#this is only partially edited so
rummigumi · 8 days
Here's a short preview/excerpt from Chapter 4 of Only One Ending. I plan to have it finished soon, but my brain being silly and work being work means it's taking a lot longer than planned.
Despite being so ordinary, Danny Fenton had piqued Tim's interest. Even if that interest was born out of a hope for his failure and a strange need to know more about him. And, considering the rest of the Fenton family, maybe Danny wasn’t as average as he seemed. 
There was just one problem: Danny seemed to have little interest in solving P versus NP. Sure, him failing at solving it due to a lack of trying was technically a win for Tim, but he didn't want to win on a technicality. 
So, he pushed a little.
He had enough social awareness to know how weird it'd be to directly contact Danny when he shouldn't even know his full name, but he had to do something. The next best option he could think of was Danny's academic advisor - she'd be able to help motivate him and her contact information was easily obtained from the university website. She wouldn't think twice about Tim contacting her about Danny and his promise to solve P versus NP. 
So Tim sent an email off and waited for a response, even going so far as to add her as a contact to make sure any reply went to his inbox. However, aside from an over-enthusiastic confirmation that she had received his original message, he never heard back. 
It wasn't until over a week later when he was reviewing his spam/potential malware quarantine reports that he realized Danny had been the one to respond. The tone of said response was pretty obviously annoyed, but Tim hoped his prodding was enough to spur the other into action (or at least cause his advisor to keep pushing for progress where Tim couldn't). Especially as the end of November hit and the combination of the end of the fiscal year approaching and employees hurriedly trying to use up their vacation time caused a pile up of work that had Tim spending more time in his office than out of it. 
Of course, Bruce was slowly integrating back into a leading role at the company after recovering from his ‘death’ and Lucius was just as overworked as Tim, but even with the three of them they were barely able to keep up. Then, to make matters worse, one of his warning systems around the chemistry and engineering departments was tripped at the university - best case scenario there was someone trying to resell university supplies, worst case they had a new rogue on their hands. 
Since she already had access to the campus due to being enrolled Steph was able to help investigate, but with the end of the semester coming up she was somehow even busier and more stressed than Tim - meaning he took on most of the work. Whenever Tim was able to escape the office and the overload of work stacking his desk, he ended up on Gotham University's campus. It wasn't a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, but just enough to work the case. 
In retrospect, he should have anticipated (and planned around) running into Danny. Gotham University was larger than the average school with nearly 9,000 undergraduate students enrolled, but Tim was focusing on his department. It'd be weirder if their paths didn't cross. The issue was - Danny knew him. And while Tim had a good reason to be spending a lot of time at a university he didn't attend, Timothy Drake didn't. So, he needed to avoid anyone able to easily recognize him and preemptively stop questions about why he was there. He was unprepared during the first run-in at the library (and that whole ordeal raised even more questions about Danny - Tim had been able to avoid him, but the whole time he felt an instinctual fear, like he was being hunted by something far more dangerous than a sleep-deprived college student, and the way Danny almost glowed under the fluorescent lights had his brain itching), but he quickly caught on to Danny's schedule. And once Tim knew where he was, it became much easier to evade him. 
Until it wasn't. 
Danny wasn't supposed to be in the Engineering building - no one was. Tim needed it to be empty to follow-up on a lead so he specifically went at a time he knew no one would be there, but instead he got Danny appearing from around the corner like a cheap jumpscare in a horror game. 
Tim immediately bolted back into the office he had emerged from, locking the door behind him. Then, he waited. He wasn't able to hear anything, and if it wasn't for the crack under the door being large enough to see Danny's feet appear he probably would've been startled by the handle jiggling.
Danny didn't make a sound as he moved on, the only indication he was still there was the occasional sound of him trying another door. And then those stopped. Tim waited, trying to watch for his shoes as he passed by the door to leave but he never caught a glimpse. After ten minutes he gave in and risked checking the hallway just to find it empty. 
He was confused about how Danny got past without alerting him (was it because of his background, or something else?), but his attention was quickly stolen as he found what he was looking for - evidence that one of the teaching assistants was skimming lab supplies from deliveries. Still wary that he wasn't alone, Tim quickly left with his findings. 
Thankfully, the evidence he found was detailed enough that he didn't have to go back to campus to continue investigating and he was able to wrap the case up only a week later. However, with the holiday season right on their doorstep, he still didn't have any time for low priority issues - which included Danny Fenton and his weirdness. In fact, it wasn't until after the new year that Tim even thought of him. 
Reading the email Danny had sent proclaiming he had proved P = NP, he felt nothing but suspended belief and a hint of apprehension. It was unlikely the engineering student had actually found a solution after only a few months of work, but on the off-chance he did (and not just a solution, but proof the P = NP), then Tim's life was about to get complicated. Because a solution proving P = NP meant all their cybersecurity, everything that was keeping criminals and villains out of their files and databases, was obsolete. One line of code (given the hacker was competent) could reveal everything - secret identities, weaknesses, active cases. It was bad enough when a few of Bruce's contingency files for other Justice League members were stolen and used by Vandal Savage and his partners, but all of them? 
Tim suppressed a shiver.
If Danny did manage to find a viable solution, he had to get it before it could fall into the wrong hands. He knew it'd be pointless to try to hide it, that if it was already solved then there was no telling when someone else (outside of Tim's reach) would come to the same answer. He had to be proactive, to use the solution to create a code to tear down firewalls and then rebuild them to be impenetrable. 
He emailed Danny asking to meet. Tim was going to get that solution, no matter what. 
Only their meeting provided him with a roadblock - Danny refused to cooperate. Looking back afterwards, Tim could see that in his desperation to get the solution he ended up being counterproductive, pushing Danny to storm out. But that changed nothing. 
So Tim tried again, tracking Danny down and explaining why he was so desperate to get the answer. Danny had mentioned working with the Clay Institute, which was known for its million dollar prize, so Tim offered to pay more - such a tactic was common (and almost always successful) in the business world. Someone would invent or create something and then sell to (or partner with) the highest bidder.
Danny still refused. 
Frustrated and annoyed, Tim realized trying to persuade him was pointless. Dick might've been able to win him over (the self depreciating voice in Tim's head knew he probably wouldn't have messed up in the first place, charming Danny and easily getting the solution from the first meeting unlike Tim), but he didn’t want to call him into Gotham just to get a notebook off a college student - something he could easily accomplish. 
Instead, he switched tactics. Breaking into Danny's dorm was so easy it made him a little concerned about the students’ safety, but he wasn't going to complain as he picked the lock to Danny's room with little effort. Unfortunately, despite the ease of breaking in, the notebook was nowhere to be found. 
Realizing Danny must have it on his person, Tim made plans to return. But after a week of sporadically checking Danny's room in his absence, Tim still had nothing. So he went back to Plan A - ask Danny for the solution, hope he sees reason about the dangers of said solution, and wait. 
Radio silence. 
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paul mccartney you're gay and that's final
for legal/ethical/moral/psychological/spiritual reasons this is a joke
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ravene · 3 months
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bobus · 6 months
repost of smth cuz it needed to be fixed lol
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nellie-the-toad · 2 months
i'm losing my mind over the parallels between the trotters and the blanchfords (+amadin). all three children growing up together in the same place, with a father but without a mother. they all viciously care about one another (see nell with george when she's shot, sofia with her brother, amadin with sofia). but at the same time they are wildly different people. actually, the entire season can be read as a juxtaposition of the trotters and the blanchefords.
whereas nell voluntarily leaves her family in her late teens, amadin joins the family against his will as a child. the love-hate sofia feels for thomas is shown by her disapproval of his general behaviour (even disgust at times), but the fact that she later saves his life proves her love. nell loves george from the beginning on, despite not even knowing her. and while nell acquires power by chance without asking for it, sofia craves power at any cost and goes against her own morals to come by it.
the family dynamics of the blanchefords are characterised by power imbalances: amadin being a servant to his "siblings"/the people he grew up with. thomas being a bully to everyone in his life. the misogyny that sofia experiences. a cold, distant father with high (and specific) expectations of his children.
the trotters are shown as a warm family with loving dynamics. nell is not ostracised for wearing male clothing, and when she returns home her father almost immediately accepts her back. george is shown to be able to move around freely and play what she likes. both sam and roxy have to work hard, but that almost puts them in equal positions? neither of them own the tavern, it belongs to the blanchfords. and roxy being harassed by thomas is a different kind of misogyny than what sofia experiences.
and what is the underlying reason for their differences? what is established right on with the blanchfords living in a manor and the trotters running a tavern?
the reason lord blancheford assures a strict upbringing of his children is because his son has to one day continue the legacy. there is a lot at stake because the family already has a lot of socioeconomic power. thomas is the way he is because he is an extremely privileged boy, who was taught (directly or indirectly) that his life is worth more than others. and the reason why sofia has this thirst for power is not just because she is a woman living under patriarchy but also because she is a rich woman, which makes land ownership something that is in reach but kept from her solely because she is a woman. and amadin is literally bought into the family (there's another aspect there concerning colonialism, but i'm not the right person to dissect that).
the two families are like two sides of the same coin. in contrast to the trotters, the blancheford family is extremely privileged but ultimately cold and twisted in their dynamics. and it all comes down to class difference.
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hey guys gimme cards to turn into my pjsk ocs
which ocs? depends on the card you pick
i may or may not also edit some cards into my versions of the vsingers of their sekai if i feel like it
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krackkokichi · 10 months
Cosmic Love (Helluva Boss AMV)
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lycanr0t · 7 months
i feel very frustrated about the trend of giving chil body hair bc if it was any other anime twink i would be thrilled its just that it seems to only be because people are SO afraid of him looking young they have to make him hairy to justify liking him in ships.
meanwhile it does directly go against canon (he literally is supposed to look like a child. this is integral to both his character and his race's lore as a whole and it makes no damn sense that he would be mistaken for a child if he has body hair i mean. cmon.)
and it's like. some men are hairless. some men look young. when youre a trans man in your 20s-30s its especially common to be mistaken for a teenager, even more so if you're not on t. and short. these traits do not make you less of a man or an adult. :/
#rot posts#listen its like. i just wish ppl werent doing it for the reasons they seem to be#you NEVER see tiny little men get body hair in fanart i should know ive been in multiple fandoms where i was the only 1 givin bitches hair#but it also sucks when its like. clearly from a place of discomfort and not wanting him to seem young#rather than actually loving body hair#for example where is laios with body hair. wheres kabru. mithrun. literally any other character#(senshi us a slight exception on account of semi canonically having hair)#it just feels like a performance for no one. ok yeah good job you made chil look like a hairy 30 year old#did you pay attention to how that totally disregards his story and how he canonically looks like a child and that IS an important aspect#half foots face infantilism to an extreme and his appearance is a part of this. the discrimination he faces is partially BECAUSE of looks!#so changing him to erase such a HUGE important aspect of his race's lore just bc ppl seem uncomfortable with him being young looking feels#idk the feeling. its frustrating to me#i just wish there was some self reflection here. i guess. some actual acknowledgement of his canon struggles#do you even like chil if you cant accept one of his core canonical traits...#whew anyways this is HUGELY a limited edition post bc im deleting it as soon as my husband reads it ❤️#i hate drama i hate discourse so like always if you try to start shit i will ignore + block you soo fast dont try me
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a-gay-bloodmage · 15 days
One of my favorite hobbies to engage in is ignoring the canon course of video game romances
#yes my warden in an open relationship will have a foursome at the pearl#and yes I will continue to have Morrigan sleep with Orest after the “I love you and I hate it” conversation#I am digging into her brain so deep rn#morri seeing sex as the main manipulation tool she has and being so scared to have orest be just In Love With Her#she says no to his invitation of sex once and he just goes oh okay I'm sorry#I still love you that's okay#and it scares the bejesus out of her#time to keep fucking him so I can pretend that he just wants me for my body#time to let him fuck other people so it'll be easier for him to leave me in the end#I can't have him so dependent on me for his happiness or else it will destroy him (the man I love) in the end#I have to let him leave my side slowly or else he'll die if I separate myself from him I saw what happened with his ex-lover (tamlen)#let him be happy with zevran or leliana or anyone#fool woman he will never let you leave and never stop loving you#I love morrigan and her fucked up relationship with intimacy so much#orest is also especially easy to think you're manipulating because he acts so stupid (and it's only partially an act)#he loves so openly and so intensely and yet he's also clearly very easily drawn in with the appeal of a Nice Ass#I could talk about them forever#I'm editing an old fic to better fit with their dynamic and the canon of the romance#and the orest x morri content I've written since I first wrote this fic#and this doesn't just apply to orest and morrigan#I ignore that tamlen and gorim are female warden LIs only#I ignore that Blackwall is “straight” (blackwall may be but thom isn't that's for sure)#I do whatever the fuck I want with da2#anyway time to stop rambling in the tags and actually get back to writing#dragon age#dragon age origins#dragon age ii#dragon age inquisition#original content#and mainly
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pinkrelish · 1 year
Are we clearing the inbox 👀
i think onnnnneeee more writing session tonight, and the kiss scene will be done. then, i'll probably tinker away at it for five hours tomorrow until it's good. then chip at it more the next day until it's better. then edit it until it's perfect the day after that... then i can move on to the next scene. 🥴
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widowshill · 9 months
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“He is not to them what he is to me,” I thought: “he is not of their kind. I believe he is of mine;—I am sure he is—I feel akin to him—I understand the language of his countenance and movements: though rank and wealth sever us widely, I have something in my brain and heart, in my blood and nerves, that assimilates me mentally to him.” Jane Eyre, XVII.
18 / 139 / 91 / 78 / 2 / 12 / 75 / 80 / 75
#''we are very much alike‚ you and I. I and you. us.'' ''oh‚ except for a sense of honour‚ and decency‚ and a moral centre.''#➤ roger collins & victoria winters. ┊ pain sometimes precedes pleasure,miss winters.#➤ edits & art. ┊ the evans cottage art gallery.#compilation tag#this is. well idk if it's anything. it's not nothing.#but ... man. i happened upon that line of david's and i simply. yelling. in context... does it mean much? not really.#other than .. partially gesturing to the shared evolution in their relationship with david — from david's hatred and wanting them dead#to open affection and protection. but anyway … their parallelism compels me. their matching outfits!#as though they were … not perfect mirrors to each other‚ but contorted ones. not quite foils‚ less than doubles.#a reflection in water — not silver.#Roger’s likeness to Vicki doesn’t feel as immediately obvious (at least to me) as the parallels drawn between he and Carolyn#(who is a collins formed in his own image — physically as well as emotionally; mentally)#Vicki though: outwardly quite different. where roger is callous‚ selfish‚ tempestuous‚ hedonistic;#Vicki is ingenuous‚ compassionate‚ stoic‚ temperate#but they find in each other more of themselves than they’d like to. roger who sees in her not only the imagined weakness of her alliance#with Burke‚ but the weakness (so perceived) of authentic affection‚ of curiosity‚ loneliness‚ even love for his own family. For his son.#the interest in collinwood's ghosts that he would like so well to ignore.#and Vicki who finds herself always with ''a potentiality for corruption.''#she’d like to believe she remains here selflessly — out of love for David and wanting to help him — but it is her own self interest that#keeps her here: wanting to know her past‚ wanting to know these people‚ to be involved with them (no matter how fervently she denies it)#she who typically is calm as still water in suffering their wrongs but can lose her temper as well as roger if pressed.#who begins as almost pure truth but begins to lie — first via omission‚ then conscious untruths.#who — not without good reason — falls into paranoid suspicion of him just as he had her.#Vicki who is an auditory and visual echo — repeating dialogue; repeating clothing; repeating his haunts of the cliffs and the beach.#anyways. I just think they’re neat :) I love a gothic almost-couple
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theinfinitedivides · 2 years
hey YRF if John and SRK don't have a homoerotic moment that sets the stage up for an AU hate f*ck at least once in this film just so we can fully cement the latter's consistently rumored sexuality i'm suing for damages
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hearteyedfeelings · 1 year
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Totally didn’t want to see Laura on this month’s 4SD…wasn’t waiting and counting down the days till the next one at all.
Totally not disappointed we have to wait another month to get all the details on the kiss.
Totally not upset.
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echoes-of-realities · 2 years
i wanna tell you that i’m different (all that time in love was well spent)
* * *
[part i]
Title: i wanna tell you that i’m different (all that time in love was well spent)
Rating: General
Word Count: 13,905
Summary: Ava always suspected that God was a dick, but she’s not as happy to be proven right as she thought she would be.
For one, she’s in pain. Like, a lot of pain.
For another, Beatrice is on one side of the Arc and Ava is on the other. And the Arc is dead.
Ava squeezes her eyes shut and drops her head to the ground, tears mixing with the blood on her face and sliding down her temples. When she opens her eyes, Reya stands above her with a slightly puzzled expression, as if she can’t figure out why Ava is crying in her perfect little realm. “Hello, Ava,” she says, “Welcome to your new home.”
Ava resists the urge to punch the serene smile off her perfect little face.
Home is a tiny apartment in a nowhere town somewhere in the Swiss Alps. Home is a busy bar and a virgin Cuba libre in her hands. Home is a light hand on her back and sleepy lips against her forehead. Home is a small bed warmed by the steady press of Beatrice’s body beside her.
Home is not here.
But Ava is.
And here she has to stay.
Or: Ava, in the aftermath.
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savrenim · 1 year
desire to write the entire thing so that I can hardcore edit for pacing, foreshadowing, etc etc even if said entire thing ends up being 300-500k words vs despite to start releasing chapter by chapter once I have a backlog of like 30k, fight
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hella1975 · 2 years
im simultaneously terrified and excited out of my mind for june
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