#jjk ch 271
kacievvbbbb · 6 days
Really can’t believe that the love of Gege’s life, Toji didn’t make one last random appearance, even as a call back. Wow, the strength.
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gojoidyll · 9 days
drowning in an indescribable emptiness rn
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damconcha · 8 days
these gojo edits coming out post ch 271 leaks are actually gonna be the death of me
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izzsht · 9 days
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It’s been real y’all ✌️😗
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love-marimo · 9 days
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im happy for them but the ending is so underwhelming
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azurerosses · 2 days
gege.. wtf is that ending...
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lunarfrogmoth · 7 days
I have such emotions about jjk ch271 and gojo because on the one hand yeah. Yeah. It makes sense and ugh yes his legacy lives on through his students and uishrusjtjsjdj he WON he started this change he WON but also oh my fucking god him as an individual in the story deserved so much better like my pretty princess I wish I could give you a hug and tell you you deserve love too. I wish he had a happy life, not just a successful one
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hermitw · 9 days
If Sukuna actually dies, then he would make an appearance at the airport.
Have a conversation with Gojo before he returns to his body.
And Gojo would have Sukuna's consent to eat his last fingie (or something)
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Regarding the last chapter of JJK... Well....
Okay? I mean, it's Gege's story and I respect his decision. Having a vague idea of what the manga business looks like behind the scenes...Okay? I'm grateful to him for bringing such wonderful characters to life.
Now I'm just waiting for the fandom to digest their angst and get back to writing smut. And fluff.
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aching-achillies · 7 days
I finally posted a fic on ao3, it’s a short drabble to break the ice, because all the unfinished stuff I want to post is burning a metaphorical hole in my pocket, but I’m genuinely pushing myself to work on it and get it out there.
Any constructive feedback is more than welcome, I really do want to hear what you think and I hope you enjoy it! I desperately needed to get my thoughts out after ch. 271 and this was the result.
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kacievvbbbb · 5 days
JJK's ended? really? Like that....?
in honor of JJK's less than stellar wrap up lets have a quick poll!
Just interested to know what the general thoughts are from the fandom
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gojoidyll · 11 days
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goatyuuji · 8 days
JJK 271: The death of Ryomen Sukuna
As a Sukuna fan, this chapter was everything I could ask for. Such a beautiful end for such an interesting antagonist. Okay coming back to the chapter, more specifically to Sukuna and Mahito conversation, we see Sukuna admitting that he had different paths he could have travelled, two to be more precise: one being with Uraume and one with a mysterious black hair figure who is dressed as a shrine maiden, so the question here is who is this mystery person...it's definitely not Yorozu since Yorozu has never dressed this modestly and I don't think this is Sukuna's mom either...so who is this???
I believe this is Kenjaku when he first approached Sukuna in the Heian era.
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We previously had a panel of Sukuna's mummified body dressed as a monk by Tengen in the manga...so Sukuna might have grown up in a religious setting, and what better way to get close to him than approaching him as a miko or a shrine maiden.
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But that's beside the point. The point here is Sukuna talking about the two paths he could have chosen, and he ends up choosing Kenjaku. He allows Kenjaku to make him as a curse object, allows Kenjaku to make a vessel for him to reside into, allows Kenjaku to rope him into the culling games, and even allows Kenjaku to trust him with Tengen and the merger. But the sukuna who chose this path was an angry version of him, the curse version of him if you will. He wanted to spit back the curses that were residing him, so full of anger anger anger hate hate hate. Even at his death bed his only response to kindness was "don't underestimate me, I'm a curse". So this version of Sukuna choosing Kenjaku over Uraume was no surprise.
But what changed then????....well.....HE LOST
He lost, not to Gojo or Yuta or Yuji or the serveral dozen sorcerers who jumped him, in the end he lost to MEGUMI FUSHIGURO. In ch 268 we see Sukuna trying to manipulate Megumi to give him all the control, to give up and leave it to him.
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This curse version of Sukuna who doesn't know anything except cursing others back, recounting all the deaths Megumi caused to him, telling Megumi how he can't live a proper life anymore....somehow somewhere it feels like he is trying to delude himself too by saying after all the atrocities he caused in 1000 years there is no use fighting back, no use in living a proper life anymore. And this Sukuna has never lived for anyone except himself so it's easier to curse the world back, easier to give up all the control and just cause panic and doom and death.
But Megumi is not just living for himself, he lives for Tsumiki, for Yuuji, he can't doom the entire world when the world has people like Tsumiki and Yuuji in it and so he fights, he refutes the notion of proper life and says he wanna try living for someone else one more time.
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All this could not have been done without Yuuji Itadori of course, Yuuji Itadori who came as a guardian angel to Megumi Fushiguro, who never gave up on Megumi once, who showed Megumi how to live one more time.
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Not only that Yuuji Itadori showed Sukuna, the king of curses, the one person who kept cursing and ruining his life again and again, pity. Yuuji who was cursed by several people in his life, his grandpa, Nanami, Junpei, Mahito, Gojo, Choso, Nobara and Sukuna himself, still able to live his life without cursing others back, still able to live his life with compassion. And Sukuna reaction to it is understandable: rage. Because Yuuji is everything that his chosen path won't let him be, Yuuji is everything that that Sukuna could have been if only he hadn't chosen the path with Kenjaku...if only...
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So after Sukuna who has lost everything and there is nothing more for him to lose, he decides to choose a different path, he chooses Uraume. And just like Megumi who decides to live for someone else (Yuuji) when given the second chance, Sukuna chooses to live for Uraume this time. He acknowledges his defeat with grace, does not condemn the path he chose the first time but instead he is regretful which is so raw and unfiltered coming from Sukuna, and moves on North this time with Uraume. This time Sukuna chooses Uraume instead of Uraume choosing Sukuna and serving him.
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And with this the story of Ryomen Sukuna comes to an end. We never got his backstory, we never even got his real name because he never looked back behind him to acknowledge those measly things. To say in short, this is the death of the King of Curses who was just living to cause death and destruction around him and rebirth of someone entirely new.
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deedeeznoothere · 1 month
(No specific spoilers but yk they’re predictions so if you’re not caught up they won’t rlly make sense lol)
CH. 269: Concluding the Yuta/Gojo thing. Will prob have emotional stuff with the JJK 0 kids since they were the original cast. After that chapter will end on a cliffhanger with someone holding the last finger (since I’m p sure it still exists)
CH. 270: Blah blah blah Yuji eats the last finger to ensure its security. I do think that Sukuna will incarnate with this last finger but Yuji obv overpowers one finger Sukuna by this point so he’s completely fine. We’ll probably get one last “conversation” with Sukuna but it’s most likely gna be Sukuna screaming and crying lol.
CH 271: Timeskip most likely. I’m hoping it’ll timeskip to 2024 just because I think that’d be cool af but if not that then it’ll probably be a timeskip to Yuji on his deathbed as an old man. He’s dying surrounded by loved ones just like his grandpa wanted. His last words will either be something along the lines of Nanami’s “you’ve got it from here” or something like him telling all of them to enjoy their lives. Once old man Yuji dies (with Sukuna inside him so Sukuna is gone for good!) there will likely be an afterlife scene of all the characters just chilling.
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runabout-river · 7 days
Thoughts on JJK chapter 271 - the last chapter (spoilers)
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I did a live reading of this chapter you can find here if you're interested how my panel per panel thoughts progressed while reading it 😄
This very last chapter we start where we left off in ch 270: with the mission where the woman can't see the face of her boyfriend correctly anymore.
The first year trio are hard at work thinking through their options on what to do and how to pull that curse user out of hiding. We get a new sort of funny faces from the idiot duo, for them at least, I think these faces appeared in the Kenjaku/Takaba fight as well
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The trio enacts their plan now and they catch the perpetrator really fast. Nobara does some funny yet unnecessary property damage in the process and we first get a cool panel of her and Yuji together than another silly panel of them not able to see their faces properly.
The perpetrator btw is a no name never before seen character created just for this mission so the guys can have one last low stakes adventure together.
We get a Gojo flashback giving Yuji a talk, saying his students should become better than him and forget him too, at least one of them. It isn't out of character for Gojo to say that but the placement and the build up for it is somewhat unsatisfying.
Yuji shows how he internalized Gojo's last words by encouraging the criminal to be better.
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We get a cool Megumi pose with Kon after he showed us why he was the brains in the group but unfortunately that's basically it for him. Even though he was possessed and tortured by Sukuna for a month there is nothing left of that on him except superficial scars.
When Sukuna took him over Megumi was turned into an object meant to suffer. Now it feels like he's still that: an object but this time meant to be happy in a forcefully conflict free way.
When the readers believed in the dream theory, elements like that was where our thoughts came from. This forceful happy ending for everyone, a genre shift from what JJK had been at this point 🤔
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Now we get a surprise Mahito and Sukuna interaction in the space before souls move on. Their conversation is interesting as is the reference to Sukuna's past and what he chose for himself.
In a way it was always apparent that Sukuna was bullshitting the people around him when he talked about himself and what others should do and not. For me it was the speech he gave to Yuji after possessing Megumi about how Yuji should stifle his misery because he was born low.
That immediately stood in stark contrast to what he later said to Kashimo about being born unwanted and cursed because now he admitted that he was in Yuji's position once too and still he developed that insanely arrogant self image.
My problem here is that this interaction references things that were not implied before like what his two paths above were supposed to be. Every time I look at that I get new ideas on what it could've been he's talking about.
It's good to have room for interpretation on someone's backstory. But to this degree it's just confusing. I thought the woman on the left is his mother, others said it could be Kenjaku or Yorozu. Whoever that is, the meaning of what Sukuna says changes drastically here.
His relationship and history with Uraume is also insufficiently explored. This scene unfortunately does not have the emotional impact it could've had if Gege had planted the correct seeds previously.
Sukuna walking away from the curse that represents human hatred however is meaningful. That part was halfway build up during the Yorozu fight when Sukuna said he would be willing to accept defeat.
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We get the end of the manga the way it started: with Sukuna's last finger back in a box in a small shrine. It's poetic but the path towards it, these last chapters and the last arcs...
...it felt underwhelming, not gonna lie. Towards this ending were those unneeded scenes with the NSS and even the majority of this chapter was unnecessary and wasted time. What could've been a better last chapter than this while still hitting all the same beats would've been one solely from Sukuna's point of view.
Sukuna from before his birth, his infancy, his childhood. Showing us the path he talks about here. Giving us a glimpse on what the Calamity was, his relationship with Uraume, showing us why he accepted Kenjaku's offer. Then the canon timeline but all of it from his view. His thoughts on Megumi while he possessed him. Even the talk Yuji had with Gojo could've been shown because of the established resonance between Yuji and Sukuna.
Then should come his talk with Mahito. Then we would've understood and sympathized with it without problems .
We did not need the trio's last mission. The end scene of ch 270 was enough to make us imagine that mission on our own. This chapter could've been about sth with more meaning and the exact ending of it could've still been achieved without problems, all e.g. with Sukuna's last thoughts narrated over the happy faces of Gojo's students 😣
Overall I liked the chapter but I felt like sth was missing from this entire ending. It was safe for Gege to write I guess but it was also boring in a lost potential kind of way...
...and then I see that fucking time on that one panel and I think again about Gege wanting to troll us!
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That's the same time we saw in ch 269 and I have no idea what it's supposed to mean. So now I'll make one last fucked up prediction, partly meant to be serious, mostly meant to entertain me these last few hours before the official gets released:
The digital release of chapter 271 is going to be a different chapter than the magazine release.
Why???? Because wtf not?? Shueisha and Gege probably too hate the leaks and don't you think this is only a problem in the anglosphere. Of course the Japanese side distributes these leaks around as well. From one small glimpse I saw, Japanese fans are wondering if JJK was cancelled because of this ending.
It would also fit with the dream theory or just my own thoughts from above about a differently structured last chapter.
So like, why not troll the fanbase? Many of whom have shown with Gojo's death chapter how they can't keep their eyes away from the leaks. Previously my own thoughts had been that WSJ could release final chapters like this exclusively on digital first to nip the leak problem in the bud.
But like, don't take this theory too seriously 😄
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vernasce-blogs · 6 days
Guys, I’m gonna be on a short break for a while. Everything is just so emotional for me rn with jjk coming to an end, and coming to terms with gojos death and everything that went down in ch 271.
I know it might be silly, but Jujutsu Kaisen has been such a constant for me during high school and Covid, and now as I’m in my second year of university. Witnessing it’s rise to popularity and now it’s ending has just been super emotional for me.
I want to take a break, to focus on myself and my studies (and from all the Gojo angst on here), to reflect and to come back and finally publish my writing.
I love you all, stay safe <3
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