#this is gonna be my new hyper fixation when it comes out in like 3 years
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asuuree · 9 months ago
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blue garden
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lukola4evs · 8 months ago
So here’s my theory (subject to change)
Mom and Dad always had a soft spot for each other or “kind eyes” but could never act on it since 2019
L always referring Ross and Rachel etc.
They’ve always been friends, he ask N for advice on J etc. and even in season 1 or 2 promo (zooms she did) she was tearing up seeing her friend asks her questions.
Season 3 they dive in and get super emotionally connected.
Season 3 they fall in love as polin but also fall in love to the point where the blurred lines definitely have J/L break up.
Timeline during filming
Block 3 filming, episode 5/6 emotional mess so to speak if you catch my drift. J/L breakup nov/dec
Block 4 filming episode 7/8, flirty on set but no definite name to it.
Episode 8 riding scene (all lukola) and production could tell so that’s why we get montage cut.
But they are so bf/gf coded here
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Liz (ic) gives them steps to walk away and make sure it’s real and they are distant but they do check in and they’re still in lurve with Photo Booth pic.
So N makes decision for them to walk away because Liz but also since she’s a jaded guarded Capricorn she needs to make sure it’s real for her and not just feelings from pen since it’s “such a profound experience”
L does hbs and parties his feelings away,
N and L post thirst traps for each other on ig last year. I’ll post pics later but she did one from New York and he did shirtless pics from R ig. (You don’t have to follow publicly to keep tabs)
They come back for reshoots dec ‘23 and they back at it like they meant to be but N still doesn’t let anything happen because polin 🙄
On March 2nd, 2024 N likes that zendaya posts saying about being an actor and falling in love with your costar.
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Then press tour heats up. Back and forth messages hidden in promo (Ive rewatched 50 videos and the things you catch 2nd time around is crazy)
Now press tour - it was fun until Brazil and L only told N it was completely casual with A and not to worry about it.
They allowed themselves to fully soak up in each others energy because they are doing press as them. Not the characters. So they now know it’s not just an on set thing. Fucking Finally.
N ditched her side piece expecting L to do the same and he tells her he will, they love up some way or talk about feelings all Brazil, Toronto, Ireland, and part of london.
L is nervous af knowing a’s going to London premier and didn’t tell N outright. So in all london interviews he’s reaching out constantly to n (not only because he wants to now but because he’s worried whatever he and a have planned with his team is gonna be like a 💣 to N)
N ever the skeptic can since his bs (or maybe his lack of vulnerability when they were with her family) and eases back emotionally when she remembers too
London promo always throws me off part of the way. (Deliberately calling him bud - downplay what they have if he’s not gonna be serious or talking about showers to incite jealousy?)
But she can’t help when we see the 😍 either.
Pap pics drop she’s pissed next day. Post satc tt to be a bit vindictive
Lets it stay up for 24 hours.
L or someone reaches out and she makes the lukey newts fan club pr post.
Then for the first 6-7 days after it’s like they have coordinated posting. Always liking in 15 minutes or whatever.
Then in addition to this she lets the Polaroid be seen at ts to let us know it’s all good between them to the ga and shippers.
Fast forward to Wimbledon we see enough of the Polaroid to let us all on x know it’s a different one. And if we know it’s different from computer screens then so does L. Remember by now we know his notifs are on.
He’s got adhd and best believe when his love of his life is icing him out he’s gonna hyper fixate on everything he knows. Including a phone case he’s stared at for ages and constantly liking her stuff first thing when he wakes up.
Now n is icing him out, giving herself some time to do her and work.
Didn’t @ him on latest amazing thank you all posts which is usually her m.o. she tagged the pic but not in the captions is what I mean.
When they reunite after he deals with a he’s gonna have to make amends because Istg I know they are end game but I feel like he told her it was gonna be one way when it went sideways on her outta nowhere (she left after party super early even for having work next day)
Like he’s such a ppl pleaser the minute he got back with his friends he or someone decided that life isn’t his regular life and went back to friend group ways.
Posting more tomorrow. Didn’t realize this was so long.
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springtsunami · 2 months ago
Sorry for not posting in months. Been super busy as a late with personal health issues and new hyper fixations-
K review time- Gonna split them up by protags
• Really love the idea of the design! Super interesting, especially to draw
•I am actually interested in her as a character. Really like how she is not a medicine cat. (I was one of those people who wanted either warrior or leader Frostpaw btw)
•I’m a sucker for introverts and suffer from sensitivity to loud noises and related heavily to the Gathering scene with Moon
•Was intentionally on the fence about the voice due to Moonpaw being a chimera and that the voice could be her ‘absorbed sister’(mainly due due to chimera misconceptions) but, thankfully the sister is just a funky little mischievous ghost kit
•I know it’s technically part of Tawnypelts, but I am excited to see what they do with the sister especially after the prophecy Tawny received. Hopefully not a Ashfur and Shadowsight dynamic again :/
•This part may be controversial. Not really involved with the fandom much, but I never really cared for Tawnypelt. Didn’t dislike or like just neutral. I did enjoy her point of view, just not was included in it
•Don’t see chemistry between Crow and Tawny, but if you enjoy it, more power to you
•Praying her point of view won’t just be traveling in the next few books
•Rant about Tiger and Dove : scroll down to skip
I really, really don’t like Tigerstar and Dovewing in this book. I know it’s Tawny’s view, but those two are annoying me so much I can’t help but to think of them when I think of Tawny’s pov. Tigerstar and Dovewing are huge hypocrites here, I get not wanting for your son to leave, but Dovewing literally left ThunderClan before clan swapping was in the code. I used to ironically enjoy Tigerstar due to his sarcastic comments and insanity, but I honestly dislike him so much. He was possessive of Dove telling her to not vist Birchfeather saying he was giving ‘tough love’. Dove is also way out of character too, being kinda submissive to Tiger when it has been shown she is willing to do what she think is right. Loving how Tiger considers emotionally manipulating his son is ‘tough love’. Then he not only does this but punishes Tawny for visiting her grandson??? When he and dove met in secret. The only good thing about plot is that it is treated like Tiger and Dove are in the wrong. Tiger then doesn’t trust Tawny about the twolegs….Hopefully they remove Tiger from leadership or have him apologize <3
Rant Over
•Birchfeather must be protected and have him live a happy life <3
•My main points about this pov so far is just hating Dove and Tiger, but I did enjoy it more than I wrote. Not much more due to them infuriating me but I do hope we get a move diverse location than the lake this arc
•Leafstar is the only one where I don’t have a lot to say. I love her and loving a leader pov in the main series. Dont know how to feel about her as a leader, since it kinda came out of nowhere and was just made for this arc but ok
•Writers do a good job of making the reader sympathize with Leafstar but also make them understand Skyclan’s pov
•Speaking of SkyClan’s pov, I kinda get where they were coming from, but like I feel like most of Leafstar’s slip ups were mainly coincidental. Like I believe they lost the badger fight due to many reasons, but like I feel like it wasn’t Leafstar’s fault. No one knew there were 2-3(I forgot how many) badgers there. It was assumed there was only one so how was Leafstar supposed to plan accordingly?? The only reason Hawkwing succeeded is because he knew how many badgers were there…
Edit: I forgot the whole Starlingpaw and Leafstar accidentally attacking him. Yea that was a bad move on Leaf’s part. But I feel it was caused her being overwhelmed. But it’s still a good reason for SkyClan to be against Leaf
•Kinda iffy on Reedclaw. Know where she’s coming from but I feel like she’s less evil and more grief stricken with anger. Hopefully they make her a antagonist not a villain. But knowing how Berryheart started last arc, I’m betting on her being a villian
•Interesting on having an elder pov with Leafstar, assuming she steps down.
•Said I didn’t have a lot to say but I did say a lot 0-0
Overall Points and Predictions for CS
•The book title made me think it was a traveling book and made me nervous, but looks like we are getting those in the next books.. Srs, why Elders’ quest??? The quest was mentioned at the end, but idk what it should’ve been named-
•All She-Cats pov!!!
•As a mothpool fan, I’m fine with CrowxTawny because it leaves Leafpool open :)
•Don’t know if the villains this arc will be twolegs/nature or cats like Reedclaw or Tigerstar
•Weird new book schedule, hopefully the books won’t be rushed due to the wider gap between books
•Now predictions!!!
•Leafstar will become Leafdapple and will join Tawny and prob Crow on the quest in the next books
•The new territories will be located at the gorge
•Hawkwing either picks a nobody for deputy or Reedclaw
•Reedclaw will be a villain(hopefully not)
•Birchfeather will have a tragic end or will go through trauma(hopefully not, again)
•Leaf dies
•Tawnypelt and or Crow retires
My mom also reads the books and here are some predictions:
-Tawny and Crow live together in WindClan while Crow becomes leader
-Dark Forest reappears or the purgatory thing that happened in Star is expanded on
-Ghosts are expanded on
-most of the next two books are travel books
-Reedclaw becomes Hawkfrost 2.0
Thanks for reading my review!
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sinning-23 · 3 months ago
Publicity (Introduction)
Gorillaz 2D/Stuart Pot x Music!Artist!Reader
Warnings; language
A/N: Alright so I’ve gonna back to one of my old hyper fixations and was distraught by the lack of Gorillaz content(damn me for not the best writer and a damn child back 2009🥲😂)
ANYWAY! I might crack out a few of these while I’m still obsessed with it (I made a FAWKING oc and everything-) I also might make this a multi-part cause every fanfic I found was from 3-6 years ago and unfinished lol
PS> Bear with me sometimes i like writting the accents in and sometimes if drives me insane-
Link to Publicity Pt.1
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Being a singer, songwriter, and all-around musical artist was a lot harder to accomplish than people gave you credit for. Demands were all you'd grown used to from fans and your record label as you had gone on a 5-year hiatus.
Scrolling away on your phone you sigh, at an influx of fan emails, comments, likes, and shares on each platform your social celebrity presence graced.
However one in particular had caught your eye...well ear more accurately. Tik tok was one of your favorite pastimes, and on this specific post, \ there was someone mashing together two songs. One of your own, and one from a separate band You immediately fly to the comments, taking in the nice, familiar melody as your vocals come in paired with the lead singer.
-Holy shit this is actually really good -Wait this eatttsss -someone tag her in the comments i NEED them to -collab like yesterday- reply: yeah if she ever hops her ass outta retirement- WE MISS YOU QUEEN reply: honestly i dont see this hype this mashup kinda ass -Gorillaz x Y/n Collab whennn???
You chuckle, scrolling past comments as you note the artists. Huh, when was the last time you'd heard from Gorillaz? Last you heard they were on hiatus far longer than you had been and-
Taking a breath you press the record icon, fluffing your hair and testing a 'glamour' filter before filming. And right as you posted, the glorious internet we WILD.
-Somewhere in Los Angeles-
"Check this out," Noodle smiles, turning her phone screen to the two gentlemen before her.
"Oh, that's that one girl uhhh, Y/n?" Russel confirms as Noodle nods, your stitch of the video playing amongst their conversation.
"If we get this all the way to the UK...I'll collaborate with Gorillaz to commemorate the end of our hiatus. That is if they are accepting of my invitation!" You challenge, with a smile.
"Ah, we don't need to do all tha'" Murdoc grumbles, plopping into the seat before kicking his boots up on the table. No decorum.
"What're you talking about? You know how cool that would be?" Noodle is already convinced, turning the phone back to the group.
Despite the bickering, 2D's eyes are glued to the screen. Pretty girl from the States. Her hair was wow...and that smile? The way she lowkey called them out for being gone but also herself...the confidence to request a collab?
"Noodle's got a point. We could add her to the new album before it drops." Russel includes, a smile already over his features
2 outta four convinced
"Y'know how expensive collabs are? You runnin' my pockets into the groun' " Murdoc grumbles again, glancing back down at the screen as the video loops.
He presses the stitch icon to watch the original before folding his arms over his chest in thought.
" Think we should 'ave a go at it? I mean, she invited us?" 2D finally pipes up, gaining his bandmates' attention.
Murdoc's been overrulled with a whopping 3 outta 4.
"Oh you would wan' to collab you dog-" Murdoc scoffs, despite being one to talk.
That man probably had more illegitimate children than there were stars on the flag- 2D opens his mouth to bicker and respond back but Noodle beats him to it.
"Well, we don't have a choice because I already contacted her team." Noodle interrupts, flashing the email.
"Since when the hell 'ave you had control over media and collabs?!" Murdoc shrieks
You'd gone from vanished to trending in a matter of minutes. People in your comments were thriving off the fact that their favorite artist/artists would possibly be coming out of their hiatus over some silly mash-up! It didn't take long for word to spread from the States all the way to the UK because, within 2-3 hours, you received an email.
It was fairly simple and friendly acceptance to your collab invitation...something you knew was a possibility but, fuck it was happening now!?
Apparently, the Gorillaz guitarist, Noodle, said the whole band had seen your video and were wondering if you were serious about a collab. The combination of your talents would surely kickstart your careers once again and besides, what kind of celebrities would you be if you didn't give the people wanted?
Good fuckin music.
You pause for a moment, thinking this could easily be a scam, but upon further examination (and a brief chat with your media team who hadn't approved your video at all (yeah they were pissy about it)) you were sure you had the right people.
According to your coordinators, you’d been booked to fly out to LA within a day! Fuck things were happening fast and the sudden dread from 5 years prior managed to worm its way into your chest, sinking further into your stomach.
Shit this was actually happening
You stand from your bed, now pacing as your breath quickens. When was the last time you wrote a song?! Hell, when was the last time you touched a fucking keyboard, or a microphone, or a fucking synthesizer?! When was the last time you'd opened your lyric book?
You scramble, thinking of the next best thing to distract yourself but the notion was cut short when your phone rang. With a deep breath, you answer, the fate time call immediately revealing a woman with dark, black hair and large round 3D-esque glasses. She has this huge smile on her face and faint bickering can be heard in her background.
You both speak,
The two of you giggle and the woman who you soon learned to be THE Noodle who had contacted you prior, was wondering about your travel dates.
"You'll be headed this way in a day or two?" She confirms as you nod.
"So soon I know but, good to get started while the creative juices are still flowing. It's an honor to be able to work with such talented artists like yourselves." You compliment, hearing a gruff, more rugged voice call out,
"She's a nice one in' she? All in the day's work darling all in the day's work-" in the back before swiftly being cut off.
"We can't wait to have you! I'm sure we can all come up with something together, you've got quite the skillset." Noodle compliments back, the bond between girls only growing by the minute.
The two of you would get along just fine.
The conversation didn't last much longer though, because your team works damn near fast as the speed of light. Before you knew it you were being escorted onto a plane with a nice first class seat on its way back to your home state. With the occasional photo and autograph, the airport went a lot smoother than usual.
Once the plane had taken off, your 6 hour flight was filled with the very band you'd be collaborating with. From the discography to lore, history, and drama, you were determined to know as much about these guys as you could...
-6 grueling flight hours later-
It had been a while since you'd been home. The salty sea air of LA warms you to your core and the sun paints the sky a vibrant blue. Your luggage is carted away and just as you manage to shuffle past fans down an escalator. There, someone with a sign is already waiting for you.
Scribbled in chicken scratch damn near is your name on a large white sign. Holding said sign is a lanky-looking guy, hair bright blue and eyes black as night.
Part of you considers walking past him and pretending you dont know who it is, but your stupid 6 hour research journey told you everything you needed to know. Besides, your heart knew that would be quite rude to ignore the lead singer going out of his way to grab you from the busy airport.
Don't they have people for that though? To transport celebrities without making a fuss? This guy might as well be walking around with a target on him with his rather defining features. And what's up with that sign?! Isn't the whole point to avoid attention and a swarm of fans???
"Hi! I'm uhh, assuming you're-"
"Oh my god is that 2D!? AND Y/N?!?! She was serious, oh my god look!"
The speed at which your head moves to the direction of the sound ought to have given you whiplash. A swarm of people began to grow, and the flash of cameras and video surrounded the two of you as your heart raced. This is why you hire people for this shit.
A sea of fans demand autographs and pictures as they closed in, each of them asking different questions faster than you can process them
"Are you happy to be back in LA?"
"Over here Please can I get a picture!"
"Is there a reason you two are here alone?"
It's hot, the breath of now hundreds circling as your stomach turns, each poke and taunt making it harder to breathe as the airport terminal spins. Fuck you needed to get out. NOW.
"Why isn't the rest of Gorillaz here?"
"Are you nervous about your new song?"
"What happened at your last show?"
"Why did you run away y/n?"
Turning almost comically, your eyes narrow, sweat beaded and falling down the side of your face.
You're soon being dragged, the one faceless figure in the crowd not bothering to follow the swarm as they rush after you and the blue-ette. Speaking of which, that was who was dragging you now, trying to run away from feral fans.
His fingers are long and cold against the skin of your wrist as he tries to navigate not only out the airport but also away from the swarm that is slowly dispersing.
So, this was the man behind those gorgeous vocals? You couldn't help but recall the entirety of their discography, that echo, something so unique about his sound. Like a distant, melancholic megaphone.
But when he opened his mouth-
"Murdoc 'ad me come pick you up! I-" You can't help the sound that comes out of your mouth. It's like a mix of complete shock and your face is about the same. You had no idea what you were expecting. The accent was a given, duh. But, there was no way that was his voice?! How could you have missed this in your research???
"Y'ok miss? Look like y' seen a ghost?" He asks again, his voice snapping you back to reality.
Oh that was 100% his voice, he was NOT fucking with you. And this was gonna be a long car ride.
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Author's Note: OKAYYY so im gonna make some more parts this is definitely gonna have some smut and hopefully while I on winter break I can update my masterlist- Ayway see yall next chapter, yes I know this is cringe but I am free lmao
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therealaxlrose · 30 days ago
happy birthday kurdt <3
this is really really silly but i am not kidding in the SLIGHTEST when i say this man changed my life. I remember the man who sold the world and come as you are for the first time, it was like a whole new universe opened up for me. nirvana was my gateway drug.. to rock n roll!! i wouldnt be who i am rn w/ rock music, or nirvana, or kurt! as much of a troubled person he was, he was a kind and good hearted person too. and that in a person can outshine any negative in the world. its a real shame he died so young.. ive had two dream about meeting him and i have no complaints. everything kurt believed in, every taboo topic he pushed, every fucked up fascist he pissed off, every broken teenager he helped and still helps heal, it made a difference in rock. he and his band alone bitch slapped the industry. say what you want, but out of all the ppl titled with voicing a generation, kurt did it best. Nirvana was really the first ACTUALLY woke band. I find so much relation and comfort in his music its not even funny. actually it is kinda funny bc a lot of nirvanas lyrics are known to be "meaningless" and "spontaneous when in reality u just have to be at the same mental level as these dudes to get it. I never thought i could get so sad over a dead junky i never met, hell i never thought i would miss one. but thats exactly how i feel, i would do anything to bring kurt back especially in these dark times we're living in. but im glad his soul continues to live on all these years later through his music and art. i cant believe hes a grandfather now too, god that child is gonna be badass (we love u ronin) if only he could see how loved he is.. god i miss this man, and he died years before i was even born!!! even tho kurt and nirvana arent my main hyper fixations at the time, i will forever love him and the band with all my heart. i'll never forget them till the day i die. if kurt has fans i am one of those fans, is kurt has 5 fans im one of them, if kurt has one fan i am the one fan, if kurt has no fans I have gone severely, deathly, dangerously, beyond borderline insane and i need hospitalized and i need to be burned at the stake for 3rd degree homicide of my FUCKING SANITY. i will love him after death idc what u say.
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kurt quotes to live by:
"i'd rather be hated for who i am than loved for who i am not"
"wanting to be someone your not is a waste of the person you are"
"the sun is gone, but i have a light"
"no one is afraid of heights, they're afraid of falling down. No one is afraid of saying i love you, they're afraid of the answer"
"they laugh at me because im different, I laugh at them because their all the same"
Happy birthday kurdt kobain, you are loved and missed more than you could imagine <3
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ray935sworld · 7 days ago
Okay I'm just gonna say it here and PLEASE tell me if I'm overreacting here.
I do not feel bad that I don't always like a girl in my friend group. (For the record she's part of the friend group I'm in so cutting contact is no option). And don't get me wrong. She is nice. She is kind. She always listens to my rants about stuff she doesn't know much about. She even asks stuff. She helps me. On some days she and I are really good friend.
But fucking hell, sometimes I really can't stand her.
Here are a list of things she said that still offend me:
1. Another friend of mine and I were discussing curl products. She likes curl cream while curl gel works for mine better due to different type of hair. And this friend later looked and me and told me that she thought my curls were natural. I ask what she meant and she said that since I'm using gel my curls are fake. (I know that it's minor but I'm very sensitive when it comes to my hair okay)
2. We were discussing classic German literature and I mentioned something about a book we both read and she told me I was wrong. I insisted that my teacher had said it like that (cause we had a discussion about it) based on a line in the book. She again said it was wrong and was very adement about it. (honestly she kind of started twitching and was like really nervous). Maybe that's where I was the asshole but I pulled out a PDF document (cause I still had it on the phone from my school days) and searched for the quote and showed it to her. She then insisted that her statement was true despite going against the literal wording. I then changed the subject.
3. She is a self publishing author (my respect but tbh it's not going well. Like 5 books in 3 years and all of them from her private friend group) and when she asked where I publish and told her, she said "OH so you're not a real author". And honestly - I'm not taking anyone's shit, especially about my writing, so I pulled out ao3 and showed her the hits and comments on some of my fics and asked her about hers.
4. After uni we were heading towards our cars but had parked in diffenrt spots. She was talking so we stopped shortly so she could finish what she was telling me. When I was trying to start saying good bye she started a new story. And honestly - I get it. We were talking about her hyper fixation and it's very niche and not many care about it. I know a little about it so I totally get that if you get the chance to rant you really use it. So I let her talk. I then said I had to get going and she said she thought it was weird to leave with the story she just told (it was one with slightly questionable content) so she started a new one.
5. When I'm talking about my hyper fixations she questions the stuff I say but in a way that makes it seem like she doesn't believe me. I don't think she means it like that. I just think she has a weird way of phrasing it.
6. I befriend an international student from Spain and spoke Spanish with him and she thought that was weird since we both speak english. (my english is better than my Spanish). Just as a side note, we both switched to English when someone else was around to include them in the conversation so it wasn't like we spoke Spanish while she sat next to us not understanding a word.
7. Im helping a younger friend with their studies and when another friend asked about it, I told her what we were doing and she started giving unasked advice on how I should teach them. I know she meant it in good faith but this is MY student that I've tutored for years. And when I tried to explain why this wouldn't work she got like not offended but you could tell she wasn't happy
8. She said it was weird that I slip into dialect when I'm getting excited or ranting or generally not think while speaking.
Honestly in now almost a year of friendship those are really the onyl things really bothering me. She's great otherwise but those things still keep bugging me and I feel bad if I go complain to my irl friends who are friends with her too cause I think they'd try to "solve" this. So tumblr rant it is.
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fanficsformyfaves · 2 years ago
So Sweet
Kirby Reed x Fem!Reader
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WARNING: SMUT 18+, Dom!Kirby, Sub!Reader, Fingering (R Receiving), Oral Sex (R Receiving), Strap On Sex (R Receiving), Hickeys, FLUFF, Mentions of Murders and Police Investigation
PREFACE: Reader is Kirby's fiancé and an old friend of Sam's from when she worked with her at the bowling alley in Modesto. Once she found out about the Ghostface attacks in New York, she had to go and make sure Sam and Tara were okay
A/N: Texts are Colored and in Bold!
Flashbacks in Italics!
She is my newest hyper fixation, so, enjoy <3
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"Sam?", I call out,
Making her turn towards me. Once I made sure it was actually her, my shoulders' finally drop in relief.
"Oh my god", I whisper to myself,
Before walking up and pulling her into a hug.
"I was so worried. We practically sped all the way here"
"You didn't need to come all this way", she says
"Are you kidding me? Once I heard about the case from my fiancé, I just packed a bag and hopped in her car", I reassured,
Pulling away, as she sighs.
"You're my friend, Sam. I had to make sure you were okay"
She smiles and looks down at her feet.
"Thank you"
"Don't mention it"
Just then, her eyebrows raise in confusion whilst looking back up at me.
That's when I realized I never got to tell her.
"I guess life's gotten away from me. Yeah, I'm getting married"
"No fucking way"
I couldn't help, but laugh at her surprised expression.
"To who?!"
"Baby!", a familiar voice calls out,
We both look behind us and there she was. Despite being together for years, she never failed to make my heart skip a beat.
Kirby and I met when I moved to Atlanta in pursuit of a better job than the one I had in Modesto. I was at the grocery store, checking out the ingredients I was gonna use for dinner, when the cashier swiped my card.
"Sorry, ma'am, but this card was declined", she let me know,
"Oh, um, could you try it again?"
"Of course"
She tries the card once more and sure enough, we ran into the same problem.
"It's still declined"
"I got it", a woman answered,
I turn around and it felt like I got the wind knocked out of me. There weren't enough words to describe just how beautiful she was. From the greens and blues in her eyes to the rosy pink lips and soft blonde hair...she was something straight out of a movie.
I eventually snap out of the lavender haze that was consuming me with each passing moment and go to stop her.
"Oh no, please, I couldn't-"
"I insist", she interrupts,
Swiping her own card. Not only was she breathtaking, but her heart was just as perfect. I smile to myself and take my now-bagged groceries. We made our way outside to the parking lot and she walks me to my car.
"I'm (Y/N), by the way", I introduce shyly,
"Kirby", she grinned,
"Is there anyway I could repay you?"
"Well...you could take my number, as a thank you"
I let out a laugh, before realizing she was being serious.
"Oh! Um, sure", I reply,
Getting my phone out. She takes it and starts putting in her number. Was this really happening? If this was all just a dream and I wake up right now, I'll be so pissed. Once we had each other’s contacts saved, I slid my phone back into my pocket.
"Maybe next time, you'll forget your wallet at a gas station and I can ask you out for dinner", she jokes,
Handing me back my phone.
Her sense of humor was only one of the many things that made me fall for her. We spent the next few months just flirting and getting to know each other. We would meet for dinners, coffee and even horror movie marathons at each other's houses.
One habit I picked up since I met her was looking forward to the sweet little morning texts she'd send me.
Kirby<3: Morning, beautiful. Hope you slept well
And every time, without fail, I would squeal into my pillow like a child.
Me: Good morning! I did, hope you did too. Are we still on for binging the Conjuring movies?
Kirby<3: Are you kidding?
Just then she sends me a photo of the snacks, drinks and an infinite amount of candy.
Kirby<3: I've got them all in chronological order! I'm just waiting for you to bring your fine ass over here
It didn't take long for us to become official.
It happened one night, after one of our little rendezvous. There we were. Laying in her bed, sweaty and out of breath. Our limbs tangled together, holding me tight against her bare skin.
"You are amazing", I exhale,
As I attempted to catch my breath.
"I know", she joked,
Pressing a kiss to the back of my shoulder and causing a soft chuckle to escape me.
"You know what I've been thinking about?", she questioned,
"...How much I love you"
It was as if time came to a screeching halt, the moment those words left her lips. Afraid that this was all just a figment of my imagination, I hesitantly turn to face her.
Maybe I was just hearing things. She laughs and gently caresses the apple of my cheek, like I was a piece of glass she was too scared to break.
"I love you, (Y/N)", she repeats,
Leaning in to kiss me once more. Little did I know that this night was the beginning of the rest of our lives together.
When Sam realized who it was walking towards us, her jaw drops in shock.
“Surprise!”, she greeted,
Putting an arm around the small of my waist, before I turn my head to meet her kiss.
“Wait, when did this happen?”, she questioned,
“About six months ago”, Kirby answered,
As I smiled at her.
“I’m so happy for you guys, really. It’s so good to see you again”
“It’s good to see you, too…I mean…better circumstances would’ve been nicer, but-”
Samantha tilts her head and shrugs in agreement.
"How are you and Tara holding up?", I asked,
"Holding up", she replied,
Looking back at her sister and friends.
"A friend of mine who works at the Plaza booked you guys a suite. You'll have extra security there", Kirby informs,
"Kirby-", Sam goes to argue
"Don't bother saying no", I interrupt,
Knowing Kirby wouldn't let Sam and the rest to fend for themselves out here.
"This is your safety, Samantha. You shouldn't risk it, especially with that psycho's targets on your backs", she explained,
Gesturing to her sister and friends, who were now approaching us.
"Kirby, this Mindy and Chad. Their friends of ours from Woodsboro", Sam introduced,
"Great, even more people to add to our suspect list", the young woman replied,
"I'm sorry?", I asked,
Scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.
"Well, this whole thing is obviously someone staging another stab movie, so...that makes you two the newest characters to look out for", she explained,
Before I could question any further, Kirby decided to reply instead.
"She's right"
"What?", I turn to my fiancé,
"That's a fair observation. Good to know we have another horror movie fan in our midst, could never have too many", she reassured,
I shake my head playfully. After making sure everyone was okay, the car we ordered to take them to the plaza shows up.
"That's your ride. Sam, you have our numbers"
She nods.
"Just let us know when you make it there safe. The Airbnb we're staying at is right across the street, if you need anything", I bid goodbye,
"Thank you", she smiles,
Before following her friends into the car.
Later that evening, we got back to the apartment after Kirby was done doing whatever else she needed to do at the at the police station.
"I am beat", she exhales,
Flopping onto the couch.
"You're telling me", I replied,
Joining her and laying against her chest, as she held me close to kiss the top of my head.
"I can't believe we're actually getting married"
"Yeah", I chuckle,
Kissing the forearms that were wrapped around me. We spend a few moments laying in the comforting silence, when she decided to speak once more.
"How tired are you?"
"A little tired", I turn to face her,
"What's up?"
That's when I notice the smirk on her face and immediately knew why she asked.
She giggles, before leaning in to kiss me. Despite how many we've shared, each kiss was only more exciting than the last. I flip onto my front and straddle the expanse of her thighs. Her hands making their way up my hips and settling around my waist to hold me where she wanted.
Her lips eventually trail past my cheeks and down to my neck. Marking my skin with one hickey after the other.
She slightly pulls away, while her fingers tug at the bottom of my shirt, almost as if to ask if she could take it off. The day I say no to that question was the day I'd officially lost my mind.
I nod and she pulls it off over my head, leaving me in just a black bralette.
“Good fucking god”, she praised,
Causing a delicious chill to run up my spine. Not wanting to waste anymore time, she reaches behind me and undoes my bra, before letting it fall down my arms. My top half was now left completely exposed to the draft in the apartment, which was made apparent by my buds immediately hardening at the cool air.
She pulls me in closer and wraps her lips around one, while the fingers on her free hand began to pinch and roll the other. There was no stopping the onslaught of whines and pleading moans that were escaping me.
I lean into her touch, as each hum she made against me caused vibrations to travel down to my core, only causing me to grow wetter and needier for what she had planned next. My hips began to grind against hers, granting me some kind of friction to alleviate the growing ache between my legs.
"How long has it been?", she mumbled against my breast,
"Too long", I exhale,
Getting back on my feet, allowing her to unbutton my jeans and drag it down to my ankles. I hastily step out of them, before straddling her once more.
She then lays me down and her lips make their way down my chest and stomach, till she was finally where I needed her. Her fingers wrap around the waistband of my underwear and slides them off of me, prior to being thrown across the room.
She parts my legs and takes a moment to admire the mess she was making out of me.
"So fucking good", she whispered,
Before nipping at my inner thighs and making them tighten around her head, to which she throws them over her shoulders and pulls me in even closer. Finally having had enough with teasing me, she dives right in. Her tongue licking up all of the arousal, as I gasp at the contact.
"Mmm, my sweet girl", she hums,
Sucking at my clit. She knew just what to do to drive me up the wall and have me begging for more.
Kirby always went on and on about the way I tasted. She said that if she had it her way, my legs would be over her shoulders all day long.
I could be do anything, like washing the dishes and she would just turn me around, get on her knees, spread mine apart and just dive right in. Once she'd gotten her fix, she would just get back up, kiss me and move on like she didn't just have me screaming and shaking.
Her fingers start rubbing up and down my slit, only adding onto the pleasure that was already consuming me.
She finally slips her digits into me and they immediately press against my g-spot. A gasp fleeing out of me as a result. It didn't take long, before she picked up momentum and was ramming into me faster and harder.
"Fuck, yes!", I whined,
Grabbing onto her golden locks for dear life.
She didn't let up once.
"You taste so fucking good", she cooed,
Swallowing me whole like I was the last thing she would ever have again. The familiar knot in my stomach threatening to snap at any moment.
"Don't stop!", I cry out,
"Don't plan on it", she teased,
Before continuing her ministrations on me. Her fingers repeatedly hitting my sweet spot every time she plunged into me, as my walls clenched around them like a vice. I knew it was only a matter of time before I-
"You're close, aren't you? Be good for me, baby, let me fucking have it"
That was all I needed to hear. I came with a screaming moan and let myself go all over her welcoming mouth. Once she was done swallowing the mess I made, she licked me up clean, causing a whine to escape me from the overstimulation. I was always so sensitive and she knew that. So it came as no surprise to me, when she giggled at my reaction.
Finally coming up for air, Kirby then pressed her swollen lips against mine.
"Can you taste yourself?", she mumbled with a smirk,
I nod and she pulls away.
"Think you can handle one more?", she questioned,
"I brought your favorite toy", she added,
Rubbing circles onto my sides with her thumbs. How on earth could I say no to that? I nod, still trying to catch my breath from the orgasm that I just had.
"I need to hear you say it, baby", she says,
"Yes, please", I shyly answer,
She chuckles and leaves me with a kiss to the cheek, before hurrying off towards the bedroom. She then comes back with the strap and places it on the edge of the couch.
I got back on my feet and helped her out of her clothes, as we continued making out. I get her top, pants, bra and thong off and no matter how many times I've seen her naked, I was always left speechless at how beautiful she was. Every dip and curve making my mouth water from how badly I needed her.
"Just to let you know, a picture would last longer", she teased,
"Oh, shut up"
She laughs, stepping into the harness, as I helped secure her into it. I lay back down and she gets in between my legs, wrapping them around her waist. She grabs the base and drags the tip up and down my slit, causing my hips to buck up against hers.
"Someone's excited", she exhaled against my ear,
Dragging her tongue against the tender point behind it.
Finally having had enough with the torture, she pushes the toy into me in one swift thrust. A surprised gasp escaping me as a result.
She began pounding into my needy cunt with such need, it felt like the couch was squeaking against the floor.
"God, you're tight", she mumbled,
Struggling against the firm grip I had on the toy, whilst burying her face in my neck, littering my skin with hickeys and bite marks.
The climax I hit not too long ago still rendered me sensitive, so, I was already on the verge of having another orgasm, only this one was growing more intense than the last one due to me being overstimulated.
By this time, the room was filled with the smell of sex and sweat. The sounds of my pathetic cries and our skins slapping against each other echoing throughout the halls.
I wouldn't have been surprised if we got a noise complaint by tomorrow morning.
"Does that feel good, baby? Did you miss this as much as I did?", she groans,
Ramming even harder and faster into g-spot.
"Yes! I'm so fucking close!", I scream between my moans,
"Do it for me. Cum"
The knot in my stomach snaps and comes undone, as I cried out one final time.
My body immediately goes limp, allowing Kirby to gently pull out, causing me to whine at the sudden emptiness. She always made me feel so deliciously full.
Once she rids herself of the toy, she scooped me up into her arms and lays me on top of her bare chest, before grabbing the blanket to shield us against the apartment's cool draft.
"That was...wow", I exhale.
My mind still reeling from the euphoric state it was just consumed by. She chuckles and kisses the top of my head.
"God, I love you", she says,
"I love you too", I replied,
Looking back up at her in awe. She leans down and presses another one of her kisses to my eager lips.
"So sweet", she smiles.
Let's just say I spent the rest of the night returning the favor.
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lolahasmoxie · 2 years ago
our story will be different - E.M.
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Pairing - Eddie Munson x y/n
Count - 988 words
Warning - angst, but ends in fluff.
Notes - Popped into my head and wouldn't go away. Also, thanks for loving the last couple of head cannons I wrote. You sure do know how to make a hyper-fixated gal feel special.
Cold sheets woke Eddie up at the ungodly hour of 3:27 am. He grumbled to himself as he got out of your warm bed. Peeking his head out of the bedroom, he could see a faint light in the kitchen. Well, that was one mystery solved. Usually, you slept like the dead; once you were out, you were out until the sun's rays started to burn into your bedroom.
He silently padded down the hallway, not wanting to startle you, and felt a slight smile on his lips as he spied on you. You were seated at the small table, a mug of steaming tea in your hand. You were wearing his old boxers and an oversized shirt you had stolen from your dad when you were a pre-teen. On your feet were the slouchy socks Wayne had gifted you for Christmas. His heart felt like it could burst; anyone who saw him would immediately peg him for the love-dumb fool that he was.
His happiness at seeing you was shortlived when he noticed the thousand-yard stare in your eyes. You didn't have that look when you came home, even though he could tell something was off. You had been out with some of your girlfriends. Your best friend had received a new promotion, and it had been a while since you'd all had the chance to let loose and catch up. You had come home shortly after midnight, buzzed and adorably affectionate the way you were when you had one too many. You had quickly given him the highlights of your evening, and after a short makeout session, you had both gone to bed.
"If you stare at that wall any harder, you're gonna put a hole through it," he said softly as he approached the table. His worry grew when your lips quirked up, but your eyes stared straight ahead.
"You should be in bed; it's late."
"Could say the same about you," he said as he sat beside you. He studied you briefly with an elbow on the table, chin in his hand. Messy hair and a sad expression on your face, he worried about what could be hurting you at this hour. "I didn't do something, did I? Cause if I did..."
"No, baby," you interjected quickly. Your eyes finally met his, and you gave him your best happy smile as you took his hand in yours. You brought his hand to your lips, gently kissing his knuckles before placing it back on the table but not letting go. "Just a lot on my mind."
"You wanna talk about it?" he asked. You knew he would never press you for information, and you sighed heavily before casting your eyes down to your joined hands.
"Kai thinks that Chris might be cheating on her."
Eddie let out a heavy sigh at the news. Your best friend had been with her boyfriend for five years, and they had been engaged for almost a year and were planning the wedding. Eddie liked Kai; she had always been kind and friendly to him, but he loved how protective she was over you.
"Jesus," he murmured.
"She's figuring out how she wants to confront him. I knew they'd been having some problems, but I never thought he would actually do something like that to her. I mean....". Your voice drifted off.
"What?" he asked gently. You paused, the intrusive thoughts plaguing you all night finally coming out.
"What if that's us?"
"Baby," he said as he gently squeezed your hand. "No way, that will never be us."
"You don't know that," you said, your voice on the cusp of crying. "I used to think that Kai and Chris were the one couple that would never break up, and now, shit, if they can't make it, what's to say that won't be us in a year?"
"It'll never happen," Eddie said, his shaggy hair moving as he shook his head.
"You have psychic powers I don't know about?" you teased.
"Don't need them," he said with certainty. "First off, we aren't Kai and Chris; we are us, and we will never end up like them."
"Fucks sake, you play guitar in a band, Eddie. You expect me to believe that you would never cheat?" Eddie chuckled as he scooted his chair closer to you.
"Princess, all other women became pussy non grata the minute I asked you to be mine. I love you, and only you." This time he was the one to raise your joined hands, and you felt your heart melt when his lips touched your knuckles.
"Really?" You should have known that Eddie's dramatic ass would never give you a simple answer. Your breath hitched when he got down on both knees before you, taking your hands in his.
"I would love you even if you were a worm. I will love you when we're old gray farts telling everyone about our grandkids. I will love you until there isn't a breath left in my body. I'll love in this life and the next. Understand?"
"Fuck, you really know how to make a statement," you said as you sniffled at Eddie's assurances. He gave you that boyish grin that made your heart swell as he reached out and brushed an errant tear from your cheek. He quickly stood up and held a hand out to help you up.
"Only the best for my baby," he said with a grin. "Now, I know it's late, but since we don't have to work tomorrow, maybe you could let me show you how much I love you." You couldn't help but giggle as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. How could you say no to him?
So you didn't. You simply let him lead you back to your bedroom and let him cover you like the night. He was right; your story was going to be different.
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justmaiidraws · 5 months ago
What inspired Koya? It’s such a unique and funny take on her, I’d love to hear more
Tbh it started back in January, i was at my peak of hyper fixation on mutant mayhem when it came out,
I wanted to make more characters other than Casey, April, and Irma (the main 3) to interact with more and yeah, but didn’t wanna sound out of place of the story at time,
Of course I wanted to venture into the foot clan lore, since the movie left a cliffhanger on shredder, and found old concept art of foot soldiers in the old mm script.
I was like "hm, what if, I drew Karai if they were in mutant mayhem"
When I first drew her, I liked the design, but it wasn’t giving, "Karai" it gave— another kind of character, but I liked my first draft design, so I decided to keep it.
I wanted to make that design a character, Isolde the idea of making someone that’s parallel opposite to Leo’s relationship with April (ironically)
I wanted this character to hate Leo’s guts at the even mention of him, yet I want Leo to try and befriend them in his casual Leo anxious sense—
I tried looking up characters from tmnt to get inspired from, and found a lot of awesome stuff!! and pretty much everything else skyrocketed from there!
I was originally gonna make her a side "supporting" character in the story, but during making her I got too connected with her and decided to try and make her important to the story in my head,
she was originally gonna be this this teen arrogant barista that isn’t used to the mutant-acceptance thing, that so happened to go to the same school with the turtles.
But, that felt— boring! Like— I know I could do better— and- I can’t just waste her to work at the counter like that!!! So I tried again,
Her second concept was now the school’s hall monitor that has this intense beef with Leo because he kept forgetting the hall pass, but so happened to have ninjutsu, or so well, better ninjutsu than the turtles!
I thought to myself— I wanted to go more deeper with her knowing ninjutsu, what persued her to have it? She’s definitely more professional than the turtles (for one, she got an actual trainer)
Why’s she so angry? Why so mysterious? Why so.. serious?
She’s definitely the opposite of Leo, she’s very distant, she’s eerie, awkward, weird, she doesn’t like anyone— yet once to act "normal" like other people, but never got to fit in because of her… past.
I pretty much made a whole bunch of lore and stuff for Koya— like a grandma spoiling her grandkids when they come visit!
I eventually got the Koya we have now present time!
In summary— my hyper fixation on mutant mayhem’s concept of the foot clan gave me Koya, my murder machine of a gal, a rogue ninja roaming a new world trying to stop foes from getting in her way, who really can’t stand Leo— LOL
Though I added some elements to her that made her special to me— or well unique- and I liked making her unintentionally funny- like when a friend does something it’s always funny- because why not!!!
I also headcanon Koya having BPD / symptoms of it, because it I thought it suited her well… yeah..
But yeah sorry if I didn’t really make sense…
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melancholysway · 2 years ago
Howdy, (yes I'm southern) I'm Blue!!! Quick little fact about me: if I don't find some fanfics over 03 Donnie and fast, I'm gonna go fucking feral. Like out in the woods picking berries feral. Literally heart eyes every time I see him. It's marriage on the spot if he ever walks through the door. Like I got the ring already picked out and everything.
Anyways, it would fan fiddly tastic if you could provide me and all my mentally disordered brethren with some hcs over how the 03 boys would be with s/o who has Aspberger's syndrome. Think autism but watered down. If you would like some examples of behaviors and habits that stem from this, just let me know! If you have time for a long shot that would be epicly epic but I get it if a short shot would be easier for you.
Why don't I just right them myself? Next question!
Alrighty drink water and have fun!!!!
Hi Blue! First off, thank you for the explanation on Asperger's! Your information helped me write this fic to the best of my ability to fit your descriptions.
Second off, I'm so sorry this took fucking forever, I'm finally on summer break from the semester omfg. You also told me that the term "aspie" is not derogatory and since I had no idea how to tell the reader that Y/n in this fic has Asperger's, I thought it would be okay to just use "Aspie" when describing the reader in the title. If you don't like it, let me know and I'll switch it out :)
I'm fulfilling requests in the order they are received, which is also one of the reasons I held off on writing at all, because I really had a good idea for this one and wanted to write this first!
I really hope you enjoyed! I'm excited to be back writing!
TMNT 2003!Donnie x Aspie GN!Reader: WeekDay(s) in the Life of Donnie & Y/n
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With Donatello getting together with you, he had to get used to a few things. Not that he already wasn’t aware since you were friends before dating, but just some things to keep in mind when it came to you:
1. You got into something new, like, every week. Sometimes, you’d get stuck on one thing and drop the one before. He had to learn how to get up to speed with your interests and hyper-fixations. 
Not that it bothered him, but he always wants to understand and learn what and why you’re so hyper-fixated on, even if it meant dropping his lab time to learn about it from you.
2. He has to explain his subtle sarcasm since you usually don’t pick up on it. 
As in, if he makes a joke, sarcastic remark, etc, and you don’t understand it, he doesn’t mind taking a step back to explain the syntax and linguistics of why it’s funny to try and get you to laugh
3. Unexplained excitement, he tries to match your energy for things you randomly get excited about, and it includes when you hand flap as well. Common among those with Asperger's, those that become excited hand flap as a stim. 
Despite Donnie’s usual quiet nature, he gets excited as well, especially if he has a “breakthrough” in his experiments, so he 100% understands the excitement part. 
He already understood most of how Asperger’s worked when it came to you alone and getting to know you more. 
It actually surprised him when you asked him to be your boyfriend. He seriously wasn’t expecting that to come out of your mouth. 
“Turtles are cute, you’re cute, duh, Don.” He’s sold. He liked you before, but now? How you’re not phased by his appearance? It’s perfect. 
In order for Donatello to understand you more, he decided to keep a journal in which he keeps track of everything about you and all about Asperger’s. The reason being, well, he really wanted to know how to be a supportive boyfriend for you!
Here’s a week-long entry from his initial observations, interactions, and thoughts- and guess what? It’s all about you! Cheers to the beginning stages of the relationship!
In the afternoon, Y/n came into my lab, with the usual antics I would expect. However, I wasn’t sure why they were so excited. 
“And then I found out about how they eat their mates, and now I have to ask you, my super smart boyfriend, why?!”
Even though Y/n could have done a quick Google search, I loved that I was asked to answer that instead. It makes me feel included in their excitement, so I try to take part as much as I can. I’m actually not sure what possessed Black Widows to eat their mates, but it’s still pretty messed up. And if this excites Y/n, who am I to not share the reasoning? It’s cute, how excited they can get. I love it. 
“Well, um…”
 “Isn’t that just a socially acceptable form of cannibalism? Like, why did we make that okay? Or, why aren’t there spider laws in place to protect male widows? Or even….wait, why that look on your face?” Y/n probably thought I was lost, or annoyed even. 
I wonder what face I had on that caused Y/n to move on to talking to Mikey instead and hyping him up about justified cannibalism, yet I felt incomplete. But, if Y/n’s mind is moving quickly from topic to topic, person to person, I should wait until they come back to me. In the meantime, generating a long fact sheet about Black Widows for Y/n is on my to-do list.
Maybe I should’ve said how I wasn’t annoyed. In fact, I was intrigued. 
Donnie’s Notes:
Y/n’s actually right, Widows are just socially acceptable cannibals
Make a Black Widow fact sheet
Tell Y/n tomorrow that I wasn’t annoyed
Search up potential jokes about Black Widows
Today, I thought I’d test the waters with some Black Widow jokes. I’m gonna be honest, I looked them up. There are not many on the internet, and as smart as I am, I sort of lack in the joke department. That’s more Mikey’s thing, anyway. 
So when Y/n came into my lab today, I wanted to impress them with my (stolen) joke.
“I actually have a gift for you,” 
“Donnie, you really don’t have to get me anything.” Y/n’s typically straightforward and honest, though my gift isn’t materialistic, it’s still of interest to them. 
“Why do Widows kill their partners after they mate?” After wiggling my nonexistent eyebrows, I’m still met by Y/n’s usual stoic expression to my jokes or remarks. 
“Is this an actual question? I’m not really sure, that’s why I asked you.” Y/n says though I can tell based on the awkward neck scratching that they don’t think for a moment that it could be a joke. 
“No, they can’t stand listening to them snoring. Ba dum psh!” 
Okay, not my best joke. 
“Sorry you had to sit through that awful joke, but, I made you this-” After printing out the document I wrote up for Y/n, they watch as the paper comes out from the printer. Fresh, the best kind of printer paper. 
“It’s a…” After examining the paper for a minute, it ends with Y/n smiling. I added photos, statistics, and everything I could find about Black Widows that Y/n might want to know. 
“Wow! Thank you, Donnie! You’re such a smart guy, this really makes up for the horrible joke earlier!” Ouch, but, they’re not wrong. It was an um…shitty joke, to say the least. I should’ve rehearsed it in the mirror. 
The rest of the day Y/n was in the Lair consisted of a recall of all the facts on the sheet. We spent our time doing thorough research on the ones that Y/n was particularly interested in. The red mark on the spider’s backs, why they eat their mates, and (for some reason) we went down the rabbit hole of “famous” human cannibals. Upon further research, we learned that if you salt human meat, it actually contracts. It grossed me out but sparked Y/n’s interest. I kind of wanna stop eating pepperoni pizza now. Mushrooms were always my favorite topping, anyway. I was NOT going to make a fact sheet for human cannibalism. In fact, I decided to go with the flow of Y/n’s interests, if we were focused on Black Widows for the week, that’s what we were focused on. 
Come to think of it, Y/n has introduced me to many new facts that I never knew about when it came to their interests. Crystals, trees, birds, anything. I’m usually only fixated on science/microbiology, not the bigger things that make up our world. It’s one of the many things I really like about Y/n as a person and as a partner. I’m constantly learning something new despite being a technical genius. Haha, I just called myself a genius, is that narcissistic of me?
Since today was our group sparring day, Y/n came in the early evening to watch us. Although they’re usually interested in sparring physically, they just didn’t seem up to it, which was fine by Splinter. He was always adamant about observing and learning by watching. Plus, Y/n seemed to be really entertained by our sparring.
 I hope I don’t mess up today, I’d hate to feel embarrassed. I think Y/n prefers to watch us since its fewer eyes on them, which is understandable. The center of attention wasn’t always their favorite thing, anyway. 
I’m learning more things about Y/n day by day, and writing it down is making it easier to keep up with whatever they’re interested in. Because I was invited to watch a short documentary about Black Widows at Y/n’s apartment, their current interest seems to be just that. Not that I’m bothered, however, Raph seems a little nervous that Y/n’ll somehow find one and bring it down to the Lair to show us. He usually isn’t fazed by their sudden interests, but THIS one got him in a chokehold. I don’t think Y/n would actually find a Widow, though. 
I was…well, embarrassed. Turns out, Mikey had some new move up his sleeve, and body slammed me to the ground. So, so, so embarrassing. 
“Woah! You okay, Donnie? Mikey slammed you into next week!” Despite the pain I was in, I still flashed a small smile, to let Y/n know I was fine. They seemed to be really into my safety of the little things. Sparring, during lab experiments, etc. I actually played back the many times I was given a lecture from Y/n about lab safety when they caught me not wearing goggles. I wear them all the time now. 
It’s day 4 of Black Widows. I decided to set up a docu night in my lab with Y/n. It included their favorite movie snacks (Y/n gave me a list just in case I planned something like this and was unsure of what to get them) as well as mine. Though I’m not sure if I can stomach a Widow eating its mate, I’ll endure it for Y/n’s sake. 
Y/n loved the documentary. It’s a trend I’ve noticed when I began to date them. Whatever we did didn’t matter, as long as we were both interested in what we were doing and doing it together. These past few days I’ve learned a lot just from Y/n’s sudden interest that I'm beginning to enjoy it equally as much. I wonder if I can find other media that might excite them.
I had the urge to cuddle Y/n, though I only acted on it after the documentary. I thought I’d be distracting, only for them to tell me they were waiting for me too. 
I hope Mikey (or worse, Raph) doesn’t find this, but I seriously got butterflies when I had them in my arms. I held a loose grip, just in case Y/n felt restricted in any way, but they seemed to enjoy it. Plus, if they didn’t, they would’ve told me. 
Nothing much out of the ordinary happened today.
(that's a lie)
Y/n actually asked to kiss me today before leaving. Which I don’t think I was ready for. Sure, I’ve been thinking about kissing them, but I wasn’t sure how to do it or ask. But Y/n- blunt as they are- straight up asked. I think that’s one of the great contrasts between me and Y/n. It’s in their nature to just say what’s on their mind or be blunt. Straightforwardness doesn’t come easy to me, but I find it to be beneficial when it comes to our relationship so far. Though we’re still in the beginning month of our relationship, I think a way I’m stepping out of my comfort zone is being with Y/n- who appears to be the polar opposite of me in terms of socialness. I’m more reserved or to myself, usually talking when spoken to, or if something’s really important that I have to share. 
I admire that part of Y/n- even if they aren’t aware of it. I could really work on saying what’s on my mind more. 
So when Y/n asked out of nowhere if they could kiss me, why would I refuse? Of course, I wanted to!
And you know what, little journal? It was amazing. My first kiss and it was with someone special. 
Donnie’s Notes:
Quickly yet informatively, I’m learning more and more about Y/n and how Asperger’s affects them every day. I’m learning that it’s okay to be extremely giddy and excited over something in my lab, knowing Y/n would love to hear about it and geek out with me too. I’m learning that Y/n genuinely enjoys my lab, and finds something new in it every day to ask me about since it’s always changing and growing. They enjoy what I have to say, and if it comes down to it, we could go weeks straight talking to each other about whatever interests us. I learned that whenever Y/n gets really excited when talking, they do this gesture with their hands- and when I asked- it’s called hand flapping. A response to when their mind gets excited and their body has to show it. It’s adorable, just like them.
And that, dear readers, was Donnie’s week-long journal entry about you. 
Though he’d literally take this to the grave, it’s nice knowing that Donatello takes an interest in you as a person and your personality, understanding how you operate and continuously attempting to match your energy. 
2003 Donnie is extremely pensive; constantly wanting to do new things or learn new things
So, what better way than to do it with his S/O, who ALSO has a constant need for excitement in new information or concepts?
Needless to say, dating Donatello entails that you will not be disappointed! Donnie is peaceful, has a thirst for knowledge, becomes hyper-fixated on little inventions, loves learning new things, and loves a S/O who can have the same multitude of interests as him (even more!)
For: @thats-not-very-cash-money-of-you
@bee-1n-space @ducky-died-inside @xnorthstar3x @writingandcrying
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princeanxious · 2 years ago
Hi! I was wondering about your Lost Guardian au from ages ago, do you think you’ll ever plan on updating it and if not, could someone else take up the fic?
So heres the thing. If someone wants to write a fic *inspired* by The Lost Guardian, i’m not gonna stop them, and i’d probably feel super honored so long as the inspiration was correctly credited!
As for ‘taking up the fic,’ the short answer is no.
I have active drafts and the rest of the story already planned out to its finish, notes, even a branch-off fic set post-story that will likely go up on my nsfw blog if i ever get around to editing it. The Lost Guardian hasn’t been abandoned, it’s simply on hiatus. (And yes, i recognize 3 almost 4 years so far is a really fucking long hiatus. The Chapter 9 draft doc was made in december of 2020, and last edited in July 2022)
I started writing that fic whilst still in highschool, a time where I was 17 and didnt have to worry yet about getting my license or maintaining a part time job, i had an over abundance of freetime even partially to my detriment, the fandom was booming and I had plenty of feedback, and this fic was (and still *is*) a story im proud of.
But i’m 22 now, working a full time job to pay rent and account for a number of minor ‘disabilities’(best word i have for them atm) that I cant ignore or push to the side nor treat poorly, from the lasting effects on my body of stunted growth to celiac/glutent intolerance to adhere to that directly determines how easily my body functions for the week, to dealing with glasses i cannot afford to break and taking care of teeth i cannot afford to fix, taking care of my mental health and using the free time i have to do what brings me the most joy at that time.
The sanders sides fandom has heavily quieted down with the season finale hiatus and I’d like to think I did pretty well for going six long years dedicated solely to that without cracking under the silence, because *I knew* when I caved to something else it’d be a long while before I had the drive to come back with any sort of resolution to my active works. Thats just how my hyper fixations work. I cannot focus on multiple at once, it’s too much to process simultaneously and takes away my enjoyment bc I tend to watch/consume things repeatedly to catch every little detail i missed. And it doesn’t help when one loses steam because their content barely breaks 100 notes(80% of which are likes, 15% are reblogs with the occasional comment, and 5% are self-reblogs) when back in the height of it all, a few thousand notes was pretty average interaction. This blog still has about 11.5k followers, almost all of which came from the height of the fandom period. So for now i’ve moved onto the FNAF DCA fandom, bc it is fresh and new to me.
I know you didn’t mean to poke the bear here, I get it, but like.. C’mon. Any other fic of mine likely wouldn’t have gotten the same reaction in full but, still. I’ve had to answer this question a handful of times over the years at the point, which might be why this response feels so charged, and i’m sorry.
I don’t mean to come off as snippy or rude, but it *is* kind of invasive to offer to finish one’s creative work when it’s taking too long and theres very little payback for it. I’ve got adhd, delayed satisfaction isn’t a thing I experience. Just guilt that it wasn’t finished in a way for me to post it in time before I broke and lost all motivation to share it.
In my head, TLG has been long finished and held the ending for years, theres just been no energy to put in the effort of finish writing it for others to read. I’m still trying to get my life together to change that, don’t get me wrong, but the American economy is literally in shambles so who knows how or even if i’ll manage that. Call me selfish for being content with only mentally having my creative story’s ending and a collection of rambles and notes to show for it, but at the end of the day, it’s still my story, and i dont feel comfortable with people trying to ‘take up the mantle’ to finish it, when they don’t know how it ends.
I’m glad you like it enough to want to, though, I really *really* am. I’m just sorry I haven’t been able to finish it for you all. And i just don’t know when that will be, I just know that I *want* to do so, however long it takes.
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spotaus · 1 year ago
(hi I’m just gonna finish what I wanna say here cause the tags are getting excessive and people can only handle so many reblogs of moots gagging)
I won’t get burnt out! I’m perfectly content right now just really hyper fixated on pretender. Also he is still taller then Ozzy without heels by like half and inch. It still counts for something.
low-key wanna continue this comic but I have no idea how he’s canonically react to being kissed. Flustered yes but who isn’t? Anyway that’s it for my ramble I just finished making a quiz for a whole new fandom so. Yippieeee!
thanks spot for making Pretender and N! They’re the silliest AU’s I’ve come across. (And the most smooch able.)
Heya!! (And yeah, good call! I forgot that Asks exist lol-)
And nice! Glad ta hear you'll be good lol, I always just like to check in on folks ^^. And NICE! Tall Pretender from comic holds strong then! (Plus who knows, Pretender does shape-shift so he could totally just... change height to mess w/ ppl or tease hehe)
And Ooh!! I'd love to see where you could go with it! If ur looking for a potential reaction I might have a few? (Adding them... now: 1) Pretender kinda like, melts a lil. When he's emotional he kinda loses his shape and sinks into that purple mist, so I could totally see him just kinda getting flustered and literally deflating for a sec before popping back up with a stuttered little surprised response. 2) He's definitely Blushing, but doesn't like, react very obviously. More of a, "Well, that's a first!" Followed by a cheeky, "Usually I try to eat a human's face, not the other way around.... Not that I'm complaining!" Or something with a stupid lil grin and a wink, before he continues conversation. 3) "You sure know how to greet a new pal!" As he kinda squints at them and goes, "So, do I get a name to match the kiss?" Looking flustered for sure, but low-key smug as he jokes to cover his loss of composure. These would just depend on how competent u think he'd be in the face of a Random Wonderful Smooch hehe...) And those are just loose ideas? I'm actually not sure how he'd react to romance yet, if only because I haven't written him in that situation often enough yet hehe! U got him p spot on tho, so take any or none of these as guidance if you want! (And if not this was still a fun chance to write him some dialogue lol---)
And You're so welcome!!! Thank you for enjoying them so much!!! I pride myself on the Silly since my Serious sticks to writing, so I'm glad ya like em! (And wanna smooch em too! The rizz was built-in I suppose lol---)
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carlos-tk · 1 year ago
nice ask week
hi D! it's nice ask week! What made you start watching LS and what was it about the show that made you spiral into fandom?
Hi Rae! Thanks for the question! 💗 Apologies for how long this took me to answer. Work took over my life this week 😢 Now buckle in for a stupidly long story 😅
Firstly, I had watched the original 911s first and half of its 2nd season whenever they aired (2018/19 thanks Wikipedia) and then totally forgot all about it because again #life 😅 I did hear about a spin off whenever they announced it but I guess the only info was that it was coming soon. Wikipedia is helping out and it seems it was May 2019. I didn’t really pay it much mind because by then I had already stopped watching the og.
So I move on with my life and don’t think about either series until September 2022. I saw a youtube clip of a scene: the throwing each other against the wall hookup from 1x02. I watched it and I was like.. OH?!👀🔥🥵 Saved it to my YouTube watch later and again forgot all about it because back then I was doing full time shift work and had no time to breathe let alone watch anything new 😂 (kicking myself because I could’ve been here a year ago) 😭
Cut to this year. I can give you an exact date i rediscovered 911 verse. May 17th 2023!! 🥳 All because of the Tarlos wedding.
Twitter is probably the platform I use the most cos it’s got all my sports content😅 Anyway I happened to be on the discover/trending tab and one of the top hashtags was #TarlosWedding which was airing that day. I clicked it to investigate and scrolled through. It was full of pics and fanvids of the wedding and again I was like OH 👁👁. I liked a bunch of the tweets to revisit and moved on with my day. A few days later because I had liked all that stuff, Twitter keeps recommending me more content. So I find myself back on YouTube and watched these:
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and then a series of random scenes and I was like... okay I need full context for all of this. Another month passes and it’s probably end of June/early July and I’m like let me see if this is available anywhere to watch in Australia. I find it on Disney+ and they have seasons 1-3. This is finally when I watched the show. And then I could not stop thinking about it. S4 is no where to be found though. So I google and see it’s halfway through airing on Channel 7 here which means it won’t be uploaded to Disney+ for a while. So then I’m like UGH 😒😩😤 I wanted to binge the whole season like I had for the others. I kept tabs on when it would finish airing on TV and eventually the finale airs August 14th. The next day I start it and binge the whole season on 7Plus over a few days.
Now that I had seen their entire story so far, I was full blown hyper fixating. Like they’re on my mind ALL the time. I’m reading a book or watching a movie/show and thinking about Tarlos in place of the characters. I’m listening to a song or reading a poem/lyric and being like oh that’s so Tarlos coded😂😂 At this point i’m like oh no 😅😅 The fandom life is coming for me.
Then the biggest surprise of all I start getting the urge to write fanfic again! Which is insane because I had not written anything in (redacted) years. Like nearly every time as I was about to sleep, I start having ideas and rambling it out in my notes app at stupid hours like 2am 😂😅
Next we have the writers/actors strike and I’m like 👀trust me to find a new obsession and everyone is on strike and I’m gonna get nothing new for ages. Then I remember AO3 is a thing that exists and find my way to the 911 Lone Star tag and start reading fic again. Any spare moment I had I was itching to read whatever I could get my eyeballs on. I said to you the other day that I read your gym!AU first and look I might’ve read a random 1k word one shot or two but nothing I can actually remember like yours 😂🥵 I think the added pictures and texts made it so memorable because 1. I did not know you could do that on AO3 2. Rafael is like the hottest guy I’ve ever seen 😅😅 and 3. It was just so damn good 🥵 Sm*t with feelings and I am there. You teased the feelings a little and if/when (no pressure btw) you decide to revisit this universe just know I’ll be first in line 🙋🏼‍♀️ and the reason I can recall it as the first is it’s the oldest AO3 tab saved to my safari reading list 😅
By this point I’m reading fic through the end of August and September constantly. A few I read had peoples Tumblr links in the end notes so then I remember that Tumblr also exists 😂 I come over and lurk, explore the tags, look at all the beautiful gifs, look at a few peoples blogs and make a mental note to maybe join Tumblr again. I had 2 blogs back in hs, 1 fandom specific blog that got abandoned during my last year of hs and a sports/tv-series one I used a little in the years after hs but then again #life and I didn’t touch it after like 2016.
Come September 2023. I made a new email, signed up to Tumblr again, and requested an AO3 invite. Learning how to use this site again was wild because so much had changed since I last used it. I saw something about getting mistaken for bots so I spent a little time making the blog look nice and like an actual person exists before I bothered to follow anyone or any tags. October rolls around and I finally start using it every day and now I’m here with all of y’all 💗
Sorry for the extremely long story and again sorry for how long it took 😅😅
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fullmoonremus · 2 years ago
hey darling! just wondering if you’re ever gonna keep writing on this blog or you’re just busy with college or work. hope you’re doing ok <3 xo!
omg HEY hi hello! This is really sweet! Tbh, I really, really want to. And I will… eventually. I still love-love-love the marauders. I’ve fallen out of narnia though; it was a bit of a covid hyper fixation. I’d still be open to writing for them though :D
Reading some of my old imagines give me the ick so it would probably be nice to fill it with better fics lol. I think I kind of burned myself out because I was writing as much as one 700+ word fic a day for like 8 months.
I had (have?) a huge plan to write a big (100k+ word) marauders fanfic that I still really want to do. It’s just so much work (and research for this certain idea) that I haven’t gotten around to it. I also want to write some more wlw fanfic, I just don’t think many people would be interested in it. Is that something anyone (not necessarily just you, anon but in general) would read? I genuinely think I’d excel in wlw fanfic because I am a lesbian LMAO
I’ll have more free time come summer, so we’ll see then!! I want to upload more to ao3 too, that’s where I read all of my stuff.
If you have any shorter requests, send them in! Maybe you’ll get a surprise ;)
TLDR; I really miss writing and I want to get back to it I just don’t exactly know when. Summer perhaps? Send in some requests and maybe you’ll find a new fic!
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tiredmoxxie · 2 years ago
Wanted to make a post on places besides here to talk or give me submissions one majorly to all my people with vr and pc is vrchat i do alot of things there so if you ever wish to talk come to me on vrchat
look for a lady called Kpunk b709 ;3
see you there my lovely sinners~
P.s. don't mind the chaos you join into the people i'm usually with don't really have that much of a filter :D
p.s. and yes while i'm posting this i will say i am going to do posts for Millie.
oh and btw i do a little voice acting of some of the Hazbin and Helluva crew people so ask me on that you might make a friend for life!
plus make sure to be nice don't just join me to shit on my work i'm still new to being a VA and making fanfics so make a good choice and be nice!
i'm gonna post more today about my vrchat life so keep your eye/eyes out for that loves!~ ok bye bye for real this time ;3
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Vr meeting my first thing i'll say for now is don't expect me to automatically be all "buddy buddy" with you i'm a nice person and all but i have some major trust issues and you'll have to gain the title of my friend really. I get if you say your nice and all but that can also be a lie to let my guard down and hurt me. But i will speak to you like a friend i love to meet people and get to know them but certain questions like: what is your gender, and How old are you. I will get pretty defensive on so don't mind if I get a bit snappy after that i don't mean to upset anyone if i do i apologize before hand here. Plus there is a 50/50 chance of me not being in to much of a good mood when i get meaning i'm more easily annoyed or made sad. Due to depression, anxiety, and stress put on by school and other personal things.
OK off the serious note here is a meme to brighten the mood
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Over all i'm just gonna be chaotic when you meet me it will be a over all good time when you join me. If you voice act any one from helluva or hazbin do expect some chaotic va time with the characters and btw i do ironically do Loona and Verosika voices and don't mind the random rambling that will come from me my hyper fixation and adhd will cause some very random shit to happen
More on this later my hand hurts see ya then fellow sinners!~
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prettyoddgarden · 3 years ago
Patrick Bateman Does Coke Off of Fem Readers Boobs  
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gif by @/taissaifarmiga
No warnings just cocaine usage
A silly note from me - Patrick is a little less unhinged since he's married and goes to therapy 💀I've had an idea like this forever but a character I've been hyper fixated on just didn't fit and now that I'm in love with Patrick and it's canon he does coke this was my perfect chance to do this. also this is my first fanfic I've posted 💀Lol okay yeah now read 💋
"Be right back, going to pee." I say as I get off the bed heading to the bathroom after another second round with Patrick. Reaching down, picking one up of his white button downs from the floor and my underwear.
While making my way to the bathroom, Patrick went to change the song to Blue Monday by New Order. I gave him a mix of my favorites which he seemed to enjoy. I'm a little surprised he would like anything I picked due to his specific taste in music. 
As I’m walking out of the bathroom my eyes begin to focus. It’s Patrick in some silk pajama bottoms. He looks at me with his charming smile. As if he wants to sell me something. I've seen this look before in meetings with him when he's presenting a new idea. He just has a look in his eyes that makes me feel so wanted. 
"Patrick I'm done for the night." I give him a puppy eye look leaning on the bedroom door frame. 
He continues to look at me while holding a little bag of something "No (y/n). Not that. Not until after this." Winking at me.
I look down to see the contents of the bag. Blow. I'm a little taken aback he would want to do it at home. It's not like we haven't done coke together before. He just seems to prefer to do it in a small bathroom of a restaurant or club.
I smile walking towards the bed "So what idea do you have Mr. Bateman?" 
"Haha well Mrs. Bateman, I was thinking of doing some blow, but I don't want to get my tables dirty. It also seems you haven't showered yet."
I listen to him carefully and lay sideways on our shared bed with some of the softest sheets from Santa Fe. I honestly could look at his body all day. The way his muscles curve and flex with every step he takes. He just looks so unreal. 
"Mmhmm. So where should we do it? We can just get one of my cards. I do have my heart spoon necklace in my purse." As I point to my bag that was thrown in the living room.
"No, I have another idea and I need to have your full attention (y/n)."
I give him a concerned yet listening look. "You have it."
Patrick walks towards me with a devious look. He takes my sideways legs and brings them to hang off the edge of the bed. 
"Scoot back, I want a better view." 
I do so by giving him a smile, resting my head on the pillow while he straddles me. I stare at him then to his hands, still unsure of what Patrick is thinking. 
"Even though you look stunning in Tommy Hilfiger, take it off." The ending of that sentence sounds so demanding, but so sexy.
He stares at me as I start unbuttoning the shirt. We lock eyes. I unbutton the shirt slowly giving him a delicate look. He looks somewhat impatient.
"God (y/n) you're such a tease." Patrick uttered with a scoff as he pushed my hands to unbutton the shirt himself. Giving me the small bag of blow. I only giggled to lighten the mood a bit and seemed to work. Patrick started to have a little grin. Again I could stare at him forever. I watch as his hands unbutton the shirt on me exposing my boobs to him.
"Ahh now I see. You're gonna fuck me then use me as your personal table? Woah Patrick and I thought I was your wife." I asked 
He grabs my left boob to shut me up. "If you don't keep your words to a minimum we'll have round 3 right now."
I nod my head showing I'm now taking it more seriously. Patrick moves his hand from my breast and opens his palm for me to hand him the coke. I do so as he opens the bag. He comes closer to me and takes the edge of the bag. He starts to take the bag pouring it in a straight line along my right breast right above my nipple. As he does so I feel every move Patrick makes with his hand as he has his left hand on my side while his right hand continues making a line. 
"Mm perfect." Patrick says pleased with himself. "Are you ready (y/n)?"
"Mmhmm go for it."
Patrick lowers his head down making direct eye contact. As he does so time feels like it's slow down. He connects his nose with the start of the line making sure it's precise. Patrick seems to have a calm eagerness about it. I continue to track his face with my eyes. He starts to move his head from left to right as the drug goes up his nose. He lifts his head up sniffing to make sure the coke goes down his nose. Then time goes back to normal. 
"Fuck. Surprised you stayed so still" Patrick grumbles sitting back up straight straddling me still. 
"Me too. If I'm being honest. I think I was just too forced on your face" I smile stating my sentence. "I actually really liked that we should do that again. Maybe when we're out."
"You're right. Your tits are amazing to do coke on (y/n). Hmm just like I thought. " 
"OH please Patrick. Okay now get off so I can get my necklace from my purse." I say patting his chest. 
He does so and I get up walking to the living room. While walking I button up the shirt a bit.
"So Patrick, what gave you that idea? It seemed very spontaneous, especially for you." I question him.
"Well if I'm being honest whenever I see you in a push up bra I always think about putting a glass on top with the way your tits just sit so nicely. Then I thought about what it would be like if I could coke on them." Patrick answers. I'm not oblivious, I've seen the way Patrick looks at me whenever I wear a dress that would showcase my boobs when we decide to go out to dinner or the club. Never a day in my life I would think something so childish is a thought Patrick would have. 
"Now that's a different thought of yours. I like how honest you are now." I say walking through the door getting into bed with Patrick. He hands me the baggie of snow smiling. I dip my tiny gold spoon in the bag and sniff it. I sat up next to him. I look at the wall clock, "I mean it's only 11:30 and we don't have an appointment tomorrow morning till 12 in the afternoon. We could go out or-" My sentence was stopped by a heated kiss from Patrick.
He breaks from the kiss staring into my eyes. "How about you go take shower, I'll meet you there, and we’ll do round 3 there? How does that sound?" 
"It does sound better." I give him one last kiss, grinning and head to the bathroom smiling. 
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