#resident evil fantasy au
smol-guppy-wuppy · 7 months
Something that I've had in the works! My resident evil fantasy au is finally here!!! Now I need y'all to know I don't have everything entirely figured out, but I wanted to share what I had so far. The idea mainly came to be because I wanted a knight version of my resident evil oc, Quinn. And I just decided to add to that by making Leon a prince and here we are lol. I do think I'll have Chris and Claire as some kind of royalty along with Leon (not totally sure yet), but a lot of the other characters are undecided. Do feel free to leave suggestions if you'd like!
Down below after the references I've drawn is what I've written about how Quinn and Leon meet! I plan on writing more scenarios with how their relationship progresses (as this is the main point of this au) but if I get ideas for other characters I'll probably write those too!! I have more of a rambling bit of writing about Quinn and how they become a knight so if anyone shows interest in this as a whole I'll consider posting it.
Anyways I hope anyone reading enjoys this silly little thing of mine :)
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Leon's breath hitched as he just barely dodged the claws of the unruly beast before him. “Shit—” He choked out.
He had certainly bitten off more than he could chew when he decided to go on this little adventure of his. Running away to free himself from the solitude of the castle seemed like a good idea at the time. Now? He wasn't so sure. He thought he'd be okay if he brought a sword with him, but his knowledge of how to properly wield one only went so far.
Before he could dwell on the situation anymore, another swipe at him caused him to stumble back with a yelp. He haphazardly swung his sword in an attempt to ward the creature off, though it didn't seem like the thing was going to give up anytime soon. Poor Leon was having trouble finding any sort of opening to escape as he was backed towards a large tree. A low growl escaped the creature as it prepared to lunge toward him, but before it could pounce, an abrupt roar made it lurch back in surprise.
The sound made Leon's stomach drop while his eyes darted to the direction from which the noise came. “What now—” He murmured to himself, his anxiety skyrocketing at that moment as his grip on his weapon tightened.
Another beast emerged from the brush and posted itself in front of Leon with a snarl. An armored figure hopped off of the beast and stood before the monster Leon was originally faced with. A knight? Leon thanked the gods for their arrival.
The figure quickly raised a sword towards the beast, and the creature bared its teeth at them, seemingly ready to pounce.
With a low rumble, the beast barreled towards the figure, to which they parried back with their shield. With the opening available, they struck the creature, causing it to yowl in pain. The pain only seemed to anger it, and it lunged to attack the figure once more. The knight continued to dodge and parry the beast, slashing at it when given the opportunity. Their companion that they rode in on stood by Leon, seeming to protect him as its owner fought the beast.
Leon merely watched in awe as the figure easily went against the creature that was much larger than themselves. The flow of their movements was so elegant and graceful, almost like a dance that Leon couldn't help but be enchanted by.
Soon enough, with one final blow, the beast was slain, disappearing in a puff of smoke. The figure let out a low exhale before sheathing their sword and turning to face Leon. He looked at them, his eyes growing wide upon noticing how pretty they were. They gave him a pointed look, not seeming to realize just how hard he was staring at them. He was still in silent awe, and a small scoff escaped them as they placed a hand on their hip. “What the hell was that?” They huffed out.
Leon didn't quite comprehend what was said, which caused them to wave a hand in front of his face. “Hello, earth to prince?”
Those words seemed to bring him back to reality as he sputtered out a quick apology. The knight rolled their eyes and let out a small sigh. “Do you think you can answer my question now? What the hell was that?”
Leon gave them a look of surprise and tilted his head. “I'm— I'm sorry? What do you mean?” He asked, looking akin to a confused puppy.
Another sigh came from the knight as they shook their head and pointed to his sword. “That. I was observing a bit before jumping in, and well— I'd assume you'd bring a weapon knowing how to use it, but from what I watched, that's certainly not the case,” They said with a look of clear judgment.
The prince stammered for a moment, having been caught off guard by their observation. “I— I know how to use it!” He tried to defend himself.
Yet the knight saw right through him and couldn't help but chuckle. “Yeah? Why don't you show me then? Spar me,” They commanded.
Leon looked at them incredulously. What was this knight's deal? He wasn't sure, but he gave a firm shake of his head. “What? I'm not going to spar you!”
His response made the knight roll their eyes. They gestured him forward with a wave of their hand. “Just draw your sword and humor me. What do you have to lose?”
My dignity, Leon thought with a frown. They didn't seem like they were going to back down, so with a low huff, the prince drew his sword. This made the knight grin. Their eyes scanned his form and they couldn't help but let out a light chuckle.
They pointed to the grip he had on the sword. “For starters, you're not holding it right. If you hold it that way, you're more likely to hurt yourself. Here, let me show you how you should be doing it.” With that, they unsheathed their own sword, demonstrating how he should hold both the weapon and himself. Once they looked at him expectantly, Leon hesitantly fixed his stance and waited for further instructions.
The knight gave a nod of their head. “Good. Now show me how you’d go in for an attack.”
The prince took a quick breath before he lunged towards them, to which they easily sidestepped and evaded him. “Too slow,” They commented.
Leon let out a huff before reevaluating and moving in to attack once more. The knight chuckled and blocked the blow with their weapon. This little dance didn't last long before a particular attack had the knight grinning.
“A little too fast there. You're unbalanced. Which means—” They swept his feet with their own, instantly knocking him down on his rear. This left them the opportunity to get a hold of his weapon, which ended up pointed at his face as the knight looked down at him.
Leon looked up at them, almost pouting. “That wasn't fair!”
They merely rolled their eyes and helped him back up, handing him his sword. “This isn't about fairness. It's about survival. Monsters like what you faced today? They don't do fair. And what you just further proved to me is that you truly do not know how to survive on your own. If I hadn't been here today, you could have very well died. You need to realize that and not try to pull a stunt like this ever again.”
The prince let out a huff and crossed his arms. “Who are you to tell me such things? I don't even know your name.”
The knight ignored his words for the moment and gestured to their furry companion, who had been patiently watching the two up until now. The creature approached the two with a low rumble, something akin to a purr.
Leon couldn't help but back up slightly, feeling unsure of the beast. The knight noticed this and chuckled. “Well, I'm Xir Oberlin, but just address me as Quinn. And while you didn't ask, this creature that you know as a mewnick is my partner, Moo. Now that we have that out of the way, come. I need to get you back to the castle.” They patted the saddle that sat on their companion. “You do know how to ride a horse, don't you? Because this is practically the same thing.” They jabbed at him, lightly teasing his inexperience in wielding weapons in relation to his other abilities.
A small scoff left Leon, and he crossed his arms. “Of course I do! How do you think I got all the way out here? My horse just got spooked once the monsters showed up. But listen, I don't want to go back. Can't you just, I don't know—hide me or something?”
The knight couldn't help but snort at his words. “Oh, absolutely not. I have a job to do, and that job is to bring you back home safely. Now come along; the king and queen have been worried sick about you.”
The prince stood his ground with a firm “no,” not budging.
This made Quinn sigh and turn to him, their hands on their hips. “If you don't come willingly, I'll have Moo here carry you by the scruff like a kitten,” They threatened.
Leon merely remained planted in place, which made them gesture Moo to him. The mewnick immediately understood and drew closer to Leon. The prince stumbled back, but before he could act, the creature grabbed onto him, practically dragging him in the process. A yelp escaped him as he squirmed in Moo’s grasp. “Okay, okay! I'll go, just call your little partner off!”
Quinn grinned triumphantly and gave a sharp whistle, signaling for Moo to set the prince down.
Once he was set down, Leon grumbled and brushed himself off. The knight hopped onto Moo and patted the space behind them. “Well, come on then! It's time for you to go home.”
With a drawn-out sigh, Leon begrudgingly followed after them. He hesitated a moment when it came to climbing up onto Moo, but with the knight's reassurance, he did so easily.
Once Leon was settled in, Quinn gave Moo a gentle nudge to get him trekking along.
The ride was quiet, and the two were lost in their own worlds as they trudged along in silence. Leon’s gaze was focused on the scenery before him, but he soon found his eyes drifting over to the knight that sat in front of him. His thoughts trailed over to their “sparring match," if he could even call it that. He had learned only a few things from his friend, Chris. It was the reason he had a sword to begin with. Although it had been a long time since Leon had seen him, which explained why his skills were lacking. With this in mind, the prince had an idea.
“Could you teach me how to wield a sword? You know, properly?” He asked, breaking the silence.
Quinn kept their eyes ahead of them, but raised a questioning eyebrow. “What? Apologies, but I don't have the time for such things. I was assigned to find you and bring you home, that's it. I'm a very busy knight, otherwise.”
Leon was about to open his mouth in protest, but the knight sensed he’d try to argue, so they were quick to shut him down. “The answer is no, your highness. No ifs, ands, or buts about it,” They stated plainly.
The prince let out an exaggerated sigh before leaning closer towards them. “Come on, it wouldn’t take long! I promise I’m a fast learner!"
Quinn merely rolled their eyes. “The answer is still no. Heaven forbid me being responsible for you running away again if I teach you how to defend yourself,” They huffed out.
This made Leon frown. Of course they had immediately catch onto him. Though, maybe he could convince them otherwise?
“What if—”
“At least let me—”
“Come on, please—”
"Oh, look we're here! C’mon, Moo.” They urged the creature to move faster, which made Leon almost fall backwards.
With a small yelp, he lurched forward, his arms wrapping around Quinn in hopes of steadying himself.
It only took a few moments before the two were faced with the castle gates. Quinn quickly patted one of Leon’s hands with a small huff. “You can let go now.”
Upon realizing they had stopped, the prince sputtered out an apology before releasing them from his grasp. The both of them dismounted Moo, and Quinn petted his head before they waved Leon forward. “Come along; I was told to escort you directly to your parents.”
The prince couldn't help but sigh at their words, but made no protest. He silently followed Quinn into the castle, encountering much of the staff praising and thanking them for bringing their prince back. Their words made Leon roll his eyes internally, but outside he offered the simplest of smiles.
It wasn't long before he and the knight arrived at the throne room. Before Quinn could even say a word about their arrival, the queen noticed the two and rushed over to embrace her son.
“Leon, thank goodness you're alright!”
The prince was surprised by her quick actions and was stiff for a moment before he hesitantly returned her affections. Even while tightly embracing her son, the queen couldn't help but look at the knight who brought him back home. “Thank you so very much, Xir Oberlin, for bringing our son home.”
Quinn gave a bow in acknowledgement. “It was my pleasure, your majesty. I'm happy to have helped. Now if it's alright, I'll see myself out.”
“No, no, do stay,” Came the voice of the king.
Quinn remained. Although confused, they complied without question.
When Leon’s mother released him, his eyes drifted over to his father, who looked less than pleased with him. The king stood, arms crossed, as his gaze moved from the knight back to his son. “Leon, are you aware of just how worried we were? To find out you ran away without a single thought as to what could happen to you?”
“Father, I—”
The king brought a hand up to silence him. “I don't want to hear any sort of excuses from you. You've already caused enough trouble with your antics lately, but this? This is not something that is to be taken lightly.”
He then gestured for his wife to come stand by his side once more. The queen silently complied, and he gently grabbed her hand as they both looked at their son.
“Which is why your mother and I have decided that it would be best to have someone watching over you at all times, so you don't ever think of doing something like this again. Someone who will keep you in check at every given moment.”
The king’s eyes shifted over to the knight, who had been silent the whole time. “We'd like for that person to be you, Xir Oberlin.”
“What?” Both Leon and Quinn uttered at the same time. Expressions of shock fell upon their faces as they were given this news.
The queen gave a nod of her head. “That's right... You, Xir Oberlin, are the best of the best. You've done so much for our kingdom already, I know, but we wouldn't feel comfortable trusting anyone else with such a task. I understand we are asking a lot of you, but we do hope that you accept.”
Leon looked at his parents incredulously. “And if I don't accept? I don't want anyone following me around like I am some child that needs taking care of!” He argued.
The king merely scoffed at his words. “You should know better than to think you have a choice in the matter.”
Quinn's gaze moved back and forth between the two. The last thing they wanted was to be stuck in the middle of family affairs they had no business being a part of, but at the same time they knew this was all because the king and queen truly were worried for their son. And the knight was all too familiar with the worries of a parent.
With a deep breath, they made up their mind. Their eyes shifted towards the prince, who was clearly unhappy with the situation. “I understand your frustration with this, your majesty, but your parents merely wish to ensure your safety. Who am I to deny them such security?”
Leon’s widened as Quinn’s attention refocused on the king and queen. “I accept this responsibility wholeheartedly,” They said with a bow.
The queen was the one to speak up, her face glowing with appreciation. “Thank you, Xir Oberlin. Your efforts will certainly not go unrewarded. You're to be given a room here in the castle, and your comfort will be ensured. Any assistance you may need settling in shall be provided. The process will start first thing in the morning, if that's alright with you.”
Quinn gave a firm nod of their head. “Yes, of course. Thank you for entrusting me with such an important task.”
“Thank you for accepting, Xir Oberlin. You are now dismissed. Rest well tonight,” The king replied, clearly grateful.
The knight offered another small bow and smile before turning to leave. Leon, who had been silent since Quinn's acceptance, watched them leave with an unreadable expression. Part of him was upset with the outcome, but at the same time, he was thankful in a sense. He could tell Quinn accepted because they truly did care, not for the monetary benefits or accommodations, but for the feelings his parents had over his safety.
There was something truly admirable about the way they carried themselves, and Leon couldn't help but be drawn to that in some way.
Despite not liking the idea of having to be babysat, perhaps having them around wouldn't be so bad.
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szczurherbacany · 3 months
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medieval fantasy au serennedy designs cause im me and it was about to happen
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alvivaarts · 29 days
I have a question for your RE mer au. How did the pod react to Luis ? I bet when Leon first introduced Luis to the pod, the pod was quite surprised !
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Luis actually introduced himself! He was part of a team researching the area (it's well known for having a superpod that's lived there for many human and mer generations). A few months later, Leon's pod arrived, and being a rare species, it was a pretty great opportunity to learn more about them! Of his team, Luis was the one who worked up the guts (and was stupid enough) to try and get some hands on contact with the pod. It took a few months, but he was able to slowly sit and scoot a little bit closer every day. Eventually, when he started bringing food and Leon was the first to get curious, and Luis miiiight have accidentally started courting Leon. (Luis did not know this for quite some time). With Leon being courted by a human, and Jill being quite protective because of Leon's history with a previous mate, she's been quite wary of strangers- plus, this human was technically trespassing her territory. Though Luis eventually got the 'in' to the pod for the food he was providing, she still likes to challenge him sometimes. Any excuse to make sure this guy knows she's boss! ASK BOX - Got questions for or about the Resident Mers? Ask here!
Mersona Commission Page
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sparkchemy · 1 year
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Close-ups and brain worms under the cut.
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An undisclosed group of scientists discovers something miraculous under the ruins of an ancient Spanish castle - a girl preserved in amber. Luis is brought onto the site under an oath of secrecy to take some biological samples. Little does he know that his thirst for knowledge will bring about a great calamity and throw him into a world of legend and fantasy, something that he's stopped believing in a long time ago.
Ashley is a princess who has sacrificed herself to seal away a great evil that threatened both the human world and the magic one some millennia ago. She was sealed away in the human world so that no enemies could find her and has been frozen in time ever since.
Leon is her sworn knight-protector. Magic-bound to Ashley, he's been asleep until her resting place was disturbed. A veteran of the Old Wars, the corruption has left its mark on him - his once pure wings and hair now black. The wings are magical and can be retracted at will.
There is no reason for the wolf-dog except Leon should always have a little buddy actually.
I'm an absolute sucker for transported-into-a-fantasy-world-oh-shit-everything-is-awful-but-hey-magic-exists-and-it's-beautiful genre of fiction and I want it to happen to Luis.
Villain skin Leon is the edgiest emo-est boy and I think he's neat. 💗
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pengold · 1 year
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Im not obsessed with @polarspaz AU’s you are 👀
anyway heres resi evil 4 remake as a movie poster!
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clayderogatory · 6 days
hey guys....i actually did and done posted it! it was og gonna be one big chapter but i decided to change it :P anyways enjoy this one is still a WIP but more will be added with time :3c
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brownsugarwrites · 1 year
heard it was mermay ;) 🙈 also writing this on my phone so no one say anything about formatting
black!siren!reader x leon kennedy
You had been singing all night. It was your favorite thing to do when you knew no one was awake and you could come up to your rock and sing your heart out.
But what you didn’t know was that someone recently moved into that usually vacant beach house.
Leon was up… he couldnt sleep. it was one of those nights where his insomina caught up to him. Turning off his tv he could hear your voice from his home.
Was someone outside his house singing very early Christmas carols?
Walking onto his balcony to see what the hell was going on he saw you sitting on the rock. Your singing becoming even louder to his ears.
He could only see your glittery tail reflecting from the moonlight and you sat singing your hymn.
He was drawn to you immediately. putting on his sandals he made his way to the sand to see what and who you were.
Coming close the water he stopped in his tracks. Seening your figure enhanced by my moon. Your curly hair decorated with pearls, brown skin adorned by your blue/green scales on parts of your arms. Your stomach holding a belly piercing as ur torso meshed into your tail.
Feeling a looming presence you stopped your singing you opened your eyes to see a human standing and staring at you. Your webbed ears shot up in fear as you quickly went back into the water scared he was going to harm you.
“shit I scared her” leon grumbled watching you go away in fear
“I dont mean to scare you. If you’re still out there please come back” he would say in desperation to see you
You wanted to go back up but you were petrified. Youve never seen a human up close and personal. going against your gut you decided to swim back up to meet the stranger.
Your head peaked from the water shyly. looking at him in his eyes.
“Hi there beautiful. Im Leon, thanks for coming back up” he said kneeling onto the sand to meet your eyes
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment at his compliment.
“Hello…leon” you greeted nervously “Its late. why are you out here.”
“Couldn’t sleep. then I heard your pretty voice so I had to come and see”
You felt your tail flap at his deep voice serenading you. You wondered if he was a siren in disguise. He was handsome to say the least. his blond hair covering his cold blue eyes and his structured jaw catching your attention
“You’re gorgeous.” he would say breaking you out your thoughts
Sinking into the water trying to hide the way your cheeks went into a smile
“Its nice meeting you leon. But I have to go. Promise you wont tell anyone about me.” you pleaded
His heart clinched seeing you come out the water further revealing your upper body.
“I promise you sweetheart. This will be our secret.” he said getting up off his knees still making eye contact with you
Smiling you thanked him before splashing him teasingly with your tail.
Telling him goodnight as he watch you swim away tail still shining from the light of the moon.
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devilinlittlehope · 1 year
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aesthetics for the new fanfic I’ve been dreaming up 🏰⚔️🌙🩸
I’ve been totally obsessed with resident evil and chris redfield in particular so I’m planning on writing the medieval fantasy/beauty and the beast/court of thorns and roses resident evil fic of my dreams! the reader is married to the evil king wesker but betrays him when she goes to castle redfield and falls for his rival! oh and chris is definitely a werewolf 🤭
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smol-guppy-wuppy · 6 months
Redrew over a botw scene with Quinn and Leon :)
I might be working on some other characters for the au soon but I'm not toootally sure yet. We shall see....
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thechillsquid · 5 months
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Random doodle thought that’s been plaguing me these last couple days, finally just sat down and drew it
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alvivaarts · 1 month
Do they have the technical know how to make clothes?
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While mers are definitely skilled artists, capable of problem solving, and keen on detail in their own right, they don't have tools! Furthermore, clothes are just... a very confusing concept to them. Shirts and tops block and sometimes even pin down their dorsal fins, which can be quite uncomfortable -especially considering they need those to swim, move quickly, and to express themselves. They can't exactly wear pants or bottoms either, and skirts would prevent their 'pectoral' fins from moving efficiently as well. Unfortunately, Luis (and co.) had to learn this the hard way after they managed to convince Leon into a single shirt. He'd only just figured out that clothes were not actually another layer of skin (due to often ripping Luis' clothes, because he'd started to not care) and was pretty curious! At first. The next hour was a lot of complaints and whining and moping. It didn't last long until he just ripped it to shreds.
ASK BOX - Got questions for or about the Resident Mers? Ask here!
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sparkchemy · 7 months
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"Hold on."
"Wait wait wait.. ¡Mierda!"
Serennedy week 2024 (Feb 20) Day 3: Fantasy AU
It's been 84 years but I finally drew something new for this AU.
The wings are not just for show.
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cloverpseudonym · 8 months
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ardnaif · 1 year
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My ChriskerWeek2023 Day 1 Submission for the Fantasy AU Prompt: "Evil Omens" (With and Without Vignette, respectively).
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toon-rp-finder · 6 months
⭐Hi! I'm a 35 year-old woman (She/Her) who's just recently come back to Tumblr RP. I'm a writer by trade, and am looking to practice and indulge myself by rewriting some of my favourite stories and characters. All of my blogs feature ground-up reimagined AUs and stories with lots of canon divergent and headcanon-based material, but I am totally cool with writing with more canon complaint folks so long as they're OK with what makes my take on these characters unique. You can find all the details in my About pages if you're interested. I'll say my range is 18+, purely due to the occasionally dark and serious subject matter on one of my blogs. I currently write two characters with a third in the works across the Resident Evil, Josie and the Pussycats and Final Fantasy fandoms, with lots of crossover potential. I might add more in the future, if people enjoy writing with me. My current characters are Jill Valentine Melody Valentine Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy Tactics) Jill and Melody have multiple crossover verses with each other, as well as one with Gravity Falls. Melody is de facto set up to interact with any other classic-oriented Archie Comics characters, if there are any Hanna-Barbera Josie writers or if anyone here writes the Filmation or DIC Entertainment versions of The Archies and Sabrina the Teenage Witch cast. She also gets along swimmingly with anyone from Scooby-Doo. Aerith's blog isn't out yet, but hopefully will be soon. Her primary verse is my take on the Final Fantasy "Ivalice Alliance" subseries, but she obviously also goes well with characters from Final Fantasy VII and Kingdom Hearts. She also has an AU set in the world of The Elder Scrolls.
I don't have any specific pairings in mind as I'm mostly looking for general RP, but I'm not opposed to shipping threads depending on the request and context: I'll at least hear anything. Jill and Melody have "canon" partners in my verses (If Melody's blog doesn't state this yet it will once it gets updated in the near future, hopefully by the time you read this, as it's a recent development), but Aerith doesn't. I would probably be most game to write Male x Female and Female x Female threads. I'm not interested in overtly NSFW shipping either, at least not right away: That's the kind of thing I will only engage with in private with known and trusted partners. More idiosyncratic and character-specific rules and guidelines are on the blogs' Rules pages. If anything here sounds good to you, please like or reblog and I'll get back to you when I can (and for the mod, you need only tag the fandoms I've made bold and highlighted, for Tumblr reasons!). You can find me here: Jill @mystalwartheart Melody @sillylittlelovesong I'm also open to potentially writing on Discord. Anyone looking for Aerith, you can DM one of the other two blogs and/or I can get back to you! Thanks in advance, and I'm hoping to meet some of you!⭐
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my-sleepy-head · 1 year
One of Day 1’s prompt for Chrisker week is “fantasy AU”. I got inspired by The Witcher, because of the “trial of the grasses” so um…
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Wesker as a Witcher of the “umbrella school” and Chris as a warrior of clan Redfeild.
The armour design (and chris’s face paint)may or may not be mildly inspired by skyrim.
(Wesker without the goggles and Chris with his own cloak under the cut.)
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