#this is not what i intended for this but alas
starrystevie · 2 years
steve has always been a morning person. he likes waking up and hearing the birds waking up alongside him, the first hints of daylight filtering through his blinds as he stretches in his bed. he's warm, he's cozy, he's content.
the first thing he does after waking up is go downstairs to make a cup of coffee with a splash of milk and a bagel slathered in cream cheese. the second thing he does is take his breakfast outside to the back porch, wiping off dew from his favorite chair, taking in deep breaths of fresh morning air. the third thing he does is tell the sun about eddie munson.
he thinks they're similar, eddie and the sun. bright and warm, full of an uncontainable energy that could somehow be too much for people. the sun's a star and so is eddie. the sun is too much to look at unfiltered and so is eddie. steve will find himself drawn to him like a vine growing under the suns rays in the long summer months, twisting and turning to reach him faster.
it's impossible to look at eddie and not smile, preening under the warmth that he expels, the blanketing comfort that he gives away willingly. days without eddie and his sunshine are few and far between which makes the days eddie's sun doesn't shine feel like winter, the sun rising and setting too close together. he's happiness in a bottle, he's where to turn if you're trying to find your way back home, he's proof that steve's alive.
eddie, on the other hand, has always been a night owl. he likes the pinks and orange that dust the sky as the sun sets, the way the stars peek out of a mystical sky, the frogs and crickets and cicades waking up along with them. he's transfixed, he's calm, he's content.
night means that eddie can crawl up to the trailer roof with a blanket, a few pbrs and a pack of camels. he has wayne yelling at him to be safe as he gets in his truck to head to work for the night shift. he'll make a trip back down to lug up his boombox that's loaded with a mixtape for a certain ex-king before settling in and making himself all nice and comfy. then he'll tell the moon about steve harrington.
he thinks they're similar, steve and the moon. a constant in the night sky and a constant in their little crew, a rock that keeps them all together but gets overlooked by the bright and shiny stars around him. he has phases but he's there, ever changing as he may be. steve is someone that people yearn to travel to, something seemingly out of reach, but once you've landed, you've made your mark. the space race may have well as been about steve harrington because who wouldn't want to have the honor to get to him first?
steve is the moon how he draws eddie to him, controlling the tides of his heart to have him coming back to him every time. he's the bright light in an inky blue night sky that gives him a path through the darkness. eddie charts his path across the sky as diligently as he tracks him on earth, following behind steve in a moondust trail to go wherever he'll allow him.
the two spend dawn and dusk together, wrapped up around each other as the sun and moon tell tales about them to one another. something about a boy who can look at the sun and not be blinded and a boy who will chase the moon anywhere.
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kiwikiwiandkiwi · 1 year
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HARRY BEING HARRY ON TOUR — Love on Tour: UK + Europe Leg, 2023
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porcubus · 5 months
removed from any shipping its genuinely notable to me that rodya seemingly latches on to gregor from the start. of course shes doing her little facade (and if you go back to the earlier episodes now, its a lot more egregious and easier to notice) but its curious that out of any of the sinners, its him she actively chooses to interact with and drop a nickname on first
shes very very teasing especially initially and seems to target him for his arm, a lot of her comments being based on him being bugmoded. it honestly could look cruel especially with the full context we have now, though notably these do all take place pre-gregor revelations, but if you jump to this being a signifier of rodya bullying/wanting to get actual pain or upset out of gregor you'd have to skip over this scene
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which is both silly but also i feel pretty significant for understanding something about the two of them and their relationship:
gregor is not actually a helpless pushover who lets himself be walked over and he will speak up if a line is crossed for him
rodya can read and understand when he's distressed, gets hesitant and will back off. her intention is not actual upset from gregor
what's important to me in my read of rodya is that she does have a facade, deliberately to be charming and likable, but i dont think her buttonpushing/ragging on of gregor (and later the other sinners) is actually entirely part of that, i think its the opposite. showing real honest affection is something difficult to her, so she skips a few steps and jumps straight into poking fun like you would with someone youve known a long time.
I think her "true" personality isn't cold and calculative, from further story context i interpret it as more jaded and sarcastic. these moments to me read as a sort of fumble or early mask slip, she's not baring it all with these bits but she has singled out gregor in her mind and is particularly hovering (based on how the majority of both of their interactions throughout are from the very start with eachother) around him, trying to get closer in an awkward way.
I think people miss that theres a lot you can take and learn about rodya from their interactions, whether its because of a focus on shipping or trying to outright deny there is anything going on there at all
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insertsomthinawesome · 11 months
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Trying out a post for Repostober!! and idea by @marlowedobbeart!!
The top one was an old FFXV post I'm honestly still quite proud of! The second image is actually one I never got around to posting. I thought it needed more work/that it wasn't good enough. Looking at it now tho I think it looks fine aldskfjLSKDJGSD. So sharing it now :D -NO ROMANCE INCLUDED-
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Cannot Unsee. Cannot Unknow.
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
I feel like now is a good time to announce that I’m in the process of moving blogs! Im doing so for a few reasons, the main one being paranoia, so for that reason I won’t be saying my new urls publicly so like please dm me if you’d like my new url so you can follow me there! I’ll be reblogging this post a lot so ppl can see it (so sorry if you get annoyed by that)!
I’m also remaking my discord account as well so if we’re friends on there then feel free to message me for my new username!
friends and mutuals please do reblog so shared friends/mutuals have a higher chance seeing it!
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daily-hanamura · 11 months
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randaccidents · 6 months
Is the heartless au just cccc without heart /silly
Anyway explanation for the au because.
hehehe oh you gave me permission to RAMBLE you don't know what youve done (also hiii youre somehow my first ask ever on this blog XD)
SO the most basic thing that my dream laid out is one concept: What if Heart, after getting sent into Apathy, just... doesnt wake up? That whatever happened in there, he is no longer the Emotional Side, but the heart the muscle that beats the pump that pushes blood through the body. And it is entirely self-inflicted, because Mind can win alright? He'll be efficient and functional and emotionless, except emotions are what gave him life and without it hes just a pump.
(This AU also comes with a lot of guilt from Mind and Soul who made decisions and actions that pushed Heart to devolve into function, as well as eventual healing for Heart and permanent consequences)
I've written a lot of like. The Details down somewhere haha but thats the main gist idea that came from my dream. The developed version is like;
Heart gets an extended stay in the Apathy Hole, and that betrayal combined with Mind insulting him leads him to invite in apathy and essentially kill half of himself so that all he is is the muscle known as the heart. Mind and Soul eventually discover this and try to wake him up and get him back. When they do they have to deal with the consequences of what they pushed him to do, because until they do Heart will fight them to return to emptiness, where he didnt have to feel hurt and betrayed and cold. (Heart's physical condition is directly tied to his function, so until hes willing to accept being the Emotional Side again he backslides rapidly at all times, and Mind and Soul are selfish)
As a little treat, in this AU they also change their names to reflect their new roles:
Heart: Heart (changes the least, essentially frozen in time until he wakes again) 
Mind: Perseverance
I will say that I really enjoy making it so that, in scenarios where HMS change drastically from their established roles, its considered a loop ender. So the consequences of Heart devolving into function ends the loops permanently, and Perseverance and Guilt have to deal with the consequences forever instead of having them be erased.
It's called Heartless because Heart technically isnt there anymore, but emotions always finds a host. :)
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nientedal · 1 year
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1920s AU, anyone? :D
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 months
oh yeah when the fuck did alicent have an extra son? how many kids are there??
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forgottenarthur · 4 months
@forgottensebastian "Please don't do this." Sebastian x Arthur
It happened every few years. A son displeased his father and, in penance, that son was hurled into the fighting wherever it was most vicious to sink or to swim. It had all been a mistake, seemingly small, but Roderick perceived it as injurious to himself, for there was no action in the House of Varmont that could truly be measured as weightless. Arthur knew that he was expected by many to die. But he did not mean to lose. He meant to return in triumph. But his mother feared he would not return at all.
He was alone, now, preparing for war, ready to ride in the span of mere moments. His father had sent him away in shame. There was to be no one to see him off.
"Please don't do this," sounded the familiar voice of his brother, coming quickly into the room.
Arthur paused, his hand resting upon the hilt of his longblade. For a moment, they were poised there, caught in the moment. Arthur stood silhouetted against the window at his side, a beam of brilliant light illuminating the gloom, with Sebastian standing behind him, and his sword lying flat upon the table before him: a tableau of heartache and doom thwarted by four words.
Yet, the moment was broken. Arthur bowed his head and, squaring his shoulders, he lifted the blade in one hand, sheathing it at his waist with the other. "What choice do I have?" Slowly, he turned to face Sebastian and, sighing, he clapped his arm. "I'll come back all right," he said. "I always do."
"You can't know that."
Arthur sucked in a breath, inviting air deep into his lungs. "I know this, little brother: I can't do otherwise." He shook his head. "I've already disappointed father enough."
"He'll regret it."
Arthur turned away, laughing as he pulled on his jacket. "He won't. He never does."
"If something happens--"
"Don't." Arthur shook his head. "There's no point." Dawn edged around the distant gleaming mountaintops in shades of violet, and Arthur exhaled slowly. "It's convenient, really," he commented, off-hand, brilliant eyes drinking in the farflung horizon. "Always having a war somewhere to which you can readily send errant sons to fight. I am glad. I'd hate to inconvenience him."
A pause. He closed the shutter with his swordhand, and turned to face his brother once again. "Just," he began, resting his hand upon his shoulder. "Two things, Sebastian: first, learn from my mistakes, won't you? Second...whatever happens--"
"Look after our mother and sister, won't you?" He cracked a grin. "Edmund and Guin can look out for themselves. God knows they've enough experience by now, hey?"
"I'll speak to him, Arthur. Mother and I, both. He'll come around."
"Maybe so, but I'll be long gone by then. Don't trouble yourself. I wouldn't have his wrath fall on you, not on my account. Now, you best stay here. It'll go better for you if no one knows we spoke. And father will be watching from the window to ensure no one else sees me off."
"It's cruel--"
Arthur shook his head. "I don't think so. You see, it's intimate: he's seeing me off, isn't he, even if he doesn't wish to."
"You forgive him too easily."
Arthur laughed. "If only it were a family trait. Goodbye, Sebastian. Tell Cassandra I'll bring her something back."
Despite himself, Sebastian chuckled. "Then I know you're coming back, because if you don't, I daresay she'd follow you to the Underworld for whatever you've promised her."
Arthur laughed brightly, pulling his brother into an embrace. "Call it insurance, then, brother. I'll be back before you know it."
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year
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what could be better than this. guys being dudes
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divinekangaroo · 13 days
falling - pettiot - Peaky Blinders (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9
PART TWO - MONTH ONE (Or Maybe Month Two, Or Three)
Ch 10 | Ch 11 | Ch 12 | Ch 13 | Ch 14 | Ch 15 | Ch 16 | Ch 17 | Ch 18
Ch 19 | Ch 20 | Ch 21 | Ch 22 | Ch 23 | Ch 24 | ??
A Modern AU take on Tommy's immediate return from military service, and the period between his demobilisation and the start of S1.
(Tags shall be progressively updated)
Tommy Shelby/Lizzie Stark, Tommy Shelby/Freddie Thorne, Arthur Shelby, Polly Grey, Ada Shelby, John Shelby, Johnny Dogs, Various Lees, John Shelby's Children, Zhang, S1E1 Red Dust Girl, Sergeant Moss | Alternative Universe, Modern AU (ish), No iPhones (yet), Awkwardness, Age Difference, Disassociation, Miscommunication, Banter, Fast Food Vendor of your Choice, Pre-Season, Past Trauma, Flirting, Have I Met You Before, Heckling, Cars, Drug Use, Past Childhood Trauma, Mrs Shelby Lives, Gender Role Dynamics, Small Neighbourhoods, Past Greta Jurossi, Brotherly Dynamics, Sibling Dynamics, Class Issues, Attraction, Casual Sex, Car Sex, Military Transition Program, Wilful Medical Noncompliance, Melodrama, Illegal Bookmaking, 90s Fashion, 2000s Fashion, Slow Reveal, Slow Burn, Coming Home, Dysfunctional Family, Lasting Legacy of Catholicism, Bad SMS Etiquette, Gang Activity, Domesticity, Booty Call, Guilt, Shame, So Much Marijuana, Arms Dealing, Crimes & Criminals, Ill Informed Economic Theorising, Wanking, Ethnicity, Stereotyping
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reloaderror · 9 months
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this is where this year's solstice yoite is at btw and no i didn't intend for it to be a carbon copy of the last yoite i made OTL
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jhinstrumental · 1 month
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Warwick wip 2.
I... don't know where this is going but I am compelled to put it to paper.
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altfire · 2 months
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the darkwater writing lineup goes crazy idk
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