#this is just so taurus coded
heartfairy · 11 months
“what do you do for fun”
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drunknillawafer · 3 months
What I think characters from atla & tlok zodiac signs are ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Aang: Libra… that is a libra. Balance… peace… “I’m glad your glad!” From when him and katara fought in ep 3 season 1 plz
Katara: Cancer… cause phew you will feel that cancers emotions… it’s the cardinal in them… “I’m completely 🗣️😡 Calm!”
Korra: Aries. Had trouble learning air bending bc she was too hot headed and impatient cmon guys this one’s a given. “I’m the avatar, and you gotta deal with it!”
Sokka: Capricorn. Guy means business, cracking jokes for everyone else. Thinks he’s top dog. “🗣️I can still fight!”
Toph: “Okay… 3 on 3 + Sokka” Sagittarius. Not afraid to tell it like it is and face things head first.., also a jokester
Zuko: Scorpio because the way he couldn’t firebend temporarily due to his source of revenge and anger being gone like… yea… that’s a scorpio. This cuntress.
Mai: The Taurus to his Scorpio. Monotone and bored but secretly a lover girl for her man like. Fierce
Ty Lee: Pisces cmon guys we know this…. These are facts… she’s just happy to be here! Probs some libra in there too
Azula: Virgo. Perfectionist so much to the point where it’s her demise.
Bolin: I think he’s a Gemini Virgo because this is a chatterbox… The comedic relief
Asami: Scorpio… alluring… mysterious… hot… not afraid though… as a non bender she was always ready to FIGHT
Some Bonuses:
Varrick: Pisces…
Zhu Li: Virgo
Zaheer: Aquarius
Suki: Taurus
Iroh: Sagittarius
Lin: Capricorn
Tenzin: Capricorn “Don’t bring my mother into this!”
Kya: Cancer… she is her mothers daughter… also super intuitive
Bumi the second: Sagittarius
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bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
Meme working harder to protect her food than she has any person that was at risk of being evicted this season is something that's really beautiful to me.
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inlap · 1 year
doing important #research
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*marcus armstrong was born july 29th this is wrong lmaooo
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moonastro · 3 months
groom persona chart
venus in the house
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what is a groom persona chart? this chart exhibits qualities that your husband will have and possible placements that can be seen in their chart. it is simply a chart all about your spouse in a woman's chart. the asteroid groom can be identified using the code 5129.
venus rules love, aesthetics and desires, it is the planet of beauty and is a benefic. in the GPC the planet signifies your husbands love language, their needs and wants and aesthetics that he may be interested in.
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reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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venus in 1st house: fs is the definition of love. will shower you with sweet talk, make you feel like a queen and the luckiest person in the world. can look beautiful and have a beautiful appearance and aura. fs can look aesthetically pleasing and can just display themselves as someone ethereal. this is a placement where they tend to be the jewel in the room it reminds me of a prince placement, people forget or don.t establish their flaws and are mesmerised by their charm and beauty. their love language can be to compliment on your looks and compliment you on your appearance, hair, make-up, jewellery and all that sorts of stuff. fs is very self aware and can be into small detail and self awareness however may do so in their mind and keep it to themselves. fs may crave attention though and may want to be praised by their looks and appearance considering their efforts maintaining their looks.
spouse can have natal venus in aries, 1st house, fire sign, fire house.
venus in 2nd house: fs is gracious with his words and is patient. he likes the more high end things in life and will make sure that you have the same experience with that. likes to spoil so your spouse can spend and love to spend money on people that they love. can be strict but only to the point where he may receive pleasure from his actions so spouse can be quite controlling at times. however, sometimes it can be for the best in order to get out of your comfort zone. spouses aesthetic can be laid back, an admirer and can be full of lust. whatever he has his eyes laid on he needs it in an instant, so he may approach you within your guys first meeting. can be quite sensual and a bit un bothered at times, they can have the mindset of everything will work out for me anyway so why worry kind of thing. since venus is in its own house, venus is comfortable and spouse may be very open and comfortable the idea and commitment of love, they see it as an opportunity for them and can also claim it to be a gift for them. spouse is very attentive to what you have to say to him, he memorises each detail that is said and makes it his best effort to use it to his advantage like for special events and whatnot.
spouse can have natal venus in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign, earth house.
venus in 3rd house: usually spouse can talk abruptly when they have interest in something they love. they tend to give lots of words of affirmation and can talk sweet nothings just so they can hold your attention to them that much more. has love and interest in academics and may be quite the study type. loves to learn new things and is a very quick learner. spouses aesthetic is quite the study type, loves to know the fact that he knows stuff that others may not. loves to be one of a kind, and loves to be special. spouse likes to be in his own space but values socialising just as much, they need others to recharge themselves. can think very precisely about things and be quite analytical and precise with their thoughts. love to follow schedules and have plans, this eases their mind and makes them be certain that that plan is still going on.
spouse can have natal venus in gemini, 3rd house, air sign, air house.
venus in 4th house: fs can be the non-dominant one but can try to reach the needs of their partner. even though if they dont agree with your views or opinions they will follow them just to make you happy and fell like you can trust them. traditional roles are important to them so most likely they will have traditional views of what should be done in the household but with that they will carry out their task and provide for their family and will not think otherwise about it. fs can have a firm mindset that family is the most important thing in the world. fs love language can be providing for their family and their loved ones. are interested in his family needs and is very loyal to his wife. fs aesthetics may be based on what they were brought up with as a child or most likely what they are most familiar with, they tend to dislike change and stick to one thing.
spouse can have natal venus in cancer, 4th house, water sign, water house.
venus in 5th house: spouse is a hopeless romantic and loves to tease their partner and be playful. this is them simply being themselves and being comfortable around you. spouse can attract great prosperity and luck in his life. may be gifted in many talents and hobbies and may even be interested in the entertainment industry. can be interested in music and the arts and can be really good at it also. the spouse aesthetic is relatable to a lot of people which can be the reason for their likeness. spouse can have many followers and many admirers themselves. they aren't the awkward type and will make everyone feel welcome in the presence of them, are extremely friendly to everyone also. spouse can have a particular interest in other people, they are curious of other peoples lives and lifestyles.
spouse can have natal venus in leo, 5th house, fire sign, fire house.
venus in 6th house: doing things and doing tasks for their significant other is very important. its even more important when they get praised for it as well because they will continue to do it and with contentment as well. they tend to love very practically and not take things overboard. they respect boundaries of their partner and can be invested in your day to day routine and life. can have a beautiful body and may really take their energy into taking care of his health which can include having healthy habits, eating balanced meals and having good physical activity. may dedicate his aesthetic towards his occupation and may spend most of his time and efforts trying his best at his work. spouses work place may be quite aesthetic and they spend most of their time there as well, could also have items in the workplace for convenience.
spouse can have natal venus in virgo, 6th house, earth sign, earth house.
venus in 7th house: spouse likes to be equal individuals in the relationship. they love it whenever them and their partner can share roles equally within their time together, it makes them have a sense of completeness. however, the spouse can be liked by his charm and balanced nature and can attract enemies that are jealous of how many admirers he may have. there's no good without the bad also it comes both ways. spouse loves to be on everyone's good side and can show their charm to win hearts of others. spouse may feel relieved knowing that others think highly of him. loves being friendly to people and loves it back from others. in romance, spouse can be quite the romantic since venus is in its own house. they love being commitment and love taking care of their partner with the extents of sharing moments that couples like to do. can romanticise dates and events that you guys will attend in order to make it that much memorable.
spouse can have natal venus in libra, 7th house, air sign, air house.
venus in 8th house: the fs can be so deeply in love that they can have no where to be attentive to but you. they feel very intensely and most of the time when you are making out your fs will have lots of willpower because they will most likely want to turn the make out session into something more. they will have to resist a lot. can have lots of intrusive and spicy thought about you. this image just came into my mind of them just staring at you and you noticing and calling them out on why they are staring, them saying nothing but in fact👀they were probably imagining the beyond lets just say. your fs can be full of surprises and can hide their affection from you very well so when he does something out of the blue it can leave you feeling confused. their aesthetic is full of mystery and and chill vibes, its really them teasing you as well. they can tend to do that pretend to not be interested when in fact they are just so you can chase them. they tend to crave s*x and sexual activity. this is the type though to keep in private until it is only the two of you. is the silent freaky type.
spouse can have natal venus in scorpio, 8th house, water sign, water house.
venus in 9th house: spouse requires attention in order to satisfy their love for you. may acquire random bursts of love for you at spontaneous times. they love to go and explore things they haven't yet experienced and love to go with their partner. they prefer to explore new places with their loved one by their side rather than by themselves. can be experienced in love matters and may be confident and know what to expect in relationships which will acquire them to be like a mentor within the relationship. the fs aesthetic is quite loving and prosperous, they give and dont expect to be given back. people trust what your spouse may say or do, he may be the type that is very reliant and people notice how gifted and talented he is.
spouse can have natal venus in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign, fire house.
venus in 10th house: fs will have an acute sense of the world around them. they will have certain expectations of how the world can see them. can be quite precautious of what other people think. can be quite professional and mature when it comes to love. for example can be mature when conflict occurs and so forth and may establish sensible outcomes for problems within the relationship. spouse can handle professional matters very well and may be the one to act carefully when it comes to their profession. spouses aesthetic can be profession biased and may be serious about their authority. they dont like disappointment and making mistakes however in the end they realise that they are valuable lessons to which they take their time to reflect on. as a partner they are responsible and will take care of you very well. when in need of their help they like the fact that they are needed so will gladly help you out. can feel like they are responsible for you so will look out for you a lot.
spouse can have natal venus in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign, earth house.
venus in 11th house: fs can enjoy company of other people but know how to identify the ones that have caused them harm and they tend to stay as far away from them as possible. will go to great lengths to fulfil their needs and wants. can be interested in alliances if it benefits them so your fs can become friends with someone to help them forward. usually can have goals related to their outcomes in life that benefits them. since this house is the house of good spirit, spouses charms and personality may benefit them through many things. may not have many enemies unless afflicted or other placements show otherwise. in relationships, spouse is affectionate and cares about their partner, can give needed space for you and not cross any boundaries. will respect your views and decisions in addition to being a supportive husband overall, so expect him to be your no.1 fan.
spouse can have natal venus in aquarius, 11th house, air sign, air house.
venus in 12th house: spouse can be quite delusional at times but thats just the nature of them in order to make their situation and life that much better. they tend to make up situations in their head that never happened before and that confuses them if that occurrence has happened or not which can go two ways. its not bad at all, they are dreamers and manifesters, they may have manifested you or you could be the exact spitting image of the girl they have manifested. spouses aesthetic may be quite delusional, they may be influenced by their dreams and thoughts and may achieve great lengths because they can easily envision their future reality. spouse may love the idea of love but can be scared of actual commitment in fear of losing their freedom and routine. however, as a partner they will shower you with deep love that goes beyond the scale. they can experience things differently but can give you the world if he could. would go through great lengths to make you happy and may even displace their own happiness to fulfil yours.
spouse may have natal venus in pisces, 12th house, water sign, water house.
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novy2sirius · 4 months
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How to find out
• | There’s a number of ways you could go about doing this but personally the way I find most accurate is checking the Groom and Briede asteroid persona charts. I haven’t been a huge fan of asteroids recently because I feel the natal charts planets, houses, aspects, and degrees can tell much more typically but when it comes to this subject I find great accuracy in these charts. The Groom persona chart represents the husband and the Briede persona chart represents the wife. If your spouse were to be non binary you could check the Descendant persona chart instead
• | Groom code: 5129 — Briede code: 19029
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Their appearance
• | Look at the prominent placements in the groom/briede pc which would be stelliums, the ascendant, or 1h planets
• | This applies more so to Western. There can be more interpretations these are just some I’ve witnessed
Aries/1h placements
broad shoulders, masculine/athletic body, sharp/defined eyebrows, intense stare, possible rbf/intimidating face, lots of sex appeal, big head or forehead
Taurus/2h placements
broad shoulders also, soft features, bull-like features, wider nose, body’s on the beefy side (wide rib cage, wide hips, etc), strong jawline, pretty
Gemini/3h placements
thinner build, fairy teeth, mouse/fairy like nose and eyes, fox-like eyes, youthful appearance, possible baby face/child-like cheeks
Cancer/4h placements
moon shaped face, big boobs/prominent chest area, big cute eyes, curvy, possible baby face/full cheeks, soft features, feminine beauty
Leo/5h placements
lion-like facial features, pouty lips, broad shoulders, beautiful/thick hair, good looking
Virgo/6h placements
youthful face/innocent face, prominent cheeks, small nose/thin nose or straight nose, angelic features
Libra/7h placements
deer-like appearance, feminine body or curvy body, big butt, symmetrical features, pretty, possibly dimples, beautiful hair
Scorpio/8h placements
intense stare/possible rbf, broad shoulders, athletic body, strong sex appeal/seductive appearance, mysterious looking, prominent nose
Sagittarius/9h placements
tall, thick thighs, athletic build, big eyes, horse-like features, curvy
Capricorn/10h placements
sharp jawline, skinny, good bone structure, good teeth, intimidating stare
Aquarius/11h placements
skinny, unique appearance, intimidating stare, tall, a unique feature that stands out (example: prominent birth mark)
Pisces/12h placements
big dreamy eyes, big lips, sweet face, ethereal beauty, small feet
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themuseofbaroque · 2 months
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astro obvs. & notes #1 - general
author’s note - this is for entertainment purposes only, none of this is fact. these are simply my own opinions!
- neptune 1H 🤝 pisces rising, noticing their eyes first. the water influence to these placements adds something that draws you in like a current, no pun intended. i used to work with a pisces rising, and she literally looked like a pretty fish (lmfao) big, shiny eyes. either of these placements can find it incredibly easy to appear sensual or seductive.
- speaking of water placements! i’ve also noticed pisces placements tend to take a lot of pictures around water. beaches, hot tubs, rivers.
- this can also be said for air signs (esp. libra) but with things they enjoy! i’m always seeing personal interest posts from libras, aquarians and geminis. music, video games, political causes, shows they’re watching, food, celebrities, etc. anything they like, they post. anything.
- i’ve never laughed harder than when i’m with people who have heavy gemini, capricorn, sagittarius and leo placements
- in my personal opinion and experience, capricorn risings are what people think scorpio rising is. i’ve only met one scorpio rising irl (that i know of) and she did not fit martian/plutonian ruling at all. celebrity examples ⬇️
kim hongjoong of ateez. the intimidation factor, the style, sex appeal, the interest in piercings/tattoos. he’s a capricorn rising, with his chart ruler, saturn, in the sign of aries so we see a lot of red/martian influence from him as well.
megan fox. she’s been a little fuckin weird ever since she dated mgk (that man makes me physically ill to look at much less read about) but! she had her bad bitch moments! being known primarily for her sex appeal + starring in jennifer’s body (a gothic treasure btw) i feel is very scorpio coded however she herself is a capricorn rising, with a sagittarius saturn in the 11h, more fire influence from her as well just like with hongjoong.
joan jett. THEE female guitarist of the 80s. her whole career was surrounded by sex, scandals, drugs, all the darker themes of rock n roll in general. she’s another fire ruled capricorn rising and a sagittarius saturn in the 11h like megan. her style and even her personality has an edge to it, much more fitting for scorpio/plutonian stereotypes rather the capricorn ones. imo.
- actors who’ve done major/recognizable roles in horror usually have a capricorn neptune. neptune is imagination and capricorn is ruled by the devil card in tarot. combine the two and you have quite literally = dark imagination. celebrity examples ⬇️
mia goth staring in the X series as the main face of the trilogy
bill skarsgard being the main face of the IT remake as pennywise
evan peters as tate langdon in AHS, he also played jeffery dahmer recently for netflix.
- capricorn actually shows up quite a bit in the horror genre, esp. gore and paranormal. both actors and writers.
- sagittarius too, oddly enough. a lot of well known faces of horror have major sagittarius placements/stelliums/jupiter dominance.
- underdeveloped cancer placements are more manipulative and two faced than geminis. i see so much gem slander on here, and don’t get me wrong, i love both cancer and gemini placements! however i’ve met and befriended quite a few of both, and cancers by far have been the common denominator in issues around them more than once. stirring the pot then turning around and playing the victim when people are frustrated, lying, playing both sides to better their own situation, and even playing people against each other. i’ve never seen such hateful behaviors from the geminis i know irl.
- aries men are much shyer compared to the women
- taurus women i’ve met irl get pregnant very easily. venus? good coochie? idk
- grand trines are some of the most beautiful people i’ve ever seen (a grand trine is when someone’s big 3, so sun/moon/rising, are in the same element but in all 3 different signs. ex: virgo sun, taurus moon, capricorn rising)
- queer individuals with pisces placements can pass as straight pretty easily if they wanted to. most of them are chameleons
- aries risings i’m so sorry for the household you had growing up. i see martian childhoods usually being the ones who dealt with screaming matches, toxic parents, poverty and underlying issues with siblings that last into adulthood
- i’m not surprised at all when libra placements tell me they’re in college for a general studies degree because they can’t figure out what they wanna do yet
- a lot of fan favorite female characters in video games are canonically cancers
- if you think your rising sign doesn’t suit you very well, try looking at whatever planet correlates with your gender identity. masculine: sun and mars, feminine: venus and moon. the houses and signs of these should help you out a little bit
- libra placements absolutely get favoritism at least once in their life, jobs/family dynamics especially
- sagittarius women usually have rough love lives, at least in the beginning. a lot of them try to save and help partners who don’t deserve it and they get hurt badly in the process. same goes with pisces women
- virgo venus is not that bad of a placement as stereotypes make it out to be. clean freaks? yes. perfectionists? usually, yes. loyal? yes. remember the small things? yes. romantic? no. at least not in a cheesy way. sensual? yes.
- lilith aspects to any of the big 3 is a bad bitch placement. honorable mention is venus/lilith aspects as well
- air signs like spicy food just as much as fire signs
- a lot of rappers have heavy mercurial placements (virgo and gemini) (3h and 6h)
- mc aspecting venus in anyway is usually the person who fools around with coworkers/may even cheat on a partner with someone they work with. most people with this placement have definitely had a partner at one point or another worried about someone they work with. may be the type to have a “work wife”/“work husband”
- 6h chiron is the person who’s life has been majorly impacted by their own or someone else’s health. disabilities, chronic illnesses, stds, limb amputation, skin grafts, etc.
- aries moon and mercury combo = bad potty mouth, cursing is an almost unbreakable habit
- speaking of aries! aries and aquarius placements together in any of these ➡️ moon, venus, mars, lilith, pluto ➡️ usually have a tendency to jump around from partner to partner very quickly, including falling back into exes. their thoughts and opinions on people and things change SO quickly that they usually are the kind of people who have rosters (unintentionally). they are upfront, they don’t lie or drag anyone along but they do seem to be restless when it comes to romance. even if they don’t physically date a lot, they may often THINK of it, their minds going a million miles a minute
- geminis do not get the rep they deserve for being freaks. not only does the sign traditionally rule the throat/lungs/hands/nervous system, (choking, breath play, hickies, hand fetish/fingering, blindfolding and sub/dom dynamics) but it’s also ruled by the lovers card in tarot 👁️👁️
- fixed signs 🤝 tattoos
- sagittarius/capricorn/pisces/libra placements usually have issues with religion/spirituality growing up. either they were forced into one as kids and they have an unhealthy relationship with their god now as an adult or they simply struggle to find something that feels true to them. this is just my experience but every single friend i’ve had who’s left the christian church, had an interest in paganism/buddhism, joined the satanic temple, grew up as strict catholics, etc, have had these placements. religion is a revolving door for them and it’s a common subject of struggle in their life
- women with pisces placements tend fall into unhealthy relationships very easily, especially if they’re heterosexual and dating men. they fall in love with the idea of love before the actual person presenting it. they are bossed around very easy and usually don’t like confrontation. honorable mentions for this as well: pisces stellium, cancer stellium/mercury/saturn, 7h saturn
- cheesy hallmark movies make me think of taurus/libra venus placements, 7h venus as well
- 5h cancer/moon/venus, cancer rising/moon dom, 5h/8h synastry aspects please be wary of accidental pregnancies! wrap it before you tap it cause y’all extra fertile 💀
- most well known streamers/youtubers have 10h stelliums, including their venus. a lot of them will end up dating another social media presence/someone who shares a platform/job with them
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yay first post! pardon any spelling errors i’m proof reading this half asleep ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
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yuveenti-blog · 1 month
Astrology Observations 08/18/2024
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Your Moon Sign and What’s Holding You Back
Aries Moon: Your ego holds you back in this lifetime. For you, Aries Moon, you have to learn to let things go and stop always trying to be right and to always overpower someone. Your power is within you, not over anyone else. It’s okay if people do not like your way of being, but stop convincing others of your worth. Again, this should be intrinsic to you and shouldn’t have to be proved. Lastly, just because you get attention doesn’t mean it’s good attention. Try to discern who is really for you and who is pulling energy from you.
Taurus Moon: You, Taurus Moon, need to break out of your routine. You guys think your lives are perfect because you think your routine is grounding you, when it’s actually holding you back. You guys are so particular about so many things in your lives that it’s overwhelming for you guys to ever see the bigger picture of life, and most of you get stuck in your routine, dead-end jobs, or living in places you don’t actually like. You guys always try to act like you can improve where you’re at, but your fear is losing what you know because the unknown is so scary. It can hold you back because you are such a perfectionist, and when you can’t live up to your own standards, you give up.
Gemini Moon: You guys let indecision hold you back. You guys think too much about decisions and weigh the pros and cons. You try to do things that will benefit your life, but often you guys let this need to have everything a certain way in your life hold you back from making decisions from your heart. You guys skip all over your emotions and act like everything has to be logically coded in order for it to serve a purpose in your life. That’s why it’s so easy for you guys to have such a strong ego towards what you view as right because you believe everything you do is right and makes sense. If you guys could only see that your emotions are important, you wouldn’t struggle so much with making decisions, nor would you always be focused on doing and being right.
Cancer Moon: What holds you back? The Cancer Moon is keeping everything inside of you. You sit and brood over everything and constantly spend time introspecting. You essentially drown yourself in your emotions and judge yourself too harshly for all that you’ve done. You spend too much of your time dwelling and, at times, even fantasizing about the past. You can drive yourself insane by piecing all the little parts of your life together and psychoanalyzing every move. Give yourself time to breathe and not be trapped in the confines of psychoanalysis.
Leo Moon: What holds you back? Leo Moon is your recklessness. Yes, seldom do you realize that life’s pleasures are not meant to be used every time you feel a negative emotion. Constantly trying to do something is what causes you to crash out. You often venture off and find yourself in bigger troubles and struggles than to begin with. You oftentimes find yourself believing in what you desire too much, and you can find yourself held back when challenges and obstacles come up, which makes you want to abandon your true goals. You want an easy life, and sometimes, as much as you’re ready for something, you’re just as ready to abandon it.
Virgo Moon: You’re held back by your pessimism and negativity. Yes, you are the kind of person who is straightforward, but oftentimes you, Virgo Moon, have black-and-white thinking. When things go wrong or bad in your life, you can’t see out of it and often cage yourself in this negativity, thinking that it is the basis of your reality. This essentially makes it so that you live a very sad and depressing life and use work, school, responsibilities, and drugs as the main form of living, which drains you of all your wonderful energy to give.
Libra Moon: Oftentimes, Libra Moon feels out of place and is around the wrong people. The issue is that you guys stay in rooms and places you’re not valued and wanted in, but you rationalize it. You rationalize too much, to the point where you don’t even understand what is truly going on. You stay in relationships, friendships, organizations, and jobs where you do not flourish. You let your head get in the way of great opportunities for your unique self to truly shine.
Scorpio Moon: You let your laziness hold you back. Yes, I said it. Although Scorpio’s are known to have tenacity, Scorpio moon often spends most of their time trying to escape reality rather than actually working to get better. It’s like instead of staying in reality, you guys retreat. Oftentimes, you guys will go to yourself so you don’t have to deal with the harsh realities; you’ll block out the world's noise, escaping with music, your hobbies, your phone, drugs, and alcohol. If you have a partner, you will use your partner to escape. You guys get super lazy, and then nothing changes in your life.
Sagittarius Moon: You guys let your impulsivity hold you back. Oftentimes, you guys don’t understand that your actions have long-term consequences and have such short sight of everything. You will make decisions that, in a couple of hours, you’ll be so upset and mad that you will impulsively do something just for it to make things even worse and harder for you in the future. Your short-term pleasure just turns into a hassle or headache. Sometimes you say things purely out of anger that ruin your relationships. You can dampen a lot of your life with these spontaneous decisions. It bites you in the butt, but you can’t stop yourself from thinking short-term. Your impulse control can be low and can hold you back in life.
Capricorn Moon: Capricorn Moon, you struggle to realize life outside of your fixated mind of success, so when things don’t happen the way you intend, you often give up and settle in life. The biggest thing that holds you back is your own standards, which can sometimes keep you complacent or so high that you just give up and settle in life. Also, there is a lazy streak in you that thinks that hard work is above you, so you try to shortcut your way to your goals only to be knocked on your ass time and time again. It can be hard for you to want to do the work to achieve your goals, so it’s easier for you to settle with what you can do or that’s doable.
Aquarius Moon: What holds you back in this lifetime is your ability to do a lot, and so that makes it hard for you to ever get to the action part. You are great at coming up with ideas but struggle to follow through. You can build an empire in your mind, but struggle with the patience to make the plans and to go through the stages. For you, you often become too dependent on others to do the work, which means a lot of your plans require the right people, who you often don’t have around you. You struggle to find your way to getting what you want because those you depend on aren’t aligned with you and your desires. It’s best to rethink your plans or your people.
Pisces Moon: What holds you back are your roots and your attachment to them, as you find it hard to stray from home. You can become too involved with nurturing those around you and never focus on yourself. Always helping family, friends, and others. You can also become so bogged down by always being there for others that you retreat and spend a lot of time at home trying to nurture yourself back to life, only to overextend yourself all over again. Your biggest holdback is your roots and how hard it is for you to move on from the past and propel yourself forward.
Your Mars Sign and your Attitude
Aries Mars: Always ready to argue or fight attitude
Taurus Mars: Your way or the highway attitude
Gemini Mars: Always playing devils advocate attitude
Cancer Mars: Petty as ever attitude
Leo Mars: Alpha male/woman attitude
Virgo Mars: Condescending attitude
Libra Mars: Always irritated attitude
Scorpio Mars: Makes you feel stupid attitude
Sagittarius Mars: Tell it like it is attitude
Capricorn Mars: Mean attitude
Aquarius Mars: superiority complex attitude
Pisces Mars: Victim attitude
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
Your future spouse : Who? Where? When?
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Group 1 - Van Gogh
Letters : E M D E R U O E P W T Y
Words/signs/names : deputy, Rudy, Emery, Roy, power, true, Morty, drum, poetry, proud, meet, WED, route, pure, Tower, remedy, dom, prom, word, rude, drop, rope, dye, eye, TUE, wet, pet, pouty, muted, dope, prude
Recommended songs : Fly me to the moon Frank Sinatra, Sweater weather The Neighborhood, Snooze AGUSTD, MIA Bad Bunny ft Drake
WHO? - White Numen / Ask body / Magnesite : get your mind right.
Oh this person is powerful and stubborn AF. The bull and the panther may be spirit animals of this person. If not, they like these animals or their personality matches those. In terms of astrological placements, we have Taurus and Aquarius, as well as Earth signs in general (Taurus Virgo Capricorn). They are a boss ass B. They are masculine. Like reaaaallyyyy masculine. They have BIG DADDY energy. Jupiter might be very well aspected in their chart or the sign in which Jupiter is in their chart matches well with the energy of Jupiter. That would be Sagittarius, Pisces and Cancer. This person is a creator and a good manifestor. They think a lot. They are cerebral. They may strugg with overthinking but their mind reminds their best asset. They are the epitome of brains are sexy. This person would know everything from ancient languages and art skills to the newest knowledge in technology and medicine. They can do anything and everything they set their mind to. In terms of their looks, they are definitely tall. They would tower over you and lift you up like you were a feather. They are strong in all aspects. Their torso is bigger than the lower part of their body. They have broad shoulders, big hands, big forehead and nose, prominent jawline, regardless of their gender. Maybe for the women identifying people the bum and chest would be bigger than other features of their body. And for the men identifying people, the pectorals would be juicy. With the ask body card, this tells me this person works out a lot. They are also very spiritual. They give off a lone wolf energy when really this person has a lot of love to give they just know what they want and they have strong boundaries. So they would never let themselves be walked over or let in people who would bring more BS than anything. This person would keep you on your toes for sure. I feel like they would have a bold fashion style. Something that stands out from current trends or that is unusual for people who are like them. For instance, let’s say this person is quite old, maybe you’d expect them to wear suits and fancy watches. But instead this person has a very casual look or dresses like the younger people. They could be your boss or at least someone who has a higher status than yours. It wouldn’t surprise me if they already had kids. They are well established.
WHEN? - Page of pentacles / Higher perspective / Bismuth : rewrite your code with rainbows.
In terms of timing, the page of pentacles represents several months. Now if we look at the meaning of the page of pentacles, it talks about education. The page is a learner, a student in matters of material aspects. Combined with the Higher perspective card, this definitely gives me the feeling of going back to college. Or getting a training in something very specific. Potentially something involving spirituality. Like taking reiki courses or tarot reading lessons. So I feel this person is a teacher or a mentor to you. With the Bismuth card, I feel like this person will be opening doors for you. And that could be litteral because the door of my room opened out of nowhere as I was trying to get more information from the card. Higher perspective is related to Ether. This means to me that you will meet at a point in your life when you wish to evolve, to embody a better version of yourself and seek to gain knowledge or power.
WHERE? - King of cups / The Explorer / Malachite : claim your success.
We already had kind of a hint with the previous section. And I feel like it’s further confirmed by these cards, especially the Malachite card. Now if we talk about geographical indicators, water seems to be relevant. Also on the Explorer card there’s a compass. So it tells me that where you meet them, there is either a plan or something related to navigation or orientation. Also when looking at this card I heard "you already know where to find them". So it gives me the strong feeling that many of you already know this person and already met them. It’s just that you didn’t consider them your FS. Also the malachite card mentions the workspace. So you could work together. Or you’re doing the same job and you go to them for advice. Also the king of cups card depicts a man sitting on a thrown spilling water in an ocean of sharks. So this also tells me there’s a lot of competition where you meet. And it’s like this person is trying to educate or heal the sharks somehow.
Group 2 - Monet
Disclaimer : I kept confusing you with group 1 and there were cards of group 1 that kept wanting to come into your reading so you might want to check group 1 as well. I think there are two people that have the potential of being your future spouse.
Letters : L I S G E S T M S I E K
Words / signs / names : Selim, time, lies, mess, Tess, seek, kisses, misses, meets, lists, sees, skies, ski, Mike, miles, gems, glee, mist, melt, GSM, kit, leek, miel (French for honey), TMI, MIT, Stiles, geek
Recommended songs : Easy Camilla Cabello, Life goes on AGUSTD , Hall of fame Stray Kids
WHO? - Ace of pentacles / The Seeker / Aragonite : find your center.
Earth signs are being shown here. On the ace of pentacles card there are 8 hands reaching for the pentacle. So your person is wanted by many. They feel younger than you. They are possibly a student or a young active. With the Seeker card I feel like this person hasn’t found their true calling yet. They feel lost and out of balance. Maybe they got a job that doesn’t make them happy or their studies aren’t as fulfilling as they thought. They are super shy and reserved. They may appear as cold when they are just a softy. They have trust issues. They feel really cute to be honest. But also they are lonely. It’s like they keep searching for the one, when they have so many prospects. I feel like they have a lot of high standards and they know that other people don’t match the vibe they’re going for. I feel like this person only has eyes for you but you don’t see them. Again, this group knows their FS already. In terms of physical traits, I feel like this person has good hands. But their body might look out of shape a little. They’re more on the chubby side. They look comforting. Like the type of person that would give the best hugs. Their gaze is really soft. Like a puppy. They feel pretty needy tbh. But not the suffocating type of needy. They just want to be loved and crave for connection. Someone that will share their interests and values. Who will match their crazy and feel safe in their presence. I feel like this person has faced a lot of rejection in the past and they kinda are stuck with this idea that no one wants them. They are an introvert. They like to isolate and be in their bubble. I feel like people have an idea of them that is completely false. Like maybe they think this person is a flirt and parties all night when in truth they’re a couch potato and a gym rat. They only go out of truly needed and they would rather be alone than surrounded by tons of people they barely know. This person wants a family of their own so bad. Like a big family with the white dog and pretty little house. They’re a hopeless romantic and an idealist.
WHEN? - 2 of pentacles / Reclaim / Scolecite : dive into your dreams.
On the 2nd of a month, two months from now. It feels like you may be going back and forth with this person before fully knowing them or being close to them. There’s a chase and run type of energy to this connection. You’ll meet them when you or they are reclaiming your/their power and changing something in your life. So moving houses, changing jobs or getting back to studying. When you start chasing your dreams. Also you could meet them in your dreams before meeting them in person. During any earth sign season.
WHERE? - Queen of pentacles / Power / Amethyst : get drunk on your highest self.
In a places of power or worship such as Cathedrals and Churches, Mosques, temples, town halls, or in a place of education. Also monuments came to mind. Like the Eiffel Tower, the leaning tower of Pisa. There were many stars on the Queen of pentacles’s dress so Europe came to mind. The US and the UK as well. Other places include : Siberia, the Far East, Brazil, Uruguay, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Mexico, Australia, South Korea, India, Austria, Germany, Italy, Canada.
Group 3 - Hokusai
Letters : C Q T E C S L I G A L I
Words/signs/names : Ali, Alice, Alicia, Cecilia, Scilla, Giles, Gael, Gaelic, sigil, sea, sail, Lisa, aigle (French for eagle), Elisa, Elias, Cali, cast, list, tails, IQ, Tesla, sage, Isac, Lila, lilac, cis, alt, ciel (French for sky), call, site, Lise, teal, lace, acts, sell
Recommended songs : Mon amour GEMINI , 3:00 AM Finding hope , Dark on me Starset
WHO? - 6 of pentacles / The Revolutionary / Honey calcite : break through your limits.
First of all, your person might have a white dog. Second of all, they have tanned skin. Thirdly, they could work in law enforcement or they are studying at Law school. They could be doing humanitarian work. They are balanced and grounded. Both in their attitude as well as their personality. They know when to give and when to take, when to talk and when to listen, when to act and when to observe. With the revolutionary card, this tells me that they are pretty determined and ambitious. This person likes to stand for greater causes. So you’d bet that they advocate for children and women rights, for the LGBTQIA+ community, for the respect of nature and animals as well as the end of wars. The signs of Taurus, Aries, Sagittarius and Leo are significant. This person is very sweet. Almost to the point where sometimes they put others needs before their own. Especially if it’s about being fair and giving retribution for wrongs caused by previous generations. This person feels like they have a debt they need to pay. Also they might have suffered abuse in the past so they want to have retribution for them but also for the people who were wronged like they were. In terms of physical traits, their body is harmonious. So for female presenting individuals, they would have kind of an hour glass body type. Same for male presenting individuals. This person feels gender fluid. They are a minimalist. They like to keep things simple when it comes to the way they look. Honestly if they could be naked on a daily basis they would be. They’re in touch with nature. Animals love them. They have a very comforting aura. This person really is as sweet as honey. They could be a creator, a designer, a public speaker. They like to use their voice and their status to raise awareness about things they care about and value. They could be a teacher as well or someone that works with kids.
WHEN ? Page of swords / Paradox / Hematite : align with your wholeness.
When stars align. When you finally let your guards down. When you align with your calling, your soul mission. During any air sign season. Within a few weeks from now. When you’re on your period. When you let go of your old beliefs on love or when you move on from a past love, an unrequited love or a crush that would never have evolved into anything more than friendship. When your spiritual beliefs change drastically (i.e. you decide to convert to a new faith, you no longer believe in God, you choose to follow a spiritual path).
WHERE? - Queen of swords / Get wild / Emerald : point your heart toward grace.
In terms of countries, we have : Colombia, Brazil, Zambia, Zimbabwe, USA, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Australia. Now, in terms of where you could meet, I'm not getting much from these cards. It's like your FS wants to play hide and seek. They're not really comfortable sharing where they are. The only thing I'm picking up on is somewhere where the law is involved. So it could be an administration, a police station, law school, a lawyer's office, a prison. With the get wild card, the only hint I can get is that it can get intense. I asked for a card to clarify the Queen of swords and I got the 9 of pentacles. So law and money are involved. So maybe a bank or an insurance company. Or somewhere businesses and entrepreneurs go to get advice on how to invest their money or know if something they intend to do is legal or not.
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whitlovealways8 · 2 months
Astrology Observations Pt 8.
Combination Placements Edition
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I know most people like to say "x" behavior is such a "y" sign trait. However, from my observation y=x is usually more true if "z" sign placement is also present too.
Cancer placements are real "charmers" especially if they have gemini placements. Its giving player on the low.
Combination of Sagittarius with Aquarius/Capricorn placmeents, gives heavy my word is law and I know it all vibes.
Scorpio & libra placements... are very discreet with their life.
Aquarius and virgo esp in big 3, very selfish [dettached] energies. They care about their own benefit first.
Capricorn and Sag placements are players. Yes, capricorns are more seen as the type to settle down but if Sag is involved, heavy flirts.
Capricorn and gemini placements are go getters. The capricorn placements give boss energy and the intellect, research and good communication skills sets them apart. Great placement combination for entreprenuers.
Leo & gemini placements give me catty vibes. Like they are the type of be messy to keep the spotlight on them.
Pisces with gemini placementd are like chameleons. Great at code switching and can have lots of acquaintances. People like to be around them.
Aries & taurus combo, hella stubborn. Thats all I gotta say.
Virgos with pisces placements is so interesting to me. On one hand virgos tend to be out for their own interest but on the other hand they tend up attract people who are also out for their own interest. In an unevolved way, what they do to the people they do not want, is done right back to them by the people they actually want.
Virgo and libra placements are well dressed.
Taurus and libra placements well dressed, but very laidback. They embody the empress energy of just wanting to receive.
Cancer & pisces placements so talented and creative. Drawn to the arts.
Leo and scorpio placements, wanted to hide but still being seen lol
Aquarius and scorpio placements.... I feel creates a healthy balance. Not too emotional.. not too dettached.
Gemini,virgo and capricorn placements does pay attention to their eating habits. Like even if they have a big cheat meal or two... they tend to reel it in back pretty quickly.
Thank you for reading <3 twitter @whitlovealways8
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venusiancharisma · 6 months
Your Femme Fatale Persona Based On Moon Sign...
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Just for fun, astro observations. Enjoy! This is based on the manifestation of... "they made me do it". So, while I dont agree this is the Femme Fatal "homeostasis" of each moon sign, I believe that, at one's darkest hour, these are the specific persona's each of us would take on...
Aries Moon - Lara Croft (Tomb Raider): Strong, independent, and fearless, the Aries Moon femme fatale is a daring adventurer who isn't afraid to take risks. Like Lara Croft, she's always ready for action and thrives on challenges. Additionally...
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The Bride (Kill Bill): Driven, vengeful, and skilled in martial arts.
Aeon Flux (Aeon Flux): Athletic, daring, and rebellious.
Taurus Moon - Satine (Moulin Rouge!): Sensual, alluring, and grounded, the Taurus Moon femme fatale is a master of seduction. Like Satine, she knows how to use her beauty and charm to get what she wants while remaining emotionally steadfast. Additionally...
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Sugar Kane Kowalczyk (Some Like It Hot): Sexy, charming, and pleasure-seeking.
Regina George (Mean Girls): Popular, manipulative, and materialistic.
Gemini Moon - Catwoman (Batman Returns): Clever, adaptable, and enigmatic, the Gemini Moon femme fatale is a master of disguise. Like Catwoman, she's quick-witted, elusive, and always keeps others guessing. Additionally...
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Jordan Baker (The Great Gatsby): Clever, charming, and unpredictable.
Marion Crane (Psycho): Secretive, impulsive, and multifaceted.
Cancer Moon - Norma Desmond (Sunset Boulevard): Emotionally intense, nostalgic, and manipulative, the Cancer Moon femme fatale is a complex character. Like Norma Desmond, she may cling to the past and use her vulnerability to control others. Additionally...
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Annie Wilkes (Misery): Obsessive, nurturing, and unstable.
Alex Forrest (Fatal Attraction): Clingy, possessive, and emotionally demanding.
Leo Moon - Foxxy Cleopatra (Austin Powers in Goldmember): Confident, dramatic, and alluring, the Leo Moon femme fatale knows how to command attention. Like Foxxy Cleopatra, she's bold, charismatic, and always steals the spotlight. Additionally...
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Marilyn Monroe (The Seven Year Itch): Charismatic, flirtatious, and attention-seeking.
Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit): Seductive, enigmatic, and theatrical.
Virgo Moon - Catherine Tramell (Basic Instinct): Intelligent, calculating, and mysterious, the Virgo Moon femme fatale is a master of manipulation. Like Catherine Tramell, she uses her intellect and attention to detail to outmaneuver others. Additionally...
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Tracy Lord (The Philadelphia Story): Perfectionist, analytical, and critical.
Amy Dunne (Gone Girl): Cunning, organized, and vengeful.
Libra Moon - Gilda (Gilda): Charming, sophisticated, and flirtatious, the Libra Moon femme fatale is a social butterfly. Like Gilda, she knows how to use her charm and beauty to captivate and influence others. Additionally...
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Madeleine Elster (Vertigo): Elegant, charming, and mysterious.
Daisy Buchanan (The Great Gatsby): Charming, indecisive, and idealistic.
Vesper Lynd (Casino Royale): Sophisticated, diplomatic, and elusive.
Scorpio Moon - Phyllis Dietrichson (Double Indemnity): Intense, secretive, and seductive, the Scorpio Moon femme fatale is a master of psychological manipulation. Like Phyllis Dietrichson, she uses her sexual allure and emotional depth to ensnare others. Additionally...
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Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones): Power-hungry, manipulative, and intense.
Brigid O'Shaughnessy (The Maltese Falcon): Mysterious, alluring, and deceitful.
Sagittarius Moon - Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill): Independent, adventurous, and philosophical, the Sagittarius Moon femme fatale is a free spirit. Like Beatrix Kiddo, she's a skilled warrior who follows her own moral code and seeks justice on her own terms. Additionally...
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Nikita (La Femme Nikita): Rebellious, independent, and adventurous.
Lisbeth Salander (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo): Unconventional, daring, and justice-seeking.
Capricorn Moon - Miranda Priestly (The Devil Wears Prada): Ambitious, disciplined, and powerful, the Capricorn Moon femme fatale is a formidable presence. Like Miranda Priestly, she's a master of her craft and expects nothing less than perfection from herself and others. Additionally...
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Evelyn Mulwray (Chinatown): Reserved, ambitious, and secretive.
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth): Ambitious, manipulative, and ruthless.
Aquarius Moon - Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction): Unconventional, independent, and mysterious, the Aquarius Moon femme fatale is a true original. Like Mia Wallace, she marches to the beat of her own drum and isn't afraid to break the rules. Additionally...
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Mathilda (Léon: The Professional): Unconventional, intelligent, and rebellious.
Clementine Kruczynski (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind): Eccentric, free-spirited, and unpredictable.
Pisces Moon - Nina Sayers (Black Swan): Imaginative, emotionally vulnerable, and self sacrificing. Like Nina, she uses her damseled distress and emotional depth to draw others into her web of desire and deceit. Additionally...
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Melissa Robinson (The Last Seduction): Deceptive, adaptable, and seductive.
Laura Hunt (Laura): Elusive, enigmatic, dreamy, and idealization.
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Okay, this one's weird. First things first, imo, minotaur are far and above the sexiest monster. If I started listing reasons why, I'd be here ACTUALLY all night, I could talk about them for hours. Now. Onto the weird part. My boyfriend is vaguely aware of my... tastes? Preferences? He's unbothered. Sometimes he'll poke fun at me for being a lil monsterfucker freak, but it's always very light-hearted, and he doesn't know any details or real actual fantasies, just enough to like crack jokes about Venom or werewolf boyfriends, ya know?
Little does he know, minos' are my bread and butter and he's the perfect minotaur man. Hes very possessive, introverted, hard-headed, over 6ft and broad as a barn, he's got a muscular (but still tubby, u know? Like a lot of muscle under a very respectable layer of fat) chest that's p hairy and so wide i can curl up on it and go to sleep, he has waist length curly hair, big beautiful round brown eyes, with pretty, long, dark eyelashes, hes super strong, is shockingly good at ax throwing, has huge hands, and a massive c0ck LOVES MAZESES, and is a taurus to boot. I got him a headband that has little bull horns on it and I don't ever let him wear them cause the one time he did, I got so flustered by it I almost blew my cover. He mentioned thinking about getting a septum ring once, HE CALLED IT A BULL RING, and it took everything in my power to not beg on my hands and knees.
My monster fucker confession is that I'm attracted to my bf because he's SO UNBELIEVABLY minotaur coded that it makes me froth at the mouth and he has no idea
ps his personality is also s teir, I love him for many reasons, one of which being he's my own personal giant bull man that I get to make out with
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cleapallea · 1 month
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Masterlist + info about me
This is based on my own personal readings; if it doesn't align with your experiences, take it as grain salt.
. ➶ ˚ People with strong sun placements (esp, sun in 1st- 6th house) or (Sun in fire placements conjunct with their personal planets) are really active people. These types of people really take care of their health.  I noticed most of them have a better/ideal physique.
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. ➶ ˚ I noticed Virgo Venus men are like Venus men in Gemini placement, because they are looking for someone who has intellectual banter, and enough to challenge their ideas, or introduce them to new intriguing things.
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. ➶ ˚ I've never met someone who has Capricorn, and Taurus Venus placement  that never tests the emotion management of their suitors. This is because they value stability, not just in material things, but the mental and physical ability of the person. Yes, they are so practical. 
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. ➶ ˚ Leo men always trying to fix women— especially the 8th, 12th, Lilith, plutonian women, because they want to control these kinds of women. 
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. ➶ ˚ I noticed most of Taurus women (even though they are venusian, they are so girly as Libra Venus)  their typical outfit goes with what they feel, or the mood within a day. It really shows what kind of person they are.
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. ➶ ˚ Don't lie for someone who has strong placements in 12th (Neptunian), Lilith( 8th/6th house dominant), Plutonian (Scorpio) , and Mercurian (3rd-6th placement) because they always find out what kind of fire you exactly play with them. You won't like it.
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. ➶ ˚ People with south code in 10th house as well the north code  indicated that your past life used to work or to be known/recognized for your intelligence or talents in public. And because of this, you always need to be sure of every step you take. All your bad deeds will come back and come back to you. Karma is faster when your south code and north code are working together. On the other hand you will also rise quickly if you use it in an appropriate way.
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—𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗺 𝗶𝘀 𝗔 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗲— all rights reserved to @cleapallea
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rosesnbooks · 1 year
Astrology observations #2
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-people who lack an element in their chart really do surround themselves with a lot of people in said element. for example, my friend lacks earth and has at least 4 friends who are earth sun signs
-some capricorns really can't get along with leos, but they are attracted to sag and aries placements. they can't help it
-mars in the 1st house get sexualised a lot, to the point it gets too much for some people..especially women. these people are also very ambitious. even when going through tough times, they never lose sight from their goals
-mercury in aquarius have a unique humor. the same goes for mercury in the 11th.
-virgo mercury pay attention to details, esp when they like you..the things they remember and gifts they give you, shows how thoughtful they are
- fire signs/houses..please tell me that you've been told at least once that you talk too loud. i have aries mercury and my friend mercury in the 9th and we both had a revelation that we talk too loud lmao
-well-developed capricorns are such sweethearts. they are reasonable and grounded, but they are also so funny and charming. they may appear as if they have everything under control at all times, but they're just like the rest of us
-water signs have the craziest dreams i swear😭some can sound like scenes from a movie, fantasy and/or horror
-moon in the 5th house/leo think about themselves a lot and take things personally. they think everything is about them. on the other hand, they have the biggest hearts and they want to make everyone they love happy. can you blame them tho for wanting to feel like a main character
-when you want to ease your mind, talk to someone who has a sagittarius mercury and they will cheer you up
-having an empty 7th house might mean that you don't have much, if any, relationship experience. you probably give good relationship advice though
-aquarius/11th house placements have their own strong moral code. they can usually hide their feelings well, but if they realise someone is being intolerant towards others and mean, they'll get really emotional. they want the world to be a better place, and get frustrated when they see how many people don't care
-capricorn placements may have really complex relationship with their parents. they often expect too much from their kids, and since they prove that they can endure almost everything, the parents don't loosen their grip. they need to know their worth and forget about the expectations!
-mercury retrograde can really cause communication issues for people. it is difficult for these people to express how they feel and stand up to others. but, it does get better with time!
-aries and taurus placements combo in a man can be very dark imo, they are often players. they also have huge ego problems. i dislike emphasizing only the darker parts of people, so i have to admit that these placements, if well-developed, can be very loyal and passionate especially with people they love. they are also incredibly hard-working and focused, it's really admirable.
-be careful when dealing with men that have virgo and libra placements in their chart. some may be romantic and attentive, while others can nitpick your every flaw and can have ridiculously high standards. they can cheat and lie easily as well
-sagittarius venus love adventure, having a partner who doesn't know how to have fun and explore things is a big turn off to them. they can make compromises for their more serious partners, but if they can't reciprocate the same effort, it's not going to work
-cancer risings seem very approachable and kind. their eyes are usually big and curious, almost childlike
-this has been said many times, but venus in the 1st individuals truly are beautiful. there is also something different and captivating in their beauty, they stand out wherever they go
-saturn in the 3rd house/gemini may indicate that a person faced speech/writing difficulties when they were young, or they continue to struggle with it
-pisces moons tend to forget things and their memory can betray them at times. as a pisces moon, i think that's because we are in our heads too much and we remember how we felt about things, not the words and actions. we also struggle with being present 100% of the time, so we perhaps didn't listen to you in the first place (i'm sorry)
take this with a grain of salt, since i only read about astrology in my free time!💜
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moonastro · 4 months
groom persona chart
sun in the houses
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what is a groom persona chart? this chart exhibits qualities that your husband will have and possible placements that can be seen in their chart. it is simply a chart all about your spouse in a woman's chart. the asteroid groom can be identified using the code 5129.
so the sun is perceived as ones ego and ones characteristics and personality. in the GPC it can identify traits that your fs will have along with their personality.
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reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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sun in the 1st house: spouse is expressive and bold. can be seen as innocent at times and can catch eyes of other people. are fiery in a sense when they get mad or angry, in fact can get easily mad and are known to be scary when mad or angry. usually the fs wants to be recognised and seen as who they are and not who someone's opinions of them are, being authentic is very important to them. they take great care of their appearance and are aware of it so usually they can be seen as well put together and often very attractive. usually the fs also owns fancy cars and may be known for their 'cool' car whether if its the newest or a vintage, they just have a very fond appreciation for vehicles especially cars. native can meet fs where their is action going on and can feel as if everything went down in a blur.
spouse can have natal sun in aries, 1st house, fire sign, fire house, fire degree.
sun in the 2nd house: the fs values their space and comfort. fs can sing very well and can most likely sing throughout the day. can have a special bond with their possessions for example may keep books from like 10 years ago and take them to any new home they move into. can have a difficult time of letting things go if they hold a special place in their heart. on the other hand are laid back, enjoys little things in life, have interest in the arts, have a unique voice perhaps its soothing or raspy. can be difficult to persuade them to do something they really don't want to do and if you actually persuade them past their limits they can break down and make the whole situation worse that it actually is. also whenever someone makes them question as to why they are doing what they chose to do because when they do they will have a different opinion about people after making them hesitate to do something they want to do. native can meet spouse through stable environments and somewhere where money is involved which can be a holiday, town, restaurant etc.
spouse can have natal sun in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign, earth house, earth degree.
sun in the 3rd house: fs is expressive and quite blunt. says what they mean and can sometime come off as being rude. can use their words as a tactic in arguments so best believe can hurt you during an argument. however are a master when it comes to persuading people so they have this charm that people can't seem to fathom. they love to engage and respond to someone conversations and you best believe that they are someone who interrupts someone ELSES conversations to slip in their opinion or correct them. love things that stimulate the fs mind so they are actually very curious in nature and want to find out why things work the way they do. the fs most likely has a sibling or you may get introduced to your fs by their sibling or your own sibling, usually in the neighbourhood as well.
spouse can have natal sun in gemini, 3rd house, air sign, air house, air degree.
sun in the 4th house: spouse is traditional and exhibits a very bold and dominant place in the home. more than likely the spouse provides an important role within the family and home, the spouse is very reliant within the family and keeps the house stable. usually the spouse is very masculine and are very traditional with their role within the household for example, may be the breadwinner of the household. may be a softie to their children though, act differently around their children than they do with others outside their home. this can also be an indication of meeting your spouse by relations from your mother or feminine figure in your life. so your mother can introduce you and your spouse as they might have known them first. also most likely that your spouse is from your natal homeland.
spouse can have their natal sun in cancer, 4th house, water sign, water house, water degree.
sun in the 5th house: the fs smiles a lot. idk what it is but you see them having the most brightest face in the world, the sun is in its own sign so you will get the double effects of leo. he may act like a child himself sometimes, usually linking situations or occurrences to his childhood like for example like if they saw a teddy in a claw machine they can go on about how they had a similar one when they were like 3. love kids stuff such as eating from kids menu, kids toys, kids activities, kids books and so on. are really fun to be around though, definitely is the one to lift everyone's mood up and they will just keep at it and just smile like throughout the whole time you are with them because they just have the energy for it. can meet fs at a fun event where there is loud music, fun activities and chaos going on.
spouse can have natal sun in leo, 5th house, fire sign, fire house, fire degree.
sun in the 6th house: fs is in their practical mindset a lot. thinking of the worst possible outcomes in life in terms of their routine, health and so forth. may have a strong erg to perform duties for people and are actually very supportive and helpful. fs may be discipline in his routine and sometimes can come off as strict to others as they can easily force their views onto others. fs is quite strategic and are very clean and focused. may have a very important skin care routine or like double cleanse and stuff like that, probably are good at keeping their home tidy as well so are good at laundry, washing dishes, ironing, grocery shopping and so on. they are not really wary of the traditional roles in the home and just do what needs to be done. likely to meet spouse in a practical and routine based environment, most likely will be unexpected.
spouse can have natal sun in virgo, 6th house, earth sign, earth house, earth degree.
sun in the 7th house: spouse is an expert and values making and developing strong bonds with people. they hate conflict so they allow themselves to be in good terms with everyone. fs has lovely style and may smell amazing/ could be into perfumes, body butters, soaps and so forth. can judge people a lot though like oh look at them and what they're wearing and such. they don't like lying so they are very truthful to what they say and what they mean. possibly has great skin. fs is charming without trying, thats just the way they act fr, like thats just who they are. are most likely on everyone's side though and hate being on a side and prefer to be the mediator. have a soothing aura and can be liked by immediate family members rather quickly, their charm is something else I'm telling you now. can meet fs during being in a relationship already or being introduced by other people.
spouse can have natal sun in libra, 7th house, air sign, air house, air degree.
sun in the 8th house: fs is quite secretive, for example extended family members may not even know much about the fs even when married. fs is quite mysterious and if you want to know about them you would have to make the approach first. can look shy or unapproachable at first. spouse can get jealous easily and can perceive situations to be worse than they are. spouse can be attracted to occult themes and may practise tarot, astrology and so forth. fs knows their worth and knows they're a bad b*. are a powerful human being in what they do, have a lot of power whether its from someone else's money or their own, their sexuality or their spirituality. people want to know their life or wants going on int heir life, fs most likely will seem interesting on the outside. native can meet fs during a time of transformation and usually at a time where spiritual signs are all around them.
spouse can have natal sun in scorpio, 8th house, water sign, water house, water degree.
sun in the 9th house: spouse most likely has a degree of a higher education of some sort. fs is broad minded, have an adventurous spirit and are eager to learn from their mistakes and don't mind when someone corrects them if they say or do something wrong because they would rather do something correctly. are very adaptable to any situation so you'll see them do one thing and switch it up the next day or something. fs is particularly fond of other cultures and can be inspired from other countries whether its their food, language, tradition, celebrations they study all of it. fs can most likely speak more than 1 language. you may meet your fs abroad, at a different country, at university.
spouse can have natal sun in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign, fire house, fire degree.
sun in the 10th house: fs is most likely quite serious and stern. are focused with their career and visions in life. are most likely the career oriented individual and most likely the spouse may be in a higher ranking position with their career than the individual with the placement. the fs may be well known by the public since the sun does rule fame and the public eye and placed in the 10th house of the public it makes sense. fs may posses mature characteristics that can acquire them to be in a more higher rank than others which can lead the spouse having lots of respect from other people. spouse may also have fame within their workplace, may be well known from their hard work can be also because they are better at one particular job and get praised and acknowledged for it. fs can be open to the idea of talking about death and the after world ( I'm not sure why but they have no fear of death). however this placement values their traditions and keeps their truth, are very fair with their actions. natives can meet their spouse in a workplace or during work, usually at their work.
spouse can have natal sun in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign, earth house, earth degree.
sun in the 11th house: fs can be irregular at times, can be a totally different person at home than they are out in public. fs is good with technical appliances and often are the handyman of the house when it comes to technology. can also own or cant live without their devices (something i picked up on). the fs may be know by many people as 11th house rules groups of people and its most likely on the internet, they can run vlogs, have a blog, post images, make videos and so on. their routine can consist of having their presence on the internet. fs is mature in their views. the native and fs may have started out as friends or may have been talking online before becoming official, could meet online.
spouse can have natal sun in aquarius, 11th house, air sign, air house, air degree.
sun in the 12th house: spouse is most likely from overseas. in terms of personality are emotionally attentive, intuitive, these individuals also often times listen to their spouse more. are soft spoken. they usually are on the move as perse you will hardly see them be in one place. the fs can have a different view in life and can often be left confused due to the lack of attentiveness to the world around them. the fs most likely can have family living overseas so they can have family living in different places in the world. fs can be distant with their spouses family so this placements family may not know that much about the fs.
spouse can have natal sun in pisces, 12th house, water sign, water house, water degree.
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thanks so much for reading kind souls <<33
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astroariska · 1 year
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATION [Chapter 5] ✨ - The North Node Version
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North node represent the new growth we are heading into. So it's very normal if you feel like you are uncomfortable to do everything related your north node chart.
But when you did it, your life starts to change
Once a Virgo north node started to get their fruits smoothies instead of wine, slow cooked meals instead of takeouts and having their schedule wrapped with yoga and pilates ... I swear it's DONE for y'all!
Virgo North Node need to carefully pick wisely who are worth their help. Because sometimes, people go through shit as their own consequences and yet feels like victimized????
I just want you to know that your Scorpio North Node friends is actually wishing changes in their life. They want change. They know that things supposed to change in order to grow. But what all they get is sometimes annihilation, destruction and even violence and that's not a pleasurable change for them.
Stop telling Scorpio North Node to let it go. They don't need them. Start to ask Scorpio North Node what can they do from the ashes. Transformation is the real fear of this placement. They had no idea if it will work or not and most time, they will feel the sorrow of having no idea is their adaptation to the new things is going to be painful or not.
This is the most underated documentary for Leo North Node. But i think Leo North Node is never about fame and get famous. It's more about strength and in general. Most people forget that Leo is a sign that represent fortitude and only highlighting the part of being "famous" and "taking the center stage" which is not true.
Leo North Node people learn to use all of their mental, physicological and soul power to cope with whatever life has thrown to them. They need to understand they have fight for their right instead giving it away to people (and this is when the fame and luxury come from, from finding what's already yours)
Pisces North Node and the art of letting go. It's not like they are holding into things that makes them uncomfortable. But it's learning that sometimes you can't fix what was broken from the first time. That life is imperfect, flawless and sometimes vague in it's own way and what they need to do is; just keep swimming.
Also, this north node need more sleep than other people. Sleep is the way they will gain productivity and mental clarity. Enough sleep provides them power to do the right things everyday.
Sagittarius North Node and the faith. It's not like they need to stick into one religion. But it's more like they need to hold the higher moral code and standard over a shortcut. Of course, you will outsmart anything. But this life calls your integrity and your morality as human being. Life ask your wisdom. So always be wise.
Sagittarius North Node is also a placeement that speak the law of assumtion and the law of attraction. So, positive mindset is needed because things will manifest easily with positive mind.
Aries North Node, y'all so angry. But what if i told you that life demands your action and not your insight? This is the north node that ask you to be the first who doing the impossible, the first who doing the things that nobody did it in the first place. You know what you need to do, so it takes courage to turn the table.
Aries North Node also have a knack to relieve after ... yes, cursing. Cuss some bomb and shit till it feels easy and lightweight again.
Taurus North Node. This is the most bitter north node that i've encountered because this north node is about self dignity and respect. They need to uproot themselves from what people has taught them to act and start building the strong boundaries and foundation for their own life.
No, Taurus North Node. This is not your time to be the biggest enemy of yourself. Because how people treat you, depends on how you TREAT YOURSELF.
Gemini North Node and equality. They are the type who need to understand that their difference and diversity doesn't mean that someone is in higher or lower class. So treat people equal and treat yourself as equal too. Treat the waitress over the restaurant the same respect like you treat the politician on their office.
Also Gemini North Node. STOP FIGHTING WITH YOUR NEIGBOURS AND BROTHERS/SISTERS. They will unlock you some good things in the future. So stay your COOL.
Capricorn North Node's pressure. In this lifetime, life wants you to be the authority figure of your own, so it's understable that you'll disappointing some people who love you and taken care of you. In turns, you'll see that sometimes loves and cares is form of emotional manipulation to prevent you from the growth you need. Don't get easily swayed by the fake love.
With the most respect. Get your shit together, Capricorn North Node. People tend to manipulate you because they can take adventage from you and rob something from you. Don't let them mess your kindness as a weakness.
Aquarius North Node need to take off some privilege they have in this lifetime and be the one who's responsible for greater duty. Responsibility and duty is unavoidable in this lifetime so make sure you handle them with care and love for humanity (people around you). You can't expect life is pleasure because only through the struggle, you'll understand how pleasure is priceless.
I will give some warning for you, Aquarius North Node. If you still feeding your ego, you'll become the public enemy. I've seen this placement falls down and rise up because their community is wishing them to. Make sure that people only wishing you the best so you could manifest easily.
Libra North Node need for the partnership in this lifetime has nothing to do with being in relationship. But being in the middle of the change. Most people in this north node will make the most life changing decision and partnership helps them to keep relate into the change they have made. Relationship happens when you are in the commitment in the change with someone who willing to helps you through thin and thick. So choosing the right partner means choosing the right person to change and evolve together.
No, Cancer North Node. Being in control and having your guard up doesn't mean success. Success to you is a sense of security to feel whatever you want to feel and everytime you want to feel. Your job, your salary and your social status doesn't define you. It's your warmth, present and personality that roots you deep for who you are that matters the most.
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