#this is just... absolute bullshit
I think this would have been a great time for Zelda to punch Impa
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lunar-wandering · 3 months
Wukong: I'm the one being punished, why are you moping in the corner?
Macaque: because I didn't plan on going to jail today
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Wukong: oh, so you think I planned this? please, like i would want to be trapped in a room with you.
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the-ocean-is-trans · 16 days
bobby nash is ofc the found family dad but athena grant is most certainly not the found family mom. she is a mom to her two kids, but not to the 118. Hen and her are besties, she definitely is involved in the 118 chosen family and clearly loves them, but athena grant is not adopting all of these grown adults with mommy and daddy issues. she tolerates it from buck because she wants to make sure bobby stays alive.
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eightbitpale · 3 months
I just rewatched the rako hardeen arc and it once again hits me how incredibly fucked up that was. Like good lord what were they thinking
And I say this not in a Jedi critical way per se but more in a Jedi flabbergasted way??
Bc clearly at SOME POINT the council had a conversation about what to do about the whole chancellor-assassination-plot thing, and what i want to know is whose pitch was “hey Kenobi what if we hire a bounty hunter to shoot you off a roof in front of your padawan and grandpadawan, then we hold a fake funeral for you (to which we will invite your ex/our political rival, and also not Cody) and then we use the machine from the 1997 Action Thriller Face/Off starring Nick Cage and John Travolta to violently transmutate you into the aforementioned bounty hunter (whom we will have in the meantime arrested) then after a brief stay in Supermax Spaceprison you can infiltrate Count Dooku’s secret team-building saw trap cube (designed by famed criminal mastermind Stabbada Badguyman) in order to save the galaxy. Do you. Do you think you’d be up for that”
And obi-wan, fresh off Zyggeria and about halfway through the worst year of his life is just like
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How do you not get flooded with pictures of the sky and all of its colours
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Everyone should send you pictures of the sky
oooh I agree tbh and thank you!! those are such lovely pictures of the sky!!! it truly is beautiful
in fact, here’s one of my pictures of the sky because holy fucking shit this was a marvelous sunset
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demadogs · 1 month
some of you need to hate ai way more than you currently do
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egophiliac · 2 years
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(it probably wasn't actually Idia's fault)
(or was it)
some quick initial reactions to celebrate Diasomnia Day One! it felt like a bit of a short intro, but oh, what a tasting menu of things to come.
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cheecats · 11 months
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In light of how grossly disrespectful and dismissive some (not all) DC voters have been, here is something for a lovely lady who deserved better. [X]
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
it's like, i really do enjoy most of the bats as characters and i really do like a lot of their comics. but also i am sooooo tired of them being hailed as better than literally everyone else. both in fanon but also in comics (modern ones are esp egregious imo, like WHAT was that shit about batman and the joker being the most dangerous men on the planet. hi. have you heard of lanterns? speedsters? supers? actually if i keep listing groups who could kick batman's ass we'd be here all day). they're like kudzu. that shit needs to stay in its native environment (funky little neo-noir detective stories) and stop being an invasive species (putting down everyone else to make them seem cooler). put bruce wayne back into a murder mystery setting that isn't about saving the world but is about saving one person or one family that no one else would've saved right now or so help me god. the whole invasive species cross contamination thing is unhealthy for both him And the other ecosystems he keeps getting transplanted into. please. it's so dark in here
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I have long since taken the mantra "write what you want to see" to heart, but I've just gotta say that it's kind of upsetting that gay movies seem to only fit two extremes. There's one end where the characters never kiss (or kiss once) or have sex (even implied). It's very sweet and clean and PG. The other extreme is like. Orgies every 5 minutes. Cheating. Abuse. Promiscuity.
It's just like. Y'all know that letting gay people have sex doesn't mean they can't be sweet as well, right? That man who shows up at his boyfriend's door with flowers and takes him to a nice dinner can fuck him (and only him) later. They can be married with a beautiful idyllic backdrop and still want each other carnally. Lesbians can make flower crowns and go for late night drives and write love songs and pick flowers and eat pussy? Monogamously.
I just really feel like people think there's some dichotomy where one side is "sweet = sexless" and the other is "sex = promiscuous low life"
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dragonbee259 · 4 months
Piping Hot Take For The Newest Episode:
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fuckyeahisawthat · 6 months
Paul/Chani battle couple falling in love while fighting side by side in a guerrilla war for national liberation felt like a gift to me personally for many reasons but mostly because comrades-to-lovers is SUCH a specific vibe and putting Paul Atreides into that dynamic is so so so so funny
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torchbearing · 6 months
the specific way i find jaykyle appealing is just "if they had interacted beyond countdown this would've been one hell of a dynamic but alas, to limbo with whatever could have been with these two" but dc gave us a cover of them paralleling apollo and midnighter and then NEVER had them interact again so you know.
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mikakuna · 5 months
i am once again begging for jason fic recs but this time i'm gonna be more specific. pls plsss share any fics you guys have read that doesn't include pit madness, jason apologizing to tim, jason feeling bad about what he did to tim, or anything to do with tim. if it has to do with tim, i hope it's someone acknowledging tim's role in badmouthing robin jason (literally impossible i think) or them only having a relationship if it's not built on jason feeling guilty and tim being a baby twink
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
fellows and fellas,,,, the coffeeshoproommates au
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me: haha what if i combined the two most common fanfic au's into one single au just for th memes me, several hours later after a multi-person brainstorming session in the space ace discord: i dont think its for the memes anymore
AU Synopsis:
Y/N is a shut-in hermit who doesnt rlly like interacting with anyone whatsoever who's rent has gone up and who's past roommate has moved out, so they, against their better judgement, put out an ad for the free bedroom in their apartment. SURPRISE you get two takers: a pair of brothers, Sundrop and Moondrop, who are both college students studying to be elementary school teachers, are willing to follow your half-mile-long list of rules, and they're ready to move in as soon as you're ready to receive them! Bonus points for them both seeming relatively sane!!
PLOT TWIST Sun and Moon are both rlly curious abt u despite how much u r rlly trying to avoid them and no matter how many times u make it clear that u just rlly do not want to b friends. JOKES ON U SUN FINDS U AT UR DAY JOB AND NOW UR LIFE WILL NEVER KNOW PEACE
the cafe u work at holds open-mic nights. Sun and Moon make a habit of participating, turns out theyre a couple of goofy ass theater kids with a knack for comedy. Bad news, they r DETERMINED to get u to join in their act. They call u out every time they get on the stage and the crowd loves it. U become a fan fave (u hate it) (u dont actually hate it thats just what u tell sun and moon) Sun comes to see u at ur job every day. He always tries to time his spot in line so that ur the one he gets to talk to (it takes u less than a week to memorize his order but u act like u dont know it bc u dont want him thinkin that ur friends or anything) Moon works at a 24hr gas station convinience store on th nightshift. u run into each other one night when ur buying a six pack of redbull. neither of u say anything but u can tell he's judging u. After that he starts making u lunches to take to work. if u "forget" (aka refuse) to take it with u he comes by and gives it to u himself like some kinda twiggy ass motherhen type mf. ur coworkers r definitely laughing at u behind ur back u can just feel it (theyre jealous and wish they had two cute dudes being all sweet n doting on them like u do)
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sergle · 7 months
AROUND (time): 30 minute window before and 30 after. BEFORE (time): the specified time is the absolute cutoff, bordering on late, so arrive somewhere in the hour before. AT (time): be punctual and be there or be square at the time. BY (time): something STARTS at the time specified and arriving at the exact time does not count as late. This is my take. I am not taking criticism at this time.
no dude bc I think you lowkey nailed it
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