#this is my claire looking like a little creature
brighteyesredfire · 1 year
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BACCANO! (2007) - ‘The Rail Tracer’ AKA ‘Vino’
"The best way to keep the rail tracer from showing up is to believe the story when someone tells it to ya'. But if it's already here then your only hope is to keep running until the morning sun rises."
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bogkeep · 3 months
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saw some lego dinosaurs today :3
#australia adventure#i also watched the jurassic world movie for the first time AFTER going to the exhibit#it feels like it Could have been a good movie but the writing is so sexist and i spent too much time yelling EVACUATE THE GUESTS OH MY GOD#chris pratt sucks but they should've made him a horse girl for dinosaurs. that would've fixed it a bit#claire as a character is done so horribly dirty like. she's extremely competent and professional#but the entire narrative is like... portraying her as in the wrong for... being professional? for not being maternal enough?#what kind of moral is 'omggg u just need to let loose' in a movie where a SUPERMURDER DINOSAUR IS OUT OF ITS ENCLOSURE#SHE SHOULD'VE STUCK TO PROTOCOL AND EVACUATED THE PARK IMMEDIATELY!!!!!! AHHH#justice for claire jurassicworld 2024#literally every character is telling her that whatever she's doing is wrong and bad#it's excruciating to watch. anyway#indominus rex just feels like wasted potential. like it's scary for a little but it just looks like a slightly wonky t rex#should've done the thing where you barely see it and it keeps outsmarting everyone in fun and clever ways#i also personally. think they should lean into the tragedy of creating the most perfect predator but it cannot exist on this earth#i feel like there should be a sorrow and grief in having to kill a magnificent beast#like titanic or something. idk. like as a dinosaur kid im like. i like Cool Creature. in my heart im siding with cool creature#it wants enrichment. give it a meat pumpkin#would've loved to watch a defunctland style video about the theme park
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scoobydoodean · 4 months
ok so forewarning, i don’t really have a question here, just lots of thoughts.
there’s so many layers to the general *badness* about the mia vallens therapy scene. like to the manipulation (for lack of a better word) that sam rewrites. like it makes such a difference that she thinks jack is their little brother instead of the son of the thing that killed dean’s best friend/loml. not to mention the fact that it’s been what like a week since *everything*
and like yes dean’s being cold towards jack and giving him orders (which, i could argue they weren’t uncalled-for), but tbh he’s only being moderately colder/more direct with him than he’s been with cas at times on hunts (thinking hunteri heroici) and even similar to how *sam* has been with like claire and even dean himself (thinking that episode dean turned into a teenager and all of MOC). like genuinely, how was sam expecting him to act like?
also (half joking) i genuinely think dean would’ve warmed up to jack even quicker than he did (we can already see it in this same episode, like that look he gives jack when he asks mia if buddy hurt her too) if he heard jack say he hates anakin skywalker lol
ok wait i do have a question. do you think jack actually was “terrified” of dean during that therapy scene?
(post linking to some context)
Okay so I rewatched 13.01-13.04 on a plane this past week so it's all extra fresh on my mind rn. The thing about 13.04 is that Dean wasn't comfortable bringing Jack on the hunt, and Jack didn't want to go, but Sam pushed insistently for all of them to go on the hunt together... primarily because Dean's feelings were thwarting Sam's plans for Jack and his own emotional coping mechanisms in a larger sense.
I think Dean's feelings compared to Sam's here are relatively more simple (and yet somehow still intensely misunderstood to a baffling degree). Dean was grieving. He was grieving Cas who died right in front of him, he was grieving Crowley (he pleads with Chuck to bring "even Crowley" back in 13.01!) and he was grieving Mary.
The thing with Dean's grief over Cas is this: instead of viewing it from Dean's perspective, we tend to analyze it as omniscient viewers who know Cas will come back, refusing see how miraculous Cas’s return truly was. We refuse to see Cas's death was different this time and appeared very permanent. There was no uncertainty like there was in season 7 or 8. His wings burned into the ground and his grace extinguished. Dean pleaded and prayed for Cas and Mary and Crowley's return to the only person who ever brought Cas back from certain death (via explosion in 5.01 and 5.22)—the person who told Dean in 11.23 he was leaving and Dean was on his own. Dean didn't hear back. The ONLY reason Cas comes back in 13.05 is that 1) Jack woke him him up unwittingly using powers no one knew he possessed and 2) Cas then annoyed a creature they didn't even know existed into letting him out of a place they 3) didn't even know existed and 4) Cas somehow came back with a body even though he had been burned to ash. All of this is completely miraculous. It was unforeseeable. It doesn’t even make complete sense as a viewer. In other words, Dean has ZERO reason to hope for Cas's return. There was ZERO reason to refuse to acknowledge that grief… but that's exactly what Sam does. He suggests Dean pray for Chuck to bring Cas back in 13.01. As soon as Sam knew Dean already tried that and Cas was DEAD dead, he treated Cas as something Dean needed to reframe and get over:
SAM: You thinking mom is gone and Cas is gone, and that Jack can’t be saved. Dean, after everything we’ve gone through… We just lost people we love, people who have been in our lives for a long time. Everything’s upside-down. I get it. But we’ve been down before. I mean, rock bottom. And we find a way. We fix it because that’s what we do.
This is the "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" speech in 13.02—like a day after they burned Cas's body. Sam's wording here is cruel too—saying Dean is "thinking" Cas is gone as if he didn't die right in front of him? He refuses to acknowledge Cas's death as something Dean was actively and rightfully mourning. This becomes a major point of contention between the brothers at the end of 13.03.
DEAN: Look, I know you think that you can use [Jack] as some sort of an interdimensional can-opener and that’s fine, but don’t act like you care about him! Because you only care about what he can do for you! So if you want to pretend, that’s fine! But me? I can hardly look at the kid! Because when I do all I see is everybody we’ve lost! SAM: Mom chose to take that shot at Lucifer. That is not on Jack!
Sam will only name Mary—the one person whose death they can’t 100% confirm (the same thing happens in front of Mia in 13.04). The absence of Cas’s name here is pointed. So Dean says:
DEAN: And what about Cas?
And how does Sam respond?
SAM: What about Cas?
Uh... wow. That's what really sets Dean off to full on shouting:
DEAN: [Jack] manipulated him, he made him promises, said, ‘paradise on earth’ and Cas bought it and you know what that got him? It got him dead! Now you might be able to forget about that, but I can’t!
Sam's denial of what Dean literally SAW (Cas died) and how that hurts—his insistence that Dean also halt grieving to hope for the impossible—it's a major sticking point and very revealing of Sam's own coping mechanisms. Sam's chief response to grief is to disassociate himself from it. We see a textbook case in season 8 (see: 8.08), but in most of the series, what this actually looks like for Sam is to keep moving and hunting (ex: 1.02, 2.02, 2.10, 2.11, 2.18 3.11, 4.09, 9.01) which is also why he insists on bringing Dean and Jack on the hunt in 13.04. Sam tries not to think about what they've lost and focuses on what he CAN do. He focuses on hoping Mary can be saved because she's the one person he didn't SEE die.
The thing about Dean’s grief over Mary is this: he convinces himself Lucifer had to have killed her. She's the one person whose death Dean can't be certain of, but he absolutely cannot bear the thought of hoping she’s alive and it turning out he’s wrong. He knows he wouldn’t psychologically survive hoping in that and his beliefs being crushed. It would be like losing his mom all over again (a THIRD time). So he sticks to what is most likely: Lucifer killed her. He can't contend with the hope Sam is clinging to desperately, and that's what makes them such poor companions in grief. Sam feels off balance when Dean won't keep moving and hoping like him—when Dean can't keep up the pace Sam wants to run at in his own grief—and in doing so, Sam keeps pushing Dean to contend with hopes that open Dean up to a WORLD of pain Sam can psychologically convince himself not to feel. Grieving together just really just doesn't work for them because they're never on the same page and deal in such different ways—and this has been hurting them from as early as 2.02!!!
Now to bring Jack into this more fully: Jack represents Sam and Dean's different perspectives on grief and on Mary. Just like Dean despairs over Mary's demise, Dean despairs over the possibility of Jack being good. He can't bear the idea of hoping in that and being wrong. The psychologically safest option for him is to assume the worst and not hope or believe in anything turning out okay.
Sam, on the other hand, pretty much immediately sees a way to use Jack to get Mary back. This is clear when he and Jack get locked up together in the jail cell in 13.01. After establishing that Jack isn't hearing things and (probably) isn't going to murder him imminently, Sam immediately starts down a line of questioning establishing how well Jack understands his powers, and then asks him outright:
SAM: Jack, look, um... before you were born, you -- you opened up a door to another world. Do you remember that? JACK: Yes. SAM: Okay, um, could you do that again?
Shortly after, when Sam arrives, he tells Dean (who is convinced after everything that happened in 12.23 that 12.19 that Jack is evil or will turn evil):
We need him.
Sam repeats this sentiment multiple times with clear meaning, and later in 13.04, he admits to Jack that he wants to use him to open the portal. This doesn't mean he doesn't also grow to see himself in Jack quickly and genuinely believe in his capacity for good, but he isn't fully honest with Jack about his motives until 13.04 where he finally comes clean, and this poisons the well with Jack a little.
@shallowseeker has pointed out before that in 13.03, while trying to figure out how to get Jack's powers to work (and spying on Jack through cameras from another room) Sam is seen reading "The Drama Of The Gifted Child". I wish I could find the post because Shal probably brought it up too, but when I was rewatching this episode, I noticed the chapter Sam had just settled into read before being interrupted was titled,
"Depression and Grandiosity: Two Related Forms of Denial"
Given the accusations flying from Sam toward Dean then from Dean toward Sam about denial in the following episode (13.04), this feels amusingly pointed. Dean is depressed (and about to attempt suicide in 13.05), Sam is depressed and has "grandiose" ideas of using Jack to pop open a portal to another reality while hiding behind the guise of being the most rational person in the room when he... isn't necessarily? And it's easy to argue "Well, Sam turns out to be right even if he didn't ultimately have much of a reason to think he was" but the core problem here is how his beliefs effect how he treats other people's grief. He isn't honest with Jack about his motives (while Dean is somewhat brutally honest) and pushes and watches even while claiming he's giving Jack space (13.03), he refuses to give Dean space to grieve even the family member they know is dead, he inserts a therapist into the situation and criticizes Dean's grief when Dean won't play his game, and in 13.05, after Dean says that he can't believe in anything right now, Sam's clumsy attempts at help involve plying Dean with alcohol he says he doesn't even want and trying to send him off to strip clubs—believing that Dean performing being okay will somehow address his mental state because Sam's idea of coping himself is simply "going through the motions".
As for Jack, I don't think he's scared of Dean. I think he's scared of what Dean believes. He's scared that Dean is right. From 13.01-13.06, Jack is contending with the question of whether he's destined for evil or good, and in his depressed state, Dean believes Jack is destined for evil because hoping in anything is completely beyond him at that moment. Sam tells Jack that he can be good, but he hides ulterior motives as to why he's being nice, and when those ulterior motives are revealed, it leaves Jack thinking Sam is the kind of person who will lie to Jack and tell him he's good just to get what he wants. Meanwhile, Jack knows Dean is being completely honest with him about what he believes. 13.03 and 13.04 clearly demonstrate that Jack understands the difference between beliefs and facts: Dean could be right or he could be wrong. What Jack holds onto like an anchor is that he can trust Dean to tell him the truth about what he believes—even if it hurts.
It's also just so obvious that Jack immediately wants Dean—specifically—to like him (see: Jack mimicking Dean's mannerisms while eating in 13.02, and his clumsy attempts to earn his favor in 13.04). Sam also picks up on this, and encourages Jack to seek Dean's approval in 13.04 to try and change Dean's beliefs. Sam (and to some extent Jack) are thinking in 13.04, that if Jack can prove to Dean that he can be good, and if Dean tells him he did a good job (which Dean does in the end), Jack can believe that. Sam sees that Jack wants Dean's approval and the impression that Dean's beliefs have had on Jack and thinks by pushing them together as soon as possible (when neither of them want to go on the hunt) and treating them as a family and forcing Dean to accept Jack when Dean just isn't ready (including by paralleling Jack with himself in a way that becomes an accusation), he can "fix" Jack so he isn't scared of his powers anymore (13.03) and then he can teach Jack to use his powers and Jack can open a portal to save their mom.
Jack's attempts to earn Dean's favor in 13.04 are clumsy. His first attempt is directly ignoring Dean telling him to wait in the car and sneaking into the crime scene, potentially contaminating it. At Mia's office, Jack's outburst about losing a mother is what allows Sam to set up the whole family therapy trap to begin with, and because Dean knows Sam is going to use that to hurt him, he warns Jack not to make outbursts like that. Dean is not being nice. Point blank. And I do think his tone is a little different than with Cas which in the past felt more like exasperation. I also don’t think it makes him the devil. I think that's understandable when putting in even a tiny amount of effort and it's kind of laughable to me how few people seem to even try because they're so caught up in Sam's happy family narrative and the idea that someone wanting Dean's approval presents an obligation that Dean give it no matter how emotionally impossible—and in a situation where asking him to lie would actually destroy that much more of Jack's trust.
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Sobriety - DILF! Leon Kennedy x female!Reader
Word Count: 4k PART 2
Warnings! Mentions of Alcoholism, Masturbation, Pillow Riding, Sex, Praise Kink, Age-Gap relationship, Depressive themes.
Others: No use of Y/N, After-Care, Leon being unable to take hints.
(Loosely based on a JAI bot by BBSUSHI)
Another night. Another bottle. Or two. Or more.
The same old routine for Leon Kennedy. Sure- he knew his liver would be fucked at some point. Though, he didn’t give a shit after everything. It was either die from excessive drinking or get killed by some mutated B.O.W. from hell- another frightening creature to add to his collection of nightmares.
Leon groaned- trying to not think about any of it- after all- that’s what the liquor was supposed to be doing. He was currently sprawled lazily on his chair, the TV playing some crappy rerun of a show he didn’t even watch- just had on for the background noise and company- until… there was a knock.
Who the fuck is bothering at this hour?
He had grumbled to himself, swaying as he stood up. It took everything in him not to crash into the glass coffee table or any other delicate furniture. He reached for his gun, tucked into a drawer of the entrance table. He squinted, blurred vision through the peephole, but couldn’t see straight enough to tell who it was.
His mind raced with thoughts. Maybe it was someone from Umbrella come to finally kill him- or maybe Claire and Chris wanting to drag him to another bullshit AA meeting. Or maybe a fellow agent coming to tell him he’s needed for one more grueling, back breaking mission.
He pushed any morbid thoughts aside- hand undoing the chain on the door and fumbling for the door in record time- swinging it open with the gun pressed to the other side just in case- which might be a terrible idea while plastered, but whatever.
“What the hell do you wan-“ he started, his voice catching in his throat. Stood in front of him was a young woman- probably young enough to be his daughter- if he had ever been able to have children. He lowered the gun from its place- storing it into the back of his sweatpant’s waistband for now.
The girl was pretty- no- more than just pretty, gorgeous even. He shook his head, mumbling what sounded like a possible drunken apology.
You, however, spoke up loud and clear-but equally apologetic in nature.
“I’m so sorry- I just moved in and I figured I’d go around introducing myself to my neighbors. I’m throwing a little moving-in-celebration tomorrow and wanted to invite everyone on this floor.” 
Leon raised an eyebrow, scoffing.
“A celebration, huh? Look- don’t you know how dangerous it is inviting strangers into your home?...” he muttered- his tone rude from him being hammered and -too stubborn to apologize for the drunken outburst when he had answered the door moments ago. He would blame this on his raging migraine later. 
You crossed your arms, a little defensive but able to tell whatever he had going on was letting his frustration take over. You were perceptive enough to know that much- along with the fragrant smell of whiskey emanating from him.
“Well- sure. If you’d like to be pessimistic, I guess. Either way.. you’re welcome to come. It’s apartment G7. Show up any time from five o’clock to around seven’ish.” You were swift to turn on your heel- leaving him without a retort. He bit his tongue, closing the door. Hard. It made him angry- of course he was pessimistic. Most people would be too if they dealt with half the shit that he had, but he decided he wouldn’t possibly expect some oblivious young person to know that.
He slumped back onto his chair, tossing the gun from his waistband aside and grumbling. 
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The next afternoon, he woke up in a sweaty pool as usual- night terrors along with the tossing and turning were to blame.
His mind came to- a drunken haze flooding into his consciousness from the night before. He was feeling his much nicer self now- regretting the encounter from last night. Your pretty face. Your invitation. Shit. He didn’t even know if he remembered what apartment number you had told him. Whatever- he could figure that out on his own. 
Fucking idiot. He told himself, climbing from the sheets and uncoordinatedly walking to the bathroom- disoriented. Once inside, he planted his hands on the edge of the sink for support- looking in the mirror.
Crows feet. Laugh lines. A few grey strands in his brown hair- which was once a shimmering blonde…
He started to wonder when the fuck he began looking like this- and why the hell you would still be nice to someone as old and grumpy as him- even after he decided to be an ass. Thinking about your face- beautiful and youthful… brought him back to his own for a moment.
Save it. No chick wants a middle aged alcoholic in their life. Not one that looks like.. this. Or has more baggage than an airport.
Either way- part of him wanted to not show up to your little rendezvous- but the other decided he would probably regret it more. He needed to get out of the house and stop ruining his reputation in the building. After all- people were tired of hearing his drunken stumbling in the apartment- and maintenance was tired of coming to fix holes in the wall- amongst other broken things. Hell, the only reason he hasn’t been fucked out of his lease is because of his job’s connections. But maybe- just maybe- showing up would salvage something.
Leon runs a calloused hand over his stubble, debating on whether or not he should shave. 
What’s the point- I look fucking old either way.
He skips the maintenance- deciding he’ll get to it for a special occasion. Whether it’s an important, work-related meeting or a dinner at the White House.
After a lengthy shower- where he ran out his hot water from standing and sulking- he decided to skip the bottle today. The last thing he needed was to show up to this little ‘get together’ drunk and make a scene- being the unstable, quick-to-anger type of drunk.
Seeing as how it’s already 3 in the afternoon, Leon went ahead and dressed himself. Blue button down. Jeans. Leather jacket. Boots. Not much different from what he’d wear every day- but he put just a hint more effort into it today- given the spritz of cologne and freshly showered state. Eventually- it’s a little past five. Leon somehow remembered that you didn’t give a specific time- only a few hours of a frame. He stepped into the floor’s hallway, immediately hearing chatter and banter of all kinds from the left side of the hallway.
He sucked in a breath, making his way to where the commotion emanated, and firmly knocking on the door. 
Why the fuck did I show up, I shouldn’t have-
The door swung open- your face quickly lighting up as you saw he had made it.
“Hey, neighbor. Glad you decided to show up.” You beamed, opening the door a little wider.
Jesus Christ, her smile. I can’t remember the last time anyone had that reaction to seeing me. Whatever- it’s only formality.
Leon wanted to smile back- but the insecurity returned- leaving him to give a half-assed smile, nodding, and stepping inside.
There were a good few other people inside- chatting and snacking on the few trays of food you had set out, surely enjoying themselves. Your apartment was nice, clean cut, yet already so lived in despite you having just moved in.
“Can I get you anything?” You asked- breaking him from his observations.
“Uh- yeah. Just some water.” He acknowledged you- his nerves kicking in from being around so many strangers at once.
You smiled again, making something stir in his chest. You went over to the small kitchen and grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge- the condensation sweating off in your palm.  As you handed it to him- your fingers brushed- not going unnoticed by Leon.
Is she doing this shit on purpose or…- no, stop. This is normal human interaction. You haven’t been to a true social gathering in so long.
“Sooo… do you have a name? Or should I call you mister Pessimistic?” You teased- referring to what you had said the previous night. Before Leon could even say anything to defend himself- you put your hands up.
“I wanted to apologize, though. I don’t mean to make assumptions but it seems like something else had been bothering you- so I just wanted to clear that up. No hard feelings?” You gave a pressed, dimpled smile- extending your hand.  Leon hesitantly took it with a protected, cautious look glazing his face- which slowly crept into a returned smile.
“Leon.” He finally answered.
You gave him your name, inviting him to come join you and the others in the living room. He looked around- recognizing a few faces- some of which had made noise complaints on him before. 
He took a seat on your couch- his largeness taking up a good portion. He listened to the few conversations- sipping the water bottle and quenching his dehydration- mostly due to this being the first day in weeks he had gone without drinking for even a few hours. 
Yippee. I can already feel the eyes on me. 
In his mind, he already knew everyone that did know him, even a little, only saw him as an alcoholic that made too much noise and would be gone for weeks at a time with no explanation- which made him even more off putting to them. His nerves were eating away at him.
Then you sat next to him.
Now, his jitters were worse. Or somehow not there at all. He couldn’t tell, but despite you being a complete knock-out that made him a mess, he was comforted by your presence. You had invited him here and still treated him like a person- despite the way he acted towards you previously. 
As you turned to say something to one of the other tenants and gave a laugh at something they said, you had shifted- your thigh brushing Leon’s clothed one. He held his water bottle with both hands- trying to distract himself from the spinning room right now.
“Leon?” You snapped him from his unnerved state- that same, damned smile on your face. Part of him wished you’d stop looking at him like that and hate him like everyone else. It was simpler that way. But no- it just couldn’t be that simple, could it?
He cleared his throat.
“Yeah?” He asked, focused on your face enough to seem like he hadn’t been both panicking and trying to suppress any other emotions- some of which he’d deal with later.
Holy shit, control yourself.
“I was just asking what kind of music you like.” You preened yourself for a moment- checking your hair with your hands and straightening out the front of your dress with your palms.
“Oh- uh. Rock.” He nodded- an answer you definitely expected.
“Cool. I figured.”
“Any particular reason, or…?” He trailed off- failing to realize he had a half smirk on his face.
“You’ll see.” You beamed, nonchalant.
“Okay- that’s not ominous at all.” He chuckled.
The rest of the party went by- Leon being dragged into conversations with fellow tenants and surprisingly- with your help- it salvaged some reputation. Or so he hoped.
After burning out his thin social meter- and most everyone else leaving due to their 9-5s- Leon called it quits too- lingering as long as possible.
You opened the door- gesturing for him out.
“I had a good time, Leon. Maybe come by again?” You invited. He was shocked that you actually enjoyed his company.
She’s just being polite. or maybe not. I’m bad at signals.
“Uh- sure. Thanks again for inviting me.” He muttered as he was caught off guard.
Leon shuffled back to his apartment- for once, disappointed to be home- yet relieved. His boots came off, being hastily kicked by the door before he headed to the bedroom, peeling his clothing off down to his boxers and climbing in.
8:14 pm his digital clock read.
A little early, but…
He released a shaky breath, his hand ghosting over his abs and down to his boxers- freeing his cock. The cool air only heightened how badly he needed to jerk off right now.
Fuck. He can’t remember the last time he had gotten this hard.
He grabbed some bedside lotion- stroking his cock slowly to start off. He told himself he was just horny and that it had been a while- that’s all. But it wasn’t true. You came into his mind- your eyes batting at him, the way your bare thigh brushed again his clothed one- yet somehow still arousing him. Holy fuck, he felt like a pervert. Though, thinking back about it now- he understood you were flirting. If he didn’t need to cum so bad, he’d have hit himself for not realizing. There were always other chances- anyways.
After eventually cumming all over his toned stomach- a surprising, pent up amount- he showered, shaved, and got back into bed- exhausted now that it was 9:30. Not drinking was a surprisingly good way to get to bed on time.
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About two months went by- Leon’s busy schedule having him work in office at the D.S.O..
And no more deadly missions…yet. This workload consisted of him showing up late- coffee in hand and very rarely now- hungover. Chris got on his ass twice before giving it a temporary rest.
Though- the one good thing to happen was becoming friends with you- not exactly the most tight-knit but you both did spend some quality time together here and there- occasionally exchanging a phone call or a text. You even gifted him Rock CDs from time to time, being the reason you asked about his music taste. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t jam out to them on the way to work now.
The thing was.. you’re bubbly, full of energy. Young. Everything he was at one point. He loved seeing that in other people- giving him more of a reason to keep up his work- saving lives and giving others a chance at happiness and freedom. This was the first time he had seen this in a good light.
Leon had gotten home, throwing his keys and files onto the countertop. Right as he went to sit down- his phone buzzed loudly in his pocket, making him groan.
Please don’t be work, Please don’t be work. Please don’t be work.
It was you. He scrambled for the bright green button to answer you, putting the phone to his ear.
“Leon speaking.” He said flatly- trying to play cool.
“Heyyyy. You’re not busy are you?” You dragged the words, cautious not to weird him out. But if he was being honest with himself- there’s no way you could do that.
“Nope… why?” He asked, still not bothering to sit down yet.
“Well- I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a movie night or something..?” You sucked in a breath quietly- awaiting his answer.
Leon equally panicked- it being so long since a woman invited him to do anything- let alone showed him interest. He replied.
“Sure. Sounds good to me.” 
Perfect. Not desperate. 
You smiled.
“Cool. Just come over whenever. Door is unlocked.”
“Mhm.” He nervously mumbled, ending the call.
Yeah. Maybe he had panicked for a moment there. No worries, he still had to show up and screw up the rest before he could call it quits. After all, it was the first time you had invited him over to your place- at least for something this intimate anyways. He grabbed his keys again, heading out and to your apartment. He hated entering without permission- but he did have permission. So now he felt even more.. conflicted. He gripped the handle, letting himself in and closing the door. You were on the couch, remote in hand with a bowl of popcorn on the table- two glasses of whiskey poured.
Fuck me.
A pretty girl and alcohol would not mix well with Leon. What so fucking ever. He put his hand up in gesture.
“Hey- so what amazing movie did you have in mind?” He asked- avoiding the topic of alcohol being present.
“Hmm… how about you help me pick?” You hummed- Leon standing awkwardly. He was too lost looking you over. Your tanktop. Your shorts. Your exposed legs, the tops of your breasts framed by the tank tops hem.
Stop it.  
Again, this has to be on purpose.
No- she probably thinks you’re a creepy old fuck.
Wait- then why would she invite me over?
“You can sit down- you know? I know you like whiskey- so I figured maybe you’d want some to unwind. After all- I did interrupt your relaxation time.” You knew what time he got off of work- feeling slight guilt but also wanting to be around him.
“Right-“ Leon nodded as he sat in the comfy, plush chair adjacent to the couch- leaning forward to grab the whiskey in his hand- the glass material cool against his palm. As he took a sip- his eyes momentarily fixed on you while you had joined in on tending to your own glass.
“Didn’t know young people enjoyed whiskey. Just thought that was something old farts like me drank.” He chuckled.
A smile crawled onto your lips- the tipsy-ness entering your system already.
“Uh… I don’t. Just thought it was a nice gesture.” You said playfully- hinting that this was solely for him. Your face was tinged with a very subtle pink, your own body loose and not in sync with your brain as the alcohol slowly crept into your veins.
“Woah- don’t go getting plastered now. That’s my job.” He joked- his usual, non-depressed demeanor was showing through more and more. Though- he, for some reason, felt fucking nervous.
Leon could barely feel his own buzz- the more recent lack of raging alcoholism letting his tolerance lower back down. Which was a downside right now.
The two of you had agreed on some more-than-likely shitty horror movie, you getting up to turn off the lights and sitting back in your spot. You both laughed, talking about the poorly done effects amongst other things. Leon was safe- you were sitting far away. Surely it would all be fine.
Then a scene came on. Sexual, of course. Some girl on top of a guy, their naked bodies sweaty as she rode him. Leon- naturally didn’t think of anything but how awkward it was to watch this with someone else- but you however, decided to speak, the alcohol clearly breaking a barrier here.
“You know- I never understood how girls did that.”
His eyebrow raised and his eyes shot over to you.
“Uh, forgive me… but do what, exactly?”
You giggled- the sound reverberating in Leon’s eardrums and his chest, making him want to lose composure.
“You know- ride dick or whatever.” You again giggled- moving to straddle your pricey throw pillow. You weren’t drunk- but definitely letting loose…
Oh fuck. Is all his brain could muster as his fingers tightened on his glass.
No fucking way.
You shifted your hips- more awkward with an audience watching.
“Okay- would you say… like this?” You asked- your voice sprinkled with confidence and nervousness at the same time.
Leon leaned forward, setting his glass down.
Jesus Christ. Okay.
“I- uh… are you asking for pointers?” He chuckled- not wanting to be creepy- but mostly showing restraint because god knows he didn’t need to feel even hornier than he did right now.
Is this how young women flirt or am I seeing into this too much?
“Yes.” You said, dragging out the e- as if to sound like it was obvious that you did indeed want pointers.
Before he did anything else- Leon picked the glass back up- downing the rest of his whiskey quickly and setting it on the coffee table again. He’d regret chugging it later- he was sure.
He stood, walking a little closer to the couch.
“I- uh… how exactly do you want me to give you tips here?” He asked, letting out that low chuckle again.
You chortled- shaking your head.
“Hands, words, whatever you feel like.” You said, boldly but with a hint of something else. He just couldn’t tell what, yet.
“Okay…got it. What are friends for, after all…” he muttered- sinking to his knees by the couch- his hands reaching out to rest on the small of your back and the other on your stomach.
“First things first- relax. You're a little stiff and nervous.”
Not exactly that easy with a dilf having his hands on you- but sure. You thought sarcastically. But still- you tried to loosen up.
“Here- rock slowly- and try using your knees for most of the work. Like lifting yourself and lowering- you know?”
God- fucking kill me now. He couldn’t even function- his words probably not making sense with how hard his dick is right now.
“And arch your back a little.” He continued- sucking in a breath. You bit your lip- wanting to just pounce on him already- but you held back. It was nearly impossible with the words he was saying.
Leon watched your movements- knowing this wouldn’t end at a simple, weirdly sexual and ‘friendly’ lesson. No.
“Christ- maybe… you wanna help me practice?” You mutter- hair in your face.
“Isn’t that what we’re doing already?” He asked- the whiskey and horniness clouding his cognitive function.
“No-“ you laugh, shifting to sit up straight.
“I mean on you.”
He was dumbfounded for a moment- like characters in a cartoon when they get smacked with a frying pan. He could swear his head might have spun, too.
“I-…” he started, before you interrupted.
“No- I’m so sorry. You probably think I’m being weird and tipsy- coming onto you like this.
Leon shook his head- his bangs brushing across his face for a moment.
“That’s not it at all- I’ve just been holding back. I’m old. And don’t want you to think I’m some pervert.” He finally manages- spilling his vulnerability across the room. To you- it explains why he’s downplayed your subtle advances for the last few months.
You smile- shifting off of the pillow now.
“I find your age sexy.”
“Yeah- but the gray hairs, the wrinkles, the-“
You stop him, a firm ‘Nuh, uh.’
“Again- all of it’s attractive.” 
Leon wastes no time getting up off his knees- kicking his boots aside and settling onto the couch. He pats his lap- gliding a hand over his clothed thigh. You grin- settling into his lap- and Christ, you can feel his cock harder than diamond through his jeans.
“All for you..” he mumbles- tracing his hands along your waist. You lean in slow, your lips touching and alcohol scented breaths mixing. All he can think about now is how soft your lips are- and the way you taste. Yeah, he’s fucking hooked.
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And now- here he was- underneath you as you rode his dick- rolling your hips perfectly and alternating between lifting yourself while he groaned underneath you. His hands squeezed at the soft flesh of your ass- guiding you lightly. And to your surprise- unlike his normal self- he was quite verbal.
“God, baby- you’re a quick learner. Just like that.” He huffed, his head lulling back in pleasure for a moment- your hips coming down hard and his cock filling you to the hilt once more.
“Yes- bounce yourself- f-fuck. You’re doing amazing- I knew you had it in you.” He spews encouragements and obscenities- definitely boosting your ego and filling your metaphorical praise kink meter.
But you do exactly as he says- continuing to bounce yourself on his cock oh-so-fucking perfect. The view for him is everything- watching your cunt swallow him every time you move down, and your tits bouncing in his face- hell- a view this good made him want to put down alcohol forever just for another chance. Then again- a little drinking is how you both got here.
“Fuck..” you whine as one of his free hands moves to place a thumb over your clit, rubbing in languid circles.
“You like that, huh? Tell me how I can- fuck- make it even better for you- baby.” 
You shake your head no- unable to form a sentence with the combination of pleasure running through your body- and your focus on riding him. Everything was perfect already, and him calling you baby certainly didn’t help your concentration- ripping your orgasm through you.
Leon nearly lost his personal composure- the way you tightened around him like a vice- threatening to take everything from him. This didn’t stop him however- he continued with even more fervor- one hand on your hip and the other on the arm of the couch as he bucked up to meet your movements- giving a bit of relief to your tired legs. He could feel you having trouble, so he decided to take the weight off your shoulders completely.
His arms effortlessly lifted you while he was still inside- moving to put your back against the soft couch while he hoisted your legs over his shoulders for a deep angle. Those rough hands held onto the backs of your thighs, and he slowly slid himself out- gauging your reaction.
“You want it like this?” He asked lowly, you responded eagerly almost right away.
“Yes- god yes.” Was all he needed before slamming back into you. And out. And in again. You could barely see his smug face through the stars you were seeing- which quickly subsided when you pulled his head down to kiss on his stubble- trailing your lips down his strong jawline and prickled neck while your moans reverberated against his skin. With how much you seem to enjoy his stubble- he’s glad he stopped shaving so often.
The whole experience, really- was something he hadn’t had in fucking years. Maybe 10 or more- he lost count. He was just glad he still had this sexual stamina in him- and maybe the gym and recent lack of drinking helped. Who knows?
He was completely lost in the feeling of your pussy clenched around him and your lips on his neck that he swore he was hit in the head when you suddenly told him you wanted him to cum in you.
“F-fuck, baby. That’s a big ask.” He groaned- the words from your mouth alone making him almost bust right there.
“Birth control.” You muttered against his skin, unable to say much else through the moaning since he was pounding into you.
“God- okay. You’re not making this easy.” 
Leon sucked in a breath- moving his hands off your thighs and pushing your legs gently off his shoulders- now pressing his chest to yours and wrapping his arms around you- a close and rather intimate position but not unwelcome. 
He grunted- muttering into your ear now as he fucked into you, the squelching and skin slapping almost defeaning.
“If you want me to cum in you- I think I need to hear a please, don’t you?” He said the words smug- knowing you were in no state to really talk- but the word left your mouth faster than he could have slammed back into you.
Leon groaned against your ear- your plea somehow managing to turn him on even more before he gave one good, last thrust into you- his hips tightening as he came inside. His hold on you was tight- yet affectionate- despite neither of you having previous romance. After all- sex was a big deal with Leon and he wouldn’t have granted you this had he not been slightly (okay maybe very much) head over heels for you.
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After a few moments of cuddling- Leon prompted you to get up to go pee by patting you gently on the back- helping your wobbly-legged self to the bathroom before giving you privacy- as if he didn’t just rearrange your guts to infinity and back again.
You expected him to have left after- as any guy would- but he was still here. He took it upon himself to straighten up your couch cushions and anything else that had been out of place from your shared lovemaking.
“You didn’t have to do all of that- you know?” You teased, coming out of the bathroom in an oversized shirt and underwear- comfortable.
“Well, it’s no bother to me. It should be a given, yeah?” He turned to you- only in his jeans as he buckled his belt- seemingly searching for his shirt. Though- you secretly wished he’d never have to wear one again.
You walked a little closer to where he was standing by the couch, a little hesitant to ask your next question.
“Would you… maybe want to stay over?”
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hannahssimblr · 18 days
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For a brief period last year, I had this thing about wasps. Miss O’Reilly spurred the whole thing on after poring over my sketchbooks with me. She made some offhand comment about how nice it would be to see some animals too, amongst the endless scrawl of human arms and legs and feet and heads on every inch of every page, because it would expand my anatomical knowledge. This had never occurred to me.
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So across town to the zoo I went. Where, through the spring and the earliest days of summer I would draw gorillas in their glass enclosures, giraffes, sloths, red pandas, while parents and children looked over my shoulder at my work, ogling as though I too was part of an exhibition. 
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I returned that August, late, in that last week before school starts when the sun still warms you, but the wind carries autumn with it. By then, the leaves had lost that vibrant green and hung tired from branches, curled and russet at the edges. It was wasp season, when they emerge, as though from nowhere, angry, confused, in a ferocious pursuit of sugar. 
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One landed on my sketchbook, near the thumb that held the page, and I resisted the tingle of fear in my body, the urge to swat him away. Instead I watched him, and then I drew him, his alien eyes and hairy body, papery wings and the abstract black and yellow stripes like caution tape wound around his horntail. I feared wasps - I think. One had never stung me and had no reference for the pain, but coincidentally, I had read about them in an insect encyclopaedia from the school library. I’d learned about their sad Augusts, when their purpose had been fulfilled, and their queens cast them out of the nest to die. 
That wasp, eating the ice cream fingerprint from my page, was no different. Here he was, addicted to sugar, drunk, perhaps, from the fermenting fruits he had managed to find. If I swatted him away, could I really blame him if, in his desperation and pain, he attacked me? He really was just another creature fulfilling his purpose, adapting to the new environment in which he had been thrown. 
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“Oh, God!” Michelle cried, and whacked him with her zoo map. His insides left a stain on the paper, and I turned to her, outraged. “Why did you do that?”
“It might have stung you!” 
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And things escalated, as they normally did, to an argument by the elephant enclosure. She erupted in front of a family of four and asked me when I became such a fucking vegetarian about wasps. We didn’t speak a word to one another on the bus home, and then, come September, we forgot about wasps for another year. 
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A wasp lands on my arm. I feel it first, the weird little legs tickling my skin. Someone splashed cider on me in the Foo Fighters’ mosh pit. That’s what he’s looking for. For the first time in a year, I think about wasps again, while the rest of my friends plan their next move. He shouldn’t be out at night. He must be confused. Maybe he’s about to die. 
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“Oh! Gosh! You’ve a wasp on your arm!” Claire waves her hand about me and the wasp makes a drowsy departure and swoops toward the overflowing bins by the barriers. 
Several seconds pass before it occurs to me to react. “Yeah.” 
As the others head towards the bar, she and Shane hang back, peering at me with that wary concern, as though there’ve sensed something deeply unhinged about me. “Are you okay?” She says gently. “You look like you got a bit of a knock there in the mosh pit.”
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“No, it was fine. It felt good to kind of shove everyone around.” It’s true. I wasn’t thinking in there where I was thrashing to The Pretender, but I know how I must look. She eyes the collar of my t-shirt, stretched completely out of shape from where some beast of a man grabbed me to fling me out of his path like a rag doll. it was violent, but it felt good, like something that I needed.
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“Look,” Shane scratches his head, “The lads there, they were talking about going to that rave at midnight. They wanted to grab some shots first, but like, if you don’t want to go, and you’d rather go back to the tent or something, that’d be okay.”
Claire nods. “We could even go with you, right? I wouldn’t mind just hanging out and taking it easy if you wanted company.”
Do I really seem that bad? I shake my head. “No, it’s fine. I’ll just do what everyone else is doing.”
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They pause, and I press the issue. “Do I seem like I won’t be able for it?”
“Not that.” Shane says. “You just seem a bit wrecked.”
“I’ll survive another concert.”
“Yeah, I’m not saying you won’t, like.”
“Right then.”
They exchange a look, and I sigh. “I don’t know what you think is wrong with me, but I’m not drinking, I’m not on drugs,” I lean down to show them my pupils, which I realise too late is quite a manic, on-drugs thing to do, but I don’t know how else to prove my sobriety. “It’s just been a day, okay? I’m just… it’s been odd.”
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“We can talk about it if you like,” Claire says, in that very kind, Claire way, but I shake my head. 
“Let’s not bother. Come on, we’ll just go to that rave thing and dance, yeah? Then I’ll go back to the tent and we can take it easy.”
“Okay, if you say so,” she says, and with her arms around herself against the midnight chill, she and Shane march past me, towards the big top of the marquee across the bottle-littered fields. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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lucywritesagain · 28 days
I wouldn't say no
꒰ა ˚₊ ✧・┈﹕Loki masterlist ꒰ ᐢ。- ༝ -。ᐢ ꒱ Navigation ﹕┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱
Please note that this story is a repost from my old blog @lucywrites02.
Summary: Loki pays you a visit, saying that Bubbles- his cat- may be allergic to Thor. Is Loki serious or is it another excuse to hang out with you?
Word count: 0.7k
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“You again?”
That was the way you greeted Loki as you walked into your office- a few folders under your arm and a box of medical gloves in the other. Your white coat flew behind you with every step like a cape, making you feel like in a movie. In all those years working as a vet it had never gotten bored.
“It’s nice to see you, too.” The trickster replied with a playful smile.
“What seems to be the problem, buddy?” You leaned over the table and gently patted your little friend’s head who purred in approval. “Why did your dad bring you here this time?”
“I think he’s allergic to Thor.” Loki said.
“Ha, that’s a good one!” You giggled, but stopped when you noticed their dead serious expression. “That’s a joke, right? Tell me you’re joking.”
“Why would I?” The god put his hands in the pockets of his dark blue jeans- something they didn’t wear often. “I noticed that Bubbles acts differently every time my brother visits.”
You weren't sure if it was a prank or if Loki really thought his cat could be allergic to his brother. The first time you met the god they barged into your office right before closing because the cat he just adopted was sleeping too much and refused to leave until you explained to him how the cat's body worked in great detail. You found it sweet how much Loki cared about that little creature and how eager they were to learn more. And what better way to learn than to take your information from the professionals? The second time they visited was to give Bubbles his vaccines and make a file for him. One time Loki ran into your office while you were in the middle of examining Clair- a beautiful ball python who has been your patient since the day she hatched- just to tell you that Bubbles made a chirping noise while watching birds and if it was normal for a cat to do this.
“Different? How?” You straighten your back, giving all your attention to the trickster.
“He’s really affectionate with Thor and he always hated people”
“Let me get this clear-” you had to hold your laugh for Loki’s sake. You were a professional after all and Loki- although a friend- was still your client. “You think Bubbles is sick because he likes Thor?”
“Alright.” You sighed and put on a new pair of gloves. You pretended to examine your little friend, feeling Loki’s eyes on you. Thankfully Bubbles was a very brave patient and you never had much problems with him. He even let you touch his belly. That’s why instead of looking for the cause of the cat’s ‘unusual behaviour’ you just tickled him here and there- which he really liked.
“If you wanted to ask me out you could have just said so. Or you could always just call me.” You have my number.” You broke the silence while still giving all of your attention to Bubbles, who happily flipped on his back, demanding belly scratches.
“I’m not- that’s not-” The god of mischief stuttered, suddenly taking an interest in that one picture of your dog on the wall. You have figured out his little plan and that was just embarrassing to him.
“I wouldn’t say no.” You smiled, looking directly at Loki who was still refusing to meet your eyes.
“Pardon?” The god asked, surprised.
“If you asked me out I wouldn’t say no.” You left Loki speechless. Their heart was beating like crazy and his mind was completely empty. “You know how much I love it when you and Bubbles pay me a visit every 2 hours, but I have other patients waiting for me so….”
“Oh yes, that’s-” The god took his cat into his arms and awkwardly stood in the middle of the room, thinking about their next move. “So if I asked whether you had time for dinner tonight you wouldn’t say no?” The god of mischief asked, still unsure of your answer.
“Only if you pay.”
“I guess it’s a date then.” Loki opened the door to finally exit your office. Their heart was still beating fast and almost stopped when you said-
“I guess it is.”
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winter-leftovers · 9 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty: We Need To Talk About Mom’s Paintings (20/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Morgana possesses Claire. Douxie and Y/n have a moment. Y/n needs her father.
Word count: 2568
Warnings: we have everything. We have angst, we have comfort, we have some I would say +16 stuff
(Season 3 Episodes 2,3,4,5)
Song?: The Night We Met by Lord Huron and Phoebe Bridgers
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Y/n looked around the room, the once dark and colorless basement was now an art gallery full of colorful paintings of creatures that shouldn’t exist against vibrants backgrounds.
She observed her mother paint a portrait the size of the wall of her ex-boyfriend's troll from with an intensity she had never seen before. She didn’t even know her mother could paint.
“Mom, I packed you lunch!” Jim screamed from the kitchen.
“Down here honey!” Screamed back Barbara without taking her eyes from the painting.
Jim slowly walked down stairs and saw her sister sitting in a stool observing the spectacle.
“What’s going on?” He mouthed.
Y/n shrugged, she was just as confused, with her head she pointed at the big Mr. Strickler’s painting.
Jim’s eyes opened like plates.
“So, what do you think? I call it “Goodbye, Walt” You warned me he was bad news, but I didn’t listen. Then he vanished without a goodbye. What kind of man does that? Hence the horns. They’re symbolic” Barbara proudly showed off her painting.
“Wow, mom. Quite the imagination” Jim turned to Y/n.
“Yeah” Y/n is lost for words. She didn’t know what to do “Now, I know where I got my artistic side is from”
“Aw, thank you sweety” Barbara pinched Y/n’s cheek “First your father, and now him. I swear, if I ever see Walt again…”
“On that note,” Jim nervously chuckled, starting to go upstairs “gotta run”
“Coward” Y/n whispered.
“Hello” Y/n announced her arrival at the bookstore.
“Hello, love” Douxie emerged from under the counter mirroring the smile in Y/n’s face “You’re early. I thought you were coming for lunch. We were going to the park”
Y/n walked to Douxie and kissed his cheek.
“Are you kicking me out?” She chuckled against his cheek.
“What?! No?!” He screamed. For a moment, fear creeped on Douxie's spine. Did he make Y/n feel rejected?
“Relax” Y/n rested her head on his shoulders, and patted his chest “I just wanted to see you. Is that such a crime?” It wasn’t a complete lie. Y/n wanted to see Douxie, she always wanted to see him. But today, she needed to get out of her house, stay away from her mother’s art.
“Stop toying with the kid. He only slept two hours” Archie jumped on top of the counter.
“Hi to you too, Arch” Y/n scratched the cat’s chin.
“Yeah, sorry. I’m a little bit on edge. It was a long night. Too many trolls in Arcadia wreaking havoc” Douxie let himself fall on the chair “Do you know what’s up with that?”
Y/n nodded. She doesn’t want to lie to Douxie but if she told him the truth she knew he would want to help and that would open a can of worms that she doesn’t want to deal with just yet.
“No idea” she shook her head “that’s weird” she observed Douxie’s dark eyebags “Hey, why don’t you go lay down until lunch and I stay here?”
“No. No. I’m okay” he straightened himself in the chair, dropping a cup with pens with his elbow.
Y/n and Archie shared a look.
“You’re not” Y/n gently push him from the shoulders of the chair “you’re missing a cat and you didn’t notice it”
“No, Al is…” Douxie started to look everywhere as Y/n guided him to the stairs.
“See? Go to sleep. See you at lunch” Y/n waved until Douxie disappeared into the distance. She turned to Arch “Where’s Al, anyway?”
“Who knows. He said something about a meeting with a duck and then something about a dandelion and tacos” Archie rolled his eyes.
“Don’t laugh at him. Is always important to have connections”
Y/n helped out a few regulars and a few not so regulars during the afternoon. Time moved slowly, the dog outside the bookstore sniffed the tree comically slow until he found a spot, the traffic lights wouldn’t change colors, everything seemed to move so painfully slow. She looked back at Archie to see if he was also affected by this strange phenomenon but he was belly up under a ray of sunshine. She smiled and walked the small store coming back to the spot where Douxie had given her her old book. She couldn’t see it back then but now, with this piece of the puzzle back in its place she could recognise that Douxie had reconstructed her old bookshelf from their time in Camelot.
“Lady Y/n” Hisirdoux shyly knocked on the door.
“Come on in” Y/n answered, her voice almost above a whisper. She was laying on the floor with her back against the bookshelf, her nose buried in a red leather bound book and her bare feet were covered by her faithful friend, Alfred.
“Where…?” Hisirdoux looked around the room until he saw the cat’s brown tail coming from under the bed “Y/n?” He called.
“Mmmh?” She lifted her view from the book, her hair was in a perfect braid but she was still in her nightgown.
“Master M…”
“Y/n?” Morgana pushed the door wide open.
Hisirdoux jumped back like a cat.
“Why aren't you wearing your dress?” The woman grabbed the dress from the bed and ran next to the girl.
“I thought I had time” Y/n looked at Hisirdoux her eyes filling with tears “I…I…”
From the hallway, they could hear the echo of the steps followed by a staff hitting the stone covered floor.
Hisirdoux’s heart fell to his stomach when he saw Y/n’s red eyes.
“Hisirdoux, can you distract him?” Asked Morgana as she prepared the girl’s dress.
Hisirdoux pursed his lips and nodded before running down the hallway.
Y/n smiled while the tears fell as she heard Hisirdoux’s insanes complain about his lack of staff.
“He is nice” Morgana whispered .
Y/n’s cheeks redden as her bracelet, she lowered her head and played with it while Morgana tightened her corset.
The woman chuckled, “He could be a nice friend… Like in the book”
“And, don’t…but mater me”
“Y/n?! Y/n?!” Douxie screamed.
Y/n blinked a couple times and came back to the floor of the bookstore. Her knees red from supporting her weight on the floor. She looked around. She doesn’t remember getting to the ground, she doesn’t remember grabbing the book.
“Love?!” Douxie asked, voice laced with desperation.
“Doux? When did you wake up?” Y/n tried to get up but her legs failed her, luckily, Douxie caught her before she could hit the floor.
“A couple minutes ago. What happened?” He guided her to the small couch and crouched in front of her.
“I..I was looking at the books and then…I had a vision?” She frowned.
“A vision?” He repeated.
“From the past…remember the morning after Morgana gave me the anthology?”
Douxie smiled at the memory, that was the beginning of their friendship.
“I was ten and you were nine and deadly afraid of angering your father” he said a little absent minded.
“Yeah…I almost remembered him” she looked at him, her eyes full of tears like that morning.
“You’ll remember him” Douxie’s heart fell to his stomach just like that morning.
Y/n looked deeply into Douxie's hazel eyes, the only eyes that she ever wanted to look at in moments like this and closed the distance kissing him, her hands quickly finding their home amongst his hair. Douxie instantly returned the kiss with the same sweetness but more desperation. Everytime they would touch, he needed to taste every drop of it, even if it was an accidental graze of hands during the day.
His hands lifted her from the couch and her legs quickly snaked around his waist.
“Doux” Y/n panted, holding his cheeks “people can see us”
“I don’t care” he whispered, his eyes full of lust going back and forth between her eyes and her lips.
“Doux…”Y/n whispered. She was shocked. Douxie was a little more shy than that.
“Let’s go upstairs” he said into her ear before biting her earlobe.
“Mmmh” she laughed.
As Douxie’s feet would step each step of the stairwell, Y/n’s heart would pound faster, stronger. She hid her face on Douxie’s neck but the familiar smell did nothing to calm the tremors in her hands, in her torso.
Douxie laid both of them on the couch of the second floor where they would usually nap and started to kiss Y/n’s neck, his hands slowly feeling her stomach up to her sides. Y/n instinctively opened her legs to give him space, her hips moved against his, her hands went to his chest, her body reacted to his but a part of her mind was confused.
“You’re so pretty” Douxie's voice brought her to the present. His shirt was missing, his toned chest exposed for Y/n to see.
“Look who’s talking” she put a hand on his now red chest and pushed him back.
“So pretty” he repeated as he observed her while she sat on top of him.
Y/n kissed him again and again and slowly went down from his mouth, to his chin, to his neck, to the spot under his jaw where she could feel his pulse. Douxie groaned making Y/n smile but it quickly got erased from her face when her hands started to shake again while Douxie took out her shirt leaving her with her bra exposed.
Y/n put her hands on Douxie’s shoulders and moved her hips, maybe if her hands felt him they would remember him.
“Y/n?” Douxie’s hand caressed Y/n cheek “are you alright?”
She looked down at him, at his eyes full of worry and smiled.
“Of course” she kissed him but this time he didn’t return it as passionately as before, this time was sweet, understanding.
With a swift move he was on top of her again and could inspectionate her face more clearly.
“No, you’re not” he furrowed “we don’t have to do this, love” he started to pull back.
“No, I want this” she put her hand on his shoulder “it just…” she felt the blood rush to her cheeks. To Y/n Ambrosius it isn’t a big deal but to Y/n Lake it is “You know…”
But Douxie’s big eyes told her he didn’t know.
“I know that you and I…you know but…Y/n Lake hasn’t” she explained.
“I don’t follow” he whispered.
“You’re gonna make me say it” she whispered to herself “Y/n Lake is still part of me, right?”
He nodded.
“Y/n Lake is a…virgin”
Douxie’s blood drained from his face and came back in a rush.
“Oh. Oh” he sat on his heels “I see”
Y/n sat up, her body warming up from the shyness “I want this”
Douxie chuckled and kissed her cheek.
“Me too but…” he grabbed both cheeks with his hands “this time has to be special too” kissing her nose.
The butterflies ruptured Y/n’s stomach traveling through her body. She nodded, a lovesick smile plastered on her face.
“I was falling asleep. Was it necessary to call me sixty five times?” Y/n screamed as she opened Claire’s bedroom door.
Claire was floating in the middle of the room. The boys had tied her up chains that her magic seemed unable to break. 
“I’ll wear your spine as my crown, peasants!” Claire screamed in anger.
“That’s a new one” said Jim pointing his bat to Claire.
“Her creativity knows no bounds” added Toby.
Claire screamed, throwing Jim and Toby threw the air with her magic. Y/n was able to stay put on the door. She had been more thrown out by the familiarity of the magic than the magic itself. She took a step forward, her eyes focused on the changed Claire, her voice was different and so was her magic.
“Apologies for my delay” Blinky barged into the room and was able to set the chair back into the ground and with a quick move of a stone set the chains back into place.
The troll explained the why of his delay but Y/n couldn’t hear. She was consumed by the weight in her throat, by the burning in her eyes, something in Claire’s eyes was pulling her to the ground.
“Does the name Morgana mean anything to you?” Jim asked Blinky.
Y/n mouth hung open. The memory of the red haired woman holding her hand through the woods, braiding her hair, teaching her magic, being slayed by a sword, all came back like a stab to the heart. The myth was true. Morgana was alive.
“Morgan Le Fay, Merlin’s apprentice” explained Blinky, scared of naming the monster.
“Like Merlin who made my amulet?” asked Jim
“No” whispered Y/n and took a step back.
“I spit on his name as I spit on his grave” Morgana chuckles “Don’t we, Birdie?” She looked directly at Y/n.
“Sounds like they didn’t get along” Toby hid behind Jim.
Y/n kept walking backwards until her legs hit the bed and sat down, too afraid to make a sound.
“He thinks he can be rid of me? The fool” she laughs and turns to the guys in front of her “I will erase his name and all of his creations”
Y/n looked down at her hands and saw the tears falling down. She wasn’t sure of what she was more afraid of: the ghost in front of her or what the ghost could do to her friends.
She turned to the door and ran. Afraid that the grief and the nostalgia would bend her will. Ran far from Claire’s house, from Douxie’s library, she ran until her feet ached, until her knees gave up and then, she fell to the ground, her hands softening the blow.
A broken sob escaped her throat, her body gave out, falling to the side on top of the grass. She pulled her knees to her chest and prayed that the darkness of the night was enough to hide her from the world.
One last sob abandoned her lips before closing her eyes:
“I want my father”
“Good morning” whispered a familiar raspy voice.
Y/n felt a familiar hand caressing her hair. Without opening her eyes she leaned into the touch, she knew that feeling before she was even born. She stretched her hand and grabbed the familiar robe, an old habit she hadn’t shaken.
“Come one, Birdie, open your eyes” the man insisted, moving the final strand of hair from her face.
“No” she clutched the robe tighter and moved closer to the warmth that the man’s body provided.
“Why?” The man chuckled.
“I’m afraid” she cried.
“What?” The man grabbed Y/n and cradled her “Why?”
“I’m afraid you won’t be there when I open my eyes” she grabbed the closest piece of fabric she could feel.
“Oh, Birdie” the man rocked her “Of course I’ll be here”
Y/n slowly opened her eyes and under the light of the sun she saw a man with crystalline blue eyes.
“Father?” She asked before the weight of reality brought her back and made her realize that she was alone and that her father was laying on a tomb waiting to be awakened.
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A/n: was that a lot?
-Yes -No
Did you expect the revelation?
-Yes -No -Why would you do that to a child?
Can you tell I have daddy issues by my choice of father?
-Yes -Yes
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astrxsee · 6 months
FALSE GOD chap. 3
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(chap 1) (chap 2) (chap 3)
percy jackson x child of demeter!oc
𝑰𝑵 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑪𝑯 Rose St. Claire sets off on a quest to save the goddess in chains.
𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑪𝒀 𝑱𝑨𝑪𝑲𝑺𝑶𝑵 learns to see what is right in front of him.
!CONTENT WARNING! gore, romance, swearing, blood, heavy themes
OMG ITS HAPPENING STAY CALM!! LITERALLY SO EXITED FOR THIS. i love you all and i really really really hope you like this
Whoever's idea it was to send us here, should rot in hell. I plop down onto my designated cot, the poles poking at me through the bottom. My eyes scan around the dull room, the darkness of the interior instantly ruining my mood. Dark green cots were lined up in rows along the edge of the room, with the students things stashed neatly below their respective bed. With nothing on the walls and only one tiny window, it was a dreary place.
I sigh, my head tilted to the side as I glance over at Bianca. Her dark curly hair fell off the back of the lame excuse for a bed. Dark brown eyes scanned the pages of some fantasy novel she held in front of her face. Her dark Westover Hall uniform thrown haphazardly on, with wrinkles lining the button down shirt.
"You know, if you keep your nose in a book all day, you'll fall behind in your classes." I jokingly poke at her, a slight laugh following my words. Her eyes begrudgingly move away from her book to look at me.
"Rose, you have absolutely no room to talk," She snarks back, "You've already fallen behind and we've only been here for three weeks!"
I roll my eyes at her, as I dramatically fall back into my cot. I huff and throw my hands in the air, "I mean, can you blame me?"
She seems to consider my words, "No, not really." Setting the book down on the ground next to her and rolls over to face me, her eyebrows furrowing in concern.
"Like, we were literally living in a casino where times was fucked up and now we're living in the future?" I say incredulously as my sentences quickly turn into ranting. "It's 2007 for crying out loud! The last year I remember being in was fucking 1976, and don't even get me started on y'all! Bianca, there has to be something wrong with us to be stuck in this shit show."
She lets out a small giggle, my ranting not even phasing her. After three weeks of hearing it, I doubt she even pays attention anymore.
"I know this is all so confusing and weird, but there will be an answer. But for now, let it be." Bianca giggles. I groan, catching onto her reference. I crack a smile, her corny play on the Beatles' classic easing my anger.
"Bi, I love showing you my music, but never say that again."
She laughs again and gives a mocking sort of salute before turning back to her book. I stand up from my makeshift bed, smoothing the wrinkles out of my own uniform. I lazily make my way over to the bathroom, wanting to freshen up before Bianca and I went to grab lunch.
The other girls in the dorm were all out making last minute plans for tonight, the annual school dance. As the only little sliver of fun they allow us, the dance is a big deal. All I heard about for the last couple of days was who asked who and who dumped who, blah blah blah. Dances back in the 70s were my favorite thing. I always met up with some of my friends and spent the whole night dancing to our favorite bands. But, to be honest, I'm not really looking forward to tonight's dance.
The last three weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions. Confusion and unanswered questions clouded my mind every waking second. Weird things that I can't begin to explain happen almost every day. Like the horse with wings I saw on the quad a couple days ago. It seems like I was put on an alien planet.
I feel lost. Memories of my home and my past come back to me like puzzle pieces. Bits and pieces of the same memory keep coming back, screaming at me to put them together. I've seen flashes of a large creature; a larger than life lion with wings and a scorpion tail. A monster you can only find in fantasy books, like the ones Bianca reads. Other flashes of a man, tall and burly with a gruff beard, haunt my dreams. His screams echo around in my head every moment of the day.
The one vision I can see most clearly is vines quickly crawling up the legs and arms of the unknown creature. Vines quickly take over the creatures body as I hear it begin to bellow out, and that's when it suddenly stops. Every night since I left that godforsaken casino, Ive had this eerie dream. I have no idea what it could mean or if it's even real, but I couldn't stop the constant nervousness I felt. My anxiety was at an all time high with the feeling of somebody watching me nagging me every second of the day.
I take a deep breath as I look into the mirror, my mind racing. I lean on the counter to take in my appearance, God was I a wreck. My blonde hair looked greasy and unkempt, the stress of the past couple weeks taking a toll on my body. My green eyes had deep bags underneath them, the usual luster gone. Now they just looked empty and sad. I sigh as I look away, not able to take in the sight of me right now. It's nothing that a shower won't fix, I decide.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
I could feel the excitement in the air as everyone made their way to the dance. Giddy laughter rose up from the girls who finally got to put on their nice dresses. Dark blue streamers lined the entrance to the gym as throngs of students made their way into the gym. On the inside of the dance, there were lights and lasers pointing every which way.
I smooth out the wrinkles in my flowy dress. It was orange and pink and ended right above my knees, it is some of the only clothes I still have with me from home. I didn't miss the mean remarks made from students about how I looked straight out of Dazed and Confused.
Our new friend, Grover, came with us to the dance as well. He asked if he could tag along with us as he doesn't have many other friends. Grover joined Westover Hall only a week after Bianca, Nico, and I joined. With us being all new, it was only right for us to become friends.
"Woah! Isn't this cool! I've never been to a dance before." Grover exclaims wistfully as we walk into the gym. I giggle as he looks around like a kid in a candy store.
"You've never been to a dance before?" I ask, a teasing lilt to my voice. My eyes scan the room, trying to ease into the overwhelming atmosphere that comes with dances.
"Nope, I've only ever gone to boring schools." I scoff and give him a look.
"Grover, this is the definition of a boring school."
"I don't know. I'd say this is pretty fun." He exclaims as everyone begins to dance along to the music. I roll my eyes at his antics, starting to make my way over to the bleachers. I quickly feel Grover wrap his hands around my wrist and pull me out onto the dance floor.
"Grover!" I exclaim, my eyes wide. "What are you doing? I don't want to dance."
"Come on! Have fun!" He smiles, letting go of my wrist gently. I stand awkwardly in front of him, not knowing what to do. My eyes dart around the gym hoping nobody was looking, until I realized everyone was in their own world enjoying this small night of freedom.
The next thing I know Grover has Bianca and I dancing to songs I've never even heard of. We were talking and dancing as if we were in some movie. Grover excuses himself to go get a drink, leaving Bianca and I alone on the dance floor. We giggle as we spot Nico alone on the bleachers.
"Nico! What are you doing? Shouldn't you be dancing?" I tease him, as we walk up to his spot on the lower level.
"No!" He quickly exclaims, "I hate dancing. I don't even like this mu-"
"Children, would you please come with me. There is something we need to discuss." A gruff voice cuts Nico off, instantly filling my body with chills. Dr Thorn. What could he even want? Isn't this supposed to be our night of fun?
I roll my eyes before reluctantly nodding, he is the vice principal after all. I notice a nervous aura around the man, his eyes glancing around the gym and suddenly stopping to stare at a boy dancing. I look back to Dr. Thorn as he became more noticeably angry. My eyebrows furrow in confusion as he quickly orders us to follow him.
My eyes land on the boy on the dance floor. He seemed to be having fun, I don't know why Dr Thorn seemed to be wary of him. The raven haired boy peered over at me, our eyes quickly meeting. I slow down as his blue eyes seem to put me in a daze, he sends me a sheepish smile before looking away. His eyes seemed to be looking around in panic. Bianca quickly grabs my hand and tows me along behind her and Dr Thorn.
"Rose, come on." Bianca's chides.
We quickly follow Dr Thorn outside, the cold breeze biting at my nose. I wrap my arms around myself as I subconsciously take a step closer to Bianca. The pit of my stomach begins to turn, like something bad was about to happen.
As we make it about a football field away from the edge of the cliff Westover Hall was perched on, my gaze falls onto my shoes. I begin touching the tips of my fingers together, something I do when I'm nervous. Bianca's shriek of horror quickly draws me out of my anxious state.
My eyes go wide as Dr Thorn begins growing bigger and his hands grow into giant paws with claws like knives. His off putting face morphs into a giant lion's head and from his back grows two giant gargoyle-like wings. I let out a guttural scream as I quickly try to get away from the creature, scurrying back in the wet snow.
He lets out a deep, evil laugh. His wings spreading out to his full span, casting a darkness over my friends and I. My breathing becomes quick and shallow as I desperately try to get away from Dr. Thorn. Was he even Dr. Thorn anymore?
I scramble backwards, as my eyes dart around the vast field next to the school. The raven haired boy from the dance comes running around the corner, out into the freezing wind. My eyes grow wide as he uncaps a regular pen and it instantly turns into a long, bronze sword. What the actual fuck was happening?
Why was the monster in my dreams right in front of me? Was it even a dream? I fall to my knees as I turn back around to face the monster. He laughs, an evil grin spreading across his face. His giant maw opens to speak.
“Rose St. Claire, so nice to see you again.”
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
taglist: @cxcilla
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ckret2 · 1 year
Lord Loveless versus the Arrow Ace
A few years ago I contributed a short story to an asexuality zine:
A showdown between a cruel, heartless villain who wants to destroy the world and all that's good in it—Lord Loveless—and a hero—the Arrow Ace—who's been searching for someone else like herself... and is furious that all she's found is him.
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It's a satire/conflicted love letter to cheesy cartoony villains who are "too evil to comprehend good, kindness, and love"—and might be the only approximation of the aro & ace experience a kid sees. ... But it's also as goofy & corny as physically possible. Enjoy.
On one side of the chasm dividing the massive stone cavern: Lord Loveless, tattered cape billowing with magic currents, the naked skull beneath his black crown lit green by the starlike spell floating above.
On the other side: Sapphire, gripping her axes; Blair, maintaining the shimmering spherical shield protecting them both; and a half dozen of Lord Loveless's minions, blocking the exits and surrounding the shield.
"You're too late," Lord Loveless crowed. "Even if you weren't trapped, powerless before my superior forces—"
(Blair gave one of the minions a skeptical look, lurched toward them as though to attack, and smirked when they flinched several steps back.)
"—my spell has progressed too far for any lesser a sorcerer than I to reverse it! You can try to put one of your pretty little shields around it, Claire—"
Lord Loveless waved his magic staff dismissively. "But it will pop like the bubble it is. And then, you're all doomed—along with the rest of the world!" He cackled maniacally.
Sapphire blew a raspberry.
Lord Loveless's laughter cut off. Even without a face to speak of, he managed to give her a peevish look. With a tone of mock indulgence, he said, "I take it you'd like to make your last words?"
"Last words before we reduce you to bone toothpicks?" Sapphire hefted one axe threateningly. "Sure, how about this: why?! Why destroy the world? You don't get power, you don't get riches. When there's nothing left, what's left for you?"
"Oh! Hmm." Lord Loveless settled the butt of his staff on the stone floor and thoughtfully tapped a bony finger on its green orb. Finally, he said, "As a general policy I don't explain my dastardly plans to my enemies, but I suppose there's no risk in explaining my dastardly motives, is there?"
A couple of minions shrugged. One nodded encouragingly.
"Very well! In that case: what I get out of this is..." He paused dramatically. "Absolutely nothing! Haa! I don't do this for a purpose! I'm evil, it's what I do! It's this whole thing!"
"Then don't be evil," Blair said.
Lord Loveless turned to stare at her as if she'd grown a second head. "No," he said. "I'm gonna."
"Well, why?"
"It's in my nature," he said, with a scornful tilt of his head as if to stare down his non-existent nose at the two heroes. "I was born an inherently villainous being. I don't have your natural human instincts, you see. Affection." He scoffed. "Love!" He scoffed harder. "The mere intimate, 'pleasurable' touch of flesh disgusts me. So much so, I got rid of the issue completely!" He brandished one bony arm demonstratively. "So you tell me, heroes—how could a creature who scorns the very touch of his 'fellow' humans be anything but evil—"
One of Lord Loveless's minions cried, "Are you kidding me?!"
While Lord Loveless watched in amazement, the minion tossed off her hood and unclasped her robe, revealing light leather armor that matched Sapphire’s.
Sapphire swore quietly under her breath. Blair groaned.
"Oh, you!" Lord Loveless angrily stamped his staff on the ground; acid green sparks fluttered from the orb. "I knew there was supposed to be a third one of you!" He gestured to his remaining minions. “Get h—!”
Before he could finish the order, Blair burst their protective bubble, knocking one minion to the edge of the chasm and sending another running to the edge to help the fallen one back up; Sapphire knocked one unconscious with the butt of an axe and intimidated another into fleeing; and the new arrival drew a bow and arrow from under her cloak and pointed it at the last remaining minion until they too raised their hands in surrender, backed toward the entrance tunnel, and ran.
Then Sapphire turned toward the team’s third member. “Oriana, what happened to the sneak attack? We had a whole plan...”
"No." Oriana slid the arrow back in its quiver and held up a finger to Sapphire. "No, it's personal now."
Sapphire shrugged helplessly. "All right, okay. Have at him."
Oriana nodded and turned a sharp gaze toward Lord Loveless.
Lord Loveless watched in dismay as the last of his minions fled, then snapped, “Oh, you think you’re gonna get me with that? You’re gonna hit me with an arrow?” He somehow made a raspberry sound without lips. He drew a circle in front of him, briefly illuminating the otherwise-invisible magic shield protecting him from attack.
But instead of drawing another arrow, Oriana planted her hands on her hips, jutted her chin out, and said, “Your motive is stupid.”
Lord Loveless canted his head in disbelief. “Excuse you?”
“I’m the same as you! But I’m over here being a hero! What’s your excuse?"
“What?” Electric purple light briefly flickered on in his black sockets. “No. That can’t be right. You, with the do-gooders? You can’t be the same—”
“Do you hate hugs.”
Lord Loveless hesitated. “Yeah,” he said. “What, that’s—isn’t that an automatic evil trait?”
Oriana furiously gestured at herself. “Apparently not,” she said. “Think kissing is gross?”
“I didn’t get rid of my lips because I thought it’d make using a straw easier!"
Oriana paused. “Kind of extreme reaction, but we’re on the same page. When kids your age started flirting, did you use to, like, pick someone to decide you have a crush on?”
He was silent for a long moment. “Huh.”
“Do you hate it when two characters in a play who obviously hate each other suddenly fall into bed? And we’re just supposed to believe they’ve had invisible sexual tension the whole time and that makes up for the constant fighting?”
“Yes!” Lord Loveless pointed emphatically at her. “Yes! Don’t—why don’t people who actually feel attraction think that’s weird? Do they actually work like that?”
Oriana turned toward Sapphire and Blair for their opinions. They shuffled on their feet self-consciously.
Sapphire said, “It does bug me when the guy’s got no redeeming qualities?”
Blair winced sheepishly. “Honestly, it—depends on how hot the actor and actress are.”
Lord Loveless scoffed.
Oriana went on: “Do you ever wonder why people get, like, depressed if they haven’t had a date in a while?”
“Yeah?!” He flung up a hand in bafflement. “What is with that, don’t they have hobbies?”
She made almost the exact same baffled gesture. “I don’t know! Like, hang out with friends, go fly a kite, something!”
“So!” Lord Loveless drew himself up, hefting his staff into the air once more. “You do understand! You, too, have felt that dark emptiness, that brokenness, that wrathful hatred of all others—”
“No?” Oriana cut in. “Literally never? Ever? None of those things? Buddy, you have problems, okay, and literally none of those problems are connected to not wanting to screw.”
“Oh really!” Lord Loveless rolled his non-existent eyes toward the progressing spell above them. “Because they sure seem connected!”
“Why?” Oriana asked, with enough real curiosity in her tone that Lord Loveless looked back down to study her face. “What, did—did people make you feel like that, like you’re empty or broken or whatever? Or did you decide that all on your own? Because both are sad in wildly different ways. Just—who raised you?”
For a moment, he didn’t respond; long enough that Blair started glancing nervously at the spell above again and Sapphire moved to Oriana’s other side, prepared to flank her if they launched an attack.
But then, finally, in a voice small and awkward and human, he said, “I had this... mentor. For seven years. He was all about the power of love. He was all determined to wake up my capacity for love, and when he didn’t...”
Sapphire and Blair’s faces lit up in surprise at the same time Oriana’s fell.
Suspiciously, Lord Loveless said, “You’ve met.”
Sapphire said, “He told us how to find you.”
Blair added, “It’s how I met them. I’ve been training under him the last three years.”
Lord Loveless grunted. “Have you,” he said spiritlessly. “I thought that bubble of yours was familiar.”
“He taught me everything I know. I love him like a second father.” Blair paused. “But...” She glanced at Oriana.
Oriana had been standing there with her face screwed up in distaste while waiting for the other two to finish. “Yeah, he’s kind of a judgy jerkwad, isn’t he.”
Lord Loveless let his staff settle on the ground again. “No one’s ever called my mentor a jerkwad before,” he said. “I... assumed it was just me.”
“I’m sure he’s a great teacher if you wanna learn how to channel love magic or whatever—but if you tell him you don’t have any?” Oriana laughed bitterly. “Ohh, we didn’t get along.”
Blair half reached for Oriana. “He’s not right about everything. You know I don’t think...”
Oriana nodded quickly. “Yeah. You’re fine. We’re cool.”
Lord Loveless silently regarded the conversation, his shoulders sagging beneath his cloak, as if a heavy weight was beginning to slide off of them. “Well—well. Well... Well, why do you fight for good, then? Without love, why bother?”
Oriana laughed in disbelief. “I don’t have to love people to not want the planet to die, holy crap! You really do sound like his student.”
He visibly winced, the joints between his bones creaking together, like of all the accusations that had been flung at him that one hurt the most.
“I can just like people? And want good things to happen to people I like? And—enjoy the planet in one piece? The power of love isn’t necessary, I’ve gotten by just fine with the power of basic compassion! You don’t need to find a soulmate, or—or—” she attempted a crude pantomime with her hands that made Blair bite her lip in silent laughter and Sapphire quickly look away, “—or mash parts to feel a basic connection to other human beings.”
“But it stops others from feeling a connection to you, doesn’t it?” Lord Loveless demanded—an edge of desperation in his tone. “I recognize the uniforms on you two—Lunar Archers, aren’t you?”
“Yeah?” Oriana said, a tad defensive, but not quite sure where he was aiming yet. “Both of us.” She nudged Sapphire. “We met there.”
“A-ha. I know what the sash missing from your uniform means. I can guess why you”—he tipped his staff toward Sapphire—“aren’t still in the archers’ ranks.” Sapphire hefted her axes in a shrug of acknowledgment. “But why aren’t you, o arrow ace?”
Oriana grimaced in irritation. “Okay. Right. Yeah, okay, I signed up because their target audience is all, ‘women who cast aside the duties of marriage to men and take up the mantle of chastity,’ and I was like, ‘hey, my people,’ and then it turned out that was a two-hundred-year-old euphemism for ‘we’re a bunch of lesbians and this is the easiest way to explain that when nobody's talking about that yet.’ So, y’know...” She jerked one shoulder self-consciously. “Didn’t fit in.”
Victorious, Lord Loveless crowed, “So they cast you out!”
“What? No. Phire and I left voluntarily. We’re still both in good standing with the Archers. We’re welcome at the camps. We hang out with them on holidays. They still let me use their magic bows and arrows and everything.” She drew an arrow out of her quiver and pointed at the tip, faintly sparkling yellowish-white. “Check it out. Lightning.”
Lord Loveless took a moment to process that. “They didn’t turn their backs on you,” he said. “Why didn’t they turn their backs on you? What did you do?"
“I—acted like a decent person? And I didn’t peel the skin off my face? And they didn’t turn their backs on me because they’re not jerks—unlike whoever you’ve been hanging out with, you misanthrope! Make some better friends!”
“I don’t believe that,” he snarled. “Nobody would treat you any better than I was treated. Nobody.”
The irritation on Oriana’s face deepened to rage. She shot a quick glance over toward Sapphire—just the nearest of her friends that Lord Loveless was slandering.
“If it was really so fantastic, you wouldn’t have left. There’s not a chance. I wouldn’t have left! So why would you—”
Furiously, Oriana shouted, “I left to find you!”
"I went looking for people like me! They were fine, but I wanted to find somebody I could relate to! But all this time I've been looking, there's just—just you!" Oriana gestured furiously toward Lord Loveless. "Is that it?! Are you the best I'll ever find? Is the only one who can understand me—this? You aren't even human anymore!"
Lord Loveless fell silent as an arrow sailed by him—far enough not to bounce off his protective wards, near enough to catch his attention. It clattered on the cavern wall with a burst of sparks and a tiny thunderclap. “I deserve better,” Oriana snarled, voice trembling with fury, aiming another arrow at him. “I deserve better than for you to be the only thing I have to look up to! I deserve better than a villain and a monster!”
Lord Loveless’s jaw opened, then clacked shut without his finding anything to say. Blair put a hand on Oriana’s shoulder, whispered something to her; Oriana nodded jerkily, put the arrow away, and slung her bow back over her shoulder; Sapphire lightly punched Oriana’s upper arm and Oriana punched hers back.
“You’re lonely,” Lord Loveless said. Oriana flinched. “Even flanked by your so-called friends, you’re alone.”
“Not ‘so-called,’” Oriana said firmly. “They mean the world to me! We’d do anything for each other! But...”
A world of things Blair and Sapphire would never quite understand hung in the air after that “but.”
Lord Loveless didn’t press. He just nodded understandingly, once more the master of this cavern. "We truly are alike," he murmured. "Probably more alike than even you think." It wasn't a gloat, wasn't a taunt, not like it should have been; his supernaturally strident voice was unusually compassionate. "We're the same, you and I. We shouldn't be enemies. You could have easily ended up like me. You still could. It's not too late for you to join me—"
"No," Oriana snapped. She stomped to the edge of the chasm separating her team from Lord Loveless and held out a hand across it. "You join us."
Sapphire and Blair gaped at her. Lord Loveless reeled back, an offended hand splayed across his ribs. "I beg your pardon?"
She continued stubbornly extending her hand. "I was never going to end up like you. Who does that, who goes ‘oh, I don’t wanna bone the other gross snotty kids in my town, guess I’d better murder people over it’? Nobody does that. You should have ended up like me. So turn that thing off and come on."
"But..." Lord Loveless looked at her, then at the giant green world-ending spell floating over the chasm between them. Then, finally, shoulders sagging, he waved his staff. The light above dissipated, sucked back into the orb. The only light illuminating the cavern was the orb and a flickering blue and pink flame Blair hastily summoned up.
"Hell," Lord Loveless grumbled. He almost absent-mindedly summoned up a pathway of floating stones and trudged across the chasm.  "I don't know what I would've done with myself after ending reality as we know it anyway. But if this is horrible, I'm gonna destroy the world later."
The trio of heroes stepped back from the edge to give him room to stand in front of them. They glared up at him warily. He glared down at them imperiously.
Then Blair wordlessly pointed at his staff.
“Excuse me?”
“You don’t get to keep that,” Blair said. “You destroy things with it.”
“You people go around taking on baddies, don’t you? What if we’re attacked, surely you don’t plan to leave me defenseless.”
“I know you can do enough magic to defend yourself without the orb. Hand it over.”
Lord Loveless sighed noisily, but held it out to Oriana. “I don’t trust you with it,” he muttered to Blair. “You could do stuff with it.”
Blair shrugged. Oriana took the staff.
Sapphire wordlessly pointed at his crown.
“What? No! This is mine.” He clamped a bony hand on the crown. “It’s not even magic, it just looks cool! I’m keeping it.”
Sapphire clicked her tongue in disappointment.
Together, they headed up the tunnel out of the cavern and toward the sunlight.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Cannot get over how those unhinged nerds look at the disaster-that-is-Castiel and they're like, "Yeah. That's who I want to be the father to the little creature I'm raising."
DEAN: "Please, man. I need you here. / Just get here please."
KELLY: "I know now. It's you, Castiel."
Trucker lady watches Cas interact with her daughter and tells Hannah the equivalent of, "Yup. Too bad. I'd snap him up in a heartbeart. Oh, yessss. Me likey."
Dagon tries to be a dad with the whole, "But I can protect you. I can protect your son," and then Kelly turns around and picks the dude who was trying and failing to shoot her. Shoutout to the Djinn queen who watched Cas slaughter a buttload of her kin and was like, "Yeah, I want that one."
Rowena's precious Oskar was ripped from her mind by Cas, and half a season later, she's salivating over him anyway, like he's the handsome tweetie pie who can protect her a la Bernard. (Girl, whuuuut?) I mean, part of it is that Rowena witnesses Cas protecting the Winchesters, and she wants that security for herself. (But also. Girl, whuuuut?)
Dude gets Claire's dad killed, and half a decade later, she's kicking her little feetsies up on her bed as she squishes the stuffed animal Cas gifted her to her chest.
Anyway, Dean is desperately collecting wayward orphans like he's permanently inflicted with baby fever, but Cas has people falling all over themselves to give him their kids even when he doesn't initially want them to.
"Castiel, angel of the Lord, I have chosen you to be my baby-daddy."
CAS: Me? That's-- I am not someone that you should put your faith in.
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smol-guppy-wuppy · 7 months
Something that I've had in the works! My resident evil fantasy au is finally here!!! Now I need y'all to know I don't have everything entirely figured out, but I wanted to share what I had so far. The idea mainly came to be because I wanted a knight version of my resident evil oc, Quinn. And I just decided to add to that by making Leon a prince and here we are lol. I do think I'll have Chris and Claire as some kind of royalty along with Leon (not totally sure yet), but a lot of the other characters are undecided. Do feel free to leave suggestions if you'd like!
Down below after the references I've drawn is what I've written about how Quinn and Leon meet! I plan on writing more scenarios with how their relationship progresses (as this is the main point of this au) but if I get ideas for other characters I'll probably write those too!! I have more of a rambling bit of writing about Quinn and how they become a knight so if anyone shows interest in this as a whole I'll consider posting it.
Anyways I hope anyone reading enjoys this silly little thing of mine :)
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Leon's breath hitched as he just barely dodged the claws of the unruly beast before him. “Shit—” He choked out.
He had certainly bitten off more than he could chew when he decided to go on this little adventure of his. Running away to free himself from the solitude of the castle seemed like a good idea at the time. Now? He wasn't so sure. He thought he'd be okay if he brought a sword with him, but his knowledge of how to properly wield one only went so far.
Before he could dwell on the situation anymore, another swipe at him caused him to stumble back with a yelp. He haphazardly swung his sword in an attempt to ward the creature off, though it didn't seem like the thing was going to give up anytime soon. Poor Leon was having trouble finding any sort of opening to escape as he was backed towards a large tree. A low growl escaped the creature as it prepared to lunge toward him, but before it could pounce, an abrupt roar made it lurch back in surprise.
The sound made Leon's stomach drop while his eyes darted to the direction from which the noise came. “What now—” He murmured to himself, his anxiety skyrocketing at that moment as his grip on his weapon tightened.
Another beast emerged from the brush and posted itself in front of Leon with a snarl. An armored figure hopped off of the beast and stood before the monster Leon was originally faced with. A knight? Leon thanked the gods for their arrival.
The figure quickly raised a sword towards the beast, and the creature bared its teeth at them, seemingly ready to pounce.
With a low rumble, the beast barreled towards the figure, to which they parried back with their shield. With the opening available, they struck the creature, causing it to yowl in pain. The pain only seemed to anger it, and it lunged to attack the figure once more. The knight continued to dodge and parry the beast, slashing at it when given the opportunity. Their companion that they rode in on stood by Leon, seeming to protect him as its owner fought the beast.
Leon merely watched in awe as the figure easily went against the creature that was much larger than themselves. The flow of their movements was so elegant and graceful, almost like a dance that Leon couldn't help but be enchanted by.
Soon enough, with one final blow, the beast was slain, disappearing in a puff of smoke. The figure let out a low exhale before sheathing their sword and turning to face Leon. He looked at them, his eyes growing wide upon noticing how pretty they were. They gave him a pointed look, not seeming to realize just how hard he was staring at them. He was still in silent awe, and a small scoff escaped them as they placed a hand on their hip. “What the hell was that?” They huffed out.
Leon didn't quite comprehend what was said, which caused them to wave a hand in front of his face. “Hello, earth to prince?”
Those words seemed to bring him back to reality as he sputtered out a quick apology. The knight rolled their eyes and let out a small sigh. “Do you think you can answer my question now? What the hell was that?”
Leon gave them a look of surprise and tilted his head. “I'm— I'm sorry? What do you mean?” He asked, looking akin to a confused puppy.
Another sigh came from the knight as they shook their head and pointed to his sword. “That. I was observing a bit before jumping in, and well— I'd assume you'd bring a weapon knowing how to use it, but from what I watched, that's certainly not the case,” They said with a look of clear judgment.
The prince stammered for a moment, having been caught off guard by their observation. “I— I know how to use it!” He tried to defend himself.
Yet the knight saw right through him and couldn't help but chuckle. “Yeah? Why don't you show me then? Spar me,” They commanded.
Leon looked at them incredulously. What was this knight's deal? He wasn't sure, but he gave a firm shake of his head. “What? I'm not going to spar you!”
His response made the knight roll their eyes. They gestured him forward with a wave of their hand. “Just draw your sword and humor me. What do you have to lose?”
My dignity, Leon thought with a frown. They didn't seem like they were going to back down, so with a low huff, the prince drew his sword. This made the knight grin. Their eyes scanned his form and they couldn't help but let out a light chuckle.
They pointed to the grip he had on the sword. “For starters, you're not holding it right. If you hold it that way, you're more likely to hurt yourself. Here, let me show you how you should be doing it.” With that, they unsheathed their own sword, demonstrating how he should hold both the weapon and himself. Once they looked at him expectantly, Leon hesitantly fixed his stance and waited for further instructions.
The knight gave a nod of their head. “Good. Now show me how you’d go in for an attack.”
The prince took a quick breath before he lunged towards them, to which they easily sidestepped and evaded him. “Too slow,” They commented.
Leon let out a huff before reevaluating and moving in to attack once more. The knight chuckled and blocked the blow with their weapon. This little dance didn't last long before a particular attack had the knight grinning.
“A little too fast there. You're unbalanced. Which means—” They swept his feet with their own, instantly knocking him down on his rear. This left them the opportunity to get a hold of his weapon, which ended up pointed at his face as the knight looked down at him.
Leon looked up at them, almost pouting. “That wasn't fair!”
They merely rolled their eyes and helped him back up, handing him his sword. “This isn't about fairness. It's about survival. Monsters like what you faced today? They don't do fair. And what you just further proved to me is that you truly do not know how to survive on your own. If I hadn't been here today, you could have very well died. You need to realize that and not try to pull a stunt like this ever again.”
The prince let out a huff and crossed his arms. “Who are you to tell me such things? I don't even know your name.”
The knight ignored his words for the moment and gestured to their furry companion, who had been patiently watching the two up until now. The creature approached the two with a low rumble, something akin to a purr.
Leon couldn't help but back up slightly, feeling unsure of the beast. The knight noticed this and chuckled. “Well, I'm Xir Oberlin, but just address me as Quinn. And while you didn't ask, this creature that you know as a mewnick is my partner, Moo. Now that we have that out of the way, come. I need to get you back to the castle.” They patted the saddle that sat on their companion. “You do know how to ride a horse, don't you? Because this is practically the same thing.” They jabbed at him, lightly teasing his inexperience in wielding weapons in relation to his other abilities.
A small scoff left Leon, and he crossed his arms. “Of course I do! How do you think I got all the way out here? My horse just got spooked once the monsters showed up. But listen, I don't want to go back. Can't you just, I don't know—hide me or something?”
The knight couldn't help but snort at his words. “Oh, absolutely not. I have a job to do, and that job is to bring you back home safely. Now come along; the king and queen have been worried sick about you.”
The prince stood his ground with a firm “no,” not budging.
This made Quinn sigh and turn to him, their hands on their hips. “If you don't come willingly, I'll have Moo here carry you by the scruff like a kitten,” They threatened.
Leon merely remained planted in place, which made them gesture Moo to him. The mewnick immediately understood and drew closer to Leon. The prince stumbled back, but before he could act, the creature grabbed onto him, practically dragging him in the process. A yelp escaped him as he squirmed in Moo’s grasp. “Okay, okay! I'll go, just call your little partner off!”
Quinn grinned triumphantly and gave a sharp whistle, signaling for Moo to set the prince down.
Once he was set down, Leon grumbled and brushed himself off. The knight hopped onto Moo and patted the space behind them. “Well, come on then! It's time for you to go home.”
With a drawn-out sigh, Leon begrudgingly followed after them. He hesitated a moment when it came to climbing up onto Moo, but with the knight's reassurance, he did so easily.
Once Leon was settled in, Quinn gave Moo a gentle nudge to get him trekking along.
The ride was quiet, and the two were lost in their own worlds as they trudged along in silence. Leon’s gaze was focused on the scenery before him, but he soon found his eyes drifting over to the knight that sat in front of him. His thoughts trailed over to their “sparring match," if he could even call it that. He had learned only a few things from his friend, Chris. It was the reason he had a sword to begin with. Although it had been a long time since Leon had seen him, which explained why his skills were lacking. With this in mind, the prince had an idea.
“Could you teach me how to wield a sword? You know, properly?” He asked, breaking the silence.
Quinn kept their eyes ahead of them, but raised a questioning eyebrow. “What? Apologies, but I don't have the time for such things. I was assigned to find you and bring you home, that's it. I'm a very busy knight, otherwise.”
Leon was about to open his mouth in protest, but the knight sensed he’d try to argue, so they were quick to shut him down. “The answer is no, your highness. No ifs, ands, or buts about it,” They stated plainly.
The prince let out an exaggerated sigh before leaning closer towards them. “Come on, it wouldn’t take long! I promise I’m a fast learner!"
Quinn merely rolled their eyes. “The answer is still no. Heaven forbid me being responsible for you running away again if I teach you how to defend yourself,” They huffed out.
This made Leon frown. Of course they had immediately catch onto him. Though, maybe he could convince them otherwise?
“What if—”
“At least let me—”
“Come on, please—”
"Oh, look we're here! C’mon, Moo.” They urged the creature to move faster, which made Leon almost fall backwards.
With a small yelp, he lurched forward, his arms wrapping around Quinn in hopes of steadying himself.
It only took a few moments before the two were faced with the castle gates. Quinn quickly patted one of Leon’s hands with a small huff. “You can let go now.”
Upon realizing they had stopped, the prince sputtered out an apology before releasing them from his grasp. The both of them dismounted Moo, and Quinn petted his head before they waved Leon forward. “Come along; I was told to escort you directly to your parents.”
The prince couldn't help but sigh at their words, but made no protest. He silently followed Quinn into the castle, encountering much of the staff praising and thanking them for bringing their prince back. Their words made Leon roll his eyes internally, but outside he offered the simplest of smiles.
It wasn't long before he and the knight arrived at the throne room. Before Quinn could even say a word about their arrival, the queen noticed the two and rushed over to embrace her son.
“Leon, thank goodness you're alright!”
The prince was surprised by her quick actions and was stiff for a moment before he hesitantly returned her affections. Even while tightly embracing her son, the queen couldn't help but look at the knight who brought him back home. “Thank you so very much, Xir Oberlin, for bringing our son home.”
Quinn gave a bow in acknowledgement. “It was my pleasure, your majesty. I'm happy to have helped. Now if it's alright, I'll see myself out.”
“No, no, do stay,” Came the voice of the king.
Quinn remained. Although confused, they complied without question.
When Leon’s mother released him, his eyes drifted over to his father, who looked less than pleased with him. The king stood, arms crossed, as his gaze moved from the knight back to his son. “Leon, are you aware of just how worried we were? To find out you ran away without a single thought as to what could happen to you?”
“Father, I—”
The king brought a hand up to silence him. “I don't want to hear any sort of excuses from you. You've already caused enough trouble with your antics lately, but this? This is not something that is to be taken lightly.”
He then gestured for his wife to come stand by his side once more. The queen silently complied, and he gently grabbed her hand as they both looked at their son.
“Which is why your mother and I have decided that it would be best to have someone watching over you at all times, so you don't ever think of doing something like this again. Someone who will keep you in check at every given moment.”
The king’s eyes shifted over to the knight, who had been silent the whole time. “We'd like for that person to be you, Xir Oberlin.”
“What?” Both Leon and Quinn uttered at the same time. Expressions of shock fell upon their faces as they were given this news.
The queen gave a nod of her head. “That's right... You, Xir Oberlin, are the best of the best. You've done so much for our kingdom already, I know, but we wouldn't feel comfortable trusting anyone else with such a task. I understand we are asking a lot of you, but we do hope that you accept.”
Leon looked at his parents incredulously. “And if I don't accept? I don't want anyone following me around like I am some child that needs taking care of!” He argued.
The king merely scoffed at his words. “You should know better than to think you have a choice in the matter.”
Quinn's gaze moved back and forth between the two. The last thing they wanted was to be stuck in the middle of family affairs they had no business being a part of, but at the same time they knew this was all because the king and queen truly were worried for their son. And the knight was all too familiar with the worries of a parent.
With a deep breath, they made up their mind. Their eyes shifted towards the prince, who was clearly unhappy with the situation. “I understand your frustration with this, your majesty, but your parents merely wish to ensure your safety. Who am I to deny them such security?”
Leon’s widened as Quinn’s attention refocused on the king and queen. “I accept this responsibility wholeheartedly,” They said with a bow.
The queen was the one to speak up, her face glowing with appreciation. “Thank you, Xir Oberlin. Your efforts will certainly not go unrewarded. You're to be given a room here in the castle, and your comfort will be ensured. Any assistance you may need settling in shall be provided. The process will start first thing in the morning, if that's alright with you.”
Quinn gave a firm nod of their head. “Yes, of course. Thank you for entrusting me with such an important task.”
“Thank you for accepting, Xir Oberlin. You are now dismissed. Rest well tonight,” The king replied, clearly grateful.
The knight offered another small bow and smile before turning to leave. Leon, who had been silent since Quinn's acceptance, watched them leave with an unreadable expression. Part of him was upset with the outcome, but at the same time, he was thankful in a sense. He could tell Quinn accepted because they truly did care, not for the monetary benefits or accommodations, but for the feelings his parents had over his safety.
There was something truly admirable about the way they carried themselves, and Leon couldn't help but be drawn to that in some way.
Despite not liking the idea of having to be babysat, perhaps having them around wouldn't be so bad.
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anyablackwood · 12 days
Most Likely Tag
Thanks for the tag, @pandoras-comment-box!
Who's most likely to adopt a racoon/crow/skunk/fox/miscellaneous local wildlife for a pet? (Please tell the class how badly it would go. Please!)
Megumi would be the most likely SUCCESSFUL adopter, seeing as she can speak to animals and spends a lot of her free time with them anyway. But that's no fun, so Claire or Sora would probably be the next runners-up, with Claire's being the most disastrous.
Claire would be found in her room, fist-fighting a raccoon she tried to sneak into the cabin at 3 am. They'd become mortal enemies, and the raccoon would spend its time menacing her despite also refusing to leave (magic probably doesn't work on raccoons).
A total wildcard would be Adrasteia. If certain conditions are met, I'd imagine she'd find herself enchanted by an ugly, evil little possum or mole rat or something, and she'd immediately decide it's hers. The whole palace would be forced to deal with an aggressive little demon creature in a pink sweater, because if anything happened to it their heads would be next.
Most likely to verbally eviscerate someone for something petty.
Iris or Adrasteia. It's a toss-up between that and them just stabbing you, though.
Most likely to go viral unintentionally.
Luna or Claire, if they had internet in their world. For OCs in a world WITH social media, I don't know, lol. A lot of my characters are walking disasters, so any of them could easily do something that ends up being caught on camera and uploaded. Luna and Claire are expressly from a comedy though, so they're at the top of the list.
If I had to go with anyone, I guess Sora? She's the most openly impulsive/accidentally destructive, so I could imagine that would be worth putting on TikTok or something, lol.
This was fun! Here are mine for you!
Most likely to crash a car
Most likely to get caught in a "this isn't what it looks like!" situation
Most likely to become a fashion icon
Gently tagging: @mysticstarlightduck, @owlsandwich, @dragonfelling, and anyone else who wants in!
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fanficshiddles · 10 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 7
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Claire didn’t hesitate stepping inside Loki’s home, a wall of warmth hit her as soon as she stepped in.
‘Ahhh.’ She groaned in relief.
She slipped her scarf and jacket off, Loki took them from her and hung them up by the door, he then motioned to the door just off to the left. ‘Go on through, get cosy. I’ll see what I can find in the way of dry trousers for you.’
‘Thanks, Loki.’ Claire headed straight through into the living room, where it was even warmer.
The fireplace was the main focal point of the room, the fire blazed away with large flames. He had a long and tall bookcase off to the side behind a large black velvet sofa, a wooden coffee table in the centre of the room with a large stereo system off to the other side and a TV hung on the wall above the fireplace.
Claire made a beeline straight for the fire and crouched down on front of it to try and dry her legs off. A mere moment later, something black dashed from the corner of the room to behind the sofa, for a split second she panicked, wondering what the hell it could be as her heart started beating faster. Then she heard a welcoming little meow, and the black creature she’d seen jumped up onto the back of the sofa.
The cutest black cat Claire had ever seen.
‘Oh, hello there. Aren’t you a cutie?’ She got down on her knees and rubbed her fingers together. ‘Pspspspsps.’
The cat jumped down off the sofa and headed straight for Claire, purring away before it even reached her. Claire began stroking the cat and it continued purring as it rubbed against her, loving the attention. Its fur felt super soft and silky, clearly a very well cared for cat.
‘You are just the cutest! Loki never said anything about having a pet.’ Claire said softly.
‘Ah, I see you’ve met the boss of the house.’ Loki chuckled as he walked into the room.
‘She’s adorable!’ Claire cooed.
‘How do you know she’s a she?’ Loki queried as he walked over towards them.
‘Well, if she’s the boss of the house then of course she’s a female.’ Claire grinned at him.
Loki threw his head back with laughter. ‘Touche. Her name is, Bat.’
‘Bat? I love that.’ Claire laughed.
As soon as Loki came close enough, Bat rushed over to him and jumped straight up his side, using his clothes to clamber right up onto his shoulder. She started rubbing against his cheek while continuously purring.
‘She is the most adorable cat I’ve ever met. So friendly.’ Claire couldn’t stop smiling as she stood up.
‘She is a wonderful companion.’ Loki said fondly as he scratched under Bat’s chin. ‘Here, try these on. They were my mother’s... They might be a little large, but they will fit better than mine would.’ Loki handed Claire a pair of black trousers.
‘Thanks… You’ve never spoken about your mum. If you don’t mind me asking, is she still around?’ Claire asked softly.
Loki sat down on the sofa and Bat instantly made herself comfortable on his lap, still purring away.
‘I don’t mind at all. My mum was a wonderful woman, she passed away some years ago. Her name is Freya. That’s a picture of her over there.’ Loki pointed to a photo in a frame on the wall next to the book case.
Claire went to take a closer look. It was a picture of Loki with Lucius and Freya. The three of them were smiling on a beach.
‘She’s so pretty.’ Claire smiled and turned back to face him.
‘She was a nurse, I think that played a big part in why my dad set up the hospital. She always did her best to help people, no matter their background. I am yet to meet someone with a kinder heart than hers.’ Loki spoke so fondly about her.
‘She sounds like a brilliant person.’
‘She most certainly was.’ Loki smiled. ‘Now, you best get out of those wet trousers. The bathroom is just at the bottom of the corridor.’
‘Oh, right. Yes!’ Claire rushed out of the room and down to said bathroom. She couldn’t believe that even the bathroom looked nice, pretty modern and had a waterfall shower. Claire didn’t spend too long there as it wasn’t as warm as the living room, but she was just glad to get into dry trousers. They were a tiny bit too big, though comfortable enough.
When Claire went back to the living room, Bat still lay on Loki’s lap.
‘Does she ever stop purring?’ Claire laughed.
‘She stops when she falls asleep. Sounds a bit like she’s on a motorbike, doesn’t she?’ He smirked.
‘It really does.’ Claire agreed.
‘I would offer you a drink, but I dare not disturb her highness.’
‘That’s ok, I’ve taken up too much of your free time as it is.’ Claire dismissed.
‘Not at all, Claire. I enjoy spending time with you.’ Loki admitted. ‘Please, sit down.’
Claire’s stomach did an excited little flip as she took a seat next to him on the sofa. As soon as her bum hit the sofa, Bat made a chirping noise and leapt over onto Claire’s lap instead.
‘Traitor.’ Loki hissed.
‘She’s got good taste.’ Claire laughed as she took over petting her. ‘Plus, it means you can get me that drink you mentioned.’
Loki smirked. ‘That’s true.’ He hopped up from the sofa and disappeared through to the kitchen. Once there, he took a moment to himself to control all of his emotions. Having her in his den so to say, was driving him nuts.
He applied plenty of vaseline before pouring them both a drink and returning back to the living room. Bat had fallen asleep, so was as quiet as a mouse.
‘I’m scared to move an inch in-case I disturb her.’ Claire whispered.
Loki chuckled softly as he carefully sat down next to her and passed one of the drinks to her. ‘Like I said, she rules the place, and unfortunately she thinks she owns you now too, so you’re one of her bitches.’
Claire burst out laughing, then quickly covered her mouth to not make too much of a noise. ‘She’s a typical demanding cat, then?’
‘Of course. Yelling at four in the morning because she thinks her bowl of dry food is empty, but there’s still plenty in there, she just happens to eat in a way that causes a tiny bit of the bottom of the bowl to become visible.’
Claire gasped mockingly. ‘You dare let her bowl get that empty? That's just cruelty, I'm surprised she hasn't called cat-line!'
‘Hey, don’t you start.’ Loki laughed. ‘She gets the most expensive wet food twice a day too, because she’s far too fussy with anything cheaper.’
‘She sounds like such a diva.’ Claire smiled as she sipped her drink, she couldn’t take her eyes off the beautiful sleeping cat on her lap. There was something so calming and peaceful about a cat choosing to sleep on you, a trust like nothing else.
‘Are you feeling better now?’ Loki asked.
‘Yeah, thank you. It would’ve taken ages to heat up at my place as I don’t have a fire.’ Claire smiled at him.
‘See, it was a good idea coming here first.’ Loki winked at her. ‘And how are you feeling about the river? Are you still disappointed?’
Claire looked down at Bat again and shrugged. ‘A little… though meeting Bat has certainly made up for it.’ She grinned. ‘I don’t know why I felt really down about it, though. I guess I’ve always just been so fascinated about the idea of vampires being real, something exciting in an otherwise boring and dull existence.’
‘Hey, not anymore. It’s only week one you’ve been working at the school, shit can get crazy here, believe me. It’s far from boring.’
‘Yeah, I can tell. It’s been a good week, and I enjoyed the night out last night. There is something I wanted to ask you, actually…’
‘Fire away.’ Loki smiled.
‘There seemed to be a lot of tension between you and Chris, I’ve noticed. What’s going on there? You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to, just tell me to piss off and I will. I’m just curious.’ Claire really hoped she wasn’t over-stepping the line.
Loki tensed up a bit, but he seemed happy to answer. To an extent, anyway.
‘Chris is…’
Bat suddenly woke up and she jumped back over onto Loki’s lap, she started purring again but instead of curling up to sleep she put her front paws up onto his chest and began kneading at him, her face right in his face.
‘Bat… really?’ He huffed a laughed.
Claire giggled at the way Bat acted, far too cute. Claire loved how Loki reacted with her, too. He really seemed to adore Bat, which was really telling of a person, how they were with animals. Especially cats. It made her heart melt, watching them both.
‘She does this often, seems to do it when I’m a little on edge. Such as talking about Chris. She’s very in tune with my emotions.’ Loki said affectionately as he stroked her.
‘Anyway. Now I have my little therapist looking after me… Chris can be difficult. He has views on… various things, that we don’t see eye to eye with at all.’
‘Like what?’ Claire asked curiously.
‘Well… he’s not very lenient at all with the students, we have very different ways of teaching and disciplining them. And we have a lot of history, lots of family issues.’
‘Family issues?’ Claire frowned.
Loki rubbed the back of his head. ‘Chris is my brother.’
Claire’s mouth fell open, her brain seemed to short circuit for a moment, before she found herself just staring at Loki looking rather dumbfounded.
‘Sorry… I wasn’t expecting that. I guess it makes sense though, brothers can be annoying.’ She shrugged.
‘We don’t have a relationship like your average family, at all. I don’t class him as family, it’s just unfortunate I’ve got his blood in my veins.’ Loki growled lowly. ‘I hate him, he hates me. I like to just, stay out of his way as much as I can.’
Claire felt a little sad upon hearing that. She realised there must be a lot more to it than Loki let on, but she didn’t want to pressure him.
‘Well… if it’s any consolation, I get a weird vibe around him. I’m not sure what, just the kind of feeling where I don’t think I’d like to meet him down a dark alley type of feeling.’ She laughed a little. ‘With you, however, I feel super safe.’ She smiled.
Loki couldn’t stop the biggest, goofiest grin forming on his face. His heart fluttered upon hearing that she felt safe with him.
Bat had settled down again on Loki’s lap, her purring slowly eased away as she fell asleep.
��Well, I better get back home. Thank you for the drink and the trousers, Loki. I’ll get them back to you on Monday.’ Claire said after noticing the time.
‘You’re welcome. I’ll walk you home, give me a second.’ He almost moved Bat, though Claire quickly stopped him.
‘No, no. I’ll be fine, honestly. Don’t disturb her.’
Loki raised an eyebrow. ‘Are you sure?’
Though the decision was taken away as Bat woke up suddenly, she meowed up at Claire then jumped off Loki’s lap and onto the sofa where Claire had been sitting, she curled up there instead and closed her eyes.
Loki and Claire just stared at her, Bat opened one eye and seemed to peep at Loki then at Claire before closing her eye again.
Loki shook his head in disbelief while Claire laughed.
‘I’ll walk you home.’ Loki confirmed as he got up to his feet and they walked through to the front door.
He pulled on his jacket then held Claire’s out for her, once her arms were slipped through the sleeves, Loki let his hands linger for a moment longer than necessary on her shoulders. She zipped up her jacket and out into the cold night they stepped.
‘Oh god, it’s even colder now.’ Claire whined as she pulled her jacket tighter around her.
‘I can’t carry the fire with me, unfortunately.’ Loki chuckled.
‘Damn. And here I was thinking you were a wizard and could do that sort of thing.’ Claire teased and nudged him playfully, she didn’t distance herself from him after doing so. Their arms kept brushing now and then as they walked to Claire’s.
When they arrived at Claire’s building, Loki walked her right up to the door to make sure she got in safely.
‘Thank you for being chaperone tonight.’ She smiled up at him, trying not to think about how arousing it was how he towered over her, and how protective he’d been tonight… Her knees were feeling weak, but she tried to focus on the fact he was her boss.
‘Anytime, darling.’ He purred with a dazzling smile, that certainly didn’t help her inner thoughts.
For a moment, Loki seemed to lean down ever so slightly, he glanced from her eyes to her lips and then back again, it happened so fast that Claire wasn’t sure if she had just imagined it or not.
Loki stood up straighter and cleared his throat. ‘I’ll see you on Monday, Claire… Have a good weekend. Try not to get up to more mischief between now and then, I’m limited on trousers to give you.’ He teased as he began walking backwards down the path.
Claire laughed. ‘I’ll try not to, but no promises.’ She called to him before she slipped inside the building.
Loki couldn’t stop smiling as he walked down the path and headed along the pavement, though he stopped walking when he spotted a cloaked figure stood just a few metres ahead of him, staring at him. Loki abruptly turned across the street, but he heard footsteps following.
‘Nice to see you two bonding out of hours, brother.’
‘Fuck off, Chris.’ Loki snarled at him, his eyes blazed red for a moment as he spun around to glare at Chris.
Chris just smirked in response as Loki turned into a bat and took off away from him.
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fadedsweater · 2 months
9 People You Want To Know Better Tag
Thank you @broodwolf221 and @pickelda for the tag! 💛
I'll tag (with no pressure of course, and apologies if you've been tagged a bunch already 💛) @queenaeducan | @mel-0n-earth | @willeminaaa | @inquisimer | @dragon--sage
@teamdilf | @willeminaaa | @crackinglamb | @dreadfutures
Three ships: Solavellan (obviously lmao), Solas x Cassandra, and Astarion x the Dark Urge
First ship: like...ever? Probably Anakin x Padme 😂 Anakin was my blorbo when I was a small child and I loved an angsty ship even then, what can I say 😂
Last song:
Last movie: Drive Away Dolls! It was fun and weird and the central romance was surprisingly very sweet! It was also a nice 1 hr 20 minutes, which I love to see because I simply don't have the patience for most 2 hour + movies
Currently reading: I am always reading like a bunch of books at once and sometimes the books I'm reading go on temporary hibernation while I get distracted. Currently, I'm *actively* reading:
The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman - My first time reading this trilogy and it totally lives up to the hype and adoration, I'm having so much fun (in part because I've somehow managed to avoid big spoilers over all these years? Somehow?)
Monstrous Heart by Claire McKenna - I'm listening to the audio-book, which I stumbled upon while looking for historical whaling books on the libby app. This one is a little hidden gem, a fantasy romance featuring a lighthouse keeper and blood magic and fantasy Loch Ness Monster-style sea creatures. I'd actually recommend this to some of my fellow dragon age fans (do check out the content warnings though!) It's a slow burn for sure but the worldbuilding and atmosphere are very cool (and a liiiitle silly in places but I can forgive it)
Currently watching: honestly I'm not much of a TV watcher 🙈 I will sometimes watch shows but usually just for short stints at a time. I'm much more likely to just watch YouTube or play video games. Since I'm in a knitting kick right now, I've been blasting through Mel Makes Stuff's videos -- they're very relaxing and informative and as a very new knitter I like seeing how experienced knitters approach different projects.
Currently eating: my go-to comfort meal for when I'm not feeling the best or just feeling a bit lazy, which is...plain egg noodles with a bunch of butter and some seasoning. It's kind of bland and I promise I usually eat much better (and more flavorful) food, but sometimes I just crave some plain noodles, what can I say
Currently craving: some good spicy fried chicken, or just some tasty kinda greasy bar food. maybe some wings, idk
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liminal-zone · 9 months
fanfic round up 2023
(2021, 2022)
Crave (LOTR | haladriel | tentacles and rings of power | rated E)
somewhere in the haze (LOTR | Celeborn/Sauron | mutual stockholm syndrome | rated M)
taking me with your song (The Little Mermaid (2023) | Ariel/Eric, Ariel/Ursula | tentacles and possession and mindfuckery | rated E)
can't escape the ghost of you (The 100 | clexa, clarke/the judge | being fucked by the divine wearing the face of your dead lover is better than therapy | rated M)
Eating fire (SPN | Claire Novak | the girl who was castiel grieves for her fathers | rated T)
Bound (SPN | megstiel | a demon and her angel | rated NR)
uncharted territory (Supergirl | supercorp | the dangers of being hated by a luthor | rated M) (technically, just chapter 4 counts for 2023)
nothing can go wrong when you're in love (Nimona (2023) | Nimona/Gloreth | when your boss’ boyfriend looks like your ex, ugh! | rated Gen)
through a father’s eyes (Narnia | King Lune | dads gotta dad | rated Gen)
atomic blonde (Narnia, LOTR | Susan/Eowyn | it’s not the first time a power beyond understanding ripped Susan away from her home to fight in another world’s war | rated M)
Beware how you give your heart (LOTR | haladriel | a fourth age haunting | rated M) (a wip!!)
a little touch in the night (LOTR | haladriel | a love letter in tiny bites | rated T)
+three yuletide offerings to be revealed in January!
MCU: the king and queen of Asgard wrt Valkyrie/Carol Danvers
MCU: the final conclusion of my winterbaron sugar daddy fic
LOTR: Doriath trash party wrt Melian/Galadriel
LOTR: “Sauron becomes a tree”
LOTR: dark Galadriel/Samwise and their garden of the world
LOTR: healing generational trauma with fourth age Arwen and her peepaw
The Matrix: Trinity and Smith as mirrors
Good Omens: Crowley haunted by his angel
Star Wars: A really scandalous dinluke sex pollen
Total number of completed works/fandoms written in: fifteen completed works in 2023 for a total of just over 32k words; six LOTR, two SPN, two Narnia, the rest sundry & various.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: ::taps the top of this car:: you can put so much monsterfucking in this bad boy, jfc.
PERSONAL FAVORITE: Getting unblocked by the most unlikeliest of sources and FINISHING MY SUPERCORP HATESEX. uncharted territory finished FIVE YEARS LATER. This has been a weight on my shoulders for years; I always knew it ended with a sadistic Lex Luthor torturing Kara (oop), but it was time passing and The Flash (2023) that got me where I needed to be to get that banged out. I’m really really pleased how that ended, and that I actually can finish a WIP.
MOST UNDERAPPRECIATED: Bound is really exceptional. It was part of my WIP amnesty week, and a revisitation and remix of a meg masters fic I wrote in 2013 after I had a terrible life-altering accident. My favorite 2023 additions are how she can only speak in the language of Sodom at the end. It’s not a GREAT fic, but I really love Meg and I love Meg & Castiel.
MOST POPULAR: Definitely Nimona (nothing can go wrong when you're in love) with 1,200+ kudos. Y’all, the teen/gen fic in younger fandoms hits hard. OOPS. re: my deeply funny stats for the little mermaid tentacles fic with over 3k hits and 86 kudos. AHAHHAHAH. welp.
STORY WITH THE SEXIEST MOMENT: OKAY, so this is sexy specific to me: in Crave, Galadriel taunts Sauron about how he has to fuck Ar-Pharazôn (a mini love letter to my beloved 5ummit!) and this, to me, is everything: “And you’ll never enjoy Ar-Pharazôn’s little prick again,” she says, drinking in the horror of his recent memories, a soured scheme. “Your play at feigned pleasure in service to a base creature will be ash in your mouth now. You will only think of the taste of my cunt with his cock shoved in your whore mouth.” The crass words burn on her lips but she can sense how he trembles, even in this form. “You’ll hunger for the taste of me. And when he’s dead, when you’ve sucked the miserable mortal life out of him, you’ll never take a lover again for the rest of your unnatural life,” she says. “You know where your dick should be sheathed. In me and no where else.”
MOST FUN STORY TO WRITE: Okay, I traveled for work a LOT this year and one night I was feeling down and angry about the world and asked on twitter that for every like, I’d write a soft haladriel headcanon and by the end of the night, i had the bulk of a little touch in the night and I was such a happy delighted lil soul. Such a highlight of the year.
HARDEST: A tie between Crave, which was writing on hard mode since I’m violently anti dominant Sauron (oop), and uncharted territory since I had been blocked for years.
BIGGEST SURPRISE: The delicious lush connection of Celeborn/Sauron in somewhere in the haze that STARTED AS A JOKE and now I’m full rarepair conspiracy theory into it.
DID YOU TAKE ANY RISKS IN WRITING THIS YEAR? Posting SPN in 2023, lol what was that. And neither of them explicitly destiel. Girl. Both tanked but I love those two fics.
MOST UNINTENTIONALLY TELLING STORY: Okay, one of my yuletides this year is really too close to something I’m working through in therapy. Oop.
FAVORITE LINES/SCENES: Okay literally everything in atomic blonde, that fic is nonstop bangers imho. I love this especially:
“Ah, there it is,” he replies. Stops, and turns to look into her eyes. To drink in her fury. “This isn’t your world, Daughter of Eve. Take your cursed horn and your beautiful face and take the little shieldmaiden too for all I care and leave Middle Earth to me. Grow old and find joy in women’s work.” He blinks, nonsense words emerging out of him: “In Christian Dior dresses and Chanel lipstick, in Italian leather handbags and silk nylons, in handsome British officers and those American boys who offer more than kisses, in the rumble of a Jaguar and the cries of healthy babies who do not fear war. Live and die on an island far, far away.” He blinks again. “I do not want you here.”
MY FAVE PART OF FANDOM IN 2023: Repeatedly saying “you hear me, baby? hold together” at the haladriel fandom like Han Solo does to the Millennium Falcon and we did! We made it another year!!! Let’s go, 2024!!!! (YOU HEAR ME, BABY. HOLD TOGETHER.)
2024 WRITING AMBITIONS: same as last year’s: Write more steadily and consistently. Get back into the drabble mode. Make time, take time, just do it. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, it just has to be creating something. The joy of creation is like nothing else. Chase that high.
2024 FICS ON THE IMMEDIATE HORIZON: Jan 1 - htp trash fic exchange Feb 3 - rffa exchange March - haladriel exchange!
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kathegreat · 1 year
introducing my south asian lesbian, the ranger, elora c. bhargava.
i despise the tumblr’s resolution as much as everyone else and it’s only been a few months being on this app. if you want a higher resolution, be sure to click on the photos. why does it look so much better on mobile fml
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this is the mysterious she. as stated in the pictures above, you’ll notice she has a winter and summer uniform. but sunglasses in winter? um, why? elora is autistic (like me) and, thus, when it snows in glenwood, it snows clean pure, blaring white. sun reflecting off snow hurts the living shit out of my eyes with how radiant it is and causes overstimulation. i absolutely hate it, hence why i added the sunglasses.
personal adornments are any item not expressly incorporated in the official uniform. this includes but is not restricted to tattoos, jewelry, fingernail polish, and body piercings(s). individuals choosing to accept a uniform position are mandated to minimize personal adornments. rings and studs associated with facial piercings must not unreasonably distract from the general appearance or professionalism of the uniform. disproportionate numbers, images, large size, dangling, and bright, contrasting colors are prohibited. only gold and silver are accepted and must be coordinated, so i added one little gold nose stud to her look.
elora is swole, SWOLE. she is incredibly athletic and has an undying passion for bouldering. she’s been a boulderer since late sophomore year of high school and has never stopped since. honestly, the palm of her hands are fucked to hell with how many times she’s done it, but at least her grip is stronger (she would say). she gave diane a heart attack during a patrol when she clambered up a tree to retrieve a mom who got stuck in it after she climbed to take a picture for the gram. the coparenting guardians wanted to take their son out on a nice afternoon hike, but it ended with disaster. the mom gave elora her number afterward, but the dad was not impressed (i have to draw this). fun fact: she has been urged by coaches and peers to perform in the olympics, but prefers it as a hobby with the exception of competing in a fundraiser event. i like to think she'd be quite involved in her community.
her facial expressions are nearly always stony and hard. she always makes a mental note to soften her expression, especially when she finds lost kids in the park during search parties. another cute little detail, elora carries sweets for those missing kids for when they're eventually found. she makes homemade (handmade?) chocolate or fruit candies of woodland creatures. the fruit candies are specifically made for allergy-prone kids and she’ll only give the candies to them with a parent(s) consent who are usually there after the search concludes.
pretty much everyone in the department knows of elora escapades with claire and everyone secretly roots for the two she is teased about it to no end just as much. it's highly recommended unrecommended.
there you have it.
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