#this is pretty old but i still... ough... he.
daily-ink-mk · 1 year
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sup its art reposting time <3
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the-kipsabian · 1 month
hey aew i'd like to have a word
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THIS is the photo you chose for the match card???
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sciderman · 5 months
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Sci, first of all, I’m so sorry your dad said that listing your pronouns is embarrassing. It’s 2024. What’s embarrassing is being a parent who cares more about what other people think of them than what their child thinks of them. People don’t have to understand you, they don’t even have to agree with you, but if someone says they love you, the least they can do is make the attempt to show you they respect your identity as an individual person. I know this is particularly difficult for parents sometimes but it’s not impossible. I sincerely hope that someday your dad realizes how spectacular you are and how lucky he is to have the opportunity of knowing and loving someone as truly kind, funny, and generous as you are.
Second of all, LET’S GIVE ANOTHER SHOUT OUT TO THOSE PRONOUNS. Oooo I like the way you wear he/him. It’s loud, it’s rebellious, it’s confident, it’s authentic! It’s everything those angry white boys with podcasts WISH they were! You are entering your “boys will be boys” era and it’s covered in bright colors, zany patterns, sequins, and ATTITUDE.
I am so fucking proud of you for taking this big scary step into being your true self and laying it bare before the world. Just last night I was thinking about how one of the reasons I was so miserable in my 20s was because when I was around 21/22 I went back into the closet to make myself “more palatable” for the people around me. Less confusing for them. Less work for them. And I’ll never actually know what experiences I lost when I lost myself. I’ll never know what I could have done, the opportunities and stories and memories I missed out on because I was only living as half a person. I’m back on track now though, and the good news for you is: now that you’ve taken this step you never have to ask that question again.
I’ve gotta say, Sci, announcing your true pronouns is definitely one of the sexiest things you could ever do. And Wade agrees. <3
hooougghh bless you @nobutforrealthough - you're so cool and sexy and ough...
i feel so very exhausted in the head lately about identity things. i think a lot of people thought i was some kind of gender icon when really i'm just piecing things together as best as i can. i feel a little exhausted that people thought so much of me and i'm not delivering on it. (but i've felt that way all the time, all my life, from pretty much everybody.)
i guess it's difficult to do all this alone, without anyone in your corner. i think writing wade and peter, they sort of felt like friends to help me through it, because i don't really have anyone else out there to help me through and speak to me on my level. so – i kind of had to invent voices to give me courage. and it helps. but i worry that it's a little sad, too. sorry. i'm feeling very frank and bare this morning.
it's a lonely old world when you still haven't figured out where you fit in it. and maybe you're not meant to fit. but you kind of do need to fit, for your sanity. for your survival. so you contort and compromise and squeeze yourself into weird shapes and bug your head. and it's all so, so exhausting for me. and i think my body's finally telling me it's time to retire. my body is so, so tired...
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I'm loving all your wonderful fics. If you are still interested in prompts, would you consider one that relates to your recent sick fic: Ed telling Stede about the past situation where he had to juggle leading his crew through a storm while stitching himself up?
Ough yes good prompt!! This one made me sad, I love it.
Send me a prompt and I'll write a 1k word fic! (still accepting prompts btw, can't promise I'll get to all of them but if I'm inspired I'm doing it!)
Ed told the story like he thought it was supposed to be funny.
“So there we are,” he said, leaning over the dinner table. They’d just finished eating, and Ed had lit his pipe, and yeah, at first, the story had been fun. “Now, remember, I’ve been a captain for all of-”
“Three months,” Stede nodded, demonstrating his active listening to Ed’s story.
“Three months,” Ed repeated. “Maybe ninety days strung together, right? I’m barely twenty-five. Barely even had Blackbeard’s black beard. Mostly just a scraggly thing stuck to my chin. And that raid fuckin’ rung me out. But I made it! Not a single casualty on my crew, not one.”
“Bet the other crew couldn’t say the same,” Stede laughed, and Ed laughed with him, and Stede was dreamily thinking about how Ed must have looked, so young but already so brilliant, so confident, so-
“But I didn’t know then what I know now,” Ed went on, taking a couple puffs from his pipe. “And I didn’t notice my helmsman pointing us right into the squall. Barely had time to get away from the ship we’d been scrapping with before we hit it, head-on.”
Stede shivered. Ed’s storytelling voice never failed to capture his attention.
“And, remember,” Ed continued, “I’m trying to hide that I’m bleeding all over the fuckin’ place.”
“Wait,” Stede interrupted, raising a hand before Ed could continue. “Bleeding?”
“Well, yeah, I told you the raid rung me out pretty good,” Ed shrugged. “I’d been so busy watching what my crew were doing I was hardly paying attention to myself. Reckon I still - yeah, look.”
Ed adjusted in his seat, hitching up his shirt and pulling the waistband of his pants down with his thumb, running his finger along the faded, jagged scar that ran from right under his ribs to to the top of his hip. 
“Got me pretty good,” Ed said with a chuckle.
Stede kissed his fingers, then reached out to press them to the old scar, and Ed covered Stede’s hand with his own to keep it there.
“What did you do?” Stede asked.
“What I had to,” Ed said, pulling his shirt back down, taking another puff of his pipe, and getting right back into his storytelling voice. “I’d been thinking I needed to go and stitch myself up, right? But by the time we’re in it, rain’s already coming down in sheets, and this crew is still new to my ship, and they’re new to me, and I’m new to them. So I tied myself to the wheel, and-”
Stede felt his eyes get wider and the pain in his chest get deeper as Ed went on with the story, telling Stede about how he’d tied himself to the wheel to avoid sliding right off, shouting orders to his crew, yelling at his first mate to take some younger sailors who were panicking below decks before they got everyone killed.
He told him about how he’d only stopped once he was starting to get dizzy from how much he was bleeding. He’d made up some excuse to run below decks, grab a sewing needle, and get about halfway through sewing himself up before someone called for him.
He told him how he’d had to cling to the railing for dear life because his legs were so shaky.
He’d tied a scrap of canvas, torn from a sail by the winds, around his middle to try and control the bleeding.
By the time he’d been able to finish stitching himself back up, he said, laughing like it was just some slight misfortune, he’d been so weak he’d tied himself to the wheel again, just to stay upright. It had been hours after that until he’d been able to sit down.
And Ed must have realized, finally, Stede didn’t think this story was as fun as he did, because he was frowning, by then. “Pretty cool, right? Tell ya, I was a tough little fucker.”
“How are you laughing at this?” Stede finally managed to ask.
Ed looked surprised. “I mean, if you can’t laugh, what can you do?”
Stede pursed his lips. “Why didn’t you get help?”
Ed blinked.
“Couldn’t,” he said, like it was obvious. “Told you, I was young, most of these guys were twice my age. Any weakness and…y’know.”
Stede swallowed, imagining it. Ed gritting his teeth through the pain, afraid to let anyone see. Slipping on the deck, unsure if it was the rain or his own blood wetting the boards. Hinging his bets on a scrap of canvas tied around his waist.
“Hey, Stede, babe!” Ed snuffed out his pipe and reached across the table, taking one of Stede’s hands to press to his own chest, so Stede could feel the steady heartbeat beneath his palm. “I’m alright, see? I’m right here.”
Stede clenched his fingers in Ed’s shirt. “You know,” he said, “that you can come to me if you need anything? Anything at all? You know that, right?”
“Yeah, of course I know that.” When Stede cupped Ed’s face in his hand, Ed’s hand came up to cover his, nuzzling his face into his palm. “I know I’m safe with you.”
And Stede wished he could go back, to save Ed from all that pain, but - he could be there for him now, and that would have to be enough.
A few days later, while working on repairing a section of their roof, Ed hit his thumb with a hammer.
It was a tiny injury. Barely anything at all, especially not compared to that story.
But Ed came down to find Stede, working on the walls, and he showed him his bruised, sore thumb.
“Kiss it better?” Ed asked.
Stede obliged happily, of course, and Ed might’ve looked sheepish at first, but soon he was soaking up the attention. Stede couldn’t go back and fix everything, couldn’t save Ed from any pain, but he could help him feel safe now - and that was enough.
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thelampisaflashlight · 5 months
Shutterbug: Point and Shoot
[Dew and Aeon go to the lake to take pictures of the sunrise. Angst comes and goes in a blink. Baphomet persists.] Below the cut.
"Why do we have to get up so early for this?" Aeon whines, dragging his feet through the tall grass, slumped forward dramatically with an almost comical pout on his face as he follows Dew towards the lake.
"If you want to photograph the sunrise, you need to get up before the sun rises." the older man says, unbothered by the younger's antics, "Simple as that."
Aeon gives a little huff before a yawn slips from his lips, causing Dew to yawn as well, "It's so early though... There's a whole hour before the sun rises, and it only takes ten minutes to walk here from the dorms!"
Dew rolls his eyes and sets down the large backpack slung over his shoulder, gesturing for Aeon to do the same.
"If I let you sleep in any longer, you wouldn't be awake enough to help me set up, let alone take the pictures. You said you wanted to learn how to use an actual camera, and here we are."
The quintessence ghoul hums, "Here we are..."
With a sigh, Aeon casts his gaze over the lake, still lit by the stars that are only now starting to fade from view.
The ground is cool under his feet, and the toes of his sneakers are lightly soaked by the morning dew.
He inhales slow and deep and feels himself slowly beginning to wake.
"At least it's nice out here..." he says, turning towards Dew, who is rummaging through his bag, taking out a tripod and another, compact bag from within that looks worn in a well loved kind of way, "So... I never got to ask, since the others recommended that I go to you to learn about this stuff, but, uh, how long have you been into photography?"
"Aw, geez, it's been a long time..." Dew picks up a flat rock from the dirt, sliding it under one of the legs of the tripod, making it more level, "Couple decades now, I guess?"
"A couple... A couple what?? A couple decades??" Aeon balks, "But you've only been on the surface since..."
He counts on his fingers, but gets stuck.
"H-How is that even possible??"
Dew stands up, bracing against his knees as he does so, "Huh, guess that story slipped through the cracks... I mean, yeah, I..."
He places a hand on his chest.
"I don't mean me." he says, "I mean this guy."
He sweeps his hand up to his face and then downwards.
"My vessel."
Aeon blinks.
"Your vessel...?"
"Ough... they really don't tell you new summons anything..." Dew stretches and then grabs one of the folding chairs he made Aeon carry with them, "Pop a squat, Sparkles, we have some time to kill anyway."
Aeon tilts his head sideways, but does as he's told. Once he's settled, Dew sits down, looking out over the horizon.
"It's all kind of complicated, but the long and short of it is; My body, this face you're looking at, this isn't a glamour. It's not an approximation of what I would look like if I were human... it is human."
"I... Okay." Aeon looks at Dew sideways, "So... You're human then?"
"Was." Dew says, stretching his legs out, "I was, but I also wasn't. Sometimes... Sometimes, when the church needs a ghoul... No, that's... Let's just go with that, yeah?"
Aeon nods.
"The best way I can put it, is that this body belonged to someone else, and then another person -a demon- laid claim to it, but instead of forcing the other soul out... they kind of, I dunno, melded together?" Dew emphasizes his point by making a squishing motion with his hands, "So I'm, like, some kind of weird soul baby of those two people."
"Hehe... Soul baby..."
"Shut up, I said it was complicated."
"...You are forgiven, for now." Dew snorts, "Anyway."
Dew taps the side of his head.
"Basically means I have memories from two different lives mushed together in the old brain box, and to get to the point already, the first guy was a photographer."
"Ohhh... So you retained all of his memories of how to do this then?" Aeon asks, looking at the bags again, "That's pretty-"
Aeon pauses, brow furrowing.
"...What happened?"
Dew raises a brow, turning his head towards him, "Mn?"
"What happened to the photographer guy? Like, if you're..." he bites the inside of his cheek, "Am I not supposed to ask-"
"I never said you couldn't, and do I look bothered?" Dew questions, his posture too casual, too relaxed for him to be annoyed, "Do you really wanna know?"
Another pause.
"...Yes, please."
Dew closes his eyes for a moment and sits up slightly.
"Here, I'll show you how to set up the camera first so we don't forget why we're out here..."
And they do.
Dew makes Aeon do most of the set-up and adjustments to the equipment himself, "So you can get a feel for it."
When all is said and done, Dew lets him tweak camera's settings a bit more before motioning for him to sit back down.
"I've been into photography since I was a kid, couldn't tell you how old I was when I first held a camera, but I do know what my first clear picture was of." he says, leaning back in his chair, "We had this little terrier, Wilma, when I was little, and the thing couldn't sit still for the life of her, but I somehow managed to get her to stay put for a photo... Probably bribed her with an entire bag of biscuits, but I was really proud of how it came out."
"I don't really remember many of my early, early memories, especially not the ones from this guy, but I remember that." he utters softly, a hint of warmth blossoming on his cheeks and the tips of his ears, subtle embarrassment, "Being proud..."
"I can also remember being fucking miserable."
A cool breeze rolls across the grass, and Aeon uses it to hide the shiver that runs up his spine at Dew's words.
"...Before I go any further, do you still want to hear about this?"
Aeon swallows, then thinks.
"Do you really want to talk about it?" he counters, and Dew gives a little puff through his nose, "Really, though."
He shrugs.
"It was a long time ago, Sparkles."
"Doesn't mean it can't still hurt." Aeon whispers a bit too knowingly for Dew's liking, if the little noise in the back of his throat is any indication of that.
"...I died." he says after a moment of silence, "I died, Aeon."
"You... You died?"
"I don't know the full details, and I don't want to know, but yeah." he nods, "Yeah."
Aeon watches the cattails wave in the wind, processing what his packmate just said.
"I guess I got lost out in the woods nearby, and some siblings found me and brought my body back here." Dew continues, "There's a lot of... little details that flicker around in my head from time to time, fragments of memories, or maybe dreams I'm misremembering, but I mostly just remember, ya know, stuff like this."
He points at the camera.
"I didn't forget how to do things like read or write, and I knew things I liked and didn't like, but I forgot most of what made me this guy."
"Did he have a name?" Aeon asks, taking in Dew's features anew, from the sharpness of his nose, to the gentleness of his brow.
"Probably." Dew laughs, "Actually, yes, but that's also something I've decided I don't want to know. The files are all there, if I decide to deep dive into my past, but I already promised myself I wouldn't do that."
"...But you died."
"You're wondering how I'm here now, right?"
Aeon nods.
"Well, there was this goat-"
"Well, hello, Moonlight, how'd your little photography lesson with Dew go?" Swiss asks, legs kicked up over the armrest the couch in the common room as he half watches the morning news, eyeing a harrowed looking Aeon.
The ghoul stares blankly at the wall for a solid minute before he replies.
"...Have you hear the Bapho-tits story before or is Dew full-on fucking with me?"
Swiss almost pulls a muscle from the involuntary sit-up he does from wheezing too hard.
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Hey there! Thanks for all your hard work. I wanted to send something that would hopefully be fun and a break from the asks. What are your fave cards for each character (and why if you want to explain)? :D
no problem :) and thank you for the break haha
this is kinda long bc of the amount of images so i'll put it under a readmore. note that my reasoning kinda ranges from "it's pretty" to <ramble about art>.
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Before Thinking About It (Live with memories)
This set is really pretty but Ichika definitely has the best card in it. I love the stars and the little fish things swimming about.
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Rainy Distance (First Star After the Rain)
No I do not care that this was her first 4*. How can people say the old sets are bad like have you SEEN the Stella set? It's absolutely beautiful.
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Because You're Our Dear Friend (Unwavering Feelings, Now Put Into Words)
This set is so pretty!! It’s one of my favorite perm sets. Honami's is definitely my favorite though because the twinkly stars really take it up a level.
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The Right Path for Me (Colorful Festival)
Shiho looks really cool in this one and I love the artstyle. I like the sign that just says "sign".
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For "Your" Sake (Let's Deliver! Hopeful Stage)
Another really good Year One set! I love the angel theming with Minori and giving her actual wings was such a cool idea. Faito faito Minorin!
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Perfect Premonition (Connecting Painful Hope)
I vividly remember when this leaked it was a big day for MMJ fans. She looks really cool in this card and I like the sort of rockstar aesthetic it has. Easily my favorite card for her
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To You Who Wants To Be An Idol (Colorful Festival)
One of my favorite cards in the game! The aesthetic is really cute and reminds me of pop art. I love the details on the eyes as well
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With the Feeling of Shooting a Thousand Arrows (Draw Your Bow in This White World)
I still can’t believe that this set is perm it’s absolutely stunning. Easily Shizuku’s best card, she looks so ethereal here
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Kaleidoscope of Footprints (Colorful Festival)
I love the colors and the art on this one. It’s really unique and definitely one of my favorite fes cards. Again I love how her eyes are drawn and colored.
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Past Excitement (Colorful Festival)
This is An’s most recent 4* with neon lighting i just want them back. Also the Nagi-inspired hairstyle ueueueueue
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The Reason Behind the Words I Was Told (Find A Way Out)
I love the emotion on this one like it carries really well. Honestly it’s not the prettiest or most interesting card ever but it resonates ygm. You can really feel his joy and passion in this one.
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Feelings That Were Buried (Colorful Festival)
Ough his fes is so good. The symbolism as well like music is really important to Toya and it’s a huge part of his life but he's keeping this specific part behind a curtain for now. The fact it’s in the part of his fragment sekai that isn’t as derelict as the rest- it hurts.
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Receiving Your Inspiration (A Sorrowful Farewell at the Curtain Call)
It was really close between this and Torpe but ultimately I chose this one. It’s really bright and warm compared to Rui's dark and cold and Nene's in-between and I think that's why it sticks out to me.
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An Irreplaceable Smile (Smile of Dreamer)
Yumekawa sets are always some of my favorites and this set especially. Imo this is also the most “Emu” card so far like it’s so fun and colorful and imaginative
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Dazzling Dream Stage (Colorful Festival)
Mary poppins nene!! Like I said with Emu this is probably one of the most “Nene” cards to me, she needs more stuff that has that classic musical theatre kinda vibe.
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The Right Words to Throw (At This Festival Colored By Twilight)
I think this whole set was really pretty but this one is probably my favorite from it. I like the references to previous wandasho events and looking at this after Curtain Call just hits different yk
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Flowerbed of Memories (Carnation Recollection)
Like I said with Akito this one is about the emotion. I think it captures the event story really well like if you have background context you can see all the connections to the Yoisaki family and Kanade reminiscing about that warmth.
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The Silence That Only You Know (Draw Your Bow in This White World)
I had a really hard time picking my favorite but I think I’m gonna go for her archery card as well. I already said it but this set is great and I love the details in the background of this card as well.
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Through Pain and Misery (On This Blank Canvas, I Paint)
I remember really well when this one leaked because it was around the time I started actively playing the game and I’m still in awe about it. It looks so good for a permanent card and we have never gotten another card like this.
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Making Chocolates With Children (The Gentleman Thief's Thrilling White Day!?)
Not the most impressive choice but white day sets go hard. I love medieval/fantasy AU and this card is really cool. Also convinced that the artist does not know how heavy flagpoles are.
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At Least, to Me (2nd Colorful Festival)
I love the victorian mad scientist look she’s bringing to the table. Also I like lore.
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Sending My Singing Voice (On This Blank Canvas, I Paint)
Another emotion card. Rin being the one connected most to Ena and the way she’s embracing the art is so !!! It’s such a warm card as well you can really feel the way Ena feels about her craft.
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Cheering For You (Colorful Festival)
The artists went all out for Kagamine fes the art looks so good. I don’t really have much to say about this one lol
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Chalkboard Cherry Blossoms In Bloom (Sakura Across SEKAI, Interconnecting Our Feelings)
I love the colors on this one it looks so pretty; pink and purple palettes look so nice. Also leo/need with stars always a plus.
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Reassuring Warmth (Get Over It.)
Probably my second favorite perm set after archery. I love space/sci-fi themed things and this is probably my favorite from that set. The colors are really nice and I like the lore implications of her solar system model
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What Arrangement Would Be Good? (Draw Your Bow in This White World)
Shocker I picked archery again. What can I say, this set fucks.
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hareofhrair · 2 years
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Art from the most recent ask in its own post. Shafan has a run in with a clown.
story under the cut
HH: =oh i've had run ins with m=ore'n a few cl=owns, n=one of em pleasant.
HH: best =one was a sweep =or s=o back. i was cruisin this lil shindig a friend =of a friend was thr=owin
HH: m=ost everyb=ody there was a rusty, but tha thing ab=out thr=owin a g=o=od party is
HH: cl=owns will just sh=ow up
HH: they just manifest there =or s=omethin s=o=on as things really kick off
HH: like the way bleatbeasts just show up at metal c=oncerts
HH: anyway everyb=ody kn=ows y=ou thr=ow a big en=ough party yer runnin tha risk a cl=owns deciding ta crash it
HH: but generally speakin cl=owns aint subtle and when they sh=ow up ya kn=ow what's happenin
HH: s=o i'm at this party and havin a real g=o=od time
HH: maybe a lil drunker than I =ought ta be
HH: when i sp=ot this Big B=oy lurkin in a c=orner b=o=oth
HH: and yall kn=ow i like em big
HH: s=o i slide in and intr=oduce myself
HH: i feel it's imp=ortant ta menti=on here that the lightin in this place was n=ot s=o g=o=od
HH: and als=o my eyesight leaves a lil s=omethin ta be desired
HH: by which i mean im blind as tha pr=overbial flyin squeakbeast
HH: s=o between that and bein pretty sl=oshed i d=ont n=otice anythin suspici=ous ab=out this gentleman
HH: i start talkin ta tha fella, and he's a bit quiet, aint sayin much
HH: but that's fine i can run my m=outh en=ough fer tha b=oth a us, and i d=o
HH: lil while later, i get ta askin him if he w=ouldn't like ta walk me h=ome, if ya gather my meanin
HH: he says that s=ounds like fun, and we slip =out tha back a tha j=oint
HH: i'm hangin =off his arm, havin tr=ouble walkin straight, when I l=o=ok up an get my first g=o=od gander at tha guy under a streetlight
HH: and i see greasepaint, and a big =ole grin
HH: that'll s=ober a fella up p=owerful fast let me tell ya
HH: n=ow i mighta just g=one al=ong with tha guy and b=olted at tha first good excuse
HH: but apparently i was t=o=o drunk ta manage my facial expressi=ons, cus he sees h=ow i'm l=o=okin at him and his smile if anythin just gets wider.
HH: finally n=oticed, did ya? he says. that mean i cain't walk ya h=ome n=o m=ore? =oh well, tha =other way w=oulda been m=ore fun, but we can still have a g=o=od time.
HH: and he drags me =off int=o an alley and pulls o=ut a club, ready ta splatter me acr=oss tha pavement like a p=opped water bal=o=on
HH: but i tend ta babble when i'm scared, and all =of a sudden i say
HH: hell nah, y'all can't kill me like this, it ain't even funny!
HH: where's tha w=ordplay? tha creativity?
HH: yer just g=onna smash me with a club in an alleyway?
HH: where's tha fuckin craftsmanship? where's tha art?
HH: and that actually makes him st=op fer a minute
HH: and he just l=o=oks at me fer a bit, an then he says
HH: kn=ow what, yer right. Culls =ought ta be gl=ori=ous in tha sight a tha messiahs =or s=ome shit
HH: and i say hey ya kn=ow what w=ould be funny
HH: im a real fast runner, faster than hell
HH: and there's a train what comes thr=ough here right at sunrise
HH: let's say y=ou challenge me t=o a race with tha train
HH: and if I beat it, y=ou let me g=o
HH: he starts sayin nah i aint just lettin y=ou run =off i aint that dumb
HH: and i say =of c=ourse, that's the funniest part
HH: bef=ore the train c=omes, ya tie my feet t=o tha tracks!
HH: he says h=ot damn yer right that is fuckin funny
HH: gets right giggly imaginin me tryin ta run and gettin flattened like an old penny
HH: so we head =on =over t=o tha train tracks
HH: and i say wait h=old =on, we need s=ome supplies first
HH: supplies, he says?
HH: i say yeah well, we need r=ope =obvi=ously, and an umbrella
HH: he says, an umbrella?
HH: i say =o c=ourse an umbrella, i t=old ya tha train c=omes right at sunrise. ya d=ont want ta be standin there burnin in tha sun iffin tha train is late, d=o ya?
HH: and he says yer right yer right i d=ont care fer sunburns
HH: s=o he gets s=ome r=ope and a big black umbrella and we get =on tha tracks and he start's tyin my feet t=o tha tracks, but he's kinda strugglin because he's h=oldin tha umbrella at tha same time
HH: and i say hang o=n, ya can't tie it like that, it's g=onna slip right o=ff. here, let me sh=ow ya, i learned s=ome sailin kn=ots fr=om a c=obalt that never c=ome l=o=ose
HH: So i start sh=owin him h=ow ta d=o it, but he ain't gettin it, s=o i say here, i'll tie my =own feet, and y=ou watch and practice =on your =own feet.
HH: s=o he starts tyin his =own feet ta tha tracks, but he's still fumblin =on acc=ount =of h=oldin tha umbrella, s=o i say, ya need b=oth hands, here let me h=old that f=or ya
HH: and he says thanks and hands me the umbrella and g=oes back ta tyin his feet ta tha tracks.
HH: n=ow =of c=ourse ab=out that time tha sun starts ta c=ome up, and right =on time the train whistle s=ounds in tha distance
HH: and tha cl=own l=o=oks up
HH: by which p=oint i'm already ab=out half a bl=ock away, runnin like hell itself is =on my heels
HH: but i was still cl=ose en=ough ta hear that m=otherfucker laughin, laughin like ta bust a gut, right up till tha n=oise a tha train dr=owned him =out
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Hello! I hope your week has been fine. I've seen some of your Journey to the South stuff. Very neat! I'd like to ask, just as their (baby?) sister have the power to curse immortals to death, what powers did you give Luohou and Qidou? Qidou has a giant inkbrush and Luohou some kind of sun imagery in the back. What do those mean? Are those related to their powers? What personality did you give them?
Also, I hope you don't mind if I insert some LMK ideas (because I know you don't like the show's direction of SWK) but I have a thought that the Macaque character might be more palatable and makes sense as JTTW's sequal character if the character was originally a separate character from the SEM, just a monkey demon with extraordinary hearing who was friends with SWK, who was killed during SWK's journey, something SWK realized too late, then was revived but as a price, SAM'S soul latched onto his and sort of fused together, so now he's being possessed by the monkey that tried to usurp his old friend's life, while his body is slowly changing and his identity is mixing with SAM'S memories and feelings.
Just a ramble of idea here. You may ignore it if you aren't interested. Have a good month, eat your fruits and vegetables at least once a week!
AUGH so sorry that I've taken so long to get to this question @angstandhappiness (X_X). Part of it is me still finalizing Quidou and Luohou's whole deal! I'm honestly happy that you're interested in what I'm planning for those guys, though I do want to note that Quidou is the one with the mirror behind him and Luohou is the one with the giant paintbrush. I'll try to get some more sketches out for them soon :D
OUGH some of the asks I've gotten (yours included) have offered some really neat ideas on what could be done with Monkie Kid as it now stands! tbh a good deal of my disappointment with the route Flying Bark took with Macaque was the way they just wholesale threw away everything about his devious and terrifying evil twin self from the og classic in order to make him this angsty oc Shadow the Hedgehog clone, but honestly this suggestions seems like a pretty cool way to let og LEMH have a chance to shine in all his vicious and manipulative glory! As is WOW the scenario you've proposed presents a very interesting body-snatcher-ish chance to really get into how kind of creepy and honestly damaging to literally everyone Macaque's obsession with Sun Wukong is. Like it really lays on how Macaque has nothing defining his life or identity except what happens between him and the Monkey King, which does present a perfect opportunity for og LEMH to come in and be like "okay you clearly have nothing else going on let's try to murder/replace this guy again >:D"
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 months
this is kinda vague cause I don’t have any specific question in mind but can you talk about lumiere and adam’s relationship? just ,, anything about them? cause lemme tell youuuuuuuu something 🫵🏻 I think about that fic where he performs a magic trick for little adam all the time
SCREAM!!! the fact that you think about that fic so much makes me SO HAPPY😭 i ADORE adam & lumi’s relationship so YES LET’S GET INTO IT BABEY!
for starters, i headcanon that they’re 11 years apart. i did this because dan stevens and ewan mcgregor are 11 years apart, lmao. but i also think it makes sense! so i didn’t feel like altering that.
they met when adam was 4, and lumiere was hired as a 15-year-old footman. i think they liked each other instantly. lumiere’s jovial/loud/playful personality perfectly filled in all the gaps of adam’s terrible shyness. queen renée liked him, (she was only like. 6-7 years older than him) and he reminded her of her own younger brothers, whom she dearly missed. this helped adam trust lumiere quicker, as lumiere ended up spending extra time with him.
like in the fic you’re referring to, lumiere quickly picked up on how regularly adam needed to be rescued. mrs. potts filled him in on the severity of the situation here, and how it’s been like this since he was born, so lumiere became pretty protective of adam. he’d try to distract him and pull him out of reality as much as he could. cogsworth was always on the fence about it, because on the one hand, he wants to follow the rules and obey the king’s orders that servants aren’t supposed to be friendly with the family. but on the other hand, he cared about little adam too, and he was glad, in THIS case, that lumiere was so good at being sneaky
a couple years later, plumette joined the crew as a young maid. lumi fell for her INSTANTLY, and they became besties very quickly. she, too, of course, felt so badly for the little prince. she also became trusted by queen renée (who was alwaaysss rooting for those two — she’d get their schedules rearranged so they could work together or get days off together, and even find secret rooms to allow them alone time. she’s the OG plumiere shipper😤)
ANYWAY, my point there is that lumi and plumette very much became the big brother & sister that adam very much needed. they both played with him as much as they could. they’d go for walks with him in the garden when his mother was occupied, they’d race boats across the pond. lumiere would give him piggy back rides around the castle and adam would actually laugh sometimes!! he was so,., not very expressive as a kid. especially not happy emotions. so it always melted their hearts when they could hear his precious little giggle🥹
i’ve mentioned this before i think, but for birthdays and christmas and such, queen renée would send lum and plum to paris to get gifts for adam, since she was often not permitted to leave without the king🙃
lumiere also taught adam how to play chess!!!!! he also taught him some “special moves” (cheating) that guarantee (he’s cheating) victory every time😎 (he taught him how to cheat because beating cogsworth is funny). but he still knows (and never forgets!!!) the basics!!
when the queen got sick… ough. everyone was just trying to take care of adam as much as they could. which wasn’t enough At All, but it was all they could do. and when she died? OUGHDKFJSKJ!!!!!!!! adam was 9 (and a half), lumiere was 20. everyone (except the king 🤬🔪) is very very very sad.
adam would have really really awful nightmares, following her death. he’d wake up screaming and sweating and panicking. he’d cry and just entirely be unable to calm down. lumiere soon learned about this and started sneaking to the west wing at night and sleeping in the hallway outside of his room. and then when he’d hear adam wake up, he’d come in and try to soothe him best he could. he’d climb onto the bed and sit beside him and hold him tight until the crying turned to whimpering. adam would mumble “where is she? where’s mama? i want mama” and lumiere would shush him gently and try to keep him calm and pet his hair, telling him to go back to sleep.
the king soon found out about this (he had too many RATS working for him😤) and forbade it, putting a guard outside adam’s room so no one was allowed in during the night. (and sometimes louis would force him to stay in there during the day too! if he was being particularly difficult (having autistic meltdowns or just in general Being An Autistic And Depressed Child) and no one could control him🙃)
anywaaayyyyyy this is the beginning of the many cracks and fractures that would come to their friendship. adam is sent to boarding school in the fall and he just gets more closed off, angry, sad, you name it! from here. it’s not a 180 flip though. the first few years when he comes home for breaks, he’s still drawn to lumi & plum and still leans on them. i have a sweet fic from when he was 11 that’s 🥹🤧 a precious moment amidst the terribleness. and it’s more lumi doing card tricks!! hehe!! he’s an entertainer, what can i say?🤩
by the time he’s a teenager though there’s basically nothing between them. his father beat him enough times to Stop Talking To Them that he just finally gave up trying. and when his father dies just before adam turned 16, it’s all a mess. adam’s completely cold with all of them. he’s been away most of the time the last 6 years because of school so when he does come back and Stay at the castle, he just really makes it his domain. he invites all the awful friends he’s made in the cities, he creates his corrupt and awful court, he indulges and drowns in his self-loathing. all that good stuff 🙃
and where does it leave lumiere? heartbroken with the rest of the gang. feeling like they failed him. which is so hard because it’s like!!! they did as much as they COULD. if they did any more, if they were less sneaky, less careful, they’d have lost their livelihoods! and they couldn’t risk losing their work OR leaving adam to truly fend for himself. so they settled for the brief moments they could each spend with him, desperately hoping it would be enough for him to turn out like his mother, instead of his father😭
but of course. we know how the story goes. during the curse it’s interesting because he’s just stuck with them. like there’s no other people he could distract himself with. he’s stuck with them!!! and he clearly still listens to them, at least to a degree. i really love the scene where he sees a place setting for belle at the table and he gets PISSED and yells “LUMIERE!!!!!!!!!” and goes to talk to him. and he’s all pissy and grumpy but he’s still talking to him!! and cogsworth!! and mrs. potts!! it’s just so complicated!!!! like it’s not like he’s FORGOTTEN how much they meant to him, it’s just that his mind and heart are so DEEPLY clouded by the trauma of growing up with his father and the anger that he still feels for him, and himself! because of him! AGHGHH!!!
but you know what scene kicks so much ass??? THE ADAM & LUMIERE HUG!!!!!!!!!!! i’ve already perfectly elaborated on it here, and idk if i’ll ever be able to elaborate on it again because it usually just makes me go GJSKFHWKDHWKDHSKSJ!!!!!!!!!!! but that hug is just. CRAZY. “HELLO OLD FRIEND” ??????? i’m gonna throw myself into the sun. adam calling lumiere his old friend is genuinely one of the reasons i fell so FREAKING hard for this film seven years ago. what a line. what a scene. THE IMPLICATIONS OF IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! adam’s cold heart is thawed and is full of LOVE and he HUGS HIS OLD FRIEND, THE ONE WHO WAS LIKE A BROTHER TO HIM, THE ONE WHO PLAYED WITH HIM AND WIPED HIS TEARS AND HELD HIM WHEN HE JUST WANTED THE WORLD TO SWALLOW HIM WHOLE. THATS HIS OLD FRIEND!!!! ADAM LOVES LUMIERE SO SO SO MUCH 😭😭😭
gosh… anyway, as a last, lovely, note. they of course become such best friends. after the curse, they have a couple deep talks that are so Good for them both, but especially adam. and adam learns how to confide in him, how to trust him again. they play billiards and pass the time! they play chess and adam “wins” and lumiere’s like hey dude i thought we AGREED we were only gonna use those moves on COGSWORTH!!! also lumiere becomes his valet for many years, so they’re just always chattin about one thing or another. (it’s usually court gossip though. lumiere being a servant has ALL THE TEA☕️).
they become fathers together, their children grow up together. heck! they become fathers-in-LAW together!! juliette ends up marrying lumiere & plumette’s eldest son, sebastian!!! :”) (and reecy & their younger child xavier are BEST FRIENDS😤 which is also VERY IMPORTANT‼️) their families are just forever intertwined. even before the marriage, they really are family. in a modern suburban au, i just KNOW they’d be neighbors having barbecues at each other’s houses all summer 🤧 anyway it’s just so beautiful man!! adam and lumiere just have such an important bond. they’ve Truly been through thick and thin. it’s such a sweet love, to have a friend as wonderful as they have in each other 🥹
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runefells · 8 months
I stumbled upon your selkie au fanart and i must say, I LOVE how the art's body language foreshadows what will happen. Jon's body language is open and he is relaxed and the look in his eyes is trusting.
Elias's smile doesn't reach his eyes and they are cold. The way he looks at Jon is predatory and calculating.
Do you have further art/fics of this au? If not, can we get general look on the "happy" couple's marriage? 👀
Ough thank you!! i at some point planned on writing parts of it but im a slow writer and my interests jumps between aus so quickly ;;
lemme give a quick little idea of what happens since i dont remember how much ive said or if ill do more art for it in the future,,,
basically Elias meets Jon and gains his trust by approaching him in an academic way. Jon is curious about humans, so despite all his warnings about them he humors Elias and they share information about their species. eventually Elias convinces Jon to return with him to london after telling Jon all about how amazing human cities are. he also convinces Jon to let Elias safeguard his coat (he acts like many humans will be interested in stealing it and only Elias will be able to protect it). Jon is simultaneously extremely interested in london and also completely overwhelmed by all the sounds and people. he lives with Elias and is pampered by him, taught to read (he learns he loves books), given clothes (which he hates), and treated to good food (hes mixed on this). Jon does start to fall for Elias and willingly starts a relationship with him but eventually he decides he misses the ocean and wants to go home but yeah ~surprise~ Elias was never going to give Jon his coat back. he had just hoped Jon would like living with Elias enough that he would choose to stay of his own free will. Elias forces Jon to marry him all while promising that he'll adjust to this life eventually.
Jon is obviously enraged by this and tries everything he can to escape at first. this part of the au is the least fleshed out but suffice to say Jon is rather miserable and depressed. he spends a lot of his time in their library and finds a book that talks about the ocean and has photographs in it which he looks at for comfort. Elias does bring him for a trip to see the ocean but its not where hes from and he doesnt allow Jon his coat to transform so its bittersweet.
(a good amount time passes between these two points and theres a good amount of up and down in their relationship. elias lovebombs jon a lot and tries to make him happy but is not willing to let go of his control over jon's life. jon kind of accepts that he wont be free and tries to make the best of his situation but hes still pretty homesick and depressed)
Elias gets frustrated that Jon can't just be happy with what he has (he had rather grandiose and unrealistic expectations for their marriage) and vents to Peter about it. He's more under the delusion that they're just having a marital spat and Jon will come around eventually but Peter tells him that selkies will never be tame and Jon will fight him till one of them dies. Elias wants to prove to Peter that Jon does love him so he brings him back to where he found him and gives him his coat back, sure that Jon will choose to stay with him buuuut. he runs
in the fic there was going to be a timeskip of about a year (maybe even ending there and then having a sequel) here where Jon eventually returns to where he met Elias and finds a package elias left him with their rings, some letters, and a couple of Jon's favorite books. he realizes that he misses his old life.. at least part of it. the sea is freedom but its also very lonely. he doesnt actually think he'll ever see Elias again but he comes back on the year anniversary of Jon leaving to reminisce and leave the rest of Jon's things as a symbol of moving on. I was going to have them work on things and have Jon come back to the relationship on his own terms with his own rules
is Elias actually changed in the end? honestly im not sure I didnt think that far. It definitely could go the way of being a cycle of abuse and i think he'd have to work quite hard to break his negative behavior. though tbf the Elias in this au isn't Jonah magnus (meaning he isn't a regency body-hopper not that he is OG Elias). this whole summary is only talking about the relationship A plot which was going to coincide with some Lovecraftian inspired occult mystery stuff : D (which isnt fleshed out at all other than i wanted those vibes)
anyway thanks for your interest I love talking about my aus xD I wish i had more content for them but my brain is really uncooperative
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plusultraetc · 4 months
Liza's School Briefs 1 Review (1/2)
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School Briefs 1 saved me from my reading slump, thank u School Briefs 1.
I actually did read a ton these past few weeks, both long fics I've been chipping away at and my physical TBR, and I feel like reading this book with the intention of writing some kind of review was what finally booted my brain back into book mode (hi alliteration). If I can finish my current read by my next bookstore visit I am picking up the second one so fast !!
It's been a minute since I typed up a full, actual book review, so this might be even more disorganized than my usual word salad. I am reaching back for those bookstagram skills but the arms of memory are not quite long enough 😔 I did stick a lot of page tabs in this book to help me out, because old habits die hard, or they don't die at all, but page tabs are pretty and I'm one of those people who can't write in my books, even the ones I intend to keep. Idk, I just can't do it </3 Also do you know how difficult it was to not stage a full 2020 era bookstagram photo for this post. Do you know.
Overall, I really enjoyed this! It was cute, and the illustrations were so <3 <3 There were definitely some things I could live without (mostly comments from Mineta and Midnight, which are def also present in the main series, but I feel like they were even more over the top in this book?? Like??? I genuinely found myself grimacing at times while reading, it was very uncomfy). Also, Uraraka, Tsu, and Yaoyorozu's sidequest, while incredibly cute, was definitely... ig a 'the girls that get it get it, and the girls that don't don't' moment and I did not get it. Why were we so obsessed with underwear in this book. ANYWAY ON TO THE TABS.
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Starting off strong with Todoroki's Sick Burns (no pun intended). He really tried to come for Sero's 'Funniest Bakugou Takes' crown in this book. Todoroki's subplot was actually my favorite thing about this story--more on that in a moment.
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Also, this made me so 🥺 He fit in so well with 1-A from the start that it's easy to forget Midoriya was decently unpopular in middle school. The palpable social anxiety in this line is so real.
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Can we talk about the Todorokis... (actively dissolving into a puddle of tears) can we please talk about the Todorokis... Rei tries so hard in this book. FUYUMI tries so hard. Their storyline was such a tender thread running through what was otherwise an incredibly goofy book. There were some aspects of like, Todoroki Family Life(TM) that I had never given much thought to? Like how Todoroki's poor social skills among his own age group had probably impacted his (and Fuyumi's) life pre-UA, the responses of other characters like Midoriya, Iida, and Aizawa to what they respectively know about his situation, etc. It was just. Really ough. Augh. Alack, if you will.
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TODOROKI STAND UP COMEDY TOUR. I live for Shouto & Fuyumi & Natsuo interactions, my skin is clear and my crops are watered. Shouto & Fuyumi were so precious in this.
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I talked about this scene already, but omg how I loved the entire staff room chapter. I've always found the UA faculty as a concept deeply entertaining (what do you MEAN the superheroes are teachers. 'Sorry, I can't hang out after school. I have to study for a test in Batman's class.') and this chapter was just. So silly. I love them.
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Really quick, do you think they ever get tired of being so everything to me? Aizawa spends this entire scene rolling his eyes at the other teachers' bs-ing and wasting time, deliberately not getting involved, but of course Mic still manages to drag him into it. Just couldn't help yourself could you.
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moulinblanc0800 · 1 year
why wandering clown is wataru singing to eichi
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or, wataru's second solo from the fine trip album lyric analysis as seen through a wataei lens (honestly though this song is so incredibly specific to his and Eichi's story 😭)
Thank you to lucidstars on youtube, whose translation I based this off. Let's begin!
Verse 1: A wandering clown crosses the sea of stars while taking light steps, as if kicking beads
'Sea of stars' makes me think of outer space, how Wataru views himself as an alien or monster, something otherworldly.
A few other things come to mind: stars are very Eichi symbolism, like in his first solo Shining Star; and Jingle Bells, when the Angel flies through the sky with Eichi. The beads are immediately reminiscent of Eichi's solo Crystal Pleasure. (There's actually an insane number of parallels between the two solos as we'll see.)
The applause is for you, my whole soul that goes into a whirlpool of emotion And to be able to lock eyes with you in the garden of joy would be such a wonderful thing (showtime)
This is a stretch but walk with me. The first line is daydream. "A resounding applause (kassai ga hibiki wataru)" is the first line. The applause was for Eichi alone, while Wataru was enmeshed by all his conflicting feelings at the time.
In Wataru's words to Eichi in Blackbird, which directly follows daydream: "It’s as though something I cannot quite comprehend is stirring inside me", "as though he were a child who had just tripped for the very first time in his life."
I tried looking up garden of joy (歓喜の園 kanki no sono) to see if it was a reference but couldn't find anything. But I did think of the garden of Eden and the idea of exfine being holy angels, divination...idk.
Chorus: Let’s sew countless sparkles into this dream Sing as the wings of love flap Tonight at the end of the world, the clown you invited Will deliver a surprising song you’ve never heard before
This part screams Blackbird, where Eichi and Wataru write the next part of their story. In fact this is pretty much blatantly repeated by Eichi in Crystal Pleasure: "I want to connect all the sparkling moments" and "let me give you happy dreams". (I really have to do a separate analysis for Crystal).
Wings of love --> can be Wataru's bird imagery, callback to Jingle Bells' Angel, or the continued bird imagery in Blackbird
"At the end of the world"- In Neo Sanctuary, fine sings "And that is the Neo Sanctuary, the blooming new world I offer this victory to". In the same sense, they were at the end of the old world, about to embark on a new one, with the clown that Eichi invited... to fine :) [Oh this is ALSO mentioned in Crystal Pleasure's second chorus: "I’ll invite you into the brilliance, towards the tomorrow that you wish for"] This is one of the most blatant Wataei parts of the two solos.
Verse 2: Tied together with mischief, the melody of the constellations echo so close to each other every time you resonate your wish I want to speak to those eyes of yours, on this stage coloured by enthusiasm
The star imagery continues... Suspiciously in alignment with Crystal Pleasure. I will note that the same word for wish 望む is used here as in Crystal's second chorus. Both Wandering and Crystal sing about eyes countless times, I'll let you play with that yourselves.
But maybe I’m the only one who wants that When the curtain rises, the boundaries fade away I can almost feel your breath, you beautiful person
This part. Ough. Again, walk with me, this is like a reverse, or parallel of daydream. "Maybe I'm the only one who wants that"--when Wataru, unlike the other Eccentrics, was always fascinated by Eichi and even went to join fine, to the befuddlement of the rest.
In daydream, Wataru catches Eichi as the curtain falls, telling him that the audience is still watching, and commenting that it's unsightly (jury's out on whether he was talking about Eichi or himself, but anyway). Meanwhile, Eichi thinks Wataru "beautiful". They are so close that Eichi coughs up blood on Wataru's face.
These last lines of the second verse aren't daydream, but they're the present. Instead of a falling curtain, it's a rising curtain. And they're close as ever, so close he can feel his breath. And in this implied performance, they're standing on the same stage. In Wataru's words in Diner Live: "I wanted to stand on the same stage as you, Tenshouin Eichi [...] Unlike the confrontation of the past, a “what-if” that shows a past where we are standing shoulder-to-shoulder, or maybe even in the present. That’s the kind of dream I wanted to see."
Yeah. I'm. I'm normal
The second chorus ends with two different lines:
Tonight at the end of the world, the clown you're dancing with Will deliver an incredible dream just as you wish for
At this point
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they're just not hiding anything are they.
Now that I'm done destroying myself here, I have to do Crystal Pleasure god i have to do crystal pleasure. I hope u enjoyed this post! Thank you for listening to me bend my back over for them. Feel free to add on if you noticed anything else.
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melonpalooza · 6 months
Hmm well maybe the Nobody’s equivalent to the Robins are the ciphers??
(I was looking up synonyms and one of the word listed was Ciphers which I thought could be cool)
Also if we go down the Cipher route, then Nightwing’s could turn into WingDings.
Which for some reason I find funny.
Okay so maybe some backstory, Nick Fulton was Nobody’s adopted son but after a heated argument on whether he should follow in his father figure’s footsteps when it comes to crime fighting, Nobody had told him no once again.
So Nick rebels against his father going by as Cipher. Now, Nobody realizes that there will be no way he could convince Nick to stop so Nobody goes to get another hero could potentially can… Turtle Titan!
After all, since Turtle Titan is also a teenager, maybe Mikey can reason with the Cipher.
So Mikey helps Nobody and Cipher with their issues, and gaining a new hero friend Cipher in the process.
And I could see the gnome idea working as well! Like you said maybe He goes by the Gnome first (who has had more the Oracle type of role, helping Nobody from Comms and hacking), then the Cipher.
-(To identify myself I’ll use this: @(・●・)@
so u know it’s me! Sorru I can’t DM you, I’m still trying to build up my confidence with social media in general, and I feel safer talking anonymously? If that’s okay? Sorry if this is weird)
Hmm well maybe the Nobody’s equivalent to the Robins are the ciphers?? (I was looking up synonyms and one of the word listed was Ciphers which I thought could be cool) Also if we go down the Cipher route, then Nightwing’s could turn into WingDings. Which for some reason I find funny.
WINGDINGS. AAAAA. You are right, that IS so funny. And it's so seamless? like omg that's so good. Cipher is also a pretty cool hero name, too!!
Okay so maybe some backstory, Nick Fulton was Nobody’s adopted son but after a heated argument on whether he should follow in his father figure’s footsteps when it comes to crime fighting, Nobody had told him no once again.
Awww Nobody want to protect his son!! But silly Nobody, you can't protect your son from his true calling: dealing justice to ne'er to wells!!!
I like how in this one, Nickie is a fair bit older. Like hey, Bruce?? Sure he'll let a 9 year old go out as Robin. Nobody? No no no, keep that lid on as tight as you can. and then when Nickie is like in his teens, BOOP. YOU CANNOT CONTAIN JUSTICE ANYMORE RAAAGH
So Nick rebels against his father going by as Cipher. Now, Nobody realizes that there will be no way he could convince Nick to stop so Nobody goes to get another hero could potentially can… Turtle Titan! After all, since Turtle Titan is also a teenager, maybe Mikey can reason with the Cipher. So Mikey helps Nobody and Cipher with their issues, and gaining a new hero friend Cipher in the process.
New friend get! I like to imagine they text each other a lot :3. This is adorable. Also bc Cipher is his own age, I bet he is able to coax Turtle Titan into clocking in more hours lmaoooo
Cipher: Please?
Turtle Titan: but it's not my shift,,,
Cipher: 🥺
Turtle Titan: ough you got me
And got imagine the quips their rogues have to deal with. The shenanigans. The jokes!! They become best buddies... I can see it now!!!!
And I could see the gnome idea working as well! Like you said maybe He goes by the Gnome first (who has had more the Oracle type of role, helping Nobody from Comms and hacking), then the Cipher.
Omg Gnome as the Oracle stand-in is so choice...
You're so creative, anon!! (Very adorable identifier btw. hehe) And whatever makes you feel more comfortable! ^o^ It's okay to stay on anon if that's what you prefer :3
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krytus · 1 year
it ASTOUNDS me that legends of tomorrow season one is SEVEN years old and is still so willfully misinterpreted and regarded as one of the worst seasons of the show. like. the show goes off the deep end pretty quick in s2 it disregards gravity and becomes the "time traveling fuck ups" show but s1? s1 is a perfect, beautiful tragedy. not every element is perfect, and im not saying it is. show had its share of flaws, but the parts it got right? the moments it nailed? unparalleled, especially compared to other dctv flagship seasons.
s1 literally opens with an act of cruelty, an act of senseless murder that sets the tone, quickly and efficiently. this isn't a happy story, although there is joy in it. this is a story where everything will go to shit and a little boy is going to be murdered by a tyrant. no matter what they do, the heroes will not be able to save him. do you. do you see the beauty of it. the heroes are fighting for a better future, an ideal, but the future is the past, too. some things will be changed for the better, but some. can't. won't. but they fight anyways.
its better than arrow's tortured "i have to save this city i have to do it alone friendship is poison" its better than the flash's "grief will find barry and all he will do is suffer" because despite the tragedy that chases them. there is hope, too. i think of that scene where jax warns the father he never got to meet. its not much and it doesn’t save him, but in that moment it mattered. in that moment he had hope. i think of rip trying to sacrifice himself because that little boy who died five minutes into the series is his son, the son he never got to raise, the family that was taken from him and how rip has a choice to lay with the past and be villain's final victim. but he chooses to live. who's up for more, he says, despite everything, wanting to stay with the friends he's made.
ough. insane. unparalleled. legends season one you will always be legendary.
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snootsnooter · 8 months
Nobody asked but I have thoughts and want to babble so y'all are my dubiously willing rubber duckies.
Thoughts on various Hazbin Hotel characters under the read more
Charlie - She's very cute, naive, and uber optimistic. Genuinely I'd call her a sweet little cinnamon roll. Though, that being said, so far she's felt like a pretty one dimensional character in the four episodes we've seen her. I really do hope she gets a little more characterization as the show goes on and that she doesn't end up with the same issue Millie from the sister Helluva Boss show has.
Vaggie - I really like her new design tbh! Characterization wise though I really wish we knew? Literally anything about her? The most we get is a hint that okay she died in 2014, she's Charlies gf, and has been involved in war / battles thanks to the classic group bonding episode. The only real interesting thing she might have going for her is? That she could POTENTIALLY be some fallen angel / ex exterminator, as per old hazbin headcanons claim, or that she might be one of Carmilla's daughters. Again I'm hoping she ends up getting more characterization soon and doesn't end up another Millie. Also why the hell does Husk and Angel Dust have more chemistry after episode 4 than Vaggie and her already established gf do? I'm??
Angel Dust - An interesting character for sure, and I'm very curious to see how his story plays out. Could do without him making everything sexual 24/7 but given the situation the character is in and how he tries to cope with it, it's whatever.
Alastor - Idk I actually don't really have a whole lot to say about him? Sure he's interesting, I want to know his motivations as to why an overlord like him is helping Charlie and why both he and Lilith were gone for 7 years but??? Idk I'm sort of indifferent to him at the current moment? He's kind of just the one note silly wacky chaos character with mysterious motives. I do really like his voice though!
Nifty - I thought I'd like her more than I do but? Honestly I don't really care for her at the moment. She's the typical yandere character but, again like most of the female characters in the Hellaverse, is kinda one note and ultimately forgettable. Nor do we know anything about her (yet).
Husk - Gonna be honest, this grumpy kitty had my heart from the pilot. He's def one of my favorite characters in the show, and personally I think his backstory of being, for lack of better terms, a fallen overlord is really interesting. For having been a gambling con man magician in his human life, I do have to wonder why he was chosen to be a cat rather than a rabbit? or perhaps a snake? Though I suppose the magician aspect of what originally went into his character had since been dropped, since they seem to have leaned more into him being just a gambler. His budding relationship with Angel Dust, whether be it as friends or eventual lovers, is very cute and very genuine tbh. Still questioning why they have more chemistry than Vaggie and Charlie but here we are. I also really adore his singing voice ough it's very smooth and very pleasant to listen to.
Velvette - oh lord I do NOT like this character, but then again, I don't really like any character that has the typical Bitchy Influencer tm type personality... Or any of those irl influencer type folks in general. Though I do want to know why? she was made english? I mean I understand a good portion of it is probably so that the three V's are unique in some way with Vox being the american one and Valentino the latino. Making her english certainly gives her that distinction from the other two, I suppose I'm just surprised they didn't go with the California valley girl type accent for her.
Valentino - vile, sleezy, disgusting, I love him. He's absolutely everything a villain like him should be. I'm personally super glad that his big red coat isn't? actually JUST a coat tbh? I think it's a super neat idea that it's actually his wings folded over his body and held together with either some sort of clamps (like the decorative enamel pins you'd find connecting both sides of the lapel on a leather jacket) or some kind of piercing.
Vox - oh no why is he my type.
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containedconspiracy · 9 months
ough your bps designs are so neat!!! i would def like to hear more about your interpretations for adam and jonah!!
AAAH TYSM !! :D That I can do!
so, for starters, let's just go over the basic stuff of the duo.. I personally think that Adam and Jonah aren't really friends. Or it's really one-sided. Jonah likes Adam a bit, finds him weird and kind of interesting to watch, Adam finds Jonah to be one of the most annoying people on planet earth.
they sort of bounce off of eachother with Adam usually taking everything seriously while Jonah takes a solid nothing seriously, not until he gets involved, at least.. Adam personally hates that fact about Jonah more than anything, but finds him to be tolerable when they're having normal conversations. Or when Jonah's useful.
also, probably the most controversial hc i have ever, Jonah's taller. sorry, Adam.
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Jonah was accepted into BPS when Sarah made Adam get someone else to do the whole alternate-luring stuff with. Jonah solely exists as a replacement in Adam's mind, and maybe a crutch for when he's feeling lonely. Which is rare.
Anyways, onto individuals! Jonah's up first because I have a little less to say.
Jonah, design wise, was supposed to kind of give off the vibe of a wannabe scene or emo kid. His baggy clothes and accessories as well as dyed hair are just because he thinks it looks cool, he doesn't have many other reasons for it. His hair color and general style is sorta similar to his canon counterpart, keeping the same dark to silver gradient as well as the general spiky/side-swept look of it.
Personality wise, he thinks he's hot shit. He's confident and takes everything about as serious as you'd expect him to. He does find the ghost hunting and paranormal stuff a little interesting, but he's mostly just in it for the stories and the money. His parents are pretty rich, with his dad being a lawyer and all, and he has a good dozen of friends outside of BPS. Nothing's keeping him here besides his own interest in the organization.
That doesn't mean he doesn't care about it at all, though! He likes the people there, he likes getting to hang out and feeling cool because he gets to steal and sneak around empty places. It's the kind of rebellious that he always daydreamed about when he was living his completely ordinary, honestly kind of boring old life.
- he's 6'2".
- aroace, never had romantic interest in anyone, never will.
- Lots of scrapes on skin under clothes from just being generally stupid during investigations.
- adhd win
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If you can't tell by now, Adam's my favorite TMC character. A lot of these headcanons are from way back when vol 2 had just come out, and I'm still somewhat attached to them. Don't mind me being insane.
Design-wise, Adam looks a lot.. softer than Jonah does? He's supposed to have a sort of obviously-fake innocent look, mostly with the wide eyes and rounder shapes used for his hair and face. His hair's dyed in a split style as a reference to the fact that while he's seen as having brown/black hair in the series, he's actually blonde. Same goes for his eyes, which are darker in-series but most people draw him with blue eyes. This isn't the result of contacts or anything, he just naturally has heterochromia. Even before he got taken by Intruder..
Furthering the eye discussion, he may seem like the odd one out when compared to how I draw the other BPS members, and it's mostly to give him a more unsettling appearance in comparison. While the others have simple eyes with flatter eyelids and simpler pupils, his closer resemble how I draw the alternate's eyes, specifically taking inspiration from the eye shape I gave Intruder. Like father, like son, I guess..?
Personality wise, he's far from nice. Or extroverted. He's the opposite of Jonah in every way. He rarely cares for others but still takes everything seriously, even when nobody else around him will, and he's mean by default. He doesn't really process any of his negative emotions in any way besides anger and lashing out. (or isolation, god forbid..) When in a social situation where he's not trying to be a complete asshole, he's just socially awkward. He doesn't have many friends, mostly because he doesn't want any, and he doesn't care enough to try and figure out all of the intricacies of social interaction, often coming off as blunt or uncaring. (Which he usually is, anyways!)
The cross necklace he has isn't there for any religious reasons- In fact, it's just there because he noticed that Alternates tend to be drawn to people who actively practice religion. He wanted to bring them in without devoting any of his time to actually trying to find faith in a god. He's a complete atheist.
..or, is, until Mandela Catalyst..
But we don't need to worry about that!
- 5'10".
- Trans, but not FTM. No, he's just genderless horror to male. It counts to me.
- Also covered in bruises and scratches, mostly from fights or lashing out on inanimate objects.
- Supposedly has/Is Diagnosed with M.A.D.
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