#hanbinniesmango ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
hanbinniesmango · 3 months
mingyu hard thoughts about dating a needy gf
mingyu would be so cocky about it too goshh.
mingyu would give in so fast. he would think shes so cute and end up giving you the pleasure you want. one day you were really horny and started riling him up, kissing his neck, touching him excessively, and whining in his ear. he grounded you against his hips and smirked. “does my baby want something from me?” you nodding.
“gyu, i want you so bad…” you say before slowly moving your hips against him, him biting his lip with a groan. “you’re so needy for me baby..” you slide down off his lap and down to your knees in front of him on the couch.
“lemme suck you off, please gyu..” you say with a slight pout on your lips. suddenly all thoughts of him wanting to tease you seep out of his head, him looking at your innocent, but seductive gaze. “fuck..take what you want babe.” he exhales and chuckles before looking up at the ceiling, realizing what he just did.
you just make it so hard for him to say no…
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hanbinniesmango · 3 months
ooohh i like this idea!! breeding and/or pregnancy nct dream
oooh good one,,,
big on jaemin and jeno for this one🫶🏾
jaemin would be so smooth talking and gentle, but when you bring up breeding, something like clicks in him. you can tell in his demeanor that he’s really into stuff like this, he’d make you cum multiple times, giving you sweet kisses each time you came, playing with your chest whilst. would def think you’re so cute, you getting drunk on his cock while he pumps you full of his cum, probably would hold your hand while fucking so roughly into you. for the pregnancy part he would always be so gentle with you, try his best to never leave your side in general. he would be all over you, hands rubbing your stomach, kissing your face, anything. would say something along the lines of, “you look so sexy like this..” while kissing your stomach.
for jeno he has this like primal instinct to breed you at certain times, but get a bit scared since you both haven’t brushed upon the topic yet. once you bring it up hes excited to finally do it. weeks later he comes home from work angry and feels the need to take it out on you which you happily comply with. he’s kissing and sucking spots onto you, your whimpers and whines fueling him. once he’s inside you he’s going crazy. gripping your hips while he slams into you, the sounds of sex loud in the room. he’s groaning and growling, moaning out curses as you squeeze around him. for the pregnancy part he’d also be one to be gentle and do everything for you, cook for you, clean around the house, he won’t make you lift a finger. would want to fuck you again after your first child, seeing you mingle with you baby. “lemme stuff you full again baby, ‘m wanna see you swell with my cum again..”
send me a kink and i’ll reply with which member(s) of each group has it 🫶 groups include- zerobaseone, boynextdoor, nct dream, seventeen, and ateez!
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hanbinniesmango · 5 months
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HHU reaction to being called pretty by their lover
kyy note//: i barely have anything on my mind to write and im not getting no motiv so please give me mercy 😞😞
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seungcheol: you both have been watching a movie for some time now, chilling on the couch. you’re lying on his lap with a blanket atop you while he strokes you hair and looks up upon the tvs motions. you start to stare at him, being entranced by your boyfriends beauty. his jawline, his big, pretty, doe eyes blinking softly every now and then. the way he’s built gives you butterflies, it reminds you of all the times he’s picked you up and held you all types of ways. a smile reaches your face. he looks down at you and see you smiling and tilts his head a bit. “what’s got you all smiley, baby?” he says with a slight laugh. “cheolie, you’re so pretty,” you say with a sigh. “it’s almost unfair.” he smiles a bit his cheeks warming up some. “me? pretty?” he says after looking around a bit with fake confusion. you lean up out of your position and giggle. “yes you dork.” you say before you pull him into a sweet kiss, your hands caressing his face as you both share the kiss. you smile before you pull away, opening your eyes to him trying to chase your lips. he forms a pout with his lips and frowns then chuckles. “let your pretty boy kiss you more.” he says before pulling you back in for another sappy kiss.
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wonwoo: you guys are playing your favorite game together on nintendo and are taking turns on one whole console. you said whoever loses this round has to clean the dishes and it sure as hell won’t be you. you feel you did great in your run in the game and you gave the console back to wonwoo, feeling confident. it’s about 1 minute into wonwoo’s run and he’s looking a bit too concentrated, and his score is getting higher by the second. shit, you can’t let him win. luckily you have a bit of tricks up your sleeve and you’re not afraid to use them. you reach over to him and blow in his ear, not gaining a reaction from him. you roll your eyes. you’re gonna have to do more than that. you climb onto his lap and straddle him. he looks up and you with a confused look before you start eyeing his neck. luckily you know where his sweet spots are! you lean in and place open mouthed kisses on his sweet spot, him groaning out and looking up at you. “what do you think you’re doing…” he says lowly. “im sorry you’re just so pretty won!” you say with a smirk. he tilts his head at you and smiles. you lean in and kiss him, murmuring, ‘pretty boy’ against his lips. he groans louder against your lips at the name before you pull away and giggle. you look down at the game before he can, laughing out a little, “oopsie!” “what do you mean—i can’t believe you.” you both look down again and see a game over screen that also says player 1 wins! “those dishes are waiting for you won!” you say as you leave his lap and rush out of the room.
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mingyu: you wake up to something smelling really good, your instinct making you follow the smell. it leads you to the kitchen where mingyu is by the stove cooking. his tall figure in a little pink apron saying ‘kiss the cook’, and a cute pink bow that you put in his hair earlier that day. how adorable he looked. you waddled up to him with a smirk and wrapped your arms around his waist in a back hug. “goodmorning babe,” he says to you sweetly. “im making dinner for us!” he looks over to you with a smile on his face. “goodmorning pretty boy,” you say with a smile. for some reason the gears turn in his head. the praise getting to his head. “you look too cute in your little apron and bow.” you smirk before smacking his butt and walking away. he yelps and blushes hard. he feels really speechless after that interaction, his mouth open, but nothing coming out. “I…” he stuttered out. he continues to make dinner, his mind rushing with lots of different thoughts. he’s definitely gonna get back at you later.
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vernon: here you both sit having a staring contest, him obviously winning. you don’t even remember how you got to this position, this situation in total. he’s sitting there, stotic expression just with a small grin on his lips. surprisingly, you’re not fighting for you life and actually have a calm face on, your eyes barely affected. you actually know how to play this game. “you don’t look very confident on winning, nonnie.” you say with a soft giggle. “im doing perfectly fine sweetheart, don’t worry about me.” funny he thinks he’s gonna win this game. his ego seems to be so high, not for long! (hopefully) you bring your hand to his thigh and tiptoe your fingers up and down it. “you’re honestly unbelievable, vernon,” you spill out. “wait what did i—“ “you’re so pretty nonnie~~” you giggle out. he blinks. a large smile pulls at your lips. “wooohoo!!” you yell out. “that was unfair, i want a rematch” he says with a smirk. “nope! i won fair and square!” you say after ruffling his hair and getting up. he scoffs and smiles at you before following you out the room.
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kyy note//: also thanks to that one person who submitted a request for the seonghwa fic, it’s started! 3 paragraphs in💗😛
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hanbinniesmango · 5 months
boyfriend wonwoo who….
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teaches you how to play his favorite game, letting you wear his gaming headphones and all (he thinks you look cute in them)
takes you out to fancy dates when you want
didn’t know how to approach you at first so he reached out to one of your friends
learnt how to cook and cooks for you almost every week now
will buy out your carts for you only if he can see you in the clothes after
will hold you tightly in his arms after a long day
asks to do photo shoots for you then proceed to take the prettiest pictures to keep for himself
would surprise you with plushies of your favorite characters and obviously smile happily at your reaction
would keep a list in his phone of your favorite things in life
would be the big spoon and love it, but finds it cute when you big spoon him so he lets you continue doing it
would deliver things to you in bed when you’re sick, and wouldn’t make you get up for anything
would remember your favorite songs and keep them on a playlist
before asking you out, he asked your best friend/s what things you liked to bring them to you the next time he did ask you out
would remember all the little details about you, he practically study’s you in amazement when you’re not looking
would let you help him with skincare and put all the face masks in the world on him
would wear your favorite color to make you happy
would let you rant about your day to him while he gives you a nice massage
would have a long frown when he sees you start getting emotional, he hugs you into oblivion and gives you whatever you want and need
would love your scent so much he’d lend his clothes to you all the time and spray your perfume on his cloths as well
would read to you to help you go to sleep faster
buys you comfy blankets and cuddles up to you with them
watches your favorite shows with you
bakes with you
has pictures of you as a baby saved in his phone in an album called ‘baby💗’
who does whatever he can in his power to make you happy for days on end
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kyy note//: finally got one smth out of my system, i need to get on the grind more sorry guys😞 i take a recs and asks or js if u wanna chat i have a button for that!! love ya!!💗
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hanbinniesmango · 3 months
Taesan bnd hard thoughts!!!
anything for the ⛰️
taesan would get so riled up at times and be so needy, kissing your neck and leaving little bites and or hickeys on your neck at random times.
if taesan is in the mood or horny, best believe he’s gonna show you
when you go to give him head and get on you knees, he 100% revels in the way you look up at him.
will tell you how pretty you look while sucking him of def
will push your head down when it feels too good, he loves hearing you gag on him (makes him finish faster 🤭)
secretly loves when you tease his cock, loves the anticipation and pleasure it brings him.
when it’s time to return the favor to you, and eating you out, he’s quick to tease back even harder
presses kisses to your nether areas before anything
loves watching you squirm and whine from the teasing
after deciding that he’s teased you enough, licks one long stripe to your cunt, loving the way you whimper at the contact
goes to town on you after and pulls orgasm after orgasm out of you
after another orgasm he looks up with a smirk, his mouth covered in you juices, “you think you can take another one, pretty?” he says. you look down at his menacing grin and groan, nodding dumbly before he continues.
he gets so pussydrunk, wherever he can, he’s gonna eat you out, and do it well
the type of guy to make you ride him to teach you a lesson
would only help guide your hips after you whining and begging for him, “sannie please..my thighs hurt..wan’ cum so bad..” “do you deserve it? are you done being a slut?” “yes i swear..f-fuck!” you yelping out after he starts bouncing your hips against his.
this guy will tease you til the world ends, no matter what you do. it’s just his cup of tea🫶🏾
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hanbinniesmango · 2 months
zb1 top 3 kinks pls!!
zerobaseone’s top 3 kinks
—all my opinion 😓🫶🏾 (no gunwook or yujin!!)
primal play
i can just imagine jiwoong one night wanting to get some relief and the releasing all his emotions out onto you while you guys fuck, resulting in him growling, marking you, and saying things like, “you’re all mine you know that, hm? no one else can fuck this pretty pussy like me.” with a grunt. he’d just be going at it like an animal.
breeding kink
would imagine you all the time full of his cum, he loves keeping that image in his head while you fuck. when he actually can he honestly puts his all into it, he knows what he wants and he’s gonna get it.
impact play (f. receiving)
if you’re being bad, best believe he’s pulling you over his lap and pulling down you bottoms. likes to smack both cheeks until their red, sometimes slapping your pussy as well. it just brings him joy to see you writhe on his lap to no avail.
zhang hao
humiliation kink (m. receiving)
when you started calling him mean names one day he went silent. you thought you striked a nerve, but no. you had actually turned him on a lot. to the point where he felt himself getting hard, and once you figured it out a big grin hit your face. “you’re getting hard just from some words? fucking pathetic hao..” he wanted to open his mouth to complain and justify the situation, but instead he let out a slutty moan. let’s just say you used his weakness for the greater good..
bondage kink (m. receiving)
he loves the feels of the restraints straining against his flesh, the tight fabric refraining from letting him move and touch you. especially when you pull out a pretty color of ribbon and wrap him in it, it makes him feel so good.
somnophilia kink
you’ve both talked about fucking while asleep and giving your consents and everything and views on it, after that calling it a night. a while later you’re asleep and he’s really aroused for some reason, he turns over to you watching you in slumber, your chest slowly rising and falling. he exhales softly, biting his lip at the situation. next thing you know he’s slipping inside of you from behind and gently fucking into you, breaths quickening. he starts to lose himself pace getting a bit quicker. your slumber is interrupted, you waking up, pants heavy and soft moans coming out of you as you feel his cock slowly drag between you warm walls. “someone couldn’t wait til the morning hm?” you say before pushing your hips back on to his, you being met with a groan. you both made sure you spent the rest of the night going til you were satisfied.
exhibition kink
he definitely gets off on knowing people could see them messing around at anytime. the type of guy who you play with you in a dressing room, smirking at any of your moans or groans saying, “you don’t wanna get caught right, lovebug?”
collar kink (f. + m. receiving)
he loves watching you sit pretty while he puts a collar on you, him giving you commands every now and then, the collar reminding you of your place and that you’re his. he watches as the the pendant on the collar glitters in the light when you suck him off, him biting his lip at the dirty situation, you both knowing how it gets him off.
dacryphilia kink
he’d see tears start pouring out of your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure, them coming out like a faucet. something in him clicks in him at that moment, suddenly he’s wanting to do more to get more of those sweet tears out. “does it feel that good, lovebug? poor baby…” he says with a little pout, kissing your tears away. “it’ll be over soon love, endure it for me.” he says with a gentle smirk, stroking your head before continuing with his thrusts, your continuous tears egging him on.
voyeur and or cuckholding kink
one day he came home earlier than usual, and called your name, but you didn’t answer as you usually do. once he found you he heard your soft whimpers and moans of his name. and he just had to watch you. even though everything said to just walk in, he liked looking through the crack of the door, something about it was just so naughty and addicting… with cuckholding, he was very open to the idea of one of his beloved members to fuck you and him spectating. when it did happen, believe he was rock hard the whole time.
cock worship
he loves the days when you both are just feeling romantic together, the days where you just let him sit back and you worship his pretty cock. he’s sitting back on the bed as you kiss softly all over his cock telling him how pretty it is, darting your tongue out to lick up any pre-cum that leaks from his tip. “f-fuck baby..feels s-so—good..” he says struggling to get all of his words out from the pleasure. he doesn’t tell you, but he really really loves when you treat him like this, makes him feel small and warm inside.
mutual masterbation
you both are away from each other one day and are both really horny, but can’t do much. you both find a solution and call and it ends up to you spread open in front of the phone camera and his cock out in the open, him stroking it slowly while giving you instructions. “finger yourself, slowly baby…fuck just like that..” he says pants getting breathy. he watches as you follow all of his intrusctions, you getting close him the same. he makes you hold it, a smile on his face while his groans at the pleasure coming with his hand. “damn baby..i’m getting c-close…” he says stuttering a bit. “cum with me baby, let go.” he says finally before giving a couple more strokes and spurting all over his hand with a choked moan.
praise kink (f. receiving)
when you suck of him off, he loves telling you how much of a good job you’re doing, smirking at the way you moan around his cock at the praise. always lets you know how much of a ‘good cock slut’ you are, no matter what. never lets up on teasing how you react to his words.
anal play
matthew would def trust you with stuff like this, it was actually something he wanted to try. when he finally gets toys in there he’s in heaven. he didn’t think it would feel as good as it is. when you start thrusting your strap inside of him hitting his prostate, he’s becoming a incoherent puddle. he’s gripping the sheets and everything, begging to have it harder, faster, whimpering and moaning loudly. even pushing his ass back when you try to slow down or stop. it feels so good he starts crying, when he finally gets to cum he’s crying out out of pleasure. he gets silent right after, you getting a little worried until he speaks up, “t-that was…c-can we go again?…please..” him panting whilst you send him a sweet smile and giggle.
orgasm control (m. + f. receiving)
matthew loves when you tease his cock, taking your hand away whenever he says he’s close. “just hold it matt, it’s not that hard, right?” you say while you stroke his hot, pulsing cock. all he can do is just whimper out and try his best not to cum, not knowing what could possible happen if he does. when it’s turned around he’s pulling the same move on you, laughing at your frustration. “i can’t be that hard, right?” he’s just sending you the cruelest smile, teasing you to no extent.
ricky loves seeing you get dumb on his cock, before you two fuck he puts you in the prettiest lingerie, pulling you in by the waist and whispering, “my needy little dolly looks so pretty, hm?” you just whining out in response. he praises you as he keeps pumping his cock inside of you, your expression the definition of cock drunk. none of you mind tho..
breath play
likes to wrap his pretty hands around your neck while fucking you, loves the feeling of you clenching on him whilst he does it. “you’re taking me so well baby…maybe i’ll let you breath as a reward.” him chuckling after the statement.
bondage kink (f. receiving)
he likes to wrap you up in the prettiest color of rope, he also has a thing with seeing you struggle, your frustration giving him more satisfaction. “stop moving or i’ll have to restrain you from cumming, doll.” he says with with the sweetest smile, his eyes the opposite, hunger and arousal burning in his eyes.
degradation kink (f. receiving)
he calls you the meanest names with the nicest smile on his face, and it still wrecks you. while you’re on your knees sucking his cock he’s still calling you those names, watching how you shudder with each name. “dirty cock sluts like you are meant to be on your knees like this. do what you’re good for baby..” he says with a pleasured groan.
edge play (f. receiving)
gyub will literally edge you from dusk to dawn, only letting up when he feels he’s had enough. you’re not done until he’s satisfied, and it takes a while. he’ll eat you out for the longest, his tongue hitting all the right spots, problem is he won’t let you cum. he’s told you to hold it until he lets you cum, but with the rate his tongue is ravaging you at, you might not be able to hold it any longer…
overstimulation kink (m. + f. receiving)
gyuvin loves to tease and torture you, either that’s him denying you an orgasm or giving you too many to handle. you’d beg him so bad for an orgasm, groaning in relief once he finally gives you one. suddenly when you expect him to stop, he’s still pleasuring you, you’re starting to be confused, pants getting heavier and cry’s getting louder. “g-gyub!! t-too—i-it’s too much!!” you sob out only being met with his menacing grin again.
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hanbinniesmango · 2 months
who in nct dream has a praise kink/ praises their partner?? also love ur works <3
sorry guys for being inactive im on vacaaaa anywayss, i think the big ones would jaemin and mark deff
mark would be the guy to be so sultry and smooth with his praise, like it'd make you melt. he'd be seeing you be so overwhelmed with pleasure and he just be whispering sweet little nothings into your ear. "fuck...you're doing great baby…i know you got some more in you sweets, just a little longer.” he’d say while stroking your cheek, his pleasuring stopping while he stops to praise you. he’d be the sweetest, still chasing his orgasm. would bring his hand up to intertwine with yours while his thrust get sloppier.
jaemin would have a sly smirk on his face while you overstimulated from all the pleasure, shushing you whimpers and whines. “it’s ok honey, you can take it. take it like the good girl i know you are..” he says to you, each thrust punctuating his words. would kiss down your jaw and check while mumbling short praises abt how well you’re doing plus how good you feel around him. would share a sweet kiss with you, you letting his tongue explore your warm mouth, while he gets close to his climax. when he’s cumming he’s groaning out your name, with his velvety voice.
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hanbinniesmango · 3 months
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not the myungjae fic but almost better—i think…anywho hope y’all like this one, i personally 🫶🏾 seonghwa
idol boyfriend seonghwa who…
───────⊹ ࣪ ˖𝜗ৎ⋆𝜗ৎ˖ ࣪⊹───────
calls you over to his room when he feels to lonely on lego making lives
rants to you about all the latest lego sets hes bought
facetimes you or calls you over whenever atiny asks about you then proceeds to stare at you with heart eyes as you speak to atiny (hes so precious)
gives you the username and password to his instagram account
lets you be the first person he tells about his new instagram account, he also lets you teach him all the things about it so he can get the hang of it
gives you a cheek kiss after you're finished to show his gratitude, him sending a sweet smile your way
always buys matching items for the both of you, wearing them proudly with you, even shows them off to hongjoong who is prone to rejecting his couply accesories (boo hongjoong <3)
brags to hongjoong about how he has someone to share his matching items with now, sticking his tongue at him and then skipping away
watches the 'work' mv with you and awaits your reaction with a giddy smile
covers his face from showing his wide smile from all the praise he receives
covers your eyes with his hands at sans open-shirt part
"what was that for?" "san was shirtless again...almost!"
after you see the part you look at him, back at the screen, then him, then giggle a bit. "it was just some buttons hwa!!" you giggle out at him. "he reminds me of a stripper..." he mumbles out. you hit him playfully and smile.
"what do you think san would say if he heard what you said?" you say with a raised brow. "maybe he'd think its a compliment or something, i mean he has nice abs! he'd be a good stripper!-" you doubled over laughing at his comment
he'd not know why you were laughing and start whining
would be the type of boyfriend to whiny about lots of things, but definitely if he lost some game during promotions
"wooyoung was cheating, i still don't know how he won." "are you mad hwa?" "no..."
cares about the small things, like if you both are in a store and you trail off to an item that you might want, but say you're fine without it, somehow you'll see it lying on your counter when coming back from errands
somehow can read your mind, which you love him for that
loves cuddling before going to bed, loves feeling you hugging him or giving him physical attention at any time, makes him feel comfy and grounded
loves when you check up on him during promotion days or shoots, loves when you let him rant about his day to you and you just listen and give little feeback, letting him dump his day onto you bad or good, you soothe him either way.
loves you dearly, and would throw the world away for you.
doesn't let anything come between you both, he does his best juggling you and his job and you love him for it.
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hanbinniesmango · 3 months
Jaehyun bnd hard hours plz…i feel like he’d be such a flirt
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kyy note//: OMG PLS ANON I LOVE YOU, how do you know me so well🫶🏾 anyways…
jaehyun being the goofy guy he is, he literally will flirt any chance he gets, but most times can’t own up for the trouble it gets him in..
one day jaehyun feels the need to bug you with all his might, not caring about the consequences at the moment. he comes over to you and smirks, you looking over at him then rolling your eyes. “babyyyy, don’t be rude, i haven’t even said anything…” he whines out before resting his chin on your shoulder.
“what’s up jae?” you say softly. “can you please acknowledge me better? i’m you boyfriend for crying out loud!” he says upset. you get up him moving with you. you turn around and pull him in by the waist, and kissing him. he smirks and reciprocates, your hands moving to his face and his moving to your waist. you pull away with a breath, holding his face between your palms.
“you must miss me a lot, hm?” he says in a flirty manor. you scoff with a smirk. you start to kiss down his neck, leaving little bites in your trail. “fuck…i guess you really miss m-me,” he says with a shudder as you slip you hands under his shirt and brush you finger against one of his nipples. you grin and use both hands to play with his nipples, rubbing them, flicking them, anything. “s-shit i’m sensitive there—w-wait!—“ he says before whimpering out.
you giggle, “it seems like you miss me more than i miss you right now myung.” he throws his head back as you whisper into his ear. you look down at his grey sweats he had on, looking at the obvious tent that was forming rapidly. you reach down and cup his hard-on, jaehyun sucking in a breath. “baby…” he whines out to you.
you start to palm him through his pants making his knees buckle and hold onto you for leverage. “b-baby please..” he groans out. you move your hand into his boxers, stroking his hard cock, it leaking in your hand. he bites his lip to stifle the loud moan that almost came out, his face hot and red. you stroke his cock faster, squeezing his length a bit, making him gasp out in pleasure.
“f-fuck! please let me c-cum, please!” you look up at him pleading face then smirk. you stroke some more, feeling his cock twitch in your hand before yanking your hand out of his pants, leaving him hot and confused.
“sorry i think i heard my phone ring myungjae, i better go get that.”
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hanbinniesmango · 2 months
NCT dream + daddy kink
for daddy kink i think i’d say jaeminn
you guys would be fucking hard, and out of the haze in your mind it would just slip out of your mouth. “fuck sugar..i didn’t know you were that much of a slut hm?” he says whispering in your ear with a smile, all his motions stopped. you shiver and whimper at him actions, him chuckling with a seductive grin on his face. “you’re so cute baby.” he says before starting up his hard thrust again. you moan another ‘daddy’ as your eyes roll back, pleasure and overstimulation getting to you. “shitt.. ‘m gonna make you a mommy..” he says throwing his head back in a delicious groan. safe to say you started calling him that a lot more during sex.
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hanbinniesmango · 2 months
park jisung hard thots plzzzzz
we love jiji in this house so yesss, comin right uppp
jiji would def be so subby when you get dominant like ughh
jisung would be so pliant and sensitive, whining and whimpering when you tease him
jisung wouldn't have a high sex drive, but when he does get aroused he goes in fr
at gatherings with friends or his members, he sneaks his hand onto your thigh when all the spotlight isn't on him or you both.
if he was horny enough and you were wearing a skirt or dress, best believe hes inching his hand closer to your clothed heat.
when you kiss all over his face and kiss his neck he acts like he doesn't want it, but deep down his pants are tightening and he feels himself get hot.
one day he came back home with a different hair color, when you were excessively complimenting his new look, but you really showed him how much you liked it, he kept hat hair color for a very long time.
when you worship his body during sex he gets so shy and sensitive, he gets giddy as well, but he doesn’t show it well. he’s hiding his smile and lip bites under his hands covering his face.
he loves when you kiss his cock, makes his cock twitch. he loves feeling your lips on him no matter where it is, more over if it’s on any of the sensitive parts on his body.
takes care of you as much as you do during sex, loves returning the favor whenever you take care of him.
when he doms he definitely gets in a mood, once he hears your addictive moans, it’s just pushing him further into his headspace.
doesn’t care what position he’s in, he’ll still take care of you at all times.
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hanbinniesmango · 5 months
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First Kiss with Nct Dream (hyung line)
kyy note//: im like sleep deprived rn, but let’s not stop the grind🤭💗 anyways hope ya like ittt
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mark: you guys are watching a movie after a long day out, you guys been laughing at scenes, cringing, and almost crying, and when talking about crying, it’s mostly you. the movies been going on for a while now, you both have ate your snacks and are now practically cuddling up near each other with the soft blankets lay atop both of you. the movie isn’t rated r at all, it’s rather more on the emotional side. you guys are watching it happily until a kissing scene comes up. the kissing on the screen is pretty intimate. it’s not marks fault that thoughts of you and him recreating that scene bubble up in his little head. he shifts in his seat and blush starts to dust his cheeks, he starts biting his lip contemplating if he should ask you. he’s watching you watch the movie happily. it’s almost like he’s studying you. studying the way you also blush, the way you did your hair today, the way smile slightly at the certain parts, the way you turn to to look at him when you see him staring at you. snap out of it mark! ask her! “can i..” he glances down to your lips, you looking at his and back at his eyes. “can i kiss you?…please?” he finally says with an exhale. “i would really like that now.” you say with a smile before he dives into your lips, kissing them gently. then your arms are around his neck, and his caressing your face lovingly. something’s telling you both this won’t be only a one time thing.
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renjun: you somehow end up asleep on his lap, your phone by your side and his in his hand. he’s now pausing the video he was on to look down at you. he’s smiling at the comfortable state you’re in, your soft breathing, your placid face, not to admit the way you hug up to him, the fact that you even feel comfortable doing stuff like this with him! he’s just renjun, just plain old renjun. wait. why is he thinking about this, you’re his best friend, why is he staring at you with such intent?? he tries to catch himself, but you seem to have other plans. “renjun?…” you open your eyes and say, eyes darting up to the ones staring back above you. you see the way he’s looking at you, it isn’t just aimless, it’s full of something, and you’re sure you’re starting to feel it too. you both look each other in the eyes, he gets closer to your face. should he do it? what if— you lean up and connect your lips with his. he pulls away. he then goes back in for another, then another, then— now you guys are making out. woohoo!
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jeno: you guys are a new couple and have been dating for at least 2-3 weeks now, but you’ve wanted to take it slow and be careful with it. you didn’t want to move too fast and mess something up so that’s how it’s been for the past weeks. you guys are out on a date at the park, somewhere with a beautiful outside exterior. the sun is shining on you, the flowers are bloomed fully, the birds are singing out, and there are kids laughing and playing around in the distance. you both are sitting on a park bench watching some kids play tag in the area, before he gets up. he walks off and crouches down in front of a flower bed. you tilt your head at him, wondering what he could be possibly doing. “what are you doin, nono?” you say with a hint of confusion. he pulls something up and then comes back over to you with a sweet smile. he holds a colorful flower near your face, it’s so beautiful. “i wonder who the real flower is?” he says. you giggle, finding his cheesy line funny. he then puts the flower behind your ear and caresses your cheek gently whilst staring at you lovingly. you look back up at him, leaning into his touch. he smiles wide before swiping his thumb over your bottom lip. “you’re so beautiful, sweets.” he mumbles out. “thanks ba—“ he leans down to kiss you, you freezing but then you start moving your lips with him. both of your lips moving slowly together. what a beautiful day.
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haechan: he’s over at your place and you both are just chatting it out as usual. just one of those hours of the day where you both gossip, rant, talk about old times, shows, humor it out. it started out with you both talking about some old memories that happened at your younger ages, that one time when you fell of your bike and cried until you felt like you couldn’t cry anymore. you actually don’t know why you cried, either because you scuffed your knee or because you failed at riding and haven’t touched a bike since then. don’t know though! he laughs with you, agreeing with your stories, maybe disagreeing because he feels as if you’re making fun of him at certain parts. such a baby. he starts telling the dumbest jokes, even worse, they’re dad jokes. you groan out at most of them, sometimes cringing, then also laughing because you find his corny little jokes humorous. you guys then start talking about your love life in the past and nowadays. you tell him about how you haven’t found your special person yet and you’re just waiting for them to fall out the sky. ‘what if your special person was right in front of you this whole time? what if you didn’t have to wait?’ he thought all of a sudden. his eyes start trailing down to your lips, him watching your plush lips move, imagining how it would feel on his. while he’s zoned out on your lips you start to notice he’s not paying attention to you talking. you’re about to clear your throat to gain back attention, but then you see what all his attention is going to. your lips. was he watching you talk, just to see the way your lips were moving? affirmative! “haechan?” you speak out, snapping him out of his trance. he sends you multiple apologies trying to cover up until you ask him, “do you wanna kiss me channie?” and suddenly it’s quiet. that doesn’t stop him from nodding his head though. with a smile and some pink, dusted cheeks you both kiss and to you guys surprise, you both like it. it won’t hurt to steal another right?
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hanbinniesmango · 2 months
chenle kinksSSS!!!!!!
omg yesss, i LOVEE me some chenle, you’re onto smth anonnn🎉
chenle kinks
degradation kink (f. receiving)
he’s the type of person to be spewing out names after names at you during sex, he’d use his filthy mouth to call you meanest things with a smile on his face whilst. he’d watch ask you whimper and whine at the names while you’re writhing from the immense pleasure he’s giving you, your struggle egging and arousing him more.
orgasm denial kink (f. receiving)
you get so overstimulated while he’s teasing you. chenle would be fully clothed while you’re naked with a vibrator abusing you clit. it’s been like this for a while, him only letting up before you cum. he then watches with a menacing laugh as tears start to well up in your eyes, you sobbing out in sexual frustration. what does chenle do? put the vibe back on your puffy clit.
exhibitionism kink
you two could be at a movie in public and he’d still have his hands on you. he’d inch his hand up your leg whether you have pants or a skirt on. he’d grip your thighs, slip his hand into your waistband and proceed to tease you from there. would pinch your clit if you made any noise. “you’re so loud, you must really want to get kicked out of here, slut.” he then chuckled when you threw your head back and suppressed a shaky moan.
breath play kink (f. + m. receiving)
when he’s giving you rough thrusts, he snakes his hand up to your neck, and squeezes, watching as your eyes roll back and mouth falling open in a silent groan. if he’s feeling more daring he squeezes a bit harder feeling as you clench around his cock with a grin and a groan. “you really are nothing but a needy cock slut, hm? isn’t that right pretty girl?”|| when it’s the other way around tho his whole demeanor changes. he’s groaning out loud as you’re riding him, head thrown back and hands squeezing your hips harshly. the feeling of your hand around his neck restricting his air flow is almost enough to make him cum on the spot. just makes him feel so hot and airy. definitely pull this move if you’re trying to get him to sub…
humiliation kink (m. receiving)
just saying..you’d definitely get him a ‘don’t be mean to me, i’ll cum’ shirt. he’d act like it’s stupid and childish, saying he won’t wear it, until you see him wearing almost every week… he’d get so riled up when you call him pathetic and tell him he’s good for nothing other than pleasing you with his stupid cock. sometimes he’d act like he doesn’t care, but another one that would be so aroused inside, like to the point he’d start begging if he had to for anything. he’s a down bad one…
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hanbinniesmango · 3 months
calling them pretty svt vu and pfu
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VU reaction to being called pretty by their lover
kyy note//: finally got to finish half of this ask, this was actually fun to do💋 i might’ve gotten a bit carried away with woozi’s and seungkwan’s…(mostly kwannies!🥳🤍) im going to split this into two parts 🤧 hope you like it <33
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jeonghan: its a calm evening chilling with your boyfriend jeonghan, both of you sitting on your phones scrolling on your respective apps. you look over at him for a quick second then go back to your phone, but before you get to look back fully something in your brain tells you to keep your gaze fixed. his beauty. you know your boyfriend is pretty, but damn. he's heard it from everyone in his life. his many friends, strangers, obviously you aswell. it didn't stun him at all. he must've felt you starring at him cause he turned his head to you with a little tilt. "need something, sweets?" he asked with a grin. gosh his voice was even more inviting. "you're so pretty, hannie," you say with an exhale. he chuckles. "thank you sweets, is that the 3rd or 4th time you've said it today? i've lost count." he says with a menacing smirk. "you're so mean hannie, i'm just voicing my thoughts to you!" you says with an overly whiny voice. "what, does this mean im your pretty boy?" he tilts his head at you. you smirk at him then climb into his lap, your hands flying up to cup his face with your palms. "exactly." you lean down to kiss him, his soft lips moving graacefully against yours. you pull away, him chasing your lips. you giggle at his actions and share a deep look. "you wanna take this pretty boy to the bedroom?" he bites his lip and smiles at you. "hmm, how about yes?" we all know how that went.
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joshua: its a regular day for you and joshua, you went out to run some errands quickly while he's sat fiddling with his guitar. you left about an hour ago and texted him recently saying, 'i'll be home in 10 minutes shua❤'. he starts plucking the strings on the instrument, soft tunes flowing from it. he hums along with it, whatever feeling in his fingers strumming into the guitar and turning into music. he smiles at the nice tune playing, and starts tapping his foot to the beat. hes so into the beat that he doesn't here you open the door and lock it. "im back shu-" you turn around and listen to where the music is coming from and you smile. you set your bags down and walk to joshua's music room where he usually does stuff like this. you lean against the doorway and smirk at him as he continues to play the instrument, foot tapping, and eyes clothes, vocal chords still humming along. he looks so gorgeous, his soft features, enhanced under the dim glow of the ceiling light. "hi, shua." you say with a smirk as he looks up at you with a head tilt. "when did you get here?" he says with a laugh as he stops playing the instrument and puts it back in its rightful spot. "about 1 minute ago," you say after checking your smart watch on your wrist. he smirks up at you. you walk towards him, lean down and kiss his cheek and giggle. "i don't know about you, but i could've eaten you up just a second ago, pretty boy!" "oh, really? i can the same about you. if im your pretty boy then you must be my pretty girl, am i right?" he stands up from his seat and pulls you in by the waist, your arms going around his neck. he gives you a sweet kiss then pulls away awaiting your answer. "i guess so..." he laughs then pulls you back in for another kiss.
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woozi: there you find him in his calm state sitting on the couch scrolling on some app. he looking through videos about music, obviously trying to find some motivation since hes bored and wants to make more music. he lets out a huff feeling defeated, his hand coming up to comb through his pretty, long, white locks. you walk into the room mid comb and stare at him. his clear skin, soft cheeks, fit body that you can see from the outline of his clothes, and oh, his hair. you don't know if you expressed enough gratitude for his most recent hairstyle choice, beacause it left you breathless when he first showed you over text. you quite literally pounced on him, and you know...anyways. he turns around to see you staring at him lovestruck. he scoffs and goes back on his phone. "hoonie..." you say as you start to stalk over to him. "don't start with it..." he groans out. "you run over and get on his lap and smirk down at him. he looks up at you before turning his head and avoiding eye contact with you. “what was that jihoon?” you say with a grin as he starts turning a light shade of pink. “nothing…” he huffs out. you lean down placing soft kisses along his jaw, him letting out little pants. “my pretty boy…” you say before leaving an opened mouth kiss on the sensitive spot on his neck. he lets out a whimper, eyes squeezed shut. “not—p…pretty.” he sighs out. “oh, you’re not?” he finally opens his eyes and looks up at you with a nod. “aw shucks. i only give kisses to pretty boys…” you say before you try and lean up from his neck and leave his lap. he panicks and whines. “you said you’re not pretty though hoonie?…” he clamps his eyes shut before whining out, “i’m pretty! i’m your pretty boy, i swear!” he exhaled out. you smirk over at him, seating yourself back on his lap. “oh, really?” you say with a raise of your brow. he nods at you, face hotter than before. “that’s what i thought jihoonie.” you say before giving him a soft kiss on his lips. “my pretty boy.” you say before pulling away from him. he faces away from you, lips pulled into a little smile, him feeling all bubbly inside. he might act like he hates your affection and compliments, but deep down, he loves it so much, it makes him feel so warm and wanted.
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dokyeom: you both are at a favored korean restaurant between you two, food ordered and grill hot and ready. you watch seokmin talk about his day, going on and on about what he and his friends did, some fun facts about random things, and the pretty sunsets he’s seen this week. during times like these you love to listen to him ramble about his day or week, watching as his eyes sparkle with interest whilst talking about his favorite things. he always appreciates you listening to him even if he thinks he’s talking your ear off. (which he’s not!) he never misses to ask you about your day after and adding feedback the same way you with him. back to the restaurant, you both came to an agreement to come out to a place to eat instead of cooking tonight. he chose a favored restaurant between you both and now here you guys are. the waiter brings the food and seokmin thanks him with a smile before letting him walk off. you both start putting some of the food on the grill letting it cook. you both talk about random things in life while waiting, seokmin taking a piece of meat up with a pair of tongs given and blowing it, signaling you to eat it. you smile at him, leaning over a bit for him to put it in you mouth. once it reaches your mouth you start chewing it, the flavors bursting in your mouth, you letting out a soft ‘mmh!’ as you swallow the food. “is it good?” he asks you with a smirk on his face. you nod vigorously with a smile on your face. “try it minnie!!” he picks up a piece of meat, blowing on it before putting in his mouth. “oh, that is really good!!” he beams at you, cute features staring back at you. “have such a pretty face minnie!!” you say with a chuckle as you squeeze his cheek from across the table. you couldn’t help it, he was just too cute while enjoying the food. he smiles sweetly, cheeks heating up, eyes turning into little crescents. “awh!! thanks babe!” he giggles out. you ruffle his soft hair with a smile, before offering another piece of meat you already cooled down, him taking into his mouth with that sweet smile that stays on his face. you both going back to enjoying your food with love emitting from you both.
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seungkwan: you guys are at an empty, inside basketball court, everyone else going home for the night. you're sitting on the bench while seungkwan is playing with the ball, practising his moves, running over his memory with the ones hes forgotten and practicing them. you watch him from the bench, looking over your talented boyfriend throw shots and make almost all of them. from time to time he looks over to you, his simple outside attire, messy hair, and slightly sweaty face. he puts the basketball under his arm and starts strolling over to you. you smirk at him, “there’s my nba star!!” you giggle out. “nba star is a bit to far…” he says with a chuckle whilst ruffling his hair. you pass him his water bottle when he reaches your destination, him taking it with a smile, you watch as he starts drinking the water, head thrown back, adam’s apple bobbing slowly, small pieces of hair stuck to his forehead from the thin sheet of sweat produced by the exercise. “you’re so pretty boo…” you mumble out whilst watching his beautiful features look down at you after finishing his water and putting it down. he picks up his face towel to wipe off his sweat and puts it back down. “what was that baby?” he says with a tilt of his head. you stare at him before pulling him down and giving him a peck on the lips, “i said, you’re so pretty boo.” you say after letting go of his face. he stays there, gears in his head turning as he tries to process what just happened. the ball drops from his grip before he straightens his posture up after feeling his face grow hot and red, his hands finding his face to hide behind. “you can’t just going around doing stuff like that!!” he whines out from behind his hands. “you sound like you might’ve liked it…” you say with a laugh. “whatever!…still you can’t go around doing stuff like that…” he huffs before picking up his ball and walking back to the middle of the court to continue playing. you laugh at him and cross your arms. “why, because you’ll get all hot and bothered?” you half-yell to him. he whips his head around at you and groans. “…maybe!! and cause we’re in public!!” “if you hit a shot from the middle of the court i’ll give you another kiss, and a real one this time.” you yell out to him again. he looks over at you once again, eyes wide this time before turning back determined. he gets to the middle of the court, takes a beat, the shoots the ball, fingers secretly crossed that he makes it. you both watch as the ball hits the rim, trails around the rim slowly before finally going in. he jumps up with a ‘woo!’ before smirking over to you and running over. “where’s my kiss!!” he shouts, you laughing your ass off.
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hanbinniesmango · 2 months
Tying up / being tied up for BND?
for tying up i’d say leehan, for being tied up i would say jaehyunnn
leehan would probably just tie you up for his own amusement, he loves seeing you writhing, seeing you struggle against the bindings. he would be looking at you with a sweet smile while watching struggle. “poor baby can’t get out of the rope hm? that sucks.” he says with a fake pout and giggle. he would start teasing you, maybe start fingering you and denying you an orgasm. watches you get close to your orgasm just to yank his fingers out of you. he watches as the tears of frustration start falling with a smile, him sucking your sweet juices of his fingers while looking you dead in you teary eyes.
jaehyun would just being bad, teasing you in public, doing things he knows that makes you annoyed, anything. once you both get home he’s excited, you telling him to wait in the room. as soon as you get in their his mood changes, your mean demeanor making him more aroused, once you bring out the rope he’s biting his lip. once he’s in it you start teasing his body, sucking and flicking his nipples, him crying out in pleasure. you start to leave bites and hickeys all over his body, making sure each of them get a reaction out of him. once you move down to his cock, you deny him orgasm after orgasm, him thrashing around in the restraints, him begging to touch you. his hands are just grabbing at the air, needing something to hold onto, preferably you. tears start leaking out of his eyes with the mix of pain, pleasure, and frustration. “p-please l..let me c-cum!!” he sobs out. now you’re satisfied.
send me a kink and i’ll reply with which member(s) of each group has it 🫶 groups include- zerobaseone, boynextdoor, nct dream, seventeen, and ateez!
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hanbinniesmango · 5 months
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Good Riddance, Feels
kyy note// decided to post this on here since i already got it on ao3!! hope ya like it
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It had been a day. A bad day. And you came back home to your boyfriend, Seungcheol, in a pissy mood. Not like you could help it, right? You walked in and plopped down on your shared couch not saying ‘hi’ or even taking a glance at him.
“Baby?” You don’t respond. He gets up from his spot at the kitchen counter and walks over to your spot on the couch. “Oh, hey.” You say to him, giving him a slight glance and then going back to your phone. “Hey?” He says with a raised eyebrow glaring down at you. “Something happen?” He adds as he starts to sit down next to you.
“I’m fine, stop worrying, please.” You say getting more annoyed by the second, you taking his worrying as nagging. “Are you sure hun?” He asks one last time before walking off completely. “YES. I’m ok! I just said that. Do I need to tell you again?” You yelp out, annoyance filling your expression on your face. He stares at you with an unreadable look. “That’s enough.” You turn to look at him in confusion, your brows furrowed. In one swift movement, he’s picked you up and has you bent over his shoulder carrying you to your shared bedroom with him and throwing you down onto the bed. “You’ve been being extra pissy ever since you have gotten home. I’m can’t with it anymore,”
He says crawling on top of you and giving you a stern look. “Don’t let your fucking bad day at work ruin your day with me, ok?” He says expecting an answer from you. “Yes..” You say all flustered while looking up at him, him getting closer and closer to the point where his lips are only a few seconds away from yours. You start to lean up to kiss him and he backs away with a smirk, your lips pulling into a slight frown. “So desperate for a kiss, huh, love?” He says teasingly as he caresses your face slowly. “You want a kiss?” He asks with a grin. “Yes..” You return in a needy tone. “Beg for it since you’re so desperate for it.” He says in a sadistic tone. You look at him with a needy, impatient look. “Do I really have to?” He nods. “Please, can you kiss me, please, I want it so bad, I want you so bad..” Something looks like it clicks in him. “That’s my good girl.”
He says with a hard grin before he dives down to catch your lips in a desperate kiss. Your tongues fight back and forth, drool slipping past both of your lips. He starts trailing his hands up to the hem of your shirt dragging it up and disconnecting the kiss just to get it fully over your head before going back to kissing you aggressively. A soft moan slips out into the kiss from you, him smiling against your lips. “Were you that needy for me to kiss you?” He says pulling away from you. “Bet you’re practically fucking dripping for me, hm?” He says with a smirk. “Can I?” He says with a slight smirk and a look up at you, he starts to un-zip your black business skirt after your desperate nod, the skirt being way too short for his liking.
He grins up at you and then presses two fingers up to your underwear, the pads pressed up to your clothed entrance. You hiss out softly at the contact, you sending a pleading look to him. “What? I’m touching you now, aren’t I?” He says in a teasing tone. You grimace at him, him laughing at your annoyed look. “Smartass.” You say turning your face away from his and rolling your eyes. He takes his fingers away only to move your underwear to the side, slender fingers starting to rub away at your clit causing stimulation to start at once. “Fuck..! Oh, my fucking godd…cheolll” You moan out at the sudden stimulation. “It’s gonna be a real hard time for you if you keep talking back love.” He says bringing his face up to yours, using his other hand to make sure you’re facing him, him wanting you to keep his eyes on him. His eyes piercing deeply into yours. “Does it feel good, love?”
You nod frantically starting to grip at the sheets beneath you. He then crawls down between your thighs, letting them go on both sides of his head. He then dives down onto your folds, slowly slidng his wet muscle up and down between them. You feel a shiver run down your spine, your thighs starting to enclose around his head as his lapping at your cunt gets quicker and more intense, the immense feeling making the feeling of a rope starting to tighten in your lower stomach. You feel something protruding your entrance, your mind in and out of haze every few seconds. You roll your eyes back and let your head hit the back of the pillows, two of his fingers working you open, scissoring and curling up into you. “Please more..” You croak out behind all the haze, you feeling your orgasm getting closer than ever. “Such a good girl, huh?” He says still fingering you, adding one more finger, the fingering getting a bit more faster than before. He leans up and wraps his hand around your throat and starts squeezing it hard, just not hard enough to hurt you, just to the right amount you can handle.
“My good fucking slut, hm?” He says with a hard grin looking down at your fucked out look. You let out a choked-out ‘yes’ while you try to nod as best as you can with your throat captivated by your hand. He removes his hand going back down to your needy cunt that he was fingering. “Fuck, you’re so wet, love.” He says groaning out. He attaches his mouth back to your clit, sucking and nibbling on the hood of your clit, your folds, anywhere his mouth can reach on your pussy. You grip at his hair absent-mindedly holding and pushing his face into your pussy, you feeling your climax creeping up. He laps faster wanting for you to let go, you bucking up into his face with tight thighs around his head. His fingers are rushing in and out of your entrance while his licking and sucking, you finally cumming on his face with shaky thighs and a loud moan.
You take a minute to calm down from the intense climax, him already standing up from your pussy, wiping his mouth off with his arm then taking off the rest of his clothes and yours as well. He gets to his last article of clothes, throwing it to the floor, and looking down at you, coming up to you. He leans down and kisses you, his lip working mercilessly against yours. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him into you. He pulls away from you panting slightly before bringing his hand up to your mouth. “Spit.” You gather the saliva in your mouth and quickly spit into his hand, him smirking down at you. “What an obedient slut.” He says to you playfully with a grin before bringing the hand to his cock, wrapping the hand with spit around it and stroking it up and down his length slowly, his head being thrown back from the friction. He then lines himself up with your entrance, rubbing his tip against your entrance, you both hissing back a moan. “I can tell you’re still gonna be tight, fuck..” He pushes his tip in quite easily due to your wetness, groaning out a curse. He pushes in all the way, letting out a slutty ass moan whilst bottoming out in you.
“Fuck, Please move..” You let out desperately, him starting to move off of his own instincts. He starts at a steady pace, holding onto your waist while pullign in and pulling out of your tight entrance growling out your name slightly. He starts going faster, his hands gripping onto your sides, the sound of skin slapping starting to echo throughout the bedroom. “Please faster, go faster, please cheolie..” You whine out gripping at the sheets under you, starting to feel warmness in your stomach to form. “You feel so fucking good, love..” He says thrusting in and out of you, head thrown back with moans and groans slipping out of his mouth. “Shit,” He mumbles something before giving you your next command. “Hands and knees now babe.” He grits out, you quickly moving to your next position feeling his hands groping your ass cheeks. He slips back inside of you, thrusting hard in and out of you. “I’m going to spank you, and I want you to count every single one, Understand me?” He looks at you with a hard look. You nod softly. “Use your words, love.” He says pulling your hair back to make you look at him. “Yes..” He smirks at you lovingly. He lets go of your hair and then, lays one smack on your ass, not being too hard at first. “One..” You hiss out. He delivers the next two together while slowly starting to move inside of you. “Two..Three..!” You cry out this time, some tears starting to leak from your eyes. “Take it like the good girl you are, love. I know you can do it.” He says, rubbing where he left the last 3 lashes.
“Two more, babe. Count ‘em.” He says with a smirk. He then hits those last two on your ass cheeks specifically harder than the others. You groaning out loudly, your words stuttering out of your mouth. “F..Four, Five!..” He smiles and rubs your cheeks slowly, soothing the pain there before going even faster inside of you with a grin. “That wasn’t so hard was it, love?” He says with a smirk you nodding hesitantly. You grip at the sheets harder feeling a knot start to coil in your stomach, him moaning loudly from his climax easing close as well. “Fuck..I’m gonna come...Please let me come…” You whine out. He groans out another curse. “Go ahead, come on my cock, pretty girl..” He moans out. With that command you grip at your own hair, feeling the knot in your stomach starting to come undone, you moaning out his name with empty pleas, your volume increasing as you finish off on his cock. He groans out as you come, your pussy tightening around him making him come inside of you with a low groan. “Love, fuck!..” He groans out still moving throughout his high, leaning down and turning your head to his making you kiss him.
He pulls away after a few seconds, pulling out of you slowly then, coming down next to you, bringing you into his arms, both of you panting in unison. “You were so good for me, babe..” He says kissing your sweaty forehead with a smile, you look up at him with a tired smirk. You laugh softly stopping abruptly due to your stomach growling a bit. He looks at you with a perplexed look. “Did you eat at work?” You shake your head ‘no’ with a smile. He opens his mouth, gasping dramatically. He gets up lying you down on the pillow underneath you then dashes out of the room and comes back in with your favorite snack and comes in under the covers with you snuggling up to you, you doing the same.
He picks up the remote on the stand next to the bed and turns on your favorite show, letting it play as you snack and snuggle up to him with a smile. Your bad day far out of your mind, and all good thoughts swarmed in your mind as your naked bodies snuggle up together happily. Good riddance, feels.
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