#iroh is a sagittarius for his wisdom
drunknillawafer · 3 months
What I think characters from atla & tlok zodiac signs are ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Aang: Libra… that is a libra. Balance… peace… “I’m glad your glad!” From when him and katara fought in ep 3 season 1 plz
Katara: Cancer… cause phew you will feel that cancers emotions… it’s the cardinal in them… “I’m completely 🗣️😡 Calm!”
Korra: Aries. Had trouble learning air bending bc she was too hot headed and impatient cmon guys this one’s a given. “I’m the avatar, and you gotta deal with it!”
Sokka: Capricorn. Guy means business, cracking jokes for everyone else. Thinks he’s top dog. “🗣️I can still fight!”
Toph: “Okay… 3 on 3 + Sokka” Sagittarius. Not afraid to tell it like it is and face things head first.., also a jokester
Zuko: Scorpio because the way he couldn’t firebend temporarily due to his source of revenge and anger being gone like… yea… that’s a scorpio. This cuntress.
Mai: The Taurus to his Scorpio. Monotone and bored but secretly a lover girl for her man like. Fierce
Ty Lee: Pisces cmon guys we know this…. These are facts… she’s just happy to be here! Probs some libra in there too
Azula: Virgo. Perfectionist so much to the point where it’s her demise.
Bolin: I think he’s a Gemini Virgo because this is a chatterbox… The comedic relief
Asami: Scorpio… alluring… mysterious… hot… not afraid though… as a non bender she was always ready to FIGHT
Some Bonuses:
Varrick: Pisces…
Zhu Li: Virgo
Zaheer: Aquarius
Suki: Taurus
Iroh: Sagittarius
Lin: Capricorn
Tenzin: Capricorn “Don’t bring my mother into this!”
Kya: Cancer… she is her mothers daughter… also super intuitive
Bumi the second: Sagittarius
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plutoswrath · 3 years
i’m back again because i want to ask again for other cool cartoon characters risings like avatar the last airbender ones or even teen titans ones. or just any characters you’re fond of. i always thought azula was cancer/scorpio and zuko was aries/scorpio. i’ve put an unhealthy amount of thought into those two because i wanted to calculate their home life/ic while i did it. azula with cancer and libra ic makes sense just due to her being more spoiled. scorpio makes less sense to me when using the ic method for her so i basically just convinced myself it’s cancer. when using the ic method with zuko, aries makes 50/50 sense because he was babied but the rest of his familial relationships were yikes. he could also very well be libra ic too because he has some really harmonious relationships with a select few of his family and then some REALLY bad ones mixed in. it’s balanced out like that. i just realized that i basically just assumed you’ve seen atla and that’s rather presumptuous of me. so feel free to ignore this lmao.
An ask about Avatar….,,,.excellent 🤌🤌🤌
Very nice observations from your side here, while we’re at it, let’s stay a while with Azula and Zuko!
I think considering their IC/MC axis here is really important and helpful as well with these two. Zuko and Azula both grew up in the same home, but while Zuko had a good connection to his mother and bad one to his father, Azula had a bad connection with her mother and thus was more even more focused on her father and followed his steps.
I think Zuko could be a Leo/Scorpio/Cancer Ascendant. Leo Ascendant because his whole journey revolves around rebuilding his reputation and thus focuses a lot on his relationship with his own ego. He comes from a family that forced him into ultimate survival mode and made him dependent on the power of others, there were a lot of secrets he had to uncover. His self image and self worth is really damaged, he comes across as stubborn, fixed, team avatar is barely able to talk him out of his rigid perception and ideas of how people are, how connections are ought to be, even though all he is is deeply hurt inside. In the end, he values peace and harmonious connections. On the other hand, an Aries Rising would push him to become an individual that values taking responsibility and a Cancer rising would explain his aggressive and ‘lone wolf, get out of my way’ behavior: his story of being an autonomous individual went from being self righteous and motivated by ‘becoming strong’ to someone independent from the judgement of his family, able to form and decide his own path.
Azula could be a Scorpio rising because of her exposure to secrets but also many intrigues in her childhood, there was no ‘order’ and many liars/trainers that only revealed themselves after a while (Pisces IC: revealing the truth sparely over time in families), and now she tries to create ‘the right thing’ and order and just with her father together by dictatorship (Virgo MC). Which for me btw is also very funny because due to Azula ending up alone and being deceived by the ideologies of her father she slowly falls back into a messy, chaos state (Pisces IC) which she so desperately wanted to eliminate by following the only thing that’s right (following Ozai). I also get why she could be a Cancer Ascendant with an Aries MC, an Aries Ascendant with a Capricorn MC, but I can also kinda see her being a Libra rising with a Capricorn IC and Cancer MC because her family required her to be autonomous and cold/cruel from an early age on and she adapted to it and now follows her fathers credo, and actually is quiet manipulative, especially when it comes to Zuko. She keeps reminding him of her family ‘back then’ and once even lured him back to her only to reveal. That deep down she is still the same, duty oriented person.I think actually a Scorpio MC with Taurus IC kinda make sense with her closed off, manipulative nature on the surface and her being spoiled by/the golden child her father in her childhood buuuut I personally have a harder time seeing her as an Aquarius Ascendant.
I think uncle Iroh can be a Taurus Rising with an Aquarius MC and Leo IC or Sagittarius Rising with an Aries IC and Libra MC - he was feared and came from a place of pure destruction and egotism (which he was very popular and praised for by his nation) but came to be a person that changed his perspective and was eager to be a person preaching of harmony and the cycle and symbiosis between the elements and energies/people on earth. I think Uncle Iroh could have his Sun (especially if he’s a Sagittarius, which he btw always was for me) or Jupiter conjunct his MC. Or he is a Pisces Rising with a Sagittarius MC, I think Iroh’s big mentor energy and the wisdom as well as huge transformation he went through in his life stick out the most for me. Due to to the transformational aspect in his life he could also have the potential to have very prominent Scorpio/8th house in his chart paired with the other signs I listed above!
Katara could very well be a Cancer Sun with a Cancer MC, seriously she carries big Cancer energy and the fact that they lost both their parents and had to be self sufficient and grow up on their own quickly (little to no time to truly process their feelings) and she taking over the role of the mother naturally speaks for this. She's very sensitive to keeping a harmonious vibe in team avatar, but yet she's also not blind to any mistreatments and injustice. She tries to mainatain a balance of kind and strict. Also, with Capricorn as her 4th house it would explain why she's seen as serious, even unfunny, by team avatar, those that know her pretty well and actually get a glimpse of her IC nature. I kinda can see her having her Ascendant and MC/Sun in an Aquarius degree as well.
Aang for me is very young at heart, childlike and seems to like being in the presence with others and thus for me always carried a Leo IC (due to circumstances he also received a lot of attention from others and was either hated or liked for his reputation/character growing up because he faced a lot of jealousy/mistreatment from his peers as well). I think despite the fact that we quiet literally watch Aang having to become an adult in his early years, he is someone who has to act for the greater good regarding the danger human kind faces and the responsibility he carries (which also contradicts his peaceful nature) are enormous but due to that he always seemed to be an Aquarius MC for me, a bearer and symbol of change and philanthropy. And a Taurus Ascendant would make sense especially if he’s an air Sun (as I always imagine him).
I need to think a bit more thoroughly about Toph and Sokka (also even though I watched the serious probably around a thousand times I want to reread Sokka's and Toph's story arc again before getting back at their possible Ascendant!) feel free to share your thoughts! x
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Full Moon in Sagittarius x Lunar Eclipse June 2020
Hi everyone, I’ll make this post a bit short because why not. Also, how are you all doing despite the really weird and crazy energetic shifts that the whole world is now feeling, like super strong energies that want to push EVERYONE to MOVE AND CHANGE..? Yep, this was what the older messages in this blog were about, not just channeled through me but to a lot of people, whether they’re into the whole esoteric-energetic woo woo stuff or not. Good thing the energetic shifts and alarm bells started ringing a bit early for all the woke people to sniff and adjust into, so at least some people can hang on to whatever is left of their sanity lol
We can now also see the effects that the energetic shifts are causing to the entire “unaware” collective, and if I was to look at things from a 3D perspective, the whole world is just screaming in pain. However, if we zoom in from a higher dimensional perspective, the density that wants to escape is now manifesting through the collective energies of the “sleeping” populations, hence the world-wide chaos that MUST happen to release these old, dense vibrations. Of course I am not discounting nor degrading any form of old pain coming up in one way or another, as well as the pains that others are feeling right now. Like seriously, it’s not fun feeling literal and figurative pain each day that isn’t even mine. Like I wanna stop my daily crying bonanza it’s ruining my eyes lol But seriously... It’s pretty much one reason why it took me this long to put up this energetic support post, I have to clear my own issues as well, and it won’t be fair to anybody, even to me if I channel icky energies and post it here (because I also use the energetically-infused photos I posted myself). Gotta clear me up first. It’s self-care and self-love, which is what the collective desperately needs right now, especially at the start of eclipse season.
Aside from clearing the dense stuff first within us, and then outside us, now more than ever do we really need to fill in with love, fill in with hope, fill in with TRUE optimism. Not the toxic kind of optimism (which denies all existence of the negativities altogether), but the kind of optimism that looks at the ABSOLUTE TRUTH with clear, unclouded eyes (Thank you Uncle Iroh for the original quote) and still finds the courage to look to a brighter road ahead. This is what the Sagittarius energies coming in can help us with. To move forward with confidence, compassion, with love, with care, to ourselves and others. Because we are all connected in this quantum field, like all bodies of water are, one way or another connected to the oceans and seas.
And with that said, here is an energy-infused photo to help you ease into the energetic shifts during this eclipse season:
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If this photo made you laugh, or made you wonder what it is (surprise, surprise, it’s a world map from a very old encyclopedia set), well, at least that helped somehow. I mean, this is my “sending healing energies to the world” setup, the crystals are just placed like that as the cardinal directions, Red Jasper to root and ground the energies to Mother Earth and everyone who needs the energy, Lapis Lazuli for higher-wisdom from the upper dimensions, Rose Quartz for healing of everyone’s hearts, and Black Obsidian to release and transmute all the dense stuff into higher-vibrational energies, plus the Clear Quartz in the middle is the amplifier-energizer thingy. 
If you’re also an energy channeler and healer and would want to help in any way, but at the moment can’t do much due to the many restrictions brought upon by the pandemic, if you feel the calling, you can also do this setup with a world map or with your phone’s map app, with or without the crystals. I know it’s a thankless job that pragmatic people would probably scoff at, but hey, who knows, maybe with your channeling of higher-vibrational energies it can help tip the scales into balance again. I mean, any form of assistance to aid the earth’s clearing sessions can help. Not to ring my own bells but ever since the year started and many natural calamities started popping up, it was my instinct and intent to channel energies into the world. I have been doing this for a while now, and whether it helped or not, I just keep doing it. I don’t have much right now and I do have to face my own issues myself but doing this and knowing and believing that at some point, even if only one person in the world receives the energies and starts cultivating hope, love, and compassion inside them, then that helps me sleep at night with some gratitude. I hope that for you, for myself, and for everyone in this interestingly-interesting times. To shine the light that has been inside each and every one of us all along.
Wishing you all the best that life has to offer, I remain your friend, Mikazuki
PS. If you found the information in this post to be very helpful, insightful, and of great value to you and your own personal journey, please feel free to reblog, share and heart/like, or if you feel super-generous, energetic exchanges are welcomed! Please click here and use this email address: [email protected]
Thank you so much and be blessed!
PSS. If you’re interested to get a personal card and energetic reading, for inquires please send an email or an anonymous ask in this page. Thank you! =)
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