#this is honestly such a good song
hayateart · 1 year
Watch "Jann - Gladiator (Official Video)" on YouTube
I wish I could see this tonight instead of Blanka.
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dailyhatsune · 3 months
teto dunking the miku orb
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(if you can read this you get teto’s bread)
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BBC Merlin & Text Posts (18/?)
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kittehscribbles34 · 3 months
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i see no difference love is love
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vintrage · 2 months
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it was that white cloak that soiled me
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laurrelise · 26 days
one of my favorite parts about that scene in season 3 episode 7 of the umbrella academy is right after the umbrellas and sparrows “contained” the keugelblitz and celebrate by opening several bottles of alcohol and partying, because in every single shot ben is in, he’s either trying to get himself or five as wasted as possible
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beingfacetious · 1 year
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Okay. Yeah, all right, uh... Yeah. Okay. Chefs, listen up. Let's look alive, yeah? I'm gonna plug everybody in, all right? Let's hustle. Let's listen to the sound of my voice and the sound of Richie's. We're gonna do this, yeah?
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ash-tree-eyes · 3 months
Redeath by the Mechanisms is one of those songs that I think is always going to haunt me. The first time I heard it and actually paid attention to the lyrics it instilled a kind of strange cosmic awe and a jealousy that I hadn’t come up with something so hauntingly disturbing first.
It’s like. A planet falls into its sun, and unfurls giant fiery wings, revealing itself to be an unfathomably enormous eldritch creature. It steals the sun as its own, before flying off into the void to presumably go back into a kind of hibernation as a planet for millennia before it ‘dies’ once more. Millions of creatures will likely learn to call it home without ever guessing at its true form. What is it? Where does it come from? Are there more? We don’t know! These immortal space pirates saw it once, because it operates on a timeframe that is impossibly long even for them, and the universe is so vast that they may never see it again. So instead, they write a haunting song about it. To keep some record of this impossible being and its strange beauty. You cannot understand it, so you may as well admire it.
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emeritual · 3 months
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31 Days of Ghost | Day 6: Favourite Song from: Prequelle
↳ Life Eternal (2018)
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prettyupsetnerd · 9 months
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love it when she goes "WHYYYYYYYYY?!?" in The Devil I Know (Potato),
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overdevelopedglasses · 5 months
Guys they did it again.
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‘the black bastard of the wall’ moniker is the exact opposite of the ‘white wolf’ moniker and this perfectly highlights the irreconcilable differences between book Jon and show Jon
#‘white wolf’ highlights his stark heritage parallels him to robb and tries to align him with perfect moral goodness#‘the black bastard of the wall’ is only about jon. it has nothing to do with his stark heritage nor ghost. it’s only about jon#it’s literally white vs black#stark/winterfell/moral goodness vs bastard (targaryen bastard to be specific)/the wall/moral greyness and the duality of it all#he’s already a snow and he’s surrounded by white up north with a white direwolf so being the black bastard and dressing all in black#is perfect imagery of the duality theme in jon’s storyline#d&d rly wanted their jon to always stand in robb’s shadow 🙄#while book jon has an international reputation while still stuck at the wall#my boy is stuck in westerosi alaska and he’s got ppl across the sea yapping about him for pastime#that’s fame baby#asoiaf#a song of ice and fire#GOT critical#jon snow#book jon snow#and i wanna know what other monikers george plans to give jon#while i wouldn’t be that suprised if the ‘white wolf’ did come from george it’s the way it’s jon’s only moniker in GOT that pisses me off#‘the black bastard of the wall’ supremacy#the white wolf seems kinda lame in comparison but say jon gets it if his hair turns white like some theorize#if that happens then i’ll like it more cause it’ll be about jon!#like… the young wolf is about robb. not grey wind. the starks are compared to wolves and robb is a young king and he just so happens to have#a direwolf. in the show jon’s ‘white wolf’ moniker is honestly more about ghost than jon! and that’s ughhh#but robb had the wolf moniker first so it feels once again like the showrunners were placing jon in robb’s shadow#UGHHH I HATE THE SHOW AND HOW IT RUINED THE WAY SO MANY PPL VIEW THE CHARACTERS#let jon be the black bastard !!#his color was always black and the wall is his !!#put some respect on his name and his badass moniker#i don’t want to see anymore shit about the white wolf cause that’s only d&d’s shit invention at this point#valyrianscrolls
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samglyph · 7 months
I truly believe Will Wood is an incredible musician and songwriter and is one of the top lyricists in the last decade both in and outside of the genres that he chooses to play in with absolutely zero irony. I also believe that you can only fully understand that if you’ve either had a pet die before listening to his music or you have a history of drug abuse and mental health crises. Or you’re trans.
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sigmastolen · 2 months
cats merch idea that nobody will make: ballerina music boxes, but with victoria (white cat solo) and mistoffelees (turns obvi, the part where he flips his hands out during the brass blare). the victoria one would play the slow theme from the white cat solo. in my heart i want the misto music to be from the turns in the dance break but i don't think that would translate very well to a music box; realistically it would be a phrase of the "magical mister mistoffelees" chorus
you could probably make ones with other cats who have characteristic poses/music but i don't think it would translate as perfectly, you know?
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highlyincorrect · 8 months
Literally just found out that Hozier has a first name??? Don’t hit me with this “Andrew” dude- your name is Hozier H Hozier and you sit down and write gut-wrenching songs I apply to the old man Yaoi of my choice. Stay in your lane.
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gearchronocle · 2 months
this OPENING man. THIS OPENING. GOES SO INCREDIBLY HARD. FOR NO REASON. it should be illegal to have a song this good in a funny haha silly little comedy anime. I'm going crazy why is it so good. kaidou why r u going so hard on the vocals for NO!! REASON !!!
the fact that it's kaidou singing keeps me up at night. you go lil chuuni boy. eat that up like a full course meal and leave no crumbs not even the plate
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