. Also dont ask me which fairy tales come from where bcs i am a prime example of this, i do not fucking know, i just vaguely remember that they came from certain places and then spread from there.
Oh And absolutely FORGET about anything east of germany fucking forget about it. The slavic regions have a rich mythos and even ppl who are pretty knowledgable abt the stuff i said above won’t know shit about it, case in point, me! Go ahead! I know a bunch abt celtic stuff and norse stuff and a lill bit of german stuff, but ask me to bring up ONE slavic story! The only thing my brain is cookin up is that one about the lindwurm, and even that one i cant remember if its actually slavic!
Now Think abt how many white people claim heritage from places in europe that arent greece and italy. Think about how little those same ppl know abt their ancestor’s prechristian stories and beliefs. Im hispanic i know like one thing abt pre-christian spain and its that they had a funny word for fairies (i don’t even remember the name!), just as an example. Like isnt that fucking insane? You’d think a buncha colonizing douches competing with each other to take over the world would put a bit more effort into educating ppl abt the ancestral stories that set these guys apart from each other, but no, not really. And like dont get me wrong its not like this doesnt make sense. It does. The roman empire and later christianity overtook like all these myriad cultures years before colonialism and white supremacy was even a pipe dream, to say nothing about the internal strife that happened in the iberian peninsula and the british isles.
But at the same time, in recent years there’s been massive pushes to recover this lost culture (especially in those british isles places that arent england), and even with this effort, so much is unknown to a fuckton of people who, i repeat, claim heritage from these places. (In fact, one of those efforts probably set us back bcs it got caught up in bullshit ideology and mysticism and grabbed stuff from totally different people to support a bullshit point. Looking at you, nazis.) and it’s just kind of insane. Overall this is just a peak example to me of the hollowness and artificiality of the concept of whiteness. The master race can’t even remember their own ancestors, and ancient history had to be wiped away or made generic in order to support the notion that these people have something in common, and thus, something setting them apart from everyone else.
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kustas · 2 years
Discussion on where Witch Hat could be going
Copying here an ongoing conversation I’m having with a mutual about the latest arc of WHA - mostly about Dagda, Dean and Olruggio, and how they’re representative of distinct in-universe social groups + how this could be used in a hypothetical followup to chapter 62. Ofc, spoiler warnings. They’re A, I’m J.
J: Dagda related thoughts of the day: what I want to see in the upcoming kaiju drama of Esrest is him and the other unknowing have to team up with the witches on equal grounds to help. Dagda's a tough guy who's kind, he would lend a hand to the effort, and it'd be interesting to see - the witch I want to see him team up closely with the most is Olly because their strengths compliment each other and they're both kind people who already know each other, it would make them reflect on their place for sure...as in, Oru's probably not very strong and he's got the limited worldview of someone who does interact very regularly with common folk while as a witch, being barred from living among them. He's a magical prodigy and he's dedicated to using his skills for helping others. Dagda comparatively knows no magic, has only helped other people that we know of as taking in Custas, and is used to living among the lowest social ranks of the unknowing. But what he's good at (to simplify it, music, fighting and survival) would all be very useful things in the events of a catastrophe. Ideally I'd want both these guys working together and helping each other overcome walls one is hitting in ways that show how they live, but united by their drive to help 
A: They really would make a good team since they are so kind and willing to help, I do hope it happens, and it is quite possible since Dagda knows Coco and surely will try to help her and the girls who saved Coustas on that river incident 
J: It's worth noting Olly was the one who pulled his boy out of the carriage so he would probably have been marked by this 
A: Yes! Lets hope Shirahama thinks the same. Oru's past has something to do with some people he couldnt save, maybe Dagda can show him other ways to save people or even make him look for those who the witches tendo to forget. One very talented witch who is very caring but yet limited by the rules and one simple musician that has a lot to share wirh him ought to be such a great duo. 
A: Thats right, and also, Dean has a lot of knowledge as well, I dont think there wont be any nurses around since accidents could help in the event. So he would be of help and the others as well, in this scenario the ones who wont be of much help are the witches. And thats why the brimhats probably will show up. 
J: Dean directly helping his people as a healer would make for an awesome moment especially in contrast to what we've seen of him in the latest chapters as a manipulator with immense ambition and unclear morals 
A: My personal prediction for the upcoming chapter is that they will help people and show that the "fake witches" would most likely run away when danger is near. In that way people would no longer feel safe around the pointed hats. Dean is a King and there are all other Kings and Queens there to see this all happening, it is an opportunity they wont miss to show power level difference 
I think Dean wouldnt let his people behind for his sake, because he needs them for his ambtions and it would be not good for him if the others saw that he is a coward or something. His people believe in him, and this trust should not be lost. With wounded individuals he could try to learn healing magic. His ancestors knew how to do it, and maybe with the help of some brimhat he could revive that type of magic once again.
Magic is not always written in books, but the thing is: Dean must be doing his researches and taking notes of what he tries to emplement, maybe there are notes of his ancestors in a book inside the castle, since magic cant be used there and cant interfere, maybe there are details that even the tower of books dont have. Brimhats also do experiments, if they fuse what they have by now, I wouldnt be suprised healing will be a thing again.
J: Given his status and background I'm convinced Dean absolutely does research on magic and has some sort of collection of available information, but most of it probably got erased after the Day of the Pact. That being said, even if he's sus, would he use his people? Despite the manipulating we haven't seen him being a bad king. You can argue the poverty of some parts of the kingdom illustrated by the slums of Esrest is his fault, but irl that's happened with most governments. We've seen him work against witches only and now know it's to get a hand on their power. He wants a share of the magic cake, which could be prompted by knowing about his ancestry and what they could be capable of. Witches knowing the magic history that got erased in the minds of the people post-pact, it makes sense they'd gatekeep it. But...in practice, we've only seen Dean make medical experimentations and the death of his patient was a failure. He at least wants to heal people. Of course there's a billion ways this could be used for evil, we don't know that yet. If he was a cruel ruler, I feel we'd know...
A: Maybe he is not intending to use it in a bad way, for him it would only be for the benefits of the population. I think he wouldnt be a cruel king to his population, but as Beldaruit said once he is not very reliable. That gets me to ask: who are his people in his point of view? Those in poverty dont seem to be in his sight, thus I dont think he counts them as his people, and maybe they might be the ones for research, since nobody would miss them. 
J: Classic nobility buisiness, lol
That's why I think of Olruggio in particular too, as a witch. Bel is wise but sheltered, in a way. He quite literally almost never leaves the Hall. His job is to oversee *witches* and their education which by extension gives him the political power that's behind why he's invited to interact with the unknowing. Comparatively Olly interacts with them all the time. His clients are unknowing. We know he prefers doing work for the common folk and that he does it often enough to be some sort of celeb. His paths were in Coco's small neighbouring town! We know witches are mandated to do public utility work but he's the only one who's renown for it. Those in poverty are in his sight, but he's a witch...Dean is an unknowing, but a noble...
But yeah, regarding Dean, I'd love to learn more about his own take on what his job is. Which he's given an occasion of manifesting on a silver platter here. What better spotlight for showing your motivations as a ruler than your people all united to witness a giant blood monster bust your castle open  
A: Coustas once stated that the noble dont seem to look after those in the slums, thats why I think Dean doesnt care that much and knows how to use people for his and his people benefits. He seems like a wise leader and to never miss opportunities. Oru is the death red flag n°2, as Dagda was death red flag n°1, and well... he went for it. Hope Olruggio doesnt die. 
lol the king and his people united by a inky bloody monster ruining everything will be so interesting to see. Just hope his wife and son are safe from the trouble. Good thing they are all in the same place.
J: Huh, where did Custas say that? I remember he says he grew up looked down by people from higher social classes but that's it
A: It was that part, actually. If we analise how this is in our own word we can see that people in higher social classes almost never see the problems other face. Thats why I think it can be seen as "nobles dont seem to look after those in the slums." Because it doesnt affect them directly.
Thats how society is. Thenmajority of people that are stable are not always looking at others that arent. Sometimes because they really cant, as citizens. But the goverment or the leaders, whose work is to attend the needs of populations, dont do the best they can to help that people (that are as well their people and should be treated as such).
J: WHA has spoken extensively about that part, haha. Thank you spokesman Custas! Actually wondering if an upcoming catastrophe on Esrest would bridge the gap between classes or push further down the downtrodden. After all so far the only damage has been on the castle. I do wanna learn more about the mud slums, it's interesting to note the people there are hinted towards having resentement towards the Knights, it's probably the case for nobles too.
A: I think the mud slums will be brought up a lot until the end of WHA. And I dare to say magic is going to be in the hands of everyone again, just like the old time. Is it dangerous? Yes. Will it be benefitial? Yes. Thats what WHA is all about, causes and consequences, nothing is always right nor wrong. There are no bad side or good side for now.
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lilietsblog · 3 years
In honor of just how epically my Russian name post blew up, here’s how you can make up your own Russian names
To be clear, most actually used Russian names are borrowed from Greek or Hebrew and Russianified, so the names you make up by THIS method won’t be common or occasionally even pre-existent. This is for when you want to make up a fantasy not-Russia that’s still clearly Russian in language but doesn’t have the same greek-borrowing history. It’ll sound antiquated, alt-history, slightly weird and definitely Russian as all heck.
Set of first halves:
- Vladi (means “power/ownership”)
- Yaro (means “passionately”)
- Veli (means “great”)
- Sviato (Svyato) (means “saint/sacred”)
- Miro (means “peace/world”)
- Meche (means “sword”)
- Tverdo (means “hard” as in “not soft”)
- Gordi (means “pride”)
- Bole (means “pain”. no i dont know why this one gets used either)
- Gore (means “grief/bitter”, see above)
- Slavo (means “glory”)
- Sveto (means “light”)
- Milo (means “dear” or “lovely”)
- Yasno (means “clear”)
- Vero (means “faith”)
- Liubo (Lyubo) (means “love”)
- Kraso (means “beauty”)
- Rado (means “joy”)
- Vole (means “will”)
- Zare (means “dawn” though the wordroot can also refer to dusk when specified. it specifically means the thing when its brighter in the sky than not in the sky. What you see when there’s a city or a bright fire in the distance is called a word produced from the same root)
- Vedi (means “knowledge”; note: I just made this one up, I have never seen an actual name with this. However it fits the scheme and will sound reasonable to a native speaker, and the goal is still to produce NOT common names)
- Zvezdo (means “star” and I made this one up too)
- Ogne (means “flame” and I might have seen this one or I might have made it up idk at this point)
- Snego (means “snow” and i 100% made this one up and its not a thing. Sounds nice though)
- Deye (means “action” and I’m only half certain this one’s a thing. It’ll definitely sound nice though, again)
- Medo (means “honey” and we’re completely off the rails here folks)
- Isto (means “sincerity” and im ALMOST sure this one is a thing. Almost)
- Pravdo (means “truth” and this one is 100% not a thing but it can be if you want to)
- Dobro (means "good" or "kind")
- Rati (means "army")
- Brati (means "brother")
- Vse (means "all")
- Zlato (means "gold")
- Liuto (Lyuto) (means "fierce")
- Stani (means "war camp")
EDIT: more contribution from @archtroop
- Diko (means “wild”)
- Bogo / Bog (means “god”) (usually would be “Bogo” but “Bogdan” and “Bogdana” are pre-existent)
- Vieche (means “age”, “era” or “century”)
Set of second halves:
- mir or mira (male/female respectively)
- slav or slava (same)
- bor (just male) (means "struggle" or “deep dark forest”)
- dar (just male) (means “gift”)
- mil or mila (again same) (see above for meaning)
- lad or lada (same and means “harmony”)
- liuba (lyuba) (just female; adding this in the male form just makes a regular word that means ‘[thing]-lover’, like “slavolyub” -> guy who likes glory)
- rad or rada (see above)
- slov (means “word”)
- ust (means “mouth”)
- polk (means "regiment")
- gor (means "mountain")
- vid (means "one who sees")
- voy (means "warrior").
EDIT: more contribution from @archtroop
- mor (means “death”, “plague”)
- dan or dana (means “given”)
Pronunciation guide: all “a” like “u” in “duck”, all “e” like in “best”, all “i” like in “ship” or “sheep” (same sound in Russian). Gore - go-reh, Bole - bo-leh, etc. “ia”/”ya” when its after a vowel or at the start of the word is as in “Bianca” and if its after a consonant is like “nya” but will probably sound like just “a” to yall native English speakers. “iu/yu” after a consonant sounds exactly like the german ü.
Obviously don’t go Moon Moon, Slavoslav and Miromir aren’t valid names. Generally these’ll sound nicer if you avoid repeating consonants. Deyemil > Deyedar, etc. With that in mind, go nuts!
Names in this category that are actually common:
Vladimir, short Vova for some fucking reason, no i dont know either
Vladislav, short Vladik or Slava/Slavik
Vladislava, short Vlada
Sviatoslav, short Slava/Slavik
Viacheslav, short Slava/Slavik, which isn’t one of the roots above... I have never seen “Viache” with any other root and I don’t have any idea what it means. EDIT: apparently it’s from Vieche!
Yaroslav, short Yarik or Slava/Slavik
Stanislav, short Slava/Slavik
Vseslav, short Slava/Slavik
(Fun fact, I have an uncle Slava... and I don’t actually know what his full name is)
(Google up the name after you’ve made it up to find out how pre-existent it is. It’ll sound Russian though)
The accent/stress (v important in Russian) will usually go on the first syllable of the second half (GoresLAv, LiubomEEra), with the exception being personally Vladimir, where it’s VladEEmir. (You can also make a ‘secondary’ accent on the first syllable in sufficiently long words, so “lIUbomEEra” etc)
Notice there’s a cadence to this. By the end of that first list I was just making these up out of Russian word roots that fit the rhythm and the vague theming. Don’t Try This At Home though without an actual Russian speaker to consult: note how the vowels at the end of those are different, and I’ll be honest: I have no idea why those specifically, other than This Sounds Right.
There’s... probably more legit ones that I just haven’t remembered. I just spent an hour at work on this instead of working though so you know having to cut the exercise short and all.
Also I think that it's important for these halves to have at least some sense together. For example, Medo- part, I belive, would be plausible in something like "Medoust" or "Medoslov" — a way to depict a person who is good with words — but "Medopolk" would have absolutely zero sense (at least if he is not an actual bee).
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wisteria-lodge · 3 years
exploded bird + lion secondary (badger model)
Good afternoon Wisteria! I was hoping for your input with my sorting. This MAY become a novel, and i apologize ahead of time for that. Hopefully its interesting, if nothing else.
I am having trouble with both my primary and secondary. Ive thought i had it figured out so many times and then i would reanalyze myself and get confused. So i guess ill start with primaries. I can tell you for sure that i am not a snake primary. I just cant love another person quite like that. I grew up in a very snake primary environment and never felt i really fit in. I really appreciate snakes and i understand them, but i dont think i am one. I also very much pride myself on my individuality and dont bond to groups so i believe that may rule out badger. I think ive narrowed it down to exploded bird or really confused lion.
Interesting. So far so good. Let’s hear what you’ve got.
Right now in life, with all the information coming at me, all the data, all of the twists and turns, media bias, conspiracy theories, rabbit holes and objective realities, i cant figure out the truth.
… sounds like an Exploded Bird to me.
I think all theories are worth investigating and rabbit holes are fun. But i hate hypocrisy. And its everywhere.
I mean, everyone hates hypocrisy… but I think Birds find it *unforgivable.*
I cant organize all of this information.
Exploded Bird.
Dude. Whats gonna happen if deep fake becomes the norm?
eh, Photoshop has been the norm for a long time and we do okay. Some fakes have always been better than others, and there have always been fakes.
I feel like the safest thing to do is to fully understand myself. Then i can analyze and understand the world.
I would agree with that.
I would say that hands down i was an exploded bird, but i feel very strongly about things right away. But then i learn about them more and if my feelings were wrong, ok. Whatever.
This is still Bird. It’s not that Birds can’t feel strongly about things right away. They do, they just don’t feel safe TRUSTING those feelings. Instead they do… exactly what you’re describing here. Learn more, and then if it turns out their initial feelings were wrong… that’s fine, actually. The feelings are of secondary importance.
BUT i also WANT black and white. I want right and wrong. Grey, though necessary and true, bugs me.
… there’s a reason why I call young Birds Black-and-White Birds.
Deep down i crave to just understand something as it is. But one persons truth is not anothers. I get that. But it still bothers me in my bones.
That’s a very Bird primary angst. Birds can have this *fantasy* that if only everyone had all the information and thought it though properly, that everyone would come to the same (correct) conclusion. And then have to grapple with the fallout when they realize things don’t work that way. As a Lion… I’ve never had to fight that particular monster.
I can also seem like i make snap decisions based on feelings to others, but i just know what i want. If something sounds good, i want to do it. At that moment. No hesitation… i think im meshing into secondary territory here
I agree. Improvisational secondary, sounds like.
so ill just go with it. So my bedroom walls are lilac purple and my kitchen is BRIGHT yellow, because those colors sounded interesting. At that moment. I tend to jump into a project having no idea what im doing. I just thought it sounded like fun.
Comfortable making decisions on a whim, just jumping in. Very improvisational.
But thats not really a way to problem solve. When i start said project and then run into a problem, usually ill read about it, or ask someone who knows more than me. The “i know a guy” bird kind of applies here. I know how to make connections within my community and i plan for that. I think about who would be useful to know, based on my goals.
You know, this could be Bird. But I’m kind of skewing more Badger because of the emphasis on community and asking for help. And keeping an eye on ‘who is powerful, who is useful to know’ is a pretty common Badger secondary model manifestation.
But i dont think i build tools like a bird. In fact, binge watching videos on how to do something annoys me. Takes all the fun out of it.
I still think you’re an Improvisational secondary - and a Badger secondary model is *more* likely than a Bird secondary model.
I am always honest with people and i like that about me, but its not out of some need to stay true to myself. Its just because i have learned that honesty works the best most of the time.
So not Lion *primary* then. This is all about method. You don’t lie, because you don’t find it to be a very practical problem-solving method. Being very direct does work, so at this point… Lion is more likely than snake.
Now, dont get me wrong, i am an excellent liar. But only if its on the fly.
Hmm. Maybe a Snake who’s in neutral all the time?
This conflicts big time with my primary, however, so i rarely ever do.
Interesting. Lying conflicts with your (hypocrisy hating) Bird primary, so you don’t do it. Instead you are very direct, and that works well for you. You *can* lie (on the fly) but you generally don’t. Neutral Snake? Snake secondary model? Depending on how you define lying, could even be Courtier Badger. (I am ruling out constructed Actor Bird.)
I feel like ive gone all over the place in a highly disorganized way, so i will state that now i am going to give some anecdotal data. One time, as an adult, i was hanging out with a bunch of kids on a hayride. A little boy killed a butterfly. I was outraged. I called him out. I told him that he just took away the only life that creature would ever have and that was cruel.
Very loud Idealist primary.
This somehow turned into a question and answer school session about human biology, mammals and why on earth is water in a cup clear, but when you dive into the ocean, its blue?
Some kind of social secondary… and I know the obvious thing is to say 'trotting out a lot of facts, that’s bird.’ But I’m seeing you defuse a situation by leveraging your immediate community (Q&A session)? Badger.
I like being the person that gets the scary bugs out of the house because i feel brave when i do.
Sounds pretty Lion secondary.
When in an emergency situation i completely disconnect and become a calm, knowledgeable person.
This is actually a pretty common just, human thing. When things get bad enough, your lizard brain takes over, and everything is very calm and dreamlike.
I suddenly magically know what needs to be done and work with my environment.
Improvisational secondary.
Im also very aware of how everyone else is doing in that situation and i have an innate need to make people feel better so im usually the first to lighten the mood. Ill focus on others before myself if im hurt. Im more aware of how they are doing than how i am doing and i will make an effort to help them first.
Ah yes, the 'tend and befriend’ threat response. Very familiar. And yeah, going from this description I’m going to say very social badger.
In video games… skyrim is best here i think. I want to be a sneaky mage thief. But when something attacks me, without thinking i run right up to it and hit it with my fists without armor.
lol lion. (The classic Badger secondary strategy is BUFF ARMOR. I always play tanks.)
But i get really sad if its an animal.Those wolf whimpers get to me every time.
No one likes the wolf whimpers.
Ok. Ok. Ive rambled enough. Thank you for reading! Any input is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Exploded Bird, easy. And probably a Lion secondary with a very social Badger secondary model that’s working well for you.
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fedonciadale · 4 years
I read a J0nerys meta today, and they said Jon & Sansa couldn’t unite the 7K because they’re both Northerners, but isn’t that beside the point? Bran will most likely be KoT6K. Jonsa would serve to unite the North & consolidate claims on Winterfell, esp if Jon was legitimized (but I strongly believe it would be a love match first). If his Targ heritage is revealed, any legitimacy as a Stark vanishes and he can’t bring the North to Dany by marriage. I cant see Jon as KoT7K, ever. Thoughts?
Hi there!
Before season 8 aired, I thought that Jon and Sansa would be perfect as King and Queen because Jon has a claim to the seven kingdoms as Rhaegar’s son and Sansa a claim to the North as Ned’s eldest daughter. J0neryii seem to forget that Jon’s has only a very weak claim to the North, once RLJ becomes known as you pointed out.
I actually thought that this would happen. But with the show ending, it looks like GRRM wants to eliminate Targ rule once and for all. I must admit that I have no idea how Bran will end up to be King of the South, but I guess an election will come into play, because Bran’s claim via inheritance is non existent.
With Bran becoming King of the 6K, Jon cannot be King in the North and it is highly doubtful if he would be accepted as Sansa’s consort and that is simply because of his claim to the Iron Throne. That does not go away. Jon’s claim to the Iron Throne can only become invalid, if he joins the Night Watch again. Not that he would be really a threat to Bran, but people might still try to rally around him.
I think this might be foreshadowed by Aemon Targaryen, the older brother of Aegon who refused the crown and went to the Wall so that he could not be used against his brother. And Aegon the Unlikely was also raised by a Great Council.
So, a Great Council elects Bran and Jon goes to the Wall to protect his younger ‘brother’ from his claim.
Sansa on the other hand, does not need to marry her cousin to consolidate her claim, because she is the eldest surviving child of Eddard Stark. If Jon and Sansa are not meant to unite the 7K again through their marriage, there is no need for them to marry.
I admit that by now my hope is that Sansa will have the Lord Commander as her lover and that she will have his children. But that can’t become common knowledge, because Jon’s children would be a threat to the Throne in the South because of their claim. It might be that after two decades of Bran ruling successfully people might get accustomed to the idea of an elected king, but that is far from certain. 
A political Jonsa marriage makes only sense, if Jon wants to stake his claim in the South and wants to ensure the North’s backing - something I was quite sure would happen.
With endgame Bran king of 6K and Sansa Queen in the North, Jon’s claim is dangerous and they must come up with something to annihilate his claim.... And Jon voluntarily joining the Night’s Watch is a possibility. In that case, any union with Sansa can only be motivated by love. I think this is what awaits them: Love, but no marriage.
Sansa’s thought “No one will ever marry me for love” is clear foreshadowing. She’ll probably stay unmarried, but I sincerely hope, she will at least be loved.
I really think that Jonsa as rulers of Westeros would have been the perfect ending, but here we are. GRRM has certainly reduced the sweet parts of the “bittersweet” ending....
Thanks for the ask!
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Marinette and Anxiety
First, lets count all the things Marinette has that Adrien doesn’t have:
She has a healthy and positive home environment
Both of her parents are living, active presences in her life
Tom and Sabine love Marinette unconditionally
On top of having loving parents she has extended relatives who care deeply for her
she is allowed to go out and have friends over
going to public school is treated as a necessity rather than a privilege
she has, to some degree, or at least more so than Adrien, knowledge of socializing and is able to perceive signals better
she is on good terms and has a history with almost all of her classmates
she is allowed to explore her hobbies
she is allowed to choose her own occupation 
she has the freedom to do whatever she wants with her schedule outside of school and curfew
I could go on but I trust my point is clear? Marinette is blessed with many of the things Adrien has been denied. Worse, everything listed above falls under the category of “normal” “common decency” or “necessity.”
Long post is long and I don’t like cuts because I’ve lost a few posts in the past using them. Please filter the tag “long post” i use it for walls of texts like this one.
But Mari’s life, despite being vastly different and more fulfilling than Adrien’s, isn’t perfect.
In order to understand Mari’s struggles we need to take a look at her history.
We see in Origins that Marinette has been the target of Chloe’s bullying for a long time—three years or perhaps even longer. As is the case with many victims of bullying she lacked the courage and confidence to stand up for himself and more or less suffered in silence until Alya encouraged her to fight back.
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Something to understand about bullying: it drastically warps someone’s perspective. Not only in how they view themselves but the people and environment around them. The end result? Some form of isolation and possibly PTSD. Bullying victims tend to be either physically/mentally withdrawn, or both.
Not a lot is known about Mari’s life before the Origins episode, but given that none of her classmates stood up to Chloe except Alya, we can infer that they have grown accustomed to Chloe’s treatment of Mari and are likely not especially close with her at this point in time. 
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In her “In defense of Chat Noir” video, Toon Ruins states that Adrien isn’t especially close with his classmates yet either, saying he is “that friend that your mutual friends invite along and is just kinda there.” Its not unreasonable to presume that Mari was in that spot before she became Ladybug, befriended Alya, and developed enough confidence to stand up for herself as well as others.
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It would also help explain why her friends were so quick to doubt her when Lila accused her in the Ladybug episode. Despite everything she’s done for them between Origins and Ladybug, they simply haven’t been close for very long and as Alya pointed out the evidence “was stacked against her.” Of course Alya and Adrien believed her because they are closer with Mari than practically any of her other classmates.
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Adrien glaring at Lila when Marinette calls out to him for help. I cannot~~~~
Of course there was another, more obvious reason they doubted her: her feelings for Adrien and how intense she is when acting on them, which as Alya puts it served as her supposed “motive” for “hurting Lila.”
Marinette has often been seen crossing lines that are better off left uncrossed when it comes to Adrien. Her friends, especially the girls, are even somewhat aware of how intense these feelings are. (i.e. Alex’s comment during Gigantitan “Marinette knows a lot about Adrien it’s kinda creepy”).
More often than not, Mari wants to go somewhere mainly for the sake of seeing Adrien. Examples of this are when she’s supposed to wait for Nadja to come pick up her cake and during Simon Says when she is grounded for valid reasons . Often times there is some obligation involved—her promise to show up at Alix and Kim’s challenge and her promise with Nino in Simon Says—but chances are if Adrien weren’t there she wouldn’t want to go so bad (until an akuma showed up that is).
Something to understand about this: Mari has little to no opportunity to see Adrien. Worse, her history of being bullied and her previous status as an “acquaintance” rather than a “close friend” gives her at least some modicum of understanding about his situation. She empathizes with Adrien and cares for him, and is aware of his loneliness. During her life before Ladybug she likely longed for someone who would comfort and console her, and yeah probably found some relief with her mom given how Sabine seems aware of Chloe’s treatment of her daughter.
 But Adrien has no one, and knowing that makes Mari all the more anxious when he doesn’t show up for their social gatherings as well as driving her desire to be the source of love and comfort he so desperately needs.
I won’t deny Mari literally breaking the law for Adrien isn’t okay. Sneaking into his home, stealing his phone, and kissing his statue (its a statue in an important museum. Chances are you’re not supposed to touch those, let alone kiss them) are simply NOT OKAY things to do. A lot of this behavior earns her some hate from the fandom and some well-deserved scolding from Tikki. But rather than making me hate her, or call her a stalker, I’m mostly concerned that she doesn’t understand how bad that is. 
But Chat Blanc was a game changer. Adrien would NEVER have seen Ladybug in his room if she hadn’t taken her sweet time inspecting his belongings, smelling his pillow, etc. Meaning Adrien could have had her present and not known about Ladybug (he may have been curious as to how Mari’s gift got past security though). 
However since Marinette WAS seen by Adrien, he was able to learn her secret identity which led to this:
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This is a scenario she never expected. And as she learns this was caused by her own poor judgement, she wastes no time in saving Chat Noir, erasing her name from her gift and allowing Adrien to believe it’s a gift from his Brazilian fan club instead of from her, Marinette.
Chat Blanc was one of the last episodes of s3. Safe to say she probably won’t be breaking into anything anytime soon (theres some debate over the chronological order of the episodes, but if I recall this one takes place either in the last four or five episodes on most lists). She nearly lost her kitty for good after all--that’s not a price she’s ever been willing to pay.
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This likely wouldn’t have happened at all except Mari’s life as ladybug has caused her to become accustomed to certain behavior in order to keep her secret. Yeah Mari stole Adrien’s phone right out of his locker—and no that wasn’t okay. But remember when she stole her textbook back from Alya? Taking it right out of her bag when Alya wasn’t looking? Just so you know, in the French version, Mari tells Tikki she wrote her name in that textbook. So her secret identity was in grave danger and she had to act quickly.
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You’re damn lucky Alya didn’t crack that book open the minute she got it, Mari.
Anyhoo the point is this: Mari is applying what she has come to know as “acceptable behavior i do to protect my secret identity” to her situation with Adrien and misinterpreting it as “acceptable behavior I do to keep Adrien from possibly rejecting me and crushing my soul.” And in her head, they’re similar even though the consequences of either secret coming out are vastly different.
Really think about the context of that voicemail she sent Adrien—if she had accidentally butt dialed Adrien while taking to Tikki about her life as Ladybug and then had to go steal his phone to keep him from learning the truth the fandom wouldn’t have had nearly as much beef with her over that as she wasn’t the one who created the “secret identities rule.”
The reason the two secrets are equally crucial in keeping, in Mari’s mind, is likely due to her overwhelming anxiety. Which even before she became the Guardian of Paris and then the Guardian of Miraculous she was still an anxious person.
She didn’t have much confidence or even a large support network. But in the span of one day she was entrusted with the safety and well being of every single person in Paris.
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She didn’t believe she was cut out for being Ladybug but was denied the option of refusing the position and told to just do her best.
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She knew going out she would likely screw up the job and given her task failure wasn’t really an option.
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Then her worst fears were realized when she failed to capture her first akuma and many citizens were turned into stone statues. The only way to turn them back was to allow Ivan to be akumatized so she could defeat him and take his akuma. The very knowledge of which crippled her and caused her to give up the ladybug earrings.
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She tried to go back to her normal life but couldn’t. Ivan was akumatized, Alya’s life was in danger and Chat Noir was struggling to the point he got captured and needed her help. So she took up being Ladybug again in order to help them.
What was she supposed to do? Watch?
From the very beginning she had no say in the matter. Her life as Marinette wasn’t and isnt easy—she has plenty of her own problems but she was given a Miraculous and basically condemned to being at war with Hawk Moth indefinitely.
Ever give a thought as to why the French government allow these two vigilante teenagers to handle the situation? Because ordinary people can’t. In other words if Mari thought only of herself she would give up the fight and ignore all the ensuing damage. But she can’t. And she won’t. She has a job to do. She could give up her miraculous but that would mean taking the pressure off her shoulders and dumping it all onto someone else just as it was dumped onto her. She cant bring herself to do that and even if she could—who would she possibly give it to?
Just imagining that kind of pressure makes me want hurl from nerves. And as of the S3 finale its gotten worse as she has lost Fu, the person who could give out Miraculouses to other people in case she never comes back one day.
Hawk Moth would win. Game over. That’s what it would mean.
Ladybug and Chat Noir know what Hawk Moth winning would mean better than anyone else does. Of course they won’t walk away from this fight. But that means they have to juggle their double lives until its over, and apparently have to do it again with a second hawk moth later on in the future.
And again, even before all of this Mari had a lot she suffered from. Chloe bullying her, feeling lonely, being clumsy. Clumsiness is mortifying--it truly means suffering. Being the class clutz is like being the class laughingstock. Mari seems to handle it fairly well.
 Until she’s around Adrien. I mean look at her!
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Poor girl can’t stand looking so uncool in front of her crush. Even though he seems to find her clumsiness endearing.
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Going off what was said in my “Debunking: Adrien is perfect” post, Marinette is hyper-sensitive to Adrien’s situation despite not really knowing the full extent of his suffering. 
Marinette doesn’t know Gabriel is Hawk Moth either, but she does understand Adrien is lonely, isolated and in need of a source of love and comfort. She also understands to some degree that his heart is delicate, so she constantly handles him with kid gloves and looks on him with a perfection filter. We see how Mari reacts to upsetting Adrien in Malediktator when she softly whispers an apology after Adrien expresses his sorrow over everyone celebrating Chloe’s departure. She seems pained and distraught over causing him to be upset. Thus the reason Marinette calls Adrien perfect isn’t that she never sees any of his flaws--she just cannot acknowledge or process them under these conditions. She’s too busy trying not to hurt him. 
Marinette can comprehend Adrien’s situation, couples that with her own past experiences of bullying/ loneliness/ being a clumsy laughingstock. That combined with her love for him and her anxiety-warped common sense, led to the behavior which has earned her some disapproval from the fandom at large.
 But really? Marinette’s not a terrible person. Anymore than Adrien is.
 Adrien’s sometimes-obnoxious-flirting is brought on by his desire to “not look lame” in front of Ladybug. Ergo, his own insecurities are amplified around her because he too lacks confidence.
 Likewise Marinette’s stammering and clumsiness are amplified around Adrien, as is her anxiety and her desire to be cool in front of him.
 They both feel they have to prove themselves to the other in some regard. And they both have past and present experiences that have left them hurting and/or warped their judgement in some ways. 
 This doesn’t make Mari’s irrational behavior any more acceptable than Adrien’s troubles make his leading Kagami on and lying to Ladybug acceptable. It’s not acceptable. But Mari is no more deserving of hate than Adrien is.
They’re just a couple of stressed out kids, folks
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
You know i just thought about it (I forget a lot that this is a hogwarts au 😅😅😅) yoonyn are wizards/witches which means they are somewhat intelligent (ya know casting spells and whatnot) so how in the world have they not figured out they like each other??? Does love knowledge just not exist in wizard/witch language??? Do they not have a 'need more brain cells so i can figure out my feelings without blaming the alcohol' potion they can poof it on themselves???
Listen I love Yoonyn and I love today's chapter but,,, now we gotta ask the daily question of how and why they aren't together yet,,,,
okay listen i actually think about this so often and i didnt know how to put it into words but im gonna TRY --
basically,,,, they really arent at the point of realizing that what they feel is Not Platonic Affection
and that sounds really stupid but also they are really stupid!
but at the same time, all they really know when it comes to each other is Affection, right? theyve always had a relationship that is deeper than any of the friendships they have with the rest of the group. so they already were aware that their dynamic is special because of that. but if thats all theyve known, then,,, falling into another dynamic that's special (romantic) isnt really,,, i guess enough of a change in their current relationship for them to register that its happening.... and that doesnt make any got damn sense so im gonna try again--
basically, between "normal" friends, there are lines. there are lines you dont cross in physical affection and also emotional affection -- things like saying i love you, holding hands, cuddling, etc. yes these friendships definitely exist and are probably fairly common tbh, but in the case of this friend group, yn would never even think of doing these things with tae, joon, jimin, or jin. even with jk, it never crosses her mind to do those things UNTIL the romance aspect starts, and even then, theres a progression they need to get through in order to reach, say, the i love you stage.
these lines dont exist with yoonyn at ALL, and thats why in blossom, when yn calls them best friends, yoongi corrects her jokingly that theyre platonic soulmates, but he def wasnt joking. because even best friends have some boundaries, and these two just,,, never even considered a version of themselves that had those boundaries. theyve always just Been Like That. this weird middle ground of lineless existence lmao
ofc, there are physical affections which are just very clearly attached to romance like kissing and sex, right. but the depth of the emotional attachment that comes with romance is something they already HAD, which says a lot about jk's (poorly handled) jealousy. so once they start "dating", literally nothing changes about yoonyn except the physical stuff they start doing together. nothing about their emotional attachment changes in a way thats noticeable or perceivable enough for them to consider "hm this might be something more".
but because of this new dynamic theyre pretending to have, their actual dynamic is changing little by little. and if theyd been "normal" friends to begin with, they would have noticed it a LONG time ago. but they cant tell the difference between platonic and romantic affection with each other, because theyve always had a bond that makes it difficult to distinguish. what that says about the "label" of their relationship all these years,,,, ill leave that to you
but to them, theyre actually genuinely still just friends, and they actually believe that these new feelings that pop up here and there in random moments are things that can be attributed to these new physical forms of affection that theyre practicing and that its just something to get used to. and as for yn, whos actually experienced these emotions before bc shes actually been in a relationship, she's not even realizing that the little glimpses of romantic affection she's feeling for yoongi are the same that she felt for jk once, both bc its been so long since shes genuinely felt those things for jk bc they were super not doing great toward the end, and also bc these feelings arent,,, necessarily different enough from her normal perception of yoongi for her to realize its not platonic love.
basically, what im trying to say is, they REALLY wont be able to get this on their own, even when they start having real feelings for each other. because theyre stupid. and even the things they feel during spicy moments are just physical attraction, which isnt the same as romantic attraction. so even once they (finally) accept that theyre attracted to each other, it still,,,,, wont exactly be enough. so theyre gonna need some help.
and its definitely gonna come in the form of an accidental realization made because of their friends who Genuinely think theyre dating LMAO
tldr ; boundaries dont exist so yoonyn Cant See It Happening
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Tea party headcanon
Includes: All obey me characters except solomon, and barbatos
Genre: Fluff
Tags: Fluff, Tea party theme, Pink Pastry and Pekoe Parlour! Au, general
A/N: This is a celebration cause I happen to like my new formatting. If anyone wants to be added to the taglist then just send in an ask please!
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-He’s actually the one that invites you and the brothers to the tea party.
-Makes sure everyone is at least properly dressed
-A mother of 7 children cause that includes you 😌
-Hates it here the moment levi said he’d wear something from some anime about a ‘demon’ butler, mammon saying that he did NOT steal the precious fine china set and beel having that look on his face that says “If I dont eat everything on the damn table, Im eating everyone else.”
-Either drink pure black coffee or chamomile
-if He drinks an ocean of chamomile but no amount of ‘calming’ tea can help save this poor stressed demon who just thought he could finally get a small break and have a lovely afternoon tea with diavolo.
-I wont be surprised if he’s even payed 200,000 grim worth of damage on the place due to his whole family
-Satan thought it was a good idea to exchange salt with sugar but he avoided this cause he...he looked into satan’s eyes while he drank his bitter black coffee with no sugar or cream.
-Gold laced bone china that costs about 500 grim a cup? Sold.
-He didn’t want to go but apparently he saw something that had caught his eye ❤️
-He was always invited to be the man servant at the witches’ tea parties so he kinda thought it was boring
-Did not realize how much he liked fruit teas until he came here
-Did not bother to even wear anything fancy as requested😤
-Probably tried stealing some stuff 😔
-He is on his 3rd cup of fruit tea and the orange chiffon cake but STILL denies that he liked being there.
-Chiffon cake is his thing but he will never admit that so instead he goes for regular old bread
-Defensive over paying the bill but he gives in a bit cause lucifer had to pay for the fucking stuff he stole 😤
-Was fucked with cause diavolo was actually paying and not them
-Im sorry...sebastian michaelis who? I only know levi in a stuffy butler suit
-Speak like he’s talking to his masters but still trash talks mammon
-“I thumb my nose to you, unrefined scum.”
-For some reason...I cannot stress this enough...He loves...Lolita tea parties.
-Probably a Lizzie fan from Black buttler
-He strikes me as the type to drink matcha or a classic earl grey for the aesthetic but drinks bladderwack tea due to how common it is when he was at sea
-he drinks his tea in a typical lolita designed porcelain tea cup and is charmed by it so he takes 50 photos of the set for his live journalng blog.
-A refined gentleman who wore appropriate clothing and brought a book
-He brought a little sacket or his own spice
-He usually drinks chamomile to calm down but occassionally drinks lattes but this time since it was a tea party he settled on...wait for it...
-Ethiopian spiced tea! More specifically Cardamom milk tea in the hottest temprature it can handle
-Him and asmo like their teas hot
-Satan makes me think that he goes for finger sandwiches instead of cakes or pastries.
-Has a book with him and actually his books have tea leaves in them as well because he likes the book smell with the Lapsang Souchung tea
-The ideal guest until he tried to play a prank on lucifer
-would you believe me if I told you he walked in there wearing slim dark slacks, creamy white silked dress shirt and a pastel plum ribbon tie that makes me drool?
-He looks gorgeous and he knows it! And every waiter/guest there is trying to get his number! 🥺
-I can see him originally drinking assam tea but he switches between that and a very specific order of butterfly pea flower tea with 1 cube of white sugar, 1 mint leaf within a minimalistic see-through tea set
-definetely a fan of berliner or a good chilled charlotte
-Indulges in conversations with simeon, solomon, barbatos and luke like the classy boys they are
-Drinking their tea like that, gossipping like mid 19th century wives in england
-probably laughs at the more energetic people
-Has the other guests at the parlour just senting him in something sweet only for their hearts to be crushed as asmo hands the sweet gifts to his sweet beloved younger brother
-You know why he’s here
-Asmo’s personal pastry trash can
-Hungry baby is eating a whole cake by himself ❤️
-Living the dream on his 4th cake btw
-Likes Cannoli sicillianis and Chou à la crème A.K.A profiterole or french cream puffs! He likes custard inside it
-He’s not very picky on his food but he does refuse to drink matcha tea without milk
-The type to be drinking something like dandelion root tea or peppermint tea
-This is the reason he can eat food faster. Please stop him. Please.
-Surprisingly even though he doesnt like matche he keeps green tea so he can gives some to belphie to help keep him awake.
-He tries to wear something nice so...Hahahaha Enjoy beel in a thick dark blue sweater
-He cant contain his cute little hair 🥺
-Uses a tea cup the same size as a mug and a dinner plate instead of a dessert plate
-Gets destracted by the pretty flowers and thinks of lilith ✨
-Im sorry...Private booth with a couch please?
-He likes nuts cause they make up for his lack of serotonin and plus sleepy
-His tea is either chamomile to calm him or something like green tea to wake him up
-Only drinks green tea that beel gives cause beel knows exactly what to wake belphie up with
-He’s old fashioned he likes his tea in a some porcelain or clay though a preference is not a requirment
-Sleepy boy like private booths and resting himself on beel who’s just munching away but when he’s awake he does join the mid 19th century wives group
-Talks shit about most of the brother, except beel cause beel though a demon is still angelic.
-Has a great time there cause he’s reminded of when him and his twins were playing tea parties
-Does not dress for the occassion cause who gives a fuck
-Has told stories or at least recalled the times that lilith has made them pretend there was tea in the cup while they tried to point out that there was in fact none
-Polite boy that helps set up some of the servers and praises them
-ASSAM TEA YOU CANT CONVINCE ME ON THIS. He loves the taste honestly and he thinks he likes it so much more when there’s milk with it. Likes 1 cube of sugar on it and likes it bit more on the hotter side.
-Another one who enjoys sandwiches more than pastries though please dont tell luke.
-Likes the tea party so much that he wants to host one with luke so they can invite micheal and the other angels.
-Wears something nice but still a bit more appropriate.
-Probably the next host for the tea party
-does not shit talk or gossip bad stuff be he likes to join the conversations
-Adores watching luke pick flowers at the indoor garden
-He is such a grateful person that he also brings his own sugar cookies ❤️
-He likes scones!!!! he likes em with lots of cream and blueberries
-The type to drink some sweet tea however he swears by candyleaf as the ultimate drink for him. If there’s no candy leaf though he can always go for fruit teas and something that kicks like orange blossom sponge cakes 🥺
-Dont look at me like he wouldnt play with the flowers and explore the indoor gardens while simeon calls him and he’s already back with sweet butterflies crowding him like the most adorable angel ever
-Joins the adult table cause...h-he’s...he’s old enough 🥺👉👈 (It’s really cause simeon needs to take care of him)
-He might not like devildom but he can say that the ambiance in that place wasnt absolutely breathtaking
-Wants to recreate the sweets here as well
-The host of the party and is currently tending to everyone in conversation
-He thinks he should do these more often due to how successful they are in bringing everyone together
-Brought barbatos cause only barbatos can make his special tea since the ingridients are rare to fine
-His tea? Bolivia black✨his tastes are complex yes I know
-goes on board with orange food and dark chocolate. He is so exquisite, bro. An orange-scented short bread with finely tempered dark chocolate is the best thing he pairs with that black tea.
-Has a grand time trying to give luci some of his sweet shortbread but ultimately the other demon refuses 😔
-Just fucking say yes, luci. Stop being a pussy already
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Taglist: @yamaguchi-stan (Special thanks to her for my knowledge in this stuff),
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
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Its a bit too late for that buddy.. She’s probably begun sobbing at this point..
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I was into Undertale! For quite a while actually. If you scroll down far enough, you’ll find plenty of angsty skelebros content. Or you could just find the posts through my archive. :} 
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You know what? If you offered some magnets and some glowing stars to her, she would look cheered up and would want to take them..
But then you’d say its because she’s a hero that you’re giving them to her.
She would pause, and then retract her hand. “Thank you.. but.. I’m no hero..” She’d say. “..not anymore..”
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mmm, yummy tears of anguish.
Anyway, no worries. She’ll get a hug from her hubby if he returns.. If he returns.
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Aw man, the analysis you wrote is so cute! (*´∀`*)
I had fun drawing the little duckies, they look so cute on them! If only I had one for Red Van and everyone else..
And yeah, poor Escort XD His engine is very small and weak, so he’s really hauling aft to keep up with the others. Like, Suburban is, well, a Suburban. Ratchet is an Ambulance and Volvo has a turbo in his engine, all of them are way faster than his hollow little legs.
Volvo and Ratchet make a good duo don’t they? :} Their personalities are very similar and they have a lot in common. The biggest difference between them being their alt modes and their age. Volvo is pretty young compared to Ratchet. So while all of Volvos medical knowledge/training is mostly fresh in his mind, Ratchet has it engraved into his very being.
Since Ratchet is the eldest, knows this planet better than any of them, and has the most medical experience out of them all, he always takes the lead where ever they go.
And yeah! XD Suburban is HUGE ain’t he? Have you seen the height chart yet?
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The black names are my Autobot OCs, the blue names are the real team prime members, and the red names are my Decepticons OCs.
But just LOOK at Suburban! He’s taller than Bulkhead! :O You can compare everyone to each other. How tiny Escort is compared to the other medics, how big, Big Blue really is, how small Red Van is compared to Suburban. How small Volvo is compared to Ratchet.
Man.. I cant imagine the discrimination their kind must face. A lot of us humans are rotten and shame each other for different skin tones. Just LOOK at the Transformers!! All completely different shapes, sizes and especially colors! Man, I don’t even want to think about it.
Anyway, yeah the comic was supposed to be really sad and focused on Red Van, but I’m glad someone pointed out the other aspects of the comic. :}
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That is my guilty addiction lol. And you’re welcome!
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He would be devastated for that poor man. He would be crushed on a whole another level that some poor innocent human experienced the same pain that he did.
After you told him it was just a story, he would relax a little. But boy did you get his spark rate up. He would be thankful that its just a tale.. but he’d just.. look so depressed for the rest of the day. 
You just reminded him of the pain he experienced and is still experiencing.
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Fuuhuhuhuhuu ψ(`∇´)ψ I’m glad!! >:}
No but really, Suburban will be sure to give her all the hugs and kisses if he returns.
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Yeah.. the traditional drawings just.. didn’t get as much love as digital ones. I wanted to be noticed more so.. I kind’a just switched over time. 
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Evil Stanley? Impossible! D:
But for real, sorry, in case you haven’t noticed.. I haven’t drawn Gravity Falls in a looong time and don’t really take requests from series’ I’m not into at the moment..
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*winded* T H A N K S
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In case you missed some or others want to read them, I managed to find some of my headcannon posts.
A sickly sweet headcannon about how Ratchet got his alt form as an ambulance.
A Ratchet headcannon that talks about how he starves himself for the betterment of his team.
Here’s a headcannon type thing about the kids sticking magnets to the Autobots.
Here’s a mini story type thing that is an extension of the magnet headcannon.
Here’s my OCs reacting to those glow in the dark star thingies if it counts. 
I believe there may be more.. but those are the ones I got for now, sorry, XD..
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I.., what??? I don’t know.. wait, hold on.. I found a post by an account that I wont share the name of, but it reads this:
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THIS GUY??? H-How was I supposed to know that?? D:>??
I haven’t watched the Bayverse movies in ages, and don’t remember any of the Decepticons except for Megatron himself!
Okay okay okay, wait. Back to the very first ask.
You said you wanted to send someone from Antarctica to give Suburban and Escort a hug right? But he’s a Decepticon though. Obviously he’s just going to try to kill them.. and Escort unfortunately wouldn’t be much of a challenge.. But Suburban? He’d probably decapitate him for a second time of he tried to “hug” them?? 
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cafe-enchante · 4 years
Do you think the cast of Cafe Enchante would get along with the cast of Code Realize? How about with the cast of Collar Malice or Piofore?
Funfact I havent actually beaten Collar Malice or Piofore yet XD (I'm working on it) so I cant answer for those.
As for Code and Cafe...
Sissi and Kororo best bros for LIFE and you can fight me on this one.
I want to say Misyr would get along with Arsene the most because Canon Route.
But I actually think he would get along best with Saint Germain and Herlock Sholmes!
I think things would be quite tense between him and Germain at first (Apostle and Demon and all) but I think things would smooth out and then they'd be the absolute trolls they are. With Herlock it would take Misyr all of .00001 seconds to realize he is Sherlock Holmes, get a bit star stuck, then develop dialogue.
On general you'll have a trio of absolute Trolls with Secrets and Knowledge in common.
I also think he'd develop an older brother type affection towards Cardia due to their similiar circumstances like he did with Il.
He'd probably have a lot of issues with Alestair and Finis though, and would probably respond to Nemo the same way he did with Asmodeus (also he would be very wary of Omninus and Victoria)
For Ignis I think he would probably get along just with Van. The two, from a personality standpoint, aren't all that similiar but the two do share in human strength and Ignis would definately love a sparring partner that wont go down in one punch and similarly this means Van could go all out and not have to worry about Ignis dying.
I also think Ignis would get along surprisingly well with Impey due to their shared abundant energy and Ignis's love of food and Impey's love of cooking.
That said, Ignis would probably get really annoyed by Fran and Cardia, seeing them basically having a pity party and seeing the CR crew basically coddle Cardia like Il is.
I will admit, Il was a tricky one. My first guy reaction was "of course Saint Germain, Apostle of Idea and an Angel of God?" And then realized that no. Il meeting Saint Germain would probably be mentally devastating to the both of them for differing reasons and as such I don't think the two would get along well at all at first.
I think the people Il would get along with the nest would probably be Victoria, Guinevere, and Hansel believe it or not. Each character has elements to them that work well with Il's own history (desire to be loved, authoritive abuse, dependance on false identities, ect) and I could easily see them getting along very well in different ways (Victoria would be amused by him, Guinevere would see him as the child she always wanted, Hansel would see himself)
It would be just to keep him away from Omninus, however, and Finis would likely not cope well with his existence.
Canus was another tricky one but I can solidly say he would likely get along best with Leonhardt, Finis and Cardia.
For Leonhardt they both share their desire to be loyal knights and protect their homes. For Cardia it would be their shared feelings of being Monsters by Design and he would probably see a lot of Titania in her thanks to both girls basically getting the middle finger from life and with Finis it's because he would basically be seeing a smaller blonde Vinnia.
I could also see him getting along pretty well with Fran.
Rindo would likely have the easiest time getting along with Arsene. Both have a past where they made a decision they deeply regret that got others killed, both are definately gentlemen (especially to the female lead), men of culture, and are willing to put their lives on the line to protect those they care about.
I could also see him getting along well with Nemo and Delly.
With Nemo it is mostly due to a shared Mad Scientist Quirk with Mikado, and with Delly he likely sees every Changeling child he has ever encountered and Dad Mode has activated.
For Kotone we have the obvious Cardia, both being young women and easy to get along with for the most part. That said I also think she'd get along very well with Fran due to his soft spoken demeanor and Arsene due to him probably being full of interesting stories of is escapades and heists alongside him generally just being good natured and a bit of a trickster (not unlike Misyr, actually)
As a side note I could also see Impey, Epilogi and Asmodeus becoming total bros, but Mikado and Nemo would probably try to murder each other at some point.
Also, I could see a Post Game Solitus getting along well (or falling in line behind) Victoria or maybe even Omnibus, but would not be able to stand Finis at all.
Also I would like to clarify that I think whether or not Misyr and Arsene could get along also directly depends on the routes for each game. If it is post Misyr and Arsene's routes i think they'd get along pretty good but pre their routes and i think they'd have a tough time due to the similarities in their personalities and the fact that Misyr would likely spent a lot of time lightly trolling/teasing Arsene and Arsene would have a hard time doing the same. (If it is post their routes they'd be on a level playing field for trolling and added a shared commonality in their Love Interests)
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