#this is old but i still think about it regularly
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Advice for if your practice is feeling stressful or unfulfilling (that isn't 'just stop practicing')
Before you expand: long text post!
I think it's interesting that the first line of advice stressed and unhappy practitioners often receive is 'stop practicing! take a break,' because besides a breather this doesn't actually do anything. When a person is done with that break they're still going to have the same stressful, unfulfilling practice they did before.
Stop practicing is useful advice for someone who is about to deep-fry their brain in uncontrolled Witch Fire. It's useful advice for someone who experiences unexplainable catastrophe every time they engage in magic.
I'm not sure it's useful advice for people who want to practice and are actively seeking help figuring out how.
So here are some ideas. Feel free to add your own.
If your practice has too much of a time load:
Scrape over-engineered ritual. Examine ritual formats. Are you spending a majority of your practice time engaging in elaborate ritual? Where can that be paired down?
Swap ritual for enchantments. If ritual performs an action (laying a compass), can you substitute for that ritual action by making enchanted objects that take less time to activate (enchanted compass altar cloth)?
Minimize ingredients. If you regularly perform spells that require lengthy enchantment of ingredients, can you use fewer ingredients to achieve the same results? If you're using more than 3 correspondences for any spell, is this because you are wise in your own ways, or because you just feel that more is merrier?
Mash rituals together. Do you have a string of rituals, even small ones, that you perform one after the other? Is it possible to reorganize these so they're all done at once, in the same ritual? For example, setting out an offering to the gods, a different offering for the ancestors, another for helper spirits, etc. Can you combine these all into one single offering?
Check for over-tending. Is it possible that you're repeating magical acts, like feeding wards and cleansing, more often than you need to? Did you arrive at this schedule through trial and error, or did you just guess this is how often you should do them?
Check for your own levelup: spell maintenance. If it's been a while since you re-evaluated your ritual/offering/maintenance schedule, your increase in skills may mean you need to do these tasks less often to achieve the same result.
Check for your own levelup: techniques and routines. Some techniques, like carefully entering trance, grounding, and centering, are like training wheels that wear ruts into our paths of magic. As we improve in skill, old rituals and techniques that have been carefully couched in these helpful devices may become ingrained in us so that we can perform them in almost any state of mind, much faster and easier than we could before. Experiment with any technique you've been doing for a while and see if you still need to perform time-consuming meditative or focusing techniques before you can perform the skill.
Be reasonable with your own goals. I find most 'laywitches' give themselves daily and weekly schedules that would put actual cloistered monks to shame. Did your spirits tell you they expect daily offerings, or did you decide on that an run with it? Where are you overcompensating and overexerting in your path when nobody, including yourself, asked you to?
If your practice has too much of a work load:
Much of the advice of the prior section applies. Also,
Just work less. Are you putting in 100% effort when 20% or 30% would do? Are you treating every act of magic like a performance review that will control the outcome of your magical career? I'm not being sarcastic; an actual solution to your path being too much work is to just put in less effort. If you've never tried this you may be shocked at how effective magic can be when you're only doing what needs to be done.
Find simpler, more reasonable stuff. Find new techniques, and spell and ritual formats that are paired down to fit the amount of effort that's reasonable to exert for any given magical act. If you can't work with correspondences without a lengthy act of activation, find a way to cast simple spells that doesn't rely on correspondences.
Limit research and prep. Ask yourself how much research you reasonably need to get started on any given project. Remember that a huge amount of a witch's education is experiential; you will probably never know enough until you've already done it three or four times.
Be goal-oriented; prioritize actions. Ask yourself if you've set arbitrary workloads before you can get started with anything, such as forcing yourself to write artistic grimoire pages before you're allowed to perform a ritual you're interested in.
Learn skills to help prioritize actions. If your practice is consumed by acts of upkeep such as cleansing and empowering objects, focus on learning energy sensing so you can reasonably determine whether or not an object actually needs to be cleansed or empowered.
Administrate your own practice - what can go on the back burner? Make a list of all your active ongoing projects and maintenance, including upkeep of energy batteries, spells that require maintenance, and situations you want to change and are casting spells on. Prioritize them; see which ones you can set aside.
Restructure your projects to minimize maintenance. Consolidate spells and projects where possible. For example, if you have multiple protection spells for many people that require upkeep, condense them all onto a protection altar so you can feed and tend to them all at once.
Work in batch and bulk. See where you can do batch work to lighten your load. You can bulk enchant candles and incense, instead of enchanting incense every time you do a ritual. You can enchant oils, waters, and incense to feed your spells, taking time out of upkeep.
Levelup your charging and maintenance skills. Learn energy work to attach energy tethers to batteries and other important projects so they're able to drink from the wellspring you attach them to, and stay charged.
Scrape routines that don't serve you. Examine any daily routines. Are you doing them because they're helping you, or because you feel like you're supposed to be doing something every day? See if you can replace more intensive daily routines with something less tiring, like a prayer to your path itself.
If your practice feels too silly:
You have a right to privacy. Cocooning is valid. It's fine to take steps to limit who can see and potentially judge your practice. You can keep things to yourself until you're ready.
Tend to your emotional wellness. Self-therapy, in any form you feel comfortable with, can help mitigate the inner eye of judgement.
Reduce your beliefs to palatable doses. Believing in magic for only the duration of your work is perfectly fine. You don't have to 'believe-believe' 24/7. If you're not ready to integrate the belief of magic and spirits into your baseline worldview, don't - you can agree to buy in to those beliefs only while you practice techniques and cast spells, and then put them away the rest of the time.
Scrape stuff you really can't get past. Ask yourself what about your practice feels silly. Are there trappings - like altars, ritual movements, and speaking aloud - that you don't like? Change them. Is the idea that religious faith itself is a bit cringe? Self-therapy (or you know, the regular kind) may be assistive.
Ask for help modifying your process.Is there something very specific about a ritual or technique that you just can't get past, but you don't know how to change it? Research and see what other substitute rituals are available. Ask others and see if they can help you brainstorm.
Embrace the silliness. It's not going anywhere. Believing in your practice and holding it dear and sacred is not the same as being ✨super serious gravitas✨ all the time. There are lots of things about witchcraft, and the acts of the witch, that are silly and make you realize you're doing something ridiculous. I came out here at 2 am after it's been raining to climb down a slippery riverbed to get a branch of a tree that I think is talking to me?? Because some medieval guy said Tuesday is the planet Mars and I think trees talk to me?! Ridiculous. Yet I still love it dearly in a sacred place in my heart. It can be silly and glorious at the same time.
Cast a wider net. See if you're barking up the wrong tree. Traditional Witchcraft, folk magic, lodge magic, chaos magic, eclectic neopaganism... these things are not interchangeable. If you've never explored different traditions, why not give it a go? You might find another path that feels a lot more natural to you. A lot of people fall into a certain path just because they don't know what else they could be doing!
If your practice feels unfulfilling:
What are you doing to bring yourself fulfillment? Why did you get into witchcraft? Make a list of your top 5 reasons (if you have that many). Which techniques, spells, and rituals are you regularly performing are designed to deliver these desires to you? If one of your goals of practicing witchcraft is to 'feel connected,' how often are you performing acts where the only goal is to make you feel connected?
Grow your path deliberately in the direction of your needs. What do you wish you had in your life right now? Is it the feeling of being loved? Inner peace? Feeling like nature is alive and watching you? Look for what techniques and rituals in your practice will bring these things to you. If there are none, find or develop them.
Ask for help and share your feelings. If you work with gods and spirits, do you regularly tell them how you feel about your practice and ask them for help finding fulfillment?
Find contentment in the process. It's vital to find joy in the process. If you have regular routines or upkeep you need to do, how can you modify it so that process in and of itself is satisfying to you? Try considering the visceral element of witchcraft: the words, scents, sounds, moods, and thoughts that you want to experience in your present moment. Witchcraft is experiential: a great deal of the experience you create in the tidepools of routine is under your control.
Contemplate the larger purpose. Some witches do have magical chores and responsibilities they can't or shouldn't shirk. If this is true of you, and you can't modify those routines, try refocusing on why you're doing them and the importance they hold in your path. See if you can find balance elsewhere in your practice that feels rejuvenating; sort of a 'work-play' balance of your own craft.
Set short-term goals you can celebrate. Are you undertaking a lot of 'workout routines' that are designed to basically make you magically buff, or get good at a particular skill, but you're doing them with no endgoal? Try creating short-term goals that excite your sense of wonder or accomplishment. Like, practicing tarot until you can read the Celtic Cross, or practicing energy work until you can make a four-element layered energy shield. Build goalposts for yourself, both in the short and long-term, and celebrate your successes.
Scrape routines you're not doing for any good reason. Are your regular practices things you're doing because they fill you with mystery and wonder, or because you're just pretty sure that's the kind of thing witches do? If you're bored or unfulfilled by a particular routine, consider stopping it altogether, especially if you can't think of any short-term goals that it's helping you work towards. Think about the reasons you got into witchcraft: what practices would help you fulfill those reasons, while also feeling good to practice?
Seek out a likeminded community. A good working group of friends can be invaluable. My close group of witch friends, whom I've been hanging out with for years, started as a Tumblr post asking if anyone wanted to make a small server to study witchcraft. Reach out and see who's out there to study with, talk to, and practice with. It can be loads of fun to do short-term study and practice challenges with friends, and a great way to get feedback and support.
Evaluate your spiritual relationships. Although it can be painful and challenging, sometimes we enter into our paths working with gods and spirits that after some time, we need to move on from. Is it possible your path has become stagnant because you don't want to keep working with a god or spirit that your path has been built around? It may be time to see how you can move on.
When 'take a break' might be helpful advice to heal your practice:
Of course, YMMV :)
'Taking a break' doesn't mean stop being a witch, stop believing in magic, or stop 100% of your practice. It can also mean putting a lot of projects on the back burner, switching to bare-minimum (or below minimum) maintenance, and squashing regular routines.
I'm talking specifically about taking a break in the interest of your own practice - not the conditions under which someone is ""allowed"" to stop practicing witchcraft.
Take a break to rest and let your seeds germinate. 'Fallow periods,' when you have no desire or motivation to practice witchcraft, and when it seems like there's nothing for you to do, are normal. Some witches experience this cyclically, perhaps during certain seasons or when predictable life conditions are met. There's no need to force yourself to practice when it's just not flowing. The snow on your mountaintops needs to melt to replenish your waterways, bestie. There's nothing wrong with you, the sun just isn't out yet.
When you're hitting yourself with a hammer. When something in your practice is triggering or harming you, and stopping will have no consequences, then stopping your practice for a while is probably a good idea. Use the downtime to seek healing or reformat your practice.
To open your life up for necessary work. Not every witch can out-path every problem. Consider taking a break when the problem is something you will have time and energy to work on if not for your regular magical practice.
When you're about to deep-fry your brain with Witch Fire. Consider taking a break when the problem with your practice is that you are practicing too often - such as fatigue due to excessive spellwork, divinatory obsession, trouble staying out of the spirit world (compulsive astral travel), or focus on spirits/magic/the spirit worlds are starting to erode your home, school, or work life.
To let the ripples settle. When you've done so much magic or ritual work that your life is a boat on a stormy sea, and you just need to batten down the hatches for a while and let things settle.
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That's why I still listen to music from the 90s regularly. As someone who grew up in the 90s, it felt music was a little bit more intesting and dangerous (in a good way) and labels and artists alike weren't afraid to tqke chances. Back then, the music mattered. People still talk about music from the 90s passionately (like myself). Music is treated like an afterthought now, like fast food and this is the biggest problem. Streaming making artists and bands make songs under 3 minutes long just to game algorithms just leads to people not appreciating music and leading to it's depreciation. I think when the internet became popular and more people started using it and downloading Mp3s aand whole albums. People started appreciating music less and less.
Record store culture dying really took a hit to things as well.
Like I moved on from buying tapes and CDs in the 90s to buying vinyl records in the 2000s then and beyond simply because of the education I received back then from watching MTV, reading music magazines, and listening to the radio cause it was just the way the world was back then. And as a DJ I have a lot more of a different perspective about things.
I miss when I could go into a record store looking for some vinyl records and I would talk with other DJs, producers, people from radio stations, music, journalists and upper record lovers, and it felt like a place of gathering and community. The last time I felt that was in the 2000s when I was in my 20s.
I think hip hop took the biggest hit because when sampling laws changed and producers couldn't sample records without having to pay thousands of dollars to the original artists, the artistry suffered. It went from soulful, jazzy, and innovative sounds in the early to mid 90s to keyboards, drum machines, and synths by the late 90s/y2k/early 2000s.
It also has a lot to do with generations gettting older. And I'm kind of old and jaded as a DJ, having gone through thousands of songs and records. In the 2020s, there's very little new that I find interesting outside of Electronic Music from around the world. i myself listening to music outside of America more than American music now. Like Romanian Minimal/Microhouse, Deep House and Techno from Germany (Berlin, Heidelberg, etc), Dub Techno from Iceland and Amapiano from South Africa.
Sometimes I hear music from the 90s and I wonder how have we strayed so far?
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Crazy idea for request but the gears are turning in my brain please bare with me! What if Dabi never became a villain and instead he’s just a loser bf who lives with his dad at age 22. You’re endeavors brand new 20 year old rookie sidekick and you and Dabi have fallen madly in love and are dating (which endeavor is mad at Dabi for) and somewhere in the midst of your relationship Hawks joins you two every so often to have insane threesomes.
Well Denki thinks you’re totally hot and when he learns that you live at Shoto’s house he convinces him to let him in on the Friday night sleepover with him, Midoryia and Iida. While they’re over it just so happened to be a threesome night and when they all go to Dabi’s room to ask for an extra game controller they basically walk in on the three of you. Idk I feel like Denki’s reaction would be absolutely hilarious
The Loser
The Todoroki estate is huge, almost too big for a family that barely acts like one, and honestly? You’re still getting used to the sheer size of the place. But it has its perks—like a surprisingly cozy bedroom you practically live in now, since your boyfriend is a loser who still lives with his dad at twenty-two.
Said loser, Dabi, is currently sprawled on his bed, lazily flicking through his phone while Hawks—yes, the pro hero Hawks—leans against the headboard, shirtless and stretching his wings. You’re somewhere between them, already half undressed because, well, it’s Friday.
Friday means three things: Shoto’s sleepover with his dorky friends, Endeavor avoiding Dabi at all costs, and your regularly scheduled debauchery with your two boyfriends.
“You gonna keep staring at me or what?” Dabi drawls, locking eyes with you before a slow smirk spreads across his lips. “C’mon, baby. Don’t get all shy now.”
“You’re an idiot,” you mutter, crawling closer to him.
Hawks laughs, tossing an arm over your waist and pulling you closer. “And yet, you love him.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say, rolling your eyes, but there’s no real bite to it. You do love him, even if he’s a deadbeat who refuses to move out of his dad’s house. Even if he and Hawks constantly corrupt you in ways that would make Endeavor combust if he ever found out.
The moment starts to heat up—Dabi’s hands roam lower, Hawks’ lips graze against your neck—but then there’s a knock at the door. A loud one.
“Dabi! Do you have an extra controller?!”
Your blood runs cold.
Dabi groans against your skin. “Fuckin’ hell—”
Before any of you can react, the door swings open, and in walk four unsuspecting idiots: Midoriya, Iida, Shoto, and worst of all—Denki Kaminari.
There’s a beat of silence.
And then—
Denki’s scream is so loud it could probably shatter glass. Midoriya, poor innocent Midoriya, looks like he’s about to pass out. Iida’s glasses slide down his nose as his face turns bright red. And Shoto—Shoto just blinks, unimpressed as if he’s seen this coming all along.
Dabi doesn’t even bother covering up, just sighs dramatically and sits up. “Jesus. What’s the matter, Sparky?”
Hawks, being the menace he is, just grins and gives a lazy wave. “Yo.”
Denki’s brain short-circuits. He physically stumbles back, pointing aggressively between you, Dabi, and Hawks. “You—You’re dating Dabi?! And Hawks?! And—you—” He turns to Shoto, betrayal clear on his face. “YOU KNEW?!”
Shoto shrugs. “I assumed.”
Denki looks like he’s about to collapse. “I need to sit down. I need—” He glances around before recoiling in horror. “NOT HERE. NOT—OH MY GOD.”
Midoriya is still buffering, eyes darting between everyone, while Iida is frantically adjusting his tie, clearly trying to maintain some sense of decorum. “This—this is highly inappropriate!” he stammers. “And a breach of—of privacy!”
Hawks just chuckles, completely unbothered. “Well, you’re the ones who barged in. That’s on you, champ.”
Denki groans, burying his face in his hands. “This is not how I wanted to find out you have a boyfriend. Two boyfriends.” He peeks through his fingers. “How the hell did you bag TWO?”
Dabi snorts, throwing an arm over your shoulders. “Jealous?”
Denki glares at him. “YES.”
Midoriya finally finds his voice, albeit weakly. “This…this is a lot to process.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Denki snaps. “I just walked in on—on—” He gestures wildly. “I need bleach. For my brain.”
Shoto sighs and turns to you. “I assume you’ll be staying here tonight?”
You nod, trying not to die of secondhand embarrassment. “Uh… yeah.”
“Figured.” He turns to Denki, Iida, and Midoriya. “We should go.”
Denki opens his mouth like he wants to argue, but then his eyes flicker back to Hawks, who’s now very obviously smirking at him, and he promptly shuts up.
“I need therapy,” he mutters as Shoto drags him out.
Iida follows, muttering something about filing a formal complaint, while Midoriya just gives you a polite, if dazed, nod before stumbling after them.
As soon as the door clicks shut, silence falls over the room before Dabi throws his head back and laughs. “That was fucking gold.”
Hawks shakes his head, amused. “Think we traumatized the kid?”
“Oh, absolutely,” you groan, covering your face.
Dabi just smirks and pulls you back down onto the bed. “Well, that’s their problem. Now, where were we?”
#dabi x reader#todoroki#touya x reader#hawks x reader#keigo takami x reader#todoroki x reader#touya todoroki x reader#touya#touya todoroki#dabi#x reader#x you#x y/n#my hero academia x reader#bnha x reader#mha x reader#mha#bnha#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#boku no hero academia x reader
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A Soft Goodbye
Master List
Characters: Jensen x reader
Warnings: Loss of a pet by euthanasia
A/N: This past week has sucked. I had to write this to help process my grief. We came home Monday and our sweet dog was in distress. We got her at 6 weeks old and she was almost 16. We took her to an emergency vet and they explained there was nothing they could do. She had undiagnosed cancer that had spread to her brain. I was angry because we took her to the vet regularly for checkups and yearly physicals. The emergency vet explained the cancer was very aggressive and that’s why it wasn’t detected. Needless to say we had to make a decision. I held my sweet girl in my arms even after her last breath. My heart is so broken, so writing helps. I did change her name, because every time I wrote my baby’s name I cried.
To anyone who has lost a fur baby I am so sorry for your loss and I’m here for you. I hope this story helps a little.
MDNI 18+
The hum of the set faded as I finally stepped into my quiet house. Flickering porch light, familiar creak of the door. "Willow?" I called, the sound swallowed by the stillness. Usually, she'd be a furry blur, tail wagging a welcome. Tonight, silence.
I found her curled in her bed, breathing ragged and shallow. Her eyes, usually bright and full of mischief, were clouded with pain. Panic seized me. Fifteen years – she'd been my constant, my shadow, my confidante.
"Jensen," I mumbled, my fingers flying across my phone screen. He answered on the second ring, his voice warm, a stark contrast to the icy dread gripping me.
"Hey, everything okay?"
"Willow… she's… I think she's really sick. Can you… can you help me get her to the emergency vet?" My voice trembled.
"I'm on my way."
He arrived in minutes, his presence a solid anchor in my swirling fear. He gently scooped Willow into his arms, her small body limp against his chest. The drive was a blur of red lights and choked sobs, Jensen's hand resting reassuringly on my knee.
At the vet, he carried her inside, his strength a stark contrast to her fragile form. They whisked her away, and a nurse led us to a small, sterile room. Jensen followed, his hand finding mine, his grip firm and comforting.
The vet's words were a hammer blow: "Inoperable cancer… spread to the brain… quality of life…"
The world tilted. I stared blankly, the words echoing in my ears. Jensen squeezed my hand, his eyes filled with a shared grief.
"We need to make a decision," the vet said softly.
Time dissolved. I crumpled, a broken doll, falling into Jensen's arms. He held me, his shirt becoming a damp canvas for my tears, his voice a low, soothing murmur, repeating words I couldn't quite grasp.
"It's okay," he whispered, "It's going to be okay."
But it wasn't. It couldn't be.
The vet returned. "Have you decided?"
"Yes," I choked out, my voice barely a whisper.
They brought Willow back, her eyes dull but still holding a flicker of recognition. I held her close, her fur soft against my cheek, whispering all the things I'd never said enough.
The needle pricked, and I talked, my voice a broken melody of love and goodbye. Her head rested on my chest, her breaths slowing, then stopping. The vet confirmed, and I sobbed, a raw, primal sound of loss. Jensen held me, his arms a safe haven in the storm of my grief.
Leaving was agony. I handed Willow to the nurse, her small body weightless in my arms. Jensen thanked them, his voice thick with emotion, and guided me to the car.
I collapsed, half in, half out, my body wracked with sobs. He was there, instantly, holding me, whispering words of comfort, his presence a balm to my shattered heart.
The next few days were a blur of tears and emptiness. Jensen was there, always. He brought food, sat in silence, listened to my rambling stories about Willow, and held me when the grief became unbearable. He was a constant, a steady presence in the chaos of my loss.
In the midst of the pain, a realization dawned. It wasn't just the on-set chemistry, the easy laughter, the shared jokes. It was him. His unwavering kindness, his quiet strength, his genuine empathy. In the face of my deepest sorrow, he'd shown me the true depth of his character. Jensen Ackles wasn't just a charming actor; he was an extraordinary human being, and I was beginning to see him in a whole new light.
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#hes gorgeous#jensen ackles#so damn sexy#jackles#jensen ackles x plus size reader#jensen ackles x reader
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College Bokuto !!
#haikyuu#haikyuu!!#ハイキュー#haikyuu fanart#bokuto koutarou#this is old but i still think about it regularly#i made him a linguistics major hehe#hes just like me fr
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#every time i draw this horse i think fondly about sso cause this is what my starter horse looked like for 10 years#anyways i dont play sso anymore cause its succumbing to the horse game curse but whatever#at least i can draw lovely mist diamond yaknow?#sometimesanequine#equine art#horse art#my art#i liked sso when it was crunchy and able to run on a desktop from the 90s right. the loading screen was so iconic#but it seemed so money hungry that i gave up on it. and the people were no longer nice on the servers i was in so i fell out of love#that and i got super burnt out on video games after gaming every day thru the pandemic right. so i dont play video games anymore#but i cant help but be nostalgic for sso cause i played it from 2013 to ??? 2023?? ish. very regularly#i think i just aged out of the target demographic and lost interest#no hate to sso if im being honest its still a lovely game but it has its issues#i just miss when i could walk my horse from moorland to jarlaheim and just enjoy the ambience and crunchy graphics#my favorite horses still continue to be the gen 1s because they looked so much like the old game art
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All objects of worship in one place
#my art#trc#the raven cycle#ronan#ronan lynch#adam#adam parrish#pynch#fanart#I spent a lot of time choosing specific plants lmao oops#all native to Virginia except for the halo.#primroses#native to Ireland#anyway I’ve been on my freak shit#thinking about consumption and worship and sacredness and sacrilege#and the Eucharist lmfao#googled all the big catholic sacraments but decided to go with the classic consumption of the body of the savior#this is also bc my old trc art is regularly still reblogged#and I both find that sweet and am honored#and would also like to put out some uhh better art instead lol#anyway! hope u enjoy
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thinking about how young all the rgu kids are again

#i keep thinking about my little brother. like he's 16 now but he still feels like a 12 year old to me#and that definitely has something to do with my sense of time being fucked#and the fact that we haven't seen each other regularly for the past 4 years#but teenagers are so young man.........#m
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Reading the jjk epilogue 🥲🥲
#lol yuji having his hair in the sukuna style#also ozawa is so sweet and cute#and the implication she regularly chats with nobara and nobara made sure she was okay after everything and told yuji#ALSO SUKUNA KEEPING URAUME AROUND AS A FRIDGE ?????? HELP#uraume probably reminded him of himself as a child :( so he took him in....but hes tsundere about it#AND NOBARAS HAIR SO CUTE#i wish nobara had been in the series more#she should have been brought back earlier and had more screen time#ALSO STILL THINKING ABOUT YUTA GETTING TO GROW OLD AND HAVE GRANDKIDS#oh i love all of them....#i need a spin off series that just filler and what if scenarios#showing different interactions#SHOW ME YUKI AND SATORU MEETING#bc like they have to have met at some point
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it has come to my attention some of you might not truly understand my sandwich qualifications and why I've been calling them "shitty turkey sandwiches" when they're a perfectly normal quick sandwich of cheap white bread, american cheese, turkey lunch meat, and mayo.
behold 6 sandwiches I have made






my normal effort sandwich includes: cheddar cheese, at least one meat (or eggs), (usually) pickles, lettuce, tomato with salt and pepper, mayo, garlic and onion powder, and sometimes dijon mustard. the bread is not always toasted, but for a Good sandwich I dry toast one side in a skillet. a quick sandwich in my mind is cheddar and tomato or cheddar and lunch meat, but never american. my high effort sandwiches get wrapped in wax paper and sit a little bit so i get away from the Sandwich Making Smells and like them even more.
the first sandwich has a whole ass omelette with caramelized onions and garlic and bell peppers. it's on toasted garlic cheese bread. it has roast beef, mayo, yellow mustard, cheddar, the omelette, and tomato with salt and pepper. i still dream about this sandwich. the third sandwich is on sourdough i made myself.
so, comparatively, i am eating very shitty turkey sandwiches.
#zeph posting#like! i have made the best sandwiches ive ever eaten#i think the context of “shitty turkey sandwich” is lost on people that truly dont know my sandwiches#i made a tuna melt once for an old roommate in like 2020 that they still think about regularly#that double decker sandwich? the second half i cried while eating it#and the omelette one was so good i went back to the store to get more roast beef fore#sandwich#food#i dont care that this is my supernatural blog its going in tags where people see yhis shit#thank you cawis for making me think abt these sandwiches
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some observations from kageyama's notebook
#haikyuu#ハイキュー#haikyuu!!#bokuto koutarou#kageyama tobio#i'll be posting all my old art here so beware#some of their current concerns are funny af and them being tobios observations makes it even funnier#this is old but i still think about it regularly
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Randomly remembered the half-reason i call my oc-verse by the name it has while laying in bed. One-half of the reason i still knew, but I had forgotten what had truly, really cemented it jointly until now
(it was a song from my favourite band I haven't listened to in a while.)
(the song fit so well at the time, still does, that i needed to hold onto it for the main protagonists forever, by partially naming their story in reference.)
Does this explanation make any sense? Does anyone know why I'm tearing up remembering this. Aahh
#(I'm emotional because I've been feeling bad about it all lately. enjoying things I make I mean—art or ocs or frivilous things.)#(So remembering that song and when it came out. That I couldn't see them in person. But i held onto it my own way. As something I loved)#(Something I still do love a lot... Parts of me saying no—you don't hate it. No. I'll help you remember more. I'm a little misty about it.)#The song is just The Killers - Run For Cover. I couldn't see them in person all those years ago—family went without me.#All my new oc rework with Zin and Hunter and Caia were like a year old or so.#It's a little silly. But the character Zin's derived from was a lightning mage so I stuck to it—I like monhun's zinogre for what its worth#So there's recurring theme and imagery. Thunder's not lightning but the sound and the feeling after the flash the flame and strike.#There's that meaningful thought—the story is the aftermath of a big tragedy. It matches what I like in monsters and other chars.#And at that time—my favourite band I missed out on puts out a really good song I download everywhere and it goes like:#He motioned me to the sky/ I heard heaven and thunder cry/ Run for cover/ Run while you can baby don't look back/ You gotta run for cover#And it goes on of course. The rest of the song's still really good. There's more that fits but point is; More evocative imagery.#So there. Why my bundle of OCs—Zinadia Hunter and Caia's story—is called Thunder 20XX. minus the 20XX. That's tongue-in-cheek#About some day I'll manage to make something tangeable or broadly shareable with them. I guarentee this century!#Thunder... oh my darling Thunder. Eight years man. More than that if I really want to count pre-rework INTO the complete original work. but#I like that it's definably 8. I like that I remembered I've always loved them a lot. Always been my thing to lean on even by name...#I need to get to sleep. Ive gotten a little more emotional over one song than I'd rather regularly be. Give it a listen maybe? Goodnight#Armour clanking#I need an oc tag#What have you gathered to report to your progenitors?🎶Are your excuses any better than your senator's🎶He held a conference#and his wife was standing by his side🎶He did her dirty but no-one died🎶#I saw Sonny Liston on the street last-night black-fisted and strong singing🎶Redemption song🎶#He motioned me to the sky🎶I heard heaven and thunder cry🎶RUN FOR COVER#What are you waiting for—a kiss or an apology?🎶You think by now you'd have an A in toxicology🎶#It's hard to pack the car when all you do is shame us🎶Even harder when the dirtbag's famous🎶#I saw my mother on the street last night all pretty and strong singin🎶The road is long🎶#I said 'Mama I know you tried!'🎶But she fell on her knees and cried🎶RUN FOR COVER#Just run for cover - you've got nothin left to lose...
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the only three things i ask of the op remake are that it'll follow the manga script and pacing to the letter, that it won't have any too obvious cgi, and that it won't be dropped as soon as netflix gets tired of it. Yes that is way too much to ask. Yes I'll be watching it regardless what kind of question is that
#im ALWAYS up for old anime remakes that's all I'm always asking for#I've been banging my pans asking for khr and soul eater remakes for YEARS i love remakes#was i expecting an op one when the anime is still ongoing? absolutely not#was i asking for it? also not#am i INSANELY excited about it yes absolutely holy shit#what do you think i regularly reread op for i love starting that story from the beginning every other second#give me all the remakes and adaptations I'll eat them all up SO FAST
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constantly collapsing of loneliness + feeling like i cant integrate myself into society / among my peers......anyone else feel like a complete fucking alien on this earth.
#still going thru this unfortunately :/#regularly feel like im going crazy cuz i have nothing to do/nowhere to go/no money/no social life#and i dont talk to anyone except the cats#was sooooo painfully understimulated today i was about to **** **** *** ****** other dumb shit#im sooooooo lonely i regularly have crying fits about it#but its fine :)#i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that i dont have any social media aside from tumblr#and like 2 friends on snap#social media is of no interest to me whatsoever and i feel like if ur not on it people straight up forget you exist?#and i dont want to have to beg.#if someone is my friend i want them to call me because they thought of me and wanted to talk to me#not because i shoved a picture of myself on their feed that they looked at passively#u know?#idk i just dont get it i hate it alllllll im such an old man about it#so many interactions feel passive and shallow#and half-real#i cant stand it anymore i need a real human interaction i need to wrestle in the woods and get scraped and bruised by the brush together
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I think I'll forever be a small dog guy cuz like, I've grown up exclusively with chihuahuas in the house and honestly I don't think I could handle bigger dog breeds. BUT my only exception would probably be boxers/ pitbulls I have such a soft spot for those guyss..
#ramblings#i think the old dog my aunt had when we would still go over regularly was a boxer and she was so sweet#and given i know first hand the kind of shit people will say about chihuahuas i feel a lot for pitbulls who also get a bad rap#also like genuinely idk how to explain it i think all animals are cute as hell but next to chis i think boxers and pitbulls are the cutest-#-dog breeds ever. the dogs ever to me honest
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I know the main reason for Kate and Anthony suddenly deciding to travel to India right before Francesca's wedding is because it provides the show with an excuse as to why they aren't around for the last eps because they couldn't get the actors (or didn't want to have to pay them to just be side characters after having been the leads last series) but I honestly think the writers also just didn't want to have to deal with Anthony Bridgerton absolutely losing his shit when he found out Colin had (knowingly) married Lady Whistledown after everything Penelope wrote about the Bridgerton's and Sharma's. He might have chilled out to a ridiculous degree now that he's busy being a simp for his wife but I swear that would not stop the rage from returning in an instant upon that revelation.
#mutterings into the void#I finished my s3 rewatch last night and have been thinking#I'm biased because I'm mainly here for kanthony but it does so annoy me that they could only think of OOC reasons for them to be absent#the trip to India is such a sweet idea and I know marriage has mellowed him but it's wild for Anthony to suggest it at that time#Why wouldn't you wait until the child is old enough to appreciate it too or are they all going to be toddling off regularly??#he wants their child to know where they came from so why not wait until they'll actually understand what's happening#instead of going on a months long boat trip with his pregnant wife now. The man has mellowed not lost all his intelligence and personality#despite what the writers seem to want us to think. Nevermind Kate just agreeing like she's not at risk!#I'd expect a time skip of a couple years for s4 if kanthony are making an appearance (as the sneak peak implies) for it to make sense#but clearly this is not a show that cares about making timelines make sense at all nevermind character motivations#Because they set up the maskerade ball in the last ep of s3 so that's obviously not happening years later yet a trip to India would take#a year just getting there and back and obviously they would stay longer than a couple weeks for it to be worth the trip#Even if Anthony only turns up in the final ep I doubt enough time will have passed for it to make sense still#I know this is a silly show focused on romance and not historical accuracy or logic but sometimes I wish there was SOME at least
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