#this is funny to me and i think that's all i need it to be
usedpidemo · 19 hours
Girlfriend experience (Twice Tzuyu)
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“I need your help.” 
You’re typing up your next application letter when you’re suddenly interrupted by Tzuyu’s familiar voice. “Sure, what’s up?”
There’s no way you’re turning down a request from Tzuyu. 
She pauses for a moment, contemplating her next words carefully, knowing regardless of the outcome, everything will never be the same. 
Then, she speaks.
“Can you be my boyfriend for a day?”
You don’t take it seriously. For one, you know damn well you don’t deserve to breathe the same air as Chou Tzuyu, let alone earn the coveted title of ‘boyfriend.’ It’s already a privilege to share rooms with her in college, how much more to be her personal tutor. Sure, she loves to mess around with you every now and then, but even by her standards, this is one joke too out there to make.
“Okay Tzu, very funny, but come to me when you actually need help with something,” you tell her, chuckling, unable to hide your toothy smile before returning to your computer screen. 
You overlook the intent behind her stare. 
“I’m serious. I really need someone to pose as my boyfriend for a day,” she replies, to the point. Another thing about living with Tzuyu is that she’s always straightforward. There’s no beating around the bush with her; everything she says is the truth. So why aren’t you taking her plea with a little more genuine concern?
“Yeah. Me. Your boyfriend. As if that’s gonna convince anyone,” you reply, typing away at your keyboard, unfazed by her statement. You still don’t buy it.
“Yes. I believe you can be my boyfriend.”
You laugh again. More sarcastic than amused this time. “Real cute, Tzu.” You face your roommate with an unamused grimace. “Now what do you want from me?”
“Do I need to slap you to prove I’m not lying?” Tzuyu returns your mockery with a contemptuous glare of her own.
Still under the impression that she’s toying with you, you playfully challenge her. “Sure. I don’t think you’re being serious—”
A thunderous echo ripples between the space between you and Tzuyu, immediately closing the gap. Everything happens in an instant. You’re sent swerving back, along with your swivel chair. A bright sore blot forms on your cheek, the pain not registering right away. A little more applied force on that hit and she would have dashed your head against the wall. 
“Oh—damn.” You groan, pressing a palm on the reddened area, flush with blood, as if a bump had formed from the sharp impact. “All right, I believe you now.”
She’s shaking her head, her expression intense, humorless. “Now will you hear me out?”
“Yes!” you shout at her, inflection teetering on screaming, nodding your head in agreement.
“Great. Go fix up your face first, then I’ll explain everything,” she says before turning away and walking out the front door, leaving you on your own to fix yourself.
Tzuyu doesn’t even come back to the apartment by the time you clean up yourself. It’s late in the evening when she bursts in, bringing a few pairs of freshly bought expensive outfits. It’s part of the package living with one of the richest women in your college. Her entire wardrobe is fitted with nothing but designer clothing, jewelry costing up to the hundreds of thousands, and tailor made outfits designed to fit only her and her alone. Her casual attire could be your Sunday best. Her pajamas could be your everyday wear. It’s as if her entire personality is to be a model—and if she were, she’d be the face of every brand and on the front cover of every fashion magazine in existence.
“I know this sounds outrageous, but I want you to be my boyfriend even for a day,” she repeats herself, the idea still too incomprehensible for your brain. You could listen to it again and again. For anyone, the thought is nothing but an impossible fantasy, but for Tzuyu to personally pick you, even if it's only make-believe, is something special. 
You have more questions than answers. “Yeah, but why? Why do you want a boyfriend for a day?”
“I’m visiting my parents for the weekend. Well, I’m forced to.” 
In contrast to her extravagant lifestyle, she’s sharing takeout chicken with you. More often than not, you eat the same food, with Tzuyu often deferring to you for choices. Usually fast food, it’s actually her preference.
“Okay, so what does this have to do with having a boyfriend?”
She takes a sip of her sake. “They expect me to have one by the time I graduate.”
“Okay and? What happens if you don’t?”
“Arranged marriage. I promised my parents that I would find a boyfriend by the time I turn 25. It’s how I got to be independent, how I got into college”  —she faces you, her lovely eyes twinkling— “and how I met you.”
Observing Tzuyu, you notice a few details. The most obvious being that she’s pretty, even when chomping on a chicken leg’s bone. The second is her worried gaze. This is something that’s clearly been bothering her for a while. She has deferred to you countless times for multiple academic projects ranging from research to exams, each request building more and more trust, to the point where you’ve become her closest confidant, in addition to being her roommate. Unlike before, this is not a test with a defined system and something easily manipulated and planned for, and you can’t really prepare any better either.
On your end, she pays generously; you’re only applying for an internship because your course demands it. You could start your business with the money earned from helping her. But her payroll will eventually stop.
“Listen. We might never see each other again when we graduate in a few months, and I’m sure you’re tired of me asking for your help when you could be doing more,” she says, tone gloomy, nervous. “But this is more you being the only guy I can trust—this is my freedom on the line. Even if I mostly hated my time here, it’s still better than whatever life they want for me.”
You don’t question her reasoning, even if that last bit sounds hyperbolic. Surely it can’t be that bad. You and Tzuyu have a lot more in common than you realize: you don’t like the college grind, you’re both admittedly reclusive, and you’ll miss each other’s presence when the time comes.
“Couldn't you try getting someone as a stand-in? I’m not even in the top 100 most handsome guys in the student body. It’ll never fly.”
She chuckles, showing flashes of positive energy for the first time in a while. “Nope. They’d fumble the script so bad it wouldn’t be worth the shot. I’d figure since you’re like one of twelve people I constantly talk to, I could trust you to be a convincing enough boyfriend.”
“Does it have to be a boyfriend? Why not a girl?”
“I wish. I’d love to bring Sana along, and she’d be such a joy for them, but boomer parents, am I right?”
You both share a hearty laugh. 
“Anyway,” Tzuyu puts away her plate, having finished her share of dinner to present you three shopping bags full of newly bought clothes. “These are all yours, just wear the one you like the most to our date. Plus I don’t think I ever bought you new clothes?”
“Nope, nope you haven’t.” You shake your head, remembering that your current computer setup, PS5, Lego collection, and closet full of jackets and joggers that’s been collecting dust in the corner of your room were all paid under Tzuyu’s name. 
“You never told me they were still living in Taiwan,” you say to Tzuyu, watching the ground from your airplane seat, which happens to be next to the wing. You’ve never been on a flight before—until now. Something you should have admitted, but your pride got in the way. “I thought you said they owned property here!”
Tzuyu blushes in shame. “Did I?” she questions herself, before suddenly recalling, “Oh yeah! I lived here when I was in fourth grade. It was only one year though. I loved my schooling here; they didn’t.”
None of what she said fully registers in your brain. What does occupy your head is the idea of plummeting 30,000 feet from the air. Even with all the safety measures, your mind races with a hundred scenarios ending in your sudden and tragic demise. 
As the plane begins to move before eventually ascending, you can’t stare away as outside scenery turns into vague blurs sweeping by. In just a few moments, you’re so far high that you can only see clouds. It sends your brain into overdrive. Meanwhile, Tzuyu’s completely relaxed, having placed a sleep mask for the 15 hour flight to come. She doesn’t have to see at your worst, repeatedly cursing over the sound of music playing through her earphones. At least you’re comfortably secluded in first class, where each pair of passengers occupy their own private cabin for sleeping, eating, and even showering. No one can hear you scream.
The staff can’t come fast enough, even if closing the blinds is the simplest thing you can do. 
On arrival, Tzuyu’s surprises keep coming in droves. A personalized driver and car awaits at the airport’s exit, carrying all your luggage by himself. He’s got his own expensive suit, opening the rear passenger doors on your behalf.
“Welcome home, Miss Chou. And this companion of yours is?”
“My boyfriend,” she warmly tells the driver, eliciting a curious look from him towards you. You’re not doing anything wrong—yet—but you can tell by his expression that you’re not giving off a good first impression. “I’m taking him to meet my parents.”
“Of course. Where shall I drive you? Shall I take you directly to them today?”
“No. I’d like to spend the rest of the day at my own place.”
“Certainly. Penthouse it is.”
After a leisurely half-hour drive through the city, the car pulls up in front of a high-rise building. The front entrance alone can be its own five-star luxury hotel and resort. Tzuyu says only millionaires are able to buy and own flats here, which makes her ownership of the penthouse even more absurd. Only now you’re witnessing the fullest extent of her wealth after seeing brief flashes throughout college.
Her lavish penthouse welcomes you from the moment you step off the elevator. Despite being away for years, the place looks as good as new, well-maintained in her absence. Every single room is twice the size of your whole apartment back home, with countless amenities and utilities dedicated to a certain purpose. There’s up to five bedrooms, each decked with their own king-size mattress and as many bathrooms to accommodate up to four guests at a time. The whole setup is topped up by a background of the city skyline seen through floor wide glass windows.
You don’t really have any words to say at this point. You’re just soaking it all in, filled with wonder and awe.
“All this and you still chose to live in a regular ass dorm,” you comment, pressing one of the piano keys, its sound echoing all over the massive place. “You’ve got to be fucking shitting me.”
“Didn’t really have a choice,” she says, pacing in and out of the rooms, her voice reverberating throughout the living room. “I had to get close to someone, and having my own place was not gonna help whatsoever.”
“Christ—” you mutter to yourself, still taken aback at how fucking expensive Tzuyu lives. Someone of her kind shouldn’t be pretending to act like everyone else—struggling to get by and having to grind their ass off. She doesn’t need anything beyond a high school diploma and some common sense; she should be enjoying herself, living a larger than life lifestyle that others will be jealous of.  
Still, this shouldn’t be stressing her out. Despite her numerous rebuttals, she could have easily placed someone else in your shoes right now, someone more capable to face her seemingly stringent family. 
You can only draw it up to rich people problems, something you’ll likely never experience in your lifetime.
“Would you like to go out for dinner later? Or would you like for us to just have delivery instead?” Tzuyu asks, approaching you with an endearing smile and an enticing offer: on her hand are a dangling pair of keys with a prancing horse etched on them. 
She has you under her spell, if everything else wasn’t convincing enough.
“Name me a nice place to eat and I’ll think about it.”
You end up staying out way later than intended. 
It’s a miracle her car doesn’t have a single dent by the time you return to the condominium. In the time you’ve spent with Tzuyu, you’ve grown more comfortable with the girlfriend role given to you. You don’t even wait for the valet driver to open her side of the door; the act comes naturally. She steps out of the vehicle, one leg peeking through her dress, and it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. She reaches out her hand for you to take, and it feels like a habit you’ve been doing for years.
You’ve gotten your fair share of jealous looks over the past few hours. Even now, bystanders in the front lobby are making a scene out of you being together. All of them are asking the same question: how does someone like you have a woman like Chou Tzuyu by your side.
Deep down, you recognize it’s an act, a part of the show. Tzuyu knows this too. She sells her parts like she’s selling her beauty: naturally well. On the other hand, you are showing tiny cracks on your face, only crumbling after you disappear from everyone’s view behind that elevator.
“So, are you ready for tomorrow?” she asks you, friendly and soft as ever.
You sigh, unable to find it in you to answer. Even as you open your mouth, you lack the conviction to give off a confident response, and it shows in your word choice. “Maybe.”
Tzuyu furrows an eyebrow, frowning. “What’s up?”
You can’t even look at her as you talk, only finding some semblance of relief watching the city from your view. Lovely, just like Tzuyu. “What if this doesn’t work,” you tell her, tone low, evidently anxious. What if—”
“Don’t overthink it,” she turns you toward her, brushing a hand up and down your shoulder. For a moment, you see her eyes gleam with the night life’s reflection. “Even if it all goes horribly wrong, the blame completely falls on me. Remember that.”
“I might never see you again. Hell, you might never go back,” you reply, your doubts not quelled in the slightest. Neither of you care that you’ve got your hands on each other, unwilling to let go.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” she says, unfazed by your pessimism. “At least I made up for everything you’ve done for me, including this.”
“Really? As if you haven’t been doing that since I first helped you—”
Tzuyu laughs, her cheeks flush in embarrassment. “I got nothing better to spend it on. Might as well do it on someone who actually deserves it.”
You’re not sure whether to feel elated or flattered by that statement. Your rosy cheeks say the former. Perhaps this is a consequence of spending way too much time with her, or that you’ve been putting plenty of investment in your role. Either way, you’re better off spending the remainder of your night not overthinking about it. It’s been a long day. 
“I’m going to bed. It’s getting late, and you said we’re getting picked up early tomorrow.” 
“Right. I completely forgot, too. I guess we must have been having too much fun together, huh?”
Neither of you even bring up the fact that you were holding each other close the entire time, bordering on romance. It’s probably for the best.
Tzuyu’s feathery voice brings your attention back to reality. For most of the ride, you’ve been mindlessly staring out the window. From passing cars to idle trees, from long stretches of highway to winding mountain roads. Chatter inside the vehicle passes through your ears like radio static. Thoughts racing in your mind comprise numerous outcomes and what-ifs, none of which you’re able to see the ending. Never mind the fact that she’s looking her most divine, her most prim, perfectly suited for such a special occasion. The less you think about what’s ahead, the better.
She doesn’t make it any easier, especially when she’s leaning forward with her seatbelt, her warm expressions invoking sweet innocence and genuine concern. Her fingers are twiddling with yours, gripped to the leather seats, trying to get as much of your interest. “You all right?”
You swallow down a nonexistent lump in your throat. “I’m fine. What is it?”
“My parents are asking what your favorite food is so they can prepare it for you.” 
“Tell them I like beef,” is your immediate response before looking out the window again. She doesn’t press you any further, thankfully leaving you with your thoughts for the rest of the drive.
The car eventually stops in front of a large gate. Not a sign of security in sight, except for a pair of cameras positioned on both ends. After a brief scan, the entryway opens of its own accord. You’ve left the city so far behind, you might as well be high above the sky. 
A couple more miles of driving till you finally reach your destination: a large mansion with a fountain statue in front of the entrance. A dozen expensive cars are parked right outside, all covered in sheets for safety. None of these details are surprising considering you’ve previously seen Tzuyu’s wealth firsthand. You’re starting to believe the rumors about her being the heiress of some business empire are true.
The driver needlessly announces that you’ve arrived before he steps out to open the passenger doors—Tzuyu first, then yours.
To think you’d end up getting involved in family affairs straight out of a soap opera.
Tzuyu looks you in the eye, reaching out her hand with a reassuring nod. No words, just shared confidence and a slither of hope between you both. Despite the initial hesitation, you hold her and together, you enter the unknown.
Inside, more lavish decor greets you everywhere. Stuff that’s more alienating than welcoming. It’s a daunting presence being here that you end up forgetting to remove your shoes before entering, despite the butler’s admonishment. Tzuyu ends up snapping you back, and you quickly swap your footwear for theirs before advancing. Mercifully, there’s only two pairs of eyes in the room watching, but one is observing you through a harsh gaze.
The servant leads you out to a garden where you finally get a glimpse at Tzuyu’s parents for the first time. Also laid out on the lawn is a large table with different kinds of food being prepared by other butlers. Unsurprisingly, she runs ahead to greet them, leaving you on your own to introduce yourself to them.
“Welcome home, Tzu,” says both Papa Chou and Mama Chou to their daughter while she runs to her father, throwing a huge bear hug. She gives her mother a similarly loving embrace after.
Meanwhile, you’re taking little steps down the stairs to the garden, continually reminding yourself not to fuck up. 
“Oh! Right—” Tzuyu looks in your direction, notices your plodding pace. She’s pointing you out to her parents like you’re the most important person in the room. “That—that’s my boyfriend over there.”
At this point, you can easily fold a dozen different ways. Piss your pants, shit on them, run away like a spotted convict. You know as much about her family as anyone else in your position; the information given to you is incredibly scarce and vague at best. But you’re bound to Tzuyu’s hand like a string to a yarn. Your only saving grace is the hope that this event is a quick dine and drive and not some grandiose festivity.
It doesn’t help that the entire time you’ve spent with Tzuyu, not a single minute was spent on acting like her boyfriend.
All eyes fall upon you. It should have been a familiar feeling, something you can easily adjust to, but it isn’t. This is different. It’s not the same as being around friends and no-name strangers. Family judgment lingers on, especially after you’re through. Every little move counts.
Bowing to her parents, you pull your attempt at a friendly smile, falling somewhere between the line of goofy and awkward. “Great to meet you, Papa and Mama Chou.”
Your ‘girlfriend’ looks at you with a heightened sense of pride, convincing enough to be sincere. She’s hard carrying you in the acting department. Smiling more softly, she adds, “Shall we eat?”
You and Tzuyu are seated opposite her parents on the large table, with a scrumptious feast filling in the space between. Food is eaten in small increments, with most of the lunch spent on lengthy conversation. It’s more of an interrogation and less of a friendly scene. 
“So—how did you meet?” asks Papa Chou, tone as typical of a protective father, cold, calculated, and stern. 
“He was my roommate when I got into university,” Tzuyu replies, constantly shooting quick glances at you, eating your share leisurely. Both of you agreed that unless asked, she’d take on the role of your mouthpiece.  You’re nodding; you’d say the same thing—and it’s one of the few things that’s true. “It was a chance encounter.”
“A roommate? As in—you moved into a dorm?” 
“Not exactly a dorm, but an apartment close to campus. The dorms were too small to fit all my stuff in.”
“You should have just moved into the dorms,” he says, aggressively munching his meal between sentences. “How can you sleep peacefully at night knowing he’s just right next door?”
“All right, let’s not offend our guest here.” Mama Chou interjects, trying to change the course of the conversation. You’d immediately refute him if your mouth isn’t filled with food at the moment. She faces you, asking, “So, how long have you been dating?”
Now you’re swallowing hard, caught off-guard by the surprise question aimed at you. Tzuyu’s hands are tied; she’s watching, but she won’t be saving you.
“About three years,” you say, staring back at your ‘girlfriend,’ looking for a lifeline by simply staring at her. You’re in love; no you’re not. “Some of our schedules overlapped too, so we helped each other out.”
“Yeah,” adds Tzuyu, nodding in agreement. “Without his help, I wouldn’t have passed some of my classes. If nothing else, he’s been nothing but kind and gracious to me.”
“That’s great to hear.” Mama Chou smiles; she’s clearly the friendlier and more approachable of the two parents so far. “I’m glad our daughter has a friend she can trust in college. But do you not have other friends too?”
“I’ve made a few friends besides him too.” Tzuyu interjects, stepping in right as you’re about to continue speaking. She presents a photo of her social circle at a restaurant, consisting entirely of the women she’s close with, including a fellow Taiwanese student. You met most of them because of her. “I hang out with the girls more than him, so don’t worry.”
“They’re all pretty.” Mama Chou looks at the picture with delight. On the other hand, Papa Chou remains stone faced and unimpressed. She’s pointing her finger at the girl to her daughter’s right. “Especially her.”
“Oh, her? That’s Sana from Japan. She’s my best friend actually,” replies Tzuyu, grinning toothily recalling her. “And the two behind her are Japanese too—Momo and Mina.”
“So it’s a multinational university? That’s cute.” 
“We’re still few and far between,” she corrects, putting away her phone. “It’s just that we happened to enter university at the same time, and we’re all foreigners, so we bonded through our shared experience living far from home. We’ll be graduating together in a few months.”
Her mother continues to nod concurrently, turning her attention away from her daughter to you again. “So what happens after you graduate? What are your plans?”
Initially, you hesitate, reaching a crossroads. You can follow the broad outline given by Tzuyu: something about opening a restaurant franchise, following her family’s footsteps in running a business empire, or say it as it is.
“I—don’t really know to be honest,” you tell her, glancing at Tzuyu, and she blinks rapidly, her smile wobbling. To everyone else, she looks calm otherwise. “I’m focusing on my studies right now, and I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.”
“What course are you taking?” 
“Mechanical Engineering. I want to work with cars and all that.”
“So you like cars, hm?” Papa Chou interrupts, leaning his head forward with intrigue. “Tell me—you watch F1? You better be!”
“Absolutely!” You’re staring at him, taking control over the conversation, growing comfortable with your newfound position.
“What’s your team? You better not say Red Bull or Ferrari.”
He laughs—heartily. He’s offering his hand for you to shake, which you do. You’re then tugged forward by the harsh tug of his grip, much to the amusement of everyone else. “I think we’re gonna get along just fine.” 
Before you know it, you’re being pulled aside and dragged away from Tzuyu and her mom, leading you to the other side of the mansion.
“Good God,” you say, your jaw agape, blown away at what Papa Chou is presenting you: an orange McLaren F1 tucked away inside an enormous garage filled with other luxury cars. “This—this is my dream car.”
“Handsome, right?” He’s leaning by the door, grinning like a child. “It’s got a thousand miles on it too. Wifey doesn’t really like it, though. Says it takes up too much space in the garage.”
“Shit—sorry for my language—how’d you end up buying this?” you ask, swinging open the opposite butterfly door, admiring the interior. “There’s just no way this is real—”
“It’s as real as real gets.” He cuts you off, chuckling at your utter disbelief. “I bought it off some English comedian, then I had it restored and repainted. Says he’s crashed it a few times. Maybe he has, as you kids say, skill issue.”
“So—why are you showing me this?” you ask, turning to him as you’re both seated on opposing passenger sides.
“I was going to give this away to the one who was supposed to marry her,” he says, holding his side of the steering wheel. “But she wanted to live away from us. Very far away.”
You raise your eyebrows, curious.
“Tzuyu is a good person. She’s kind, compassionate and looks after those she’s close with. But she’s also blunt and to the point,” he continues, facing you mid-conversation. “If she feels that something is wrong, she won’t hesitate to call it out. She doesn’t care whether you’re friend or family. She trusts her intuition first above everything. So for her to have a boyfriend only means one thing: she really has full confidence in that person.
“I think you’re a good guy, and I thank you for helping her. But I don’t want my daughter to come home with a broken heart. I would tell you to leave her alone, but I don’t think she would want me to say that. So, I only want you to promise me this one thing.”
“And that is?”
“Make her feel she’s not alone.”
You blink. Again. A few times for good measure. There’s a lot to comprehend and digest, even when it’s been simplified to a simple promise. You’re not sure whether you can agree to that. It may be a straightforward command, but it’s one with a lot of weight borne on its shoulders.
“Promise me that you won’t leave her alone when you go back. Believe me when I say I haven’t seen her face shine that bright in years. I want to see my daughter smiling like that again when she comes home in the future. So I know she’s in good hands. Make sure she does not regret her decision.”
You look away, hesitant, uncertain whether this is still all for show or a genuine reminder. Now you realize how deeply connected you are to Tzuyu. You don’t remember life before meeting her, and you can’t imagine a life after her.
“I will.”
It isn’t the answer you want to give. You’re still trying to fully grasp everything. However, it is the answer that he wants to hear.
After lunch, you and Tzuyu are left to your own devices. Your private talk with her father is played off as a fun discussion about his love for cars, completely disregarding the actual content of your conversation. Probably for the best; such an occasion demands a positive vibe overall. You spend the afternoon exploring their gigantic mansion, amazed by the vastness of the place over the grandiose material taking most of the space. If not for the presence of a butler at every corner, you can easily get lost for days.
“How long did you live here till you moved out?” you ask Tzuyu, examining a childhood photo of her with her family, including someone you haven’t met—her brother.
“Lived here during my teens. Was homeschooled throughout my primary years. Moved out when I was sixteen entering senior high.” She notices you taking a hold of her family picture, particularly noting her brother. “He’s also studying abroad, too. Not as far away as me, but still far from home.”
“Does he know?” You turn to Tzuyu, lifting an eyebrow.
“Of course he does,” she says, facing you with that trademark gummy smile. “He thinks you’re cute, if you’re wondering.”
“No, no. I meant—”
“Oh—sorry I misunderstood,” she replies, laughing, blushing with embarrassment. “But he was the one who convinced me to move out. He told me if I don't experience everything for myself, then I’m not living.”
You agree. You’re worlds apart, from completely different backgrounds, different upbringings. And yet, you’ve been brought together by some divine intervention, finding common ground to stand on. 
“So—what did my dad tell you in private?” she asks, her eyes wandering back to the photo, lasering in on her father.
You pause, reluctant to reveal the truth, even if she’ll most likely believe you. “Not much. Just showed me his car collection.”
She grins. Innocent as it may look, she knows that’s not the full truth. “He told you something about me, didn’t he?”
Your heart is racing. For how dependent she is on you, she can be rather intelligent and clever. 
“He definitely told you something. I just know.”
Tzuyu looks around and finds no one in sight. After double checking, she takes you by the wrist, dragging you along. She moves quickly, even through her heels. She takes you up the stairs and into an unexplored room, releasing you forward without care once inside. While you’re staggering and struggling to stay planted on your feet, she shuts the door behind you both and locks it.
There are no cameras in the room to catch you, and the blinds are completely closed off. It’s just you two again. 
“That’s quiet enough.” Tzuyu steadily approaches you with a new demeanor—a straight, serious attitude reminiscent of her father. “I shouldn’t have to ask twice. What did my dad tell you?”
You were going to explain everything without the extra theatrics anyway, but admittedly you’re now feeling more secure to admit in private. Their security cameras can catch strange sights, but not sounds. Hell, maybe the little stunt she pulled could be more suspicious than anything else.
“He told me to look after you. Make you feel not alone,” you say, unable to look her directly in the eye, your gaze wandering left and right. “He also said that you’re in good hands because of me.”
Tzuyu remains silent, only staring right at you as she draws ever closer. She doesn’t know exactly how to react or what to say in light of your confession. You can tell the moment the wind in her sails has been knocked out: when you said love.
“How did he come to that conclusion?” she asks, the gap between you only breaths apart.
“He said that you trust your intuition more than anything,” you reply, tone low but straight, mustering the strength to meet her halfway. “And that you haven’t been smiling like that for so long.”
She furrows her eyebrow, taken aback by the last statement. “Really? He did not—”
“He really did. I’m just telling you everything as I heard it,” you say, grinning through your teeth, laughing. There goes the little tension between you.
“Can he not—” Tzuyu cracks, strutting around you, toward the lone king-sized bed similar to the one in her penthouse. “He literally calls me all the time. Hell, he was calling me the night before our flight. Don’t believe him.”
“I won’t,” you reply, still chuckling. 
Your gaze wanders down her baby blue dress, perfectly fit and tailored for her light frame. The lengthy skirt flows around her legs like water. As is her long hair, a mixture of black and brunette. You don’t have to state the obvious, but you still feel the need to say it: Tzuyu is incredibly pretty. She’s been hearing that from everyone from the moment she was born. No amount of repetition can truly describe how attractive she looks, like this one occasion was designed specifically for her.
“So—he says I trust my intuition more than anything,” she mutters, glancing around the room. The bedroom belongs to none other than Tzuyu herself. It’s the place she grew up in, and she feels nostalgia being inside it after being gone for so long. Her hands brush along the edge of the mattress, deep in thought. “I never really thought of it like that.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t really know, to be honest. But he’s right about one thing,” she says, turning around to face you. She’s taking a good look at you from the neck down, and for the first time in your life, you’re dressed like someone worthy of a person like her. “I do love you.”
Before you even have a second to react, everything goes off. She catches your lips with hers. It’s instantaneous. 
Her hands take hold of your body, still unsure of what to do. You know exactly what to do, though, and that’s to give in. You don’t give it a second thought. You yield to her touch and melt into her passionate kiss, pressing deeper and exploring her shapely figure in return. You’re pulling on each other’s clothes and skin, unwilling to let go. 
You can taste the pent-up need on each other’s lips. 
Yeah, you love her too, actually. 
You love her dress too—not only because baby blue perfectly suits Tzuyu like butter on bread, but also because it leaves her back exposed to your touch. She hums, whines into your lips, sucking on air between hungry kisses, taken by surprise of this new sensation. In response, she’s tugging on your dress coat, pushing it off your shoulders and down to the floor. 
“How long have you wanted to tell me that?” you mutter, breaking off the kiss, hot air pressed against her mouth. 
“I was gonna ask you the same thing,” she replies, grinning through her sweet lips. 
“I never said I love you though. Like at all.”
“But I can tell by the way you’re kissing me.”
“Doesn’t mean anything. I’ve seen Sana kiss you like this.”
“And? Does that bother you?”
Her grin is turning into a wicked smirk. Slowly but surely.
“Not at all. I’ve been telling you right from the start: it should have been her, not me.”
She shakes her head. “You want me to hurt Dahyun’s feelings by bringing Sana along? You heartless fuck.”
A new can of worms has just been opened up. None of which was ever in the equation till now. You regret stopping such an intimate moment for this conversation.
“It’s either that or you lose me forever,” she says, breaking the brief gap of silence. “And what could hurt you more?”
Nothing. The answer is nothing, but you don’t want to directly admit it. You need Tzuyu. 
So you end up kissing her again, and she graciously returns the love twofold. She needs you just as much. You’re both meant for each other, and this is the sign.
You push her onto the bed, maintaining the connection as you continue to explore each other’s clothed bodies. In any other situation, all your clothes would be scattered everywhere, and even in her childhood home, you’re both more than willing to make the move. It’s dangerous, yes, but that’s what makes it fun and exciting. After all, she said it herself;  if she wasn’t trying, she wasn’t living. 
“Wait.” Tzuyu mumbles against your mouth, gently pushing you off. You’re halfway through pulling the zipper on her back when she suddenly snaps the link in half. You take the hint and clamber off. 
Seeing Tzuyu flat on her back in bed, looking at you with lust-filled eyes, is a sight a thousand pictures worth taking. Your fingers are anxiously waiting, trembling in anticipation on the corner of your pants, ready to flip at the drop of her word. But then—
“Let’s not. I mean, I don’t wanna say it, but this is just a little too fast for my liking,” she says, glancing around her bedroom. It would certainly be a strange feeling to get fucked in her childhood room, among other things. “Plus you know—”
She’s pointing to the locked door behind you. While you both hear nothing at the moment, you never know who’s right around the corner. 
Wistfully, you sigh in despair. She sits up and pats you on the head. 
“Sorry. I want it as much as you do, but not here. I almost let my thoughts get the best of me,” she says regretfully.
“I understand,” you reply, defeated and crestfallen, despite her efforts to comfort you. 
Turning your head back, you find Tzuyu slipping a hand between her dress, fishing for the panties from her legs. She pushes them past her heels and places them beside her on the bed. 
Aware of the consequences of what’s about to happen, she looks at you with an inviting smile.
“Oh—oh fuck—” whines Tzuyu, her thighs spread wide between your hungry, ravenous tongue. She’s lying flat on the floor, giving you full access to her cunt, but with one condition: that her bed is not to be messed with in any capacity. Of course you took her up on that offer without hesitation; it’s the easiest thing in the world to avoid when the space between the door and the mattress is just as long as the steps between the back garden and the mansion. 
And as much as you want to tear through her dress and feel her pale, creamy skin, you still have to meet people looking as fresh as you possibly can. You’re telling yourself this will be a quick affair, an appetizer for what’s to come later in the night.
Except your brain says otherwise.
Your tongue flickers against Tzuyu’s aching core in bursts. Slamming her eyes shut, she whines and whimpers. Her nails dig into the carpet floor, nerves trembling and convulsing with each flat lick and press on her wet cunt. It’s evident in how violent her body reacts that she’s new to this feeling, something she’ll have to get used to. 
Meanwhile, you’re having a feast. You’re lapping away at her dripping pussy, taking every little drop of slick into your mouth, and she’s so generously soaked. Despite her reluctance, you’re pulling her creamy thighs against your face, wanting her to suffocate you—to utterly ruin you. Even at her most vulnerable, she’s still as careful and dainty as ever. A good girl, like her father says. 
You wonder how he’ll look at both of you after this.
“Mm—please, I don’t wanna hurt you—” she mewls, making an effort to resist your push despite the constant surge of pleasure coursing through her body. Her lashes flutter as she struggles to open her eyes.
“I can take it—just give in—” you tell her, your voice muffled into her skin as you hungrily continue to eat her out. “You taste so fucking good.”
Tzuyu eventually folds. Gives in to ecstasy and lets herself go. You’re forcing these deep, whiny bursts from her mouth as you drag your tongue on her clit, satisfying her most sensitive spots. Her cries echo throughout the room, past the large doors. It’s a dangerous place to be caught in, but you’re so close to drawing everything out from her. You don’t regret a single moment. As much as you want to pull out and replace it with your fingers, she tastes too good for your greedy mouth to share. You’re going to drink her for all her worth.
Her voice cracks with every flick you give; her breaths grow frantic. At this point, the pleasure is becoming too much to bear; she can only grip the carpet tile and brace for impact. She’s quivering as your fingers join your tongue in parting her cunt to be taken and used. It sounds sympathetic when she moans a high-pitched cry, declaring, “Gonna cum—fuck!”
It doesn’t deter you in the slightest. Hell, it only encourages you more.
Except you don’t get the pleasure of replying or gloating, because she cums. Hard.
You do, however, earn the gratification of laying your tongue flat on her cunt when her body locks, before violently crashing. Torrential waves of slick gush all over your needy, thirsty tongue. You lap it up—every last drop, even as it spills onto the carpet floor, drenching your face and the area around her crotch. Her moans come out in waning hoarse bursts, trying to keep your little secret as hidden as possible. In reality, it was obvious to anyone with a functioning ear and a respectable distance away. The locked door was a nonfactor.
Despite your reluctance, you slowly pull away from her heavenly core, licking your messy lips clean, saving the remains with your fingers. 
Still, the desire remains. You’re leaving soft kisses down her thighs, watching Tzuyu depleted of strength as the fallout from her orgasm persists. Unable to find the strength to regain her composure, her eyes remain glued shut, her jaw slack, her breaths heavy. Her arms find solace in each other, folded and held close to her stomach, as if in utter pain, when it’s really just your tongue. “Oh God—”
“How does it feel, Tzu?” you say before kissing her smooth skin.
She struggles to breathe, let alone utter a single word. By the way her lips curl into a satisfied smile, you can conclude that she enjoyed every moment. Rolling over to her side, even in this flushed, broken state, her profile looks so beautiful. To think she wakes up like this every single day. 
Suddenly, you hear a loud knock on the door, followed by a prompt call. “Miss Tzuyu—your parents are looking for you.”
The blunt voice instantly springs Tzuyu back to life, immediately ignoring the crash from her climax. “Shit,” she sharply mutters, looking over to the bed where she thinks her panties lie, but are actually in the pocket of your suit jacket. “Do you think they—”
You fire back a mischievous glare, complete with matching playful face. 
This was her idea after all; you were just following along.
Waiting by the same vehicle you arrived in, you’re about to be driven back to her penthouse. The sun setting has begun setting down, and you both have a few days in Taiwan before flying back home. Tzuyu’s with her parents at the front door, giving them one last hug and kiss goodbye.
It’s only a brief exchange. She quickly rejoins you with a quick peck on the cheek. Looking past her are the waves of her family wishing you safe travels.
“What did they say? Where’s the driver?” You ask Tzuyu, curious about the lack of a butler.
Smirking, she jingles a pair of keys in her hand like it's her personalized bell. “We’re not taking this car back.”
“Then what is our car then?”
She presses a button, and your attention is immediately diverted by the roar of a powerful engine. A familiar two-door coupe pulls up directly in front of the entrance.
You face Tzuyu, then to her dad, who simply motions his hand out to the car. She hands over the keys before walking ahead, swinging open one of the butterfly doors. “It’s already rush hour, so unless you wanna be late for our dinner date—”
You immediately rush past her and into the driver’s seat, revving up the engine. “Okay. Get in.”
As the Chou property quickly disappears from the rearview mirror, you glance at Tzuyu, realizing something seems off. 
There’s no emotional goodbye, no formality—just a brief exchange and then you’re sent off, just like that.
“There’s no dinner date right?” you ask her, your attention primarily focused on the winding, curving road ahead. Even with your brief experience behind the wheel of a fast car, this older one in particular requires more skill and direct input. “Surely you didn’t book one on the same day as—”
Tzuyu doesn’t respond, only leaning back on the passenger seat. A cursory glance reveals the curl of her lips as she seemingly falls asleep.
“You’re quite naughty, you know that?” you comment, nudging her elbow, eliciting a laugh out of her. “What happened to the so-called ‘princess’ of the Chou family?”
“You know why I even bothered to come home, right?” she replies, opening her eyes and staring directly into you. “I don’t miss it that much.”
You can only chuckle in response. 
“And yes—we don’t have a dinner date if you’re wondering,” she adds, her cheeky grin shifting into a coy, taunting smirk. “Really smart of you to realize that I wanted to leave before we are forced to stay overnight, or even worse.”
“I’ve spent better days in worse.”
She lowers her eyebrows. “Seriously—” she says, before immediately hesitating, thinking of another way to prove her point, when suddenly, “You should be thankful they didn’t notice the panties in your pocket.”
“And you should be thankful they didn’t notice the screams coming from the bedroom,” you retort.
“I was trying to hold back, dipshit.”
“That was you holding back?” You laugh hard at her half-hearted attempt of an excuse, seeing as you have a front row seat at how she crumbled. “Then what about when I fucking ate you out and you were cumming all over me? What was that?”
“You’re no better; what about those mumbles I hear at night, huh?” she says, tone hostile, altering her voice to mock yours as she continues, “Why do I sometimes hear my name in your room, huh? ‘Fuck—Tzuyu—you’re so tight Tzuyu—I’m gonna cum Tzuyu—’ Huh? What was that? You degenerate.”
“It’s none of your business, Tzuyu.”
“Maybe dad was right—I should have just had my own apartment!”
The car accelerates, its roar the loudest thing for miles. You’re blitzing through the freeway, speed cameras and fines be damned. Had conversation happened minutes earlier, when you were climbing down the mountains, neither of you would be talking right now.
“You don’t believe that.”
“You’re right—I don’t!” Tzuyu shouts before looking away. She doesn’t care anymore.
You stop twisting the knife, refocusing your priority on not intentionally driving the car into a lamppost this late into your journey. 
So when you finally arrive at her apartment complex, neither of you hop out immediately. There’s a valet waiting in the wings to take over, but you’re not letting the world move on until you come to some form of compromise. 
“Fine. I’m sorry Tzu. I just thought you didn’t like your parents that much—”
“I don’t,” she interjects, facing you again, her features cold and stern. Again, much like her father. “I’m just glad we got all that behind us without any issues.”
“And what about the whole ‘you heard me jerking off to you’ thing?”
“Still gross. If you weren’t helping me in my studies, I wouldn’t have asked for your help had I known sooner. Pervert.”
It’s more of a mock than a devastating admission to your character.
“Too late for that, though, sadly,” she says, sighing, both half-joking and half-serious. “Look, let’s just get this over with and pretend after that this never happened.”
“Yes! I’m so tired, I just wanna lie down and forget about all this.”
Neither of you realize you can be heard by the waiting valet driver. He doesn’t seem to mind, though.
“Are we really just gonna gloss over this issue—”
“It’s a non-issue. We didn’t get caught, you’re just being a dude. I know. I’ve been with worse guys. Now let’s go.”
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Despite her request, it's not as easy as it sounds. The touching, the kissing, the passion—it’s as real as real gets. 
The same can be said about Tzuyu; behind the callousness and seeming apathy is a pent-up need and genuine desire.
You both emerge from the elevator already on each other’s bodies, wrestling for control, your suit jacket already on the metal floor. Her nails leave sharp, scathing marks on your skin, measuring you up. She’s loosening up the buttons on your shirt as you pin her against a wall, then lead her into one of the five bedrooms. As much as you want to break loose, she has you bound by the neck, making sure your lips never leave hers. 
“So this is why you don’t want to hurt me,” you mutter, breath hot against hers, pressing a finger on your freshly clawed neck. 
“Sorry,” Is all that she can say, and in your eyes, that’s more than enough.
“First kiss, first sex, and first argument all in one day. We’re really moving fast as a couple, huh?”
Tzuyu giggles. “I guess we’re a match made in heaven after all.”
Soon you’re back to making out, fueled by the need for each other’s lips. Despite your bodies crashing onto the bed, you’re still madly kissing each other. Running down the last of your buttons, she pops your shirt open in half, which you slip off. Pulling her back to your level, you kiss down her chin and suck on her neck, releasing a soft, airy whine from her delicate lips. She tilts her head up, opening more of her porcelain skin for the taking. 
Every part of Tzuyu tastes perfect.
Meanwhile, your hands take lease of her back, roaming the exposed parts of her dress. Dabbling with the fabric, you finally pull on the zipper, the garment loosening, freeing, the feeling liberating. For the most part, Tzuyu has always been conservative, even in her most formal outfits. A slit in her dress for a leg at best. Beneath lies some white lace and matching panties, her crop top revealing more tummy than you’ve ever anticipated. 
You’re getting more than what you’ve bargained for, and her figure is so mouthwatering.
With the top half of her dress bundled on her waist, you throw her back down on the mattress, biting on her collarbones. She’s panting, breaths frantic, her hands wrapped around your back, her muscles jolting with every little kiss. Raising a leg close to your hip, she’s softly muttering sweet nothings, whispering, eventually revealing what’s really on her mind. ‘I want you’— she mumbles, her dainty tone making your pulse race, tilting her head to the side to let you conquer more of her lithe body, which you happily do.
It’s been a long day. You could honestly stay in this position forever—your limbs twisting and tangling in a messy harmony, your bodies pressed together, finding solace and comfort in each other’s warmth. 
Tzuyu squirms beneath, lightly pushing you away. Taking the hint, you relent. Lo and behold, half her neck and collarbones are swollen red, your handiwork. While she gathers much needed air for her lungs, you use this brief moment of respite to slip the remainder of her dress down her slender legs before tossing the garment aside to be forgotten. Your trousers end up joining them on the floor shortly after.
Even in this vulnerable state, Tzuyu looks so breathtakingly beautiful. Her perfect side is always on display, no matter what angle.
“Tell me what you want baby,” you whisper on her skin, leaving soft, more delicate kisses on them. Knowing how fragile she is, you’re making sure you don’t flatten her whenever you go down on her.
“I just want you,” she whines, her eyes slammed shut and body writhing, even without any contact. She’s already trembling at the mere thought of you. 
“Be more specific, Tzu,” you command her gently. Sliding down your boxers, your aching cock can finally breathe from its constraints. You press a finger on her panties, and even through them, you can tell she’s soaked. Still, as much as you want to undo them, you want her to do the honors. “Tell me exactly what you want.”
“I want your cock,” she replies, tossing and turning left and right. So wanton, so desperate. She slides down her panties for access, prompting you to hover above her. “Give it to me. I’ve wanted you to fuck me me for so long.”
“How long?” You toy with her, positioning your cock directly between her entrance, the tip lining against her dripping slit. 
“Since earlier,” she whines, feeling the tease, the slow burn, the knife being twisted in her gut. She can’t do anything about it. “Please—just put it in, already.”
The smirk on your lips can’t grow any wider. “I don’t believe you. How long have you really wanted this?”
Tzuyu moans, moans, and moans, much to your delight. Despite her efforts to suppress herself, she inevitably folds. “I don’t care—just fuck me already, will you? I’ve touched myself listening to you. Is that what you wanna hear? I don’t care anymore—just—stick that thing inside me already!”
You didn’t think she would spill the beans this easily. Her wantonness and impatience—it speaks volumes. It’s arousing, makes your ears perk in excitement. A win is a win, after all.
Grabbing her waist, you slide your cock into her entrance—painstakingly slow, slowly setting yourself on fire. Even the slightest flex and push against your shaft could break you in half. Holding your breath, every moment growing more tense as she envelops you in her suffocating warmth. It doesn’t help that her legs clench around your hips, binding you with her for good.
There’s only one way this could end.
“Oh fuck—” you groan, slamming your eyes shut as your cock buries deep in her sopping cunt. An echoed cry rips through the vast room, a fine blend between your voices. She feels so good, so tight, so invitingly hot. Finding some semblance of control proves to be a challenge as her pussy convulses around your cock. The look in her eyes when they flutter open, her jaw slack, her brows shifting, the moan escaping her lips—it’s better than anything your imagination can project.
You draw your hips back, against the constricting hold Tzuyu has on you—both physically and mentally. Her hands are all over you—gripped on your nape, on your skull, roaming your back. She’s holding on you so tight; she needs you more than oxygen right now. 
Slowly but surely, you push back in, pumping her cunt in deliberate, purpose filled strokes. She moans, reduced to merely a string of profanity-laced bursts. Pressing your temple against hers, you admire how undeniably pretty she looks, even when you have her pinned like this. It goes without saying that Tzuyu is an absolute beauty, a goddess made human, and how fortunate you are to sully and defile her. 
It’s the perfect sight for sore eyes, an idyllic escape from the fiery sensation in your stomach.
“So—so gorgeous, Tzu—” you mutter, leaving a chaste peck on the tip of her nose, your moans going back and forth, perfectly paced with your hips rocking against hers. You’ve never felt this uniform, this perfect together. “So fucking wet—and tight—”
She’s far too engrossed in pleasure to move, let alone say a word. You can feel the kick from her thighs, their coil around your waist, demanding more. Faster. Harder. Without the need to vocalize them. As comfortable as you are, your primal instincts are encouraging you, pushing you to take her the way she should be used. 
“I’m gonna fuck you hard now,” you tell her as courtesy, moving through with the deed regardless of her response. She nods. Whether it’s from the persistent quake of the bed or a voluntary act, it doesn’t matter. You’re only focused on drawing out the most ecstasy in fucking her.
The fuse has already been lit the moment you first entered her; you’re just accelerating the countdown.
“Yes—fucking—oh my fucking—” you groan, the piston of your hips moving quicker and quicker with each thrust. The way her pussy quivers and flexes around your cock is so devastating, it’s burning through your skin. Your mind is in utter disarray, unable to fully comprehend the tightness consuming you. It’s going to pull you further and further down without a way to escape. You can only drag Tzuyu down too.
You’re crushing her, smothering her in your desperate attempt to stay in control. She’s doing everything in her power to shatter you, and it’s messing you up. She continues to moan in broken, jumbled tones, pulling you close to her with each pump, meeting halfway in a rhythm that hits the spot. 
“Just like that—just like that—mm—” Tzuyu keens. How she can make even the littlest words sound so saccharine and sincere is beyond you. The way she takes your relentless pounding is a feat worth admiring. It’s the least of your concerns right now, especially when she continues to lead you further to your collapse. “Almost there—just keep fucking me.”
As if you had any other thought or option. That, or pulling down the strap of her skimpy crop top, exposing a breast, watching it ripple. 
Her hair tangled around your waist, you keep fucking away. Stopping is the last thing you’d ever want to do, especially since you’re close too. The friction between your skin and hers is growing too unbearable, and yet the satisfying ripple of flesh slapping flesh supersedes that. There’s nothing sinful in what you’re doing, only something right.
“Please baby—never stop—stretching me out like this—” she mewls, her nails digging deep into your back, tilting your face and leading you into a passionate kiss. “Cumming for you—oh shit—”
Tzuyu clenches, kissing into you harder as her body comes undone from head to toe. Every nerve, every muscle going limp as she cums. She moans directly into your skin, freezing, her legs and arms coiled around your body as a wave of her slick spills all around your hard cock, landing on the sheets.  
It’s the perfect time to get dragged by her wave of pleasure. You weren’t going to last any longer at this rate. “Tzu—” is the only thing that you manage to utter, before it completely falls apart. 
Against the last of your resolve, your grip gradually loosens. Straining your hips, you thrust forward a handful of times, each one more and more agonizing till you finally reach the boiling point. Your cock throbs violently as you pump deep in her pussy, even as her legs collapse on the bed, because anything else would be a disservice to her unspoken demand. You’re groaning raspily against her ear, holding onto her even though she can’t move. 
You fill her. Releasing every pent-up need and tension, your bodies go numb together. Her cunt squeezes every last drop of cum out of you. Tzuyu won’t settle for less. You’re repeating her name as your orgasm persists, the agony of blasting streak after streak seemingly unending. Your hips continue to fuck the cum deep into her pussy, gradually slowling by the second until you come to a full stop.
In the end, the only thing that remains are your labored breaths. 
You clamp down on her collarbone before your consciousness eventually drifts away. This is the position you end up in for the rest of the night: you slumped over Tzuyu, arms wrapped over each other, drenched in sweat and sex. 
At least she has the warmest blanket to cover her from the cold.
As morning comes, you’ve spent more time inside Tzuyu than anywhere else—as it should be. 
“You sure you don’t wanna go anywhere?” she asks, showing you her phone with a picture of a hot spring, one of many in the country. “We could use it before going back.”
“I’m good,” you say, looking up at Tzuyu, her lithe figure leisurely bouncing on your lap, eliciting these soft, airy moans out of you between thrusts. You’ve been mindlessly admiring her perfect body, your hands roaming at her waist, to her chest, then her ass, finally back to her waist again. “Maybe if you want, just go yourself. I just wanna sleep.”
“Don’t be such a killjoy” she replies, tilting her head down to meet you eye-to-eye. “After what we’ve done, you just wanna sit back? You’re really a pervert, you know that?”
“Still calling me that? After I fucked your brains out?”
“Just because you fucked me so well doesn’t change anything before that, pervert.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you!”
Tzuyu places the phone on the end table before brushing your hair. She has this contemptuous look, her frustration bubbling to the surface. If she were any less patient, she could probably end you in an instant—
Except you both laugh, breaking the so-called tense silence.
“Yeah, I guess I’m also tired too,” she remarks, finding purchase of your face, then your chest. She stops grinding on you to lay on your head instead. “We could spend the whole day here, just ordering delivery. I wouldn’t mind.”
As entertaining of an idea as it sounds, the initial proposition gradually sinks in. You imagine the scene: a hot spring. Being one with nature. Some much needed relief for your muscles. More importantly, another excuse to see Tzuyu naked, even though she’s in nothing but a short robe right now. 
Better yet, there’s a shower you can take her in, but she’s worn you out to the point of hardly moving.
“Tzu?” you mumble, caressing her covered back, cuddling her.
“I changed my mind. Let’s go to the hot springs.”
Even without looking, you can feel her annoyance. You can already envision the scorn on her features. She realizes she has made a huge mistake. 
This is only the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
“You’re the worst boyfriend.”
“Worst? I thought we were just pretending.”
“I hate you.”
“I love you too.” 
(A/N: Was thoroughly surprised Tzuyu was the third Twice member to get her solo! Came out of nowhere, fun little title track. Giving me early Sunmi/2nd gen vibes. Didn't really think much of her but the styling for the promos really caught me by the throat. Also shoutout to ddeun for writing and posting an earlier fic with a similar premise and concept as this one (OC x idol meeting the parents), especially as it features best girl Yena. Thank you for reading!)
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Well-placed Trust
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As soldiers unpromptedly walk in on a maskless Ghost and you, your solution to protect his face is to shove it in your chest.
Tags: f!reader (boobs involved), civilian!reader, protective!reader, fluff + smut, 1k words.
Gaining Simon Riley's trust was not something you ever planned to achieve. However, now that you've had it, you were fiercely protective of it.
This would explain why, when you heard the door to Ghost's room randomly opening, and your eyes flew to the skull mask laying on his desk— barely a meter away but it might as well have been on the other side of the ocean—, your first instinct was to launch yourself at him. Bluntly shoving his face into your chest without warning, in hopes to conceal it from the newly arrived trespassers, and wrapping your arms around his head in a desperate attempt to hide his hair as well.
Nevermind that he's trapped right between your breasts.
You throw a mildly accusatory stare at the entrance, and coarse laughs ring out, followed by a barely believable apology.
“Oops, sorry. Wrong door. Didn’t mean to interrupt!”
You let out a relieved sigh as the door closes. However said relief is quick to vanish as you realize Simon hasn’t reacted at all this whole time. Not a word, not even a grunt; not a move, not even to repel you. 
You let go of him like you've been burnt, even raising your hands in surrender.
“Sorry! Are you mad? I panicked, I was just trying to—”
Your waterfall of apologies brutally ceases when, after attempting to back away, you're stopped short by his embrace. You don’t know when he wrapped his arms around your waist. His expression still out of sight, anxiety nags at you, despite the logical part of your mind emphasizing that if he was actually angry, there's no way he'd demonstrate it by hugging you. 
So you insists.
The sound is raspy, unbothered. He idly rubs his face against your torso, and the motion is enough to make your crotch throbs with arousal. Inhaling sharply at the unexpected sensation, you clench your thighs together.
“Simon,” you call again, trying to sound severe this time.
You have absolutely zero reservation in granting all the hugs he might crave, but surely they could be performed in a less… compromising position. Lest you end this cuddle session squirming with want. And a burning face. And the imperative need to never cross the lieutenant ever again, for fear that you'd spontaneously combust with mortification otherwise.
“‘M not mad.“
The gruff, familiar voice appeases your tension a little— the emotional one, that is. Not the physical one.
“You're not? You have a right to b—”
“I trust you.”
Your heart skips a beat at the confession. You suspected it, hoped for it— but hearing it out loud is another matter entirely. Simon Riley is a man of few words, but the ones he does pronounce are always sincere, to the point of bluntness. For him to feel the need to spell it out loud, it has to be important.
“Yeah. You've put my comfort over yours, no questions asked. Couldn’t be more pleased, love.”
The gravel in his voice does funny things to your stomach— why, why, why? It never had that effect before.
You try to ignore the signals sent by your body, instead passing a hand behind your neck in self-consciousness. 
“Oh… well. It was nothing. I'd do it again in a heartbeat—”
“You've been so good to me, sweetheart. Don't ya think you deserve a reward?”
Your brain short-circuits. Your skin gets even warmer. Surely you misheard him.
He finally unsticks his face from your chest, resting his chin above your sternum, only to stare with the start of some impatience drowned out in warmth and fondness.
He's a vision, one that takes your breath away and causes heat to pool in your stomach.
Heavy-lidded eyes, disheveled hair, ardent stare, he's a languid, lascivious mess.
“I need an answer. Preferably in one word. Yes, no, fuck off…”
In other, normal circumstances, you would have stayed mute from the shock, or helplessly stuttered, but the imperative desire to not disappoint him, to preserve the contentment he displays, takes over.
“Fuck. Yes.”
The low chuckle that escapes him in reaction to the eagerness of your reply makes you bite back a moan. Your hands close into fists on the back of his shirt.
He lifts your shirt— "hold this for me, love"— and effortlessly frees your chest from your bra. The second your skin is bare, he presses his face back into it, nuzzling against it with a blissful sigh.
With one hand busy grasping your top, and the other clinging onto his shoulder for balance, there's nothing you can do but submit yourself to his ministrations.
It's your turn to sigh in pleasure as he proceeds to kiss an invisible line between the bottom and the top of your breast, fingers stroking the curve between your ribs and your nipple.
“Never dreamed you'd let me get my face on those, love.”
Groggy, it takes a conscious effort on your part to register what he's saying.
“Such a generous thing. It's only right you get payback.”
“You're very… talkative all of a sudden.”
“S'that a problem? Think I'm not putting my tongue to use enough?”
Right after that, said tongue swirl around your nipple and you can feel yourself clench around nothing.
“Or maybe that's just not your thing,” he adds, casually, as if he hadn’t been shamelessly gropping, kissing, licking and sucking your chest.
“I never said that.”
Your reply had been straight off, out of fear that he'd take offense and puts a stop to all this.
“You know what to do to shut me up, anyway.”
You don’t react to his provocative tone, but you’re tempted by the invitation nonetheless— to muffle that smart mouth with your bust…
Just as his focus on your breasts threatens to not suffice you anymore, his thumb insistantly rubbs the apex of your thighs, and you push back against it openly.
“Easy there, sweetheart,” he soothes you, but you can see how pleased he is by your eagerness. “M just gettin’ started.”
Soon enough he disposed of your pants, and he's parting your knees to nuzzle against your inner thigh the way he was against your chest mere moments ago. You can’t help but close them partially, and instantly he's staring you down, eyes brimming with taunt.
“Gonna smother me with your thighs, sweetheart? Like you did with your tits, mh? Better be prepared in case we get ‘interrupted’ again.”
“Fucking hell, Ghost,” you groan, half exasperated, half even more aroused, as he finally steers his head towards your crotch.
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luveline · 3 days
could you please write something with bombshell reader and spencer where there is a misunderstanding and she thinks he is cheating on her?? or anything angsty? love your work and just want to tell you how you are the best author in this fandom! besos <333
thanks so much, hope this is okay! fem, 1.2k
You bend forward and breathe. 
Rough breathing. Audibly disjointed, and panicked, and drawing attention. You clasp at the side of the counter in the office kitchen and everyone standing around you goes silent. 
Someone must tell someone who tells someone, because Anderson makes his way to your side soon after. “Y/N, do you need me to get someone?” he asks. 
“Hotch?” you ask. 
“Sure. Do you want to sit down?” 
Your mouth isn’t calibrated to your mind. Your answer takes time. “I’m okay.” 
You blink hard. Your lashes are sticky, mascara wet in the corners and pulling on each other as you force yourself to keep them open. When Hotch collects you, it is with an immense tenderness, and a poorly concealed confusion. “Hey, come on,” he says, guiding you toward the office doors, “let’s find somewhere quieter.” 
You’re three steps down the hallway when you stop. You cover your face with both hands. 
Your entire world just got rocked… you don’t even know how to say it. You can’t stop seeing it, his hand on her shoulder, his head tilted to one side like he always does with you, like he’s going to kiss her cheek. And she’d just let him do it. 
“What happened?” 
“They were kissing.” 
Hotch looks down at you patiently. “Who?” 
“Spencer and JJ.” You swallow down bile. Your voice sounds far away, “They were so close…” 
“Are you sure?” 
“No… Just, it looked like they were. She had her arms around him, he…” 
You blink hard again, but the panic, the agony remains. You could see it, Spencer kissing her, and it just tore you to pieces right then and there. How could he do that to you? The stereotypical you’d always expected to be above races through your head. Weren’t you too much to lose? 
“They were too close,” you say more firmly. 
“Alright,” Hotch says softly. Then, because he’s your friend, even if you’ve thrust him into an awkward position. “I can work this out for you, if you want. I can kill him for you if necessary.” 
“That’s not funny,” you say, because even if it were, it’s way too soon. 
“I’m not joking. If Spencer ever did that to you, I’d… well, I wouldn’t hurt him, but he would lose my respect, and he would lose yours. Do you believe Spencer would put that at risk?” 
“You think I’m overreacting.” 
Hotch gives you a look. Full Hotchner. Understanding, patient, a little humorous. “I honestly can’t imagine a world where Spencer does something that would hurt you, that’s all. I’m not trying to mock you. I’m not saying you can’t be upset.” 
You realise after a few deep breaths that he was trying to drive you from a panic attack, and he did it successfully. You swallow a nervous lump.
“Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.”
“I think I can kill him.”
“I don’t doubt it. Do you want to?” 
“Depends on what I saw,” you mutter, turning away from the glass office doors as they open. 
“Well… perhaps you can–”
“Hey, what are you guys doing out here?” Spencer interrupts, breathless as he slides around Hotch and takes your arm in his hand. “Angel, I need your help, urgently. JJ’s earring got caught in my hair, I’m pretty sure I’m bald.” 
You squint at him, still a little breathless yourself. 
“Hey, are you okay?” he asks, looking between you and Hotch with regret. “What’s wrong? You look sick.”
“What did JJ do?” you ask. 
He squints. When you fail to offer a reason, he tips his head down to show you the top of his head. “Am I bald? She dropped her pencil case and I tried to grab it, and she yanked back. I tried to stop her from ripping it out, but she said I had to stop being a big baby.” 
He laughs. Hotch lets out an audible breath. 
“I’m hideous,” Spencer surmises from your silence. 
“I didn’t really look.” 
Spencer looks at Hotch. “Can you tell me what’s wrong? Please?” 
You send Hotch a look that says please, don’t.  
“I just felt a bit panicked,” you confess, a half truth to spare your dignity.
“I brought her out here for some quiet,” Hotch says. 
Spencer frowns and holds your arm again with more softness. “You did? Are you feeling better now? You know, the sudden onset of panic is often caused by a process called overbreathing, have you felt that happen to you recently? It’s accidental hyperventilation. Low carbon dioxide in the blood.” His frown deepens. “Unless it’s not that. Are you worried about something?” 
You watch as his hand glides further up, his thumb rubbing into the soft fat of your upper arm. 
“Worried about your hairline,” you mumble. 
Look, you’ll tell Spencer eventually, maybe. But for now your head hurts and you really had almost spun yourself into an anxiety attack, and you need the rest, and meeting his eyes isn’t easy. 
If he were lying about the earring, you’d be able to tell. If he’d kissed JJ, the guilt would be pouring off of him. 
“I can trust you to look after her?” Hotch asks. 
“When can’t you?” Spencer asks sincerely. 
Footsteps. A door opening. 
You and Spencer alone, his voice warm with concern. “Are you okay? Really okay?” 
“Can you hug me?” 
“Sure I can.” He slips his arms through yours and pulls you in. “Do you need something? Listening to music can help, I have my headphones on my desk. Or we can just– walk.” His hand spread wide over your shoulder. “You’re shaking.” 
“I am?” 
“Just a little…” 
You try your best to stand completely still. 
“Oh,” he says softly, pulling you with more force toward his chest, “I’m sorry, I had no idea you weren’t feeling okay today. But it’ll be okay, I promise. I got you.” 
It’s not often you feel like the smaller person in your relationship, and he doesn’t make you feel small, but the depth of his promise gives him this bigness that dulls the panic. Spencer… he really wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You aren’t at fault for thinking they were too close, but there’s an explanation, and for now that’s enough to make you feel better. 
“How much hair did she rip out, sweetheart?” you murmur, leaning back just far to see his face, not wanting to disturb the stable quiet. “Does it hurt?” 
“No, I’m fine. Honestly I’m more worried about you than my hair.” 
“Can I explain it to you later?” 
“You’ll sleep over?” he asks, lips thinning into a smile. 
“We’ll talk about it later,” he says. 
You close your eyes as he cups your face with both hands. Later, when you tell him, he isn’t offended, just sorry. Necessary or not, he apologises and holds you with so much tenderness you’re assured again that Spencer hurting you would only ever be an accident.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 days
Hcs for being Storm’s sister and Logan’s wife? We get to see the softer sides of him no one else does, planning the whole life together, the baby planning…and I know that sex life is BOMB!!
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𝜗❀᧓ your mutation allows you to manipulate light (kind of like dagger from cloak and dagger)
𝜗❀᧓ and Ororo, the both of you are very close. She has a strong bond with you ! She’s the first one to notice your infatuation with Logan.
𝜗❀᧓ she’s also the one who sets you up with him. She’s how you both get closer. You will always appreciate that lol.
𝜗❀᧓  and when you and logan both finally get married, she’s the one walking you down the aisle. it’s a very sweet, small, but beautiful ceremony.
𝜗❀᧓ Logan stares at you unlike how he’s stared at anyone before, with such love and affection it’s almost unbelievable to the others. Usually, he’s a pretty private man, so you’re shocked he even agreed to this wedding.
𝜗❀᧓ ororo also loves to take photos of the both of you. and Logan always rolls his eyes and attempts to get rid of it but it never works. She shows the entire team.
𝜗❀᧓ when it comes to kids, he’s really hesitant at first. He’s scared. He comes around to the idea eventually tho, and ends up loving it after a while.
𝜗❀᧓ ororo is probably the most responsible person on the team, so she is very much so the designated babysitter. She’s also the most loving aunt ever. literally loves that child to death.
𝜗❀᧓ Logan’s such a good dad too. It’s funny because it’s this small little baby in his large, beefy arms. it’s the cutest.
𝜗❀᧓ he’s usually busy and when he comes back home from his job or whatever he’s doing he’s always tired. But he will always make room for his baby <3 he may be on the verge of sleep but they ask to play and he’s getting up to play.
𝜗❀᧓ he truly loves both of you and he thinks the most perfect days are the ones where he wakes up next to the both of you <3
𝜗❀᧓ like you have such a perfect little family, and they are really all you need <3
𝜗❀᧓ you’re so right. The sex is BOMBB. (Sex bomb omb)
𝜗❀᧓ he’s rough, and he tends to get lost in it.
𝜗❀᧓ but, he can also be a really soft, slow lover if you wanted. He doesn’t mind either way. He really just wants to see your face.
𝜗❀᧓ he loves to praise you, seeing the smile on your face makes his day. he also loves being praised.
𝜗❀᧓ his breeding kink goes crazy!! and you have to tell him to chill out sometimes with it lol. He feels the need to give you a second child and your like “damn give me a minute”
𝜗❀᧓ he grunts and groans like a goddamn animal. noises he makes r heavenly.
𝜗❀᧓ he’s practically a feral animal when you guys have rough sex, whether that’s him tearing your panties apart or him biting into your neck, marking your entire body.
𝜗❀᧓ and when you guys have softer sex it’s lowkey shocking how sweet and caring he could be. you see this more after youre married and in an actual relationship. But he loves you so much and he can’t help himself sometimes <3
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mattsfavoritestar · 3 days
literally been thinking about this all night since the stream but i gotta get it off my chest.
yk how nicks being held accountable for the stimming comment he made? and how other people are using it as an excuse to borderline hate on him? i literally see post damn near everyday saying shit like:
“nicks attitude is horrible”
“nick is so mean to his brothers”
“nick needs to be put in check”
and like way more bs. first off if we’re gonna talk about attitude why don’t we bring up matt’s? didnt ya’ll PRAISE “mattitude” (and STILL do). why is it bad for nick to show his attitude but attractive or funny when matt does it?
how come its not okay for nick to be mean to HIS BROTHERS but when matt or chris does it to him no one bats an eye??? literally the last two streams that they’ve been playing fortnite chris has been making so many comments on nick and i have yet to see anyone attack him for it. but let nick do it and its:
“nicks so disrespectful”
“how can nick say that”
i’m literally waiting for ya’ll to see that they literally act basically the same and say the same things to each other whether it’s on or off camera. there shouldn’t be any reason nick is getting this much hate for doing the same things matt and chris are doing. and don’t get me started on the body shaming 😐
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jinwoosbabyboo · 2 days
Baby You're Perfect
LADS Men handling their plus size MC who is feeling insecure about her body. A/N: Let me preface this by saying The LADS Men love YOU no matter what you look like(and so do I). Remember MC is YOUUUUU. You are the main character yes you reading this. You're a baddie flash me a titty bitch. (There's love behind that 'bitch')
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"Don't you think you'd be happy with someone ... Skinnier?" Zayne looks at you with a puzzled expression. He couldn't understand where this was coming from. "What do you mean?"
"Well you know...." Your voice trailed off not knowing how to word what you were saying without making it sound like you were trying to break up. "I don't please tell me"
You wrung your hands in front of you trying to calm your scattered brain. "I just think I'd be prettier if I was skinny ... what do you think?" Zayne stares back at you taking in your features which only caused you to become even more nervous. "Is that what you want?"
"Don't answer my question with a question" You narrowed your eyes at him. He simply chuckled before pinching your cheek. "So cute." You slapped his hand away rolling your eyes. You were quickly becoming annoyed at how it seemed like he was avoiding answering your question. You were three seconds away from storming out of the room in embarrassment when he spoke again. "I love you just the way you are MC have I ever made you feel as though I don't?"
"Well no..."
"I think if you want to lose weight because it would make you happy I will gladly attend gym sessions with you" He gently grabs your hand bringing it to his mouth and placing a soft kiss on your knuckles.
He quickly followed up his gentle kiss with a soft kiss to your neck before leaning in and whispering in your ear. "However, if you want to lose weight because you think that's what I'd like then maybe I'm not worshipping you enough"
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"What are you doing?" You jumped at Rafayel sneaking up behind you. He had caught you red handed squeezing your love handles while twisting and turning looking at yourself in the mirror. "Why are you moving in silence like that?"
"You answer my question first" He crossed his arms over his chest; leaning against the doorframe. "I'm just ... not feeling confident today..." You said turning back to face the full length mirror. Your reflection stared back at you as you stood there in nothing but a matching bra and panty set. "I wanted to surprise you with this new set, but-"
"But what?" Rafayel approached you wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. "I feel like I'm built like a bus driver" Rafayel couldn't hold back his laughter. He pfffft all in your ear hunching over squealing with laughter. "Its not funny!"
"I'm not laughing at you cutie I'm laughing at the way you described it" He collected himself and went back to hugging you from behind swaying you from side to side as he kissed your temple. "Believe me" He locked eyes with you in the mirror "You are art personified beloved I could stare at you for hours and never get tired of what I'm looking at"
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You were sat up leaning against the headboard in Xaviers bed as he laid between your legs with his arms wrapped around your waist. "Stop that" You met his blue eyes with confusion in yours. "Stop what?" Xavier tilted his chin towards your restless hands that kept smoothing up and down your thighs. "You do that every time you start overthinking"
"I'm not overthinking ... I'm just thinking" You replied defensively. "About?" The words were caught in your throat as Xavier stared with narrowed eyes awaiting your response. "I think I need to lose weight..."
"You don't need to do anything except breathe and die" You rolled your eyes at his response before tugging on the hem of your shirt. "You honestly believe I wouldn't be prettier if I was skinny?"
"Baby you're perfect ... I know I would love you no matter what" Before you could respond with another remark about yourself he gently started rubbing circles on your back with his thumb and continued "You care too much about what others think all that matters is what you think ... you have to spend the rest of your life with yourself ... why not fall in love with you? ... I fell in love with you and I will never regret it"
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Sylus grabbed your hand spinning you around so fast you didn't even have time to catch yourself. He pinned your arms behind you and pressed his chest into yours. "What do you think you're doing?" You stared back at him with your heart beating out of your chest. You didn't hear him come into your shared bedroom on the Onychinus base. "I- I w-was just"
"Take your time" He said with a softness in his eyes, but his iron grip never wavered. "I was just trying to suck in my stomach to see if I would look better you know...."
"I don't"
"Skinny! If I was skinny or at least a little thinner" Finally he released your hands as he crossed his arms over his chest eyeing you. On the outside you stood tall under his scrutinizing stare, but inside your nerves were going haywire. "And why do you want to lose weight?"
"Nothing fits me-"
"That's what tailoring is for" He cut you off with a matter of fact tone.
"Well what if people see us and think-"
Cutting you off again "Once you realize the you are a background character in ninety-nine percent of the worlds lives your life will get much easier." Your mouth snapped shut as he continued "You can't worry about what others think of you or you will stunt your own growth in life." Your eyes fell as you tried to soak up his words. He grabbed you by the chin as he tilted your head up and leaned down to make eye contact.
"Once you find those you care about and those who care about you that's all that matters" He poked your forehead before standing back to his full height. "And don't worry until you learn to fully love yourself I will love you enough for the both of us ... there's no love purer than mine."
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hanniebaeee · 3 days
Don't be shy
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Hyunjin x shy fem!reader
Warnings: Kissing
Genre: Fluff, established relationship
Summary: You desperately need a bathroom break during a road trip with your boyfriend, Hyunjin. But you're in the middle of nowhere. Hyunjin wants to help, but he's such a tease!
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You glance out the window, your eyes taking in the scenery - the empty stretch of road and the towering trees on both sides, and the beautiful sunset casting an orange glow over everything. Normally, this is everything you'd be gushing over. You love forests and sunsets and road trips. But right now, your mind is far from admiring anything.
Your boyfriend, Hyunjin, is focused on the road, whistling casually as he drove. You are quite a new couple. You've known Hyunjin for a while, you two were friends before you started dating a couple of months ago. So yeah, brand new.
You shift in your seat for what feels like the hundredth time in the past hour, trying to ignore the growing discomfort in your bladder. You and Hyunjin have been driving for a while, and there hasn’t been a rest stop in sight for miles. You desperately need to pee and are on the verge of bursting. And the last thing you want is to admit this to him.
It's silly really. Everyone pees. Obviously. But you're still so ridiculously shy around Hyunjin, and what's he going to do when there's nothing around? You're literally in the middle of nowhere.
Hyunjin, however, is far too sharp to miss your constant fidgeting.
"Why do you keep squirming like that?" He asks, his voice curious as his eyes flicks over to you before returning to the road.
You flush as you stutter and try to act normal. You turn your head to look out the window, desperately trying to think of an excuse.
"It’s nothing," you mumble, hoping he’ll let it go.
But of course, this is Hyunjin. He doesn't let anything go just like that. You can just feel his eyes on you.
"Nothing? Babe, you’ve been moving around like that for the past thirty minutes."
You bite your lip, feeling embarrassed. Of all the things you didn’t want to bring up on your first ever road trip with your new, incredibly beautiful boyfriend, this is definitely at the top of the list.
And when Hyunjin is on a mission, he doesn't give up at any cost. He leans closer, a smirk slowly spreading across his lips as he looks at you.
"You look like you’re hiding something," he teases, his voice low. "Wanna tell me what it is?"
Your cheeks burn, and you quickly shake your head, trying to laugh it off.
"Hyunjin, stop," you mutter.
Hyunjin raises an eyebrow, that smirk growing wider as he looks at you.
"Really?" His purs. "Liar."
He casually places a hand on your thigh. Bad move.
"Come on baby, tell me."
His fingers graze your skin lightly, and you squirm even more, partly from the pressure in your bladder and partly from his sudden touch.
You bite your poor bottom lip again, harder and clench your fists in your lap.
"I-I really need to pee," you admit in a small voice.
Hyunjin’s reaction is exactly what you thought it would be. He laughs, giving your thigh a gentle squeeze.
"You’ve been holding it in this whole time?" he asks, clearly surprised.
"Stop laughing!" you whine, pouting at him. "It’s not funny!"
"It is kinda funny," Hyunjin says, giving you a smug smirk. "Baby, why didn’t you say anything?"
"There’s nowhere to stop, Hyunjinne! What was I supposed to do?"
Hyunjin glances out at the empty stretch of road, the dense forest on either side, and then back at you with a glint in his eye that immediately makes you nervous.
You raise an eyebrow at him.
"What?" You ask warily.
Without another word, Hyunjin smoothly pulls the car over to the side of the road. He puts the car in park, turning to you fully, his smirk now downright devilish.
"Guess you’re gonna have to go in the woods," he says simply, his eyes gleaming.
Your jaw drops, and you stare at him in disbelief.
"Are you serious?" You manage, glancing at the darkness within the cluster of tall trees.
He tilts his head and leans in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours.
"What, too shy to go pee in the forest?" he asks, his voice low and husky. "Or do you need me to come with you and hold your hand?"
"Hyunjin! Not funny!" You say, shoving him away and it has him falling back, laughing.
He presses a quick kiss to your forehead.
"Just messing with you, babe," he says. "But seriously, if you gotta go, just go. It’s not a big deal."
You cross your arms over your chest, feeling both flustered and frustrated.
"Is that even allowed? What if someone comes by?" You ask nervously.
He smirks again, and whispers, "We’re in the middle of nowhere. No one’s coming, baby. It’s just you and me."
You stare at him, gulping.
"Besides, people do it all the time. What do you think hikers and campers do?" He says with a shrug.
You huff, knowing that you don’t really have a choice.
"Fine," you mutter, opening the door slowly.
Hyunjin steps out too, leaning against the car, arms folded against his chest. You take a few steps towards the woods and turn back to say, "No peeking."
Hyunjin gives you a wicked smile, his eyes glinting with mischief.
"Wouldn’t dream of it," he chuckles, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
He's enjoying this way too much.
With one last look at him, you make your way into the trees, feeling his eyes on you the whole time. You turn around one last time, unable to resist.
"Close your ears, too!"
Hyunjin bursts out laughing, his voice echoing through the trees.
"Close my ears?" he repeats, still chuckling. "Are you serious?"
You give him a glare, and say,"Yes!"
He grins, then dramatically slaps his hands over his ears.
"Alright, ears closed! Go do your thing."
Rolling your eyes, you disappear into the trees, heart pounding. You do your business quickly and when you return to the car, cheeks flushed, Hyunjin is watching you like you're the most interesting thing in the world.
You slide into your seat quietly and rub some sanitizer on your hands. And pull on your seat belt. All while he watches with a smirk on his face.
"Feel better?" he asks.
You avoid his gaze.
"Shut up," you mumble, though you can’t stop the little smile on your lips.
"You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed, you know that?" His words send a shiver down your spine.
"Stop!!" You say, shaking your head.
And then he does something that catches you completely off guard. His lips find your neck, pressing a lingering kiss just below your ear. You gasp, as his lips trail lightly along your neck, his breath hot against your neck.
“Jinnie…” you whisper.
His hand slides up your thigh, his fingers curling gently around your waist as he kisses you, his lips moving so slow and sensually with yours.
He pulls back just enough to gaze at you and you give him a questioning look.
“What?” he asks, his voice, teasing. “Just couldn’t help myself.”
He leans back, his hand resting on your thigh again.
"Next time, don’t be so shy," he says, his voice still flirty. "I don’t mind stopping whenever you need me to."
"I’ll keep that in mind." You say with a smile, and your cheeks are a cute pink which he just loves.
With a sweet smile, Hyunjin starts the car again. And as the road stretches out before you once more, you feel a lot more comfortable, and maybe a little less shy.
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dollarbils · 2 days
i think, therefore i am | b.e.
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billie eilish x guitarist-fem!reader
context. billie has a crush on her guitarist
warnings. smut, fingering, flirting, angst kinda, not proof read
request masterlist
the beat dropped and she glanced towards you, to make sure you were watching her, like she always did. she’d interact with you as you strummed the guitar, trying to focus on plucking the strings instead of her fingers running across your jaw. in front of thousands of people. you loathed her for it, she’d do it every time and ignore you afterwards, no longer giving you the attention she’s so happily willing to give when it’s for entertainment.
after the show you were headed to the bathroom, needing to refresh yourself with some water. you hadn’t expected to see her there, in the bathroom fixing herself up too. you ignored her, assuming she’d ignore you in return. but this time, she didn’t.
“you were incredible tonight.” she complimented, you were taken aback completely, never having had a positive interaction with her.
“thank you?” you were hesitant to say much more but she eyed you as if she expected you to continue. “so were you.” you added before turning the tap on to splash your face with some water.
“well don’t seem so surprised. you know you’re my favorite from the band.” you laughed at this, she really wasn’t good at expressing it if what she said was the truth.
“that’s funny, this is the first time we’ve talked.” she took offense to this for some reason.
“well you could’ve talked to me.” she shrugged her shoulders, leaning an arm on the sink.
“true.” you admitted, lowering your face again to rinse your face with the face wash you’d brought, removing your makeup as you did. her hands replaced the one in your hair helping you avoid the water.
“thanks.” you said as you dried your face with a towel. her hand tucked your hair behind your ears delicately, the soft action weirding you out slightly.
“i got you.” she winked, lowering the lids of her eyes when she stood back to look at you fully. she didn’t say anything and you mistook the silence as awkward.
“you’re not a huge talker are you?” she questioned, rhetorical however.
“depends on the person.” she raised her eyebrows, smiling at the slight shade.
“damn, next time just tell me your not interested from the get go.” she turned picking up her stuff and you felt a tinge of regret.
“what do you mean?” you asked and she turned back.
“hm?” you thought she might act like she hadn’t said anything but she searched your expression for something more.
“well, you haven’t really expressed interest. how was i supposed to know?” she seemed shocked.
“i haven’t expressed interest? i practically grind on you at all the shows.” she rested a hand on her hip.
“yeah, but it’s for entertainment purposes.” you sounded unsure, and she caught sight of the sliver of doubt in the statement.
“yeah? it doesn’t have to be.” she came closer to you, paralysing you with her words. her lips gravitated towards yours before she spoke again.
“it depends on you. what do you want, cause i think i know, but i need to hear it from you.” she whispered on your lips and her breath rendered them warmer.
“you don’t know what i want.” she saw this as a challenge and her hands rested on her hips, pulling you in.
“i know you want this.” her hands now moved across you neck as you let her explore your body, despite your rejecting words.
“you think you’re so tough.” you replied, the insult bouncing off her, not having had the intended effect.
“I think, therefore I am.” she quoted, the irony of what had transpired hitting you where it hurt. but it didn’t hurt nearly as much as your subconscious reaction to her fingertips on your waist.
“fuck.” you breathed before you kissed her. she smirked into the kiss, as cocky as ever. it destroyed your own pride.
“you taste good baby.” she said once her tongue left yours.
“yeah?” you kissed her cheek, moving lower to her jaw. her hands played with the waistband of your sweats, pulling them low so that your underwear was peaking through. she fiddled with your panties as she took your face to kiss you again. you both grew more desperate, hotter and passionate. she spun you around so that your ass was against her hips, and you were leaning against the cold sink. you looked at her through the mirror and she caressed your ass, pulling your sweatpants down.
“tell me what you want.” she demanded and you closed your eyes in frustration, the moment so heated you lost sight of your common sense.
“you, please just get me off billie.” it was the first time you’d addressed her and she pulled her lip with her teeth. her fingers travelled past your underwear quickly, gasping mockingly at your wetness.
“billie.” it was a warning, telling her you didn’t want to be teased. she obeyed and dipped her fingers in as you gripped the sink. she pushed you harder against the ceramic, her fingers just as rough inside of you. her free hand came up to your covered breast as she urged you to arch your back.
“don’t you look pretty?” she wiped the fog on the mirror, created by your heavy breaths and bold moans. her fingers were relentless, but her hand was soft against your ass. she moved back to your tits, this time under your shirt. she bit her lip when she felt them, trying to hold back, not wanting to make a mess of your clothes in case someone decided to come in.
“you look so sexy when you play the guitar. so concentrated but so confident too.” she rambled on, the words not fully settling in your brain since you were occupied with the feeling of her fingers.
“mhm.” you mumbled carelessly. her lips were all over your neck, leaving traces of lipgloss around the bruises.
“if i could, i would’ve taken you right on that stage.” her filthy words brought you closer to your release, and she knew exactly what she was doing when you clenched on her fingers.
“god you’re hot when you come.” she commented as you tried to slow your heartbeat. you chuckled as her fingers left you and you turned around to face her, the sink leaving a mark on your lower hips.
“we can do this again, i don’t mind.” your words were flirtatious and she smiled.
“finally you’ve grown some balls.” you hit her shoulder playfully and she pulled you into her, pecking your lips softly.
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rosemariiaa · 2 days
~All Eyes on You~
pairing: Paige x Oc
a/n: ooookay so this is my attempt at writing paige x oc, i don’t do it often or at all so take it easy on me! other than that happy reading lovelies 💌
warnings: language, teasing, sexual innuendo
Victoria Collazo had never been one to be easily impressed—growing up as a competitive gymnast and a proud Colombiana, she knew her worth. Her caramel skin and sharp features, accompanied by her fierce attitude, made sure of that. However, the minute she walked into that sports dinner with her boyfriend Jason, she immediately knew one thing—Paige Bueckers was going to be a problem.
Jason had already made a point of telling Victoria that he knew Paige, the UConn basketball star who was sitting at the bar, loud and obnoxious. And drunk. She could still remember the way Jason’s arm tightened around her waist as he leaned in, whispering, “That’s Paige. Met her during some sports camp, thinks she’s the shit now.”
Victoria just rolled her eyes. “She doesn’t seem all that,” she had muttered, watching Paige as she laughed way too loud, knocking over someone’s drink in the process.
Jason had wanted to introduce them, and as soon as they approached, Paige glanced up at Victoria—her blue eyes heavy-lidded, and a cocky smirk tugging at her lips. It was like Paige didn’t even acknowledge Jason as he said something she didn’t care to remember. She just stared at Victoria, too long, and too direct.
“So this is your girl?” Paige had slurred, half leaning over the bar, her eyes dragging up and down Victoria’s body in her mini red dress. “Not bad.”
Victoria had felt Jason stiffen next to her. She could tell he was about to say something, his possessiveness already creeping in. She stepped forward, beating him to it.
“I’m right here, you know,” Victoria had snapped, fixing Paige with a cold stare.
“Oh, trust me,” Paige had replied, not breaking eye contact, “I noticed.”
Jason had scowled at Paige’s words, his jaw tightening as he pulled Victoria closer. “You good, Bueckers? Maybe lay off the shots for a second, yeah?”
Paige raised an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by Jason’s growing temper. Instead, she grinned wider, and glanced at Victoria, completely ignoring him again. “You know,” she said lazily, “You don’t seem like the type to let your boyfriend do all the talking for you.”
Victoria had rolled her eyes, annoyed. She could handle herself; she didn’t need Jason swooping in like some kind of protective shield. But Jason being Jason, always jumped in whenever another guy—or girl—so much as looked her way.
“Maybe you should mind your business,” Jason had snapped, stepping forward, but Victoria could feel the simmering tension rising between them. Paige’s smirk was unwavering.
“Don’t get mad just because I’ve got more game than you,” Paige shot back. “Maybe if you stopped acting like her fucking bodyguard for two seconds, she’d actually enjoy herself.”
Victoria snickered at that one, despite herself, catching Jason off guard. He whipped his head towards her, eyes flashing with disbelief.
“You gonna back me up, or what?”
“Can you stop?” Victoria had sighed, giving Jason a pointed look. “I don’t need you defending me like I’m some damsel in distress. I can handle Paige.”
“Can you now?” Paige’s voice dripped with amusement, her eyes never leaving Victoria’s. That lingering stare was making Victoria’s skin warm in a way she hadn’t anticipated. But she wasn’t about to let Paige know that.
Jason had been fuming by this point, practically shaking as he clenched his fists. “You think this shit is funny?” he snapped at Paige, trying to get in her face now.
Paige just raised her hands, feigning innocence. “Whoa, relax, man. I’m just saying…if you’re gonna get all territorial every time someone talks to her, you’re gonna scare her away.”
“Fuck you, Bueckers,” Jason growled.
Paige laughed, looking over at Victoria again, her expression knowing. “Well, at least someone here has a sense of humor.” She tilted her head towards Jason. “Good luck with that, by the way.”
Victoria shook her head, already over the night. Jason could be so possessive, acting like she was his property whenever anyone even glanced her way. It pissed her off to no end, especially when she could handle herself.
“Let’s just go,” she said, tugging Jason’s arm. But she couldn’t help glancing back at Paige one more time—only to find Paige already staring, lips curved into another smirk.
And for reasons Victoria couldn’t explain at the time, that look stuck with her the entire night.
The dinner dragged on, with Jason chatting loudly to some sports executive about his “future opportunities,” completely unaware of how ridiculous he sounded. Meanwhile, Victoria could barely focus on anything he was saying. Mostly because she kept catching Paige staring at her from across the room.
At first, she’d thought maybe it was the alcohol messing with Paige’s head, but after the fourth or fifth time their eyes met, Victoria knew exactly what Paige was doing.
The first time it happened, Victoria had been trying to pay attention to the conversation at their table, only to feel someone’s gaze burning into her skin. She glanced up and—there was Paige, standing by the bar, casually sipping her drink. Their eyes met for a split second, and then Paige’s lips curled into a smirk before she turned back to her group of friends.
Victoria quickly looked away, biting back an annoyed sigh. She didn’t need this right now.
But it kept happening. Every time she looked in Paige’s direction, the basketball star was watching her, eyes raking over her with that same irritating smirk on her face. It was like Paige knew something that Victoria didn’t, and it was driving her insane.
She crossed her arms, trying to ignore it. Jason was still going on about something—probably trying to impress the guy sitting next to him—but Victoria couldn’t care less. Every time she looked up, there was Paige, still staring.
At one point, Victoria rolled her eyes dramatically, hoping Paige would get the message and stop. But of course, Paige didn’t. Instead, she lifted her drink in a mock toast and winked at her from across the room.
Are you fucking kidding me? Victoria thought, her annoyance bubbling up. The audacity of this girl.
Paige was drunk. She had to be. There was no other explanation for why she was acting so damn cocky. That, or she was just an asshole, which, honestly, didn’t seem too far off. Paige had been a thorn in her side ever since they met, and tonight wasn’t any different.
“Hey, you okay?” Jason’s voice snapped her back to reality. Victoria blinked and turned to him, her face neutral. “I’m fine. Just tired of being here.”
Jason sighed, nodding as he reached for her hand, his grip a little too tight. “I get it. We can head out soon.”
She nodded, half-listening as she discreetly glanced back at Paige one more time. Of course, Paige was still looking—this time, leaning against the wall, her eyes trailing over Victoria’s body like she had all the time in the world. That stupid smirk was still plastered on her face, and it made Victoria want to throw her drink at her.
But instead, she just glared, pursing her lips. Paige raised an eyebrow, almost daring her to say something.
Not worth it, Victoria told herself, turning back to her table.
But even as the night dragged on, she couldn’t fully escape Paige’s gaze. It was like Paige was everywhere—no matter where Victoria went or who she talked to, Paige always seemed to be watching. And the worst part? It wasn’t just annoying anymore. It was getting under her skin in a way she couldn’t quite explain.
Later That Night - Paige’s Apartment
Paige collapsed onto her couch, her head still spinning from the night’s chaos. She should’ve been asleep by now, but instead, her phone was in her hand. The first thing she did—like clockwork—was open up Instagram. Her fingers moved automatically, typing in Victoria Collazo’s name before she even thought about it. The page loaded, and there she was—her profile picture, her name, all those posts she’d stalked a thousand times but pretended like she didn’t.
She scrolled through her feed lazily, pausing at a photo of Victoria on a beach, wearing a bikini that showed off her toned body. Paige’s lips twitched in amusement as she remembered the way Victoria had kept rolling her eyes at her all night. The girl was so easily irritated, it was almost too fun to fuck with her.
But damn if she didn’t look good.
Paige’s thumb hovered over the picture of Victoria and Jason at some event, and she rolled her eyes immediately. Jason was always hanging all over Victoria like she was his fucking trophy or something. Paige had seen enough tonight to know how possessive that asshole could be.
She doesn’t even look like she likes him, Paige thought, zooming in slightly on Victoria’s face in the photo. Her smile looked forced, her body language stiff next to Jason’s overbearing grip.
Tossing her phone onto the couch, Paige shook her head and muttered, “You can do so much better, Collazo.”
She shut her eyes for a moment, but the image of Victoria kept popping into her mind—those sharp brown eyes, that caramel skin that had glistened under the lights, her curves barely hidden in that tight dress. Paige’s lips parted as she exhaled, a frustrated sigh escaping her.
Whatever. Not my problem, she thought, though it didn’t stop her mind from wandering.
Jason slammed the car door shut, his jaw clenched as he started the engine. Victoria knew that look all too well—he was pissed, and she was going to hear about it.
The silence was deafening as they pulled out of the parking lot, Jason gripping the wheel like it had personally offended him. Victoria leaned back in her seat, already bracing herself for whatever was coming next.
“Seriously?” Jason finally snapped, his voice tight with anger. “What the fuck was that back there?”
Victoria closed her eyes and sighed. “What are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about!” he barked, his eyes flashing as he glanced at her. “You were practically laughing with that bitch Paige all night. And when she started talking shit, you just sat there!”
“I didn’t need to ‘back you up,’ Jason,” Victoria said, her tone clipped. “I can handle myself. I didn’t need you jumping in like you always do.”
Jason’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles white. “Yeah, well, it didn’t look like you were handling it. Looked like you were letting her walk all over you.”
Victoria rolled her eyes, already done with this conversation. “I didn’t let her do anything. She was drunk, Jason. Who cares?”
“Who cares? You care enough to keep looking at her all night!”
“I wasn’t—” Victoria stopped herself, realizing she was about to lie. She had looked. Multiple times. But it wasn’t because she wanted to. It was because Paige had been staring her down like some kind of challenge all fucking night, and it had gotten under her skin more than she wanted to admit.
“Look,” Jason continued, his voice rising in frustration, “you didn’t even defend me when she was talking shit. What, are you mad because she’s pretty or something?”
Victoria turned her head to the side and stared out the window. “Oh my God, Jason. You’re being ridiculous.”
“Am I? Because it sure seemed like you were letting her get in your head. And now you’re gonna pretend like nothing happened.”
Victoria didn’t answer. She wasn’t in the mood for this argument, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to feed into his possessiveness anymore. All she could think about was how Paige had smirked at her, winked at her, and how she’d spent the night staring back like some kind of idiot.
Jason kept ranting, but Victoria tuned him out, her mind wandering back to Paige. Why the hell do I keep thinking about her?
A few weeks later..
The UConn team arrived at the charity gala, a week before the ESPYs, buzzing with excitement. The venue was lavishly decorated, shimmering with soft lights that danced off the elegant attire worn by the players. Victoria stepped through the entrance alongside her teammates, her simple yet striking dress hugging her curves just right. She felt a mix of nerves and excitement; these events were always a bit overwhelming.
Across the room, Paige stood confidently, dressed in a sleek suit that accentuated her athletic figure. She exuded an air of casual elegance, drink in hand, and was already scanning the crowd. When her gaze landed on Victoria, her lips curved into a smirk.
Paige watched as Victoria mingled with her teammates, laughter mingling with the soft music playing in the background. She admired the way the dress moved with Victoria, effortlessly drawing attention. When Victoria finally caught her gaze, Paige leaned back against the wall, a playful glint in her eyes.
Victoria felt the heat of Paige’s stare, a mix of irritation and something else she couldn’t quite place. She rolled her eyes but found herself glancing back, her heart racing slightly at the undeniable tension.
As Victoria continued to chat with her teammates, she noticed the lack of Jason by her side. It wasn’t unusual for him to show up late, but Paige noticed immediately. With a sly grin, she sauntered over, making her presence known.
“No shadow tonight?” Paige asked, her voice laced with mock innocence. “I was starting to think he’d never leave your side.”
Victoria crossed her arms, suppressing a smirk. “Funny, I didn’t realize you paid so much attention to my personal life.”
Paige shrugged, leaning closer as if sharing a secret. “I wouldn’t call it paying attention. More like… noticing what’s worth noticing.”
The annoyance bubbled up within Victoria, but so did an undeniable pull towards Paige, which frustrated her even more. She turned to grab a drink, hoping to shake off the tension, but Paige followed her, stepping up beside her at the bar.
“What’s it like being his babysitter, by the way? You must be exhausted,” Paige teased, raising an eyebrow. Victoria shot her a pointed look, her patience wearing thin. “You’ve got some nerve, Bueckers. Maybe you should focus on your own life instead of running your mouth about mine.”
Paige’s grin widened, unfazed by Victoria’s sharp words. “I can’t help it. Watching you is a lot more fun.”
Feeling a sudden rush of mischief, Victoria decided to turn the tables. She leaned in slightly, her lips almost brushing Paige’s ear as she whispered, “You know, if you want a real challenge, you could always try to keep up with me in a game of one-on-one. I promise I won’t go easy on you.”
Paige froze for a moment, a flush creeping up her neck. She was taken aback by Victoria’s boldness, her heart racing at the proximity. “Is that a challenge, Collazo?” she managed to say, her voice slightly breathless.
“Depends,” Victoria smirked, pulling back just enough to look Paige in the eye. “Can you handle a girl like me?”
The air crackled with tension, both girls sizing each other up. Victoria could see the way Paige’s gaze dropped to her lips before she caught herself, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.
“Pretty sure I can handle anything you throw at me,” Paige shot back, her tone teasing but laced with a hint of seriousness. “You might want to watch yourself, though. I play to win.”
Victoria chuckled, appreciating the way the banter shifted to a flirtatious edge. “Oh, I’m counting on it,” she replied, her voice low, sending a thrill through the space between them.
As the evening wore on, Victoria found herself glancing at Paige more often than she intended. Each time she caught Paige’s smirk, irritation flared within her, but there was also an undeniable attraction that frustrated her to no end. Every time their eyes met, it felt like a challenge, and Victoria wasn’t one to back down.
“Just ignore her,” her friend whispered, noticing the way Victoria’s attention was drawn to Paige. “She’s just trying to get under your skin.”
“I know,” Victoria muttered, her gaze flicking back to Paige, who was now laughing with a group of her teammates. “It’s just… annoying.” Yeah right.
tags: @thaatdigitaldiary @patscorner
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hollyhomburg · 3 days
Before I Leave You (Pt.75)
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(Sneak Peek)(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Getting you home and into the nest proves to be a bit more of a challenge.
Tags: forced caretaking, feral omega's, m/c acts a little violent at the beginning, biting, blood, brief injury, kinda inspection kink if you squint, pre-heat, nudity, cramps, scenting, nesting, mindless fluff, hurt/comfort, omega/omega, possessive behavior, omegaspace, yoongi has slight self-esteem issues, manhandling,
W/c: 8.6k+
A/n: i feel guilty because i had to snip this chapter in half because there was simply too much stuff going on in my life at the moment. on the bright side i will try to get the second part out in one week, and i will also be very drunk at a engagement party when this is posted <3 gotta love that for me. in all honesty although it says 5pm...it will probably be posted a little earlier in the day so...be aware!
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
"I don't think her fingers are broken, fuck- do you think Jin would let me take her to the hospital?"
"You just got home Joonie-" Tae whines while Jimin shakes his head, handing over the gauze for Namjoon to wrap it.
"I know but-"
Instead of wiggling your fingers, you flick water in Namjoon's direction. It hits his face with an audible plop. The pack alpha flinches.
The rest of them just stare at you.
Namjoon wipes the water off of his face, slow and intentionally with every movement of his body. No one breathes and no one moves. You sense Namjoon's composure is about to slip. Good- you really want it too.
"See! Pups fine!” You flick water at Namjoon again. Grinning, dopy and so high on heat hormones that you think it is funny how his jaw rolls. Your hand isn't broken even if your knuckles are a little scraped up. Really- you'll be fine. They don't need to act like you're dying.
You try to do it again but Jimin grabs both of your wrists, holding you still. "That is the opposite of helpful." Tae snaps.
"Don't yell at me. I'm too tiny." You say, your voice that. Small.
Namjoon whips his hands on a kitchen cloth slowly. Staring you down without saying anything.
Yoongi runs his teeth over the back of your throat, hard enough that you feel it. He's not sure why you need the release of violence before your heat begins, but you do. Whatever instinct is currently making you act like a brat needs to come out one way or another.
Yoongi would rather it be now than when you're actually in heat.
Jimin and Yoongi keep you in one place as you try to lunge for Namjoon. You barely even jerk in their firm hold. Strong as they are. every one of them has more than half a foot on you, you'd never stand a chance really. Jimin holds you effortlessly- without even breaking a sweat. muscles and veins in his arms hardly flexing.
You want to bite him, teeth and gums aching for it. To feel the give of your alpha's under your teeth, under your claws. To bite and nip and see what he's made of.
It's like Namjoon can see the ache rocking through you, the violence of it in the honey tremble of your body. He cups your face so tenderly, and you almost want to hiss at him. Lip lifting in a soundless snarl. His voice is a gentle hush, a tone you are intimately familiar with.
it's the same tone of voice that has preceded every punishment and scolding you've ever received from the pack alpha. Every time he's ever coaxed you to take his knot (icky) or an orgasm (less icky). As he drags you close and speaks to you. Soft but firm. Gentle but unyielding.
"You are allowed to be needy, you are allowed to be small. You are allowed to need everything and anything and I will personally make sure that each one of those needs are fulfilled."
You snap your teeth at him, trying to bite his hand. He only just gets away. Your teeth brushing his knuckles playfully. You giggle, behind you, Yoongi snorts.
Instantly the pack hold your face, your jaw, not jimin but your mate and tae. Holding your mouth open. Fingers digging into your lower lip. Making your lips push out. You push at them but they hold you still. saliva pooling around a whine as you try to gnash your teeth again but are unsuccessful.
"Cute drooly puppy, so messy. what are we to do with you?" Tae's voice is a lethal purr.
You like it. You like feeling your alpha's strength, your mate's strength. Where they begin and you end. You want to test it want to make sure they can protect you.
For what? You can't say. You think it might have something to do with the terrible sensitivity between your thighs, the bleeding hot need slowly gripping you, a distant storm rumbling. But you're not sure.
"You need to make sure we're capable of protecting you through your heat? is that it pup?"
You whine, needy around Namjoon's fingers.
Tae keeps your mouth open and Namjoon taps his finger against your tongue, your lips, your teeth. Does he like how sharp they are? They feel awfully sharp in your mouth. Good omega, see? You want to tell him. Strong like you. Not a pup.
You don't whine and recoil the way an alpha would at being poked and prodded at. You fight one moment then go pliant the next. Letting him look, letting him touch and pinch your tongue between his fingers, loling it out and making it cute. Tears building at the corner of your eyes by how frustrated you feel, how much you want.
Tae grips your jaw, turning you this way and that, jimin's claws tangle with yours. yoongi digs his teeth into your scent gland, going sweeter and sweeter and sweeter with every moment.
Tae coo's and you hiss at her- or try too. Namjoon's finger pressing against your tongue stops you from doing anything but whine. Saliva pooling to the point where it almost drips, a little gross, but Namjoon's smile is darker, wickeder.
Namjoon strokes your tongue once, twice, and then a third time. Near your gag reflex but just barely. If you want to act like a disobedient pup, he's going to make you work for it.
You are the lowest ranking packmate, you can't expect your anger to be anything remarkable. they all coo at you- at your innocent imitation of your alpha's behavior.
Jimin smiles. agreeing, flashing his teeth at you that actually are sharp- actually could bite. you like them, like him. jimin holds you so well- so firmly you feel it in the small bones of your wrists. any other time you'd say it was uncomfortable, but it makes you leak slick, just a little. you know they can smell it.
"Cute little omega, acting like an alpha." Namjoon's thigh is between your legs, and you try and grind down on it. He stops you, holding your hips firm. You can't move more than a millimeter without one of them stopping you.
"No, none of that pup. If you want it you'll ask nicely, and you'll ask Jinnie first. I know you can be good."
But you don't want to be good, you want to fight.
Coming Saturday September 28th at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments below)
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daddyygh0stface · 3 days
Hi yes I'm alive sorry for not being around. I kinda lost my job and haven't really figured out what I am doing to do or how I'm going to pay for bills or what the fuck is going to happen But yeah I am here and alive unfortunately. I probably won't answer ask or dms for a while don't really feel the greatest right now and sure as hell don't feel like talking to anyone right now.
Rant time i guess? Getting a job in our current market is hell everything I've applied to just never gets back to me. Its funny because growing up I always told you need college to get a job or be able to do anything in life, man I have friends literally went to some of best colleges and still can't even get job. It just feels like I'm constantly being lied to about everything. Weird how I'll forever be told people like me just don't wanna work yeah man I don't wanna be able to live comfortable pay my bills and be homeless. Let's also not forget the fact jobs will require you have a set amount of experience in a certain area but no job will hire you for that field without experience HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO GET EXPERIENCE THEN DUDE? Then a week before all of the job thing family member sits us all day and tells us they have cancer. This fucking disease has taken so many family members from me. I lost my grandma what will be a year ago in January I was starting to just come to terms with everything and feel somewhat okay. I will never truly get over her death but I feel like that is normal. I've had so many family members taken from me just from cancer alone this stuff runs in my family I believe and coming to that realization fucking sucks because I just want to help them, but there isn't anything I can do. I truly don't know what to do or what to think anymore.
Writing this really late into the morning and i'm going to schedule the post sometime not sure when
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pepi1989 · 2 days
From Rivals to More - Lando Norris
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The smell of burnt rubber and gasoline hung in the air as you stood at the karting track, the sound of engines roaring around you. It was a familiar place, filled with memories of childhood races and the fierce competition that had sparked between you and Lando from an early age. He might be a well-known name now, but to you, he was still the same cocky kid you used to clash with on the track.
“Still think you can beat me, Y/N?” Lando taunted, a smirk playing on his lips as he leaned casually against his kart. He looked effortlessly cool, but you weren’t about to let him get to you.
“Please, Lando. Just because you have a fancy car now doesn’t mean you’re better than me,” you shot back, crossing your arms defiantly. The playful rivalry was still alive, even after all these years.
Before he could respond, Max, Lando’s close friend, approached with an exasperated expression. “You two need to cut this out,” he said, shaking his head. “You’ve been at it since karting. Can’t you at least pretend to be civil?”
Lando rolled his eyes, and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Civil? With him?”
“I’m right here, you know,” Lando said, feigning hurt, but the spark in his eyes betrayed his amusement.
Max sighed, looking between the two of you. “I’m serious! Just… try to get along for once. You never know; you might even enjoy it.”
With that, Max left, leaving you and Lando in a tense silence. You could feel the weight of unresolved feelings hanging in the air.
“Why do you always have to be so infuriating?” Lando asked, breaking the silence as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Me? You’re the one who can’t take a little competition,” you retorted, refusing to back down.
The banter had always been a part of your dynamic, but there was something different in the air now. The competitive edge felt less like rivalry and more like a challenge, one that sparked a flicker of something more in the back of your mind.
“Let’s settle this, then,” Lando proposed, his voice low and challenging. “Race me one last time. No karts, just you and me.”
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “What do you have in mind?”
“Foot race. To the end of the track and back. Loser buys dinner,” he suggested, a playful glint in his eyes.
“Deal!” you replied, excitement bubbling inside you. You both lined up, the tension crackling between you. “On three?”
“Fine. One… two… three!”
You took off, the adrenaline pumping through your veins. The race was intense, laughter mingling with the sound of your feet hitting the pavement. As you approached the finish line, you were neck-and-neck with Lando. You could almost taste victory when, in a final burst of energy, you sprinted ahead and crossed first.
“Ha! I win!” you exclaimed, turning back to gloat.
Lando’s expression shifted from frustration to admiration. “You’re faster than I remember. Alright, dinner’s on me,” he said, breathing heavily.
As you caught your breath, the air between you shifted. The playful rivalry had morphed into something more profound.
“Maybe we should do this more often,” you suggested, a hint of shyness creeping in.
“Yeah, maybe we should,” Lando agreed, his tone softer now. “I never thought I’d say this, but you’re not half bad.”
You both chuckled, the walls between you slowly crumbling. Max had been right; there was something enjoyable about this newfound connection.
That evening, as you shared stories over dinner, you discovered layers of each other that you hadn’t seen before. Lando was still competitive, but beneath the surface, he was also thoughtful and funny. You found yourself drawn to him in a way you hadn’t expected.
As the night wound down, Lando leaned back in his chair, a content smile on his face. “I guess being civil wasn’t so bad after all.”
You grinned, feeling a warmth spread in your chest. “Maybe we should race again sometime.”
“Only if you promise to keep it friendly,” he teased, and you both knew this was just the beginning of something exciting.
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wonsdoll · 9 hours
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PREC𝓲S 。。 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒’𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗀𝖺𝗉
형라인 /⠀ female reader ── slight suggestive + non idol au 。。 age gap meaning 3 years !! . . . more
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HEESEUNG RARELY LETS the age gap get between the two of you. at first it felt a little weird dating someone three years older than you, a few months later it became a normal thing to you. although sometimes heeseung may poke at you, just for the fun of it.
“should i call you my baby?” heeseung laughs to himself, in a joking manner.
“very funny.” you look at him dead serious, although you’re well aware he’s just joking with you. “it’s only three years not a whole decade.” you roll your eyes playfully, pushing him jokingly.
on rather serious days, heeseung uses the gap as an advantage to protect you. “you said people on campus make you feel bad about the gap?” heeseung holds your face, his thumbs caressing your cheek gently.
you nod, unable to speak from being visibly upset. “i don’t care about the number.. i just care about how we make eachother feel.” heeseung wipes your tears away, kissing your forehead lovingly.
“and that’s how it should be.. you don’t care about what anybody says, okay?” heeseung looks you in your eyes, the look to protect you and keep you safe.
JAY LIKES TO PLAY IT COOL, but he’ll never miss a moment to playfully bring up the age gap, especially when you’re doing something that’ll make him feel just a little “older” such as browsing through older movies you haven’t had the chance to watch.
“you’re telling me you’ve never seen this movie before?” jay looks at you shocked, throwing his head back dramatically. “wow i’m really dating a baby.”
you’d roll your eyes at him playfully. “don’t worry.. i’ll catch up on all the old people things.”
beneath all the teasing, jay is very quick to reassure you. whenever you have some sort of second doubt about the age gap, he gets a little serious. his hands would hold yours, jays thumbs rubbing small circles onto your skin.
“i don’t care how old you are. you’re mature, sweet, and absolutely stunning.” jay smiles, his smile instantly brightening your mood. “plus you keep me looking young.” he laughs, pulling you into a tight embrace.
jay is proud of you, and he’s never shy of showing it. the age gap is only a detail to jay, how well you fit together is all that matters.
JAKES ALWAYS LIGHTHEARTED and the age gap between you two rarely seem like a big deal to him. he’d often make playful comments here and there, but at the end of the day it’s always for fun.
“you’re such a baby.” jake teases, when you don’t understand any of his older references, a large grin appearing on his face. “guess i’ll have to teach you about that one.”
you shoot him that look, pretending to be offended. “i’m not that young jakey, it’s only 3 years..” jake laughs. “feels like 300.” you both laugh, your bodies both vibrating within each laugh.
when you sometimes express concern over this gap, jake’s very quick to be serious and reassure you it’s okay. his gaze often softens, his tone gentle and smooth. “you know that whole age thing doesn’t bother me.” his hand reaches for yours.
“you’re perfect for me, and that’s all that matters.” he smiles, pulling you into his arms for a tight embrace. his hugs are always comfort to you.
jake’s affection is clearer than daylight, and to him, your age gap is another thing that makes your relationship unique. he constantly reminds you about what really matters, your love for one another.
SUNGHOON DOESN’T BRING UP the age gap often—it’s not something he often thinks about too much. to him, you’re still you, you never changed and you’re the same person he fell in love with from the start. occasionally, he’ll use it as a way of teasing you.
“do i need to start checking your ID?” he jokes, after hearing about a new trend only you knew about. sunghoon leans casually against the wall, his arms crossed. “you’re making me feel old, angel.”
you roll your eyes, giving him a playful nudge. “you’re not that old hoon.. just a little out of touch with the new trends.”
sunghoon grins and shakes his head, leaning against the wall as he watches you with a soft gaze. “you keep me on my toes.” his finger, gently playing with a piece of your hair.
though he’s super playful about it, there’s a rather thoughtful side when the situation gets more serious. whenever you feel insecure about the age gap, sunghoon’s expressions soften, all his attention on you.
“doesn’t matter how old you are..” he says, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek. “you’re the one i always want, and your age is the least of my concerns.”
✉️ : older boyfriend hyung line is on my wishlist ^_^
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mya-valentine · 2 days
Headcannon: Tomura Shigaraki with an S/O Who Teases Him
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Shigaraki absolutely hates how much his S/O teases him… at least, that’s what he tells himself. He’s not used to people pushing his buttons in such a playful way, and it throws him off balance. Every time they poke fun at him, he shoots them an annoyed glare, but deep down, he’s amused, even if he’d rather crumble into dust than admit it.
His S/O loves teasing him about everything—his posture, his video game obsession, the way he scratches his neck when he’s stressed. “You’re gonna wear a hole in your neck at this rate, Shiggy,” they’ll say with a smirk, earning an immediate growl in return. But despite his irritation, he can’t help the faint smirk that sometimes flickers on his face.
They’ll call him cute or handsome just to watch his reaction, knowing it makes him squirm. Shigaraki will scoff or dismiss it, but the faint blush creeping up his neck is impossible to miss. His S/O will push even further, saying, “Aww, Shiggy, don’t get all shy on me now,” which only makes him scowl harder and mumble something under his breath.
He’ll throw sarcastic insults back at them, but his heart’s not really in it. His S/O knows it’s all in good fun, and honestly, it becomes their favorite game—seeing how far they can push Shigaraki before he snaps. Of course, his version of snapping is dramatically throwing his hood up and sulking for a while.
Despite his annoyance, Shigaraki secretly loves the way his S/O can make him feel normal. When they tease him, it’s not because they’re afraid of him or walking on eggshells around him—it’s because they genuinely like him, and that’s something he’s not used to. It’s oddly comforting.
Sometimes, Shigaraki will try to get them back, mimicking their teasing tone or throwing a sarcastic jab. “You think you’re funny, huh? You’re the one hanging out with a villain, so what does that say about you?” He’s proud when his S/O just laughs it off, unfazed. He’s still learning the teasing game, but he’s getting better.
When they make fun of his appearance, like his messy hair or the way he dresses, Shigaraki will roll his eyes and mutter, “You think I care about stuff like that?” But secretly, he’ll glance in the mirror later, wondering if maybe he could style his hair a little better, not that he’d ever let his S/O know.
His S/O loves playfully daring him to do things he’d never normally do. “Bet you can’t go a whole day without scratching your neck,” they’ll challenge, and Shigaraki will immediately take it personally, determined to prove them wrong… for about an hour, before he gives in and grumbles about their stupid dare.
The more time they spend together, the more Shigaraki realizes that his S/O’s teasing actually makes him feel seen. It’s not about making fun of him—it’s their way of connecting, of showing they care without getting all sappy about it. And while he’ll never outright say he likes it, he does let them tease him more than anyone else.
His S/O is probably the only person who can get away with playfully touching his face or hair without him recoiling in disgust. He might slap their hand away, but it’s half-hearted, and sometimes he’ll even let them brush some stray hair out of his face—though he’ll grumble, “Don’t push your luck.”
When he’s in a particularly bad mood, his S/O knows how to balance their teasing. They’ll tone it down just enough to lift his spirits without going too far, understanding that even the King of Villains needs a break from time to time. And while Shigaraki won’t say it, their teasing is one of the few things that actually helps him feel a little better.
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erinwantstowrite · 2 days
rereading leap of faith and
“He’d be right next to Peter, sitting halfway in the chair with him, or maybe just on Peter’s lap like Peter insists sometimes (“-because seriously, Ned, you’re light as a feather for me”)”
man this quote ?? why is this guy so gay
Peter: it's obviously so entirely not romantic to have a need to be near my best friend at all times
I feel so bad for Ned when I write this because in this case I am directly responsible for his suffering of having a crush on an assumed straight guy but also things like this are so fucking funny. When I wrote that I was fully aware that poor Ned 1) forgot Peter has super strength and 2) was internally both very happy and suffering
(clarifying that i do think platonic cuddling is the best in the world and cuddling and showing affection through touch is not inherently sexual!! it's just that in this case, Peter has a crush and he doesn't know it LMFAO)
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resident-idiot-simp · 12 hours
Wolverine getting some of Deadpool's 4th wall awareness because of the matter and antimatter ordeal
Featuring: @existentialgaybirdnerd @steriotypicaloutlaw
More for @castielsprostate
Bird: Mind to mind communication using the voices even far apart
Ok ok but Logan who can now truly understand Wade and everyone is super confused by it. Also (I am convinced at least Vanessa thinks he's absolutely onto something so this just confirms it for her) But others start thinking Wade may not be completely insane possibly
On the other hand they now think Logan is insane as well which is just as funny.
But all of the small things that would change. Chef's kiss
Bird: They use the voices as a sort of comm link too, Logan can keep up with wade’s style of thinking now and can even finish his thoughts with him
But imagine everyone's reactions to the seamless communication between them. As well as Logan now talking into thin air like Wade does. It definitely gets people thinking
Now I'm just imagining a scenario where they're talking to Colossus or someone else and it's just
W- "Yeah, sometimes we finish each-"
L- other's sentences. It's really not"
W- "that big of a deal... And you were supposed to say sandwiches, we talked about this Peanut." Wolverine rolls his eyes and lovingly shakes his head.
(Bold is them both talking at the same time)
Bird: Logan would chime in with the wrong words sometimes specifically to fuck with Wade, and then when they’re both pissed they speak at the same time and in the same register and it gets creepy
Wade and Logan having conversations that make absolutely NO sense to anyone besides them. The boxes asking things or a conversation about other impossible things that others wouldn't know
Bird: There’s an entire four way conversation and the outsiders are only getting half of it lol
Also something that always gets me about characters being self aware is the implied idea nothing they do matters or it would hurt the others that are unaware. Well maybe more so the latter point. Because it doesn't matter if it's not technically real it's real to them so I just never like that argument. All to say I think Logan really just doesn't give a shit he isn't technically real
Bird: Oh absolutely not, Logan would have his first 4th wall break and just raise an eyebrow and look away and slowly as they happen more and more on purpose he does things to fuck with the audience
Wade talks to the audience to share a joke Logan talks to the audience to insult/mock them. Surprisingly it makes all the difference
Bird: Logan freaks people out by looking into the distance and spitting a kind of joking insult and then walking away
It also somehow convinces people that it's still definitely the same wolverine and he hasn't completely lost his mind
Bird: When people start getting more suspicious of him he’ll insult something and stalk off
Vanessa is elsewhere taking a victory lap. Also Laura is very confused but also falls into the they are onto something club. I feel like Al ABSOLUTELY believes they are onto something
Bird: Laura likes to try to spot what they’re talking to, looking in the vague directions they’re looking at. Al will simply hold out a hand to one of them, go “point me” and flips off whatever audience they’re talking to now
Al is to old and has seen (or not seen) too much and specifically lived with Wade long enough to know
A) He isn't insane
B) He's almost always right
C) he knows things he really shouldn't
Bird: And when Logan starts doing the same stuff and insulting the air instead of just joking with it, she starts asking to flip off who Logan is talking to and he’s all too happy to point her
And once they explain exactly what happens she's just like oh yeah that makes sense. She doesn't need more context
ALSO This makes them both anchor beings but specifically one anchor being. They merged they now have to both be there for it to continue to exist
What if this was the first time it has ever happened in the TVA want to just study them because how did you manage this??
I read a fic that mentioned this also almost seem to increase their powers slightly and I love that idea as well
Bird: Kind of combines them, makes the healing faster and makes them harder to hurt
It's barely noticeable but it's just enough to make them even worse to deal with. They become the bane of everyone's existence because they are now truly unstoppable
Also the X-Men are trying to figure out exactly what happened. It isn't working It can't really be explained well because Wade is just kind of beyond exclamation
Logan is just vibing now while being more immortal than ever and having a whole new world opened up to him. I imagine it gets to the point where he's learning more and more and he just starts pointing randomly at some of the people that come across and saying actor's names and Wade is just beside him nodding enthusiastically and praising him
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