#this is like their best album or smth
softshuji · 1 year
I would fuck to this song
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jarvis-cockhead · 6 months
sorry to ppl who get mad if you dont love johnny cash's hurt cover but im not american and i love trent reznor
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
Offering for the dash.....
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haechtual · 10 months
I've been seeing people's thoughts on the new nct and like 😭 why do people who have never really liked ncts sound keep expecting them to finally sound like something they'll like
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virtuangel · 1 year
anyways this is for vyvy n vyvy only
farewell, neverland > sugar rush ride > devil by the window > tinnitus > happy fools
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liinos · 1 year
listening to itzy music is like snorting a line for me tbh
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3416 · 2 years
am in a cleaning mood rn... and i just went through my kpop cards and i’m ............. WHO let me spend that much money holy SHIT
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navyhyuck · 1 year
SHOW US UR ALBUM COLLECTION!! also i’m waiting for that fic vee 🫣🫣
ANON!!! i cannot show it bc i’m not at home but i have two yellow versions of neozone that i actually got for free bc sm gives albums when u buy their concert tickets (idk if they still do this but this was for 127’s 2020 NA tour which got CANCELLED and i got refunded for two tickets but they didn’t ask for the albums back so…technically i say it’s free 🤭), i also have reload ridin’ version. and then i have hot sauce crazy version that i ordered from the sm official website worst mistake of my life it took FIVE MONTHS to get here but i got an extra mark pc so life was good🥶 and then i have itzy’s crazy in love (ryujin ver. ofc)!!
edit: the fic… the fic is ..! definitely there as in i wrote so much and then i went back to it the next day and hated it 😭 but i had self control and did not delete the whole thing !
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haunted-house-heart · 2 years
living with someone with untreated mental illness is like. i understand why you're like this and i do empathize but also like. jesus fucking christ get some help before i throttle you i stg
#i hate my sis so much. like i get it. i really do. a lot of how she acts is due to mental illness and trauma but at the same time she also#just really shitty. like ik recovery is different for everyone and you move at your own pace but she just. isnt recovering at all it seems#like its been 6yrs since we got out and my mom and i have worked really hard on getting better and changing our behaviors#all the while shes just getting worse and worse to be around. like shes legitimatrly turning into my (abusive) father#its terrifying honestly but we cant do anything about it bc you cant talk to her#you say like ''hey this thing you did upset me can you please try to not do that again'' not angry or anything and she starts crying and#yelling bc youre triggering her and its not fair and nobody loves her and like. i get that some people cry a lot and thats fine! i get that#but its literally impossible to talk to her about anything bc she acts like shes the victim and youre fuckin evil for telling her to please#not put her dirty clothes on my shelf i dont like that please. like thats not an unreasonable request and im not being mean about it! but#im the bad guy for doing anything that critisises her.#and she treats my mom like shit. like i could deal w her being a bitch to me but to momma? fuck no.#i dont believe you owe your parents shit but my mom has been a fucking saint when life dealt her a hand that shouldve made her a devil#she did her absolute best and *she* was the one that sacrificed everything to get us out#and my sister treats her like shes an incapable selfish idiot.#and she never lets me talk. shell talk for an hour about smth she knows i dont care about but when i try to tell her like. hey my fav band#is putting out a new album or smth im real excited about. she gets on her phone and just ignores me.#and she KNOWS this triggers me badly its made me suicidal before and yknow what happened then? i had to apologize for making HER feel bad#she talks over both of us but it you start talking when she was THINKING about talking she has a fit#and she actively tries to gaslight my mom. like im dead fuckin serious my mom has to ask me if smth really happened bc my sis told her it#did/didnt and she has to get me to confirm the truth for her#and she treats her pets like crap she should not be allowed to have pets bc she just loses interest in them and stops taking care of them#and we have to pick up the slack#its literally just like being with my dad again. walking on eggshells all the time#my mom cant watch tv at night bc ellie gets pissed at her for ''waking her up''. even tho she claims she never sleeps.#i hate her so so much i want to punch her i want her to move out i want to never ever see her again#but rn we cant afford to live on our own. so we have to stay with her#anyway.#vent#tw abuse
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moogiewara · 2 years
So fricking overjoyed rn
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parcai · 2 years
running errands is SOOOO>>>
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kil9 · 1 year
basically I wanted to do low res art yesterday and then realized that it was not nearly low res enough to be significant when it was already too late to change and I'm like. well what am I doing now
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▮𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑵𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒔
/ / In which Lando Norris and his girlfriend tries to soft launch their relationship but the detective internet is quick to connect the dots !! / / ✿
. . ҂ 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: smau, fluff, slice of life
✎ ᝰ 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: based on this request. idk shit about horse show jumping which is why the info is very vaugue. i am srry if it is not upto the expectations 😭
© moonlightpearlspots
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liked by mickschumacher, maxverstappen1 and 891,861 others
landonorris life's been bit cherry red lately
view all 57,000 comments
mclaren lando are you cheating on us?
landonorris i swear it's not what it looks like
user1 mclaren's been too quite for smn who got cheatef on
mclaren you're right. LANDO DID YOU CHEATED ON US?!
landonorris NO?!
user1 *gasp* mclaren babes this is gaslighting
landonorris oml it really is your fans against you
charles_leclerc froza ferrari?
mclaren alexa play traitor by olivia rodrigo
mclaren alexa play olivia rodrigo's sour album
maxverstappen1 bro
landonorris bro
user2 since when did he became so aesthetic
user3 lando norris for ferrari?
alexalbon lol drinking alone. only alcoholics or loosers drink alone
oscarpiastri or is he tryna soft launch
landonorris trying to soft launch
user6 please let it be yn. she's also soft launching with red wine
user5 lando norris soft launch failure is the biggest failure of 2024
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liked by lilymhe, and 710,140 others
yourinstagram red nails, red wine
view all 29,000 comments
user2 dw that's just lily
lilymhe yeah right
user2 never beating the girlfriend allegations
user3 i would let yn ride me like she rides her horses
user4 bro..
user3 bro..?
user4 unoriginal asf get smth new
user3 not my fault everyone thirsts for this sexy sexy woman
lilymhe sweetie
yourinstagram darling
user5 i want what they have
user6 you know who else is soft launching with red wine? lando norris
user7 girl put the phone down
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liked by landonorris, lando.jpg, lando.mov, and other 719,918 others
yourinstagram welp you're right. i am dating this sweetheart
view all 29,000 comments
landonorris my favourite person in the entire world
landonorris literally more precious than my life
landonorris each and every day i thank god for making me a star of a beautiful moon like you
landonorris this companionship of morning and evening is less for me, the duration of my entire life is also less to admire you
landonorris if you can meet me in the next life then please meet me because spending 1 life with you isn't enough
user6 i accept apologises in gold, cash and venmo
user1 holy shit she's got lando writing poems for her
alexalbon can't even make fun of him because it's damn cute
maxverstappen1 lando is down BAD BAD
landonorris i am holding my tongue i can say lot more
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liked by yourinstagram, lilymhe and 910,240 others
landonorris the world craves her from far but she's close to me
view all 58,130 comments
yourinstagram god have i told you how much i love you my love
landonorris ofc i remember my darling. you remind me every day
user1 they're so disgustingly cute
user2 your honour i see nothing but love
user2 and they love is intangible
user1 careful your commerce is showing
user2 fuck off
user6 ahh another day of being right
maxverstappen1 mate you're down bad huh?
landonorris mate she's divine how can i not be down bad for her
user3 when will i have what they have
lilymhe my girlfriend
landonorris booooo
landonorris tomatoes 🍅🍅🍅🍅
landonorris she's sleeping in my arms rn as i comment this
lilymhe damn smn took my bitch
user4 i refuse to belive lando bagged this absolute bad bitch
user5 wait what does she do?
user4 horse show jumping
user5 is she any good?
user4 one of the best in her field actually
user3 they're the most random couple i swear
user4 ehh idts they prolly met thru one of his sisters
user1 did she let you sit on her horse
landonorris yep she did but her horse didn't liked me :(
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starryriize · 6 months
heyyy!!!! idk if you've already done it, but if not, can you please do anton delulu thoughts? love your work ♡♡
delulu thoughts | anton
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a/n: oh em gee this was so fun to write!! mainly bc i wrote it with @chiiyuuvv in mind <3 his smile is so so so pretty :( also big thanks to @kehnarii for giving me ideas 🤭! i’m so glad you love my works :( thank you so much, nonnie
not proofread!
༘ ✧₊ the type of bf to tease you for your height!! stands up straight when you want kisses and then smirks saying, “oh you should’ve have asked” gives you a small little peck in response (if you ask for more kisses, he’ll fold bc it’s you) 🫠
༘ ✧₊ laughs at your jokes even when they’re lame and then makes an even lamer joke 😭 gets shy you don’t react the way he hoped
༘ ✧₊ after practice, calls you to come over and sit outside with him :( gets ramen for you both from the convenience store and talk about how your day went !!
༘ ✧₊ after all the years of swimming, he still loves it so he often asks you to join him (even if you can’t swim!) he teaches you the basic strokes and shows off tricks for you 😌
༘ ✧₊ takes you to the symphony orchestra to appreciate music! whispers to you, “honey, this is the best part of the performance.” and then afterwards, talks about how good the cello playing was (performs a solo for you when you get home)
༘ ✧₊ takes you to a cat/dog cafe as well bc they’re just so cute!! thinks it’s funny how the dogs gravitate towards him more than you and you’re sitting there like 🤨
༘ ✧₊ always and i mean always gives you the last bite of food! it doesn't matter if he likes it or not and if he bought it or not. he will give you the last bite!! (his hyungs tease him bc the favoritism is real guys)
༘ ✧₊ the type to tell you his childhood stories over lunch and shyly giggle when you say he’s cute!! he gets so invested especially when you tell him your childhood stories !! he just wants to know all about you and thinks you’re just as cute 🥹☺️
༘ ✧₊ the type to completely switch up in the bedroom! he may seem shy and reserved but he knows his effect on you (and uses that to his advantage) 1000% pleases you first
༘ ✧₊ “i hate you (affectionately)” and “no, you love me🤭” type of relationship! lots of teasing but oh my god, are you guys just blissfully in love
༘ ✧₊ keeps a picture of you both as his wallpaper!! he may be shy but he’s proud to say that you’re his 🫶🏼
༘ ✧₊ sings you to sleep when you can’t sleep at night or when you happen to stay up too late! most likely tells you about how yawning is contagious too 😭
༘ ✧₊ instagram bf!! takes ALL of your pics and hypes you up by saying things such as, “you’re so …” and “you look gorgeous.” basically, you have him forgetting words and blushing so hard 🤭
༘ ✧₊ insta bf BUT the camera never eats first! you can take food pics of him drinking a shake or smth but you both have a rule about eating before pics! he takes pictures of you when he thinks you’re cute (i.e. mid chew and 0.5) (also these are the pics he keeps for himself and puts in a special album) he’s very in love, okay?
༘ ✧₊ lastly, i genuinely think he looks up to his dad a lot, so he wants his relationship to be just as strong and lasting as his parents are. he probably views falling in love as an incredibly special bond, and often looks at his parents and thinks, “one day, i want a person who can love me and lean on me in hard times but i can also do the same when i have a hard time.”
༘ ✧₊ 10000000/10 green flag! if you have him, don’t let him go. ever.
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ybklix · 22 days
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★ pairing: rockstarbf!hyunjin x fem!reader
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✦summary: Your boyfriend’s pretty cool, plays guitar and is in a popular band. You love to support him, yet you can't help but feel jealous and insecure at the sight of all his fans and the groupies the rest of the members bring backstage.
✭ content - tags - warnings: MDNI, smut, established relationship, fluff, fingering, oral sex
word count: 3.7k
♡ inspiration:
a/n: happy late ultraviolence day, my fav album, no one loves her like i do lolol, so here’s a little smth, i'll write more inspired by the rest of the songs omg i love my fav child
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Hyunjin was a romantic, unlike the rest of his band members, who enjoyed the excess, success and fame that grew more and more every day. He was in charge of writing each of the songs that thrilled thousands of teenagers since he had such an idealized perception of love and loved to romanticize every detail as well as he was in charge of designing each artistic design of the album because of his skills in drawing and painting, he was a sensitive artist, born under a water sign, trying to give the image of a tough and sexy guy for the good of the band. His position was to be the lead guitarist and backing voice for the lead vocalist, yet everyone in the band contributed vocally, grabbing the audience like no other band in that year in the nineties. The crazy nineties, everyone loved rock and roll with the same intensity as the seventies and this time more styles were explored. Everyone loved your boyfriend's band.
You were lucky enough to meet him when they were still newbies with big dreams performing in bars, where Hyunjin claims to have fallen in love with you at first sight, however, his shyness got the best of him and he didn't dare to talk to you and, it wasn't until a month later that, in a jazz club in Brooklyn, in one of the poetry sessions and nights, almost by fate, he met you again, he couldn't miss the opportunity and finally approached you, he seemed so cute and strangely his face seemed so familiar to you, it was about the handsome guitarist you saw once.
Hyunjin didn't have a specific favorite band, he took inspiration from the greats, he enjoyed everything from Nirvana to Guns n' Roses, to classics like Led Zeppelin, he was frequently talking to you on the phone to tell you about his obsession of the week musically, the most recent one, Chris Isaak. Two months ago he started his official tour around the country, which you couldn't accompany him no matter how much you wanted to, the university stopped you. Yet you still supported him from afar and watched every TV show he went on and every radio station with his interviews, you were so happy for him. His most recent appearance was on MTV, he looked like a celebrity, but he was still your sweet and tender Jinnie. And finally he was coming back to close the tour at his hometown in New York City, where it all started for you.
You, unlike Hyunjin, were more down to earth, honest and not afraid to stand up for your beliefs, so you studied law, with an uncontrollable passion for shy lyrics. In contrast to your parents, both rock and roll lovers, artists, your mother was a tarot amateur and identified herself as a spiritual person, your father a landscape painter, both met at a music festival the same amount of years ago as your older brother's age, a Manhattan novelist; yet you grew up in an environment where support was always constant and your personality developed being totally different from your boyfriend's, bold and daring, born under a sign of fire.
You loved Hyunjin, together you were literally like fire and water, and finally you could see him again after so long, you missed him too much, you missed when his band was still small and you spent days in his apartment watching him play the guitar, how he held you by the waist and kissed your neck while you combed your hair to go to college, every little detail that from one day to another changed.
Because of your schedule you couldn't meet your boyfriend at the airport and you could barely stand in the front row, waiting for them to come out and play. You wanted to go backstage to wish him luck, run into his arms and kiss him, after so long and only surviving on phone calls. But, for the first time you were terrified to be in the crowd and you didn't want to lose your place in the front row next to your boyfriend's position, although you thought for seconds if you should go closer and watch the concert from backstage… you were so indecisive and you never visualized your boyfriend's manager to authorize you to enter… you pouted and in a matter of minutes the venue was filling up more, you noticed how, among the crowd and entering easily, three girls were standing next to you. You couldn't help but notice them, they were wearing skirts and cleavage-baring tops, their eyeliner was sharp and perfect, you felt a little inferior and slightly less attractive for a second.
And the show started, the lights went down, and you heard your boyfriend's guitar, the people started to scream and your heart accelerated, the lights turned on, illuminating individually each one of the four members and, among them was your boyfriend, looking as good as always, his long black hair, his red guitar and wearing a gray sleeveless shirt attached to his body with ripped jeans and black combat boots, you noticed he was wearing the necklace you gave him before he went away from you to start the tour and… suddenly your world came to a standstill, there was only Hyunjin in front of you, doing what he is most passionate about.
Hyunjin, once he started to play, he looked for you with his eyes without stopping until he found you in front of him, his smile got bigger, he was smiling like he had never done in another concert, he felt so full. He winked at you and continued with his show, moving his fingers with agility, a young and gifted guitarist with talent, so did Rolling Stone described him in a small article; a little more than an arduous hour of concert later, Hyunjin finished agitated and slightly sweaty and, among the emotion, the only thing he asked to make the night more beautiful, was to be able to hug you. Until he finally did it, he had to go backstage with the rest of the group, but his manager took care to guide you discreetly to the room behind the stage, at the same time you noticed the same three girls next to you walking next to you, to which you understood instantly that they were groupies, you sighed, you could not help but get upset at the fleeting thought that… maybe Hyunjin has had his own groupie before.
Among the darkness of the venue, you finally found the light, the lit room and, there, your boyfriend standing there with a nervous smile waiting for you, your jealousy vanished in seconds, you couldn't be mad at him, he looked so cute with his little sparkling eyes and a shirt over his shoulders trying to dry his sweat. You ran to him and hugged him no matter how soaked he was, it was part of his routine. You felt his lean frame next to your body and warm chest bump against yours, oh, Hyunjin, you had missed him too much.
“I missed you” Hyunjin spoke, his chin resting on your shoulder, holding you tightly.
“I missed you, too” you replied breathlessly, you were so excited to see him.
You slowly pulled apart and he had to kiss you, so he took your face in his hands and did it delicately and passionately, in such a unique way he knew how to do it.
You both smiled at each other as you pulled apart.
“You should have come with me next time, oh god, the west coast is… so different, I think we should move to California once you finish college, love. They offered me a house in Hollywood” Hyunjin blurted out suddenly excited and overstimulated to have you near him.
You laughed softly at his adorable reaction, the way his cheeks went up, narrowing his eyes more, his smile, hiding his upper lip and showing his teeth, ready to speak again.
“I have an interview for Rolling Stone in a few minutes, but after that I'm all yours, I promise, let's get you to say hi to the guys” Hyunjin spoke softly taking you by the hand.
You happily walked into the place, but your smile faded as you saw one of the girls wildly kissing the lead vocalist, Han, on one of the couches while she was sitting on his lap. Another girl on the drummer's lap as he sat behind the instrument and the bassist talking animatedly with another girl.
“Hey, guys” you said shyly trying not to interrupt something.
The members came out of their trances and greeted you.
“Do you want something to drink?” Hyunjin tried to distract you with a tender smile.
“I'll get it, love” you smiled at Hyunjin giving him a quick kiss on his full lips and headed to the drink table.
Hyunjin made himself comfortable on an elongated couch, alone, and waiting for you.
“And you, Hyunjin, if you had the chance to smoke and chat with any singer who would it be with?” one of the girls came dangerously close to Hyunjin, plopping down on the couch very close to him, placing her hand on his thigh.
You turned around, with the two drinks in your hands and suddenly saw the scene of the girl near your boyfriend, making you squint your eyes in annoyance.
“I don't smoke. I don't know… Steven Tyler maybe” stood Hyunjin uncomfortably and walked to your direction, giving you a tender smile and taking one of the glasses.
“God, his daughter is beautiful, we saw her at that club in L.A., didn't we? A pretty, educated girl” added Chris, the drummer.
“The correct answer is Bon Jovi, he's too good looking, who wouldn't want to talk to him?” commented Changbin, the bass player.
Los Angeles, you thought, just California that Hyunjin told you so passionately about a few moments ago… you couldn't help but think of ideas not good at all, you were jealous, upset and a little hurt. You knew Hyunjin would never do anything to hurt you… or would he?
You looked at him, he understood your look instantly, he knew you as well as every string of his favorite precious guitar and tried to pull you away from them, taking you to his dressing room, ready to calm you down and be more in privacy. Hyunjin knew you were easily angered, you tried to be a cute and docile girlfriend but you couldn't. He recognized your annoyed expression, making him bite his lip undecided what to say.
“Those girls are always with you?” you spat annoyed.
“Y/n…” tried to reassure you Hyunjin.
“Hyunjin have you been with a groupie?” you blurted out suddenly staring him straight in the eyes defiantly.
You weren't thinking clearly, anger took over you, you were aware that it happened every time they finished a concert, or at least you want to think it's like that for the rest of the members who are single, but seeing it with your own eyes made your blood boil at the thought of a girl near your boyfriend trying to seduce him. The life of a rock star girlfriend wasn't for you, you wanted Hyunjin all to yourself.
“You know I wouldn't do that… I waited every day for you, I thought every day about you” Hyunjin replied, taking your glass and leaving it on a small table over there just like his drink.
Hyunjin searched for your gaze, you didn't want to see him, you were behaving a bit childish but his words could be a lie, after all he was a rising star. He grabbed your forearm, squeezing them gently between his large hands and you turned to look at him. His tender but manly face of compassion, his thick eyebrows making the slightest expression of concern, if you didn't love him too much you would have trust issues, but you believed Hyunjin blindly.
You approached up to him and hugged him, he reciprocated the happy gesture, your heartbeats joining and the closeness of your body, Hyunjin was so in love that if there was a way to make you do it clearly, he would do it without thinking. Sex was not enough, he wanted to live inside you forever and he was so passionate about it that he wrote countless songs, you were his muse and the great love of his life.
You stood on your tiptoes and brought your arms up to wrap around his neck with a smile.
“Tomorrow, let's go to your favorite place in Greenwich Village, okay?” you said to him, letting your frustrations pass you by.
Hyunjin raised his eyebrows excitedly and smiled sweetly without showing his teeth.
“I'm dying to go… and to kiss you and make love to you while we play an Audrey Hepburn movie in the background…” he said slowly and flirtatiously, holding you tighter around the waist and leering at you from above.
You laughed softly as you remembered the first time you fucked in his apartment, where he promised a romantic movie date and ended up frantically pounding your pussy as he cummed in you.
Hyunjin leaned further into you, closing his eyes and kissing you fiercely, after a little over a minute, his sizzling kisses suddenly turned you on, making you weak in his arms. You hadn't had sex with Hyunjin for two long months, at this point you thought it was even abstinence, you needed him.
He continued to tease you with his deep, slow kisses as he groped your body and brazenly ran his hands under your dress, reaching down to your bare bottom wearing only panties and massaged your ass hard. You were starting to feel a mess of emotions, but luckily this time you finally had your boyfriend with you.
Hyunjin continued to squeeze you tightly, drawing you to his body and this time feeling that he was the same way you were, aroused. Hyunjin found his way to bring his dominant hand to your entrance, making you open your mouth slightly in a soft moan between the kiss. He pulled inches away from you, almost still almost touching your lips and you saw how attractive your boyfriend looked with his slightly intimidating gaze and fuller lips from your passionate kisses.
“I missed you so much” he said excitedly, nimbly pushing aside the fabric of your panties for better access to your area.
You lowered your hands from his neck and held onto his abdomen. Hyunjin was more turned on by the slight difficulty in caressing your pussy because you were standing still. You felt his long, slender, slightly raspy fingers, due the strings of his guitar, stroking along your tight, compressed folds and you spread your legs wider trying to facilitate his caresses, Hyunjin smirked smugly at the sight of you horny, licking his lips.
“Do you like it, love?” he sighed amused and excited.
You nodded awkwardly and didn't stop looking into his eyes for a second, but your peripheral vision caught perfectly his long arm guided in your area, you were losing more and more strength, every touch of Hyunjin made you lose your sanity, he was so skilled with his hands and fingers, after all he was a talented guitarist, you wanted to fuck him so desperately, to feel filled by him after such a long time. You didn't think about it and your hand also went to his prominent bulge, rubbing it gently, this time driving your boyfriend crazy. You stroked and squeezed the denim, he was so hard and at the same time his cock was so soft and slick, it always felt good.
Hyunjin sped up his rubbing on your clitoris, making you tremble a little, he leaned towards you bringing his foreheads together and looking at you sweetly.
“Do you want me to fuck you with my fingers, my sweet angel?” he said, as you felt his hot, heavy breathing hit your face.
“Yes” you moaned in between breaths.
Your boyfriend smiled sweetly, so innocent almost like he didn't seem to know exactly the distance from your labia to your entrance, slipping two of his fingers easily into your tight, wet hole. He gently fingered you, enjoying your caresses on his erection and being in control of your pleasure, occasionally looking smugly to his right side as you were in front of the mirror, watching your body tremble before him, but it was becoming increasingly difficult for you to stand, so your boyfriend, concerned looked for an immediate solution, looking at his dressing room chair.
“Sit down. Let me taste you, love” he whispered in your ear, gently pulling his hand away from you.
You were about to do so but a voice near you, interrupted you.
“Hyunjiiiin, come out, where are you? The Rolling Stone fuckers are about to arrive” you heard a rather familiar voice shout, as it slowly approached.
Hyunjin opened his eyes in fright, causing you tenderness, followed by a gasp of frustration.
“Shit, I can't show up to the interview like this” he groaned in frustration.
You looked at your boyfriend's large and noticeable erection in his pants, and you again directed your hand on it squeezing it gently and looked him submissively in the eyes.
“Let me help you, Jinnie” you said seductively, stroking his bulge to which he moaned.
“B-but” he was about to protest.
“Shh” you silenced him, giving him a quick kiss and a cocky grin.
And with no time to waste you got down on your knees in front of his cock, you were so aroused, your pussy was throbbing hard and your throat was suddenly dry and ready to be filled with boyfriend's stiff member. You loved giving him blowjobs, his cock was exquisitely long and Hyunjin always knew how to use it with agility at every strategic spot on you, he knew you so well. You nimbly pulled down his pants and underwear finding his well standing and sensitive manhood, your boyfriend whimpered, yes, he was excited to see you too.
You grasped the base of his penis with your right hand and gently held his balls with your other hand, you raised your gaze to Hyunjin, who was pressing his lips tightly together letting himself be carried away by your touches. You ran your hand over his slightly tanned cock, your mouth was salivating more and more and your poor pussy was also reacting for your boyfriend's erect cock. You had forgotten how it was the last time you sucked him off and you were more than happy to be able to do it again. You gently spat on its tip and lubed it further, jerking it off in the process, feeling its slippery, slightly rough texture; Hyunjin was panting hard, letting out deep sighs and moans from his chest, a completely vocal boy.
You stuck out your tongue a little and opened your mouth to flick his big piece of organ on your needed tongue, tasting a little of his nice white precum, until finally introducing it little by little in your mouth, making sure your lips also felt what was yours, Hyunjin's big cock, all yours. He was big and with a very good thickness, always filling your insides to overflowing, to your limit; you had it all with him, he was cute, romantic and gave you the best orgasms.
Hyunjin whimpered at the feeling of the inside of your soft cheeks caressing his cock and immediately held onto your hair delicately without pulling it.
“Aggh, sweetheart, it feels so good” he gasped.
“Hyunjin, where the fuck are you man?” they shouted again.
“Fuck” gasped your boyfriend frustrated by the situation and the tightness of his cock in your mouth.
You also felt the pressure, your blood flow rushing harder and your heart racing, you had to make your boyfriend cum fast; so you started sucking him hard and keeping a little faster pace than usual, back and forth, taking all his swollen and throbbing length expertly.
“Hyunjin” you heard again a call in the distance. “Hyunjin come out, the Rolling Stone magazine people are here.”
“I'm coming” he squealed out loud in a shuddering whimper, completely lost from the stimulation of his cock in your mouth, “I'm literally coming, what the fuck” moaned Hyunjin biting his lip and taking more tightly your hair, intensifying your movements, fucking your mouth wildly.
You felt your boyfriend's climax near, so he didn't hesitate to feel the bottom of your throat, pushing hard on your head until you felt his tickling glans rubbing your throat as your boyfriend gave gentle lunges, you whimpered on his cock, your eyes quickly watered, you couldn't breathe somehow and, after a few seconds, he pushed you away a little. Finally, you saw his head falling back, his thighs quivering and his perfect abdomen contracting as he babbled excitedly and barely understandable your name. Until you felt his glorious shot of cum in your mouth, filling you completely; Hyunjin always cum in one strong shot and then his cum kept coming slowly so you waited to have it all in you. He subtly stopped holding your hair tightly and gently pushed your head off his member; resulting in the obscene image of his shiny, lubricated cock spurting out of your mouth as more of his liquid fell to the floor.
You swallowed your boyfriend's thick, white liquid and stood up quickly, Hyunjin was trying to steady himself and think clearly again, but you recognized that he was in a hurry, that was the main reason you were sucking him fast and hard so he would ejaculate fast and also the reason you tried to quench your fiery desire and arousal, he had to continue being a rock star and doing rock star things.
“Come on, Hyunjin you have to go out” you told him.
Your boyfriend gently shook his head as he stared at you and reacted instantly, rearranging his cock back into his underwear and pulling up his pants, you watched the scene cheekily biting your lip, even without him being hard, you could clearly see the big package your boyfriend was hiding in his pants, you blushed and once again thought of all the fucking groupies fantasizing about fucking him.
Hyunjin took your face in his hands and made you look into his eyes, his sharp dark eyes that made him look so intimidating, if only they knew he was the most tender and you had him in the palm of your hand, so docile and obedient.
“I promise to reward you, okay?” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Thank you for that, love, I love you.”
You nodded softly even with his grip on your cheeks, you watched him lovingly. And you watched him walk away, ready to go back to being the shining star Hwang Hyunjin.
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unluckilyimnot · 2 months
Hiii i love ur work so i wanted to request smth 🫶
Them with a s/o who is very short lol (like 5'0")
I would appreciate it if you could do this with rin, sae, yoichi and kaiser!!
Have a good day 🩷
Short s/o – rin, sae, yoichi, kaiser, hiori
m.list | rules
note: hiii thank you sm for your request <3 that’s basically my height so I know very much what it’s like
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he doesn’t pay much attention at first, he’s not with you because of your height
but as time goes, he can get used to rest his head on top of yours
also pass his arm around your shoulders to bring him to him if necessary – he’s always kind of shy when your head hit his chest
loves it a lot when you sit between his legs to watch a movie because he can have you close and never worry about not seeing it well
you’ll only get confession about him liking it when it’s really late, sleep is already heavy on his eyes and he pulls you closer
you feel minuscule against his body and he’ll confess how down bad he is for you because you’re so small and cute, it pains him
never mention it tho, he’ll get sulky
acts normal about it but always hold your hand in the crowd because he’s scared to lose you
also scared to lose you in huge store so he just tag along – if you wear one particular piece that is colorful he’ll look for that instead
he once scold you because he lost you, but not before holding you close or kissing your forehead after checking you were alright
your forehead is were he kiss you the most in fact ‘cause it’s so easy access, it’s asking for it
hold you close to him when you sleep because, 1 he has to keep you warm, and 2 you’re so small he feels like he had to make sure nothing happens to you
deep down he’s down bad for it but doesn’t show it much and acts like he doesn’t care
he still put stuff on the top shelf sometimes for you to ask him for help
he got tricked a few times in fact because you just got on the furniture to get it yourself
his beige flag is that he manhandle you when you annoy him on purpose
he’s the cutest ever I know that for sure
he’s afraid to offend you at first I think but he’s honest and tell you very quickly how cute you are, being so small
it never really stopped after that, even before you started dating he kept on telling you that you were cute
same as rin, he loooves to lay his head on top of yours
he bend to look at things with you but in a respectful, cute, head over heels for you way
holds you all the time when you’re home with him
hold him for behind, nuzzle your nose between his shoulders and he’s on his knees crying about how cute you are
fake crying about it sometimes (my gf does that)
he knows that not your whole personality but damn that’s still very cool to him to have a small s/o
he rest his arms on your head or shoulder to bother you all the time tbh
he’s annoying for sure but at the same time he’s probably whipped for you bc you’re so SMALL
he can grab you all the time so easily
the way you hit on his chest at best and your head rest on his arms when you’re tired and need to recharge
he loves to hold you to his chest in general
grab your chin up to kiss you or force you to go on tip toes to be able to kiss him
but also tells everyone you’re the cutest human being
he can’t help but melt if you pull his shirt or sleeve to kiss his cheeks or lips
you’ll catch him blush more than you might expected
he’s the type to tell you that you’re cute to tease you and see you blush
he has a whole album on his phone dedicated to pictures you looks small, you know like those type of pictures for kpop idol
when you’re laying on a bed, rolled into a ball or if you’re standing a certain way and he founds you so cute
he can’t help but giggle every times and snap a picture
you’re totally aware of it the second he laugh that way and you ended up whining at him
probably the less shy after kaiser to tell you that he finds you cute
he wants to hold you close all the time I think, he’s in love with how small you feel against him
lays his head on your shoulder if he catches someone staring at you or if they’re flirting with you
but also does this to simply check what you’re looking at on your phone or read before your shoulder with you
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I hope you liked it !
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