#this is not encouraging. but I really do love that last stanza.
I'm still myself, I think
with all the pain in my beating heart
that has ever been there.
I don't feel it as much these days.
I'm not sure if it's growth or exhaustion--
but I think I miss it.
it's better to ache than to feel numb.
at least the pain kept me awake.
now, I fear the gentle lull of apathy
that killer that nurses you to sleep
as it chokes the life from all the veined cords
binding you to those you love.
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carewyncromwell · 5 months
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"There's nothin' you can do to turn me away -- Nothin' anyone can say -- You're with me now and as long as you stay, Lovin' you's the right thing to do... Lovin' you's the right thing..."
~"The Right Thing to Do" by Carly Simon
My dear Carion! And canon, at that! 🥰
One headcanon I've had for these two for a while is that -- because they're both on the "A" side of the LGBT+ spectrum -- they wouldn't be huge into cuddling. Instead I could see them working side by side in the kitchen, holding hands, and (as pictured here) Carewyn laying her legs across Orion's lap on the couch while they're both sitting down. Even while sitting down with her legs up, though, Carewyn is a perpetual workaholic who has a lot of trouble putting down her work files and just relaxing, and so it's up to legal partner Orion to encourage her to slow down and take some time to herself, whenever he comes to stay the night.
"The world will wait a night for you, my Abraxan. Best shed those uncomfortable, stifling things until you truly need to wear them again." "I suppose that includes my work as well as my shoes." "Your troubles, broadly -- but specifically, yes." "(soft laugh) I suppose it would be good to take them both off for a night...these heels do pinch my toes after a while."
This song made for very good inspiration for this, since I could see Carewyn singing it for Orion more than once. Its last stanza in particular would really speak to her, when Orion's traveling with the Montrose Magpies --
"Nothing you could ever do would turn me away from you: I love you now and I love you now... Even though you're ten thousand miles away, I'll love you tomorrow as I love you today -- I'm in love, babe... I'm in love with you, babe..."
Much love, all! Have a magical day! xoxo
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jacksons-poetry · 1 year
I was in seventh grade when I first killed her.
I remember it clearly,
I still know every thought that ran through my head,
Every stutter I made when I told my family what I’d done. I still have the scars, a permanent reminder of the murder.
They were not stabbed, or drowned, or beaten, not really.
She was already drowning. She did not resist when I simply helped her take her last breath.
I encouraged her to move on to the other side, I would take her place.
No one would ever know that she had left.
I was still in middle school, a child, when I had to learn to grieve.
I learned that there is no time to stop, to mourn. You simply keep moving. There will be no flowers at her grave.
I was in eighth grade when I learned how to pretend to be her.
I learned her likes, dislikes, favourite foods and songs. 
I learned to take on her hobbies, to play instruments I had never touched, 
muscle memory saving me from having to learn anew.
I graduated into high school holding a sheet of paper with her name.
A schedule not meant for me that I had to memorise to know what classes to take,
Trying to enjoy things that I though she would have wanted to do.
I join the band, letting someone else take her body when the time comes.
I learned to share with those who helped me mourn the loss of her.
Eventually I was able to make a name for myself. 
I was a sophomore when I started to take classes that I would like,
Letting myself be known in glimpses, hiding behind tinted glass.
I dabbled in poetry despite knowing everyone knew she hated touching a pencil.
I traded art for literature and gained a voice that would be heard, 
Telling half-lies and half-truths within lines and stanzas, 
saying they were about a character that I never made. I still think about what I did, sometimes. I have her memories, they still exist, somewhat.
Somewhere deep inside my mind lies her love for birds,
Somewhere lies their enthusiasm for animals and anything glittery.
I do not regret what I did, not truly. I may have killed her, but it was a sacrifice for me to be able to live.
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pencilofawesomeness · 2 years
Give me the vibe songs for my boi (you know which boi im talkin pencil)
Yes yes of course Your Boi. The one and only :D
So, Natsu: I think about him a lot too, so I got a few XD
Fist Bump by Doug Robb is a good all around vibe. It's got the friendship, it's got the action, it's got the optimism. As conveyed by the lines "Together we can show the world what we can do / You are next to me, and I'm next to you / Pushing on through until the battles won," the song encapsulates a large portion of the Fairy Tail spirit, but especially for Natsu, it portrays both the loyalty and the trust he has in his friends, and also that sheer will of stubbornness to never give up. The song also touches on those that emotionally-literate side of Natsu as well, with those admissions of fear and encouragement given to his friends to be strong in spite of it. Yes, it's a Sonic song, and Natsu has Sonic vibes, so that's probably why my brain connects it, but yeah.
Stronger by The Score is another good one. It has that pugnacious, headstrong spirit to it, and also surprisingly apt imagery, from the "set me on fire" repeated line to the 'coming back to life' implications. On that note, the whole emphasis in the song to being "alive," coupled with the simple goal of being "stronger" kinda wraps up Natsu's overall goal, so to speak. He's just living his best life, and (with the exception of wanting to avenge Igneel later) he really just wants to get stronger for the heck of it. Natsu thrives in the moment, but he's also not complacent. He enjoys being alive for no other reason than that he's there, and he's alive (which is so poignant in the fact that he actually died before, but I digress.) It's also a high-energy song, so that's fun too.
Plate Tectonics by When The Clock Strikes is also a big Natsu song to me, but for a softer, more thematic reason. Someone actually recommended it to me with him in mind, and I've been stuck on it ever since. Natsu is such a social kid, and he repeatedly loses everyone, from his family to Igneel to Lisanna to Gildarts to occasionally his friends, yet Natsu doesn't really withdraw in himself. He doesn't want anyone to leave, or to die, but he also understands that it happens. Natsu doesn't blame people for it, or even the universe for it, and it's such a mature trait of his that I've always fixated on it. The song expresses that deep caring for all the people in one's life, with the knowledge that nothing is permanent (calling upon the vanitas poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost even), and it is overall positive, even though cracks (ha) of the person's distress show through. It's probably best summed up by the last stanza:
'Cause you shape the edges of my life In all the spots where we collide Until stronger forces send us different ways And one day you'll leave me here alone But I guess nothing's set in stone So I hope you hold me close until it's time to go
Natsu is the such a good kid, really, and he cares so deeply for his friends, letting his life be shaped by them so easily. (He pretty much adopts Happy, he teams up with Lucy and starts going on quests with her and then with Erza and Gray, etc etc.) But Natsu also doesn't fear loss, necessarily; he's not stranger to it, and he hates it, but he doesn't fear it in any irrational or unhealthy way. It's just... Yeah. I love him so much. And it's such a good song.
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Can you write a sakura Haruno x reader on a starry night please?😁😁
Ofc!! I absolutely love Sakura omg 😭
I recommend reading the last stanza of Pablo Neruda's sonnet 17 to get the reference at the end. I hope you like this! I personally love it!
Check out my masterlist!! :)
Buy me a coffee pretty please?? T^T <3
As she began to absently smoothen out the blanket beneath her palms, however, Sakura noted that she had never felt so aware of her own existence before than now. As you shuffled adjacent to her, she realized, with a faint blush, that she had never been so aware of you, either.
Interwoven Us
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Sakura's fingertips gently grazed across the wool beneath her, tracing the fibers of the blanket, in the hopes she could feel each individual one.
It's interesting, she felt, that each fiber is interwoven.
Her palm flattened out against the material, and a calm air clutched her skin as her thoughts lay on nothing but the blanket beneath her, and the warmth of your body radiating next to her.
A speckled sky lay above you two; a surprise date. It was Sakura's idea. She had been wanting to go stargazing with you for a while, to live out in a temporary dream for just one night, away from responsibilities and entirely together in a landscape wherein reality came second to the both of you. You had chuckled when she had managed to mumble her idea to you past the intensity of her blush. She had always been a romantic.
As she began to absently smoothen out the blanket beneath her palms, however, Sakura noted that she had never felt so aware of her own existence before than now. As you shuffled adjacent to her, she realized, with a faint blush, that she had never been so aware of you, either.
Each fiber is interwoven, and together they make a better whole. And together... She glanced over at you. And now together we share it.
"Isn't it interesting?" Your voice halted her thoughts, her palms still playing with the material you both shared.
"What is?"
"Space. Look at it in front of us. Time and space are codependent, aren't they? One can only exist so long as the other is there. They need each other or else they literally can't be complete" you huffed out with a laugh. "And here we are in that time, experiencing it together."
Very much so together, Sakura recognized. Her eyes stayed fixed on you after you had spoken, both of her palms now nearly caressing the material underneath her. What an interesting thing of you to say, she thought. You really were just so interesting. She certainly hadn't been thinking of that. How amazing of you to share something like that with her.
You smiled in amusement, and only then did Sakura not only realize she had been staring, but you were fully aware of it (the grin on your face couldn't mean anything but) and still expecting some sort of response.
Her palms gripped the blanket, hanging onto it as a near lifeline at this point. Her mouth clammered and her eyes widened to the same quick pace as the tips of her eyes turning red. What was she supposed to say? How could you expect her to formulate a proper response after saying something so amazing in such a short period of time? Were you teasing her?
Quick Sakura, you look stupid!
"This blanket is so soft!" she stammered out.
A pause.
So much for not looking stupid, Stupid.
She had no time to be embarrassed, however, as no sooner than had she said it, you guffawed a laugh she knew to be out of endearment. She quickly turned away, hoping that the dark would mask the color of her face.
"Shut up, it's not funny!"
Her faux anger did nothing to stop you from reaching over and slipping an arm across her waist, pushing you both onto your sides as you pressed even more warmth into her cheeks with your lips. Even if you two were experiencing time together right now, if it somehow decided to stop on this exact moment, Sakura didn't think she'd complain.
"It's a little funny." You smiled from behind her, big spooning her; the darkness did little to hide the silhouette of her playful pout. "I'm glad you like it."
That's right, she remembered. You had been the one to give it to her. She had a soft spot for cozy things, you knew perfectly well.
"I do... it's so..." Sakura trailed off. Shyly, shuffled back slightly, further into your chest. Releasing the blanket completely, her hands gripped the arm you had around her and pulled it closer, grasping your fingers in between hers.
"So...?" you encouraged. "Warm?"
Sakura pressed a kiss to the knuckles of your hand. She inhaled deeply.
"So... interwoven. Each piece of the fabric comes together, and together... it creates something better. Like a whole blanket." Somewhere in the back of her mind, Sakura was scolding herself for being so inarticulate. But you were behind her, and she felt embraced on a level so comforting she felt she could forgive herself for any wrongs at this point, and so she continued on.
"And yeah, it's warm..." she powered through. "And we share it. It's ours. It's just so... it just reminds me-"
You decided to save her, a knowing feeling of complete understanding settling into your chest. "Reminds you of us?"
She could only muster up a nod.
What an interesting thing of her to say, you thought, similarly to how she had just done.
"It is just like us." you agreed, and with a quick snuggling up of her body against yours, Sakura smiled as you lay entirely together in a landscape wherein reality came second to the both of you, the stars winking as your witnesses.
The two of you remained embraced, your breathing now evened and the moon gazing upon the two of you laying together, shining through the gleam of the peached breeze.
So together that your hand upon her chest felt was her hand. So interwoven, that as you fell asleep, her eyes closed.
this is short, and not the best but I like it! I'm not sure if the metaphor of the blanket and the fibers shone through as much as I would have liked (or even as smoothly), but I just like the tenderness of this one. lmk your thoughts!
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mandoinevarro · 4 years
Words: 5.1k :))
Rating: E, baby
Warnings: Smut (surprise surprise), bad words :0, masturbation, a biiiit of praise kink, face fucking, cumplay? let me know on the comments, etc. etc. 
a/n: Happy Star Wars day!! The first few lines of this are an attempt at dumb comedy, but humor me a little and you’ll get a reward (smut) along the yellow-brick road
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Finally, the lanky kid behind the counter stops air drumming with two chicken bones gnawed dry and trails his dopey eyes from the gloved fist on the table, up a bracer, and along a flexed arm, until they settle on the Mandalorian helmet staring him down and waiting for an answer. The employee removes the music bandeau from around his ears and settles it down, its noise so loud Mando can hear it from where it lays. The kid scratches the whiskers of facial hair growing patchy on his cheeks and thoughtfully nibbles on one of the bones, trying to figure out what one does when a client shows up.
“Uh, what?”
“I need to speak to the owner,” the Mandalorian repeats slowly.
“Oh, uh.” Mouth gaping like a fish too stupid to know it should fear hooks, the kid calmly turns his attention to the four walls of the hardware store, searching for guidance in the fluorescent signs hanging around the room and dictating the store’s rules like they’re ancient scriptures:
“You, uh,” the kid continues, lingering on that last stanza and flicking open a dusty agenda that probably hasn’t been touched since the war ended, “you got an appointment, uh, sir?” He drags a greasy finger down the planner, squinting at nothing and pretending to read the page that Mando can clearly see is empty.
The bounty hunter sighs, holding on to the last reserves of patience that hang precariously on the cliff of his self-restraint, threatening to let go and leave him to his own anger. “No. But she’ll see me.” You better. You better fucking see him. “I was sold equipment here a few days ago, some of it faulty. I need to speak to her.”
The navigator. The fucking navigator. Of all the bunch of overpriced, black market scraps you’d somehow convinced the Mandalorian to buy from you last time, it just had to be the navigator. He still has his old blasters. Pumps are cheap. Even the deflector shields he could’ve done without for a couple of months. But the fucking navigator. The lack of droids on the Crest means that Mando relies solely on the navigator to set coordinates. Without it, he wouldn’t be able to find his way out of a system, let alone make hyperjumps. Even worse, the model is so old, its glitching isn’t recognized by the control panel, so he had to hover around the atmosphere of this damned planet for three days before figuring out what it was, throwing off his schedule and losing track of two bounties in the process. All because you sold him a damaged version of the one part he can’t do without.
But your gaping-mouthed kid worker seems too unused to visitors to really care about Mando’s request, too entertained nibbling on a bare bone and eyeing the costumer in front of him as a knowing smirk cracks his lips and he says, “I dig it.”
“You…you ‘dig it’? I don’t…”
“The whole, y’know.” He draws circles in the air with the bone, signaling the beskar armor while he wipes the sauce around his mouth with a sleeve. “The, uh, Mondolarian vibe you’ve got going on. Very retro, dude. I dig it.”  
Mondo…? Bewilderment overshadows irritation for a second, and Mando focuses all his energy into searching the kid’s vacant eyes for a sign of intelligent life. “I…I am a Mandalorian.”
Fucking stars above, it’s never easy with you. If not your endless teasing, it’s the exorbitant prices, your unwillingness to compromise, or your scurrying around so he’s forced to play cat and mouse with you. Your latest impossible challenge for him to tackle is, apparently, getting a straight answer from the obtuse employee you must have handpicked from a catalogue of idiots to torture Mando. Maker, he’s surprised your store hasn’t gone bankrupt yet. He can’t imagine anyone else in the galaxy putting up with your whims. And he only does it because…well, because…
After dedicating a couple of seconds to crafting the perfect response for what appears to be his very first client, the kid muses, “Well, shit, what do I know.” He flashes a toothy smile as he rereads the dogmas on the walls. “Says nothing about Mondolarians here, but, uh—”  
“—Look,” Mando bargains with your gatekeeper, trying to level the exasperation escaping the vocoder, “I only have one faulty part. Let me talk to the owner, and—”
“—Shit. I bet it was the microvalves.” Your staff of one hangs his tuff of hair in shame, swaying it limply from side to side, before staring straight at the visor apologetically. “My bad, dude, I’ve been trying to get them right, but I always fuck them up. It’s hard, y’know? Red with red, white with white. Why not red with white? Or—”
“—No. What? No. Listen to me. You sold me a busted—”
“—I sold you?” the kid scoffs, his eyes suddenly snapping wide and offended, ignoring Mando’s clenching fists, which usually make normal people cower. “Excuse me, mister Mondolarian sir, but I don’t, uh, don’t recall selling you shit, in fact—”
“—Not—not you personally, the store, look, just—”
“—in fact, I’ve never even met a Mondolarian before and you’ve, uh, no right—no right— to judge my microvalves that I worked hard on—”
“Let him in.” Your voice carries its usual amusement as it cuts between the Mandalorian and the kid, breaking off the bickering from both ends and drawing their attention to the melody’s source. You lean on the doorframe leading to your workshop, holding a pair of pliers in one hand and a wrench in the other. Grease is smeared on your face, where teeth bite down on a playful smirk and the twinkle in your eyes speaks of terrible intentions—like always. You tilt your head back to the room behind you. “C’mon, Mando. Let my receptionist work.”
With a sigh, the hunter moves towards the separate room, not before glancing back at the receptionist, who throws him one last disapproving look and wraps the bandeau that never stopped blasting music around his ears.
“Why do you keep him here?” the Mandalorian grunts as you push yourself off the doorframe to move inside your studio.
You shrug. “It’s him or droids.”  
Mando trails after you inside the cramped workshop, filled to the brim with piles and piles of sensors and motors and all the other scraps from dubious origins you collect, fix, and resell. He closes the door behind him and pushes a large tube hanging from the roof to the side to walk closer to you.
Facing him, you plummet on your wheeled chair with a sigh, your arms dangling off the armrests, still holding the wrench and the pliers, like you’re the monarch of your little kingdom of junk granting him an audience.
There, Mando finally gets a good look at you, and—much to his annoyance—you’re as lovely as always. Glistening and greasy, you’re still beautiful with oil stains on your skin and fat droplets of sweat trailing your temple. You beam at him from your squeaky throne with that faint grin that attracts nothing but trouble. Maker, no wonder you always manage to talk circles around him. But not this time. This time he won’t fall for your little games. He won’t, he won’t, he won’t. Tonight he’s walking out of here with all of his money, no matter how much you bat your pretty eyelashes at him.
The Mandalorian squares his stance and straightens his back in a futile attempt to intimidate you, strutting ahead firmly and pointing an accusing finger at your face.
“You sold me a—”
“—a busted navigator.”  You roll your eyes and push yourself to your legs abruptly before the hunter can get any closer. He stops dead on his tracks. You wave the wrench and the pliers in the air like the conductor of an orchestra. “I sold you a busted navigator.” The vowels are dragged out with an exaggerated tune to make fun of him. “Yeah, I heard you the first four thousand times, Mando.”
Without looking, you drop the pliers to the side. They land dead center on an open storage box. Perfectly. Almost rehearsed. Something clicks. The Mandalorian suddenly finds the missing piece of a puzzle he didn’t know needed solving, and he feels his shoulders deflate and release some of the anger that drove him to your store in the first place.
You peacock closer to him, one foot in front of the other and swaying your hips as you look down to the wrench in your hand. “But, you should know by now,” you murmur once you find yourself only inches away from the beskar, your voice morphing its earlier mock exasperation into the tone you only use whenever you two aren’t talking business. You look up at him, failing miserably at masking the mischief in your eyes. “I don’t do refunds.” You lift the wrench and grin as it taps the beskar breastplate lightly with a tink.
And before you can blink, Mando’s hand flies to your wrist to clutch it roughly, squeezing without hurting you, but with enough strength to force your fist open. Just like he knows you like it. The wrench falls to the floor with a bang that makes you jump. It’s Mando’s turn to smile when he pulls you by the wrist to press you closer against him. The cocky glint in your eyes dulls into confusion.
“I never said it was the navigator,” he informs you lowly.
You tense under his grasp and shift your jaw. “You knew I’d come back,” he continues, encouraged by your grimace. Staring at your feet, you half-heartedly try to wriggle away from his grasp, but he grabs your other wrist instead and holds you flush against the cold beskar. “Okay. I’m back. Now give me my money.”
But his satisfaction is short-lived, because if there’s anyone in the universe who knows no shame, that’s you. So you simply bite your lower lip and move your head from side to side to shake hair and embarrassment off your face. When you look up at the visor again it’s with that brazen insolence that secretly gets the Mandalorian going like nothing else in the galaxy.
“A girl gets lonely in here,” you purr. Your wrists relax, and make no attempt to pull away. “Can you blame me for wanting you back a little earlier?” Your plush lips curl into the perverse smile of someone who’s holding all the cards, making heat rush involuntarily to his crotch. And it drives him fucking insane. He could have you tied, shackled, or bent over, and you would still sneer at him like you had him wrapped around your finger.
At his silence, you wedge a leg tightly between his thighs and massage it against the bulge between. Your gasp in fake surprise when his length hardens at the first hint of a brush, too unused to any sort of physical contact to remain neutral to your bold caresses. He bites down hard on his lip to suppress a moan. He won’t give you the satisfaction.
Mando’s learnt, though, that his restraint only feeds your audacity. Only makes you taunt him more. His lack of response spurs you on, and you crane your neck forward to lick a slow line along the beskar of the chest. You blink at him playfully as you go, stuffing your tongue back into your mouth once you reach the top edge of the breastplate.
You must find it funny. How his ribs expand and contract in anticipation. How he tends to roll and unroll his fists in an attempt to suppress the instinct to throw you on top of the table so crowded by clutter that he can barely see the surface beneath and fuck the smirks off your face. How he always gives in. How he stiffens both scandalized and impossibly aroused every time you introduce him to some newer, filthier act. You must think it’s so fucking funny.
And as much as the bounty hunter wants to shove you back against your crumbling wheeled chair, he knows you’ll only enjoy it more. So he simply lets go of your wrists and steps back.
“I’m only here for my money,” he lies.
The vicious grin grows wider. “Oh, so you’re making me work for it tonight.” You step back and lean against a table with your arms crossed over your chest, purposefully pushing your tits against the cleavage. Mando shifts in his place. Licking your lips until they glisten, you give him a once-over. You study him inch by inch, and an uncomfortable rope knots in his stomach when he realizes that this is how his bounties must feel when he watches them wordlessly.
Your eyes settle on his visor, and a decision seems to cross them as you walk over to sit on your creaking chair. “Or maybe you just want to hear me beg.” You part your legs wide and clutch the armrest with one hand while the other disappears under the waist of your pants. The contour of your hand shifts up and down slowly inside the crotch of your trousers, and your lips crook into a full O as they release a deep, foul moan. “Is that it?” Your eyes are glossy and malignant, trained on his visor. “You want me to beg for your cock?”
His leather gloves ball into fists, trying to coax blood into his head and away from his…well, his other head.
Yet you hold him in place with that sinful stare and the lewd whimpers that you know get him off, and yes, fuck yes, he wants to hear you beg and sob for him all night as much as he wants to clog your throat with his shaft and make you swallow your teasing.
But he can’t let you win. You can’t scam five thousand credits out of him and expect him to throw himself into your arms no questions asked. He wants to put an end to your little tyrannical rule on his cock. And he wants his fucking money back.
So the powerful Mandalorian watches helplessly as your hand quickens under your clothing and you throw your head back in ecstasy. That fucking smirk doesn’t leave you, though. Even less so when your palm picks up some speed and you hear his breath hitch involuntarily at the visual, loud enough to override the vocoder.
“C-come on, Mando, don’t—” Your hand sinks deeper into your pants and you hum at the adjustment. “Don’t you wanna teach me what—what proper cos-costumer service looks like? Huh?”
His cock jumps in his pants when you say his name in a wanton gasp, and Mando can see you’re sweating and moving your hips faster against your palm. He’s so hard it hurts.
Your smile falters and you frown impatiently as the pent-up tension threatens to snap in your body.
“Don’t cum,” Mando blurts before he can stop himself.
“Or what?”
“Or I won’t give you what you want.”
Your movements halt on command, and the hunter almost envies the control you have over your own body to be able to backtrack on the very edge of your release. You hold your hands up in triumphant surrender as you watch the Mandalorian approach and stop just a breath away from your body. He stands tall before you, crowding you with his size and turning down the volume on the nagging voice that reminds him that he’s letting you win.
Eyes on the prize ahead of you, you lick your lips and snake a hand beneath your sit. You pull a lever and the chair plummets a few inches until your mouth is directly in front of the rigid tent growing in his pants. Expert fingers undo his belt and lower his fly, but, stars, nothing is fast enough when Mando already feels the veins of his cock growing thicker and thicker. Skipping all formalities, your hand sneaks inside, cups his balls, and pulls all of him outside. He groans when you grab his shaft and squeeze hard from base to tip, your bare palm catching awkwardly on his equally dry skin. Mando melts into the sensation all the same, but you seem displeased with your palm’s lack of fluidity.
“Fuck. Hold on.” A pair of fingers disappear into your mouth and down your throat as far as they’ll go. You choke on them dramatically and your eyes water slightly, but they shine when the two small intruders drag outside your mouth, pulling a thick string of elastic spit with them and dropping it on his shaft, pulsing with anticipation. You lean forward and look up through your lashes as you unroll your tongue slowly and more gooey saliva dangles from it. It’s too dense to spill onto its target, so you pluck the heavy ropes from your mouth and smear it manually on his cock, while a thread of it hangs on your chin.
“Fuck.” Your tiny clenched fist wakes up every nerve in his body as it drags up and down his shaft, obscene and perfectly lubricated. Mando’s hips buck into its grasp involuntarily, so suddenly that you flinch at the unexpected jolt. It’s a small comfort for him, to see that he can also surprise you. But then you’re giggling again, locking him in place by grabbing the buck of his belt with your free hand.
“Eager,” you remark. You lean forward and place a chaste kiss on the tip that digs into his spine. Maker, it was barely anything, but he’s so hard and your mouth is so close. “Aren’t Mandalorians,” you tease, “supposed to have self-restraint?”
Mando’s only answer is a low groan and a gloved hand that tangles on your hair and pushes you forward. You resist, though, instead wrapping a fist around his base and dragging your hot tongue up his underside, stopping just before the tip. A tortured whimper echoes around the helmet, and the Mandalorian is not sure if you could hear it because his muscles pull tighter, drawing his attention to his cock and your mouth and the fact that the latter is not wrapped around him for some reason. As if you could read his mind, you suddenly engulf him whole. Spit gathers on the edge of your lips as you suck on his length, swallowing around the tip and swirling your tongue around his girth.
“Fuck, you’re so—so fucking g-good at this.” You hum in response, sending vibrations through his shaft that make his knees buckle. He always forgets how good it feels with you. He forgets that you take him perfectly like all your holes were made for him to fuck. That you make his blood run hot with every swing of your tongue and every spasm of your cunt and every insolent remark that escapes your lovely mouth, now busy pleasuring him.
You settle on his head and suck on the bulb, hollowing your cheeks to let him feel the delicious inside of your mouth. Mando grabs handfuls of your hair with both hands, still trying to extinguish little whimpers before they leave his throat. And you can tell. He knows you can tell because determination clouds your eyes as you yank him closer by the belt. You drag your tongue in a circle around the ridge of the head, before dipping into the slit on the tip and finally earning a punched out groan and some beads of precum as a reward. Somehow, you moan and chuckle at the same time, opening your mouth as strings of spit fall to the floor.
“You’re hard, Mando,” you coo, pumping his length while you rub it on the side of your face, “throbbing and so, so hard. You should’ve come to me sooner, baby. You’re desperate.” You suck on the head again, and the Mandalorian’s grip on your hair turns to steel, pulling you into him and no longer asking. Moaning, you let him, taking him as far as you can and wrapping a fist where you can’t reach. Your other hand releases his belt and snakes down to your lap, fumbling with the waistband of your pants.
Somewhere in the swamp of sensations drowning his thoughts, an idea flashes in Mando’s head, and he holds on to it before you can suck it out of his tip. One glove lets go of your hair and quickly grans the hand lowering into your heat to resume touching yourself. His cock still in your mouth, you look up at him with furrowed eyebrows and a silent question.
“You can’t c-cum,” he explains, forcing words out of a throat that right now only wants to moan, “un-until you give me my—my refund.”
You groan and roll your eyes, taking your mouth off him with a pop. “Fuck no,” you breathe as you pump him faster and harder, almost making Mando lose his resolve. Almost. His hold on your wrist tightens. “It’s store policy.”
“Y-yeah?” You continue sliding your fist along his shaft, as you lean forward and lower your face to start lightly licking his balls. The room spins around Mando, and his grip on your hair pushes you into him until you suck on one ball gently. “Is—is it store p-policy to—ngh—to f-fuck your clients?”
You chuckle against his taint. Your head straightens to set your attention back on his tip, where he’s leaking an almost embarrassing amount of precum. A thumb brushes over his slit, gathering the pearls and bringing them into your mouth to taste him. The way you rub your core slightly against the chair is sneaky enough, but the Mandalorian catches the movements and tugs your hand and hair tighter as a warning. Your shoulders slump.  “I’ll give you half,” you offer.
Mando guides your hand lower and curls it around his swollen cock, silently begging for your attention. His hand wraps over yours as he squeezes your fist and drags it along his shaft at a pace of his liking that sets his insides ablaze. “Eighty.” The helmet falls back as he revels in the wet sounds of your hand sliding back and forth his cock and giving him a nice enough memory for when he inevitably goes back to the Crest and is forced to take care of his needs himself.
You let him guide you, cupping his balls with your other hand and swirling your tongue around his darkening tip. Mando’s chest trembles with a long moan at the toe-curling feeling of your warm spit and your clenched fist working so hard for him, until you drop him from your mouth and answer, “Seventy.”
“N-no, I—”
“—Seventy,” you repeat and twist your hand away from his grasp, leaving his seeping cock throbbing and abandoned, “or you don’t cum.”
Fuck, he was close. He was so fucking close, before you turned the tables. Like fucking always. A part of him cradles his already bruised pride, shaming him for—yet again—not being able to hold it together around you. But his cock tugs harder. More insistently. It pulls every fiber in his body and screams at him to give you whatever the fuck you want.
“Fine.” He nods his head once, before his better sense can convince him otherwise. “Seventy.”
A full, beautiful smile that almost makes Mando forget he’s getting scammed graces your plump lips. You waste no time shoving your hand inside your underwear again and moving your arm frantically as you give him a couple of throaty whines. You open your mouth as wide as it’ll go and blink up at him, inviting him to take you however he so pleases. He tangles his fingers on your hair and shoves you against him as you wrap your lips around his cock and muffle your mewls on it.
The Mandalorian starts fucking your face, getting his money’s worth as he moves you back and forth. Your eyes water and you gag with every shove, but you work earnestly for him, hollowing your cheeks and moving your tongue and pulling just about every trick on your toolbox to make Mando’s eyes roll to the back of his head.
And stars, even through your pants and his helmet, he can still smell your arousal. He hears the wet squelching of your fingers working your pussy fast and if he could only get a look. One look is all he needs to cum, he’s sure, one fucking look at your clenching cunt and he’s done.
“F-fuck, l-let me see,” he pants, “let—let me s-see you—see your p-pussy cum, just—fuck—just a mo-moment, please, j-just…”
Tears from all the gagging fall out of your pretty eyes as you open your mouth and stand up, taking your trembling hand outside to fumble with your trousers. Your thumbs are hooked under their waistband and push down slightly before you suddenly stop and stare at the Mandalorian gulping all the oxygen he can get and waiting for you. “Sixty,” you say carefully.
Too intoxicated with you and too focused on the blood beating hard on his cock, Mando couldn’t care less. He doesn’t give a shit about percentages or money or parts or whatever half-forgotten excuse he had to come here tonight. All that matters and all that’s real is whatever he needs to climax, and if it means letting you win, so be it. “S-sixty. Yes. Whatever. Just—just take your fucking pants off.”
One swift movement and your pants and underwear pool around your ankles. Yanking hard on the hem, you manage to pull the right leg off your boot. You don’t bother with the other one, letting it hang on your left leg as you climb back on the chair, spreading your legs and hooking one thigh over the armrest to offer him the best view possible.
Mando’s cock threatens to spill at the sight. You’re fucking soaked. Your folds are blushed and slick and swollen with all the blood accumulated on your cunt. Three fingers rub your aching clit and everything around it with messy strokes, as you stare at the bounty hunter with raw lust and moan for him loud and clear, and this. This is worth the fucking navigator.
As soon as his shaft ghost over your face you lean into it and reach for him with your mouth. Mando takes your head between his hands and resumes his previous brutal pace, his eyesight now directed at the way your cunt spasms and seeps more juices with every circle you press against your lips. And, fuck, you’re taking him like you’re hungry for his cock. Pushing harder and further and faster despite the gagging, you’re making Mando see blotches cloud his vision and feel how his muscles turn into hot, thick magma. Fuck, fuck, fuck, he can’t hold it in anymore. His balls start pulling up as a warning and you’re sucking harder and mewling around him.
“I—I…I’m gonna—I—”
Mando can’t find enough words to put together for the life of him, but you nod and manage a chocked “Mhmm” and bob your head to the pace of your quickening fingers and stars oh fuck—
The wave of his climax hits him hard on his back and makes him curl around you. He braces himself against the top of your chair and the change in position makes his cock slip outside of your mouth, but his vision goes completely black and all he can feel is the rush of pleasure crushing his bones into dust. Maybe your name is falling from his lips, but he can’t be sure. The never-ending spurts of cum falling somewhere hoard most of his attention, and he focuses on that thick and heavy release, so rare for him that he puts his mind into savoring every second.
It’s not until the echoes around his ears dissipate that the Mandalorian hears you’re still whimpering. Hunched over you, he opens his eyes just in time to see you gather some of the seed that he spilled on your neck and bring it down to smear it over your bundle of nerves, rubbing it one, two, three, four times, before you’re sobbing long and loud. Your hole tightens around nothing, your forehead resting on his cuisse, and Mando thinks he could get hard again just from the image.
You both stay like that for a while, curled into each other and panting in turns, until Mando gathers all the energy left in his system to pull himself upright and shove his softening shaft back into his pants. It’s only then that he sees just how much of a mess he made: Cum landed everywhere. It hangs thick all over your face, on your neck, on your hair, on your clothes. He blushes darkly and he’s about to open his mouth to apologize, but you sense it. Somehow. You wink and brush off his shame with a smile and a wave of your hand, standing up to get dressed. But Mando’s quicker. He kneels in front of you and gently raises your underwear until it hugs your hips, wishing for a fleeting second he could press a kiss on the supple flesh there. You grab his pauldron for balance to sneak your foot into the pantleg that Mando holds open for you.
For once, it’s he who breaks the silence. “I…I do want my sixty percent, you know.”
“Of course.” You smile sweetly at him, reaching back to your work table to grab a clean rag, rubbing it against your face and neck. “I’ll even throw in some free microvalves for good measure.”
Taglist of two so you can keep each other company :) : @rosetophighlander​ @hellomothermoon
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jiminieloved · 4 years
‘Magic Shop’ and the Jikook Connections
This post will be pointing out seeming connections between Magic Shop and Jikook in a variety of ways. You can decide for yourself if these connections are coincidence or intentional. 
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I want to start this post out by saying I’m not necessarily pushing an agenda that the sole meaning behind Magic Shop is Jikook’s relationship, however I do think there are a lot of striking connections that seem to have meaning. The song can absolutely simultaneously be about ARMY and about Jungkook’s relationships with the members, and I’ll be showing some reasons why. 
I’ll also point out that there does seem to be a connection between Jimin and ARMY for Jungkook, so a song having this dual meaning is not that out of the box, to me. I’ll let this video explain this point for me.
For those with absolutely no background on the song or its creation, it was a song primarily written and produced by Jungkook, and a self proclaimed message for ARMY.
In October of 2017, Jungkook and Jimin took a trip to Tokyo together, and on that trip documented a visit to Tokyo Disneyland in both Jimin’s vlog and GCF Tokyo. This trip is where many people theorize that Jungkook got the inspiration for a song entitled ‘Magic Shop’. 
In Tokyo Disneyland, there is a magic shop!
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Some people speculate something important for the duo might have happened here, and some think he just might have seen the building and gotten inspired. I think either way, it’s a pretty meaningful connection between the song and their trip.
The trip seemed to have had a big impact on the pair, and Jungkook writing a song derived from an aspect of the trip is certainly worth noting. I’m not going to get too deep into how impactful the Tokyo trip was Jimin and Jungkook because I’d love to go more in depth on the topic at a later point in time, but I think if you’re in the fandom and paid attention, its pretty easy to see that their trip to Tokyo was impactful. 
Magic Shop was released in May, 2018.
The timespan between the trip to Tokyo and release of the song make it pretty clear to me that one event directly inspired the other. 
The Contents
As I said, it is absolutely possible for the lyrics to simultaneously be addressing ARMY, and have been written with a specific person in mind. I’m going to break down the lyrics section by section, and do a little lyrical analysis. 
Lyrics are made to be analyzed and interpreted. Artists encourage it. It’s also possible for two different people to get two completely different meanings from a song. I am giving you the meaning that I see, and if you disagree that is completely okay. 
I know that you’re hesitating because even if you say the truth
In the end it will all return as scars
I’m not going to say anything blatant like “find strength”
I will let you hear my story, let you hear it
This stanza seems to be directly speaking to the listener. I’m not sure what ‘the truth’ is, it could ba a variety of things. (Maybe ‘the truth’ is something to do with who this song was inspired by.) Anyway, this is our intro into this song of strength and unity. Jungkook says, “I will let you hear my story.” So the following is Jungkook’s story.
What did I say?
I said you’d win, didn’t I?
I couldn’t believe it (really)
Could I win it?
This miracle that isn’t a miracle
Did we make it?
To me, the first half of RM’s verse seems to be a reflection on the beginning of their careers. Jungkook told someone he believed they would ‘win’, and seems unable to believe that they actually did win. Jungkook was so outwardly confident in their success, but perhaps internally didn’t have this same confidence. It starts with ‘you’, then talks about ‘I’, and then finally it becomes ‘we’. This could be in reference to ARMY (you) and BTS (I). The ‘you’ could also be in reference to Jimin, if this song was indeed written for him. It’s interesting how he says “This miracle that isn’t a miracle” in reference to their success. It reinforces that he was acting strong and confident for the sake of someone else, but in reality thinks it was a miracle that they were successful.
(No) I was here
You were the one that made your way to me
I do believe your galaxy
I want to listen to your melody
Your stars in the Milky Way
Don’t forget that I found you anyways
At the end of my despair
You’re the last reason
For me who was standing at the edge of the cliff
The second half of RM’s verse really reads like a love letter to me. This ‘you’ comes back; again, it is often interpreted as being a reference to ARMY, and I think that’s how Jungkook wants it to come across to us. But if you read it as if it was written as a letter to Jimin, it makes just as much sense. It would certainly explain the extent to which it moved Jimin, but we’ll get into Jimin’s reaction later on.
On days I hate being myself, days I want to disappear forever
Let's make a door in your heart
Open the door and this place will await
It's okay to believe, the Magic Shop will comfort you
Now let’s go back to Jungkook’s supposed inspiration for the song. I find it really interesting that he uses a place of a shared experience with Jimin as the place of ultimate comfort for himself and ARMYs. I think even if you disagree that the lyrics were written about Jimin, you can admit this detail itself is meaningful. 
I’m not sure who had the final decisions for which member sang which line, but if it was Jungkook, I think he used a lot of intentionality about line designation. Jimin is the one who sings the second half of this stanza.
While drinking a glass of hot tea
And looking up at the Milky Way
You’ll be alright, oh, this here is the Magic Shop
Again, speaking of intentionality of line designation, Jimin and Jungkook sing together for the first chorus, singing words of comfort and staring at the sky together. 
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you
To me, this line has a lot of reminiscence to the lyrics of the song Jungkook chose in ‘GCF Tokyo’, “There For You” by Martin Garrix. That song speaks of mutual support and comfort. ‘I’ll be there for you, but you’ve gotta be there for me too. Love is a road that goes both ways.” 
In the same way, Jungkook calls upon a need for mutual support. ‘You show me, and I’ll show you.’ I don’t know if he was directly inspired by the themes of Troye Sivan’s lyrics, or if it’s just a theme he connects to for personal reasons, but I find it interesting seeing this connection between the two events. It may have been subconscious, even, but it’s quite interesting to see.
Like a rose when blooming
Like cherry blossoms when being scattered in the wind
Like morning glory when fading
Like that beautiful moment
I always want to be the best
So I was impatient and always restless
Comparing myself with others became my daily life
My greed that was my weapon suffocated me and also became a leash
But looking back on it now, truthfully
I feel like it’s not true that I wanted to be the best
I wanted to become your comfort and move your heart
I want to take away your sadness, and pain
Okay, first of all, that’s beautiful. It makes me tear up every time I read it.
Jungkook, who’s telling his story through this song, speaks of a need for perfection that wouldn’t go away. He says that he was impatient and restless, and his greed held him back. He says that in retrospect, it’s not that he wanted to be the best, but that he wanted to become a comfort for ‘you’. (you= ARMY, or Jimin.) 
On days where I hate myself for being me, on days where I want to disappear forever
Let's make a door. It's in your heart
Open the door and this place will await
Magic Shop
While drinking a glass of hot tea
And looking up at the Milky Way
You’ll be alright, oh, this here is the Magic Shop
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you
Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?
All the sincerity, the remaining times
All your answers are in this place you found
In your Milky Way, inside your heart
Again, Jimin is given the line that to me reads as the emotional climax of the song. (The bolded words read as the climax to me.)
All the strength that Jungkook needed, he found within himself, and Jimin is the one who belts out this realization. 
You gave me the best of me
So you'll give you the best of you
You found me. You knew me
You gave me the best of me
So you'll give you the best of you
You'll find it, the galaxy inside you
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
So show me (I'll show you)
Show you show you
Again... this is so unbelievably poignant. 
“You gave me the best of me, so you’ll give you the best of you.” 
Oh my god. This isn’t a love song of finding your missing half. This is a love song about being fulfilled from within, with the help of someone else, and in return helping them find their own fulfillment. Jungkook is so, so wise. These lyrics are so amazing I can’t even really put it into words. 
If we’re using our dual interpretation that he’s singing to ARMY and Jimin, this is so incredibly meaningful. Imagine the weight of someone telling you that you helped them to discover the best within themself. You don’t have to imagine; he is singing this to us. But I also have an inkling it was written with a specific person in mind. 
“You found me. You knew me.”
I just want to emphasize the power and weight behind these words. This isn’t your everyday love song. 
The song ends with the returning theme of mutual love, once again giving me flashbacks to “There For You” by Troye Sivan, and by association also giving me flashbacks of the GCF Tokyo Film. 
Lyric analysis TLDR; In my opinion, the song is written with an intentional duality to be about ARMY and Jimin. The song is full of little Easter eggs that reference GCF Tokyo, from the title to the themes of mutual love in the lyrics. Jimin is also given climactic lines that would fit this theory. Something I didn’t mention is that even the genre/sound of the song bears resemblance to “There For You” with a synth pop style. By no means am I saying Jungkook copied or was not original, so don’t twist my words, but I think he very well may have been thematically or stylistically inspired by the sounds from “There For You” or may have subconsciously mirrored some style choices. (It also could’ve been 100% intentional for him to make people like us make the connection. We will never know.) 
Jimin’s Love for Magic Shop
Exhibit A: Comeback Vlive, May 18, 2018
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This whole Vlive, Jikook seem extremely close/intimate in their interactions; JK teasing him and smiling at him with heart eyes, Jimin leaning into his space and looking at him fondly. 
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As a prompt, Namjoon asks the members what the most difficult or most fun song was in the album. Jimin immediately brings up Magic Shop (21:43). Jimin personally thanks him for his efforts and says out of all the songs they recorded, Jimin put the most efforts into Magic Shop. When Jungkook goes on to explain his creation, and how it’s a ‘fan song’, Jimin just smiles at him with this endeared, knowing expression on his face. I really feel like Jimin seems to have some personal pride in the song, despite having not produced it or written it. And sure, it makes sense that he’s proud of his Jungkookie, but at the same time, something in his eyes just makes me think twice about the whole thing.
Jungkook said that when he was working on the song, all he felt was love for ARMY. Jimin smiles so wide and tells Jungkook he’s a smooth speaker, and that he’s “sweet like candy”...
Exhibit B: Jimin’s Vlive on May 20, 2018
In this vlive, he talks to fans about the album’s release, and around 9:30, begins to talk about how touched he was by the song. This takes him several minutes because he is so careful about the way he words it. 
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He eventually gets across that its a song that touches him very deeply in comparison to all the other songs they perform, and the fact that Jungkook made it is very impressive to him. He even tells ARMY that they have to like it. 
Exhibit C: Jimin Twitter Video, February 13, 2019
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And then... several months later, on February 13, 2019, Jimin posted a Twitter video of himself singing ‘Magic Shop’ with the ‘Injeolmi’ filter from the Snow app. (There is a theory about the Injeolmi filter being used as a ‘hint’, but I don’t want to get too far into that because it’s a little more on the delulu side. If you are aware of/believe this theory, I think it’s interesting to note.)
5th Muster VCR
Now I think it’s only fair that we look at the 5th Muster ‘Magic Shop’ film. This video puts the ‘Magic Shop’ concept into reality, with the member acting as components of the ‘Magic Shop’, where JK is on a mission to find something he’s missing in his heart. 
JK acts as the main character, coming to the magic shop to be healed. Jimin acts as the owner of the magic shop. 
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I find it very interesting that they seemed to portray each member as a caricature of themself. RM destroys things, Suga’s character lazes about, Jin is surrounded by opulence, Tae goofy and photogenic, J-Hope loves dance, Jimin’s character... flirts with Jungkook. 
In the VCR, Jimin takes Jungkook to different rooms, each one containing a different member which tries to find the cure to Jungkook’s unhappiness, without success. 
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Each time their remedies fail, Jimin goes back to the drawing board to think of something else.
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In the end, with the help of the rest of the members, Jimin figures out the solution....
A pair of shoes? (I’m gonna be really honest I have no idea what that symbolizes... help me out here.)
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Anyway, plot aside, I think you’re understanding what I’m getting at. Even in the skit version of this Magic Shop, Jimin’s role is special. He’s instrumental in helping JK, and he ultimately finds the solution to Jk’s problem. (Not to mention the flirting, like what???)
Due to extremely strict copyright, I can’t embed video, however here’s a link to all of the 5th muster DVD content if you’d like to watch it for yourself. 
Anyway, I’m not offering any ‘ultimate proof’, as I said, I’m just pointing out connections that I noticed. Whether or not the song was written about Jimin, I think it’s clear Jimin plays an instrumental role in Jungkook’s Magic Shop. 
I hope you enjoyed reading. If I missed anything you’d like me to add, let me know! 
If you liked this post a lot, buy me a coffee! I take requests. :)
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sparklyjojos · 3 years
[JDC spoilers]
Here’s the explanation I promised long ago about how Juku’s and Dokuson’s ringtone choices from Carnival are very appropriate and related to their personal plots.
...which somehow evolved into “I don’t think Dokuson is straight and I sure think he was a musical theatre kid” at the end.
Juku’s ringtone is the opening theme for Manga Nippon Mukashi Banashi, a children anime adaptation of famous Japanese folk tales. This of course relates to the convoluted folk tales riddle that Jaki left for Juku to solve. Interestingly, this ringtone is quite prominent in Yasha’s nightmare, the sound guiding him through the dark house. (Perhaps his subconscious meta-reasoning was trying to tell him he should follow folk tales symbolism to arrive at the solution?)
Manga Nippon Mukashi Banashi first aired in 1975, not long before the Saimon Case (1977-80). While Juku very likely doesn’t remember that time, perhaps the song still rings nostalgic and comforting for him—a reminder of what few years of childhood he got before having to grow up too fast.
Considering what happens to Juku in the end, I find it appropriate and sad how the song is a gentle lullaby (starting with “my child, good boy, go to sleep”), and the last stanza in particular likes to punch my emotions a lot.
My child, good boy, wake up The tongue-cut sparrow came flying There’s the old man who made withered trees to blossom There’s Urashima, Tamatebako Stories from a long time ago
In a stark contrast, Dokuson’s ringtone is the opening theme for the old Devilman anime (the now memetic ARE WA DARE DA). As BOKU points out, Dokuson had to spent a lot of time and effort inputting all the notes one by one into the ringtone composer thing, which is a brilliant way to show what his character is all about—he might seem effortlessly cool and perfect, but that’s because he will never let you see the hard, awkward parts behind his carefully prepared facade. (And I haven’t thought about it before, but wouldn’t Juku also have to make his ringtone that way? Well, some parts of Carnival Day do encourage comparisons between Juku and Dokuson in terms of crafting the persona they’re showing to others... but then again, there was that part about how everything is a carnival and *everyone* has a mask... okay, let me stop myself before I accidentally write an entire essay here.)
Some of the lyrics of the Devilman theme are quite interesting and I can see how Dokuson would personally relate to them:
(...) The man who took the name of a traitor And abandoned everything to fight (...) The man who experienced a person's love for the first time And was awakened to that kindness (...) The one who took on a demonic power, The hero of justice, Devilman, Devilman
Dokuson sure does have a strange “demonic” power, and he became aware of it and decided to do better due to experiencing someone’s love for the first time. He was also more than ready to fake betrayal and leave his influential leader position behind in order to help save the world.
As far as headcanons go, I like to think he’s also about as straight as the main characters of Devilman—i.e. not really. Don’t think there were many straight men in 90s Japan who would love Devilman, dress androgynously with some heavy purple eyeshadow to match, probably like musical theatre a lot***, and talk about how the only thing they seek in a partner is their heart in a way that comes off as very bi/pan, whether or not it was intended (probably not). I mean...
[Dokuson:] “I am not attracted whatsoever to individual differences in outward appearance, or some talents irrelevant to personality. What makes a person’s worth is their heart (♡), their soul—simply put, their humanity! In China, the word for bijin [美人, which in Japanese means specifically a beautiful woman] has been from time immemorial understood to mean a person of beautiful heart, regardless of gender. If we follow this thought and the logic of a self-aware narcissist, then I—my heart dazzlingly beautiful as crystal—would be the world’s greatest bijin, and the world’s second greatest bijin would be the person who understands me and loves me the most in the world.” [Carnival Day, p. 737-8]
And yes, there’s actually a little heart symbol there in the book. Beats me how JDC characters consistently manage to pronounce those.
***The glorious “Dokuson Was A Musical Theatre Kid” theory that I made solely because it’s funny:
1. We know Dokuson and Ushiwaka dated back in high school. However, Hyouma (Dokuson’s BFF at the time) would only meet Ushiwaka many years later at JDC. This means Ushiwaka and Dokuson met somewhere other than Dokuson’s high school or any place he and Hyouma would hang out.
2. Carnival Eve mentions that Ushiwaka had once played male roles in the Takarazuka Revue (an all-female musical theatre group), so she probably had been attending the Takarazuka Music School at the time. Said school is in the Hyougo prefecture, quite a way to go from Hiroshima (where Dokuson and Hyouma lived), so there’s no way Dokuson and Ushiwaka would just randomly meet on the street or something. Ergo,
3. I choose to believe they met because Dokuson was that one overly dramatic, obnoxious musical theatre kid who went to every show he could.
(Now that I think about it, it’s fun how both Ushiwaka and Dokuson have powerful voices, though in a... very different way.)
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fivegoldpieces · 4 years
Hey; so, as someone who has become incredibly disillusioned with beaujes, I don't see anything to support that it still has a chance. Do you still think it has? What about the playlist suggests beaujes? Last episode had Jester enthusiastically encouraging BY, which is a lovely ship, and I really don't think they would ever go for a poly relationship. What are your thoughts?
(i tried to answer all parts of the ask and it got too long so have some unclear rambles under the cut)
I think the chances of beaujes now is still the same as it was before the hiatus. there’s still a lot that could change, especially with a big event like travelercon that could open up chances for significant roleplay between jester and the rest of the party.
I don't think the last few episodes have sunk the ship, though it hasn't built up on it much either. it’s pretty easy to see that the cast is still getting used to everything - I’d imagine going back to roleplaying with social distancing after 2 years of everyone facing everyone in one table probably affects which interactions occur and when. not to mention, there hasn't really been a good time for it to come up imho what with jester being preoccupied with the traveler and travelercon, and the whole party being preoccupied with the weirdness that is rumblecusp. that isn’t to say that it can’t develop in the midst of all those things, but I think laura would probably want the audience focus to be more on jester’s relationship with the traveler.
with regards to jester encouraging BY - why wouldn’t she? with or without feelings for beau, I don't think she'd do anything other than be supportive. jester doesn't know that beau has feelings for her, nor has she seen anything to indicate that beau isn't interested yasha anymore, plus they're both her dear friends, so of course she'll support them. her encouraging them doesn't automatically mean that jester can’t ever reciprocate beau’s feelings.
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with the playlist, what we got from it is: 1) jester had expected to fall for someone who would be there for her and fit all the checkboxes of what she read about in storybooks, and 2) jester thought that that someone was fjord, however, she's not as sure as she was before because she's growing up. 
that last point can be taken as: a) her feelings for fjord have grown along with her and has become more complex and serious in a way that she's only starting to grasp, or b) a part of her journey growing up is growing out of her feelings for fjord. I think the second is more likely, especially looking at the lyrics in summer’s gone. 
“Well, we get along / Yeah we really do / And there's nothing wrong / With what I feel for you / I could go with you, you, you / If you want me to / I could hang around / Till the leaves are brown / And the summer's gone”
this is the start of the song and the use of ‘could’ and ‘if you want me to’ together creates a feeling of passiveness - to me, this reads as jester's current view of a romantic relationship with fjord. they get along, she likes him as a person, she could go out with him, but only if he wants to - as if suggesting that that is something that she doesn't want anymore, or as if it’s not the first choice she would pick
“But I won't give up / And I won't give in / And I know it's tough  / But I aim to win / And I couldn't get away from you / Even if I wanted to / So I hang around / Till the leaves are brown / And the summer's gone”
the first part from “but I won’t give up” to “but I aim to win” to me clearly illustrates the early relationship between FJ - how jester kept trying to flirt with fjord because she saw him as someone who checked off all the boxes for what the stories told her she should want. what interests me here is “and I couldn’t get away from you / even if I wanted to / so I hang around” -  this supports the idea that jester felt that the only choice she saw for a romantic partner was fjord, but it could also be taken as jester is becoming aware of that and opening herself up to other possibilities
“What I've got to do / What I've got to see / It was only you, and it was only me / And I know that it's hard, hard, hard / And I Know that it's hard / And the leaves are brown / And they're falling down / And the summer's gone”
again, I see this as another reference to the earlier FJ dynamic where jester felt that her only choice was to be with fjord
“And I can't wait anymore for you / Spent the weekend, you've given me nothing / I can't wait anymore for you / The feeling's strong, but the summer's gone” 
the song ends on this stanza repeated twice, to increase emphasis and, compared to the tentative beginning using 'could', this one uses the more convicting 'can't' and feels more direct - to me this reads as jester acknowledging that though she may have had feelings for fjord, "the summer's gone" and like laura's commentary says - "the seasons are changing and [jester's] growing up" - those feelings may very well be something that jester has outgrown, or at the very least something that she needs to examine further. 
I don’t think that all this necessarily means beaujes is more or less likely to go canon - all it does is confirm that jester has been questioning her feelings for fjord and her ideas of romance in general for a while now. the aftermath of that could very well be her developing feelings for beau but that doesn't erase other possibilities from happening. all we can do is wait and see what happens!
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polskasroka · 5 years
“Ach So Gern” Interpretation Part 1
I had this idea to write my own interpretation of both the song and the music video but I wasn't really convinced. Two lovely souls, @chloeamanda and @kvidasjuklingur encouraged me to do it, so here you go! Have fun while reading, I hope my interpretation will be interesting to you 😊
Before I get to write the interpretation of the song Ach So Gern, along with its music video, let’s translate its title – Ach So Gern means Oh So Gladly, which, as a title, doesn’t reveal much of the song’s content.
Let’s focus on the lyrics first and after that I’ll try to present what I think about the symbols that the music video contains.
The song begins quite normally, the lyrics clearly show us that the persona, who’s telling the story directly to the listener (probably us but we can also suspect that it’s a kind of confession he makes, yet we don’t know to whom this confession is – his conscience? himself? another woman? a man? a friend? or maybe the guards shown in the music video?), is a womanizer. There isn’t really anything unusual in the first few verses, it sounds like a simple story, no warning signs yet. Yet.
At the end of it, just before the chorus begins, we hear the words Man meint ich hätte sie gezwungen… Nein/Die Wahrheit liegt dazwischen wohl and they indicate that there’s something wrong with the story of the womanizer. It’s said that I forced them… No/The truth is somewhere in-between can mean that the hero of the story wants to justify his bad deeds, implying that the women craved him, even though they knew what he was like. Also, it’s possible that he might’ve slightly forced them but! they gave in to him anyway, they gave in to the way he was forcing them; they liked his ways, still oblivious to what would happen later.
The story continues in the first chorus, with the persona confidently telling about his amorous exploits, about how gladly he would kiss the women until his lips were sore. Nothing too revealing in these four verses though, the fun goes on in the next stanza.
The hero expands his story by describing how he loved everything in women, which matches the lyrics in the chorus; Ich hatte einfach alles lieb, he says. He also mentions how he was seen by others, how he got lost in lust, how he was obsessed with love-making. Yet, he has the confidence to deny that, he seems not to be seeing the things the others imply, which is confirmed by Das kann man so sehen oder so. He doesn’t notice anything bad, in his opinion it depends clearly on one’s point of view, which appears to the listener as just another excuse for his bad deeds.
The first four lines of chorus repeat and after that we finally get into the darker part of the song. We hear how he would take the women into his arms, without mercy, even though they didn’t want him to (Und manche haucht’ leise “Nein”). It’s clear here that he forced them to have physical contact with him, it can even be assumed that he raped them, which kind of seems like a punishment for saying “no” to him. Am Ende sollten sie’s bereuen which is In the end they should regret it can mean that they should regret having said “no” or that they should regret that he knew no mercy. As usually, there isn’t one interpretaion. Still, both of them are dark and controversial.
The next stanza – the next description of his ways with women. Comparing himself to a snake that attacked a rabbit, he tells how the poison awakened the lust in him/in women. The comparison to those two animals also indicates the features of the womanizer – sneaky, fast, efficient – and the women – innocent, helpless, submissive. It also shows that, like in the nature, the snake’s attack was inevitable and there was no way to run away from it.
Then, being delighted, he announces how faithful to him those women were and how many hearts he broke by, most probably, abusing and leaving them. He’s sure that he was a fantastic lover, he doesn’t see that he most likely hurt those women. Am Ende sollten sie’s bereuen/So viele Tränen und Geschrei (In the end they should regret it/So many tears and screams) almost immediately makes us think of an abuse or a rape, which he doesn’t seem to distinguish or understand. Or maybe he doesn’t want to understand it.
In the final chorus, he sings the words with ecstasy but you can also hear desperation there. The most interesting and revealing lines are the two last ones. Doch ich kannte kein Erbarmen/Soll damit sie glücklich sein doesn’t sound like a question here, so I’d go with translating it more freely to But I knew no mercy/And she should be happy with it. It’s yet another sign that he doesn’t see anything wrong in what he did to those women, he’s still convinced they should be glad and grateful for it, since, supposedly, they wanted him to treat them like this. And yes – maybe they wanted it but he must’ve misunderstood them (or done it on purpose, still without any hint of doing something bad) and gone too far, which we know from the part in the last stanza (So viele Tränen und Geschrei).
The whole song is sung as if the hero was an epic storyteller, he declares it all with confidence, in the way that draws others’ attention. He’s very into it, he wants everyone to know about his adventures and achievements, about all the women that he managed to seduce. As I said earlier – he doesn’t seem to notice anything wrong in his way of treating women, even though the listener must be sure that he at least abused them. The closer to the end of the song we get, the more passion and involvement in his voice can be heard, as if he was swimming in the sea of his awesomeness and believed that he did no harm to anyone.
To sum up, the song describes a man who met a lot of women in his lifetime, that were seduced by him. The amorous exploits led to broken hearts, abuse and/or rape on the women, which is completely abstract to the womanizer, he doesn’t notice anything evil in his behaviour.
Part 2 (the interpretation of the music video) will be posted soon.
If you think I've done any mistakes in translating the German parts, please let me know. I'm not a German native speaker, I'm learning German but I might've made mistakes. I still hope I haven't 😆.
Also, you can have your own interpretations and might not agree with me. And it's totally fine!
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bvlavender · 4 years
A Story A Day Keeps COVID Away – July Reviewed and August Anticipated
August. It’s August. I’ve been writing a story (give or take) every day for three months.
Long stretches of time and effort that are personally incomprehensible aside, July was… kind of meh, honestly. There’s the occasional standout, but nothing felt spectacular. At least, none did to me – if you found one of my stories this month particularly moving, that’s awesome, and I’m glad that it had that effect on you. But I don’t know. July’s been kind of a blur on my end.
Regarding August – I know I said in the previous review that I wanted to do serials and thematic events, and I still do. But those would require planning and possibly building up some degree of buffer, which is somewhat daunting and very time-consuming. However, since today marks exactly one month before my fall semester starts (sweet Jesus, I still have some courses to apply for), building a buffer would probably be in my best interests. August is, in all likelihood, my last chance to experiment without restraint. After that, school becomes my priority. If I’m not prepared, it could spell the end of this challenge, and my sanity throughout the downward spiral.
With that very sobering thought:
Top 5 Stories for July 2020 of A Story A Day Keeps COVID Away
While there are some stories that I am definitely less pleased with or more proud of than others, this list is pretty arbitrary. In my opinion, July hovered around average, with the occasional dip above or below the mean. But whatever, let's take a handful and rank them anyway, why not.
5. 07/01/20: O Kanata
Indigenous people don’t get much attention, in Canada and across the world. Their history, their land, and their bodies are disregarded regularly by laws and governments designed to benefit settlers over first peoples. This poem, a parody of the Canadian national anthem, was an acknowledgement of that abuse. I would encourage you to learn more about Indigenous struggles in your country specifically, as well as follow some of the blogs listed here.
4. 07/09/20: Name in Lights
This story was an old one. Came up with it and then dropped it in May, only to pick it back up and finish it this month. There are a lot of hastily jotted down story ideas I came up with in the early days of A Story A Day Keeps COVID Away, and Name in Lights gives me hope that I’ll be able to actually execute on them someday.
3. 07/05/20: This or That
I just love the rhythm of this one so much. Starts out 3 syllables a line for 8 lines, gets you into a groove, then BAM, hits you with a 4 syllable line that doesn’t fit the established meter. You have to readjust for that stanza, only to go back to three syllables, forces another readjustment - but when you do, your cadence is changed. Once you go back to 4 syllables again, the transition is smoother. And by the end, it’s seamless, your mind now transitioning from 3 to 4 without missing a beat. As the poem urges you to think beyond binary terms, your own mind grows accustomed to what at first seems incompatible.
…what’s weird is that I am utter garbage at labelling stresses for prosody, but I will die at the altar of melodically/rhythmically consistent syllabic structure.
…informally analyzing/gushing over the poetics in my own writing isn’t the weird part, nope, not at all.
2. 07/26/20: Portland
Portland’s getting really messed up. Like, a lot (tw: graphic images of injuries in the second hyperlink). Support PDX and the Portland Freedom Fund if you can, or support BLM without money. I wanted to do my part to raise awareness, even if my reach is small.
1. 07/18/20: sleep with me
English sucks for a lot of reasons, but one of its gravest sins is the reduction of love to just “love.” Other languages understand that the “love” you have for things is not the same as the “love” you have for people is not the same as the “love” you have for family is not the same as the “love” you have for a partner etc., and thus distinguishes those types of “love” as necessary. But in English, there’s no one word that describes loving someone to the point of wanting to have them in your life forever wait no not like that I swear. Well, there is one word, but queerplatonic hasn’t entered common vernacular yet and still requires some explaining. This poem is me using many words to describe that kind of love.
And that's that for July! Whether August is better or worse (though let's be honest, 2020's likely just going to keep the punches rolling), I'll still be here, and I hope you will be too.
We'll get through this.
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monstersdownthepath · 6 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Cayden Cailean, the Drunken Hero
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Chaotic Good God of Ale, Freedom, and Wine
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Good, Strength, Travel Subdomains: Azata, Competition, Exploration, Ferocity, Love, Lust, Resolve
Inner Sea Gods, pg. 36~43
Obedience: Sing a song in praise of freedom, bravery, and your god’s glory (and good looks). The song must be audible to those nearby—friend or foe. Between stanzas, you must pause to drink from a full mug of ale, wine, or other spirits. When the song is done, drink the remaining alcohol while mentally composing the song you will sing on the morrow. If a creature is attracted by your song, do your best to engage it in conversation about the merits of Cayden Cailean. If hostilities become inevitable, leap boldly into the fight without hesitation. Benefit: Get a +4 sacred bonus to saving throws versus poison effects.
Discussing one of Pathfinder’s more well-known Good Guys has been a long time coming! I just had to get all of the Evil gods out of my system first (which is a lie, there’s still 80+ more pages of Evil to discuss), and what better way to wash them all out than with a pint?
The Drunken Hero’s Obedience prevents you from being subtle about who you’re working for. It MUST be audible to anyone nearby, even party members you want to keep it a secret from, and it MUST be about Cayden Cailean. There’s also the fact you have to start your day with a hearty drink (the mug must be full, and you must finish it), which could prove disadvantageous if you have anywhere to be early in the morning. Alternately, you could drink just before going to bed; I make most of the Obediences sound like they’re something to be done right as the day starts, but that’s only true for casters, who are basically encouraged to do their Obediences at the crack of dawn as they prepare their spells (Obediences can be done alongside preparations, no matter how wild they are). 
A martial character can have a nice tall nightcap and sing everyone to sleep--the song has to be audible, not ‘ear-cracking’--and enjoy their benefit and Boons for 24 hours, waking up with a mild hangover (easily cured) rather than going about the first few hours of their day like a drunken fool. If you ARE a caster, however, I hope you didn’t dump Constitution, because you’ll need it! Especially if a baddie does overhear your singing and come investigating, because Cayden requires you to leap into the fray no matter what.
Benefit is nothing we haven’t seen before. Ironically, since alcohol itself is considered a poison for the purpose of game mechanics, this benefit actually helps keep you from getting too sloshed. I just hope you remember not to drink your strongest stuff in your first mug, because the bonus won’t apply then!
Boons are gathered slowly, typically obtained when a given character has 12, 16, and 20 hit dice. Unlike fiend-worshipers, servants of the Eldest, and devoted of the Empyreal Lords, characters worshiping Good gods do not seem to have catch-all classes (though I could very well have just missed it)… but Good-aligned characters can enter the Evangelist, Sentinel, and Exalted Prestige Classes earlier than Evil characters, classing in as early as level 6 (they need +5 BAB, 5 ranks in a single skill, or the ability to cast lvl 3 spells); entered ASAP, one can gain the Boons at levels 8, 11, and 14.
Boon 1: Liberation. Liberating Command 3/day, Knock 2/day, or Dispel Magic 1/day.
You all should know by now how useful Dispel Magic can be, even at 1/day. It shatters more or less any magical effect that doesn’t require another specific spell to undo, and can shave buffs off enemies and debuffs off allies in the middle of combat.
So lets look at the other two! Knock, in particular, seems pretty fun. It can open just about any locked object you can think of and can even go so far as to loosen welds, knock nail-studded boards away, and undo bars and chains holding something shut. You use your caster level +10 versus the DC of a locked object, and since your caster level is equal to your HD for spell-like abilities, you can only fail on a 1 when opening simple locks and have a pretty good chance of unhinging more complex locks as well. It takes SERIOUS effort to keep someone with Knock out of a particular door, because most means of shutting someone out count as ‘simple locks’ unless you invest hundreds of gold into it.
Liberating Command is a pretty nice spell, really. You can target any creature in Close range (25ft + 5ft/lvl) to grant them an immediate attempt to escape a grapple, binding, or restraint with an Escape Artist check... Which get get a bonus to equal to twice your caster level (+18, when you first get this Boon, but it only goes up to +20). One thing I missed on my first pass over it was that it was an immediate action, allowing you to use it in response to someone near you getting grappled, or if you yourself get snared.
Liberating Command is a pretty terrible spell to prepare, but it’s an amazing spell-like to just have at 3/day. The number of critters with Grab in the game is worrying, and many scrawnier players more or less become dead weight the moment they’re grappled, so giving them an instant chance to escape with an enormous boost to their attempt can let them wiggle right out of the grip of a troll/octopus/worm monster.
Boon 2: Drinking Buddy. 1/day as a standard action, you can create an illusory duplicate of yourself in an adjacent square next to you. The duplicate moves on your initiative count and has your movement speed. It automatically moves to try and flank enemies you designate, avoiding Attacks of Opportunity using your Acrobatics bonus if needed. Anyone interacting with the double can attempt a Will save (DC 25) to see through it, and anyone who realizes it’s an illusion cannot be flanked with it. It has your AC, but vanishes instantly if it successfully struck. Otherwise, it lasts 1 round per HD you possess.
Ugh. Cayden, what are you doing? What is this? This is just awful!! I mean, if you’re a class with Sneak Attack or someone who’s built to flank others, this is passable, but at 1/day? Instantly vanishing if damaged? Granting a flat Will save to disbelieve (it does not rise as you level)?
I suppose it makes for a decent distraction, if nothing else. Boosting your own AC before sending in the clones works fairly well, possibly drawing numerous enemy attacks in, and the ability does note that the double only vanishes if hit with an attack, meaning AoE won’t clear it out, and many spells which don’t rely on an attack roll simply fail as well. That gives this ability a bit more utility than it otherwise would have.
But it’s a standard action to perform, at 1/day, and you can’t even send the double into a room alone, since it only exists to try and flank enemies and the description doesn’t mention if it’s usable for anything else. For characters who don’t want to be flanking enemies, this ability is essentially useless.
Boon 3: Intoxicating Strike. 1/day, you may declare one of your attacks to be an Intoxicating Strike. You must declare this before the attack rolls is made. If the attack is successful and deals damage, the victim becomes supernaturally soused for 1 round per HD you possess; a soused creature takes a -4 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and skill checks, and their movement speeds are all reduced by 10ft.
Honestly, this one is kind of pathetic as well. You all probably know that I don’t like 1/day things negated by a successful save unless they change the course of a battle, and this is one of those things and it sets my teeth on edge. I do, however, admit that the fact you can use it on ranged attacks gives this a bit more reach than it otherwise would. A -4 penalty to attacks and skill checks usually won’t matter at such a high level, though there’s always the cases where they turn a certain blow into a near miss, so I won’t talk down too hard on this. A -4 to AC, however? Now THAT’S something special! Especially since there’s a good chance it’ll last the entirety of the fight!
This intoxication, by the way, is entirely supernatural in its intensity. It affects ALL creatures, even ones that can’t get drunk, such as Constructs, Undead, and most Outsiders. And it’s not technically a Save-or-Suck since there’s no save! All you have to do is get past someone’s AC! Which, eehhhhhh, can be just as iffy as firing it at their saves... Unless you’re using a firearm, of course, which hits touch AC from certain ranges.
All in all, Evangelists of Cayden don’t really win this round.
Boon 1: Libations. Gain Bless Water 3/day, Delay Poison 2/day, or Create Food And Water 1/day.
And Exalted is already off to a bad start, too! Yeesh! Holy Water stops being useful roughly around level 3 except as components for beefier Divine spells and certain rituals, and Delay Poison is a niche pick rendered useless by the fact Neutralize Poison exists and is within a level 9 party’s reach.
That being said, because spell-likes don’t require components, you don’t need the ridiculous five pounds of silver to transmute a singular pint of water into Holy Water via Bless Water. Holy Water doesn’t fade from day to day, either, so you can just slowly rack up an entire lakes-worth of the stuff over time to dunk Undead and Evil Outsiders in, or sell it by the bottle to churches or other adventuring parties for a tidy profit.
I would still just take Create Food And Water and never have to worry about rations or using resources to bribe hungry enemies again, though. Hell, at level 9, CFAW creates so much stuff that you could reasonably carry it to the next day and just alternate between CFAW and Bless Water (you can even bless the water you create!!!!) to keep everyone fed and armed. You won’t make much money by selling the excess food, but feeding the hungry without expecting profit is something a goody-good person like you should be doing anyway. Just uh, make sure at least one person on your team knows Prestidigitation, because I can speak from experience that a party will quickly grow tired of CFAW’s bland food.
Boon 2: Freedom’s Ally. 1/day as a standard action, you can call a pair of Bralani Azatas to your side. You have telepathy out to 100ft when communicating with them, and they serve you perfectly for 1 minute per HD you possess. They will not fulfill any orders which would cause them to commit evil acts or restrict the freedom of another purely for the sake of law, and asking them to do so may draw their ire. They may attack if your commands are especially vile.
Oops, nevermind, Exalted is Good, Actually. Bralani Azata are CR 6 creatures from the realm of Elysium armed with +1 scimitars and +1 composite longbows that they get two attacks with each round, and have such interesting spell-likes as Mirror Image, Wind Wall, and Charm Person at will, as well as Lightning Bolt and Cure Serious Wounds 2/day each. Against an army of foes, the Bralani can assume Wind Form to grant themselves an enormous 100ft fly speed and the power to deal 3d6 bludgeoning damage in a 20ft line with their Whirlwind Blast ability.
VERY powerful critters to have on your side, even if you’re twice their level! The defensive options they have via Mirror Image and Wind Wall alone make them tenacious even against enemies of higher CR, and their Wind Form turns them from gorgeous humanoids into nondescript clouds of fog, letting them run stealth missions if needed... Or use their massive movespeed to deliver curative spells to far-off allies.
I’m not sure how far away they’re summoned, since this ability doesn’t use any preexisting Summon Monster spell and doesn’t say where they pop up. I assume they appear adjacent to you, which limits the shenanigans you can pull with them, but not enough that I’d consider it worth worrying about.
Boon 3: Wine to Water. As a full-round action, you may transform a single serving of an alcoholic beverage into either potent Holy Water or a potion of Cure Serious Wounds. The potion option cures 3d8 HP, +1 HP per HD you possess (max +15). The Holy Water you create deals 4d4 damage to the Undead or to Evil Outsiders, and 2d4 to such creatures within 5ft of the initial target. Both the potion and water last for an hour. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1).
Ohoho now this is something special... Provided you have a Charisma modifier of 3 or more, because at 1 or 2 a day? This ability’s kinda pitiful. The maximum healing it can do is 39, which is GOOD, but you’re likely never going to roll maximum healing.
Yes, the emergency healing is nice. You can turn even common 1-copper swill into an emergency healing potion, and “a serving” can be as small as a shot glass (which potions are traditionally served in), but it’s a full-round action to do, which means you can’t actually use this ability and then hand it to an ally in the same round. They’d have to use some actions on their turn to take it and drink it. After-combat healing is usually the way to go unless desperate, pouring a quick shot into an unconscious ally’s throat to get them back on their feet. If you know combat is coming you can make the potions ahead of time since they last an hour, but know that if the potion ‘expires,’ the ability is wasted. The use is limited, but it helps your healer’s spell slots stretch just a bit further.
4d4 damage to an undead or fiendish enemy is also pretty lackluster at level 15, the earliest you can get this ability. The best trick you can pull with it is to trick such a creature into drinking it, burning them inside and out and likely preventing them from speaking from the searing their throat just took. This ability is even more hilarious than typical Holy Water in that regard; you can instantly detect shapeshifting Evil beasts by spritzing them with a bit of the stuff, but that likely won’t work against more cunning monsters. This ability, though? It makes suggesting a drink for your friend MUCH less suspicious than handing them a vial of water. You’re just pouring them a cold one to enjoy!
It’s like you’re testing your party for The Thing, only instead of them exploding into a tentacle monster and killing everyone in the room, it’s a secret mystery test that’ll expose them while also debilitating them! That’s about the only use it has at high levels, aside from being used as material components for spells that actually matter.
Boon 1: Devastating Duelist. Bless Weapon 3/day, Brow Gasher 2/day, or Greater Magic Weapon 1/day.
By level 9, most people in the party should have magic weapons anyway. Not always, but usually you’ve got enough of a mystic arsenal to make Bless Weapon redundant. The fact it overrides magical enchantments already on a weapon also means that it becomes weaker as you level up and gain access to better equipment, putting it firmly in the Niche of this list.
Greater Magic Weapon is almost always the better choice when choosing to buff a weapon, though I will admit that Bless Weapons’ ability to auto-crit against Evil creatures is pretty nice. GMW, however, makes any weapon hit harder and hit more easily. The fact it also lasts for 1 hour/level means it’ll likely last your entire adventuring day.
Brow Gasher is also an interesting choice. It forces you to use a slashing weapon (which you already likely do, if you’re a Sentinel of Cayden) but heavily rewards you for doing so; discharging the spell as part of a successful attack slashes the poor fool across the forehead, bleeding them for half your caster level (4 damage a round, which rises as you level) and potentially blinding them if they can’t get it cured in time. The list of creatures who are immune to resistant to this ability is long, but it’s certainly worth taking anyway on the occasion you find yourself against targets capable of bleeding.
Boon 2: Light Weapon Master. Whenever you battle with a light bladed weapon, if you have the Weapon Training (Light Weapon) ability, you get a +2 deflection bonus to AC. If you do not have Weapon Training, instead you get a +1 sacred bonus to attack rolls with light bladed weapons.
Here I thought Evangelists were hogging all the bad Boons this time, but it turns out Sentinel is the one who got shot in the leg here.
This ability basically reads “unless you’re a Fighter, get a lame benefit.” Don’t get me wrong, on an actual Fighter (or a Swashbuckler, if your DM is nice enough)? This ability is amazing. +2 extra AC for a character already loaded with AC makes them that much better at tanking, and it’s a DEFLECTION bonus to it even applies to touch attacks!
But if you’re not a Fighter, this ability is basically worthless. I know I’m being a little harsh here, but a Boon should be ABOVE the power level of a feat, not on part with a feat you can take as early as level 1 (Weapon Focus). Even Drinking Buddy is better than this.
Boon 3: Critical Luck. Each time you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, keep a tally, up to a maximum of your Charisma modifier. Whenever you threaten a critical hit with an attack roll, you can ‘trade’ one of your tallies to automatically confirm the critical hit. Your tally empties out every 24 hours.
If you roll enough natural 1s to make this ability useful, you’re likely either dead or dead weight. Seriously, you may need to exorcise your dice if you roll three or more 1s in a single day of combat. I think the first thing that would need to go is the Charisma mod limitation, followed by the fact it empties out every 24 hours. Unless you have a weapon with a high critical range, you might not even get to use this ability at all, let alone in the same combat.
I know a lot of abilities rely on luck, but this is one of the only Boons I’ve seen that specifically relies on YOU, personally, having absolutely terrible luck, followed by absolutely fantastic luck. It’s just... not good. I would go as far as saying that this ability could realistically be a simple feat anyone could take, and not even one locked behind particularly terrible prerequisites.
Exalted of Cayden win this round by a long shot.
You can read more about him here.
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nekokoaa · 6 years
Could I get a Kirishima x Reader fluff where reader has to read a poem in front of 90 people and is scared to death but Kirishima brings a couple of friends to cheer her on? Thanks!!
Fandom: Bnha
Word count: 1965
Warnings: Fluff
Hmmm, I’m notreally too sure if you wanted Kirishima to be together with Reader or not but let’sjust say you two are very close to dating each other. Thanks for the request!
You.Were. Freaking. Out. You were freaking out. That was the only way you coulddescribe it. Freaking out! You were pacing back and forth back stage, anxiouslywaiting for your name to be called by Present Mic. You had a piece of paper inyour hands and it was torn and crumbled up by your shaking fists, but you werestill able to read the words you written on it. It was the poem you had writtenfor the talent show and you were chosen to read yours because of how good itwas but you didn’t expect the crowd of people to be this large! Sure, you candeal with about twenty people, but there was at least ninety people beyondthose curtains. It was basically a mini concert. At least, that’s what it feltlike as it was being hosted by Present Mic. Several students showcased theirtalents. Whether it was the talent of their quirks, or the sound of theirvocals, or even their skillful fingers on their instruments, Present Mic hypedup everyone that went up on stage. You would’ve thought everyone that went up wasa celebrity if you didn’t know them, but that’s how well Present Mic kept thecrowd entertained. You sighed softly, your anxiety flaring up when another namewas called on to stage.
“It’s a classic,but just try to imagine everyone in their underwear!”
Kirishima’scheerful voice rang in your head as you remembered what he told you thismorning. He was giving you words of encouragement when you expressed yourworries about presenting your poem at the talent show. You remembered youblushed as soon as he said this because you realized Kirishima would also becheering for you in the crowd. You held your red cheeks and he asked you whatwas wrong.
“B-But… you’llalso be in the crowd, r-right?” 
Youshyly looked away from Kirishima, your voice was as small as a mouse. He wasconfused by your reaction for a moment, his head cocking to the side as heobserved you. When he finally put two and two together, his face was matchingyours in color.
“Uh. O-Oh… Well.”
Hewas left a stuttering mess. He couldn’t believe he put an image of him in hisunderwear in your head. And what’s with your reaction? Did you at least likedwhat you imagined? Or worse, was it horrifying for you? Kirishima wantedsomeone to punch him. He wouldn’t be able to stand it if you thought he was unattractivein his underwear. He regretted his advice, especially when he started toimagine you in your underwear. Fuck. Hereally shouldn’t be thinking about that, especially with how adorable youlooked in front of him. 
“O-Okay, see. Howabout this? If you blank out, just focus on me. It’ll be like I’m the only onethere.”
“Just you?”
Anotherone of his bright smiles was directed at you and you felt your chest tightenedin pain the longer you stared at his handsome face. His eyes were so bright andgentle when they looked into yours. It was so different than how he looked atothers. It felt like this was only exclusive to you. It was weird. Your chestwas hurting but strangely, you felt incredibly happy.
“Yeah, just me. Isthat too hard to do?”
Youlooked down, trying to hide your blushing face from him. You didn’t have achance to answer him as everyone participating in the talent show was beingcalled backstage. A heavy hand was placed on your shoulder and you looked up tosee the very thing that made your heart flutter like white doves. Kirishima gaveyou a thumbs-up, his smile so dazzling you knew you were seconds away fromgetting a heart attack.
“You got this,okay?”
Itwas his last words before he pulled away from you, feeling that his touchlingered longer than you expected. A tingly sensation was left on your shoulderwhere the warmth of his hand was. He gave you one last look and a small wavebefore walking away. You stared at his back, wishing he would turn around tomeet your gaze one more time.
Thatmemory of Kirishima this morning burned in your mind. You couldn’t forget it asit was on repeat, like a new song you fell in love with. You were addicted tohis melody of his voice and the rhythm of his personality, and you couldn’t help but crave to be closerto him. Thinking about Kirishima calmed you down for what’s to come. Soon, youheard the dramatic call of your name from Present Mic and it was time to go.
Youstepped out onto the stage, and instantly, you felt energy coursing throughyour veins. Your anxiety reaching its peak as the cheers and applause rockedthe ground under you. You suddenly felt weak in your knees as you walked to thecenter of the stage. It was like the breakfast you had this morning disappearedbecause your stomach made the strangest noise, like the juices within you wereswirling inside. You felt sick. You already wanted to run off. But youremembered Kirishima’s smile, and that was enough to push you forward. 
Whenyou got to the mic at the center of the stage, the audience quiet down. Yougulped as you surveyed the crowd in front of you. You saw plenty of familiarfaces and a lot of faces you couldn’t recognize. You even found your parentswho held a camera in front of their faces, ready to record possibly the mostembarrassing moment in your life. At the same time, you scanned over the crowdonce again and strangely, you couldn’t find Kirishima. It wouldn’t be hard tospot his fiery red colored hair in the crowd. He promised you that he’ll behere for you. What could have happened? 
Allthat confidence you felt washed away in a matter of seconds. Kirishima was yourrock, and the very person that gave you confidence to do this wasn’t here.
Youlooked down, feeling the tears building up. The audience was waiting for you tostart as there was a period of silence from you. Even Present Mic was worriedlylooking at you from backstage, wondering if he should join you to help youunfreeze a bit. Even though Kirishima wasn’t here, you had to do something. Youcouldn’t just stand there. You gathered the poem you practiced countless oftimes in your head and spoke the first stanza. 
Atleast, you thought it was.
Youstuttered out the first line of the second stanza in a nervous panic. And youquickly apologized on the mic, your voice so measly and weak it was hard tobelieve there was even a mic in front of you. Your anxiety was moving into a newall time high. You kept your eyes to the floor, ignoring the burning sensation theireyes were giving you all over your body. Your heart was pumping so fast thatyou couldn’t feel it moving anymore. You thought it was over. You were ready torun. It was fight or flight. And flight was definitely the right choice. Youwere about to dash away, your spirit crushed as you were unable to continue.
Youwere leaning in the direction of where you were going to run, but you thensuddenly jumped to the sound of the doors opening in the back of the auditorium.A group of people spilled in and among the crowd, you spotted a familiar redheaded boy. You gasped softly, seeing that large warm smile directed at you. Hewaved, and all at once, it was like those horrible feelings you felt justmoments ago dissipated. Your spirit was renewed.
Andjust like what Kirishima told you, you took a deep breath and your eyes were onnothing else but him. He was the only one that existed in this auditorium. Itwas just you and him. And knowing that, you spoke the first line of the firststanza with confidence.
“Kirishima!”You made a mad dash towards Kirishima as you spotted him with his friends. Hecame to meet you backstage after the talent show. You were so proud of yourselfand you couldn’t contain your happiness when you saw Kirishima holding his armsout for you. “Kirishima!!” You called his name again when you jumped in hisarms. He held you tightly and twirled you around with your feet almost leavingthe ground. You honestly didn’t expect it, but you didn’t care. He was therefor you. He really was there for you!
“See!Told you, you had this!” You heard him laugh and he quickly set you down, buthis arms remained around your waist. He was closer to you than he ever was forthe first time. Seeing his smile up close made your heart worked like it neverworked before. “I’m sorry I was late. I had to go gather up these guys.” Heflicked his head towards his group of friends. Bakugo, Ashido, Sero, andKaminari all came to support you. Even though Bakugo looked like he was forcedto come, you still appreciated him for showing up.
“Thankyou, guys. Thank you so much!” You were so overwhelmed with all this support,overwhelmed with the success of facing your fears, overwhelmed with the factthat Kirishima was still holding youin his arms. Did he forget to let you go? Oh, you just didn’t care. You wantedto bask in this moment. You thought you might never have another moment likethis ever again.
“Sooo?Did my advice work?” It was a smile you often seen when he was joking aroundwith you. A teasing smile that only added to his charm. He was just tooadorable, and you could barely contain yourself with how close he was to you.
“Yeah!”You couldn’t hold back anymore. It happened too fast for even you to realizewhat you had just done. With a small hop, you pressed your lips uponKirishima’s cheek and hummed softly until you pulled away. You looked back upat him, mimicking his teasing smile. Kirishima’s friends were stunned by youractions. “And a special thanks to you, Kirishima!”
Man,you had never seen Kirishima so red before in your life. He looked like a ripenfruit that you’ve seen in your mother’s garden before. He was fresh and readyto be picked. His blush spread all the way to his ears, and he was more shockedthan anything.
“Ugh,just get a damn room.” You heard Bakugo’s groan in the distance.
“Whoaa,I never knew ____ was so bold!” Ashido squealed at the scene.
“Ha!let’s get it, Kirishima!” Kaminari just laughed at you two.
“Yeah!Kirishima!” And Sero cheered him on.
Kirishimabrought a hand to the back of his neck. You knew he usually did that when hewas nervous about something.
“We…We’re going to go karaoke after. Wanna join?” Honestly, it wasn’t whatKirishima wanted to ask but he didn’t want to ask you out in front of all hisfriends. He wanted to save it, when it was just the two of you.
“I’dlove to!” He took your hand and you gladly accepted it, your fingersinterlocking with his. At least he knew you would say yes. Your smile was theone who told it all.
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worldwalkernovel · 6 years
The dynamic duo: What is their favorite book/poem/song of earth? Of Alleirat? Can they sing? What are some instruments of Alleirat? What are they made of? How are they made? Are they widely available? Of earth's instruments, what is their sound similar to? Are there major festivals/holidays? Any strange ones (like the city in Spain that has an annual tomato fight)? What are Alleirai beds like (raised on four legs/futons/hammocks)? Are there sleeping bags or does everyone just suffer on the road?
Hey, y’all, sorry I just...fucking vanished there!  Real life obligations caught up with me.  Ironically this is a long term positive--I’m much more productive in writing when I have a job, because it leaves me less time to second guess myself.  Point is, I’m going to try and actually Do Things on this blog again.  Also the last one about holidays got pretty long so I put it under a cut.
What is their favorite book/poem/song of Earth?  Of Alleirat?
Oh my God, listen, I’m not gonna get to most of this question because I got overexcited, but let’s talk about these two and Earth poetry, yeah?
Crispin discovers Emily Dickinson in seventh grade English class, and the first poem of hers he ever reads is, of course, Because I could not stop for Death.  He traces his fingers over the words “Since then – ‘tis Centuries – and yet//Feels shorter than the Day//I first surmised the Horses’ Heads//Were toward Eternity –” and for some reason he can’t quite put his finger on, his throat closes up tight and his voice breaks when he’s asked to read aloud.  Some indiscernable something about her words ring in his head like English hasn’t rung in years, and he checks a collection out of the library the same day.  His favorite poem of hers is--it’s not really his favorite, but the poem of hers he knows by heart and can’t seem to peel out of the beat of his pulse is I measure every Grief I meet.  Some days he loves it, for how cleanly and purely it seems to scribe him into neat four-line stanzas.  Some days he can’t read it without crying, or throwing the book across the room.
The only Dickinson poem Brenneth likes is Tell all the Truth, and sometimes when she looks at Crispin she thinks it was written for him.
Brenneth doesn’t like poetry much, she mostly prefers songs--they’re easier to remember and she knows what to do with them, she doesn’t really know what to do with poetry (can’t sing it, doesn’t have a narrative, can’t even go see it performed) and she doesn’t like not knowing what to do with a thing.  But once she read Goblin Market, by Christina Rossetti.  She started it by accident, and there was a story, a narrative threading through the ramble, and she kept reading, and--
Brenneth has dreams for a week, dizzy uneasy dreams of Crispin biting into strange foreign fruits and letting juice as thick and red as blood stain his mouth, and of hands--his hands, strong and crackling with lightning--pressing the fruit against her mouth and saying eat, eat, and of a mouth on her jaw and neck and collarbones, drinking the juice from her skin.
What are Alleirai beds/travel beds like?
The basic structure of Alleirai beds is “four legs, some kind of pad, sheets/blanket, maybe a pillow” but there’s a lot of scope there and it’s not unheard of for people to have a different arrangement based on what they’re used to--sailors are used to hammock-style bunks on ships, travelers used to sleeping rough are most familiar with bedrolls that consist of little more than two blankets and possibly a very thin pad.  At the end of the day, though, since a large portion of the continent is arable, elevated beds have the practical advantage of being easier to keep relatively clean of dirt, water, and creepy crawlies.  As such, a cot-style arrangement is considered the bare minimum, with a base of taut cloth and no mattress at all. The rich might have a four-poster bed with a down mattress.  Most people are somewhere in the middle with plain frames and horsehair or straw ticks that get exchanged on a semi-regular basis.
Can they sing?
Yes!  Brenneth has a nice folksy low alto, it’s nothing special but she used to sing shanties and ballads while she worked in her forge, especially while she was hammering or doing anything else that required a rhythm.  Sometimes she gave people a discount on their work if they were willing to teach her a new song instead, and people made jokes about the singing smith.  Crispin has a beautiful mid-range tenor, sweet and clear as glass when he was a child and deepening to something warm and full as he got older.  He has formal voice training, which was part of his education--singing is a good way to learn to project your voice, which is a desirable trait in a hero of legend.  However, he hates to sing alone, which is where all his training lies, so he taught himself to sing harmony to Brenneth’s melodies and that’s the only way he sings anymore.
What are some instruments of Alleirat/what are they like?
They hit a lot of the same major categories as we do--they have necked and non-necked string instruments (things like guitars or fiddles and lyres or harps, respectively), drums and other percussion instruments, wind instruments.  They lack the finesse to make out modern instruments, and most wind instruments are made of wood rather than metals, whereas they have a lot more metal drums than hide-and-wood drums, so playing the drum in Alleirat is equally about knowing how to stop a sound as start it.  You know that dome-shaped hang drum thing?  Something similar to that with only a few tones (like four total) is pretty common on ships and is used to keep time for sea shanties, and more complex versions are popular during festivals, in combination with strings and singing.  Vocalists are prized in Alleirat, so wind instruments are less common than things that allow singing and playing simultaneously.
Are there major holidays/festivals?  Any weird ones?
I’d have sworn on my life I answered this already, but apparently not.  The Alleirai seasons each have a festival at the height and one at the end of the year, four religious festivals and one political.  The political festival is Unification Day, the commemoration of the unification of the continent of Alleirat and the formal truce of the lengthy wars that threatened to kill everyone on it, and takes place in the early days of summer.  How seriously and/or cheerfully people take Unification Day depends on how they’re feeling about the Unified Council at that moment, and whether or not their protectorate state is on the verge of civil war with a neighbor.  
The religious festivals are:
the Feast of the Wanderer, which takes place at midsummer and is a festival of plenty and warmth and alcohol--the Wanderer is the god of life and fire, and the festival is encouraged to embrace and embody joy and revelry.  There are also ritual fights, which are largely in fun and more like friendly bar brawls than formalized gladiator matches, and both participants are usually quite drunk.  Agreeing to be the on-call flesh workers standing ringside on the Feast makes you an obscene amount of money, but you have to be sober.  Gifts are also exchanged at this festival--material gifts, specifically.
the Lady’s Night, or the Night of Stars, which takes place at midwinter and is very much a festival of...keeping out the dark, I suppose, would be the way I’ll put it.  The festival is about remembering that We Are Alive And Life Is Short, as well as remembering the dead, with a lot of candles lit in memorial and just for light--traditionally, you stay up from dusk until dawn, and if your candles and fire go out, you’ll have bad luck all year.  There’s still drinking and feasting and general celebration, but it’s more intimate and less raucous than the Feast.  You exchange stories and sing and hold your breath whenever the flames flicker.  (Cheating with magical glowglasses is considered bad luck as well.)  There are people who learn a single story or song all year in preparation for the Night of Stars, and you display them as a gift for the people you’re celebrating with.
the Landing, the first day of the new year at mid-spring, which marks the day that tradition and lore say the gods first came to Alleirat.  It’s probably not the right day, sort of like Christmas was moved around a bunch, but no one but the very well educated or very pedantic care.  You leave offerings at the temples or shrines at dawn, and then you go out and celebrate.  All day if you can, more often just from “whenever you get off work” to “whenever you collapse.”  The large cities and sometimes smaller towns and villages hold a parade, and crown young people, a boy and a girl in their mid to late teens or early twenties, as the Lady and the Wanderer for the day.  The crowns assigned to each of the two (generally flower crowns, rather than anything valuable) is supposed to be handed around over the course of the day, as a sort of village-wide game of Tag with the crowned people as “it”, and whoever holds the crowns at sundown has the responsibility of leading the town in the service of the Landing, which is a whole thing.  It’s sort of like religious hot potato with drinking.
the Eve of Dead Gods, which is pretty much what it says on the tin.  In terms of the feel of the Eve, it’s sort of somewhere between old celebrations of Halloween and Yom Kippur, with an emphasis on considering your own actions of the past year and serious reflection, as well as a  day when...well, they’re pretty serious about the dead gods.  Gods can’t be ghosts, of course, don’t be foolish, but--but when you worship the last two of a mighty pantheon, it doesn’t hurt to do honor to those who went before.  On the Eve, you lock your doors and windows at dusk and don’t go outside again until the sun is shining, and you remember that everything dies.  Even gods.
Some people--those whose ancestors escaped the sinking of the western continent--hold a quiet holiday for the Chained Lord, the god who didn’t answer when they called for salvation and whose death throes killed thousands.  It’s a small thing of fasting and candles and salt scattered on the floor, observed by most as little more than a cursory tradition and not even a shadow of a shadow of what his festivals must have once been.
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labellerose-acheron · 3 years
like always Simber and Helle but lets do CATTA Kiara! Juxie :) Jun Moon
For the Dancing and the Dreaming - Erutan
I'll swim and sail on savage seas With never a fear of drowning And gladly ride the waves of life If you would marry me No scorching sun nor freezing cold Will stop me on my journey If you will promise me your heart
And love And love me for eternity My dearest one, my darling dear Your mighty words astound me But I've no need for mighty deeds When I feel your arms around me
But I would bring you rings of gold I'd even sing you poetry And I would keep you from all harm If you would stay beside me
Oh yes. This is a good choice. I should put this on their playlist. It's an Gaelic folk song (which is partially why it's on my list, hi Elinor.) Anyway, it is just such a joyful and playful song. I think it the Proclaimers song is the spiritual successor to To the Dancing and the Dreaming, but it also has motifs of dancing and music and such which just feels very simber.
Winter Winds - Mumford and Sons
As the winter winds litter London with lonely hearts Oh the warmth in your eyes swept me into your arms Was it love or fear of the cold that led us through the night? For every kiss your beauty trumped my doubt
And my head told my heart "Let love grow" But my heart told my head "This time no" We'll be washed and buried one day my girl And the time we were given will be left for the world The flesh that lived and loved will be eaten by plague So let the memories be good for those who stay
Fun fact this is my favorite Mum and Sons song. I wanted my first tattoo to be "if your strife strikes at your sleep, remember the snow swaps spring for leaves." Which is embarrassing to think about, but also kind of funny. Anyway, I think this is very much a helle song. We love a song about the inevitability of both love and death! The whole first stanza screams helle to me. Also satisfying that they met during a winter storm.
Sweet Creature - Harry Styles
Sweet creature Had another talk about where it's going wrong But we're still young We don't know where we're going but we know where we belong And ohhhh, we started Two hearts in one home It's hard when we argue We're both stubborn, I know But oh Sweet creature, sweet creature Wherever I go, you bring me home Sweet creature, sweet creature When I run out of road, you bring me home
(This song is on here because of LOUD, just for the record.) Obviously, this is a love song, but I think you can queer it/make it platonic if you kind of view it from the lens of Candace encouraging Atta to retain parts of her life outside of her royal duties, which I think is eventually how that is gonna go down. I hope Candace can be someone who keeps Atta down to earth and not just consumed by her duties.
I Dare You - The Regrettes
Stains on your sweater You think you know better But you're a child, and it's kinda wild How you're the one that brings the sun Can't seem to sleep, and I feel my bones beating I wanna keep all my control But you're the one who brings the sun You're gonna fall, but I'll catch you You're gonna fall, but I'll catch you Come on and jump, well, I dare you
This song is so fun! It is really peppy and just gives me groovy vibes, so as one of the only songs on my playlist like that, of course it goes to Kiara! It also is very romantic and playful. I had it on mock's playlist, because it has serious Mei vibes. I think they definitely would've been friends if they were around at the same time.
Earth - Sleeping at Last
I dig 'til my shovel tells a secret, Swear to the earth that I will keep it, Brush off the dirt And let my change of heart occur. Sold soon after the appraisal, The hammer struck the auction table Louder than anything I've ever heard. Fault lines tremble underneath my glass house. But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline. I bend the definition Of faith to exonerate my blind eye. 'Til the sirens sound, I'm safe.
This was a quick and easy choice. They are both earth signs, so it was an obvious choice. It is also about, in my opinion, grief and change and unsticking yourself from those stubborn ideals you might have. I think it really suits both of them in both ways. Plus it has some good lines that I feel like can work when discussing friendship and family. <3
Cruel World - Active Child
I dedicate my life to something richer And all the things that come 'Cause that's no price at all And I know you'll be there And I want you to know I care because Keep your head up, hold your head up even though It's a cruel world Count your blessings, you won't need them when you're gone It's a cruel world You can't see it you can't see it even though It's a cruel world We're thrown into this life no raft no savior Masked in self contempt and wrapped in cotton cloth And it's just like a prayer The way you showed me you care to be there
A Lou song seemed to fit for Jun. This song I automatically zeroed in on (if you don't recognize it's the one where [spoiler] dies in the Magicians and it really stuck with me after that.) I think Jun definitely has that thought process of like oh the world is just cruel and what is the point? I just work and then I die, but this song is so sweet and gentle and I think hopeful in its way, which Jun is too, even if it is buried and secretive.
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shecanbecalledryna · 6 years
Lost Stars
WARNING: LONG POST AHEAD.  DISCLAIMER: I don’t own any of this. I have read this in a blog when I was searching the meaning of Lost Stars by Adam Levine. “For me, I think that the lyric written by Adam Levine has a love-themed song. So when the first and the second lines of his song
Please don’t see just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies Please see me reaching out for someone I can’t see
I think it explains about the feelings when you��re in love but your crush doesn’t notice and you’re trapped by your own dream, to dream as their boy/girlfriend. You don’t want to be seen as a person who dream too high yet you want to be seen when you’re running to someone (your crush) you can’t have.
The third to the sixth lines
Take my hand let’s see where we wake up tomorrow Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand I’d be damned Cupid’s demanding back his arrow So let’s get drunk on our tears and
He explains the moment when you’re hopeless, but still wishing your crush to be yours.
And the chorus
God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young It’s hunting season and the lambs are on the run Searching for meaning But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?
I don’t really get the idea of this part before I read the actual meanings. All I see is the second last line. I think that it’s a kind of term when you and your crush are thinking about the meanings of your relationship. The ‘lost stars’ means that you guys are the separated stars and try to get back for your happiness. The Hopeless You are still trying to figure out your relationship but a step closer to the aim that you guys are worth to be together.
The next part
Who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy? Woe is me, if we’re not careful turns into reality
These explains about the condition of you and your crush. You guys are a big in your fantasies but actually you’re just a little. And you’re trying so carefully to go back into reality without giving any other painful hopes.
Don’t you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer Turn the page maybe we’ll find a brand new ending Where we’re dancing in our tears and
The moment you realize that you and your crush are hardly to be together, you wish your crush happiness, joy, anything that makes them not feeling sad. And again you wish that you can be together as well the next chances.
I thought I saw you out there crying I thought I heard you call my name I thought I heard you out there crying Just the same
You lost in thoughts about your crush crying over you and calling out your name.
And well, I was surprised when I read the actual meanings by the original writer. This song actually has a deep, touching meanings. No wonder I can’t understand the part which has an allegory. So here is the version of Adam Levine.
Please don’t see just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies Please see me reaching out for someone I can’t see
Adam Levine doesn’t want to be known as someone whose head is “in the clouds.” On the other hand, he doesn’t mind if people see him as someone who is pursuing meaning and purpose.
Take my hand let’s see where we wake up tomorrow Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand I’d be damned Cupid’s demanding back his arrow So let’s get drunk on our tears and
It holds adventurous connotations. He values momentary experience, even if it’s not something that pays off in the long run. In mythology, Cupid is a character that shoots a “love arrow,” causing the recipients of the arrow to fall in love with the first person they see after being struck. Therefore, if Cupid “demands back his arrow,” it means that outside forces demand people to retract their love for one another. The last line refers to living life emotionally.
God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young It’s hunting season and the lambs are on the run Searching for meaning But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?
He questions the nature of reality hear. What is time? What purpose do I have in the world? What is meaningful in this life? These are the kinds of questions for which he wants answers. Lambs are thought to be creatures that are only on the receiving end of victimization. Here he refers to the forces of the powerful and the powerless that are always in conflict. “Are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?” is a question he asks about the role of human beings in the universe. Do any of us really know our purpose? Do we pretend to know our purpose because that confidence brings us comfort?
Who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy? Woe is me, if we’re not careful turns into reality
He wonders whether human beings should be so myopic. Is there a deeper meaning to why we exist, or is our existence strictly scientific, a result of randomness? “Woe is me…turns into reality” means that people cast self-fulfilling prophecies for themselves. If they believe their lives to be bad, they will live bad lives.
Don’t you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer Turn the page maybe we’ll find a brand new ending Where we’re dancing in our tears and
He encourages to “see the glass half full,” insists that the impossible can indeed happen, believes change can occur.
I thought I saw you out there crying I thought I heard you call my name I thought I heard you out there crying
This stanza conveys he’s belief in God. He refers to God’s feelings toward humanity here.
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark? But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?
He closes his song by returning to its main theme: whether human beings have a higher purpose or if nobody understands anything at all.
So this is the explanation about the meanings behind Lost Stars, my version and Adam Levine’s version. My version is too shallow but Adam’s version is too deep I guess. I think when he created this song, he was having a conversation with someone about the God, the world, and even humanity before, then he was lost in thoughts then grabbed something that could be written to get his mind clear and his heart relieve. It’s supported by the lyric; full of beautiful allegories.” Credits: https://amandaaa1609.wordpress.com/2016/04/25/adam-levine-lost-stars-song-meaning/
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