#this is primarily about kanej
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maidenofcrows Ā· 1 year ago
Traditional height differences. Sure, itā€™s cute that he could gently rest his chin on the top of her head. But sheā€™s also at the perfect height to headbutt him in the throat.
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capinejghafa Ā· 11 months ago
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kanej author recs | apropensityforcharm
Notable/Favorite works:
by what did here befall me (you were the word of war)
After five years of battling slavers on her own, Captain Inej Ghafa is running low on resources, money, and spirit. But when her crew takes an unusual captive on board, she's faced with a rare opportunity: she's going to kill Dirtyhands, the legendary Bastard of the Barrel. Of course, Kaz Brekker has no intention of going quietly.
Rating(s): M / Quirks: Developing Kanej, Canon divergence, Enemies to Lovers, Pirate!Inej, Barrel Boss!Kaz, Captivity, Angst with a Happy Ending, Inej's POV (Primarily)
don't let it burn, don't let it fade
On her first trip back to Ketterdam, Inej learns three things about Kaz Brekker. The first: Kaz Brekker makes a terrible sick patient. The second: It has been nine years since Kaz was last hugged. The third: Pet names are a powerful weakness.
Rating(s): M / Quirks: Established Kanej, Post-Canon, Sick fic - Kaz, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Humor
the rust that grew between telephones
"Her hand is sticky with his blood, but her fingers entwined through his are oddly... tender." For two weeks, Inej has been starved of the blood she needs. Kaz offers the solution, but it comes with consequences neither of them anticipated.
Rating(s): E / Quirks: Developing to Established Kanej, Creatures AU - Vampire, Vampire/Human relationship, Smut - Would heavily advise reading the tags first
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sweetnnaivete Ā· 9 months ago
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DO NOT INTERACT. racist, sexist, mysoginist, zionist or neutral in the gaza genocide, lgbtphobic, jkr supporter, andrew tate supporter, ed/nsfw, pro-shipper, kanye fan
ā€” don't follow if 25+, unless i follow first
BEFORE YOU FOLLOW. i swear a lot, make innuendo on rare occasions, don't use tone indicators often, mainly my headcanons and fic ideas that i never execute
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requests are . . . open! moodboards, headcanons, and fanfics!
FANDOMS. percy jackson/heroes of olympus (haven't read toa or tsats yet), harry potter series, marauders era, grishaverse (primarily six of crows and king of scars)
WHAT I'LL WRITE. fluff, angst, ships, x reader (only for pjo), platonic, character-centered, pretty much anything except for ā¬‡ļø
WHAT I WON'T WRITE. very graphic smut (fine w makeout sessions and fade to black), incest, pregnancy, serious / sensitive topics, weird age gaps, agere
OTHER. social media aus, headcanons, moodboards, and playlists!
it is entirely in my right to turn down a request if it makes me uncomfy
will generally default to gn!reader if unspecified, but i also write fem!reader
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percy jackson ā€” percabeth, jeyna, valgrace, pipabeth, ruegard
harry potter ā€” romione, linny, hinny, drarry, pomagall
marauders ā€” wolfstar, jily, dorlene, rosekiller
grishaverse ā€” kanej, helnik, wesper, zoyalai
CHARACTERS/PLATONIC SHIPS I WRITE FOR. any in above fandoms (may turn down requests if i feel like i don't know enough about a character to accurately portray them)
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vennylavey Ā· 2 years ago
Sorting out my Thoughts regarding Tolya and Inej
A few days ago, I finished watshing Shadow and Bone Season 2 and
Some background before you quote me on this!
I first fell in love with the crows on Season 1 of S&B. They, along with the sheer insanity of the fandom that I resonated with, encouraged me to buy the duology and read the hecc out of it. Out of all the grishaverse books, I've only ever read the six of crows duology, so I only know show!Tolya from S&B Season 2.
I am an avid Kanej shipper. I love Kaz. I'm in love with Inej. Love them together and as individual characters. (recently started rereading, and since mentally separating the show and the books, i've been really seeing them in a new lights from both angles! and both endear me.) I hold this ship sacred and very close to my heart, and nothing will ever change that.
Some spoilers from here on out!
Like any other fellow fan who followed the series primarily because of kanej, who learned to peck for crumbs in the briefest (longest) of gazes and the subtlest of interactions, I was on the edge of my seat anticipating every smidge of development between my favourite pair.
It wasn't a steady rise in progression, but it was the Kaz and Inej way, and I loved it. Ot's nice that they kept that sense of angsty realism from the books. (Can't say the impact and heaviness of Kaz's trauma and backstory was fully communicated, but Freddy did SO GREAT.) The sort-of push and pull kept me positively on my toes throughout the whole series, so I became laser-focused on their relationship the whole time.
Then came rolling Episode 8.
GLORIOUS 'and how would you have me?' MOMENT. the tension, the looking at each other, the miniscule changes in expression, the way you could see the monologue in the pause between responses - yes, im talking about kaz 'you, inej. you.' brekker (bless u freddy carter) - and the sheer fragility of the moment. it's everything i could have asked for in an adaptation of that scene
(and devastated. angst symptom, really. but mostly floored.)
Then we got a little moment with Nikolai and Mal, and damn, even after a break-up-but-not-really-a-break-up, INEJ LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL I SKDJFKDJ
She looked hopeful, which makes sense. For her, its a new beginning. Its a half equivalent of the ending she got in crooked kingdom. The best thing about it is that she just doesn't look like she has any regret. (Not that she doesn't care about Kaz, but that she doesn't regret not settling for less than she deserves.) AND INEJ - inej deserves that kind of weightless freedom.
TOLYA OFFERED A HAND FOR THE BAG. LIKE, NOT EVEN TO HELP HER UP YET, SPECIFICALLY FOR THE BAG, IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY. Inej is a bit estranged by the gesture (She's so used to mannerless crows lol) but gives it, anyway. Tolya offers his other hand. Inej, endeared, but confused, accepts the help, AND YOOO
The tension was there. It's so obvious. THEY (production) MADE SURE IT WAS FELT. I'm balling because I got totally played by the pacing.
Most of what I felt throughout the scene mirrored Inej's. Did not consider AT ALL that Tolya was holding any interest for her, so the quiet and the emphasis in the nonverbal cues in the scene really built up the realization, and that expression Tolya had after Inej turns away hit me in the face like it was Kaz's cane.
Looked for images online, showed it to my friends, and REALLY had to ask their opinion if said expression was a look of interest or I'm just overthinking it. IT COULD VERH WELL BE HIM PLAYFULLY TEASING HER BEING UNUSED TO GENTLE FRIENDLINESS, RIGHT? Friends said that look is their exact look when looking at their love interest, and mhm. Admittedly, I was in denial.
Having rewatched it, it was really obvious. The tension was there when I really looked at them. I EVEN MISSED HOW TOLYA WAS TELLING OVHAL TO TAKE HIM INSTEAD OF INEJ.
I felt like, from that, I really should have seen it coming.
But I understand that it was easy to get distracted by the other narratives! Such as wesper troubles in paradise, hyperfixated on the way tolya meditated(?) to withstand the poison longer, INEJ'S DELUSION????, Jesper's heartwarming and simultaneously heartbreaking dream, KAZ DENYING HOW MUCH INEJ MEANS TO HIM, Ohval's badassery (i did not think she could get any more badass, but she did), and that wonderful fight scene??? Oh, yeah. So much was happening.
After that scene in episodr 8, it was hard not to try following where his gaze led for the rest of the episode, and definitely found it briefly landing on the part of the boat that Inej was a few seconds later revealed to be hanging from.
Did I already love Tolya before the scene that dropped the bomb? Yes. Do I still love Tolya? Yes, I do. Do I love him so much more for it, regardless? Yes, yes, yes.
Tolya alone with his passion for poetry, family, adventhre, and his superstions was loveable enough. But anyone who treats Inej with the respect she so rightfully deserves also gets a great in my book.
Honestly, a little bit.
But Kanej would always be endgame. And I do not see Tolya as a threat to that.
It's a little unnerving how I didn't see these details and made the connrctions in the series as I watched, but Inej and Tolya are plenty alike.
Both are passionately religious, both know their superstitions, both have an occupation or a way of life that somehow go against some principles of their beliefs, and they SUCKED AT FIGHTING OHVAL LMAO but their movements and actions in episode 6 were really in sync. Could probably inflict more damage together with more practice, but it's a nice detail that they didn't accidentally hit each other even once despite fighting side by side for the first time. (Or I may be overthinking it, and it's just all the characters' innate experiences in fighting because there also wasn't any problems when Inej fought alongside Zoya, someone she also met only recently.) Other than the fighting, it should also be noted that when the door closed, they kinda moved at the same time. could be for cinematic effect. but it can also be interpreted as both of them being right hands mans of a sort, inej to kaz, and tolya to nikolai, leading them to develop similar habits.
These similarities give them something to bond over. Gives Inej someone to learn from. And I don't know Tolya's story yet, but these common traits and interest is part of the main reason I like their dynamic. Doesn't need to be romantic. I feel they can be great friends and close allies, and if they get flirty, that would also be amusing.
I would love to see their on screen interactions in general.
Regarding Inej's trauma and Tolya's Aro-ace representation
If you think about it, these two facts kind of make them compatible. Self-explanatory. If you see this as a ship, Inej not wanting to be touched and Tolya's minimal need/no need for touch is the simplest way to go about things, I feel. Wouldn't fault you for taking that route.
But part of the reason why Kanej works so well is that they encourage and motivate each other to heal from their trauma.
And unless Inej comes out as Ace/Aro/Aro-Ace, it's healthy for book!inej to desire to touch another person in spite of her trauma. No matter how slow the progress.
In the show, Inej's trauma is never discussed at all. It even seems non existent. I could handle them not confronting it directly. It's possible they may be saving it for the spinoff. But the show of physical casual physical contact kind of negates that a bit, such as Jesper coming up to hug Inej and spin her around. But to fit in the narrative, I think Tolyacan help with that. More on that in a bit, but first
The headcanon that Tolya is Aro-Ace
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This is really the only source I found regarding any book statements about the origins of Tolya being Aro-Ace. And I've read the fact that Tolya is the only one eith no clear partner through the books have been brought up!
And while I first interpreted this quote from the book as something like, he just doesn't particularly think about it or desire it, and is completely fine with taking his time,
I am also very much in love with the Aro-Ace representation. It's rare, and it feels right on Tolya, to be honest.
Like I said, I don't particularly want him and Inej to be a certain way. (TRYING SO HARD NOT TO PROJECT ON INEJ CAUSE IM ATTRACTED TO HIM) But i do want to see some semblance of closeness between them!
So Queer platonic relationships do exist. I think it's a valid path or ending fanfiction-wise for those who want them 'together' together! I think the exposure to it, and how such a relationship would work, still validates the representation. but I'm not Aro-Ace myself, so do correct me if I'm wrong, and my sincerest apologies if I've offended anyone.
Part of why I still find hope for the Aro-Ace HC is because Tolya doesn't seem to be operating on his interest for Inej based on physical attraction or emotional connection. His intetest truly started from the life debt, then gratitude, thst he'd developed concern for her. I also think Tolya could just be a bit reverent of Inej (hence the look in e08), or appreciate her as a person or someone he could resonate with, but that's my own headcanon.
For how whatever is between tolya and inej could be a significant narrative, please refer to this BCOS THEY SAID IT PERFECTLY AND THATS RLLY THE ONLY WAY I CAN ENVISION IT HAPPENING ROMANTICALLY, AND REALLY ITS SO TRUEEE, AND DOES WONDERS FOR THE KANEJ DEVELOPMENT, would make endgame kanej all the more gratifying. its a bit inej-centered tho, and we also need to talk about how its important to tolya
this one explains how it would be narratively significant for tolya, too. tolya's realization of identity happening in the show also kind of matches the kind of subtle changes the adaptation makes to characters (like how in the show, we are shown inej's first kill, but inej has long resorted to murder in the start of soc), so personally, i agree, and think it would fit.
Friendly reminder that I wrote this with consideration to the separation of the show and the book!
Just had to get this out so I can finally focus on my exams!
Remember to keep rewatching season 2 <3 WE NEED THAT SIX OF CROWS SPIN OFF. dont even think abt cancelling, netflix
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shelbbswrites Ā· 2 years ago
Do you think there can still be a Six of Crows spin-off after everything that Season 2 did?
Yes! Season 2 takes some big scenes from the duology, but there's a lot left to explore. After all, a spin-off would likely backtrack to that time jump at the end of the season to bridge that gap and set up TWO heists. The SOC spin-off would have the Hellgate heist AND the Ice Court heist. That's a lot of story.
Plus, a spin-off gives those characters so much more space to develop on their own and in their relationships. Season 2 takes some influences from some massive Kanej scenes in the duology, but they're primarily written with a focus on Kaz. And I see that as intentional because a spin-off would be able to give more undivided attention to Inej's backstory and her trauma. There's tons of story waiting to be told about Wylan and the Van Ecks that Season 2 sets up with the heists and jurda parem.
Plus, (SPOILER!!!!) if Netflix's Grishaverse is going to kill off Matthias, I want that to happen in a SOC spin-off. I don't want that to fit in a Shadow and Bone season. And if they do that story, the spin-off will have the time, space, and resources to build out Matthias and Nina as individuals and romantic partners before his death.
Essentially, there is MORE than enough content for an 8-episode SOC spin-off to feature. I have no doubt this team can pull that off if Netflix gives them a chance.
In turn, Shadow and Bone's third season would have time for an exciting arc with Alina grappling with her power while the King of Scars story plays out, which I am SO excited to see.
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juxtaposie Ā· 3 years ago
ready for those soc fic recs now please
i am a MANIAC after crooked kingdom
I want to lay down a blanket disclaimer that I'm one of those people who's primarily in fandom for shipping, so all of my recs are Kanej oriented... but based on what I've seen you reblogging, I don't think that's going to be a problem.
Let's get into it!
@marycontraire 's series Stories About Crows is top tier for consistent, thoughtful characterization - and with 25 installments, there's plenty to read!
If you're looking for character pieces disguised as the nastiest, most beautiful porn you've ever read, @linearla 's Six of Crows works are a must-read.
@whatanybodygets has written what is hands down my favorite Inej-centric piece to date, as well as the ever-popular accidental baby fic roomy, and drenched in sunlight, which is a fan-favorite and deserving of every accolade it has received. All their Six of Crows fic is stunning.
Anything by @pyrrhlc or @feelinglikecleopatra is also worth checking out.
Hope that's enough to get you started!
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firelxdykatara Ā· 4 years ago
people are really, really weird about the potential for physical intimacy for kanej (especially kissing and sex), in the show and in fandom works, and iā€™m... really not here for it?
do i expect a sex scene in the show? no. itā€™s s&b focused primarily, which means the crows will likely remain woven in and around the main storyline but not given a huge amount of focus, and that sort of thing would require more attention and development than i think theyā€™ll be spending. but kissing? physical touch? growing physical intimacy?
idk how to tell yā€™all that that is literally canon.
the most explicitly intimate scene in the duology is The Bathroom Scene, where kaz kisses inejā€™s neck--and itā€™s a huge moment, for both of them, because theyā€™re both so traumatized and touch-averse and working through incredibly painful shit--and yā€™all really think thatā€™s where it would end?
no. not at all. that was the beginning.
so stop being weird about people portraying kanej kissing and sex in fanworks. stop being weird about people hoping for an on-screen kiss at some point. kaz and inej want to be physically intimate. thatā€™s canon. itā€™s literally right there on the page. are there works where kaz and inejā€™s respective traumas arenā€™t treated respectfully? iā€™m sure there are. ignore those fics and authors if you donā€™t like it. but believe me, it is very possible to explore physical intimacy with kanej respectfully.
and let people hope that maybe kaz and inej can get somewhere close to that point in the show, given the altered timelines and events. if itā€™s not something you want to see in your own work? fine. but no one else is obligated to keep them completely chaste since the fact is, they want to be able to touch each other. and thereā€™s nothing wrong with exploring that.
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fantastic-nonsense Ā· 3 years ago
Kanej love language for the wip meme!
so as you may have all noticed, I've spiraled into a two-month long hyperfixation on Six of Crows, and with that hyperfixation comes ~fic ideas~
Kaz primarily showcases his love for other people via two ways: gift-giving and acts of service. Generally, he absolutely refuses to verbally acknowledge that he cares about anyone, but his actions scream his love to the rooftops anyway. And particularly as it regards Inej, he uh...canonically gives her a lot of gifts, both big and small. He gets her out of the Menagerie, gives her a new home, and trains her to be dangerous. He gives her her knives, her name (the Wraith), her freedom, her ship, and her parents. And at least in Crooked Kingdom, he's doing it all in the background without any expectation that she'll give him anything in return. He's doing it purely because he cares about her and wants her alive, safe, and happy.
Thus, the idea for this fic, for which the summary will be something along the lines of "Kaz and Inej, through the gifts he gives her over the years." It's still in basic outline form, but I have very strong Thoughts, Opinions, and Ideasā„¢ about where it's going and how I'm going to write it.
For now, the only thing I can tell you is that it's split into 14 sections, each of which covers a different kind of gift that he gives her. I can also say that it will span pre-canon (the night she leaves the Menagerie, to be specific) to several years post-canon and will alternate between "something that's hers" and "something that's his" (so "Her Indenture" will be followed up by "His Coat," for example, and "Her Parents" will be followed up by "His Name").
I'm hoping to finally finish up my Jason Todd WIP (leave me and live) and then see if I can't bang this one out, because I'm pretty excited about it and want to strike while the iron is hot.
Ask me about one of my WIPs!
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rarecrows-week Ā· 3 years ago
rules & faq
What ships can I create for?
Any ship with the cast of Six of Crows you fancy that isn't Kanej, Helnik or Wesper šŸ”ŖšŸ¦šŸ’£
Is this just for fics?
Not at all! We're opening this to any form of creative content - fanfiction, art, edits, playlists, or whatever else you can make up. If you post visual art, we kindly request you provide an Image Description when posting.
Can I create NSFW content?
Yes! However we ask that everything is properly tagged, and understand that we're unable to engage with any content that is NSFW and features minors that aren't explicitly aged up
Can I create poly crows content?
Yes! Whether you want to write an OT6 date, a or a fun Kanejesper night in, we're welcoming all poly crows content.
What about poly crows content content that includes a canon ship?
You're welcome to create for an OT3 that includes a canon ship (ie Kuwesper, Fahelnik, Kaninej) but we'd like a significant focus to be on the polycule element.
Can I create platonic crows content?
Yes! We'd love to see some brotherly bonding, all-crow hang out sessions, or any other kind of non-romantic relationships you want to create for.
Do I have to write something between the Crows?
Nope! So long as your characters feature prominently in the Six of Crows duology. This can include Rotty/Specht, Kuwesper (Kuwei x Wesper), or even Marya & Colm realising they're the ideal kind of best friends.
Can I make content with Shadow and Bone characters instead?
This is primarily a Six of Crows event, so we'd request a significant relationship in your works to be between figures in Six of Crows. For example, a Nina x Inej x Alina work would be welcome, but we would not encourage Inej x Alina.
Got more questions? Send us an ask!
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I am thoroughly enjoying your Kanej posting lol it's so nice to see someone I follow for trek content so excited about them and the crows in general. I'm also glad that there are people who are as done with the Shadow and Bone palace storyline as I am! I slogged through the Grisha triology and could barely get through the second book. I've never found the darkling compelling but he had such a fan following in the early fandom so it's great to hear people agree with my opinions now šŸ˜‚
Lol thanks... I always feel a little bad when I fandom hop (and DS9 and Star Trek is one of my forever fandoms, so I'll be primarily posting about it again sometime in the future I'm sure) but apparently a handful of ds9/star trek mutuals also enjoy SoC which is cool!
Yeah... I try to be cognizant of the fact I'm biased, I definitely went into the show expecting to not like Shadow and Bone plotlines as much, and with the notion, given to me by others that the grishaverse trilogy was a standard kinda derivative magic trilogy and SoC duology was much better, so I wonder what I'd think if I didn't have that bias.
But yeah that's felt true to me so far, but I'm only halfway though (I am purposefully only watching one episode a day to make it last). Of course, Six of Crows has plenty of tropes too, but they're just to my taste more. Fantasy steampunk London + band of charismatic thieves + heist + trauma trauma trauma trauma + love heals & redeems is definitely my jam. And Kaz Brekker IS himself a tropey brooding anti-hero. But he was purchased at a Home Depot for brooding anti-heroes, after a lot of consumer research at a price that valued quality over bargain, not at the dollar store like General Kirigan.
I like Alina a lot, I just am a little sick of chosen one stories. They're not bad it's just not the trope I can't get enough of. I've enjoyed plenty of them in my day but this one isn't really new enough to hold my interest. I don't care about her whatever with General Kirigan. Baghra is really an npc all trope no interesting features. Girl needs a better storyline.
Thanks for sending the ask!
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capinejghafa Ā· 10 months ago
hey, love your fic recs!
If it's something you've got planned on adding to your project no worries and it can wait. but I was trying to find precanon fics, specifically how Kaz and Inej met. Do you have any recs for that?
hello! the answer is yes (more or less!). yes, i do have a list that is currently on going that will be like a little bit have the different of canon verses. However, I'm still working on it because it is long lol BUT I will list a few pre-canon fics here...
Exits and Entrances by marycontraire
ā€œAll right,ā€ she said. ā€œHow do we begin?ā€ ā€œLetā€™s start by getting out of here and finding you some proper clothes. Oh, and Inej,ā€ he said as he led her out of the salon, ā€œdonā€™t ever sneak up on me again.ā€
I will forever say that Stories About Crows is probably one of my favorite Crows series of all time (primarily focuses on Kanej). No notes, 10/10 would recommend all of it (continuing to @marycontraire praises even if she no longer writes for the fandom)
Blades In The Dark by AwkwardWerewolf15
'I can help you.' Four simple words, and yet they would prove to be the most influential ever whispered in the streets of Ketterdam when a desperate young woman decided to take her chances to improve her fate. Those four words would spawn a partnership that would go down in legend amongst the Kerch, that of Dirtyhands and his Wraith. But beneath hardened exteriors forged by Ketterdam herself and walls built up by pasts many would never recover from, two lost souls may find themselves uniting and healing or crumbling into nothing. And it all started with those four words.
This really hits the pinning heart! I will add that it does blend in with showverse in later chapters and the 3 major POVs are Kaz, Inej, and Jesper. This does go past the first meeting! But the PINNING.
A Lock is Designed to be Opened by pensandsneakers
Inej Ghafa had heard the name Kaz Brekker many times at the Menagerie, where he was a popular topic of conversation. He was the best man Ketterdam had to offer, she supposed, because he was the most like it. Dark and twisted and proud of it.
Ok, listen... it is a WIP and the story hasn't been update since *checks date*, but also I would still rec lol
also, I belated realized as I was listing these fics, I tend to read a lot of pre-canon to post-canon fics. so there's a lot of fics that do have their initial meeting, but they also go past the book canon events. I am still working my way through so many fics, these were the first that came to mind.
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#100daysofwriting | day 091 (+ a few others...)
a daily writing challenge created by @the-wip-project // tagging my fellow writers joining in: @thelittlefanpire, @kinetic-elaboration, @hopskipaway, and @easilydistractedbyfanfic
I have a half-written entry from August 4th where I said I was going to catch up on these. Lo and beholdā€“ā€“I did not! Since writing that, Iā€™ve posted two fics. That long-winded Bellarke, Tarzan AU that I wrote about a lot and then my first Kanej fic which was a Harry Potter crossover. Iā€™m really pleased with both of them but they also took a lot out of me! Mixed with visiting my parents for a bit, Iā€™ve not really been writing so this feels like a good excuse to jump back in.
I do miss writing and developing these ideas, but I can feel my interest waning at the moment. Not great since I have to knock out more prompts, so Iā€™m hoping if I focus on organization I can get myself back into a better headspace for writing. My biggest motivation is going to be getting through as much as I can before October (Halloween/my favorite month) and then of course the holidays.
I figure Iā€™ll scroll through and snag a handful of ones to get my brain jump started and then try to get back into the routine! My new goal is to see if I can finish out these prompts on time!
What have you learned on your writer journey that you wish you had learned earlier?
That I can be detail-orientated with it still feeling like a hobby. To let go of the validation of stats and to just post and forget about it. To embrace my interests and to write for myself.
How do you feel about your old works? And bonus homework: say something nice about past-writer-you.
In terms of fanfic, I think theyā€™re too clearly inspired by the way a lot of ā€œyoungerā€ (I canā€™t think of a better word) is written. When you start with primarily G or T ratings in a show geared towards a younger audience, plus an emphasis on fluff, I think it leans a certain way in writing style. Thatā€™s not bad! But I quickly realized that wasnā€™t how I wanted to write. In terms of my writing pre-fandom, I pretty much nailed the angsty creative writing student vibes. I wrote a lot about young girls who had the world taken from them, on the run, or escaping into fantasy. Lots of death and emo-vibes. A lot of it was cringe but tbhā€¦ I miss it sometimes. I had no concern about what other people were interested in! It was pretty raw, even if it was messy, and thatā€™s fun. Note to self: more self-indulgent works!
Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Itā€™s evolved that way. In terms of fanfic, I started out with the general fluffy ship content. Thatā€™s the genreā€™s bread and butter! But my personal taste is different than that and it didnā€™t take much for that to start shifting. My zombie AU was what got the most traction to begin with and I still feel like Iā€™m pushing my work to really line up with what I want to read myself. Gray characters, elaborate world building and detail, a plot thatā€™s really developed (even if itā€™s simple).
Iā€™m not great at keeping up reading published works, and even then I usually stick with whatever my momā€™s sent me in the mail which means a lot of historical fiction. Iā€™m most inspired by movies though. So in a way, what I write is what I want to SEE. I aim for readers to feel like theyā€™re watching my stories unfold. I like that most movies just end and thatā€™s it. I like being just dropped into stories and getting to experience it for that limited amount of time. As my writing has evolved, I think Iā€™m getting closer to achieving that with each piece. It does mean my standards are higher, but Iā€™m happier with it. This shit takes a lot of time and I want to feel satisfied with how Iā€™m choosing to use the time I use for writing. I do however really love the horror genre and havenā€™t found a way to incorporate that into my writing.
What else counts as writing for you?
The planning process to start. Whether itā€™s strictly outlining, word dumping, or whatever. If itā€™s randomly writing scenes that wonā€™t show up for chapters. Writing simple, one line bullets that just get the idea across.
Brainstorming visually falls under this as well. Things like Pinterest or any other type of photo saving. Figuring out what the clothing and characters look like, what the settings feel like. What are the vibes? Moodboards are fun but also incredibly useful for nailing the tone and themes that you want to convey. Watching videos that match the story (for AUs) or scenes that youā€™re going to include (how would someone hotwire a car and then speed away?). Anything that flushes it out in your mind so that when you do sit down to write, the words have already begun.
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sheikah Ā· 5 years ago
check out wholejoon's twt account, the photos are so sweet i'm getting cavities šŸ„°omg yeah i got so excited by that video! the way jessie was smiling at ben was too cute and i love the yin-yang aesthetic with the white horse and black horse. ugh i'm so excited to see their chemistry, as well as freddy and amita's. (i'm rly just here for darklina and kanej sorry not sorry)
Thanks for recommending that twitter šŸ„° I don't actually use twitter but I like to peek in and see the content sometimes and the first piece of art in that person's blog did not disappoint šŸ˜­ And don't worry haha I am primarily here for the ships too lmao like that's the best thing about the Grishaverse imo. I do like the world building a lot and the cool heisty plot of SOC but more than anything I'm here to stan my faves and sob over my ships šŸ„ŗ
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aion-rsa Ā· 4 years ago
Shadow & Bone: Ranking the Ships
This Shadow and Bone feature contains MAJOR spoilers for Season 1.
Netflixā€™s Shadow and Bone adaptation is rife with excellent shipping options. Adapted from Leigh Bardugoā€™s Grishaverse YA book series, there is an embarrassment of riches when it comes to romantic relationships. Whether youā€™re into the Enemies to Lovers vibes of Nina and Matthias (aka Helnik), the Slow Burn angst of Inej and Kaz (aka Kanej), or you just like to see Jesper having fun with the hot stableboy, Shadow and Bone has you covered. In the interest of covering the wide swathe of romantic ships on this show, and recognizing that everyone has their own subjective taste when it comes to storytelling, Den of Geek editor Kayti Burt and Den of Geek contributor Lacy Baugher are teaming up to discuss loving the love of Shadow and Bone. Welcome to our discussion, and feel free to share your own thoughts in the comments belowā€¦
Question: What was your favorite ship in Shadow and Bone Season 1?
Lacy: Matthias and Nina are my favorite ship in the books, and my favorite ship in Shadow and Bone. Iā€™m actually kind of surprised by this though, because there are just so, so many ways that their storyline here could have gone off the rails and been truly awful to watch. Instead, their connection is really natural and develops carefully throughout the season. (I was really afraid it would just be some insta-attraction, but thatā€™s not what happened at all.)Ā 
From Ninaā€™s capture andĀ  imprisonment aboard what is essentially a Grisha slave ship bound for Fjerda to Matthias over the top hatred of her ā€œkind,ā€ thereā€™s just so much goodness for those fansā€” like me, lolā€”who love a good enemies to frenemies to OTP forever style romance. Theyā€™re both so good for each other, and I love how thoughtful the show is about showing us how theyā€™re each expanding one anotherā€™s experiences and worldview. Also, waffles!!!Ā 
Kayti: From the get-go, I was pretty much all in on Alina and Mal (aka Malina), which surprised me because they areā€¦ fine in the book. The decision to play this romantic connection as so obviously reciprocal from the beginning, even if Alina cannot see how Mal feels about her (and maybe vice versa), was so smart. In the first half of the season, which was the weaker part of this story for me, the yearning between these two is the narrative aspect that kept me emotionally engaged, even when the Little Palace stuff wasnā€™t as interesting.
Lacy: I love how hard Alina fights to go with Mal into the Shadow Fold in the first episode. That isnā€™t the way that happens in the books (theyā€™re both basically just ordered to go) and that choice sort of crystallizes for me all the right things that this series does with their relationship. Theyā€™re both really active about how much they mean to one another and are constantly fighting to either stay together or get back to each other, I find that so romantic.
Question: What was your least favorite ship in Shadow and Bone Season 1?
Lacy: I find the idea of Alina and the Darkling (aka Darklina) really off putting for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that his desire for her is almost completely and utterly self-serving. I know there are a lot of Shadow and Bone fans who love it for whatever reason and I support anyone shipping whatever they need to ship. (Also, Ben Barnes is certainly a looker.)Ā  But, for me Alina deserves better than a man who seems to think he has some kind of right to her simply because their powers are similarly spectacular and rare. It is fully not Alinaā€™s job or responsibility to save this man from his own darkness or loneliness or however he would describe the many moral failings that he expects her to somehow magically cure.
Plus, well, heā€™s a remorseless murderer who is basically trying to take over the world. But even if he wasnā€™t, the Darkling is still someone who lied to and manipulated Alina for his own selfish ends, and then forced her into compliance with his desires against her will. There is truly no aspect of that story thatā€™s romantic for me, and I think trying to pretend that heā€™s in some way good for her is downright dangerous at points.Ā 
Kayti: Yes! It is not Alinaā€™s job to fix the Darkling. She deserves support and love now, not some time in a possible future when she has managed to coach Aleksander through his pain. (That being said, Ben Barnes is an utter delight and I love him.)
I will say that, even though I donā€™t personally like this ship, I love how the series handles it. As a story, I donā€™t think the adaptation really ever romanticizes this relationship as anything other than what it is: a toxic, manipulative dynamic that, for Aleksander, is always about power and never about love. The seriesā€™ contextualization of their relationship (it only ever briefly entertains the idea of these two as a proper couple) honestly feels somewhat radical, especially because Alina/the Darkling is such a popular ship in the novel.
Additional note: I am not here to murder anyoneā€™s ship. If youā€™re into the Darklina of it all, I say go for it. Shipping fictional characters is different than perpetuating toxic dynamics in real life, and if shipping Darklina brings you joy, I say go for it!
Question: Which ship gets the ā€œMost Improvedā€ award from the books?
Lacy: 100% Mal and Alina! Iā€™ve written about this at some length already, but Iā€™m honestly a bit stunned by how well the show adapts this relationship for the screen. I did not expect it, but I love it and I honestly canā€™t wait to see how the show handles the events of the second book.
Mal and Alinaā€™s relationship is so much more complex and interesting here than it is on the page, from the changes to their shared history (Mal and Alina arenā€™t just from the same orphanage, theyā€™re both the only mixed race kids there who get bullied for being part Shu-Han) to the increased depth Malā€™s presence throughout the story lends to his character. These two make so much sense as a couple here, and itā€™s all very natural and earned to me ā€“ and doesnā€™t at all come off like theyā€™re only together because they books say they have to be.
Kayti: Agreed! The adaptation made Mal a protagonist in his own right, outside of his value as a romantic interest for Alina, and it made their relationship so much more interesting to me. Getting to see Mal fight to get back to Alina, all while she thought he had given up on here, was quite powerful.
Lacy: Right? Like Mal is alsoā€¦fine in the books, but he really comes into his own as a character for me here. I know part of that is just that the books are primarily Alinaā€™s POV so she canā€™t know what she doesnā€™t know when it comes to him, but the downside is that Mal really comes off as a jerk at multiple points. (Like, oh, now heā€™s suddenly jealous of the Darkling? What?)Ā 
Plus, I just love the repeated imagery of them choosing each other, not just once, but everyday. Thatā€™s what real love is, in my bookā€”the decision to be with someone thatā€™s a constant, conscious part of your life that you choose to uphold in big things and in small.
Question: Which ship has the most potential to be The Best Ship moving forward?
Kayti: As someone who has yet to read Six of Crows, I was very into the Inej/Kaz dynamic, which is more of a pre-romantic relationship in this first season. I love the angst of a Slow Burn, and I imagine this is one of the benefits of bringing in the Six of Crows characters ahead of the main plot of their books: we get to see how these charactersā€™ relationships develop before their arcs come to fruition, or even properly begin. I also am glad these two didnā€™t start anything when there is the messy power imbalance inherent in Kaz paying off Inej contract. This will still be a factor moving forward, but feels less squidgy when Inej has the option of leaving.
Lacy: I think that the answer is probably also Mal and Alina? I canā€™t quite figure out how Shadow and Bone will incorporate the elements from Six of Crows moving forward so Iā€™m not sure how big of a piece those characters will play in any second seasonā€”though donā€™t get me wrong, I am very much looking forward to however Nina manages to get Matthias out of Hellgate prison.Ā 
But, given the tensions that arise between Mal and Alina in the book Siege and Storm, Iā€™m very curious to see howā€”or even ifā€”the show handles/presents some of them. I fully expect that the more layered presentation of Mal we saw here will play into this, and I think thatā€™s going to make a real difference in the story. (Which, unfortunately, often comes off on the page like romantic conflict that exists for the sake of propping up a love triangle.)Ā 
Question: OK, rank your ships. Go!
Kayti: Why did I give us this question? Itā€™s so hard! And now, since gushing about Mal and Alina at the beginning of this conversation, I have talked myself into Inej and Kaz as my #1. Plot twist! This just goes to show how many great romantic relationships (and other kinds of relationships) there are in this show. Here goesā€¦
Jesper/that stableboy
That ship they all end up on at the end
Lacy: There is Matthias and Nina and there is everyone else.Ā 
This show has made me a hardcore Malina shipper though. So thatā€™s new and exciting!Ā 
I do have one shipping-related complaint, however, and thatā€™s that Genya and David are a favorite pairing of mine from the books and I am truly not sure that they exchange more than a dozen words in the entire first season of the show? I fully believe there are viewers who probably canā€™t even easily identify who David is. (Unless youā€™re armed with the book knowledge that heā€™s the one who fuses the stagā€™s antlers to Alinaā€™s shoulders.)Ā 
Kayti: Yeah, justice for Genya/David.
I love how much you love Nina and Matthias, and also think your enthusiasm has kept me from writing too much about them in favor of highlighting other ships. But let the record show: I am here for these two. Of the Six of Crows crew, they had the best and clearest arc, which is how their connection manages to support a whole subplot all on its lonesome. I wrote about this in our other Shadow and Bone conversation article, but these two give me Jon Snow/Ygritte vibes in the best possible way (hopefully, they get a better ending!), but I havenā€™t mentioned that watching them share that floating detritus post-shipwreck helped soothe the Titanic trauma I still hold from watching Jack freeze to death because he canā€™t fit on that door with Rose. (Um, Titanic spoilers.)
Read more
Shadow and Bone Review: Netflix Adaptation Brings the Magic
By Lacy Baugher
Shadow and Bone: Why Netflix Cast Its Fantasy Adaptation With Relative Unknowns
By Kayti Burt
Question: Any final thoughts?
Lacy: Romantic or no, I just love the care that Shadow and Bone takes with all their relationships. Nothing happens on screen simply because it does in the books and everything feels really organic and true to who these characters are.Ā 
Thatā€™s not easy, and there are a ton of showsā€”let alone adaptationsā€”that are really, really bad at it. Shadow and Bone is really good at it, and I canā€™t wait to see what happens as things get more complicated from this point forward.
Kayti: The relationships on this show, brought to life by this charming and talented cast, are the heart of this adaptation. So many epic fantasy series brought to the screen bring the world or the plot without giving us a reason to care about the people, and that is a dealbreaker for me. One of the strengths of YA has always been the prioritization of relationships and emotional interiority, and to see those narrative priorities brought to the screen in an epic fantasy story makes me so happy.Ā 
Lacy: Itā€™s such a rare thing, when you find a show where you can literally ship almost everyone in virtually any sort of arrangement or permutation, but if the entire cast just suddenly decided to make out I would not be mad.Ā 
Kayti: The perfect conclusion to our conversationā€¦ and the show?
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The post Shadow & Bone: Ranking the Ships appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2QiMs7b
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rotzaprachim Ā· 7 years ago
Kanej Modern Occult Detective AU
For the amazing Isabelle @pivoinesaturnienne who requestedĀ ā€˜Inej and Kaz in a modern au pls šŸ‘šŸ¼ā˜ŗļøā€™Ā 
Based roughly on the episode and a half I have seen of LuciferĀ 
1. Kazuya Brekker was born in the 1600ā€²s, the son of a Japanese woman and a Dutch merchant. His mother saw something chaotic in his dark eyes and named him for the peace she hoped heā€™d acquire instead.Ā Both of his parents died when he was young, and he was primarily raised by his half brother Jordie. Theyā€™re living in Amsterdam and hustling at the trade exchange (though Kaz has figured out how to route large chunks of VOCĀ guildenĀ into his personal accounts, but damn those bastards deserve it) when the city is smashed with an epidemic. He dies, and then comes back to life as . .. Ā something a little more than human.Ā 
2. Kaz basically spends the next 400 years as a literal demon- flitting between parallel realms (heā€™s always felt like a member of two worlds anyway), accumulating ridiculous amounts of cash, and holding a hell of a lot of grudges.Ā For some theological mumbo-jumbo reasons I donā€™t feel like figuring out, Kaz ends up stranded in modern day New York City, without the benefit of his usual demonic powers.Ā 
3. Inej Ghafa runs a private investigation firm in Queens. She takes almost any clients who need her, and resultantly barely makes enough to keep the lights on. (Thereā€™s one person who drags her home from the office and makes sure she eats a meal thatā€™s not ramen, stale bagels, or instant coffee, and thatā€™s her room mate Nina.)Ā 
Sheā€™s Tamil Catholic and actively practicing.Ā 
Sheā€™s also still super close to her family, and treks out to New Jersey on Sundays to go to Mass and lunch with them.Ā 
On the whole she really likes her job. It can be difficult and tiring, and itā€™s impossible to be an investigator and not constantly, furiously angry with the institutionalised inequalities of the Justice System, but usually she feels like sheā€™s doing something that helps others. Usually.Ā 
Itā€™s on a grey Thursday morning she meets Kaz.Ā She doesnā€™t really know what the GQ model, or whatever the hell he is, is doing in her office, but sheā€™s not exactly going to complain, if only for the pure aesthetic appreciation. Still, she feels acutely aware of the knife she has hidden in her desk drawer.
He stands sort of awkwardly at the door until she gestures for him to sit down.
ā€œI canā€™t pay a temp right now,ā€ she says evenly, even though this guy looks more one of the Wall Street up-and-comings whose corporation deals her eviction notice than the kind of people who usually visit her office, with the Tamil-language signs out front and cigarrettes-and-old-coffee smell thatā€™s been stuck to the place since before she got here.Ā 
He leans across the table. He has very dark eyes and God probably drew the lines of his face with a ruler. Inej doesnā€™t know much about menā€™s fashion but the textured, grey wool coat heā€™s wearing looks like it cost more than several months rent for her. He has a raspy-but-smooth voice (like, a whiskey commercial level raspy-but-smooth voice) in an accent she canā€™t quite place.
ā€œLuckily for you, my services are free.ā€Ā 
(Later, watching the glittering, flickering gold map of New York-Ā ā€œNew Amsterdam,ā€ as it always will be to him, although maybe he just likes havingĀ ā€œdamā€ in the name- he canā€™t stop thinking about her. Why did he choose her struggling PI office as the base of his mandatory redemption? He doesnā€™t know. All he knows is that he feels like heā€™s been pulled underwater without knowing it and he can no longer see the surface.)Ā 
4. He may have lost most of his powers but he does manage to tap into his accounts, which are demonstrative of four hundred years of investing, schmoozing, and outright stealing. Heā€™s always been better at aquiring money than spending it- that always felt like some unbreachable loss of control- so he decides to finally dish some out. Her rent is paid off for the next six months and replaces the tea kettle that barely works with a fancy Italian model. one day when they need to go on a bit of a road trip upstate to find a cheating husband, he greets her outside the office with a to go cup of that really fancy hot chocolate (house made marshmallows and all) and aĀ ā€˜60ā€²s Chevrolet Corvette.Ā 
(He keeps the car. itā€™s a nice car, timeless and simultaneously restrained and vulgar. His style.)Ā 
Inej, for the most part, is super worried that heā€™s connected to some kind of organised crime. Itā€™s Nina who chills her out a bit, using the talent sheā€™s always had for knowing when people are telling the truth or not. (Itā€™s in their heartbeats.) And she knows that Kaz in general is shady AF, but she also knows he wonā€™t bring any harm to Inej.Ā 
5. TOGETHER!!! THEY! SOLVE! CRIMES!!! AND BRING JUSTICE TO NEW YORK! Like honestly Dream Team material right here. They solve a mixture of regular and occult cases. Inej is sharp, focused, and hyperaware of details, not to mention extremely driven in her mission. Kaz is in general utterly ruthless, but at least now itā€™s directed to a good cause.Ā 
Thereā€™s an incident where they have to infiltrate a shady party to find evidence against Jan Van Eyck, a particularly corrupt developer. This of course involves wearing formalwear and going undercover as Dr. and Mr. Selvaraj (Of course!). And it involves Inej wearing a silver-white gown with embroidered flowers and a pearl headband with her long, straight hair down around her bare shoulders.Ā 
(Needless to say, she turns a lot of heads.)
Afterwards, with the ballroom up in flames and Van Eyck in handcuffs, Kaz and Inej stand outside the convention centre. Inej is swapping into a pair of flats, heels dangling from one hand.
ā€œSo.ā€ She says.
ā€œSo.ā€ He repeats.Ā 
ā€œMy room mate and I are working our way through trying every takeout option with a delivery charge of less than a dollar in the vicinity of our apartment.ā€Ā 
ā€œUmm hmmm.ā€Ā 
Kaz tried to focus on the holding laundromat sign across the street instead of Inej, how luminous she was in the reflections of the flashing red-and-blue squad car lights.Ā 
ā€œAnd weā€™re halfway through the new season of Peaky Blinders. And we wonā€™t rewind to the beginning.ā€Ā 
ā€œUh huh.ā€ It took a lot of mental concentration for him to read outĀ ā€œM-O-Eā€™S P-A-Y A-N-D W-A-S-Hā€ instead of focusing on her, the flutter of her eyelashes and the way she was biting her lip right now, like she usually did when considering a decision.Ā 
ā€œSo, you could, you know, join us.ā€Ā 
ā€œJoin you?ā€Ā 
ā€œMe and Nina. Watching Peaky Blinders. Probably going to order in adobo and lechon, because Ninaā€™s finishing a double shift and she says she needs deep fried pork to recuperate.ā€ It was going out on a limb, and Inej felt winded after putting the option in the open, like sheā€™d run a race in her ballgown.Ā 
ā€œMe? Go with . .. you? To your apartment?ā€Ā 
Goddamn it. Kaz knew from the way his face was burning up and the way she was smiling that his face blushing something mighty.Ā 
ā€œYeah, genius. Come back with me.ā€Ā 
He offered his arm like a true gentleman as they exited the scene of (not really their) crime.
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adhdgwen Ā· 4 years ago
i read the explanation but i think it's assuming i don't really care about inej's trauma either.
I've also talked about the power imbalance present in kanej regarding inej's trauma, as well as the without armour line, just not as extensively on this blog (this is primarily an spop blog that just so happens to occasionally comment on other fandoms). Honestly, I didn't expect to have as many people comment on this post, the line just made me deeply uncomfortable.
Also, the explanation interpreted the line as inej talking about kaz's emotional as well as physical walls which is fine and good, but it still doesn't change the context where she had pointed out his touch aversion and how he chose to deal with it then decided that trauma response was a deal breaker.
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look, I'm also of the opinion Inej deserved more. She didn't have to settle if she didn't want to, nothing she felt here was wrong.
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I just also think that using someone's trauma response in an argument about a relationship is kinda (very) bullshit. Also the ways she listed out his responses to touch felt kinda mocking? Idk, it just made me really really uncomfortable.
You don't have to agree if you don't want to, again the beauty of literature is the ability to have multiple interpretations of it. It just genuinely gave me a bad taste in my mouth.
gonna wait for someone to address the fact that "i will have you without armour or not at all" is an incredinly insensitive line to say to a trauma survivor and is not at all cute and actually incredibly uncomfortable
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