#this is for the girlies with commitment issues and good jokes
onsomenewsht · 27 days
Took a loan on a house I own
About when she panics and you’re very patient, but out of t-shirts
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《 shout out to @p0orbaby, who turned this shit around and back on the fun side of the road
》 Leah Williamson x Reader
》 words count: 3k
》 commitment [noun, law]: a written order of a court directing that someone be confined in prison; mittimus
“Accept the Arsenal deal”, your agent encourages, his client’s best interests – and transfer fee – close to his heart.
“At least it’s not Manchester”, your father comments, still wishing for your comeback as saviour of your hometown club.
“What can go wrong?”, your childhood friends resonate with sincere smiles and rolling eyes at your unjustified hesitation.
Turns out, signing for the Gunners puts you in the Ballon d’Or shortlist after the first season and Leah Williamson in your bedroom.
One night you two are sharing a ride after a shameful celebration, you’re way too drunk to even remember how to walk in a straight line and she finds herself thinking way too much about your carefree giggles – if anyone asks, she just wants to make sure you don’t get kidnapped or fall on your pretty face tripping over nothing.
The following day she’s still in your house, wearing your clothes and sharing questionable stories of failed dates just to hear you laugh.
A week after she’s in your bed again, this time naked and cracking up at the worst jokes you got.
It’s not like you planned such development in the relationship with the skipper or tried to win her over with infallible pickup lines, it just happened.
Not that you’re complaining now.
Another season ends, but you keep finding each other in compromising positions at the worst possible moments, avoiding friends and teammates teasing comments with really not much effort.
Her mother, the wiser when it comes to Leah’s debatable life choices, asks about you all the time and went as far as personally inviting you over for Christmas. You declined, obviously, but made sure the Williamson family received your presents.
Your best friend demanded to have a private conversation with the blonde the first time he visited, probably embarrassing you with made-up memories and pointless threats. She took it all more seriously than needed, teaming up with him at your expense by the end of the night.
“Do you have a t-shirt I can borrow to sleep in?”
A sense of domesticity fills every interaction with the English woman nowadays, feelings you’re way too pleased to indulge but even more scared to address.
Knowing her, like a stray cat enjoying the sun and the offered food, a too-close approach or unexpected movement could provoke a runaway.
You move your eyes from the laptop slowly, taking in her freshly showered body and the wet blonde locks dropping water on the floor. She knows you hate that.
“Top drawer on your left, dry your hair before going to bed”
“What do you have against air drying?”
“What do you have against respecting my silk sheets?”
When she misses the opportunity to quip back, like she always does when your sleeping habits are mentioned, you give up any chance of reviewing the last away game to find Leah cautiously studying the furniture.
“Why are my clothes here?”
“Would you prefer to have them lying around the apartment?”
“It’s a lot of clothes”, she states, digging through all the tops and shorts and even some designer pieces stocked in the drawer.
It’s not really that much, honestly.
“You leave behind a lot of shit”
That makes the younger girl react, recovering from the shock of her things being carefully folded somewhere other than her closet – and occasionally a strategically placed chair in her room.
The cat is bothered.
Closing the laptop, you rise from the bed to slowly approach her. Cautiously.
“I just don’t understand why you put my clothes in your drawer”
“You have a lot of things here and I quite like the idea of a clean place”
“That’s not true! I–”, she fumbles for the right words to explain herself in her own mind.
You guide the blonde to the bed, sitting her down like you’d do to explain to a kid that Santa looked a lot like their overweight uncle because was, indeed, their overweight uncle; or that no, they can’t walk the dog for the last journey to Heaven.
The next words are going to be crucial.
“Leah, you basically live here”
Bad choice, noted.
She literally jumps so high you have to take a moment to appreciate your own cat metaphor for such spot on accuracy.
As the freshly nominated Arsenal’s captain, the goddesses and gods of football bowed to Kim Little, she shouldn’t risk her knees so mindlessly. You have to calm her down before some questionable network buys the rights for a high-budget documentary of how you managed to kill the equivalent of Princess Diana for the football community.
“I’m sorry to be the one that broke it to you, but at this point only you don’t–”
“You’re not making any sense, really, I–”
“Please, walk me through your day”
The past two weeks have been dedicated to national duties, training camp and a friendly overseas. Not too bad, you both manage to keep in touch despite the time difference and your own commitments.
The trip back is uneventful, she sleeps for most of the flight and annoys Beth for the rest of it.
You pick her up at the airport.
Just because you’re closer than her mom and offered to.
You drive her to her apartment, but the blonde leaves the suitcase somewhere in the living room to deal with another time and comes back to the car in under three minutes.
Just because you promise to make dinner, she is supposed to refuse?
You two cook together, even if she’s still forbidden to use the air fryer and your wine accessories after the shrimps accident.
But we don’t talk about the shrimps accident.
The food is good, the company is even better. Stories are shared, memories are created with a questionable playlist in the background and laughs front and foremost. Plans are made to go see a film you’ve been waiting a year for and to find a dress she needs for a charity event.
Just because.
She takes a shower after, finally washing away the fatigue with her fancy shampoo you somehow have around in the bathroom. There’s also her favourite lotion, the delicate scent she can now smell with her eyes closed when she misses you a little too much for some reason. Even getting to the point of applying the scar cream she uses when her knee bothers, just because you know–
Oh, shit.
“Oh, shit”
“Yeah, ‘oh, shit’, indeed”, the smile on your face grows as you see the realisation crashing over Leah.
The English capitan may be a clueless idiot sometimes, but you’re already too into it to pretend not to like it.
“I basically live here”
The thought of her finally realising she moved in with you is not something you’ve indulged too much. An unconscious but lingering fear is the faithful companion of ruthless nights, lying in bed with Leah and her commitment issues.
Most nights she falls asleep holding on to you, and most mornings she wakes you up with a freshly made coffee. But she runs away and disappears for days after sharing a way too intimate moment.
By now, you know her well enough to know when to push her limits and when to let her be.
Yet, the confused and almost uncomfortable frown creasing her features hurts.
“I have to go”
Without giving you the possibility to say anything to reason with her – or just protesting, for what it matters –, the footballer is putting on the first t-shirt she finds and fleeing the scene.
It’s one of your favourite tees, but maybe this it’s not the time to point it out.
“I need to go, I–”, she mutters as she tries to simultaneously put the shoes on and open the front door.
“Are you planning to walk back to your place?”
“It’s a ten minutes ride by car, you’re not that kind of athlete”
“I’ll call a taxi”
“With the phone you left on the nightstand?”
For the first time, probably ever, you sound exhausted and not amused at all about the situation – she notices it too. It’s not like she’s completely clueless about the loose attitude, the blowing hot and cold.
You look at her, never dropping your gaze as your head shakes and a tired smile doesn’t reach your eyes. You hand her the phone you picked up when she was too concerned with running away from whatever therapist’s comment was echoing in her mind to realise what she was leaving behind.
Literally speaking, obviously.
“Please, wait here for the taxi. It’s dark outside”
“I’m sorry, I–”
“We can talk at training in a couple of days”, you ease her worry with a quick side hug and a kiss on the forehead, closing the bedroom’s door behind you.
A couple of days later, you don’t talk at training.
She’s avoiding you.
Well, kind of. Everyone at Arsenal, even the chocolate-coloured dog Win, can tell she’s torn up inside and always on the verge of a mental breakdown or, probably worst, ready to rant an apology speech she rehearsed in front of the mirror a concerning amount of times.
The usually composed skipper is panicking whenever found around you, trying to approach and chickening out despite the mental pep talks.
“Care to tell me why she’s sleeping on my couch?”
Lia insisting on pairing for the drill was a trap, you should have seen it coming.
“She found out she moved in”, you let her know, an amused smile lighting up your features for the first time this week.
It’s easy enough to put aside the bruised ego when the situation is as ridiculous as the one you’re currently in, one can laugh at their own misery.
“I think she panicked”
“Of course she did, she has commitment issues and an apartment she’s not staying in– not even now!”, she passes the ball back to you, completely missing the point of the exercise you’re supposed to do, “Why is she sulking in my house?”
“Can’t tell you, she’s avoiding me as if I signed for Tottenham”
“Don’t joke about that, she may have a heart attack”
You both burst out in giggles, knowing too well it’d be a real chance. Or Leah could find the motivation to approach you – to kill you, sure, but she’d need to be close enough to do it with her bare hands.
“Be patient with her, she’s trying”, Lia gently says after composing herself.
The curious relationship you are building with the blonde may be questionable and unhealthy for some people, but it’s filled with respect and care. It resonates with genuine laughs and whispered secrets, it cherishes with caring hands and firm holds. It’s love.
The kind of love two people give each other despite the fears and the doubts.
“I know, I’m trying too”
After two weeks, the most awkward goal celebration in a London derby history, and an even more embarrassing phone call with Leah’s brother, you definitely have enough.
It’s not too bad, really.
She doesn’t flee the room as soon as you make your entrance anymore, the conversations start quietly but progress in the usual easy and carefree way. Sometimes she leans into you in the middle of a night out, other times your hands find each others without a real reason if not the comforting feeling that such a simple action can provide.
It’s not perfect, but you can tell she’s trying and she has a lot going on in her head already. You just want to be there, that’s all you have ever wanted.
It’s not too bad, there’s a reason for everything.
There’s a reason for your shopping list to still include her favourite bread and that inexplicably expensive shampoo, there’s a reason for the warm coffee with your name scribbled on it in the changing room every morning.
There’s a reason for saving a spot next to the other during tactical and video sessions, on the bus for the away game, or on the table at your go-to restaurant.
There’s a reason for the smiles secretly shared in the middle of a stupid debate going on between your teammates.
There’s a reason for you to sleep with the jersey she gave you the first time you played against each other and for her to still be squatting on Lia’s couch wearing your tee – the Swiss woman makes sure to send pictures and updates every night.
It’s not too bad, but it’s game night at the Williamson, and you’re not going to put your victory streak at risk because Leah is freaking out about her housing situation and ghosting her therapist too.
“Are you planning to hide here all night?”, you ask after tapping at her car’s window.
She looks surprised, even if she’s the one parked in front of her mother’s house for the past ten minutes – lights turning off as soon as she spotted you on the side of the road.
The window rolls down comically slow, and the blonde relaxes immediately when she gathers enough courage to look up at you just to find your amused smile. Hands still grasping around the steering wheel, turning white as her cheeks get redder every second.
She’s aware she’s been ridiculous.
“I didn’t know if you’d have come tonight”, she admits.
“I can leave, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable in your own–”
“No!”, she shouts immediately, “I mean, you’re already here. I want you here, I–”
“Good, I really want to defend my champion’s title and I can’t do it if my charades partner is playing hide and seek by herself”, you say, taking a step back to invite her to exit the car.
The teasing smile, that faded just for a moment, is back on your face and she couldn’t be happier to realise nothing really changed – you still look at her with unconditional affection and care, you still look after her heart in the most gentle way you possibly can.
“Hurry up, Williamson, I’ve been talking with your mother more than I’ve been with you lately so I kinda own her to lose a game or two”
She sighs and finally opens the door, getting out of the car with all the enthusiasm of a kid heading to the dentist without the promise of ice cream afterwards. And there is the t-shirt you’ve been looking for.
How many of your clothes did she manage to steal without you realising?
That’s why there’s so much of hers in the damn drawer.
“I wasn’t avoiding you”, she mumbles, more to her feet than to you as she drags them even slower.
It’s going to be the longest ten metres ever.
“Right, and Mariona isn’t asking me how to befriend the stray cat wandering in her apartment”
“I’m sorry, alright? I freaked out. The whole ��basically living together’ thing just–”, she stops in the middle of the road, waving her hands around as if trying to catch the right words out of thin air, “It just hit me, I haven’t seen it coming”
You gently but firmly pull her safely to the other side of the road before answering, “I figured when Lia cornered me in the middle of training”
“I knew she’d tell you”, the footballer groans, rubbing her face, “She said you’d understand, but I was too scared to talk to you and–”
“I do understand, Leah, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make you suffer for abandoning me and tricking Lia and Mario into adopting you”
She laughs at that, the sound loosening the tension in her shoulders and deep into your stomach. You may be more at peace with your love for the blonde, more confident in this relationship, but you have doubts too.
It breaks her heart to make you insecure, you who always go above and beyond to make sure she’s comfortable when it comes to the feelings and the moments you’re sharing – the future you’re building.
“Can we go slow? Like, really slow?”, she looks at you, her eyes softer and the panic fading to be replaced by a new sense of certainty.
“I think we can’t go any slower even if we tried, took you half an hour to exit the car and for us to make literally ten steps toward your mom’s house”
The punch that hits you is strong enough to make you wince.
“Fine, I think we can compromise”
“Your terms?”
“I get visitation rights to my own apartment and free access to your closet”, she proposes, holding out her hand.
“You already have those”, you raise an eyebrow at her cocky smile, “You have to promise not to air-dry your hair on my silk sheets ever again”
“Deal”, Leah smiles as you shake hands, “I’ll just have to get my own pillows for my side of the bed so you can stop complaining”
She laughs oh-so-carefreely at your stunned expression, finally stepping closer and leaning into your embrace, still holding on to you as she approaches the front door.
“I’ll text Lia I’m going home with you tonight”
“Good”, you say, kissing the top of her head, “But let’s be real, you just need an excuse to steal more of my clothes, don’t you?”
“Maybe, but it looks better on me”
She’s saved by her own mother, opening the door and happily taking in the lovely scene with a knowing grin. The older woman pushes you both inside, commenting about the delay and claiming it is a tactic not allowed – all the games are going to be played, doesn’t matter how late it turns.
“You better let me win if you don’t want to be the one sleeping on a couch tonight”, she whispers in your ear as you take the seat by her side.
“Don’t push your luck, Williamson. We’ve got a long way to go, and you still have to find out about the pair of keys with your name on it hidden in the drawer”
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leclsrc · 1 year
could i get a carlos imagine where you have commitment issues and he calms you down? as a girlie with commitment/trust issues i just wanna b repped in one of ur fics/drabbles :/// it's tuff out here brotha
bring you home — cs55
Moving in together gets difficult. Carlos is there to ease you along. title from this
genre: fluff
auds here... i hope you enjoy this!!! i too am a commitment-afflicted girl ..... it truly is tough lol. but i hope u find the right person who helps u put ur anxieties to rest <3 insp by a scene from satc i saw on tiktok
It started with a duck. But the duck started with the box. And the box started with a toothbrush joke. And the toothbrush joke started with your old lady neighbor moving out. So really, it started with Mrs. McDonnell and her massive moving van rolling down the street and leaving the flat next door empty. Somehow that old hag had managed to irritate you long after she left, albeit through means not her own.
In terms of time, it started a month ago. In terms of people (sans the old bitch), it started with Carlos, as so many of your stories do. “Mrs. McDonald finally moved out today,” he’d said, hip against your stove, watching bits of garlic turn from pale to brown. From the living room you hummed affirmation and then laughed: “McDonnell.”
“Donald, Donnell, Dinero,” he rolled his eyes. “Everyone’s moving in and out. Charles bought a new place in Monaco.”
“Well,” you shrugged, fixing the ridden-up hem of your tank top, “you could have an extra toothbrush in here, if that gets y’there.”
He laughed, pointing at you with the oil-hot rubber tip of the spatula. You two had been dating for over a year at that point, yet any suggestions of moving in together remained vague, cloudish ideas in both of your heads. For him it was impractical; for you it was a little scary.
But a toothbrush, which he always had at your flat and you at his, wasn’t moving in together. Neither was a drawer of clothes and knick-knacks. It was a symbol of your busy lives and the intermittent intersections far and few between.
Except they’d been becoming less intermittent and a lot more constant. He was almost always at your flat, the wide two-bedroom you’d decided was a good place to live with your income and the area. You had two parking spaces, a good rep with the board, and a coffee shop across the street—a place all your own.
A little plus was you had Carlos on some free days, like that day—that fateful day he turned back to the pan and said, with a smile: “I should move in.”
You froze. “You’re asking—you’re telling me or the garlic?” In fits of nerves, you could only blurt out bad jokes.
He laughed but it was a small exhale of breath. “I’m serious.” He turned to you, brown eyes big.
Your heart swelled with something between apprehension and absolute excitement, that finally you were going to take a step you felt like you’d been waiting to take forever. “You are?” You asked, so giddily you could hear your own smile.
The truth was, you had moved in with a boyfriend before, offered him a key and suggested the entire affair, bought fresh flowers and cooked eggs and made coffee and lived the bliss you only read about in romance novels. Months later you caught him fucking somebody else in your bedroom, and years later the memory fails to purge itself from your mind or your habits, plaguing every inner thought you have.
But this, you assure yourself, is Carlos.
“Dead seriou—uuooof!” Carlos barely got to the end of his sentence, with the way you barrelled into him, smiling into the blocky build of his chest and muttering a repetitive yes yes yes into the cotton of his tee. He held you there, pressing a kiss to your hair and promising he’d be in with his boxes as soon as time made way.
“Make way,” you yell into the tiny gap between your door and its frame.
“Hey, hi, hello,” your boyfriend sing-songs. “How are you?”
In the month you’d spent watching your boyfriend move into your flat, you’d also been subjected to your complete lack of personal space. Every time you entered, he’d be there talking his head off. Every time you came home at night, he’d be there. You felt suffocated. Scared, even if you couldn’t sleep at night without some part of you touching him. You’re simply a human with needs, and you needed space. You needed silence. Needed it. Absolutely needed it. You knew this because every time you opened your own door, it collided with a—
“Box.” You shove yourself through the gap and wedge the door closed, pointing an accusatory finger at the cardboard. “Another box by the door. Don’t make me burn those,” you mutter, fussing with your hair and toeing off your Blahniks. Across the foyer, Carlos is nailing something into the wall, noisy and incessant and you want to shrink into the floor.
“Sorry, sorry. Lo siento. I have so many stuff.”
“Yeah! You do. My flat’s only nay fucking big,” you respond, raising your pointer finger and thumb to exaggerate the size of your (in actuality, wide) living space. “Carlos, couldn’t you unpack some of these? Just some. It’s—you know, it’s piling up. And you know I hate mess.”
“I know, baby. I will as soon as I finish this up. I promise.”
You nod once, sighing and moving into the study to gather your laptop for work. You’re halfway into the room, eyes scanning your desk’s surface and finding your Mac laying flat atop it, unassuming next to a figurine of a wooden duck. You pause and blink. The wooden duck does not, its eyes painted wide and smooth and you definitely did not purchase this duck.
Somehow, this is the straw that breaks your back.
“What is this duck doing here?!” You yell, voice loud even from the study into the foyer. Carlos pulls off the goggles he’d been wearing to drill shit into your wall and smiles. A gift from me.
“A gif—I, I, I don’t like ducks.” You flail your arms around. “I just… hearing you talk or drill as soon as I come into my own home feels weird. For so long I’ve been alone and… and I’m supposed to hear silence and I—I’m scared that you’re going to figure out how scared I am and you’re going to leave me.”
He just stares, eyebrows knitted. You smother a hand over your face. You pause and breathe for a minute, then two.
“It’s just—I’ve only lived with someone three months, and that was ages ago, and before that it was my parents, so. I’m going to be really frank with you and I’m sorry if this sounds… but I’m gonna close the bedroom door and I don’t want you to talk to me for thirty minutes. I need space. And keep the duck first. I’m sorry. Is that selfish? Is that okay?” When he shakes his head and then nods, you deposit it into his arms and back up into your room.
His face, torn between concerned and endeared, softens into an understanding, patient smile. Okay, he mouths. I love you, you mouth back, and then you’re shutting it softly, leaning your forehead against the white wood and letting a long exhale leave your lips. You half-expected him to fight you back, to raise his voice, but it’s your own worst expectations weighing down on you all over again, born out of memories of your ex.
You stay like that for a while, and slowly with the quiet you realize—you find the duck cute.
You like the boxes because they remind you this is becoming a home. You like hearing him talk because it means you know he’s there. (The drilling will always be irritating, but he makes it better.) You don’t dislike anything he does, but you’re not totally lying either: you are scared. Scared of the commitment it’d take to make this a sure thing. The commitment you’d given before and the commitment that’d been betrayed.
But this is Carlos. This is Carlos, who’s understood every part of you, who’s given you time and patience even when you didn’t know how much you needed it. The Carlos who knows how you like your toast, who eats the yolk off your sunny-side eggs and gives you the white of his hard-boiled ones. The Carlos who said I love you first, surprising you into shock, and then took it back in embarrassment before you cut him off with a kiss. The Carlos who stays.
The air clears and you breathe easier. You open the door after five minutes. “You okay?”
He’s unpacking a box. He turns and smiles wryly, mimicking a zip motion across his lips. He shakes his head. No talking, remember?
You pout, smiling. “Sorry if I’m neurotic.”
You pad softly toward him and it’s easy, too easy for him to pick you up into his arms, wrap your legs around his waist, stay standing and hugging you. He’s quiet still, patient, warm. “I like hearing you talk. I like your boxes. I like that you’re mine and we’re here.” You inhale. “‘M just scared. And I don’t… want to be, but I am, and… it’s just me. I’m crazy.”
“Hey, Crazy. So am I. Take your time.” He hugs you tighter. “I’m not gonna leave you, even if you hated the duck.” I didn’t, you say quietly. It was cute. “I know it’s hard, baby. I know. You have to let me take care of you. You have me, okay? You have me.”
“And when you’re not here?” Fear slithers up and tries to tug at you but his arms are around you, secure and holding you there, so you don’t let it.
The thing with needs, really, is when they’re met—met in the best, most understanding way, especially…
He kisses your neck. “I’ll always be.”
…You find you no longer need them at all.
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dxsae · 24 days
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henlo, i'm bee 🐝 (22, she/her, gmt+) and i'm so excited to be here as a big fan of the boys and district x's setting !! today i bring oh sae to the table, an antihero and a criminal who punishes criminals. that said, his sense of what's right or wrong is ambiguous and his golden heart is kinda twisted. i have so many plans for him so i'd love to write with every single one of u, please like this post and i'll jump to ur inbox first! but i'll eventually reach out to everyone soon hehe (˶´ ˘ `˶) here's his profile (warning: wall of text) and i do have a plots page if u r interested! below is a quick summary of sae and some plot ideas, but i'm a girlie that loves brainstorming more sooo enjoy ur stay! it's midnight here so i'm off to bed now zzz
26 y/o, manager at toast & coffee 24-hour diner and has a very tight bond with the restaurant's owner
born & raised in district x, middle-class family
lives with mom, dad's in jail. has a bad relationship with them 'cause they hid dad's criminal background from him and his dumbass believed them for 14 years
( tw: murder ) his power manifested when the criminals invaded their home and sae murdered them when he was 14. dad took the blame and went to the detention center
has always wanted to be the type of nice, kind-hearted marvel heroes but his hatred for criminals is too much that it turned him into a violent dude
still applied to the pinnacle institute at 20 'cause he wanted to fight criminals in daylight. was the last one on the acceptance list, tried so hard to pass his classes only to be expelled from attacking his bully
fed up with everything, decided to go on his own path and beat criminals in his own style. slowly, his moral compass became broken and he became what he hated the most: a criminal. but they pay him good, so why not?
in between jobs, he often patrols nearby areas to keep an eye on any criminal he sees. he's always in the mood to kick some ass because punishing them guys is a hobby now. that's how he's the "batman of red lane"
would blow up their heads for entertainment
the type to crack bad jokes with a straight face. he isn't cold like his demeanor, he actually enjoys chatting and being goofy but keeps his distance. he makes sure the wall he puts up is visible without the need to mention
because he's a criminal and sometimes a monster, peeps would assume that he's selfish and irresponsible. in fact, he's very committed to whatever he's tasked with and u can always rely on him.
"i got promoted for a reason, dummy."
sometimes would intentionally explode random stuff to scare his buddies off. he thinks it's funny
moved on from whatever complicated relationship he has with his parents but the wall is there. can't act like they didn't give him trust issues
is under nepa's radar and he's aware of that
gets away with committing crimes because whoever paid him to do the jobs usually takes care of the aftermath as part of the deal
enjoys helping people. some are shocked to see him helping a grandma cross the street
after being expelled from the institute, sae doesn't plan his future anymore. prefers to go with the flow. right now, he's just tryna see if he could make it until 30
plot ideas (some will be taken from my plots page!)
partner in crime, criminal buddies, or supporters in general because he can't make genuine friends with his way of living... he's lonely yall
or "friends" who are very wary of this friendship it's fun too like u are teasing him then stop midway because who knows what if he blows ur head off next
rivals/enemies! sae's easily anyone's rival LMAO. u could hate his moral compass / think he's fked up / hate antihero tropes or he probably did something bad to u or the people u know
someone who thinks he's just a trashy criminal tryna play the hero game
encounter with the batman of red lane while he's on the nobody-asked-him-to patrol
n.e.p.a agents who try to recruit/trick him because his power would be useful for their experiments. he's going to be very sus of every agent he meets let's see what will ur muse bring
frequents at toast & coffee. he's very nice to his customers so u can puke on the floor and he will clean it up for up
pinnacle institute classmates! friends, foes, study buddies, crushes, people who know the truth about his expel and actually feel bad for him
i'm also a sucker for neighbor plots 🤲
just some basic ideas to get you inspired! let's develop more together
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wearepansies · 11 months
I’ve decided to just use this part to explain the band “Ride Or Die” lol
“Ride or Die” is a punk-rock band consisting of Clarisse, Beckendorf, Silena, Connor, and Travis. They started playing during highschool, but didn’t get famous until their sophomore year at college. A year later, they got a record deal at Lyre Records.
-The lead singer.
-Like, she might not be the nicest person ever, but her vocals are FIRE
-Was actually taught to sing to classical music, but when she was 13, she discovered Punk-Rock, and she’s never looked back.
-The red bandana is her brand. Even in fancy parties she’ll somehow have it incorporated into her outfit.
- Has several thirst-traps of her and beckendorf circling around social media.
- Her voice is so growly and shouty, but her vibrato makes it to where-UGH she’s so good.
- Shes currently dating a cameraman named Chris.
- Shes known Silena ever since 4th grade, so they’re really tight knit.
-To the point where all their fans think they’re dating lmao.
- He’s basically the main vocalist too?
-Clarisse and him sing background for each other, and they switch who sings songs all the time.
-Basically the Dóberman of the band
-in the way that he looks super intimidating, but he’s actually so sweet and polite.
-Is dating Silena
-Never had voice lessons until he joined the band.
-It was great before but now it’s BETTER.
- He used to post covers on YouTube that are still floating around. He cringes when it comes on his page lmao.
- His Mom actually helped get them out there, since she owns a relatively popular radio station.
- The only person who’s allowed to pick on his band mates are him.
-Shes the lyricist, but she also serves as the guitarist.
-Shes always written songs-ever since 2nd grade.
-Gets most of the flack online out of all the band members, because she’s very feminine so people are always arguing she seems out of place with the rock regime the band have going on.
-She pays no attention.
-Just to spite them she’ll wear the most girly outfit ever with punk accessories.
-Petty is her middle name btw.
-Learned acoustic guitar from her Uncle, then when she got into rock, switched to electric guitar.
-Nicest, sweetest person you’ll ever meet.
-Every fan who visits her loves her immediately.
-Wears lots of different vintage hairstyles(victory rolls, an updo, fluffy starlet hair etc)
-Everyone is constantly getting him and his brother mixed up all the time.
-Anyways, he’s the drummer.
-He was the most hyperactive kid ever, so to stop him from going to Paris and back every time he turned around, his Dad gave him a junior drum set when he was eight.
-He’s never looked back since.
- Is the comedian of the group.
- Pulls random people from the crowd to do stupid shit during their concerts.
-LIVES for crowd participation.
-Has a weenie dog named Frank and he always jokes that he’s their unofficial mascot.
- Certified t-shirt cannon dealer. Every show.
- Lightens the mood whenever things get depressing.
-Says the most random, out of pocket shit that has nothing to do with anything in the conversation.
-“What if humans had blinkers?”
-the keytarist
-He makes all the special effects for their shows.
-He also deals with the merch because he likes making shit.
-Plays all sorts of practical pranks on his band mates, and the audience.
-The fuck boy of the band sort of? He’s known for getting with lots of people because he’s hot with commitment issues.
-Wears the most explicitly dumb shirts ever.
- Can be sweet at times though.
-For example, he’s the one who suggested the band name, because Clarisse, Silena, Connor, and Beckendorf were his “ride or die” people.
-Has a bird named Mr.Parrot
-Even though it’s not a parrot.
-He’s at home though, because Travis would never DARE to make him go on tour with him. Poor baby would be so crowded.
- Animal enthusiast. He loves any and all critters.
-Before he was in a band, wanted to make an animal shelter chain
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lonelyroommp3 · 2 months
ohhh I love ask games like this,, so 1) when you're at the club, what's "your song? 2) since when have you been a taylor swift fan? and 3) what are your favorite youtube channels to have on in the background? (bonus question: how the fuck did you get into following sports)
1) excluding ones that are everybody's song in the club, like mr brightside, my top 2 are probably - power by little mix (a certain number of drinks in i WILL become convinced i can belt that super high "you SHOULD know". i cannot), perfect strangers by jonas blue (there's a reason this song plays a pivotal role in my braking point fic. iykyk)
EDIT: cannot BELIEVE i forgot to mention cotton eye joe, which while not "my song" per se has become something of a running joke for me bc in winter 2016 i made out with two different guys, in two different clubs, about three nights apart, and both of these times cotton eye joe was playing.
2) i will tell you a story that should really belong to a therapist's office but i don't go to therapy so tumblr will do. back in year 7 i had a very frenemy style relationship with my core friend group (ofc these are the friends that i stuck with in the end and still talk to today. haz if you're reading this) and was also just really struggling with my identity in terms of where i fit with cliques etc - my friend group was like, the weird girls, the goths, the emos, and i did massively identify with that, but a huge part of me just desperately wanted to be a normie popular girl too. and as a result i'd just swing back and forth between trying to maintain my friendships with the core group & trying very very hard to get in with the cool girls. of course this didn't work because, well, popular tween girls can smell undiagnosed neurodivergence like a shark smells blood. but fortunately for my future swiftiedom & unfortunately for my inability to read social cues related hangups that haunt me to this day, i could not smell when said girls were really just putting up with me and having a laugh behind my back. all this to say i got in the habit of riding the bus home sitting with one girl in particular, one day she was like "hey share my headphones and listen to this cool new song", the song was love story, the rest is history. later that school year i got my bangs cut back in and saw her and another girl not even TRYING to hide that they were pointing and laughing at me in the queue outside the design tech classrooms and that did traumatise me a bit but at the end of the day one day (august 16th) i'll be watching taylor swift looking fucking sick with bangs in wembley stadium and all she's ever gonna be is mean. or however the song goes
3) really into cow hoof trimming videos, livestreams of airport takeoffs and landings, and also any extremely long summaries of drama that does not concern me in the slightest. occasionally i'll sort of have a moment of realisation re: drama vids and wean myself off them for a while like hey it is NOT good for me to be watching inflammatory and manipulative videos that often commit half the same sins as the drama they're complaining about. and then i'll click one too many links and be right back into it
and as for sports: i have honestly always been into sports. since i was old enough to watch the olympics i would be absolutely engrossed by them for the entire time they were on, i had an obsessive tennis phase around the ages of 8-10 (where are my 00s federer girlies at), i was on my school's netball team, i even had a period of wanting to figure skate competitively but could only afford one out of that & piano lessons, which is a real sliding doors moment for me haha. the issue is 1) i'm not especially good at sports myself, netball is my strongest sport bc the multitasking is severely limited by the rules lol 😭 and 2) there was a lot of snobbery in my household growing up about certain sports, especially football. when i was maybe 10 or 11 a children's choir i was in got to sing before kick off for one of my local team's games and my dad wouldn't let me stay to actually watch the match bc he had an actual moral vendetta against footy. i would voraciously read the match reports in the local paper though
anyway, i also got introduced to f1 very young because my infant school "boyfriend" (read: best friend who was a boy) was OBSESSED with f1 and specifically michael schumacher. he'd talk about schumi every chance he got and i was like hey this f1 thing sounds cool but i never actually got to watch a race. don't remember why, probably just was not allowed as was the case with many things. but during covid i saw people blogging about it on here and thought hey, this looks fun, chanced it on a nowtv day pass to watch sakhir 2020 (the fact that george russell was the first driver i actively supported. scream!) and, most fatally of all, thought to myself "hey i wonder if anyone is writing hurt/comfort fic about that bottle job". anyway right now i'm watching wimbledon did anyone else clock that insane musetti moment a few games ago
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
anyway reasons my worst villain muses are not responsible for their actions:
h*nnibal (serial killer, cannibal, mindfucker3000): fridged kid sister ; he was in a war you know ; conventionally attractive white man pass ; has an accent
maxwell (7 deadly sins speedrunner, civilian annihilator): poor little orphan meow meow ; accusations that the church did more damage to him than his ambitious unhinged ass ever did to it ; white haired anime guy privilege
crane (mad scientist ; career criminal ; serial killer): was raised by an utter bitch of an old woman which as a man is an automatic free pass ; tubmlr sexyman bait ; he's mlm which to the girlies qualifies him for sainthood
julia (traitor, war criminal, on nickname basis with t*rrorists): daddy issues so severe i can't even joke about it ; her swagless social anxiety and mental illnesses have beguiled the hoes ; a backstory so unspeakably horrific that idiots think calling her out for her adult crimes is victim blaming her child self
ard*n (apocalyptic event, fridger of women, anti-christ): didn't even want to be the villain ; is nice in flashbacks before he got fucked over by the heavens so clearly he's still a nice guy ; has an accent ; conventionally attractive white man pass
homare (career criminal, terminally horny, no boundaries): fridged older sister ; he's funny so clearly he can't be all bad ; helps the hero after having committed unspeakable acts so clearly he's a nice man ; is attracted to our conventionally hot lead so he's an uguu hot boi now
danae (funder of evil, works with villains for own aims): daddy issues ; poor little rich girl backstory ; fc is a popular actress so clearly hot = morally correct ; she does a lot of good in-universe to which somehow makes her a good person rather than arbitrary ; she's working with villains to stop her asshole dad which is somehow girl power rather than making her villain adjacent
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
SFW Alphabet: Scud
❧ Pairing: Scud x Female Reader ❧ Warnings: mentions of drug use ❧ From this template
❧ A/N: No one asked for this, but I feel like it needed to be done. I love Scud so much. 🥹💕 Also NSFW alphabet coming soon too…
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❧ A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Scud is a hugger. He loves physical touch, he loves being affectionate. Nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck, playing with your fingers absentmindedly, laying on your lap and looking up at you until he falls asleep… He’s also not shy at all. Public displays of affection are essential to him. He loves to grab you by the waist and kiss you like no one’s looking, even if you’re in a crowded room.
❧ B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Scud is a great best friend. He’s fun and laid back, and he is generally pretty agreeable. Anything you suggest and he’ll do it—night on the town, or a night in, he’s down for anything.
I think the friendship would start with something like meeting in college or at a party. My personal headcanon is that Scud was an engineering student before he dropped out, so maybe you’d meet in class. Surely, I think he would be the one to strike up a conversation. Scud seems pretty outgoing and funny, so he’d probably try to butter you up with a few jokes (most of which don’t really land, but you find him cute and fun to talk to, so it’s okay).
❧ C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Oh, yes! Of course he loves to cuddle. Big time cuddler. I think he liked all kinds of cuddling, but his favorite is laying on your lap or resting his head between/on your boobs lol they make a great cushion. And as I mentioned before, he’s a big fan of public displays of affection, so cuddling in public is never an issue for him. He might pout a little if you tell him to knock it off, though.
❧ D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I don’t think Scud is too interested in settling down, to be honest with you. I think he is fine with spending the rest of his life with one person, but I don’t think he cares much about marriage. I mean I guess if it’s something you really want and you can convince him then he’ll do it, I just don’t think he’s going to be super involved with the process. Scud is lazy. He likes shortcuts, and if he can convince you to get married in a courthouse he will. Good luck getting him in a monkey suit. “Not gonna happen, girlie,” he’d say.
As for cooking and cleaning, terrible. By far the worst at cooking and cleaning of any other Norman character I’ve written this for lol. Worse than Daryl and Murphy (I think Daryl is the best, and even he is not very good at it). Scud is one of those people who either doesn’t eat all day because he’s busy working on something or gets takeout for every meal. He has the worst eating habits and barely takes care of himself, but you try to step in and make sure he’s well-fed. How sweet. 🥹
❧ E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I hate this one so much. I pretend I do not see it.
❧ F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As mentioned, I don’t think Scud is interested in getting married. He’s fine with being committed. Maybe you’ll catch him reading a dirty magazine every once in a while, but that’s as close as he’ll get to cheating on you. He’s committed. He’s a big love bug. He loves you too much to hurt you.
Not quick at all. He doesn’t see the point. He figures you love each other and you live together and that’s all the two of you need.
❧ G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Pretty gentle. I think Scud sometimes forgets that he doesn’t have much of a filter so he’ll say stuff that he shouldn’t say, but he is learning. He’s trying to be as good for you as he can.
Physically, I think he’s also pretty gentle. He likes to give you pretty harsh squeezes, though, and lots of butt pinches and smacks, so he definitely has that side of him that’s not so gentle.
❧ H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Of course he likes hugs! He’ll take any physical touch he can get.
❧ I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I think it would take him a while because he doesn’t really know what love is at first. He probably hasn’t really felt it before you, so he’s still trying to figure out what it means, but after a few hits of a joint, he’s got a pretty good idea of what love is, and it’s staring right back at him. “I love you, girlie,” he’d say, followed by a slightly delirious laugh. When you ask if he means it or if he’s just high, he says he means everything he says when he’s high.
❧ J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Not super jealous. He’s so laid back and pretty confident in himself, so he doesn’t have much to worry about. He knows you love him. The only time he might be jealous is if you’re paying more physical attention to someone else than you are him. He’ll demand to hold your hand or lean his head on your shoulder until you acknowledge him. He just wants to be the center of your attention, but most of the time he’s not going to make a big scene.
❧ K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Very sloppy and fast kisses. Lots of tongue and lots of teeth, too. He likes to bite you just a little, getting you to yelp and giggle into his mouth. I think Scud likes to bite and to be bitten… 👀
❧ L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I think he really likes kids! I mean he’s hardly ever around them, but when he is, he likes to tell them little jokes and make funny faces at them. They often ask him about his little inventions and he tries to explain how he made them, in the hopes that maybe he’ll inspire a little spark of ingenuity, but mostly he just likes how fun they are to talk to. It’s very cute to see him interact with kiddos. They love Scud.
❧ M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Chaotic, I think. Mostly for you, not for him. Scud stays up really late working on stuff, so he basically always sleeps through the morning and wakes up around noon, which is inconvenient for you. While you’re cooking breakfast and trying to get to work on time, he’s out cold, probably drooling and snoring (it’s adorable, tbh). You try to wake him up and get him to eat something for breakfast, but he just mumbles something incoherent and plummets his face back into the pillow.
❧ N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Much more lively for Scud. He will take a break from his work to be with you, too. Those are the most intimate times between the two of you, usually spent in your bedroom watching a bad movie or smoking pot (whether or not you choose to partake is up to you lol). Scud gets philosophical at night, pondering about the great mysteries of the universe. He loves to go stargazing, so he’ll take you out in his van to some isolated field away from the city lights and hold you on the hood as he goes on and on about stuff that doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense, but you love hearing his voice, so you don’t mind.
❧ O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think Scud is a pretty open book. What you see is what you get (ignore the movie lmao), so it doesn’t really take a long time for him to open up.
❧ P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Not easily angered at all. He hates conflict, and he’s very “go with the flow.” He might get frustrated sometimes, usually when his projects go awry, but for the most part, he’s relaxed. Probably has never raised his voice at you. He’s a lover, not a fighter.
❧ Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Oh man. Well, I don’t think Scud has a very good memory. He smokes a lot of weed. He is bound to be forgetful. I don’t think he does it on purpose at all, though. If he could remember everything, he would, but he does tend to forget short term things, and sometimes long term things like anniversaries, but never your birthday. I think he always has that pinned in his memory. He’s a good boyfriend in that way, but you do get a little annoyed when he forgets other things.
❧ R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
I feel like Scud really loves the funny moments. He likes thinking about all the times he made you laugh so hard you snorted or blew milk out of your nose or held your stomach as you chuckled. He loves your laugh and your smile, the way your nose crinkles, how you shake your head at him because he’s just too goddamn perfect.
❧ S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s lowkey very protective of you, since you live in a world where vampires exist, and Scud works for a vampire. Well, half vampire, but still. Luckily, Scud is pretty good with his hands and very inventive, so he constructs things like booby traps and tripwires and crazy explosives to keep you safe. He’d never let anything happen to you. That’s for sure.
❧ T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Minimal effort, to be honest. He’s lazy, and he doesn’t really put much effort into anything except his inventions. Still, he’ll do little things like maybe bring you flowers or something, and of course show you lots of affection.
❧ U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
POT. He smokes way too much pot. He’s basically constantly smoking in the movie sooo… But to be honest, I really think he’d at least try to cut down for you. I also think he’d try to cover up the scent in case you don’t like it.
❧ V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Surprisingly, I think Scud actually puts a decent amount of effort into his look. He has a certain style, and it definitely shows. He is probably a little bit obsessed with his hair (especially since you like to run your fingers through it so much), and he definitely makes a conscious effort when he’s putting on all those necklaces (that choker… mmm). I think he knows how cute he is, for sure.
❧ W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. He probably wouldn’t admit it, but he needs you. You’re the most responsible person in his life, and you balance him out. He needs you to keep him on track and not give into his lazy, apathetic nature. Oh, and he loves you. A lot.
❧ X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
I think Scud likes to dance. I think sometimes he’ll come up behind you, spin you around, and take you in his arms and just sloppily sway back and forth until you start moving on your own, and then it becomes a little dance party, usually ending up with both of you cackling on the sofa. Scud just seems like so much fun to me. Such a fun boyfriend. 💕
❧ Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I think Scud hates judgmental people. He probably wouldn’t like that in a partner either. While I don’t think he’d care if his partner doesn’t smoke pot, I don’t think he’d want to be shamed for it. Still, if you asked him to cut back, I think he would. Mostly, I think he just doesn’t like negativity. He wants to love all the time.
❧ Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Big cuddle bug. He won’t let you go, even in his sleep. Prepare to become a human teddy bear, because he’s going to hold you close to him all night long.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demon Brothers being Soft for Their Daughters 
Might just be me but I think there's nothing cuter than a Dad who loves his daughter so I made a hc for our boys. Strap in, it’s a long one! 
IMPORTANT! Watch out for first half spoilers! Assumed that the child is a half human/half demon with the MC!
Tries to be really strict but ends up being kind of a pushover.
Oh there ARE rules that even his little girl can't break, but most of the time she can get away with almost anything if she's cute clever enough.
Pushes her to be the best at almost anything she tries, expectations be real high; gonna take the MC stepping in to remind him winning isn't everything and please cool it on the pressure.
Lowkey learned his lesson before and doesn't want to make another Satan situation so tries to take MC's advice to heart and not be quite so controlling.
Her favorite uncle is Mammon and he gets cold sweats about this every night.
Wasn't able to be there for a lot of her firsts due to work and gets real sulky when he misses out. Videos just don't offer the same experience...
Feels bad that work keeps him so busy so he tries to make up for it with toys, clothes, jewelry, pretty much whatever she likes at the time.
Would never admit it, but his black heart melts every time he comes home and sees she's excitedly waiting by the door.
One of those parents who will never stop bragging about how amazing their kid is to anyone who will listen, but never when she's in the same room.
100% that overprotective "I'm going to give you a brief tour of the torture chamber, then we’ll browse my whip collection. Oh, make sure she's home by 8" kind of dad if she were to ever bring home a date. They will know that his baby is not to be messed with (like anyone's crazy enough to try honestly).
So over the goddamn moon that someone actually wanted to have a kid with him that he couldn't shut up about it for weeks.
Treasures his little girl more than anything he owns, even Goldie. When she's a baby the two of them are practically inseparable.
The biggest pushover to ever be pushed. She's about the only person he's ever unconditionally generous to and he really spoils her rotten.
She's just as materialistic as her father, honestly, but MC made sure their girl was raised with good morals. The first of which being no stealing. Ever. She works for every cent she spends.
On the one hand, he's actually pretty damn proud and relieved that she won't be called "scum" or anything like her father, but on the other hand like… Ew. Who raised you? (No one remind him it’s kind of his doing anyway).
For once in his greedy existence, he can tell a sob story about really needing that loan or those shoes for his beloved daughter and actually mean it… most of the time 😏
Even when she's young, though, she will ask him if a gift he's giving her was taken from someone else and, man, he cannot lie to her face. People shame him for stealing all the time but the little look of disappointment she gives him hurts WAY more than all of his brothers’ insults combined.
Probably one of the most supportive and involved dads in existence. He will be at every game, every recital, every meet. Even if he's complaining the whole time, if anyone so much as suggests that he just shouldn't go he'd be appalled.
…. He's perhaps a little too involved because he's also totally the kind of father who will lowkey stalk his daughter's dates to be sure nothing bad happens. MC, please step in. She needs privacy too.
Was incredibly worried about having a kid, he's not even had the best track record when it comes to pets and parenting is some high-level normie stuff. But his little girl's first smile absolutely melted his doubts away.
That being said… he's still not the greatest with little kids. For a long time if the baby so much as sneezed unexpectedly he'd start shouting for the MC and checking every website he can like??? My half demon baby won't stop sneezing, is it pneumonia???
Gets a lot less panicky as the child gets older, but in those early years he'd practically want to stick them in a bubble wrap suit.
He passed on his love of the ocean and underwater creatures pretty early on. The running joke is that his girl knew how to swim before she knew how to crawl.
Family aquarium trips are an absolute must.
The second they're old enough to understand plot he's introducing them to his favorite shows, but only the best (and most child-friendly) ones of course. He wants his daughter to grow into a woman of culture, damnit! Pop culture that is.
Sooo much text/chat lingo between these two. It's not her fault really. She was bound to pick it up but man can it sound like they're speaking tongues at times.
With practice she can and will beat her old man at most video games and, yes, it makes his cry tears of equal parts pride and aggravation.
Has a mini-panic attack every time she hits a new milestone, like, yes he's so fucking proud but also don't you think she's growing up too fast??? MY BABY GIRL!!! 😭😭😭
Cries like a baby to the MC when she goes out on her first date because he realized she's really, truly, growing up and he's afraid his little girl isn't going to want to spend time with her lame old dad anymore.
Tries to be strict and IS strict but mostly on schoolwork.
Her grades best not be slippin' or this Book Papa will take all her stuff away. End of discussion.
Otherwise, he's surprisingly chill being the Avatar of Wrath and all. He of all people understands the desire to just have your own life and do your own thing.
She'll inherit his temper though, that's a given, and if they both get going then watch out. Fights between them can get verbally explosive, but never physical. Even at his angriest Satan would never once lay a hand on his daughter.
Read to her every night when she was young: storybooks, novels, mythologies, didn't matter to him. Whatever she wanted to hear. Still, he was so proud the day she told him that she wanted to read on her own.
100% makes nearly everything in life a teachable lesson but also helps her when she needs it. He wants her to forge her own path but is still very supportive when the situation calls for it.
Would never EVER admit it, but he does just as many dad jokes as Lucifer.
Of all the brothers, he's probably the most typical father to have, there for his kid just enough while also making sure they're not getting away with murder.
Is totally chill with her dating because he knows he doesn’t have to be super protective of her. She can more than handle herself if something goes wrong, in fact, if he were to step in it would probably add insult to their already grievance injury.
That being said, he IS the Avatar of Wrath. If someone hurts his girl he’s going to have a turn one way or another.
Oh YEEESSS, he's not normally the commitment kind of guy but he and MC raising a child? They'd be the most gorgeous thing in the universe!!! (Not counting himself of course)
Beautifying his baby since day one, but the MC keeps him from doing anything too extreme. A lot of baths, good moisturizer, hairstyling (when she grows enough of it), etc.
Soooo many outfits. She'll practically never wear the same thing twice and Asmo coordinates his own clothes to match hers all the time.
He actually goes out and parties LESS if you can believe it, especially when she's young and needs a lot of supervision. But he'll get pent up real quick so learning how to do a quiet quickie during naptime is a must.
His girl is all over his Devilgram, nearly every milestone is snapped up and recorded. He loves her more than anything and would just scream about his pride and joy from the rooftops if social media didn't provide him that outlet.
Makes sure his daughter knows that she is gorgeous, she is loved, and passes on every bit of self-confidence he has. Doesn't matter if she grows up a girly-girl, tomboy, or anything else under the sun. When you're feeling good just being you, heads will turn on their own accord!
Not the best at discipline and would only really step in if he thinks she's being a real jerk about something. Day to day attitude adjustments are totally up to the MC.
He is, however, the best sex-ed teacher one could ever ask for and makes sure his daughter knows there's no shame in what comes natural, just be sure you're respectful and responsible!
Completely unfazed when the suitors began lining up, I mean she is HIS daughter. It was inevitable. Offers tips and advice when he can but lets her go off and experiment naturally. Young love is a beautiful thing! (Just don't break his girl's heart though because he may lowkey curse your whole bloodline)
….. MC, you're going to be eaten out of house and home.
Though his daughter's appetite isn't AS bad as his, Beel could tell it's going to be an issue from day one but he's ready for it.
Dedicates his freaking life to being sure she never goes one night hungry. He'll cook, he'll shop, he'll even share from his own plate if he has to. The thought of her going through anywhere near the level of starvation he feels on a daily basis is enough to crush his soul (if he has one)
You better bet there will be eating competitions. She never wins, but the fact she can even get close will have him grinning anyway.
That being said, he will push for a healthy and active lifestyle for her too. 
Highkey wants her playing sports and doing team activities because he genuinely thinks it will help her stay healthy and make friends.
Just the right amount of discipline. Tries to be understanding but also knows when to call a spade, a spade and express his disapproval.
Very in-tune to her emotions and her needs even if he can’t quite grasp WHY she's feeling the way she is. Keeping up with teen drama is going to be the bane of his existence...
Uncle Belphie=That one cool uncle who lets you get away with anything and probably gives out sugar after bedtime.
One of the only brothers who makes a point of his daughter also seeing and exploring her human heritage too and not just treating her like a pseudo-demon… And it's totally not just for the added excuse of sampling human world cuisine, like, come on who do you take him for? 🤫
Somewhat cautious about her dating, but ultimately just wants her to be happy. He'll usually trust her judgment but he's pretty good at reading someone's character and if he gets real bad vibes from anyone he's not above telling her, "No. Not that one." Whether or not he's listened to depends on the situation.
Lol MC, you could have picked a much better choice. Borderline Deadbeat/Cool Dad here!
Kids… not his thing. He doesn't dislike them exactly, they're just a lot of work and he's sort of allergic to that. He's more of a semi-irresponsible babysitter type.
Case in point, "Belphie, watch the baby" becomes "Belphie, if you're going to take a nap at least hold onto her leg so she doesn't go anywhere."
Only saving grace is she takes after him so most days she's pretty dang sleepy too. Naptime is a good third of the daily routine (not that anyone is complaining).
Shit at discipline because, like, what leg does he have to stand on? If she wants to ditch class, why not let her? Once or twice ain't that bad.
Takes her on a lot of "field trips" to the human world like he would with Lilith. Genuinely wants her to experience both sides of her identity and encourages her to explore her human side just as much as her demon.
The kind of chill dad that you feel comfortable going to when you've got to talk out a problem or need life advice. He might not be able to offer many answers, but he tries in his own way.
Will prank his kid and will not feel sorry, but is never cruel about it. In fact, this will only spur on a mutual prank war between the two.
Uncle Beel=that genuinely nice uncle who tries to teach you life lessons and how to take care of yourself… while also eating a ton of food.
Would be super confused at first if she started dating like?? How? He kind of sees her like a mini-him at times and his human came to him. Since when did she stay awake long enough to leave the house?? But otherwise he goes with the flow. Whatever she wants, her life.
He might get a bit more agitated if she starts to date a human, like, lowkey bad flashbacks to the whole Lilith situation and the MC would probably have to cool his jets about it. Different circumstances after all.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/callmetalia333 | 524k followers | Journalist | TALIA. but u may have formerly known me as user: brdf0rdsvasquiff—rip!!!1! so don’t even think about it 😌
(23) 25 going on (26) years of age
I’ve read a canon that her name is just Talia and not short for anything & I agree with that + she’s always quick to correct someone if they get it wrong too
Her hometown is Watford, England
but she was originally born in Maidenhead in the backseat of a car during a severe rainstorm
Nonetheless watford taught her all she needed to know when it came to music
She found her first love when she heard the sound of music soundtrack for the v first time as a young girl but is often nervous to admit that?
her father is Brazilian and is a firefighter
her mother is Bulgarian and works as a secretary in a elementary school
her mother is more traditional than her father when it comes to their cultures
I originally felt like she gave only child vibes but I can deff see her giving off big sis energy since she did mention she has a younger brother
V protective over her little brother
there’s a three year age difference
her parents have separated multiple times before which caused a riff in the family dynamic
The constant coming and going from her dad became quite irritating
And Talia was the most vocal by wanting them to figure it out and NOT get a divorce
Which led to talia’s commitment issues when it came to relationships herself
was born with blue eyes yet they shifted to brown once she grew
“Tom-boy” growing up & still is
netball was her sport and man was it something to see her play?! She was quick on her feet and can definitely shoot far-range with ease
Always down for contact sports too
She lost count how many bruises and scrapes she would come home with much to her mother’s horror but she would always brush it off—it was never that big of a deal to her
yet she takes time in healing her scars with homemade treatments or purchases from beauty stores when she wants to show her legs off
she didn’t get into “girly” wear until recently, she never thought too much of her body or when she started to get curves...she always hid that behind big tee’s, fitted jeans, and kicks—that’s what she was used to
she’s got broad shoulders and toned arms
had thick bushy brows that almost formed a uni brow growing up
her mother used to have her hair always plaited since she is very superstitious, believing that “the devil lives in the woman’s hair”
yet talia’s hair texture was much different than her mother’s, maybe due to the fact that her mother always had her hair up and out of the way? Talia’s hair is much bigger, heavier, and naturally curly
+ her mother used to say some harsh things in Bulgarian about her hair — that says a lot when you’re taught to hate your hair trust!!!
when she got a little older and able to manage her own hair + afford it, She learned how to love it herself and that’s all that mattered. Her hair became v important to her, it was her source of comfort
that’s the only thing she’s high maintenance about tbh
she spends a lot of money on her hair but devacurl can still piss off
diffusing is one of her fav things to do to her hair—besides washing it, and deep conditioning, after a night of letting her hair air-dry
loves rose jam
has a embroidery machine, along with a collection of her work but only one piece is showcased in her flat. She didn’t want her place to look completely like her bába’s (Bulgarian: grandmother)
her closet is filled with many Havaianas, they’re all piled up in a wicker basket and ready to tumble over on her top shelf... if she moves one of the ceramic pots her mother left in her flat for luck, that whole shelf might come crashing down
Swears drinking guaraná the next morning cures any hangover you may have
commonly sleeps in big t-shirts and panties or not or booty shorts depending on her time of the month—it’s freeing to her
Has torn her achilles due to whatever contact sport she decided to join in on during a beach vacation with her mates
has a touch of arthritis in her shoulder
this is where her love for massages came from due to injuries she’s faced
+ It’s always a good sign when you can make someone else feel better ya know?
She’s been told she’s great with her hands ;) it all takes practice
bi mami *cringe* but she likes what she likes, and feels what she feels
she kinda has a type but doesn’t want to admit that
her mother doesn’t understand this but her father easily accepted her preference/orientation
her little brother was the first she came out to, “alright!...you still suck”
always wants to fix situations WHEN it comes to HER friends but is oblivious when it’s come to her own issues whether its in relationships/friendships +
was called out by one of her friends who she often argues/butts heads with from time to time “you’re always sticking your nose in people’s business but can’t solve your own shit!”
maybe it’s the journalist in her? she’s not afraid to ask questions or look at things from a outside perspective
her group of friends are all from different ethnic backgrounds to Indian to Ethiopian
has been in and out of relationships...maybe had one stable relationship? Outside of mc but that relationship failed after a year and she feels it has something to do with her parents and how she watched their relationship unfold but won’t openly admit that
Doesn’t like to argue in relationships and often is a little undermining with how she responses to her partner’s feelings...she’s trying to be better at being understanding and listening, her mother is like this with her father
Aquarius girl + Scorpio moon + Taurus rising
loves the water + watching water sports rather than playing them since she almost drowned once by letting her confidence get the best of her
used to be a directioner and isn’t ashamed to admit that!
take me home album stan 100% bitch there’s no point in arguing!!! Buh bye!!!
She is ashamed however to admit that she used to write for them, mostly ziam fics with a touch of Harry thrown in the mix as well...take that how u will
has a few merch pieces as well, they’re mostly loungewear + that powdery perfume they dropped. YES she still has it, no she won’t sell it to u
still supports them on the low since you know, she’s a music journalist and reviewing songs is what she makes a living for so why the hell not? They will always hold a special place in her heart. She grew with those boys
she’s not in denial like Hannah that they’re get back together
If someone wants her to film a reaction vid to zayn’s new album or release a written review? She WILL. Her top 3? 1. When loves around ft Syd 2. Outside 3. Unfuckwitable
If someone wants to hear her thoughts on Harry’s mv’s + breaking down his lyrics, she’ll tell you what you NEED to know whether U agree or not she don’t give a damn lol
Can throw hands and stomp a bitch out if she needs too. Has gotten kicked out of clubs/bars for defending her friends mainly not because someone chatted shit to her, that’s whatever but once you cross her friends? It’s on
Allegra got lucky 🦶🏼☕️ and Lucy
remained super close with jake and tim as expected...Rohan’s cool too ofc! but she’s not here for their rapping shit sorry. She’ll hit them both with a quick side eye and snarl if they start or if jake wants to recite some poetry. She’s outta here
Talia hardly had issues making friends easily with the boys it was always harder with the girls :/
they hang out all the time!
she actually became close with sammi as well, which was nice to have another girl friend around even tho they weren’t together in the house long like the others. She’s spontaneous, cute, resourceful, and kind so talia had no issue reaching out to her first to see what she was about outside of the show
don’t even ask her about what she thinks of the new seasons, she’s not here to chat shit and have her words twisted like she’s watched many of the cast deal with. If you want to talk about the over kill use of pop as the soundtrack for each season, then yeah she’ll talk to you about that
doesn’t use social media much, she finds it funny how whenever she does pop back in people are begging her to post SOMETHING so that they know that she’s alive
Pretty private
she also can’t grasp why they want her to do the bussit challenge? Lmao like hey don’t get her wrong, some of them were pretty great but she’s barely got a bum to bounce and little booties matter ofc!!! but she can’t see herself doing it unless she’s drunk off her arse!!!
maybe mc can convince her...for the fans duh!!! “Give the ppl what they want! Talia! It’s not like you won’t be around music!” “I’ll think about it...nah.”
she’s been busier since the show, able to tour more and WRITE which is what she loves to do
Her secret pleasure is watching those nurse shows and firefighting shows in her free time and those singing shows you already know that’s a given
Wanted to be some form of a nurse growing up but knew she could help people in another way
*inserts* “music Is The best Medicine” overused but true quote here!!
I feel like she’s a r&b lover
listens to those hour long rain sounds on YouTube to help herself fall asleep
she‘s not the best cook but she’s a foodie and she’s down to try new food always
occasionally her and Tim are jake’s Guinea pigs when he’s whipping something up for his menu 
and hates eating the same things all the time unless it’s breakfast! There’s not too much more you can do with that
that’s also her specialty, making breakfast for u in bed
Morning afters with her are intimate but humorous. She’ll poke fun if you’re both looking crazy, always joking and in the best mood whether things got physical or not she’s just happy to have you here 🥲
I think her love language is quality time
if you’re playing her route and Lucy is the ex, and you’ve decided to fully commit to each other I deff see Lucy still trying to pull some shit outside of the show just because she feels like she can but once Talia see’s that it’s really starting to get to you despite how much you try to brush it off or snap at Lucy or even Talia!!! Talia is on Lucy’s ass in seconds! She doesn’t need a ex to ruin her possible future , “you’re not gonna fuck up this good thing I’ve got just cause you’re flimsy at relationships babe, so go be a cunt somewhere else or you’ll be sorry. I promise.”
anthem: Snow Tha Product — Shut up
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Black Clover matchup for @nakunakunomi
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Matchup for me :D No gender preferences I am a biromantic ace. 
Your age: 24 
Your general appearance - most striking features, your fashion style, etc.
Answer: Chubby mermaid lol. Long curly hair almost all the way down my back. Red at the moment, but I’ve had all colors of the rainbow. Ears pierced multiple times and a septum ring whenever I leave the house. My general style is comfy alternative, loads of black, boots and ripped jeans but baggy shirts and sweaters. I don’t like drawing much attention to my chest because my boobs are a very prominent feature. Hourglass figure with extra minutes: so there’s boobs and ass but also a tummy and such. I have dimples when I laugh and a whole bunch of moles over my body. I like a killer liner and mascara but don’t necessary wear makeup every day. I like 4 tattoos and waiting for that fifth one. 
Your MBTI, western zodiac chart, etc.
Answer: INFP (mediator), Scorpio sun, Libra moon, Pisces ascending. Year of the rat. I’d say my MBTI type is pretty accurate and while I don’t have many of the bitchy traits often assigned to Scorpios, I do have some of the passion towards things I care about and a generally jealous and stubborn personality. 
Your personality, how you perceive yourself and how people around you perceive you.*
Your hobbies, interests, life goals etc.*
Answer: Stubbornness and some jealousy (that is always internalized) are my worst traits. I lack self-esteem and confidence and get anxious in new situations. Once I am around people I trust I blossom open and become more giggly (lame jokes and such) my humor is about 50% puns and 50% sarcasm. I am quick-witted with ‘mean’ remarks but I will never intend to offend or cause harm to anyone. Tough exterior comes with a soft interior. I tend to overthink and worry a lot and will usually put a friend’s needs above mine. I often have people coming to me for advice or to help them calm down. I will be honest in the softest way possible, even if the things I need to say aren’t necessarily nice. I want my friends to flourish. I get easily distracted by cute things and can really enjoy beautiful sights, nice food, good company… i am heavily introverted but I do need the handful of people I care about to flourish myself.
I accumulate facts and know loads of small things about a lot of things. I like adding in fun facts every now and then but sometimes I come across as a know-it-all and then I will get really self-conscious about it. I either talk up a storm nonstop or turn into myself and get really really quiet. 
Your favorites, likes, dislikes, pet peeves, fears.*
Answer: anything creative: reading and writing, drawing (although I’m terrible at it), pixel art. Singing, making music, playing instruments, DIYing things. I am quite good with makeup and wigs, and I cosplay but the sewing I still struggle with. I love acting and gaming as well although I don’t spend that much time on them.
I am super heavily interested in true crime, cases, and the psychology of murderers and such. I tend to get overexcited talking about such cases, never celebrating violence, but just being very fascinated by what a human brain can do. I also just really love riddles, mysteries, and solving them.
I’d love to become a teacher or a professional dog trainer. I love animals more than I love people and if I could work with dogs every day of my life that’d be amazing. An unrealistic goal would be to sing for a living, or do musicals. But I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen. 
Any additional info you would like to share, fun facts, etc.
Answer: food! Mainly Asian dishes (from all of Asia) and pastas. I love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen and trying out new things to taste. I’m vegetarian but not vegan and I will try everything that’s not meat or fish at least once! I love all kinds of animals, not only your average pets. I will also go pet the cows, and in the zoo you’ll have to drag me away by my ankles from the reptilians and the aquarium. I am fascinated by them and I love them. I love plants and flowers, and if you’d let me be, Id have a small jungle in my house with all kinds of plants and animals. I just love taking care of them, talking to them…
I dislike arrogant people, people who are rude against serving staff. I dislike impoliteness and laziness in the sense that other people are suffering from your lack of work. If I am in a group project I will never procrastinate because it can drag the whole group down, it’s okay to be lazy if it only impacts yourself.
I am afraid of loneliness and the fact that everyone I know just pretends to like me while talking behind my back and secretly hating me. I am not easily startled by monsters, animals, and such, but I do get a little paranoid if I have to walk in the street in the middle of the night. (a side effect from the true-crime consumption) 
Answer: I think I added most things in the other walls of text (sorry they are so long). But when it comes to relationship and goals around that there are these things that I think are most important: 
Love language is mostly quality time and words of affirmation, and that’s what I like too, as well as soft PDA and affections: cuddles, kisses, hand holding… I like spending time together, and even more so I like actually doing things together: sharing hobbies, going out, dates, dinners, walks, adventures, travels… all the things! :hellmo: 
Patience, because I have some anxiety issues as well as fear of commitment. I will definitely need some reassurance. Also consent is the sexiest thing in the world, and that’s coming from an ace person.
Honesty, liars are out. I have a lot of trouble trusting again once there has been a breach of trust. White lies for surprises and such is one thing, but any intentional lying in order to avoid confrontation is an absolute dealbreaker. 
I match you with...
Dorothy Unsworth!
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Despite her being asleep a lot of the time, Dorothy notices more than she lets on. She can see straight through the front someone is putting up and see what they are really feeling. This really helps in letting her support you, who is always supporting others. She’ll remind you that sometimes you need to take a break or that you need to focus on yourself instead of others. With her infectious smile and her own absurd sense of humour, she’ll do her best to cheer you up, or at least to distract you from whatever is bothering you.
Dorothy is very patient and has no rush with any relationship. Everything has its own time and waiting for that time to come it part of the fun, right? She’s also very understanding of your anxiety and is able to adjust her energy to the situation, keeping it low when you need comfort and reassurance, and going straight back to high when you’re feeling better and just want to have some fun.
Dorothy may seem very cute and girly, but she is interested in true crime as much as you are. The gruesome details of a case are not wasted on her and she will gladly talk with you about these cases. In her time as a magic knight she has seen her own fair share of true crime as well and she will gladly share anything that’s not confidential or dangerous.
Her love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. Not a day will go by where Dorothy won’t hug you from behind, kiss you between your shoulder blades and tell you she loves you. She loves loving you and making you feel loved. When she’s in love, keeping her lover safe, emotionally and physically, is her number one priority. She won’t give you even a second to doubt her love for you whenever you’re together. She’s very conscious of your boundaries and makes sure to not cross them.
Not a single lie will leave her mouth, unless as a joke, which will be very clear when she tells it. She is a knight, an enforcer of justice and peace, and lies are not in her book. Teasing, however, very much is, though she prefers to tease you with truths instead of with jokes. If there’s truth to the teasing, it’s just that much more effective.
You want this small strong captain to be putty in your hands? Cook for her, or cook with her. Dorothy greatly enjoys the good things in life and food is definitely on her list of good things. Her preference is mostly sweets, but she knows she needs to eat healthy food as well and she’s not picky when it comes to her dinner. The only need she has is that it tastes good, and that’s something you with your amazing culinary skills can definitely provide!
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tessarichardss · 4 years
new york’s very own tessa richards was spotted on broadway street , with a striking semblance to zoey deutch ! you may know them as @tessarichards or hitting the front page of tmz as ex-reality star rumored to have moved to new york for an internship with hassenfeld children’s hospital . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-fourth birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being guarded , but also tenderhearted . things that would paint a better picture of you would be endless nights you’ll never forget, sunflowers, running barefoot through an open field . ( cisfemale + she/her  ) +  (  saxon , twenty-six , she/her , cst )
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Out Of Character
Hello bbies! 🥰 My name is Saxon and I’d like you to meet the absolute labor of my love Tessa and love her even though she doesn’t deserve it! We are always open for connections, ideas or plots so please, please, please do not hesitate to hit me up if you want to conjure something up with this lovable and ridiculous energetic puppy. I look forward to roleplaying with you and your children!
Basic Information
Full Name: Tessa Grace Richards.
Nickname(s): Tess.
Birthday: Febuary 10th, 1996. 
Orientation: Heterosexual.
Language(s) Spoken: English, Spanish.
So Tessa was born to an unwed couple who were in their mid 30′s at the time, her mom thought the two of them were hopelessly in love until Tessa was four and dude just dipped? Her mom came home one day and all his stuff was gone, no note or anything, he drained their account and they haven’t ever heard from him since.
This obviously fucked Tessa up young because she has mad issues with love meaning anything and also abandonment, like she definitely doesn’t sleep well at night because she spent years waking up and running to the window every time she saw car lights, thinking it was him coming home.
Her mom is an absolute saint of a woman however (think Lorelai from Gilmore Girls meets Donna  Sheridan from Mamma Mia), just an absolute quirky angel of a woman who definitely took in and helped abandoned animals but was also the place all the kids in town knew they could go if they had shitty parents/living situations or just a bad day and they needed a safe place to go? So obviously she stepped up and took down all dudes pictures and just raised Tessa like the single boss she is.
Tessa grew up into like an angel of a kid but oh buddy was she a chaotic one. Total tomboy, full of insane energy and personality, always on the move and exploring and doing things she shouldn’t be. Definitely the type to show up back at home as the suns going down just covered in dirt and bumps and bruises. 100% knocked her own baby teeth out from falling and slamming her face and had two front silver teeth as a little kid.
She was never very girly and because she grew up in this southern town that was just full of very critical asshole kids from more well-off families than her own was, particularly the girls who were very prissy, she definitely ended up clicking more with boys and quickly became ‘one of the guys’. Like undoubtedly had an all male friend group and was definitely the girl that girlfriends would be paranoid about while all the dudes were like confused as to how their girls were jealous because Tessa was just like another guy/little sibling, there was no interest on either end.
She had two shitty relationships as a teenager, the first cheated on her because she wasn’t ready to have sex and then the second whom she actually gave it up to, turned out to just be with her on a bet to see how long it would take him to get in her pants? She ended up punching dude in the face when she found out and broke his nose and asshole’s family actually wanted to press charges until Mama Richards shut the shit down.
TW: SUICIDE ATTEMPT MENTION Has slight anger management issues? Like she’s chill but when she blows up man does she blow up. Pushed a girl down a flight of stairs at school after she made a remark about a friend who had tried to commit suicide, the family did press charges this time and Tessa had to go to anger management classes and serve community service hours. She also got kicked out of school and just decided not to go back, went online and just got her GED at seventeen instead.
She was (and still is) very close and attached to her mom, absolute most important person in her life, but she worried about her so much her mom realized she probably wasn’t ever planning on leaving? So her mom got the help of her friends and they actually filled out an application for her to go onto a reality tv show? Seems crazy but each season took place in a different part of the world and her mom knew she wanted to travel but would never make the decision herself so when she got cast her mom was just like “lol here you go bye now”.
She hated it at first because she had grown so used to Texas and the country and her friends and making sure her mom was okay that it gave her a lot of anxiety and stress but she actually fell in love with it? Made a lot of close friends, became a fan favorite of sorts and would you believe it, the dumbass fell in love.
This boy wormed his way into her heart and it was a kind of a slightly unstable relationship because she would try and push away from him and her feelings but he always drew her back? He even proposed after like months of them being together and she panicked and ran but still he drew her back and they agreed that they should chill with the idea of engagement/marriage? He ended up leaving the show after like their fourth messy break up? And she, would you believe it, followed. The two ended up sleeping together but she was overly aware of the fact that he wasn’t actually in love with her anymore so she saved herself any awkward conversation and further heartbreak by just dipping before he woke up. 
After this, Tessa returned to Texas and spent a solid week just out partying and drinking with friends and suddenly - BAM, she was having a one night stand with a complete stranger which was rather out of pocket for her and then even more suddenly - BAM, a pregnancy with no clue as to who the child’s father was. Thankfully it ended up being the one night stand’s and he turned out to be an incredible guy and father.
Obviously she never returned to the show and focused instead on becoming a mother and setting up a future for herself and her child.
She’s always been a big fan of kids (worked for a daycare after school, actually helped start up a charity that works with orphans/orphanages while on the show) and so she decided that she wanted to be a child life specialist and started attending school during her pregnancy and the two years that followed.
She ended up having a little girl named Addison, this child is her whole world and she’s 1000% the mom that posts about their kid too much on social media but she’s 100% turned Tessa’s life around and helped her mature in ways she wouldn’t have without her and she just loves her kid more than anything/anyone else. 
She assumed her life would remain in Texas until a trip to New York a few months back to visit Alex Morgan (who remarked on the fact that she should move in) ended with her packing up her daughter and her bags within less than a month and landing her in the state for the foreseeable future. 
She’s currently continuing her last year of school through online classes in order to get her bachelors while interning at the Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital. 
A dork? Literally the biggest dork, the dorkiest of dorks, just a whole friggen dork. This child rambles like you wouldn’t believe and her mouth 100% works faster than her brain so like you never know what to expect but she’s just a happy, friendly, sarcastic little bean with social anxiety and a heart of gold tbh.
Also an aggressive lil’ lady though, like 12/10 chance she’ll throw hands if you want to fuck with or say something about the people she loves.
A chaotic soul as well like down to party and have a good time and will definitely drink a dude under the table, definitely broke her ribs two summers in a row from a drinking game because this child doesn’t know when to slow down or chill out, she’s just trying to live.
Emotional as hell, like definitely cries during commercials and Disney movies, but like if you’re trying to tap into her serious emotions she’s gonna shut that shit down. She keeps people locked out tbh and just jokes about the serious shit in her life if she does talk about it.
Desired Connections
Friends? This is tricky because she was basically in Texas for most of her life and then traveling? But someone who lived in/visited Texas and they met? Someone she met while filming the show in some random country - they were living there or traveling and met while she was out and about one day? Maybe someone she met through her charity work? Someone who has a kid or a younger sibling/niece/nephew/godchild who she took care of at the hospital or even on a home visit and they met her/know her that way?
Exes? So her most recent ex is off limits because it’s based off a real connection but like either of her exes from high school? The first one would have had to have lived in Texas for some time but the latter could have been visiting friends/family for a summer? If anyone has a character that works for these I’m down for the drama, especially the second because Tessa is fully ready to break dude’s nose again.
Half siblings? So Tessa’s dad basically bailed when she was little - maybe he had another family? Could have had a kid before her who he also bailed on, could have started a family during the same time or after, he could have stayed there for them or bailed on them as well? They could know about Tessa, or neither could know about the other? Tessa pry wouldn’t know about them because she made it a point to never bother searching for this man let alone any family but literally I’m down for whatever other ideas you’ve got on this one!
Honestly Tessa needs some guy friends! Like I said she’s always been very much more one of the guys - would rather be drinking a beer watching a sports game and yelling than going on a shopping spree okay she has 0 interest, and since she moved from home she needs a new guy group to cause trouble with but also, who makes a better wing woman than a girl okay? Chaos friend but also mom friend rolled into one because she will get involved in shenanigans but will also call you out for acting dumb too.
Also here’s some open, wanted musing connection ideas; https://tessarichardsmusings.tumblr.com/tagged/tessa-%2B-open
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thebeautyoffandoms · 4 years
heya!! can i get an hq matchup? for starters my pronouns are she/her, i am bisexual, my personality type is INFJ. Im a ambivert, i do come off as outgoing however I do get easily drained from social outings and prefer to stay at home JDJDK but if I'm feeling down for a party then hey it is what it is. I am very organized, I hate messiness, I like keeping my area clean, I like my room to smell good, I like it to incorporate my cutesy side like Cinnamoroll, Sailor Moon, Rilakkuma, etc. I am very kind to others, I try my best to make everybody smile and if a friend needs help im always there doing my best. My cons are, I can be impatient, if something isn't coming out as to what I want it to be, or if I keep facing crossroads I cope with it very negatively, i tend to get frustrated easily. Another con of mine is, i lose interest very quickly in others, if you do one thing wrong i automatically don't like you 🥱😂 i guess i have "high" standards. For looks, i could care less, as long as you take care of yourself, and you have a very interesting personality. I tend to look for humorous individuals who have confidence, but aren't egotistical. Things I need in a partner is honesty, commitment, thoughtfulness and someone who I can rely on, also humor. My turnoffs are definitely liars, bad hygiene, snobby people, and ungrateful people. I also forgot to mention, I like ambitious individuals who are intelligent, intelligence is *chefs kiss* and someone who has wisdom, someone whose mature but then they can act goofy. My Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw. My hobbies are singing and performing, cooking, spending time with my pets, going shopping with friends, collecting cute merchandise, daydreaming,, and for music I like, I LOVE R&B and pop xP. THANK YOU SM!!!!!
Hello! You are so very welcome, and thank you so much for requesting!! Sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoy it!!
For you, I feel like Kiyoko Shimizu would make a lovely match!
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From the beginning, Kiyoko was never opposed to being your friend. She was always kind to you, and really appreciated your kindness to not only her, but everyone around you. To those close to her, it wasn’t much of a surprise that the two of you started dating, although she had to get a lot of reassurance that you weren’t straight before she was able to accept her crush on you. It was almost like slow burn, plus it was obvious to some close people that the feelings were mutual. No matter how obvious it was though, Tanaka and Nishinoya did take a while to adapt to it. I personally see Kiyoko as an ambivert as well, so your two personalities go together nicely. She’s also amazing at coming up with date ideas/spots for however your feeling. Want to get out, but not sure you can handle a lot of people? Covered. Think you can handle a crowd? Covered. Want to stay home? Did and done. Honestly, just tell her what you’re up for and she’ll come up with something. Like you, she isn’t big on messes either. Her house and room are always neat and organized, and she honestly really appreciates that yours is too. Despite having dealt with teenage boys, their messes (and how bad they end up smelling) sometimes can get a bit much for her, so you’re like a breath of fresh air. Literally- you smell so much better than the boys and the gym, so she could never get sick of how nice you smell. She also tries her best to always smell nice, so there’s no worries for you either! Your cuteness compliments her seriousness to no end. Seriously, even the boys point it out constantly. If they were to ever catch you two out, you probably wearing something cute and girly and Kiyoko wearing more womanly clothes, they’ll probably tease you and compliment you two. Tanaka and Noya may have a fit though- by then, they may understand why the two of you are together, if only because you guys compliment each other inside and out. The biggest difference between you and her are your levels of patience. She’s used to waiting, staying long after school, and watching the boys have to slowly learn moves as some fuss about not being able to get it. Kiyoko figures that you could maybe end up learning patience alongside her, but she also understands when you grow impatient and/or frustrated. In those moments, she’ll let you take a break from whatever it is, and maybe even try her hand at it while you’re gone. Once you’ve calmed down, Kiyoko will do her best to talk you through whatever it is, and give you her best advice. Once the boys figure that you easily grow bored of people (or… one boy figures, and has to point it out to the rest) they don’t really worry, and you shouldn’t have to either. While not an insanely out-there or humorous individual, Kiyoko certainly has a personality and sense of humor of her own. Plus, according to any person who knows her, Kiyoko is perfect- if you need convincing of it, all you’d have to do is mention it to someone working in or alongside the Volleyball Club. Kiyoko works hard and has high standards for herself, she always hopes to never disappoint anyone, and you’re now one of her top people she hopes to never let down. Kiyoko is the queen of looking fabulous and being grouped into “she must be confident.” While she doesn’t dislike herself, she’s certainly not egotistical, and isn’t very confident all the time either. She doesn’t have issues with wearing what she likes and confronting others, it’s mainly the issue of having all eyes on herself. Despite having many people interested in her because of that, she wouldn’t dare dream of leaving you. Once establishing the relationship, she believes that both of you should be honest and willing to help and rely on the other whenever they can. As I said, Kiyoko is a firm believer in honesty in a relationship- but that also applies to everyday life. While the way she gives her honest opinion can vary from blunt to slightly sugarcoated, she only wants to give the truth. Lying honestly makes her feel bad, and she’ll think about it until she admits whatever it was. To reiterate another thing, her beautiful outside doesn’t just come naturally. Sure, some of it is, but she also takes very good care of herself. Kiyoko will tell you day in and day out that she’s thankful for you. Even in good-night texts, she adds that she’s thankful for however you’ve helped her today. On top of that, while not overly determined or psyched, she is ambitious and has a lot of her future planned out. She’s willing to work for that future of course, and doesn’t expect to do anything less than push to achieve those goals. Parts of achieving those goals do play into her grades, so she does work hard to keep them up. While she’s mostly mature in public, and a lot of the time in private, Kiyoko does have a softer, less serious side. She also has a good sense of humor, and you should expect her to crack jokes with a slight smile before glancing at you expectantly from the corner of her eye. If you laugh, that’ll only encourage her to lighten up more. On another note, should you ever do performances or sing for her, Kiyoko will be your #1 fan! She supports you all the way, and will watch you with a loving glint in her eyes. She also enjoys your other hobbies and doing them with you. Expect her to offer you cookbooks wanting to make something to eat with you, buy your pet something to wear or play with (although animals aren’t her favorite things, she mainly enjoys the look on your face), or even show up saying that she just got payed and was wanting to go to your favorite store. Kiyoko simply admires you, and is happy as long as you are <3
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citysvein · 4 years
                *   //    𝙻𝙾𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴   …   /𝚃𝙷𝙴_𝙲𝙾𝙾𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁   :    chloe   kim   also   known   as   zero   is   wanted   for   grand   larceny   .   she   is   a   twenty-three   year   old   cis   female   who   has   ties   to   the   mastermind   because   she   hacked   into   his   private   server  ;   once   at   the   request   of   a   benefactor   and   another   time   for   fun   .   𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙾𝙲𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳   𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷   :   strawberry   flavored   bubblegum   ,   the   glow   of   a   computer   screen   in   a   dark   room  ,   tattoos   hidden   by   oversized   sweater   sleeves   ,   &   cyber   stalking   your   exes   .   𝙳𝙾   𝙽𝙾𝚃   𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴   𝙵𝙾𝚁   :   yoo shiah   .  
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━  ˙ ˖  ☆     QUICK  STATS  !
full  name  :   chloe   kim   .
nickname(s)  :   chlo   .
age   :   twenty-three   . 
codename   :   zero   .
role:   the   coordinator   .   
zodiac  :   gemini   sun   ,   gemini   moon   (  click   !  )
sexuality  :   bisexual   .
alignment   :   chaotic   neutral   .
pinterest   :   (   click !   )  
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     BACKSTORY  !    (  tw  :  death  &  car  crash  )
chloe   kim   was   born   in   and   raised   in   ann   arbor   ,   michigan   .   there   was   nothing   truly   remarkable   about   her   childhood   —   she   was   an   only   child   born   into   a   middle   class   family    .    her   mother   was   a   professor   and   her   father   was   a   physical   therapist   ,   and   they   were   very   happily   married   ,   so   she   had   a   stable   life   .   ann   arbor   was   a   fittingly   normal    place   to   grow   up   .   nothing   too   out   of   the   ordinary   ever   seemed   to   happen   .
the   only   anomaly   in   chloe’s   unremarkable   existence   ,    it   seemed   ,   was   herself   .   from   a   young   age   it   was   obvious   she   wasn’t   like   most   kids   .    she   was   decidedly   smarter   ,   an   intelligence   that   impressed   the   adults   around   her   .   her   parents   often   described   her   as   a   highly   curious   ,   if   not   a   little   naughty   ,    child   .   it   seemed   like   she   was   born   with   the   desire   to   know   how   the   world   around   her   worked   ,   and   it   wasn’t   uncommon   to   find   her   tinkering   around   with   her   toys   or   household   objects    ,    taking   them   apart   just   so   she   could   learn   how   to   put   them   back   together   .   
she   graduated   from   high   school   at   sixteen   ,   a   year   early   ,   and   was   offered   a   full   ride   to   MIT   ,   which   she   gladly   accepted   .   moving   to   cambridge,   massachusetts   marked   the   most   interesting   thing   to   happen   to   her   yet   .   she’d   long   dreamed   of   excitement   ,   the   only   thing   she   had   to   entertain   her   back   home   being   her   love   for   computers   .   chloe   was   ready   for   a   change   ,   which   was   exactly   what   she   received   .  
free   from   the   confines   of   being   that   one   smart   girl   in   ann   arbor   ,   she   didn’t   feel   pressured   to   conform   to   the   idea   of   her   that   had   been   carefully   crafted   by   the   people   back   home   any   longer   .   she   didn’t   just   have   to   care   about   school   ,   or   be   shy   about   how   she   unironically   loved   reality   tv   ,   or   pretend   like   pink   wasn’t   the   absolute   best   color   in   the   whole   world   .   facing   comments   from   nerdy   boys   about   how   she   was   too   pretty   to   be   smart   or   about   how   she   was   clearly   in   the   wrong   class   seemed   like   a   small   price   to    pay   if   she   could   finally   be   herself   .
MIT   ,   however   ,   did   feel   like   the   wrong   place   for   chloe   most   of   the   time   .   she   realized   very   quickly   that   while   she   was   gifted   and   bright   ,   she   had   no   passion   or   drive   to   pursue   typical   careers   the   way   most   people   in   her   major   did   .   she   also   had   a   knack   for   using   her   skills   in   unconventional   (   if   not   illegal   )   ways   ,   like   when   she   started   charging   a   pretty   penny   to   hack   boyfriends   suspected   by   their   girlfriends   of   cheating   ,   or   hacking   into   the   local   police   database   to   browse   through   people’s   criminal   records   like   it   was   the   equivalent   of   reading   gossip   magazines   .
at   the   end   of   her   junior   year   ,   after   voicing   her   concerns   about   whether   or   not   university   life   was   for   her   to   her   parents   in   one   of   her   weekly   calls   back   home   ,   they’d   made   the   decision   to   go   surprise   chloe   .   after   flying   into   massachusetts   from   michigan   they’d   rented   a   car   and   were   on   their   way   to   drive   up   to   her   dorm   when   they   got   into   a   fatal   accident   .   there   had   been   a   nasty   storm   that   night   ,   and   chloe   can   still   remember   how   she’d   gotten   a   severe   thunderstorm   warning   alert   on   her   cellphone   moments   before   she   got   the   police   call   informing   her   of   what   happened   .
in   the   blink   of   an   eye   her   life   had   gone   from   average   to   tragic   .   she   couldn’t   process   the   death   of   her   parents   —   there   was   no   other   driver   to   blame   ,   nothing   faulty   about   the   rental   car    they’d   been   driving   ,   only   the   weather   and   the   slippery   roads   .   chloe   would   have   surely   flunked   out   from   MIT   had   her   professors   ,   who   mostly   harbored   soft   spots   for   the   girl   and   were   especially   sympathetic   towards   her   situation   ,   not   given   her   the   few   credits   she   needed   to   graduate   that   spring   .
armed   with   an   IT   degree   but   not   much   else   ,   chloe   went   back   to   ann   arbor   for   her   parent’s   funeral   and   the   selling   of   her   childhood   home   .   realizing   she   had   no   place   to   go   afterwards   ,   she   became   a   bit   of   a   vagabond   ,   spending   the   entirety   of   her   19th   year   living   out   of   motel   rooms   in   various   cities   .   not   in   the   head   space   for   a   full   time   career   ,   and   with   her   mind   still   foggy   from   mourning   ,   she   started   picking   up   where   she’d   left   off   in   college   in   terms   of   odd   and   illegal   ways   to   make   money.   
when   she   was  20   she   caught   the   attention   of   someone   she  quickly   realized   was   important   ,   a   client   with   a   request   and   a   payday   like   nothing   she’d   ever   seen   before   .   all   he   wanted   chloe   to   do   was   hack   into   someone’s   private   server   ,   and   so   she   did   .   she   didn’t   ask   questions   but   she   did   snoop   around   ,   a   small   act   or   curiosity   that   would   forever   change   her   world   .   what   she   found   was   almost   incomprehensible   ,   a   network   of   some  sort   with   the   most   detailed   plans   and   profiles   .   never   having   been   motivated   by   any   sort   of   moral   compass   before   ,   chloe   couldn’t   explain   why   she   lied   to   the   man   who   had   hired   her   ,   claiming   she   hadn’t   been   skilled   enough   to   get   through   .   
he’d   bought   her   excuse   ,   another   man   who   couldn’t   see   past   a   pretty   face   to   the   brain   behind   it    .   for   months   afterwards   chloe   tried   to   forget   about   the   things   she’d   seen   and   read   ,   that   exciting   world   she’d   only   discovered   by   chance   ,    but   she   just   couldn’t   let   it   go   .   she   was   inexplicably   drawn   to   whoever   was   behind   it   all   ,   proving   it   when   she   hacked   them   a   second   time   around   ,    this   time   for   her   own   entertainment   and   satisfaction   .   she   couldn’t   explain   it   —   especially   not   when   she   left   behind   a   trail   this   time   around   ,   wanting   to   be   caught   ,   wanting   so   desperately   to   be   contacted   .   
when   chloe   is   recruited   by   J    ,   it   feels   like   the   first   blessing   since   her   parent’s   deaths   .   it   wasn’t   the   money   she   was   interested   in   ,   but   him   ,   the   way   he   makes   people   feel   special   and   needed   filling   a   void   she’d   never   let   herself   admit   she   had   in   the   first   place   .   she’s   loyal   to   him   ,   and   so   she’s   loyal   to   the   crew   ,   and   for   the   first   time   in   her   whole   life   it   feels   like   she   might   have   found   the   place   she   truly   belongs   .         
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     PERSONALITY  +  TIDBITS  !
thats   right   ...   i   made   her   a   double   gemini   baby   !   😈   its   just   chaos   all   over   as   u   can   imagine   ...   gotta   love   a   sexy   sign   aha   no   im   not   biased   <3   she’s   got   a   pretty   good   balance   of   intelligence   &   curiosity   in   her   ,   so   instead   of   coming   off   as   a   know-it-all   she’s   more   likely   to   come   across   as   nosy   .   she   just   loves   to   figure   stuff   out    .   whether   it’s   code   or   people   she   wants   to   know   how   things   work   .
generally   speaking   ,   she’s   pretty   easy   going   !    when   it   comes   to   her   relationships   with   people   she’s   not   that   high   maintenance   ,   in   fact   sometimes   it’s   easy   to   mistake   her   easy   going   attitude   with   aloofness   or   disinterest   ,   which   isn’t   the   case   at   all   .   when   she   does   get   annoyed   though   she’s   not   shy   about   letting   you   know   how   she   feels   ,   and   she’s   got   a   BIG   potty   mouth   ...   it’s   like   when   people   have   road   rage   SJDBWJDBJW   she’ll   curse   you   out   in   a   short   burst   of   anger   then   decide   she’s   over   it   before   you   even   have   time   to   process   what   happened   . 
since   she’s   been   on   her   own   pretty   much   her   whole   life   (   no   siblings   ,   no   set   group   of   friends   )   it   was   a   bumpy   adjustment   to   go   from   having   no   one   to   being   part   of   a   team   .   she   definitely   wasn’t   upset   by   it   ,   but   chloe   can   get   into   trouble   sometimes   because   she’s   got   a   knack   for   always   saying   what   she’s   thinking   without   filtering   herself   first   ,   so   she’s   definitely   started   some   arguments   or   hurt   some   feelings   on   accident   </3   
loves   to   joke   around   and   treat   things   like   they’re   no   big   deal   ,   even   when   they   are   .   this   is   especially   true   when   it   comes   to   her   own   abilities   .   she’ll   casually   mention   hacking   into   a   number   of   high   security   facilities   and   servers   and   how   she   bought   a   new   sailor   moon   hoodie   in   the   same   sentence   like   it’s   nothing   .
almost   always   either   dressed   in   pink   or   black   ,   or   a   combination   of   the   two   .   she   swears   she   owns   clothes   in   other   colors   but   those   two   are   definitely   her   defaults   .   switches   between   more   casual   street-styles   and   girly   attire   on   a   day   to   day   basis   .   owns   many   sanrio   themed   articles   of   clothing   ,   accessories   ,   and   plushies   and   will   accept   zero   criticism   about   it   !    
chews   gum   a   lot    ,   but   especially   when   she’s   working   on   her   computer   .   she   claims   it   helps   her   focus   but   who   knows   for   sure   maybe   she   just   likes   chomping   and   blowing   bubbles   ...
she’s   a   serial   dater   .   chloe   finally   had   to   force   herself   to   swear   off   tinder   because   she   kept   doing   extensive   background  searches   (   hacking   )   on   the   people   she   was   going   on   dates   with   .  still   cyber   stalks   her   exes   but   she   swears   it’s   purely   an   act   of   public   service   since   they   were   all   insane   (   in   her   opinion   ,    which   is   never   wrong   )   and   she’s   just   trying   to   make   sure   they   haven’t   committed   any   major   crimes   aha   x   
not   very   good   at   being   romantic   or   emotionally   vulnerable   SDBWJDBJW   truly   the   thought   alone   is   terrifying   enough   but   when   she   watches   pride   and   prejudice   alone   at   2am   she   cries   so   your   girl   has   it   in   her   she’s   just   not   there   yet   <3   physical   intimacy   she   has   no   issue   with   it’s   just   the   serious   stuff   that   makes   her   want   to   eat   glass   ...   or   so   she   says   .
has   questionable   drinking   habits   .   can   she   out   drink   a   man   twice   her   size   ?    sure   .   should   she   be   putting   that   to   the   test   at   10   am   at   a   chili’s   after   a   night   out   ?   absolutely   not   but   it   100%   happened   and   she   would   probably   do   it   again   because   she   simply   pretends   her   mistakes   never   happened   in   the   first   place   and   that’s   why   she   never   learns   !
absolutely   refuses   to   talk   to   anyone   about   her   life   and   what   happened   to   her   parents   .   she   still   hasn’t   fully   grieved   or   processed   it   ,   and   honestly   speaking   she’s   been   using   the   crew   and   J   as   a   coping   mechanism   almost   .   chloe’s   adamant   belief   in   the   heists   they   do   and   their   capabilities   as   a   unit   has   less   to   do   with   the   real   chances   on   whether   or   not   they   can   pull   something   off   and   everything   to   do   with   the   fact   that   she   needs   things   to   work   and   she   needs   them   to   be   together   .   that’s   why   she’s   usually   one   of   the   first   ones   to   pep   talk   people   when   there   are   doubts   .   she   can’t   risk   losing   a   second   family   /: 
low   key   addicted   to   getting   tattoos   .   it   started   with   tiny   ones   on   her   fingers   and   wrists   and   now   she’s   thinking   about   getting   a   sleeve   ...   if   only   she   could   decide   on   what   to   get   tattooed   #AirSignThings   x   don’t   ask   her   to   make   decisions   if   you   want   an   answer   before   this   decade   ends   .
strawberry   is   her   favorite   fruit   and   flavor   !   if   she’s   not   chewing   strawberry   gum   ,   she’s   drinking   strawberry   milk   .
once   started   an   instagram   to   review   different   mozzarella   sticks   after   lorde   was   outed   for   running   an   onion   ring   reviewing   instagram   .
won   a   goldfish   at   a   fair   when   she   was   in   college   ,   named   him   stinky   ,   then   cried   for   a   week   straight   after   she   found   him   floating   dead   in   his   fish   bowl   the   next   day   ...   she   hasn’t   had   a   pet   since   </3   
if   you   ever   tell   chloe   good   job   she   will   act   cool   in   the   moment   but   at   night   when   she’s   trying   to   go   to   bed   she   will   look   like   this   🥺   never   forgets   a   compliment   she   loves   them   even   if   she   pretends   she   doesn’t   need   them   ...
told   myself   i’d   make   this   short   by   not   adding   a   plots   section   and   it’s   still   a   novel   truly   i   hate   this   life   .   once   again   i   am   asking   u   to   add   me   on   discord   glo lovecore ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172   and   plot   with   me   💖   also   my   intros   are   always   winged   so  if   i   start   writing   as   chloe   and   her   personality   does   a   180   like   dua   lipa   said   PLEASE   mind   ur   business   that’s   why   i   made   her   a   gemini   ok   😭😭😭   pls   enjoy   this   meme   chloe   has   probably   sent   to   ur   muse   at   least   once   ...
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ngame989 · 6 years
SVTFOE 4A Prediction/Analysis Master Post
So we just had the first two episodes come out, and overall I enjoyed them. There’s been a lot of mixed reactions to the details, from myself included, so let’s dive in a bit. Apologies for when this becomes a giant wall of text in the back half, I'm not digging through promos for images.
Butterfly Follies
In the first episode, 98% of it is focused on Star feeling like shit because Moon is missing and nothing she does to try and find her works, and other people keep telling her she is screwing it up. Yeah, many of us thought this theme of “Star screwing up” would extend a bit more concretely to stuff with Marco and Tom, and it was present but only a tiny bit as a reminder. Her interaction with Tom was basically just a reminder that the situation from after Booth Buddies hadn’t budged - Star still was barely paying attention to him, Tom was still not really a companion to her at all, it just isn’t working, but they haven’t talked about it yet.
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Tomstar has always had the candy coating of a romantic relationship (nicknames, handholding, occasional smooching, gossip and drama, etc) with virtually nothing underneath. We see this over and over - Demoncism has a genuine emotional connection between them in that moment, but once their relationship starts up again, it takes until Is Another Mystery for even a hint of true, genuine support between them, and it still doesn’t extend to either of them considering the other as a life companion at all. Most of it is going through the motions for both of them. When everyone’s lives were on the line, Tom stepped up, but this doesn’t immediately make him Marco 2 - the issues that existed before, the lack of commitment and drive between them (still candy-coated by nicknames and whatnot) is as present as ever, and arguably more so, now that Star has the events of the end of S3 dwelling somewhere in the recesses of her mind. Plus we get a moment of Tom checking in with Marco about Star’s comment, showing once again that Marco is the one Tom actually turns to for genuine support.
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Contrast that with Starco in these episodes. Yes, it’s not magically perfect, there’s still lots of stuff to resolve and many people (myself included) have felt that it was a bit “off” (more on that soon). But there’s still a genuine sense of progression, where Marco is comfortable being close with Star again, being emotional support, even if he doesn’t always know how to help.
As predicted, Eclipsa’s style of ruling has mostly been “make disliking monsters entirely illegal because that’s Equality™” and it’s not working out so well for true social change. I expect this to be a major plot point moving forward.
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Honestly, I dunno what all to make of the details of Glossy’s lines here. Considering the situation with Toffee was pretty explicitly Glossaryck’s intentional method of teaching Star how to do things her own way, this definitely isn’t literal. Maybe he’s playing 4D chess, and Star questioning whether Glossaryck was misleading her is all part of how he leads her. There’s a... nonzero chance, I suppose, that there is some more direct connection here and trying to fix past mistakes (since time travel is brought up very shortly) but I’d be incredibly shocked and largely appalled if that’s where things actually head.
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(Skipping around on photos a bit here to just get the point across)
So let’s talk about this for a moment, shall we? I’ve seen a lot of talk about this photo and how it’s really sketchy that Star apparently knew it was from the future the whole time, given its past importance in Starcrushed. Granted, we don’t know exactly how it’s going to pay off yet, but I’ll take a strong educated guess - it’s basically a gag because the writers thought it would be fun. A relevant gag and kind of an asspull, yes, but still just a gag. Yes, the photo is now factually from the future and will be relevant again in that capacity, but I’m entirely convinced that the point of it wasn’t to intentionally retcon something about Starcrushed or anything like that - a meaningful photo of Star and Marco was used in Season 2 to generically remind her of their “good times” and their relationship as a whole, and that same photo was used here as a promise of happiness to come, and the primary purpose of the photo in each case is how it was written for that case.
I know it’s not a satisfying explanation, but it is entirely consistent with this show to have details occur that are largely arbitrary and inconsistent, and there’s a consistency to that inconsistency. Adult Marco is another example, Janna implying Kelly maybe had feelings for Marco in Stump Day is another, any time Star yeeted a high school student into some pit of horrors is another. All of these are situations where, if you examine them thoroughly as a whole and consider all the possible implications, they get kind of sketchy really fast. Yes, it is frustrating at times, but I think you just have to roll with it - Marco has memories of a 30 year old when the boarders want to make a cool reference before Marco does a bunch of fancy weapon tricks, but it never affects his normal existence unless it’s needed for a joke/reference. Janna says something that implies complicated romance drama incoming when the boarders want girly banter to accompany dudes fighting, but it doesn’t go anywhere beyond that. Star has a body count on Earth but she’s not a wanted criminal, probably. The consistency here is that if the show kind of glosses over some sort of possible implication and plays it off for a gag, then that’s what you should take it as.
Again, I don’t know exactly how this will pay itself off, but I have an incredibly strong suspicion that the answer to “what were the boarders thinking when they did this??? It screws up a core moment in Starcrushed!!!” is that they weren’t thinking about that. COULD they actually do something more in-depth with the time travel aspect? I guess, but “throwing organic core moments of character/relationship growth under the bus for the sake of wacky over-the-top plot” sounds like the opposite of this show. I’ll cover more about how I think this might actually work later.
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A lot of people said Star and Marco felt like acquaintances this episode, and not best friends. I understand where they’re coming from - there weren’t all kinds of hugs and affection flying around, their talks were awkward. But this honestly makes a lot of sense for where we’re at now. We’re completely over the hump where they they're hesitant to even think of themselves as best buddies, where they’re struggling with their feelings just to spend time with the other. Marco is back to making all attempts to be her close friend and companion and support, Star is comfortable around him... but, there’s still some lingering “OK we moved forward from here, what now?” We saw in Divide that a simple hug between them brought out strong feelings for both of them. I think a lot of the awkwardness remaining could be attributed to the strong sour mood of the situation overall, but part of it could also be a subconscious “OK, Marco confessing his feelings made things better, and we’re OK being close, but...” lingering, waiting to be addressed. And given pancake and cereal clips, it will be soon.
Escape from the Pie Folk
I have less to say about this episode, it was fairly straightforward, honestly. It was 22 minutes of adventure and fights while trying to find and steal away Moon - lot of really fun and well-executed humor, it definitely was a strong showing for pretty much all the parts of the show besides “focus on the relationship growth of Star and Marco”.
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More Marco trying to be constantly supportive, but still maybe having a bit of lingering tension in the how.
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And sweet family moments.
Overall, a very isolated situation, honestly. The actions and interactions of the characters were put in a very specific, very focused situation where “finding Moon” overrode anything else, and didn’t allow for much other special elements to shine through. I liked the episodes, but some part of me was disappointed that most developments besides Moon were put on pause for the premiere. Still, resolving this in its entirety straight away sets up for some pretty strong coverage of the rest...
Let’s take a moment to talk about compartmentalization and the rules of TV pacing. I love Star vs the Forces of Evil, and I’m sure many of you do, even if its infuriating and painful at times. A lot of times. But I definitely think the show is special and does things differently than many others, to an extent. And that extent is key - I like to think of it as content vs structure. Content-wise, it is rather different from what you might expect (especially with character/relationship development). Characters come first, always, and there isn’t a sense of outside drama pushing characters around like ragdolls, changing their relationships and emotions in ways that they aren’t already naturally primed to at that moment. Romance isn’t handled as a drama-fest love triangle, with Star and Jackie or Tom and Marco directly vying for the affection of their love interest, nor do those love triangles ever damage the development of the main dynamic, Starco. Basically every shift in Star and Marco’s relationship, the ebbs and flows of it, can be entirely explained by just the two of them. Yes, seeing the other be romantic with someone else was a partial catalyst to individual moments of growth, but by and large Star and Marco themselves have been their own biggest obstacles, their own insecurities and missteps guiding the path of Starco 1000x more than Jarco or Tomstar or plot.
However, this doesn’t mean the show is magically free of the confines of episodic story pacing, and that’s where people often find faults in it. Many, including myself, went into the premiere thinking/hoping that it would include some relationship payoff, or skip some steps and just have Tom and Star break it off right away. And while anyone is free to disagree with the general concept of the premiere being entirely focused on Moon and plot setup, it’s completely logical for the show to take its development in concrete, compartmentalized chunks. An episode dedicating itself to a theme, to a concrete piece of plot, is likely going to focus on that. And this can be nuanced - I don’t think it was wrong of people to think that Follies could have had a theme of “Star confronted with her screwups” in a broader way that included multiple aspects of that, but it doubled down on Moon and it’s totally understandable that she didn’t take time during her hunt to figure out her feelings, etc. Still, it included reminders of the current situation, and we’ll see those pay off very soon. It’s not so reasonable to expect the show to bend over backwards to steamroll through Starco development right away, but it’s also unreasonable to expect no chunks of development at all, or for them to stop randomly. 
More specifically, the way the episodic structure handles these chunks is to follow up underlying buildup with inevitable realizations. It’s very, very rare for an episode that confronts a character with a specific question (e.g. “How do I feel about my Earth life” - Marco in Sophomore Slump, or “How do I feel about Marco” - Star in Starcrushed) to actually have the emotional development required to understand it occur within that episode. Star isn’t confronted with her crush on Marco until it’s developed enough to be ready to burst out. Marco isn’t confronted with his priorities in life until he’s experience enough of a bold, adventurous life with Star that his heart has already decided, and in both cases it’s a matter of a climactic wake-up call to what’s already there. On that note, onto predictions.
Moon Remembers
Well, I dunno much specific to say about this. Seems like this will be the episode dedicated to trying to get Moon her memory back - we have scenes from the promos of them riding warnicorns and Eclipsa playing guitar with her, maybe just trying to jog it. Could lead to some type of plot revelation (”I remember something big I saw in the Realm of Magic!” etc) but who knows. Seems likely that it’s entirely plot/Moon-focused, maybe with some more tie-ins to magic lore.
Swim Suit
This is a big one. So from the synopsis, we know that this is when Star and Marco attempt to have their beach day (which we now know is a celebration of things being “back to normal”, with Moon being back) but get interrupted by Eclipsa. I don’t know specifics of it, but in general, I think this is going to be the episode where Star truly settles in to an understanding of how she feels.
Quick tangent about the photo and how I think it’ll be used: in Follies, it was primarily encouragement for finding her mom. It’s still definitely interesting, and intentional, that the particular reminder of future happiness is a time with Marco, but it wasn’t relevant immediately - I think it will be used that way moving forward. Basically like this - “I kept this photo as encouragement to think positively and know I’d find my Mom. We found Mom, so now I can be happy like in the photo. It feels really good being happy with Marco like I am in the photo. Huh, I wonder why it is that my ideal of happiness is having fun with Marco...” Clearly the underlying feelings are already there, this is just bringing them to the forefront, actually giving Star a chance to reflect on how her heart feels after recent weeks/months and big events. As for specifics, I think they won’t actually take the photo here. They’ll try to have a beach day, get interrupted, and throughout the course of Eclipsa shenanigans, the episodic plot will tie in towards thinking about her feelings, with the end result being a “well, we didn’t achieve Beach Happiness™, but it was still nice.” We already know that an Earth beach is in episode 16, so maybe the photo comes full circle then (and at that point, they’re completely together already, and the photo is spontaneous). Or maybe I’m wrong, but who knows, this is a level of specificity I can’t predict with any confidence.
Also note here that, provided animation studio order stays consistent as expected, the cereal/pancake/babysitting Meteora scenes aren’t actually from Swim Suit, so who knows where those end up.
Overall, my general expectations for this episode are to set the stage for Starco developments, to start the ball rolling on payoff from last season and to start characters recognizing those changes and truly moving forward. Of course Tomstar is likely not going away officially until Lake House Fever, so I don’t exactly expect Star and Marco to talk about their feelings in depth here, but it’ll still be an important episode for Starco regardless.
Alright, let’s just make something clear here. Yes, we already know Star is going to be fawning over adult Marco’s hot bod here, and very likely before breaking up with Tom. I know a lot of people are gonna find that sketchy, and I don’t entirely disagree, but adult Marco (and Star thirsting after hot dudes in general) has always been a gag never treated with any real serious weight. Both Jarco and Tomstar overall, but especially Tomstar, never really ever are treated with any true weight in the story. Like, yes, it’s acknowledged that Marco and Star kissing while she’s dating Tom are bad, but none of the moments of Marco abandoning Jackie to be with Star, or Star ignoring Tom to be with Marco, or Tom being a really unhelpful/unsupportive boyfriend, are ever treated with any real gravity. In the real world, perhaps these would be frowned upon much more even in weaker relationships, but in the show, “Star and Tom are dating” is taken as a given in the background, and none of the actions that characters take are really ever truly treated seriously as hurtful. So yes, on some level it’s weird and questionable that Star will be drooling over Marco (again) while STILL not talking to Tom, but Compartmentalization™ and the general lack of concern for treating the possible implications of situations like this seriously add up to explain it. Feel however you want about it, but this is how I expect it to work, because it’s how it’s worked in the past.
MHC is gonna come back here, and there might be a connection to the monster side of the plot, figuring out where the old guard fits in with the new regime and how politics are moving forward. Also, as far as Starco goes, I think this will be a sort of emotional payoff to Swim Suit. Not that anything tangible will result within the episode, but showing the differences in how Star acts around Marco when she’s actually admitting to herself that she loves him. Just like how Marco Jr., for instance, showed a very clear and different Starco interaction than 3A episodes, as a result of the concrete development moments in Deep Dive. Or how their interactions in Divide were very clearly the result of changes in Booth Buddies. So on and so forth.
All of this, then, leads into...
Lake House Fever
So this is where Tomstar finally rots. We have all-but-confirmation from animation studios, hints in the title, and background/SFX “leaks” that this is where the Tom and Star clips in the promos are from. So how exactly might this work? I can’t even say for sure, but I think it’s going to follow the usual trend of Tomstar episodes and basically be a vehicle for Tom development. Let’s face it, Star basically got nothing out of Tomstar besides a general passive armor against having to contemplate heartbreak/feelings since Tom filled the checkbox of “romance” in her life. She initially at least did truly fulfill the role of “normal teenage girlfriend” by spending time with him, dates, etc, but that started to wane after Lava Lake Beach and kept doing so more and more, and it’s now basically at the point of Tomstar being a couple in name only, with 0 effort between either of them put into actually... being anything. 
Let’s compare to Sophomore Slump for a minute, shall we? So in that episode, we had Marco who had undergone a ton of previous developments in how much he cared about adventure and a greater purpose in life and Star, and his heart had already basically made up its mind (Scent of a Hoodie’s ending and wearing the cape in Rest in Pudding, as clear signs of this). Sophomore Slump was the direct reality check, the final piece of the puzzle slotting into place, at least with regards to specifically “where he’d rather be” (even if the why still needed a bit more). So we could say, in effect, that Marco had fully developed everything underneath to answer the question of what mattered more to him, the old safe kid Marco’s ideal Earth life, or the new Marco’s life, and the breakup was simply everything that was already there clicking into place - he moves to Mewni immediately afterwards.
So how does this fit into Lake House Fever? I think the positioning of the episode is going to revolve around Star’s “growth” from it to work like Marco’s. In the Jarco case, the breakup wasn’t about Starco specifically, but Marco’s overall goals and focuses in life (Star was a part of that too, of course). It’s fairly clear that the Tomstar breakup will be different - the tension in their relationship is FAR more directly related to Starco itself (and also a much greater overall dysfunction within Tomstar compared to Jarco). It’s not a case of “this is a perfectly working relationship but it’ll eventually have issues, so let’s end it before we both become miserable”, it’s “this relationship isn’t working at all right now, for multiple reasons, among which are that Star prioritizes/loves someone else, but also general incompatibilities between them for committed companionship”. 
I think on Star’s end of things, we’re going to enter the episode with her knowing, very close to the surface if not on the surface already, that she has feelings for Marco and they need to talk, but will just have the one last hesitation holding her back. Not a “I genuinely don’t know who I like/whether I want to keep going longterm with Tom”, but a “this overall situation needs resolved and I just don’t know exactly how to handle it”. From the very limited info we have from the title/promo (no synopsis yet), it seems like Star might be helping Tom with something - he kind of looked ill in the promos. Regardless, I still sort of predict a semi-arbitrary episodic plot leads them to meet up in the episode. Give em a reason to interact that isn’t directly related to awkward and complex feelings, and let the handling of those naturally evolve from there. 
So as for Tom, I think the bulk of the change in this episode will be on his end. I think he’s going to sort of have an attitude not too dissimilar to Star - knowing they should talk at some point, but not really knowing how. I think the bulk of the episode’s plot, whatever it may be, will lead up towards Tom getting the wakeup call that it 100% won’t work and that he needs to pull the trigger on it. It would give Tom a really solid moment to follow up on some of his initial moments in Season 3, would give him some critical agency when he honestly hasn’t had much of it for a while (Starco developments just kind of happen around him, although of course his general lack of presence in Star’s life contributes to this as well - Star’s a fairly absentee girlfriend, but Tom’s no angel either). Getting over that initial hump of awkwardness would still accomplish things for both of them, but Tom being the one to first make the leap of faith into starting the uncomfortable conversation would fit best imo.
As for afterwards, much like how I said Jarco was the final puzzle piece for Marco decisively figuring out his priorities, I think this will be the same for Star’s feelings. She’ll be aware, nearly-consciously, that she has feelings for Marco ahead of time, but will just be stuck on inaction, not being confident enough to take a bold step forward on her own. So I think the breakup for Star’s feelings will do what the breakup did for Marco’s sense of accomplishment - the final domino will not only help her realize that she has feelings for Marco, but prime her to actually act on them.
Now if this breakup occurred earlier, I’d say it could have a major impact on Star’s own growth and understanding, and it still could, but I don’t think it’ll be so likely. There are certainly situations where the breakup would serve as a shakeup for her to consider her feelings, which would then take some more time afterwards to solidify, but I can’t help but assume that’s what the purpose of multiple Starco episodes beforehand is. The situation is too much of a powderkeg for Star to have any downtime with either of them that doesn’t start turning the gears in her brain. Anyway, that’s all for this.
Eps 5-7
Yada Yada Berries/Down by the River
The Ponyhead Show!/Surviving the Spiderbites
Out of Business/Kelly’s World
These, I have no clue on specifics, to be honest. There’s an RDK Ludo episode coming up, so that would be part of episode 5 most likely. Second half of that seems like a River episode contender, but who knows. The first half of episode 6 is some type of variety show involving Eclipsa in part - this may be part of the plot of Eclipsa trying to find her place as Queen. Spiderbites is a possible contender for the babysitting Meteora clip, the first half of episode 7 is Quest Buy with the Ocrams, and Kelly’s World is something with Marco and Kelly. We’ll circle back to these, but let’s look at broader strokes first.
Curse of the Blood Moon
I’m entirely confident that by the end of this episode (at the latest) Starco will be 100% canon, ready to move forward into Season 4 as a couple, romantic uncertainties behind them. It’s the only possible next “big” step in their development, one that was set up very directly in Booth Buddies with the idea that things were different now and they could no longer ignore their friendship meaning more than friendship. I’m sure it will be tied in to Starco relationship progress, but as I’ve said many times before, it’s entirely out of the realm of how this show handles development as a whole to actually prioritize plot over characters and obstruct character development with plot. The “Curse”, whatever it may be, could very well be activated by Starco itself, but it’s entirely out of line with everything the show has ever done with characterization to actually claim plot is “forcing” feelings, capisce?
Now how could this be accomplished? Well, given the pacing of the show in general, concrete chunks of development along the way seem most likely. And Star and Marco acknowledging the stronger nature of their relationship and stepping over the edge towards mutual romance, to me, seems like a different piece of the puzzle than something so strong as becoming 100% canon forever. After all, Bonbon for Jarco still had a Naysaya before it, a setup with clear and direct Jarco moments nudging it over the edge of romantic before going the whole way. Similarly, Tomstar had Demoncism before they officially confirmed they were a couple a few episodes later. 
Curse is definitely going to be a big episode, but I don’t see it being very likely that we entire the episode with the entire prospect of Star and Marco talking about their feelings still completely looming over them. Another major reason I have to believe this, which is in some ways related to the above point, is that the show doesn’t overly fetishize romance. It’s all-too-common in media, especially family-friendly/kid media with romance, to warp the whole concept and make the “confession + big kiss + happily ever after” one monolithic moment at the very end, as the pinnacle of romance, often going so far as to delay natural developments and put roadblocks of misunderstanding in the way to keep the pair apart until both could have this moment. SVTFOE, on the other hand, historically hasn’t done this. It has always, thus far, recognized the ebbs and flows and slower progression of natural relationships, with steps in between “I guess we might like each other” to “yup we’re 100% dating”. So I can’t guarantee anything about the specific pacing along the way, but I’d wager that Starco has already crossed the threshold into mutual romance before Curse begins.
I have genuinely no idea what the plot will be here overall. We have a shot from the promo which is a newly animated version of the Blood Moon Waltz... flashback? Recreating the event? Time travel? I hope not the last one, but I have no clue.
So circling back around, we have the cereal, pancake, and babysitting Meteora scenes which (as far as I can tell, assuming animation studio order holds) are unaccounted for. There’s... I suppose a nonzero chance for a huge curveball, with some of them being Lake House Fever? Star wears the new S4 outfit in cereal/pancake as well as then, and they’re all Sugarcube. Another option I’d been considering was for Surviving the Spiderbites to be their attempt to spend time together, either resulting in feelingstalk or being the result of feelingstalk and tiptoeing into romance, with the cereal/pancake scenes being about trying to have a good “date” but getting interrupted... which is now the plot of Swim Suit, so I don’t know. Quest Buy has always, historically, involved heavy Starco importance, so perhaps that episode is a leadin to Curse on that front. Note that either everyone actually thinking Kelly’s World (and their baking scene in Ponyhead Show) is actually implying more love triangles is wrong, or the writers officially gave up and we can all go home.
As a note, I’m of course not really making any bold claims of confidence in the minutiae of these predictions: there’s so many options for curveballs that I can’t say anything for sure! But I think, in a general sense, the path of Starco buildup towards and through Curse is a sure thing, one way or another, because there’s basically nothing else meaningful that could happen!
Hope you enjoyed the read, and stay tuned for any new updates we get on future episodes.
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nickeldreadful · 5 years
In Defense of Pop Punk
I’ve often heard the phrase “defend pop punk” thrown around. I always thought, defend it from what? Your parents telling you to turn that shit down? The preps in your hometown who don’t understand you? But here’s what I realize now: the genre has never been taken seriously, even at its height of popularity. It was too weird to be pop music, not hardcore enough to be punk music, and it committed the most unforgivable sin of all: it was popular with teenage girls.
Maybe this is all old news. I’ll admit I was late to the game; I mostly started listening to the genre in 2011 and onward. The glory days of emo were at an end (although the second wave would be rising up shortly). I always joked that my relationship with the music was pretty. odd. In fact, I only just found out that the phrase “defend pop punk” was originally coined by Man Overboard when I googled it for writing research. Sure, I had seen the shirts, but I kind of thought it was just something all the emo kids said. So, credit where credit is due.
Before we go any further, let me just say, genres are meaningless. Yes, they exist to help people who say, “Hey, I like this sound! Where can I find more sounds that sound like this sound?” But it’s impossible to clearly draw lines between styles of music. Fall Out Boy is the first band that comes to mind when I think of pop punk. Wikipedia has six genres listed for them: pop punk, pop rock, pop, alternative rock, emo pop, and emo. Where is the overlap and where is the definitive break? Pop punk seems often synonymous with emo, but maybe it’s an issue of a square vs a rectangle. (In that all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.) Perhaps it’s more of a Venn diagram that is nearly a circle. I’ve heard it said that My Chemical Romance were not a pop punk band, but no one could argue that they were not emo.
Emo, if anything, was even more ridiculed than pop punk. Personally, I was made fun of in middle school for being an emo kid, and I was hardly emo. I’m probably more emo now than I was then, although I wear it better. Although it had widely been “reclaimed,” the word carried negative connotations for a long time. Bands often resisted the label as it felt like a way to write of the music without giving it any serious consideration.
Okay, so. Now this is a defense of pop punk and emo.
Both genres were born out of punk and alternative rock music. Both zeroed in on teen angst. Both were a reflection of the world post-9/11. While some genres like country turned overtly patriotic, casting out anyone who didn’t support the country and its government (see: The Dixie Chicks), others turned away. Some bands were vocal about their political dissent, such as Green Day with their release of American Idiot in 2004. Others were more subtle.
Emo, being shorthand for emotional, was just that. Fear, distrust, anger, and grief clung to both our society and the music being created in the early 2000s. But emo was sad, too. It was touchy-feely. It was open and honest. This was not the way men were supposed to be acting. They were supposed to be tough and invulnerable. They’re certainly not supposed to wear tight jeans and heavy eye makeup. Those things were all seen as weak, and girly, and gay. All three were discouraged traits, even more so then than now.  
Emo, and to a greater extent, pop punk, was more readily embraced by girls. And as is the great tradition of all things popular teenage girls, this further pushed the genres towards ridicule. Perhaps in time, men will claim these bands as their own. Of course, they will like these bands for real reasons, unlike the hysterical teenage girls who only cared about the attractiveness of the band members. It happened with Elvis, it happened with The Beatles, and maybe down the road it will happen with My Chemical Romance.
Pop punk, of course, incorporated pop hooks and melodies that made the songs catchy and radio-friendly. Though their melodic voices were still carried by screaming guitars, thrashing drums, and thumping bass. The lyrics were more tame than its oft-offensive punk predecessors. Rage was toned down to angst. There was less of the desire to escape society and more of the desire to escape your hometown. It was elements of punk, woven into pop. Or maybe the other was around. It was consumable, and successful.
Isn’t that just… selling out?
Taking punk and cleaning it up, making it presentable and acceptable to the masses? Doesn’t that go against the core values of punk?
Maybe it was all performative – calling yourself punk but turning around and selling radio-friendly hits. Maybe it was a Trojan horse – using pop sounds to spread the Good Word about punk music. Maybe these bands were full of sellouts who liked to talk tough but only cared about getting big and making money. Maybe these bands were full of kids who had dreams of being famous musicians and could only achieve that by making sure at least some of their music was commercial. Maybe they just liked both punk music and pop music and decided to put the two together. Whatever the motivation, the sound certainly worked.
People can like what they like. People can dislike what they dislike. It’s a matter of taste. We are all individuals with our own opinions.
But this is my defense of pop punk.
I once had a teacher who said that he didn’t like Blink-182 because they were adult men who wrote songs like they were teenagers. I could have brought up that they had actually written a song on that topic, but what I ended up saying was, “Well, they write songs for teenagers.”
I actually ran into him at a Jukebox the Ghost concert a few years after I graduated high school. I should have started an argument with him. Instead I was just like, “Hey, do you remember what grade you gave me on my final project? I was never able to access my report card after they switched to digital.”
He didn’t remember.
But I digress.
Someone has to write music for kids who don’t fit in. Kids who are angry, kids who are weird, kids who are lonely. Kids who don’t conform, won’t conform, can’t conform. They see the guys in the band put on makeup, go on stage, lament their feelings, and kiss the other guys in the band. They see the girls in the band full of confidence, full of righteous fury, taking charge and taking names. They can listen to the songs express exactly how they feel. Maybe, for the first time in a long time, they feel understood. They found somewhere they belong. It opens up a new world of music to explore.
If I never listened to pop punk, I never would have gotten into punk rock.
If you give a kid a cup of unsweetened black coffee, they’re not going to like it. If you give them a Starbucks caramel frappachino, that’s a different story. Over time you ease up on the sugar and start to enjoy the taste of the coffee. Blink-182 goes down a little easier than Dead Kennedys. Someone has to be there to open the door to punk music. You listen to the radio singles and you like them, so you check out the rest of their discography. You notice the b-sides are a bit harsher. There’s more yelling, more shredding, more thrashing. It’s faster, it’s louder, it’s angrier. You like it. You feel validated in your own anger, your own sense of loss, your own dissatisfaction. You want more music like that.
Maybe you end up dropping the pop altogether, maybe you don’t. It doesn’t matter, because either way, you’re into punk now. Next thing you know you’ll be cutting the sleeves off your jackets and sewing on handmade patches. You get knocked down in the mosh pit, and your new friends are there to pick you back up.
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Ayesha Liveblogs Free! S1-S2
Good lord there are really only five English VAs huh 
I appreciate the level of existential dread it takes to sit in a bathtub in a bathing suit 
Apron designers I have some questions!!! Firstly: Whomst?
“Anything has magical properties if you believe hard enough” I love Nagisa
“What can I say, I’m a romantic” so what I’m gathering is that Haru and Rin were small and in love with each other
Update from one minute later: Angry with each other now, I guess? 
That’s right Haru you wear that swimsuit all day!!! But wash it bc that’s not a breathable fabric trust me you’re asking for trouble 
“You only live once so do what you want” Dghdfjghjkhkjdf I can’t believe that Amakata’s contribution to this disciplinary lecture amounts to “yolo”
Makoto really knows how to get Haru to do things he doesn’t want to do all he’s gotta do is whisper “pool” and there he is
“What is wrong with you” I hope that Haru continues to strip to reveal his swimsuit no matter where they are throughout this anime. The doctor’s office. A dog park. The mall. Pls let this be a trope
What the shit is this Arabian nights outro this is a Japanese high school swim anime lmao
There’s a joke to be made about the visual metaphor of Haru needing to quench his thirst in the ending but I’ll refrain 
How do their teachers keep finding out about their trespassing who is telling on these boys
What is Ms. Amakata’s previous job what kind of swim job could possibly be inappropriate to talk about at school
Omg Kou is so thirsty for swim boys and while I can’t really relate I appreciate her enthusiasm 
“I promised myself that I’d never wear a swimsuit again” omg she was a swimsuit model
So Haru quit swimming because Rin is a sore loser? Suspect and lame
“No, come back, you’ll die!” Makoto is truly the highlight of this show and the friend Haru needs
Haru pls I’m weeping
Amakata: They might approve your request [if you win a swimming competition] 
Haru, already taking off his clothes: LET’S GET TO WORK
“He’s just like us! He’s a guy, but he’s got a girly name!” What kind of dumbass logic for deciding who joins your swim team Nagisa lmao 
“You talk about Haru a lot” Hahaha it’s bad form to bring up other people you admire when you’re flirting Nagisa, Rei is Offended™
Ffdhkdshfkhfkj he hasn’t gotten in the water yet but I’m pretty sure Rei can’t fucking swim
“That would’ve meant admitting defeat, and I’m not adept at that” okay I love Rei too this ensemble cast is so funny
Rei’s so cute omg his small and betrayed “but why” when he can’t float
Is it truly an anime without a rivalry-friendship with blatant homoerotic overtones
Oh wow that’s a weird thing for Rin’s sister to have to watch lmao
“Let the water guide you” “Could you try to be less abstract about this” I’m giggling at Haru just throwing out platitudes and hoping one sticks
“I’ll have you know that I have the constitution of a samurai” Rei you are by far the best part of this show so far
Wait a hot minute what in the hell happened in the ocean why do you have to say it like that Haru
Really if any Haru’s relationships are going to err on the side of romantic it should probably be with Makoto because they’re like actually friends and support each other lmao
I don’t know what’s wilder about this scene Makoto using his trauma to convince Haru to swim relay or the Gaze™ that follows
“You’d be the newlywed couple that gets killed in the first five minutes” HMMMM newlywed couple huh
This episode is soooo cute I love the boys bonding together in starlight
Wow was Rin’s problem with Haru just latent daddy issues all along I completely misread this situation
“It’s hard to explain, that’s just the way they are” “What’s that supposed to mean” people are gay, Rei
Why do the people on this show have such weird interpersonal relationships do you really need to hold Rin’s ankles for this conversation, Aiichiro
Regardless of her thirst Kou is really the best manager they could ask for
 “I will relish destroying you” okay calm down Swimsuit Sasuke
“This victory means I never have to swim with you again. Ever” were you not the one constantly harassing Haru for competitions???? What’s your problem Rin!!!
Haru looking at Mako like swimming has meaning again I don’t care if this is friendship or romance THAT’S LOVE BITCH
“It’s not that easy in real life huh” a weirdly realistic turn of events
Honestly Haru what a mood I never want anyone to contact me either
God could Mako and Haru’s relationship stop being the cutest in the world? This sleeping in the hallway for Haru to come home will not stand! Thanks
“Why is an amateur like that swimming with them?” BECAUSE THEY’RE NICE AND LIKE EACH OTHER, RIN
“That’s what you’re supposed to say if you arrive early for a date” IWATOBI SWIM TEAM DOUBLE DATE CONFIRMED (as if the outfits were not confirmation enough)
Gfgkfugkfg Rei is so put out Nagisa will not acknowledge his “exsquidsite” pun
This Rin/Haru/Mako dynamic could not be more like Ex-Boyfriend vs. New Boyfriend I’m wheezing 
“I hope he’s okay” Aiichiro is a better pal that Rin deserves this is such a one-sided friendship lmao
Is Rei gonna go pick a fight with Rin because I’d kind of be up for that
“I wanted to know what your feelings are towards Haru” Dad Mode Activated you will not hurt Rei’s buddies
“Don’t get in the way. If you do, I will never forgive you,” damn Rei!!! You’re not even his friend but those words packed a wallop
I like that each of these swim team boys has a friend whom they are closest to it’s nice and balanced
“Every single member of this team is irreplacable” LOVE AND SUPPORT!
I can’t tell if Rin invited Rei out to this ominous night meeting as overture of friendship or as a threat
Aiichiro get a new friend!!! You don’t deserve to be treated this way
AHHHHHHHHHHH REI YOU’RE SO GOOD “I feel the exact same way” you empathetic sweetheart <3 
WOW I do NOT approve of this Rin treats everyone like garbage for twelve straight episodes and then they reward this garbage behaviour by giving up Rei’s spot on the team just so Rin can enjoy swimming again??? Boooooo he doesn’t even go to your school
“Come on Matsuoka!” AGAIN, way better friend than Rin deserves 
“Well I’m thoroughly confused” ME TOO AMAKATA!!!! HOW DID THIS SOLVE ANYTHING 
Ten seconds into this second series and Mako continues to prove he’s The Best by cuddling cats to keep them warm
“You look good” “Stop patronizing me, damn it!” Rei and Nagisa’s relationship is also really a highlight of this show
“Rin’s far from the obvious choice for Mikoshiba’s replacement” that’s valid Rei, Rin has had a lot of trouble with the concept of being a team player thus far in his Samezuka career
“Just when you thought it was safe to cosplay” it is never safe to cosplay. Just ask all those Sasukes who got arrested
“My triceps are guaranteed to drive you out of your mind” I’M SCREAMIN THESE YOUTHS ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO SOCIETY
“You really gotta stop calling me sir, just drop it okay” “Yes s-eugokay” Beautiful voice acting. Iconic
Oh god please don’t give Haru another rival one was really enough
I never thought I’d say this but that was the most wholesome kidnapping in the world
Rin saying “Life after graduation” in the same tone as one might say “Life after death” is honestly a mood
Sosuke’s only had about five seconds of screen time but I’m gonna guess he’s Rin’s Australian ex-boyfriend
Update: Just his homie from elementary school I guess that’s fair
“So this is what a nationally-ranked swimmer’s build looks like” Aiichiro pls could you check Sosuke out with a little more subtlety 
“He’s the type of rival you can become obsessed with” AHHHHH Rin has been #calledout I think I like Sosuke
Okay you’re allowed to just be friends I’m just saying that runs on the beach in the moonlight are not always the most platonic activity, Haru and Makoto 
Omg Mako’s siblings love Rei I love it!!!!!
FDdkfhkdjhf I was certain Mikoshiba’s little brother would also have the hots for Kou but it’s still funny 
You go Kou judging the muscle contest live your dream
“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay out of Rin’s way” Wow Sosuke that was a HARD 180 chill tf out
Omf I can’t believe it took me this long to realize that Aiichiro and Rin were roommates and it wasn’t just Aiichiro showing up in Rin’s room every night like “hey”
“Preferably ones with wonderful muscles and tight washboard abs!” “Yeah!!” Iwatobi Swim Club pls
Does this mean that the Makoto and Haru go on midnight runs bc Haru is slow as all hell on land lmao
Omg Nagisa nudging Rei’s shoulder is fucking adorable ahhhhhh
Rei’s plans: Being sad about your personal inadequacies (what a mood)
“Do you really think I’d be dumb enough to fall prey to something so preposterously illogical as love” CALLING IT RIGHT NOW REI’S GONNA FALL IN LOVE
Lmao @ Momo checking out Rin’s cleavage this is truly the weird “all siblings have the same taste in crushes” universe
“I THINK HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN REI’S BOYFRIEND” Okay 1) This is stupid but the part of me that actually wants these shows to have a diverse spectrum of sexuality is lured in thanks I hate it, and 2) How dare you Rei’s boyfriend is Nagisa
[Makoto voice] This is a swimtervention 
I bet Rei’s going to train in his time off because he wants to catch to the boys <3 
Update: He’s getting Rin to teach him finally some helpful friendship times from Rin!!!! Good job
“Which do you think I’d look more swole in” omg who wrote this dialogue
Pls Sosuke don’t use this childhood joke debt as an excuse to be like “Don’t hang out with your old homies anymore”
“I need to sit on it for a little longer, that’s all”
Sosuke, internally, probably: Kiss me
“I want you to think of me as part of your team” FINALLY SOME OPEN AND HONEST COMMUNICATION ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS
Woo woo positive character development for Rin prioritizing friendship over competition this is such a nice turn
Uh oh why is Nagisa lying about his motives for camping has he been kicked out of his house for stripping in public
I grow more and more concerned for Nagisa with every scene
“We said no and we meant it” I can’t believe that Makoto and Haru are Nagisa’s new parents wow 
Well we know who the good cop parent is, Makoto had a conversation with Nagisa and exactly one (1) second later was convinced they had to rescue him
Update from 30 seconds later: I spoke too soon he got Haru too “I’ve decided to let him stay with me” THESE NERDS
But why do you have to unbutton your shirt a little in order to negotiate Rei
“Studying became like some kind of torture” that’s depression honey
This soft glowing light while Rei tells Nagisa to follow his dreams is so sweet but also jdhkjfhkdjh what if his parents are just mean 
These boys are the definition of ride or die they’re in this empty ass pool area still trying to hide their friend behind their backs what absolute best boys are these
“Haru” “I’m sneaky” CUTE!!!! Also good call on not calling mum but on calling Trusted Adult instead
“You can’t quit. I won’t let you” AHHHH THAT’S LOVE!!! REI <3
The matching swimsuit pose god every moment of this show kills me
“Here, dolphin’s yours” Oh!!! Makoto has also been selfless since birth he just wants Haru to be happy but Haru just wants him to be happy too 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I also like this Matsuoka siblings bonding this is what I wanted from the beginning tbh
Aiichiro you superstitious little nerd
“I want to know what it feels like to kick your ass” what a hard swerve Makoto pls 
“Congratulations, between the two of us you’re still the best in the water, how awesome is that?” “Hah, you’re so weird” I’ve never seen someone so excited to lose Makoto is truly the best boy I love this relationship 
Aw is Makoto jealous of Haru’s relationship with Rin? I 100% buy it but baby!!! You are so good there’s no need to worry
I’m so proud of the Iwatobi boys for qualifying for regionals and also I bet this means that the Samezuka boys will win relay
Update from an ep later: I was correct
“Don’t limit yourself kid” are you not... the same age as him Sosuke???
Working theory is that Makoto wants Haru to care about being scouted so they can go to the same school together and swim there
“I wonder what Haru wants to do after graduation” be a mermaid 
Sosuke really needs to get in touch with his emotions good grief
“But I am sure about one thing, I love it and I don’t want to stop” in all seriousness do people intentionally write these relationships as romantically-charged or is that just something that happens? Like this 100% reads as an allegory for discovering your sexuality
Ahhhh Makoto helping the babies I know I’ve said this a million times in the past few episodes but he’s the best boy
“I haven’t thought about [Kisumi] in who knows how long” Wow does everyone in this show have an ex-boyfriend who suddenly pops up to stir up drama bc it sure seems like it
There’s probably some symbolism in Haru handing off of a boxed lunch 
“But isn’t it... scary?” “Only til it’s not” Oh my goooood I love this swim teaching arc I love Makoto I just!!! HE’S THE BEST
Ahhhh Haru bringing Makoto’s siblings to see him at work this is disgustingly domestic and I love it 
“If he’s competing at the regional level I’m guessing that means they fixed [Sosuke’s shoulder]!” Wow Kisumi was truly just here to inspire some drama omg
Ffgkdfjjkhg this elevator stand-off it’s the Battle of Rin’s Overly Intimate Swim Partners
Oh no Haru is having an anxiety attack yikes but I get it
Man this was a real traumatizing episode what the fuck Free! You lulled me into a false sense of security how dare you
“We don’t do things for each other. That’s just how we are” Ddfksdjhfkjhfd even Baby Sosuke had a lot of true processing how a friendship should work wow
“I trust him implicitly, he’ll be here” idk homies Haru’s sort of in the middle of an Anxiety Episode those don’t usually go well
“I realize it’s over for me. But before I go, I want swim the best damn relay I can. With you. Today.” Wow Sosuke finally connects with his emotions and proves himself as Good Boyfriend Material in one swing
Is it really a swim meet if Rin doesn’t have a dramatic outdoor confession of feelings with a former rival 
Samezuka you’re adorable but also a health hazard where’s your adult
“Look at Sosuke, being a big cheese ball” CHARACTER GROWTH
“I think I finally found what I was looking for” “Took you long enough” okay this seriously reads like an allegory for coming to terms with your sexuality Sosuke I have so many thoughts
Amakata is such a good teacher she won’t let Haru be slandered
I’m glad the boys are getting some acknowledgement but poor Haru 
“You never hear someone talk about their last summer” TITLE REFERENCE
Wooooooow Sosuke’s really here to tell Haru to keep going just for Rin’s sake this is almost the opposite of their first confrontation but it’s still   about how much Sosuke cares about Rin what kind of single-minded boyfriend antics 
“Why the hell are you so hung up on Rin” LOVE, HARU, LOVE!!
Haru methinks Makoto was about to make an important declaration quit evading your friend/future (she said, hypocritically)
[Makoto voice] Swimtervention: The Sequel
Okay okay I’m not trying to project romance onto this narrative (that’s a lie I’ve been sold on romance for a while) but like.... fireworks!!! Fireworks going off in the background while they stand in front of each other in silhouette PICK UP THE PHONE ANIMATORS
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“You and Makoto had a falling out, huh?” Omg not only does Rin pinpoint Haru’s problem right away he’s also making a direct parallel to him and Sosuke’s relationship my kinda amicable exes 
Am I supposed to read little Rin telling his host family that Haru had eyes that look like the ocean in a platonic way because.... buddy
God I love Rin’s Australian family they’re so sweet and understanding
Ddfalsfjdskljf EXPLAIN THIS!!!
Russell: So mate, got a girlfriend back home?
Rin: Eummm, long story, or not actually [awkward laughter]
Rin and Haru don’t even wear the same style of swimsuit so lol @ Rin bringing a different suit across the world specifically to make Haru swim in it 
Aw are Haru and Makoto going to end up separated bc of their different dreams because I’m gonna be very upset
I’m so touched by Makoto’s dream of helping children even if Makoto can’t fully be in the next season because it’s a Haru-centric show I still love him so much 4ever
Hahaha at them recapping the whole show I guess they didn’t know that there would be a third season
“C’mon you two, no more tears” what sweet sobbing boys you’re pulling at my heartstrings 
“We’ll always be a team” HECK YEAH YOU WILL
Yay for Rei getting his own swim hallucination!!!! That’s my boy
Maybe the real swimtervention was inside Haru’s heart all along  😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I knew Nitori would be captain but I’m still so happy for him!!! Baby!!!
“When you decide not to be done, I’ll be waiting” Rin has seen the most character growth of anyone on this show good for him!!
“Why you gotta say my name like that, it sounds weird” I keep telling you that is the sound of love, Harukaaaa <3
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